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System in steady state

Load flow in PowerWorld simulator

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 1

Real and reactive power Line transfer The load flow problem Newton-Raphson Power flow control Voltage profile

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Real and reactive power P & Q

Z R Z=R+jX V=(R+jX)I R=Zcos X=Zsin cos= power factor >0 ind/lagging <0 cap/leading X xI V xI S P S=P+jQ P=Scos; heat, work Q=Ssin; E&M fields Q

Power through inductance

Xline Xeq

Line transfer Power through transformer Power from generator


Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Line transfer 1
I1 Z=Z V1=V11 S12 I2 S21 V2=V22

Line transfer 2
ZjX, a90: P12=(V1V2/X)sin(1-2) Q12=V12 /X-(V1V2/X)cos(1-2) P21=(V1V2/X)sin(2-1) Q21=V22 /X-(V1V2/X)cos(2-1) P12=-P21 Q12-Q21 if V1V2 Pmax=V1V2/X
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 6

P12 Pmax

V1,V2 constant

S12=P12+jQ12=V1I1*=V1((V1-V2)/Z)* P12= (V12 /Z)cos+(V1V2/Z)cos(1-2+) Q12=(V12 /Z)sin()+(V1V2/Z)sin(1-2+) Use Y12 in Ybus for 1/Z
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 5


The load flow problem

In a network with known parameters, find V at all buses given generation and load Balance equations at each bus: Pin(gen load) Pout(to other buses)=0 Qin(gen load) Qout(to other buses)=0 Equations nonlinear and coupled Postprocessing => line flows and losses
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 7

Power balance at each bus

PGk+jQGk V k k Load PLk+jQLk To rest of system

Pin+jQin Pout+jQout Balance equations at bus k: Pin=Pout Qin=Qout Pin and Qin Generation minus load Pout and Qout line transfer to buses ik Depend on Vi and i
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Power to rest of system

k k

Three bus types

Swing or slack bus
Reference with V and known

Power to rest of system

Use Ybus and express P and Q from bus k to bus i

Pki = Vk Vk abs(Ykk ) cos[ k k arg(Ykk )] + Vk Vi abs(Yki ) cos[ k i arg(Yki )] Qki = Vk Vk abs(Ykk )sin[ k k arg(Ykk )] + Vk Vi abs(Yki )sin[ k i arg(Yki )]

PV or generator bus
Voltage controlled, V known

Works for all i: Yki zero if no connection P into bus k Pk = Vk i =1.. N Vi abs(Yki ) cos[ k i arg(Yki )] Q into bus k Q = V V abs(Y )sin[ arg(Y )]

PQ or load bus
Neither V nor known

i =1.. N



Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson


Three equation types

One equation from known P or Q:
Bus type Slack PV bus PQ bus Equation None P P and Q Unknowns None V and

Example: Load flow 1

Input data:
Swing PV bus

PQ bus

1. Determine V and 2. Determine flows and losses

11 Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 12

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Example: Load flow 2

Unknowns: x=[2 3 V3]T Equations: y=f(x) f(x)=[P2(x) P3(x) Q3(x)]T y=[60 -80 -60]T f(x) nonlinear!
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 13

Iterative solution of nonlinear y=f(x) Taylor series at x=x0 Rearranging gives updating law
x=x0+(f/x)-1[y-f(x0)]=x0+J-1[y-f(x0)] J=f/x Jacobian matrix is a gradient
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 14

f(x0 )

f(x1 ) f(x2 ) x2 x1 x0


PV bus PQ bus

y=f(x0)+ f/x[x-x0]+(higher order terms)

Scalar N-R example

Solve f(x)=y=0 Inital guess x0 Taylor series at x=x0 y=0=f(x0)+f/x[x-x0] f/x is a scalar here Updating law x=x0+(f/x)-1[y-f(x0)] Stop criterion
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 15

Example: Load flow 3

f(x0 )

f(x1 ) f(x2 ) x2 x1 x0

PV bus PQ bus

x=[2 3 V3]T f(x)=[P2(x) P3(x) Q3(x)]T Jacobian matrix:

P2 2 f P3 J= i = x j 2 Q3 2

P2 3 P3 3 Q3 3

P2 V3 P3 V3 Q3 V3

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Newton-Raphson iteration
Initial guess x0
Flat start: All V=1p.u., =0

Affecting line flows

P~1/Zline Parallel line (or transformer)
Adding increases P Removing reduces P

=> f(x0), J0 => x0=(J0)-1(y-f(x0)) => x1=x0+x0 => f(x1), J1=> x1=(J1)-1(y-f(x1)) => x2=x1+x1 => until for example |x/x|<; With all V and known
Compute line flows and losses

Series capacitor shortens line

jX= jXline+jXcap=jL-j/(C)<jXline For many long 400kV lines X=0.5Xline

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson


Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson


Disconnecting line
Radial system (distribution)
System below is blacked out

1999-12-03 Sweden
Wind speeds up to 40 m/s 160 distribution lines down in Sydkraft area Thousands of customers without power

Meshed system (transmission)

Parallel lines take up the load Overload may cause new disconnection Load of other lines increases further Possible chain reaction
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 19

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson


1999-12-03 Sweden contd

Voltage at midpoint of a line

Assume V1 and V2 fixed Assume line only series X
V1 I X1 V3 X2 V2 V1 X1I X2I V3 V2

Salt on insulators near the coast Only one 400 kV line feeding Skne Baltic Cable damaged by ship anchor
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 21

V3 smaller than V1 and V2

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson


Voltage profile of a line

V3 V1 V1 V2 V(x) V1 x V2 V3 V2

Voltage support
V(x) V1 V2

Move bus 3
Plot V3 as f(x) V(x)=Voltage profile!
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 23

Q infeed at bus 1 and 2


Voltage supported at end points

Line draws Q
Little reaches midpoint: V lowest
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 24

Line model with C but no R

I L C x V1 V V2

Two extremes
QL << QC
I low = light load V increases along line

QL >> QC
I high = heavy load V decreases
V(x) V1 Light Heavy x
25 Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 26

Assume V1 fixed, but not V2 Series L draws reactive power

QL=LI2 decreases V along line

Line charging C generates reactive power

QC=CV2 increases V along line
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson

Load P0 so that QL = QC
No Q transfer No reactive V drop, same V along line P0 natural or surge impedance loading (SIL) P0=V2/R0, R0=sqrt(L/C)=Zcharacteristic
V(x) V1 Light SIL Heavy x
Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 27

In reality
Series resistance gives voltage drop Line loaded to more than SIL

See Exercise 1.6!

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 28

Load flow problem
Current and voltage is linear Power and voltage is nonlinear, N-R

Bus types Changing Zline changes line flow

Reactive series compensation shortens line

P=SIL gives flat voltage profile

Electric Power Systems L3 - Olof Samuelsson 29

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