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SPELLING POWER 10-Step Study Sheet

Date:_____________ Level: ______ Group: _______

1 Words to learn Say 2 Look: 6 steps 3 Stare , say & spell aloud 4 Visuali ze & spell, write big in the air 5 Ck 6

6 Steps: 1. Is it spelled like it sounds? 2. What is each syllable? 3. Any double letters? Box. 4. Any Silent letters? Circle. 5. Underline the vowels in each syllable. 6. CATCH THE WEASEL! Circle it red. The weasel is what made you miss the word.
7 Chec k 8 Write w/o looking and say letters 10 Ck 11 Repe at if miss ed Say letters, trace on texture

Use each study word in a sentence.

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