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Och, Scored & Ist Violins Moderately (With A Swing) re is a dance called the new Bo-le- ro | At The > £. It’s a kitter witha | newkind of joy— It’s tak-in’ the wy, While the ‘ick-ied won.der | what i's a- bout AL the jit-ter-bugs are Copyright 1939 by ROB2INS MUSIC CORPORATION, 799 Seventh Ave., New York. N. ¥. laternarianel Copyright Secured Made in USA. All rights reserved, including the right of public performance for profi. mene tee: ne per AT Mtl ee HET mp neE e eH aot proamermemtinaies ne TET TN EN CINE ON r 5 {20 AF THE SLY GHHE: Fe Brunswick. Record No. 8284. REMS | ’ : a CHARLES ¢ } Ist Violins 2 JAMES And gwingcin’ on | down 72: Oh | Kew that band can play Youll] see those dancers sway Take ib from me ‘That the new Bo-l-ro | At The Sa-voy— Isa killer with a newkindof joy— | Tes takeint the | town: Perec asx ron EDWIE SOUTH'S mopern, vou soro .. BLACK GYPSY ” ith Giana Kecompantment Bincanndenenininmnenre tions Se niece ties eceenineeeso6e ea ee sameentnemenei ab ane tat r . : ee a BOLERO AT THE SAVOY KRUPA BIONDI . "ARPHRTER : Ist Violins 3 i ‘Tenor Sax: Solo

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