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Differences between Strategic Management and Operational Management

No Strategic Management Operational Management 1 year or less Middle or lower level resp Mostly routine decisions

1. Time frame: 3 yrs or more

2. 3.

Top Mgmt responsibility Decisions are taken under ambiguous, uncertain, complex conditions

4. Orgn wide implications

Implications at functional or work unit level

5. The issues are long term abstract & unfamiliar 6. Examples are mergers, diversifications, restructuring

Issues are immediate, concrete & familiar Examples are sales and production planning, budgeting

Benefits of Strategic Management a) It helps to reduce uncertainty b) It provides a link between long & short term plans

-2c) It facilitates control d) It facilitates measurement by setting out objectives Strategic Management has both financial and non-financial benefits. Non-financial benefits are enhanced awareness of external threats, improved understanding of competitors strategies, reduced resistance to change,etc. Limitations of Strategic Management a) It is a costly time consuming exercise. b) May lead to non-fulfillment of expectations caysing frustration in senior executives. c) A negative drawback may arise if those involved in strategy formulation are not involved in implementation.

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