On Automation

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Click Submitted to edit Master subtitle style By: Submitted To: NISHANT(69) A.K. Singh

Mr.. A.P.

in Mech. Deptt.

There are mainly three approaches for dealing with automation projects 1. The USA principle 2. Ten strategies for automation 3. Automation migration strategy



The USA principle

USA stands for: 1. Understand the existing process 2. Simplify the process 3. Automate the process The USA principle is a common sense approach to automation projects. similar procedures have been suggested in manufacturing and automation trade literature, but none 4/28/12

Ten strategies for automation

1. Specialization of operation 2. Combined operations 3. Simultaneous operations 4. Integration of operations 5. Increased flexibility


6. Improved material handling and storage 7. Online inspection 8. Process control and optimization 9. Plant operations control 10. Computer integrated manufacturing


Levels of Automations

(1) Manual Control (MC) (2) Action Support (AS) (3) Batch Processing (BP) (4) Shared Control (SHC) (5) Decision Support (DS) (6) Blended Decision Making (BDM) (7) Rigid System (RS) 4/28/12

(1) Human does the whole job up to the point of turning it over to the computer to implement; (2) Computer helps by determining the options; (3) Computer helps to determine options and suggests one, which human need not follow; (4) Computer selects action and 4/28/12 human may or may not do it;

(6) Computer selects action, informs human in plenty of time to stop it; (7) Computer does whole job and necessarily tells human what it did; (8) Computer does whole job and tells human what it did only if human explicitly asks; (9) Computer does whole job and decides what the human should be told; and (10) Computer does the whole job if 4/28/12 it decides it should be done, and if



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