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Q- Explain samba server . Samba server is create communication between window operating system and linux operating system.

Samba server is suite of open source application . Samba application support interface for different operating system. Samba is useful if you have a network of both windows and linux machines. When samba is implemented by administrator, it is faster and more secure. Samba clients: The smbclient application requires the use of valid username and password that has been configured on the server. Considered following steps for samba server: 1)check samba server is installed or not? 2)if install then share the file between two machines.but if it is not installed at that time install samba package with rpm tool. 3)firewall settings are created for start samba service. Configration of gui steps: 1)first logon in windows os machine. 2)click on start menu. 3)right click on computer and click on properties. 4)select advanced system setting of computer properties window. 5)select computer name tab. 6)click on change and then change computer name. 7)click ok 8)click on close button. 9)open start menu , click on control panel.

10)click on network and sharing center tab. 11)click on advance options.and tick option button of turn on file and printer sharing. 12)now logon in linux fedora machine. 13)click on system tab from desktop. 14)click on administration tab . 15)then click on add or remove software 16)in add or remove software window type system-config-samba in search box. 17)click on search button. 18) click on apply button

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