Lesson Plan Form: Ashland University

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Ashland University Dwight Schar College of Education Teacher Education Program - Office of Field Experience

Lesson Plan Form (B) (8/06)

Name of Instructor: Sandy Badger Grade Level: 4-5 Subject: Art Unit Title: Squares in Art-Lesson 2 Time Length: 1-2 class periods Date of Lesson: 03/12/2012

1. Learning Goal/Objective a. What will the pupil be able to do as a result of the lesson? State your
objective from the course of study or ODE Academic Content Standards; b. Prior knowledge/skills required by students?; c. Connection how does the lesson objective connect with previous and future lessons/learning? The student will a) have an understanding of what a square is, how squares have been used in the history of art in specific examples of 3 artists, Jean Hans Arp, Josef Albers and Paul Klee, and knowledge of 3 specific art movements, Dadaism, Bauhaus and Expressionism. Students will have an understanding of Josef Albers, Homage to the Square series and will complete one guache painting in the style of Josef Albers/Bauhaus. The student will feel more comfortable speaking about the art they make-in writing and verbally in a critique. Students will feel comfortable with vocabulary used to describe fellow students artwork in this critique. We will also be making a display of this work and will be asking for participation. Lesson 3 will be a pastel painting in the style of Paul Klee/Expressionism. All 3 lessons will use squares. STANDARDS USED: Visual Art standards, historical, cultural & Social contexts grade 4-1, 2, 3 grade 5-1, 3, 4, 5Creative Expression/communication grade 4-2, 3, 5 grade 5-1, 2, 4 Analyzing and Responding grade 4 -1, 2, 4, 5 grade 5-1, 2 Valuing the Arts/Aesthetic Reflection grade 4-1, Connections relationships, Applications grade 4-3, 4 grade 5-4. b) Prior knowledge/skills needed: using a paintbrush and mixing colors, some of which can be learned as we go. We will also be measuring with a ruler and marking with pencil. C) A 3rd lesson will also use the same power point (which will be reintroduced) about Paul Klee in which we will make small Expressionistic, pastel paintings of squares. All 3 lessons will include a writing element and a critique. Each critique will introduce different art vocabulary appropriate for the work we are doing, such as, structure, value and expressive. Assessment (Pre & Post) - How and when will you evaluate the objective and student learning? Attach a copy of the assessment/rubric instrument you will use.

PRE: Ask for square definition, art movement, collage before presenting them. Any experiences with squares in art? Seen any artworks with squares? Why would an artist do this? What do you think Josef Albers was trying to do with these square paintings? Was there more to the paintings than squares? Do you remember what element was very important to him? (Color!) Will have to have some discussion about color to see what the students know? Do they understand receding and colors that come forward? POST: 1)Participation in class discussion with introduction power point and questions, 2) completed assignment using canvas board, rulers, pencils, guache and brushes. 3) 1 written page about class discussion/introduction and the creation of the students own artwork 4) critique participation/display. 3. Methods/Strategies a. What teaching methods will you use (e.g. teacher presentation, demonstration,
simulation, role playing, peer teaching, laboratory activity, etc.); Type of learning: Inductive/inquiry questioning for student discovery or deductive/direct modeling)?; b. Accommodations How will you accommodate for student differences?; c. Learning climate/environment How might you establish a safe and an effective environment?

a) Teacher presentation, power point with images and definitions, brief biographies of artists, Jean Hans Arp, Josef Albers and Paul Klee along with 3 movements they were involved in, in art history, Dada, Bauhaus and Expressionism. I will be asking questions throughout to make sure the students are understanding and recalling info. Comprehension-what are the main ideas of Dada, Bauhaus and Expressionism movements? How does Albers work compare to Klee or contrast with Arp? b) Accommodations? Pay attention to grouping c) Learning

Page 2, Lesson Plan 2-Unit, Squares in Art

climate/environment? Encourage positive comments only during critique-teach gentleness by example, prevent hurt feelings. No dangerous tools being used. 4. Grouping - Large/small group; cooperative groups (pairs, threes, etc.); Is this typical? No groups necessary for this assignment, but I may break into small groups-3-4 just to let the students discuss with each other and see if that encourages creativity. It will also help with placement of supplies. 5. Equipment and Material - What instructional equipment and materials are required to help students reach
the objectives (e.g. textbook, lab equipment, technology, activity sheet, CD-ROM, Web Site, etc.)? Computer, internet, projection screen, canvas board on square shape, 12 inch rulers, pencils, guache paint and small brushes.

6. Instructional Delivery a. Introduction (e.g. motivate, elicit student interest, review past learning, background in topic; Communicate
expectations, procedures required for the lesson.) Using power point to present topic, while asking questions to get students interested and thinking about the use of squares in art, the different art movements and the work the artists did using lots of visuals. There will be vocabulary introduced: square, Dada, Bauhaus, Expressionism, Art Movement, Collage, critique, etc. b. Activity: What activities have you planned? What will you do? What will the students do? (e.g. small steps, examples, clues, feedback/checking for understanding. etc.)

The Instructor will:


Make power point presentation with slides of artist biographies, works, definitions of square, collage, Dada, Bauhaus and Expressionism. Ask critical questions encouraging thought among students and questions from them. Lots of visual stimulation. Will have to have some discussion about color to see what the students know? Do they understand receding and colors that come forward? 20 minutes. I will go over todays class assignment instructions, break students into groups of 4, provide supplies needed, answer any additional questions. I will oversee the students measuring and drawing, painting and guide in the use of color. When completed I will lead the positive critique.
The students will:

Make a painting in the manner of Josef Albers, making predetermined measurements. Once the canvas board is marked appropriately, the painting will begin. Guache is a watercolor that is opaque and looks more like the paint Albers used, than acrylic would. It should be easy to use. The student will have to decide what colors they will be using and try to plan before starting. Which square do they want to recede, which to come forward? Or, are they going for a more subtle version using monochromatic colors? Write one page when completed about what they have learned from presentation and what they made. 10 minutes. We will then critique works of volunteers, using critique vocabulary (new words introduced in power point for each lesson)and positive comments only. We will briefly discuss how we should display the work. I will break class into 3 large groups that will take turns during the year being in charge of the displays. c. Conclusion/Summary - Review; Students demonstrate achievement; Connection with future lesson. d. Practice and/or Assessment - Guided, independent; Help with initial steps and monitor; Corrections, reteach if necessary. 7.Teacher Reflection/Self-Evaluation - Answer the following questions on a separate
aper: What pleased you? What would you do differently next time? Re-teaching or Intervention required? Did the assessment instrument measure intended student learning? If no, what are some alternatives?

Attachment (s): Standards, assignment example, power point can be provided.

Formula for the Albers Homage to the Square paintings. Using a 12x12 inch square canvas board, from the bottom, measure inch 3 times and mark each time. From the top, measure 3 times that amount (1 inches), 3 times and mark each time. On each side measure twice the amount of the bottom (1 inch) 3 times and mark each time. Draw VERY light lines connecting the measurements in squares like the Albers paintings. See example photo in the power point.

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