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Case Facts
Elaska one of the leading company in home appliances. In late 1970s it had a market share of 35%. In 1979 after Elaskas liquidation with German manufacturer, it entered into collaboration with Japanese company Hankwa. In 1992 Elaskas market share dropped to nearly half. Westways competitors of Elaska started gaining market share 37%.

Due to declining market share of Elaska particularly refrigerators, MD along with marketing managers decided to conduct market survey. Opinions the research group of Elaska after conducting the research recommended: To change the ad campaign Use different media for different income group, p Pop promotion and After sales service.

Problem Statement & Solution 1

Falling market shares Customer perception about Elaskas service package is not best when compared to competitor Westways. Ineffective ad campaings. Low appreciation from users of Elaska brand.

Solution 2

We would consider communication objective: To change the perception of prospective consumers. To emphasize on the features and change the brand image. After improving the after sales communicate the same to consumers

Advertisement Objective Statement

Create a favorable predisposition before purchase Encourage the current users and build word of mouth Engage new users who have never used the brand

Solution 3 Advertising Strategy Concrete appeal/message to be communicated stressing on the features and benefit of the product, edge over competitors on after sale service. Setting target audience Benchmark about the brand perception Ads to influence men & women emphasizing on dif attributes.

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