The Different Between Asian and English Speaking Country in Culture

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: Afif Kurniawan : 5C : 09360159

What are the differences between the Asian and Western ways of thinking? There are many theories about Asian and Western ways of thinking. People relate to each other in the same way on a one to one basis. We all have similar problems in life regarding, love, friendships, parents, children etc. Asian thought has a holistic approach when compared to Western modes of reasoning. Westerners focus on objects or people, use different attributes to put them in categories, and apply rules of formal logic to understand their behavior or resolve them. On the contrary, Asian thinking is fundamentally dialectic looking for relationship between two opposing ideas to find a solution. In short, Asians do not look for choices or depend on categories or formal logic to arrive at a solution.

Other differences
Blue Picture = Western People Red Picture = Asian People
Case No. 1 Expressing Opinions

Case No. 2 Way Of Life

Case No. 3 Punctuality

Case No. 4 Contacts

Case No. 5 When waiting in a Queue

Case No. 6 Daily Life

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