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West Campus Point Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting

March 3, 2004

1. Call to Order at 7:10 p.m. at Betsy Brenner’s Home, #926. Present were:
• Board members: Betsy Brenner, Bruce Kendall, and Eric Dahl
• Property Manager: Connie Burns.
2. Minutes and Agenda
2.1. Prior Meeting Minutes. The minutes of the Board meeting on February 3,
2004, were reviewed and approved.
2.2. Changes to the Agenda. The following items were added to the agenda:
2.2.1.WCP website
2.2.2.Leak mitigation
3. Members Forum
3.1. No discussion
4. Reports
4.1. Financial Reports
4.1.1.Gas expense. Kendall questioned why the gas expense was double the
usual monthly amount. Burns said the gas was for heating the pool. Burns
will find out if the thermostat was turned up or the rates increased. Burns
said that a lot of associations turn off the pool heat in December – February;
some keep it off in March. Kendall suggested we present at the next annual
homeowners meeting turning the pool heating off for the winter season as a
possible cost saving measure.
4.1.2.Tax returns.. Burns will send in the tax returns that were prepared by CPA
Michael Gartzke and signed by President Bruce Kendall.
4.1.3.Accountant’s Review Report for 2003. Burns presented the Board with
the Accountant’s Review Report for 2003 prepared by Michael Gartzke,
CPA,. will mail copies to all homeowners. report indicates that the reserves are funded by $30,000 more than
budgeted for 2003. Burns pointed out that the reserves are still under
funded in comparison to recommended levels, but they are higher than
scheduled in the 2003budget. She will look into the matter and make a
report at the next Board meeting.

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WCP HOA Board Meeting Minutes March 3, 2004

4.2. Landscape
• Walk-around report. Burns presented a report from Plowboy Landscapes
on items discussed at the last walk around the property. The board has
allocated $200.00 per month to be used for small projects such as replacing
missing plants. Items will be chosen from the Plowboy list to match this
• Coral Trees. Burns will obtain bids from arborists for trimming the coral
trees. Last time it costs $5500.
• Eucalyptus. Some eucalyptus are dropping black spots; Ramone says the
problem may be due to thrips and the affected trees may need spraying.
Burns will look into the matter and make a recommendation at the next
Board meeting
5. Old Business
5.1. Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CC&Rs)..
5.1.1.Burns presented the recommendations of CC&R committee.
5.1.2.A Board meeting to which homeowners will be invited was scheduled for
March 15 to review the recommended changes.
5.2. Leak Mitigation
5.2.1.No members of the Leak Mitigation Committee attended the meeting and no
report of their activities was presented.
5.2.2.Burns reported that leaks in two units have been fixed. Burns will arrange
for roofer to look at three other units with leaks..
5.2.3.Burns pointed out that it is the owner’s responsibility to maintain thresholds,
so any leaks under doors must be repaired by the owner.
5.3. Management. Burns has 5 cluster coordinators signed up and will continue to
solicit the others.
5.4. Repairs
5.4.1. Burns presented a bid a from Raymond Arias to fix to fix crack in the
stucco of a wall at a unit. If any dry rot is discovered during this work, a
revised bid will be presented.
5.4.2.Several units have damage to the tiles around the front gates. Burns will
contact Anita Guerini to find out which are the worst and need to be
inspected by the Board.
5.5. Architectural Review Board. Kendall asked Tess Cruz and Leslie Brueckner
to serve on the ARB for another year. Both agreed to do so.
5.6. Reclaimed Water Signage. All the required signs have been purchased. They
cost $16 each. They will be installed within a week.

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WCP HOA Board Meeting Minutes March 3, 2004

5.7. Watering
5.7.1.It was noted that Almost $2000 per month was spent in August and
September on reclaimed water (for landscaping).
5.7.2.Burns will talk to landscape committee about the cost of watering. She will
direct them to work with Plowboy to optimize usage.
6. New Business
6.1. WCP website. The possibility of establishing a WCP website was discussed. The
website would serve primarily as an archive of Board meeting minutes, CC&Rs,
homeowner roster, and other community information. A resident high school
student is interested in maintaining the site. The Board agreed to investigate
where the site could be hosted.
7. Next Meeting. The next meeting will be Wednesday, April 7, at the home of Bruce
Kendall, Unit 946.
8. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.

These minutes presented in draft until approved at the next Board meeting

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