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( Rancangan Pengajaran yang menggunakan Kitar Pembelajaran 4-Fasa berasaskan Konstruktivisme , Pembelajaran Masteri dan Pembelajaran Inkuiri.


Subject Class Date/ Day Time

: Science :3 : 08.11.2011 (Tuesday ) :30 minutes

Number of students : 20 pupils Learning Area :1.0- Animals

Learning Objective : 1.1- To observe and recognize external features of animals. Learning Outcomes :

A) Menguasai isi kandungan

Identify external features of an animal. Make a list of the external features of an animal.

B) Membina kemahiran saintifik, berfikir dan strategi berfikir

Classifying animals according their external features.

C) Mengamalkan sikap saintifik dan nilai murni

Having interest and curiosity towards the environment.

Teaching Aids : Envelops, animals pictures, slides, word cards and worksheets.

Science Process Skills : Observing and classifying

Pupils previous knowledge :Pupil have learnt about animals in year 2.

T & L Activities Phase / Time Content Teacher 1. Teacher asks some pupil to come in front of the class room. 2. Teacher orders to take an envelope from the box on the teacher table. 3. Then, teacher asks some questions according to the contain of the envelops. Examples: teacher. a) Guess what is in the envelops? b) Try to identify the things in the 4. They answer the questions of 3. Pupils guess the things in the envelops. Student 1. Some of pupil come in front of class room . 2. Pupil take envelops and see what is in the envelops. Notes

Indtroduction ( 3 minutes)

T.Aids: Envelops and pictures animals body parts.

Strategy : Student centered

pictures? c) Where do you can see the things like this? 4. Teacher introduce today lesson.

Step 1 (Generating Idea) 07 minutes

Naming the body parts of animals

1. Teacher groups the pupils. 2. Teacher provides different pictures of animals to each group. 3. Teacher asks pupils to state the external features of animals given. 4. Teacher invites group leaders to present their group works.

1. Pupils sit in groups. 2. Pupils paste the pictures given in the Mahjong paper and state the external features of animals. Strategy : Group activity, Pupils centered T.Aids: Mahjong Papers, Pen Marker and Pictures.

SPS : Observing 3.Group leader presents their group works in front of the classroom.

5. Teacher corrects pupils mistakes.

4. Groups compare and discuss the correct answer.

1. Teacher pastes a table Step 2 (Regenerating Idea) 10 minutes


Classify the animals according to the external features

1. Pupil take out a word card and paste it in the correct column to categories the animals according to their external features.

on the white board. 2. Randomly, teacher asks pupil to take a word card (animal) from the box and categories the animals according to their external features.

T.Aids: Box, word cards, table form and cd


4 Legs

2 Legs








Moral Value : Having interest and curiosity towards the environment.





KBKK: Classifying

3. Teacher, correct the mistakes of pupil and explain that different animals have different external features.

4. Teacher use Science year 3 cd to explain the external features of animals. 1. Now, teacher provides the pupil with activity cards. 2. Teacher arranges station game. 1. Each group get activity card. 2. Pupil in the group, visit each station and list down the animals according to the external features provided in the stations. Strategy : Group activity, Pupils centered

Step 3 (Applying Idea) ( 7 minutes )

Station Game

T.Aids: Flash cards and table

Station 1 Horn Station 2 Fur Station 3 - 4 Legs Station 4 Wings

3. Pupil discuss their group work among other groups.

Closing ( 3 minutes ) Reflection Evaluation

1.Teacher asks pupils to return to their place. 2.Teacher

1. pupil answer the guestions individually.

T. Aids: Worksheets

distributes worksheets to the pupils.

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