Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

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Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

School Pseudonym: PA Cyber School Your Name or Group Name: Nathan Nagele Clearly mark the box that best represents the level of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the Policy


Administrative Information

Electronic Information

Assessment CURRICULAR Curriculular Integration Teacher Use Student Use Stakeholder Involvemnt

Administrative Support SUPPORT


Technical/Infrastructure Support Local Area Networking (LAN) District Area Networking (WAN) Internet Access CONNECTIVITY

Communication Systems


Communication Systems

New Technologies INNOVATION Comprehensive Technologies

Maturity Benchmarks Survey Sheet

Emergent Islands Integrated X X Intelligent

of maturity achieved at your school site. Please refer to the behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral

X resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral X resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral X resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X

resource/infrastructure X behavioral resource/infrastructure behavioral resource/infrastructure X X X X

Evaluator Comments

Planning is not a priority, filling immediate needs is on the top of the list. Budget is not properly set for needs of school Use of systems is necessary for day to day functioning Online cyber school requires students to use things daily.

Use of Moodle

Planning is done by IT, no teacher involvement Administration gives the final OK, but has little to do with the planning process All staff are required to attend monthly training sessions

Internal IT support Cyber school environment

Moodle automatically emails students feedback and messages

Staff have an internal email as well as an email to communicate with student accounts

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