Leatherman Schedule2

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Enrichment Schedule

7:40-8:30 Magnet research group (vertically grouped)

8:05-9:20 5th grade math (location: Courtney Leards room)

8:30-9:20 4th grade Math---problem solving and challenges (location: Randi Howerins room)

9:20-9:50 Magnet Planning

9:20-10:10 Cfip Mondaysattend magnet cfip Every other Monday- 5th grade literature study focusing on connecting 8 math practices, integrating the arts, problem solving, writing, integrating math content. (location: my room) 10:10-11:00 5th grade math research (location: my room)

9:50-11:00 4th Grade Math Research (Location: my room)

11:00-11:20 Planning

11:40-12:10 lunch

11:00-11:50 Cfip Mondays11:00-11:35 3rd grade literature study focusing on connecting 8 math practices, integrating the arts, math content, problem solving (my room) Every other Monday-planning w/ 4 and 5 grade 12:00-12:30 Lunch

12:10-1:10 3rd Grade (location: Tammy Reids room )

1:10-2:10 TIF block-Newspaper (location: library)

12:30-1:30 5th grade math (location: Courtney Leards room) 1:35-2:05 4th grade math research (location: my room)

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