How To Detect Fraud Sites On The Internet

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Executive Summary We are going to explain to you how to evaluate our law firm using the internet. This will show you how old we really are, how much traffic we have, others linking to us and so forth. This is actually a tutorial to make you very effective at evaluating internet businesses to determine who the high risk businesses are. There are a lot of websites out there stating how great they are. We will show you how to evaluate them objectively and eliminate the high risk entities.

1) Well Established Law Firm - We are a well established law firm with a strong internet presence going back to 2006. We are the most copied offshore law firm in the industry. There are even people that use names similar to ours to try and confuse people into thinking they are doing business with us. Some even use the same domain registrar to confuse people. Our firm worked long and hard to get where we are today. Scammers like to take the fast track. We have no affiliates, no other websites, and no resellers. If you are dealing with a website other than it is another business not associated in any way shape or form with us. This is how you can verify we are in our sixth year in business: Go to a website called:

This website archives or stores pages of websites from the past. At the top of the page is a box called Wayback Machine. In this box type in and do the search. You will see the site displays the pages historically from 2006 forward. We are now in our sixth year of business. If you are considering a competitor do yourself a favor first and run the Wayback Machine test on them to see how old they really and truly are. If a site is old go back a few years on the Wayback Machine to see if the content of the site is still the same. Some scammers buy old websites say for boat parts and then start using the aged site for financial frauds, so make sure the content is the same going back in time. Many well intended businesses start out and fail for a number of reasons one being a lack of experience. The rule of thumb we use in evaluating a business like a law firm or financial services firm is three years. We also want to see a google PR rating of at least a PR 4, more on this later.

1a) Evaluating Traffic is another test to see how serious of a business the website is. Scammers never spend the time and money to develop a website that people know about that pulls in traffic. Why bother since they know they will be forced to abandon the website in a few month due to complaints from disgruntled clients. There is a way to determine how much traffic a website has. Go to this page:

Enter in the domain name of the website in question. Our website will typically show an Alexa rating of about 100,000. This means that there are about 100,000 websites on the internet that get more traffic than we do. This is impressive considering we are a special interest website, not like ebay. Also look at the amount of sites linking in to the site in question. We have 500 sites linking in to us. This means that there are hundreds of sites that think our site is worth linking to. Scam sites usually have very few sites linking in. When you see a site with an Alexa rating of one million or higher it is a bad sign meaning it is not a popular site, probably new and be very careful in that this is an easy site for scammers to just walk away from when the heat gets high.

1b) Age of the Domain There is a simple way to see how old the domain name is. This will expose a lot of lies that scammer spew forth about how old they are and how long they have been in business. A lot of these scam sites use a domain that is a few months old. Do you really want to trust your financial affairs and legal concerns to a firm that has only been around a few months. Here is how to do it.

Go to:

Then enter the domain name where it says enter IP address. Do not use the http or the www. For us you would enter:

Then you would look for the Created On line which is up at the top. For us it would show Jun 2006. Try this on sites you are considering doing business with. They might be able to fool you on one of these tests but not on all of them. Enjoy seeing through the scammers. Do not be surprised at the extent of their lies. Remember they can always buy an old domain to show age but then when you apply the other tests they will will fail miserably. Here is what the results are for our site:

Domain ID:D124887019-LROR Domain Name:PANAMALAW.ORG Created On:21-Jun2006 20:42:13 UTC Last Updated On:05-Jul-2011 06:09:29 UTC Expiration Date:21-Jun-2016 20:42:13 UTC Sponsoring Registrar:Web Commerce Communications Limited dba (R140-LROR) Status:CLIENT DELETE PROHIBITED Status:CLIENT TRANSFER PROHIBITED Status:CLIENT UPDATE PROHIBITED Registrant ID:wn-r3190671828 Registrant Name:Privacy Protected Domain Spam and Whois Protection Registrant Organization:Katz Global Domain Name Registration Registrant Street1:32 Maxwell Road #03-07 Registrant Street2:c/o panamalaw Registrant Street3: Registrant City:Singapore Registrant State/Province:SC Registrant Postal Code:069115 Registrant Country:SG Registrant Phone:+65.67228356 Registrant Phone Ext.: Registrant FAX:+65.67258021 Registrant FAX Ext.: Registrant Admin ID:wn-a3190671828 Admin Name:Privacy Protected Domain Spam and Whois Protection Admin Organization:Katz Global Domain Name Registration Admin Street1:32

Maxwell Road #03-07 Admin Street2:c/o panamalaw Admin Street3: Admin City:Singapore Admin State/Province:SC Admin Postal Code:069115 Admin Country:SG Admin Phone:+65.67228356 Admin Phone Ext.: Admin FAX:+65.67258021 Admin FAX Ext.: Admin Tech ID:wn-t3190671828 Tech Name:Privacy Protected Domain Spam and Whois Protection Tech Organization:Katz Global Domain Name Registration Tech Street1:32 Maxwell Road #03-07 Tech Street2:c/o panamalaw Tech Street3: Tech City:Singapore Tech State/Province:SC Tech Postal Code:069115 Tech Country:SG Tech Phone:+65.67228356 Tech Phone Ext.: Tech FAX:+65.67258021 Tech FAX Ext.: Tech Name Server:NS7.ZONEEDIT.COM Name Server:NS10.ZONEEDIT.COM Name Server:NS6.ZONEEDIT.CO.UK Name Server:NS18.ZONEEDIT.COM Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: Name Server: DNSSEC:Unsigned3) Scam or Fraud Sites These do not have thousands of pages in multiple languages like we do. They usually have 6-10 pages. A fraud site would not go through the trouble of listing the pages in multiple languages because the effort is too great and they know the site is going to be abandoned shortly. The scam or fraud sites will usually look attractive but there is not much there except material designed to get you to call them. They put in pictures of impressive offices, large staff and so forth. Don't be deceived by this sort of thing. Some of these sites even make believe they are affiliated with quality businesses by linking to these businesses. The reality is the businesses they link to may never have heard of these people. Linking out to a site is something anyone can do to any site. Having sites linking in to you is the hard part.

4) Google Rating - Our website has a very high PR6 rating from Google. This makes the site an authoritarian site. We never ever heard of a scam or fraud site with more than a PR3 rating let alone a PR6 authoritarian rating. To put the PR rating in perspective look at some other household name websites ratings: Pr5 Pr6 Pr5 Pr5 Pr5

We suggest you check the PR rating of the site you are going considering engaging. To do this here is a website below. We feel comfortable if the rating is at least a PR4 when we evaluate a site ourselves personally regarding a purchase.

5) Request Personal Information Contact Forms - We do not hide from clients neither does any legitimate financial or legal firm. Scam or fraud websites rarely answer phones or Skype live. Many have request information forms. You go to the site and if you want more information they ask you to fill out a form that you submit to them. They want your name, email and phone. Many times this is done to build an opt-in list and then you start getting tons of spam email. In the field of law or financial services this is a serious warning sign. Ask yourself why they do not answer the phones live and make themselves available to anyone since they are supposedly in business. No good answers are there? Only in the early stages of their criminal activity will they maybe answer their phones live, not years later. Their victims would be calling constantly and so would the police. We think it is scary to trust a business who you can not just pick up a phone or Skype and talk to. We answer our phone lines with live people as well as our Skype and all other means of communication with us. Be extra careful of sites that want you to request being added as a Skype contact before they talk to you on Skype. They are screening out complaining clients this way. Some scam sites will not answer the phone if you use caller ID block. Test the site with caller ID block to see if they answer. These are ways they can screen out complaining past clients. We also offer secure, encrypted communication like our free email accounts that we make available to all people who wish to communicate securely with us.

6) The Big Myth People think that visiting the firm face to face and looking them in the eye is going to enable you to determine how real the firm is. This is absolutely not true. We have heard from people over the years who ask us to help them recover funds they were defrauded out of. We get such calls frequently. Almost always these victims visited the firm in person. These crooks and scammers will have a very presentable set up to instill confidence. They are not going to meet you in a smoke filled billiards parlor wearing a black shirt with a white tie and a cigar hanging out of their mouth. That is why they are called confidence men. They will have a nice office, nice staff, nice furniture and make the business look prosperous and active when you are there anyway. They will tell you stories about how great they are, how many political and banking connections they have, they will talk about other clients and how they helped them, they will talk about bankers as if they knew them well, they will talk about politicians, all the while you are sitting there being charmed by a confidence man who just completed a ten year jail sentence. The confidence man wants you to visit him. In his mind it is just about mandatory. He knows he can get more money out of you if you visit him, than if you don't. Even if you are willing to send him money without visiting he still wants you to visit. He is set up specifically for this. They do not have the

capability to fool you if you understand the internet and do the things we point out here on this page. We are giving you these tools which will work on any category of business. If you can find another site that teaches you to do this let us know. We do not know of another site passing on these tricks of the trade.

7) Wild Claims The scammers will do things like list all sorts of offices they have around the world. These are usually non existent and if they do exist they will be virtual offices usually where they have a corporation registered. Take their address and put it into google to see if there are numerous other business using the same exact address. They will often list their wiring instructions and/or banks. They will list the most prestigious banks and correspondent banks but this does not mean they have any accounts there or in any way shape or that these banks even know who these guys are. Some tout that they have dozens or hundreds of lawyers which is normally a tactic designed to attract the gullible. They do not want victims who will go to the police or hire lawyers. They want people who are gullible enough to believe what they are told. Then the scammers can give them all sorts of tall tales about why they cannot get their investment back. Our law firm does not handle investments by the way. We introduce people to banks and stock brokers who handle the investments.

8) Reporting Controversial News We report alternative or controversial news that we think our readers and clients would benefit to be aware of especially if they are banking internationally. Many of the stories we carry will not be carried by your local media. We also write exposing controversial editorials or opinions about different countries, their governments, their banking laws, their secrecy laws, their legal system, etc. This information while unpopular in some circles serves to keep you better informed and of course your assets safer. Practically all of our competitors have static web sites with the same pages year after year. We publish a free newsletter several times a week. To sign up for our free newsletter go here:

Newsletter Signup

9) Attorney Client Privilege - As a law firm we have to respect attorney client privilege. In fact when we operate setting up structures in other countries we always use law firms in the respective countries for corporations and trusts. This provides continuity for the attorney client privilege across international borders. We are unable to provide client references because of attorney client privilege. You would not want us giving your name out to strangers as a reference and we never would do so. The private nature of international banking and asset protection necessitates our clients remain private and never exposed. It is most unlikely that any legitimate client of any asset protection law firm would ever post anything on a website relating to their experiences and dealings with any firm, stock broker or bank, extremely unlikely I might add. Actually in some countries it could be professionally incorrect for a law firm to have such testimonies on their website even if the client signed a waiver. So do take any such testimonials where people state how happy they are with the firm as bogus and it should be treated as a warning

sign, in other words run away from such a firm. Would you ever post how happy you were with your offshore law firm on a public forum? Of course not. Again scammers are looking for the gullible who will believe anything without questioning it. Don't be that person. Use the research tools we have given you.

10) Quality Banks - We have a long history of working with some of the most highly rated billion dollar banks in the world. The banks know they do not have trouble with our clients. We send a lot of business to the banks so they treat our clients differently. Makes sense doesn't it?

11) Bank Account Signatories and Access When we open up a bank account for your corporation you will be the only signature on the account. The bank account is opened with a zero balance in the account. You have three weeks to fund the account with at least $1000 dollars. We invite you to call the bank prior to funding and verify that you are the only signatory on the account. Then you can proceed with funding and have the peace of mind you were looking for when you decided to go and bank offshore. This enables you to proceed with setting up a bank account and corporation with peace of mind in that you know you are not risking your hard earned savings with someone else listed on the account as a signatory.

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