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Flip Saunders Matchup Zone Why use the matchup?

Helps your team with their M2M defense Hard to scout Versatile depending on size of your team Good vs. 3 point shooting teams Can keep you from foul trouble Rules

Zone does NOT mean rest Must communicate to be effective Players must be good listeners Never leave a dribbler Deny all dribble penetration and passing into the paint/post Push ball to corners Switch all cutters o If man cuts in front its a called a kick down situation o If man cuts behind defender is a kick back situation Help sags One man on the ball, four other guys in help, at least one foot in paint Never let cutters slice you Front the post or Switch on dribble hand-offs Cutters going away from the ball dont hurt the defense When offense tilts the floor or does a wheel dribble out is only time you leave a dribbler o Wheel dribble out from corner is good way to attack a matchup In any defense when the ball is on the wing you should always have a defender on the elbow and low block Dont deny any non-penetrating pass Should never be screened when in a matchup zone Stay matched up on a big if he pops out for 3 or stays at high post If guard ends up on big man the guards job is to make the big turn his back to middle of floor If having trouble vs. overload you can trap in corners o Hard to trap in two corners, puts too much pressure on your defense o Trap in corner is called 55 Can bring post traps from the top, called X1, X2, X3 depending on which top defender comes to trap o dick to hip o When trapping dont let post offensive player see weakside o Get to your teammates leg when trapping, not to the angle of the ball Defender who traps is one who rotates out

Teaching Matchup o Teach the 1-2-2 vs. a 2-1-2 alignment, hardest alignment to guard o Home means lets get back to our 1-2-2 alignment when we are confused o Work on 1-2-2 Slides drill when you first introduce the matchup o Teach defense in triangles o The further your man is away from the ball the flatter your triangle Drills o Overplay and Sag o 4 on 4 with one player in post, 3 on perimeter o 1 pt. for every trap o Perimeter plays cant dribble, can only inside out 3s or pass o Works on trapping post o Can time the drill o Full Court Scramble o Change D on whistle o Cant guard guy who was on you o Screen Down Drill o Touch the coaches hand and then close out o 4 on 4 drill o Teaches opening up for teammate on down screens Alignment 1-2-2 o 1 is the boss of the D Everyone matches up off the 1 Vs. two guard front the 1 always takes guard on left side of floor o 2 is lined up one man over from the 1 o 3 is lined up one man over from the 1 o 4 man has a few options 1. One man to the right of the 2 2. Low block 3. High post 4. Opposite low block o 5 has same rules as 4 Miscellaneous Scarecrow- to confuse opponent have your players begin in a zone alignment with knees locked and hands up in the air, then go into your man defense Vs. PNR you want the 1 guarding whoever is coming off screen Teach players to play in scamble/quick change situations

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