Sophie: Cousin Diarrhea

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A medical worker named Sophie completed her training and passed all exams at the end of the course. It was along journey because the village far away. When she arrived everyone was pleased to see her again. Her mother was especially pleased proud that her daughter had done so well. After the first greetings, Sophies mother said its good that you are back. Because your baby cousin is ill with diarrhea and doesnt look well at all. Do you think you could help ?Shopie went to see the baby and realized that was badly dehydrated. She thought the baby should go to a health center, but the journey was too long. So she though about what she had been taught. She could remember the anatomy of the gastrointestinal tract, and all about electrolyte balance and she remembered that mixture of salt and sugar in the water would help. But, she couldnt remember how much salt to put in the water. Shopie was very worried that the amounts would be wrong. She didnt know wheather to sent for help or to guest how much to use. She thought that that the baby was so sick she would have to do something . In the end, she made up the sugar and salt souplantation in the wrong proportion, and the baby died

Question 1. Why Sophies mother was especially pleased and proud ? 2. What diseases suffered by baby ? 3. What the cause of thr baby death ? 4. What she did when she learned his cousin's baby sick ? Answer:
1. Sophies mother was especially pleases and proud because Sophie completed training and passed all the exams at the end of the course well. 2. baby diseases suffered is diarrhea 3. baby death because sophie provide sugar and salt in proportion to the wrong souplantation. 4. When she learned his cousin's baby sick She went to see the baby and realized that was badly dehydrated.



GROUP NAME : - Aini Rachman - Filma Eda T. - Indah Cahya L. - Pidlia Sutriani

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