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Chapter 4: Atoms and Elements

1. Learn about Daltons Atomic Theory 2. Understanding elements and their atomic structure 3. How are the elements arranged in the periodic table ? 4. Understanding how elements form ions and writing ionic formulas 5. Learning about atomic mass and isotopes

Experiencing Atoms
The word atom comes from atomos meaning indivisible. Atoms are the fundamental building blocks of everything you, hear, see, smell and experience!! Atoms are incredibly small.but they compose everything! Properties of elements arise from properties of the atom.

Daltons Atomic Theory, 1808

Each Element is composed of tiny, indestructible particles called atoms.
Tiny, hard, indivisible, spheres.

All atoms of any one element are identical.

They have the same mass, volume, and other physical and chemical properties.

Atoms of different elements are different.

Atoms of carbon and atoms of sulfur are different

Atoms combine in simple, whole-number ratios to form molecules of compounds.

The ratios will rearrange when a compound is chemically converted to a different compound.

The Atom is Divisible!

Some History:
Our current picture of the atom wasn't created all at once; it was built up and improved step by step based on experimental evidence and some extremely clever insights.

In 1897 Sir JJ Thomson discovered that electrons could be stripped off of metal atoms. Atoms are neutral, but electrons had a negative charge, so where were the positive charges? Facts about electrons:
The mass of the electron is 1/1836th the mass of a hydrogen atom.

The charge on the electron is the fundamental unit of charge that we call 1 charge unit.

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