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Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347 377 www.elsevier.



Plants used against cancer an extension of the work of Jonathan Hartwell

J.G. Graham, M.L. Quinn, D.S. Fabricant, N.R. Farnsworth *
Program for Collaborati6e Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, 833 South Wood Street, Chicago IL, 60612, USA Received 4 November 1999; accepted 14 August 2000

Abstract A survey of plants used ethnomedically against cancer was undertaken, using the NAPRALERT database currently maintained by the Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois-Chicago. We report over 350 species which are reported to be used against cancer and not cited in the work of Jonathan Hartwell, Plants used against cancer: a survey, including previously unrepresented genera and families. 2000 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Ethnomedicine; Anti-cancer agents; Natural products

1. Introduction Human use of plants as medicinal agents predates recorded history. Ethnomedical plant-use data in many forms has been heavily utilized in the development of formularies and pharmacopoeias, providing a major focus in global health care, as well as contributing substantially to the drug development process. In December 1967, Hartwell published the rst of a series of articles in Lloydia on the use of plants by humans against cancer (Hartwell, 1967). This monumental work, which contains informa* Corresponding author.

tion from published and unpublished sources on over 3000 species of plants which had been reported to have alleged anti-cancer properties, was published serially over a period of 5 years, although his systematic search of both folkloric sources as well as technical literature took over 15 yr (Hartwell 1967, 1968, 1969a,b,c, 1970a,b, 1971a,b,c,d) In deep appreciation of his contributions in the ght against cancer, we here present the results of a query of the NAPRALERT database for plants which have been reported to have been used ethnomedically against cancer, and which did not originally appear in the Lloydia articles. It is our hope that the following information may prove of

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J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Table 1 List of plants reported to be used against cancer, but not found in Hartwells plants used against cancer: a survey Family/Species Acanthaceae Acanthus ilicifolius L. Acanthus ilicifolius L. Acanthus ilicifolius L. Hygrophila auriculata (Schumach.) Heine Ruellia tuberosa L. Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. Aceraceae Acer pseudoplatanus L. Acer pseudoplatanus L. Actinidiaceae Actinidia arguta (Seib. and Zucc.) Planch. Ex Miq. Actinidia chinensis Planch. Agavaceae Dracaena draco (L.) L. Amaranthaceae Achyranthes longifolia Makino Achyranthes longifolia Makino Deeringia amaranthoides (Lam.) Merr. Pfafa paniculata (Mart.) Kuntze Amaryllidaceae Lycoris radiata (LHer.) Herbert Anacardiaceae Anacardium giganteum Hancock ex Engl. Anacardium giganteum Hancock ex Engl. Lannea stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. Lannea stuhlmannii (Engl.) Engl. Metopium brownei (Jacq.) Urb. Rhus longipes Engl. Rhus longipes Engl. Rhus 6ernicifera DC. Rhus 6ernicifera DC. Schinus lentiscifolius Marchand Annonaceae Annona cherimola Mill. Part Country Uses Reference

Root Stem Stem Part not specied Bark Entire plant Bark Fruit Entire plant Entire plant

China China Thailand India India Thailand England England Korea China

Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used against cancer. Used for cancer in stomach. Used for cancer. Used to treat tumors. Fruit dissolves tumours. Used for stomach cancer. Used for cancer.

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Jongsuwat, 1981 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Jain, 1970 Reddy et al., 1991 Wasuwat, 1967 Culpeper, 1950 Culpeper, 1950 Han et al., 1984 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Darias et al., 1989 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Sati et al., 1990 Takemoto et al., 1983

Sap Entire plant Entire plant Fruit Root

Canary Islands China China India Brazil

Used as an anticarcinogen. Used for nipple tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used for cancer and leukemia. Used against cancer. Used for cancerous ulcers. Used for cancerous ulcers. Used for cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used for warts. Used Used Used Used Used for cancer. for cancer. for cancer. to treat tumors. for cancer.

Entire plant Bark Fruit Root Stembark Bark Root Root Resin Resin Leaf Seed

China Guyana Guyana Tanzania Tanzania Mexico Tanzania Tanzania Korea Korea Argentina Colombia

Huang et al., 1983 Wijisekera, 1978 Wijisekera, 1978 Chhabra et al., 1991 Chhabra et al., 1987 Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Chhabra et al., 1984 Chhabra et al., 1987 Cha, 1977 Cha, 1977 Graziano et al., 1970 Garcia-Barriga, 1974

Used to treat malignant tumors.

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Annona senegalensis Pers. Annona senegalensis Pers. Annona senegalensis Pers. Cyathostemma argentium (Blume) J. Sincl. Fissistigma oldhamii Merr. Fissistigma oldhamii Merr. Apocynaceae Adenium obesum (Forssk.) Roem. and Schult. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Alstonia scholaris (L.) R. Br. Aspidosperma polyneuron Mull. Arg. Cerbera manghas L. Echites yucatanensis (Millspex.) Stand. Echites yucatanensis (Millspex.) Stand. Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Mull. Arg.) Woodson Himatanthus sucuuba (Spruce ex Mull. Arg.) Woodson Rau6ola 6omitoria Afzel. Rhazya stricta Decne. Part Rootbark Rootbark Rootbark Root Stem Stem Country Nigeria Nigeria Nigeria Malaysia Taiwan Taiwan Uses Used for cancer treatment. Used to treat cancer. Reference


Durodola, 1975b Adesogan and Durodola, 1976 Used to treat cancer. Durodola, 1975a Used to treat breast cancer. Khamis et al., 1997 Used as an antitumor agent. Wu et al., 1994 Used for antitumor Wu et al., 1993a,b purposes. Used for skin lumps. Omino and Kokwaro, 1993 Holdsworth and Wamoi, 1982 Wasuwat, 1967 Gupta, 1979 Anon., 1985 Vashi and Patel, 1989 Schultes, 1979 Mc Cuddin, 1974

Leaf Bark Bark Entire plant Part not specied Root Bark and leaf Root Latex (leaf) Latex (leaf) Latex (unspec.) Stembark Root Entire plant


Admiralty Islands Used to treat lung cancer. India India India Thailand Colombia Samoa Mexico Mexico Brazil Peru Guinea Pakistan Pakistan India Colombia Colombia Tanzania Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico China Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used to reduce tumors. Used as a treatment for cancer. Used for corns.

Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used as an antitumor agent. Van den Berg, 1984 Used to treat tumors.

Rhazya stricta Decne. Entire plant Rhazya stricta Decne. Leaf Tabernaemontana amygdalaefolia Jacq. Latex (unspec.) Tabernaemontana amygdalaefolia Jacq. Leaf Tabernaemontana elegans Stapf Rootbark The6etia ahouia (L.) A.DC. Leaf and stem The6etia gaumeri Hemsley The6etia peru6iana (Pers.) K.Schum. The6etia peru6iana (Pers.) K.Schum. Leaf and stem Leaf Leaf and stem

Trachelospermum jasminoides (Lindl.) Leaf Lem. Araceae Acorus gramineus Sol. in Aiton Arisaema consanguineum Schott

Persinos-Perdue and Blomster, 1978 Used to treat tumors. Vasileva, 1969 Used against tumors. Atta-Ur-Rahman and Fatima, 1982 Used as an antitumor agent. Ahmad et al., 1971 Used to treat tumors. Jewers et al., 1980 Used to treat tumors. Schultes, 1979 Used to treat tumors. Garcia-Barriga, 1975 Used for cancer. Chhabra et al., 1987 Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used to destroy tumors. Mendez, 1937 Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used for carcinomatous Duke and Ayensu, growths. 1985a,b

Entire plant Entire plant

China China

Used as a cancer folk remedy. Used for cancer.

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b

350 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Part Root Root Corm Leaf Leaf

Country China China China Singapore Singapore

Uses Used for cancer. Used to treat cancers. Used on malignant sores. Used to treat cancer. Used as a remedy for cancer. Used for cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used to remove corns. Used to treat cancer. Used for cancer.

Reference Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Ducki et al., 1995 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Wong and Tan, 1996

Arisaema consanguineum Schott Arisaema erubescens (Wall.) Schott Arisaema lobatum Engl. Epipremnum pinnatum (L.) Engl. Rhaphidophora korthalsii Schott Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia mollissima Hance Aristolochia tagala Cham. Asclepiadaceae Asclepias speciosa Torrey Cynanchum hancockianum (Maxim.) Iljinski Cynanchum hancokianum (Maxim.) Iljinski Cynanchum taiwanianum Yamazaki Heterostemma brownii Hay Janakia arayalpathra J. Joseph and V.Chandrasekaran Leptadenia hastata (Pers.) Decne. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. Marsdenia tenacissima (Roxb.) Wight and Arn. Raphionacme hirsuta (E. Mey.) R.A.Dyer Raphionacme hirsuta (E. Mey.) R.A.Dyer Raphionacme hirsuta (E. Mey.) R.A.Dyer Sarcostemma australe R.Br. Tylophora oribunda Miq. Balanaphoraceae Sarcophyte piriei Hutch. Begoniaceae Begonia crassirostris Irmscher

Entire plant Leaf Latex (unspec.) Entire plant Root Root Aerial parts Root Bark Entire plant Entire plant Stem Stem Stem Stem Bulb

China Philippines USA-NV Mongolia China Taiwan Taiwan India Senegal China China China China China China South Africa

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Masilungan et al., 1971 Train et al., 1957 Konda et al., 1990 Lou et al., 1991

Used to treat tumors. Lin et al., 1997a,b Used to treat tumors. Lin et al., 1997a,b Used as a remedy for Subramonian et al., tumors. 1996 Used as an antitumor drug. Aquino et al., 1995 Used as a folkloric Yang et al., 1981 antitumor drug. Used as an antitumor Miyakawa et al., 1986 folkdrug. Used for cancer. Luo et al., 1993a,b Used for treatment of cancer. Used for treatment of cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used as an anticancer remedy. Used to treat cancer. Luo et al., 1993a,b Zhou et al., 1980 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Charlson, 1980 Charlson, 1979

Part not specied South Africa Tuber Latex (unspec.) Entire plant South Africa Australia China

Used for the treatment of Watt and tumors. Breyer-Brandwijk, 1962 Used to treat cancer. Reid and Betts, 1979 Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Chhabra et al., 1987 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b

Entire plant Entire plant

Tanzania China

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Begonia glabra Aubl. Berberidaceae Berberis amurensis Maxim. Part Entire plant Entire plant Country Panama China China Taiwan Taiwan China USA China China China Japan South Korea South Korea China China Uses Reference


Used as ananticancer agent. Gupta et al., 1996 Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat tumors. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat condylomata. Kao et al., 1992 Used to treat tumors. Kao et al., 1992 Used for leukopenia. Liang et al., 1997 Nebelkopf, 1981 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for pharyngeal tumors. Shoji et al., 1984 Used to treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used for mammary carcinoma. Used for cancer. Lee et al., 1992 Rhan et al., 1992 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Msonthi and Magombo, 1983 Gentry, 1980 Gentry, 1980 De et al., 1976 Used for cancer. Used for cancer.

Dysosma auranticocaulis (Hand.Mazz.) Root Hu Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woodson Root Dysosma pleiantha (Hance) Woodson Root Epimedium hunanense (Hand.Mazz.) Aerial parts Hand. Mazz. Mahonia aquifolium (Pursh.) Nutt. Root Mahonia bealei (Fortune) Carr. Leaf Mahonia fortunei (Lindl.) Fedde. Mahonia japonica (Thunb.) DC. Nandina domestica Thunb. Betulaceae Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. Alnus japonica (Thunb.) Steud. Betula platyphylla Sukaczev Betula platyphylla Sukaczev Bignoniaceae Kigelia africana (Lam.) Benth. Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) DC. Tabebuia serratifolia (Vahl.) Nicholson Zeyheria tuberculosa (Vell.) Bureau Bombacaceae Bombax bre6icuspe Sprague Boraginaceae Echium arenarium Guss. Buddlejaceae Buddleja globosa Hope Buddleja globosa Hope Buddleja incana R. and P. Buddleja ofcinalis Maxim. Campanulaceae Codonopsis lanceolata (Siebold and Zucc.) Trautv. Codonopsis ner6osa (Chipp.) Nannf. Leaf Leaf Fruit Wood Wood Bark Rootbark

Rootbark Bark Bark Trunkwood

Malawi Mexico Bolivia Brazil-Minas Gerais Guinea Sudan

Used to treat cancer of the uterus. Used for uterine cancer. Used for cancer. Used for cancer.

Root Leaf

Used as an antitumor agent. Vasileva, 1969 Used to treat tumors and abscesses. Used Used Used Used to treat warts. to treat warts. to treat warts. for cancer. Yousif et al., 1983

Leaf Leaf Flower and leaf Flowers Root Root

Bolivia Chile Chile China China China China

Houghton, Houghton, Houghton, Houghton,

1984 1984 1984 1984

Used for cancer. Used for cancer of the cervix. Used for cancer.

Codonopsis pilosula (Franch.) Nannf. Root

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b

352 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377


Country Indonesia Taiwan Sudan Sudan Sudan Mozambique

Uses Used as a cancer cure. Used against tumors. Used to treat tumors and abscesses. Used to treat tumors and abscesses. Used for tumor cure. Used for treatment of cancer. Used to treat warts. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat warts on hands. Used to treat tumors. Used for breast cancer.

Reference Hsu, 1967 Ho et al., 1995 Yousif et al., 1983 Yousif et al., 1983 Yousif et al., 1984 Amico, 1977

Laurentia longiora (L.) Petermann Entire plant Pratia nummularia A. Br. and Ascher Entire plant Capparidaceae Cadaba glandulosa Forsk. Cadaba rotundifolia Forsk. Cadaba rotundifolia Forsk. Capparis tomentosa Lam. Caprifoliaceae Lonicera etrusca G. Santi Sambucus racemosa L. Caryophyllaceae Dianthus zonatus Fenzl Leaf Leaf Root Entire plant

Seed Bark Flowers

Madeira USA-WA Turkey Mexico South Korea

Rivera and Obon, 1995 Forlines et al., 1992 Ishikura, 1982 Woo and Woo, 1989 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b

Drymaria gracilis Cham. and Schltdl. Leaf and stem Melandrium rmum (Siebold and Entire plant Zucc.) Rohrb. Celastraceae Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Maytenus blepharodes (Pitt.) A. Gentry Maytenus canariensis (Loes.) Kunkel Maytenus chuchuhuasca R.Hamet and Col. Maytenus ebenifolia Reiss. Maytenus emarginata (Willd.) Ding Hou Maytenus kruko6ii A.C. Smith Maytenus kruko6ii A.C. Smith Maytenus macrocarpa (R. and P.) Briquet Maytenus obscura (A.Rich.) Cufod. Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Excell Maytenus senegalensis (Lam.) Excell Maytenus trichotoma Turcz. Tripterygium regelii Sprague and Take. Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f. Cephalotaxaceae Cephalotaxus fortunei Hook.f. Chloranthaceae Chloranthus glaber Makino Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai Sarcandra glabra (Thunb.) Nakai Entire plant Branches Fruitjuice Bark Stembark Entire plant

China Panama Canary Islands Brazil Peru India

Used as an anticancer agent. Gupta et al., 1996 Used as an antitumor agent. Darias et al., 1989 Used to remove papillomas. Shirota et al., 1995 Used for skin cancer. Itokawa et al., 1992 Used as an antitumor agent. Anon., 1985 Used for cancer. Shirota et al., 1996 Used to treat skin cancer. Used to treat skin cancer. Used for skin cancer. Used against cancer: Used to treat cancer. Chavez et al., 1998 Honda et al., 1997 Kokwaro, 1976

Stembark Brazil Part not specied Brazil Stembark Peru Leaf Bark Rootbark Entire plant Root Fruit East africa Ethiopia Tanzania Mexico China Japan

Chhabra et al., 1991 Wilson and Mariam, 1979 Used to treat cancer. Ulubelen and Cole, 1965 Used as an antitumor agent Shen and Zhou, 1992 Used for cancer. Takaishi et al., 1991 Used for cancer. Used for tumor treatment. Used for cancer. Anon., 1976 Tai and Hung, 1981

Part not specied China Aerial parts Entire plant Aerial parts Entire plant China China Hong Kong China

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat cancers. Jain, 1970 Used to treat cancer. Takeda et al., 1993 Used as an antitumor agent. Tsui and Brown, 1996

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Part Country Uses Reference


Combretaceae Anogeissus latifolia (Roxb. ex DC.) Part not specied India Wall. ex Bedd. Combretum caffrum (Eckl. and Zeyh.) Rootbark South africa Kuntze Commelinaceae Cyanotis 6aga (Lour.) Roem. and Schult. Compositae Acanthospermum australe (Loe.) Kuntze Achyrocline lehmanii Heiron. Achyrocline saturoides (Lam.)DC. Ageratum houstonianum Mill. Arctotis auriculata Jacq. Artemisia argyi H.Lev. and Vaniot Aster Aster Aster Aster amellus L. amellus L. amellus L. tataricus L.f. Entire plant Philippines

Used for cancer on the face. Pettit et al., 1982 Used to treat cancer. Abela and Santos, 1974

Used for control of breast cancer. Used to treat cancer.

Garcia-Barriga, 1975

Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant Leaf Leaf Entire plant Entire plant Flowers Root Entire plant Root Root Entire plant

Colombia Colombia Colombia Venezuela South africa China China India India China Korea Korea Korea Tanzania Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan Taiwan China Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia Taiwan Colombia Colombia Colombia China China China Brazil China China Saudi arabia

Garcia-Barriga, 1975

Aster tataricus L.f. Aster tataricus L.f. Cirsium maackii Maxim Crassocephalum Echinops grijisii Echinops grijisii Echinops grijisii

bojeri (DC.) Robyns Entire plant Hance Root Hance Root Hance. Root Root Root Leaf Leaf Leaf Leaf and stem Entire plant Flower and leaf Flowers Flowers Flowers Flowers Aerial parts Entire plant Root Aerial parts

Echinops latifolius Tausch. Echinops latifolius Tausch. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Eclipta alba (L.) Hassk. Eupatorium formosanum Hayata Gnaphalium elegans Kunth. Gnaphalium elegans Kunth. Gnaphalium elegans Kunth. Inula britannica L. Inula britannica L. Inula linariaefolia Turcz. Jungia oribunda Less. Laggera pterodonta (DC.) Benth. Ligularia intermedia Nakai Pulicaria crispa (Forsk.) Sch.- Bip.

Used to treat cancer. Garcia-Barriga, 1975 Used to treat cancer. Morton, 1975 Used as a poultice for Salie et al., 1996 tumors. Used for uterine cancer. Lao et al., 1984 Used as an antitumor agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for inguinal tumors. Hussain et al., 1993 Used to treat tumors. Hussain et al., 1993 Used in inguinal tumors. Cha, 1977 Used as a cancer folk Cha, 1977 remedy. Used to treat tumors. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat tumors. Han et al., 1984 Used for mammary cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used as a cancer remedy. Lin and Lin, 1993 Used for bone tumors. Lin and Lin, 1993 Used for hepatoma. Lin et al., 1992 Used to treat cancers. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat cancers. Hsu, 1967 Used to treat tumors. Lin et al., 1992 Used as an anticancer agent. Hsu, 1967 Used as an anticancer agent. Hsu, 1967 Used to treat cancers. Lee et al., 1972 Used for leukemia. Garcia-Barriga, 1975 Used to treat cancer. Torrenegra et al., 1980 Used to treat cancer. Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer of the Duke and Ayensu, esophagus. 1985a,b Used for cancer. Chien et al., 1983 Used for malignant tumors. Zani et al., 1995 Used for warts. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used as an anticancer agent. Ma et al., 1997 Used as an antitumor agent. Sarg, 1975 Used for vaginal tumors. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b


J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Saussurea lappa (Decne.) Sch.- Bip. Senecio integrifolius (L.) Clairv. Senecio oryzetorum Diels Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murray Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murray Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murray Wedelia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. Part Root Entire plant Entire plant Entire Entire Entire Entire plant plant plant plant Country India China China Indonesia Indonesia Indonesia China China China Uses Used for treatment of cancer. Used as an anticancer agent. Used as an anticancer agent. Used Used Used Used as as as as an an an an anticancer anticancer anticancer anticancer agent. agent. agent. agent. Reference Saxena and Dixit, 1993 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Hsu, 1967 Hsu, 1967 Hsu, 1967 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b De Feo et al., 1992 San Martin, 1983 Jain, 1970 Nisa et al., 1985 Rivera and Obon, 1995 Han et al., 1984 Fujita et al., 1995a,b Novaretti and Lemordant, 1990 Novaretti and Lemordant, 1990 Garcia-Barriga, 1974 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Yu et al., 1994a,b

Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder Fruit Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder Entire plant Convolvulaceae Calystegia sepium (L.) R.Br. Cuscuta chilensis Ker Gawl. Cuscuta chinensis Lam. Cuscuta chinensis Lam. Crassulaceae Aeonium arboreum (L.) Webb and Berth. Aeonium glandulosum (Ait.) Webb. and Berth. Sedum alboroseum Baker Semper6i6um armenum Boiss. and Huet Semper6i6um ar6ense Lec and Lamot. Semper6i6um montanum L. Cruciferae Draba litamo L. Draba nemorosa L. Cucurbitaceae Bolbostemma paniculatum (Max.) Franquet Bolbostemma paniculatum (Max.) Franquet Bolbostemma paniculatum (Max.) Franquet Cucumis prophetarum L. Trichosanthes japonica Regel Trichosanthes japonica Regel Trichosanthes uniora Hao Cupressaceae Juniperus recur6a Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don

Used for cancer. Used as an anticancer agent.

Entire plant Entire plant Part not specied Entire plant Leaf Leaf Entire plant Leaf Leaf Leaf Entire plant Entire plant Bulb Bulb Tuber Root Fruit Fruit Entire plant

Italy Chile India India Madeira Madeira Korea Turkey France France Colombia China China China China Ethiopia China China China

Used Used Used Used

to treat corns. to treat tumors. for cancer. for malignancy.

Used as a corn salve. Used as a corn salve. Used for lymphoma. Used for warts. Used to treat corns. Used to treat corns. Used against cancer. Used for leukemia.

Used for treatment of tumors. Xu et al., 1986 Used to treat tumors and warts. Used for treatment of carcinoma. Used for skin cancer. Used for vaginal cancer. Kong et al., 1986 Abebe, 1986

Pan, 1960 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for vaginal cancer. Pan, 1960 Used for carcinomatious sores. Chiang et al., 1994

Part not specied Nepal

Used to prevent and cure cancer.

Lechner-Knecht, 1982

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Juniperus squamata Buch.-Ham. ex Lamb Cyatheaceae Cyathea fauriei (Christ.) Copel Cycadaceae Cycas re6oluta Thunb. Cycas re6oluta Thunb. Cycas rumphii Miq. Cyperaceae Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla Bolboschoenus maritimus (L.) Palla Kyllinga bre6ifolia Rottb. Scirpus holoschoenus L. Davalliaceae Da6allia mariesii T.Moore ex Bak. Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum toxicarium (G. Don) Baill. Dilleniaceae Dillenia suffruticosa (Griff.) Martelli Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea collettii Hook.f. Dioscorea collettii Hook.f. Dioscorea collettii Hook.f. Dioscorea collettii Hook.f. Dioscorea esculenta (Lour.) Burkill Dipsacaceae Dipsacus asper Wall. Droseraceae Drosera anglica Huds. Drosera anglica Huds. Ebenaceae Diospyros tomentosa Poir. Euclea crispa (Thunb.) Gurke Elaeagnaceae Hippophae salicifolia D.Don Part Country Uses Used to prevent and cure cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used for liver cancer. Used for malignant ulcers. Used for abdominal tumors. Used for vaginal indurations. Used to treat tumors. Used against tumors. Used to treat warts. Reference


Part not specied Nepal

Lechner-Knecht, 1982

Shoots Leaf Leaf Resin Tuber Tuber

Taiwan China China India Korea Korea

Chiang et al., 1994 Hsu, 1967 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Holdsworth et al., 1983 Cha, 1977 Cha, 1977 Cha, 1977 Jain, 1970 Gonzalez-Tejero et al., 1995 Cui et al., 1990 Vasileva, 1969

Tuber Korea Part not specied India Inorescence Spain

Protoplasts Bark

South Korea Guinea

Used for stomach cancer. Used to treat tumors.



Used to treat cancerous growths. Used for carcinoma of the bladder. Used for carcinoma of the bladder. Used for renal tumors. Used to treat cervical carcinoma. Used for swellings and tumors. Used for cancer of the breast. Juice destroys warts and corns. Used to erode the skin. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat melanomas.

Ahmad and Holdsworth, 1995 Hu et al., 1996 Hu et al., 1996 Hu et al., 1996 Hu et al., 1996 Hirschhorn, 1983

Rhizome Rhizome Rhizome Rhizome Tuber

China China China China Indonesia



Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Culpeper, 1950 Culpeper, 1950 Jain, 1970 Sibanda et al., 1992

Leaf Leaf Part not specied Rootbark Fruit

England England India Zimbabwe India

Used as an anticancer drug. Uniyal, 1990

356 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377





Elaeocarpaceae Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz Ericaceae Vaccinium bracteatum C.P. Thunb. Eriocaulaceae Eriocaulon sieboldianum Siebold and Zucc. ex Steud. Euphorbiaceae Acalypha californica Benth. Cnidoscolus chayamansa McVaugh Croton Croton Croton Croton draco Schltdl. draconoides Mull.Arg. erythrochilus Mull.Arg. a6ens L.

Leaf and stem


Used to treat tumors as a plaster.

He et al., 1997

Entire plant


Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b



Leaf Thorns Aerial parts Latex (unspec.) Latex (unspec.) Leaf Leaf Latex (unspec.) Sap Sap Bark Stembark Latex (unspec.) Latex (unspec.) Root Aerial parts Stem Root Root Root Root Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant Part not specied Root Latex (unspec.) Latex (unspec.) Root

Mexico Mexico Panama Peru Peru Mexico Mexico Peru Brazil Ecuador Brazil Brazil Australia Pakistan Pakistan South Korea Mexico China Korea Korea Taiwan Italy China China Colombia Korea Nigeria (Northern) China China

Croton a6ens L. Croton lechleri Mull.Arg. Croton lechleri Mull.Arg. Croton lechleri Mull.Arg. Croton urucurana Baill. Croton urucurana Baill. Euphorbia australis Boiss. Euphorbia caducifolia Haines Euphorbia caducifolia Haines Euphorbia ebracteolata Hayata Euphorbia heterophylla L. Euphorbia kansui Liou ex S.B.Ho Euphorbia kansui Liou ex S.B.Ho Euphorbia kansui Liou ex S.B.Ho Euphorbia kansui Liou ex S.B.Ho Euphorbia marginata Pursh. Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia Euphorbia micractina Boiss. micractina Boiss. par6ifolia E.Mey. pekinensis Rupr. poissonii Pax

Euphorbia prolifera Buch.Ham Euphorbia prolifera Buch.Ham

Ishikura, 1982 Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used as an antitumor agent. Gupta et al., 1996 Used for cancer. Piacente et al., 1998 Used for cancer. Piacente et al., 1998 Used for callouses. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used for cancer. Cai et al., 1993 Used against cancer. Pieters et al., 1992 Used for treatment of Cai et al., 1993 cancer. Used to treat some types of Peres et al., 1997 cancer. Used to treat cancer. Peres et al., 1997 Used as an embrocation for Reid and Betts, 1979 skin sores. Used as an antitumor agent. Ahmad et al., 1977 Said to have antitumor Ahmad et al., 1977 properties. Used in treatment of Ahn et al., 1996 lymphadenoma. Used for warts. Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Used as an antitumor drug. Cha, 1977 Used to treat abdominal Cha, 1977 tumors. Used to treat tumors. Wu et al., 1991 Used to treat cancer. Ding and Jia, 1992 Used to treat warts and De Feo et al., 1992 verrucas. Used as an antitumor agent. Shi et al., 1994 Used as an antitumor agent. Shi et al., 1995 Used locally for cancer. Hirschhorn, 1982 Used to treat tumors. Cha, 1977 Used for skin papillomas. Evans and Kinghorn, 1975 Used for treatment of Wu et al., 1995 tumors. Used to treat tumors. Dagang et al., 1994

Used for cancer. Used for warts.

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Euphorbia serrata L. Glochidion concolor Mull.Arg. Hura polyandra Baill. Jatropha dioica Sesse Jatropha elliptica Mull.Arg. Sapium macrocarpum Muell. Suregada multiora (A. Juss.) Baill. Tragia in6olucrata L. Flacourtiaceae Casearia syl6estris Sw. Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Pierre ex Laness. Hydnocarpus anthelmintica Pierre ex Laness. Fouquieriaceae Fouquieria fasciculata Nash Ganodermataceae Ganoderma applanata (Pers.) Patouillard Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.: Fr.) Karst. Ganoderma lucidum (Leyss.: Fr.) Karst. Gentianaceae Gentiana loureiroi (D.Don) Griseb. Gentiana rhodantha Franch. Gentiana scabra Bunge Geraniaceae Pelargonium gra6eolens LHer Globulariaceae Globularia alypum L. Gramineae Sasa palmata (hort. ex Burb.) E.G. Camus Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. Guttiferae Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Hypericum japonicum Thunb. Part Latex (unspec.) Leaf Leaf Root Tuber Stem Country Spain Tonga Mexico Mexico Brazil Mexico Uses Used for warts. Used to treat breast carcinoma. Used for warts. Used to treat cancer. Used for neoplasms. Used for warts. Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Reference


Martinez-Lirola et al., 1996 Singh et al., 1984 Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Calixto and Santana, 1987 Flores and Ricalde, 1996 Wasuwat, 1967 Jain, 1970

Wood Thailand Part not specied India Leaf and stem Seed Seed Colombia China Thailand

Used as an antitumor agent. Garcia-Barriga, 1975 Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for cancer. Wasuwat, 1967



To help remove benign tumors. Used to treat cancers. Used for cancer. Used as an antitumor remedy. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used for cancer.

Moore, 1979

Fruitbody Fruitbody Fruitbody

South Korea Japan Taiwan

Kim et al., 1994 Huang et al., 1991 Furusawa et al., 1992

Entire plant Entire plant Root

China China China

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Boukef et al., 1982

Essential oil


Used for cervical cancer.

Leaf Leaf Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant

Tunisia Japan Korea China China

Used to treat cancer.

Used as an anticancer agent. Namba and Bae, 1982 Used for cancer. Used for treatment of tumors. Used for treatment of tumors. Han et al., 1984 Ishiguro et al., 1994a,b Ishiguro et al., 1984

358 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Hypericum Hypericum Hypericum Hypericum Hypericum japonicum japonicum japonicum japonicum japonicum Thunb. Thunb. Thunb. Thunb. Thunb.

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Part Entire Entire Entire Entire Entire Leaf Rootbark plant plant plant plant plant

Country China China China China Japan Australia Australia

Uses Used Used Used Used Used to to to to to treat treat treat treat treat tumors. tumors. tumors. tumors. tumors.

Reference Ishiguro Ishiguro Ishiguro Ishiguro Ishiguro et et et et et al., al., al., al., al., 1990 1991 1993 1994a,b 1987

Gyrostemonaceae Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.) F.Muell. Codonocarpus cotinifolius (Desf.) F.Muell. Hernandiaceae Gyrocarpus americanus Jacq. Hymenochaetaceae Inonotus obliquus (Pers.:Fr.) Pilat Inonotus obliquus (Pers.:Fr.) Pilat Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis nyasica Baker Hypoxis nyasica Baker Hypoxis rooperii S.Moore Icacinaceae Icacina mannii Oliver Iridaceae Crocosmia crocosmiiora (Lem. ex Morren) N.E. Br. Iris pallasii Fisch. ex Trev. Juglandaceae Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Juglans mandshurica Maxim. Juncaceae Juncus acutus L. Krameriaceae Krameria cytisoides Cav. Labiatae Ajuga gene6ensis L. Ajuga gene6ensis L. Glechoma hederacea L. Isodon wikstroemioides (Hand.Mazz.) H.Hara Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y.Hu Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y.Hu Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y.Hu Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet

Infusion taken as a cancer cure. Infusion used as a cancer cure. Used for breast cancer. Used for cancer. Used to treat cancer.

Reid and Betts, 1979 Reid and Betts, 1979

Bark Fruitbody Fruitbody

Tonga Area not stated France

Singh et al., 1984 Konopa et al., 1961 Reinach-hirtzbach and Ourisson, 1971

Rhizome Tuber Tuber Root

Malawi Malawi Swaziland Zaire

Used for intestinal cancer. Vinesi et al., 1990 Used for uterine cancer. Kamwendo et al., 1985 Used to treat uterine cancer. Amusan et al., 1995 Used to treat brous tumors. OnOkoko et al., 1985

Corm Seed

Japan China

Used as an antitumor agent. Asada et al., 1988 Used in folk remedies for cancer. Used for cancer. Used for treatment of cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used for warts. Li et al., 1981

Cotyledons Root Root Leaf

China South Korea South Korea Spain

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Son, 1995 Joe et al., 1996 Martinez-Lirola et al., 1996 Achenbach et al., 1987 Pan, 1960 Pan, 1960 Culpeper, 1950 Wu et al., 1993a,b Hu, 1976 Hu, 1976 Hu, 1976 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b



Used for stomach cancer. Used Used Used Used Used Used Used Used for vaginal cancer. to treat cancer. to treat cancer. to treat tumors. for whitlow. to treat cancer. to treat cancer. for breast tumors.

Twig China Twig China Fruitjuice (unripe) England Leaf China Shoots Shoots Shoots Entire plant China China China China

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Leonurus heterophyllus Sweet Lepechinia spicata Willd. Leucas accida R.Br. Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) Hara Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) Hara Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) Hara Sal6ia chinensis Benth. Sal6ia hiptoides Mart. and Gal. Sal6ia plebeia R.Br. Scutellaria barbata D.Don Scutellaria barbata D.Don Scutellaria barbata D.Don Scutellaria barbata D.Don Scutellaria barbata D.Don Scutellaria indica L. Scutellaria ri6ularis Wall. ex Benth. Scutellaria ri6ularis Wall. ex Benth. Scutellaria ri6ularis Wall. ex Benth. Zhumeria majdae Rech. f. and Wendelbo Lauraceae Ocotea caparrapi (Nates) Dugand Ocotea caparrapi (Nates) Dugand Ocotea foetens Benth. and Hook. Ocotea usambarensis Engl. Leeaceae Leea guineense G.Don Leguminosae Acacia xanthophloea Benth. Albizia julibrissin Durazz. Albizia schimperiana Oliver Astragalus membranaceus (Fisch. ex Link.) Bunge Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. Caesalpinia 6olkensii Harms Caragana cuneata Moench Cassia obtusifolia L. Cassia obtusifolia L. Centrosema pubescens Benth. Crotalaria assamica Benth. Part Stem Country China Uses Used for cancer. Reference


Part not specied Mexico Leaf Rarotonga Aerial parts China Leaf Leaf Entire plant Entire plant Aerial parts Aerial parts Entire plant Entire plant Part not specied Root Root Aerial parts Entire plant Root Entire plant China China China El Salvador South Korea China China China China China South Korea Taiwan China China Iran

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for uterine tumors. Ishikura, 1982 Used for abdominal tumor. Holdsworth, 1991 Used for the treatment of Sun et al., 1982 tumors. Used for the treatment of Li et al., 1987 tumors. Used for the treatment of Sun et al., 1992a,b tumors. Used for cancer. Qian and Li, 1992 Used as a cataplasm for Hirschhorn, 1982 tumors. Used to treat tumors. Um et al., 1996 Used for cancers. Wong et al., 1993 Used for cancers. Ducki et al., 1996 Used to treat tumors. Wong et al., 1992a,b Used for liver, lung and Wong et al., 1992a,b rectal cancers. Used for liver, lung and Wang et al., 1996 rectal cancers. Used for cancer. Bae et al., 1994 Used to treat tumors. Lin, 1987 Used to treat tumors. Used to treat tumors. Applied on topical cancer Zargari, 1992 lesions. Used to treat cancerous tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used for malignant diseases. Used against cancer. Used against cancer. Palomino et al., 1996 Garcia-Barriga, 1974 Rivera and Obon, 1995 Kokwaro, 1976 Vasileva, 1969

Essential oil Sap Branchlets Bark Leaf Fruit Stembark Stembark Root Fruit Pod Part not specied Leaf Leaf Seed Flowers Entire plant

Colombia Colombia Madeira East africa Guinea Tanzania South Korea Tanzania China Colombia Domin.Repub. Kenya India Nepal Nepal Mexico China

Used to treat cancer. Chhabra et al., 1991 Used for lung cancer. Woo, 1985 Used to treat warts. Chhabra et al., 1984 Used as an adjunct to Wong et al., 1992a,b cancer therapy. Used to treat malignant Garcia-Barriga, 1974 ulcers. Acclaimed as a cure for Morton, 1975 cancer. Used for retinoblastoma. Used to treat gastic cancer. Singh et al., 1996a,b Used to treat tumors. Singh et al., 1979 Used to treat tumors. Singh et al., 1979 Used against cancer. Hastings, 1990 Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b

360 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Crotalaria ferruginea Graham Crotalaria sessiliora L.

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Part Entire plant Entire plant

Country China China



Dalea leporina (Aiton) Bullock Dalea lutea Willd. Entada glandulosa Pierre ex Gagnepain Entada scandens Benth. Enterolobium schomburgkii (Benth.) Benth. Erythrophleum guineense G.Don Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. in DC. Maackia tenuifolia (Hemsl.) Hand.Mazz. Maackia tenuifolia (Hemsl.) Hand.Mazz. Maackia tenuifolia (Hemsl.) Hand.Mazz. Mucuna collettii Lace Parkinsonia aculeata L. Piliostigma thonningii (Schumach.) Milne-Redh. Pterocarpus erinaceus Poiret Sophora japonica L. Sophora subprostrata Chun and T.C.Chen Sophora subprostrata Chun and T.C.Chen Sophora subprostrata Chun and T.C.Chen Sophora tomentosa L. Vigna radiata (L.) R.Wilczek Liliaceae Hosta japonica Trattinick Hosta longipes L.H.Bailey Merendera caucasica M. Bieb. Smilax menispermoidea A.DC. Smilax sieboldii Miq. Smilax sieboldii Miq. Linaceae Linum 6irginianum L. Loranthaceae Plicosepalus sagittifolius (Sprague) Danse

Part not specied Mexico Part not specied Mexico Seed Thailand Seed Leaf Bark Root Root Root Root Seed Twig Root Stembark Entire plant Root Root Root Leaf Entire plant Thailand Panama Mozambique China China China China Thailand India Tanzania Senegal China China China China Rarotonga China

Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used for skin and cervical Duke and Ayensu, carcinomas. 1985a,b Used against tumors. Hastings, 1990 Used against tumors. Hastings, 1990 Used for cancer. Wasuwat, 1967 Used for cancer. Wasuwat, 1967 Used for Inamed tumors. Esposito-Avella et al., 1985 Used as a cancer remedy. Amico, 1977 Used for cancer. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used an an antitumor drug. Martin-Cordero et al., 1995 Used as an antitumor drug. Zeng et al., 1996 Used as an antitumor drug. Zeng et al., 1997 Used for cancer. Wasuwat, 1967 Used to treat tumors. Sharma et al., 1992 Used against malignant Chhabra et al., 1987 ulcers. Used to treat tumors of the Ayensu, 1978 glands. Used as an anticancer agent. Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used as an antitumor agent. Kyogoku et al., 1975 Used for cancer. Used to treat tumors. Sakamoto et al., 1992

Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Used to treat cancer of the Holdsworth, 1991 breast. Used for carcinomatious Duke and Ayensu, swellings. 1985a,b Used to treat lymphoma. Han et al., 1984 Used to treat lymphoma. Han et al., 1984 Used for malignant disease. Ulubelen and Tanker, 1975 Used as an anticancer drug. Ju and Jia, 1992 Used to treat tumors. Suh et al., 1996 Used to treat tumors. Woo et al., 1992 Used to treat tumors. Used to treat cancer. Hussey, 1974 Chhabra et al., 1991

Entire plant Entire plant Bulb Rhizome Entire plant Root Seed Branches

Korea Korea Turkey China South Korea China USA Tanzania

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Plicosepalus sagittifolius (Sprague) Danse Viscum calcaratum S. Balle Lycoperdaceae Lycoperdon bo6ista L. Melastomataceae Medinilla crassiner6ia Blume Melastoma malabathricum L. Meliaceae Aglaia elliptica Blume Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) N.R.Park Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) N.R.Park Aphanamixis polystachya (Wall.) N.R.Park Azadirachta indica Adr. Juss. Carapa guianensis Aubl. Swietenia humilis Zucc. Moraceae Ficus pretoriae Burtt Davy Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner Maclura cochinchinensis (Lour.) Corner Myristicaceae Knema tenuiner6ia W.J.J.O.DeWilde Knema tenuiner6ia W.J.J.O.DeWilde Virola bicuhyba Warb. Mmyrtaceae Leptospermum scoparium Forst. and Forst. Nyssaceae Camptotheca acuminata Decne. Nyssa sinensis Oliv. Olacaceae Minquartia guianensis Aubl. Ximenia americana L. Part Branch and leaf Country Tanzania Uses Used to treat cancer. Used for skin tumors. Applied to tumors. Used to treat nasal cancer. Used for treatment of cancer. Used against tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used for spleen and liver tumors. Useful for tumors. Reference Chhabra et al., 1984 Tiwari, 1995 Burkill, 1966a,b Holdsworth and Sakulas, 1986 Mohandoss and Ravindran, 1993


Part not specied India Entire plant Entire plant Flowers Malaysia Papua-New Guinea India

Bark Root Stembark Stembark Leaf Seed oil Seed

Thailand Geog area not stated India India Nigeria Brazil Mexico

Pannell, 1992 Jain and Srivastava, 1985 Srivastava and Agnihotri, 1985 Rabi and Gupta, 1995

Used to treat whitlow. Bhat et al., 1990 Used to treat uterine cancer. Hammer and Johns, 1993 Used to treat cancer. Segura-Correa et al., 1993 Used for warts. Used as an antineoplastic. Used for cancer Ghazanfar and Al-Sabahi, 1993 Karnjanapee and Natori, 1966 Wasuwat, 1967

Sap Stemwood Wood

Oman Thailand Thailand

Stembark Stembark Seed

Thailand Thailand Brazil

Said to be popular cancer remedy. Used as a cancer remedy. Used to treat tumors of the joints. Used for treatment of cancers.

Banerji et al., 1994 Kijjoa et al., 1991 Plotkin and Schultes, 1990 Mayer, 1993

Aerial parts


Root Rootbark

Taiwan China

Used as an antitumor folk Wu et al., 1980 medicine. Used as an herbal medicine Luo and Xiong, 1991 for cancer. Used to treat lung cancer. Used for cancer. El-Seedi et al., 1994 Suh et al., 1996

Bark Root

Ecuador Kenya

362 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Oleaceae Forsythia koreana Nakai Ligustrum lucidum Aiton f. Onagraceae Epilobium hirsutum L. Epilobium hirsutum L. Orchidaceae Pleione bulbocodioides Rolfe

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377





Fruit Seed

South Korea China

Used to treat tumors. Used as an adjunct to cancer treatment. Used for adenoma. Used for prostate tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used against tumors.

Moon et al., 1985 Wong et al., 1992a,b

Entire plant Entire plant Tuber Entire plant

Egypt Egypt China Guinea

Barakat et al., 1997 Barakat et al., 1997 Bai et al., 1997 Vasileva, 1969

Pandaceae Microdesmis puberula Hook.f. ex Planch. Papaveraceae Chelidonium sinense DC.

Entire plant

Korea Sudan

Used for stomach cancer. Used for abscesses and tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used as an antitumor remedy. Used for treatment of tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used for gastric cancer. Used to treat gastric carcinoma.

Han et al., 1984 Yousif et al., 1983

Pedaliaceae Rogeria adenophylla J. Gay ex Delile Stem Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca bogotensis Kunth Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte Phytolacca esculenta Van Houtte Phytolacca ri6inoides Kunth and Bouche Phytolacca sanguinea H. Walter Pinaceae Pinus par6iora Siebold and Zucc. Pinus par6iora Siebold and Zucc. Pinus par6iora Siebold and Zucc. Piperaceae Piper boehmerifolium Wall. Piper latifolium Forst.f. Piper methysticum Forst.f. Piper syl6aticum Roxb. Plantaginaceae Plantago asiatica L. Plantago hirtella Kunth Plantago paralias Decne. Plumbaginaceae Plumbago toxicaria Bertol. Polygalaceae Monnina obtusifolia H.B.K.

Leaf Root Root Root Leaf Leaf Strobilus Strobilus Strobilus

Colombia China China China Colombia Colombia Japan Japan Japan

Garcia-Barriga, 1974 Hua, 1992 Yi and Dai, 1991 Yi, 1992 Garcia-Barriga, 1974 Garcia-Barriga, 1974 Sakagami et al., 1992 Lai et al., 1990 Sakagami et al., 1989

Root Leaf Leaf Root

India Rarotonga Rotuma India

Used for the treatment of Mahanta et al., 1974 tumors. Used to treat breast cancer. Holdsworth, 1991 Used for warts. Used for the treatment of Mahanta et al., 1974 tumors. Used for internal cancers. Holdsworth, 1992 Used against cancerous Jiu, 1966 diseases. Used as an antitumor agent. Bandoni et al., 1976 Used against cancerous diseases. Ko, 1933

Leaf Entire plant Leaf Root

Easter Island Mexico Argentina South Africa

Aerial parts


Used as an antitumor agent. Pinto et al., 1994

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Polypodiaceae Phymatosorus di6ersifolium (Willd.) Pich. Polypodium maritimum Heiron. Polypodium subpetiolatum Hook. Part Country Uses Reference


Root Rhizome Rhizome

Easter Island Panama Guatemala Taiwan Taiwan Japan

Used for cancer.

Holdsworth, 1992

Used against cancer. Gupta et al., 1979 Used for tumors of the skin. Anderson et al., 1979 Used for cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used for cancer. Used for tumors. Used to treat cancer. Used for tumors. Cherng et al., 1996 Liu et al., 1993 Ohno et al., 1985 Laferriere, 1994 Charlson, 1979 Ramirez, et al., 1988

Polyporaceae Antrodia cinnamomea Chang et Chou Fruitbody Coriolus 6ersicolor (L.: Fr.) Quelet Fruitbody Grifola frondosa (Dicks.: Fr.) Gray Fruitbody Pteridaceae Adiantum macrophyllum Sw. Cheilanthes contracta (Kunze) Mett. ex Kuhn Cheilanthes sulphurea (Cav.) Mickel and Beitel

Part not specied Colombia Part not specied South Africa Rhizome Peru

Ranunculaceae Anemone ri6ularis Buch.Ham ex DC. Root Coptis japonica Makino Rhizome

India Korea Korea Japan Canada China China China China

Coptis japonica Makino Rhizome Pulsatilla cernua (Thunb.) Bercht. and Root Presl Ranunculus glaberrimus Hook. Entire plant Semiaquilegia adoxoides (DC.) Root Makino Thalictrum faberi Ulbr. Root Thalictrum faberi Ulbr. Thalictrum faberi Ulbr. Rhamnaceae Pomaderris kumeraho A.Cunn Rhizophoraceae Rhizophora bre6istyla Salvosa Rosaceae Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke Duchesnea indica (Andrews) Focke Prunus africana (Hook.f.) Kalm Rosa lae6igata Michx. Root Root

Used in the treatment of tumors. Used to treat abdominal tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used as a remedy against cancer. Used for cancers on skin. Used for hepatoma. Used for treatment of stomach cancer. Used to treat stomach cancer. Used to treat stomach cancer. Used for skin cancer. Used to treat esophageal cancer. Used Used Used Used

Jain and Puri, 1984 Cha, 1977 Cha, 1977 Shimizu et al., 1978 Turner, 1984 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Lin et al., 1994a,b Lin et al., 1983 Wagner et al., 1984

Leaf Bark

New Zealand Colombia

Brooker et al., 1989 Garcia-Barriga, 1975

Entire plant Part not specied Bark Pericarp plant plant plant plant

China China Kenya China East Africa East Africa China China Hawaii Rarotonga

for cancers. Peng et al., 1995a,b as an anticancer herb. Murakami et al., 1985 for retinoblastoma. for skin tumors. Yoshida et al., 1989 Kokwaro, 1976 Kokwaro, 1976 Peng et al., 1995a,b Peng et al., 1995a,b

Rubiaceae Galium aparinoides Forsk. Entire Galium aparinoides Forsk. Entire Hedyotis chrysotricha (Pallib.) Merrill Entire Hedyotis chrysotricha (Pallib.) Merrill Entire Morinda citrifolia L. Fruit Morinda citrifolia L. Root

Used against cancer. Used to cure throat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used in the treatment of breast cancer. Used for external cancerous lesions.

Holdsworth, 1991

364 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Part Leaf Entire plant Aerial parts Aerial parts Aerial parts Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant Part not specied Root Root Bark Bark Rootbark Rootbark Rootbark Aerial parts Leaf and stem Fruit Fruit Fruit

Country Guinea China China China Taiwan China Malaysia Singapore China Ethiopia Ethiopia Peru Peru Peru Peru Zimbabwe Russia India India India Nepal Brazil Tanzania

Uses Applied to tumors. Used for intestinal cancer. Used against tumors. Used to treat cancers. Used in tumor therapy. Used for liver cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used for liver, lung and rectal cancer. Used against cancer. Used for cancer. Used against tumors. Used to treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Used for melanoma. Used to treat tumors. Used for leprosy. Used to remove tumors. Claimed to be good for tumors. Used against tumors. Used for carcinoma. Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used to treat malignant abscesses. Used against cancer. Used as a corn salve. Used for cancer.

Reference Vasileva, 1969 Hsu, 1967 Hsu, 1967 Wong et al., 1992a,b Hsu, 1967 Huang, 1981 Wong et al., 1992a,b Wong et al., 1993 Hsu, 1967 Kloos et al., 1978 Kloos, 1977 Tirillini, 1996 Wirth and Wagner, 1997 Stuppner et al., 1992 Stuppner, et al., 1993 Sibanda et al., 1989 Bessonova et al., 1984 Philip, 1981 Bose and Bose, 1939 Chopra et al., 1960 Suwal, 1970 Spitzer et al., 1994 Chhabra et al., 1991 Hirschhorn, 1982 Yoo et al., 1993 Huang et al., 1988 Rivera and Obon, 1995 Ramirez et al., 1988

Nauclea diderrichii (De Wild.) Merr. Oldenlandia afnis (Roem. and Schult.) DC. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Oldenlandia diffusa (Willd.) Roxb. Rubia discolor Turcz. Rubia discolor Turcz. Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. and Schult.) DC. Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. and Schult.) DC. Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. and Schult.) DC. Uncaria tomentosa (Willd. ex Roem. and Schult.) DC. Xeromphis obo6ata (Hochst.) Keay Rutaceae Haplophyllum dauricum (L.) G.Don Murraya koenigii (L.) Sprengel Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. Zanthoxylum armatum DC. Zanthoxylum oxyphyllum Edgew.

Santalaceae Iodina rhombifolia Hook. and Arn. Leaf Osyris quadripartita Salzm. ex Decne. Root Scrophulariaceae Castilleja tenuiora Benth. Pedicularis resupinata L. Picria fel-terrae Lour. Sibthorpia peregrina L. Veronica persica Poir. Selaginellaceae Selaginella doederleinii Hieron. Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Selaginella tamariscina (P.Beauv.) Spring Simaroubaceae Harrisonia abyssinica Oliv. Solanaceae Fabiana imbricata R.and P. Solanum dubium Dunal

Part not specied Mexico Aerial parts South Korea Entire plant Leaf Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant China Madeira Peru China South Korea South Korea

Used as an anticancer agent. Lin et al., 1994a,b Used as a folk medicine to Rhan et al., 1992 treat cancer. Used to treat cancer. Lee et al., 1992

Root Aerial parts Fruit

Tanzania Chile Sudan

Used as a cytotoxic agent. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat tumors.

Chhabra et al., 1993 Brown and Shill, 1994 El Kheir and Salih, 1979

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species Solanum hispidum Pers. Solanum lyratum Thunb. in Murr. Solanum lyratum Thunb. in Murr. Solanum lyratum Thunb. in Murr Wedelia chinensis V.Tackh. Sparganiaceae Sparganium stoloniferum (Graebn.) Buch.-Ham Stemonaceae Stemona collinsae Craib Sterculiaceae Waltheria americana L. Waltheria americana L. Waltheria americana L. Part Part not specied Aerial parts Entire plant Entire plant Leaf Country India Taiwan China China Sudan Uses Used to treat skin tumors. Used to treat cancers. Used for cancers. Used to treat cancers. Used for abscesses and tumors. Reference


Lee et al., 1997 Yu et al., 1994a,b Murakami, et al., 1985 Yousif et al., 1983



Used for abdominal tumors. Anon., 1977

Root Branches Leaf Root

Thailand Mexico Mexico Mexico USA-WA China

Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used for cancer. Used to treat skin cancer. Used to treat tumors.

Wasuwat, 1967 Dimayuga et al., 1987 Dimayuga et al., 1987 Dimayuga et al., 1987 Forlines et al., 1992 Duke and Ayensu, 1985a,b Lin et al., 1984a,b Morton, 1977 Sabnis and Bedi, 1983 Son et al., 1989 Kim et al., 1996a,b Kim et al., 1996a,b Rhan et al., 1992

Taxaceae Taxus bre6ifolia Nutt. Bark Taxodiaceae Glyptostrobus pensilis (Staunton) K.K. Stem Tremellaceae Tremella fuciformis Berk. Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum majus L.

Entire plant Leaf and stem

China Mexico India South South South South Korea Korea Korea Korea

Used for cancer. Used for lung cancer. Used for treating intestinal cancer. Used for gastric cancer. Used to treat gastric cancer. Used to treat gastric cancer. Used as a folk medicine to treat cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used for hepatoma. Used for cancerous swellings. Used on malignant sores.

Ulmaceae Holoptelea integrifolia (Roxb.) Planch. Bark Ulmus Ulmus Ulmus Ulmus da6idiana Planch. da6idiana Planch. da6idiana Planch. manschurica Nakai Rootbark Rootbark Rootbark Bark

Umbelliferae Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson Hydrocotyle sibthorpioides Lam. Oenanthe ja6anica (Blume) DC. Sanicula coerulescens Franch. Urticaceae Myrianthus arboreus Beauv. Myrianthus arboreus Beauv. Valerianaceae Patrinia scabra Bunge

Fruit Entire plant Entire plant Entire plant

China China China China

Duke and 1985a,b Duke and 1985a,b Duke and 1985a,b Duke and 1985a,b

Ayensu, Ayensu, Ayensu, Ayensu,

Leaf Trunkwood Root

Guinea Cameroon China

Used against tumors. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat cervical erosion.

Nqounou et al., 1990 Vasileva, 1969 Kouno et al., 1994

366 Table 1 (Continued) Family/Species

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377





Verbenaceae Callicarpa rubella Lindl. Clerodendrum serratum (L.) Moon Nyctanthes arbor-tristis L. Pygmaeopremna herbacea (Roxb.) Moldenke Vitex negundo L. Violaceae Viola diamantica Nakai Zingiberaceae Alpinia katsumadai Hayata Alpinia parpurtura Sch. Zygophyllaceae Fagonia indica Burm.f. Fagonia indica Burm.f. Fagonia indica Burm.f.

Bark Leaf

India India

Part not specied India Root India Leaf Aerial parts Seed Leaf Aerial parts Leaf and Twigs Leaf and Twigs Philippines South Korea China Cook Islands Pakistan Pakistan Pakistan

Used for cancer. Used for swellings or tumor growth. Used for cancer. Used to treat tumors. Used to treat cancer. Used for cancer. Used for cancer-like symptoms. Used to treat tumors.

Jamir, 1990 Bhandary et al., 1995 Jain, 1970 Sankaram and Rao, 1978 Masilungan et al., 1971 Yook et al., 1989 Saiki et al., 1978 Holdsworth, 1990

Used as a remedy for Atta-Ur-Rahman et al., tumors. 1984 Claimed to be a remedy for Ali Ansari et al., 1982 tumors. Used for cancer. Atta-Ur-Rahman, 1982a,,b

some utility as a source of new material in the search for cancer chemotherapeutic agents from plants.

2. Materials and methods The NAPRALERT database (Loub et al., 1985), which was used in this study, resides in the Program for Collaborative Research in the Pharmaceutical Sciences (PCRPS), College of Pharmacy, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. Collection and encoding of pertinent data from the world literature on natural products has been an on-going project since 1975. The database currently contains information from over 160 000 articles, books, abstracts and proceedings. Approximately 20% of the information available predate the 1975 literature. A majority of data in NAPRALERT deals with the ethnomedical uses, biological testing, and phytochemistry of organisms, including plants,

microbes and animals (primarily marine animals) as well as biological testing data for natural compounds of dened structure. The database currently houses information on over 58 000 species of organisms and 155 000 distinct chemical constituents. An ethnomedical search was conducted for entries dealing with angiosperms, gymnosperms, pteridophytes, bryophytes, lichens and fungi where specic references were cited that the organism in question was used for some type of cancer or cancerous growth. Since Hartwells surveys were conducted on reports of plants being used before cancer was recognized as a modern disease entity, he often included uses of plants for such conditions as resistant sores, etc. The current survey has not used this type of data. Data are presented in the Tables 13 are arranged alphabetically by family, genus and species. Further details can be found in the cited references. The NAPRALERT database, as used in this study, was last updated on February 1, 1999.

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Table 2 Genera in this article which are not found in Hartwell Genus Acanthospermum Achyrocline Actinidia Adenium Aeonium Anogeissus Antrodia Aphanamixis Aspidosperma Bolboschoenus Bolbostemma Cadaba Calystegia Camptotheca Caragana Carapa Casearia Cephalotaxus Cerbera Chloranthus Cnidoscolus Combretum Coriolus Crocosmia Crotalaria Cyanotis Cyathea Cyathostemma Cycas Davallia Dichapetalum Dillenia Duchesnea Dysosma Eclipta Entada Epipremnum Eriocaulon Erythrophleum Euclea Fabiana Fissistigma Fouqueria Ganoderma Globularia Glochidon Glyptostrobus Grifola Gyrocarpus Haplophyllum Harrisonia Heterostemma Himatanthus Family Compositae Compositae Actinidiaceae Apocynaceae Crassulaceae Combretaceae Polyporaceae Meliaceae Apocynaceae Cyperaceae Cucurbitaceae Capparidaceae Convolvulaceae Nyssaceae Leguminosae Meliaceae Flacourtiaceae Cephalotaxaceae Apocynaceae Chloranthaceae Euphorbiaceae Combretaceae Polyporaceae Iridaceae Leguminosae Commelinaceae Cyatheaceae Annonaceae Cycadaceae Davalliaceae Dichapetalaceae Dilleniaceae Rosaceae Berberidaceae Compositae Leguminosae Araceae Eriocaulaceae Leguminosae Ebenaceae Solanaceae Annonaceae Fouqueriaceae Ganodermataceae Globulariaceae Euphorbiaceae Taxodiaceae Polyporaceae Hernandiaceae Rutaceae Simaroubaceae Asclepiadaceae Apocynaceae Holoptelea Hura Hydnocarpus Icacina Inonotus Iodina Isodon Janakia Jungia Knema Krameria Kyllinga Laggera Laurentia Leptadenia Leptospermum Leucas Ligularia Lycoperdon Maackia Mahonia Melandrium Melastoma Merendera Metopium Minquartia Monnina Murraya Nandina Notholaena Osyris Parkinsonia Pfafa Phymatosorus Picria Pleione Plicosepalus Pratia Pulsatilla Pygmaeopremna Rabdosia Raphidophora Rauvola Rhazya Rogeria Sarcandra Sarcophyte Sarcostemma Selaginella Semiaquilegia Sempervivum Sibthorpia Sparganium Stemona Ulmaceae Euphorbiaceae Flacourtiaceae Icacinaceae Hymenochaetaceae Santalaceae Labiatae Asclepiadaceae Compositae Myristicaceae Krameriaceae Cyperaceae Compositae Campanulaceae Asclepiadaceae Myrtaceae Labiatae Compositae Lycoperdaceae Leguminosae Berberidaceae Caryophyllaceae Melastomataceae Liliaceae Anacardiaceae Olacaceae Polygalaceae Rutaceae Berberidaceae Pteridaceae Santalaceae Leguminosae Amaranthaceae Polypodiaceae Scrophulariaceae Orchidaceae Loranthaceae Campanulaceae Ranunculaceae Verbenaceae Labiatae Araceae Apocynaceae Apocynaceae Pedaliaceae Chloranthaceae Balanaphoraceae Asclepiadaceae Selaginellaceae Ranunculaceae Crassulaceae Scrophulariaceae Sparganiaceae Stemonaceae Table 2 (Continued) Genus Family


368 Table 2 (Continued) Genus Suregada Thunbergia Tripterygium Tylophora Vigna Virola Wedelia Xeromphis Ximenia Zeyheria Zhumeria

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377

Family Euphorbiaceae Acanthaceae Celastraceae Asclepiadaceae Leguminosae Myristicaceae Compositae Rubiaceae Olacaceae Bignoniaceae Labiatae

Table 3 Families of plants in this article not listed in Hartwell Actinidiaceae Agavaceae Balanaphoraceae Buddlejaceae Cephalotaxaceae Chloranthaceae Cycadaceae Davalliaceae Dichapetalaceae Eriocaulaceae Ganodermatacea Globulariaceae Gyrostemonacea Hymenochaetace Hypoxidaceae Icacinaceae Krameriaceae Leeaceae Lycoperdaceae Olacaceae Pandaceae Pteridaceae Sparganiaceae Tremellaceae

presentation of ethnomedical anti-cancer literature references from the database, with more than 500 separate records for over 350 species, distributed in over 280 genera and 100 families which were not mentioned in a compilation such as Hartwells, illustrates the analytical utility of the database in the sampling of the stream of data which is continuously being generated in the literature of natural products. The utility of the NAPRALERT database to generate specic plant-use information has been well illustrated by, although is not limited to, the type of information, which has been presented in this article. One may consider the application of such an investigation to numerous disease states. Acknowledgements This was supported, in part, grants U19 CA52956 and PO1 CA48112 from the National Cancer Institute (USA); and grant P50 AT10055-02 from the National Center for Complementary Alternative Medicine. The authors wish to thank the many colleagues who have participated in the development of the NAPRALERT database from 1975 to the present. References
Abebe, W., 1986. A survey of prescriptions used in traditional medicine in Gondar Region, Northwestern Ethiopia, General Pharmaceutical Practice. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 18, 147 165. Abela, C.A., Santos, A.C., 1974. Cyclotetracontane from Cyanotis 6ega. Acta Manilana Series A 12, 80 82. Achenbach, H., Gro, J., Dominguez, X.A., Cano, G., Verde Star, J., Carmen Brussolo, L.D., Monoz, G., Salgado, F., Lopez, L., 1987. Lignans, neolignans and norneolignans from Krameria cystisoides. Phytochemistry 26, 1159 1166. Adesogan, E.F., Durodola, J.I., 1976. Antitumor and antibiotic principles of Annona senegalensis. Phytochemistry 15, 1311 1312. Ahmad, F.B., Holdsworth, D.K., 1995. Traditional medicinal plants of Sabah, Malaysia part III. The Rungus people of Kudat. International Journal of Pharmacognosy 33, 262 264. Ahmad, S., Seligmann, O., Wagner, H., Hussain, G., 1977. Caudicifolin: a new diterpene from Euphorbia caudicifolia. Phytochemistry 16, 1844.

3. Discussion and conclusion In the time, since the publication of Hartwells Lloydia articles, the value of natural products and their derived components as therapeutic agents, especially those from plant sources, have reached an all time high as a component of modern westernized medicine, with a concomitant increase in publications related to natural products, their chemistry, biological activities and uses. The

J.G. Graham et al. / Journal of Ethnopharmacology 73 (2000) 347377 Ahmad, Y., Le Quesne, P.W., Neuss, N., 1971. Sewarine: a new phenolic akuammicine alkaloid from Rhazya stricta. Journal of Pharmaceutical Science 60, 15811583. Ahn, B.T., Oh, K.J., Ro, J.S., Lee, K.S., 1996. A new avonoid from Euphorbia ebracteolata. Planta Medica 62, 383 384. Ali Ansari, A., Kenne, L., Atta-Ur-Rahman, 1982. Isolation procedure and structure of new saponins from Fagonia indica. Planta Medica 45, 143. Amico, A., 1977. Medicinal plants of Southern Zambesia. Fitoterapia 48, 101 139. Amusan, O.O.G., Msonthi, J.D., Makhubu, L.P., 1995. Molluscicidal activity of Spathodea campanulata, Andrachne o6alis, Phytolacca dodecandra and Hypoxis rooperi. Fitoterapia 66, 113 116. Anderson, C., Fuller, F., Epstein, W.W., 1979. Nonpolar pentacyclic triterpenes of the medicinal fern Polypodium subpetiolatum. Journal of Natural Products 42, 168 173. Anon., 1977. Chinas Pharmacopoeia. Part one. Traditional Chinese medicine. Pharmacopoeia 1977, p. 998. Anon., 1976. Cephalotaxine esters in the treatment of acute leukemia. Chung-Hua I Hsueh Tsa Chih (New Series) 2, 263 272. Anon., 1985. Ayurvedic drug to ght cancer. Probe 24, 234. Aquino, R., Pizza, C., De Tommasi, N., De Simone, F., 1995. New polyoxypregnane ester derivatives from Leptadenia hastata. Journal of Natural Products 58, 672679. Asada, Y., Hirayama, Y., Furuya, T., 1988. Acylated avonols from Crocosmia crocosmiiora. Phytochemistry 27, 1497 1501. Atta-Ur-Rahman, 1982. Some approaches to the study of indigenous medicinal plants. Bulletin Islamic Medicine 2, 562 568. Atta-Ur-Rahman, Fatima, K., 1982. The alkaloids of Rhazya stricta and Rhazya orientalis. Journal of the Chemical Society of Pakistan 4, 121126. Atta-Ur-Rahman, 1982. Some approaches to the study of indigenous medicinal plants. Bulletin Islamic Medicine 2, 562 568. Atta-Ur-Rahman, Ansari, A.A., Kenne, L., 1984. Hederagenin, ursolic acid, and pinatol from Fagonia indica. Journal of Natural Products 47, 186187. Ayensu, E.S., 1978. Medicinal Plants of West Africa. Reference Publications, Inc, Algonac, Michigan, USA. Bae, K.H., Min, B.S., Park, K.I., Ahn, B.Z., 1994. Cytotoxic avonoids from Scutellaria indica. Planta Medica 60, 280 281. Bai, L., Yamaki, M., Takagi, S., 1997. Lignans and a bichroman from Pleione bulbocodioides. Phytochemistry 44, 341 343. Bandoni, A.L., Mendiondo, M.E., Rondina, R.V.D., Coussio, J.D., 1976. Survey of Argentine medicinal plants. Folklore and phytochemical screening. II. Economic Botany 30, 161 185. Banerji, A., Deshpande, A.D., Prabhu, B.R., Pradhan, P.,


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