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~— E—- SARTONIANA Volume 13 2000 Sarton Chair of the History of Sciences University of Ghent, Belgium ISBN 90-70963-37-X D/2000/2249/3 © Communication and Cognition, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Ghent Belgium No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by print, photoprint, microfilm, or any other means without prior written permission from the publishers. Subscription to SARTONIANA becomes effective upon payment of BEF 650,- (incl. postage) on banking account No. 001-1969611-05 of SARTONIANA, Ghent, Belgium or by sending a check of USD 22.00 to SARTONIANA, Blandijnberg 2, B-9000 Ghent, Belgium, with clear mention of subscriber's name and address. Contents Sarton Chair Lectures M. Thiery: Introduction L. Taerwe: Laudatio David T. Billington D.T. BILLINGTON: Robert Maillart: the engineer's synthesis of art and science. D.T. BILLINGTON: Transferring technology from Europe to America: cases in concrete - thin shells and prestressing. Sarton Medal Lectures M. Thiery: Laudatio Simon Byl. S. BYL: Hippocrate de Cos: de "hagiographie au rejat et vice-versa, F. Haesebrouck: Laudatio Pieter P. Devriese. P.P. DEVRIESE: On the discovery of Clostridium botulinum D. Gabriels: Laudatio Dan H. Yaalon. D.H. YAALON: Soil care attitudes and strategies of land care through human history. B. Bouckaert: Laudatio J.-L. Thireau. J.-L. THIREAU: La France et le droit commun européen. 17 47 75 79 127 131 143 147 161 165

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