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aro) GILL a Aalst RAMA EL ttle UI Ks t Sos mLadts THE STAR Revealed at Wakkeat, In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. 1, By the Star when it setteth, 2. Your comrade crreth not, nor is deceived; Nor doth he speak of (his own) desire. It is naught save an inspiration that is inspired, 5. Which one of mighty powers hath taught him, 6. One vigorous; and he grew clear to view! 7. When he was on the uppermost horizon. 8. Then he drew nigh and came down 9. Till he was bows’ length or ever ni 10. And. He reven shive that which He 1. ‘The heart lied not (in secing) what it saw. 12. Will. ye then dispute with him concerning what he seeth ? 13. And verily he saw him yet another time® By the lote-tree of the ulmost boundary, 15. Nigh unto which is the Garden of Abode. 16, When that — which shroudeth did enshroud the lote-tree, 17. The eye turned not aside nor yet was oyerbold. 18. Verily he saw one of of his stant) two nto His 19. Elave ye thought upon AFLAP and “Ab*Uzza* 20. And Manat? the third the other? 21. Are yours the males and Hlis the females ?* aise ba rol eV Og thhedsiobeligL plist? C Sembee oukeye danni Opebele te Hares! OsblinWloneeFicBe OWE Lhe keel Opies Hotes Ofte HE Loerst @ erlihiencix @ fev zeevL oles Ole lee ple sede hie eA SLM Us Pe Ovi Kevlanbrbubal Osh boi revel OL eg deds Oeenleutlet wb: pe Sate sted hesebitoyelet Ob hci hfe Ow Spots Sey Oubkt Lele ibe iyi ye Subd las ess ObsBly Haile? Os 3Al5l gill OvslBS Ee 6 sah aos OsHssS: Owls Bi cole OA Sies5 SHSM AS Oden oh ® STA © DeiTbyySEI OHSS OGHFEIST buts Spshioals ouetlssieits i 6 hE ats Ostet sah is Nets soa O¢ ani od SSIS 22. That indeed were an unfair division! 23. They are but names which ye have named your fathers, for which Allah hath revealed no warrant, They follow but a guess and that which (they) themselves desire. And now the puid- Og ddlale Vrelettinle faiplspliross Spin i Mite gee bEL Holl A Ph, Lhe pou Lol Mage, ance from their Lord hath come unto them. @: 24. Or shall man have what he coveteth? 25. But unto Allah — be- longeth the after (life), and the former. fleck QOgoryrdashhSerl OeutsEuieibivast Lyles wig HyyelewCgli nny wlete Byitectioyle Selphy eit AWG Foe wept LOM LW Aga iinfiplctte to (pal deee td Oe ebbge LDP yb siti ze DssepMas Rats WiatSeor- aa S (BBCI A Site pp ects. Stig A MEN ile Coit be Pita gay fet Ge p Sarre byscbyrt phe Tite Gredbe ZW Glo btertd (ine ihen Mobile, Mey Sri Srnke Ly pe ipl s tT? B2( begtivylde dburKeberprnrisie leew Piya BRE i Se one Wee pe NS Fee AAS hie Pa SLE GI GLb VGN M ellie het reefs Por Mieke Ly Behe COO eUibelie (CME ieezai ets ece SWI Wye ibe (hI gl ee 6 peer Sle jes Be doy eV (Leased. ra ust bei LL wt He obras oe Soa ch faclandi2 SoSayped Ob eh L yh Per ViSdCebF Lape bye WSLigh, EVIL OL oiciga Ly WS PEO WA Agee £ sits Pawlet Popper Le tel pe SEI GL LLS | OH E Me due phe BLE bby is eget Janes JZ IEEE aM & | yD ef So in een, Jae Apetli iy 3 Weasel ih eres been | B 4 su Vou Bree Saas re. Lae Lint Hin yet ptosis Pelee eft emo UE. ne: aN sie PLbb Stew de Sol, Ligh iletgclei pe Se gas are efit del idhdee ywaltley AL, 3B Ey Oly weWitmwres WoL ile Lith B bed fers HG NINE HLL or les yt diet

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