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From this coursework, I had learnt about many things pertaining to English Language Proficiency 1. One of it is about English grammar. Before this, I was quite vague or unclear about grammars which are word classes and tenses. This is because, during my early age, I did not have any clear exposure about grammar and its sentence structure. But, through this course work, I had learnt and have better understanding about tenses and word classes. Other than that, I also have improved my English reading through the task given in this coursework which is Task 2. I had read many articles in this coursework, for example Asthma, Breathing and The Asthma Attack. Throughout my reading, there are various information that I had obtained from the article given which might be useful for me one day. I also learnt about how to scanning specific information from the text given and how to use the graphic organizers in presenting information more efficiently. Besides that, I also learnt about how to voice out and give my opinion in a reflective essay. Although the number of words restricted for the essay is only 300 words, it was very hard for me to express my opinion in detail, but I manage to do it well. As a conclusion, this coursework really had helped me to improve my English language proficiency and guide me in order to be a more successful and proactive teacher in the future.

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