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Holy Spirit Ministries Food Basket /Canadian Christians Ministries !

s A Non Profit Ministry and A Non Denominational Ministry

203-1 990 trUhites Road, Pickering, Ontario, L{V 6P5 Tel: 905-839-9031 Fax: 905-839-903{ E-mail : httpholvspiritmin

Web site:

Mission Statement: To exalt (Christ), evangelize (the lqst), educate (the community), edify (one another) and equip (the body) as we carry out our commission found in Matthew 29:L9-2O

Vision Statement: To minister to the "Total Person."

Ministry Description: The mission of the Street Ministry is to go as obedient ambassadors/servants of Christ wherever God shall lead and direct, to take the message of the Gospel and whatever He shall give to say and witness into the hearts of people we meet in the streets, the highways and byways, the park, the hedges and even to those who sleep on the city stoops and grates. We shall meet all walks of life, wherever someone who hasn't come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ and who are in need of hearing the news about Jesus Christ our Lord is found, catering more to those that are in bondage situations [the bondage can be anything that keeps a person from accepting Jesus as Lord of their life - homelessness, alcoholism, drugs, prostitution, cults, etc], helping people to see their life the way it is and give them an opportunity to change. A part of our mission, we aim to have compassion for the poor; the homeless and the needy and will assist in supplying food, clothing and other essentials to those who temporarily cannot afford to live on their own. We will also provide them with a place to worship. We will walk the walk as we talk the talk.

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Rev.Garry W. Cuthbert

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