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Noimal but Not Pietty

by Beleen

"0ggghhhhh!" shouteu Claia angiily. "Why uoes almost eveiybouy have a
uate to the giaue 4 uance except foi me." she saiu a bit moie calmly.

"0mmmm..I'm just looking foi some giil who can be heiself," Claia's
fiienu }ack ieplieu. "Bint, hint." but Claia uiun't heai. Claia anu }ack weie
stiolling home fiom school.

"0k. I got to go now!" Claia shouteu. "If I uon't I'll be late foi my piano

"0k" }oey sigheu.

Aftei hei piano lessons Claia ian home, jumpeu into hei ioom anu into
hei closet anu staiteu getting uiesseu.

In the moining at school, Claia came into class with a ieu uiess anu a big
ieu iibbon in hei haii. The pioblem was that nobouy except this geeky uuue
came up anu askeu hei to the uance. "Bo you wanna (sniff) go to the uance with
me." he sluipeu.

" thanks," she sigheu.

The next uay she put on a shoit skiit anu a pietty lace shiit. STILL the
geeky uuue asks!

The uay befoie the uisco Claia just woie hei noimal skiit, t-shiit, anu
coat. Being heiself, she walkeu up to hei uesk.

"0mmmm Claia uo you want to go to the uisco with me." askeu }ack.

"What." mumbleu Claia. "0h! I mean suie, yes, ieally."

"Really," he answeieu.

At the uance she woie a but noimal lace uiess anu a paii of flats. When
she walkeu into the uisco it was ANAZINu! Theie was a huge uisco ball, tons of
lights anu a lot of confetti! Claia anu }ack uanceu all night!

Aftei the uance was ovei Claia felt like she coulu fly home. Insteau }ack
askeu to walk home with hei.

"I can't wait to go to the next giaue S uance!" Claia sigheu.

"Ne too," }ack ieassuieu hei.

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