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UPecon Foundation Inc. A USAID-supported project in partnership with FACE, Inc. and UCSF-IGH

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DOH Center for Health Development for Cagayan Valley

Implementation Status Report of Kalusugan Pangkalahatan (KP) in Region 2

MARCH 2012

Submitted by: Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Santiago, RN Health Policy Fellow for CHD-CV

Background and Introduction The CHD-CV, as the technical assistance provider to the different local government units of Cagayan Valley in implementing the departments different health programs, is continuing to develop and implement plans towards achieving the goal of Universal Health Care or Kalusugan Pangkalahatan. With the help from Undersecretary Bayugo, Head of North and Central Luzon Operations Cluster, CHD-CV is dealing with all the difficulties and road blocks in the implementation of Kalusugan Pangkalahatan on the ground by facilitating the technical assistance that the CHD need from the Technical Cluster. The new framework of the Department of Health is being utilized to what it was designed which is making things much more time efficient and making more aware of what is the status of the implementation of Kalusugan Pangkalahatan and of the other health programs. Status of KP Implementation For the KP thrust on financial risk protection: <>How about status of PhilHealth enrollment? Please discuss, even if theres no change from last month. Provide insights on issues and progress of Philhealth-related activities, e.g. number of NHTS families validated by CHTs to have PHIC IDs, efforts to establish PhilHealth help desks, etc. The implementation of the National Health Insurance Program is on its way to protect the NHTS families by providing benefits and entitlements to the utilization of the assigned primary health providers and the network of hospitals that can provide them inpatient care. The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation Regional office II is continuing the negotiations with the different local government units for the renewal of the families under the sponsored program and the expansion of PhilHealth coverage.

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Community Health Teams and RN Heals The CHD-CV is nearing it completion covering training of community health teams for the CCT sites batch 1-4 namely the sites are Amulung, Calayan, Peablanca, Solana, Sta. Ana, Sto. Nio, Tuao for Cagayan; Benito Soliven, Cabagan, Divilican, Jones, Palanan, Quirino, San Guillermo, San Mariano, Santiago City, Sta. Maria for Isabela; Alfonso Casteneda, Ambaguio, Kasibu, Kayapa, Sta. Fe for Nueva Vizcaya; and Nagtipunan for Quirino. Highlighted in yellow has been accomplished according to CHDs plan. As of April 3, 2012 <> Provide table number, title, and data sourceTable 1: Accomplishment of CHD 2 in CHT Training Source CHD 2 KP Secretariat Community Health Province 4Ps Households CHT Partners Teams CAGAYAN Amulung 1,601 16 80 Calayan 736 8 40 Peablanca 466 5 25 Solana 2,257 23 115 SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012
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Comment [a1]: Provide regional totals

Sta. Ana Sto. Nio Tuao Sub-Total ISABELA Benito Soliven Cabagan Divilacan Jones Palanan Quirino San Guillermo San Mariano Santiago City Sta. Maria Sub-Total NUEVA VIZCAYA A. Castaneda Ambaguio Kasibu Kayapa Sta. Fe Sub-Total QUIRINO Nagtipunan Cagayan Valley Accomplished

431 1,100 1,765 8,356 1,150 1476 398 460 1285 729 439 3,849 553 1,241 11,580 331 685 1,457 654 432 3,559 453 23,948 7,895

5 11 18 86 12 15 4 5 13 8 5 39 6 13 120 4 7 15 7 5 38 5 249 89

25 55 90 430 60 75 20 25 65 40 25 195 30 65 600 29 35 75 35 25 190 25 1,245 445

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There are still difficulties in the reporting and accuracy of reports in the trained CHTs and households visited. This is due to the CHD is considering the households during hands-on training on their report for households visited which should not be counted for it was only for practicum purposes. and theDuring training CHT partners are not really assigned yet to the households of their respective catchment area. The Cagayan Training is repeating the training of the 2 BHWs per municipality who attended in the pilot training in Peablanca last November 2011. To avoid over reporting and duplication of counting trained CHT, Im correcting the numbers as soon as the municipality trains their CHTs to count them in their scheduled CHT training in their own municipality.

Comment [a2]: Too long, rephrase/ break into sentences.

The interview and approval of the newly hired RN Heals Batch 3 which will be deployed in the RHUs has been completed. Some of the new RN Heals are quitting for some reason so the CHD CV is constantly in search for replacement. The training of these nurses will be jived with the ongoing CHT trainings in the municipalities. The CHD CV is planning to hire more nurses than what CO has allocated for the batch 3 by using the savings of the office to hire additional nurses. <> Where is the discussion on RN Heals?

For the KP thrust on health facility enhancement: SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

<> How about HFEP 2010? Your CHT data table shows that 23 of 26 facilities have been completed, could discuss the expected completion date of the pending 3 facilities? Are there factors that hinder their completion? The closure of the upgrading gap for the local health facilities is nearing with the continuous construction and bidding of the different projects of the different funding years as well as the continuous training of health care providers in the wide range and assortment of services that they will be providing such as BEmONC and CSR. This closure will be achieved thru the use of the new HFEP that has a) a clear framework, objective criteria and transparent process in determining the necessity for providing assistance; b) a menu of options for the delivery of HFEP assistance; and c) procurement and logistics cycle synchronized with NG and LG procurement systems. Table 2: Status Update HFEP 2010 as of April 13, 2012
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Total Projects

Pre-Procurement No. % 100 No. 44

Bidded % 100

Ongoing Works No. 0 % 0%

Completed Formatted: Font: 8 pt No. 44 % 100% Formatted: Centered Formatted Table

Nueva Vizcaya Quirino



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100 %

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Table 3: HFEP 2011 Status Update as of April 2012

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SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

<> Provide breakdown of 95 facilities (HFEP 2011) by facility type, to be comparable with data in your facilities table. <> How about HFEP 2012? What is the status of the 20 facilities noted in your facilities tool?Table 4: HFEP 2012 Status Update
Region Cagayan Isabela Nueva Vizcaya Batanes 2 Total Projects 1 13 4 2 20 Pre-Procurement No. 1 13 4 2 20 % 100 100 100 100 100 No. 0 0 0 0 0 Bidded % 0 0 0 0 0 Ongoing Works No. 0 0 0 0 0 % 0 0 0 0 0 Completed
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No. 0 0 0 0 0

% 0 0 0 0 0

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For the KP thrust on attaining health-related MDGs: To achieve health-related MDGs, DOH is implementing the DOH Complete Treatment Pack Program to ensure a sustainable access to essential drugs and medicines for the marginalized sectors. This medicines access program is designed to reach the poorest of the poor with complete treatment regimen for the top most common diseases in the country which contribute to increasing morbidity and mortality and high out-of-pocket spending for medicines and health services to majority of Filipinos.

SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

The targets for this ComPacks are the Rural Health Units serving families identified by the DSWD as part of the CCT Program. The medicines will be provided to patients who are in the NHTSPR list of the DSWD including CCT beneficiaries as well as to patients not in the NHTS-PR list but are Sponsored Program members of PhilHealth as per AO No. 2011-0013-A. Provision of medicines procured by DOH Central in line with DOH Complete Treatment Pack Program for the CCTs are being distributed and facilitated by the CHD-CV and is requiring the recipient municipalities to submit a utilization report of the medicines for the last quarter of 2011 and first quarter of 2012. The following RHUS of beneficiary municipalities have received their Complete Treatment Packs (DOH ComPack): 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. San Mariano, Isabela Palanan, Isabela Santiago City, Isabela Sta. Maria, Isabela Quirino, Isabela San Guillermo, Isabela Cabagan, Isabela Sto. Nio, Cagayan Solana, Cagayan Peablanca, Cagayan Amulung, Cagayan Sta. Fe, Nueva Vizcaya 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Kayapa, Nueva Vizcaya Kasibu, Nueva Vizcaya Ambagiuo, Nueva Vizcaya Alfonso Casteeda, Nueva Vizcaya Nagtipunan, Quirino Tuao, Cagayan Benito Soliven, Isabela Jones, Isabela Divilican, Isabela Calayan, Cagayan Sta. Ana, Cagayan

<> If the succeeding tables are meant to be Annex tables, provide a page break and label next page as Annex

Annex Fund Transferred to Local Government Units For CYs 2008 to 2010 MNCHN
Name of LGUs (by Provinces/Cities / Municipalities Released To LGUs Date Check No. Amount Remarks

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SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012





03/24/2010 2010


8,761.80 0.00

The amount was released to the LGU based on the performance that have been performed in the past, thus the said LGU does not have to liquidate the amount. The release was supported with MOA. Unliquidated fund release No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators. The amount was released to the LGU based on the performance that have been performed in the past, thus the said LGU does not have to liquidate the amount. The release was supported with MOA.




37,575.26 1,834,757.00

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3

03/24/2010 01/21/2011 01/21/2011 2009 2010

14173445 1507124 1507125

540,852.00 540,852.00 540,852.00 1,261,988.00 0.00

No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators.


12/10/2008 01/21/2011 2010

1260619 1507126

3,096,745.00 3,312,036.00 940,341.30 0.00

Unliquidated fund release No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators. The amount was released to the LGU based on the performance that have been performed in the past, thus the said LGU does not have to liquidate the amount. The release was supported with MOA.

Nueva Vizcaya



4,072,377.30 463,399.04

Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3

03/24/2010 03/29/2011 01/21/2011 2009 2010

1417343 1509240 1507127

145,117.50 145,117.50 48,372.50 338,607.50 0.00

No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators. The amount was released to the LGU based on the performance that have been performed in the past, thus the said LGU does not have to liquidate the amount. The release was supported with MOA. Unliquidated fund release No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators. The amount was released to the LGU based on the performance that have been performed in the past, thus the said LGU does not have to liquidate the amount. The release was supported with MOA.

City of Santiago



802,005.54 300,831.80

03/24/2010 2010


84,704.10 385,535.90 0.00





Domain 1 Domain 2 Domain 3

03/24/2010 12/28/2010 12/22/2010 2009

1417347 1506927 1506848

80,233.30 80,233.30 26,741.10 187,187.70

SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

HFEP 2010-2011


427,350.40 0.00

No release made in 2010 since the LGU has not come up with supporting documents as required despite verbal and written request exerted by concerned coordinators.

GRAND TOTAL MNCHN FY 2010 Released To LGUs Date Check No. 12/27/2011 1627907 12/27/2011 1627906 12/27/2011 1627905 12/27/2011 1627904 12/27/2011 1627926 12/27/2011 1627903 12/27/2011

Name of LGUs (by Provinces/Cities/Municipalities Batanes Cagayan Isabela Nueva Vizcaya City of Santiago Quirino GRAND TOTAL

Amount 354,159.00 3,701,730.16 2,766,820.00 1,909,071.00 1,122,709.45 955,331.35 10,809,820.96

SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

REGION 2 Total no. of BHS* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of BHSs upgraded under HFEP Total no. of RHUs* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of RHUs upgraded under HFEP Total no. of District Hospitals* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of district hospitals upgraded under HFEP Total no. of Provincial Hospitals* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of provincial hospitals upgraded under HFEP Total no. of City Hospitals* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of City Hospitals upgraded under HFEP Total no. of DOH Hospitals* Completed upgrading On-going upgrading % of DOH Hospitals upgraded under HFEP Total No. of Health Facilities * Completed upgrading On-going upgrading

2010 72 72 0 100 16 16 0 100 6 6 0 100 2 2 0 100 1 1 0 100 0 0 0 97 97 0

2011 26 0 26 100 43 0 43 100 26 0 26 100 0 0 0 100 1 0 1 100 0 0 0 96 0 96

Total 98 72 26 100 59 16 43 100 32 6 26 100 2 2 0 100 2 1 1 100 0 0 0 193 97 96

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SANTIAGO, Chamuel Michael Joseph A. Health Policy Fellow CHD Cagayan Valley March 2012

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