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Drama Types of Roles

Role Create
When you role create it is when you act out a role that makes the audience think it is real it is not over the top. Like when you pretend you hit your toe on a rock you act out like what would happen in real li, like ow that hurts sssshhhhh ah, Not Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Im losing my toe aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh o wow ohoh oh my gosh it hurts so bad I am going to die aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh. It is truth full and onset. It is like I have cancer then you say oh no are you going to make it dont start to panic. It is how you would handle it in real life.

Role Play
It is when you act very un realistic for example hurt your knee you scream out maybe aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I broke my knee it needs to be cut of I will never walk again goodbye cruel world. It makes the audience not believe you. You need to make them think you are faking. You dont need to scream and shout all the time you can give them a stare when they are saying something bad that is happening like they have cancer they you say oaky lets get ice cream. It makes the audience not believe it. It is how you wont handle it in real life like in the movies ir when you are faking it.

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