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Chapter 4 Consumer Need & Motivation

(Brand Core Value/ Brand Essence)

() 7. Identification
(cosplay) 8. Repression
5 Personality
1.The Nature of Personality reflects individual differences,
consistent and enduring and can change

2. Element of Perception

7 Consumer Learning=
1. Model of Motivation Process
1. Learning Process: Intentional = Incident=
2. Element of Learing: Motivation() Cues(
) Response() Reinforcement
2. Theories of Personality
- Reinforcement = /
2.1 Freudian theory : Unconsciouspersonality

Id + SuperEgo = Ego
3. Dynamic of Perception
3. Learning Theories
- Product Personality:
Perceptual Selection OrganizationInterpretation
3.1 Behavioral Theories =
eg. snack & personality traits
3.1 Selection depends on the (1) Nature of the stimulus,
Potato Chips =Ambitious, successful
(2) Previous Exp/Expectations and (3) Motives at time
3.1.1 Classical Conditioning = 2
2.2 Neo-Freudian : personality
- Selective Exposure =
. eg.
eg. Horneys CAD : Compliant = - Selective Attention =
- Strategic Applications of Classical Conditioning
- Selective Distortion (Defense) = .

1) Repetition = .
2. Need
Type of Need
Aggressive = ,
- Selective Retention (Blocking)= Unique Selling cosmetic variation ( )
- Innate Needs .
Detached = - ladys gaga
substantive variation ( mood&tone, fn & emo)
- Acquire Needs .
2.3 Trait Theory = psychological characteristics
3.2 Organization Figure & Ground
2) Stimulus generalization= /
Arousal of Motives #1
- Innovativeness = new products, new services
- Grouping= eg. -
: ; Line-Extension
- Physiological = sound,smell,look,taste
- Ethnocentrism = country of origin
- Closure = eg. or Family Branding or Helps me-too products to succeed
- Emotional = Emo benefit
- Dogmatism = /
5 5
Product Category
- Cognitive = think
- Environ=Green health
- Social character : Inner-directed
3.3 Interpretation=
Arousal of Motives #2
- Physical Appearances:
Brand Extension
- Behaviorist Act React
- Stereotypes: Country of Origin
- Need for uniqueness
- Cognitive ()
- Optimum stimulation level = DIY
- First Impressions: First impressions are lasting
New Brand
- Jumping to Conclusions:
Murrays List of Psychogenic Needs
- Variety-novelty seeking = ,
1. Inanimate Objects ,
3. Cognitive Personality Factors
- Halo Effect:

3) Stimulus discrimination=.
(1) Previous Experience . eg. 2 2
2. Ambition, Power, Accomplishment,
- Need for cognition (NC) =
and Prestige ,. 3. Human Power
- Visualizers() vs verbalizers(=v[vjko)
(2) Plausible Imagination ()
3.1.2 Instrumental (Operant) Conditioning=
, - 4. Sado-Masochistic Needs 4. Consumer Materialism Compulsive Consumption
(3) Motive & Interest
5. Affection between People ,
4.1 Consumer materialism =
(4) Clarity of stimulus .
6. Social Intercourse eg. Friday
4. Consumer Imagery
4.2 Fixated consumption behavior =
Concepts in Reinforcement: Punishment ,
7. Play(Youthful spirit) ,
4.3 Compulsive consumption behav. = , 4.1 Product Positioning - Positioning Techniques
Trio of Needs ( Maslows need)
4.4 Creating Compulsive Consumption
- Umbrella Positioning =
- Positioning against Competition =
Power = /Affiliation=
- Function (do) Emotion(feel), Social(look)
3.1.3 Observational Learning =
- Positioning Based on Specific Benefit= (USP)
- Continued Series - Relevance - Insight their dream
3.2 Cognitive Theories = .
- Finding an Unowned Position =
3. Motive
- Make Hearth Bounce Brand Reju, Brand Revital
Rational & Emotional Motive
5. Brand Personality = , - Filling Several Positions= Brand Journal
Information Processing
- Rational Motive=goal
- Repositioning= perception ,
- Emotional = subjective criteria
4.2 Perceived Price :
. Brand personality : Sincerity()= ,
The Dynamic Nature of Motivation
- Reference prices (internal & external)
Excitement=RedBull, Competence=CNN-IBM,
1. Never fully satisfied// 2.New needs emerge as old
- Tensile (save up to 70%) and Object (all 20%)
Sophistication=BENZ-LouisVinton, Ruggedness=Jeep
needs//3. Achieve goals set new,higher goals
Pricing Strategies
Color&Personality : Blue=Command respect-Authority,
1) Cost base breakeven point
4. Motivational Research = Qualitative to uncover
Yellow=Caution- novelty-temporary, Brown=Masculine
consumers subconscious or hidden motivations
2) Value base : Max Profit = (perceived price*volume)-cost
6. Different Self-Images
Involvement Theory = .
Perceived price = perceived benefit/ price
5. Motivation & Goal Positive Motivation Approach Goal
Actual Self-Image =
Consumer Relevance: High-Low involvement
Perceived benefit = Fn,En,Social :
Negative Motivation Avoidance Goal
Social Self-Image =
Central and Peripheral Routes to Persuasion
Price = Money cost,time cost, psycho cost
6. Goal Generic goals=Products
Ideal Self-Image = /
= Elaboration Likelihood Model(ELM) :
3) Competition base
Product-specific goals= Brand
Ideal Social Self-Image =
Central RouteHi-InvLogicLast longer
4.3 Perceived Quality
The Selection of Goals
Expected Self-Image =
Peripheral Route Low-InvRepeatEndorse,Subliminal
- Personal experiences =.
7. Possession act as Self-Extension / - Perceived Quality of Products : Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Cues Measures of Consumer Learning
- Perceived Quality of Services : Extrinsic Cues () Recognition and Recall Measures =
- Physical capacity =.

- Price/Quality Relationship: the higher the price, the higher

- Cultural norms - Goals accessibility . - by allowing the person to do things that otherwise would
Aided and Unaided Recall ?
the perceived quality of the product
( )
be very difficult
Cognitive Responses to Advertising
4.4 Perceived Risk ., .
Substitute Goals = used when a consumer cannot attain a
- by making a person feel better
Attitudinal and Behavioral Measures of Brand Loyalty
- Functional Risk - Time Risk
specific goal
- by conferring status and rank
Loyalty = Repeat Buying + Good Attitude
- Physical Risk - Financial Risk
Frustration = Failure to achieve a goal
- by bestowing feelings of immortality
Repeat Buying
- Psychological Risk
-Some adapt; others adopt defense mechanisms to protect
- by endowing with magical powers
their ego.
6 Consumer Perceptions = // Perceived Risk (1)Seek Information
True Loyalty
Latent Loyalty
(2)Stay Brand Loyal (3)Select by Brand Image
Defense Mechanism
Spurious Loyalty
No Loyalty
(4)Rely on Store Image (5)Buy the Most Expensive Model
>> 1. Aggression . 2. Rationalization
1.Perceptual Process
3. Regression 4. Withdrawal StimuliSensory (Threshold)Sensation(Exp)Perception (6)Seek Reassurance
5. Projection 6. Autism
2.1 Sensation = 5
2.2 Absolute Threshold=
2.3 Differential Threshold= just noticeable difference (JND.)
2.4 Subliminal Perception =
2.5 Supraliminal =

8 Consumer Attitude = Brand Value

1. Tricomponent Model = Cognitive Affective Conative
Strategies of Attitude Change
Change in Cognitive: Change Belief
Shift of Importance-
Belief Adding +
Change Product Idea
Change in Affective: Increase Exposure-
Classical Conditioning-
Affect toward Ad- ,
Change in Conative: Encourage Trial
Encourage more usage
Encourage more use
2. Multiattribute Attitude Models=

The attitude-toward-object model -

The attitude-toward-behavior model

Theory-of-reasoned-action model

Att to Behav + Subjective NormIntetionBahavior
[subjective norm= normative belief + Motivation to comply]
3. Theory of Trying to Consume=
[ target mkt]
4. Attitude-Toward-the-Ad Model = Att

Issues in Attitude Formation

How attitudes are learned
- Conditioning and experience - Knowledge and beliefs
Sources of influence on attitude formation
- Personal experience - Influence of family
- Direct marketing and mass media
Personality factors eg. dogmatism
Strategies of Attitude Change
1. Changing the Basic Motivational Function
2. Associating the Product with an Admired Group or Event
3. Resolving Two Conflicting Attitudes
4. Altering Components of the Multiattribute Model
5. Changing Beliefs about Competitors Brands

Behavior Attitude :
Cognitive Dissonance (Post-purchase) .
Attribution :
(defense mechanism)
Technique for change Att. with change in Behav. first
- Ingratiation: CRM -Even-penny-will-help
- Foot-in-the-door

- Door-in-the-face
Criteria to Test Attributions ()
Consistency over time//
Consistency over modality-

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