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Installation Prerequisites:
WDS require following services to be available either locally or on any remote computer within a domain. Active Directory Services DNS Server DHCP Server NTFS Partition on WDS Server

Installation Process
Installing WDS Services is a very straight forward process. Run add role wizard from server manager. Detailed steps are as follows. Select Windows Deployment Services from Select Server Roles page.

Read the description about WDS and then click Next.

Select all Roles services from Select Role Services page

Click Install on Confirm Installation Selections.

Review the results and then click close to complete the installation process.

Configuration Process:
After Installing WDS you need to supply some basic configuration to start the deployment process.

First of all run WDS services from Administrative tools menu.

Right click on Server and then click Configure Server.

You will be informed about the WDS prerequisites, read carefully and make sure you have installed all required services, Click Next to proceed.

Provide path for image storage. Directory must be located on NTFS partition, Click Next.

Click both checkboxes for option 67 and 60, Click Next.

Select required radio button. In given case you are providing services for both known and unknown clients, Click Next.

Provide path to Windows 7 boot image file, Click Next.

Provide image description or use default, Click Next.

Review Settings and then Click Next.

Adding image process began.

Now add Install Image, Click Install image from WDS menu. Provide Image group name or use default, Click Next.

Provide path to install image file, Click Next.

Select appropriate image, Click Next.

Review your selection, Click Next.

Adding Install Image process began.

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