1986 SkyTrain Brochure

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COMMENT SkyTrain: A flying start Ever since Bish Columbia Premiee Bill Bennet proudly announced the opening of SkyTain, Vancouver's Regional Rapid Trast Sestem on a sunny December th 1988, the colorful red, whe and bie trains have out perfmed all predictions. ‘During eight “eerde” days, people flocked from far and wide to rde the 2 kilometre automated rap rans nkng Vancouver Burahy and New Westminster Taine wee fled to beyond design eapacty vith people tring cut the new sistem. Lineups, sometimes three blocks Tong, were seen at Some sans During theve spec dag, the fedling sence carted 60,000 people during a ninehour da. Rapid Trans Staff and tain contol gained vluable experience, (On January Sed, 1986, Stain went ino reverse sence roving otc every Yor mirites curing seh Rou nd every five minutes during of peak hours, Senice vs a fmbiious 19 hours day, Mondeys though Saturdays and 2 Ted sx hour sence on Sundays. A linted tus and trlley integration wns ore. Fiom Day One, ership fgures quickly overtook projec sions During the fet week Shlain handed 40,000 day during the wees and by the end ofthe fst month thi hae "sen to 50000 a das “The major suprise came on Saturdays, Most transl opera tions experience a drop n Saturday ridership Si Tain not only maintained eka) averages but urped to a steady ‘70,000 on Saturdays BC. Transt statsticons also noticed other important changes, SeaBus, th ezss harbour leny inking North Van ouver with dounioun Vancower and SiyTain experienced ‘jump In weekday ridership, with a masse 200 per cent Increase on Saturdays and Sundays. Theil bus integra tion basally an extension of existing Toutes, provided tw: vay sence to many sions. Trans statstcans notoed ‘ious changesin commuter habis, uly noted anal these il be accommesited in the general tans integration plan scheduled for March 7th 1985. The fist yar design capacity for Sy Tinin x about 100,000 ‘commuters a day, but ths & key to be excoeded by the demands created by Expo 86 taking place from May to Gaia Taps aner hy wb 187 — the aes frst “pormal” operating year that good, meaning idership statics can be obiained. “Mearshie, Sian continues to dominate the Lover Mainiane’s syln, presiding fast, comfortable serve 2 ‘Shain vids cued abou and ew were amo handed of ‘howard of Grr Vanco eset ho bred ct eter org eu ke echt of fe ns offre bore rere Sibu sere boon Jo 3 The Vncoue Rela Raph Tans tm a proj of he ‘Government of Br Cohan he pons of he Pentre Scetny Hon Gmee Mery Quart s ple our esa ear Wy BC Tat, Rapid Tenet Projet, PO, Box 99097, 1089 Duran Sees VGhesuver BC: VEX 1P6 Telephone 0) 65 840 BCRY sre" Soto, Transit iecium Ss SkyTrain gets a triple launch wars St00 paseo a dy low olmotical opening ty PcorEl Benet aredas faves opl weet he "Toy ut the of ot of etn stage At tah Coline abe pd ‘hat arecpring today the el ‘re hupaed ned guess thre at User tice, he damon vane oae ‘mina of Sin, ‘When abo of stor anh or E085 lr ts oor") wl athe te tanporatan'n Shin The prem sd thee soul be aba tue Canada for ‘pate of Saran econ he ‘peal pete eel BC Hea he 5:00%nen and yore sho sored teeter ob he poe Rong ‘atone snd das rh aso de {spats Praca seroain Nes 1981 te he Docomber, 1085 Dagny, the San str ws plana erga, Su ad ted nat em ane 9 istvaciad se Of poet manager ich shod ve ha sear af one Tal anercton sche se a Sora ft hs in, teh ng 2 heats or dove to Now Westnnger on the tak of fhe Sidhe looked rr yan oe Fetimond snd Dt tohs est ands themainne Andhejake abouts nets Jomeiu ol Keouna the Olsen fftoe adel gpermertiniped chien Siem a ed in three ver Mand uric seed tye nev sem ond Premier Dowd Person of Oran whose prssncally cued Usken Transporation Delman (Car crigoted te ALT chcogy Fede abet Miier Fem Seddon ep reset Otic conse $60 ra Teen 982 fate ation poet Pro Sexy Grate McCay ws the BC cabinet inser tsponsbe fr ‘Sian ant BC Tana rd sol pro Sl mano and MLAS peu Va eueratesconattonces Tok pati 8 ‘orangleng to of coerce ich foe lav Sin em dunner {Maman the bate Bary ano tb Now Wetter Sn, theese Pram Petesn sai de SiTran projet sa eg fio uno Inteprovreal cocpenon: «timp of pala ean Beh Caras Shancd as da, thn lf Canada "swell ssn dae and quay Tel be the et of mary project sound ewok Prom Bil enna spoke ot ofl perng cere fr Shrine the CPR ston a Mo Many the a of Sn sence sus he beni of one ‘ear The atm wil sped ion of po le om Expo 86 to Now Wem Fealowna te speeches Pree Bernt led te guar sour a Water Sa tn pion eee ted fr eft tran Alte frgh mul clare Ser of de sonal ae te fs Sofie out to Mertoun Sain in Bur ‘hee Marl Lar he prem, Mis Cty end Consumer Aas ne ‘er Eiood Vetch spoke ats soso cre “Then the tin caied enone onto ‘Shin's New Wma terminus he irae Mayor Tom Baler til the cowl ‘Stole gr a oto ‘tee aon “Sain pg el ‘inde nena af Nowe Fotherl ca ‘tor he loreal, ST us tue yer the poole Ricoe eee ret Be dy anor gt mone ae dig the the ooo Gromale Steet hee acy age thet forsctnertl fy pessrge ‘ae Togy tos ann eran fr BC Tt a, Sefer and naw To ot po A ext 460 00 Loe ond estan od ont Sha on he {resale nd ey Chto Regu operons sates boe dawns ‘52am orf Sand when te et in wha teed rr sence et Na ‘Wetminter Suton or Sodonn Yenc ‘ee Tete paingetmer spent ae ten Row Wiemann! Don Bae, Stig isan ote te ate Sto Woke thee wees, Sai bed eh heron sere cg £155.00 passrats on wee, corte tbh higher than the precede Soda Setuay seep has seman 7000 — ests ce wot was expecta 1s lng, autora serve — 27 mites from doar to Nev Veiner shout Ie ming ety bos ha ped Signe dverott erator “le to de o woe al he wy en Por Caio no moran Je DaStatld du tencouny Sun "Tei how Th aetna talon Toh fom nw bri ator rcehed ouch

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