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To build the disk, extract files (and sub-directory structure!

) to a temporary f older on your hard drive, then run MAKEDISK.BAT (The batch file will convert/compress a standard WinXP / PCDOS7 bootdisk in to t he network bootdisk.) See for more details. ********** IMPORTANT - Why won't this script work???? ************************** **** 1) You should have unzipped so it restores the directory structur e. There should be two folders "Build" & "Files" located in this directory! If you didn't unzip the directory structure the build script will fail. 2) The build script won't run correctly from UNC \\server\share style paths. You need to be running off a mapped drive, or a local disk. 3) Your XP install gives complaints about running 16bit apps / AUTOEXEC.NT error s? A few people have complained about this error message. Basically this is a issue with your XP installation, not this product. You'll find it'll happen to other 16bit/ DOS applications that you run as well. Start problem solving at;en-us;324767&Product=winxp 4) For Floppy Disk Builds, COMMAND.COM *should* now be inside %drv%\BOOT.ZIP, un like a normal bootdisk where it's in the root directory. This little trick saves space, however some people have had problems with the script not doing this part correc tly. ******************************************************************************** *****

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