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IB History 2 Mr.

Ducklow Wars/Disputes/Armed Conflicts of the 20th Century Use this outline to focus your learning as we study wars/disputes/armed conflicts of the 20th Century. Class discussion will focus on these questions. 1. Causes: Why the War? a. Which circumstances/problems were most important in causing the war: S.P.E.R.M (Social, Political, Economic, Religious, Military) Analogy: War is the egg and as you know from biology/health classes, sperm must fertilize an egg for it to develop and grow! b. Internal or external causes? c. For defensive or offensive reasons? d. Participants, alliances and important neutrals e. Nature of the participants: political organization, ethnic f. The role of leaders (including who they were) g. The role of intellectuals h. The role of doctrines/ideology (specify) i. What was the immediate cause of the war? 2. The War: How was the war fought and how was victory achieved? a. Extent of the national commitment b. Where was the war fought (own territory or not)? c. Type of fighting? Tactics/strategy? Weapons? New weapons? d. Who fought? Regular soldiers? Guerilla soldiers? Special agents? e. Involvement of the civilian population f. Role of outside aid and international agencies g. Role of other countries including neutrals 3. Ending the War: Types of Settlements and effects? a. Who were the victors? Who was defeated? b. Was it a victory? Cease fire? Truce? Negotiated settlement? c. How was the settlement negotiated and when in the course of the conflict? d. Fate of the defeated? e. Role of the leaders f. Role of doctrine/ideology g. Role of international agencies in the settlement h. What types of issues were decided by the fighting? What issues were negotiated? What issues were left unsettled? i. Did the settlement create stability or does it remain unsettled? j. What were the short and long term effects of the war: political, social, economic, cultural, religious?

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