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I wonder

By: Jeannie Kirby

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Group members Yinson Yogeswaran Maruthamuthu Nik Mazni Hanim Mohd Fakri Nisha Ravindran Thanuszah Chandran NavinahPalaniappan


197 2 194 1 Her real name is Milda Jeanne Kirby. -Was born on 29th October 1922. Passed away on 28th December 1991 at Fort Smith, Arkansas. -Her burial was held at Ozark, Arkansas. 4/30/12


-A daughter of Arch Risdon Kirby and Eunice B. Hardgrave. -Has no siblings. -Married to David Truss Westmoreland on 24 Jan 1942. -Has two children; Patricia Jean Westmoreland and David Kirby Westmoreland. 4/30/12

Jeannie Kirby

I wonder

I wonder why the grass is green, And why the wind is never seen? Who taught the birds to build a nest, And told the trees to take a rest? O, when the moon is not quite round, Where can the missing bit be found? Who lights the stars, when they blow out, And makes the lightning flash about? Who paints the rainbow in the sky, And hangs the fluffy clouds so high?

Why is it now, do you suppose, That Dad wont tell me, if he knows? 4/30/12

Literal Meaning-OVERALL-

A child is wondering about the natural happenings, asking why the grass is green (instead of other colours) and why the wind is invisible.

He or she continues to ponder who teaches the 4/30/12 birds to build nest and the trees stop growing.

He or she proceeds to question about the person who makes the stars shining and how the lightning flash about. He or she keeps on asking who colours the rainbow and puts the clouds high in sky.

He or she cannot get the answers, thus, directs the questions to the other. Lastly, the child wonders why father doesnt tell him or her if he knows the answers.

Meaning of the poem LINE BY LINELines from the poem I wonder why the grass is green And why the wind is never seen? Who taught the birds to built a nest, And told the trees to take a rest? Meaning The persona wonders why the grass has to be green. The persona wonders why she can feel the wind but cannot see it. The persona wonders how the birds know how to build a nest. The persona wonders why the trees are always standing straight and tall, never once sitting down to have a rest. At night, the persona sees the crescent moon and wonders why it is not always round

O, when the moon is not quite round,

Where can the missing bit be found He also wonders where the other part of the moon is. 4/30/12

Lines from the poem Who lights the stars, when they blow out,

Meaning During the day, the persona cannot see the stars. So, the persona wonders who light the stars at night The persona wonders who causes the lightning to flash.

And makes the lightning flash about?

Who paints the rainbow in the sky, The persona wonders how the colourful rainbow appears in the sky. And hangs the fluffy clouds so high? The persona wonders who hangs the fluffy clouds up so high in the sky. Why is it now, do you suppose, Finally, the persona wonders why his father does not answer his questions.

That Dad wont tell me, if he knows? Maybe, his father does not know the answers. 4/30/12

THE VERSIFICATION AND SOUND PATTERNS. -6 stanzas (6 couplets) Rhyme Scheme -regular (aa bb cc dd ee)

outdoor POINT - Day to night,


-First person I wonder.


The persona(speaker) of the poem:

The persona is the voice in the poem (the person who might say the lines in the poem) The persona might be an inquisitive child who observes the world around him or a nave child.



A childs curiosity.Children loves to ask questions about anything that they do not understand. 2)THE POWER OF CREATOR The wonders of nature .People who take time to stop and appreciate nature will find that nature is amazing.


1)There is an existence of God . We should appreciate and take care of the nature created. 2)We should be observant and sensitive to out surroundings 3)We must have a strong desire to learn a lot of knowledge and we should always cultivate a sense of wonder in our heart

- Imagery for example: nature (grass, wind, bird, moon, stars, lightning, rainbow, clouds) -Personification ("trees...take a rest") -Alliteration ("grass is green", "birds to build")


Tone -questioning, curiosity Mood -reflective Language -simple, Wh-words/questions

Reading through the poem, the questions are those common questions asked by most children. These questions are identical to our questions that we asked when we were child. For example, "Why the sky and sea are blue?", "Why I can smell it but can't touch it?", "Why we grow taller each day", "Can I pluck the shining star?", "Why the sky is bright during daytime and yet dark at night?", etc. Most children are curious in nature. Adults might find their questions naive and funny. However, the sense of wonder is essential as the motivation to drive them to seek for the answer. With the questions in mind, their curiosity urges them on finding the solution. Thus, they are those scientiststo-be, 4/30/12 doctors-to-be, geologists-to-be, astronomers-



The message is that (The Creator) is The Almighty. We, as human being, are naive to understand the hard work done by Him. Instead of asking Him for answers for our doubts, we are obliged to carry on our mission to seek and gain the borderless knowledge and message conveyed by Him. He may not give the whole knowledge directly, but He will guide us. One day, we will be enlightened with His knowledge for us

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