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DARTMOUTH HIGH SCHOOL Canadian History 11 Mr.

Matt Sarty

Welcome to Canadian History 11!!

This course is divided into five important themes:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Globalization Development Governance Sovereignty Justice

Among the continuing / persistent questions that this course will address are the following: 1. Globalization: What has been Canadas place in the community of nations, and what role(s) does Canada play in the world? 2. Development: How has the Canadian economy evolved in an attempt to meet the needs and wants of all Canadas peoples? 3. Governance: Have governments in Canada, past and present, been reflective on Canadian societies? 4. Sovereignty: How have struggles for sovereignty defined Canada and how do they continue to define Canada? 5. Justice: How has Canada struggled for a just and fair society?

Evaluation: Tests & Quizzes Class assignments and homework Projects Final Mark: Term Mark Exam Total: 70% 30% 100%

40% 30% 30%

Required Supplies 3 ring binder and loose-leaf Pens and pencils Coloured pencils and markers Password for school computer

Key Expectations and Classroom Responsibilities 1. Attendance is crucial. If you are absent, it is your responsibility to get any notes and handouts you may have missed. If an assignment/homework is due on the day you were away, it will be due the first day you return -- no exceptions. 2. Due dates are to be respected. If your late work is still not completed after an agreed upon time to do so, the assignment will be given a mark of zero. 3. Plagiarism is unacceptable. If you are deliberately taking someone elses material as your own work you will receive a mark of 0. 4. Never hesitate to ask for help! My door is always open. See me to set up a time. Website:

**N.B. For Department of Education learning outcomes, please visit my website at:

Extra Help
If you have any questions or need help with assignments, I am usually available for a while each day after school and during some lunch hours. Please see me to arrange a time for extra help.

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