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Zoe Roland 4/20/12

Senior Essay
I would like to begin my essay with my favorite passage of scripture. 2Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. I live by this scripture because no matter what life throws at me, I know that I can and will overcome it. I have traveled down a long road, and Ive learned to use my strength and courage to push forward, and to trust in what the Lord has given me. My name is Zoe Roland, and I am the newest graduate of Gonzalo Garza Independence High School. I tend to be very quiet and shy, and many people mistake that as me being upset or even rude- but I promise you Im not! If my name doesnt ring a bell to you, Im the young mom who is constantly chasing after a curly, brown headed little girl who keeps me on my toes. My little Morgan Elizabeth is my pride and joy, and she teaches me something new each and every day. When Im not running around with her, you can find me at Hillcrest Baptist Church every Wednesday and Sunday, where I am active in the youth group and the choir. I enjoy cooking, being outside, and spending time with my boyfriend and our two families. I never particularly liked going to McCallum, and considered coming to Garza my sophomore year but had little luck convincing my mom into it. A year later, I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. My church was gracious enough to pay for day care for my last two months of my junior year, and my family and I were left to figure something out for senior year. Bringing up Garza once again, my mom and I decided this would be the perfect option for me: school and day care at the same location, without having to pay anything. I was bullied really badly at McCallum but the principal did little to control it, so when I met with Dr.Webb and expressed my concerns, she assured me teachers at Garza would never let such behavior slide, and she was right. Garza has been such a safe-haven for me, providing wonderful care for my little one, and

for providing amazing teachers and an amazing atmosphere. I have gotten such positive encouragement from everyone here. I would like to give special thanks to Ms.Carloyn and Ms.Moore for loving my daughter and caring for her the way they have; to Ms.Fackler and Mr.S for having me all 4 blocks and never getting tired of answering question after question, and to Ms.Morrow for pushing me to further develop my writing skills and to never slow down. Leaving Garza is bittersweet for me, but I am so ready to move on and show everyone who ever bullied me that I am a strong, determined individual. I am going to ACC to get my associates in Diagnostic Medical Sonography, then hopefully transfer to Mary-Hardin Baylor to become a Labor and Delivery nurse. This summer I am going on a mission trip to New Mexico to serve on a Native American Reservation, and in the summer of 2013 I will be going on a mission trip somewhere in Europe. The love you feel as a mother is unlike anything else on earth, and one day I hope to be married and have more children. I am so excited for all the opportunities God has lined up for me, and I am ready to serve those around me. Looking back on my quote, I have had to endure so many hardships- but in the end, they only made me stronger. I have learned what it means to truly love from the inside out, how to hold on to every bit of hope until things settle, and to stay strong no matter what. I would like to end my essay with one more bit of scripture: Philemon 1:25 May the grace of our Lord be with your spirit.

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