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Wiki Task 3

Teachers: Meaghan Welch, Gina Petito Megan Reilly, Kirk Egeland

The Odyssey: Books X-XII

Targets I can explore books 10, 11, and 12 of The Odyssey I can explain the events, characters, and monsters from 10, 11, and 12 thoroughly.
Open class with a brief reminder of what is currently going on in the story: Odysseus is telling King Alcinoos his journey thus far. Group Work: Split up into three groups. Group 1: Book X, Group 2: Book XI, Group 3: Book XII. Have the groups discuss and write down the most important details of their book. Have each group explain the important events in their assigned book. Group discussion optional questions: 1. Book X: What happened with the bag of winds? The crew selfishly opened the bag of winds given to Odysseus by Ailoas sending them all the way back when they were right by Ithaca. Describe the events with Circe. She drugged and turned the men into animals, so Odysseus used the root given to him by Hermes to resist the drug. He then got Circe to release the men and treat them as guests. Why did Odysseus finally leave the island? Circe told him that he could find out where to go next from the Prophet Teireias in Hades. 2. Book XI: How did Odysseus get to Hades? To the stream of Oceanos along the shores of the city of the Cimmerian people. Which important souls speak to Odysseus? His mother Anticlea, Agamemnon, Achilles, Elpenor. What did Teireias have to say? He tells Odysseus how to get back to Ithaca. 3. Book: XII: Describe the events with the Sirens. Odysseus wanted to hear their deadly singing, so he tied himself to the ship so as not to be tempted to jump in and swim to them.

What other challenges did Odysseus face? The Moving Rocks, the monsters Scylla and Charybdis Describe the events with the herds of Helios. Helios had a herd of sheep Odysseus told the crew they werent aloud to eat, but when they ran out of food, they ate anyway and evoked the wraith of Helios.

Closure Questions: Many times Odysseus and his quick wit get his crew and him out of dangerous situations. Do you think they would have survived the journey thus far if Odysseus was not as smart as he was? Why? What are some examples of Odysseus clever methods to get out of danger? - Finish up class with the homework: The Odyssey Crossword Puzzle

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