The Colonists

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The colonists

The way that the colonists responded to british actions between 1765 and 1775,they responded with the Boston tea party and the stamp act they was two important documents in american history. throughout the 17th century,the way that the colonists responded to british actions was with the boston tea party. the boston tea party was the dumping of 1800 pounds of tea into boston harbor by the colonists because of the increase of tea and paper. But before that the Americans tried to send the back to britain but they were not allowed to send tea back The British tea was less money then than the dutch tea, the americans usually smuggled it into the colonists. There for it had a tax on it and if the americans bought the british tea it would mean that they agreed that britain could tax them Some people in Boston decided to protest against this tax ,so they started questioning British rules and there power that they had over the colonists. The colonists was thinking that there law was unfair to them, that is way the colonists stared fighting back and the boston tea party happen. this was all happening well because of the increase of tea and that indicates the powerful colonial desire for equal participation in the century, and this led to intolerable act and Eventual the Revolutionary war. The stamp act was a document

written in the 17th century stamp act was direct tax imposed by the british parliament specifically on the colonies of british america. The stamp act gave british more power over the colonists and they also could increase paper and thing like that. the act required that many printed materials in the colonies be produced on stamped paper produced in london, carrying an embossed revenue stamp. the stamp act met great resistance in the colonies. the colonies sent no representatives to parliament, and therefore had on influence over what taxes were raised how they were levied, and this incident increased the colonists concerns about The intent of the british parliament that helped the growing movement that became the american revolution.

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