Rubric For Outsiders Project

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The Outsiders Project Assessment Rubric

Holistic impact of the student project: ____ 55-50 Knocks me off my feet, bowls me over, so informative and emotionally moving is the creation of the student. Throughout there is evidence of original thinking, depth, specificity of detail, delights of insight. The student has clearly thought about the assignment and put considerable work into their creation. _____ 49-45 A good creation. Im upbeat because of some of the obvious thought the student has put into the assignment. I learn things about the topic. While the creation does not blow me away, I am happy with its competent execution. The student has shown they understand The Outsiders and the theme they selected. _____44-35 This assignment is complete but the student has not demonstrated that they connect to or understand The Outsiders. There is a feeling of middle of the road about it, or a lack of effort. _____34-15 This is not a complete creation. Some aspects of the requirements are missing or half-done. Some pieces seem perfunctory, as if they were created hastily. Content shows little depth or insight. ______14-0 Work is mostly incomplete.
Technical details of the student project:

____ 45-40 Students demonstrate a clear understanding of the theme they selected and how it relates to the overall theme of The Outsiders. The creation is technically skilled and completed on time. The creation is appropriate to the mood of The Outsiders and does not treat the subject of the novel lightly. Students use their chosen medium to the full effect, going above and beyond expectations. Their oral presentation meets length requirements and demonstrates public speaking ability. ____ 39-35 Students demonstrate good understanding of the theme they selected and how it relates to the overall theme of The Outsiders. The creation is completed on time and well. The creation is appropriate to the mood of The Outsiders and does not treat the subject of the novel lightly. Students use their chosen medium well, with limited mistakes. Their oral presentation meets length requirements and demonstrates some public speaking ability. ____ 34-15 Students demonstrate a clear understanding of the theme they selected and how it relates to the overall theme of The Outsiders. The creation is completed on time, though the presentation has some mistakes. The creation is mostly appropriate to the mood of The Outsiders. Students use their chosen medium well, but there are some mistakes. Their oral presentation may be too long or too short. ____ 14-0 Students do not demonstrate a clear understanding of their selected theme. The creation is late or filled with mistakes. Mood may be inappropriate to the novel. The chosen medium was not utilized well and shows sloppiness, perhaps a rushed quality. The oral presentation is far too short or too long.

______ Final Grade

Rubric partially modified from Tom Romanos Multi-Genre Writing Rubric

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