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An Artisan Fair w ill be held on Su nd ay May 6, 2012, at Bnai Abraham Synagogue, 1545 Bu shkill St, Easton, PA 18042, from

12:00p m to 4:00p m . Variou s local artists w ill be offering their w ork for sale, inclu d ing stained glass, silver and bead ed jew elry, scu lp tu re, p ap er crafts, p hotograp hy, w ood w orking, personalized poetry, original prints and fabrics. Ad m ission is free of charge and a treasu re hu nt for p rizes w ill take p lace. Lu nch w ill be available for p u rchase, featu ring grilled hot d ogs! For m ore information please call Bnai Abraham Synagogue at 610-258-5343.

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