MacConkey Agar

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MacConkey Agar

Catalase How does the bacterium benefit from the production of this enzyme? How do you test for the presence of this enzyme? How do you know if the enzyme is present? What are the bubbles? Citrate Utilization What nutrient is used to differentiate bacteria?

Eosin Methylene Blue Agar

negative positive

Fermentation - Phenol Red Carbohydrate Utilization (Fermentation) Broth Dextrose, Lactose, Mannitol Mannitol Salt Agar

negative positive Methyl Red (MRVP) Biochemical Testing involves giving microbes a type of molecule (also called substrate or nutrient) to see if the microbe produces enzymes that allow the microbe to use the substrate. There has to be some microbe used it. Proof can be an observation of growth or a change in color, based on the reaction between a product of metabolism of the substrate and an indicator chemical. negative positive

Gelatin Utilization

Antibiotic susceptibility Kirby Bauer method

negative positive positive Tryptophan Hydrolysis - Indole Production (Tryptone Broth

Glucose Salts Agar (GSA): is a simple, defined medium. Only organisms that can make all their cellular components from glucose and inorganic salts are able to grow on this medium.
negative positive Hydrogen Sulfide Production (Kligler's Iron Agar)

Tryptic Soy Agar (TSA): is a rich, undefined medium containing products of an enzymatic digest of protein and soy product. Organisms that require vitamins or other growth factors are able to grow on TSA.

negative positive microorganism tests positive for H2S production Oxidase Fluid Thioglycollate Medium In the next block, sketch the expected area of growth for obligate aerobes, facultative anaerobes, microaerophilic bacteria, aerotolerant anaerobes, obligate anaerobes.

Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB) Agar: is a selective AND a differential

medium. The selective components are the eosin and methylene blue dyes that inhibit the growth of Grampositive bacteria and permit the growth of Gramnegative enteric rods. The differential component of the medium is lactose, which is a sugar that some organisms can ferment as an energy source. Organisms that ferment lactose produce dark purple (sometimes shiny) colonies and those that cannot, produce white or very light pink colonies.

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