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Exercises Unit 2 I.Complete with the correct preposition: 1.- My brother works..Ripley 2.- I study English...Duoc. 3.- We go.

classes everyday. 4.- I wake up early...7..the morning. 5.- We dont go....classes.Sundays. 6.- I have lunch...3..the afternoon 7.- I go...bed..11..night. 8.- What get up? II.- complete the dialogue: A: B: I.a student. I .English A: and classes? B: I go...Duoc every day. A: How do you . your classes? B: I. them a lot A: What about your father, What..he.? B: He ....a carpenter. He .at a construction company. A: what...your mother do? B: she ..a tour guide. She takes people ...tour. III.- Answer in full: What is your last name? Where are you from? What do people call you? How old are you? What do you do every day? What do you study? Where do you live? What time do you get up on weekdays? What time do you go to bed at night? What does your mother do? What does your father do? What does your best friend do? What do you do on weekends?

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