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Published by the American Psychiatric Association Washington, DC

Copyright 2000 American Psychiatric Association DSM, DSM-JV, and DSM-IV-TR are trademarks of the American Psychiatric Association. Use of these terms is prohibited without permission of the American Psychiatric Association. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Unless authorized in writing by the APA, no part of this book may be reproduced or used in a manner inconsistent with the AP A's copyright. This prohibition applies to unauthorized uses or reprod\lctions in any form, including electronic .1 pplications. Correspondence regarding copyright permissions should be directed to the DSM Permissions, Office of Publishing Operations, American Psychiatric Association, 1400 K Street, N.W., Washing ton, DC 20005. Manufactured in the United States of America on acid-free paper. American Psychiatric Association }.l{lO K Street, N W., Washington, DC 20005 The correct citation for this book is American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical MaJlJlal of Mf'Jl ta/ Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Re,rision . Washington, DC, American Psychiatric Association, 2()()() . library of Congress Cataloging-in-Pub lication Data Diagnostic .md sta tis tical manual of mental d isorders: OS},,I-IV . -Ith ed . , text revision . p. ; cm. Prepared by the Task Force on DSM-IV and othercommittecs and workgroups of the American PsychiatriCAssociation . Includes index . ISBN Q...S9O-U.-024-6 (casebound: alk . paper)-ISBN 0-890-12-025-4 (pbk..: alk . paper) 1. t-,'Ienlal illness Classification-Handbooks, manuals, etc . 2. Mental ilIness-DiagnosisHandbooks, man uals, etc. I.. Tille: OSM-IV. II.. American Psychiatric Association . Ill. American Psychiatric Association . Task Force on OSM-IV . [DNLM: 1. Mental Oisorders--classification . 2. Mental Disorders--diagnosis. WM 15 0536 2000J RC455 . 2. CI. 0536 2000 616. S9'075-d.c21

British library Cataloguing in Pu b li cation Data A crr record is available from the British Library . Text Design- Anne Barnes Manufacturing-R.. R.. Donnelley & Sons Comp.m y


Task Force on DSM-IV .... ..... . . .. ... .......... . . .. .... xi W o rk Groups for the DSM-I V-TR Text Revision ............... xv Acknow ledgments f or DSM-IV-TR .. ............. . . . .... xix Acknow ledgments for DSM-IV Text Revision ..... ... . .. . .. .. . ............ xxi . ... Intro d uctlon ......... . ....... .. ..................... XX III

Cauti o nary Statement . . ... . . .. . . .. . . .. . ...... ... ..... xxxvii

Use of t he Manual ... . ...... . . . .. . . . . . . . . ..... . .. 1 DSM-IV-TR Classi fication ..... . . . . . . . . . .. .. ...... ... ..... 13 Multiaxial Assessment ... .... .. ....... . . . . .. .... ... . . .. . 27
Di so rd e rs Usuall y First Diagnosed in

Infancy, Childh ood, o r Ad o lescence . ....... . .. .. . ... .39

Delirium, Dementia , and Amnestic and

Other Cognitive Disorders . .... . . . . . ..................... 135 Mental Disorders Due to a General Med ical Condition .. .. .... 181 Substan ce-Related Disorders ...... ........ . ....... .... . . . 191 Schizoph renia and Other Psychoti c Di sorders . ..... .. ... . ............. . ..... 297
Mood Di sorders . .. .... .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . . 345

Anxiety Disorders .... . .... ... ............. .. . . . . .. .429

Somatof o rm Diso rd e rs . . .. ..... .. ..... . . . . ...... . . .. ... .485

Factitio us Disorders ... .. . . . ... . .. .. . ... .. . ..... 513

Dissociative Disord e rs . . ....... . ....... .. . . . .. . . . .... ... . 519

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders . ...... ... . .. . . ..... 535

Eating Disorders ...... ................ . . . . . . . ... 583 Sleep Disorders ... .............. ....................... 597 Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified .... . . .... 663 Adjustment Disorders .................................. 679 Personality Disorders .............. . . . . . . ....... . .... 685 Other Conditions That May Be a Focu s of Clinical Attention ........ .. . . ... ... . .... . .. 731 Additional Codes ...... ................ ..... . . . . ..... 743

Appendix A
Decision Trees for Differential Diagnosis . ................. . 745

Appendix B Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study .......... . 759 Appendix C Glossary of Techni ca l Terms ....... ................... 819 Appendix D Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision ............... .. ... ........ 829 Appendix E Alphabetical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes ..................... 845 Appendix F
Numerical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes ............. . . . . ... 857

Appendix G ICD-9-CM Codes for Selected General Medical

Conditions and Medication-Induced Disorders . ..... . . . .... . 867

Appendix H DSM-IV Classification (W ith ICD-1O Codes) ..... ... ....... ... .. ..... 883 Appendix I Outline for Cultural Fo rmul ati o n and Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes ........ . .. . . ... .. 897 Appendix J DSM -IV Co nt rib ut o rs .... ... . . ..... . . . . ........... 905 Appendix K DSM-I V Text Revisio n Advi sers . . .. .... . ................... 929

Index .. . ... ..... . ........... . ........ . .... . . . . . . .. . . .933




\'ice-Clw irpersoll

MiCHAEL B. FIR5f, lvLD. Edi tor, Text (llld Criteria

Na ncy Coover Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. Da vid H. Barlow, Ph.D. Magda Campbell, M.D. Dennis P. Cantwell, M.o.

Chester W. Schmidt M.D.

Marc Alan Schu ckit, M.D.

David Shaffer, M.D.

Robert L Spitzer, M.D. Special Adviser Gary ]. Tucker, M.D. B. Timothy Walsh, M.D.

Ellen Frank, Ph .D.

Judi th H . Gold, M.D.

John Gunderson, tvl.D .

Robert E. H ales, M.D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D.

Thomas A. Widiger, Ph D . Researcll Coordil/ator Janet B. W. Williams, OSW.


J. Kupfer, M.D.

i'vlichael R. Liebowitz, M.D.

Juan Enrique rvlezzich, M.D., Ph.D. Peter E. Nathan, Ph.D. Roger Peele, M.D.
Darrel A. Regier, M.D ., M.P.H.

Jolm C. Urbaitis, M.D. Assembly Liaisoll James J. Hudziak, M.D. Residell t Fellow (1990---1993)

Jwuus Gonzales, M .D.

Residellt Fellow (1988-1 990)

A. John Rush, M.D.

Ruth Ross, M.A Science Editor aney E. VettoreJ]o, M.U.P. Administrative Coordinator , Wendy Wakefield Davis, Ed.M. Editorial Coordilwtor Cind y D. Jones Adm illisl ra tive Assistallt Nan cy Sydnor-Greenberg, M.A Admillistm tiue CO sllltallt ll Myriam Kline, M.s. Focu sed Field-Trial Coordil/ator James W. Thompson, MD., M,P.H. Videotape Field-Trial Coordillator
The DSM-JV Text Revision Work Groups are listed on pp. xv-)':v ii . XI


DSM-IV Wo rk Groups

Anxiety Disorders Wo rk Group

Michael R. Liebowitz, M.D. ChairpersoJl David H. Barlow, Ph.D. V ice-ClUl;'persoll
James c. Ballenger, M.D.

Jonathan Da vidson, M.D.

Edna Foa, Ph.D.
Abby Fyer, M. D.

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders Work Group
Gary 1. Tucker, M.D. Marshall Folslem, M.D.
Gary Lloyd Gottlieb, M.D.

Michael Popkin, M.D.

Igor Grant, M.D. Benjamin Liptzin, M.D.

Eric Douglas Caine, M .D.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed During Infancy, Childho od, or Ad olescen ce Wo rk Group
David Shaffer, M. D. Co-Chairperson
r-,'Iagda Campbell, M.D.

Rachel Klein, Ph.D. Benjamin Lahey, Ph.D.

Ro lf Loeber, Ph.D. Jeffrey Newcom, M.D.

Susan J. Bradley, M.D.

Rhea Paul, Ph.D.

Judith H . L. Rapoport, M.D. Sir Michael Rutter, M.D. Fred Volkmar, M.D. John S. Werry, M.D.

Dennis P. Cantwell, M.D. Gabrielle A. Carlson, M.D.

Donald Jay Cohen, M .D.

Barry Garfinkel, M.D.

Eating Disorders Wo rk Gro up

8. Timothy Walsh, M.D. Chnirpersoll Paul Garfinkel, M.D. Katherine A. Halmi, M.D. James Mitchell, M.D. G. Terence Wilson, Ph.D.

Mood Disorders Work Group

A. John Rush, M.D. Chairpersoll

Dav id Dunner, M.D. Ellen Frank, Ph.D. Donald F. Klein, M. D.

Martin B. Keller, 1\11.0. V ice-CJw irpersoll Mark S. Bauer, M.D.


DSM- IV Work Groups


Multiaxial Issues Wo rk Group

Janet B. W. vVilliams, OSW. Cllnirpersoll
H owa rd H. Goldma n, M .D., Ph.D.
V ice-OlllirpersoJ/

Juan Enrique Mezzich, M.D.,\Ph .D. Roger Peelc, M .D.

Stephen Setterberg, M.D. Andrew Edward Skodal II, M.D.

Alan M . Gruenberg, M.D.

Pe rsona lity Disorders Wo rk Group

Jolm Gunderson, M.D.

Theodore Millon, Ph .D.

Bruce Pfohl. M .D. Tracie Shea, Ph.D. Larry Siever, M.D.

Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D.

Robert M. A. Hirschfeld, MD. V ice-ClmirperSOIl

Roger Blashfield, Ph.D. Susan Jean Fiester, M. D.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Di so rder Wo rk Group

Judith H . Gold , M.D. Clwirpersoll

Sally Severino, M.D.

Nada Logan Stotland, M.D.

Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Barbara Parry, M.D.

Ellen Frank, Ph.D.

COli slI/tal/ t

Psychiatric Systems Interface Disorders (Adjustment, Di ssociative, Fa ctitious, Impulse-Control, and Somatoform Disorders and Psycho logica l Factors Affecti ng Medical Conditions) Wo rk Group
Robert E. Hales, M .D. Clw;rpersoll
C. Robert Cloninger, M.D.

Steven A. King, M D. Ronald L. Martin , M.D. Katharine Anne Phillips, M. D. David A. Spiegel, M.D. Alan Stoudem ire, M .D. James J. Strain, M.D. Michael G. Wise, M .D.

V ice-Clwi rpersoll
Jonathan F. Borus, M.D. Jack Denning Burke, Jr., M.D., M.P.H. Joe P. Fagan, M.D.

Schi zophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Work Group

Nancy Coover Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. Cllairpersoll
John M. Kane, M .D. Vice-Cllairpersoll Samuel Keith, M.D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M. D. 1l1Omas McGlashan, M.D.


DSM-IV Work Groups

Sexual Disorders Wo rk Group

Chester W . Schmidt, M.D. Chairperson Rau l Schi avi, M .D. Les lie Schover, Ph.D.

Taylor Seagra ves, rvl. D .

Thomas Nathan Wise, M .D.

Sleep Diso rd ers Wo rk Group

David J. Kupfer, M.D. Roger Peele, M.D. Q uentin Regestein, M.D. Michael Sateia, 1\'1.0. MichaellllOrpy, M.D.

Cha rles F. Reynolds III, M.D. Vice-ella irpersol!

Daniel Buysse, M.D.

Substance-Related Disorders Wo rk Group

Marc Alan Schuckit, M.D. Linda B. Cottler, Ph .D.
Thomas C rowley, M.D. Pe ter E. Na than, Ph.D. George E. Wood y, M.D.

John E. Helzer, M.D. Vice-C/In;'persoll

Committee o n Psychiatric Diag nosis a nd Assessment

Layton McCurd y, M.D.
C/wirpersol! (1 987- 1994)

Jer ry M. Lewis, M.D. Consultant (1 988-1994) Daniel J. Luchins, M.D. COllsultant (1 987-1991) Katharine Anne Phillips, M.D. COl/slt/tant (1992-1994) Cyn thia Pearl Rose, M.D. Consultant (1990-1994) Louis Ala n Moench, M.D. Assembly LiaiSOIi (199 1- 1994) Steven K. Dobscha, M .D. Resident Fellow (1990-1992) Mark Zinunerman, M.D. Residellt Fellow (199 2- 1994)

Kenneth Z. Altshule r, M.D. (1987-1992) Thomas F. Anders, M.D. (1988-1994) Susan Jane Blum enthal, M.D. (1 9901993) Leah Joan Dickstein, M .D. (1988-1991) Le wis J. Judd , M .D. (1988-1994) Gerald L. KIerman, M .D. (deceased) (1988-1991) Stuart C. Yud ofsky, M.D. (1992-1994) Jack D. Blaine, M .D. Consultant (1987-1992)

Joint Committee of th e Board of Tru st ees and Assembly of Dist rict Branches on Issues Related to DSM-I V
Ronald A. Shellow, M. D. ClUlirperson Harvey Bluestone, M.D. Leah Joan Dickstein, M .D. Arthur John Fa rley, M .D . Carol Ann Berns tein, M.D.



Co-Chilirpersolllllld Editor
H AROLD ALAN P INCUS, M.D. Co-C/mirpersoll

Laurie E. McQueen, M.s.s.\,V.

DSM Project Mallllger

Yoshie Satake, B.A. D 9 vI Program Coordilwtor

Anxiety Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Murray B. Stein, M.D. CI/lIirpersoJl
Jonathan Abramowitz, Ph.D. Gordon Asmtmdson, Ph.D. Jean C. Beckham , Ph.D. Michelle Craske, Ph.D.

Edna Foa, Ph.D.

Thomas Mellman, M.D. Ron N orton, Ph.D.

Fr,mklin Schneier, M.D.

Richard Zinbarg. Ph.D .

Timothy Brown, Ph.D., Psy.D.

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and

Other Cognitive Disorders and Mental Disorders

Due to a General Medical Condition Text Revision Work Group
Eric Douglas Caine, M.D.
Jesse Fann, M .D., M.P.H .

Disorde rs Usually First Diagnosed During Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence Text Revision Work Group
David Shaffer, M.D. Clmirpersoll
Dona ld

Ami Klin, Ph.D.


Pine, M .D.

J. Cohen, M.D.

Mark A. Riddle, M.D.

Stephen Hinshaw, Ph.D .

Fred R. Volkmar, M.D. Charles Zeanah, M.D. ,

Ramel G. Klein, Ph.D.

Eating Disorders Text Revisi o n Work Group

Ka tharine L. Locb, Ph. D. B. Timothy Walsh, MD.

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Gerard Addoniz io, M.D.

Alan Cdenberg, M.D. James Jefferson, M D.

Lenard Adler, .M.D. Burton Angrist, M.D. Daniel Casey, M.D.

Dilip Jes te M.D.


Peler Wei den, M.D.


I xvi
Mark S. Bauer, M.D. Patricia Suppes, M.D., Ph.D.

DSM -IV-TR Work Groups

Mood Disorders Text Revision Work Grou p

Michael E. Thase, M .D.

Mu lt iaxial Text Revision Work Group

Alan M. Gruenberg, M.D.

Perso nality Diso rders Text Revision Work Group

Bruce Pfohl, M.D.
Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D.

Premenstrual Dysp ho ric Disorder Text Revision Wo rk Group

Sally Severino, M.D.

Psychiatric System Interface Disorders (Adjustment, Dissociat ive,

Factiti ous, Impulse-Co ntrol, and Somatof orm Disorders and Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Conditions) Text Revision Work Group
Mitchell Cohen, M.D.

Russell Noyes, Jr., M.D.

Katharine Anne Phillips. M.D.

Marc Feldman, M.D. Eric Hollander, M.D. Steven A. King, M. D. James Leven son, M.D.
Ronald L Mar tin, M.D. (deceased)

Eyal Shemesh, M.D. David A. Spiegel, M.D. James J. Strain, M.D.

Sean H. Yutzy, M.D.

Jeffrey Newcom, M.D.

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Text Revision Wo rk Group

Michael Flaum, M.D. Xa vier Amador, Ph.D.


Sexual an d Gender Identity Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Chester W. Schmidt, M.D.
R. Tay lor Segraves, M.D.

Thomas Na than W ise, M.D. Kenne th J. Zu cker, Ph.D.

Sleep Disord ers Text Revision Wo rk Gro up

Daniel Buysse, /1.'1.0. Pete r Nowell, MD.

Substance-Related Disorders Te xt Revision Work Grou p

Marc Alan Schuckit, M.D.

DSM-IV-TR Work Groups


American Psychiatric Association Committee o n Psychiatric Diagnosis and Assessment

David J. Kupfer, M.D. Cllair James Leckman, M .D. Member Katharine Anne Phillips, M.D. Member
A. John Rush, M .D.

Louis Alan Moench, M.D. Assembly Liaisoll Jack Barchas, M.D. Corresponding Member Herbert '''.'. H arris, M.D., Ph .D. Correspolldillg Member Charles Kaelber, M.D. CorrespoJldillg Member Jorge A. Costa e SiJva, M.D. Correspol/dil/g Member

OanieJ Wins tead , M.D. Member

Bonnie Zima, M.D., Ph.D. lvIcmber Barbara Kenned y, M.D., Ph .D. COl/sultant Janet B. W. W illiams, OS .W . COl/sultaJlt

T. Bedirhan Ustun, M.D. Corresponding Member

Yeshuschandra Dhaibar, M .D. APA/Glaxo-Wellcome Fellow

Acknowl edgments for DSM- IV

SM-TV was a team effort. More than 1,000 people (and numerou s professional organiza tions) have helped us in the preparation of this docum ent. Members of the Task Force on DSM-IV and DSM -IV Staff are listed on p. xi, members of the DSM-IV Work Groups are lis ted on pp. xii-xiv, and a lis t of other participants is included in App endix J. The major responsibility for the content of DSM-I V rests with the Task Force on DSM-IV and members of the DSM-lV Work Groups. They have worked (often much harder than they bargained for) with a dedication and good cheer that has been inspirational to us. Bob Spitzer has our special thanks for his untiring efforts and unique perspective. Norman Sartorius, Darrel Regier, Lewis Ju dd, Fred Goodwin, and Chuck Kaelber were instrumental in facilitating a m utually productive interchange between the American Psychiatric Association and the World Health O rganization that has improved both DSM-IV and ICD-lO, and increased their compatibility. We are grateful to Robert Israel, Sue Meads, and Amy Blum at the National Center for Health Statistics and Andrea Albawn-Feinstein at the American Health Information Management Association for suggestions on the DSM-IV coding system . Denis Prager, Peter Na than, and David Kupfer helped us to develop a novel data reanal ysis strategy that has been supported with fundin g from the John D. and Ca therine T. MacA rthur Fowldation. Many individuals w ithin the American Psychiatric Association deserve recognition. Mel Sabshin's special wisdom and grace made even the most tedious tasks seem worth doing. The American Psychiatric Association Committee on Psychiatric Diagnosis and Assessment (chaired by Layton McCurdy) provided valuable direction and counsel . We would also like to thank the American Psychiatric Association Presidents (Drs. Fink, Pa rdes, Benedek, Hartmatm, Eng lish, and Mcintyre) and Assembly Speakers (Drs. Cohen, FlatIUTI, Hanin, Pfaehler, and Shellow}.\vho helped wi th the planning of our work. Carolyn Ra binowitz and Jack White, and their respective staffs in the American Psychiatric Associa tion Medica l Director's Offi ce and the Bus iness Admi.nistration Office, have provided valua ble assis tatlCe in the organization of the project. Several other individu als have our special gra ti tude. Wendy Davis, Nancy Vettorello, and Nancy Sydnor-Greenberg developed an d implemented an organizational struchlre that has kept this com plex project from spuming out of control. We ha ve also been b lessed w ith an wlUs lially a ble administrative s taff, which has included Elisabeth Fitzhugh, Willa I-fall, Kelly McKinney, Gloria ~liel e, Helen Stayna, Sarah Tilly, lina Rosenthal, Susan Mann, Joanne Mas, and, esp ecially, Cind y Jones. Ruth Ross, our tireless Science Editor, has been responsible for imp roving the clarity of expression and o rganization of DSM-IV. Myriam Kline (Research Coordinator for the NIH-funded DSM-IV Focu sed Field Tria ls), Jim Thompson {Research Coordinator for

duction assis tance.

Acknowledgm ent s for DSM IV

the MacArthur Founda tion-funded Videotape Field Trial), and Sandy Ferris (Assistant Director for the Office of Research) have made many val uable contributions. We would also like to acknowledge all the other staff persons at the American PsychialTic Association who have helped w ith th is project. Ron McMiUen, Claire Reinburg, Pam

Harley, and Jane D.1Venport of American Psychiatric Press have provided expert pro-

Allen Frances, 1 1.0. ... ChairpersoJl, Tnsk Force a ll DSM-IV

Harold Alan Pincus, 1.0.

Vice-Chairperson, Task Force 011 DSM-IV

Michael B. First, M.D. ...... Editor, DSM-JV Text (/lid Criteria Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D. Rescnrcl/ Coordinator

Acknowledgments for DSM-IV Text Revision

T he effort to revise the DSM-IV text WilS also a team effort. We are especially indebted to the tireless efforts of the DSM-IY Text Revision Work Groups (listed on pp. xv- xvii), w ho did the lion's share of the work in the preparation of this revision. ' Ne would also llke to acknowledge the contribution of the various .1dvisers to the Work Groups (see Appendix K, p . 929), w ho provided their p erspccti\!C on whether the proposed dlanges were jus tified . Fina lly, we would like to tha nk the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Psychiatric Diagnosis and Assessment (listed on p. xvii), w ho provided helpful guidance and oversigh t during the p rocess as well as approv,, ! of the final d ocument. Special g ratitude goes to committee members Katharine A. Phillips and Janet B. W. \o\' i11ial11s, for their meticulous ly careful review of the text revision. O f course, none of this could have happened without the invaluable organizational and administrative assistance provided by the DSM-IV s taff, Laurie tvlcQueen and Yoshie Satake, and production assis tance provided by Anne Barnes, Pam Harley, Greg Kuny, Claire Rcinburg, and Ron McMillen at American Psychiatric Press. First, MD. Co-ChnirpersOIl nnd Editor Harold AJan Pi.ncus, M.D. Co-Clltlirl'crson
~'lichae l l3.



is the fourth edition of the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic alld Statistical Mml/wl of Melltal Disorders, or DSM-IV. The utility and credibility of DSM-IV requ ire that it fOCllS on its clinical, research, and educational purposes and be supported by an extensive empirical foundation. Our highest priority has been to provide a helpful guide to clinical practice. We hoped 10 make DSM-IV practical and useful fo r clinicians by striving fo r brev ity of criteria sets, clarity of language, and explicit statements of the constructs embodied in Ule diagnostic criteria. An additional goal was to facilitate research and improve communication among clinicians and researchers. We were also mindfu l of the usc of DSM-IV for improving the coUeetian of clinical information and as an educational tool for teaching psychopathology. An offi cial nomenclature mus t be applicable in a wide diversit}' of contex ts. DSM-IV is used by clinicians and researchers of many different orientations (e.g., biological, psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral, interpersonal, famil y / systems). It is used by psychiatrists, other physicians, psychologists, social workers, nurses, occupational and rehabilitation therapists, counselors, and other h ealth and mental health professionals. OSM-JV must be usable across settings- inpatient, outpatient, partial hospital, con sultation-liaison, clinic, private practice, and primary care, and w ith community popu lations. It is also a necessary tool for collecting and commwucating accurate public health s tatistics. Fortunately, all these many llses are compatible with one another. OSM-JV was the product of 13 Work Groups (see Appendix]), each of which had primary responsibility fo r a section of the manual. This organiza tion was designed to increase participation by experts in each of the respective field s. We took a number of precautions to ens ure that the Work Group recommendations would reflect the breadth of available evidence and opinion and not jus t the v iews of the specific members. After extensive consu Itations wi th experts and c1ihicians in each fie ld , we selected ''''ark Group members who represented a wide range of perspectives and experiences. Work Group members w ere instructed that they were to participate as consens us scholars and not as advocates of previously held views. Furthermore, we established a formal evidence-based process for the Work Groups to foll ow. The Work Groups reported to the Task Force on DSM-JV (see p. xi), which consis ted of 27 members, many of whom also chaired a Work Group. Each of the 13 Work Groups was composed of 5 (or more) members whose reviews were critiqued by between SO and 100 advisers, who were also dlOsen to represent diverse clinical and research expertise, disciplines, backgrounds, and settings. The involvement of many international experts ensured that DSM-rv had available the wides t pool of information and would be applicable across cu ltures. Conferences and workshops were held to provide conceptual and methodological guidance for the DSM-IV effort. These




included a number of consultations between the developers of DSM-IV and the developers of lCD-tO conducted for the purpose of increasing compatibility between the two systems . Also held were m ethods conferences tha i focused on cultural fa ctors in the diagnosis of mental disorder, on geriatric diagnosis, and on psychiatric diag-

nosis in prima ry care settings.

To maintain open and extensive lines of commwuca tion, the Task Force on DSM-rV established a liaison w ith many other components within the American Psychiatric Association and with morc than 60 organizations and associations interested in the d evelopment of DSM-IV (e.g., American Health information Management Associatio n, American u rses' Associa tion, American Occupational Therapy Associa tion, American Psychoanaly tic Association, American Psychological Association, Ameri~ can Psychological Society. Coalition for the Family, Group for the Advancement of Psychia try, National Association of Social Workers, Na tional Center for Health S ta ~ tistics, ' '''arid Health Organization). We attempted to air issues and empirical ev i ~ dence early in the process in o rder to identify p oten tial problems and di fferences in interpretation. Exchan ges of infornla tion were also mad e possible through the di s tri ~ bution o f a semiannual newsletter (the DSM-lV Updflte), the p ublication of a regula r column on OSr..'f-IV in Hospitfll fllld Community PSycilifltry, frequen t presentations at national and interna tional conferences, and numerous journal articles. Two years before the publication of DSr...l-IV, the Task Force published and widely distributed the DSM~lV OptiOIlS Book. This volume presented a comprehensive summary of the alterna tive proposa ls that were being considered for inclusion in DSM- IV in order to solicit opinion and additional data for our d eliberations. We received extensive correspondence fro m in terested individuals w ho shared with us additional data and recommendations on the potential impact of the p ossible changes in DSM-JV on their clinical practice, teaching, research, and administrative work. This breadth of d iscussion helped us to anticipate problems and to attempt to find the best solution among the various options. One year before the publication of DSM-IV, a n ear-final draft of the proposed criteria sets was d istributed to allow for one last critique. In arriving at final DSM~ IV decisions, the Work Groups and the Task Force reviewed all of the extensive emp irical eviden ce and correspondence that had been gathered. II is our belief that the major innovation of DSM ~IV lies not in any o f its specific content changes but rather in the systematic and explicit process by w hich it was constructed and documented. More than any other nomenclature of mental d isord ers, DSM-IV is grounded in empirical evidence.

Historical Background
The need fo r a classification of mental disorders has been clear throughou t the history o f medicine, but there has been little agreement on which d isorders should be indud cd and the optimal method for thei r organization. The many nomenclatures that have been developed during the past two millermia have diffe red in their rela tive emphasis on phenomenology, etiology, and course as d efining features. Some systems have included only a handful of diagnostic categories; others have included thousands. Moreover, the variou s systems for categorizing mental d isorders have differed with respect to whether their p rinciple objective was for use in clinica l, research, or s l a ti s~ tica l settings. Because the history of classification is too extensive to be summarized



fourth volume contains reports of the data reanalyses, reports of the field trials, and a final executive swnmary of the rationale fo r the decisions made by each Work Group. In addi tion, many papers were s timulated by the efforts toward empirical documentation in DSM-IV, and these have been published in peer-reviewed journals.

Relation t o ICD-1 0
The tenth revision of the International Statistical Classificalioll of Diseases aud Related H eaftll Problems (JCD- lO), developed by WHO, was published in 1992. A clinical modification of lCD-to (lCD-In-eM) is expected to be implemented in the United States in 2004. TIlOse preparing ICDlO and DSM-JV have worked closely to coordinate their efforts, resulting in much mutua l influence. ICD-IO consists of an official coding system and o ther rela ted clinica l and research d ocuments and instruments. The codes and terms provided in DSM-IV are full y compatible w ith both ICD-9-CM and ICD-lO (see Appendix H). The clinical and research drafts of ICD-10 were thoroughly reviewed b}' the OSM-JV Work Groups and suggested important topics for DSM-IV literature reviews and data reanalyses. Draft versions of the ICD-lO Diagnostic Criteria for Research were included as alternati ves to be compared with DSM-fIl, OSM-ill-R, and s uggested OSM-lV criteria sets in the DSM-lV field trials. The many consultations between the developers of OS~'I- lV and lC D-10 (which were fac ilitated by N IMH, i\TJDA, and N IAAA) were enormously useful in increasing the congruence and reducing meaningless differences in wording between the two systems.

The DSM-IV Text Revision

One of the most important uses of OSM-lV has been as an educationa l tool. This is especially true of the descriptive text that accompanies the criteria sets for OSM-N disorders. Given that the interval between DSM-lV and OSM-V is being extended relative to the interv als between earlier editions (from 7 years between OSM-ill and DSM-rn-R and between DSM-m -R and DSM-IV, to at leas t 12 years), the information in the text (which was prepared on the basis of litera tu re dating up to 1992) runs the risk of becoming increasingly out-of-pace with the large volu me of research published each year. In order to b ridge the span between DSM-lV and DSM-V, a revision of the DSM-lV text was lll1dertaken . The goals of this text revision were severalfold : 1) to correct an y fac tual errors that were identified in the OSM-lV text; 2) to re\' iew the OSM-IV text to ensure that all of the info rmation is still up-ta-date; 3) to make changes to the DSM-IV text to reflect new information available since the OSM-lV literature reviews were completed in 1992; 4) to make improvements that will enhance the educational value of DSMIV; and 5) to update those ICD-9-CM codes that were changed since the DSM-IV 1996 Coding Update. As with the o rig inal OSM-lV, all changes proposed for the text h ad to be s upported by empi rica l data. Furthermore, all p roposed changes were limited to the text sections (e.g., Associated Feahlres and Disorders, Prevalence). No s ubs tantive changes in the criteria sets were considered , nor were any proposals entertained for new disorders, new SUbtyp es, or changes in the status of the DSM-lV append ix ca tegories. The text revision process began in 1997 with the appointment of OSM-JV Text Revision Work Groups, corresponding to the original DSM-lV Work Group structure.

Introductio n


here, we focus briefly on ly on those aspects that have led directly to the development of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manllal of Mentnl Disorders (DSM) and to the "Mental Disorders" sections in the various editions of the Illternatiollal Classification ofDisenses
(!CD ).

In the United States, the initial impetus for developing a classification of mental disorders was the need to collect statis tical information. What might be considered the first official attempt to gather information about menial illness in the United States was the recording of the frequ ency of one category-"idiocy / insanity" in the 1840 census. By the 1880 census, seven categories of mental illness were distinguished-mania, melancholia, monomania, paresis, dementia, dipsomania, and epilepsy. In 1917, the Committee on Statistics of the American Psychiatric Association (a t that time called the American Medico-Psychological Association (the name was changed in 1921)), together with the National Commission on Mental Hygiene, formulated a plan that was adopted by the Bureau of the Census for ga thering uniform statistics across mental hospitals. Although th is system devoted more attention to clinical utility than did previous systems, it was still primarily a statistical classification. TIle American Psychiatric Association su bsequently collaborated with the New York Academy of Medicine to develop a nationally acceptable psychiatric nomenclature that wou ld be incorporated w ithin the first edition of the American Medic,lJ Association's Standa rd Classified Nomenclahue of Disease. This nomenclature was designed primarily for diagnosing inpatients with severe psychiatric and neurological disorders. A much broader nomenclature was later developed by the US. Army (and modified by tile Veterans Adminis tration) in order to better incorporate the outpatient presentations of World War II servicemen and veterans (e.g., psychophysiological, personality, and acute disorders) . Con temporaneously, the World Health Organization (W HO) published the sixth edition of lCD, which, for the first time, included a section for mental disorders. rCD-6 was heavily influenced by the Veterans Administration nomenclature and included 10 categories for p sychoses, 9 for psychoneuroses, and 7 for disorders of character, behavior, and intelligence. The American Psychiatric Association Committee on Nomenclature and Statistics developed a variant of the ICD-6 that was published in 1952 as the first edition of the Diagnostic alld Statistienl Mallllfll: Melltal Disorders (DSM-I). DSM-I contained a g lossary of descriptions of the diagnostic ca tegories and ,,:-as 'the first official manual of mental disorders to focu s on clinical util ity. TIle lise of the term reactioll throughout DSM-I reflected the influence of Adolf Meyer's psychobiological view that mental disorders represented reactions of the personality to psychological, social, and biological factors. In part because of the lack of widespread acceptance of the mental disorder taxonomy contained in ICD-6 and ICD-7, WHO sponsored a comprehensive review of diagnostic issu es that was conducted by the British psychiatrist Stengel. His report can be credited with having inspired many of the recent advances in diagnostic methodology-most especially the need for explicit definitions as a means of promoting reliable clinical diagnoses. However, the next round of diagnostic revision, which led to DSM-ll and lCD-8, did not follow Stengel's recommendations to any great degree. DSM-ll was similar to DSM-I but elimi.nated the term reactioll. As had been the case for DSM-J and DSM-II, the development of DSM-lII was co-



ordinated with the development of the next (ninth) version of lCD, which was pub lished in 1975 and implemented in 1978. Work began on OSM-m in 1974, with
publication in 1980. DSM-rTI introduced a number of important methodological innovations, including explicit diagnos tic criteria, a multiaxial sys tem, and a descriptive

approach that atlempted to be neutral with respect to theories of etiology. This effort
was facilitated by the extensive empirical w ork then under way an the cons truction and validation of explicit diagnostic criteria and the development o f semis tructured interv iews. ICO-9 did not include diagnostic criteria or a multiaxial system largely

becau se the primary fun ction of this international system was to delineate categories to fa cili tate the collection of basic health statistics. In contrast, DSM-lTI was developed with the additional goal of providing a medical nomenclature for clinicians and resea rchers. Because o f disSatisfaction across all of medicine with the lack of specificity in lCD-9, a decision was made to modify it for use in the United States, resulting in ICD-9-CM (for Clinical Modification). Experience with DSM-lll revealed a number of inconsistencies in the system and a number of instances in which the cri teria were not entirely clear. Therefore, the American Psychiatric Assoda tion appo inted a Work Group to Revise DSM-lll, w hich developed the revisions and co rrections that led to the publication of OSM-ill-R in 1987.

The DSMIV Rev ision Process

The third edi tion of the DiagJlostic and Statistical Mal/lfal of Mel/tal Disorders (DSM-llI) represented a major advance in the diagnosis of menta l diso rders and g reatly facili tated empirical research. The d evelopment of DSM-IV has benefi ted from the substantial increase in the research on diagnosis that was generated in part by DSM-lli and DSM-W-R. Most diagnoses now have an empi ricailitera ture or available data sets that are relevant to decisions regarding the revision of the diagnostic manual. The Task Force on DSM-IV and its Work Groups conducted a three-stage empirical p rocess that included 1) comprehensive and systematic reviews of the published literature, 2) reanalyses of already-co llected data sets, and 3) extensive issue-focused field trials.

Lite ratu re Reviews

Two methods conferences were sponsored to articula te for a1l the Work Groups a systematic procedure for finding, extracting, aggregating, and interpreting data in a comprehensive and objective fashion. The initial tasks o f each of the DSM-IV Wo rk Groups were to identify the most pertinent issues regarding each diagnosis and to determine the kinds of empirical data relevant to their resolution. A Work Group member or ad viser was then assigned the responsibility of conducting a systematic and comprehensive review of the relevant literature that would inform the resolution of the issue and also document the text of DSM-IV. The domains considered in making decisions included clinical utility, reliability, d escriptive validity, psychometric performance characteristics of individual criteria, and a number of valid ating variables. Each literature re\'iew specified 1) the issues or as pects of the text and criteria under consideration and the Significance of the issues with resp ect to DSM-fV; 2) the review method (including the sources for identifying relevant shldies, the number of



stud ies considered, the criteria for inclusion and exclusion from the review, and the variables catalogued in each study); 3) the results of the review (including a descriptive summary of the studies with respect to methodology, design, and substantive correla tes of the find ings, the relevant findin gs, and the analyses conducted on these findings); and 4) the various options for resoh-ing the iss ue, the advantages and disadvan tages of each option, recommendations, and suggestions fo r additional research that would be needed to provide a more conclusive resolution. The goal of the DSM-IV literature reviews was to p rovide comprehensive and unbiased information and to ensure that DSr..'I-IV reflects the best available clinical and resea rch literature. For this reason, we used systematic computer searches and critical reviews d one by large groups of advisers to ensure that the literature coverage w as adequate and that the interpretation of the results was justified. ut was solicited especiaUy from those persons likely to be critical of the conclusions of the review. The litera hue reviews were revised many times to produce as comprehensive and balanced a result as possible. It mus t be noted that for some issues addressed b y the DSM-IV Work Groups, particu larly those thai were more conceptua l in nature or for which there were insufficient data, a review of the empirical literatu re had limited utility. Despite these limitations, the reviews w ere helpful in d ocumenting the rationale and empirical support for decisions made by the DSM-IV Work Groups.

Data Reanalyses
Wh en a review of the literature revealed a lack of ev idence (or conflicting ev idence) for the resolution of an issue, we often made use of h,o add itional resources--data reanalyses and fiel d trials-to help in making fina l decisions. Ana lyses of relevan t Wlpublished data sets were su p ported by a grant to the American Psychia tric Association from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Most of the 40 data reanalyses perfonned for DSM-IV involved the col labora tion of several investigators at different sites. These researchers jointly subjected their data to question s posed by the Work Groups concerning the criteria included in DSM-lU-R o r criteria that might be included in DSM-IV. Da ta reanalyses aJso made it possible for Work Groups to generate several criteria sets that were then tested in the DSM-IV field trials. Although, for the most part, the data sets used in the reanalj'ses h ad been collected as part of epidemiological studies or treatmen t or other clinica l studies, they were also highly relevant to the nosological questions facing the DSM-T Work Groups. V

Field Tria ls
Twelve DSM-IV fie ld trials were s ponsored by the ational Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) in collaboration with the National lnsti tute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) and the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NlAAA). The field trials allowed the DSM-IV Work Grou ps to compare alternative optio ns and to study the possible impact of suggested changes. Field trials compared DSM-ill, OSM-ill-R, lCD-IO, and proposed DSM-IV criteria sets in 5-10 different sites per fi eld trial, with approximately 100 subjects at each site. Diverse sites, with represen tative groups of subjects hom a range of sociocultural and ethnic backgrounds, were selected to ensure generalizability of field -trial results and to test some of the most difficult ques-



tions in d ifferentia l diagnosis. The 12 fi eld tria ls included more than 70 s ites and evaluated mOfe than 6,000 su bjects. The field trials collected information on the relia bili ty and perfo rmance ch a racteristics of each c riteria set as a w hole, as weUas of the sp ecific items w ithin each c riteria set. The field trials also helped to bridge the boundary beh\'een clinical research a nd clinical practice by determining how well suggestions fo r change that are derived from clinical research fi ndings apply in clinical practice.

Cri teria for Cha nge

Although it was impossible to develop absolute and infallible criteria for w hen changes should be made, there were some principles that guided our efforts. The threshold for making revisions in DSM-IV was set higher than that for DSM-lll and OSM-m-R. Decisions had to be s ubstantiated by explicit statements of rationale and by the systematic review of relevant empirical data. To increase the practicality and clinical utility of OSM-T V, the criteria sets were simplified and clarified when this could be justified by empirical data. An attempt was made to strike an optimal balance in OSM-JV with respect to historical tradition (as embodied in OSM-ITl and OSM-ID-R), compatibility w ith ICD-IO, evidence from reviews of the literature, analyses of lUlpublished data sets, results of field rnals, and consensus of the field . Although the amount of evidence required to support changes was set at a high threshold, it necessarily varied across disorders because the empirical support for the decisions made in OSM-ID and OSM-m-R also varied across d isorders. Of course, common sense was necessary, and major changes to solve minor problems required more evidence than minor changes to solve major problems. We received suggestions to include numerous new diagnoses in DSM-TV. TIle proponents argued that the new diagnoses were necessary to improve the coverage of the system by including a group of individuals tha t were undiagnosable in OSM-ill-R or d iagnosable only under the Not Otherwise Specified rubric. We decided that, in general, new diagnoses sh ould be included in the system only after research has established that they should be included rather than being included to s timulate tha i research . However, diagnoses already included in ICD-I0 were given somewhat more consid er.l tion than those thai were being proposed fresh for DSM-I V. The increased marginal utility, clarity, and coverage provided by each new ly proposed d iagnosis had to be balan ced agains t the cumulative cu mbersomeness imposed on the whole system, the paucity of empirical documen tation, and the possib le misdiagnosis or misuse that mi ght result. No classification of mental d isorders can have a su fficient number of specific categories to encompass every conceivable clinical presentation . The Not Otherwise Specified categories are provided to cover the not infrequen t presentations that are at the bOlmdary of specific categorical definitions.

The DSM/V Sourcebook

Documentation has been the essential foundation of the OSM-JV process. The D5M-IV Sourcebook, published in fou r volumes, is in tended to provide a comprehensive and convenient reference record of the clinkal and researdl s upp ort for the various decisions reached by the Work Groups and th e Task Force. The first three volumes of the Sourcebook contain condensed versions of the 150 DSM-IV litera ture reviews. The



The chairs of the original DSMTV Work Grou ps were consw ted first regarding the composition of these Text Revision Work Groups. Each Text Revision Work Group

was given primary responsibility for updating a section of the DSM-IV text. This entailed reviewing the text carefully to identify errors or omissions and then conducting a systematic, comprehensive literature review that focused on relevant material tha t
has been publis hed since 1992. Text Revis ion Work Group members then drafted p roposed changes, which were accompanied by written justifications for the changes

along with relevant references. During a series of conference cails, the proposed
changes, justifications, and references were presented by a Text Revision Work Group member to other members of the Text Rev ision Work Group, w ho provided input regarding wheth;: the changes were justified on the basis of the supporting documentation. Once drafts of the proposed changes were finalized by the Text Rev ision Work Groups, the changes were more widely disseminated to a group of section-specific advisers (consisting of the original DSM-rv Work Group members supplemented by additiona l consultants) for fur ther comment and review. TIlese ad visers were also given the opporh.mity to suggest additional changes if they could provide sufficient convincing ev idence justifying inclusion in the text. After consideration of the adviser comments, final drafts of p roposed changes were produced and submitted for final review and approval by the American Psychiatric Association's Committee on Psychiatric Diagnosis and Assessment. Most of the proposed literature-based changes were in the Associated Features and Disorders (which includes Associa ted Laboratory Findings); Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features; Prevalence; Course; and Fami lial Pattern sect-ions of the text. For a number of disorders, the Differential Diagnosis section also was expanded to provid e more comprehensive differentials. Appendix D (see p. 829) provides an overview of the cha nges included in this text revision.

Definition of Mental Disorder

Although this volume is titled the Diagnostic alld Statistical Mallllal of Mental Disorders, the term /lief/ tal disorder unfortunately implies a distinction between "mental" disorders and "physical" d isorders that is a reductionistic anachronism of mind / bod y dualism. A compelling li terah.lre documents tha t there is m uch "physical" in "mental" disorders and much "mental " in "physical" d isorders. The problem raised by the term "mental" disorders has been much clearer than its solution, and, unfortunately, the term persists in the title of DSM-IV because we ha ve not found an appropriate substitute. Moreover, althoug h this manual provides a classification of mental disorders, it must be admitted that no definition adequately specifics precise bOlUldaries for the concept of " mental d isorder." The concept of mental d isorder, li ke many other concepts in medicine and science, lacks a consistent operational definition that covers all situations. All medical conditions are defined on various levels of abstraction- for example, structural pathology (e.g., ulcera tive colitis), symptom presentation (e.g., migraine), deviance from a phYSiological norm (e.g., hypertension), and etiology (e.g., pneumococcal pneumonia). Mental disorders have also been de fin ed by a variety of concepts (e.g., distress, d ysfun ction, dyscontrol, disad vantage, disability, inflexibility, irrationality, syndromal pa ttern, etiology, and sta tis tical devia tion). Each

Intro ducti on


is a useful indicator fo r a mental disorder, but none is equivalent to the concept, and different s ituations caU for different definitions. Despite these caveats, the definition of mellial disorder that was included in DSMm and DSMW R is p rese nted here because it is as useful as any other available definition and has helped to guide decis ions regarding which conditions on the boundary between normali ty and pathology s hould be included in DSMIV. ln OSM rv, each of the mental disorders is concephlalized as a clinically significant behaviora l or p sy chological syndrome or pattern that occurs in an individual and that is associated with p resent distress (e.g., a painful symptom) or disability (i.e., impairme nt in one or more important areas of functioning) or wi th a Significantly increased risk of sui fering death, pain, disability, or an important loss of freedom . In addi tion, this syn drome or pattern must no t be me rely an expectable and culturally sa nctioned response to a particular e\'ent, for example, the death of a loved one. \hatever its original cause, it must currently be considered a manifestation of a behavioral, psychological, or biological dysfunc tion in the ind ividual. 'either deviant behavior (e .g., po litical, religious, or sexual) nor connicts that are primarily behveen the individual and society are mental disorders unless the deviance or confli ct is a symptom of a d}'sfunc tion in the individual, as described above. A common misconception is that a classification of mental disorders classifies pea-pie, when actually w hat a re being classified are disorders tha t people h ave. For this reason, the text of DSNHV (as did the text of DSM-WR) avoids the use of s uch expressions as "a schizophrenic" or "an alcoholic" and instead uses the more accurate, but admittedly more cumbersome, "an ind ividual w ith Schizophrenia" or "an individual with Alcohol Dependence."

Issues in the Use of DSM-IV

Limitations of the Categori ca l Approach
DSM-IV is a ca tegorical classi fi cation that divides mental disorders into types based on criteria sets with defining features. This naming of categories is the traditional method of organizing and transmitting informa tion in e~eryda y life and has been the fundamental approad\ used in all systems of medical diagnosis. A categorical approach to classification works best when a ll members of a diagnos tic class are homogeneous, when there are clear boundaries be tween classes, and when the different classes are mutually exclus ive. Nonetheless, the limitations of the categorical class ifi cation system must be recognized . In DSMJV, there is no assumption tha t each category of mental disorder is a com pletel), discrete entity with absolute boundaries dividing it from other mental dis orders or from no mental disorder. There is also no assumption tha t all individuals described as having the same mental disorder are alike in aU important ways. The eli rutia n using DSM IV should therefore cons ider that individuals s haring a diagnOSiS are likely to be heterogeneous even in regard to the defining features of the diagnOSiS and that boundary cases wiU be difficult to diagnose in a ny but a probabilis tic fa s h ~ ion. This outlook allows gTeater fl exibility in the u se of the system, e ncourages m ore specific attention to bounda ry cases, a nd emphasizes the need to caphtre additiona l

I xxxii

Int roduction

clinical information that goes beyond diagnosis. In recognition of the heterogeneity of clinical presentations, DSM-IV often includes polythetic criteria sets, in which the individual need only p resent w ith a subset of items from a longer list (e.g., the diagnosis of Borderline Persona lity Disorder requires only five out of nine items). It was suggested that the DSM-IV Classification be organized foUowing a dimensional model rather than thecategorica l model used in DSM-lII-R. A dimensional system classifies clinical presentations based on quantification of attributes rather than the assignment to categories and works best in describing phenomena that a re distributed continuously and that do not have clear boundaries. Although dimensional systems increase reliability and communicate more clinical informati on (because they report clinical attribp tes that might be subthreshold in a categorical system), they also have serious limitati~s and thus far have been less useful than ca tegorica l systems in clinical practice and in s timulating research . N umerical dimensional descriptions are much less familiar and vivid than are the categorical names fo r men tal d isorders. Moreover, there is as yet no agreement on the dlOice of the optimal dimensions to be used for classification purposes. ' onetheless, it is possible that the increasing research on, and familiarity with. dimensional systems may eventually result in their greater acceptance both as a method of conveying clinical information and as a research tool.

Use of Clinical Judg ment

DSM-IV is a classification of mental disorders that was developed for use in clinical, educationa l, and research settings. The diagnostic categories, criteria, and textua l descriptions are meant to be employed by individuals w ith appropriate clinical training and experience in diagnosis. It is important that OSt-.'I-IV not be applied mechanically by lmtrained individuals. The specific diagnostic criteria included in DSM-IV are meant to serve as guidelines to be informed by clinical judgment and are not meant to be used in a cookbook fashion. For example, the exercise of clinical judgment may jus tify giving a certain diagnosis to an individual even though the clinical presentation falls just short of meeting the full criteria for the diagnosis as long as the sympto ms that are present a re p ersis tent and severe. O n the other hand, lack of familiarity w ith DSM-IV or excessively nexible and idiosyncratic application of DSM-IV criteria or conventions subs tantially reduces its u tility as a common language for communication. In addition to the need for clinical training and judgment, the method of data colleetion is also important. The valid application of the diagnostic criteria included in this manual necessitates an evaluation tha i directly accesses the information contained in the criteria sets (e.g., whether a syndrome has persis ted for a m inimum period of time). Assessments that rely solely on psychological testing not covering the criteria content (e.g., projective testing) cannot be va lidl y u sed as the p rima ry source of d iagnostic infomlation.

Use of DSM -I V in Forensic Settings

When the DSM-IV categories, cri teria, and textual descriptions are employed for forensic purposes, there are significant risks that diagnostic information will be mis-

Introduct ion


used or misunderstood. These dangers arise because o f the imperfect fit between the questions of ultimate concern to the law and the information contained in a clinical diagnosis. In most situations, the clinical diagnosis of a OSM-N mental disorder is

not sufficient to establish the existence for legal purposes of a "mental disorder,"
"mental di sability," "m ental disease," or "mental d efect." In determining whether an individual meets .1 s pecified legal s tandard (e.g ., fo r competence, criminal resp onsibility, or disability), additional information is usually required beyond that contained in the OSM-IV diagnosis. This might include information abou t the individual's functional impairments and how these impairments affect the particular abilities in question. It is precisely becau se impairments, abilities, and disabilities vary w idely within each diagnostic category that assignment of a particular d iagnosis does not imply a specific level of impairment or d isab ility. Nondinical decision makers should also be cautioned that a diagnosis does not ca rry any necessary implications regarding the causes of the individual's m enta l dis order or its associated impairments. Inclusion of a d isorder in the C lassifi cation (as in medicine generally) does not require that there be knowledge about its etiology. Moreover, the fact that an individual's presentation meets the criteria for a OSM IV diagnosis d oes not carry any necessary implication regarding the individual's d egree of control over the behaviors that may be associated with the disord er. Even when di minished con trol over one's behavior is a feature of the disorder, having the d iagnosis in itself d oes not demonstra te that a particular individual is (or was) unable to control his or her behavior at a particular time. It must be noted that DSMIV reflects a consensu s about the cla ssification and di agnosis of mental disorders d erived at the time of its initia l publica tion. New knowl edge generated by research or clinical experience will undoubtedly lead to an increased Wlderstanding of the disorders included in DSMIV, to th e identification of new disorders, and to the removal of some disorders in futu re classifications. The text and criteria sets included in DSMIV will require reconsidera tion in light of evolving new information. The use of DSMIV in forensic settings should be informed by an awareness of the risks and limitations d iscussed above. When used appropriately, d iagnoses and diag nostic information can assist decision makers in thei r determinations. For example, when the presence of a mental di sorder is the predicate for a subsequent legal deter mination (e.g., involwltary civil commitment), the use ohm, es tablished system of diagnosis enhances the value and reliability of the determination . By providing a com pendirnn based on a review of the pertinent clinical and research literature, OSrvH V may facilitate the legal decision makers' unders tanding of the relevant characteris tics of mental disorders. The literature related to diagnoses also serves as a check on un grounded speculation about mental disorders and about the functioning of a particular individual. Finally, d iagnostic information regarding longitudinal course may improve decision making when the legal issue concerns an individ ual's mental func tioning at a pas t or future point in time.

Ethnic and Cultural Considerations

Special efforts have been made in the preparation ofDSM-IV to incorporate an aware ness that the manual is used in culturally diverse populations in the United States and



intemationally. Clinicians arc cal led on to evaluate ind ividua ls from numerous different ethnic groups and cultural backgrounds (including many w ho are recent immigrants). Diagnostic assessment can be especially ch alle nging when a clinician from one ethnic or cultural g roup uses the OSM-JV Classification to evaluate an ind ividual from a different ethnic or cultural group. A clinician who is unfamiliar w ith the nuances of an ind ividual's culhtral fram e of reference may incorrectly judge as psycho--

pathology those normal variations in behavior, belief, or experience that are

particular to the individual's cu lture. For example, certa in religious practices or beliefs (e.g., hearing or seeing a deceased rela tive during bereavement) may be misdiagnosed as manifestations of a Psychotic Disorder. Applying Personality Disorder criteria across cultu}al settings may be especially difficult because of the w ide c ultur~ al variation in concePts of self. styles of communication, and coping m echanisms. OSM ~I V includes three types of infom lation specifically related to cultural consid erations: 1) a d iscussion in the text of cultural variations in the clinical presentations of those disorders that have been included in the DSM-IV Classification; 2) a description of cul ture-bound syndromes that have not been included in the OSM-IV Classification (these are included in Appendix I); and 3) an outline for cultural formulation designed to assist the clinician in systematically evaluating and reporting the impact o f the individual's cultural context (also in Appendix I). The wide international acceptance of DSM suggests that this classification is useful in describing mental disorders as they are experienced by individuals throughout the world. Nonetheless, evidence also suggests that the symptoms and course of a num~ ber of DSM-IV d isorders a re influenced by cu ltural and ethnic fac tors. To facilitate its application to individuals from diverse cultural and ethnic settings, OSM-IV includes a new section in the text to cover culture-related features . This section describes the ways in which varied cultural backgrounds affect the content and form of the symptom presentation (e.g., depressive disorders characterized by a preponderance of somatic symptom s rather than sadness in certain cultures), preferred idioms for describing distress, and information on prevalence when it is avai lable. The second type of cultural informa tion provided pertains to "culture-bound syndromes" that have been described in just one, or a few, of the world's societies. DSM-IV provides hvo ways of increasing the recognition of culture-bound syndromes: 1) some (e.g., nmok, ntaqlle de lIeruios) are inclu ded as separa te examples in Not Othenvise Specified categories; and 2) an appendix of culture-bound syndromes (Appendix I) has been introduced in DSM-IV that includes the name for the condi tion, the cultures in which it was firs t described, and a brief description of the psychopathology. The provision of a culture-specific section in the DSM-IV text, the inclusion of a glossary of cul ture-bound synd romes, and the provision of an outline for cultural formulation are d esigned to enhance the cross-cultural applicability of DSM-IV. It is hoped that these new features will increase sensitivity to variations in how mental disorders may be exp ressed in different cultures and will reduce the possible effect of unintended bias stemming from the clinician's own cultural background.

Use of DSM-IV in Treatm ent Pla nning

Making a OSM-IV diagnOSis is only the first step in a comprehensive evaluation. To formulale an adequate treatment plan, the clinician will invariably require consider-

--------------------------------Introd uction


able addi tional information about the person being evaluated beyond tha t required to make a DSM~IV d iagnosis.

Di stinction Between Mental Disorder and

General Medical Condition

The terms mentnl disorder and gmcral medicnl collditioll are u sed through out this manual. The term menIal disorder is explained above. The term gel/eml medical collditioll is used merely as a convenient shorthand to refer to conditions and disorders that are listed outs ide the "r."lental and Behavioural Disorders" ch apter of ICO. It should be recognized that these are merely terms of convenience and should not be taken to im p ly thai there is any fundamental distinction between menta l d isorders and general medical conditions, that mental d isorders are unrelated to physical or biological fa c tors or processes, or that general medical conditions are unrela ted to behavioral or psychosocial fa ctors or processes.

Organization of the Manual

The manual begins with instructions concerning the use of the manual (p. 1), fonowed by the DSMIVTR Classification (pp. 13-26), which provides a systematic listing of the offi cial codes and categories. Next is a d escription of the DSMlV Multiaxial Sys tern for assessment (pp. 27-37). This is followed by the diagnostic criteri a for each of the DSMIV disorders accompanied by descriptive text (pp. 39-743). Finally, DSM-lV includes 11 appendixes.

Cautionary Statement

T he specified diagnos tic criteria for each mental disorder are offered as guidelines for making diagnoses, because it has been demonstrated that the use of s uch criteria

enhances agreement among clinicians and investigators. The proper use of these criteria requires specialized clinical training that provides both a body of knowledge and clinical skills. These diagnostic criteria and the DSM-JV Classification of mental disorders reflect a consensus of current fo rmuJations of evolving knowledge in our field . They do not
encompass, however, all the conditions for which people may be treated or that may

be appropriate topics for research efforts.

The purpose of DSM-IV is to provide clear description s of diagnostic categories in order to enable clinicians and investigators to diagnose, communicate about, study. and treat people with various mental disorders. It is to be understood that inclusion here. for clinical and research purposes, of a diagnostic category such as Pathological Gambling o r Pedophilia does not imply that the condition meets legal o r other nonmedical criteria for what constitutes mental disease, menta l disorder, or mental disability. The clinical and scientific consid erations involved in categorization o f these conditions as mental disorders may not be wholly relevant to legal judgments, for example. that take into account such issues as individual responsibili ty, disability determination, and competency.


Use of the Manual

Coding and Reporting Procedures

Diagnostic Codes
The official coding system in use in the United States as of publication of this manual is the IllfemnfiOlln1 C/nssiftmt ioll of Diseases, inth Revision, Clinical Modification (IC D-9-CM). Most OSM-JV disorders have a numerical ICD-9-CM code thai appears se\'eral times: 1) preceding the name of the disorder in the Classification (pp. 13-26), 2) at the beginning of the text section (or each disorder, and 3) accompanying the criteria set for each disorder. For some diagnoses (e.g ., Mental Retardation, Substanceinduced Mood Disorder), the appropriate code depends on hlrther sp eci fi cation and is lis ted after the text and criteria set for the disorder. The names of some disorders are followed by alternative tenns enclosed in paren theses, which, in most cases, were the DSM-lll-R names for the disorders. The use of diagnostic codes is fundamenta l 10 medical record keeping. Diagnostic coding facilitates data collection and retrieval and compilation of s tatis tical information. Codes also are often required to report diagnostic data to interested third parties, including governmental agencies, private insurers, and the World Health Organization. For exam ple, in the United States, the use of these codes has been mandated by the Health Care Financing Administr.1tion for purposes o f reimbursement under the Medicare system. Subtypes (some of which are coded in the fifth digit) and sp ecifiers are provided for increased specificity. Subtypes define mutually exclusive and jointly exhaus tive phenomenological s ubgroupings with in a diagnosis and a re indicated by the instruction "specify type" in the criteria set. For example, Del1,!sional Disorder is s ubtyped , based on the content of the d elus ions, with seven subtypes provided : Erotomanic Type, Grandiose Type, Jealous Type, Persecutory Type, Somatic Type, Mixed Type, and Unsp ecified Type. In contrast,specifiers are no t intended to be mutually exclusive or jointly exhaustive and are indica ted by the instruction "specify" or "specify if" in the criteria set (e.g., for Social Phobia, the instruction notes "Specify if: Genera lized"). Specifiers prov ide an o pportunity to define a more homogeneous subgrouping of individuals with the disorder who sha re certain features (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, With Melancholic Features). Although a fifth digit is sometimes aSSigned to code a subtype or sp ecifier (e.g., 294.11 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, With Behavioral Disturbance) or severity (296.21 Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, MUd), the majori ty of subty pes and s pecifiers included in DSM-TV cannot be coded within the ICD-9-CM system and are indicated only by including the s ubtype or specifier after the name of the disorder (e.g., Social Phobia, Generalized).

Use of the Manual

Severity and Course Specifiers

A DSM-IV diagnosis is usually applied to the individual's current pres entation and is not typically used to denote previous diagnoses from which the individual has recovered. The follo wing specifiers indicating s everity and course may be listed after the diagnosis: Mild, Moderate, Severe, In Partial Remission, In Full Remi ssion, and Prior His tory. The specifiers Mild, Moderate, and Severe should be used only when the full cri-

teria fo r the disorder are currently met. In deciding whether the presentation should
be d escribed as mild, mode rate, or severe, the clinician should take into account the number and in tensity of the signs and symptoms of the disorder and any resulting impairment in occupatioQal or social functioning . For the majority of disorders, the following guidelines may be used : Mild. Few, if a ny, symptoms in excess of those required to make the diagnos is are present, and symptoms result in no more than minor impairment in social or occupa tional fun ctioning. Moderate. Symptoms or functional impairment betw"een "mild " and "severe" are present. Severe. Many symptoms in excess of those required to make the diagnosis, or several symptoms that are particularly severe, a re present, or the symptoms result in marked impairment in social or occupational functioning. In Partial Remission. The full criteria for the disorder were previously met, but currently only some of the s}'l1lptoms or signs of the disorder remain. In Full Remission. There are no longer any symptoms or signs of the disorder, but it is still clinically relevant to note the disorder-for example, in an individual w ith previous episodes of Bipolar Disorder who has been symptom free on lithium for the past 3 years. After a period of time in full remission, the clinician may judge the individual to be recovered and, therefore, would no longer code the disorder as a current diagnosis. The differentiation of In Full Remission from recovered requires consideration of many factors, including the cha racteris tic course of the disorder, the length of time since the Jast period of disturbance, the total duration of the disturbance, and the need for continued evaluation or p rophylactic trea tment. Prior History. For some purposes, it may be useful to note a history of the criteria having been met for a disorder even when the individual is considered to be recovered from it. Such past diagnoses of mental disorder would be indicated by using the specifier Prior His tory (e.g., Separation Anxiety Di sorder, Prior History, for an individual w ith a history of Separation Anxiety Disorder who has no current disorder or who currently meets criteria for Panic Disorder). Specifi c criteria for defining Mild, Moderate, and Severe have been provided for the follow ing: Men tal Retardation, Conduct Disorder, Manic Episode, and Major Depressive Episode. Specific criteria for defining In Partial Remission and In Full Remission have been provided for the follo wing: Manic Episode, Major Depressive Episode, and Subs tance Dependence.

Use of the Manual

Not infrequently in clinical practice, individuals after a period of time in which the full criteria for the disorder are no longer met (i .e., in partial or full remission or recovery) may develop symptoms that suggest a recurrence of their original disorder but that do not yet meet the full threshold for that d isorder as sp ecified in the criteria set. It is a matter of clinical judgment as to how best to indicate the presence of these symptoms. The following options are available:
If the symptoms are judged to be a new episode of a recurrent condition, the disorder may be diagnosed as current (or provisional) even before the full criteria have been met (e.g., after meeting criteria for a Major Depressive Episode for only 10 days instead of the 14 days usually required). If the symptoms are judged to be clinically s ignificant but it is not clear w hether they constitute a recurrence of the original disorder, the appropriate Not Otherwise Specified category may be given. If it is judged that the symptoms are not clinically significant, no additional current or provisional diagnosis is given, but "Prior History" may be noted (see p. 2).

Principal Diagnosis/Reason for V isi t

When more than one diagnosis for an individual is given in an inpatient setting, the principal diag1losis is the condition established after study to be chiefly responsible for occasioning the admission of the individual. When more than one diagnosis is given for an individual in an outpatient setting, the reasoll for visit is the condition that is chiefly responsible for the ambulatory care medical services received during the visit. In most cases, the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit is also the main focu s of attention or treatment. It is often difficult (and somewhat arbitrary) to determine which diagnosis is the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit, especially in situations of "dual diagnosis" (a substance-related d iagnosis like Amphetamine Dependence accompanied by a non-substance-related diagnosis like Schizophrenia). For example, it may be unclear which diagnosis should be considered " principal " for an individual hospitalized with both Schizophrenia and Amphetamine intoxication, because each condition may have contributed equally tQ t)1e need for admission and treatment. Multiple diagnoses can be reported in a multiaxial fashion (see p. 35) o r in a nonaxial fashion (see p . 37). When the principal diagnosis is an Axis I disorder, this is indicated by listing it firs t. The remaining disorders are lis ted in order of focu s of attention and treatment. When a person has both an Axis I and an Axis II diagnosis, the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit will be assumed to be on Axis I unless the Axis II diagnOSiS is followed by the qualifying phrase "(Principal Diagnosis)" or "(Reason for Visit)."

Provisional Diagnosis
The specifier provisional can be used when there is a strong presumption that the full criteria w ill ultimately be met for a disorder, but not enough information is available

Use o f the Manual to make a firm diagnosis. The clinician can indicate the d iagnostic uncertainty by recording "(provisional)" following the diagnosis. For example, the ind ividuaJ appears to have a Major Depressive Disorder, but is unable to g ive an adequate history to establish that the full criteria are met. Another use of the term provisional is for those situations in w hich differential diagnosis depends exclusively on the duration of illness. For example, a diagnosis of Schizophrenifonn Disord er requires a duration of less than 6 mon ths and can only be given provisionally if assigned before remission has occurred.

Use of Not Otherwise Specified Categories

Because of the d iversity of clinical presentations, it is impossible for the d iagnostic nomenclature to cover every p ossible situation. For this reason, each diagnostic class has at least one Not Otherwise Specified (i\'OS) category and some classes have several NOS categories. There are four situations in wh ich an NOS diag nosis may be appropriate: The presentation cornonns to the general guidelines for a mental disorder in the diagnostic class, but the symptomatic picture d oes not meet the criteria for any of the s pecific disorders. This would occur either when the symptoms are below the diagnostic thresh old for one of the specific disorders or when there is an atypical or mixed presenta tion. The presentation conforms to a symptom pattern that has not been includ ed in the DSM-IV Classification bu t tha t causes clinically significant d istress or impairment. Research criteria for some of these symptom patterns have been included in Appendix B ("Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study"), in which case a page reference to the su ggested research criteria set in Appendix B is provided . There is uncertainty about etiology (Le., whether the d isorder is due to a general medical condition, is substance induced, or is primary). There is insu fficien t opp ortunity for complete data collection (e.g., in emergency situations) or inconsistent or contradictory info nna tion, but there is enough information to p lace it within a particular d iagnostic class (e.g., the clinician d etennines that the individual has p sychotic symptoms but does not have enough information to diagnose a sp ecific Psychotic Disorder).

W ay s of Indicat ing Diagnostic Uncertainty

The following table indica tes the various ways in w hich a clinician may indicate diagnostic uncertainty:

Use of the Manual

Examples of clinical situations

V Codes (for Other Cond itions That May

Be a Focus of Clinical Attention)

Insufficient information to know whether or not a presenting problem is attributable to a mental disorder, e.g., Academic Problem; Adult Antisocia l Behavior

799.9 Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Information inadequate to make any diag nostic judgment about an Axis I d iagnosis or Axis I condit ion 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis I[ 300.9 Unspecified Mental Disorder (non psychotic) 298.9 Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Information inadequate to make any diagnostic judgment about an Axis II diagnosis Enough information avai lab le to rule out a Psychotic Disorder, but further specification is not possible Enough infor mation avai lable to determine the presence of a Psychotic Disorder, but fur ther specification is not possi ble

[Class of disorder! Not Otherwise Specified Enough information available to indicate the class of disorder that is present, but fure.g ., Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise ther specification is not possible, e ither beSpecified cause there is not sufficient information to make a more specific diagnosis or because the clinical features of the disorder do not meet the criteria for any of th e specific cate gories in that class [Specific diagnosis) (Provisional) e.g ., Schizophreniform Disorder (Provisional) Enough information available to make a "working " d iagnosis, but the clinician wishes to indicat e a significant degree of diagnostic uncertainty

Frequently Used Criteria

' -

Criteria Used t o Excl ude Other Diagnoses and to Suggest Differential Diagnoses
Most of the criteria sets presented in this manual include e xclusion criteria that are necess ary to establish boundaries between disorders and to clarify differential diagnoses. The several different wordings of exclusion criteria in the criteria sets throughout DSM-lV reflect the different types of possible relationships among disorders: "Criteria h ave n ever b een m e t for . .." This exclusion criterion is used to define a lifetime hierarchy between d isorders. For example, a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder can no longer be given once a Manic Episode has occurred and must be changed to a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder.

Use of the Manual

"Criteria are not m et for ... " This exclusion criterion is used to establish a hierarchy behveen disorders (or subtypes) defined cross-sectionally. For example, the specifier With Melancholic Features takes precedence over With Atypical Features for d escribing the current Major Depressive Episode. "does not occur exclusively during the course of ... " lhis exclusion criterion prevents a disorder from being diagnosed when its symptom presentation occurs only during the course of another disorder. For example, dementia is not diagnosed separately if it occurs only during delirium; Conversion Disorder is not diagnosed separately if it occurs only during Somatization Disorder; Bulimia 'ervosa is not diagnosed separately if it occu rs only during episodes of Anorexia ervosa. This exclusion criterion is typically used in situations in which the symptoms of one disorder are 'a ssociated features or a subset of the symptoms of the preempting disorder. The clinician should consider periods of partial remission as part of the "course of another disorder." It should be noted that the excluded d iagnosis can be given at times when it occurs independently (e.g., when the excluding disorder is in full remission). " not due to the direct physiological effects of a su bstance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a m edication) or a general medical condition." lhis exclusion criterion is used to indicate that a substance-induced and general medical etiology must be consid ered. and ruled out before the disorder can be d iagnosed (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder can be diagnosed. only after etiologies based on substance use and a general medical condition have been ruled out). "not better accounted for by ... " This exclusion criterion is used 10 indicate that the disorders mentioned in the criterion must be considered in the differential diagnosis of the presenting psychopathology and that, in boundary cases, clinical judg ment will be necessary to determine wh ich d isorder provides the most appropriate diagnOSiS. In such cases, the " Differential Diagnosis" section of the text for the d isorders should be consulted for guidance. The general con vention in DSM-IV is to allow multiple diagnoses to be assigned for those presentations that meet criteria for more than one DSM-IV disorder. There are three situations in which the above-mentioned exclusion criteria help to establish a diagnostic hierarchy (and thus prevent multiple diagnoses) o r to highlight differential diagnostic considerations (and thus discourage multiple d iagnoses): When a Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition or a SubstanceInduced Disord er is responsible for the symptoms, it preempts the diagnosis of the corresponding p rimary disorder with the same symptoms (e.g., Cocaine-Induced. Mood Disorder preempts Major Depressive Disorder). In such cases, an exclusion crilerion containing the phrase "not due to the direct physiological effects of ... " is included in the criteria set for the primary disorder. When a more pervasive disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) has among its defining symptoms (or associated symptoms) what are the defining symptoms of a less pervasive disorder (e.g., Dysthymic Disorder), one of the following three exclusion criteria appears in the criteria set for the less pervasive disorder, indicating that only the more pervasive disorder is diagnosed: "Criteria have never been met for ... ," "Criteria are not met for ... ," "does not occur exclUSively during the course 0 f . . . ..

Use of the Man ua l When there are particularly difficult d ifferential diagnostic boundaries, the phrase "not better accounted for by ... " is included to indicate tha t clinical judgment is necessary to determine w hich diagnosis is most approp riate. For exam ple, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobi a includes the criterion "not better accounted for by Socia l Phobia" and Social Phobia includes the criterion " no t better accounted. fo r by Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia" in recognition of the fac t that this is a particul arly d ifficult bounda ry to draw . In some cases, both d iagnoses might be ap propriate.

Criteria f or Substance-Induced Disord ers

It is often difficult to d etermine whether presenting symptoma tology is substance induced, that is, the direct physiological consequence of Substance lntoxication or

Withdrawal, med ica tion use, or toxin exposure. In an effort to provide some assistance in making this determination, the two criteria listed below have been add ed to each of the Substance-Induced Disorders. These criteria are intended to provide general gu idelines, b ut at the same time allow for clinical judgment in d etermining whether or not the presenting symptoms are best accounted for by the direct ph ysiologica l effects of the substance. For fur ther discussion of this issue, see p . 209.

There is evidence from the history, physical exa mination, or laboratory findin gs of either (1) or (2): (1) the sym ptoms developed during, or with in a month o f, Substance In toxication or Withdrawal (2) medication use is etiologically rela ted to the disturbance


The disturbance is no t better accounted fo r by a disorder that is not substance induced . Evidence that the sym p toms are better accounted for by a d isord er that is not substance induced might includ e the following: the symptoms precede the onset o f the substance use (or medication use); the symp toms persist for a substantial period of time (e.g., about a month) aft er the cessation of acute withdrawal or severe intoxication, or are substantially in excess of w hat would be expected given the type, duration, or amount of the substance used ; or there is o ther ev i denc~ that suggests the existence of an independent non-substance-induced d isord er (e.g., a history o f recurren t non-substance-related episodes).

Crit eria fo r a M en tal Disord er Due t o a General Medica l Condit ion

The criterion listed below is necessary to establish the etiological requ irement for each of the Men tal Disorders Due to a Genera l Med ica l Condition (e.g., Mood Disorder Due to Hypothyroidism). For further discussion of this issue, see p . 181. There is evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laboratory find ings that the disturbance is the direct physio logical consequence of a general medical condition.

Criteri a f o r Clini cal Significance

Use of t he Manua l

The defi ni tion of mentul disorder in the introduction to DSM-IV requires that there be clinically significant impainnent or distress. To highlight the importance of considering this issue, the cri teria sets for most disorders include a clinical significance crite-rion (usually w orded " ... causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occu pational, or other important areas of functionin g"). This criterion help!" ('stablish
the threshold fo r the diagnosis of a disorder in those s ituations in which the symptomatic presentation by itself (par ticu larly in its milder forms) is not inherently pa thological and may be encQwltered in individuals for whom a diagnosis of " mental disorder" wou ld be inappropria te. Assessing whether this criterion is met, especially in terms of role funqion, is an inherently difficu lt clinical judgment. Reliance on information from family members and other third parties (in addition to the individual) regarding the individual's performance is o ften necessary.

Types of Information in the DSMIV Text

The text of DSM-IV systematically d escribes each d isorder under the follow ing headings: "Diagnostic Features"; "Subtypes and / or Speci fie rs"; "Recording Procedures"; "Associated Features and Disorders"; "Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features"; "Prevalence"; "Course"; " Fami lial Pattern"; and " Differential Diagnosis." When no infonnation is available for a section, that section is not includ ed. In some instances, when many of the specific disorders in a group of disorders share common features, this information is included in the general introduction to the group. D iagnostic Featu res. This section clarifies the diagnostic cri teria and often provides illus trative examples. Subtyp es and/or Sp ecifiers. This section provid es definitions and brief discussions concerning applicable subtypes and / or specifiers. Recording Proced ures. This section provides guidelines for reporting the name of the d isorder and for selecting and recording the appropriate ICD-9-CM diagnos tic code. It also includes instructions for applying any appropriate subtypes and / or specifiers. Associated Fea tures and Disorders. parts:
This section is usually subdivided into three

Associated descriptive feat llres alld melltal disorders. 1llis section includes clinical fea tures tha t are frequently associated w ith the disord er but that are not considered essential to making the diagnosis. In some cases, these features were considered for inclusion as possib le diagnostic criteria but were insufficiently sensitive or specific to be included in the final criteria set. Also noted in this section are other mental disorders associa ted w ith the disorder being discussed. It is specified (when known) if these disorders p recede, co-occu r with, or are consequences of th e djsorder in question (e.g., Alcohol-Induced Persis ting Demen tia is il consequence

Use of the Manual

of chronic Akohol Dependence) . If a vailable, information on predisposing fac tors and complica tions is also included in this section . Associated /aboratoryjifldiflgs. This section prov ides information on three types of laboratory findings that may be associated w ith the disorder: 1) those associated laboratory findings that are considered to be "diagnostic" of the disorder- for example, polysonmog ra phic findings in certain sleep disorders; 2) those associated laboratory findings that are not considered to be diagnostic of the disorder but that have been noted to be a bnormal in groups of individuals w ith the dis order relative to control subjects-fo r example, ventricle size on computed tomography as a valida tor of the construct of Schizophrenia; and 3) those laboratory findings that are associated with the complications of a disorder-for example, electroly te imbalances in individuals with Anorexia Nervosa . Associated pizysical examillatio1l .Iii/dings alld gelleral medical cOllditiolls. This section incl udes information about symptoms elicited by his tory, or fi.ndings noted during physical examination, that may be of d iagnostic significance but that are not essential to the diagnosis-for example, dental erosion in Bulimia Nervosa. Also included are those disorders that are coded outs ide the "Mental and Behavioural Disord ers" chapter of rCD that are associated w ith the disorder being discu ssed . As is done for associated me ntal disorders, the type of associa tion (i .e., precedes, co-occurs w ith, is a consequence of) is specified if know n-for example, that cirrhosis is a consequence of Alcohol Dependence. Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features. This section provides guidance for the clinician concerning variations in the presentation of the disorder that may be attributable to the individual's cultural setting, developmental s tage (e.g., infancy, childhood , adolescence, adulthood, late We), or gender. This section also includes informa tion on differential prevalence rates related to culture, age, and gender (e.g., sex ratio). Prevalence. This sec tion provid es a vailable data on poin t a nd lifetime prevalence, incidence, a nd lifetime ris k. These data are provided for different settings (e.g ., community, primary care, outpatient m enta l health cl inics, and inpatient psychiatric settings) w hen this information is known . Course. llUs section describes the typical lifetime patterns of p resenta tion and evolution of the disorder. It contains information on typical age at ollset and mode of ollset (e.g., abrupt or insidious) of the disord er; episodic vers us cOlltillllOIlS course; single episode versus rewrrent; duratioll, characterizing the typical length of the illness and its episodes; and progressioll, describing the general trend o f the disorder over time (e.g., stable, worsening, improving). Familial Pattern. This section describes data on the frequency of the disorder among firs t-degree biological relatives of those w ith the disorder compared with the frequency in the general population. It als o indicates o ther disorders that tend to occu r more frequ en tly in famil y members of those with the disorder. Information regarding the heritable n ature of the disorder (e.g., d ata from h vi..n studies, known genetic t.ransmission patterns) is also included in this section .


Use o f the Manual

Differential Diagnosis. This section discusses how to differentiate this disorder from other d isorders that have some simila r presenting characteristics.

DSM-IV Organizational Plan

The OSM-JV disorders are grouped into 16 major d iagnostic classes (e.g., SubslanccRelated Disorders, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders) and one additional section, "O ther Conditions That May Be a Focu s of Clinical Attention ." The firs t section is d evo ted to " Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence," This division of the Classification according to age at presentation is for convenience only and is not absolute. Al though disorders in thi s section are usually fi QI e\'ident in childhood and adolescence, some individuals d iagnosed with disorders loca ted in this section (e.g., Attention-Defi cit/ H yperactivity Disorder) may not present for clinical attention unti l adulthood. In addition, it is not uncom mon for the age <'I t onset for m<'lny di sorders placed in other sections to be during childhood or adolescence (e.g., Major Depressive Disord er, Schizophrenia, Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Clinicians who work primarily with children and adolescents should therefore be familiar with the entire manual, <'Ind those who work primarily with adults sh ould also be familiar wi th th is section. The next three sections-" Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and O ther Cogn itive Disorders"; "Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition"; and "Substance-Related Disorders"-were grouped together in DSM-ill-R u nder the single heading of "Organic Mental Syndromes and Disord ers." The term "organic menial disorder" is no longer used in DSM-IV beca use it incorrectly im plies that the other mental disorders in the manual do not have a biological basis. As in DSM-m -R, these sections are placed before the remaining disorders in the manual because of their priority in differential diagnosis (e.g., substance-related causes of depressed mood must be ruled out before making a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder). To facilitate differential diagnosis, complete lists of Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Related Di sorders appear in these sections, w hereas the text and criteria for these d isorders are placed in the diagnostic sections with disorders with wh ich they share phenomenology. For example, the text and criteria for Substance-lnduced Mood Disorder and Mood Disorder Due to a General r..,ledical Cond ition are included in the Mood Disorders section. The organizin g principle for all the remaining sections (excep t for Adjustment Disorders) is to group disorders based on their shared phenomenological features in order to facilitate differential diagnosis. The" Adjustment Disorders" section is organized differently in that these disorders are grouped based on their common etiology (e.g., maladaptive reaction to a stressor). Therefore, the Adjustment Disorders include a variety o f heterogeneous clinical presentations (e.g., Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood. Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety. Ad justment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct). Finally, DSM-JV includes a section for "O ther Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention." OSM-IV includes 11 appendixes:

Appendix A: Decision Trees for Differential Diagnosis. This appendix contains six decision trees (for Mental Disord ers Due to a General Medical Condition, Sub-

Use of the Manual


stance-Induced Disorders, Psychotic Disorders, Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, and Somatoform Disorders). Their purpose is to aid the clinician in differential diagnosis and in understanding the hierarchical struchtre of the DSM-IV Classification. Appendix B: Criteria Sets and Axes Provi ded for Further Study. This appendix contains a nwnber of proposals that were suggested. for possible inclusion in DSM-IV. Brief tex ts and research criteria sets are provided for the following: postconcussionai disorder, mild neurocognitive disorder, caffeine withdrawal, p ostpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizophrenia, simple deteriorative disorder, premenstrual d ysphoric disorder, minor depressive disorder, recurrent brief depressive di sorder, mixed anxiety-depressive disorder, factitious disorder by proxy, dissociative trance disorder, binge-eating disorder, depressive personality disorder, passive-aggressive personal ity disorder, Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism, Neuroleptic Malignant Syn drome, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia, Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia, and Medication-Induced Poshtral Tremor. In addition, alternative dimensional d escriptors for Schizophrenia and an alternative Criterion B for Dysthymic Disorder are included . Finally, three proposed axes (Defensive Functioning Sca le, Global Assessment of Relational Functioning [GARF] Scale, and Social and Occupational Flmctioning Assessment Scale [SOFAS)) are prov ided. Appendix C: Glossary of Technical Terms. This appendix contains glossary definitions of selected terms to assist users of the manual in the application of the criteria

Appendix D: Highligh ts of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision. This appendix provides an overview of changes as a result of the DSM-fV text revision process. Appendix E: Alphabetical listing of DSM-JV-TR Diagnos es and Codes. This appendix tis ts the DSM-fV disorders and conditions (with their ICD-9-CM codes) in alphabetical order. It has been included to facilita te the selection of diagnostic codes. Appendix F: Numerical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes. This appendix lists the DSM-fV disorders and conditions ( ICD-9-CM codes) in numerical order by code. It has been included to facilita te recording of diagnostic terms. App en dix G: ICD-9-CM Co des for Selected General Medical Conditions and Medication-Induced Disord ers. This appendix contains a list of ICD-9-CM codes for selected general medical conditions and has been provided to fa cilitate coding on Axis ill. This appendix also provides KD-9-CM E-codes for selected medications, prescribed at therapeutic dose levels, that cause Substance-Induced Disorders. The E-codes may optionally be coded on Axis I immediately following the related disorder (e.g ., 292.39 Oral Contraceptive-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features; E932.2 oral contraceptives). App endix H: DSM-IV Classification (With ICD-lO Codes). As of the publ.ication of the text revision (in the late spring of 2000), the officia l coding system in use in the

Use of the Manual

United States is the hltematiollal Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, C linical Modification (ICO-9-CM). Throughout much of the world, the officia l coding system is the IlltenliltiOlla/ Sflltistiml Classification of Diseases aud Related Healtll Problems, Tenth Rev ision (lCO10). To facilita te the use of DSMIV internationally, this appendix contains the complete OSMIV classification with IC D10 diagnostic codes. Appendix I: Outline fo r Cultural Fonnulation and Glossary of Cul tureBound Syndromes . This appendix is divided into hvo sections. The firs t provides an outline for cultural formulation d esigned to assist the clinician in systematically evaluating and reporting the impact of the individual's cultural context. The second is a glossary of culture-bound syndromes. Appendix J: DSMrv Contributors. This appendix lists the names of the advisers and field-trial participants and other individuals and organiza tions that contributed to the development of OSMIV. Appendix K: DSMrv Text Revision Advisers. This appendix lists the names of the advisers who contributed to th e OSMIV Text Revision.
- ~

DSM-IV-TR Classification

NOS = Not O therwise Specified .

An x appearing in a diagnos tic code ind icates that a specific code number is requ ired .

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence (39)

An ellipsis (. . .) is used in the nam es of certain disorders to indicate that the name of a specific mental disorder o r general medical condition should be inserted when recording the name (e.g., 293.0 Delirium Due to Hypothyroidism). Numbers in parentheses are page numbers.
U criteria are currently met, one of the


No te: 317 318.0

These are coded 011 Axis 11. Mild Mental Retardation (43) Moderate Mental Retardation

318.1 318.2 319

fo llowing severity specifiers may be

noted after the diagnosis:
NWd Moderate Severe

Severe Mental Retardation (43) Profound Mental Retarda tion (44) Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified (44)


If criteria arc no longer met, one of the follow ing specifiers may be noted:
In Partial Remission In Full Remission Prior His tory

315.00 Reading Disorder (51) 315.1 Mathematics Disorder (53) 315.2 Disorder of Written Expression (54) 315.9 Learning Di sorder NOS (56)


Develo pmenta l Coordination Disorder (56)


315.31 Expressive Language Disorder


315.32 Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder (62) 315.39 Phonological Disorder (65) 307.0 Shlttering (67) 307.9 Communication Disorder NOS


DSM-JV-TR Classificat ion

PERVASIVE DEVELOPMENTAL DISORDERS (69) 299.00 A utistic Disorder (70) 299.80 Rett's Disorder (76) 299.10 Childhood Di sintegrative Disorder (77) 299.80 As perger's Disorder (80) 299.80 Pervas ive Developmental Disorder NOS (84)
ATIENTIDNDEFICIT AND DISRUPTIVE BEHAVIOR DISORDERS (85) 314.xx Attention-Deficit! H yperactivity Disorder (85) .01 Combined Type .00 Predominan tly lnallentive Type .01 Predominan tly H yperactive-Impulsive Type 314.9 Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder 'OS (93) 312.xx Conduct Disorder (93) .81 Childhood-Onset Type .82 Adolescent-Onset Type .89 Unspecified Onset 313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder (100) 312.9 Disruptive Beha vior Disorder NOS (103) ELIMINATION DISORDERS (116) - .Encopresis (1 16) 787.6 With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence 307.7 Without Cons tipation and Overflow Incontinence 307.6 Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) (11 8) Specify type: Nocturnal Only / Diurnal
Only/ Nocturnal and Diurnal

OTHER DISORDERS OF INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, OR ADOLESCENCE ( 121) 309.21 Separation Anxiety D isorder (121)
Spify if: Earl)' Onset

313.23 Selective Mutism (125) 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder

of Infancy or Early Childhood (127)

Inhibited Type! Disinhibited Type


Stereotypic Movement Disorder

sp;:cify if: With Sclf.lnjurious


Disorder of Infa ncy,Childhood, or Adolescence NOS (134)

FEEDING AND EATING DISORDERS OF INFANCY OR EARLY CHILDHOOD (103) 307.52 Pica (103) 307.53 Rumination Disorder (105) 307.59 Feeding Disorde r of Infancy or Early Childhood (107)
TIC DISORDERS (108) 307.23 Tourette's Disorder (1 11) 307.22 Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder (114) 307.21 Transient Tic Disorder (11 5)
Spify if: Single Episode/ Recurrent

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders (135)

DELIRIUM (136) 293.0 Delirium Due to ... [llIdicate the

Gelleml Medical COllditioll1 (141 )


Subs tance Intoxication Delirium

(refer to Substance-Related Disorders for sUbstallce-specific codes) (143)

Substance Withdrawal Delirium (refer to Subs/allce-

307.20 Tic Disorder NOS (116)

Related Disorders for substallcespecific codes) (143)

DSM -IV-TR Classification -.Delirium Due to M ultiple Etiologies (code each ofllle specific
294.lx Dem entia Due to Pick's Disease (also code 331.1 Pick's disease all Axis 11l) (165) 294 .1 x De me nti a Due to Creutz fe ldt}ilkob Disease (a lso code 046.1

etiologies) (146)
780.09 Delirium N O S (147)

DEMENTIA (147) 294 .xx De me ntia of the Alz he ime r's Type, With Early Onset (also code 33 1.0 Alzheimer's disease 011 Axis lll) (1 54) .10 Witho u t Behavio ral Disturbance .11 With Behavioral Distu rbance 294 .xx Demen tia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onse t (also code

Creutz.feldt-Jakob disease on Axis

Ill) (166) 294.1x" Dementia Due to ... [In dicate tile

General Medical Condition not listed above] (also code ti,e general medical conditioll on Axis lll) (167)
Substance-Lnduced Persis ting Dem e ntia (refer to SlIbstallce-

331.0 Alzheimer's disease 011 Axis Ill ) (154)

.11 290.xx Without Be ha vioral Disturbance With Be havio ral Dis turbance Vascular Deme ntia (158) Uncomplicate d With Delirium '''' ith Delu sio ns With Depressed Mood
Spuify if; With Behavioral Disturbance

Relnted Disorders for SlIbstancespecific codes) (168)

Dem e ntia Due to M u lti ple Etiologies (code each of the specific etiologies) (170) Dem e ntia OS (171)

294 .8

.41 .42

AMNESTIC DISORDERS (172) 294 .0 A mnestic Diso rd e r Due to ...


[lndicate lite Genernl Medical Conditioll} (1 75)

Spt'cify if; Transient/ Chronic

Code presence or absence of a belJaviornl disturbmlce ill tile fifth digit for Dem entia
Due to a Genera l Medical Cond itio n:

Substance-Induced Persisting Am nestic D isorder (refer to

SlIbstance-Related Disorders for Sllbstallce-specijic codes) (177)


0", Without Behavioral Disturbance 1 .. With Behavio ral Disturbance

AllUlestic Disorder N O S (179)

294.1x Dem entia Due to rnv Disease (also code 042 HlV a / I Axis III)

294. lx Dem e ntia Due to H ead Trauma (also code 854.00 head illj ury all Axis Ill) (164) 294.1x De mentia Due to Pa rkinson 's Disease (also code 332.0 ParkinSOIl's disease all Axis Ill) (164) 294.1x Dem entia Due to H unting to n's Disease (also code 333.4 HUlltingtall '5 disease all Aris lll) (165)

OTHER COGNITIVE DISORDERS (179) 294.9 Cognitive Disorder N OS (179)

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

Not Elsewhere Classified (181 )



Ca ta to nic D isorde r Due to .. .

[llldicnte tile Gel/ernl Medical Conditiol/ J (185)

310.1 Pe rsonality Cha nge Due to ...

'ICD-9-CM code valid after October 1, 2000.

[Indicat e tile General Medical Condition] (187)

DSM-IV-TR Classification
S;/eCify IYl'e: La bile Type/ Disinhibited T),pe/ Aggressive Type/ Apatheti c Trpe/ Paranoid Trpe / Other Type/ Combined Type/ Unspecifi ed Type

291.)( .5 .3 291.89 291.89 291.89


Men tal Disorder NOS Due 10 .. . l/Ildicate tile Gelleral

Medical ConditionJ (190)

Substance-Related Disorders
( 191 )

291.89 291.9

Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delu sions!.w With Hallucinations',w Alcohol-induced Mood Disorde~'w (405) Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorde~'w (479) Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction' (562) Alcoh ol-Induced Sleep Disorder],w (655) Alcoh ol-Rela ted Disord er OS

TIle followillg specifiers apply to Substance Depelldence as 1I0ted:


Physiological Depend ence / Withou t Physiological Depend ence


bEady Full Remission / Early Partial Remission/ Sustained Full Re mission / Sustained Parti al Remission 9"n a Controlled Environment dOn Agonist Thera py

Amphetamine Use Disorders (224) 304.40 Amphetamine Dependenceilo,b,C (224) 305.70 Amphetamine Abuse (225) Amphetamine-Induced Disorders
(2 26)

Tile following specifiers apply to SubstallceIllduced Disorders as Iloted:

[With Onset During in toxication / wWith Onset During Withd rawal

292.89 Amph etam ine lntoxication

Sl"'cify if: With Perceptual Distu rbances



Amphetamine Withdrawal

Alcohol Use Disorders (213) 303.90 Alcohol Dependencea,b,c (213) 305.00 Alcohol Abuse (214) Alcohol-Induced Disorders (214) 303.00 Alcohol In toxication (214) 291.81 Alcohol Withdrawal (215)
Spify if: With Perceptual Disturbances

291.0 291.0 291 .2 291.1

Alcohollntoxica tion Delirium


Alcohol Withd rawal Delirium


Alcohol-Ind uced Persisting Dementia (168) Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (177)

292.81 Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium (143) 292.xx Amphetamine-Induced Psycho tic Disorder (338) .11 With Delusions' .12 With Ha llucinations l 292.84 Amphetamine--lnduced Mood Disord erl,w (405) 292 .89 Amphetam ine-lnducedAnxiety Disorder' (479) 292.89 Amphetamine--Induced Sexual Dysfunction ' (562) 292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder!'w (655) 292.9 Amphetamine-Related Disorder NOS (231)

DSM-IV-TR Classifica tion


Caffeine-Induced Disorders (232) 305.90 Caffeine into)cication (232) 292.89 Caffeine-induced Anxiety Disorder! (479) 292.89 Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder! (655) 292.9 Ca ffein e-Related Disorder NOS (234)

292.84 Cocaine-induced Mood Disorderl,W (405) 292.89 Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder!,w (479) 292.89 Cocaine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction l (562) 292.89 Cocaine-Induced Sleep Disorder['\\' (655) 292.9 Cocaine-Related Disorder NOS

Cannabis Use Disorders (236) 304.30 Cannabis Dependence<l,b,C(236) 305.20 Cannabis Abuse (236) Cannabis-Induced Disorders (237) 292.89 Cannabis intoxication (237) sp.."'CifiJ if: With Perceptual Dis turbances 292.81 Cannabis intoxication Delirium (143) 292.xx Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) .11 With Delusions! .12 With Hallucinations1 292.89 Cannabi s-Induced Anxiety Disorder! (479) 292.9 Cannabis-Related Disorder NOS (241)

Hallucinogen Use Disorders (25 1) 304.50 Hallucinogen Depend enceb,c (251) 305.30 Hallucinogen Abuse (252) Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders
(25 2)

Coca in e Use Disorders (242) 304.20 Cocaine Dependencea,b,( (242) 305.60 Cocaine Abuse (243) Coca ine-Induced D isorders (244) 292.89 Cocaine Intoxica tion (244)

292.89 Hallucinogen Intoxication (252) 292.89 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) (253) 292.81 HallUCinogen Lntoxication Delirium (143) 292.xx Hallucinogen-Ind uced Psychotic Disorder (338) .11 Wi th Delusions' With Hallucinations! .12 292.84 Hallucinogen-Ind uced Mood Di sorder! (405) 292 .89 Hallucinogen-Ind uced Anxiety Di~orderl (479) , 292.9 HallucinogenRelated Disorder
NOS (256)

if: Wi th Perceptual Disturbances

292.0 Cocaine Withdrawal (245) 292.81 Cocaine In toxica tion Delirium


Inhalant Use Disorders (258) 304.60 Inhalant Dependenceb,c (258) 305.90 Inhalant Abuse (259) Inhalant-Induced Disorders (259) 292.89 Inhalant Intoxication (259) 292.81 Inhalan t In toxication Delirium (143)

292.xx Cocaine-induced Psychotic Disorder (338) .11 Wi th Delusions' With Hallucinations! .12

DSM-IV-TR Classification

292.82 Inhalant-Induced Persisting Deme ntia (168) 292.xx Inhalant-Ind uced Psychotic Disorder (338) W ith Delusio ns l .11 With Hallucinationsl .12 292.84 Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder l (405) 292.89 Inhalant-Induced Anxiety Disorderl (479) 292.9 Inhalant-Rel<!.!ed Disorder NOS (263)

Phencyclidine Use Disorders (279) 304.60 Phe ncyclidine Depende nceb,c


305.90 Phencyclidine Abuse (279) Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders


292.89 Phencyclidine Intoxication (280)

S~dfy if:

With Perceptual Disturbances

292.81 292.xx

Nicotine Use Disorder (264) 305.1 N icotine Depe ndencea,b (264) Nicotine-Induced Disorder (265) 292.0 N icotine Withdrawal (265) 292.9 Nicotine-Rela ted Disorder NOS

.11 .12 292.84

292.89 292.9


Phe ncyclidine Intoxication Delirium (143) Phe ncyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delusions l With H allucinations! Phe ncyclidine-Induced Mood Disorde~ (405) Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorde~ (479) Phe ncyclidine-Rela ted Disorder NOS (283)

Opioid Use Disorders (270) 304.00 Opioid Dependenceil,b,c,d (270) 305.50 Opioid Abuse (271) Opioid-Induced Disorders (27 1) 292.89 Opioid Intoxication (271)
Spify if With Perceptual Disturbances



292.0 Opioid Withdrawal (272) 292.81 Opioid Intoxication Delirium 292.xx

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders (285) 304.10 Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependencea,b,c

.11 .12 292.84 292.89 292.89 292.9

(143) Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorde r (338) With Delusionsl With H allucinationsl Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder l (405) Opioid-Induced Sexual Dysfu nction l (562) Opioid-Induced Sleep Disorde~'w (655) Opioid-Related Disorder NOS (277)

(285) 305.40 Sedative, Hypno tic, or Anxiolytic Abuse (286)

Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders (286) 292.89 Sedative, H y pnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication (286) 292.0 Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal (287)
Specify if: With Perceptual Disturbances


Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tio n Delirium (143) 292.81 Seda tive, H ypnotic, o r Anxiolytic W ithdrawal Delirium (143)

DSM-IV-TR Cla ssif ication

292.82 Seda tive-, H ypnotic, o r Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Dementia (168) 292.83 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (177) 292.xx Sedative-, Hypnotic-, o r Anxiolytic-Induced Psycho tic Disorder (338) .11 With Delusions'-\\' .12 With Hallucinations l,\\' 292.84 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder i ,\\' (405) 292.89 Seda tive-, H ypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-Induced Anxiety Disorder\\' (479) 292.89 Sedative , H ypno tic , or
Anxiolytic.Induced Sexu al Dysfunctionl (562) 292.89 Sedative, H ypnotic , o r Anxiolyticlnduced Sleep Dis orde r'-w (655) 292.9 Seda tive, H y pnotic-, o r A nxiolytic-Related Dis orde r N OS (293)


Other (or Un known) Substance Withdrawal (201 )


if With Perceptual Disturbances

292.81 O ther (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Delirium (143) 292.82 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia (168) 292.83 Other (or Unknow n) Substance-Ind u ced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (177) 292.xx Other (or Unknown ) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorde r (338) .11 With Delus ions)'W With Hall ucina tionsi,w .12 292.84 O ther (or Un known)
Subs tance-Induced Mood Diso,de~'1V (405) 292.89 Other (or Un known) Subs tance-Ind uced Anxie ty Disord erl.l\' (479) 292.89 Other (or Unknow n) Substance-Induced Sexu a l Dysfunctio n! (562) 292.89 O ther (or Unknown) Subs tance-Ind uced Sleep Diso ,de~'1V (655) 292.9 O ther (or Unknown) Su bs ta nce-Related Disorder NOS (295)



304.80 Polysubs tance

Depend encea,b,c,d (293)


Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorders (295) 304.90 O ther (o r Unknown) Substance Depende ncea,b,c,d (1 92) 305.90 O ther (or Unknown ) Substance

Schizophrenia and Other

Psychotic Disorders (297)

295.xx Schizophrenia (29B)

Abuse (198)
Other (or Unknown) SubstanceInduced Disorders (295) 292.89 O the r (or Unknow n) Subs tance Intoxicatio n (199)
S,lt(ify if. With Perceptua l Distu rbances

The following Classification of Longitlldinal COllrse applies to all subtypes of Schizophrenia:

EpisodiC With Intcrepisode Resid ual Symptoms (spify if. With Promm E'nt Nega ti\c Symptoms)/ Episodic Wi th No Interepisode Residua l Srmptoms

DSM -IV-T R Classi fi cation

Continuous (specify if. With Prominent Negati\'e Symptoms) Single Episode In I'artial Remission (specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms)/ Single Episode In Full Remission Other or Unspecified I'altem

Mood Disorders (3 45)

.30 .10 .20 .90 .60

Paranoid T ype (313) D isorgan ized T ype (31 4) Ca ta lo n icType (315) Und iffe re ntiate d T y p e (316) Res idual Type (316)

Code currellt state of Mnjor Depressive Disorder or Bipo/ar I Disorder ill fiftll digit
l" M ild 2" :-" loderate 3 "Se\'cre Without l'sycholic Features .,\ "Severe With Psychotic Features Sprcify: Moad--Congruent I'sychotic Fl'atures /~ load-Incongruent Psychotic Features 5" In Partial Remission 6 '" In Full Remission 0:. Unspecified

295.40 Schizo phret'tiform Disorde r

S,>tdfy if. Without Good Prognostic Features / With Good Prognostic Features 295.70 Schizoaffective D isord e r (319) S,>tdfy type; Bipolar Type/ Depressive Type 297.1 Del u s io n al D isorder (323) specify type: Erotomanic Type/ Grandiose TypelJealous Type/ Persecu tory Type/Somatic Type/ Mixed Type / Unspecified Type 298.8 Brief Psych o tic D isorder (329) Spt'rify if: With Marked StTessor(s)/ Without Ma rked Stressor(s)/ With Postpartum Onset 297.3 Shared PSydlOtic Dis o rder (332)

ThefollowiJlg specifiers apply (jar currellt 01


recellt episode) lIoted:


Mood Disorders tiS

"Se\erity / Psychotic/ Remission Specifiers / bChronic/ "With Catatonic Features/ d\\'ith ~" clancholic Featurt'S / t With Atypical FeatureslWith Postpartum Onset

TIle followillg specifiers apply to Mood Disorders as lIoted:

gWith or Without Fullinterepisode Re<:o\"l'ry/ hWith Seasonal Pilttemt'lVith Rapid Cycling

293.xx Psychotic D isorde r D ue to ...

[Indicate tlIC Gel/eral Medical

Condition} (334) .81 .82
_ ._ With Del u s ions W ith H allucinations Substance~lnd uced P sych o tic Dis order


296.xx Major Depre ssive Disorder (369) Single Episodea,b,c,d,e,f .2x

(refer to SubstmreeRelated Disorders for sllbstallce~ specific codes) (338)

SpifiJ if: With Onset During
lntox ication/ With Onset During Withdrawal Psych o tic Disor d e r I OS (343)


Recurren ta,b,c,d,e.f,g..h D ys th ymic Disor d er (376) Spify if: Early Onset/ Late Onset Sprcify: With Atypical Featurt'S Depr e ssive Disorder NOS (381




296.xx .Ox

Bipolar J D is order (382) S ing le M an ic Epis odea,c,f Specify if Mixed .40 Mos t Recent Episode H y p omanic&<h.i


Mos t Rece n t Episode Manica,c,f,g,h,i

DSM -IV-TR Classificat ion

. >X

Obsessive-Compu lsive Disorder (456) Specify if: With Poor Insight Posttrauma tic Stress Disorder (463) Sp<'cify if" Acute/ Chronic specify if With Delayed Onset Acu te Stress Disorder (469) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (472) Anxiety Disorder Due to . . . [ll/dicafe the Gel/eral Medical COl/ditiol/] (476) specify if With Generalized Anxiety/ With Panic Attacks/ With ObsessiveCompulsive Symptoms Subs tance-Induced Anxiety Disorde r (refer to SlIbstanceRelated Disorders for s/lbstal/cespecific codes) (479) Sprcify if: With Generalized Anxiety/ With Panic AHacks/ With ObsessiveCompulsive Symptoms/ \\,ith Phobic Symptoms Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During \\'ithdrawal Anxiety Disorder NOS (484)

Most Recent Episode 1olixed a,.c,f,g,h,i Most Recent Episode Depressed a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i


Most Recent Episode Unspecifiedg,h,i ,g,h,i 296.89 Bipolar II Disordera,b,c,d,e,{ (392)

S,"Xify (cIITTi'1l1 or most



308.3 300.02

301.13 296.80 293.83


Hypomanic/ Depressed Cyclothymic Disorder (398) Bipolar Disorder NOS (400) Mood Disorder Due to . .. {II/dicate tilt' General Medical COllditioJl] (401 ) Specify IYI'e: With Depressive Features/ With f..lajor Dl'pressive--Likl' Episode/ With Manic Featurl's/ WHh MiXl'd Features Substance-Induced Mood Dis order (refer to SlIbstanceRelated Disorders fo r sllbstancespecific codes) (405) Spaify Iy/",: With Depressive Features/ With Manic Features/ With Mixed Features Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During Withdrawal Mood Disorder N OS (410)


Somatoform Disorders (48 5) Anxiety Disorders (429)

300.81 Somatization Disorde r (486) 300.82 Undifferentia ted Somatofonn Disorder (490) 300.11 Conversion Disorder (492) Specify type: With ~I otor Symptom or Deficit/ With Sensory Symptom or Deficit/With Seizures or Com'ulsions/ With i\-1ixed Presentation 307.xx Pain Disorder (498) .80 Associated With Psychological Factors .89 Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a Gener,11 Medical Condition Specify if: Acute/ Chronic


300.21 300.22


Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia (433) Pa nic Disorder With Agoraphobia (433) Agoraphobia Without His tory of Panic Disorder (441) Specific Phobia (443) SJNcify Iype: Animal Type/ Natural Environment Type/ Blood-InjectionInjury Type/ Situational Type/ Other Type Social Phobia (450) specify if: Generalized

DSM-IV-TR Classification 300.7 300.7 Hypochondriasis (504)

sptcify if; With Poor Insight

Lifelong Type/ Acquired Type Generalized Type / Situational Type Due to Psychological Factors/ Due to Combined Fac tors

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (507) 300.82 Somato form Disorder N OS


Sexual Desire Disorders (539) 302.71 Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (539) 302.79 Sexual Aversion Disorder (541) Sexual Arousal Disorders (543) 302.72 Female Sexual Arousal Disorder (543) 302.72 Male Erecble Disorder (545) Orgasmic Disorders (547) 302.73 Female Orgasmic Disorder (547) 302.74 Male Orgasmic Disorder (550) 302.75 Premature Ejaculation (552) Sexual Pain Disorders (554) 302.76 Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

Factitious Disorders (5 13)

300.xx Factitious Diso rder (513) With Predominantly .16 Psychological Signs and Symptoms With Predominantly .19 Physical Signs and Symptoms ,,,,,' ith Combined .19 Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms 300.19 Factitious Disorder NOS (517)

306.51 Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

Dissociative Disorders (5 19)


300.12 Dissociative Amnesia (520) 300.13 Dissociative Fugue (523) 300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder

Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition (558) 625.8 Female Hypoactive Sexual Desire Diso rder Due to ...


Depersonalization Disorder

300.15 Dissociative Disorder NOS (532)

Sexual and Gender Identity

Disorders (535)


[Indicate tile General Medicnl Condition] (55 8) 608.89 Ma le Hypoacti ve Sexual Desire Disorder Due to ... (Ind icate tile General Medical Conditioll) (558) 607.84 Male Erectile Disorder Due to . . . [Indicate the General Medical COllditioll } (558) 625.0 Female Dyspareunia Due to ... [lndicnte tile General Medical Condition } (558) 608.89 Male Dyspareunia Due to ... [Indicate ti,e General Medical Condition} (558)

The jollowing specifiers apply to {Iff primary Sexual DYSjllllctiolls:

DSM-IV-TR Classifi ca tio n 625.8 Other Female Sexual Dysfun ctio n D ue to ... [l ndicnte tile Geneml Medical Condition] (558) 608.89 Othe r Ma le Sexual Dysfu nction Due to ... [Jndica te the General Medical Condition} (558) Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (refer to SubstallceRelated Disorders for slibstallcespecific codes) (562 )
Spu ify if: With Impaired DE's ire/ With Impaired Arousal / With ImpairE'd Orgasm / With Sexua l Pain Spl'dfy if: With Onset During Intox ication

Eating Disorders (583)


Anorexia Nervosa (583)

spify I'll"'; Restricting Type; BingeEating / Purging Type

307.51 Bulimia Ne rvosa (589)

Specify Iype; Purging Type / Nonpurging Type

307.50 Ea ting D isorder NOS (594)

Sleep Disorders (597)

302.70 Sexual Dysfunction N OS (565)


302.4 302.81 302.89 302.2

Exhibitionis m (569) Fe tishis m (569) Frotteurism (570) Pedophilia (57 1)

Spt'cify if Sexually Attracted to ;\-Iales/ Sexually Attracted to Females / Sexually Attra ctcd to Both Spt'cify if: li mited to Incest S,1t'Cify type: Exclusive T )"pe/ Nonexclusivc Type


Dyssomnias (598)
307.42 Primary InsoIImia (599) 307.44 Primary H ypersomnia (604)
Spaify if: Recu rrent

302.83 Sexu al Masochis m (572) 302.84 Sexual Sadism (573) 302.3 Transvestic Fetis his m (574)
spt'rify if: Wi th Gt' nder Dysphoria

347 Narcolepsy (609) 780.59 Brea thin g-Related Sleep D isorder (6 15) 307.45 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (622)
Specify typt': Delayed Sleep Phase Type / Jet Lag Type/ Shift Work Type/ Unspecified Typ e

302.82 Voyeurism (575) 302.9 Para philia NOS (576)

GENDER IDENTITY DISORDERS (576) 302.xx Gender Id en ti ty Disorder (576) .6 in Children .85 in Ad olesce nts o r Adults
Spt'dfy if: Sexually Attra cted to Males/ Sexually Attracted to Females/ Sexually Attracted to Both/ Sexuall)' Attracted to Neith er

307.47 Dyssomnia NOS (629)

Parasomnias (630)
307.47 307.46 307.46 307.47 N ighhna re Disorder (631) , Sleep Terror Disord er (634) Sleepw alking Disorder (639) Paras omnia NOS (644)

302.6 302 .9

Gender Id enti ty D isorder NOS (582) Sexu al Disord e r N O S (582)

SLEEP DISORDERS RELATED TO ANOTHER MENTAL DISORDER (645) 307.42 Insomnia Re la ted to .. . 1111dicate f1le Axis lor Axis 11 Disorder} (645) 307.44 H ypersomnia Rela ted to . . .

!Indicate the Axis l or Axis 11 Disorder] (645)

DSMIV TR Classification
OTHER SLEEP DISORDERS (651) 7BO.xx Sleep Disorder Due to ...
{Indicate the GellernI M edical

Personality Disorders (685)

.52 .54 .59 .59


Conditio,,1 (651) Insomnia Type Hypersomnia Type Parasomnia Type Mixed Type
Disorder (refer to S/IbstflllceRelated Disorders for SlIbstfillee,
Sl'ecify lypt; Insomnia Type l

N ote:

TI1ese are coded 011 Axis 11.

Paranoid Personality Disorder

301.20 Schizoid Pe rsonality Disorder

,- Substance-Induced Sleep

301.22 Schizotypai Personality Disorder (697) 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder (701) 301.S3 Borderline Personali ty Disorder

specific codes) (b'55)

Hypersomnia Type/ Parolsomniil Type! Mixed Type Specify if With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During Withdrawal

301.50 His trionic Personality Disorder (711 ) 301.81 Na rcissis tic Personality Disorde r (714) 301.82 Avoidant Personal ity Disorder (71S) 301.6 Dep endent Personality Disorder (721) 301.4 Obsessive-Compuls ive Personality Disorde r (725) 301.9 Personality Disorde r NO S (729)

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified (663)

312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disord er


312.32. Kleptomania (667)

312.33 Pyromania (669)

312.31 Pathological Gambling (671) 312.39 Trichotillomania (674) 312.30 Impulse-Control Disorder NOS

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention (731)

Adjustment Disorders (679)

309.xx Adjustment Disorder (679) .0 With Dep ressed Mood .24 With Anxiety .28 With ivtixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood .3 With D is turbance of Conduct .4 With Mixed Disturba nce o f Emotions and Conduct .9 Unspeci fi ed
Spi'cify if: Acute / Chronic

PSYCHOLOGICAL FACTORS AFFECTING MEDICAL CONDITION (73 1) 316 ... [Specified Psycllofogical Factor]

A!fectillg ... !Indicate tile General Medical Condition} (731) Choose /lame based 011 /lilt lire offactors:
Mental Disord er Affecting Medical Condition Ps)'choiogical Symptoms Affecting Medical Condi tion

DSM-IV-TR Cla ssification Personality Traits or Coping Style Affecting Medical Condition Maladaptive Hea lth Beh aviors Affecting Medical Condition Stress-Related Physiological Response Affecting Medica l Condition Other or Unspecified Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition


V61.21 Physical Abuse of Child (738) (code 995.54 ifJams oj atteutioll is



V6 1.21 Sexual Abuse of Child (738) (code 995.53 ifJows of attelltioll is

all victim)
V61 .21 Neglect of Child (738) (code 995.52 ifJocus of attentioll is

all victim)
Physical Abuse of Adult (738) \/61.12 (if by partner) \/62.83 (if by person other than partner) (code 995.81 ifJaws of attelltioll is
all victim)

332.1 333.92 333.7 333.99 333.82 333.1 333.90

Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism (735) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Acute A kathis ia (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia (736) Medication-Induced Postural Tremor (736) Medication-Induced Moveme nt D isord er NOS (736)

- Sexual A buse of Adult (738) V61.12 (if by partner) V62.83 (iiby person other than partner) (code 995.83 ifJocus of attelltioll is






Adverse Effects of Medication NOS (736)

'oncompliance With Treatment (739) V65.2 Malingering (739) V71.01 Adult Antisocial Behavior (740) V71.02 Child or A dolescent Antisocial Behavior (740) V62.89 Borderline Intellechlal Functionin g (740)
No te: This is coded on Axis [I.




Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition (737) V61.20 Parent-Child Relational Problem (737) V61.10 Partner Relational Problem (737) V61.8 Sibling Rela tiona l Problem (737) V62.81 Relational Problem NOS (737)

V62.82 V62.3 V62.2 313.82 V62.89

Age-Related Cognitive Decline


Berea\'ement (740) Academic Problem (74 1) Occupational Problem (741 ) Identity Problem (741) Religious or SpirituaJ Problem

V62.4 Acculturation Problem (741) V62.89 Phase of Life Problem (742)


DSM-IV-TR Classi ficatio n

Addit ional Codes (743)

Mult iaxial System

Axis I Clinical Disorders O ther Cond itions That May Bea Focus of Clinical Attention Axis n Personality Disorders Mental Retardation Axis TIl General Medica l Conditions Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V Global Assessment of Flmctioning


Unspecified Mental Disord er (nonpsychotk) (743) V71.09 No Diagnosis or Cond ition on

Axis I (743)

Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I (743) V71.09 No Diagnosis orv\xis II (743) 799.9 Diagnosis Deferred on Axis n (743)


Multiaxial Assessment

multiaxial system involves an assessment on several axes, each of which refers to a different domain of infomlation that may help th e clinician plan treatmen t and
predict outcome. The re are five axes included in the DSM IV multiaxial classification:

Clinical Disorders Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention Axis II Personality Disorders Mental Retardation Axis m General Medical Cond itions Axis IV Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Axis V Global Assessment o f Functioning The use of the multiaxial system fa cilitates comprehensive and systematic evaluation with attention to the various mental disorders and general medical condi tions, psychosocial and environmental p roblems, and level of fun ctioning that might be overlooked if the focus were on assessing a single p resenting p roblem. A multiaxial system p rovides a convenient fomlat for organizing and communica ting clinical information, for capturing the complexity of clinical si tuations, and for describing the heterogeneity of in dividuals presenting w ith the same diagnosis. In addition, the multiaxial system promotes the application of the biopsychosocial m odel in clinical, educational. and research settings. The rest of this section provides a d escription of each of the OSM-IV axes. In some scttings o r situations, clinicians m ay prefer not to u se the multiaxial system. For this rcason, guidelines for reporting the results of a DSM-IV assessment without applying the formal multiaxial system are provid ed a t the end of this section.

Axis I

Axis I: Clinical Disorders

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

Axis I is for reporting all the various disorders or conditions in the Classification except for the Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation (which are reported on Axis IT). The major groups of d isorders to be reported on Axis I are listed in the box below. Also reported on Axis I are O ther Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention. W'hen an individ ual has more th an one Axis I d isorder, all of these shou ld be reported (for examples, see p. 35). U more than one Axis r disorder is present, the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit (see p. 3) should be indica ted by listing it firs t. When an individual has both an Axis I and an Axis II disorder, the principal diagnosis or the


Multiaxial Assessment reason for visit w ill be assumed to be on Axis I unless the Axis II diagnosis is fo llowed by the qualifying phrase "(Principal Diagnosis)" or "(Reason for Visit)." U no Axis I disorder is present, this should be coded as V71 .09.lf an Axis I diagnosis is deferred, pending the gathering of additiona l information, this should be coded as 799.9.

Axis I Clinical Disorders Ot her Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention
Disorde rs Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Ch ildhood, or Adolescence (excluding Mental Retardation, which is diagnosed on Axis II) Delirium, Dementia. and Amnestic and Other Cogn itive Disorders Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Cond ition Substance-Related Disorders Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Mood Disorders Anxiety Disord ers Somatoform Disorders Factitious Disorders Dissociative Disorders Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders Eating Disorders Sleep Disorders Impu lse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified Ad justment Diso rders Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinica l Attention

Axis II : Persona lity Disorders Mental Retardation

Axis n is for reporting Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation. It may also be used for noting prominent maladaptive personality features and defense mechanisms. The listing of Personality Disorders and Mental Retardation on a separate axis ensures that consideration will be given to the possible presence of Personality Dis. orders and Mental Retardation that might otherwise be overlooked when attention is directed to the usually more florid Axis I disorders. The coding of Personality Disorders on Axis II should not be taken to imply that their pathogenesis or range of appropriate treatment is fundam entally different from that for the disorders coded on Axis 1. The disorders to be reported on Axis U are listed in the box below. In the common situation in w hich an individual ha s mo re than one Axis II diagnosis, all should be reported (for examples, see p. 35). When an individual has both an Axis I and an Ax is II diagnosis and the Axis II diagnosis is the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit, this should be indica ted by adding the qualifying phrase "(principal Diagnosis)" or "(Reason for Visit)" after the Axis n diagnosis. If no Axis n d is-

Multiaxial Assessment order is present, this should be coded as V71.09. If an Axis II diagnosis is deferred, pend ing the gathering of additional infomlation, this should be coded as 799.9. Axis 11 may also be used to indica te prominent malad aptive personality features that do not meet the threshold for a Personality Disorder (in such instances, no code number should be used-see Example 3 on p. 37). The habitual use of maladaptive defense mechanisms may also be indicated on Axis 11 (see Appendix B, p. 811, for definitions and Example 1 on p. 37).

Axis II Personality Disorders Mental Retardation

Paranoid Personality Disorder Schizoid Personality Diso rder Schizotypal Personality Disorder Antisocial Persona lity Diso rder Borderline Personal ity Disorder Histrionic Personality Disorder Narcissistic Persona lity Disorder Avoidant Pe rsonality Disorder Dependent Persona lity Disorder Obsessive-Compu lsive Personality Disorder Personal ity Disorder Not Ot herwise Specified Mental Retardation

Axis III: General Medica l Conditions

Axis III is fo r reporting current general medical conditions that are potentially relevant to the understanding or management of the individual's mental disorder. These conditions are classified outside the "Mental Disorders" chapter of ICD-9--CM (and outside Chapter V of lCD-10). A listing of the broad categories of general medical conditions is given in the box below. (For a more detailed listing including the specific ICD-9-CM codes, refer to Appendix G.) As discussed in the "Introduction," the multiaxial distinction among Axis I, Axis II, and Axis ill disorders d oes not imply that there are fund amental differences in their conceptua liza tion, that mental disorders are unrelated to physical or biological factors or processes, or that general medical conditions are unrelated to behavioral or psychosocial fa ctors or processes. The purpose of distinguishing general medical conditions is to encourage thoroughness in evaluation and to enhance communication among health care providers. General medical conditions can be related to mental disorders in a variety of ways. In some cases it is clear that the general medical condition is directly etiological to the development or worsening of mental symptoms and that the mechanism for this effect is physiological. When a mental d isorder is judged to be a direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, a Mental Disorder Due to a General r.,ledical Condition should be diagnosed on Axis r and the general med ica l condition should be recorded on both Axis I and Axis m. For example, when hypothyroidism is a direct cause of depressive symptoms, the designation on Axis I is 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to Hypothyroidism, With Depressive Features, and the hypothyroidism is listed again and coded on Axis m as 244.9 (see Example 3, p. 37). For a further discussion, see p. 181.

Multiaxi a l Assessment
In those instances in which the etiological relationship between the general medi-

ca l condition and the mental symptoms is insufficiently clear to warrant an Axis I diagnosis of Mental Diso rder Due to a General Medical Condition, the appropriate mental disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder) shouJd be listed and coded on Axis I; the general m edical condition should only be coded on Axis ID. There are other situations in which general medical conditions are recorded on Axis LII because of their importance to the overall understanding or treatment of the individual with the mental disorder. An Axis I diso rder may be a psychological reaction to an Axis III general medical condition (e.g., the development of 309.0 Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood as a reaction to the d iagnosis of carcinoma of the brea st). Some general medical conditions may not be directly related to the ment.ll disorder but nonetheless have important prognostic o r treatment implica tions (e.g., when the diagnosis on Axis I is 296.30 Major Depressi ve Disorder, Recu rrent, and on Axis m is 427.9 arrhythmia , the choice o f pharmacotherapy is influenced by the general medical condition; or when a person with diabetes mellitus is admitted to the hospital for an exacerba tion of Schizophrenia and insulin management must be monitored). When an indiv idual has mo re than one clinically relevant Axis III diagnosiS, all should be reported. For examples, see p. 35. If no Axis UI disorder is present, this should be indicated by the notation "Axis ill: None. " If an Axis ill diagnOSis is deferred , pending the ga thering of additional information, this should be ind ica ted by the notation "Axis III Deferred ."

Axis III
General Medical Conditions (with ICO-9-CM codes) Infectiou s and Parasiti c Diseases (001- 139) Neoplasms (140-239) Endocrine, Nutritional, and Metabolic Diseases a nd Immu nity Di sorders

Diseases of the Blood and Bl ood-Forming Organs (280-289) Diseases of the Nervous Syste m and Sense Org ans (320-389) Diseases of t he Circulatory Syste m (390--459) Diseases of the Respiratory System (460-51 9) Diseases o f the Digestive Syste m (520- 579) Diseases of the Genitourinary System (S80-629) Complica ti ons of Pregnancy, Childbirth, a nd t he Pu erperium (630-676) Diseases o f the Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue (680-709) Diseases o f the Musculo ske leta l System and Connective Tissue (7 10-739) Conge n ita l Ano malies (740-759) Certain Conditions Ori ginating in the Perinata l Period (760-779) Symptoms, Signs, and til-De fined Conditions (780-799) Inj u ry and Poisoning (800-999)

Multiaxia l Assessment


Axi s IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems

Axis IV is for reporting psychosocial and environmental problems that may affect the

diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis o f mental disorders (Axes I and II). A psychosocial or environmental problem may be a negative life event, an environmental diffi culty or deficiency, a familial or other interpersonal stress, an inadequacy of social support or personal resources, or other problem relating to the context in which a person's difficulties have developed . So-called positive stressors, such as job promotion, should be listed only if they con stitute or lead to a problem, as w hen a person has d ifficulty adapting to the new situation. In addition to p laying a role in the initiation or exacerbation of a mental disord er, psychosocial problems may also d evelop as a consequence of a person's psychopathology or may constitute prob lems that should be considered in the overall management plan. When an individual has multiple psychosocial or environmenta l p roblems, the clinician may note as many as are judged to be relevant. In general, the clinician should note only those psychosocial and environmental problems that have been presen t during the year preceding the cu rrent evaluation. However, the cl inician may choose to note psychosocial and environm ental p roblems occurring p rio r to the previou s year if these clearly contribute to the men tal disorder or have become a focus of treatment-for example, previous combat experiences leading to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In practice, most p sychosocial and environmental problems w ill be indicated on Axis tV. However, when a p sychosocial or environmental p roblem is the p rimary focus of clinical attention, it should also be recorded on Axis I, with a code derived from the section "Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention" (see p. 731). For convenience, the problems are grouped together in the follow in g categories: Probl ems with primary support group e.g., death of a family member; health problems in famil y; disrup tion of family by separation , d ivorce, or estrangement; removal fro m the home; remarriage of p arent; sexual or physical abuse; parental overprotection; neglect of child; inad equate discipline; discord with siblings; birth of a Sibling Problems rel ated to the soci al env ironment--e.g ., death or loss of fri end; inad equate social support; living alone; difficulty with acculturation; d iscrimination; adjustment to life-cycle transition (such as retiremen t) Educational problems--e.g., illiteracy; academic prob lems; discord with teachers or classmates; inadequate school environment Occupational problems--e.g., unemployment; threat of job loss; stressful work schedule; difficult work conditions; job dissatisfa ction; job change; d iscord with boss or co-workers Hous ing problems--e.g., homelessness; inadequate housing; W1Safe neighborhood; discord with neighbors or landlord Economi c problems--e.g., extreme poverty; inadeq uate finances; insufficient welfare support Problems with access to health care services--e.g ., inad equate health care services; trans portation to health care fa cilities unavailable; inadequa te heal th insurance


Multiaxia l Assessment

Problems related to interaction with the lega l sys tem/crim e ceration; litigation; victim of crime

e.g., arrest; incar-

Other psychosocial and environmental problems--e.g., exposure to disasters,

war, other hostilities; discord with nonfamily caregivers s uch as counselor, social worker, or physician; unavailability of social serv ice agencies
When using the Multiaxial Evaluation Report Form (see p. 36), the clinicia n should identify the relevant categories of p sychosocial and environmental problems and indicate the specific fa ctors involved. If a recording form with a checklist of problem categories is not lIsed, the clinician may simply lis t the s pecific problems on Axis rv. (See examples on p. 35.)

Axis IV

Psychosocial and Environmental Problems

Proble ms with primary support g ro up Problems re lated to the socia l e nvironment Educationa l p roblems Occupationa l problems Housing pro b lems Economic prob lems Problems with a ccess to health care services Problems related t o interaction with the legal system/crime Other psychosocial a nd e nvironmenta l problems

Axis V: Global Assessment of Functioning

Axis V is for reporting the clinician's judgment of the individual's overall level of functioning. This information is useful in planning treatment a nd meas uring its impact, and in predicting outcome. The reporting of overall functioning on Axis V can be d one using the Global Assess ment of FWlctioning (GAF) Sca le. The GAP Scale may be particularly useful in tracking the clinical progress of individuals in global terms, us ing a single meas ure. The G AF Scale is to be rated with respect only to psycholOgical, social, and occupational functioning. The instructions specify, " Do not include impairment in functioning due to physical (or environmental) limitations." The GAF scale is divided into 10 ranges of functioning . Making a GAF rating involves picking a single value that best reflects the individual's overall level of functioning. The description o f each l O-p oint range in the GAF scale has hvo components: the firs t part covers symptom seve rity, and the second part covers function ing. The GAF rating is within a particular d ecile if either the symptom severity or the level of fun ctioning faUs within the range. For example, the first part of the range 41- 50 describes "serious symptoms (e.g ., suicidal ideation, severe obsessional rituals, frequent shopUfting)" and the second part includes "any serious impairme nt in social, occupational, or school functi oning (e.g., no friends, tmable to keep a job)." It should be noted

Multiaxial Assessment
that in situations where the individual's symptom se\'erity and level of functioning are discordant, the final GAF rating always reflects the worse of the two. For example, the GAF rating for an individual who is a significant d anger to self but is otherwise functioning well would be below 20. Similarly, the GAF rating for an individual with minimal psychological symptomatology but significant impairment in functioning (e.g., an individual whose excessive preoccupation with substance use has resulted in loss of job and friends but no other psychopathology) would be 40 or lower. In most instances, ratings on the GAF Scale should be for the current period (i.e., the level of functioning at the time o f the evaluation) because ratings of current fun ctioning will generally reflect the need for treatment or care. In order to account for dayto-day variability in functioning, the GAF rating for the "current period" is sometimes operationalized as the lowest level of functioning for the past week. In some settings, it may be useful to note the GAF Scale rating both at time of admission and at time of discharge. The GAF Scale may also be rated for other time periods (e.g., the highest level of functioning for at least a few months during the past year). The GAF Scale is reported on Axis V as follows: "GAF = ," foll owed by the GAF rating from a to 100, followed by the time period reflected by the rating in parentheses-for example, "(current)," "Chighest level in past year)," "(at discharge)." (See examples on p. 35.) In order to ensure that no elements of the GAF scale are overlooked when a GAF rating is being made, the following method for determining a GAF ra ting may be applied: STEP 1: Starting at the top level, evaluate each range by asking "is either the individual's symptom severity OR level of functiOning worse than what is indicated in the range description?" STEP 2: Keep moving down the scale until the range that best matches the individual's symptom severity OR the level of fun ctioning is reached, w hicheve r is worse. STEP 3: Look at the next lower range as a double-check against having stopped prematurely. This range should be too severe on bo th symptom severity and le\'el of functioning. If it is, the appropriate range has been reached (continue with step 4). If not, go back to step 2 and continue moving down the scale. STEP 4: To determine the specific GAF rating within the selected lO-point range, consider whether the individual is functioningat the higher or lower end of the topoint range. For example, consider an individual who hears voices that do not influence his behavior (e.g., someone w ith long-standing Schizoph.renia who accepts his hallucinations as part of his illness) . If the voices occur relatively infrequently (once a week or less), a ra ting of 39 or 40 might be most appropriate. In contrast, if the individual hears voices almost continuously, a rating of 31 or 32 would be more appropriate.
In some settings, it may be useful to assess social and occupational disability and to track progress in rehabilitation independent of the severity of the psychological symptoms. For this purpose, a proposed Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) (see p. 817) is included in Appendix B. Two additional pro-posed scales that may be useful in some settings-the Global Assessment of Relational Functioning (GARF) Scale (see p. 814) and the Defensive Functioning Scale (see p. B07)-are also included in Appendix B.

Multiaxial Assessment

Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale

Consider p sych ological, social, and occupational functioning on a hypothetical continuwn of mental health- illness. Do not include impairment in func tioning due to physica l (or environmental) limitations.
Code (Note: Un interme d iC!lte codes when appropriate, e.g., 4S, 68. 72.)

100 Superior functioning in a wide range of activities, lif.'s problems never seem to I get out of h a nd, Is sought out by others because of his or her many positive qual 91 ities. No symptoms. 90


Absent or minimal s ymptoms (e.g., mild anxiety before an exam). good functioning in all areas, int.!' rested and involved in a wide range of activities. socially eHec tive, generally satisfied with life, no more than everyday problems or concerns (e.g., an occasional argument with family membe rs).

80 If symptoms are present, they are transient and expectable reactions to psychoI social stressors (e.g., difficulty concentrating after fam ily argument); no more than 71 slight Impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning (e.g., tempora rily falling behind in schoolwork). 70 Some mild symptoms (e.g., depressed mood and mild insomnia) OR some diHiculty in I social, occupational, or school functioning (e.g., occasional truancy, or theft within the 61 household), but generally functioning pretty well, has some meaningful interper sonal relationsh ips. 60


Moderate symptoms (e.g., flat affect and circumstantial speech, occasional panic attacks) OR moderate diH iculty in socia l, occupational, or school functioning (e.g., few friends, conflicts with peers o r coworkers).

50 Serious symptoms (e.g., suicidal ideation, severe obsessional ritua ls, frequent shoplifting) I OR a ny serious impairment in social. occupational, or school functioning (e.g., no 4 I fr iends, unable to keep a job). 40 Some impairment in reality testing or communication (e.g., speech is at times iIIogi I cal, obscure, or irrelevant) OR major impairment in severa l areas, such as work or 31 s chool, family re lations, judgment, thinking, or mood (e.g., depressed man avoids friends, neglects family, and is unable to work; child frequently beats up younger children, is defiant at home, and is failing at school). 30 21 20

Behavior is considerably influenced by delusions or h a llucinations OR serious impairment in communication or judgment (e.g., sometimes incoherent, am grossly inappropriately, suicidal preoccupation) OR in"bility to function in almost all areas (e.g., stays in bed all d ay; no job, home, or friends). Some danger of hurting self or others (e.g., suicide attempU without clear expectation of death; frequently violent; manic excitement) OR octaslonally falls to ma intain min Imal personal h ygiene (e.g., smears feces) OR gross impairment in communication (e.g., largely incoherent or mute).


10 Persistent danger of severely hurting self or others (e.g., recurrent violence) OR per I sistent Inability to maintain m inimal person,,1 hygiene OR serious suicidal act 1 with clear upectation of death. o Inadequate information. The rating of overall psychological functioning on a scale of 0-100 was operationalized by Luborsky in the Health-SickneS5 Rating Scale (Luborsky l : "Clinicians' Judgments of Mental Health." Archives of General Psychiatry 7:407-4 I 7, 1962). Spitzer and colleagues d eveloped a revision of t he Health Sickness Rating Scale called the Global Assessment Scale (GAS) (Endicott J, Spitzer Rt, Fleiss Jt, Cohen J: "The Global Assessment Scale: A Procedure for Measuring Overall Severity of Psychiatric Distur bance." Archives of General ~chiatry 33:766-771, 1976). A modified version of the GAS was indud ed in D5M-II!R as the Global Assessment of Functioning (G AF) Scale.

Multiaxial Assessment

Examples of How to Record Results of a DSM-IV Multiaxial Evaluation

Example 1:

Axis I

Axis II Ax is III Ax is IV Axis V

Example 2:

M ajo r Depressive Disorde r, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features 305.00 Alcohol Abuse 301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder Frequent use of denial None Threat of job loss GAF = 35 (current)

296 .23

Axis I Axis Axis Axis Axis II III IV


Dysthymic Disorder Read ing Disorder No diagnosis 382.9 Otitis media. recurrent Victim of child neglect GAF = 53 (current)

300.4 315.00 V71.09

Example 3:

Axis I Axis II Axis III Ax is IV Axis V

Mood Disorder Due to Hypothyroid ism. W ith Depressive Feat ures V7 1.09 No d iagnosis, histrionic personality features 244.9 Hypothyroidism 365.23 Chronic angle-closure glaucoma None GA F = 45 (on admission) GA F = 65 (at discharge)


Example 4:

Axis I Axis 11 Axis III Axis IV Axis V

V6 1.10 V7 1.09

Partner Relational Problem No diagnosis None Unemployment GAF = 83 (highest level past year)


Mult iaxial Assessment

Multiaxial Evaluation Report Form

The following form is offered as one possibility for reporting multiaxial eva luations. In some settings, this form may be used exactly as is; in other settings, the fonn may be adapted to satisfy special needs.


Clinical Disorders Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

DSM-IV name

Diagnostic code

---'----"-- - -'-


Personality Disorders
Mental Retardation

Diagnostic code

DSM-IV name

AXIS III: General Medical Conditions

ICD-g-eM (ode

ICO-9-CM name

---'-- - -" - - -" -

AXIS IV: Psychosocial and Environmental Problems Check:


Problems with primary support group Speci fy: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Problems related to the socilll e n v ironment Speci fy: _ _ _ _ __ _

Educational problems Specify: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

Occupational problems Sp ecify: _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Housing problems Specify: _ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ Eco nomic problems Specify: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Problems with access to health care services Speci fy: _ _ _ _ __ __ Problems related to interaction wi th the legal system/crime Specify: _ _ _ Other psychosocial and environmental problems Specify; _ _ _ _ __


a a


Global Assessment of Functioning Scale Score: _ _ _ Time frame: _ _ __

Multiaxial Assessment


Nonaxial Format
Clinicians who do not wish to u se the multiaxial format may simply list the appropri ate diagnoses. Those choosing this option should follow the genera l rule of recording as many coexisting mental disorders, general medical conditions, and other factors as are relevant to the care and treatment o f the individuaL The Principal Diagnosis or the Reason for Visit should be listed first. The examples below illustrate the reporting of diagnoses in a format that does not use the multiaxial system.

Example 7: 296.23 Majo r Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psychotic Features 305.00 Alco hol Abuse 301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder; Frequent use of denial Example 2: 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder 315.00 Reading Disorder 382.9 Otit is med ia, recurrent Example 3: 293 .83 Mood Diso rder Due to Hypothyroidism, With Depressive Features 244.9 Hypothyroidism 365.23 Chronic angleclosure glaucoma Histrionic personality featu res Example 4: V61.10 Partner Relational Problem

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

T he provision of a separate section for disorders that are usually first d iagnosed in infancy, childhood, o r adolescence is for convenience only and is not meant to suggest that there is any clear dis tinction between "childhood " and "adult" disorders.

Although most individuals with these d isorders present for clinical attention during childhood or adolescence. the disorders sometimes are not diagnosed until adulthood. Moreover, many disorders included in other sections of the manual oft en have
an onset during childhood or adolescence. In evaluating an infant, child , or adolescent, the clinician s hould consider the diagnoses included in this section but also should refer to the disorders described elsewhere in Ih is manual. Adults may also be diagnosed with disord ers included in this section for Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence if their clinical p resentation meets relevant diagnostic criteria (e.g ., Stuttering, Pica). Moreover, if an adult had symptoms as a child that met full criteria for a d isorder, but now presents w ith an attenuated or residual fonn, the In Partial Remission specifier may be indicated (e.g., AttentionDeficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type, In Partial Remi ssion). For most (bu t not all) DSM-TV disorders, a single criteria set is provided that applies to children, adolescents, and adults (e.g., if a child or ado lescent has symptoms that meet the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, this d iagnosis should be given, regardJess of the individ ual's age). The variations in the presentation of a disorder that are attribu table to an individual's d e\'elopmental stage are d escribed in a section in the text titled "Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features." Specific issues related to the diagnosis of Personality Disorders in children or adolescen ts are disG;lssed on p. 687. The fon owing disorders are included in this section:

Mental Retardation. This disorder is characterized by significantly subaverage intellectual functioning (an IQ of approximately 70 or below) with onset before age 18 years and concurrent d efi cits or impa imlents in adaptive functioning. 5eparatecodes are provided for Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Profound Men tal Retardation and for Mental Retardation, Severi ty Unspecified. Learning Disorders. These disorders are characterized by academic functioning that is substantially below that expected given the person's chronologica l age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education. The specific disorders included in this section are Reading Disorder, Math em atics Disorder, Disorder of Written Expression, and Learning Disorder Not O therw ise Specified.


Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Inf ancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Motor Skills Disorder. This includes Developmental Coordination Disorder, which is characterized by m otor coordination that is substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age and measured intelligence. Communication Disorders. These disorders are characterized by difficulties in s peech or language and include Expressive Language Disorder, Mixed ReceptiveExpressive Language Disorder, Phonological Disorder, Stu ttering, and Communication Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. Pervasive Developmental Disorders. These disorders are characterized by severe deficits and pen'asive impairment in multiple areas of development. These include impairment in reciprocal social interaction, impairment in communication, and the presence of stereotyped behavior, interests, and activ ities. The specific disorders included in this section are Autistic Disorder, Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental D isorder Not Othenvise Specified. Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders. This section includes Attention-DeficitlHyp eractivHy Disorder, wh ich is characterized by prominent symptoms of inattention and / or hyperactivity -impulsivity. Subtypes are provided for s pecifying the predominant symptom presentation: Predominantly Inattentive Type, Predominan tly Hyperadive-lmpulsive Type, and Combined Type. Also included in this section are the Di sruptive Behavior Disorders: Conduct Disorder is characterized by a pattern of behavior that violates the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms or rules; Oppositional Defiant Disorder is characterized by a pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior. This section also includes h vo Not Othenvise Specified categories: Attention-DeficitIHyp eractivity Disorder Not Othenvise Specified and Disruptive Behavio r Disorder Not Otherwise Specified . Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infan cy or Early Child h ood . These disorders are characterized by persistent disturbances in feeding and eating. The specific disorders included are Pica, Rumination Disorder, and Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood . Note that Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa are included in the "Eating Disorders" section presen ted later in the manual (see p. 583). Tic Disorders. These disorders are characterized by vocal and / or motor tics. The specific disorders includ ed are Tourette's Disorder, Chronic Motoror Vocal Tic Disorder, T ransien t Ti c Disorder, and Tic Disorder No t Othenvise Specified. Eliminati on Disorders. This grouping includes Encopresis, the repeated passage of feces into inappropriate p laces, and Enuresis, the repeated voiding of urine into inappropriate places. Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence. This grouping is for disorders that are not covered in the sections listed above. Separation Anxiety Disorder is characterized by developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning

Mental Retardation
separation from home or from those to whom the child is attached . Selective Mutism is characterized by a cons is tent failure to speak in specific social situations despite speaking in other situations. Reactive Attachment Disorder of lnfancy or Early Childhood is characterized by markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relatedness that occurs in m ost contexts and is associa ted with grossly pathogenic care. Stereotypic Movement Disorder is characterized by repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behavior that markedly interferes w ith norm al activities and at times may result in bodily injury. Disorder of Infancy, Childh ood, or Ado lescence Not Othenvise Specified is a residual category for coding disorders with onset in infancy, childhood, or adolescence that do not meet criteria for any specific disorder in the Classification. Children or adolescents may present with problems requiring clinical attention that are not defined as mental disorders (e.g., Relational Problems, Problems Related to Abuse or Neg lect, Bereavement, Borderline Intellectual Functioning, Acad emic Problem, Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavio r, Identity Problem). These are lis ted. at the end of the manual in the section "Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention" (see p . 731). DSM-ill-R included two anxiety disorders specific to chiJdren and adolescents, Overanxious Disorder of Childhood and Avoidant Disorder o f C hildhood, that have been s ubsumed under Generalized Anxiety Disorder and SociaJ Phobia, respectively, because of similarities in essential features.

Mental Retardation

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Mental Retardation is significantly s ubaverage general intellectual functioning (Criterion A) that is accompanied by significant limitations in adaptive fu nctioning in at least two of the following skill areas: communication, self-care, home living, SOCial/ interpersonal s kills, use of community resources, self-direction, , functional academic skills, work, leisure, health, and sa"fety (Criterion B). The onset must occur before age 18 years (Criterion C). Mental Retardation has many d ifferent etiologies and may be seen as a fina l common pathway of various patholOgical processes that affect the functioning of the centraJ nervous system . Gelleral ill tel/eetllal fimetialli1lg is defin ed by the intell igence quotient (IQ o r IQequivalent) obtained by assessment with one or more of the s tandardized, individually adminis tered intelligence tes ts (e.g., Wech sler intelligence ScaJes for Children, 3rd Edition; Stanford-Binet, 4th Edition; Kaufman Assessment Battery for Child ren). Significantly subaverage inteUectual functioning is defined as an IQ of about 70 or below (approximately 2 standard d eviations below the m ean). It should be noted that there is a m easurement error of approxim ately 5 p oints in assessing IQ although this may vary from instrument to instrument (e.g., a Wechs ler IQ of 70 is cons idered to represent a range of 65-75). Thus, it is possible to diagnose Mental Retardation in


Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Ch ildhood, or Adolescence

individuals with IQs between 70 and 75 w ho exhibit significant defici ts in adaptive behavior. Conversely, Mental Retardation would not be diagnosed in an individual w ith an IQ lower than 70 if there are no significant defici ts or impairments in adaptive function ing. The choice of testing instruments and interpreta tion of results should take into account fac tors tha t may limit test performance (e.g ., the individual's sociocultural backg rmmd, native language, and associated communicative, motor, and sensory handicaps). When there is significant scatter in the subtest scores, the profile of strengths and weaknesses, rather than the mathematically derived full-scale IQ w ill more accurately reflect the person's learning abilities. ' '''hen there is a marked discrepancy across verbal and performance scores, averaging to obtain a hill-scale IQ score can be misleading. impairments in adaptive functioning, rather than a low IQ, are usually the presenting symptoms in individuals with Mental Retardation. Adaptive fll nctionillg refers to how effectively individuals cope w ith corrunon life demands and how well they meet the standards of personal independence expected of someone in their particular age group, sociocultural background, and corrununity setting. Adaptive functioning may be influenced by various fac tors, including education, m otivation, personality characteristics, social and vocational opportuniti es, and the mental disorders and general medical conditions that may coexist with Mental Retardation. Problems in adaptation are more likely to improve with remedial efforts than is the cognitive lQ which tends to remain a more s table a ttribute. It is useful to gather evidence for deficits in adaptive ftmc tioning from one or morc reliable independent sources (e.g., teacher eva luation and educational, developmental, and medical h istory). Several scales have also been designed to measure adapti ve functioning or behavior (e.g., the Vineland Adapti ve Behavior Sca les and the America n Association on Mental Retardation Adaptive Behavior Sca le). These scales generaUy provide a clinical cutoff score that is a comp osite of performance in a number of adaptive s kill domains. It should be noted that scores for certain indiv idual domains are not induded in some of these ins truments and that individual domain scores may vary considerably in reliabi lity. As in the assessment of intellectual hmctioning, consideration s hould be given to the suitability of the instrument to the person's sociocultural background, education, associated handicaps, motivation, and cooperation. For instance, the presence of significant handicaps invalidates many adaptive scale norms. In addition, beha\'iors tha t would normally be considered maladaptive (e.g., dependency, passivity) may be evidence of good adaptation in the context of a particular individual's life (e.g., in some institutional settings).

Degrees of Severity of Mental Retardati o n

Four degrees o f severity can be specified , refl ecting the level of intellectual impairment: Mild, Moderate, Severe, and Profound . 317 318.0 318.1 318.2 Mild Mental Retardati on: Moderate Retard ation: Severe Mental Retardation: Profound Mental Retardation: IQ IQ IQ IQ level 50-55 to approximately 70 level 35-40 to 50-55 level 20--25 to 35-40 level below 20 or 25


Mild Mental Retardation

319 Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified, can be used when there is a strong presumption of Men tal Retardation but the person 's intelligence is untes table by standard tesls (e.g., with individua ls too impaired or uncoopera ti ve, or with infan ts).


Mild Mental Retardation

Mild Mental Retardation is roughly equi valent to what used to be referred to as the educational category of "educable." This group constitutes the largest segment (about 85%) of those with the disorder. As a group, people w ith this level of Mental Retardation typically develop social and communica tion s kills during the preschool years (ages O-S years), h ave minimal impairment in sensorimotor areas, and often are not d is tinguishable from children without Mental Retardation until a later age. By their late teens, they can acquire academic skills up to approximately the sixth-grade level . During their ad ult years, they u sually achieve social and vocational skills adequate fo r minimum self-support, but may need supervision, guidan ce, and assist.lOce, especially when under u nusual social or economic stress. '''lith appropriate supports, individuals with Mild Men l.)l Retardation can usually live s uccessfully in the conuntmity, either independently or in s upervised settings.


Moderate Mental Retardation

Moderate Mental Retardation is roughly equ ivalent to what used to be referred to as the educational category of "trainable." This outdated tenn should not be used because it wrongly implies that people with Moderate Mental Retardation cannot benefit from educational programs. This group constitu tes about 10% of the entire population of people w ilh Mental Retardation. Mos t of the individuals w ith this level of Menial Retardation acquire communication skills during early childhood years. They profit from vocational training and, wi th moderate supervision, can atten d to their personal care. They can also benefit from training in social and occupational skills but are unlikely to progress beyond the second-grade level in academic subjects. They may leam to travel independently in familiar p laces. During adolescence, their d ifficulties in recognizing social conventions may interfere with peer relationships. In their adult years, the majority are able to perfom1 unskilled or semiskilled work lmder supervision in sheltered workshops or in the general workforce. They adapt well to life in the conununity, usually in supervised settings.


Severe Mental Retardation

The group with Severe Mental Retardation constitutes 3%-4 % of individuals wi th Mental Retardation. During the early childh ood years, they acquire little or no communicative speech. During the school-age period, they may learn to talk and can be trained in elemen tary self-ca re skills. They profit to only a limited extent from instruction in pre-academic s ubjects, such as familiarity with the alphabet and simple counting, but can master skills sudl as learning sight reading of some "surviva l" words. In their adult years, they may be able to perform simple tasks in closely supervised set-

Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy,

Childhood, or Adolescence tings. Most adapt well to life in the community, in group homes or with their families, unless they have an associated handicap that requires spedalized nursing o r other care.


Profound Mental Retardation

The group with ProfOlmd Mental Retardation constitu tes approximately 1%-2% of people with Mental Retardation. Most individuals with this diagnosis have an identified neurologica l condition that accounts for their Menta l Retardation. During the early childhood yea rs, they display consider.lble impainnents in sensorimotor functioning. Optimal development may occur in a highly structured environment with constant aid and supervision and an individualized relationship with a caregiver. Motor development and self-care and communication skills may improve if appropriate training is provided . Some can perform simple tasks in closely supervised and sheltered settings.


Ment al Retardation , Severity Unspecifi ed

The diagnosis of Mental Retardation, Severi ty Unspecified, should be used when there is a strong presumption of Menta l Retardation but the person carUlot be successfully tested by standardized intelligence tests. This may be the case when children. adolescents, or adults are too impaired or uncooperative to be tested or, with infants, when there is a clinica l judgment of signifi cantly subaverage intellectual functioning. but the available tests (e.g., the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Ca ttell Infant Intelligence Scales, and others) do not yield lQ values. In general, the you nger the age, the more difficult it is to assess for the presence of Mental Retardation except in those with profound impairment.

Recording Procedures
The specific d iagnostic code for Mental Retardation is selected based on the level of severity as indicated above and is coded on Axis U. If Mental Retarda tion is associated with another mental disorder (e.g., Autistic Disorder), the additional mental disorder is coded on Axis r. If Mental Retardation is associated with a general medical condition (e.g., Down syndrome), the general medical condition is coded on Axis m.

Associated Features a nd Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. No specific personality and behavioral features are uniquely associated with Mental Retardation . Some individuals with Mental Retardation are passive, plaCid, and dependent, whereas others: can be aggressive and impulsive. Lack of communication skills may predispose to disruptive and aggressive behaviors that substi tute for communicative language. Some general medical conditions associated with Mental Retardation are characterized by certain behavioral symptoms (e.g., the intractable self-injuriOUS behavior associated with Lesch-Nyhan syndrome). Individuals with Mental Retardation may be

Mental Retardation

vulnerable to exploitation by others (e.g., being physically and sexually abused ) or being denied rights and opportunities. Individuals with Mental Retardation have a prevalence of comorbid mental disorders that is estimated to be three to four times greater than in the general population. In some cases, this may result from a shared etiology that is common to Mental Retardation and the associated mental disorder (e.g., head trauma may result in Mental Retardation and in Personality Change Due to Head Trauma). All types of mental disorders may be seen, and there is no evidence that the nature of a given mental disorder is different in individuals who have Mental Retardation. The diagnosis of comorbid mental disorders is, however, often complicated by the fact that the clinical presentation may be modified by the severity of the Mental Retardation and associated handicaps. Deficits in communication skills may resuit in an inability to provide an adequate history (e.g., the d iagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder in a nonverbal adult wi th Mental Retardation is often based primarily on manifestations such as depressed mood, irritability, anorexia, or insomnia that are observed by others). More often than is the case in individuals without Mental Retardation, it may be difficult to choose a specific diagnosis and in such cases the appropriate lot Othem<jse Specifi ed category can be used (e.g., Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). The most common assodated mental disorders are Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, Mood. Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Stereotypic Movement Disorder, and Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g., Dementia Due to Head Trauma). Individuals who have Mental Retardation due to Down syndrome may be at higher risk for developing Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type. Pathological changes in the brain associated \\<jth this disorder usually develop by the time these individuals are in their early 4Os, although the clinical sym ptoms of dementia are not evident unti1 later. Associations have been reported between sp ecific etiological factors and certain comorbid symptoms and mental disorders. For example, fragil e X syndrome appea rs to increase the risk for Attention-Defi cit / H yperactivity Disorder and Social Phobia; individuals with Prader-Willi syndrome may exhibit hy perphagia and compulsivity, and those w ith William's syndrome may have an increased risk of Anxiety Disorders and A ttention-Deficit / H yperactivity Disorder.
Predisposing factors. Etiological fa ctors may be primarily biological or primarily psychosocial, or some combination of both. In a pproximately 30%--40% of individuals seen in clinical settings, no clear etiology for the Mental Retardation can be determined despite exten sive "valuation efforts. Specific etiologies are more likely to be identified in individuals with Severe or Profound Mental Retardation. The major predisposing fa ctors include:

Heredity: These factors include inborn errors of metabolism inherited mostly

through a utosomal recessive mechanisms (e.g., Tay-Sachs disease), other single-gene abnormalities with Mendelian inheritance and variable expression (e.g., tuberous sclerosis), and chromosomal aberrations (e.g., translocation Down syn drome, fragile X syndrom e). Advances in genetics w ill likely increase the identification of heritable fonns of Mental Retardation. Early alterati01ls of embryollic deuelopmellf: These fac tors include chromosoma l changes (e.g., Down syndrome due to trisomy) o r prenatal damage due to toxins (e.g., maternal alcoh ol consumption, infectio ns).

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infan cy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

Environmental influences; These factors include deprivation of nurturance and of social, linguistic, and other s timula tion. Melltal disorders: These fact ors include Autistic Disorder and other Perv asive Developmental Disorders. Pregnancy and perinatal problems: These factors include fetal malnutrition, prematurity, hypoxia, viral an d other infections, and trauma. General medical conditions acqrlired ill infallCY or c/rildlrood: These fa ctors include infections, traumas, and poisoning (e.g., due to lead).
Associated laboratory findings . O ther than the results of p sych ological and adaptive behavior tests that are necessary for th e diagnosis of Mental Retardation, there are no laboratory find ings that are uniquely associated with Mental Retardation. Diagnostic laboratory findings may be associated with a speci fic accompanying general medical condition (e.g., chromosomal findings in various genetic conditions, high blood p henylalanine in phenylketonuria, or abnormalities on central nervous system imaging). Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. There are no specific physical features associated w ith Mental Retardation. When Mental Retardation is part of a sp ecific synd rome, the clinical fea tures o f that syndrome w ill be present (e.g., the physical features of Down syndrome). The more severe the Mental Retardation (esp ecially if it is severe or profound), the greater the li kelihood of neurological (e.g., seizures), neuromuscular, visual, auditory, cardiovascular, and other conditions.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Care should be taken to ensure that intellectual testing procedures reflect adequate attention to the individua l's ethnic, cultural, or linguis tic background. This is usually accomplished by u sing tests in which the individual's relevant characteristics are represented in the s tandardization sample of the tes t or by employing an examiner who is familia r with aspects of the individual's ethnic or cultural background. Individualized testing is always required to make the d iagnosis of Mental Retardation. The prevalence o f Mental Retardation due to known biological factors is similar among child ren of upper and lower socioecon omic classes, except that certain etiologica l factors are linked to lower socioeconomic s tatus (e.g., lead poisoning and premature births). In cases in which no specific b iological causation can be identified, the Mental Retarda tion is usuall}' m ild er (although all degrees of severi ty are represen ted) and individuals from lower socioeconomic classes are overrepresented. Developmental considerations s hould be taken into account in eva luating impairment in adaptive skills because certain of the s kill areas are less relevant at d ifferent ages (e.g., u se of community resources o r employment in school-age children). Mental Retard ation is more common among males, with a male-to -female ratio of approxima tely 1.5:1.

Prevale nce
The prevalence rate of Mental Retardation has been estimated a t approximately 1"10. However, different studies have reported different rates depending on d efinitions used, methods of ascertainment, and p opulation studied.

Mental Retardation


The diagnosis of Mental Retardation requires that the onset of the disorder be before age 18 years. The age and mode of onset depend on the etiology and severity of the Mental Retardation. More severe retardation, especially when associated with a syndrome w ith a dlaracteristic phenotype, tends to be recognized early (e.g., Down syndrome is usually diagnosed at birth). In contrast, Mild Retardation of unknown origin is generally noticed later. In more severe retardation resulting from an acquired cause, the intellectual impairment will d evelop more abruptl y (e.g., retard ation following an encephalitis). The course o f Mental Retardation is influenced b y the course of underlying general medical conditions and by environmental fa ctors (e .g., educational and other opportunities, environmental s timulation, and appropriateness of management). lf an illIderlying general medical condition is static, the course is more likely to be variable and to depend on environmental fac tors. Mental Retardation is not necessarily a lifelong disorder.lndividua ls who had Mild Mental Retard ation earlier in their lives manifested by failure in academic learning tasks may, w ith appropriate training and opportunities, d evelop good adaptive skills in other domains and may no longer have the level of impairment required for a diagnosis of Mental Retardation.

Familial Pattern
Because o f its heterogeneous etiology, no familial pattern is applicable to Mental Retardation as a general category . The heritability of Mental Retardation is d iscussed under "Predisposing Factors" (see p. 45).

Differentia l Diagnosis
The diagnos tic criteria for Mental Retardation do not include an exclusion criterion; therefore, the diagnosis should be made whenever the diagnostic criteria are met, regardless of and in addition to the presence of another disorder. In learning Disorders or Communication Disorders (unassociated with Mental Retardation), the development in a s pecific area (e.g., reading, expressive language) is impaired but there is no generalized impainnent in intellectua l d evelopment and adaptive functioning. A Learning Disorder or Communication Disorder can be diagnosed in an individual w ith Mental Retardation if the specific deficit is out of proportion to the severity of the Mental Retardation . In Pervasive Developmental Disorders, there is qualitative impairment in the development of reciprocal social interaction and in the development of verbal and nonverbal social communication skills. Mental Retardation often accompanies Pervasive Developmental Disorders. Some cases of Mental Retardation have their o nset after a period of normal fun ctioning and may qualify for the additional diagnosis of dementia. A d iagnosis of d ementia requires that the memory impairment and other cognitive d efi cits represent a significant decline from a previou sly higher level of functioning . Becallse it may be difficult to determine the previoll s level of fWlCtioning in very yOilllg children, the diagnosis o f dementia may not be appropriate lUltil the child is between ages 4 and 6 years. In general, for individuals tmder age 18 years, the diagnosis of dementia is


Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

made only w hen the condition is not characterized satisfactorily by the diagnosis of Mental Retardation alone. Borderline Intellectual Functioning (see p. 740) describes an IQ range that is higher than that for Mental Retardation (generally 71--84) . As discussed earlier, an IQ score may involve a measurement error of approximately 5 points, depending on the testing instrument. Thus, it is possible to diagnose Mental Retardation in individuals with IQ scores between 71 and 75 if they have significant deficits in adaptive behavior that meet the criteria for Mental Retardation. Differentiating Mild Mental Retardation from Borderline Intellectual Flmctioning requires careful considera tion of all available information.

Relationship to 0 her Classifications of Mental Retardation

The classification system of the American Association on Mental Retardation (AAMR) includes the same three criteria (i.e., significantly subaverage intellectual functioning , limitations in adaptive skills, and onset prior to age 18 years). In the AAMR classification, the criterion of significantly subaverage intellectual functioning refers to a standard score of approximately 70-75 or below (which takes into account the potential measurement error of plus or minus 5 points in IQ testing). Furthermore, DSM-IV specifies levels of severity, whereas the AAlvrR 1992 classification system specifies "Patterns and Intensity of Supports Needed " (i.e., "Intennittent, Limited, Extensive, and Pervasive"), which are not d irectly comparable with the degrees of severity in DSM-IV. The definition of developmental disabilities in Public Law 95-602 (1978) is not limited to Mental Retardation and is based on functiona l criteria. This law defines developmen tal disability as a disability attributable to a mental or physical impairment, manifested before age 22 years, likely to continue indefinitely, resulting in substantial limitation in three or more specified areas of functioning, and requiring specific and lifelong or extended care.

learn ing Disorde rs (fo rmer ly Academic Sk ills Disorders)


Diagnostic criteria for Mental Retardation

A. Significa ntly subaverage intellectual functioni ng: an 1 of approximately 70 or below 0

0 on an individually admin istered 1 test (for infants, a clinical judgment of significantly subaverage intel lectua l funct ioning) . B. Concurrent deficits or impairments in present adaptive functioning (i .e., the person's effectiveness in meeting the standards expected for his or her age by his or her cu[tura l group) in at least two of the fo ll owing areas: comm unicat ion, self-ca re, home living, socialfinterpersonal skills, use of community resources, self-direction, functiona l aca demic sk ills, work, leisure, health, and safety.
C. The onset is before age 18 years.

Code based on degree of severity reflecting level of intellectual impairment:

317 318.0 318.1 318.2 319

Mild Mental Retardation: 10 level 50--55 to approximately 70 Moderate Mental Retardation: 10 level 35-40 to 50--55 Severe Mental Retardation: 1 level 20--25 to 35-40 0 Profound Mental Retardation: 1 level below 20 or 25 0 Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified: whe n there is strong presumption of Mental Retardation but the person's intell igence is untestable by standard t ests

Learning D isorde rs (formerly Academic Skill s Di sorders)

The section on Learning Disorders includes Reading Disorder, Mathematics Disorder, Disorder of Written Expression, and Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

Diagnosti c Fea tures

l earning Disorders are diagnosed when the individual's achievement on individ ually administered, s tandardized tests in reading, mathematics, or w ritten expression is substan tially below that expected for age, schooling, and level of intelligence. The learning p roblems significantly interfere with academic achievement or activities of daily living th at require reading, mathema tical, or w riting skills. A variety of statistical approaches can be used to establish that a discrepancy is s ignificant. SubstaJitially below is usually defined as a d iscrepancy of more than 2 s tandard deviations between achievement and IQ. A smaller discrepancy between achievement and IQ (i.e., between 1 and 2 standard devia tions) is sometimes used, especially in cases where an individual's perfonnance on an IQ tes t may have been compromised by an associated disorder in cogni ti ve processing, a comorbid men tal disorder or general medical condition, or the individual's ethnic or cultu ral backgTOund. If a sensory deficit is

15 0

Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy. Ch ildhood. or Adolescence

present. the learning difficulties must be in excess of those usually associated with the deficit. Learning Disorders may persist into adulthood.

Associated Features and Disord ers

Demoralization, low sel festeem, and deficits in social skills may be associated with Learning Disorders. The school drop-out fate for children or adolescents with Learning Disorders is reported at nearly 40% (or approxima tely 1.5 times the average). Adults with Learning Disorders may ha ve Significant difficulties in employment or social adjustment. Many individuals (10%-25%) with Conduct Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder,, Atten tion-Defidt/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder, or Dysthymic Disorder also have Learning Disorders. There is evidence that developmental d elays in language may occur in association with Learning Disorders (particularly Reading Disorder), although these delays may not be suffiCiently severe to warrant the separate diagnosis of a Communica tion Disorder. Learning Disorders may also be associated with a higher rate of Developmental Coordination Disorder. There may be underlying abn ormalities in cogn itive processing (e.g., deficits in visual perception, linguistic processes, attention, or memory, o r a combination of these) that often precede or are associated with Learning Disorders. Standardized tests to measure these processes are generally less reliable and valid than other psychoeducational tests . Althou gh genetic predisposition, p erinatal injury, and various neurological or other general med ical conditions may be associated with the development of Learning Disorders, the presence of such conditions does not invariably predict an eventual Learning Disorder, and there are many individuals with Learning Disorders who have no such history. Learning Disorders are, however, frequently found in associa tion with a variety of general medical conditions (e.g., lead poisoning, feta l alcohol syndrome, or fragile X syndrome).

Specifi c Culture Features

Care should be taken to ensure that intelligence testing procedures reflect adequate attention to the individual 's ethnic or cultural background. This is usually accomplished by using tests in which the individ ual's relevant characteristics are represented in the standardization sample of the test or by employing an examiner who is familiar with aspects of the individual's ethnic or cultural background. Individualized testing is always required to make the diagnosis of a Learning Disorder.

Estim ates of the prevalence of Leaming Disorders range from 2% to 10% depending on the nature of ascertainment and the definitions applied . Approximately 5"/0 of students in public schools in the United States are identified as h aving a Learning Disorder.


Read ing Diso rder

Diffe rential Diagnosis

l earning Disorders must be differentiated from normal variations in academic attainment and from scholas tic difficulties due to lack of opportun ity. p oor teachi n g, or cultural factors. Inadequ ate schooling can result in poor performance on s tandardized achievement tests. Children from ethnic or cultural backgrolUlds different from the prevailing school culture or in which English is not the primary language and children who have attended class in schools where teachin g has been inadequate may score poorly on achievement tests. Ch ildren from these same backgrounds may also be at greater ris k for absenteeism due 10 more frequent illnesses or impoverished or chaotic living environments. Impaired vision or h earing may affect learning ability and sho uld be investigated through audiometric or visual screen ing tests. A Learning Disorder may be d iagnosed in the presence of such sensory deficits only if the leaming difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these defi cits. Accompanying neurolOgica l or other general medical conditions should be coded on Axis lU . In Mental Retardation, lea m ing d ifficulties are commensurate w ith general impairment in inteUectual functioning. However, in some cases o f Mild Mental Retardation, the level of achievement in reading, mathematics, o r written expression is significa ntly below expected levels given the person's schooling and severity of Mental Retard ation . In such cases, the add itional d iagnosis of the appropriate Learning Disorder should be m ade. An additional Learning Disorder d iagnosis should be made in the context of a Pervasive Developmental Disord er only when academic impairmen t is Signific antly below expected levels given the individual's intellectua l fu nctioning and sch ooling. In individuals w ith Communication Disorders, intellectua l fun ctioning may have to be assessed using s tand ardized measu res of nonverbal intellectual capacity. In cases in which academic achievement is significantly below th is measu red capacity, the appropriate Learning Disorder should be diagnosed . Math ematics Disorder and D isorder of Written Expression most commonly occur in combination with Reading Disorder. When criteria are met for more than one l earning Disorder, aU should be d.iagnosed.

Diagn ostic Features

Reading Disorder

The essential feature of Reading Disorder is reading ach ievement (i.e., reading accuracy, speed, or comprehension as measured by individua lly adminis tered s tandardized tests) that falls subs tantia lly below that expected given the individual's chronolOgical age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education (Criterion A). The dis turbance in reading signi fican tly interferes w ith academ ic achievement or with activities of daily living that req uire reading s kills (Criterion B). If a sensory deficit is presen t, the reading difficulties are in excess of those us ually associated with it (Criterion C). If a neurological or other general medical condition or sensory d eficit is present, it should be coded on Axis HI. In individuals with Reading Disorder (which


Disorders Usual ly First Diagnosed in Infan cy, Childhood, or Ad olescence

has also been called "d yslexia"), oraJ reading is characteri zed by dis tortions, substitutions, or omissions; bo th oral and silent reading are characterized by slowness and errors in comprehension.

Associated Features and Disorders

See the" Associa ted Features and Disorders" section for Learning Disorders (p. 50). Mathematics Disorder and Disorder of Written Expression are commonly associated with Reading Disorder, and it is relatively rare for either of these disorders to be found in the absence of Reading Disorder.

Specific Gender Feat ures

From 60% to 80% of indiv iduals d iagnosed with Reading Disord er are males. Referral procedures may often be biased toward identifying males, because they more frequently disp lay disruptive behaviors in association with Leaming Disorders. The d isorder has been found to occur at more equal rates in males and females when carefu l diagnostic ascertainment and stringen t criteria are used ra ther than traditional schoolbased referral and diagnostic procedures.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Readin g Disorder is difficult to establish because many s tudies focus on the prevalence o f Leaming Disorders without careful separation into specific disorders of Reading, Mathematics, o r Written Expression . Reading Disorder, alone or in combination with Mathematics Disorder or Disorder of W ritten Expression, accounts for approximately four of every fi ve cases o f Leanting Disorder. The prevalence of Reading Disorder in the Uni ted States is estimated at 4% of school-age children. Lower incidence and prevalence figures for Readi ng Disorder may be found in other countries in which s tricter criteria are used.

Although sympto ms of reading difficulty (e.g., inab ility to dis tinguish among common letters or to associa te common phonemes with letter symbols) may occur a;; early as kindergarten, Reading Disorder is seldom d iagnosed before the end of kindergarten or the beginning of first g rade because formal reading ins truction usually does no t begin until this poin t in m ost school settings. Particula rly when Reading Disorder is associated with high IQ. the child may function at or near g rade level in the early grades, and the Reading Disorder may not be fully apparent until the fourth grade or later. With early identification and inten'ention, the prognosis is good in a significan t p ercentage o f cases. Readin g Disorder may persis t into adult life.

Familial Pattern
Read ing Disorder aggregates familially and is more p revalent among firs t-degree biological relatives of individuals with Learning Disorders.


Mathematics Disorder

Differential Diagnosis
See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Learning Disorders (p. 51) .

Diagnostic criteria for 315.00 Reading Disorder

A. Reading achievement, as measured by individually administered standardized tests of reading accuracy or comprehension, is substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education. B. The disturbance in Criterion A significantly interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living that require reading skills.
C. If a sensory deficit is present, t he reading difficulties are in excess of those usually as-

sociated with it. Coding note: If a general med ical (e.g., neurological) condition or sensory deficit is present, code the condition on Axis III.

Diagnostic Features

Mathematics Disorder

The essential feature of Mathematics Disorder is mathematical ability (as measured by individually administered standardized tests of mathematical calculation or reasoning) that falls subs tantially below that expected for the individual's c1uonological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education (Criterion A). The disturbance in mathematics Significantly interferes with academic achievement or with activities of daily living that require mathematical skills (Criterion B). If a sensory deficit is present, the difficulties in mathematical ability are in excess of those u sually associated with it (Criterion C). If a neurological or other general medical condition or sensory deficit is present, it should be coded on Axis Ill. A number of different skills may be impaired in Mathematics Disorder, incJu..ding "linguistic" skills (e.g., understanding or naming mathematical terms, operations, or concepts, and decoding written problems into mathematical symbols), "perceptual" skills (e.g., recognizing or reading numerical symbols or arithmetic signs, and clustering objects into groups), "attention" s kills (e.g., copying numbers or figures correctly, remembering to add in "carried" numbers, and observing operational signs), and "mathematical" skills (e.g., following sequences of mathematical steps, counting objects, and learning multiplication tables).

Associate d Features and Disorders

See the "Associated Features an d Disorders" section for Learning Disorders (p. 50).
Mathematics Disorder is commonly found in combination with Reading Disorder or Disorder of Written Expression .

Disorde rs Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Preva lence
The prevalence of Mathematics Disorder is difficult to establish because many studies focus on the p revalence of Leaming Disorders without careful separation into specific disorders of Reading, Mathematics, or Written Expression. The prevalence of Mathematics Disorder alone (Le., when not found in association with oUler Learning Disorders) has been estimated at approximately one in every five cases of Learning Disorder. It is estimated that 1% of school-age children have Mathematics Disorder.

Co u rse
Although symptoms of d ifficu lty in mathematics (e.g., conhlsion in number concepts or inability to count accurately) may appear as early as kindergarten or first grade, Mathematics Disorder is seld om diagnosed before the end of first grade because sufficient formal ma thematics instruction has usually not occurred un til this point in most school settings. It usually becomes apparent during second or third g rade. Particularly when Mathematics Disorder is associated with high IQ the child may be able to function at or near grade level in the early grades, and Mathematics Disorder may not be apparent until the fifth grade or later.

Di ffe rential Diagnosis

See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Learning Disorders (p. 51).

Diagnostic criteria for 315.1 Mathematics Disorder

A. Mathematical ability, as measured by individually administered standardized tests, is substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age, measured intell igence, and age-appropriate education.

8. The disturbance in Criterion A significantly interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living that require mathematica l ability.
C. If a sensory deficit is present, t he difficult ies in mathematical ability are in excess of

those usually associated wit h it. Coding note: If a general medical (e.g., neurologica l) condition or sensory deficit is present, (Ode the condition on Axis III.


Disorder of Written Expression

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Disorder of Written Expression is w riting skills (as measured by an ind ividually administered standardized test or functional assessment of writing skills) that fall substantia lly below those expected given the individual's chrono-


Disorder of Written Expression


logical age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education (Criterion A) . The dis turbance in w ritten expression significantly interferes with academic achievement or with activities of daily living that require w riting skills (Criterion B). If a sensory deficit is present, the difficulties in writing skills are in excess of those us ualJy associated with it (Criterion C) . If a neurological or other general medical condition or sensory deficit is present, it shoul d be coded on Axis ill. There is generally a combination of difficulties in the individual's ability to compose written texts evidenced by grammatical or punctuation errors within sentences, poor paragraph organization, multiple spelling errors, and excessively poor handwriting. This diagnosis is generally not given if there are only s pelling errors or poor handwriting in the absence of other impai rment in written expression . Compared with other Learning Disorders, relatively less is known about Disorders of Written Expression and their remediation, particularly when they occur in the absence of Reading Di sorder. Excep t for spelling, standardized tests in this area are less well developed than tes ts of reading or mathematica l ability, and the evaluation of impairment in written skills may require a compari son beh\'een extensive samples of the individual's w ritten schoolwork and expected perfonnance for age and IQ. This is especially the case for young children in the early elementary grades. Tasks in which the child is asked to copy, write to dictation, and write s pontaneously may all be necessary to establish the presence and extent of this disorder.

Associated Features and Diso rd ers

See the " Associated Features and Disorders" section for Learning Disorders (p . 50).
Disorder of Written Expression is commonly found in combination with Reading Disorder or Mathematics Disorder. There is some evidence that language and perceptualmotor deficits may accompany this disorder.

The prevalence of Disorder of Written Expression is difficult to establish because many s tudies focus on the prevalence of Learning Disorders in general without careful separation into sp ecific Disorders of Reading, Ma thematics, or Written Expression. Disorder of Written Expression is rare when not associated with other Learning Disorders.

Cou rse
Although difficulty in writing (e.g., particularly poor handwriting or copying ability or inability to remember letter sequences in common words) may appear as early as the first grade, Disorder of Written Expression is seldom diagnosed before the end of first grade because sufficient fonnal writing instruction has u sually not occurred until this point in m ost school settings. The di sorder is u sually apparent by second grade. Disorder of Written Expression may occasionally be seen in old er children or adults, and li ttle is known about its long-term prognosi s.

Different ial Diagnosis

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Inf ancy. Childhood, or Adolescence

See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Learning Disorders (p. 51). A disorder in spelling or handwriting alone, in the absence of other d ifficul ties of written expression. generally does not qualify for a diagnosis of Disorder of Written Expression. U poor handwriting is due to impairment in molor coordination, a diagnosis of Developmental Coordination D isorder s hould be considered.

Diagnostic criteria for 315.2 Disorder of Written Expression

A. Writing skills. as measured by individually administered standardized tests (or functional assessments of writing skills). are substantially be low those expected give n the person's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education.

B. The disturbance in Criterion A significantly interferes with academic achievement or activities of daily living that requ ire the composition of written texts (e.g., writing grammatically correct sentences and organized paragraphs).
C. If a sensory deficit is present, the difficulties in writing skills are in excess of those usu ally associ ated with it.

Coding note: If a general medical (e.g ., neurological) condition o r sensory deficit is present, code the condition on Axis III.


Learning Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This ca tegory is for d isorders in learning that do not meet cri teria for any specific Learning Disorder. This category might include problems in all three areas (reading.. mathematics, written expression) that together significantly interfere with academ.ic achievement even though performance on tests measuring each individual skill is not substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age, measured intelligence, and age-appropriate education.

Motor Skills Di sorder


Developmental Coordination Disorder

Diagn ostic Feat ures

The essential feature of Developmen tal Coordination Disorder is a marked impairment in the development of motor coordination (Criterion A). The diagnosis is made only if this impairment significantly interferes with academic achievement or activi-

315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder ties of daily living (Criterion B). The diagnosis is made if the coordination difficulties are not due to a general medical cond ition (e.g., cerebral palsy, hemiplegia, or muscular d ystrophy) and the cri teria are not met for Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Criterion C). If Mental Retardation is present, the motor difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with it (Criterion D). The manifestations of this disorder vary with age and development. For example, younger children may display clumsiness and delays in achieving developmental motor milestones (e.g., walking, crawling, sitting, tying shoelaces, buttoning shirts, zipping pants). O ld er children may display difficulties with the m otor aspects of assembling puzzles, building models, playing baU and printing or handwriting. ,

Associated Features and Disorders

Problems common1y associated with Developmental Coordination Disorder includ e delays in other nonmotor milestones. Associated disorders may include Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, and Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder.

Preva lence
Prevalence of Developmental Coordination Disorder has been estimated to be as high as 6% for children in the age range of 5-11 years.

Recognition of Developmental Coordination Disorder usually occurs when the child firs t attempts such ta sks as running, holding a knife and fork, buttoning clothes, or playing ball games. The course is variable. ln some cases, lack of coordination continues through adolescence and adulthood.

Differential Diagnosis
Developmental Coordination Disorder must be distinguished from motor impairments that are due to a general medical condition. Problems in coordination may be associated with specific neurological disorders (e.g., cerebral palsy, progressive lesions of the cerebellum), but in these cases there is d efinite neural damage and abnormal findings on neurological examination. If Mental Retardation is present, Developmental Coordination Disord er can be diagnosed only if the m otor difficulties are in excess of those usually associated w ith the Menial Retardation. A diagnosis of Developmental Coordination Di sorder is not given if the criteria are met for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. lndividuals w ith Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder may fall , bump into things, o r knock things over, but this is usually due to distractibili ty and impulSiveness, rather than to a moto r impairment. U criteria for both d isorders are mel, both diagnoses can be given.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Childhood, o r Adolescence

Diagnostic criteria for 315.4 Developmental Coordination Disorder

A. Performance in dai ly activit ies that require motor coordination is substantially below that expected given the person's chronological age and measured intelligence. This may be manifested by marked delays in achieving motor milestones (e.g., walking,
crawling, sitting), dropping t hings, " clumsiness," poor performance in sports, or poor handwri ting.
B. The disturban ce in Criterion A significantly interfere s w ith academic achievement or activit ies of daily living.

C. The disturbance is not due t o a general medical condition (e.g ., cerebra l palsy. hemiplegia, o r muscular dystrophy) a nd does not meet criteria for a Pervasive Developme ntal Disorder.

D. If Mental Retardation is present, the motor difficulties are in excess of t hose associated with it.

usua l ~

Coding note: If a general medical (e.g., neu rolog ical) (Ondit ion or senmry deficit is present, (Ode the condition on Axis II I.

Communication Disorders

The foHowing Communication Disorders are inclu ded in this section: Expressive Language Disorder, Mixed Receptive-Expressive Lang uage Disorder, Phonologicdl D isorder, Stuttering, and Communication Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. The)' are included in this classification to familiarize clinicians w ith the ways in which Communication Disorders present and to facilitate their differen tial diagnosis.


Expressive Language Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential feahueof Expressive Language Disorder is a n im paimlent in expressi\'e language development as demonstrated by scores on standardized individually ad minis tered measures of expressive language development s ubstantially below those obtained from s tandardized measures of both nonverbal intelJectual capacity and receptive language development (Criterion A) . When standardized instruments are nol availableor appropriate, the diagnosis may be based on a thorough hmctional assessment of the individual 's language ability. The difficulties may occur in conununicdtion both verbal language and sign language. The language difficulties interfere with academic or occupational ach ievement or w ith social communication (Criterion B). The symptoms do not meet criteria for Mixed Recepti ve-Expressire


Expressive Language Disorder

59 \

language Disorder or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Criterion C). if l'vlental Retardation, a speech-motor or sensory deficit, or environmental depri vation is present, the language difficulties are in excess of those u sually associated with these problems (Criterion D). If a sp eech-motor or sensory deficit or neurological condition is present, it should be coded on Axis III. The linguis tic features of the disorder vary depending on its severity and the age of the child. These features include a limited amount of speech, limited range of vocabulary, difficulty acquiring new words, word-finding or vocab ulary errors, shortened sen tences, simplified g rammatical structmes, limited varieties of gramma tical structures (e.g ., verb fo rms), limited varieties of sentence types (e.g., imperatives, questions), omissions of critical parts of sentences, use of tulus ual word order, and slow rate of language developmen t. Nonlinguistic functioning (as measured by perfomlance intelligence tests) and language comprehension skills are usually within normal limits. Expressive Language Disorder may be either acquired or developmental . In the acqui red type, an impairment in expressive language occurs after a period of normal development as a result of a neurological or other general medical condition (e.g., encephalitis, head trauma, irradiation). In the developmental type, there is an impairment in expressive language that is not associa ted with a postna tal neurological insult of known origin. Child ren with this type often begin spea king late and progress more slowly than usual through the various s tages of expressive language development.

Assoc iated Featu res and Disorders

The most common associated fea ture of Expressive Language Disorder in ymmger children is Phonological Disorder. There may also be a distmbance in fluency and language formula tion involving an abnormally rapid rate and erratic rhythm of speech and disturbances in language structure ("cluttering"). When Expressive L.,nguage Disorder is acquired, additional speech difficu lties are also common and may incl ude motor articulation problems, phonologica l errors, slow s peech, syllable repetitions, and monotonous intonation and stress patterns. Among school-age children, school and learning problems (e.g ., writing to dictation, copying sen tences, and s pelling) that sometimes meet criteria for Learning Disorders are often associated with Expressi \'e Language Disorder. There may also be some mild impairment in receptive language skills, but when this is significant, a diagnosis of Mixed Recepti veExpressive Language Disorder should be made. A history of del ay in reaching some motor milestones, Developmental Coordination Disorder, and Enuresis are not uncommon. Social withdrawal and some menta l d isorders such as Atten tion-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder are also commonly associated. Expressive Language Disorder may be accompanied by EEG abnormalities, abnormal fin d ings on neuroimaging, dysarthric or apraxic behaviors, or other neurological signs.

Specific Culture and Gender Featu res

Assessments of the development of communication abilities must take into account the individ ual's cultural and language context, particularly for individ uals growing up in bilingual environments. The standardized measures o f language developmen t


Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Inf ancy, Ch ildhood, or Adolescence

and of nonverbal intellectual cap acity must be relevan t for the cultural and lingu istic group (i.e., tests developed and standardized for one g roup may no t provide appropriate norm s for a different group). The developmental type of Expressive Language Disorder is more common in males than in females.

Prevalence estimates va ry with age. In children under 3, language delays are quite common, occurring in 100/ .-15% of children. By school age, prevalence estimates . range from 3% to 7%. The developmental type of Expressive Language Disorder is more common than the acquired type.

Co urse
The d evelopmental type o f Expressive Lang uage Disorder is usually recognized by age 3 years, although milder forms of the d isorder may not become apparent until early adolescence, when language ordinarily becomes more complex. The acquired type of Expressive Language Disorder due to brain lesions, head trauma, or stroke may occur at any age, and the onset is sudden. The outcome o f the developmental type of Expressive Language Disorder is variable. A majority of children with this d isorder improve substantially; in a smaller proportion, d iffi culties persist into adulthood. Most children ultimately acqu ire more o r less normal language abilities by late ad olescence, although subtle deficits may persist. In the acquired type of ExpressinLanguage Disorder, the course and prognosis are related to the severi ty and location of brain pathology, as well as to the age of the child and the extent o f language development at the time the d isorder is acquired. Clinical improvement in language abilities is sometimes rapid and com plete, although d efici ts in communication and related cogniti ve abilities may persist. In other instances there may be progressive d eficit.

Familial Pattern
It appears that thedevelopmental type of Expressive Language Disorder is more likely to occur in individ ua ls w ho have a family history of Commlmication or Learning Disorders. There is no evidence o f familial aggregation in the acqUired type.

Differential Diagnosis
Expressive Lang uage Disorder is distinguished from Mixed Receptive-Exp ressive Language Disorder by the presence in the la tter of significant impairment in recepti ve language; many ind ividuals w ith Expressive Language Disorder have subtledif ficulties in receptive skills as weU. Expressive Language Disord er is not diagnosed if the criteria afe met for Autistic D isorder or another Pervasive Developmen tal Disorder. Autistic Disorder also involves expressive language impairment but may be d istingtlished from Expressi\-e and Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorders by the characteri stics of the communication impairmen t (e.g., stereoty ped use of language) and by the presence

315.3 1

Expressive Language Disorder

of a qualitative impainnent in social interaction and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Expressive and receptive language development may be impaired due to Mental Retardation, a hearing impairm ent or oth er sensory defi cit, a speechmotor deficit, or severe environm ental deprivation. The presence of these problems may be established by intelligence testing, audiometric tes ting, neurologi ca l testing, a nd history. U the language difficulties are in excess of those us ually associated with these problems, a concurrent diagnosis of Expressive Language or Mixed Recepli ve Expressive Language Disorder may be made. Children with expressive language delays due to environmental deprivation may show rap id gains once the environmen tal problems are ameliorated. In D isorder of Written Expression, there is a disturbance in writing skills. If deficits in oral expression are also presen t, an additional diagnosis of Expressive language Disorder may be appropria te. Selective Mutism involves limited expressive output that may mimic Expressive o r Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder; careful history and observation are necessary to determine the presence of normal language in some settings. Acq uired ap hasia associated w ith a general medical condition in childhood is often trans ient. A diagnosis of Expressive Language Disorder is a ppro priate only if the language disturbance persists beyond the acute recovery period for the etiological general medical condition (e.g., head trauma, viral infection).

Diagnostic criteria for 315.31 Expressive Language Disorder

A. The scores obta ined from nandardized individua lly administered measures of expressive language development are subrtantially below those obtained from nandardized measures of both nonverbal intellectua l capacity and receptive language development. The disturbance may be manifen clinically by symptoms that include having a markedly limited vocabulary, making errors in tense, or having difficulty recalling words or producing sentences with developmentally appropriate length or complexity. B. The difficulties with expressive la nguage interfere with academic or occupational ...... achievement or with social communication.
C. Criteria are not met for Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder or a Pervasive

Developmental Disorder. D. If Mental Retardation, a speech-motor or sensory deficit, or environmental deprivation is present, the language difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these problems. Coding note: If a speech-motor or sensory deficit or a neurological condit ion is present, code the condition on Axis III.

Diso rd ers Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Ch ild hood, or Adolescence


Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder

Diagnostic Featu res

Theessential fea ture of Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder is an impairment in both receptive and expressive language development as demonstrated by scores on standardized individually administered measures of both receptive and expressive language developmen t that arc substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of nonverbal intellectual capacity (Criterion A). When standardized instruments are not available or appropriate, the diagnOSiS may be based on a thorough ftmctionai assessment of the individual's language ability. The difficulties may occur in communication involving both verbal language and sign language. The language difficulties interfere with academic or occupational achievement or with social communication (Criterion B), and the symptoms do not meet criteria fo r a Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Criterion C) . If Ment.1l Retardation, a speech-motor or sensory deficit, or envirorunental deprivation is present, the language difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these problems (Criterion D). If a speech-motor or sensory deficit or a neurological condition is present, it should be coded on Axis Ill. An individual with this disorder has the difficulties associated with Expressive Language Disorder (e.g., a markedly limited vocabulary, errors in tense, difficul ty reca lling words or producing sentences with developmentally appropria te length or complexity, and general difficulty expressing ideas) and also has impaimlent in receptive language development (e.g., d ifficul ty lmderstanding words, sentences, or sp ecific types of words). In mild cases, there may be difficulties only in understand ing particular types of words (e.g., spatial terms) or sta tements (e.g., complex "ifthen" sentences). In more severe cases, there may be multiple disabili ties, includ ing an inability to understand basic vocabu lary or simple sentences, and defici ts in various areas of auditory processing (e.g., discrimination of sounds, association of sounds and symbols, s torage, recaU, and sequencing). Because the developm ent of expressive language in childhood relies on the acquisition of receptive s kills, a pure receptive language disorder (analogous to a Wernicke's aphasia in adults) is virtually ne\'cr seen (although in some cases the receptive deficit may be more severe than the expressive one). Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder may be either acquired or devel opmen tal. In the acquired typ e, an impainnent in recepti ve and expressive language occurs after a period of norma l development as a result of a neurological or other gen eral medical condition (e.g., encephalitis, head trauma, irr.1diation ). In the developmental type, there is an impairmen t in receptive and expressive language that is not associated with a neurological insult of known o rigin. This type is char.lcterized by a slow rate of language development in which speech may begin late and advance slowly through the stages of language development.

315 .32

Mixed Receptive-Express ive language Disorder

Associ ated Features and Diso rders

The linguis tic features of the production impairment in Mixed Receptive-Expressive language Disorder are similar to those that accompany Expressive Language Disorder. The comprehension deficit is the primary feahue that differentiates this disorder from Expressive Language Disorder, and this can vary depending on the severi ty of the disorder and the age of the child. impairments in language comprehension can be less obvious than those in language production because they are not as readily apparent to the observer and may appear only on fonnal assessment. The child may intermittently appear not to hear or to be confused or no t paying attention when sp oken to. The child may follow commands incorrectly, or not at all, and give tangential or inappropriate responses to questions. 111e child may be exceptionally quiet or, conversely, very talkative . Conversational skills (e.g., taking turns, maintaining a topic) are often quite poor or inappropriate. Defi cits in various area s of sensory information process ing are common, especially in temporal auditory p rocessing (e.g., processing rale, association of sOlmds and symbols, sequence of sound s and memory, attention to and discrimination of sounds); these kinds of difficulties are sometimes referred to as "central audito ry processing" disorders. Difficulty in producing motor sequences s moothly and q uickly is also characteristic. Phonological Disorder, Learning Disorders, and deficits in sp eech p erception arc often present and accompanied by memory impairments. Other associated disorders are Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Developmental Coordina tion Disorder, and Emuesis. Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disord er may be accompanied by EEG abnonnalities, abnonnal finding s on neuroimaging, and other neurological signs. A form of acquired Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder that has its onset at about ages 3-9 yeaTS and is accompanied by seizures is referred to as LandauKleffner syndrome.

Specific Cu lture and Gende r Features

Assessments of the development of communication abilities mus t take into account the individual's culhual and lang uage context, particularly for individuals grow ing up in bilingual environments. The s tandardized measures of language development and of nonverbal intellectual capacity mu st be relevant t. r the cul tural and uis tic o group. The d evelopmental ty pe is probably more prevalent in males than in female s.

Preva len ce
Prevalence estimates vary w ith age. It is estimated that the developmental ty pe of l\'lixed Recepti ve-Expressive Lang uage Disorder ma}' occur in up to 5% of preschool children and 3% of school-age dlildren but is probably less common than Expressive Language Disorder. Landau-Kleffner syndrome and o ther form s of the acqui red type of the disorder are relatively uncommon .

The developmenta l type of Mixed Recep tive-Expressive Language Disorder is us ually detectable before age 4 years. Severe forms of the disorder may be apparent by age

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infa ncy, Childho od, or Adolescence 2 years. Milder forms may not be recognized until the child reaches elementary school. where d efi cits in comprehension become more apparent. The acquired type of J\olixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder due to brain lesions, head trauma, or stroke may occur at any age. The acquired type due to Landau-Kleffne r syndrome (acquired epilep tic aphasia) usually occurs beh \'een ages 3 and 9 yea rs. Many child ren w ith Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder eventually acquire normal language abilities, but the prognosis is worse than for those with Expressive Language Disorder. In the acquired type of Nl.ixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder, the course and prognosis are related to the severity and loca tion of brain pathology, as well as to the age o f the child and the extent of language d evelopment at the time the disorder is acqu ired . Clinical improvement in language abilities is sometimes complete or nearly so. In other instances, there may be incomplete recovery or progressive deficit. Children with more severe forms are likely to develop Learning Disorders.

Familial Pattern
The developmental type of Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder is more common among first-degree biological relatives of those with the d isorder than in the general population. There is no evidence of fam ilia l aggregation in the acquired type of the disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Expressive Language Disorder (p. 60).

Diagnostic criteria for 315.32 Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder

A. The scores obta ined from a battery of standardized individually administered measures of both receptive and expressive language development are substantially below those obtained from standardized measures of nonverbal intellectual capacity. Symptoms include those fo r Expressive l anguage Disorder as well as difficulty understanding words, sentences, or specific types of words, such as spatial terms.

B. The difficulties with receptive and expressive language significantly interfere with academic or occupational ach ievement or with social commun ication.
C. Criteria are not met for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

D. If Mental Retardation, a speeCh-motor or sensory deficit, or environmental deprivat ion is present, the languag e difficult ies a re in excess of those usually associated with t hese problems. Coding note: If a speech-motor or se nsory deficit or a neurological cond ition is present, code the cond ition on Axis III .

- 315.39 Phonologica l Disorder (formerly Developmenta l Articu lation Disorder)

315.39 Phonological Disorder (formerly Developmental Articulation Disorder)

Diagnostic Feat ures
TIle essential feature o f Phonological Disorder is a failure to use d evelopmentally expected speech sounds that are appropriate for the individual's age and d ialect (Criterion A). This may involve errors in sound production, use, representation, o r organization such as, but not limited to, substitutions of one sound fo r another (use of / t/ for target / k / sound) or omissions of SOlmds (e.g., final consonants). The difficulties in speech sound production interfere with academic or occupational achievement or w ith social communication (Criterion B). If Mental Retardation, a speech-motor or sensory deficit, o r environmental d eprivation is present, the speech difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these problems (Criterion C). If a speechmotor or sensory d efi cit o r neurological condition is present, it should be coded on
Axis 1II.

PhonolOgical Disorder includes phonological production (Le., articulation) errors that involve the failu re to form speech sound s correctly and cognitively based forms of phonological problems that involve a deficit in linguistic categorization of speech sound s (e.g., a di ffi culty in sorting ou t which sounds in the language make a difference in meaning) . Severity ranges from little or no effect on speech intellig ibility to completely unintelligible speech. Sound omissions arc typically viewed as more severe than are sOWld substitutions, which in tum are more severe than sound distortions. The most frequently misarticulated sounds are those acqUired later in the developmental sequence (1, r, S, Z, til, ell), but in younger or more severely affected individ uals, consonants and vowels that develop earlier may also be affected. Li sping (i.e., misarticulation of sibilants) is particularly common . Phonological Disorder may also involve errors of selection and orderin g of sounds within syllables and words (e.g., aks for ask) .

Associated Features and Disorders

Although there may be an association with clear ca usal facto rs such as hearing impairment (e.g., due to chronic otitis media) or structuraL deficits o f the oral peripheral speech mechanism (e.g., cleft palate), neurologica l conditions (e.g., cerebral palsy), cogni ti ve limitations (e.g., Mental Retardation), or psychosocial problems, at least 3% of preschool children present with Phonologica l Disord ers of unknown or suspect origin, which are often referred to as jllllctiollal or developmental. There may be a delayed onset o f speech. Some form s of Phonological Disorder, involving inconsistent errors, di ffi culty sequencin g sounds in connected speech, and vowel distortions, are sometimes referred to as "developmental d yspraXia of speech. "

Specific Cu ltu re and Gender Features

Assessments of the d evelopment of communication abilities must take into account the individual's culhl ral and language context, particularly for individuals g rowing up in bilingual environments. Phono logical Disorder is more prevalent in males.

Preva lence

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chil dhood, o r Adolesce nce

Approxima tely 2% of 6~ and 7-year-old s present with moderate to severe Phonological Disorder, although the preva lence of milder forms of this disorder is higher. The prevalence falls to 0.5% by age 17 years.

Cou rse
In severe Phonological Disorder, the child's s peech may be relatively unintelligible

even to famil y members. Less severe fanns of the disorder rna)' n ot be recognized until the child enters a preschool or SdlOOl env ironment and has difficulty being unders tood by those outside the immediate family. The course of the disorder is variable depending on associated causes and severity. In children with mild to moderate phonological problems not due to a gene ral medical condition, abou t three-fo urths show spontaneous nomlalizatio n by age 6.

Familial Pattern
A fa milial pattern has been demonstrated for s ome form s of Phonological Disorder.

Differential Dia gnosis

Speech difficulties may be associated with Mental Retardati on, a hearing imp airment or olhe r sensory d efi cit, a speech-moto r defici t, or severe environmental depriva ti on. The presence of these problems may be established by in telligence testing, audiometric tes ting, neurological testing, and history. If the speech difficu1ties are in excess of those us ually associated w ith these problems or if they interfere with the child's ability to be understood by significant others, a concurrent diagnosis of PhonolOgical Disorder may be made. Problems limited to sp eech rhythm or voice are not included as part of Phonological Disorder and ins tead are diagnosed as Stu ttering o r Comm unicatio n D isord er No t Othen vise Speci fied . Children with speech difficulties due to environmental depriva tio n may show rapid gains once the environmental problems are ameliorated.

Diagnostic criteria for 315.39 Phonological Disorder


Failure to use developmentally expected speech sounds that are appropriate for age and dialect (e.g., errors in sound production, use, representation, or organization such as, but not limited to, substitutions of one sound for another [use of It1 for target IkJ sound] or omissions of sounds such as final consonants).

B. The difficulties in speech sound production interfere w ith academic or occupational achievement or with social communication .
C. If Mental Retardation, a speech-motor or sensory deficit , or environmental deprivation is present, the speech difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these problems.

Coding note : If a speech-motor or sensory deficit o r a neurological conditio n is present, code the condition on Axis III.


Stutte ring

307.0 Stuttering
Dia gnostic Features
The essential feature of Stuttering is a di sturbance in the nonnal fluency and time pa tterning of sp eech that is inappropria te for the individual 's age (C riterion A). This disturbance is characterized by freq uent repetitions or prolongations of sounds or syllables (Cri teria Aland A2). Various oth er types of s peech d ysfluencies may a lso be involved, including interjections (Criterion A3), bro ken words (e.g., pauses within a word ) (Criterion A4), audible or silent blocking (filled or unfilled pauses in speech) (Criterion AS), circumlocutions (i.e., word s ubstitutions to avoid p roblematic word s) (Criterion A6), words produced with an excess of physical tension (Criterion A7), and monosyllabic whole-word repetitions (e.g., " 1-1-1-1 see him") (Criterion AS). The disturbance in fluency interferes with academic or occupational achievement or with social communication (Criterion 8). If a speech-motor or sensor}' deficit is present, the speech difficulties arc in excess of those usu ally associated with these problems (Criterion C). U a sp eech-motor or sensory deficit or a n eurOlogica l disorder is present, trus condition s hould also be coded on Axis Ill. The extent o f the dis turbance varies from si tuation to situation and often is more severe w hen there is special p ressure to communicate (e.g., giving a report at school, interv iewi ng for a job). Stuttering is often absent during o ral reading, singing, or ta lking to inanimate objects or to pets.

Associated Features and Diso rd e rs

At the onset of Stu ttering, the speaker may not be aware of the problem, although awareness and even fearful anticipation of the problem may develop la ter. The speaker may attempt to avoid s tuttering by lingui stic mechanis ms (e.g., altering the rate of speech, avoiding certa in speech situations such as telephOning or public speaking, or avoiding certain wo rds o r sounds). Stuttering may be accompanied by mo tor movements (e.g., eye b links, tics, tremors of the lips or fa ce, jerking of the head, breathing movements, o r fist clenching). Stress or anxiety have been shown to exacerbate Stu ttering. Impairment of social fun ctioning may result from associa ted anxiety, frustration, or low self-esteem. In adults, Stuttering may limit occupational choice o r advancement. Phonological Disorder and Expressive language Disorder occur at a rugher freq uency in individuals w ith Stuttering than in the general p opula tion.

The prevalence o f Stuttering in p repubertal ch ildren is 1% and drops to 0.8% in adolescence. The ma le-to-fema le ratio is approximately 3:1.

Retrospective s tudies of individuals with Stuttering report onset typically between ages 2 and 7 years (with p eak onset at around age S years). Onset occurs before age 10 years in 98% of cases. The onset is us ually insidiou s, covering many months during

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

w hich episodic, unnoticed speech dysfluencies become a chronic problem. Typically, the dis tu rbance s tarts gradually, w ith repetition of initial consonants, words that are us ually the first w ords of a phrase, or long word s. The child is generally not aware of Stuttering. As the disorder progresses, there is a waxing and waning course. The dys flu encies become more frequent, and the Stuttering occurs on the mos t meaningful words or phrases in the utterance. As the child becomes aware of the sp eech diffi culty, mechanisms for avoiding the d ysfluencies and emotional resp onses may occur. Research s uggests that some p rop ortion recover; estimates range from 20% to 80%. Som e individuals with Stuttering recover s pontaneously, typically before age 16 years.

Familial Pattern
Family and tw in studies provide s trong evidence of a genetic fa ctor in the etiology of Stuttering. The presence of a Phonological Disorder or the developmental typ e of Expressive Language Disorder, or a fami ly history of these, increases the likelihood of Stuttering . The risk of Stuttering among first-degree biological relatives is more than three times the risk in the general population. For men with a h istory of Stutter ing, about 10% of their daughters and 20% of their sons will stutter.

Differential Diagnosis
Speech d ifficulties may be associated w ith a hearing impairment or other sensory def icit or a speechmotor deficit. In instances w here the speech difficulties are in excess of those usually associated with these problems, a concurrent diagnosis of Stu ttering may be made. Stuttering must be dis tinguished from normal dysfluencies that occur frequently in young children, w hich include w hole--word or phrase repetitions (e.g., "I want, I want ice cream "), incom plete phrases, interjections, unfilled pa uses, and paren thetica l remar ks. If these difficulties increase in frequency or complexity as the child grows older, a diagnosis of Stuttering becomes more likely.


Comm unica t ion Disorder Not Otherwise Specified


Diag nostic criteria for 307.0 Stuttering

A. Disturbance in the normal fluency and time patterning of speech (inappropriate for the individual's age), cha racterized by frequent occurrences of one or more of the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) sound and syllable repetitions sound prolongations interjections broken words (e.g., pauses within a word) audible or silent blocking (filled or unfi l led pauses in speech) circumlocutions (word substitut ions to avoid problematic words) words produced with an excess of physical tension monosyllabic whole-word repetition s (e.g., " 1 _ _ see himR) _1 1 1

8. The disturbance in fluency interfe res with academic or occupational achievement or with social communication.

C. If a speech-motor or sensory deficit is present, the speech difficulties are in excess of

those usually associated with these problems. Coding note: If a speechmotor or sensory deficit or a neurological condition is present, code the condition on Axis III.

307.9 Communication Di sorder Not Ot herwise Specified

This category is for d isorders in communication that do not meet criteria for any specific Commu nication Disorder; for example, a voice d isorder (i.e., an abnormality of vocal pitch, loudness, quality, tone, o r resonance).

Pervasive Developmental Di sorders

Pervasive Developmental Disorders are characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in severaJ areas of development: reciprocal social interaction skills, communication skills, o r the presence of stereotyped behavior, interests, and activities. The qualitative impairments that define these conditions are distinctly deviant relative to the individual's developmental level or mental age. This section contains Autistic Disorder, Rett's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, Asperger's Disorder, and Pef\'asive Developmental Disorder ot Otherwise Specified . These disorders are usuaU evident in the firs t years of life and are often associa ted with some degree of y Mental Retardation, which, if present, should be coded on Axis II. The Pef\'asive Developmental Disorders are sometimes obsef\'ed with a diverse group of other general medical conditions (e.g., chromosomal abnormalities, congenital infections, structur-

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, o r Adolescence al abnormalities of the central nervous system). If such conditions are present, they should be noted on Axis Tn. Although terms like "psychosis" and "childhood schizophrenia" were once used to refer to individuals with these conditions, there isconsiderable evidence to suggest that the Pervasive Developmental Disorders are distinct from Schizophrenia (however, an individual with Pervasive Developmental Disorder may occasionally later develop Schizophrenia).

299.00 Autistic Disorder

Diagn ostic Features
The essential fea hlres olt\utistic Disorder are the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interests. Manifesta tions of the diso rder vary greatly depending on the developmen tal level and chronological age of the individual. Autistic Disorder is sometimes referred to as early ill/Of/tile (w tism, c1/ildJwod alltism, or

Kan ner's alltism.

The impairment in reciprocal social interaction is gross and sustained. There may be marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye-to-e}'e gaze, facial expression, bod y postures and gestures) to regulate social interaction and communication (Criterion Ala). There may be failure to d evelop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (Criterion Alb) that may take different fomls at d ifferen t ages. Younger individuals may have little or no interest in establishing friendships. Older individuals may have an interest in friendShip but lack understa nding of the conven tions of social interaction. There may be a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements w ith o ther people (e.g., not showing, bringing, or pointing out objects they find interesting) (Criterion A 1c). Lack of social or emotional reciprocity may be p resent (e.g ., not acti vely participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, or involving o thers in activities on ly as tools or "mechanical" aids) (Criterion A 1d ). Often an individual's awareness of o thers is ma rkedly impaired. Individuals w ith this d isorder may b e oblivious 10 other children (including siblin gs), may have no concep t of the need s of others, or may n ot notice another person's d istress. The impairment in communication is also marked and sustained and affects both verbal and nonverbal skills. There may be d elay in, or lotallack of, the development of spoken language (Criterion A2a). In individuals who do s peak, there may be marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation w ith others (Criterion A2b), or a stereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language (Criterion A2c). There may also be a lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative p lay appropriate to developmen tal level (Criterion A2d). When speech d ocs develop, the pitch, intonation, rate, rhy tltlTI, or stress may be abo normal (e.g., tone of voice may be monotonous or inappropriate to context or may contain questionlike rises at ends of statements). Grammatical structures a re often imma tu re and include stereotyped and repetitive use of language (e.g., repetition of word s or phrases regardless of meaning; repeating jingles or commercials) or idiosyncratic language (i.e., language that has m eaning only to those familiar with the individual's communication sty le). Language comprehension is often very dela}'ed,


Auti stic Disorder


and the indi vid u al may he una ble to u nderstand simple questions or directions. A d istu rbance in the p rag matic (social use) of lan guage is often evidenced by an inability to integrate words w ith ges tures or unde rs tand hu mor or nonlite ral aspects of speech such as imny o r imp lied meaning. Imag inative p la y is often abse nt o r markedly impaired. These i.n divid u als also tend not to engage in the simple imita tion games or rou tines of infancy or early childhood or do so only out of context or in a mechanica l way. Lndividuals w ith A utis tic Disorder ha ve restricted , repetitive, a nd s tereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and acti vities. There may be a n encompassing p reoccupation with one or more s te reotyp ed and restricted pa tte rns of inte res t that is abnormal either in intensity or focus (C rite rion A3a); a n a ppa ren tly inflexible adherence to s pecific, non fu nctional rou tines o r rituals (Cri terion A3b); s tereotyped and repe titive motor ma nnerism s (Criterion A3c); or a persis tent preoccupation with pa rts of objects (Criterion A3d ). Ind ividuals with A ut is tic Dis order d is play a markedly restricted range of in terests and are ofte n p reoccu pi ed w ith one narrow in te res t (e.g ., dates, phone nu mbers, radio sta tion call le tters). They may line up an exact numbe r of play things in the sa me manner ove r and over again or repetitively mimic the actions of a television actor. They may ins ist on sameness and sh ow resista nce to o r dis tress ove r tri vial changes (e.g ., a younge r child may have a catas lTophic reaction to a minor change in the environment such as rearrangeme n t of the fu m ihU"e or use of a new set of utens ils at the dinne r table). There is often an in teres t in nonfunctional routines or rituals or a n tmreasonable ins is tence on fo llowing routines (e.g ., taking exactl), the Scl me rou te to school e very day). Stereoty p ed body moveme nts include the hands (clapping, finger flicking) or whole body (rocking, dipping, and sw aying). Abnormalities of pos ture (e.g., walking on tip toe, odd hand movemen ts and body postures) may be p resen t. These individ uals s how a persis tent preoccupa tion with par ts of objects (buttons, parts o f the body). There m ay als o be a fa scination with movement (e.g ., the s pinning wheels of toys, the opening and closing of d oors, a n electric fan or other rapid ly revolving object). 1l1e p erson ma)' be highly a ttached to some inanima te object (e.g ., a piece of s tring or a rubber band). Th e d is turbance mus t be m anifes t by dela ys or abnormal functioning in a t leas t one (and often several) of th e following a reas p rior to age 3 yea rs: social inte raction, la nguage as used in social commu nication, or sym bolic or imaginative play (Criterion B). In mos t cases, the re is no period o f w lequ ivocaUy normal developmen t, although in perh aps 20% of cases parents report relatively normal developme nt for 1 or 2 years. In s uch cases, paren ts ma y report that the chi ld acquired a few word s and lost these or seemed to s tagnate developme ntally. By d efinition, if th e re is a period o f nom lal development, it cannot exten d pas t age 3 years. The distu rbance mus t not be better accoun ted for by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (Cri te rion C).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorde rs. In most cases, the re is an associated d iagnosis o f Mental Reta rd ation, which can ran ge from mild to p rofowld . The re may be a bnormalities in the de velopment of cognitive skills. The profi le of cog-

Disorders Usu ally First Diagnosed in Infancy, Child h ood, or Adolescence

nHive skills is usually uneven, regardJess of the general level of intelligence, with verbal skills typically weaker than nonverbal skills. Sometimes special skills are present (e.g., a 41h-year-old girl with Autistic Disorder may be able to "decode" written materials w ith minimallmders tanding of the meaning of what is read [hyperlexia] or a I O-year-old boy may have prodigious abilities to calcula te da tes [calendar calculation]). Es timates of single-word (receptive or expressive) vocabulary are not always good estimates of language level (i.e., actual language skills may be at much lower levels) . Indi viduals with Autistic Disorder may have a range of behavioral symptoms, including hyperacti\'ity, short attention span, impulsivity, aggressiveness, self-injurious behaviors, and, particularly in young children, temper tantrums. There may be odd responses to sensory-s.timu li (e.g., a h igh threshold for pain, oversensitivity to smmds or being touched, exaggerated reactions to light or odors, fascination with certain s timuli). There may be abnormalities in eating (e.g., limiting diet to a few food s, Pica) or sleeping (e.g., recurrent awakening at night with rocking) . Abnormalities of mood or affect (e.g., g iggling or weeping for no apparent reason, an apparent absence of emotional reaction) may be present. There may be a lack of fear in response to real dangers. and excessive fearfu lness in response to harmless objects. A variety of selfinjurious behaviors may be presen t (e.g., head banging or finger, hand, or wrist biting). In adolescence or early adu lt life, individuals w ith Autistic Disorder who have the intellectual capacity for insight may become depressed in response to the realization of their serious impairment. Associated laboratory findings. When Autistic Disorder is associated with a general medical condition, laboratory fi ndings consistent with the general medical condition will be observed . There are group differences in some measures of serotonergic activity, but these are not diagnostic for Autistic Disorder. Imaging studies may be abnormal in some cases, but no specifi c pattern has been clea.rly identified. EEG abnormalities are common even in the absence of seizure disorders. Associated physical e xamination findings and general medical conditions. Various nonspecific neurological symptoms or signs may be noted (e.g., primitive reflexes, delayed development of hand dominance) in Autistic Disorder. The condition is sometimes observed in association with a neurological or other general medical condition (e.g., fragile X syndrome and tuberous sclerosis). Seizures may develop (particularly in adolescence) in as many as 25% of cases. Both microcepha ly and macrocephaly are observed . When other general medical conditions are presen t, they should be noted on Axis m.

Specific A ge an d Gender Features

nle nature of the impairment in social interaction may change over time in Autistic Disorder and may vary depending on the developmental level of the individual. In infants, there may be a failure to cuddle; an indifference or aversion to affection or physical contact; a lack of eye contact, facial responsiveness, or socially directed smiles; and a failure to respond to their parents' voices. As a result, parents may be concerned initially that the child is deaf. Young children with this disorder may treat

299.00 Autistic Disorder

adul ts as interchangeable, may cl ing medlanically to a specific person, or may use the paren t's hand to obtain desired objects without ever making eye contact (as if it were the hand rather than the person that is releva nt). Ov er the course of development, the child may become more willing to be passively engaged in social interaction and may even become more interested in social interaction . However, even in such instances, the child lends to treat other people in unusual wa}'s (e.g., expecting other people to answer ritualized questions in specific ways, having little sense of other people's boundaries, and being inappropriately intrusive in social interaction). In older individua ls, tasks involving long-term memory (e.g., train timetables, his torical dates, chemical formulas, or recall of the exact words of songs heard years before) may be excellen t, bu t the information tends to be repeated over and over again, regardless o f the appropriateness of the information to the social context. Rates of the disorder are four to five times higher in males than in females. Females with the disorder are more likely, ho\\,e\'er, to exhibit more severe Mental Retardation.

The median rate of Autistic Disorder in epidemiological studies is 5 cases per 10,000 individuals, with reported rates ranging from 2 to 20 cases per 10,000 individuals. It remains unclear whether the higher reported rates reflect differences in methodology or an increased frequency of the condition.

By definition, the onset of Autistic Disorder is prior to age 3 years . In some ins tances, parents will report that they have been worried about the child since birth or s hortl y afterward because of the child 's lack of interes t in social interaction . Manifestations of the disorder in infancy are more s ubtle and difficult to define than those seen after age 2 years. In a minority of cases, the child may be reported to ha ve developed normally for the fi rst }'ear (or even 2 }'ears) of life. Autistic Di sorder follo ws a continuou s course. In school-age children and adolescents, developmental gains in some areas are common (e.g., increased interest in social functioning as the child reaches school age). Some individuals deteriorate behaviorally during adolescence, whereas others improve. Language skills (e.g., presence of communicative speech) and overa ll intelleduillievel are the s trongest fac tors related to ultimate prognosis. Available follow up studies suggest that only a smaU percentage of individuals with the d isorder go on as adults to live and work independent1y. In about one-third of cases, some degree of partial independence is possible. The highest functioning adults with Autistic Disorder typically con tinue to exhibit problems in social in teraction and communication along with markedly restricted interes ts and activities.

Familia l Pattern
There is an increased risk of Autistic Disorder among Siblings of individuals with the disorder, with approximately 5% of siblings also exhibiting the condition . There also appears to be risk for various developmental d ifficulties in affected Siblings.


Disorders Usua lly First Diag nosed in Infa ncy, Childhoo d, o r Ado lescence

Differential Diagnosi s
Periods of developmental regression may be observed in normal development, but these are neither as severe or as prolonged as in Autistic Disorder. Autistic Disorder must be differentiated from other Pervasive Develo pmental Disorders. Rett's Disorder differs fro m Autis tic Disorder in its characteris tic sex ratio and pa ttern of deficits. Rett's Disorder has been d iagnosed only in females, whereas Autis tic Disorder occurs much more freque ntly in males. In Rett's Disorder, th ere is a characteristic pattern of head growth deceleration, loss of previously acquired purposeful h and skills, and the appearance o f poorly coordinated gai t o r trunk movements. Pa rticularly during the p resch ool years, ind ividuals \\'ith Rett's Disorder may exhibit difficul ties in social interaction si~r to those observed in Autistic Disorder, but these tend to be transient. Autis tic Disorder d iffers from C hildhood Disintegrative Disorder, w hich ha s a d is tinctive pa ttern of severe developmen tal regression in multiple areas of functi oning following at least 2 years of nomlal development. In Au tistic Disorder, developmental abnomla lities are usu ally noted wi th in the firs t year o f life. When information o n early development is unavailable o r when it is not possible to document the required period of normal development, the diagnosis of Autistic Disorder shou ld be made. Asperg ec's Disorder can be dis tinguished from Au tistic Di sorder by the lack of delay or deviance in early language develop ment. Asperger's Disorder is not diagnosed if criteria are met for Autistic Disorder. Schizophrenia with childhood onset us ually develops after years of nonnal, or near norma l, development. An additional diagnosis of Schizophrenia can be made if an individual with Au tistic Disorder develop s the characteristic feahu es of Schizophren ia (see p . 298) with active-phase symptoms of prominent delusions or hallucinations tha t las t for at least 1 month . In Selective Mutis m, the ch ild us ually exhibits appropria te commu nication skills in certain contexts and d oes not h ave the severe impa irment in social interaction and th e restricted patterns of behavior associated with Autistic Disorder. In Expressive Langu age Disorder and Mixed Recepli veExpressive Lang uage Disordcr, there is a lang uage impai m lent, bu t it is not associated with the presence o f a q ualitative impairment in social interaction and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. It is sometimes d ifficult to determ inc whether an addi tional d iagnosis of All tistic Disord er is w arran ted in an individual with Mental Retardation, especially if the Mental Retardation is Severe or Profound. An additional diagnosiS of Autistic Disorder is reserved for those situations in w hich there are quali tative d eficits in social and commwlicative skills and the specific behaviors characteris tic of Autistic Disorder are present. Motor stereotypies are cha racteristic of Autistic Disorder; an addi tiona l d iagnosis of Stereotypic Movement Disorder is not given when these are better accounted for as part of the presentation of Autistic Disorder. Symptoms of overactivity and inattention are frequen t in Au tistic Disorder, but a d iagnosis of Attention-Deficit/Hyperacti vity D iso rd er is not made if Autistic Disorder is p resent.

299.00 Autistic Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 299.00 Autistic Disorder

A. A total of six (or more) items from (1). (2). and (3). with at least two from (1). and one each from (2) and (3): (1) qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the following: (a) marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eyeto-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate socia l interaction (b) failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level (c) a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interesu, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing. or pointing out objects of interest) (d) lack of social or emotional reciprocity (2) qualitative impairments in communication as manifested by at least one of the following: (a) delay in, or total lack of, the development of spoke n language (not accompanied by an attempt to compensate through alternative modes of communication such as gesture or mime) (b) in individuals wi th adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to initiate or sustain a conversation with others (c) st ereotyped and repetitive use of language or idiosyncratic language (d) lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play appropriate to developm ental level (3) restricted repetit ive and stereotyped patterns of behavior. interests, and activiti es, as manifested by at least one of the following: (a) encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest tha t is abnormal either in intensity or focus (b) apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctiona l routines or ritu-


(c) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) (d) persistent preoccupation w ith parts o f objects B. Delays or abnormal fun ctioni ng in at least one of the following areas, with onset prior to age 3 years: (I) social inter action, (2) language as used in social communication, or (3) symbolic or imaginative play.

C. The disturbance is not better accounted fo r by Rett's Disorder or Childhood Disintegrative Disorder.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Diagnostic Features

Rett's Disorder

The essential fea ture of Relt's Disorder is the developmen t of multi ple specific deficits following a period of normal fun ctioning after birth_Ind ividuals have an apparently nonnal prenatal and perinatal period (Criterion A 1) w ith normal psychomotor developmen t through the first 5 months of We (Criterion A2). Head circum ferenceal birth is also within normal lim its (Criterion A3). Beh\'een ages 5 and 48 months, head growth decelerates (Criterion B1 ). There is a loss o f previously acquired purposeful hand skills behveen ages 5 and 30 months. with the subsequent development of char acteristic stereotyped Rand movemen ts resembling hand-wringing or hand washing (Criterion 82). Interest in the social environment diminishes in the fi rst fe w years after the onset of the disorder (Criterion B3), although social interaction may o ften d evelop later in the course. Problems develop in the coordination of gait o r trunk movements (Criterion 84). There is also severe impairment in expressive and recepti ve language development, w ith severe psychomotor retardation (Criterion 85).

Associated Features and Disorders

Rett's Disorder is typically associated w ith Severe or Pro found Mental Retardation, wh ich, if p resent, should be coded on Axis II. There are no specific laboratory find ings associated with the disorder. There may be an increased frequency of EEG abnormalities and seizure diso rd er in individuals w ilh Rett's Disorder. Nonspecific abnormalities on brain imag ing have been reported. Preliminary data suggest that a genetic m utation is the cause of some cases of Rett's Disorder.

Data are limited to mostly case series, and it appears that Rett's Disorder is much less common than Au tistic Disorder. This disord er has been reported only in females.

The pattern of d evelopmental regression is highly d istinctive. Rett's Disorder has its onset p rior to age 4 years, usually in the firs t or second year o f life. The duration of the disorder is lifelong, and the loss of skills is generally persistent and progressive. In most instances, recovery is q uite limited, although some very m odest developmental gains rna)' be mad e and in terest in social interaction may be observed as individuals en ter later childhood or ado lescence. The communica tive and behavioral d ifficulties usually remain relatively constant throughout li fe.

Differential Diagnosis
Periods of develop mental reg ression may be observed in no rmal development, but these are neither as severe o r as prolonged as in Rett's Disorder. For the differential


Childhood Disinteg rative Diso rder

diagnosis beh\'een Rett's Disorder and Autistic Disorder, see p. 74 . Rett's Di sorder d iffers from Childhood Disin tegrative Disord er and Asperger's Disorde r in its characteristic sex ratio, onset, and pattern of defidts. Rett's Disorder has been diagnosed only in females, whereas Childhood Disintegrative Disorder and Asperger's Disorder appea r to be more common in males. The onset o f symptoms in Rett's Disorder can begin as early as age 5 months, w hereas in Childhood Disintegrative Disorder the period of nonnal development is typically more prolonged (i .e., at least until age 2 years). In Rett's Disorder, there is a characteristic pattern of head growth d eceleration, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, and the appearance of poorly coord inated gai t o r trwlk movements. In con trast to Asperger's Disorder, Rett's Disorder is dlaracterized by a severe impairment in expressive and receptive language development.

Diagnostic criteria for 299.80 Rett's Disorder

A. All of t he following:
(1) apparently normal prenata l and perinatal development

(2) appa rently norma l psychomotor development through the first 5 months after birth (3) normal head circumference at birth 8. Onset of all of the following after the period of norma l development:
(1) decele ratio n of head growth between ages 5 and 48 months

(2) loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills between ages 5 and 30 months with the subsequent develo pment of stereotyped hand movements (e.g., hand-wringing or ha nd washing) (3) loss of social engagement early in the course (although often social interaction develops later) (4) appearance of poorly coordi nated gait or t runk movements (5) seve rely impaired expressive and rece ptive language deve lopment with severe psychomotor retardation


Childhood Disintegrative Dis order

Diagnosti c Featu res

The essential fea ture of Childhood Disintegrati ve Disorder is a marked regression in multiple areas of functioning following a period of at least 2 years of apparently normal development (Criterion A). Apparently normal d evelopment is reflected in age appropriate verbal and nonverbal communication, social relationships, play, and adaptive behavior. After the first 2 years of life (but before age 10 years), the ch ild has a clinically significant loss of p rev iously acquired skills in at least h vo of the fo llowing areas: expressive or recepti ve language, social skills or adaptive behavior, bowel or bladder control, play, or motor skills (Cri terion B). Most typically, acquired skills are lost in almost all areas.

Diso rders Usually Fi rst Diagnosed in Infa ncy,


Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

Ind iv iduals with this disorder exhibit the social and communicative de ficits and behaviora l features generaUy observed in Autisti c Disorder (see p. 70). There is q ualitative impainnent in social interaction (Criterion el ) and in co mmunication (Criterion e2), and restricted , repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities (Criterion C3). The d is tu rban ce is not better accoun ted for by another speci fi c Pervasive Developmen tal Disorder or by Schizophrenia (Criterion 0 ), This cond ition has also been te rmed Heller's syndrome, dell/cll tin ill/nlltilis, or disintegrative
Jlsyc/! osis.

Associated Feat ures a nd Diso rde rs

Childhood Disintegra tive Disorder is us ually associa ted w ith Severe Mental Retardation, which, if present, should be coded on Axis n. Various nonspecific n eurological symptoms or signs may be noted. There seems to be an increased frequ ency of EEG abnormalities and seizure disord er. Allhough it appears likely tha t the condition is the result of some insull to the develop ing central nervous system, no p recise mechanjsm has been identified. The condition is occasionally observed in association with a general medical cond ition (e.g., metachromatic leukod ystrophy, Schilder's disease) that might account for the developmental regression . In most instances, however, extensive in vestigation d oes not reveal s uch a condition . If a nellIological or other general medical cond ition is associa ted with the d iso rd er, it s ho uld be recorded on Axis ill. The laboratory findings w ill reflect any associated general medical cond itions.

Epidem iological data are limited, but Childhood Disin tegrative Disord er appears to be v ery rare and much less common than Autis tic Disorder, although the condition is likely underdiagnosed . Althoug h initjal s tud ies s ugges ted an equal sex ratio, the most recent d ata suggest that the cond ition is more comm on among males.

Co urse
By d efinition, C hildhood Disintegra tive Disord er can only be diagnosed if the symptom s are p receded by at leas t 2 years of normal d evelop ment and the onset is prior to age 10 years. Wh en the period o f normal development has been q ui te p rolonged (5 or more years), it is particularly imp ortant to cond uct a thorough p hysical and nellIelog ical examination to assess for the presence of a general medical con dition . In most cases, the onset is between ages 3 and 4 years and may be insidious or abrupt. Premonitory signs can include increased activity levels, irritability, and anxiety fo llowed by a loss of speech and other skills . Du ring this time, the d lild may also lose interest in the environment. Usually the loss of s kills reaches a p lateau, a fter which some limited improvemen t may occur, altho ugh imp rovement is rarely marked.. In other in s tances, esp ecially when the disorder is associated w ith a progressive neuro logical condition, the loss of skills is progressive. This disord er fo llows a continuous cou rse, and in the majority of cases, the duration is lifelong. The social, comm unicative, and behav ioral difficulties remain relatively cons tant throughou t life.

299 .10

Chi ldhood Disintegrative Disorder


Differentia l Diagnosis
Periods of regression may be observed in normal developmen l, but these are neither as severe o r as prolonged as in Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. Childhood Dis integra tive Disorder must be differentiated fro m other Pervasive Developmen tal Disorders. For the differential d iagnosis with Auti stic Disorder, see p. 74. For the differential diagnOSiS with Rett's Disorder, see p. 76. In contrast to Asperger's Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder is characterized by a cl inically significan t loss in previously acquired skills and a g rea ter likelihood of Mental Retardation. In Asperger's Disorder, there is no delay in language development and no marked loss of developmenial skills. Childhood Disintegrative Disorder must be differentiated from a demen tia with onset during infancy or childhood. Dementia occurs as a consequence of the direct physiological effects of a general med ica l condition (e.g., head tra uma), whereas Childhood Disinteg rative Diso rder typicaUy occurs in the absence of an associated general medical condition .

Diagnostic criteria for

299.10 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

A. Apparently norma l development for at least the fir~ 2 years after birth as manifested by the presence of age-appropriat e verba l and nonverbal commu nication, social relationships, play, and adaptive behavior. B. Clinically significant loss o f previously acquired skills (before age 10 years) in at least two of the fo llowing areas: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) expressive or receptive language socia l skills or ada ptive behavio r bowel or bladder control play moto r skills

C. Abnormalities of functioning in at least two o f the following areas:

(1 ) qualitative impa irment in social inte raction (e.g., impa irment in nonverbal be-

haviors, failure to develop pee r relat ionshi ps, lack o f social or emo tional reciprocity) (2) qual itative impairments in communication (e .g ., delay o r lack of spoken language, inability to in it iate o r sustain a conversation, st ereotyped and repet itive use of la nguage, lack o f varied make-bel ieve play) (3) restricted, repetit ive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, including motor stereotypies and ma nnerisms O. The d isturbance is not bette r accounted fo r by a nother specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or by Schizophrenia.

2 99.80
Diag nostic Feat ures

Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy,

Chi ldhood, O f Adolescence

Asperg er ' s Disord er

The essential (eahues of Asperger's Disorder are severe and sustained impairment in social interaction (Criterion A) and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns o f behavior, interests, and activities (Criterion B). The disturbance must cause c1inicaUy significant impa irment in social. occup ational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion C). In contrast to Autistic Disorder, there are no clinica lly significant delays or d eviance in language acquisition (e.g., sin gle non-echoed words

are used communicatively by age 2 years, and spontaneous communicative phrases are used by age 3 years) (Criterion 0 ), although m OTe subtle aspects of social communication (e.g., ty pical give-and-take in conversation) may be affected. In addition, during the first 3 years of life, there are no clinical ly signHicantdelays in cognitive development as manifested by exp ressing normal curiosity abou t the environment or in the acquisition of age-app ropriate learning s kills and adaptive behaviors (other than in social interaction) (Criterion E). Finally, the criteria are no t met for another sp ecific Pervasive De\'eiopmentai Disorder or for Schizophrenia (Criterion F). This condition is also termed Asperger's syndrome. The impairment in reciprocal social interaction is gross and sustained. There may be marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body p ostures and gestures) to regulate social interaction and communication (Cri terion A 1). There may be failure to d evelop peer rela tionships app ropriate to developmental level (Criterion A2) that may take different forms at different ages. Younger individuals may have little or no interes t in establishing frien dships. Old er individuals may have an interest in fri endship bu t lack understanding of the conventions of social interaction . There may be a lack of s pon taneous seeking to s hare enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., not showing, bringing, or pointing out objects they find in teresting) (Cri terion A3). Lack of social or emotional reciprocity may be present (e.g., no t actively participating in simple social play or games, preferring solitary activities, o r involving others in activities only as tools or "mechanical" aids) (Criterion A4). Although the social deficit in Asperger's Disorder is severe and is defined in the same way as in Autis tic Disorder, the lack of social reciproci ty is more typically manifes t by an eccentric and one-sided social approach to others (e.g., pursuing a conversa tional topic regardless o f others' reactions) rather than social and emotional indifference. As in Autistic Disorder, restricted, repetitive patterns o f behavior, interests, and activities are present (Criterion B). Often these are primarily manifest in the development of encompassing preoccupations about a circumscribed topic or interest, about which the individual can amass a great d eal of facts a nd informa tion (Criterion Bl). These interests and acti vities are pursued with great intensity often to the exclusion of other activities. TIle d isturbance mus t cau se clinically significant impairment in social adaptation, w h ich in tum may have a significant impact on self-suffiency or on occupational or other important areas of functioning (Criterion C). The social deficits and restricted patterns o f interests, actjvities, and behavior are the source of considerable disability.

299 .80 Aspe rger's Disorde r

In contrast to Autistic Disorder, there are no clinically significant d elays in early language (e.g., single words are used by age 2, communicati\'e phrases are used by age 3) (Criterion D). Subseq uen t language may be unusual in terms of the individual's p reoccupation with certain to pics and his or her verbosity. Difficulties in communication may resul t from social dysfunction and the failure to app reciate and utilize conventional rules of conversation, fail ure to appreciate nonverbal cues, and limjted c.lpaci ties for self-monito ring. Ind iv iduals with Asp erger's Disorder do not have clinically significant delays in cognitive d evelopment or in age-appropriate self-help skills, ad ap tive behavior (other than in social interaction ), and curiosity about the environment in childhood (Criterion E). Because early language and cognitive skills are within normal limits in the firs t 3 years o f li fe, parents or caregivers are n ot usually concerned abou t the child 's developmen t during that time, although upon detailed in terviewing they may recall unusual behaviors. The child may be d escribed as talking before walking, and indeed parents may believe the child to be precocious (e.g., with a rich or "ad ult" vocabulary). Althoug h subtle social problems may exis t, paren ts o r caregivers often are no t concerned u n til the child begins to attend a preschool or is exposed to same-age children; at this point the dtild 's socia l difficu lties w ith same-age peers may become apparent. By definition the d iagnosis is no t given if the criteria are met for any other specific Pervasive Developmental Disorder or for Schizophrenia (although the diagnoses of Asperger's Disorder and Schizophren ia may coexist if the onset of the Asperger's Disorder clearly p reced ed the onset of Schizophren ia) (Criterion F).

Associated Features an d Disorders

In contrast to Auti stic Disorder, Mental Retardation is no t us ually observed in Asperger's Disorder, although occasional cases in which Mild Menta l Retardation is

present have been noted (e.g., when the Mental Retardation becomes apparent only in the school years, with no apparent cogni tive or language d elay in th e first years of life). Variab ility of cognitive functioning may be observed, oft en w ith s treng ths in areas of verbal ability (e.g., vocabulary, rote auditory memory) and weaknesses in nonverbal areas (e.g ., visual-motor and Vis ual-sp atial skills). Mo tor c1 ll1I15iness and awkward ness m ay be present but u sually are relatively m ild , a lthough motor difficulties may contribu te to peer rejection and social isolation (e.g., inabili ty to participate in group sports) . Symptoms of overactivity and inattention are frequent in Asperger's Disorder, and indeed many individuals with this cond ition recei\'e a diagnosis o f Attention-Defi cit / Hyp eractivity Disorder prior to the d iagnosis of Asperger's Disorder. Asperger's Disorder has been reported to be associated with a number of other mental d isorders, includ ing Depressive Disorders.

Specific Ag e and Gender Features

The clinical p icture may present differently at d ifferent ages. Often th e social disability of individuals with the disorder becomes more striking over time. By adolescence some individ uals with the disorder m ay learn to use areas of strength (e.g., rote verbal abilities) to compen sa te for areas o f weakness. Individuals with Asp erger's Dis-


Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy. Chi ldhood. or Ado lescence

o rder may experience \jctimiza tion by others; this, and feelings of social iso lation and an increasing ca pacity for self-awareness. may contribute to the development of depression and anxiety in adolescence and y OWlg ad ul thood . The disorder is diagnosed much more frequentl y (at leas t fi ve times) in males than in females

Prevalen ce
Definitive da ta regarding the prevalence of Asperger's Disorder are Jacking.

Asperger's Disorder is a continuous and Welong disorder. In school-age children. good verbal abilities may, to some extent, mask the severity of the child's social d)'snmction and may also mislead ca regi vers and teachers-that is, caregivers and teachers may focu s on the dlild 's good verbal s kills but be ins ufficiently aware of p roblems in other areas (pa rticularly social adjus bnent). TIle child's rela tively good verbal skills may also lead teachers and caregi vers to erroneously a ttribute behavioral difficulties to willfulness or s tubbornness in th e child. Interes t in forming social relation sh ips may increase in adolescence as the ind ividuals lea rn some ways o f responding more adapti vely to their difficulties-fo r example, the individual may learn to apply explicit verbal rules o r routines in certain s tressful situations . Older individuals may have an interest in friend ship but lack unders tanding of the conventions o f social interaction and may more likely make relationships w ith individuals much older or younger than themselves. The prognosis appears significantly better than in Autistic Disorder, as follow up s tudies s ugges t that, as adults, many individuals are capable of gainful employmen t and personal selfsufficiency.

Familial Pattern
Although the available data are limited, there appears to be an increased frequency of Asperger's Disorder among famil y members of ind ividuals wh o have the disorder. There may also be an increased ris k for Autis tic Disorder as well as more general s0cial difficulties.

Differentia l Diagnosis
Asperger's Disorder mus t be dis tinguished from the other Pervasive Developmental Di sorders, all of which are characterized by problems in social interaction. It diffel'5 from Autistic Disorder in several ways. in Autistic Di sorder there are, by definition, significant abnom lali ties in the areas of social interaction, language, and play, whereas in Asperger's Disorder early cognitive and language s kills are not delayed sig nificantly. Furthermore, in Autistic Disorder, restricted , repetitive, and stereotyped interes ts and activities are often characterized by the presence of motor mannerisms, preoccupation with parts of objects, rituals, and marked distress in change, whereas in Asperger's Disorder these are primarily observed in the aUencompassing pursuit of a circumscribed interest involving a topic to which the individual devotes inordi nate am ounts of time amassing information and facts. Differentiation of the two (on-


Asperger's Disorder


ditions can be problematic in some cases . In Au tistic Disorder, typical social interaction patterns arc marked by self-isolation or markedl y rigid social approaches, whereas in Asperger's Disorder there may appear to be motivation for approaching others even though this is then done in a highly eccentric, one-sided, verbose, and insensitive manner. Asperger's Disorder mus t also be differentiated from Pervasive Developmental Disorders other than Autistic Disorder. Rett's Disorder differs from Asperger's Disorder in its characteristic sex ratio and pattern of deficits. Rett's Disorder has been d iagnosed only in females, whereas Asperger's Disorder occurs much more frequently in males. In Rett's Disorder, there is a dlaracteristic pattern of head growth deceleration, loss of previously acquired purposeful hand skills, and the appearance of poorly coordinated gait or trunk movemen ts. Rett's Disorder is also associated with marked degrees of Mental Retardation and gross impairments in language and communication. Asperger's Disorder differs from Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, which has a distinctive pattern of developmental regression follo wing at least 2 years of normal development. Children with Childhood Disintegrative Disorder also display marked degrees of Mental Retardation and language impairment. In contrast, in Asperger's Disorder there is no pattern of d evelopmental regression and, by defini tion, no significan t cognitive or language delays. Schizophrenia o f childhood onset usually develops after years of nonnal, or near normal, development, and characteris tic features of the disorder, including hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized speech, are present. In Selective Mutism, the child usually exhibits appropriate comnumication skills in certain contexts and does not have the severe impairnlent in socia l interaction and the restricted patterns of behavior associated with Asperger's Disorder. Conversely, individuals w ith Asperger's Disorder are typically "erbose. In Expressive Language Disorder and Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder, there is language impairment but no associated qualitative impairment in social interaction and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Some individuals w ith Asperger's Disorder ma y exhibi t behavioral patterns suggesting Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, although s pecial clinical attention should b e given to the differentiation between preoccupations and activities in Asperger's Disorder and obsessions and comp ulsions in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. In Asperger's Disorder these interests are the source of some apparent pleasure or comfort, whereas in Obsessive-Compuls ive Disorder they are the source of anxiety. Furthennore, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is typically no t associated with the level of impairment in social interaction and social communication seen in Asperger's Disorder. The relationship between Asperger's Disorder and Schizoid Personality Disorder is unclear. In general, the social difficulties in Asperger's Disorder are more severe and of earlier onset. Although some indiv id uals with Asperger's Disorder may experience heightened and debilitating anxiety in social settings as in Social Phobia or other Anxiety Disorders, the latter conditions are not characterized by pervasive impairments in social development or by the circumscribed interests typical of Asperger's Disorder. Asperger's Disorder must be distinguished from normal social awkwardness and nonnal age-appropriate interes ts and hobbies. In Asperger's Disorder, the social deficits are quite severe and the preoccupa tions are all-encompassing and interfere with the acqu isition of basic skills.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Diagnostic criteria for 299.80 Asperger's Disorder


Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least two of the fol lowing:
(1) marked impairment in the use of mult iple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-

eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestu res to regu late social inter action (2) failure to develop peer relationsh ips appropriate to developmental level (3) a lack of spontaneous seeking to sha re enjoyment, int erests, or achievemenu with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, b ring ing, or pointing out objeru of interest t o other people) (4) lack of social or emotional reci proci t y B. Restricted repetit ive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least one of the following: (1) encompassing preoccupation w ith one or more stereotyped and restricted pal terns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus (2) apparentl y inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals (3) stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flappi ng or twisting, or complex whole-body m ovements) (4) persistent p reoccupat ion with parts of objects

C. The disturbance causes clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or

other important areas of functioning . D. There is no clinically significant general delay in language (e.g ., single words used by age 2 years, communicative phrases used by age 3 yea rs). E. There is no clin ically significant delay in cognitive development or in the development of age-appropriate self-he l p ski lls, adaptive behavior (other tha n in social interaction), and curiosity about the environment in chi ldhood. F. Criteria are not met for another specific Pervasive Developmenta l Disorder or Schizophrenia.

299.80 Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (Including Atypical Autism)
This category should be used wh en there is a severe and pervasive impairment in thi! development of reciprocal social interaction associa ted with impairment in either verbal or nonverbal communication skills or with the presence of s tereotyped beha\" ior, interests, and activities, but the criteria are not met for a specific Pervasive De\'e~ opmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizotypal Personality Disorder, or Avoidant Personality Disorder. For example, this category includes "atypica l autism "-presentations that do not meet the criteria for Autistic Disorder because of late age ,1t onset, atypical symptomatology, or subthreshold symptomatology, or all of these.

Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

8s 1

Attention-Deficit and Disruptive Behavior Disorders

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Diagnostic Fe atures
The essential featwe of Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder is a persis tent pattern of inattention and / o r hyperactivity-impulsivity tha t is more frequently displayed and more severe than is typically observed in individuals at a comparable level of development (Criterion A). Some h yperactive-i mpulsive or inattentive symptoms that cause impairment mu st have been present before age 7 years, although many individuals are diagnosed after the sym p toms have been present for a number of years, esp ecially in the case of individuals with the Predominantl}' lnattentive Type (Criterion B). Some impairment from the symptoms mus t be present in at least two settings (e.g., at home and at school or work) (Criterion C). There mus t be clear evidence of interference with developmentally appropria te social, academic, or occupational functioning (Criterion D). The d isturbance does no t occwexclusively dwing the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., a t-.'Iood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, or Personality Disorder) (Criterion E). Inatten tion may be manifest in academic, occupational, or social situations. Individuals with this disorder may fail to give dose attention to detai ls or may make careless mistakes in schoolwork or other tasks (Criterion Ala). Work is often messy and performed ca relessly and without considered though t. Indiv id uals often have difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities and often find it hard to persist with tasks until completion (Criterion Alb). They often appear as if their mind is elsewhere or as if they are not listening or did not h ear what has jus t been said (Criterion Ale). There may be frequent sh ifts from one uncompleted activity to another. individuals diagnosed with this disorder may begin a task, move on to another, then tum to } something else, prior to completing anyone las k:",T hey often d o not follow 'et through on requests or ins tructions and fail to complete schoolwork, chores, o r other duties (Criterion AId). Failure to complete tasks should be considered in making this diagnosis only if it is due to inattention as opposed 10 other possible reasons (e.g., failure to unders tand instructions, d efiance). These indivi duals often ha ve difficulties organizing tasks and activ ities (Criterion Al e). Tasks that require sustained mental effort are experienced as unpleasant and markedly aversive. As a result, these individuals typically avoid or have a strong dislike for activities that demand sustained self-application and mental effort or that require organizational demands or dose concentration (e.g., homework o r paperwork) (C riterion 1:-1 f). This avoidance mus t be due to the p erson's difficulties w ith attention and not d ue to a primary oppositional attitude, although secondary oppositionalism may also occur. Work habits are often disorganized and the materials necessary for doing the task are often scattered, lost, or carelessly handled and damaged (Criterion Alg). Individuals with this disor-

Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

dec are easily distracted by irrelevant stim uli and frequentl y interrupt ongoing tasks to attend to trivial noises or events that a re usually and easily ignored by others (e.g., a car honking, a background conversation) (Criterion A Ih). They are often forgetfu l in daily activities (e.g., missing appoinhnents, forgetting to bring hmch) (Criterion A 1i). In social situations, inattention may be exp ressed as freque n t shifts in con versation, not listening to others, n ot keeping one's m ind on conversations, and not following details or rules of gam es or ac ti\,jties. Hyperactivity may be manifested by fid getiness o r squirming in one's sea t (Cri lerion A2a), by not remaining scated when expected to do so (Criterion A2b), by excessive numing or climbing in s ituations w he re it is inappropriate (Criterion A2c), by having difficulty playing or engaging quietly in leis ure activities (Criterion A2d), by appear~ ing to be often "on the go" or as if "driven by a m otor" (Criterion A2e), or by talking excessively (Criterion A2f). H yperactivity m ay vary w ith the individual's age a nd developmental level, a nd the d iagnosis s hould be m ade cautiously in yOlmg children. Toddlers and preschoolers w ith this disorder di ffer from normally active young children by being constantly on the go a nd into everything; they da rt back and fo rth, are "out of the door befo re their coat is on," jump or climb o n furniture, run through the house, a nd ha ve difficulty participating in sedentary group activities in presdlool classes (e.g ., listening to a s tory). School-age children display similar behaviors but usually w ith less frequency or intensity than toddlers and preschoolers . TIley have difficulty remai ning seated, get up frequentl y, a nd squirm in, or hang on to the edge of, the ir sea t. They fid get with objects, tap their hand s, a nd s hake their feet or legs excessive ly . They o fte n get up fro m the table during m eals, w hile watching television, or w hile doing homework; they talk excessively; and they make excessive noise during q uiet activities . in a dolescen ts and a dults, sym ptom s of h yp eractiv ity take the form of feelings of restlessness and difficulty engaging in quiet seden tary activities. lmpulsivity manifests itself as impatience, difficulty in de laying responses, blurting o ut answers before qu estions have been completed (Criterion A2g), difficulty awaiting one's tum (Criterion A2h), and frequently inte rru p ting or intrud ing on othe rs to the point of causing difficulties in socia l, academic, or occupational settings (Criterion A2i). Others m ay com pla in tha t they cannot get a w o rd in e dgewise. Individ uals w ith this disorder typically make com men ts out of tum, fail to listen to directions, initiate conversations at inapp ro priate times, interrupt others excessively, intrude on o thers, grab objects from others, touch things they are not supposed to touch, and clow n around . Impu lsivity may lead to accidents (e.g., knocking over objects, bangi ng in to people, g rabbing a hot pan) and to engagemen t in potentia lly dan gero us activities without consideration of possible consequences (e.g., re peatedly climbing to p recarious pos itions or riding a skateboard over extrem e ly rough terrain). Attentional and behavioral manifes tations us ually appear in multiple contexts, incl uding home, school, work, and social situations . To make the diagnosis, some impairment mlls t be present in at least hvo settings (Criterion C). It is very unusu al for a n individual to display the same level of d ysfunction in all settings or wi thin the saille setting at a ll times. Sym p to m s typ ically worsen in situa tions that require sustai.ned attention or m ental e ffort or that lack intrinsic appeal o r novelty (e.g ., listening to classroom teachers, do ing class assigrunents, lis tening to or reading lengthy matE'rials, or working on monotonous, repetitive tasks). Signs of the disorder may be m inim al o r absent w hen the person is receiving frequent rewards for app ropriate

Attentio n- Def icitJHyper act ivi ty Disorder


behavior, is lU\der close supervis ion, is in a novel setting, is engaged in especially interesting activities, or is in a one-to-one situa tion (e.g., the clinician's office). The symptoms are more likely to occur in g roup situations (e.g., in pJaygroups, classrooms, or work e nvironments). The clinician should therefore gather information from multiple sources (e.g., parents, teachers) and inqu ire about the individual's be havior in a variety of situa tions within each setting (e.g., d oi ng homework, having meals).

Although many indi viduals present with symptoms of both inaltention and hype ractivity -impu ls ivity, there are indi viduals in w hom one or the other pattern is predominant. The appropria te subtype (for a current diagnosis) should be indicated based on the predominant symptom pattem fo r the past 6 months.
314.01 Attention-DefidtIHyperactivity D isord er, Comb in ed Type. This s ubtype shouJd be used if six (or more) symptoms of inattention and six (or more) symptoms of hyperactivity -impulsivity have persis ted for at least 6 months. t\'lost ch ildren and adolescents with the disorder have the Combined Type. It is not known whether the same is true o f adults with the disorder. 314.00 Attention-De ficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly lna tte ntive Typ e. This subtype s hould be u sed if six (or more) symptoms of inattention (but few er than six symptoms of h yperactivity-impulsivity) have persisted for alleast 6 months. Hyperactivity may still be a significant clinical feature in many such cases, whereas other cases are more purely inattentive. 314.01 Atten t ion-Deficit/Hyperactivi ty Disorder, Predominan tly H yperactive-Impulsive Type. This subtype should be u sed if six (or more) symptoms of hype ractiv ity-impuJs ivity (but fewer than six symptoms of inattention) have p ersisted for a t least 6 months. Inattention may often s ti.ll be a Significant clinical feature in such cases.

Reco rdi ng Proced ures

Individuals w ho at an earlier s tage of the disorder had the Pred omina ntly Ina tte ntive Type or the Predominantly H yperactive-Impulsive Type may go on to d evelop the Combined Type and vice versa. 111e appropriate subtype (for a current diagnosis) should be indicated on the basis of the predominant symptom patte rn for the pas t 6 months. U clinically Significant symptoms remain but criteria are no longer met for any of the subtyp es, the a ppropria te diagnosis is Atte ntion -Deficit / Hyperacti vity Disord er, In Pa rtial Re mission. Whe n an indi vidual' s sy mptoms do not c urrently meet full criteria for the disorde r and it is unclear whether c riteria for the dis order ha ve previously been met, Attention-Defi cit / H yp eractivity Disorder T O therw ise Specified should ot be diagnosed .

Associated Featu res a nd Disorde rs

Associated d escripti ve f e ature s and mental disorde rs. Associated fcahlfes vary depending on age and d evelopme ntal s tage a nd may include low fru stration tolerance, temper outbursts, bossiness, stubbofIUless, excessive and frequent insis te nce


Disord ers Usually First Diagnosed in Inf ancy, Chi ldhood. or Ado lescence

that requests be met, mood lability , demora li za tion, d ysphoria, rejection by peers, and poor sel f-es teem. Acad emic achievement is oft en marked ly impaired and devalued, typically leading to conflict with the fa mily and with school au thorities. lnadequate self-application to tasks that require sustained effort is often interpreted by others as indicating laziness. a poor sense of res pons ibility. and oppositional behavior. Family rela tionships are often characterized by resentment and antagonism, especially because variability in the individual's symptomatic s tatus oft en leads others to believe that all the troublesome behavio r is w ill ful. Family d iscord and negative pa rent-child inter,lctions are often present. Such nega tive interactions often diminish w ith s uccessful treatment. On average, in dh 'iduals w ith Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Disorder obtain less schooling than their peers and h ave p oorer vocational achievemen t. Also, on average, inteUectual level, as assessed by individual lQ tests, is several p oints lower in ch ildren with this d isorder compared with peers. At the same time. great variability in IQ is evidenced : in dividuals with Attention-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Disorder may show intellectual development in th e above-average or gi fted range. In its severe form, the disorder is markedly impairing. affecting social, fa m ilial, and scholastic adjus tment. All three s ubtypes are associated with significant im pairment. Academic defi cits and school-related problems tend to be most pranounced in the types marked by ina ttention (Predominantly Ina ttentive and Combined Types), whereas peer rejection and, to a lesser extenl, accidental injury are most salient in the types marked by hyperactivity and imp ulsivity (Predominan tly Hyperactive-lmp u lsive and Combined Typ es). Individua ls w ith the Predominantly Inattentive Type tend to be socially passive and appear to be neglected, rather th an rejected, by peers. A substantial proportion (approximately half) of clinic-referred child ren with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactiv ity Disord er also have OppOSitional Defia nt Disorder or Conduct Disorder. The rates of co-occurrence of Attention-Defi ci t/ Hyperactivity Disorder w ith these other Dis ruptive Behav ior Disorders are hig her than with other mental d isord ers, and this co-occurrence is most likely in the h vo s ubtypes marked by hypera c ti \ri ty~impu lsi v ity (Hyp eractive-lmpu lsl\re and Combined Types). Other associated d isorders include Mood Disord ers, Anxiety Disorders, Leam ing Disord ers, and Communication Disorders in child ren with Atten tion-Defi ci t/ Hyperacti\ity Disord er. Although A tte nti o n~ Defici t / H )'p e ra c ti "i ty Disorder appears in at leasl 50% o f dinic-referred individuals w ith Tou rette's Disord er, most ind ivid uals with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder do not have accompanying Tourette's Disorder. When the h\'o disord ers coexis t, the onset o f the Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyperacti\,ity Disorder often p recedes the onset of th e Tourette's Disord er. There may be a his tory of ch ild abuse or neglect, multiple foster placements, neu rotoxin exp os ure (e.g., lead poisonin g), infec tions (e.g ., encephalitis), d rug exposure in u tero, or Mental Retardation. Although low bi rth weight ma y so metimes be associated with Atten tion-Defi cit/H yperactivity Disord er, mos t children with low birth weight do not develop Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Disord er, and most children with Attention-Defici t / Hyperactivity Disord er do not have a h is tory of low birth weight. Associated laboratory findings . There are no labora to ry tes ts, neurolOgical assessmen ts, or attentional assessments that have been establis hed as d iagnos tic in the d in-

Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


iea l assessmen t of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactiv ity Disorder. Tests that require effortful m ental processing have been noted to be abnormal in groups of ind ivi duals with Attention-Deficit / Hyp eractivity Disorder compared with p eers, b ut these tests are not of demonstrated utility when one is trying to determine whether a particular individual has the disorder. It is not yet known what ftmdamental cognitive deficits are responsible for sum group differences.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. There are no s pecific physical features associated with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, although minor physical anomalies (e.g., hypertelorism, highly arched palate, low-set ea rs) may occur at a higher r-ate than in the general population . There may also be a higher rate of acciden tal physical injury.

Spec ific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is known to occur in various cultures, with variations in reported prevalence among '"'''estern countries probably arising more from different diagnostic p ractices than from differences in clinical presen tation. It is difficult to establish this diagnosis in children yowlger than age 4 or 5 years, because their characteristic behavior is much more variable than that of older children and may include features that are similar to symptoms of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Furthermore, symptoms of inattention in toddlers or preschool children arc oftcn not readily observed because young children typically experience few demand s for su s tained attention . However, cven the attention of toddlers can be held in a variety of situations (e.g., the average 2- or 3-year-old child can typically sit with an ad u lt looking through picture books). You ng children with Attention-Deficit / Hyp eractivity Disorder m ove excessively and typically are difficult to contain. Inquiring about a wide variety of behaviors in a young child may be helpful in ensuring that a full clinical picture has been obtained. Substan tial impairment has been demonstrated in p reschool-age dilldren with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. In school-age children, symptoms of inattention affect classroom work and academic performance. Impulsive symptoms may also lead to the breaking of familial, interpersonal, and educational rules. Symptoms of AttentionDeficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder are typically at their most prominent during the elementary grades. As chi ldren mature, sym ptoms usually become less cons picuous. By late childhood and early adolescence, signs of excessive gross motor activity (e.g., excessive running and climbing, not remaining sea ted) are less common, and hyperactivity symptoms may be confined to fidgetiness or an inner feeling of jitteriness or restlessness. In adulthood, restlessness may lead to difficulty in participating in sedentary activities and to avoiding pastimes or occupations that provide limited opportunity for spontaneous movement (e.g., desk jobs). Social dysfunction in adults appears to be especially likely in those who had additional concurrent diagnoses in dilldhood . Caution should be exercised in making the diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in adu lts solely on the basis of the ad ult's reca ll of being inattentive or hyperactive as a child, because the va lidity of s uch retrospective data is often problematic. Although supporting infomlation may not always be available, corroborating information from other informants (including prior school records) is helpful for improving the accuracy of the diagnosis.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Ch ildhood, or Adolescence

The disorder is more frequent in males than in females, with male-In- female ratios ranging from 2:1 to 9:1 , depending on the type (i.e., the Predominantly Inattentive Type may have a gender ratio that is less pronounced) and setting (Le., clinic-referred dilldren are morc likely to be male).

Preva lence
The prevalence of Attention-Defi cit/ Hyperactivity Disorder has been es timated at 3%-7% in school-age children . These reported rales vary d epending on the nature of the pop ulation sampled and the method of ascertainment. Data on prevalence in .1d oleseence and adulthood are limited . Ev idence s uggests that the prevalence of Attention-Deficit / H yp eractivity Disorder as defined in DS~'l-IV may be somewhat greater than the prevalence of the disorder based on DSM-III -R criteria because of the inclusion of the Pred ominantly Hyperacti ve-Impulsive and Pred ominantly Ina ttentive Types (which would have been diagnosed as Attention-Defi cit Hyperacti vity Disord er Not Otherwise Sp ecified in DSM-III-R).

Co urse
Most parents firs t observe excessive motor activity when the children are todd lers, frequently coinciding with the d evelopment o f independent locomotion. However, becau se many overactive toddlers w ill not go on to develop Attention- Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, special attention should be paid to differentiating nonnal overactivity from the hyperactivity characteris tic of Attention-Defi cit/ H}'peracti vity Disorder before making this diagnosis in early years. Usually, the disorder is fi rst diagnosed during elementary school years, when school adjustment is compromised. Some children with the Predominantly Inattentive Typ e may not come to clinical attention lmtillate childhood . In the majority of cases seen in clinical settings, the disorder is relatively s table through early adolescence . In most indiv iduals, symptoms (particularly motor hyperactivity ) attenuate during late adolescence and adulthood, although a minority experience the full complement of symptoms of Atten tion-Deficit/ H yperactiv ity Disorder into mid-adulthood. O ther adults may retain only some of the symptoms, in w hich case the diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperacti vity Disord er, In Partial Rem.ission, should be used. The latter diagnosis applies to individuals w ho no longer have the full disorder but s till retain some symptoms th at c aliSI.' functional impairment.

Familial Pattern
Attention-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Di sord er has been fOWld to be more common in the first-degree biological relatives of chi ldren with A ttention-Defici t! Hyperactivity Disorder tha n in the general population . Considerable evidence attests to the s trong infl u ence of genetic factors on levels of hyp eractivity, impulsivity, and inattention as measured dimensionally . However, famil y, sch ool, and peer influences are also crucial in d etermining the extent of impairments and comorbidity. Studies also suggest that there is a higher prevalence of Mood and Anxiety Disorders, Learning Disorders, Subs tance-Related Disorders, and Antisocial Personality Disord er in famil y members of individuals with Attention-Deficit/ Hyp eracti vity Disorder.

Att entia n -Def i citiH ype ra cti vity Di sord e r


Differential Diagnosis
In early childhood, it may be difficult to distinguish symptoms of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder from age-appropriate behaviors in active children (e.g., running arOlmd or being noisy). Symptoms of inattention are common among children with low IQ who are placed in academic settings that are inappropriate to their intellectual ability. These behaviors must be distinguished from similar signs in clilldren with Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. In children with Mental Retardation, an additional diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Disorder should be made only if the symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity are excessive for the child's mental age. Inattention in the classroom may also occur when children with high inteUigenceare placed in academically understimulating environments. Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder must also be distinguished from difficulty in goal-dire<:ted behavior in children from inadequate, disorganized, or chaotic environments. Thorough histories of symptom pattern obtained from multiple infomlants (e.g., baby-sitters, grandparents, or parents of playmates) are helpful in providing a confluence of observations concerning the child's inattention, hyperactivity, and capacity for developmentally appropriate self-regulation in various settings. Individuals with oppositional behavior may resis t work or school tasks that require self-application because of an unwillingness to conform to others' demands. These symptoms must be differentiated from the avoidance of school tasks seen in individuals with Attention-Defi cit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Complicating the differential diagnosis is the fact that some individuals with Attention -Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder develop secondary oppositional attitudes toward such tasks and devalue their importance, often as a rationalization for their failure. The increased motor activity that may occur in Attention-Deficit/ H yperactivity Disorder must be distinguished from the repetitive motor behavior that characterizes Stereotypic Movement Disorder. In Stereotypic Movement Disorder, the motor behavior is generally focused and fixed (e.g ., body rocking, self-biting), whereas the fidgetiness and restlessness in Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder are more typically generalized. Furthermore, individuals with Stereotypic Movement Disorder are not generally overactive; aside from the stereotypy, they may be underactive. Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder is not diagnosed if the symptoms are better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder [especially Bipolar DisorderJ, Anxiety Disorder, Dissociative Disorder, Personality Disorder, Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition, or a Substance-Related Disorder). In all these disorders, the symptoms of inattention ty pically have an onset after age 7 years, and the childhood history of school adjustment generally is not characterized by disrupti\'e behavior or teacher complaints conceming inattentive, hyperactive, or impulsive behavior. When a Mood Disorder or Anxiety Disorder co-occurs with Attention-Deficit/ Hypefilctivity Disorder, each should be diagnosed . Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is not diagnosed if the symptoms of inattention and hyperactivity occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder or a Psychotic Disorder. Symptoms of inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity related to the use of medication (e.g., broncllOdilators, isoniazid, akathisia from neuroleptics) in children before age 7 years are not diagnosed as Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder but instead are diagnosed as Other Substance-Related Disorder Not Othenvise Specified.

Disorders Usually Fi rst Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Diagnostic criteria for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder


Either (1) or (2): (1) six (or more) of the fo llowing sympto ms of inattention have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree t hat is maladaptive and inconsistent w ith developmenta l level: .

(a) often fail s to g ive close attention to details or makes careless mistakes in schoolwo rk, work, or other activities (bl often has difficulty sustaining attention in tasks or play activities (cl often does not seem to listen when spo ke n to di rectly (d) often does not follow throu gh on instructions and fails to fin ish school work, chores, or duties in the workplace (not due to oppositional behavior or failure to understand instructions) (el often has d iff iculty organizing tasks and activities (f) often avoids, disl ikes, o r is reluctant to engage in tasks that require sus tained mental effort (such as schoolwork o r homework) (g) often loses t hings necessary fo r t asks o r activities (e.g ., toys, school aSSign. ments, pencils, books, o r tools) (h) is often easily d istracted by extraneous stimuli (i) is often fo rgetful in daily activities (2) six (or mo re) of the following symptoms of hyperactiv ity-impulsivity have persisted for at least 6 months to a degree that is maladaptive and inconsistent with developmental level:

(a) often fidgets w ith ha nds o r feet or squi rms in seat (b) often leaves seat in classroom o r in other situations in which remaining seated is expected (c) often runs about or climbs excessively in situations in which it is inappropriate (in adolescents or adults, may be limited to subjective fee lings of restlessness) (d) often has difficulty playing or engag ing in leisure activities qu iet ly (el is often "on the goN o r often acts as if Ndriven by a motor" (f) often talks excessively

(g) often blurts out answers before q uestions have been completed (h) often has d ifficulty awa iting turn (i) often interru pts or intrudes on o thers (e.g., butts into conversations or ga mes) B. Some hyperactive-impulsive or inattentive symptoms that cau sed impairment were prese nt before age 7 years.
C. Some impairment fro m the symptoms is present in two or more settings (e.g., at school lor work] and at home).

3 14.9 Attention-Defi cit/Hyperactivit y Disorde r Not Otherwise Specified

Diagnostic criteria for

Attention-DeficitiHyperactivity Disorder (continued)

D. There must be clear evidence of clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning. E. The symptoms do not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developme ntal Disorder. Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder a nd are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorde r. Anxiety Disorder. Dissociative Disorder. or a Personality Disorder).
Code based on type:

314.01 AttentionDefidtlHyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type: if both Crit eria Al and A2 are met for the past 6 months 314.00 Attention .DefidtlHyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type : if Crit e rion A1 is met but Crite rion A2 is not met fo r the past 6 months 314.01 Attention.DefidtlHyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: if Criterion A2 is met but Criterion A1 is not met for the past 6 months Coding note: For individuals (especially adolescents and adults) who currently have symptoms that no longer meet full criteria. "In Partial Remission " should be specified.


Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for disorders with prominent symptoms of inattention or hyperactivity impulsivity that d o n ot meet criteria fo r Atiention. Oefi cit/H yp eractivity Disorder. Examples include
1. lndividuaJs whose symptoms and impairment meet the crite ria for Attention Deficit/ H yperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Type bu t whose age at onset is 7 years or aft e r ~ 2. Individuals wi th clinically s ignificant impairment who present w ith inatten tion and w hose symptom pattern d oes not meet the full c rite ria for the disorder but have a be hav ioral pattern marked by sluggishness, daydreaming, and hypoac tjvity

Conduct Disorder
Diag nostic Features
The essentia l feature of Conduc t D isorde r is a repetitive and pers is te nt pattern of behavior in which the bas ic rights of others or major agC"'appropria te societaJ norms or rules a re violated (Criterion A). These behaviors fall into fo ur main g roupings:

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, o r Adolescence aggressive conduct that causes or threatens physical harm to other people or animals (Criteria AI-A?), nonaggressive conduct that causes property loss or damage (Criteria AS--A9), deceitfulness or theft (Criteria AIO--AI2), and serious violations of rules (Criteria Al 3--AI 5). Three (or more) characteristic behaviors mus t ha\'e been p resent during the past 12 months, with at least one behavior present in the past 6 months. The disturban ce in behavior cau ses clinically significant impairment in social, acad emic, or occupational functioning (Criterion 8). Conduct Disorder may be diagnosed in individuals who are older than age 18 years, but only if the criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder are not met (Criterion C). The behavior pattern is u su ally present in a variety of settings such as home, school. or the community. Because individual s w ith Conduct Disorder are likely to minimize their conduct problems, the clinician often must rely on additional infonnants. However, the infor mant's knowledge of the child's conduct p roblems may be limited by inadequate superv ision or by the child's not having revealed them . Children or adolescents with this disorder often initiate aggressive behavior and react aggressively to others. They may display bullying, threatening, or intimidating beha vior (Criterion AI); initiate frequent physical fights (Criterion A2); use a weapon that can cause serious physical harm (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, or gun) (Criterion A3); b e physically cruel to people (C riterion A4) or animals (Criterion AS); s teal while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse snatching, extortion, or armed robbery) (Criterion A6); or force someone into sexual activity (Criterion A7) . Physical violence may take the fonn of rape, assault, or, in rare cases, homicide. Deliberate des truction of others' property may include deliberate fire setting with the intention of causing seriou s damage (Criterion A8) or deliberately des troy ing other people's prop erty in other ways (e .g., sm ashing car windows, school vandalism) (Criterion A9). Acts of deceitfulness or theft may include breaking into someone else' s house, bu ilding, or car (Criterion AIO); frequentl y lying or b reaking promises to obtain goods or favors or to avoid debts or obligations (e.g., "conning" other people) (Criterion All ); or .s tealing items of nontrivial value without confronting the victim (e.g., shoplifting, forgery) (Criterion AI2). There may also be serious violations of rules (e.g ., school, paren tal) by individuals with this disorder. Children w ith this d isorder often have a pa ttern, beginning before age 13 years, o f s taying out late at night despite parental prohibitions (Criterion A13). There may be a pa ttern of running aw ay from home overnight (Criterion AI 4). To be consid ered a symptom of Conduct Disorder, the numing away mus t have occurred at least twice (or only once if the individual did not return for a lengthy p eriod). Run away episodes that occur as a direct consequence of physical or sexual abuse do not typicany qualify for this criterion. Children with this disorder may often be truant from school, beginning prior to age 13 years (Criterion AI 5) . In older individuals, this behavior is manifested by often being absent from work w ithout good reason.

Two subtypes of Conduct Disorder are provided based on the age at onset of the dis ord er (i.e., Childhood -Onset Type and Adolescent-Onset Type). The subtypes differ in regard to the characteris tic nature of the presenting conduct problem s, develop-

Conduct Disorder mental course and prognosis, and gendee ratio. Both subtypes can occur in a mild, moderate, or severe fonn.1n assessing the age at onset, information should preferably be obtained fro m the youth and from caregiver(s). Because many of the behaviors may be concealed, caregivers may underreport symptoms and overestimate the age at onset. 312.81 Chil dhood-Onset Type. This subtype is defined by the onset of a t least one criterion characteristic o f Conduct Disorder prior to age 10 years. Indiv idua ls with Childhood-Onset Type are usua lly male, frequently display physical aggression toward others, have disturbed peer relationships, may have had Oppositional Defiant Disorder during early childhood, and usually have symptoms that meet full criteria for Conduct Disorder prior to puberty. Many children with this subtype also have concurrent Attention-Deficit l Hyperactivity Disorder. Individuals with Childhood-Onset Type are more likely to have persistent Conduct Disorder and to develop adult Antisocial Personality Disorder than are those w ith Adolescent-Onset Type. 312.82 Adolescent-Onset Type. This subtype is defined by the absence of any criteria characteristic of Conduct Disorder prior to age 10 years. Compared with those w ith the Childhood-Onset Type, these individual s are less likel)' to display aggreSSive behaviors and tend to have m ore nonnative peer relationships (although they often d isplay conduct problems in the company of others). These individuals are less likely to have persistent Conduct Disorder or to develop ad ult Antisocial Personality Disorder. The ratio of males to fe males with Conduct Disorder is lower foe the Adolescent-Onset Type than for the Childhood -Onset Type. 312.89 Unspecified Onset. This subtype is used if the age at onset of Conduct Disorder is unknown.

Severity Specifiers
M ild . Few if any conduct problems in excess of those required to make the d iagnosis are present, and conduct p roblems cause relatively minor hann to others (e.g., lying, truancy, staying Ollt aftee dark without pennission). Mode rate. The number of conduct problems and the effect on others are in, termediate between "mild" and "severe" (e.g., stealing w ithout confronting a victim, vandalism ). Severe. Many conduct problems in excess of those required to make the diagnosis are present, or conduct problems cause considerable harm to others (e.g., forced sex, physical cruelty, use of a weapon, stealing w hile confronting a v ictim, breaking and entering).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals with Conduct Disorder may have li ttle empathy and little concern for the feelings, wishes, and wellbeing of others. Especially in ambiguous situations, aggressive individuals with this disorder frequently misperceive the intentions of others as more hostile and threatening than is the case and respond with aggression that they then feel is reasonable and

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Ch ild hood, or Adolescence

justified . They may be callous ilnd lack appropriate feelings of guilt OT remOTSe. It can be difficult to evaluate whether displayed remorse is genuine because some of these ind ividuals learn that expressing guilt may reduce or prevent punishmenl. Ind ividuals with this disorder may readily inform on their companions and try to b lame oth

ers for their own misdeeds. Self-esteem may be low, despite a projected image of
" toughness." For other individuals, measured sel f-esteem may be overly inflated. Poor frustration tolerance, irritability, temper outhu rsts, and recklessness are frequent associated features. Accid ent rates appear to be higher in individuals with Conduct Disorder than in those w ithout it. Conduct Disorder is o ften associated with an early onset of sexual behavior, d rinking, smoking, use of illegal substances, and reckless and risktaking acts_ lllegal drug use may increase the ris k that Conduct Disorder will persist. Conduct Disorder behaviors may lead to school s uspension or expulsion, problems in work adju s tm en~ legal difficulties, sexually transmilled diseases, unplanned pregnancy, and physical injury from acciden ts or fights. These problems may preclud e attendance in ordinary schools or living in a parental or foster h ome. Suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide occur at a hi gher than~expected ra le. Conduct Disorder may beassociated with lower~ than~average intelligence, particularly with regard to verballQ. Academic achievement, particularly in reading and other verbal skills, is often beiOlI' the level expected on the basis o f age and intelligence and may jus tify the additional diagnosis of a Learning o r Communication Disorder. Attention~Deficit / Hypera cth" ity Disorder is common in children with Conduct Disorder. Conduct Disorder may also be associated with one or more of the following mental disorders: Learning Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, and Substance-Related Disorders. The following factors may predispose the individual 10 the development of Conduct Disorder: parental rejection and neglect, difficult infant temperament, inconsis tent child rearing practices w ith harsh diSCipline, physical or sexua l abuse, lack of supervision. early institutional living, frequent changes of caregivers, large fami ly size, history of maternal smoking during pregnancy, peer rejection, association with a delinquent peer group, neighborhood exposure to violence, and certain kinds of familial psychopathology (e.g., Antisocial Personali ty Disorder, Substance Dependence or Abuse).

Associated laboratory findings. In some studies, lower heart rate and lower skin conductance have been noted in individuals with Conduct Disorder compared with those without the disorder. However, levels of physiological arousal are not diagnostic of the disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gende r Features

Concerns have been raised that the Conduct Disorder diagnosis may at times be misapplied to individuals in settings where pa tterns of undesirable behavior are soml'times viewed as p rotective (e.g., threatening, impoveris hed, high~crime) . Consistent with the DSM ~I V definition of mental disorder, the Conduct Disorder diagnosis shou ld be applied only when the behavior in ques tion is symptomatic of an under lying d ysfunction within the individual and not simply a reaction to the immediate social context. Moreover, immigrant youth from war-ravaged countries who ha\'ea his tory of aggressive behaviors that may have been necessary for their survival in thai

Conduct Diso rder

context would not necessarily warrant a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder. It may be helpful for the clinician to consider the social and economic context in which the undesirable behaviors have occurred. Symptoms of the disorder vary with age as the individual develops increased physical strength, cognitive abilities, and sexual maturity. Less severe behaviors (e.g., lying, shoplifting, physical fi ghting) tend to emerge first, w hereas olhers (e.g ., burglary) tend to emerge later. Typically, the most severe conduct problems (e.g., rape, theft w hile confronting a victim) tend to emerge last. However, there are wide differences among individuals, with some engaging in the more damaging behaviors at an early age (which is predictive of a worse prognosis). Conduct Disorder, especially the Childhood-Onset Type, is more common in males. Gender differences are also found in s pecific types of conduct problems. Males with a diagnOSiS of Conduct Disorder frequently exhibit fig hting, s tealing, vandalism, and school discipline problems. Females with a diagnosis o f Conduct Disorder are more likely to exhibit lying, truancy, running away, subs tance use, and prostitution. Wherea s confrontational aggression is more often displayed by males, females tend to use more nonconfronrntional behaviors.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Conduct Disorder appears to have increased over the last decades and may be higher in urban than in rural settings. Rates vary widely depending on the nature of the population sa mpled and methods of ascertainment. General population s tudies report rates ranging from less than 1 % to more than 10%. Prevalence rates are higher among males than females. Conduct Disorder is one of the most frequently diagnosed conditions in outpatient and inpatient mental health facilities for children.

The onset of Conduct Disorder may occur as early as the preschool years, but the first Significant symptoms us ually emerge during the period from middle childhood through middle adolescence. Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a common precursor to the Childhood-Onset Typ e of Cond uct Disorder. Onset is rare after age 16 years. The course of Conduct Disorder is variable. In a majority of indi"idua ls, the disorder remits by adulthood. Howe"er, a s ubstantial proportion continue to show behaviors in adulthood that meet criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Many individuals with Conduct Disorder, particularly those with Adolescent-Onset Type and those with few and milder symptoms, achieve adequate social and occupational adjustment as adults. Early onset predicts a worse prognosis and an increased risk in adult life for Antisocial Personality Disorder and Substance-Related Disorders. Individuals with Conduct Disorder are at risk for later Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, and Substance-Related Disorders.

F amilia l Patte rn
Estimates from twin and adoption studies show that Conduct Disorder is influenced by both genetic and environmental facto rs. The risk for Conduct Disorder is increased


Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy. Childhood, or Adolescence

in children with a b iological or adoptive parent with Antisocial Personality Disorder or a sibling with Cond uct Disorder. The disorder also appea rs to be mo re common in dlilrlren of biological parents with Alcohol Dependence. Mood Disorders, o r Schizophrenia or biological parents who have a history of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder or Conduct Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Although Opposit ional Defiant Di so rder includes some of the features observed in Cond uct Disord er (e.g., disobedience and opposition to authority figu res), it does not include the persis tent pattern of the more serious forms of behavior in which either the basic rights of others or age-appropriate societal norms or rules are violated. When the individual's pattern of behavior meets the criteria for both Conduct Disord er and Oppositional Defiant Disorder, the diagnosis of Conduct Disorder takes precedence and O p positional Defiant Disorder is no t diagnosed. Although child ren with Attenti on-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder often exhibit hyperactive and impulsive beha vior that may be d isn lptive, this behavior does not by itself violate age-appropriate societal norms and therefore does not usually meet criteria for Conduct Disorder. When criteria are met for both Attention-Defid t/ Hyperactivity Disorder and Conduct Disorder, both d iagnoses should be given . Irritability and conduct problems often occur in children or adolescen ts with a Mood Disorder. These can us ually be dis tinguished from the pattem of conduct problems seen in Conduct Disorder based on the episodic course and accompanying symptoms characteris tic of the Mood Disorder. If criteria for both are met, diagnoses of both Conduct Di sorder and the Mood Disorder can be given. The diagnosis of Adjustment Di sorder (With Dis turbance of Conduct or With Mixed Dis turbance o f Emotions and Conduct) should be considered if clinically significant conduct problems tha t do not m eet the criteria for another specific disorder d evelop in clear association with the onset of a p sychosocial s tressor. Isola ted conduct problems that do not meet criteria for Conduct Disorder or Adjustment Disorder may be coded as Child or Adolescen t Antisocial Behavior (see "Additiona l Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention," p. 740). Conduct Disorder is diagnosed only if the conduct p roblems represent a repetitive and persis tent pattem that is associa ted with impai rment in social, academic, or occupational fun ctioning.

Diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder

A. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or

major age-appropriate societal norms or rul es are violated, as manifested by the presence of three (or more) of the following criteria in the past 12 months, with at least one criterion present in the past 6 months:
Aggression to people and animals (1 ) often bullies, threatens. or intimidates others (2) often initiates physical fights (3) has used a wea pon that can cause serious physica l harm to others (e.g., a bat, brick, broken bottle, knife, gun)

Conduct Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for Conduct Disorder (continued)

(4) has been physically cruel to people (5) has been physically cruel to animals (6) has stolen while confronting a victim (e.g., mugging, purse snatching, extortion, armed robbery) (7) has forced someone into sexual activity Destruction of property (8) has deliberately engaged in fire setting with the intention of causing serious damage (9) has deliberately destroyed others' property (other than by fire setting) Deceitful ness or theft (10) has broken into someone else's house, building, or car (11) often lies to obtain goods or favors or to avoid obligations (Le., "cons" others) (12) has stolen items of nontrivial value without confronting a victim (e.g., shoplifting, but without breaking and entering; forgery) Se rious vio lations of r ul es (13) often stays out at night despite parental prohibitions, beginning before age 13 years (14) has run away from home overnight at least twice while living in parental or parental surrogate home (or once without returning for a lengthy pe riod) (15) is often truant from school, beginning before age 13 yea rs B. The disturbance in behavior causes clinically significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational functioning.
C. If the individual is age 18 years or older, criteria are not met for Antisocia l Personality Disorder.
Code based on age at onset:

312.81 Conduct Disorde r, Childhood-Onse t Type: onset of at least one criterion characteristic of Conduct Disorder prior to age 10 years 31 2.82 Conduct Disorder, Adole sce nt -Onse t Typ e: absence of any criteria characteristic of Conduct Disorder prior to age 10 years 312 .89 Conduct Disord e r, Unspecifi ed Onse t : age at onset is not known
Specify severity:

Mild : few if any conduct problems in excess of those required to make the diagnosis a nd conduct problems cause only minor harm to others Mode ra t e: number of conduct problems and effect on others intermediate between "mild " and "severe" Severe: many conduct problems in excess of those requ ired to make the diagnosis or conduct problems cause considerable harm to others

For irldividuals over age 18 years, a diagnOSis of Conduct Disorder can be given only if the criteria are not also met for Antisocial Personality D iso rder. The diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder cannot be given to individuals under age 18 years.

Disorders Usual ly First Diag nosed in Infancy. Child hood. or Adolescence


Oppositional Defiant Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Oppositiona l Defiant Disorder is a recurrent pa ttern of negativis tic. defiant, disobedient. and hostile behavior toward authority fi gures that persists for at leas t 6 months (Cri terion A) and is characterized by the frequent occurrence of at least four of the follow ing behaviors: losing temper (Criterion Al), arguing with adults (Criterion A2). actively defying o r refusing to com ply with the reques ts or rules of adults (C riterion A3), deliberately doing things that w ill annoy other people (Criterion A4), blaming o thers for his or her own mistakes or misbehavior (Criterion AS), being touchy or easily annoyed by o thers (Criterion A6), being angry and resentful (Criterion A7), o r being spiteful or vind ictive (Criterion AS). To qualify fo r Oppositional Defiant Disorder, the behaviors must occur mo re frequentl y than is ty pically observed in individu als of comparable age and developmental level and must lead to significant impairment in social, academic, o r occupational functioning (Criterion B). The diagnosis is not made if the dis turba nce in behavior occurs exclusively during the course of a Psychotic or Mood Disorder (Criterion C) or if criteria are met for Conduct Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder (in an individual over age 18 years). Negativistic and defiant behaviors are expressed by persistent stubbornness, resistance to directions, and unwillingness to co mpromise, give in, or n egotiate with adults or peers. Defiance may also include deliberate or persis tent testing of limits. usually by ignoring orders, arguing. and faili ng to accept blame for misdeeds. Hostility can be directed at adults or peers and is shown by deliberately annoying others or by verbal aggression (usually without the more serious physical aggression seen in Conduct Disorder). Manifestations of the disorder are almost invariably present in the home setting, b ut may not be evident at school or in the community. Symptoms of the disorder are typically more evident in interactions with adults or peers whom the individual knows well, and thus m ay not be apparent during clinical examination. Usua lly individuals with this disorder do not regard themselves as oppositional or defiant, but ju stify their behavior as a response to unreasonable d emands or circumstances.

Associ ated Features and Disorders

Associa ted fea tures and disorders vary as a function of the individual's age and the severity of the Oppositional Defiant Disorder. In males, the d isorder has been shown to be more prevalent among those who. in the p reschool years, have problematic temperamen ts (e.g ., high reactivity, difficulty being soothed) or high motor activity. During the school years, there may be low self-esteem (or overly inflated self-esteem), mood lability, low frustrati on tolerance, swearing, and the precocious u se of alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs. There are often conflicts with parents, teachers, and peers. There may be a vicious cycle in which the parent and child bring out the worst in each other. O ppositional Defiant Disorder is more p revalent in fa milies in which child care is disrupted by a s uccession of different caregivers or in fa milies in which h ars h,

313.8 1 Oppositional Defiant Disorder


inconsistent, o r neglectful child-rearing practices are common. Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder is common in children with Oppos itional Defiant Disorder. Learning Disorders and Communication Disorders also tend to be associated with Oppositional Defiant Disorder.

Specific Age and Gender Features

Because transient oppositional behavior is very common in preschool children and in adolescen ts, caution shou ld be exercised in making the diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder especially during these developmental periods. The number of oppositional symptoms tends to increase with age. The disorder is more preva lent in males than in females before puberty, but the rales appear to be equal after puberty. Symp toms are generally similar in each gender, except that males may have more confron tational behavior and more persistent symptoms.

Rates of Oppositional Defiant Disorder from 2% to 16% have been reported, depend ing on the nature of the population sample and methods of ascertainment.

Oppositional Defiant Disord e r usually becomes evident before age 8 years and usu ally not later than earl )' adolescence. The oppositional symptoms ofte n emerge in the home setting but over time may appear in other settings as well. O nset is typ ically gradual, u sually occurring over the course of months or yea rs. In a s ignificant propor tion of cases, Oppositional Defiant Disorder is a developmental antecedent to Can duct Disorde r. Although Conduct Disorder, ChildhoodOnset Type is o ften preceded by O ppositional Defiant Disorder, many children with Oppositiona l Defiant Dis order do not subsequently d evelop Conduct Disorder.

Familial Pattern
Opposi tional Defiant Disorde r a ppea rs to be more common in fam ilies in which at least one pare nt has a h istory of a Mood Disorde r, Oppositional Defiant Disorder, Conduct Disorder, A ttentionDeficit/ H yp eractivity Disorde r, Antisocia l Personality Disorder, or a Subs tance-Related Disorder. in addition, some studies s uggest that mothers with a De pressive Disorder are more likely to have dilldren with oppositional behavior, but it is lUlciear to what extent maternal depression res ults from orcau ses oppositional be havior in children. Oppos itional Defiant Disorder is marc common in families in which there is seriou s marital d iscord.

Differential Diagnosis
The dis ruptive behaviors of individuals with O p positional Defiant Disorder are of a less seve re nature than those of individuals w ith Conduct Disorder and typically do not include aggression tow,ud people or animals, d estruc tion of prope rty, or a pa t-


Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infa ncy, Chi ldhood, or Ado lescence

tern o f theft or deceit. Because all of the features of Oppositional Defiant Disorder are usu ally present in Condu ct Disorder, Oppositional Defian t Disorder is not diagnosed if the criteria are met for Conduct Disorder. Oppositional behavior is a common associated fea ture of Mood Disorde rs and Psycho ti c Disorders presenting in children and ado lescen ts and should no t be diagnosed separately if thes)rmptoms occur exclusively during the course of a Mood or Psychotic Disorder. Oppositional behaviors mus t also be dis tinguished fro m the d isruptive behav ior resulting from inattention and impulsivity in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. When the two disorders co-occur, both d iagnoses should be made. In indiv id uals with Men tal Retardation, a diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder is g iven only if the oppositional behavior is markedly greater than is commonly observed among individuals of comparable age, gender, and severity of Mental Retardation. Oppositional Defiant Disord er must a lso be d istinguished from a failure to foll ow directions that is the result of im paired language com prehension (e.g., hearing loss, Mixed ReceptiveExpressive Language Disorder). Oppositional behavior is a typica l fea tu re of certain d evelopmental stages (e.g., early childhood and adolescence). A diagnosis of Oppositional Defiant Disorder should be considered only if the behaviors occur more frequently and have more serious consequences than is typically observed in other ind ividuals of comparabledeveiopmental stage and lead to significant impairment in social, academic, or occupational fun ctioning. New onset o f oppositional behaviors in adolescence may be due to the p rocess of normal individuation.

Diagnostic criteria for

313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder
A. A pattern

of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, dur-

ing which four (or more) of t he following are present:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

often loses temper often argues with adults often actively defies or re f uses to comply with adults' requests or rules often deliberately annoys people often blames others f or his or her mistakes or misbehavior is often touchy or easily annoyed by others is often ang ry and resentful is often spitef ul or vindictive

Note : Consider a criterion met only if the beh avior occurs more frequently than is typically observed in individuals of comparable ag e and developmentalleveJ. B. The disturbance in behavior causes cl inically significan t impairment in social, academic. or occupational functioning.
C The behaviors do not occur exclusively during the course of a Psychotic or M ood Disorder.

D. Crit eria are not met for Conduct Disorder, and, if the individual is age 18 years or older, crit eria are not met for Antisocia l Personality Disorder.


Disruptive Behavior Diso rder Not Otherwise Specif ied


Disruptive Behavior Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for dis orders characterized by conduct or oppositional defiant behaviors that do not meet the crite ria for Conduct Disorder or Oppos itional Defiant Disorder. For example, include clinical presentations that do not meet full criteria either for Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder, bu t in w hich there is clinically Significan t impairment.

Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early Childhood

The Feeding and Eating Disorders o f Infancy or Early Childhood are characterized by
persistent feeding and eating disturbances. The specific d isorders included a re Pica, Rumination Disorder, and Feeding Disorde r o f Infa ncy or Early C hildhood. Note tha t Anorexia 'ervosa and Bu limia 'ervosa are included in the "Eating Disorders" section (see p. 583).

307 .52
Diagnostic Features


The essential feature of Pica is the eating of one or more n onnutritive substances on a persistent basis for a period. of a t least 1 month (Criterion A). The typical substances ingested tend to vary w ith age. Infants and younger children typically eat paint, pIaster, string, hair, or cloth. O lder children may eat a nimal droppings, sand, insects, leaves, or pebbles. Ad olescents and adults may consume clay or soil. There is no aversion to food . This behavior mus t be developmentally inappropriate (Criterion B) and not part of a culturally sanctioned practice (Criterion C). The eating of nonnutritive substances is an associated feature of other men tal disorders (e.g., Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Mental Reta rdation). If the ea ting behavior occurs exclusively during the course of another m ental disord er, a separate diagnOSiS of Pica should be made only if the eating behavior is s ufficiently severe to warrant independe nt clinical attention (Criterion D).

Associated Features and Disorders

Pica is frequen tly associated w ith Me ntal Retardation a nd Pervas ive Developmental Disorders. Although vitamin or m ineral d eficiencies (e.g ., zinc) have been reported in some instances, u sually no specific biological abn ormalities are found. In some cases, Pica comes to clinical a ttention only following general medical complications (e.g., lead poisoning as a res ult of ingesting paint or paint-soaked plaster, mechanical bowel problems, intestinal obs truction as a result of hair ball tumors, intestinal perforation,

Disorders Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

or infections su ch as toxoplasmosis and toxocariasis as a result of ingesting feces or dirt). Poverty, neglect, lack of parenta l supervision, and developmental delay increase the ri sk for the condition.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

In some cultures, the eating of dirt or other seemingly nonnutritive substances is believed to be of value. Pica is more commonly seen in young children and occasionally in pregnant females.

Preva lence
Epidemiological data on Pica are limited. Among individ uals with Men tal Retardation, the prevalence of the di sorder appears to increase wi th the severi ty of the retardation (e.g., it has been reported to be as high as 15% in adults with Severe Mental Retardation).

Pica may have its onset in infancy. In most instances, the disorder appears to last for several months and then remits. It may occasionally continue into adolescence or, less freq uently, into adulthood. In individua ls with Mental Retardation, the behavior may diminish during adulthood .

Differential Diagnosis
Before approximately ages 18-24 months, mouthing and sometimes eating of noonutritive substances are relatively common and d o not imply the presence of Pica. Pica is d iagnosed only when the behavior is judged to be persistent (i.e., present for at least 1 month) and inappropriate given the indiv idual's developmental level. Eating of nonnutriti ve substances may occur during the course of other mental disorders (e.g., in a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, in Schizophrenia as a result of delusional beliefs, and in Kleine-levin syndrome). In such instances, an additional diagnosis of Pica should be given only if the eating behavior is sufficiently severe to warran t independent clinical attention. Pica can be d istinguished from oth er eating disorders (e.g., Rumination Disord er, Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood, Anorexia Nervosa, and Bulimia Nervosa) by the consumption of noonutritive substances.


Rum inati on Disorder

Diagnostic criteria for 307. 52 Pica

A. Persistent eating of nonnutritive substances for a period of at least' month. B. The eating of non nutritive substances is inappropriate to the developmental level.
C. The eating behavior is not part of a culturally sanctioned practice.

D. If the eating behavior occurs exclusively during the course of another mental disorder (e .g., Menta l Retardation, Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia), it is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Diag nostic Feat ures

Rumination Di sorder

The essential feature of Rumination Disorder is the repeated regurgitation and rechewing of food occurring after feeding that develops in an infant or child after a period of normal functioning and lasts for at least 1 month (Criterion A). Partially digested food is brought up into the mouth without apparent nausea, retching, disgust, or associated gas trointestinal disorder. The food is then either ejected from the mouth or, more frequently, chewed and reswallowed . The symptoms are not due to an associated gastrointestinal or o ther general medical condition (e.g., Sandifer's syndrome, esophageal renux) (Criterion B) and do not occur exclusively during the course of Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa . If the symptoms occur exclusively during the course o f Mental Retardation or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, they mus t be suffiCiently severe to warrant independ ent clinical attention (Criterion C). The disorder is most commonly observed in infants but may be seen in older individuals, particularly those who also have Mental Retardation. Infants with the disorder dis play a characteristic position of stra ining and arching the back with the head held back, make sucki ng movements with their tongues, and give the imp ression of gaining satisfaction from the activity.

Associated Featu res and Disorders

Infants with Rumina tion Disorder are generally irritable and hungry between episodes of regurgitation. Although the infant is apparently hungry and ingests large amounts of food, malnutrition may occur because regurgitation immediately follow s the feedings. Weight loss, failure to make expected weight gains, and even death can result (with mortality rates as high as 25% rep orted). Malnutrition appears to be less likely in o lder children and adults in whom the disorder may be either continuous or episodic. Psychosocial problems such as lack of stimulation, neglect, s tressful life situations, and problems in the parent-child relationship may be predisposing factors. Understimulation of the infant may result if the caregiver becomes discOluaged and alienated because of the unsuccessful feeding experiences or the noxious odor of the


Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, o r Adolescence

regurgitated material. In some instances, Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood may a lso develop. In older chi ldren and adults, Mental Retardation is a predisposing factor.

Preva lence
Rumination Disorder appears to be uncommon . It may occur more often in males than in females.

The onset of Rumination Disorder may occur in the con text of developmen tal delays. The age at onset is between ages 3 and 12 months, excep t in individuals with Mental Retardation in \\'hom the disorder may occur at a somewhat later developmental stage. In infants, the disorder frequently remits s pontaneously. In some severe cases, however, the course is continuous.

Different ia l Diagnosis
[n infants, co nge nital anom alies (e.g ., pyloric s tenos is or gastroesophageal reflux) or other general m edica l conditions (e.g., infections of the gastrointes tinal system) can cause regurgitation o f food and s hould be ru led out by appropriate physical examinations and laboratory tests. Rumination can be dis tinguished from norm al vomiting of early infancy by the a pparent ly voluntary nature of the rumination (e.g., observation of characteristic preparatory movements followed by regurgitation and sucking o r chewing movements that appear to be pleasurable). Rumination Disorder is nol diagnosed if the symptoms occur exclusively durin g the course of Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa.

Diagnostic criteria for 307.53 Rumination Disorder

A. Re peated regurgitation and rechewi ng of food for a period of at least 1 month following a period of normal function ing. B. The behavior is not due to an associated gastrointestinal or other general medical condition (e.g., esophageal reflux).
C. The behavior does not occur exclusively during the course of Anorexia Nervosa or Bu-

limia Nervosa. If the symptoms occur exclusively during the course of Mental Retardation or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, they are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.


Feeding Disorder of Infancy o r Ea rly Childhood


307. 59

Feedin g Di sorder of Infancy o r Early Childhood

Diagnost ic Feat ures

The essen tia l feature of Feeding Disorder of Wancy or Ea rly C hildhood is the persistent failure to ea t adequately, as refl ected in significant fa ilure to gain weight or significant weight loss over at least 1 mon th (Criterion A). There is no gastrointestinal or other general medica l condition (e.g., esophageal reflux) severe enough to account for the feed ing dis turbance (Criterion B). The feeding disturbance is also not better accounted fo r by another Mental Disorder (e.g., Rumination Disorder) or by lack of available food (Cri terion C). The onset of the d isord er m us t be before age 6 years (Criterion D).

Associated Fea t ures and Diso rders

Associat e d descriptive fe a ture s and m e nta l d isorders . Infants with feed ing disorders may be more irritable and difficult to console during feeding than infants without feeding disorders. They may appear apathetic and withdra\\'n and may also exhibit developmental delays. In some ins tances, parent-child interaction problems may contribute to or exacerbate the infa n t's feeding problem (e.g., presenting food inappropriately or responding to the infant's food refu sa l as if it were an act of aggress ion or rejection). Inadequate caloric intake may exacerbate the associ a ted features (e.g ., irritability, develop men tal lags) and further contribu te to feed ing difficulties. Factors in the infant th a t may be associated with th e condition include temperamental cha racteristics or intrauterine growth retardation and preexisting developmental impairments that make the infant less responsive. O ther fac tors that may be associa ted w ith the condition include parental p sychopathology a nd child abuse or neglect Associated laboratory f indings. There may be nonspecific findings associated with the malnutri tion that is sometimes seen with Feedin g Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood (e.g., anemia and low serum albtunin and total protein). Associa t e d physical examination findings and general medical conditions. There may be malnutri tion that, in severe cases, can be life threatening i.n Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Ch ildhood.

Specif ic Age and Gender Features

A la ter onset (e.g., age 2 or 3 years rather than infancy) is associated with lesse r degrees of d evelopmen tal delay and malnutrition, although g row th retardation may be observed. Feeding D isorder of Infancy o r Early Childhood is equa lly common in males and females.

Pre va lence
Of all pediatric hospital admissions, 1%-5% are for failure to thrive, and tip to oneha lf of these may reflect feeding dis turbances without any appare nt predisposing

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

general medical condition . Data from community samples suggest a point prevalence of around 3% fo r failure to thrive.

Cou rse
Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood commonly has its onset in the fi rst
yea r o f life, but may h ave an onset in children ages 2-3 years. The majority of children have improved growth after variable lengths of time, although they remain shorter and lighter up through adolescence compared with children who did not experience growth failure.

Differential Diagnosis
Minor problems in feeding are common in infancy. The diagnosis of Feeding Disorder of In fancy or Early Childhood should be made only if the eating problem resu lts in signifi cant failure to gain weight or loss of weight. This d isorder is not diagnosed if the feeding distur bances are fully explained by a
gastro intes tinal, endocri nological, or neurological cond ition. Children with an underlying general medica l condition may be more difficult to feed , and the diagnosis of Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood sh ould not be mad e in such cases unless the degree of d istu rbance is of g reater severity than would be expected o n the basis of the general m edical condition alone. The diagnosis is suggested if there is impro\'ement in feeding and weight gain in response to changing caregivers.

Diagnostic criteria for 307.59 Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood

A. Feeding disturbance as manifested by persistent failure to eat adequately with sig-

nificant failure to gain weight or Significa nt loss of weight over at least 1 month. B. The disturbance is not due to an associated gastrointestinal or other general medical condition (e.g . esophagea l reflux).
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by anot he r menta l disorder (e.g., Rumi-

nation Disorder) or by lack of avai lable fo od. D. The onset is before age 6 years.

Tic Disorders
Fourdisorders are included in this section: Tourette's Disorder, Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder, Transient Tic Disorder, and Tic Disorder Not Otherwise Spedfied. A tic is a sudden, rapid , recurren t, nonrhythmic, s tereotyped motor movement or vocalization. Motor and vocal tics may be simple (involv ing only a few muscles or

Tic Disorders

109 1

simple soWlds) or complex (involving multiple groups of muscles recruited. in orchestrated bouts or words and sentences). Examples of silllple lIIotor tics are eye blinking, nose wrinkling, neck jerking, shoulder shrugging, facial grimacing, and abdominal tensing. These tics usually last less than severa l hundred milliseconds. Complex motor tics include hand gestures, jumping, touching, pressing, stomping, facial contortions, repeatedly smelling an object, squatting, deep knee bends, retracing steps, tw irling when wa lking, and assuming and holding unus ual postures (including "dystonic tics" such as holding the neck in a particular tensed pos ition). These tics are longer in duration, lasting seconds or longer. Copropraxia (a s udden, tic-like vulgar, sexual, or obscene gesture) and mirror phenomena such as echopraxia (invoIWltary, s pontaneous imitation of someone else's m ovements) are complex motor tics. Simple vocal tics are meaningless sound s su ch as truoat clearing, grunting, sniffing, snorting, and chirping. Complex vocallics more clearly involve speech and language and include the sudden, spontaneous expression of single words or phrases; speech blocking; sudden and meaningless changes in the pitch, emphas is, or volume of speech; palila lia (repeating one's own sound s or words); and echolalia (repeating the last-heard sound, word, or phrase). Coprola lia is the sudden, inappropriate expressionol a socially unacceptable word or phrase and may include obscenities as well as specific ethnic, racial, or religious slurs. Coprolalia is found in fewe r than 10% of individuals with a tic disorder. Tics genera lly are experienced as irresis tible but can be suppressed for varying lengths of time. Some children (and an occasional adult) are not aware of their tics. However, with d evelopment, many (but not a ll) p ersons w ith tics experience a premoni tory urge-a rising tension or s omatic sensation in a part of the body that precedes the motor or voca l tic, and a fee ling of relief or tension red uction following the expression of the tic. lndividuals with tics may feel that the tic is between "vo luntary" and "involuntary" in that it is often experienced as a giving in to a mounting tension 01 bodily need, similar to the tension that precedes a sneeze or the almost irresis tible need to scratch an itch. An individual may feel the need to perform a complex tic in a specific way or repeatedly until he or she achieves the feeling that the tic has been done "just right. " Only then will the individual experience a reduction in the anxiety or tension. Tics are often emi tted in bouts of one or several tics; the bouts are separated by periods of non-tic behavior lasting from second s to hours. Tics generally change in se\'erity (freq uency of tics, forcefulness, and the degree tics disrupt ongoing behavior) during the course of hours and over the course of a day. Tics may va ry in frequency and d isruptiveness in different contexts. For example, children and adults may be better able to s uppress tics when in school, at work, or in the physician 's office than at home. Tics generally decrease o r s top during sleep, although some individuals have occasional tics w hile asleep or awaken suddenly with a tic. Tics are often more freque nt w hen a person relaxes in private (e.g ., when watching television) and are decreased w hen the individual engages in directed, eHortful activ ity (e.g., reading or sewing). Tics may be exacerba ted during period s of s tress, s uch as w hen there are heightened work pressures or during examinations.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adofescence

Diffe rentia l Diagnosis

Tic Disorders must be distinguished from other types of abn ormal movements that m ay accompany gen eral medical con ditions (e.g., Huntington's disease, stroke, Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, Wilson 's disease, Sydenham's chorea, multiple sclerosis, postvira l encephalitis, head injury) and from abnormal movements that are due to the d irect effects of a subs tance (e.g., a neuroleptic medication). Taking account of the medical and family history, movement morphology, rhythm, and modifying in fluences can assist in making a correct diagnosis. Ch orea typically is a simple, ran dom, irregular, and nonstereotyped movement that has no premonitory component and increases when the person is distracted.. D ystonic movements are slow, protracted twisting movements interspersed with prolonged sta tes o f muscular tension. Athetoid m ovements are slow, irregular, writhing movements, most frequently in the fingers and toes but often involving the neck. Myoclonic movements are brief, simple, shocklike muscle con tractions tha t may affect parts of muscles or muscle groups. Unlike tics, myoclonic movements may continue during sleep. Hem iballis m ic m ovements are intermittent, coarse, large-amplitude, unilateral movements of the limbs. Spasms are stereotypic, prolonged movements involving the same groups of muscles that are usually slower but are sometimes m ore rapid than tics. Hemi facial spas m consists of irregular, repetitive, unilateral jerks of facial muscles. Synkines is is an involuntary m ovement that is concurrent exclusively with a specific voluntary act (e.g., movement of the comer of the mouth when the person intends to close the eye). When the tics are a direct physiological consequence of medication use, a Medica tion-I nduced Move ment Disorde r Not Otherw ise Specified would be diagnosed in stead of a Tic Disorder (e.g., in the clearest case, when the tics occur with the use of a medication and stop when the medication is discontinued). In some cases, certain medica tions (e.g., stimulants) may exacerbate a preexisting Tic Disorder, in which case no additional diagnosis of a medication-induced disorder is necessary. Tics must also be distinguished from Stereotypic Movem en t Disord er and stereotypies in Pervasive Developmen tal Disord ers. Differentiating simple tics (e.g., eye blinking) from the complex movements characteristic of stereotyped movements is relatively straightforward. The dist.inction between complex motor tics and stereotyped movements is less clear-cut. In general, stereotyped movements appear to be more driven, rhythmic, self-stimu lating or soothing, and intentional, whereas tics have a more involuntary quality (a lthough some indi\'idua ls d escribe tics as having a voluntary component) and generally occur in temporal bouts or clusters. Complex tics may be difficult to distinguish from com pulsions (as in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder); making this distinction is all the more chalJenging because Obsessi\'eCompulsive Disorder is common in individuals with Tic Disorders. Compulsions are performed in response to an obsession (e.g., hand washing to allay a concern about germs) or according to rules that must be applied rigidly (e.g., the need to line things lip in a specific order). Compulsions typically are more elaborate than tics and are more likely to resemble "normal" behavior. Whereas compu lsions are often, though not always, preceded by a persistent worry or concern, tics are more likely to be preceded by a transient "physical" tension in a part of the body (e.g., in the nose or shoulder muscles or in the throat) that is reduced by the tic. When individuals manifest

307 .23

Tourette's Disorder


sym p toms o f both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and a Tic Disorder (especially Tourette's Disorder), both diagnoses may be warranted . Certain vocal or motor tics (e.g., ba rking, echolalia, palilaHa) m ust be d istinguished from d isorganized or catatonic behavior in Schizophrenia. The Tic Disorders can be distin guished from one another based on d uration and variety of tics and age a t onset. Transient Tic Disorder includes motor and / or vocal tics lasting fo r at least 4 weeks but for no longer than 12 consecutive months. Touretle's Disorder and Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder each have a duration of m ore than 12 months, but Touretle' s Disorder requires multiple motor tics and at least one vocal tic during pa rt of this time. Often, the diagnosis may change over time during the na tural history of a Tic Disorder. For example, during the first months, a child may be d iagnosed as having a Transient Tic Disorder. After a year, w ith fu rther tics and lon ger duration, the diagnosis may become Tourelte's Disorder. Ti c Disorder Not Othenvise Specified would be appropriate for clinically significa nt p resentations lasting less than 4 weeks, for presentations w ith an age at onset above age 18 years, and for the unusual case of an individ ual with only one mo tor tic and only one vocal tic.

307.23 lourette's Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential features ofTo urette' s Disorder are mu ltiple mo tor tics and one or more voca l tics (Criterion A). These may app ea r simultaneously or at different period s during the illness. The tics occur many times a d ay, recurren tly throughout a period of more than 1 year. During this p eriod, there is never a tic-free period o f more than 3 consecutive months (Criterion B). The onset of the d isorder is before age 18 years (Criterion C). The tics are not due to the direct p hysiological effects of a substa nce (e.g ., stim ulants) or a general med ical cond ition (e.g., Huntington' s d isease or p O SIviral encephalitis) (Criterion D). The anatomical location, number, frequency, comp lexity, and severity of the tics change over time. Simple and complex m otor tics m ay affect an y part of the body, including the face, head, lorso, and upper and lower limbs. Simple motor tics are rapid, meaningless contractions of one or a few muscles, s uch as eye blinking. Comp lex mola r tics in volving touching, sq uatting, deep knee bends, retracing steps, an d tw irling when walking may be present. The vocal tics include various words or SOlmds such as clicks, grunts, yelps, barks, sniffs , snorts, and coughs. Cop rolalia, a complex vocal tic involving the uttering o f obscenities, is p resent in only a small mino rity of individuals (less than 10%) and is not requ ired for a diagnosis o f Tourette' s Disorder. In approximately one-half of the individuals with this disorder, the firs t symptoms to appear are bou ts of a single tic, most frequently eye blinking. Less frequently, initial tics involve another part of the face o r the bod y, such as facial grimacing, head jerking, tongue p rotrusion, sniffing, hop ping, skipping, throat clea ring, stutterin glike b lock in speech flu ency, or uttering sound s or word s. Sometimes th is disorder begins with multip le symptoms starting at the same time.

1 112

Disorders Usually First Diag nosed in Inf ancy, Ch il dhood. or Adolescence

Associated Features and Diso rders

The mos t common associated sym p toms of Tourette's Disorder are obsessions and compulsions. H yperactivity, dis tractibility, and impulsivity are also relatively common. Social discomfort, shame, self-consciousness, and demoralization and sadness

frequ ently occur. Persistent motor and voca l tics may cause a broad range of distress
and impairment, ranging from none to severe. Younger children, in particula r, may be unaware o f their tics, suffer no distress, and show no impa irment in any area of functioning. A high percentage of child ren, adolescen ts, and adults with Tourette's Disorder do not seek medical allention for their tics . At the other end of the spectrum, there are individuals w ith Tourette's Disorder who are b urdened by in trusive, recurrent, forcefu l, and SOCially stigma tizing motor and voc31 tics. Socia l, academic, and occupational functioning may be impaired because of rejection by o thers or anxiety about having tics in social situations. Chronic tic symptoms can cause considerable d istress and can lead to social isolation and personality changes. In severe cases of Tourette's Disord er, the tics may d irectly interfere with daily activities (e.g., conversing, reading. or writing). Rare complications o f Tourette's Disorder include physical injury, such as blindness due to self-inflicted eye injury (from head banging or eye gouging), orthopedic problems (from knee bending, neck jerking, or head turn ing), skin p roblems (from picking or lip licking), and neurological sequelae (e.g., from disc d isease rela ted to many years of fo rceful neck movements). The severity of the tics may be exacerbated by administration of centra l nervous system stirn ulants, such as those used in the treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disord er, although some individua ls can tolerate these medications withou t an exacerbation of their tics or may even have a reduction in tics. ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder and Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder often co-occur in individuals with Tourette's Disorder. Attentional problems or obsessive symptomatology may p recede or foll ow the onset of tics. ObseSSive-compulsive symptoms found in individuals with Tourette's Disorder may constitute a specific subtyp e of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. TIlis subtype appears to be characterized by an earlier age at onset, male p reponderance, higher frequency of certain obsessive-compulsive s}'mptoms (more aggressive s}'mptoms and less concern about contamina tion and hoarding), and poorer resp onse to p harmacotherap}' with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors. Disruptive behavior, impulsiveness, and social im maturity are prominent features in those children and adolescents who also have Atten tion-Defi ci t/ Hyperactivity Disorder. These clinical features may interfere with academic progress and interpersonal relationships and lead to greater impairment than that cau sed by the Tourette's Disorder.

Specific Culture and Gender Features

Tourette's Disorder has been widely rep orted in diverse racial and ethnic groups. Although in clinical settings the disorder is diagnosed approximately three to five limes more o ft en in males than in females, the gender ratio is perhaps as low as 2:1 in comm unity samples.

307.23 Taurette's Disorder


Prevale n ce
The prevalence of Tourette's Disorder is related to age. Many more children (S-30 per 10,000) are affected than adul ts (1-2 per 10,(00).

Cou rse
The age at onset of Tourette's Disorder may be as early as age 2 years, is usually during childhood or early adolescence, and is by definition before age 18 years. The median age at onset for motor tics is about 6-7 years. The duration of the disorder may be lifelong, though periods of remission lasting from weeks to years may occur. In most cases, the severi ty, frequen cy, disruptiveness, and variability of the symptoms diminish during ad olescence and adulthood. In other cases, the symptoms actually disappear entirely, lIsually by early adulthood. In a few cases, the symptoms may worsen in adulthood. The predictors of this course are no t known.

Fa milial Pattern
The vulnerability to Tourette's Disorder and related disorders is transmitted within fam ilies and appears to be genetic. The mode of genetic transmission, however, is not known. Pedigree studies suggest that there are genes of major effect. Although some early studies suggested a pattern of transmission that is consistent with an autosomal domina nt pattern, other studies suggest a more complex mode of transmission. "VuJnerability" implies that the child receives the genetic or constitutional basis for developing a Tic Disorder; the prease type or severity of disorder may be different from one generation to another and is modified by nongenetic factors. Not everyone w ho inherits the genetic \' ulnerability will express symp toms of a Tic Disorder. The range of forms in which the vulnerability may be expressed includes Tourette's Disorder, Chronic Motor or Voca l Tic Disorder, and some forms of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. It also appears that individuals with Tourette's Disorder are at greater risk for Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. In some individuals with Tourette's Disord er, there is no evidence of a familial pattern.

Differential Diagnosis
Refer to the "Differential DiagnosiS" section for Tic Disorders (p. 110).

1 114

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolesce nce

Diagnostic criteria for 307.23 lourette's Disorder

A. Both multipl e mo tor and one or more vocal tics have been present at some time during the illness, although not necessarily concu rrently. (A tic is a sudden. rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocal ization.)

B. The tics occur many times a day (usually in bouts) nearly every da y or intermittently throughout a period of more than 1 year, and during th is period there wa s never a tic-free period of mo re than 3 consecutive mo nths.
C. The onset is before age 18 years.
D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g . st imulants) or a general medical condition (e.g., Huntington's disease or portviral encephalit is).


Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential fea ture of Chronic Mo tor or Vocal Tic Disorder is the presence of either moto r tics or vocal tics, but lIot both (Criterion A). This differs from T ourette's Disorder in which there must be both multiple motor and one or more vocal tics. The other essential features (Criteria B, C, and D) are the same as for Tourette's Disorder. A diagnosis of Chronic Motor or Voca l Tic Disorder cannot be made if the criteria for Tourette's Disorder have ever been met (Criterion E). The other characteristics of Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder are generally the same as for Tourette's Disorder (see p. 111), except that the severity of the symptoms and the fun ctional impairment are usually much less. It appears that Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder and Tourette's Disorder may be genetically related because the}' often occur in the same families.

Differential Diagnosis
Refer to the " Differential Diagnosis" section for Tic Disorders (p. 110).


Transient Tic Disorde r


Diagnostic criteria for 307.22 Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder

A. Single or mu ltiple motor or voca l tics (i.e., sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movements or voca lizations), but not both, have been present at some t ime during the illness.
B. The tics occur many t imes a day nearly every day or intermitte ntly throughout ape

riod of more than 1 year, a nd during th is period there was never a t ic-free period of mo re than 3 co nsecutive mo nths.
C. The onset is before age 18 years.

D. Th e disturbance is not due to the direct physiological eHects of a substance (e.g., stimulants) or a genera l medical condition (e.g., Huntingto n's disease or postviral en cephalitis).

E. Criteria have never been met fo r To urette's Disorder.

307 .21
Diag nostic Features

Tr ansient Ti c Di sorder

The essential feature of Transient Tic Disorder is the presence o f single or multiple motor tics and / or vocal tics (Criterion A). The tics occur many tim es a day, nea rly every d ay for at least 4 weeks, but for no longer than 12 consecutive months (Criterion 6). The other essential features (Criteria C and D) are the sam e as for Tourette's Disorder. Transient Tic Disorder is n ot d iagnosed if the criteria fo r Tou rette's Disorder or Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder (both of w hich require a duration of at least 1 year) have ever been met (Criterion E). The other characteristics of the disorder are generally the same as for Tourette's Disorder (see p. 111), except that the severity of the symp toms and the functi onal impa irment are usually much less.

The course of Transient Tic Disorder may be indicated by specifying Single Episode or Recurren t.

Different ial Diagnosis

Refer to the " Differential Diagnosis" section for Tic Disorders (p. 110).

Disord e rs Usua lly First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Chi ldhood, or Ado lescence

Diagnostic criteria for 307.21 Transient Tic Disorder

A. Single or m u lt iple motor and/or vocal t ics (i.e . sudden, rapid, recurrent , nonrhythmi(, stereotyped motor movements or vocali zations)

B. The tics occu r many times a day, nearly every day for at least 4 weeks, but for no longer than 12 consecutive months.
C. The onset is before age 18 years.

D. The disturbance is not due t o the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g . stimulants) or a general medical condition (e.g., Huntington's disease or portvira l
encephal itis) . E. Cr iteria have never been met fo r laurette's Disorder or Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder.
Specify if:

Single Episode or Recurrent


Tic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for disorders characterized by tics that do nol meet criteria for a specific Tic Disorder. Examples include tics lasting less than 4 weeks or tics with an onset
after age 18 years.

Elimination Di sorders

Diagnosti c Features
The essential feature of Encopresis is repeated passage of feces into inappropriate
places (e.g.; clothing or floor) (Criterion A). Most often this is involuntary but occasionally may be intentional. The event must ocem at least once a month for at least 3 months (Cri terion B), and the chronological age of the child must be at least 4 years (or for children with developmental delays, a mental age of at least 4 years) (Criterion C). The fecal incontinence must not be due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., laxatives) or a general medical condition excep t through a mechanism involving cons tipation (Criterion D). When the passage of feces is involun tary ra ther than intentional, it is often related to constipation, impaction, and re tention with subsequent overfl ow. The constjpation may develop for p sychological reasons (e.g., anxie ty about defecating in a particular place or a more general pattern of anxious or oppositiona l behavior) leading to avoid


ance of defecation. Physiological predispositions to constipation include ineffectual

straining or paradoxical defecation d ynamics, with contraction rather than relaxation

of the external sphincter or pelvic floor during straining for defecation. Dehydration associated with a febri le illness, hypothyroidism, or a medication side effect can also
induce cons tipation. O nce cons tipation has developed, it may be complicated by an anal fi ssure, painful defecation, and further feca l retention. The consis tency of the stool may vary. In some individ uals it may be of norma l or near-norma l consistency. It may be liquid in other individuals who have overflow incontinence secondary to fecal retention.

Encopresis is coded according to the subtype that characterizes the presentation: 787.6 With Constipa tion and Overflow [n continen ce, There is evidence of constipation on physical examination (i.e., the p resence of a large stool mass on abdominal or rectal examina tion) or a history of a stool frequency of less than three per week. Feces in overflow incontinence are characteristically (but not invariably) poorly formed, and leakage can be infrequent to continuous, occurring mostly during the day and rarely during sleep. Only part of the feces is passed dwing toiletting, and the incontinence resoh'es after treatment of the constipation. 307.7 With out Constipation and Overflow Incontinence. ll,ere is no evid ence of constipation on physical examination or by h istory. Feces are likely to be o f normal form and consistency, and soiling is intermitten t. Feces may be deposited in a prominent location. This is usually associated w ith the presence of Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder or may be the consequence of anal ma sturbation. Soilin g wi thou t constipation appears to be less common than soiling with constipation.

Associated Featu res and Diso rders

The child with Encopresis often feels ashamed and may wish to avoid situations (e.g., camp or school) that might lead to embarrassment. The amount of impairmen t is a function of the effect on the child's self-esteem, the deg ree o f social ostracism by peers, and the anger, punishment, and rejection on the part of caregivers. Smearing feces may be deliberate or accidental resulting from the child's attempt to dean or hide feces that were passed involuntarily. When the incontinence is dearly deliberate, features of Oppositional Defiant Disorder o r Conduct Disorder may also be present. Man)' children with Encopresis and chronic constipation are enuretic and may have associated vesica-ureteric reflux and chronic urinary tract infections tha t may remit with treatment.

Preva lence
It is estimated that approximately 1% o f 5-year-olds have Encopresis, and the disor-

der is more common in males than in females.


Disorders Usually First Dia gnosed in Infancy, Ch ildhood, or Adolescence

Encopresis is not diagnosed until a child has reached a chronologica l age of at least 4 years (or fo r children with d evelopmental delays, a menial age of at leas t 4 years). Inadequate, inconsistent toilet training and p sychosocial stress (e.g.; entering school

or the birth of a sibling) may be predisposing factors. Two types of course have been
described: a "primary" type in which the individual has never establis hed fecal continence, and a "secondary" type in which the disturbance develops after a period of established fecal continence. Encopresis can persist w ith intermittent exacerbations for years.

Differential Diagnosis
A diagnosis of Encopresis in the presence of a general medical condition is appropriate only if tJle mechanism involves functional cons tipation . Fecal incontinence related to other general medical conditions (e.g., chronic d iarrhea, spina bifida, anal s tenosis) would not warrant a DSM-IV diagnosis of Encopresis.

Diagnostic criteria for Encopresis

A. Repeated passage of feces into in appropriate places (e .g., clothing or floo r) whether involuntary or intentional.

B. At least one such event a month for at least 3 months.

C. Chronological age is at least 4 years (or equ ivalent developmental level).

O. The behavior is not due exclusively to the direct physiolog ical effects of a substance (e.g., laxatives) or a general medical condition except th rough a mechanism involving constipation.
Code as follows:

787,6 307.7

With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence

307.6 Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

Diagnostic Features
The essential featu re of Enuresis is repeated voiding of urine during the day or at night into bed or clolhes (Criterion A). Most often this is involuntary bu t occaSionally may be intentional. To qualify for a diagnosis of Enuresis, the voiding of urine must occur at least h vice per week for at least 3 months o r else must cause clinica lly significant distress or impairment in social, academic (occupa tional), or other important areas of functioning (Criterion B). The individual mus t have reached an age at which


Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)


continence is expected (i .e., the chronological age of the child mus! be at leas t 5 years, or, for children with developmental delays, a mental age of at least 5 years) (Criterion C). The urinary incontinence is not due exclusively to the direct physiolog ica l effects of a substance (e.g., diuretics) o r a general medical condition (e.g., d iabetes, spina bifid a, a seiztue disorder) (C riterion D).

The situation in which the Enuresis occurs may be noted by one of the followin g subtypes: Nocturnal Only_ This is the most common subty pe and is defined as passage of tuine only dtuing nighttime sleep. The enuretic event typically OCCtuS during the first one-third of the nigh!. Occasionally the voiding takes place during the rapid eye movement (REM) stage of sleep, and the child may recall a dream that involved the act of urinating. Diurnal Only. This subtype is defined as the passage of tuine only durin g waking hours. Ditunal Entuesis is more common in females than in males and is WlConlffion after age9 years. Individuals w ith dhunal Enuresis can be divided into two gTOUpS. One group with "urge incontinence" has Enuresis characterized by sudden urge symptoms and detrusor instability on cystometry. Another g roup with "voiding pos tponement" consciously defer micturition tuges lmtil incontinence results, with the deferral sometimes due to a reluctance to use the toilet because of social anxiety or a preoccupation with school or play activity . Thisicltier group has a high rate of symptoms of dis ruptive behavior. The enuretic event most commonly occurs in the early afternoon on school days. Nocturnal and Diurnal This subty pe is defined as a combination of the two subtypes above.

Associated Features and Disorders

The amount of impainnent associated with Entuesis is a function of the Hmitation on the child's social activities (e.g., ineligibility for sleep-away camp) or its effect on the child's self-esteem, the degree of social ostracism by peers, and the anger, punishment, and rejection on the part of caregivers. Although most children with Enu resis do not have a coexisting mental d isorder, the prevalence of coexisting behav ioral symptoms is higher in children with Enuresis than in children without Entuesis. Developmental delays, including speech, language, learning, and motor skills delays, are also present in a portion of children with Enuresis. Encopresis, Sleepwalking Disorder, and Sleep Terror Disorder may be present. Urina ry ITact infections are more common in children with Entuesis, especially the Diurnal Type, than in those who are continent. The Enuresis commonly persists after appropriate treatment of an associated infection. A number of predisposing factors have been sugges ted, including delayed or lax toilet training, psychosocial stress, delays in the development of nonnal circadian rhythms of tuine production with resulting nocturnal polyuria or abnormalities of cent.ral vasopressin receptor sensitivity, and reduced functional bladder capacities with bladder h yperreacti vity (unstable bladder syndrome).


Disorders Usually First Diagn osed in Infancy, Ch ild hood. or Adolescence

The p revalence of Enuresis is around 5%---10% among 5-year-olds, 3%-5% among 10}'ear-olds, and arOlmd 1% among individuals age 15 years or older.

Two types of course o f Enuresis have been described: a "primary" type in which the individual has never established urinary continen ce, and a "secondary" type in which the disturbance develops after a period of established urinary continence. By definition, primary Enuresis begins at age 5 years. The most common time for the onset of secondary Enuresis is between the ages of 5 and 8 years, but it may occur at any time. After age 5 years, the ra le o f spontaneous remission is beh\'een 5% and 10% per year. Most children wilh the disorder become con tinent by adolescence, but in approxima tely 1% of cases the d isorder continues into ad ulthood .

Familial Pattern
Approximately 75% of all children w ith Enuresis have a first-degree biological relative who has had the disorder. The risk of Enuresis is five- to sevenfold grea ter in the offspring o f a parent who had a history of Enuresis. The concordance for the disord er is greater in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins. Although molecular genetic analyses have d etected lin ks to several chromosomes, no Significant associations between linkage to a chromosome in terval and type of enuresis have been identified.

Differen tial Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Enuresis is not made in the presen ce of a neurogenic bladder or the p resence of a general medical con dition that causes p olyuria or urgency (e.g., untrea ted diabetes mellitus or diabetes insipidus) or during an acu te urinary tract infection . However, a diagnosis of Enuresis is compatible with such condition s if urinary incontinence was regularly present prior to the development of the general med ica l condition or if it persists after the institu tion of appropriate treatment.

Othe r Disorders of Infa ncy, Child hood, or Adolescence


Diagnostic criteria for 307.6 Enuresis

A. Repeated voiding of urine into bed or clothes (whether involuntary or intentiona l). B. The behavior is cl inica lly significant as manifested by either a frequency of twice a week for at [east 3 consecutive months or the presence of clinically significant distress or im pairment in socia l, academic (occupational), or other important areas of functioning.
C. Chronological age is at least 5 yea rs (or equ ivalent developmental level).

D. The behavior is not due exclusively to t he direct physiological effect of a substance (e.g., a diuretic) or a general medical condition (e.g., diabetes, spina bifida, a seizure disorder).
Specify type;
Nocturnal Only Diurnal Only Nocturnal and Diurnal

Other Disorders of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Diagnostic Features

Separation Anxiety D isorder

The essential fea ture of Separation Anxiety Disorder is excessive anxiety concerning separation from the home or from those to whom the person is attached (Criterion A). This anxiety is beyond that which is expected for the individual's developmenta] level. The d isturbance m ust last for a period of at least 4 weeks (Criterion B), begin before age 18 years (Criterion C), and cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, academic (occupational), o r other important areas of functioning (Criterion D). The diagnosis is no t made if the anxiety occurs exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder or, in adolescents or adults, if it is better accoun ted for by Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia (Criterion E). Individuals with this disord er may experience recurrent excessive distress on separa tion from home or major attachment fi gures (Criterion A1). 'W hen separated from attach ment fi gures, they often need to know their whereabouts and need to stay in louch with them (e.g., by telephone caUs). Some individuals become extremely homesick and uncomfortable to the point of misery when away from home. They may yearn to retum home and be p reoccupied w ith reunion fantasi es. When separated


Disorders Usually Fi rst Diagnosed ;n Inf ancy. Child hood, or Adolescence

from major attachment figures, these individuals are often preoccupied with fea rs tha i accidents or illness will befall the attachment figures or themselves (Criterion A2). Child ren with this diso rder often express fear of being lost and never being reunited with their parents (Criterion A3). They a re often uncomfortable when tra" eiing independently away from the house or from other familia r areas and may avoid going places by themselves. They may be reluctant or refuse to attend school or camp. to visit or sleep a t friends' homes. or to go on errands (Criterion A4). These children may be unable to stay or go in a room by themselves and may display "clinging" behavior, staying close to and "shadowing" the parent a round the house or requiring someone to be with them w hen going to another room in the house (Criterion AS). Children with this disorder oflen have difficulty at bedtime a nd may insisllhal someone s tay with them unti l the}' fall asleep (Cri terion A6). During the night, the)' rna)' make their way to their parents' bed (or tha t of another significant person, such as a Sibling); if entry to the parental bedroom is barred, they may sleep outside the pare n ts' door. There may be nightmares whose content expresses the indiv idual's fears (e.g., des truction of the famil y tluough fire, murder, o r o ther catas trophe) (Cri terion A7). Physical complaints, such as s tomachaches, headaches, nausea, and vomiting are common when separation occurs or is anticipa ted (Cri lerion AS). Card iovascular symptoms such as palpitations, dizziness, and fee ling faint are rare in younger chilo dren but may occur in older indhiduals.

Early O nset. This specifier may be u sed to indica te onset of the disorde r before age 6 years.

Associated Feat ures and Ment al Disorders

Child ren with Separation An xiety Disorder tend to come from families that a re closeknit. \hen se parated from home or major attacilment figures, they may recurrently exhibit social withdrawal, apa thy, sadness, or difficulty concentrating on work or play. Depending on their age, individuals may have fears of animals, m ons ters, the dark, m uggers, burglars, kidnappers, car accidents, plane travel, and other situations that a re perceived as presenting danger to the in tegrity of the famil y or themselves. Concerns about death and dying are common. School re fusal may lead to academic difficulties and social a voidance. Children may complain that no one loves them or cares about them and tha t they wis h they were dead . When extremely upset at the prospect of separation, they may show anger or occasionally hit out at someone who is fOrcing separation. When alone, especially in the evening or the dark, young chilo dren may report unusual perceprual experiences (e.g., seeing people peering into their room, scary creatures reaching for th em, fee ling eyes s taring at them). Children with this disorder are often described as demanding, intrUSive, and in need of con s lant a ttention . The child' s excessive demands often become a source of parental frus tration, leading to resentment and conflict in the family. Sometimes, children with the disorder are described as un usu ally conscientious, com pliant, and eager to p lease. The children may have somatic complaints that result in physical examinations and medical procedures. Depressed mood. is freque ntly present and may become more per

309.2 1 Separation Anx iety Di sorder


sistent over time, jus tify ing an additional diagnosis of Dysthymic Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder in some cases. The disord er may precede the development of Panic Disorder W ith Agoraphob ia. Comorbidity with other Anxiety Disorders may be common, especia lly in clinica l settings.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

TIlere are cultural variations in the degree to which it is considered desirable to tolerate separation. It is important to differentiate Separation Anxiety Disorder from the high value some cultures place on strong interd ependence among family members. The manifestations of the disorder may vary w ith age. Younger children may not express s pecific fears of definite threats to parents, home, or themselves. As chi ldren get older, worries or fea rs are often of specific dangers (e.g ., kidnappin g, mugging) . Anxiety and anticipation o f separation become manifes t in mid-childhood . Although adolescents with this disorder, especially males, may deny anxiety about separation, it may be refl ected in their limited independent activity and reluctance to leave home. In older individuals, the disorder may limit the person's ability to h andle changes in circumstances (e.g ., moving, getting married). Adults w ith the disorder are typically overconcemed abou t their offspring and spouses and experience marked discomfort when separated from them. In clinical samples, the disorder is apparently equally common in ma les and females. In epidemiological sa mples, the disorder is more frequent in females.

Sepa ration Anxiety Disorder is not uncommon; prevalence estimates average about 4% in children and yOlmg adolescents. Separation Anxiety Disorder decreases in prevalence from childllOOd through adolescence.

Sep aration Anxiety Disorder may d evelop after some life s tress (e.g., the dea th of a relative or pet, an illness of the child or a relative, a change of schools, a move to a new neighborhood, or immigration). Onset may be as early as preschool age and may occur at an y time before age 18 years, b ut onset as late as adolescence is uncommon. Typically there are periods of exacerbation and remission. In some cases, both the afLxiety about possible separation and the avoidance of situations involving separation (e.g., away to college) may persist for many years. However, the majority of children w ith Separation Anxiety Disorder are free of impairing Anxiety Disorders at extended follow-up .

Familial Pattern
Separation Anx iety Di sorder is more common in firs t-degree b iological relatives than in the general population and is relatively more frequent in children of mothers with Panic Disorder.

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Child hood, or Adolescence

Differential Diagnosis
Separation anxiety can be an associa ted feature of Pervasive Developmental Disorders, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorders. If the symptoms of Sepa r.l tion Anxiety Disorder occu r exdusively during the course of one of these disorders, a separate diagnosis of Separation Anxiety Disorder is not given. Separation Anxiety Disorder is distinguished from Generalized Anxiety Disorder in tha t the anxiety predominantly concems separation from home and attachmen t figures. In child ren or adolescents with Separation Anxiety Disorder, threats of separation may lead to extreme anxiety and even a Panic Attack. In contrast to Panic Disorder, the anxiety concerns separation from attachment figures or from home rather than being incapacitated b y an unexpected Panic Attack. In adults, Separation Anxiety Disorder is rare and should not be given as an additional diagnosis if the separation fea rs are better accounted for by Ago raphobia in Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia or Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder. Truancy is common in Conduct Disorder, but anxiety about separation is not responsible for school absences and the child usually stays away from , rather than returns to, the home. Some cases of school refusal, especiaUy in adolescence, are due to Social Phobia or Mood Disorders rather than separation anxiety. Children with Separation Anxiety Disorder may be oppositional in the context o f being forced to separate from attachment figu res. Oppositional Defiant Disorder should be diagnosed only if there is oppositiona l behavior at times other than at times of separation or when separation is anticipated . Similarly, children w ith Separation Anxiety Disorder may become depressed while being separated or in anticipation of separation. A Depressive Diso rder should be d iagnosed only if the depression occurs at other times. Unlike the hallucinations in Psychotic Disorders, the unusual perceptual experiences in Separation Anxiety Disorder are usually based on a misperception of an actual stimulus, occur only in certain situations (e.g., nighttime), and are reversed by the p resence of an attaclunent figure. Clinical judgment must be used in distinguishin g developmentally appropriate levels of separation anxiety from the clinically significant concerns about separation seen in Sepa ration Anxiety Disorder.


Selective Mutism (f orme rly Elective Mutism)


Diagnostic criteria for 309.21 Separation Anxiety Disorder

A. Developmentally inappropriate and excessive anxiety concerning separation from home or from those to whom the individual is attached, as evidenced by three (or more) of the fo ll owing: (1) recurrent excessive distress when separation from home or major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated (2) persistent and excessive worr; about losing, or about possible harm befalling, major attachment figures (3) persistent and excessive worr; t hat an untoward event w ill lead to separation from a major attachment figure (e.g., getting lost or being kidnapped) (4) persistent reluctance or refusal to go to school or elsewhere because of fear of separation (5) persistently and excessively fearful or reluctant to be alone or without major attachment figures at home or without sign ificant adults in other settings (6) persistent reluctance or refusal to go to sleep without being near a major at tachment figure or to sleep away from home (7) repeated nightmares involving the theme of separation (8) repeated complaints of physical symptoms (such as headaches, stomachaches, nausea, or vomiting) when separation from major attachment figures occurs or is anticipated
B. The duration of the disturbance is at least 4 weeks.

C. The onset is before age 18 ye ars.

D. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, academic (occupationa l), or other important areas of functioning.

E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Develop mental Disorder, Schizophren ia, or other Psychotic Disorder and, in adolescents and adu lts, is not better accounted for by Panic Disorder Wit h Agoraphobia.
Specify if:

Early Onset: if onset occurs before age 6 years

313.23 Se lective Mutism (formerly Elective Mutism)

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Selective Mutism is the pers is tent failure to speak in specific social situations (e.g., school, w ith p la ymates) w here s peaking is expected, despite speaking in other situations (C riterion A) . The d isturbance interferes with educational or occupational achievement or w ith social co mmunication (Criterion B). The disturbance mus t las t for at least 1 m onth and is not limited to the first mon th of school (during w hich m an y children Illay be shy a nd re\uct,1 nt to speak) (Criterion C). Selec-


Disorders Usual ly First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

tive Mutism should not be diagnosed if the individual 's failure to speak is due solely to a lack of knowledge of, or comfort with, the spoken language required in the social situation (Criterion 0 ). It is also not diagnosed if the disturbance is better accounted for by embarrassment related to having a Comrnlmication Disorder (e.g., Stuttering) or if it occurs exclusively during a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia, or other Psychotic Disorder (Criterion E). Instead of communicating by standard verbalization, children w ith thi s disorder may communicate by ges tures, nodding or shaking the head, or pulling or pushing, or, in some cases, by monosyllabic, short, or monotone utterances, or in an altered voice.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated features of Selective Mutism may include excessive shyness, fear of social embarrassmen t, social isola tion and withdrawal, clinging, compulsive traits, negativism, temper tantrums, or cont rolling o r oppositional behavior, particularly at home. There may be severe impairment in social and school function ing. Teasing or scapegoating by peers is common. Although children wi th this disorder generally have normal language skills, there may occaSionally be an associated Communication Disorder (e.g., Phonological Disorder, Expressive Language Disorder, or Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder) o r a general medical condi tion that causes abnormalities of articulation. Mental Retardation, hospita lization, or extreme psychosocial stressors may be associated with the disorder. In addition, in clinical settings, children with Selective Mutism are almost always given an additional diagnosis of an Anxiety Disorder (especially Social Phobia).

Specific Culture and Gender Featu res

Immigrant children who are unfamiliar with or uncomfortable in the official language o f their new host country may refuse to speak to strangers in their new environment. This behavior should not be diagnosed as Selective Mutism. Selective Mutism is slightly more common in females than in males.

Selective Mutism is apparently rare and is found in fewer than 1% of individuals seen in mental health settings.

Onset of Selective Mutism is usually before age 5 years, bu t the disturbance may not come to clinical aUention until entry into school. The degree of persistence of the disorder is variable. It may persist for only a few months or may continue for several years. In some cases, particularly in those with severe Social Phobia, anxiety symptoms may become chronic.


Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood


Differential Diagnosis
Selective Mutism shou ld be distinguished from speech dis turbances that are better accounted for by a Communication Disorder, such as Phonological Disorder, Expressive language Disorder, Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder, or Stuttering. Unlike Selective Mu tism, the speech disturbance in these conditions is not restricted to a specific social situation. Child ren in families who have immigrated to a country where a different lan guage is sp oken may rehlse to speak the new language because of lack of knowledge of the language. U comprehension o f the new language is adequate, but refusal to speak persis ts, a diagnosis of Selective Mutism may be warranted . Individuals w ith a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schizophrenia or other Psychotic Disorder, or severe Mental Retardation may have problems in social com munication and be unable to speak appropriately in sodal situations. In contras t, Selective Mutism should only be diagnosed in a child who has an established capacity to speak in some social situations (e.g., typically at home). The social anxiety and social avoidance in Social Phobia may be associated with Selective Mutism. In such cases, both diagnoses may be given.

Diagnostic criteria for 313.23 Selective Mutism

A. Consistent fa ilure to speak in specific social situations (in which there is an expecta tion for speaking, e.g., at school) despite speaking in o ther situations. B. The disturba nce interferes wi th educational or occupational achievement or with social com m unication.
C. The duration of the disturbance is at least 1 m onth (not limited to the first month of school) .

D. The failure to speak is not due to a lack of knowledge of, or comfort with, the spoken language requ ired in t he social situation. E. The disturbance is not better accou nted for by a Commu nication Disorder (e.g., Stuttering) and does not occur exclusively during the course of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Schi zophren ia, or other Psychot ic Disorder.


Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood

Diagnostic Features
The essen tial feature of Reactive Attachment Disorder is markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relatedness in mos t contexts that beg ins before age 5 years and is associated with grossly path ological care (Criterion A). There are two types of p resentations. In the Inhibited Type, the ch ild persis tently fails to initiate and to respond to mos t social interactions in a developmentally appropriate way. The

Diso rde rs Usua lly First Diagnose d in Infancy. Chi ldh ood. o r Ado lesce nce
child shows a pattern of excessively inhibited, hyperv igilant, or highly ambivalent res ponses (e.g., fro zen watch fulness, resistance to comfort. or a m ixture of approach and avoidance) (Criterion Al ). In the Disinhibited Ty pe, there is il pattern of diffuse attachments. The child exhibits indiscrim inate sociab ility o r a lack of selectivity in the choice of attachmen t figures (Criterion A2). TI,e d isturbance is not accounted for solely by d evelopmental delay (e.g., as in Mental Retardation) and d oes not meet criteria for Pervash 'e Developmental Disorder (C riterion B). By d efinition , the condition is associated w ith grossly pathological care that may take the form of persisten t d isregard o f the child 's basic emotional needs for comfort, stimula tion, and affection (Criterion C I); persistent disregard of the child 's basic physical need s (Cri terion C2); or rep eated changes of primary caregiver that prevent formation of stable attachments (e.g., frequent chan ges in foster care) (Criterion C3). The pathological care is presumed to be responsible for the disturbed social relatedness (C riterion D).

The predominant type o f disturbance in social relatedness may be indica ted by sp ecifying one of the following subtyp es for Reacti ve Attachment Disorder: Inhi b ited Ty pe. In this su btype, the predominant d isturbance in social relatedness is the persistent failure to initiate and to respond to most social interactions in a d evelop mentally appropria te W,l y. Di sinhib ited Typ e. This subtype is used if the p redominan t distu rbance in social relatedness is ind iscriminate sociab ility or a lack of selectivity in the choice of attach men t figures.

Associated Features and Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Certain situations (e.g., prolonged h osp italization of the child, extreme poverty, or parental inexperience) may predis pose to the development of pa thological care. However, g rossly pathological care d oes n ot always result in the d evelopmen t of Reactive Attachmen t Disorder; some child ren may form stable attachments and social relationships even in the face of marked neglect or abuse. Extreme neglect- and especially institutiona l care with lim ited opportunities to form selective attachments- increases risk of d evelop ing the d isorder. Reacti ve Attachment Disorder may be associated with d evelopmental de-lays, Feeding Disorder o f Infancy or Early Ch ildhood, Pica, or Rumina tion Di sorder. Associated laboratory findings . Laboratory fi ndings consistent with maln utrition may be present. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Physical exa mination may document associated general medical conditions that are associated w ith extreme neglect (e.g ., g row th delay, evid ence of physical abuse, malnutrition, vitamin d efi ciencies, or infec tious d iseases).


React ive Atta chment Disorder of Infancy o r Ear ly Ch ild hood


Epidemiological data are limited, but Reactive Attachment Disorder appears to be very unconlmon.

Co urse
The onset of Reactive Attach ment Disorder is usually in the first several years of life and, by d efinition, begins before age 5 years. The course appears to vMy depending on individual factors in ch ild and caregivers, the severity and duration of associated psychosocial depriva tion, and the natu re of intervention . Considerable improvement or rem ission may occur if an appropriately supportive environment is provided. Otherwise, the disord er follows a continuous cou rse. Indiscriminate sociability may persist even after the child ha s developed selective attachments.

Differential Diagnosis
In Me ntal Retardation, appropriate a ttachments to caregivers usually develop consistent with the child's general d evelopmental level, and these attachments are dearly present by the time a child has a menta l age of 10 months. However, some in fants and young ch ildren with Severe Mental Retardation may p resent particular problems for caregivers and exhibit sy mptoms characteri stic of Reactive Attachment Disorder. Reactive Attachment Disorder should be diagnosed only if it is dear that the characteristic p roblems in formati on of selective attachments are not a function of the retarda tion. Reactive Attachment Disorder must be differentiated from Autistic D isorder and other Pervasive Developmental Disorders. In the Pervasive Developmental Disorders, selective attachmen ts either fa il to d evelop or are highly deviant, bu t this usually occurs in the fa ce of a reason ably supportive psychosocial environm ent. Autistic Disorder an d other Pervasive Developmental Disorders are also characterized by the presence o f a qualitative impairmen t in communication and restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior. Reactive Attachment Disord er is not diagnosed if the criteria are met fo r a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. The Inhibited Type of Reactive Attachmen t Disorder mllst be d istinguished from Social Phobia. In Socia l Phobia, the social inhib ition is apparent in socia l settings o r in anticipation of socia l encounters but does not occur with familiar caregivers in familiar settings. Socially deviant behavior in Reactive Attachment Disorder, including inhibition, is apparent across socia l contexts. The Disinhibited T}'Pe must be disting u ished from the impuls ive or hyperactive behavio r characteristic of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. In contrast to Attention-Deficit / Hyp eractivity Disorder, the disinhibited behavior in Reactive Attachment Disorder is characteristically associated with being overly familia r with or seeking comfort from an unfamiliar ad ult caregiver rather than with generally impulsive behavior. Reactive Attach ment Disorder sho uld also be differentia ted from Disrup tive Beha\' ior Disorders such as Conduct Diso rd er and Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The term "affectionless psychopath" has been used to describe children w ho were

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy,


Chi ld hood, or Adolescence

raised in settings thai limited opportunities for the child to d evelop selective attach ments (e.g., institutions) and who exhibited a pattern of antisocial and aggressive beha vior, inability to form lasting relationships with adults, and miscellaneous symptoms slich as enuresis and s tereotypies. Nevertheless, no direct link between Reactive Attach ment Disorder and "a ffectionless psychopathy" has been established.

Disturbances of attachment in the early years may increase the risk for antisocial behaviors in later childhood and adolescence, but antisocial behaviors are not necessarily signs of Reactive Attachment Disorder. Grossly pa thogenic care is a defining feature of Reactive Attachment Disorder. An additional notation of Child Abuse, Child Neglect, or Parent-Child Relational Problem may be warranted. When grossly pathogenic care docs not result in marked disturbances in social relatedness, Child Neglect or Parent-Child Relational Problem may be noted rather than Reactive Attachment Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood
A. Markedly disturbed and developmentally inappropriate social relatedness in most contexts, beginning before age 5 years, as evidenced by either (1) or (2): (1) persistent failure to initiate or respond in a developmentally appropriate fashion to most social interactions, as manifest by excessively inhibited, hypervigilant, or highly ambiva lent and contradictory responses (e .g., the child may respond to caregivers with a mixture of approach, avoidance, and resistance to comforting, or may exhibit frozen watchfulness) (2) diffuse attachments as manifest by indiscriminate sociabi lity with marked inability to exhibit appropriate selective attachments (e.g., excessive familiarity with relative strangers or lack of selectivity in choice of attachment figures) B. The disturbance in Criterion A is not accounted for solely by developmenta l delay (as in Mental Retardation) and does not meet criteria for a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
C. Pathogenic care as evidenced by at least one of the following:

(1) persistent disregard of the chi ld's basic emotional needs for comfort, stimulation, and affection (2) persistent disregard of the child's basic physical needs (3) repeated changes of primary caregiver that prevent formation of stable attachments (e.g., frequ e nt changes in foster care) D. There is a presumption that the care in Criterion C is responsible for the disturbed behavior in Criterion A (e.g., the disturbances in Criterion A began following the pathogenic care in Criterion C).
Specify type:

Inhibited Type: if Criterion A 1 predominates in the clinica l presentation Disinhibited Type : if Criterion A2 predominates in the clinical presentation

307.3 Ste re otypic Movement Disord e r (fo rmerly Ste re otypy! Habit Disord er)

307. 3 Stereot ypic Movement Di so rder (formerly Stereotypy/Habit Disorder)

Diag nostic Featu res
The essen tial feature of Stereotyp ic Movement Disord er is motor behavior tha t is repetitive, often seemingly d riven , and nonfunctional (Criterion A). This motor behavior markedly in terferes with n ormal activi ties or results in self-in flicted bodily injury that is significant enough to require medical treatmen t (or would result in such injury if protective measures w ere not used) (Criterion B). If Men tal Retardation is present, the stereotypic or self-injurious behavior is sufficiently severe to become a focus of treatment (Criterion C). The behavior is not better accoun ted fo r by a compulsion (as in Obsessive-Comp ulsive Disord er), a tic (as in the Tic Disorders), a stereotypy that is part o f a Pervasive Develo pmen tal Disord er, or hair pulling (as in Trichoti llomania) (Criterion D). The behavior is also not due to the direct physiological effects o f a substance or a general medica l condition (Criterion E). The motor behaviors must persist for at least 4 weeks (Criterion F). The stereoty pic movements may include hand waving , rocking, playing with hands, fiddling w ith fingers, twirling objects, h ead banging, self-biting,or hitting various parts of one's own body. Sometimes U,e ind ividual u ses an object in performing these behaviors. The behaviors may cause permanen t and disabling tissue damage and m ay sometimes be life-threatening. For instance, severe head bang ing or hitting may lead to cuts, bleed ing, infection, retinal detachment, and blindness.

Speci f iers
The clin ician m ay sped1y With Self-I njurious Behavio r if the behavior resu lts in bodily damage that requires specific treatment (or that would resu lt in bodily damage if p rotective measures were n ot used).

Associated Features an d Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. n 'e individual (especially an indiv idual wi th Lesch-Nyhan syndrome) may d evelop methods of self-restraint (e.g., ho lding hands inside shirts, trousers, or in pockets) to attempt to control the selfinjurious behavio rs. ,"" h en the self-restrain t is interfered with, the behaviors return. If the behaviors are extreme or repulsive to others, there may be p sychosocial complications d ue to the in dividu al's exclusion from social and communi ty activities. Stereotypic Movement Disorder occurs most commonly in association with Mental Retarda tion. The more severe the reta rdation, the higher the risk fo r self-inju rious beha\'iors. The disorder can also occur in non-developm entally delayed populations (e.g., indiv idua ls with bod y rocking associa ted w ith General ized Anxiety Disorder). This d isorder may also occur in association with severe sensory deficits (blindness and dea fness) and may be more common in institutional environm ents in wh ich the individual receives insufficient stimulation. Self-injurious behaviors occur in certain general medical conditions associated w ith Mental Retardation (e.g., fragil e X syn-


Diso rders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Chi ldhood, or Adolescence

drome, Down syndrome, de Lange syndrome, and especially Lesch-Nyhan syndrome, which is characterized by severe self-biting).
Associated laboratory findings. If there is self-injury, the laboratory findings will refl ect its nature and se ve rity (e.g., anemia may be p resent if the re is a chronic blood

loss fro m self-inflicted rectal bleeding).

As sociated phys ical examination findings and general medical conditions. Signs of chron ic tissue damage may be present (e.g., bruises, bite marks, cuts, scratches, skin infections, rectal fissures, foreign bodies in bodily orifices, visu al impairment

due to eye gouging or traumatic cataract, and fractures or deformed bones). In less
severe cases, there may be a dlronic skin irri tation o r calluses from biting, pinching, scratching, or sa liva smearing.

Specifi c Age a nd Ge nde r Features

Self-injuriou s behaviors occur in ind ivid uals of all ages. There are ind ications that head banging is more prevalent in males (with about a 3:1 ratio), and self-biting may be more prevalent in fem ales.

Preva le nce
There is limited in formation on the prevalence of Stereotypic Movement Disorder. The estimates o f prevalence of self-injuriOUS behaviors in indi viduals w ith Mental Retardation vary from 2% and 3% in child ren and adolescen ts lhring in the community to approximately 25% in adults with severe or pro fo und Men tal Retardation living in institutions.

There is no typica l age at onset or pattern of onset for Stereot),pic Movement Disorder. The onset may follo w a stressful environmental even t. In nonverbal individuals with Severe Mental Retarda tion, stereotypic m ovements may be triggered by a painhli general med ical condition (e.g., a middle ear infection leading to head banging). The stereotypic movements often pea k in adolescence and then may g radually decline. However, esp ecially in individuals with Severe or Profound Mental Retardation, the movements may p ersist for years. The focus of these behaviors oft en changes (e.g., a person may engage in hand bi ting that may then subside and head hitting may emerge).

Diffe re nti a l Diagnosis

Stereotypic m ovements m ay be associated with Men tal Retardati on, especially for individuals in nonstimulating environments. Stereot),pic Movement Disorder should be diagnosed only in indi viduals in whom the stereotypic or self-injurio us behavior is of sufficient severity to become a focus of treatmen t. Repetitive stereotyp ed movements are a characteristic feature of Pervasive Developm en tal Disorders. Stereot)'p-

307.3 Stereotypic Movement Disorder (f ormer ly Stereotypy! Habit Disorder)

ic Movemen t Disorder is not diagnosed if the s tereotypies aTe better accounted for by a Pervas ive Developmental Disorder. Compuls ions in ObsessiveCom pulsive Disorder are generaUy more complex and ritualistic and are performed in response to an obsession or according to rules that must be applied rig idly. Differentiating the com plex movemen ts charncteristic of Stereotypic Movement Disorder from s imple tics (e.g., eye blinking) is relntively straightforward. HoweVer, differentiating Stereo typic Movement Disorder from co mpl ex molor tics ca n be quile d iffi cult, given the similarities be h\'een the h\'o in terms of intentionality, rhythmicity, and drivenness. In Trichotillomania, by definition, the repetitive behavior is limited to hair pulling. The self-induced injuries in Stereotypic Movement Disorder should be di stinguished from Factitious Disorder With Predomin antly Physical Signs an d Symptoms, in which the motivation of the self-injury is to assume the s ick role. Self-mutilation associated with certain Psychoti c Disord ers and Person ality Disord ers is p remeditated, complex, and sporadic and has a meaning for the individual within the context of the underly ing, severe mental disorder (e.g., is the resu lt of delus ional thinking). Involunta.ry movements associated w ith neuro logical conditions (such as Huntington's disease) usually follow a typical pattern, and the signs and symptoms of the neurological condition are present. Tard ive D yskines ia us ually results from chronic neuroleptic use and consis ts of characteris tic orofadal dyskinesias or, less commonly, irregular truncal o r limb movements. In add ition, these ty pes of movements do not result in direct self-injury. Developm entall y appropriate self-stimulatory behaviors in young children (e.g., thumb s ucking, rocki ng, and head banging) a re us ually self-limited and rarely result in tissue damage requiring treahnent. Self-directed behaviors in individu als with sensory deficits (e.g., blindness) a rc repetitive and s tereotyped but usually do not result in d ysfunction or in self-injury. Many people engage in repetitive b ehaviors for variou s reasons (practicing to improve a motor skill, cult urally sanctioned practices). In con trast to Stereotypic Movemen t Disorder, these behaviors do not interfere w ith norma l activities nor do they result in self-injury .

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence

Diagnostic criteria for 307.3 Stereotypic Movement Disorder


Repetitive, seeming ly d riven, and nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand shaking or waving, body rocking, head banging, mouthing o f objects, se lf-bit ing, pick ing at skin o r bodily orifi ces, hitting own body).

B. The behavior markedly interferes with normal activities or results in self-inflicted bodily injury that requires medical treatment (or would result in an injury if preventive measures were not used).
C. If Menta l Retardation is present, the st ereotypic or self-injurious behavior is o f suHicient severity to become a focus of treatment.

D. The behavior is not better accounted for by a compulsion (as in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), a tic (as in Tic Disorder), a stereotypy that is part of a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, o r hair pulling (as in Trichot illomania).

E. The behavior is not due to the direct physiolog ical eHects of a su bstance or a general medical condition.
F. The behavior persists for 4 weeks or longer.
Specify if:

With Self-Injurious Behavior: if t he behavior results in bod ily damage that requires specific treatment (or that would result in bodily damage if protective measures were not used)

313.9 Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence Not Otherwise Specified

This category is a residual category for disorders with onset in infancy, childhood, or adolescence that do not meet criteria for any specific disorder in the Classification.

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

section includes Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic Disorders, and Cognitive Disorder Not O thenvise Specified . The predominant disturbance is iI clinically signi ficant deficit in cognition that represents a significant change from a p revious level of fun ctioning. For each disorder in this section, the etiology is either a general medical condition (a llhough the specific general medical condition may not be identifiable) or a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, med ication, or toxin), or a combination of these fac tors. Ln DSM-ITI-R, these di sorders w ere placed in a section titled "Organic Mental Syndromes and Disorders," The term orgnll;c //II!/lfal disorder is no longer used in DSM-IV because it incorrectly implies that "nanorganic" mental disorders do not have a bio logica l basis. In DSMIV, disorders formerly ca lled "organic mental disorders" have been grou ped into three sections: 1) Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders; 2} ~'I en ta l Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition; and 3} Substance--Related Disorders. A delirium is characterized by a disturbance of consciou sn ess and a change in cog nition that develop over a short period of time. The disorders included in the "Delir ium" section are listed according to presumed etiology: Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition, Substancelnduced Delirium (i.e., due to a drug of abuse, a med ication, or toxin exposure), Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies, or Delirium Not O th em'ise Specified (if the etiology is indeterminate). A dementia is characterized by multiple cognitive defici ts that include impairment in memory. The dementias are also listed according to presumed etiology: Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Vascular Dementia, Dementia Due to O ther General Medi ca l Conditions (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus (HTV] disease, head trauma, Parkinson's disease, Hunting ton 's disease), Substancelnduced Persisting Dementia (i.e., due to a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure), Demen tia Due to Multiple Etiologies, or Dementia Not Otherw ise Specified (i f the etiology is indeter minate). An amnestic disorder is characterized by memory impairment in the absence of other significant accompanying cognitive impairments. The disorders in the" Amn es tic Disorders" section also are listed according to presumed etiology: Amnestic Dis order Due to a General Medica l Condition, Substance lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, or Amnestic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified .




Delirium, Deme nti a, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

Cognitive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is for presentations that a re characterized by cognitive dyshmction presumed to be du e to either a general medica l condition or substance use tha t do not meet criteria for any of the disord ers lis ted elsewhere in this scction. Introd uctory text is provided that discusses the genera] features for each group of disorders, rega rdless of e tiology. This is follo wed by text and criteria for each disorder with specific etiol ogy.

The disorders in the "Delirium " section share a common symptom presentation of a disturbance in consci ousness and cognition, but are d ifferentiated based on etiology: Delirium Due to a Ge neral Medical Cond ition, Substance-Induced Delirium (induding medication side effects), and Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies. In addition, Delirium Not Othenvise Specified is induded in this section for presentations in which the clinician is unable to determine a specific etiology for the d eli rium.

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of a delirium is a disturbance of consciousness that is accompanied by a change in cognition that cannot be better accounted for by a p reexisting or evolving dementia. The disturbance develops over a short period of time, usually hours to days, and tends to fl uctuate during the course of the day. There is evidence from the his tory, physical examination, or laboratory tests tha t the delirium is a direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition, Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal, u se of a medication, or toxin exposure, or a combination of these factors. The dis turbance in consciousness is manifeste d by a reduced clarity of awareness of the environment. The ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention is impaired (Criterion A). Ques tions must be repeated because the individual's attention wanders, or the individual may perseverate w ith an answer to a previous question rather than appropriately s hift attention. The person is easily dis tracted by irrelevant stimuli. Because of these problems, it may be difficult (or impossible) to engage the person in conversation. There is an accompanying change in cognition (which may include memory impaimlent, disorientation, or lang uage dis turbance) o r d evelopment of a perceptual distu rbance (Criterion B). Memory impairment is most commonly evident in rffent memory and can be tested by asking the person to remember several unrelated objects or a brief sentence, and then to repeat them after a few minutes of dis traction . Disorientation is u sually manifested by the indiv idual's being disoriented to time (e.g., thinking it is morning in the middle of the night) or being disoriented to place (e.g., thinking he or s he is home rather than in a hospital). In mild delirium, disorientation to time may be the first symptom to appear. Disorientation to self is less common. Speedl or language disturbances may be evident as d ysarthria (i.e., the impaired ability to articulate), d ysnomia (i.e., the impaired ability to name objffts),



dysgraphia (i.e., the impaired ability to write), or even aphasia. In some cases, speech is rambliJlg and irrelevant, in o thers pressured and incoherent, with unpredictable switching from subject to subject. It may be difficult for the clinician to assess for changes in cognitive fun ction because the individual may be inattentive and incoher ent. Under these circumstances, it is helpful to review carefull y the individual's history and to obtain information from other informants, particularly family members. Perceptual d isturbances may include misin terpretations, illusions, or hallucina tions. For example, the banging of a d oor may be mistaken for a gunshot (misinter pretation); the folds of the bedclothes may appear to be animate objects (i llusion); or the person may "see" a g roup of people hovering o\'er the bed when no one is actu ally there (hallucination). Although sensory misp erceptions are most commonly vi sua!, they may occur in other sensory modalities as well, such as aud itory, tactile, gustatory, and olfactory. Misperceptions range from simple and uniform to highly complex. The individual may have a delusional conviction of the reality o f the hallu dnations and exhibit emotional and behav ioral responses consistent with their content. The disturbance d evelops over a short period of time and tends to flu ctuate during the course of the day (Criterion C) . For example, during morning hospital rounds, the person may be coherent and coopera tive, but at night might insist on pulling out in travenous lines and going home to parents who died years ago.

Associated Features and Diso rders

Delirium is often associated with a disturbance in the sleepwake cycle. This di stur bance can include day time sleepiness or nighttime agitation and difficulty falling asleep or excessive sleepiness throughout the day o r wakefulness throughout the night. In some cases, complete reversal of the nightday sleep wake cycle can occur. Delirium is frequently accompanied by disturbed p sychomotor behavior. Many individuals with delirium are restless or hyperactive. Manifestations of increa sed psycho-motor activity may include groping or picking at the bedclothes, attempting to get out of bed when it is unsafe or untimely, and sudden movements. On the other hand , the individual may show decreased psychomotor activity, with sluggish ness and lethargy that approach stupor. Psychomotor activity often sh ifts from one extreme to the other over the course of a day. 'Nhile h yperactive, the individ ual is more likely to show ev idence of hallucinations, delusions, and agitation, whereas in hypoactive states, the individual is less likely to show evidence of hallucinations, delusions, or other perceptual disturba nces. Comparable levels of cognitive impairmen t have been observed w ith both the hyp eractive and the hypoacti ve states. The individua l may exhibit emotional d isturbances such as anxiety, fear, depres sion, irritability, anger, euphoria, and apathy. There may be rapid and unpredictable shifts from one emotional state to another, although some individuals w ith deliri um have a con stant emotional tone. Fear often accompanies threa tening hallucinations or transient delusions. If fear is marked , the person may a ttack those who are falsely per ceived as threatening . Injuries may be su stained from falling ou t of bed o r trying 10 escape while attached to intravenous lines, respiratory tubes, urinary catheters, or other medical equipment. The disturbed emotional state may also be evident in caU ing out, scream ing, cursing, muttering, moaning, or other sounds. TIlese behaviors

Delirium. Dement ia. and Amnest ic a nd Other Cog nitive Disorders are especially prevalent at night and under conditions in wh ich stimulation and en vironmental cues are lacking. Impaired judgment may interfere with proper medical treatment. Depending on the etiology. delirium can be associated with a number of nonspecific neurological abnormalities. such as tremor. myoclonus, asterixis, and refl ex o r muscle tone changes. In addition to labora tory findings that are characteristic of associa ted or etiological general medical conditions (or intoxication or withdrawal stales), the EEG is typically abnormal, showing generalized slowing. Fast activity is occasionall}' found, for example. in some cases of Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium.

Specific Cu lture, Age, and Gender Features

Cultu ral and educational background should be taken into consideration in the eval uation of an ind ividual's mental capacity. Individuals from certain backgrounds rna)' not be fa miliar with the info rmation used in certain tests of general know ledge (e.g., names of presidents, geographica l knowledge), memory (e.g . date of birth in cultures that do not routinely celebrate birthdays), and ori entation (e.g . sense of placement and location may be conceptualized. differen tly in some cultures). Children may be particularly susceptible to delirium compared with adults (other than the elderly), especially when it is related to febrile illnesses and certain medica tions (e.g . anticholinergics). This is perhaps due to their immature b rain development and phYSiological differences. In child ren. delirium may be mistaken for uncoopera tive behavior. and eliciting the distinctive cognitive signs may be difficult. If fa miliar figures cannot soothe the child, this may be suggestive of delirium. The elderly are also especially susceptible to d elirium compared with younger adults. perhaps because of physiological differences. Increasing age in adults is associated with higher rates of d elirium even after controlling for other risk fa cto rs. Male gender appears to be an independen t risk facto r for delirium in elderly individuals.

Pre valence
The point prevalence of delirium in the general population is 0.4% in adults age 18 years and older and 1.1% in those age 55 and older. The point p revalence of delirium in the hospitalized medically ill ranges from 10% to 30%. In the hospitalized elderly. /0-40% may be about 100/0-15% are reported to exhibit d elirium on ad m ission. and 10 diagnosed with delirium while in the hospital. Up to 60% of nursing home residents age 75 years and older may be delirious at any g iven time. As many as 25% of hospi talized cancer patients and 30%- 40% of hospitalized AIDS patients develop delirium during their hosp italization. Up to 80% of those w ith tenninal illness d evelop d eliri urn near death. The ra te of delirium in these populations depends greatly on the na ture of their associated general medical conditions and surgical procedures.

The symptoms of delirium usually develop over hours to days, although in some individuals they may begin abruptly (e.g . after a head injury). More typicali}', prod romal symptoms. such as restlessness. anxiety, irritability, d isorientation. distracti


139 \

bili ty, or sleep dis turbance, prog ress to fuU ~blown delirium within a 1- to 3-day period . The delirium may resolve in a few hours to days, or symptoms may persist for weeks to months, particularl), in elderly individuals and individuals w ith coexis ting dementia. If the underlying etiologica l fac tor is promptly corrected or is selflimited, recovery is more likely to be complete and more rapid . lndividuals with beller premorbid cognitive and physical functioning have better recovery from delirium . Those with previous episodes of delirium may be at increased ris k for recurrent symptoms. While the majority of individuals have a full recover}', delirium may progress to stupor, coma, seizures, or death, particularly if the underly ing cause is untreated. Full recovery is less likely in the elderly, with estimated rates of full recovery by the time of hospital discharge varying from 4% to 40%. Many symptoms w ill not have resolved by 3-6 months after discharge. Persistent cogniti\'e deficits are also common in elderly indi viduals recovering from delirium, although s uch deficits may be due to preexisting dementia that was not full y appreciated. Being admitted to a hospital from home (as opposed to from an institutional setting) is related to a higher rate of improvement in mental s tate. Delirium in the medically ill is associated w ith significant morbidity. Medically ill individuals with delirium, particularly the elder!y, have Significantly increased ris k of medical complications, s uch as pneumonia and decubitus ulcers, resulting in l ong~ er duration of hospital stays. Delirium is also associated with increased functional decline and risk of institutional placemenl. Hospitalized patients 65 yea rs or older with delirium have three times the risk of nursing home placement and about three times the functional decline as hospitalized patients without delirium at both discharge and 3 months pos tdiscllarge. In postoperative patients, delirium is a harbinger o f limited recovery and poor l o ng~ term outcome and is often associa ted with increased risk for postoperative complications, longer postoperative recuperation periods, longer hos~ pi tal stays, and increased long-tenn disability. Deli rium in the medically iU is a Iso associa ted with increased mortali ty. Elderly individuals who develop delirium during a hospitalization may have up to a 200/..-75% chance of d ying during that hospitalization . Patients who develop deliriunl during a hospitalization also have a very high death rate during the months following discharge. Up to 15% of elderly patients with delirium die within a I -mon th period and up to 25% die w ithin a 6-month period after discharge. Other risk factors, such as type of illness, illness severity, preex is ting cogniti ve impairment, and age, contribute significantly to th is association. Patients w ith malignancies and delirium have a partic~ ularly high mortality rate both in~hospita l and after d ischarge co mpared with patients w ith malignancies w ho do not also have delirium.

Differential Dia gnosis

The most common differential diagnostic issue is whether the person has a dementia rather than a d eliriunl, has a d elirium alone, or has a delirium s uperimposed on a preexisting dementia. Memory impairment is common to both a delirium and a dementia, but the p erson with a dementia alone is alert and d oes not have the disturbance in consciousness that is characteristic of a d elirium. The temporal onset and course of cognitive impainnents are helpful in dis tinguis hing between delirium and dementia.

1 140

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

In delirium the onset of symptoms is much more rapid (i.e., usually over hours to days), whereas in dementia the onset is typically more gradual or insidious. Delirium

symp tom severity characteristically fl uctuates during a 24-hour period, whereas dementia symptom severity generally does not. When symptoms of a delirium are present, information h om family members, other caretakers, or medical records may
be helpful in d etermining whether the sym p toms o f a dementia were preexis ting. Coding of a delirium superimposed on the different types of d ementias is discussed under " Reco rd ing Procedures" for each type of deli rium. The presumed etiology determines the s pecific deli rium d iagnosis (text and criteria for each d eli rium d iagnosis are provided separately later in this section). If it is judged that the d elirium is a consequence o f the direct p hysiological effects of a general medica l condition, then Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition is diagnosed . If the d elirium results h om the d irect phYSiological effects of a d rug of abuse, then Substan ce Intoxication Delirium or Su bstance Withdrawal Delirium is d iagnosed , d epending on whether the d elirium occurred in associa tion w ith Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal.lf the delirium resu lts fro m medication use or toxin exp osure, then Substance-Indu ced Delirium is d iagnosed. It is not uncommon for the delirium to be due to both a general medical condition and substance (including medication) use. This m ay be seen, for example, in an eld erly individual w ith a serio us general medical cond ition that is being treated w ith multiple medications. \hen there is more than one etiology (e.g., both a substance and a general medical cond ition), Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies is d iagnosed . If it is not possible to establish a sp ecific etiology (i.e., substance induced or due to a general medical condition), Delirium Not Othenvise Specified is diagnosed . The diagnosis of Substance Intoxica tion Delirium o r Substance Withdrawal Deliriwn is made instead o f Substance In toxication or Substance Withdrawal on ly if the symp toms of the delirium are in excess of those usually associated w ith the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome and are sufficiently severe to warrant indep endentclinical attention. Even in individuals with obvio us signs of intoxication or w ithd rawal, other p ossible causes of the delirium (i.e., Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition) must not be overlooked. For example, a head injury that occurs as a result o f falls o r figh ting during intoxication may be resp onsible for the d elirium. Deli riwn that is characteri zed by vivid ha llucina tions, d elusions, language disturbances, and agitation must be d istinguished from Brief Psychotic Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, and oth er Psychotic Disorders, as well as from Mood Disorders With Psychotic Features. In d elirium, the p sychotic symp toms are frag mented and u nsystematized. Delirium that is ch aracterized by mood changes and anxiety must also be d istinguished from Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. Finally, delirium associated with fear, anxiety, and dissociative symptoms such as d epersonalization must be distinguished from Acu te Stress Diso rder, whkh is precip itated by exposure to a severely traumatic event. Psychotic, mood , anxiety, and d.issocia tive symptoms associated with delirium typically flu ctuate, occur in the context of a red uced ability to appropriately m aintain and shift attention, and are usually associated w ith EEG abnormalities. There is o ften memory impairmen t and disorientatio n in d elirium, but generally not in these other disorders. Finally, in delirium, the person generally shows evidence of an underlyin g general med ical condition, Substance intoxication or Withdrawal, o r medication u se.


Deliri um Due to a General Med ica l Con dition


Delirium must be distinguished from Malingering and from Factitiou s Disorder. This distinction is made based on the often atypical presentation in Malingering and Factitious Disorder and the absence of a general medical condition or s ubstance that is etiologically related to the apparent cognitive d isturbance. Individuals may presen t with some but not all symptoms of delirium. Subsyndroma l presentations need to be carefully assessed because they may be harbingers of a full -blown delirium or may signal an as yet undiagnosed underlying general medical condition . Such presentations should be coded as Cogn itive Disorde r Not O then vise Specified.

2 9 3 .0 Delirium Due to a General Medical Co n dition

Diagn ostic and Associat e d Fe atu res
The descriptive features of Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition (Criteria AC) are discussed on pp. 136-137. In addition, to diagnose Delirium Due to a General ~'Iedical Condition, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the cognitive disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (Criterion D). In determining whether the delirium is due to a general medical condition, the clinioan must first establish the p resence of a general medical condi tion . Further, the clinician mus t establish that the delirium is etiologically related to the general medical condition. A careful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible guidelines, several considerations provide some g uidance in this area. One consideration is the presence of a temporal association between the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condition and that of the delirium. Evidence from the literature that suggests that there can be a direct association behveen the general medical condition in questionand the develop ment of a deliriu m can provide a u sefu l context in the assessment ofa particular situation. In addition, the clinician must also judge tha t the d is turbance is not better accounted for by a Substance-Induced Delirium o r a primary mental disorder (e.g., a Manic Episode). This determination is explained in greater detail in the "Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition" section (po 181 ). Delirium can be associated with many different general medical conditions, each of which has characteristic physical examination and laboratory findings . In systemic illnesses, focal neurological signs are not usually found . Various forms of tremor may be present. Asterixis, a flapping movement of the hyperextended hands, was originaUy described in hepatic encephalopathy bu t may also be found in association with other causes of delirium. Signs of autonomic hyperactivity (e.g ., tachycardia, sweating. flushed face, dilated pupils, and elevated blood pressure) coounonly occur. In addition to labora tory findings th at are characteristic of etiological general medical conditions (or intoxicat ion or withdrawal states), the EEG is generaUy abnormal, showing either generalized slowing or fast activity .

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

Recording Proced ures

In recording the diagnosis of Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition, the clini-

cian should note both the delirium and the identified general medical condition judged to be causing the disturbance on Axis I (e.g., 293.0 Delirium Due to Hypoglycemia). The ICD--9-CM code for the general medical condition shou ld also be noted on Axis ill (e.g., 251.2 hypog lycemia.) (See Appendix G for a list of selected ICD-9-CM d iagnostic codes for general medical conditions.) When the delirium is superimposed on a preexisting dementia, both diagnoses should be made (e.g., 294.11 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Behavioral Disturbance, and 293.0 Delirium Due to Hyponatremia). Since Alzheimer's disease is not an established etiology for delirium but only a risk factor, the etiology of any delirium superimposed on Alzheimer's disease must be determined. Because of ICD-9-CM coding requirements, delirium superimposed on Vascular Dementia is noted by coding the appropriate subtype of the dementia (e.g., 290.41 Vascular Dementia, With Delirium). In situations in which it is unclear whether the cognitive deficits are due to delirium or to dementia, it may be useful to make a provisional diagnosis of delirium and observe the person ca refully while continuing efforts to identify the nature of the disturbance.

Associ at ed General Med ical Cond itions

General medical conditions associated with delirium include central nervous system disorders (e.g., head trauma, ictal and postictal states, vascular diseases such as stroke and hypertensive encephalopathy, degenerative diseases such as Pick's disease, infection, brain tumor), metabolic disorders (e.g., renal or hepatic disease, fluid or electrolyte imbalance such as dehydration, sodium or potassium imbalance, anemia, hypoxia, hypercarbia, hypoglycemia, thiamine d efi ciency, hypoalbuminemia, endocrinopathy, acid-base imbalance), cardiopulmonary di sorders (myocardia l infarction, congestive heart failure, ca rdiac arrhythmia, shock, respiratory failure), and systemic illness or effects (e.g., infection such as septicemia, pneumonia, and urinary tract infection; neoplasm; severe trauma; sensory deprivation such as visual and hearing impairment; temperature dysregulation; postoperative state). Certain focal lesions o f the right parietal lobe and inferomedial surface of the ocdpitaJ lobe also may lead to a delirium.

Differential Diag nosis

See p. 139 for a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of delirium.

Substance- Induced Del irium


Diagnostic criteria for 293.0 Delirium Due to [Indicate the General Medical Condition]

A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e., reduced clarity of awareness of the environment) with redu ced abil ity to focus, sust ain, or shift attention . B. A cha nge in cognition (such as memory deficit, disori entation, language disturbance) or the development of a perceptual disturbance t hat is not better account ed for by a preexisti ng, established, or evolvi ng dementia .


The disturbance develops over a short period of time (usually hours to days) and tends to f luctuate during the course of the day.

D. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is caused by the direct physiological consequences of a general medical condition.
Coding note: If delirium is superimposed on a preexisting Vascular Dementia, indicate the deli rium by coding 290.41 Vascular Dementia, With Delirium. Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis I, e.g., 293.0 Deli rium Due to Hepatic Encephalopathy; also code the general medical condition on Axis III (see Appendix G for codes) .

Substance-Induced Delirium
Diagnostic and Associated Featu res
The descriptive features of Substance-lnduced Deli rium (Criteria A-C) are discussed on pp. 136-137. In addition, to diagnose Substance-Induced Delirium, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings of Substance In toxication or ' ''' ithdrawal, m edication side effects, or toxin exposure judged to be etiolog ically related to the delirium (Criterion D). A d elirium that occurs during Substance intoxication is diagnosed as Substance Intoxication Delirium, and a delirium tha t occurs during Substance Withdrawal is d iagnosed as Substance Withdrawal Delirium. A delirium that is associated with medication sid e effects or toxin exposu re is diagnosed as Substance-Induced Delirium (see criteria set for Substance Intoxication Delirium, p. 145). Delirium tha t occurs during Substance Intoxication usually arises within minutes to hours after taking relati vely high doses of certain drugs such as cannabis, cocaine, and hallUCinogens. However, onset can also be delayed for some substances that can accumulate over time because they ha ve long half-lives (e.g., diazepam). Usually the delirium resolves as the intoxication ends or w ithin a few hours to days. However, the duration may be longer after intoxication with phencyclidine and might persist for longer periods for individuals w ith brain damage, in the elderly, and in individuals ta king combinations of substan ces. The time between taking a substance and onset of intoxication Delirium may be shorter in individuals having p oor clearance (e.g., due to renal or hepatic d isease).

Deli r ium. Dementia. and Amnestic and Ot her Cog nitive Disorders

Delirium that is associated wi th Substance Withdrawa l develops as tissue and fluid concentrations of the substance d ecrease after reduction or termination of sustained. usually high-dose use of alcohol or sedative. hypnotic. or anxiolytic d rugs. In indiv idua ls haV ing poor cleara nce, experiencing drug interactions, or taking combinations of substances. Substance Withdrawal Delirium can occur after the reduction or termination of lower doses. The duration of the delirium tends to va ry with the half-life of the substance invol ved: longer-acting substances usually are associa ted with more protracted withdrawal. Substance Withdrawal Delirium may continue for only a few hou rs or may persist for as long as 2-4 weeks. Thi s diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance \<\Iithdrawal only when the cognitive symptoms are in excess of those usua lly associated with the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently se\'ere to warrant independent clinical attention . For a more detailed discussion of the fearures associa ted wilh Substance-Rela ted Disorders, see p. 191.

Reco rdi ng Procedures

A diagnosis of Substance-Induced Delirium begins with the name of the specific substance (rather than the class of substances) that is presumed to be causing the delirium (e.g . "Dia zepam" rather than "Sedative. Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic"). The diagnostic code is selected from the listing of classes of substances provided in the criteria set. For substances that do not fi t into any of the classes (e.g., digitalis), the code for "Other Substance" should be used. In addition. for medications p rescribed at therapeutic d oses. the specific medication can be indicated by listing the appropriate E--<:ode (see Appendix G). For substances that produce intoxication or w ithdrawal, the name of the substance is followed by the context in whidl th e symptoms developed (e.g., 292.81 Dextroamphetamine Intoxication Delirium; 291.0 Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium). For medication side effects and toxin exposure, the term " -Induced " is used (e.g . 292.81 Digita lis-Induced Delirium). When more th an one substance is judged to p lay a significant role in the development of the d elirium, each shou ld be listed separately. If a substance is judged to be the etiological factor bu t the specific substance or class of substances is unknown. the diagnosis is 292.81 Unknown SubstanceInd uced Delirium.

Specific Substa nces

S ubstan ce lntoxica tion Delirium can occur with the follOWing classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamines and related substances; cannabis; cocaine; hall ucinogens; inhalants; opioids; phencyclidine and related substances; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. Substance Withdrawal Delirium can occu r wi th the following classes of substances: alcohol (often called "delirium tremens"); sedatives, h ypnotics. and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. Medications reported to cause delirium include anesthetics, analgesics, antiasthmatic agents. anticonvulsants, antihistamines, antihyp ertensive an d cardiovascular medications, antimicrobials. antipar kinsonian drugs, corticosteroids, gastrointestinal medications, histamine H 2-receptor antagonists (e.g ., cimetidine), immunosuppres-

Substance-Induced Delirium


sive agenls, lithium, mu scle relaxants, and psychotropic m edications w ith anticholinergic s ide e ffects. Toxins reported to cause delirium include o rganophosphate (an ticholinesterase), insecticides, carbon monoxide, and volatile subs tances s uch as fuel or organic solvents.

Dlffe renti al Diag nosis

See p. 139 fo r a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of de lirium and p. 207 for
a discuss ion of the differential diagnosis of Subs tance Intoxication and Withdrawal.

Diagnostic criteria for Substance Intoxication Delirium

A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e., reduced clarity of awareness of the environment) with reduced ability to focus, sustai n, or shift attention.

B. A change in cognition (such as memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance) or the development of a perceptual disturbance that is not better accounted fo r by a preexisting, established, o r evolving dementia.


The disturbance develops over a short pe riod of time (usually hours to days) and tends to fluctuate during the course of the da y.

D. There is evidence fro m the history, physica l examination, or labo ratory findings of either (1) o r (2):
(1) the symptoms in Criteria A and B developed during Substance Intoxication

(2) medication use is etiologically related to the disturbance Note: This diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication only when the cognitive symptoms a re in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication syndrome a nd when the sympt oms are sufficiently severe t o warrant independent cl inical attention. Note : The diagnosis should be recorded as Substance-Ind uced Delirium if related to medication use. Refer to Appendix G for E-codes indicating specific med icatio ns.
Code [Specific Subst ance j lntoxication Delirium:

(29 1.0 Alcohol; 292.8 1 Amphetamine [or Amphet amine-like Substance]; 292.81 Cannabis; 292.8 1 Cocaine; 292.8 1 Hallucinog e n; 292.8 1 Inhalant; 292 .81 Opioid; 292.B1 Phencyclidine [or Phencyclidine-like Substance]; 292.81 Sedative, Hypnotic, o r Anxiolytic; 292.8 1 Other [o r Unknown] Substance [e.g., cimetidine, digita lis, benztropine])


Delirium. Dementia, and Amnesti c and Other Cognitive Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for Substance Withdrawal Delirium

A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e . reduced clarity of awareness of the environment) with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention.
B. A change in cognition (such as memory deficit, disorientation. language disturbance)

or the development of a perceptual disturbance that is not better accounted fo r by a preexisting, established. or evolving dementia.


The disturbance develops over a short period of time (usually hours to days) and

tends to fluctuate during the course of the day.

D. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory f indings that

the symptoms in Criteria A and 8 developed during, or shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome. Note: This diagnosiS should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Withdrawal only when the cognitive symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the with drawal syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.
Code [Specific Substance] Withdrawal Delirium:

(291.0 Alcohol; 292.8 1 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic; 292.81 Other [or Unknown] Substance)

Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies

The Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies category is included to alert clinicians 10 the common situation, particularly in critically ill and elderly hospitalized patients, in which the delirium has more than one etiology. For example, there may be more than one general medical condition etiologically related to the d elirium (e.g., Delirium Due to Hepatic Encephalopathy, Delirium Due to Head Trauma), or the d elirium may be due to the combined effects of a general medical condition (e.g., vira l encephalitis) and substance use (e.g ., Alcohol Withdrawal). A higher number of general medica l conditions and substances is associated with a higher rale of delirium .

Record ing Procedures

Delirium Due 10 Multiple Etiologies does not have its own separate code and should not be recorded as a diagnosis. For example, to code a delirium due to both hepatic encephalopathy and withdrawal from alcohol, the clinician would list both 293.0 Delirium Due to Hepatic Encephalopathy and 291.0 AJcohol Withdrawal Delirium on Axis I and 572.2 hepatic encephalopathy on Axis m.


Delirium Not Otherwise Specifi ed

147 1

Diagnostic criteria for Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies

A. Disturbance of consciousness (i.e., reduced clarity of awareness of the environment) with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or shift attention.

B. A change in cognition (such as memory deficit, disorientation, language disturbance) or the development of a perceptual disturbance that is not better accounted for by a preexisting, established, or evolving dementia.
C. The disturbance develops over a short period of time (usua lly hours to days) and tends to fluctuate during the course of the day.

D. There is evidence from the history, phySical examination, or laboratory findings that the delirium has more than one etiology (e.g ., more than one etiological general medical cond ition, a general medical condition plus Substance Intoxication or medication side effect). Coding note: Use multiple codes reflecting specific delirium and specific etiologies, e.g., 293.0 Delirium Due to Vira l Encephalitis; 291.0 Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium .


Delirium Not Otherwise Specified

This category should be used to diagnose a delirium that does not meet criteria for any of the specific types of delirium described in this section. Examples include
l. A clinical presentation of delirium that is sllspected to be due to a general med-

ical condition or substance u se but for which there is insufficient evidence to establish a specific etiology 2. Delirium due to causes not listed in this section (e.g., sensory deprivation)


The disorders in the "Dementia" section are characterized by the development of multiple cognitive deficits (including memory impairment) that are due to the dired physiological effects of a general medical condition, to the persisting effects of a substance, or to multiple etiologies (e.g., the combined effects of cerebrovascular disease and Alzheimer's disease). The disorders in this section share a conunon symptom presentation bu t are differentiated based on etiology . The diagnostic features lis ted in the next section pertain to Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Vascular Dementia, Dementia Due to HIV Disease, Dementia Due to Head Trauma, Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease, Dementia Du e to Huntington's Disease, Dementia Due to Pick's Disease, Dementia Due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions, Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia, and De-


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Diso rders

mentia D ue to Multiple Etiologies. In addition, Demen tia Not Oth e rwise Specified is included in this section for presenta tions in which the clinician is unable to determine a specific etiology for the multiple cognitive deficits.

Di ag nosti c Features
TIle essential feature of a dementia is the developmen t of multiple cognitive deficits
that incl ude memory impairme nt and at least onc of the following cogni tive dis tur-

bances: aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or a disturbance in executive functioning. The cognitive deficits must be sufficiently severe to cause impairment in occupational or social functioning and must represent a decline from a previously higher level of
fun ctioning. A diagnosis of a dementia should not be made if the cognitive deficits occu r exclusively during the course of a delirium. However, a dementia and a delirium may both be diagnosed if the demen tia is present at times when the deliriu m is nol present. Dementia may be etiologically related to a general medical condition, to the persisting effects of substance u se (including toxin exposure), or to a combination of these factors. Memory impairment is required to make the diagnosis of a dementia and is a prominent early symptom (Criterion AI). Individuals w ith dementia become impaired in their ability to learn new material, or they forget previously learned material. Most individuals with d ementia have both forms of memory impairment, although it is sometimes difficult to demonstrate the loss of previously learned material early in the course of the disorder. They may lose val uables like wallets and keys, fo rget food cooking on the s tove, and become lost in unfamiliar neighborhoods. In advanced stages of dementia, memory impairment is so severe that the person forg ets his or her occupation, schooling, birthday, family members, and sometimes evcn name. Memory may be formally tested. by asking the person to regis ter, retain, recall, and recognize informa tion. The ability to learn new information may be assessed by asking the individual to learn a list of words. The individual is requested to repeat the words (registration). to recall the informa tion after a dela}' of severa l minutes (retention, recall), and to recognize the words from a multiple list (recognition). Individuals w ith d iffi culty learning new informa tion are not helped by clues or prompts (e.g., multip le-choice questions) because they did not learn the material initially . In contrast, individuals with primarily retrieval defici ts can be helped by clues and prompts becau se their impairment is in the ability to access their memories. Remote memory may be tested by as king the individual to recall personal information or past material that the individual found of interest (e.g., politics, sports, entertainment). It is also useful to determine (from the individual and informants) the impact o f th e memory d isturbances on the ind iv idua l's func tioning (e.g., ability to work, shop, cook, pay bills, rerum home without getting lost). Deterioration of language functio n (aphasia) may be manifested by d ifficulty produci ng the n ames of individuals and objects (C riterion A2a). T he speech of individuals w ith aphasia may become vague o r em pty, with long circumlocutory pluases and excessive lise of terms of indefinite refe rence such as " thing" and "it." Comprehension of spoken and written language and repetition of language may also be compromised. In the advanced stages of dementia, individuals may be mute or have a deteriorated



speech pattern characterized by echolalia (i.e., echoing what is heard) o r palilalia (i.e., repeating sounds or words over and over). Language is tested by asking the individual to name objects in the room (e.g., tie, dress, desk, lamp) or body parts (e.g., nose, chin, shoulder), follow commands ("Poin t at the door and then at the table"), or repeat phrases ("no ifs, ands, or buts"). Individuals with dementia may exhibit apraxia (i.e., impaired ability to execute motor activities despite intact motor abilities, sensory ftmction, and comprehension of the required task) (Criterion A2b). They will be impaired in their ability to pantomime the u seof objects (e.g ., combing hair) or to execute known motor acts (e.g., waving goodbye) . Apraxia may contribute to deficits in cooking, dressing, and drawing . Motor skill d is turbances may be tested by asking the individual to execute motor flUlctions (e.g., to show how to brush teeth, to copy intersecting pentagons, to assemble blocks, or to arrange sticks in specific designs). Individuals with dementia may exhibit agnosia (i.e., failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function) (Criterion A2c). For example, the individual may have normal visual acuity but lose the ability to recognize objects s uch as chairs or pencils. Eventually they may be unable to recognize family members or e\'en their own reflection in the mirror. Similarly, they may have normal tactile sensation, but be unable to identify objects placed in their hands by touch alone (e.g., a coin or keys). Disturbances in executive functioning are a common manifesta tion of dementia (Criterion A2d) and may be related especially to disorders of the frontal lobe or associated subcortical pathways. Executive flUlctioning involves the ability to think abstractly and to plan, initiate, sequence, monitor, and stop complex behavior. Impairment in abstract thinking may be manifes ted by the individual having difficul ty coping with novel tasks and avoiding situations that require the processing of new and complex information. The ability to abstract can be formally assessed by asking the person to find similarities or differences between related words. Executive dysfunction is also evident in a reduced ability to shift mental sets, to generate novel verbal or nonverbal information, and to execute seria l motor acti vities. Tests for execu tive function include asking the indi vidual to count to 10, recite the alphabet, subtract serial 7s, state as many anima ls as possible in 1 minute, or draw a continuous line consisting of alternating m 's and n 's. It is also useful to determine (from the individual and informants) the impact of the disturbances in executive functioning on the individual's daily We (e.g., ability to work, plan activities, budget). The items in both Criterion Al (memory impairment) and Criterion A2 (a phasia, apraxia, agnosia, or disturbance in executive hmctioning) mus t be severe enough to cause significant impairment in social or occupational ftmctioning (e.g ., going to school, working, shopping, dressing, bathing, handling finances, and other activities of daily living) and must represent a decline from a previous level of functioning (Criterion B). The nature and degree of impairment are variable and often depend on the particular social setting of the individual. The same level of cognitive impairmen t may significantly impair an individual's ability to p erfonn a complex job, but not a job that is less demanding. Standardized published rating scales that measure physical maintenance (e.g., personal hygiene), intellectual flUlctionin g, and the ability to use implements o r tools (e.g., telephone, washing machine) can be used to measure the severity of impairment.


Del iriu m. Dementia. and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

Dementia is not diagnosed if these symptoms occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. However, a delirium may be superimposed on a preexisting dementia,
in w hich case both diagnoses s hould be given.

Associated Features and Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental d isorders. Indiv iduals with dementia may become spatially disoriented and have difficuJty with spatial tasks. Visuospatial functioning can be assessed by asking the individual to copy d rawings, su ch as a circle, overlapping pentagons, and a cube. Poor judgment and poor insight are common in dementia. Individual s may exhibit little or no awa reness of memory loss or other cogn itive abnormaUties. They may make unrealis tic assessments of their abilities a nd make plans that a re no t congruen t wi th their defi cits and prognosis (e.g., planning to start a new bus iness). They may underestimate the risks in volved in activities (e.g., driving). OccaSionally, they may ha rm others by becoming violent. Suicidal behavior may occur, p articula rl y in early s tages w hen the ind i\'iduaJ is more capable o f carrying out a plan of action. Dementia is sometimes accompanied by motor d is turbances of gait leading to falls. Some individuals with d e mentia show d isinhibited behavior, including making inappropriate jokes, neglecting personal hygiene, exhibiting undue fa miliarity with strangers, or dis regarding conventional rules of social conduct. Slurred speech may occur in dementia thaI is associated with subcortical pa tho logy su ch as Parkinson's disease, Huntington 's di sease, and some cases of Vascula r Dementia . The multiple cognitive impairments of d e mentia a re often associa ted with anxiety, mood, and s leep dis turbances. Delus ions are common, especially those involving themes of persecu tion (e.g., that mis placed possessions have been s tole n). H allucinations can occur in all sensory modalities, but visual hallucinations are most common. Delirium is frequently s uperimposed on de mentia because the unde rlying brain disease may increase susceptibili ty to confus ional s tates that may be produced by medications or other concurrent general medical conditions. Individuals with deme ntia may be especially v ulnerable to physical s tressors (e.g., illness or minor surgery) and psychosocial s tressors (e.g., going to the hospi lal, bereavement), w hich may exacerbate their intellectual defi cits and other associated problems. Associated laboratory findings . A discussion of associa ted laboratory findings thai are specific to types of d ementia is included in the text for each dementia. Invariably the re are a bnormalities in cognitive and memory fun ctioning, which can be assessed us ing mental s tatus examinations and neuropsychological testing . Neuroimaging may aid in the differential diagnosis of d ementia. Computed tomography (Cf) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may reveal cerebraJ atrophy, focal brain lesions (cortica l strokes, tumors, subdural hematomas), hydrocephalus, or periventricula.r ischemic brain injury. Functional imaging s uch as positron-emission tomography (PET) or s ing le photon e mission computed tomography (SPEeT) a re not routinely used in the e valuation of de mentia , but may provide u sefu l differential diagnos tic information (e.g ., parietal lobe cha nges in Alzheimer's disease or fTOntal lobe alterations in frontal lobe degene ratiOns) in individuals w ithout evidence of s tructural changes on CT or MRI scans.



Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . The associated physical examination findings of dementia depend on the nature, location, and stage of progression of the wlderlying pathology. The mos t conunon cause of dementia is Alzheimer's disease. Other frequent forms include Vascula r Dementia and dementia due to other nemodegenerative processes, s uch as Lewy bod y disease (including dementia due to Parkinson's disease) and frontotemporal degeneration (including Pick's disease). Other causes are less conunon and include normal-pressme hydrocephalus, H untington's disease, traumatic brain injury, brain tumors, an oxia, infectious disorders (e.g., human immunodeficiency virus [HIVJ, syphilis), prion diseases (e.g ., Creutzfeldt-Jakob d isease), endocrine conditions (e.g., hyp othyroidism, hypercalcemia, hypoglycemia), vitamin deficiencies (e.g ., deficiencies of thiamine or niacin), inunune disorders (e.g., temporal arteritis, systemic lupus e ryUlematosus), hepatic conditions, metabolic conditions (e.g., Kufs' disease, adrenoleukodystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, and other s torage diseases of adulthood and childhood), and other nemological conditions (e.g., multiple sclerosis) .

Specific Culture and Age Features

Cultural and educational background s hould be taken into cons ideration in the evaluation of an individual's mental capacity. Indi vidual s from certain backgrounds may not be famil ia r with the informa tion u sed in cer tain tests of general knowledge (e.g., names of presidents, geographical knowledge), memory (e.g., date of birth in cultures that do not routinely celebrate birthdays), a nd orientation (e .g., sense of place and location may be conceptualized differently in some cultures). The pre valence of different caus es of dementia (e.g ., infections, nutritional deficiencies, traumatic brain injury, endocrine conditions, ce rebrovascular d iseases, seizure dis orders, brain tumors, subs tance abuse) varies s ubs tantially across cultural groups. The age a t onset of dementia depends on the e tiology, but is u sually late in life, with highest prevalence a bove age 85 years. A significant d e teriora tion in m emory and in multiple cogni tive skills, which is necessa ry fo r the diagnosis of d ementia, may be difficult to d ocument in ve ry young children. Thus, the diagnosis of dementia may not be practical u ntil the child is o lder (usually behveen ages 4 and 6 yea rs) . In individuals unde r age 18 years w ith Mental Retardation, an additional diagnOSis o f a d ementia should be made only if the condition is not characterized satisfactorily by the diagnosis of Mental Retardation alone. Dementia is unconunon in children and adolescents, but can occm as a res ult of general medical conditions (e.g., head injury, brain tumors, HIV infection, strokes, adrenoleukodystrophies). Dementia in children may pres ent as a deterioration in functioning (as in adults) or as a significant d elay or deviation in normal development. Deteriorating school performance may be an early Sign.

Reported prevalence of dementia varies among e p idemiological s tudies, depending on the ages of the subjec ts sampled; methods of determining the presence, severity, and type of cognitive impairment; and the regions or countries studied . Community studies es tima ted a I-year pros pective prevalence of almost 3.0% with severe cogni-

De lirium. Dementia. and Amnestic a nd Other Cognitive Disorders tive impainnent in the adult population. The study assessed individuals with a brief instrument tha t assessed current cognitive status (the Mini-Mental State Exam), which does nol identify specific diagnoses. A variety of epidcmiologicaJstudies have shown Iha tthe prevalence of dementia, especially Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, increases with age. The p revalence figures range from 1.4% to 1.6% for indiv idua ls ages 65-69 years, rising to 16% to 25% for those over age 85 years.

Historically, the tenn demelltin implied a progressive or irreversible course. The OSMIV d efinition of demelltin, howe\'er, is based on the pa ttern of cognitive deficits and carries no connolation concerning prognosis. Dementia may be progressive, static, or remitting. The reversibility of a dementia is a functjon of the underlying pathology and of the availabili ty and timely applica tion of effective treatment. The mode of onset and subsequent cou rse of dementia also depend on the underlying etiology. The level of disability depends not on ly on the severity of the individual's cognitive impairments but also on the available social supports. In advanced dementia, the individual may become totally oblivious to his or her surroundings and require constant care. Individuals with severe dementia are susceptible to accidents and infectious diseases, which often prove fatal.

Differential Dia gnosis

Memory impa ir ment occurs in both delirium and dementia . Delirium is also characterized by a reduced abili ty to maintain and shift attention appropriately. The clinical course ca n help to differentiate between delirium and dementia ..JS:pically, symptoms in delirium fluctuate nnd symptoms in dementia arc relativel staWe.-Mu ltiple cognitive form for more than a few month~ suggest dementia rather than delirium....l2elirium may be superimposed on a dehlen:>ria, in which case both disorders are diagnosed. In situations in which it is unclear whether the cognitive defici ts are due to a delirium or a dementia, it may be useful to make a provisional diagnosis of delirium and observe the person carefully whi le continuing efforts to identify the nature of the distu rbance. An amnestic di sord er is characterized by severe memory impairmen t without oth er significant impairments of cognitive func tioning (Le., aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, or disturbances in executive functioning). The p resumed etiology determines the specific dementia diagnosis. If the clinician has determined that the dementia is due to multiple etiologies, multiple codes based on the specific dementias and their etiologies should be lISed (see Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies, p. 170). In Vascular Dementia, focal neurological signs (e.g., exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes, extensor plan tar response) and labora tory evidence of vascular disease judged to be related to the dementia arc present. The clinical course o f Vascular Dementia is variable and typically progresses in stepwise fashion. The presence of Dementia Due to Oth er G en era l Medical Conditions (e.g . Pick's disease, HIV) requires evidence from the history, physica l examination, and appropria te laboratory tests that a general medical condj tion is etiologically rela ted to the dementia . TI,e onset of the deteriora tion (gradual or sudden) and its course

Deme ntia

153 1

(acute, subacute, or chronic) may be useful in suggesting the etiology. For example, the severity of the impairment in cognitive functioning often remains static after head injury, encephali tis, or stroke. Multiple cognitive d eficits that occur only in the context of substance use are d iagnosed as Su bstance Intoxicati on or Substance Withdrawal. If the dementia results from the persisting effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure), then Substan ce-Induced Pers isting Dementia is diagnosed. Other causes of dementia (e.g., Dementia Due to a General Medical Condition) should always be considered, even in a person with Substance Dependence. For example, head injury is not infreq uent during substance use and may underlie the d ementia. Although researchers are seeking to develop sensitive and specific tests to confirm the diagnosis of Demen tia of the Alzh eimer's Type, it currently remains a diagnosis of exclusion, and other causes for the cognitive de ficit s (see above) must fi rst be ruled out. In addition, the course is d laracterized by gradual onset and continuing cognitive decline. In those cases in which there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the dementia is due to a general medical condition or is substance induced, De mentia Not Othenvise Specified should be coded. lndividuals may present with some but not all of the symptoms of dementia. Such presentations should be coded as Cogn itive Disorder Not Oth en vise Specified. Mental Retardation is characterized by significantly subaverage current general intellectual functioning, with concurrent impairments in adaptive fun ctioning and with an onset before age 18 years. ~'Ienta l Retardation is not necessarily associated with memory impairment. In contrast, the age at onset of dementia is usually late in life. If the onset of the dementia is befo re age 18 years, both dementia and Menta l Retardation may be d iagnosed if the criteria for both disorders are met. Documenting a significant deterioration in memory and in other cognitive skills, which is necessary for the diagnosis of dementia, may be difficult in persons under age 4 yea rs. In individuals under age 18 years, the diagnosis of dementia should be mad e only if the conclition is not characterized satisfacto rily by the diagnosis of Mental Retardation alone. Schizophrenia can also be associa ted with multiple cognitive impairments and a decline in fun ctioning, but Schizophrenia is unlike dementia in its generally eartier age at onset, its characteristic symptom pattern, and the absence of a specific etiological general medical condition or substance. Typically, the cognitive impairment associated with Schizophrenia is less severe than that seen in Dementia. Ma jor Depressive Disorde r may be associated with complaints o f memory impainnent, difficulty thinking and concentrating, and an overa U reduction in intellectual abilities. Individuals sometimes perform poorly on mental status examinations and neuropsychological testing. Particularly in elderly persons, it is o ften difficult to determine whether cogni tive symptoms are better accounted for by a d ementia or by a Major Depressive Episode. This differential diagnosis may be informed by a thorough medical eval uation and an eva luation of the onset of the disrurbance, the temporal sequencing of depressive and cognitive symptoms, the course of illness, famil y history, and treatmen t response. TIle p remorbid state of the indiv idual may help to differentiate "pseudodementia" (j .e., cognitive impairments due to the Major Depressive Episode) from dementia. In dementia , there is usually a premorbid hi story of decl ining cognitive function, whereas the individual with a Major Depressive Episode is much more likely to have a relatively nonnal premorbid state and abrupt cognitive


Delirium, Dementia, and A mnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

decline associa ted with the depression. lf the clinician determines that both a dementia and Major Depressive Disorder are present w ith independent etiologies, both should be diagnosed. Dementia must be disting uished from Malingering and Factitious Disorder. The patterns of cognitive deficits presented in Malingering and Factitiolls Disorder are usually not consistent over time and are not characteristic of those typica lly seen in dementia. For example, individuals wi th Factitious Disorder or Malingering man ifes ting as dementia may perfonn calculations w h ile keeping score during a card game, but then claim to be unable to p erform similar calculations during a mental status examination. Dementia must be distinguis hed from the normal decline in cognitive functioning that occurs w ith aging (as in Age-Rela ted Cognitive Decline) . The diagnosis of dementia is warranted only if there is demonstrable evidence of greater memory and other cognitive impairment than would be expected d u e to normal aging processes and the symptoms cause impairment in socia l or occupational flUlctioning.


Dementia of the Alzheimer'S Type

Diagnostic Features
The cognitive deficits (Cri terion A) and the required impairment (Criterion B) are discussed on pp. 147-150. The o nset of Dementia of the Alzheimer 's Type is gradual a nd involves continuing cogniti ve decline (Criterion C). Because of the d ifficulty of obtaining direct pathological evidence of the presence of Alzheimer's d isease, the diagnosis can be m a de on ly when other etiologies for the demen tia have been ruled out. Specifically, the cognitive deficits are not due to other central ne rvous system conditions that cause progressive deficits in memory or cognition (e.g., cerebrovascular d isease, Parkinson's disease, H lmtington's disease), systemic conditions that are known to cause dementia (e.g ., hypothyroidism, vitamin B12 deficiency, HIV in fection), or the persisting effects of a su bstance (e.g., alcohol) (Criterion D). If there is an a dditional etiology (e.g ., hea d trauma worsening a Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type), both types of dementia should be coded (see Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies, p. 170). Dementia of the A lzheimer's Type should not be d iagnosed if the symptoms occur exclusively during delirium (Criterion E). However, delirium may be superimposed on a preexisting Dementia of the A lzheime r's Type, i.n which case the With Delirium subty pe should be indica ted . Finally, the cognitive deficits are not better accounted fo r by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder or Schizophrenia) (C riterion F).

The age a t onset of Dem entia of the Alzheimer's Ty pe is indicated by the use of one of the follOWing subtypes:

JCD-9-CM code v,11id after October 1, 2000.

294 .1x*

Dementia of the Alzheimer' s Type


With Early Onset. This subtype is used if the onset of the dementia is age 65 years or under. Wi th Late Onset. This subty p e is used if the onset of the dementia is after age 65 years. The p resence or absence of a clinically significant behavioral dis turbance is indicated by using one o f the follow ing coded s ubtypes: .10 Without Behavioral Disturbance. This subtype is used if the cognitive disturbance is not accompanied by any clinically significant behavioral dis turbance . .11 With Behavioral Disturbance. This s ubtyp e is used if the cognitive disturbance is accom panied by a clinicall y significa nt beha vioral disturbance (e.g., wandering, ag itation).

Recording Procedures
The diagnostic code depends entirely on the presence or absence of a clinically significant beha vioral dis turbance and not w hether the dementia is of early vers us late onset. Thus, the diagnostic cod e is 294.10 for Dem entia of the Alzheimer's Typ e, With Ea rly O nset, Wi thout Behaviora l Distu rbance; 294.10 for Dementia o f the Alzheimer' s Typ e, With Late Onset, Without Behavioral Dis turbance; . Behavioral Dis turbance. In addition, 331.0 Alzheimer's disease should be coded on Axis III. Other p rominent clinical features related to the Alzh eimer's disease can be indicated by coding the specific additional mental disord ers due to Alzheimer's d isease on Axis I. For example, to indicate the p resence of prominent delusions, clinically siglillicant dep ressed m ood, and the d evelopment of p ersis tent aggressive beha v i o ~1 293.81 Psychotic Disorder Due to Alzheimer's Disease, With Delusions; 293.83 Mood Dis-order Due to Alzheimer's Disease, W ith Depressive Features; and 310.1 Personality Change Due to Alzheimer's Disease, Aggressive Ty pe, w ould also be coded on Axis 1.

Assoc iated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. See p. 150 for a general discussion o f features and disorders associated with dementia . The prevalen ce of Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type is increased in indi viduals with Down syndrome and in individuals with a his tory of head trauma. Pathological changes that are characteristic o f Alzheimer's disease are present in the brains of ind ividuals w ith Down syndrome by the ti me they are in their early 40s, although the clinical sym p toms o f dementia are not us ually evident until later. Associated laboratory findings. 0 w id ely accepted, sensiti ve, and specific biological marker is currently available that is universally accepted as diagnostic of Dementia of the Alzheimer's Typ e in a li ving individual. In the majority of cases, br,)in atrophy is present in Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, with wider cortical


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnest ic and Other Cogni t ive Disorders


cerebral ventricles than computed tomog raphy or resonance imaging (1\'00). Microscopic examination u sually reveals histopathological

changes, including senile plaques, neurofibrillary tangles, granulovascular degenera tion, neu ronal loss, astrocy tic gliosis, and amyloid angiopa thy . Lew)' bodies are

sometimes seen in the cortical neurons.

Associated physical examination f indings and general medical conditions. In the firs t years of illness, few moior and sensory signs are assodated w ith Dementia of the Alzh eimer's Type. Later in the course, myoclonus and gait disorder may appear. Seizures occur in approxima tely 10% o f individuals w ith the disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

See p. 151 fo r a general discussion of culture and age features associated with dementia. Late onset (after age 65 years) of Dementia of the Al zheimer's Type is much mOTe common than early onset. Few cases develop before age 50 years. The disorder is slightly more common in females than in males.

TIle p revalence of Dementia o f the Alzheimer's Type increases dramatically with increasing age, rising from 0.6% in males and O.S"/o in females at age 65 (all levels of severity) to 11% in males and 14% in females at age 85. At age 90 the p revalence rises to 21% in males and 25% in females, and by age 95 the p revalence is 36% in ma les and 41 % in females. Moderate to severe cases make up about 40%-60% of these estimated prevalence rates.

See p. 152 for a genera l d iscussion of the course of dementia. The course of Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type tends to be slowly progressive, with a loss of 3-4 points per year on a standard assessment instrument such as the Mini-Mental State Exam . Various patterns of deficits are seen. A common pattern is an insidious onset, with early deficits in recent memory foll owed by the development of aphasia, apraxia, and agnosia after several years. Many individuals show personality changes, increased irritability, and other behavioral signs and symptoms, starting in the early stages and becoming most pronounced in the middle stages of the disease. In the later stages of the disease, individuals may d evelop gai t and motor disturbances and eventually become mute and bedridden. The average duration of the illness from onset of symptoms to death is 8-10 years.

Famili al Pattern
Compared with the genera l popu lation, firs t-degree biological relatives of individuals with Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, are more likely to develop the disorder. Late-onset cases may also have a genetic component. Dementia of

294 .1 x*

Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type


the Alzheimer's Type in some families has been shown to be inherited as an au tosomal dominant trait with linkage to severa l chromosomes, including chromosomes 1, 14, and 21 . However, the proportion of cases that are related to specific inherited abnonnalities is not known . Individuals carrying one or both alleles cod ing for apolipoprotein E-4 (APOE4) on chromosome 19 bear an eleva ted risk for later-onset Alzheimer' s di sease, although this gene is not itself a cause of the disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
See p . 152 for a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of dementia.

Diagnostic criteria for 294.1x Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type

A. The development of multiple cognitive defi cits m anifested by both

v(, )

memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new information or to recall previously learned information) (2) one (or more) of the following cognitive disturbances: via) aphasia (language disturbance) (b) apraxia (impaired abi lity t o carry out motor activities despite intact motor function) (c) agnosia (fa ilure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function) (d) disturbance in execut ive functioning (i.e., planning, organizing, seq uencing, abstracting)

B. / The cognitive deficits in Criteria Al and A2 each cause significant impairment in soJ cia I or occupational functioning and represent a significant decl in e from a previous level of functioning.


The course is character ized by gradual onset and continuing cognitive decline .

D. The cognitive deficits in Criteria A l and A2 are not due t o any of the following:
~ other


central nervous system condi t ions that cause progressive deficits in memory and cognition (e .g., cerebrovascular disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, subdural hemat oma, normal-pressure hydrocephalus, brain tumor) (2) systemic conditions that are known to cause dementia (e.g ., hypothyroidism, ...../" vi tamin B I I or folic acid deficiency, n iacin deficiency, hypercalcemia, neurosyphi lis, HIV infection) (3) substance-in duced conditions


The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium .

/ 'The disturbance is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Schizophrenia).
Code based o n presence or absence of a clinically sign ificant behavioral disturbance:

294.10 Without Behavioral Disturbance: if the cog nitive disturbance is not accompanied by any clinically sign ificant behavio ral disturbance.


Delirium. Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 294.1 x Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type (continued)

294.11 With Behavioral Disturbance: if the cognitive disturbance is accompanied by a clinically sign ificant behavioral disturbance (e .g .. wandering, agitation) .
Specify su btype:

With Early Onset: if onset is at age 65 years or below With Late Onset: if onset is after age 65 years
Coding note: Also (ode 33 1.0 Alzheimer's disease on Axis III. Indicate other prominent clinical features related to the Alzheimer's disease on Axis I (e.g ., 293 .83 Mood Disorder Due to Alzheimer's Disease, With Depressive Featu res, and 310.1 Personal ity Change Due

to Alzheimer's Disease, Aggressive Type).

290.4x Vascu lar Dementia (formerly Multilnfarct Dementia)

Di agnostic Features
The cognitive deficits (Criterion A) and the required impairment (Criterion B) in Vascular Dementia are discussed on pp. 147-150. There must be evidence of cerebrovascular disease (i.e., foca l neurological signs and symptoms or laboratory evidence) that is judged to be etiologically related to the dementia (Criterion C). The focal neurological signs and symptoms include extensor p lantar response, pseudobulbar palsy, gait abnormalities, exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes, or weakness of an extremity. Computed tomography (Cf) of the head and magnetic resonance imaging (MRl) usually demonstrate multiple vascu lar lesions of the cerebral cortex and subcortical structures. Vascular Dementia is not diagnosed if the symptoms occur exclusively during delirium (Criterion D). H owever, delirium may be superimposed on a preexisting Vascular Dementia, in which case the subtype With Delirium should be indicated .

By ICD-9-CM convention, Vascular Dementia is the only type of dementia that employs subtypes to indicate the presence of significant associated symptoms. The following subtypes (each of which has its own separa te code) must be used to indicate the predominant featu re of the cu rrent clinical presentation: With Delirium. This subtype is used if delirium is superimposed on the dementia. With Delusions. This subtype is u sed if delusions are the predominant feature.


Vascula r Dementia (formerly Multi-Infarct Dementia)


With Depressed Mood. This subtype is u sed if depressed mood (including presentations that meet symptom criteria for a Major Depressive Episode) is the predominant feahue. A separate diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is not given . Uncomplicated. This s ubtype is used if none of the above predominates in the CLUrent clinical presentation. The specifier With Behavioral Disturbance (whicll CiUUlot be coded) C1n also be . used to indicate clinically significant behavioral disturbances (e.g., wandering).

Recording Procedures
By ICD-9-CM convention, only Vascular Dementia has cod able subtypes. The diagnostic codes for Vascwar Dementia depend on the subtype for predominant features: 290.41 for \OVith Delirium, 290.42 for With Delusions, 290.43 for With Depressed ~'Iood, 290.40 for Uncomplicated . The specifier \o\'ith Behavioral Disturbance is uncoded and can be applied to each of the above subtypes (e.g., 290.43 Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood, With Behavioral Disturbance). In addition, the cerebrovascular condition (e.g., 436 stTOke) should be coded on Axis lil.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated desc:riptive features and mental disorders . See p. 150 for a general discussion of features and disorders associated with dementia. Associated laboratory findings . The extent of central nervous system lesions detected by CT and MRI in Vascu lar Dementia typically exceeds the extent of changes detected in the brains of healthy elderly persons (e.g., periventricular and white ma tter hyperintensities noted on MRl scans). Lesions often appear in both white matter and gray matter s tructures, including subcortical regions and nuclei . Evidence of old infarctions (e.g ., focal atrophy) may be detected, as well as findings of more recent disease. EEG findings may reflect foca l lesions in the brain. In addition, there may be laboratory evidence of associated cardiac and systemic vascular conditions (e.g., ECG abnormalities, laboratory evidence of renal failure). Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Common neurological signs (e.g., abnormal reflexes, weakness of an extremity, gait disturbance) are discussed in the "Diagnostic Features" section. There is often evidenceof 10ng-stiUlCling arterial hypertension (e.g., funduscopic abnormalities, enlarged heart), valvular heart disease (e.g., abnormal heart sounds), or extracranial vascular disease that may be sources of cerebral emboli. A single s troke may cause a relatively circumscribed change in mental state (e.g., an aphasia following damage to the left hemisphere, o r an amnestic di sorder from infarction in the distribution of the posterior cerebral arteries), bu t generally does not cause Vascular Dementia, whicll ty pically results from the occurrence of multiple s trokes, usually at different times.


De lirium, Dementia. and Amnestic and Other Cogn it ive Disorders

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Featu res

See p. 151 for a general d iscussion of cu lture and age features of d ementia . The onset of Vascular Demen tia is typically earlier than thai of Demen tia of the Alzheimer's Type. The disorder is apparen tly more common in males than in females.

Preva lence
Vascul ar Demen tia is reported ly much less common than Dementia of the Alzhei-

mer's Type.

See p. 152 for a general discussion of the course of dementia. The onset of Vascular Demen tia is typicaUy abrupt. followed by a stepwise and fl ucruating course th at is characterized by rapid changes in fu nctioning rather than
slow p rogression. The course, however, may be highly variable, and an insidious onset with gradual decline is also encountered. Usually the pattern o f defi cits is "pa tchy," depending on w hich regions of the brain h ave been d estroyed. Certain cognitive functions may be affected early, whereas o thers remain relatively unimpaired. Early treatment of hypertension and vascu lar d isease may prevent fu rther progression.

Differential Diagnosis
See p. 152 for a genera l d iscussion of the differential d iagnosis o f dementia.


Vascul ar Dementia (f ormerly Multi-Infarct Deme nt ia)


Diagnostic criteria for 290.4x Vascular Dementia

A. The development o f multiple cognitive deficits manifested by both
(1) memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new information or to recall pre-

viously learned information) (2) one (or more) of the fol lowing cognit ive disturbances: (a) aphasia (language disturb ance) (b) apraxia (impaired ability to ca rry out motor activit ies despite intact motor function) (c) agnosia (failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory function) (d) disturbance in execut ive f unction ing (i .e., planning, organizing, sequencing, abstracting) B. The cogni t ive deficits in Criteria Aland A2 each cause signi fi cant impairment in social or occupational functioning and represent a sign ificant decline from a previous level of functioning.

C. Focal neurological signs and symptoms (e.g., exaggeration of deep tendon reflexes, extensor plantar response, pseudobulbar palsy, gait abnormalities, weakness of an extrem ity) or laboratory evidence ind icative of cerebrovascular disease (e.g., multiple infarctions involving cortex and underlying white matter) that are judged to be etiologically related to the disturbance. D. The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium.
Code based on predominant features:

290.41 With Delirium: if del iriu m is superimposed on the dementia 290.42 With Delusions: if de lusions are the predominant feature 290.43 With Depressed Mood: if depressed mood (including presentations tha t meet full symptom criteria for a Major Depressive Episode) is the predominant feature. A separate diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condit ion is not given. 290.40 Uncomplicated: if none of the above predominates in t he current cl in ical presentation

Specify if:
With Behavioral Disturbance Coding note: Also code cerebrovascu lar condit ion on Axis III.

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cogn itive Disorders

Dementias Due to Other General Medical Conditions

Diagnostic Features
The cogn itive deficits (Criterion A) a nd the required impaimlent (Criterion B) of Dementia Due to Other Genera l Medical Conditions are discu ssed on pp. 147-150. There mus t be evidence from the his tory, physical examination, or laboratory findings that a general medical condition (other than Alzheimer's disease or cerebrovascular disease) is e tiologically related to the d e mentia (e.g., HfV infection, traumatic brain injury, Pa rkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Pick's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normal-pressure hyd rocephalus, h yp othyroid ism, brain tumor, or vitamin B\2 deficiency) (Crite rion C). Dementia Due to a General Medical Condition is not d iagnosed if the symptoms occur exclusively during d elirium (Criterion D). H owever, delirium may be superimposed on a preexi sting Dementia Due to a General Medical Cond ition, in which case both diagnoses should be given. In determining w hether the deme ntia is due to a genera l medical condition, the eli nician must first establish the presence of a genera l medical condition. Further, the clinician m ust establish that the d ementia is etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiological mechanis m. A ca reful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible guidelines fo r determining w h ether the rela tionship between thedemenhi! and the genera l medical condition is etiological, several considerations provide some guidance in this a rea. O ne consideration is the presence of a temporal association beh\'een the onset o r exacerbation of the general med ical condition and that of the cognitive deficits. Evidence from the literature that s ugges ts that there can be a direct associ ation behveen the general medical condition in question and the development of a dementia can prO\jd e a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. In addition, the clinician must also judge that the dis turbance is not beller accounted for by Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Vascula r Dementia, a SubstanceInduced Persisting Dementia, or another men tal disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Dis order). These d e terminations a re explained in grea ter deta il in the "Men ial Disorders Due to a General Medical Cond ition" section (p. 181). Sec p . 150 for a gene ral discussion of the features and disorde rs associated w ith deme ntia.

The p resence or absence of a clinica lly Significant behavioral d is turbance can be indio cated by using on e of the fo llowing coded subtyp es: .10 With ou t Behavioral Disturbance. This s ubtype is used if the cognitive d isturbance is not accompanied by any clinica lly significant behavioral disturbance . .11 With Behavioral Disturbance. This subtype is used if the cognilivedisturbance is accompanied by a clinically significant behavioral d isturbance (e.g., wandering, agitation).


Dementia Due to HIV Disease

Re co rding Procedures
The diagnostic codes are selected depending on whether there is a clinically significant behavioral di sturbance (i.e., the d iagnostic code 294.10 appl ies when there is no clinica lly Significant behavioral disturbancc, and 294.11 applies when there is a clinically significant behav ioral di stu rba nce accompanying the cogniti ve defi cits). The ICD-9-CM code for the etiologica l condition should also be noted on Axis HI (e.g., 332.0 Pa rkinson's disease, 331.1 Pick's d isease, 244.9 hypothyroidism). (See Appendix G for a list of selected ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes for general medical conditions.) In an ind ividual with an established history o f a dementia, a superimposed Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition should be noted by cod ing both the dementia and the delirium on Axis I (e.g., 294.1 Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease and 293.0 Delirium Due to Hepatic Encephalopathy). This is in contra st to Vascular Dementia, in w hich the 'Vith Delirium subtype is specified. Other prominent dinical features related to the etiological general medica l condition can be indicated by coding the s pecific additional Mental Disorder Due to General Medical Condition on Axis J. For example, to indica te the presence of prominent delusions, c1inical1y significant depressed mood, and a change to a labile personality in an indiv idual with Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease, 293.81 Psychotic Disorder Due to Parkinson's Disease, With Delusions; 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to Parkinson's Disease, With Depressive Features; and 310.1 Personality Change Due to Parkinson's Disease, Labile Type would also be coded on Axis I.


Dementia Due to HIV Disease

The essential fea ture of Dem entia Due to HIV Disease is the p resence of a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiological consequence of human immunodeficiency virus (HI\') disease. Neuropathological findings most commonly involve diffuse, multifocal destruction of the white matter and subcortical structures. The spinal nuid may show normal or slightly elevated protein and a mild lymphocytosis, and H1V can usually be isolated directly from cerebrospinal nuid. Dementia that is associated with direct HIV infection of the central nervous system is typically characterized by forgetfulness, slowness, poor concentration, and difficulties with problem solving. Behavioral manifestations most commonly includfLa Pjtili and social withdrawal, an occaSionally these may' be accompanied by-delirium, dclusions, or hal!\lcina tio@j. Tremor, impaired rapid repetitive movements, imba lance, ataxia, hypertonia, generalized hyperrenexia, positive frontal release signs, and impaired pursuit and saccadic eye movements may be present on physical examination. Children may also develop Dementia Due to HIV Disease, typically manifested by developmental delay, hypertonia, microcephaly, and basal ganglia calcifica tion. Dementia in association with HIV infection may also result from accompanying central nervou s system tumors (e.g., primary central nervous system lymphoma) and from opportunistic infections (e.g ., toxoplasm osis, cytomegalovirus in fection, cryptococcosis, tuberculosis, and syphilis), in which case the appropriate ty pe of d ementia should be diagnosed (e.g., 294.1 Dementia Due to Toxoplasmosis). Unusua l systemic infections
' ICD-9-C1\! code \'alid after October 1, 2000.


Deliriu m, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

(e.g., Pllel/maryslis cnrillii pneumonia) or neoplasms (e.g., Kaposi's sarcoma) may also be present.


Dementia Due to Head Trauma

The essential feature of Dementia Due to Head Trauma is the presence of a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiological consequence of head trauma. The degree and type of cognitive impairments o r behavioral disturbances d epend on the loca tion and extent of the brain injury. Posttraumatic amnesia is frequently present, along with peTSisting memory impairment. A variety of other behaviora l symptoms may be evident, with or w ithout the presence of motor or sensory defici ts. These symptoms include aphasia, attentional problems, irritability, anxiety. depression or affective lability. apathy. increased aggression. o r other changes in personality. Alcohol or other Substance Intoxication is often p resent in individuals with acute head injuries, and concurrent Substance Abuse or Dependence may be present. Head injury occurs most often in young males and has been associated with risk-taking behaviors. When it occurs in the context of a single injury, Demen tia Due to Head Trauma is u sually nonprogressive, bu t repeated head injury (e.g., from boxing) may lead to a progressive dementia (so-called dementia pugilistica). A single h ead trauma that is followed by a p rogressive decline in cognitive function should raise the possibility of another superinlposed process sllch as hydrocephalus or a Major Depressive Episode.


Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease

The essential feature of Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease is the presence of a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiologica l consequence of Pa rkinson's disease. Parkinson's disease is a slowly progressive neurological condition, characterized by tremor, rigidity, bradykinesia, and postural instability. Dementia has been reported to occur in approximately 200/0-60% of individuals with Parkinson's d isease and is more likely to be presen t in older individuals or those with more severe or advanced disease. The dementia associated with Parkinson's disease is characterized by cognitive and motoric slowing, executive d ysfunction , and impairment in memory rehieval Declining cognitive performance in individual s with Parkinson's disease is frequently exacerbated by depression. Findings on physical examination include the characteristic abnormal molor signs of resting tremor, evidence of slowness and poverty of movement (such as micrographia), or muscular rigidity and loss o f associated movements. At autopsy, neuronal loss and Lewy bodies are evident in the substantia nigra. There are a number of syndromes that may manifest with dementia, parkinsonian movement disorders, and additional neurological features (e.g., progressive supranuclear palsy, oiivopontocerebellar d egeneration, and Vascular Dementia). Some individuals w ith Parkinson's disease and dementia are found at autopsy to have coexisting neuropa thology indicative of Alzheimer's disease or of diffuse Le\\'y body disease. Dementia due to Lew}' Body Disease in the absence of evidence of Parkinson's (such as tremor and cogw heel rigidity) should be diagnosed as Dementia
"ICO-9-CM code valid after October 1, 2000.


Dementia Du e to Huntingto n's Di sease

Due to Lewy body disease, one of the dementias due to other general medical conditions (see p. 167).


Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease

The essential feature of Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease is the presence o f a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiological consequence of Huntington's disease. Huntington 's disease is an inherited progressive degenerative disease of cognition, emotion, and movement. The disease affects men and women equally and is transmitted by a single autosomal dominant gene on the short ann of chromosome 4. The disease is usually diagnosed in the late 30s to early 40s bu t may begin as early as age 4 years in the juvenile form or as late as age 85 years in the late-onset fom,. The onset of HWltington's disease is often heralded by insidious changes in behavior and personality, including depression, irritability, and anxiety. Some individuals present with abnomlalities of movement that resemble increased fidge ting and that later progress to characteristic generali zed choreoathetosis. Difficu lties w ith memory retrieval, executive functioning, and judgment are common early in the (mu se, with more severe memory deficits occurring as the disease progresses. Disorganized speech and psychotic feahue s are sometimes present. Late in the disease, characteristic "boxcar ventricles" may be seen on structural brain imaging due to the atrophy of the striatum. Positron-emission tomography (PET) may show striatal hypometabolism early in the disease. Offspring of individuals with Huntington's disease have a 50% chance of developing the disease. A genetic test is available to determine with relative certainty whether a given at-risk individual is likely to develop the disease; however, such testing may be best administered by cen ters with experience in counseling and foUow-up of individuals at risk for Huntington's disease.


Dementia Due to Pick's Disease

The essential feature of Dementia Due 10 Pick's Disease is the presence of a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiological consequence of Pick's disease. Pick's disease is a d egenerative disease of the brain that particularly affects the fronta I and lemporallobes. As in other frontal lobe dementias, Pick's disease is characterized clinically by changes in personality early in the course, deteriora tion of social skills, emotional blunting, behavioral disinhibition, and prominent language abnormaJities. Difficulties with memory, apraxia, and other features of dementia usuaUy foUow later in the course. Prominent primitive reflexes (snout, suck, grasp) may be present. As the dementia progresses, it may be accompanied by either apathy or extreme agitation. Individuals may develop such severe problems in language, attention, or behavior that it may be difficult to assess their degree of cognitive impairment. Structural brain imaging typica lly reveals prominent fron tal and / or temporal atrophy. and functional brain imaging may loca lize fron totemporal hypometabolism, even in the absence of clear structural atrophy. The disorder m ost commonly manifests itself in individuals between ages 50 and 60 years, although it can occur among older individuals. Pick's disease is one of the path ologically distinct etiologies among the heterogeneous group of dementing processes that are associated with frontotemporal brain

code valid after October I, 2000.


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

atrophy. The specific diagnosis of a frontal lobe dementia s uch as Pick's disease is usually es tablished a t autop sy with the pathological finding of ch aracteristic intraneuronal argentophilic Pick inclusion bodies. C linically, Pick's d isease often (anno!

be distinguished with certainty from atypical cases of Alzheimer's disease or from other dementias that affect the frontal1ohes. Dementia due to frontotemporal degenera tion other than Pick's d isease s hould be diagnosed as Dementia Due 10 Frontotemporal Degeneration, one of the dementias due to o th er general medical conditions (see p. 167).

294.1x* Dementia Due to Creutzfe ldt-Jakob Di sease

The essential fea ture of Dementia Due to CreutzfeldHakob Disease is the presence of a dementia that is judged to be the direct pathophysiological consequence of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease. Creutzfeldt-Jakob d isease is one of the s ubacute spongi form encephalopathies, a group of centTal nervous system diseases cau sed by trans missible agents known as "slow viruses" or prions. Typicall}', individuals with Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease manifest the dinical triad of dementia, involuntary movements (particularly myoclonus), and periodic EEG activity. However, up to 25% of individuals with the disorder may have atypical presentations, and the disease can be confirmed only by biopsy or at autopsy w ith the d emonstration of spong iform neu ropathological changes. C reutzfeld t-Jakob disease may develop at any age in adults, but most typically when they are between ages 40 and 60 years. From 5% to 15% of cases may have a familial component. Prodromal symptoms ofCreutzfeldt-Jakobdisease rna)' include fatigue, anxiety, or prob lems with appetite, sleeping, or concentra tion and may be followed after several weeks by incoordination, altered vision, Of abnormal gait or other movements that may be myoclonic, choreoathetoid , or ballis tic, along with a rapidly progressive dementia. The disease ty pically progresses very rapidly over several months, although more ra rely it can progress over years and appear similar in its course to other dementias. Althoug h there a re no dis tinctive find ings on cerebrospinal fl uid analysis, reliable biomarkers are being developed. Nonspecific atrophy may be apparent on neuroimaging . ln most individuals, the EEG typically reveals period ic sharp, often triphasic and synchronous discharges at a rate o f 0.5-2 H z at some point during the course of the diso rder. The trans missible agent thought to be responsible for C reutzfeldt-Jakob disease is resis tant to boiling, forma lin, alcohol, and ultraviolet radiation, but it can be inactivated by p ressured autocla\" ing or by bleach. Transmission by corneal transplantation and human g rowth fa ctor injection has been documented , and anecdota l cases of transmission to health care workers have been reported. Therefore, when neurosurgery, brain biopsy, or brain autopsy is undertaken, universal precautions shou ld be taken with both tissue and equipment that comes in contact with tissue. C ross-s pecies trans mission of prion infections, with agents that are closely related to the human form, ha s now bet>n demonstrated (e.g ., the outbreak of bovine spongiform encephalopa thy [mad cow disease) human variant Creu tzfeld t-Jakob disease in the United Kingdom during the mid-1990s). 'CD-9-C!,,1 code valid after October I, 2000.

294.1 x*

Deme nt ia Due to Other Gene ral Medical Cond itions


294.1x* Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions

In addition to the specific ca tegories described above, a number of other general medical conditions can cause d ementia . Two of the most common are due to Lewy bodyrelated neurodegeneration ("Lew)' bod y dementia") and to focal degeneration in the fro ntal and temporal lobes ("frontotemporal d ementia" ). Dementia Due 10 Parkinson's Disease is an examp le of the former (see p. 164), and Dementia Due to Pick's Disease is an example of the la tter (see p. 165). The descriptive features, course, and etiology of dementia due to diffuse Lew)' body disease without Parkinson's disease and dementia due to front otemporal degeneration other than Pick's disease require further research. Other conditions associated w ith d ementia include structural lesions (primary or secondary brain tumors, subdural hematoma, slowly p rogressive or normal-pressure hyd rocephalus), endocrine conditions (hypothyroidism, hypercalcemia , hypoglycemia), nutritional conditions (deficiencies of thiamine or niacin), other infectious conditions (neurosyphilis, cryplococcosis), immune disorders (e.g., temporal arteritis, systemic lupus erythematosus), derangements o f renal and hepatic function, metabolic conditions (e.g., Kufs' d isease, adrenoleukod ystrophy, metachromatic leukodystrophy, and o ther storage d iseases of adu lthood and childhood ), and other neurolog ica l conditions such as multiple sclerosis. Unu sual causes of central nervous system injury, such as electrical shock or intracranial radiation, are generally evident from the h istory. Rare disorders such as the ch ildhood and adult storage d iseases have a d istinctive family history or clinical presentation. Associated physica l examination and laboratory find in gs and other clinical features depend on the nature and severity of the general medical condition.

Differential Diagnosis
See p. 152 for a general di scussion of the d ifferential diagnosiS o f demen tia .

ICD-9-CM code valid after October 1, 2000.


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cogn itive Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 294.1x Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions
A. The development of multiple cognitive d eficits manifested by both
(1 ) memory impairment (impa ired ability to learn new information or to recall previously learned information) (2) one (or more) of the following cognitive disturbances:

(al aphasia (language disturbance) (b) apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor

(el agnosia (failure to recognize or identify objects despite intact sensory

function) (d) disturbance in executive functioning (i .e., planning, organizing, sequenc-

ing, abstracting)
B. The cognitive deficits in Criteria A l and A2 each cause significant impairment in social or occupational functioning and represent a significant decline from a previous level of functioning.

C. There is evidence from the history. physical examination, or laboratory find ings that the disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical conditi on other than Alzheimer's disease or cerebrovascular disease (e.g., HIV infection. traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, Pick's disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease, normal-pressure hydrocephalus. hypothyroidism, brain t umor, or vitamin 8 12 deficiency).
D. The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium.
Code based on presence or absence of a clinically significant behavioral disturbance:

if the cognitive disturbance is not accompanied by any clinically significant behavioral disturbance. 294 ,11 With Behavioral Disturbance : if the cognitive disturbance is accompan ied by a clinically significant behavioral disturbance (e.g., wanderi ng. agitation). Coding note: Also code the general medical condition on Axis 111 (e .g., 042 H1V infection. 854 .00 head injury, 332 .0 Parkinson's disease, 333.4 Huntington's disease. 331.1 Pick's disease, 046.1 Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease; see Appendix G for additional codes).

294.10 Without 8ehavi oral Disturbance:

Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia

Diagnostic and Associated Features
The cognitive deficits (Criterion A) and the required impairment (Criterion B) are discussed on pp. 147-150. Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia is diagnosed if the symptoms persist beyond the usual duration of Substance intoxication or Withdrawal and is not diagnosed if they occur exclusively during the course of a delirium (Criterion C). However, delirium may be superimposed on a preexisting SubstanceInduced Persisting Dementia, in which case both d iagnoses should be g iven. There

Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia


must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory finding s that the deficits are etiologically related to the persisting effects of substance lise (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, toxin exposure) (Criterion D). This disorder is termed "persisting" because the d ementia persists long after the individual has experienced the effects of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal. Features that are associated with Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia are those associated with dementias generally (see p. 147). E\'en if currently abstinent from substance U5e, most individuals wi th this disorder have previously had a pattern of prolonged and heavy substance use that met criteria for Substance Dependence. Because these disorders persist long after use of the substance has stopped, blood or urine screens may be negative for the etiological substance. The age at onset of Substance-Indu ced Persisting Dementia is rarely before age 20 years. This disorder usually has an insidious onset and slow progression, typically during a period when the person qualifies fo r a Substance Dependence diagnosis. The deficits are usually permanent and may worsen even if the substance use stops, although some c.lses do show improvement. For a more detailed discussion of the features associated with Substance-Rela ted. Disorders, see p. 191 .

Recording Procedures
The name of the diagnosis begins with the specific substance (e.g., alcohol) tha t is presumed to have caused the dementia. The diagnostic code is selected from the listing of classes of substances provided in the cri teria set. For substances that do not fit into any of the classes, the code fo r "Other Substance" should be used. In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic doses, the specific medication can be indicated by listing the appropriate E-code (see Appendix G). When more than one subst.lOce is judged to playa significant role in the development of the persisting dementia, each should be listed separately (e.g., 291.2 Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia; 292.82lnhalant-lnduced Persisting Dementia). If a substance is judged 10 be the etiological fa ctor, but the specific substance or class of substances is unknown, Ihe diagnosis is 292.82 Unknown Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia.

Specific Substa nces

Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia can occur in association with the follow ing classes of substances: alcohol; inhalants; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; o r other or unknown substances. Medications reported to cause dementia include anticonvulsanls and intra thecal methotrexate. Toxins reported 10 evoke symptoms of dementia include lead , mercury, carbon monoxide, organophosphate insecticides, and industTial solvents.

Differential Diagnosis
See p. 152 for a genera l discussion of the differential diagnosiS of dementia .


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cog niti ve Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia

A. The development of mUltiple cognitive deficits manifested by bot h
(1) memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new infor mation or t o recall pre

vious ly learned information) (2) one (or more) of the following cognitive di stur bances:
(a) aphasia (language distu rbance) (b) apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor function)

(e) a gnosia (failure to recognize o r ide ntify objects despite intact sensory
function) (d) disturbance in executive functioning (i .e., planning, organizin g, sequenc-

ing, abstracting)

B. The cognitive deficits in Criteria A1 and A2 each cause significant impairment in so cial or occupational functioning and represent a significant decl ine from a previous level of functioning .

The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a deli rium and persist be yond t he usual duration of Substance Intoxication or Wit hdrawal.

D. There is evidence from the history, physical exam inat ion, or laboratory findi ngs that the deficits are etiologically related to the persisting effects of substance use (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) .
Code (Specific SubstanceHnduced PerSisting Dementia :

(29 1.2 Alcohol; 292.82 Inhalant; 292.82 Sedative. Hypnot ic. or Anxiolytic; 292 .82 Other (or Unknownl Substance)

Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies

The Demenlia Due to Multiple Etiologies category is included to alert clinicians to the common situation in wh ich the dementia has more than one etiology. More than one general medical condition may be etiologically rela led to the dementia (e .g., Demen tia o f the Alzheimer's Type and Dementia Due to Head Trauma), or the d ementia m ay be due to the combined effects of a general medica l condition (e.g., Parkinson's disease) and the long-term use o f a s ubstance (e.g., Alcohol-Induced Persis ting Dementia).

Recording Proced ures

Dementia D ue to Multiple Etiologies does not have its O\\' n separa te code and should not be recorded as a d iagnosis. For examp le, both Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type and Vascular Demen tia should be diagnosed for an individual with Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, Without Behavioral Disturbance, who, over the


Dementia Not Ot herwise Specified


course of severa l strokes, develops a significant further decline in cognitive functioning. In this example, the clinician wou ld lis t both 294.10 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset, Without Be haviora l Disturbance, and 290.40, Vascular Dementia, Un complicated, on Axis I, and 331.0 Alzheimer's Disease and 436 Stroke on Axis rn.

Diagnostic criteria for Dementia Due to Multiple Etiologies


The development of multiple cognitive deficits manifested by both

(1) memory impairment (impaired ability to learn new info rmat ion o r to recall pre-

viously learned information) (2) one (or more) of the following cognitive disturbances: (a) aphasia (language disturbance) (b) apraxia (impaired ability to carry out motor activities despite intact motor functi on) (c) agnosia (failure to recognize or identify o bjects despite intact sensory function) (d) disturbance in executive function ing (i.e., plann ing, organizing. sequencing, a bstracting)
8. The cognitive deficits in Criteria Aland A2 each cause significant impairment in so-

cial or occupationa l functioning and represent a significant decline from a previous level of functioning.
C. The re is evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laborato ry findings t hat

the disturbance has more than one etiology (e.g., head trauma plus chronic alcohol use, De mentia of the Alzheimer'S Type with the subsequent development of Vascular Dementia).
D. The deficits do not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium.

Coding note: Use multiple codes based on specific dementias and specific etiologies, e.g., 294.10 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With l ate Onset, Without Behavioral Disturbance; 290.40 Vascula r Dementia. Uncomplicated .


Dementia Not Otherwise Sp ecified

This catego ry should be used to d iagnose a dementia tha t does not meet criteria for
of the specific types described in this sec-lio n. An example is a clinical presen tation o f dementia for which there is ins ufficient evidence to establis h a speci fi c etiology.

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cogn it ive Disorders

Amn estic D isord ers

The disorders in the " Amnestic Disorders" section are characterized by a disturbance in memory tha t is either due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition or due to the persisting effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure). The disord ers in this section sh are the common symptom presentation of memory impairment, but are differentiated based on etiology. The ctiagnostic features listed below pertain to Amnestic Disorde r Due to a General Medical Con dition (e.g., physical trauma and vitamin deficiency) and Su bstance-Induced Persisting Amnesti c Disorder (including medication side effects). In addition, Amn estic Disorder Not O thenvise Specified is included in this section for presentations in w hich the clinician is unable to determine a sp ecific etiology for the memory disturbance. Text and criteria for Dissocia tive Disorders involving memory loss are not included here and instead are contained in the Di ssociative Disorders section (see


Diagnost ic Features
Indiv iduals with an amnestic disorder are impaired in their ab ility to learn new information or are unable to recall previously learned information or past events (Criterion A). The memory disturbance must be sufficiently severe to cau se marked impairmen t in social or occupational functioning and must represent a significant decline from a previous level of functioning (Criterion B). The memory disturbance must not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium or a dementia (Criterion C). The ability to learn and recall new information is always a ffected in an amnestic disorder, whereas problems remembering previously learned information occur more variably, depending on the location and severity of brain damage. The m emory deficit is most apparent on tasks that require spontaneou s recall and may also be evident when the examiner provides stimuli for the person to recall at a later time. Depending on the specific area of the brain affected, deficits may be p redominantly related to verbal or visual stimuli. In some forms of an amnesti c disorder, the individual rna)' remember things from the very remote past better than more recent events (e.g., a person rna)' remember in vivid detai l a hospital stay that took place a decade before the examination, but may have no idea that he or she is currently in the hospital). The diagnosis is not made if the memory impairment occurs exclusively during the course of a delirium (Le., occurs only in the context of reduced ability to maintain and shift attention). The ability to immediately repeat a sequential string of information (e.g., d igit span) is typically not impaired in an amnestic d isorder. When such impairment is evident, it suggests the presence of an atlentiona l disturbance that may be indicative o f a delirium. The d iagnosis is also not made in the presence of other cognitive defici ts (e.g., apha sia, apraxia, agnosia, di sturbance in executive hmction ing) that are characteristic of a dementia. Individuals with an amnestic disorder rna)' experience major impairment in their social and vocational fun ctioning as a result of their memory d eficits, w hich, a t its extreme, may necessitate supervised living situations to ensure appropriate feeding and care.

Amnestic Disorders


Associ ated Feat ures and Disord ers

An amnestic d isorder is often preceded by an evolving clinical picture that includes confusion and disorientation, occasionally with attentional problems that suggest a delirium (e.g., Anmestic Disorder Due to Thiamine Deficienc y). Confabulation, often evidenced by the recitation of imaginary events to fill gaps in memory, may be noted during the early s tages of an amnestic disorder but tends to disappear with time. It ma}' therefore be important to obtain corroborating information from famil y members or other informants. Profound amnesia may result in disorientation to place and time, but rarely to seU. Disorientation to seU may be encountered in individuals with a dementia but is unusual in an amnes tic d isorder. Most individuals with a severe Amnestic Disorder lack insigh t into their memory d eficits and may explicitly deny the presence of severe memory impairmen t despite evidence to the contrary. This lack of insight may lead to accusations against others or, in rare instances, to agitation. Some individuals may acknowledge th at they have a problem but appear unconcerned . Apathy, lack of initiative, emotional blandness, or other changes suggestive of altered personality ftmc tion may be encountered. Individuals may be superfi cially friendly or agreeable, bu t they may have a shallow or diminished range of affective expression. Individuals with transient global amnesia often appear bewildered or befuddled. Subtle deficits in other cogni tive functions may be noted, but, by definition, they are not severe enough to cause clinically Significant impairment. Quantitative neuropsychological testi ng often demonstrates specific memory deficits in the absence of other cognitive disturbances. Performance on s tandardized tests that assess recall of well-known historical events or public figure s may be variable among individuals with an Amnestic Disorder, depending on the nature and extent of the deficit.

Specif ic Cult ure Feat ures

Cultural and educational background should be taken into consideration in the evaluation of memory. Individuals from certain backgrounds may not be familiar with the information used in certain tests of memory (e.g., date of b irth in cultures that do not routinely celebrate birthdays).

Age a t onset and subsequent course of amnestic disorders may be quite variable, d epend ing on the primary pathological process causing the amnestic disorder. Trauma tic brain injury, stroke or other cerebrovascular events, or specific types of neurotox ic exposure (e.g ., carbon m onoxide poisoning) may lead to an acute onset of an amnestic disorder. Other conditions such as prolonged subs tance abuse, chronic neurotoxic exposure, or sustained nutri tional deficiency may lead to an insidious onset. Transient amnesia due to a cerebrovascular etiology may be recurrent, with episodes lasting from several hours to several days. Amnestic Disorders Due to Head Trauma may last for variable amounts of time, with a characteristic pattern of greatest deficit immediately after injury and improvement during the ensuing 2 years (further improvement beyond 24 months has been noted, but less commonly). Disorders due


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

to destruction of middle-temporal lobe s tructures (e.g., from infarction, surgical ablation, or malnutrition occurring in the context of Alcohol Dependence) may cause persisting impa irments.

Differential Diagnosis
Memory impairment is also a feature of delirium and dementia. In delirium, memory dyshmction occ urs in association with impaired consciousness, w ith reduced ability to focus, sus tain, or shift attention. In dementia, memory impairment must be accompanied by multiple cognitive d eficits (i.e., a phasia, apraxia, agnosia, or a disturbance in executive fun ctioning) that lead to clinically s ignificant impairment. An amnestic disorder must be distinguished ITom Dissociative Amnesia and amnesia occurring in the context of other Dissociative Disorders (e.g ., Dissociative Identity Disorder). By definition, an amnestic disorder is due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition or subs tance u se. Furthermore, amnesia in Dissociative Disorders ty pically does not involve defi cits in learning and recalling new information; rather, individuals present with a circumscribed inability to recall p revious memories, u sually of a traumatic or s tressful nature. For memory dis turbances (e_g., blackouts) that occur only during intoxication with or withdrawal from a drug of abuse, the appropriate Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal should be diagnosed and a separate amnestic disorder d iagnosis is not made. For memory disturbances that are associated with the use of medic.l tiOn. Ad verse Effects of Medication Not Othem'ise Specified (p. 736) may be noted , with the medication indicated by the u se of an E-cod e (see Ap p endix G). The presumed etiology of the amnestic disorder determines the diagnosis (text and criteria fo r each amnestic disorder diagnosis are provided separately later in this section). If it is judged that the memory d isturbance is a consequence of the direct phys iological effects of a general med ical condition (including head trauma), then Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is diagnosed . If the memory disturban ce results from the persisting effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposLUe), then Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder is diagnosed . ""hen both a s ubs tance (e.g ., alcohol) and a general medical condition (e.g., head trauma) have h ad an etiological role in the d evelopment of the memory dishubance, both diagnoses are given. If it is not possible to establish a sp.... cific etiology (i.e., d issociative, subs tan ce induced , or due to a general medical condition), Amnestic Disorder Not Othenvise Specified is diagnosed. Amnestic disorder mus t be dis ting uished from Malingering and from Factitious Disorder. This difficult dis tinction can be assis ted by systematic m emory testing (whidl often yields inconsistent results in Factitious Disorder or Malingering) and b)' the absence of a general medical condition or subs tance use that is etiologica lly relat ed to the memory impairment. Amnes tic disorder should be dis tinguished from the less efficient memory characteristic of Age-Related Cognitive Decline, w hich is w ithin the expected age-adjusted normative range for the individual.


Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Med ical Condition

175 1

294.0 Amnestic Di sorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagn ostic and Associ at ed Features
The descriptive features of Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (Criteria A-C) are discussed on p. 172. In addition, the diagnosis requires that there must be evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laboratory findings that the memory di sturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (including physical trauma) (Criterion D). In determining whether the amnestic disturbance is due to a general medical condition, the clinician must first establish the p resence of a general medical condition. Further, the clinician must establish that the amnestic disturbance is etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiologica l mechan ism. A careful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible guidelines for determining whether the relationship between the amnestic d isturbance and the general medical condition is etiological, several considerations provide some guidance in this area. One consideralion is the presence of a temporal association beh\'een the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condition and tha t of the amnestic disturbance. A second consideration is the presence of fea tures that are atypical of memory impairment in the context of a dissociative or other mental disorder (e.g., atypical age at onset o r cou rse) . Evidence from the literature that suggests that there can be a direct association between the genera l medical condition in question and the development of memory impairment can provide a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. In addition, the clinician must a lso judge that the disturbance is not better accounted for by a Dissociative Disorder, Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, or another primary mental disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder). These determinations are explained in greater detail in the "Mental Disorders Due to a Genera l Medical Condition" section (p. 181). Individ uals w ith Amnestic Disorder Due to a Genera l Medica l Condition often show other fea tures of the primary systemic or cerebral disease that caused the memory impairment. However, disordered men tal status may be the sole presenting fea ture. There are no specific or diagnostiC features d etectable with procedures SUell as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or compu ted tomography (CT). However, damage to mediotemporallobe structures is common and may be renected byenlargement of third ventricle or temporal homs or by structu ral atrophy detected on MRl.

Specifi e rs
The following specifiers may be noted to indica te the duration of the disturbance. T ransient. This specifier is used to indicate durations usuall y from several hours to a few days and for no more than 1 month. When the diagnosis is made w ithin the first month without waiting for recovery, the term "provisional" may be added. "Transient g lobal amnesia" is a specific form of transient amnestic disorder, characterized by a dense, transitory inability to learn new in-


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

formation and a variable impaired ability to recall events that occurred jusl before, or in the mids t o f, the etiological cerebrovascular problem. Chronic. This sp ecifier is used for dis turbances that last for more than 1 month.

Recording Procedures
In recording the diagnOSiS of Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should note the identified general medical condition judged to be the dis turbance on Axis I (e.g . 294.0 Amnestic Disorder Due to Stroke). The ICD-9-CM code (or the general medical condition sh ould also be no ted on Axis ill (e.g., 436 stroke). (See Appendix G fo r a list of selected ICO-9-CM d iagnostic codes for general medical conditions.)

Associated Genera l Medical Conditions

An amnestic disorder often occurs as the result of pathological processes (e.g., d osed head trauma, penetratin g missile wounds, surgical intervention, hypoxia, infa rction o f the distribution of the posterior cerebral artery, and herpes simplex encephalitis) that cause damage to s pedfic d iencephalic and mediotemporal lobe s tructures (e.g., mammillary bodies, hippocampus, fornix). Pathology is most often bilateral, bul del icits may a rise from unilatera l lesions. Transient Amnestic Disorder, when encoun tered as "transient g lobal amnes ia," is typ ically associa ted with cerebrovascular disease and path ology in the vertebrobasilar system. Trans ient Amnestic Disorder may also arise from episodic ge ne ral medical conditions (e.g., metabolic conditions or seizures) .

Differentia l Diagnosis
See p . 174 for a discussion of the differential diagnosis of a mnestic disorders.

Substa nce-Ind uced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

Diagnostic criteria for 294.0 Amnestic Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A, The development of memory impairment as manifested by impairment in the ability to learn new information or the inability to recall previously learned information.

B. The memory disturbance causes significant impairment in social or occupational functioning and represents a sign ificant decline from a previous level of functioning.

C. The memory disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium or a dementia.
D. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory f indings that the disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (including physical trauma).

Specify if:
Transient: if memory impairment lasts for 1 month or less Chronic: if memory impairment lasts for more than 1 month Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condit ion on Axis I, e.g., 294.0 Amnestic Disorder Due to Head Trauma; also code the general medical condition on Axis III (see Appendix G for codes).

Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

Diagnostic and Associated Features
The descriptive features of Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (Criteria Aand B) are discussed on p. 172. The m emory disturbance does not occur exclUSively during the course of a delirium or a d ementia and persists beyond the usual duration of Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal (Criterion C). In addition, to diagnose Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the memory disturbance is etiologically related to the persisting effects of substance use (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, toxin exposure) (Criterion D). This disorder is termed "persisting" because the memory d isturbance persists long after the individual is no longer experiendng the effects of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal. Features that are associated with Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder are those associated with amnestic disorders generally (see p. ] 73). Even if currently abstinent from substance use, most individuals with this disorder have previously had a pattern of prolonged and heavy substance use that met criteria for Substance Dependence. Because these disorders persist long after use of the substance has stopped, blood or urine screens may be negative for the etiological substance. The age at onset is rarely before age 20 years. The resulting impairment may remain stable or worsen, even if substance use stops.


Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cog nit ive Disord ers

For a more d e tailed discussion of the features associa ted with Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 191.

Recording Procedu res

The name of the diagnosis begins with the sp ecific substance (e.g., alcohol, secobar~ bital) that is presumed to be ca us ing the memory d ishlTbance. The diagnostic code is selected from th e lis ting of classes of substances provided in the c riteria set. For sub stances that do not fit into any o f the classes, the code for "Other Subs ta nce" shouJd be used. In addi tion, for med ica tions prescribed at therapeutic doses, the s pecific medication can be indicated by lis ting the appropriate E-code (see Appendix G). "''hen more than one substance is judged to playa significant Tole in the development of the memory disturbance, each should be listed separately (e.g., 291.1 Alcohollnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder; 292.83 Secobarbital-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder). li a substance is judged to be the etiological fa ctor but the specific substa nce or class of substances is wUmown, the diagnosis is 292.83 Unknown Substance-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder.

Specific Substances
Substance-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder ca n occur in association with the foJlowing classes of substances: alcohol; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder is appa.rently due to the vitamin deficiency that is associated with prolonged, hea vy ingestion of alcohol. Neu.rological disturbances such as periphera l neu.ropathy, cerebelJar ataxia, and m yopathy among the associa ted features. Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder due to thiamine deficiency (Korsakoff's syndrome) often fo llows an acute episode of Wernicke's encephalopathy, a neurological condition manifested by confusion, ataxia, eye-movement abnonnalities (gaze palsies, nystagmus), and other neu.rological signs. Gradually, these manifes tations subsid e, but a major impainnent of memory remains. If Wernicke's encephalopathy is treated early with large d oses of thiamine, Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disord er may no t develop. Although age is not a specific etiological fac lor in the condition, individuals w ho d evelop Alcohollnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder generally have histories of many years of heavy alcohol use and are most often over age 40 years. Although the mode of onset is typically abrupt, some individuals may develop deficits insidiously over many years, d ue to repeated toxic and nutritional insults, prior to the emergence of a fin al, more dramatically impairing episode apparently related to thiamine deficiency. Once established, Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder usually persis ts indefi nitely, although there may be slight improvement over time and in a minority of the cases the condition can remit. Impairment is usually quite severe, and lifelong custodial care may be necessary. Sedative..., Hypnotic-, or AnxiolyticInduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder can follow prolonged and heavy use of drugs from this class. The course is variable, and , unlike Alcohol-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, fu ll recovery can occur. Medications reported to cause amnestic di sorders include anti convulsants and intrathecal methotrexate. Toxins reported to evoke symptoms of

294.8 Amnest ic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified


JrlUlesia include lead , mercury, carbon monoxide, organophosphate insecticides, and industrial solvents.

Diffe rential Diag nosis

See p. 174 for a general discussion of the d ifferential diagnosis o f amnesti c disorders.

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder

A. The development of memory impairment as manifested by impairment i n the ability
to learn new i nformat ion or t he inability to re call previously learned information. 8. The memory disturbance causes signifi cant impairment in social o r occupational funct ioning and represents a significant decline from a previous level of functioning .

C. The memory disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium
or a dementia and persists beyond the usua l duration of Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal. D. There is evid ence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findi ngs that the memory disturbance is etiolog ically related to the persisting effects of substance use (e.g . a drug of abuse. a medication).
Code [Specific Substancel- Induced Persisting Amnestic Disord er:

(29 1. 1 Alcohol; 292.83 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic; 292.83 Other l or Unknown ] Substance)


Amnestic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category should be used to d iagnose an amnestic disord er that d oes not meet criteria for any of the specific ty pes described in this section. An example is a clinica l presentation of anUlesia for which there is insuffi cient evidence to establish a specifi c etiology (i.e., d issociative, substance induced , or due to a general med ical condition).

Other Cognitive Disorders


Cognitive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for disorders tha t are characterized by cognitive d ysfunction presumed to be due to the direct ph ysiological effect of a general medical condition that do no t meet criteria for any o f the specific d eliriums, dementias, or amnestic d isorders listed in this section and that are not betler classified as Delirium Not O therwise Spec-


Del irium. De mentia, and Am nestic and Oth er Cogn it ive Disorders

ified, Dementia N ot Otherwise Sp ecified, or Amnes tic Disord er Not O thenvise Specified. For cogni tive d ysfun ction d ue to a specific or unknown s ubstance, the specific Substance-Related Disorder T t O them 'ise Specified category should be used. o Examples incl ude 1. Mild neurocogn itive disord er: impairmen t in cognitive functioning as evidenced by neuropsychological testing or q uantifi ed clinical assessment. accompanied by objective evidence of a systemic general med ical condition or cenuit\ ner"OU5 system d ysfunction (see p. 762 for suggested research criteria) 2. Postconcussional diso rder: following a head tra uma, impairment in memory or attention with associated symptoms (see p . 760 for sugges ted research criteria)

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

Mental Disorder Due to il Genera l Medical Condition is characterized by the presence of mental symptoms that aTe judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a general medical cond ition . The term geJleral medical condition refers to conditions that are coded on Axis ill and that are. lis ted outside the "Mental Disorders" chapter of ICD. (See Appendix G for a condensed lis t of these conditi ons.) As d iscussed in the "Introduction" to this manual, maintaining the distinction between mental disorders and general medical conditions does not imply that there are ftm damenlal differences in their conceptualization, that mental disorders are unrelated to ph ysical or biologica l factors or processes, or that general medical conditions are unrelated to behavioral or psychosocial fac tors or processes. TIle purpose o f distinguishing general medical conditions from m ental disorders is to encourage thoroughness in eva luation and to provide a shorthand term to enhance comnHmication amon g health care providers. However, in clinical practice, it is expected that more specific terminology w ill be used to identify the specific condition involved . In DSM-III-R, the Men tal Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition and the Subs tance-Induced Disorders w ere caUed "organic" d isorders and were listed together in a single section. This differentiation of "organic" men tal disorders as a separate class implied that "nonorganic" or "functional " mental disorders were somehow unrelated to physical or biologica l factors or processes. DSM-IV eliminates the term orgall ic and distinguishes those mental disorders that are d ue to a general medical condition from those that are substan ce induced and those that have no specified eti ology . The term primanj mell fal disorder is used as a shorthand to indicate those mental disorders that are not due to a general medical condition and that are not substance induced. Text and criteria for three of these disorders (i .e., Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, Pe rsonality C hange Due to a General Medical Condition, and Mental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Due to a Ge neral Medical Condition) are included in this section. The text and criteria for the conditions listed below are placed in other sections of the m anual with disorders with which they share phenomenology. The manual h as been o rga nized in this fashion to alert clinicians to consider these disorders in ma king a differential diagnosis.

Delirium Due to a General Medical Condition Text and criteria are included in the "Deliriu m, Dementia, and Amnestic and O ther Cogniti ve Disorders" section, p. 141.



Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condit ion

Dementia Due to a General Med ical Condi tion Text and criteria are in- 'eluded in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders" section, p. 162. 294.0 Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condi tion Text and criteria are included in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic a nd Other Cognitive Dis ord ers" section, p. 175. 293.8x Psychoti c Disorder Due to a General Medical Conditi on Text and criteria are included in the "Schi zophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders" section, p. 334. 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to a Gen eral Medical Cond ition in cluded in the "Mood Disorders" section, p. 401. Text and cr iteria are

293.84 Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Con dition are included in the "An xiety Di so rders" section, p. 476.

Text and criteria

-,-_ _ Sexual Dysfun cti on Due to a Gen eral Medical Condition Text and eritf'ria are included in the "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders" section, p. 558. 780.5x Sleep Disord er Due to a Gen eral Medical Condi tion incl uded in the "Sleep Disorders" section, p. 651 . Text and criteria are

Diagnostic Features
Th ree criteria appear in the criteria sets fo r each of the Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition: B. There is evidence from the history, physi cal examin ation, or laboratory findings that the d isturban ce is the direct physiological conseq u ence of a general medical cond ition . Application of this criterion requires h vo separate judgments: that a general medical condition is present (ascertained by history, physical examination, or laboratol)' assessment) and that the disturbance (e.g., psycho tic, mood , anxiety symptoms) is etiologica lly related to the general medical condition through a physiological mechanism. It should be recognized that whether or not a d isturbance is or is 110 t due to the d irect physiological effects o f a general medical cond ition often rep resen ts a false di cho tomy- that is, a gen eral med ical condition may be p art of but n ot the sole etiology of the d isturbance. [n any case, although there are no infallible g uidelines for deter mining w hether the relationship betw een the general medica l condition and the dis turbance is etiological, severa l considerations provide gu idance in this area. One consideration is the presence o f a temporal association between the onset, exacerba tion, or remission of the general medical condition an d that of the mental di sorder (e.g., sym p toms of anxiety in an individual with a pa rathy roid adenoma tha t resoh'e after surgical excision restores a normal serum calciu m level). Although evidence of a close temporal relation sh ip is often u sefu l in making a judgment about etiology,

Menta l Disorders Due to a Genera l Medical Condition


there are many exceptions. For example, Psychotic Disorder Due to Epilepsy can emerge many years after the onset of seizures. Alternatively, symptoms and signs of a menta l disorder can be among the first manifestations of a systemic or cerebral disease, appearing months or more before the detection of the underlying pathological process (e.g., depressed mood preceding choreiform movements in Huntington's disease). Men tal Disorders Due to a General Medica l Condition can also persist after the general medical condition has resolved (e.g., depressed mood persisting after thyroid hormone replacement). Moreover, a Mental Di sorder Due to a Generallvledical Condition can be amenable to symptomatic treatmen t even while the general medical condition remains acti ve (e.g., depression in epilepsy). Treatment targeted to the general medical condition that alleviates the symptoms of both the general medical condition and the mental disturbance may provide stronger evidence of an etiological relationship. A second important consideration is the presence of features that are atypica l of the primary mental disorder. The most common example is an atypical age at onset or course (e.g., first appearance of schizophrenic-like symptoms in a 75-year-old individual). There may be unusual associated features (e.g., visual or tactile halluci nations accompanying major depressive-like episodes) or diagnostk features that are disproportionately more severe than would be expected given the overall presentation (e.g., a 5G-pound weight loss in an individual with othenvise mi ld d epressive symptoms might suggest the presence of a underlying general medical condition). The clinician should be alerted especially by the presence o f Significant cognitive d eficits that are out of proportion to those ty pically encountered with the primary mental disorder. Evidence from the literature of a well-established or frequently encountered association behveen the general medical condition and the phenomenology of a specific mental disorder may be useful in the evaluation of a particular situation. Such stud ies may p rOVide evidence of a plaUSible etiological association between the menta l symptoms and the general medical condition (e.g., lesion location or a known pa thophysiological mechanism likely to affect brain function ) and of an elevated prevalence rate of the mental symptoms (i.e., above the base rate in an appropria te control population) in individuals with the general medical condition. Although such evidence suggests a possible causal link between a mental disorder and a particular gen efal medica l condition, it is not sufficient for making a determination in an individua l case because research studies generally reflect group means, whereas the clinician seeks to make a decision regarding an individual The text for each of the specific Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition contains a list of some of the genefill medical cond itions noted in the literature to be associa ted with that specific menta l disorder.
C. The disturbance is not beller accounted for by another mental diso rder.

In making the diagnosis of a Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, it is necessary to rule out primilT}' mental disorders and menial disorders that are substance induced . Ruling ou t primary mental disorders is oft en difficult becau se individuals w ith primary mental disorders commonly have co-occurring general medical conditions that are /lot causing the mental symptoms through direct physiological

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medica l Cond it ion mechanisms. There may be a number of other relationships between a mental disor der and a general m ed ical condition: the general medical condition may exacerbate the symptoms or complicate treatment of the mental d isorder; the hvo may be related through non physiological mechanisms; or theca.occurrence may be coinciden tal For example, when de preSSive symptoms are precipitated by the general medical condi tion acting as a psychosoci al stressor, rather than resu lting from the d irect physiolog ical effects of the general medical condition, the diagnosis would be Major Depressive Disorder or Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood. In an individual with de pressive symptoms that cooccur with a general medical condition, a history of many Major Depressive Episodes or a family his tory of depression would suggest a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder, rather than a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. Finally, the clinician should also consider whether the mental symptoms are caused by a drug of abuse, a medication, o r toxin exposure (see p. 209 fo r guidelines). This is especially important because many individuals with general medical conditions receive medications that may have the potential to cause a Substance-Induced Mental Disorder. D. T he dis turbance d oes n ot occur exclus ively du ring the course of a d elirium.

If symptoms (e.g., p sychotic, mood, anxiety) occur only during periods of delirium, they a re considered to be associated features of the delirium and do not warrant a sepa rate diagnosis. These cond itions (e.g., Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition) can be diagnosed separately only if they occur at times other than during the delirium .

Recording Procedures
Ln recording a Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should note both the type of mental disturbance and the etiological general medical condition on Axis I (e.g., 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to H yp othyroidism, With De-pressive Features). The ICD9-CM code for the general medical cond ition (e.g., 244.9 hy pothyroidism ) should also be noted on Axis Ill . In s ituations in which the clinician has determined that the mental symptoms are not a direct phys iological consequence of the general medica l condition, the p rimary mental disorder should be coded on Axis I and the general medica l condition should be coded on Axis lII. (See AppendiX C for a list o f selected ICD-9.(M diagnostic codes for general medical conditions.)

Differential Diagnosis
A Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is distinguished from a pri mary men tal disord e r by applying the crite ria discussed earlier in th is section under " Diagnostic Features." When symptoms of a mental disorder and a general medical condition co-occur, it is especially importan t to determine whether the etiological relationship, if a ny, is directly phYSiological (in which case the d iagnosis is Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition) or through another mechanism (in which case the diagnosis is a primary mental disorder). In some cases, the development of a general medical condition or the presence of associated disa bility may precipitate or


Catatonic Disord er Due to a General Medical Condi t ion


exacerbate a mental disorder, w ith no known physiological link (e.g., the disability associated with osteoarthritis may playa role in the development of depressive symptoms or a Major Depressive Episode, but there is no know n physiological mechanism underlying the etiological relationship behveen the arthritis and the depressive symptoms). In this situation, the primary mental disorder (i.e., Adjustment Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder) shou ld be diagnosed on Axis I and the general medical condition (i.e., osteoarthritis) shou ld be listed on Axis III. A Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition mus t also be distinguished from a Substance-Induced Disorder. If there is e\'idence of recent or prolonged use of a substance (including medications with psychoactive effects), withdrawal from a substance, or exposure to a toxin, a Substance-Induced Disorder should be considered . It m ay be u seful to obtain a urine or blood drug screen or other appropriate laboratory evaluation . Symptoms that occur during or s hortly after (i .e., w ithin 4 weeks of) significant substance in toxica tion or withdrawal or medication use may be especially indicative of a Substance-Induced Disorder, depending on the type or the amount of the substance used o r the duration o f use. Delirium, dementia, psychotic, mood, anxiety, or sleep symptoms or a sexual d ysfunction may be caused by the combined effects of a general medical condition an d substance use (including medications). In such situations, both diagnoses (e.g., Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Mood Disorder) should be listed . If it is not possible to ascertain w hether the mental symptoms are due to a general medica l condition or are substance induced, the Not Othenvise Specified category may be used (see discussion below) . When, as often happens, the presentation of a Men tal Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition contains a m ix of different symptoms (e.g., m ood and anxie ty), it is generally desirable to assign a single diagnosis based on which symptoms predominate in the clinical presentation. In some s ituat ions, it is not possible to determine whether the mental symptoms are primary, due to a general medical condi tion, or substance induced. The Not Otherwise Specified category should be used in such situations.


Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is the presence of catatonia that is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition. Catatonia is manifested by any of the following: motoric immobility. excessive motor activity, extreme negativism or mutism, peculiar ities of vol untary movement, echola lia, or echopraxia (Criterion A). There must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory finding s that the catatonia is the direct physi ological consequence of a general medical condition (Criterion 8 ). The diagnos is is not g iven if the catalonia is better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Manic Episode) (Criterion C) or if it occurs exclus ively during the course of a delirium (Criterion D).

Mental Disorders Due to a Ge neral Medical Condition Motoric immobility may be manifested by catalepsy (waxy fl exibility) or stupor. The excessive motor activity is apparen tly purposeless and is not influenced by external stimuli. There may be extreme negativism tha t is manifested by resistance to all instructions o r the maintenance of a rigid posture against attempts to be moved. Peculiarities of voluntary m ovem ent are manifested by the voluntary assumption of inappropriate or bizarre postures or by prominent grimacing. Echolalia is the pathological, parro llike, and apparen tly senseless repetition o f a word or phrase just spa-ken by another person. Echopraxia is the repetitive imitation of the movements of another person.

Recording Procedu re s
In recording Cata tonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should nole both the specific phenomenology of the disturbance and the identified gener.1l medical cond ition judged to be causing the d is turbance on Axis I (e.g., 293.89 Catatonic Disorder Due to Malignant Neoplasm of Brain). The ICD9-Ct-,'I code for the general medical condition (e.g., 191.9 malignant neoplasm of brain) should also be noted on Axis III . (See Appendix G (or a list of selected ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes for general medical conditions.)

Associated Gene ral Medi ca l Conditions

A variety o( general medical conditions may cause cata tonia, especially neurological conditions (e.g., neoplasms, head trauma, cerebrovascular disease, encephalitis) and metabolic conditions (e.g., hypercalcemia, hepatic encephalopathy, homoc},stinuria, diabetic ketoacidosis). The associa ted physical examination findings, labora tory find ings, and patterns of prevalence and onset reflect those of the etiological general medical condition.

Differentia l Diagnosis
A separate diagnosis of Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition is not given if the cata tonia occurs exclusively during the course of a d elirium. If the ind ividual is curren tly taking neuroleptic medica tion, Medication-Induced Movement Disorders should be considered (e.g., abnormal positioning may be due to 'eurolepticInduced Acute Dystonia). Catatonic symptoms rna}' also be p resent in Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders. Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type, is distinguished by the absence of evidence of a general medical condition that is etiologically related to the ca tatonia, and by the presence of other symptoms characteristic of Sch izophrenia (e.g., delusions, hallucinations, disorga nized speech, negative symptoms). A Mood Disorder With Ca tatonic Features is likew ise differentiated by the absence of evidence of a general medical condition tha t is etiologicaU related to the ca tatonia, and y by the presence of symptoms that meet the criteria for a Major Depressive or Manic Episode.

310 .1

Persona lity Change Due t o a Genera l Medica l Condition

Diagnostic criteria for 293.89 Catatonic Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A. The presence of catatonia as manifested by motoric immobility, excessive motor activity (that is appa rently purposeless and not influ enced by external stimuli), extreme negativism or mutism, pecul iarities of voluntary movement, or echolal ia or echopraxia. B. There is evidence from the history, physical exam inat ion, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is t he direct physiological consequence of a genera l medica l condit ion.
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e .g., a Manic

Episode). D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium . Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis I, e.g., 293.B9 Catatonic Disorder Due to Hepatic Encephalopathy; also code the ge neral medical cond ition on Axis III (see Append ix G for codes).

310 .1 Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Feat ure s
The essen tial feature of a Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition is a persistent p ersonality disturbance that is judged to be d u e to the direct physiological effects o f a genera l medical condi tion . The personality d is turbance represents a change from the indiv idual's previous characteristic personality pattern . In children, this condition may be manifested as a marked deviation from nonnal development rather than as a change in a s table personality pattern (Criterion A) . There must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the personality change is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (Criterion B). The diagnosis is not given if the disturbance is better accounted fo r by another mental disorder (Criterion C) . The diagnosis is not given if the dis turbance occurs exclusively during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). The disturbance must also cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioni n g (Criterion E). Common manifesta tions o f the personality change in clude affec tive ins tability, poor impulse control, outbursts of aggression o r rage grossly out of proportion to any precipitating psychosocial s tressor, marked apathy, s uspiciousness, or paranoid ideation . The phenomenology of the change is indicated using the s ubtypes lis ted below . An individ ual with the disorder is often characterized by others as "not himself [or herself] ." Although it shares the term "personality" with the Axis II Personality Disorders, this diagnosis is coded on Axis I and is dis tinct by virtue of its specific etiology, different phenomenology, and more variable onset and course.


Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

The clinical presentation in a given individual may depend on the nature and localization of the pathological process. For example, injury to the fron tal lobes may yield s uch symptoms as lack of judgment or foresigh t, fa cetiousness, disinhibition, and euphoria. Right hemisphere strokes have often been shown. to evoke personality changes in association with unilateral s patial neglect, anosognosia (inability of the ind ividual to recognize a bodily or fun ctional defi cit such as the existence of hemi pa resis), motor impersistence. and other neurological d eficit s.

The particular personality change can be specified by indicating the symptom presentation that predominates in the clinical presentation : l abil e Type. This subty pe is used if the predominant feature is affective labili ty. Disinhibited Type. This subtyp e is used if the predominant fea ture is poor impulse control (e.g., as evidenced by sexual ind iscretions). Aggressive Type. This subtype is used if the predominant feature is aggres si\'e behavior. Apathetic Type. This subtype is used if the predominant feature is marked apathy and indifference. Paranoid Type. This subtype is used if the predominant feature is suspi ciousness or paranoid ideation. Other Type. Thi s subtype is for presentations not characterized by any o f the above subtypes. Combined Type. This subtype is used if more than one feature predominates in the clinical picture. Unspecified Type.

Recording Proced ures

10 recording Persona li ty Change Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should note both the specific phenomenology of the distu rbance, including appropri ate subtype, and the genera l medical condition judged to be causing the disturbance on Axis I (e.g., 310.1 Personali ty Change Due to Systemic Lupus Er},thema tosus, Paranoid Type). The ICO-9-CM code for the general medical condi tion (e.g., 710.0 systemic lupus erythematosus) should also be noted on Axis m. (See Appendix G for a list of selected ICD-9-CM d iagnostic codes for general medical conditions.)

Associated General Medical Conditions

A variety of neurological and other general medical conditions may cause personality changes, including central nervous system neoplasms, head trawna, cerebrovascular disease, Huntington's disease, epilepsy, infectiou s conditions w ith central nervous system involvement (e.g., human immunodefi ciency virus), endocrine conditions (e.g., hypothyroidis m, hypo and hyperadrenocortkism), and au toimmune condi tions with central nervous system involvement (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus).


Personality Change Due to a Genera l Medica l Condition

189 1

The associated physical examination findings, laboratory findings, and patterns of prevalence and onset reflect those of the neurological or other general medical condi tion involved.

Differential Diagnosis
Chronic general medical conditions associated w ith pain and disability can also be associa ted with changes in personality. The diagnosis of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition is given only if a direct pathophysiological mechanism can be established. Thi s diagnosis is not given if the change is due to a behavioral or psychological adjustment or response to a genera l medical condition (e.g., dependent behav iors that result from a need for the assistance of others foll owing a severe head trauma, cardiovascular disease, or dementia). Personality change is a frequent asscr cia ted feature o f a delirium or deme ntia. A separate diagnosis of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition is not given if the change occurs exclusivel}' during the course of a d elirium. However, the diagnOSiS of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition may be given in addition 10 the diagnOSiS of dementia if the personality change is a prominent part of the clinical presentation. Furthermore, the diagnosis of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition is not given if the disturbance is better accounted for by another Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition {e.g., Mood Disorder Due to Brain Tumor, With Depressive Features}. Personality changes may also occur in the context of Substance Dependence, especially if the d ependence is long-standing. The clinician should inquire carefully about the nature and extent of substance use. If the clinician wishes to indicate an etiological relationship between the personality change and substance use, the Not Otherwise Specified category for Ule specific substance (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ) can be used. Marked personality changes may also be an associated feature of other mental dIsorders (e.g., Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, Mood Disorders, lmpulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified, Panic Disorder). However, in these disorders, no specific physiological factor is judged to be etiologically related to the personality change. Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition can be distinguished from a Personality D isorder by the req uirement for a clinically significant change from baseline personality functi oning and the presence of a specific etiological general medical condition.

1 190

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic criteria for 310.1 Personality Change Due to ...

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A. A persistent personality disturbance that represents a change from the individual's

previous characteristic personality pattern. (In children, the disturbance involves a

marked deviation from normal development or a significant change in the child's

usual behavior patterns lasting at least 1 year), B. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition.

C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (including other Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition).

D. The dirturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. E. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupat iona l, or other important areas of functioning.
Specify type:

Labile Type: if the predominant feature is affective lability Disinhibited Type: if the predominant feature is poor impulse control as evi denced by sexual indiscretions, etc. Aggressive Type: if the predominant feature is aggressive behavior Apathetic Type: if the predominant feature is marked apathy and indifference Paranoid Type: if the predominant feature is suspiciousness or paranoid ideation Other Type: if t he presentation is not characterized by any of the above subtypes Combined Type: if more than one feature predominates in the clinical picture Unspecified Type Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis I, e.g., 310.1 Personality Change Due to Temporal Lobe Epilepsy; also code the general medica l condi t ion on Axis III (see Appendix G fo r codes).


Mental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Due to a General Medical Condition

This residual category should be used for situations in which it has been established that the d js turbance is caused by the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition, but the criteria are not met for a specific Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g., dissociative symptoms due to complex partial seizures). Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis L e.g., 293.9 Mental Disorder Not Otherwise Specified Due to HIV Disease; a lso code the general medical condition on Axis ill (see AppendiX G for codes).

Substance-Related Disorders

T he Substance-Related Oisorders include disorders related to the taking of a drug of abuse (induding alcohol), to the side effects of a medication, and to toxin exposure.
In this manual, the term substallce can refer to a drug of abuse, a medication, or a toxin. The substances discussed in this section are grouped into 11 classes: alcohol; amphetamine or similarly acting sympathomimetics; caffeine; cannabis; cocaine; hallucinogens; inhalants; nicotine; opioids; p hencyclidine (PCP) or similarly acting arylcyclohexylamines; and sedatives, h ypnotics, or anxiolytics. Although these 11 classes

appear in alphabetical order, the follow ing classes share similar features: alcohol shares features with the sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and cocaine shares features with amphetamines or similarly acting sympathomimetics. Also included in this section are Polysubstance Dependence and Other or Unknown Substance-Related Disorders (which include most disorders related to medications or toxins). Many prescribed and over~the+counter medications can also cause Substance+ Related Disorders. Symptoms generally occur at high doses o f the medication and usually disappear when the dosage is lowered or the medication is stopped . Med i ca~ nons that may cause Substance~Related Disorders include, but are not limited to, anesthetics and analgesics, anticholinergic agents, anticonvulsants, antihistamines, antihypertensive and cardiovascular medications, antimicrobial medica tions, anti~ parkinsonian medications, chemotherapeutic agents, corticosteroids, gastrointes tinal medications, muscle relaxants, nons teroidal anti~inflammatory medications, other ove r-the~co unter medications, antidepressant medications, and disulfiram. Exposure to a wide range of other chemical substances can also lead to the development of a Substance+ Related Disorder. Toxic substances that may cause SubstanceRelated Disorders include, but are not limited to, heavy metals (e.g., lead or aluminum), rat poisons containing strychnine, pesticides containing nicotine, or acetyl cholin~ esterase inhibitors, nerve gases, ethylene glycol (antifreeze), carbon monoxide, and carbon dioxide. The vola tile s ubstances (e.g., fuel, paint) are classified as "inhalants" (see p. 257) if they are u sed for the purpose of becoming intoxicated; they are con~ sidered "toxins" if exposure is accidental o r part of intentional poisoning. impairments in cognition or mood are the most common symptoms associated with toxic subs tances, although anxiety, hallucinations, delusions, or seizures can also result. Symptoms usually disappear when the individual is no longer exposed to the s ub~ stance, but resolution of symptoms can take weeks or months and may require treatment. The Substance~Related Disorders are d ivided in to two groups: the Subs tance Use Disorders (Substance Dependence and Subs tance Abuse) and the Substance-Induced Disorders (Substance Intoxication, Subs tance WithdrawaL Subs tance~I nduced Delirium, Substance~Induced Persisting Dementia, Substance-Induced Persisting Am-


Substance-Related Disorders
nestic Disorder, Subs tan ce-Ind u ced Psychotic Disorder, Subs tance-Induced Mood Disorder, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Substance-Induced Sexu al Dysfunction, and Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder). The section begins w ith the text and criteria sets for Substance Dependence, Abuse, Intoxication, and W ithdrawal that are applicable across classes o f subs tances. This is followed by general comments concerning associated features; culture, age, and gender features; course; impaimlenl and complications; famili al pattern; differential diagnosis; and recording procedures that app ly to all s ubstance classes. The remainder of the section is organized by class of substance and describes the sp ecific aspects of Dependence, Abuse, Intoxication, and Wi thdrawal for each of the 11 classes of substances . It should be noted that the Prevalence sections of the substance-specific texts contain survey d ata ind ica ting rates of substance u se in variou s age groups, as well as the lifetime an d I-year prevalence of Dependence and Abuse. To facilitate differential diagnosis, the text and criteria fo r the remaining Substance-Induced Disorders are included in the sections of the manual w ith disorders w ith which they share phenomenology (e.g ., Subs tanceInduced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). The diagnoses associated with each specific g roup of substances are shown in Table 1.

Substance Use Disorders Substance Dependence

The essential featu re of Subs tance Dep endence is a clu ster of cognitive, behavioral, and physiological symptoms in dica ting that the individual continues use of the substance d espite Significant substance-related problems. There is a pattern of repeated self-administration that can res ult in tolerance, w ithdrawal, and compulsive drug taking behavior. A diagnosis of Subs tance Dependence can be applied to every class of substances except caffeine. The symptoms of Dependence are similar across the various categories of s ubstances, but for certain classes some symptoms are less salient, and in a few ins tances no t all symptoms apply (e.g., withdraw al symptoms aTe not sp ecifi ed for HalluCinogen Dependence). Although not specifically lis ted as a cri terion item, "craving" (a s trong subjective drive to use the subs tance) is likely to be exp erienced by most (if n ot all) individuals with Substance Dependence. Dependence is d efined as a cluster of three or more of the symptoms listed below occurring at any time in the same 12-month period. Tolerance (Criterion 1) is the need for greatly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication (or the desired effect) or a markedly diminis hed effect with continued use of the same amount of the subs tance. The d egree to which tolerance develops varies greatly across subs tances. Furthermore, for a sp ecific drug, varied d egrees of tolerance may d evelop for its different central nervous system effects. For example, for op ioid s, tolerance to respiratory depression and tolerance to analgesia develop at different rates. Individuals w ith heavy use of opioids and stimulants can

Tab le 1.

Dia gnoses a ssoc iated with cl ass of subst a nces

Into xica- WithDepe n drawal d e nce Abuse tion Intoxlca tion Delirium

-- - -- --

WithAmnestic P5ychotic M~d dra w a l Anx iety Delirium De m e ntia Disorde r Disorde rs Disorders Disorde rs

Sex ual Dysfunctions


Sleep Disorders


Alcohol Amphe tamincs caffeine cannabis Cocaine Ha ll ucinogens In h;Jlants Nicotine Opioids Phencycli. d ine Sed;Jtives, hypnotics,









, a. ,











;Jn~io lytics

Polysub stance Other






Also H;Jl1uci nogcn Persisting Perception Disorde r (Flashbacks). No te: X. I, W, Itw, or P indicates that the category is recognized in DSM-IV. In add itio n, I ind icates th;Jt the specifier With Onset During In t o~ication may be noted for the c;Jtegory (e~ccpt for I nto~i(i)t ion Delirium); W indicates that the specifier Wit h Onset During Wit hdrawal may be noted for the category (except for Withdrawal Delirum); and IIW indicates that either With Onset During Intoxication or Wi th Onset During Withdrawal may be noted for the ca tegory. P indicates that the d isorder is Persisti ng.


Substance-Related Disorders develop substantial (e.g., la-fold) levels of tolerance, often to a d osage that would be lethal to a nonuser. Alcohol tolerance can also be pronounced, but is usually less extreme than for amphetamine. Many individuals w ho smoke cigarettes consume more than 20 cigarettes a d ay, an amount that would have produced symptoms of toxicity when they first started smoking. Individuals with heavy use of cannabis or phencyclidine (PCP) are generally not aware of having developed tolerance (although it has been demonstrated in animal studies and in some individuals) . Tolerance may be difficult to determine by history alone when the substance used is illegal and perhaps mixed with various diluents o r with other substances. In such situations, laboratory tests may be helpful (e.g., h igh blood levels of the substance coupled w ith little evid ence of intoxication suggest that tolerance is likely). Tolerance must also be distinguished fro m individual variability in the initial sensitivity to the effects of particular substances. For example, some first-time drinkers show very little evidence of intoxication with three or four drinks, whereas others of similar weight and drinking histories have slurred speech and incoordination. Withdrawal (Criterion 2a) is a maladaptive behavioral change, with physiological and cognitive concomitants, that occurs when blood or tissue concentrations of a substance decline in an individual who had maintained prolonged heavy use of the substance. After developing unpleasant withdrawal symptoms, the person is likely to take the substance to relieve or to avoid those symptoms (Criterion 2b), typically using the substance throughout the day beginning soon after awakening. Withdrawal symptoms, which are generally the opposite of the acute effects of the substance, vary g reatly across the classes of substances, and separate criteria sets for \'Vithdraw al are provided for most of the classes. Marked and generally easily measured physiologica l signs of withdrawal are common w ith alcohol, opioids, and sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics. Withdrawal signs and symptoms are often present, but may be less apparent, w ith stimulants such as amphetamines and cocaine, as well as with nicotine and cannabis. No significant withdrawal is seen even after repea ted use of hallucinogens. Withdrawal from phencyclidine and related substances has not yet been described in humans (although it has been demonstrated in animals). N either tolerance nor withdrawal is necessary or sufficient for a diagnosis of Substance Dependence. However, for most classes of substances, a past history o f tolerance or w ithdrawal is associated w ith a more severe clinical course (i .e., an earlier onset of Dependence, higher levels of substance intake, and a greater number of substance-related prob lems). Some individuals (e.g., those with Cannabis Dependence) show a pattern of compulsive use without obvious signs of tolerance o r withdrawal. Conversely, some general medical and postsurgical patients without Opioid Dependence may develop a tolerance to prescribed opioids and experience withdrawa l symptoms w ithout showing any signs of compulsive use. The specifiers With Physiological Dependence and Without Ph ysiological Dependence are provided to indicate the presence or absence of tolerance or withdrawal. TIle follOWing items describe the pattern of compulSive substance use that is characteristic of Dependence. The individual may take the substance in larger amounts or over a longer period than was originally intended (e.g., continuing to drink until severely intoxicated despite having set a limit of only one drink) (Criterion 3). The individual may express a persistent desire to cut down or regulate substance use. Often, there have been many u nsuccessful efforts to decrease or discontinue use (Criterion 4).

Substance Dependence

195 1

The individual may spend a great deal of time obtaining the substance, using the substance, or recovering from its effects (Criterion 5). In some instances of Substance Dependence, virtually all of the person's daily activities revolve around the substance. Important social, occupational, or recrea tional activities may be given up or reduced because of substance use (Criterion 6). The individual may withdraw from famil y activities and hobbies in order to use the substance in private or to spend more time with substance-using friend s. Despite recognizing the contributing role of the substance to a psychological or physical problem (e.g., severe depressive symptoms or damage to o rgan systems), the person continues to use the substance (Criterion 7). The key issue in evaluating this criterion is not the existence of the problem, but rather the individual's failure to abstain from using the substance despite having evidence of the difficulty it is causing.

Tolerance and withdrawal may be associated with a higher risk for immediate general medical problems and a higher relapse rate. Specifiers are provided to note their presence or absence: With Physiological Dependence. This specifier should be used when Substance Dependence is accompanied by evidence of tolerance (Criterion 1) or withdrawal (Criterion 2). Without Physiological Dependence. This specifier should be used when there is no evidence of tolerance (Criterion 1) or withdrawal (Criterion 2). In these individuals, Substance Dependence is characterized by a pattern of compulSive use (at least three items from Criteria 3-7).

Course Specifiers
Six course specifiers are available for Substance Dependence. The four Remission specifiers can be applied on ly after none of the criteria for Substance Dependence or Substance Abuse have been present for at least 1 month. For those criteria that require recurrent problems, a remission specifier can apply only if no aspect of the criterion has been present (e.g., one incident of driving while intoxicated would suffice to disqualify the individual from being considered in remission). The definition of these four types of Remission is based on the interval of time that has elapsed since the cessation of Dependence (Early versus Sustained Remission) and whether there is continued presence of one or more of the items included in the criteria sets for Dependence or Abuse (Partial versus Full Remission). Because the first 12 months following Dependence is a time of particularly high risk for relapse, this period is designated Early Remission. After 12 m onths of Early Remission have passed without relapse to Dependence, the person enters into Sustained Remission. For both Early Remission and Sustained Remission, a further designation of Full is given if no cri teria for Dependence or Abuse have been met during the period of remission; a designation of Partial is given if at least one of the criteria for Dependence or Abuse has been met, intennittently or continuously, during the period of remission. The differentiation of Sustained Full Remission from recovered (no current Substance Use Dis-

Substance-Re lated Disorders order) requires consideration of the leng th of time since the last period o f d isturbance, the total duration of the disturbance, and the need for continued evaluation. If, after a period of remission o r recovery. the individual again becomes d ependent, the application o f the Early Remission specifier requires that there again be at least 1 m onth in which no criteria fo r Dependence or Abuse are mel. Two additional specifiers have been p rovided: On Agonist Therapy and In a Controlled Environment. For an ind iv idual to q ualify fo r Early Remission after cessation of agonist therapy or release from a controlled environment, there m ust be a 1-month period in which none of the criteria for Dependence or Abuse are met. The following Remission specifiers can be ap plied only after no criteria for Depend ence or Abuse have been met for at least 1 month. Note that these specifiers do not apply if the indi vid ual is on agonist therapy or in a controlled en vironment (see below). Early Full Remission. This specifier is used if, for at least 1 month, but for less than 12 months, no criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met.

_ Depende nce

"' 1 '1' 0 - 11 months ---~ II mo nth

Early Partial Remission. This specifier is used if, for at least 1 month, but less than 12 months, one or more criteria for Dependence or Ab use have been met (but the full criteria for Depend ence have not been met).

_ Dependence


1 ." 0 - 11 months mo nth


Sustained Full Remission . This specifier is used if none of the criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met at an y time d uring a period of 12 months or longer.

~:II~':-~l- : :I :':-l~l~+;-; m~o;n~th s;-: -=-=-=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=__=-11

mo nth Sustained Partial Remission. This specifi er is used if full criteri a for Dependence have not been m et for a period of 12 months or longer; however, one or m ore criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met.

~~::7~::~_~~=====:=:::'II ' II,

..... Depende nce
111 -

1 mo nth

11+ months

Substance Dependence

197 1

The (ollowing specifiers apply if the individual is on agonis t therapy or in a con* trolled e nvironment:

On Agonist Therapy. This specifie r is used if the indi vidual is on a prescribed agonist medication such as methadone and no criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met for that class of medication for at least the pas t month (except tolerance to, or withdrawal from, the agonist). This category also applies to those being treated for Depend ence using a partial agonis t or an agonist /

In a Controlled Environment.

This specifier is used if the individual is in an

environment where access to alcohol and controlled substances is restricted, and no criteria for Dependence or Abuse have been met for at least the past
month. Examples of these environments are closely supervised and substancefree jails, therapeutic communities, or locked hospital units.

Criteria for Substance Dependence

A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically sign ificant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following , occurring at any tim e in the same 12-month period: (1) tolerance, as defined by either of the following: (a) a need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect (b) markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance (2) withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: (al the characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substa nce (refer to Criteria A and B of the criteria sets for Wit hdrawa l from the specific substances) (b) t he same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms (3) the substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a long er period than was intended (4) there is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use (5) a great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance (e.g., visiting multiple doctors or driving long distances), use the substance (e.g., chain-smoking), or recover from its effects (6) important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use (7) the substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recu rrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (e.g., current cocaine use despite recog nition of cocaine-induced depression, or continued drinking despite recognition that an ulcer was made worse by alcohol consumption)


Substance-Re la ted Disorders

Criteria for Substance Dependence (continued)

Specify if:

With Physiological Dependence: evidence of tolera nce or withdrawal

(i .e. either Item 1 or 2 is present) Without Physiological Deplmdence:

no evidence of tolerance or w ithdrawal

(i.e., neither Item 1 nor 2 is present)

Course specifiers (see text f or definitions):

Early Full Remission Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission
On Agonist Therapy In a Controlled Environment

Substance Abuse
The essential feature of Substance Abuse is a maladaptive pattem of substance use manifested by recurrent and significant advecseconsequences related to the repeated use of substances. In order for an Abuse criterion to be met, the substance-related problem must ha\'e occurred repeatedly during the same 12-month period or been persistent . There may be repeated failure to fulfill major role obligations, repeated use in situations in which it is physica lly hazardous, multiple legal problems, and recurrent social and interpersona l problems (Criterion A). Unlike the criteria for Substance Dependence, the criteria for Substance Abuse d o not include tolerance, withdrawal, or a pattern of compulsive use and instead include only the harmful consequences of repeated use. A diagnosis of Substance Abuse is preempted by the d iagnosis of Substance Dependence if the individual's pattern of substance use has ever met the criteria for Dependence for that class of substances (C riterion B). Although a diagnOSis of Substance Abuse is more likely in individuals who have only recentJy started taking the substance, some individuals continue to have substance-related adverse social consequences over a long period of time without developing evidence of Substance Dependence. The category of Substance Abuse d oes not apply to caffeine and nicotine. The term abuse should be applied only to a pattern of substance use that meets the criteria for this disorder; the term should not be used as a synonym for "use," "misuse," or "haza rdous use." The individual may repeatedly demonstrate intoxication or other substance-related symptoms when expected to fu lfill major role obligations at work, school, or home (Criterion AI). There may be repeated absences or poor work performance related to recurren t hangO\'ers. A student might have substance-related absences, suspensions, or expulSions from school. While intoxicated, the individual may neglect children or household duties. The person may repea tedly be intoxica ted in situations that are

Substance-Induced Disorders


physicaUy hazardous (e.g., while driving a car, operating machinery, or engaging in risky recreational behavior such as swimming or rock climbing) (Criterion A2). There may be recurrent substance-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for disorderly conduct, assault and battery, driving under the influence) (Criterion A3). The person may continue to use the substance despite a history of undesirable persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal consequences (e.g., marital difficulties or divorce, verbal or physical fights) (Criterion A4).

Criteria for Substance Abuse

A. A maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to clinically significant impa irment or distress, as manifested by one (or more) of the following, occurring within a 12month period: (1) recurrent substance use resulting in a failure to fulfill major role obl igations at work, school, or home (e.g., repeated absences or poor work performance reo lated to substance use; substance-related absences. suspensions, or expulsions from school; neglect of children or household) (2) recurrent substance use in situations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g . driving an automobile or operating a machine when impaired by substance use) (3) recurrent substance-related legal problems (e.g., arrests for substancerelated disorderly conduct) (4) continued substance use despite having persistent or recurrent socia l or interpersonal problems caused or exacerbated by the eHects of the substance (e.g., arguments with spouse about consequences of intoxication, physical fights) B. The symptoms have never met the criteria for Substance Dependence for th is class of substance.

Substance-Induced Disorders Substance Intoxication

Diagnostic Features
The essential feahlfe of Substance Intoxication is the development of a reversible substance-specific syndrome due to the recent ingestion of (or exposure to) a substance (Criterion A). The cJinicaUy significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes associated w ith intoxication (e.g., belligerence, m ood lability, cognitive impairment, impaired judgment, impaired social or occupational functioning) are d ue to the direct physiological effects of the substance on the central nervous system and develop during o r shortly after use of the substance (Criterion B). The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another

Substance-Related Di sorde rs
mental d isorder (Criterion C). Substance Intoxication is often associa ted w ith Substance Abuse or Dependence. This ca tegory does nol apply to nicotine. Evidence for recent intake of the substance can be obtained from the history, physical examination (e.g., smell of alcohol on the breath), or toxicological ana lysis of body fluid s (e.g., urine or blood). The most common changes involve d isturbances o f perception, wakefulness, attention, thinking, judgment, psychomotor behavior, and interpersonal behavior. The specific clinical picture in Substance Intoxication varies dramatically amon g ind ividuals and also depends on which substance is involved, the dose, the duration or chronicity of dosing, the person's tolerance for the substan ce, the period of time since the last dose, the expectations of the person as to the substance's effects, and the environmen t or setting in which the substance is taken. Short-term o r "acute" intoxications may have different signs and symptoms from sustained or "chronic" intoxications. For example, m oderate coca ine doses may initially produ ce g regariousness, bu t social w ithd.rawal may develop if such doses are frequently repeated over days or weeks. Different substances (sometimes even different substance classes) may produce identical symptoms. For example, Amphetamine and Cocaine Intoxication can both present w ith grandiosity and hyperactivity, accompanied by tachycardia, pupillary dilation, eleva ted blood pressure, and perspiration or chills. Also, alcohol and substances from the sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic class produce similar symptoms of intoxica tion. When used in the physiological sense, the term illfoxicafioll is broader than Substan ce Intoxication as defined h ere. Many substances may produce physiologica l or psychological changes that are not necessarily maladaptive. For example, an individual with tachycard.ia from excessive caffeine use has a physiological intoxication, but if this is the only sym ptom in the absence of maladaptive behavior, the d iagnosis of Caffeine Intoxication would not apply. The maladaptive nature of a substanceinduced change in behavior depends on the social and environmental con text. The maladaptive behavior genera lly places the individual at significant risk for adverse effects (e.g., accidents, genera l medical complications, dismption in social and family relationships, vocational or financial difficulties, legal problems). Signs and symptoms of intoxication may some times persist for hou rs or days beyond the time when the substance is detectable in body fluids. This rna }' be due to continuing low concentrations o f the substance in certain areas of the brain o r to a "hit and mn" effect in which the substance aJters a physiological process, the recovery of wh ich takes longer than the lime for elimination of the substance. These longer-term effects of intoxication must be distinguished from w ithdrawal (i .e., symptoms initia ted by a decline in blood or tissue concentrations of a substance).

Subst ance With drawa l

Criteria for Substance Intoxication

A. The development of a reversible substance-specific syndrome due to recent ingestion of (or exposure to) a subrtance. Note: DiHerent substances may produce similar or identical syndromes. B. Clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes that are due to the eHect of the substance on the central nervous syrtem (e.g., bell igerence, mood labi lity, cog nitive impairment. impaired judgment. impaired socia l or occupational functioning) and develop du ring or shortly after use of the substance.
C. The symptoms a re not due to a general medical condit ion and are not better ac-

counted for by another mental disorder.

Substance Withd ra wal

Diagnosti c Features
The essential feature of Substance Withdrawal is the d evelopment of a substancespecific malad aptive behavioral change, with physiologica l and cognitive concomitants, that is due to the cessation of, o r reduction in, heavy and prolonged substance use (Criterion A). The substance-specifi c syndrome causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of fun ctiOning (Criterion 8). The symptoms are not due to a general medica l condition and are not better accotmted for by another mental disorder (Criterion C). Withdrawal is usually, but not always, associa ted w ith Substance Dependence (see p. 192) . Most (perhaps all) individuals with Withdrawal have a craving to readminister the substance to reduce the symptoms. The diagnosis of Withdrawal is recognized for the following groups of substances: alcohol; amphetamines and other related substances; cocaine; nicotine; opioids; and sedatives, hypno tics, or anxiolytics. The signs and symptoms of Withdrawal vary according to the substance used, with most symptoms being the opposi te of those observed in Intoxication with the same substance. The dose and duration of use and o ther fa ctors such as the presence or absence of additional illnesses also affect withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal develops when doses are reduced or slopped , whereas signs and symptoms of Intoxication improve (gradually in some cases) after d osing stops.

20 2

Substance-Relat ed Diso rders

Criteria for Substance Withdrawal

A. The deve lo pment of a substance-specific synd rome due to the cessation of (or red uc-

tion in) substance use that has been heavy and pro longed.

B. Th e substance-speci fic syndro me causes cl inica lly sig nificant distress or impa irment in social, occupational. o r other importa nt a reas of fu nctioning_
C. The symptoms are not due to a genera l medical cond ition and are not better accounted f or by another mental d isorder.

Associated Feat ures of Substance Dependence, Abu se, Intoxication, and W ithdraw al
Assess ment issues. The d iagnosis of Substance Dependence requires obtaining a detailed history from the individual and , w henever possible, from addition al sources of informa tio n (e.g., m edical record s; a s pouse, re lative, or close frie nd). In addition, physica l examinatio n find ings and labo ra tory test results can be he lpful.
Route of administration . The route of adminis tration o f a s ubs ta nce is an important fa cto r in de terminin g its effects (including the tim e COluse of developing Intoxication, the probabili ty tha t its use will prod uce physio logical changes associa ted with W ithdrawa l, and the li kelihood tha t use w ill lea d to Depende nce o r Abuse). Ro utes of admin is tra tion tha t prod uce m o re rapid and e fficient abso r ptio n into the bloodstream (e.g ., intraven o us, sm oking, o r "sno rting ") tend to res ult in a more intense into xica tion and an increased likelihood of an escalating pattern of substance use leading to Dependence. These ro utes of administration quickly d eliver a large amount of the su bstance to the brain and, thus, are a ssoci ated w ith hig her leve ls of s ubstance consu mptjo n and an increased likelihood of toxic effects. For example, a person w ho uses intravenous a mphe tamine is more like ly to ra p idly consume large a m ounts of the substance a nd thereby ris k a n overdose than the person w ho o n ly ta ke s amp he tamine orally. Speed of onset within a class of substance. Rapidly acting su bstances are m ore likely than slower-ac ting s ubstances to produce imm ediate intoxicatio n and lead to Dependence or Abuse. Fo r examp le, because diazepam and a lpra zo lam both ha ve a m o re ra pid o nset than phe nobarbi ta l, they may co nseq uen tly be more like ly to lead to Subs tance Dep end ence o r Abuse. Duration of effects. The duratio n o f effects a ssocia ted w ith a pa r ticu lar s ubs tance is also impo rtant in de te rmining the tim e course of intoxication and w hether use of the subs tance w ill le ad to Dependence o r Abuse. Re la tively short-acting su bs tances (e.g., certain anxio lytics) tend to have a hig her p o ten tial fo r the developm e nt of Depen dence o r Abu se than s u bs tances with similar effects that h ave a longer dura tion of action (e.g., phenoba rbita l). The half-life o f the s ubs ta nce parallels a spects of Wi th-

Subst ance-Related Disorders

drawal: the longer the duration of action, the longer the time behveen cessation and the onset of withdrawal symptoms and the longer the '\'ithdrawal is likely to last. For example, for heroin, the onset of acute withdrawal symptoms is more rapid but the withdrawa l syndrome is less persistent than for methadone. In general, the longer the acute withdrawal period, the less intense the syndrome tends to be. Use of mUltiple substances. Substance Dependence, Abuse, Intoxication, and Withdrawal often involve several substances used simultaneously or sequentially. For example, individuals with Cocaine Dependence frequently also use alcohol. anxiolytics, or opioids, often to counteract lingering cocaine-induced anxiety symptoms. Similarly, individua ls with Opioid Dependence o r Carrnabis Dependence usually have several other Substance-Related Disorders. most often involving alcohol, anxiolytics, amphetamine, or cocaine. \hen criteria for more than one Substance-Related Disorder are met, the diagnosis of Polysubstance Dependence should not be used. It applies only 10 those situations in which the pattern of multiple substance use does not meet the criteria for Dependence or Abuse for any specific substance. but m eets it for the group of substances taken as a whole. The situations in which a diagnosis of Polysubstance Dependence should be given are described on p. 293. Associated laboratory findings . Laboratory analyses of blood and urine sa mples can help determine recent use of a substance. Blood concentrations offer additional information on the amount of substance still present in the body. It should be noted that a positive blood or urine test does not by ilseU indicate that the individual has a pattern of substance use that meets criteria for a Substance-Related Disorder and that a negative blood or urine test d oes not by itself rule out a diagnosis of a SubstanceRelated Disorder. In the case of In toxication, blood and urine tests can help to determine the relevant substance(s) involved. Specific confirmation of the suspected substance may require toxicological analYSiS, because various substances have similar Intoxication syndromes; individuals often take a number of different substances; and because substitution and con tamination of street drugs are frequen t, those who obtain substances illicitly often do not know the specific contents of what they have taken. Toxicological tests may a lso be helpful in differential diagnosis to determine the role of Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal in the etiology (or exacerbation) of symptoms of a variety of mental disorders (e.g., Mood Disorders. Psychotic Di sorders). Furthermore, serial blood levels may help to differentiate Intoxication from Withdrawal. The blood concentration of a substance may be a useful clue in determining whether the person has a high tolerance to a given group of substances (e.g., a person presenting wi th a blood alcohol level of over 150 mg / dL without signs of Alcohol Intoxication has a significant tolerance to alcohol and is likely to be a chronic user of either alcohol or a sedative, hypnotic, or anxioly tic). Another method for assessing tolerance is to determine the individua l's response to an agonist medication. For example, a person who does not exhibit any signs of intoxication from a dose of pentobarbital of 200 mg or higher has a Significant tolerance to sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics and may need treatment to p revent the development of Withdrawal. Laboratory tests can be usefu l in identifying Withdrawa l in ind.iv iduals with Substance Dependence. Evidence for cessation or reduction of dosing may be obtained


Substance-Related Disorders

by h is tory or by toxicological analysis of body fluids (e.g., urine or blood). Although many substances and their metabolites clear the urine within 48 hours of ingestion, certain metabolites may be present for a longer period in those who use the s ubstance chronica lly . If the person presents with Withdrawal from an unknown substance, urine lesls may help identify the subs tance from which the person is withdrawing and make it possible to initiate appropriate treahnent. Urine tests may also be helpful in differentiating Withdrawal from other mental disord ers, because withdrawa l symptoms can mimic the symptoms of mental disorders unrelated to use of a s ubstance. In cases in which Opioid Dependence cannot be d early confirmed by history, the use of an antagonist (e.g., naloxone) to demonstrate whether withd rawal symptoms a re induced may be informative. Associated physica l examination fin dings and general medical conditi ons . As presented in the sections specific to the 11 classes of subs tance, intoxication and withdrawal states are likely to include physical signs and symptoms tha t are often the first clue to a subs tance-related s tate. In general. intoxica tion with amphetamines or cocaine is accompanied by increases in blood pressure, respiratory rate, pulse, and body temperature. Intoxication with sedative, hypnotic, or anxioly tic s ubstances or with opioid medication often involves the opposite pattern. Subs tance Depend ence and Abuse are often associated w ith general medical conditions often related to the toxic effects of the s ubstances on particular organ systems (e.g., cirrhosis in Alcohol Dependence) or the routes of adminis tration (e.g ., human imnumodeficiency virus [HIVJ infection from shared needles). Associated mental d isorders . Subs tance use is o ft en a component of the presentation of symptoms of mental disorders. When the symptoms are judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a subs tance, a Subs tance-Induced Disorder is diagnosed (see p. 209). Subs tance-Related Disorders are also commonly comorbid with, and complicate the course and treatment of, many men tal disorders (e.g., Conduct Disorder in adolescents; Antisocial an d Borderline Personality Disorders, Schizopluenia, Bipolar Disorder).

Recording Procedures for Dependence, Abuse, Intoxication, and W it hdrawa l

For drugs of abuse. The clinician sh ould u se the code that applies to the class of substances, but record the name of the speci fic subs tance rather than the name of the class. For example, the clinician should record 292.0 Secobarbital Withdrawal (rather than Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdra wal) or 305.70 Methamphetamine Abuse (rather than Amphetamine Abuse). For s ubs tances that do not fi t into any of the classes (e.g., amyl nitrite), the 3.ppropriate code for "Other Subs tance Dependence," "Other Substance Abuse," "Other Subs tance intoxica tion," or "Other Substance Withdrawal " should be used and the specific substance indicated (e.g., 305.90 Amyl N itrite Abuse). If the s ubstance taken by the individual is unknow n, the code for the class "Other (or Unknown)" should be u sed (e.g., 292.89 Unknown Subs tance Intoxication). For a particular substance, if criteria are met for more than one SubstanceRelated Disorder, all should be diagnosed (e.g., 292.0 Heroin Withdrawal; 304.00

Subst a nce-Related Disorders


Heroin Dependence). If there are symptoms or problems associated with a particula r substance but criteria are not met for any of the substance-specific disorders, the I ot Otherwise Specified ca tegory can be used (e.g., 292.9 Cannabis-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). If multiple substances are used, all relevant Substance-Related Disorders should be diagnosed (e.g., 292.89 Mescaline Intoxication; 304.20 Cocaine Dependence). The situations in whi", a diagnosis of 304.80 Polysubstance Dependence should be given are described on p. 293. For medications and toxins. For medications not covered above (as well as for toxins), the code for "Other Substance" should be used. The specific medication can be coded by also listing the appropriate E-code on Axis I (see Appendix G) (e.g., 292.89 Benztropine Intoxication; E941 .1 Benztropine). E-codes should also be used for classes of substances listed above when they are taken as prescribed (e.g., opioids).

Specific Culture, Age, and Ge nder Features

There are w ide cultural variations in attitudes toward substance consumption, patterns of substance use, accessibility of substances, physiological reactions to substances, and prevalence of Substance-Related Disorders. Some g roups forbid use of alcohol, whereas in others the use o f various substances for mood-altering effects is widely accepted. The evaluation of any individual's pattern of substance use must take these factors into account. Patterns of medication use and toxin exposure also vary widely within and between coun tries. lndividua ls beh veen ages 18 and 24 years ha ve relatively high prevalence rates for the use of virtu ally e\'ery substance, including akohol. For drugs of abuse, Intoxication is usually the initia l Substance-Related Disorder and usually begins in the teens. Withdrawal can occur at any age as long as the releva nt d rug has been taken in highenough doses over a long-enough period of time. Dependence can also occur a t any age, bu t typically has its initial onset for m ost drugs of abuse in the 20s, 30s, and 40s. When a Substance-Related Disorder other than lntoxication begins in earl}' adolescence, it is often associated with Conduct Disorder and failure to complete schoo!. For d rugs of abuse, Substance-Related Disorders are usually d iagnosed more commonly in males than in fema les, but the sex ratios vary with class of substance.

TIle cou rse of Depend ence, Abuse, lntoxication, and Withdraw al varies with the class of substance, rou te of administration, and other factors. The "Course" sections for the various classes of substances indica te the specific feature s characteristic of each. However, some genera lizations across substances can be made. lntoxica tion usuall y develops within minutes after a sufficien tly large single dose and continues or intensifies with freq uently repeated doses . In toxication begins to abate as blood or tissue concentrations of the substance decline, but signs and symptoms may resolve slowly. The onset of lntoxication may be delayed with slowly absorbed substances or w ith those that must be metabolized to active compounds. Long-acting substances may prod uce prolonged intoxications. Withdrawal develops with the decline of the substance in the central nervous sys-


Substance Related Disorders

tern. Early symptoms of Withdrawal usually develop a few hours after dosing stops
for substances with short elimina tion half-lives (e.g., alcohol, lorazepam, or heroin),

although withdrawal seizures may develop several weeks after termination of high doses of long-half-life anxiolytic substances. The more intense signs of Withdrawal usually end within a few days to a few weeks after the cessation of substance use, although some s ubtle ph ysiologica l signs may be delectable for many weeks or even months as part of a protracted withdrawal syndrome. For example, impaired sleep can be seen for months after a person with Alcohol Dependence stops drinking. A diagnosis of Substance Abuse is more likely in individuals who have begun using substances only recently. For many individuals, Substance Abuse with a particular class of substances evolves into Substance Dependence for the same class of substance. This is particuJarly true for those substances that have a high potential for the development of tolerance, withdrawal, and patterns of compulSive use such as cocaine o r heroin. Some individ uals have evidence of Substance Abuse that occurs over an extended period of time without ever developing Substance Dependence. nus is more true for those substances that have a lower potential for the development of tolerance, withdrawal, and patterns of compulsive use. Once criteria for Substance Dependence are met, a subsequent diagnosis of Substance Abuse cannot be given for any substance in the same class. For a person with Substance Dependence in full remission, any relapses that meet criteria for Substance Abuse would beconsidered Dependence in partial remission (see course specifiers, p. 195). The course of Substance Dependence is variable. Although rela tively brief and self-limited periods of Dependence may occur (particularly during times of psychosocial stress), the course is usually chronic, lasting years, with periods of exacerbation and partial or full remission. There ma y be periods of heavy intake and severe problems, periods of total abstinence, and times of nonproblematic use of the substance, sometimes lasting for months. Substance Dependence is sometimes associated with spontaneous, long-term remissions. For example, follow-ups reveal that 20% (or more) of individuals with Alcohol Dependence become permanently abstinent, usually following a severe life stTess (e.g., the threat or imposition of social or legal sanctions, discovery of a We-threatening medical complication). During the first 12 months after the onset of remission, the individual is particularly vulnerable to having a relapse. Many individuals underestimate their vulnerability to developing a pattern of Dependence. When in a period of remission, they incorrectly assure themselves that the)' will have no problem regulating substance use and may experiment with gradually less restrictive rules governing the use of the substance, only to experience a return to Dependence. The presence of co-occurring mental disorders (e.g., Antisocial Personality Disorder, untreated Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder) often increases the risk of complications and a poor outcome.

Impairm ent and Complicat io ns

Although many individuals with substance-related problems have good functioning (e.g., in personal relationships, job performance, earning abilities), these disorders often cause marked impairment and severe complications. Individuals with SubstanceRelated Di sorders frequently experience a deterioration in their general h ea lth. Mal nutrition and other general medical conditions rna}' result from improper diet and

Substance-Relat ed Disorde rs
inadequate personal hygiene. Intoxication or Withdrawal may be compUcated by trauma related to impaired motor coordination or faulty judgment. The materials used to "cut" certain substances can produce toxic or allergic reactions. Using substances intranasally ("snorting") may cause erosion of the nasal septum. Stimulant use can reswt in sudden death from cardiac arrhythmias, myocardial infarction, a cerebrovascular accident, or respiratory arrest. The use of contaminated needles during intravenous administration of substances can cause human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, hepatitis, tetanus, vasculitis, septicemia, subacute bacterial endocarditis, embolic phenomena, and malaria. Substance use can be associated with violent or aggressive behavior, which may be manifested by fights or criminal activity, and can result in injury to the person using the substance or to others. Automobile, home, and industrial accidents are a major complication of Substance Intoxication and result in an appreciable rate of morbidity and mortality. Approximately one-half of all highway fata lities involve either a driver or a pedestrian w ho is intoxicated. In addition, perhaps 10% of individua ls with Substance Dependence commit suicide, often in the context of a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder. Finally, because most, if not all, of the substances described in this section cross the placenta, they may have potential adverse effects on the developing fetus (e.g., fetal alcohol syndrome). When taken repeatedly in high doses by the mother, a number of substances (e.g., cocaine, opioids, alcohol, and sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics) are capable of causing physiological dependence in the fetus and a withdrawa l syndrome in the newbom.

Fam ilial Pattern

Information about familial associations has been best studied for the Alcohol-Related Disorders (see the detailed discussion on p. 221). There is some evidence for genetically determined differences among individuals in the doses required to produce Alcohol Intoxication. Although Substance Abuse and Dependence appear to aggregate in families, some of this effect may be explained by the concurrent familial distribution of Antisocial Personality Disorder, which may predispose individuals to the development of Substance Abuse or Dependence. Furthermore, the children of individuals with Alcohol Dependence (but not Antisocial Personality Disorder) do not have a pred isposition to developing Substance Dependence on all substances; they are anI}' at higher risk for Alcohol Dependence.

Differential Diagnosis
Substance-Related Disorders are distinguished from non pathological su bstance use (e.g., "social" drinki ng) and from the use of medications for appropriate medical purposes by the presence of a pattem of multiple symptoms occurring over an extended period of time (e.g., tolerance, withdrawal, compulsive use) or the presence of substance-related problems (e.g., medical compL ications, disruption in social and family relationships, vocational or financial difficulties, legal problems). Repeated episodes of Substance Intoxication are almost invariably prominent features of Substance Ab use or Depend ence. However, one o r more episodes of lntoxication alone are not sufficient for a diagnosis of either Substance Dependence or Abuse.

Substance-Related Diso rders

It may sometimes be difficult to distinguish between Substance Intoxication and

Substance Withdrawal. If a symptom arises during the time of dosing and then gradually abates after dosing stops, it is likely to be part of Intoxication. U the symptom arises after stopping the substance, or reducing its use, it is likely to be part of Withdrawal. lndividuals w ith Substance-Related Disorders often take more than one substance and may be intoxicated with one substance (e.g., heroin) w hile withdrawing from another (e.g., diazepam). This differential is further complicated by the fact thai the signs and symptoms of Withdrawal from some substances (e.g., sedatives) may partially mimic Intoxication with o thers (e.g., amphetamines). Substance Intoxication is d ifferentiated from Substance Intoxication Delirium (p. 143), Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 338), Substance-Induced Mood D isorder, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 405), Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 479), Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 562), and Substance-Induced Sleep Diso rder, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 655), by the fact that the symptoms in these latter disorders a re in excess of those usually associa ted with Substance Intoxication and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention. Substance Withdrawal is d istinguished from Substance Withdrawal Delirium (p. 143), Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal (p. 338), Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal (p. 405), Sub stance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal (p. 479), and Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal (p. 655), by the fact that the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Substance Withdrawal and are severe enough to warrant independent dinical attention. The additional Substance-Induced Disorders described above present w ith symptoms that resemble non-substa nce-induced (i.e., primary) m ental disorders. See p. 210 fo r a discussion of this important differential diagnosis. An additional diagnosis of a Substance-Induced Disorder is usually not made when symptoms of preexisting mental disorders are exacerbated by Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal (although a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal might be appropriate). For example, Intoxication w ith some substances may exacerbate the m ood swings in Bipolar Disorder, the auditory hallucinations and paranoid delusions in Schizophrenia, the intrusive thoughts and terrifying dreams in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and the anxiety symptoms in Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Agoraphobia. Intoxication or Withdrawal may also increase the risk of suicide, violence, and impulsive behavior in individuals with a preexisting Antisocial or Borderline Personality Disorder. Many neurological (e.g., head injuries) or metabolic conditions produce symptoms that resemble, and are sometimes misattributed to, Intoxication or Withdrawal (e.g., flu ctuating levels of consciousness, slurred speech, incoordination). The symptoms of infectious diseases may also resemble Withdrawal from some substances (e.g., viral gastroenteritis can be similar to Opioid Withdrawal). If the symptoms are judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a general medical condi tion, the appropriate Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition should be diagnosed. U the symptoms are judged to be a direct physiological consequence of both substance use

Substa nce-Induced Mental Disorders Incl uded Elsewhere in the Manual


and a genera l medical condition, both a Substance-Related Disorder and a Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition may be diagnosed. If the clinician is unable to determine whether the presenting symptoms are substance induced, due to a general medical condition, or primary, the appropria te Not Othenvise Specifi ed Category should be diagnosed (e.g., psychotic symptoms with indetenninate etiology would be diagnosed as Psychotic Disorder Not Othen.... ise Specified).

Substance-Induced Mental Disorders Included Elsewhere in the Manual

Substance-Induced Disorders cause a variety of symptoms that are characteristic of other mental d isorders (see Table 1, p. 193). To facilitate d ifferential diagnosis, the text and criteria for these o ther Substance-Induced Disorders are included in the sections of the manual with disorders with which they share pheno menology: Substance-Induced Delirium (see p. 143) is included in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders" section. Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia (see p. 168) is induded in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amn estic and O ther Cognitive Disorders" section. Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (see p. 177) is included in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders" section. Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder (see p. 338) is included in the "Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders" section. (In DSM-lll-R these disorders were classified as "organic h allucinosis" and "organic delusional disorder.") Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) is included in the "Mood Disorders" section. Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) is included in the" Anxiety Disorders" section. Substance-Indu ced Sexual Dysfunction (seep. 562) is included in the "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders" section. Substance-Induced Sleep Diso rder (see p. 655) is includ ed in the "Sleep Disorders" section. In addition, Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) (p. 253) is included wlder "Hallucinogen-Related Disorders" in this section. In DSM-lll-R the Substance-Ind uced Disorders and the Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition were called "organic" disorders and were listed together in a single section. This differentiation of "organic" mental disorders as a separate class implied that "nonorganic" or "functional" mental disorders were somehow unrelated to physical or biological factors or processes. DSM-IV eliminates the term orgflllic and distinguishes those mental disorders that are substance induced from those that are due to a genera l medical condition and those that have no s pecified etiology. The term primary mel/tal disorder is used as a shorthand to i.ndicate those mental disorders that are not substance induced and that are not due to a general medical condition. The context in which a Substance-Induced Disord er develops can have important management implications . Substance-Induced Disorders can develop in the context of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal, or they can p ersist long after the substance h as been eliminated from the body (Substance-Induced Persisting Disor-

Substance~ Related


ders). Substance-induced presentations that develop in the context of Substance ln~ toxication can be indicated by using the specifier With Onset During lntoxication. Subs tance~induced presentations that develop in the context of Substance Withdrawal can be indicated by the specifier With Onset During Withdrawal. It should be noted that a diagnosis of a Substance-Induced Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication or \o\lithdrawal, should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome that is characteristic of the particular substance and when they are suffici ently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. For example, depression and fatigue that develop after stopping cocaine use following a prolonged period of daily intake are ordinarily diagnosed as Cocaine Wi thdrawal, since these symptoms are typical features of the withdrawal syndrome. Severe depression accompanied by a suicide attempt is usually diagnosed as CocaineInduced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, With Onset Ouring Withdrawal, since a suicidal depression is in excess of what is usually seen in Cocaine Withdrawal and would warrant independent clinical attention. Three Substance-Induced Persisting Disorders are included: Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia (see p. 168) and Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (see p. 177) in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders" section and Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder under "Halluci nogen-Related Disorders" in this section (see p. 253). The essential feature of a Substance-Induced Persisting Disorder is prolonged or permanent persistence of substance-related sy mptoms that continue long after the usual course of Intoxication or Withdrawa l has ended. For drugs of abuse, a diagnosis of a Substance-Induced Mental Disorder requires that there be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal. In evaluating whether the symptoms of a mental disorder are the direct physiological effect of substance use, it is important to note the temporal relationship between the onset and offset of substance use and the onset and offset of the symptoms or the full syndrome. If the symptoms precede the onset of substance use or persist during extended periods of abstinence from the substance, it is likely that the symptoms are not substance induced . As a rule of thumb, symptoms that persist for more than 4 weeks after the cessation of acute Intoxication or Withdrawal should be considered to be manifestations of an indepen~ d ent non-substance-induced mental disorder or of a SubstanceInduced Persisting Disorder. Clinical judgment is necessary in making this distinction, particularly because different substances have different characteristic durations of intoxication and withdrawal and varying relationships with symptoms of mental disorders. Because the withdrawal state fo r some substances can be relatively protracted, it is useful to carefully observe the course of symptoms for an extend ed period of time (e.g., 4 weeks or more) after the cessation of acute Intoxication or Withdrawal, making all possible efforts to maintain the individual's abstinence. This can be accomplished in various ways, including inpatient hospitalization or residential treatment, requiring frequent follow~up visits, recruiting friends and family members to help keep the person substance free, regularly evaluating urine or blood for the presence of substances, and, if alcohol is involved, routinely evaluating changes in sta te markers of heavy drinking such as gamma-glu tamyltransferase (GCn.

Substance-Induced Mental Disorders Included Elsewhere in the Manual


Another consideration in differentiating a p rimary mental disorder from a SubstanceInduced Disorder is the presence of features that are atypical of the primary disorder (e.g., atypical age at onset or cou rse). For example, the onset of a Manic Episode after age 45 years may suggest a subs tance-induced etiology. In contras t, factors that s uggest that the sym ptoms are better accounted for by a primary mental d isorder include a history of prior episod es o f the disturbance that were not substance induced . Finally, the presence or absence of the s ubs tance-specific ph ysiological and behavioral features of Intoxication or Withdrawal s hould be considered . For example, the presence of paranoid delusions would not be s urprising in the context of Amphetamine Intoxication, but would be unusual with Sedative Intoxication, increasing th e likelihood that a primary Psychotic Disorder accounts for the sym ptoms. Furthermore, the dosage of the s ubs tance used should be taken into account. For example, the presence of paranoid d elusions would be unus ual after a single puff of marijuana, but might be compatible w ith high d oses of hashish. Subs tance-Ind uced Disorders can also occur as a side effect of a med ication or from expos w e to a toxin. Substance-Induced Disorders due to a prescribed treahnent fo r a mental diso rder or general medical condition mus t have their onset while the person is receiving the medication (or during withdrawal if the medication is associated with a withdrawal syndrome). Once the treatment is d iscontinued, the symptoms will usuaUy remit within days but may p ersist fo r up to 4 weeks or so (depending on the halflife of the subs tance, the presence of a withdrawal synd rom e, and individual variability). If symptoms persist, a primary mental disorder (not related to a medication) should be considered. Because ind ividuals w ith general medical conditions often take medications for those conditions, the clinician mus t consider the possibility that the symptoms are caused by the physiological consequences of the general medical condition rather than the medkation, in which case Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is diagnosed. The his tory may provide a basis for making this judgm ent, but a change in the treatment for the general medical condition (e.g., medication subs titution or d iscon tinuation) may be needed to determine empirically for that person whether or n ot the medication is the causative agent.

Recording Procedures for Substance-Induced Mental Disorders Included Elsewhere in the Manual
The name of the d iagnosis begins w ith the sp ecific substance (e.g., cocaine, diazepam, dexamethasone) that is presumed to be causing the symptoms. The d iagnostic code is selected fro m the lis ting of classes of s ubstances provided in the criteria sets for the particular Substance-Induced Disord er. For s ubs tances that do not fit into any of the classes (e.g ., dexamethasone), the code for "Other Substance" s hould be used. In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic d oses, the s pecific medication can be indicated by listing the appropriate E-code on Axis I (see Append ix G). The name of the disorder (e.g., Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder; Diazepam-Ind uced Anxiety Disorder) is fo llowed by the s pecification of the predominant symptom presentation and the context in which the symptoms developed (e.g., 292.11 Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions, With Onset During Intoxica tion; 292.89 DiazepamInduced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal). When more than one substance is judged to play a Signifi cant role in the development of symptoms, each

Substan ce-Related Disorders

should he listed separately. If a substance is judged to be the etiological fact or, but the specific substance or class of substances is unknown, the class "Unknown Substance" should he used.

Alcohol-Related Disorders
In most cultures, alcohol is the most hequently used brain depressant and a cause of considerable morbidity and mortality. At some time in their lives, as many as 90% of ad ults in the United States have had some experience with alcohol, and a substantial number (60% of males and 30% of females) have had one or more alcohol-related adverse life events (e.g., driving after consuming too much alcohol, missing school or wo rk due to a hangover). Fortunately, most individuals learn from these experiences and modera te their drinking, thus avoiding Alcohol Dependence or Abuse. This section contains d iscussions specific to the Alcohol-Related Disorders . Texts and criteria sets have alread y been provided earlier for the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p . 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) that apply across all substances. The application of those general criteria to Alcohol Dependence and Abuse is provided below . However, there are no additional unique criteria sets for Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Abuse. Specific texts and criteria sets for Alcohollntoxication and Alcohol Withdrawal are also provided below. The Alcohol-Induced Disorders (other than Alcohol Intoxica tion and Withdrawal) are described in the sections of the manual w ith diso rders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Alcohol-Ind uced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed helow are the Alcohol Use Disorders and the Alcohol-Induced Disorders.

Alcohol Use Disorders

303.90 305.00 Alcohol Dependence (see p. 213) Alcohol Abuse (see p. 214)

Alcohol-Induced Disorders
303.00 291.81 291.0 291.0 291.2 291.1 291.5 Alcohollntoxication (see p. 214) Alcoh ol Withdrawal (see p. 215) Specify if: With Perceptual Disturbances Alcohol Intoxication Delirium (see p . 143) Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium (see p . 143) Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia (see p. 168) Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (see p. 177) Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if; With Onset During Intoxicatjon / With Onset During Withdrawal


Alcohol Dependence 291.3




291.89 291.89


Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations (see p . 338) Specify if: With Onset During intoxication/ With Onset During W ithdrawal Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (see p. 562) Specify if; V'lith Onset During Intoxication Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder (see p. 655) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal Alcohol-Related Disorder Not Othenvise Specified (see p. 223)

Alcohol Use Disorders

303.90 Alcohol Dependence

Refer, in addition, to the general text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). Physiological dependence on alcohol is indicated by evidence of tolerance or symptoms of Withdrawal. Especially if associated w ith a history of withdrawaL physiological dependence is an indication of a more severe clinical course overall (i.e., earlier onset, higher levels of intake, more alcohol-related problems). Alcohol Wi thdrawa l (see p. 215) is characterized by withdrawal symptoms that develop 4-12 hours or so after the reduction o f intake following prolonged, heavy, alcohol ingestion. Because Withdrawal from alcohol can be unpleasant and intense, individuals with Alcohol Dependence may continue to consume alcohol, d espite adverse consequences, often to avoid or to relieve the symptoms o f withdrawal. Some withdrawal symptoms (e.g., sleep problems) can persist at lower intensities for months. A subs tantia l minority of individuals who have Alcohol Dependence never experience clinically relevant levels of Alcohol Wi thdrawal, and only about 5% o f individuals with Alcohol Dependence ever experience severe complications of withdrawal (e.g., delirium, grand mal seizures). Once a pattern of compulsive use develops, individuals w ith Dependence may devote substantial periods of time to obtaining and consuming alcoholic beverages. These individuals often continue to use alcohol despite evidence of adverse psychological or physical consequences (e.g., depression, blackouts, liver disease, or other sequelae).

Substan ce-Related Disorders

The following specifiers may be applied to a diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence (see p. 195 for more details): With Physiological Dependence Without Physi ological Dependence Early Full Remission Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission In a Co ntrolled En vironm ent


Alcohol Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). Alcohol Abuse requires fewer symptoms and, thus, may be less severe than Dependence and is only diagnosed once the absence of Dependence has been established. School and job performance may suffer either from the aftereffects of drinking or from actual intoxication on the job or at school; child care or household responsibilities may be neg lected; and alcohol-rela ted absences may occw from school or job. The person may use alcohol in physically hazardous circumstances (e.g., driving an automobile or 01>"' erating machinery while intoxicated). Legal difficulties may arise because of alcohol use (e .g., arrests for intox icated behavior or for driving under the in flu ence). Finally, individuals with Alcohol Abuse may continue to consume alcohol despite the knowledge that continued consumption poses Significant social or interpersonal problems for them (e.g., violent arguments with spouse while intoxicated, child abuse). When these problems are accompanied by evidence of tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive behavior related to alcohol use, a diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence, rather than Alcohol Abuse, should be considered. However, since some symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive use can occw in individuals with Abuse but not Dependence, it is important to determine whether the full criteria for Dependence are met.

Alcohol-Induced Disorders


Alcohol Intoxication

Refer to the text and criteria for Substance Intoxication (see p . 199). The essential fea ture of Alcoh ol Intoxication is the presence of clinically Signi ficant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes (e.g., inappropriate sexual o r aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment, impaired social or occupational functi oning) that develop during, or shortly after, the ingestion of alcohol (Criteria A and B) . These cha nges are accompanied by evidence of slurred speech, incoordination, unsteady gait, nystagmus, impairment in attention or memory, or stupor or coma (Criterion C). The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are no t better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). The resulting picture is similar to what is observed during Benzodiazepine or Barbiturate Intoxication. The levels of

29 1.81

Alcohol W ith drawa l


incoordin ation can interfere with driving abilities and with performing usual activities to the point of causing accidents. Evidence of alcohol use can be obtained by smelling alcohol on the in d ividual's breath, eliciting a history from th e individual or another observer, and, when needed, having the individual undertake breath, blood, or urine toxicology analyses.

Diagnostic criteria for 303.00 Alcohol Intoxication

A. Recent ingestion of alcohol. B. Clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychologica l changes (e.g ., inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior. mood labil ity. impaired judgment. impai red social or occupational functioning) that developed during. or shortly after. alcohol ingestion.
C. One (or more) of t he fol lowing signs. developi ng during. or shortly after. alcohol use: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

slurred speech incoordination unsteady ga it nystagmus impair ment in attention or memory stupor or coma

O. The symptoms are not due to a general med ical condit ion and are not better accounted for by another m ent al disord er.

2 91.81

Alcohol Withdrawal

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Withdrawa l (see p. 201). The essential feature of Alcohol Withdrawal is the presence of a characteristic withdrawal syndrome that develops after the cessation of (or reduction in) heavy and prolonged alcohol use (Criteria A and B). The withdrawal syndrome includes two or more of the following symptoms: autonomic hyperactivity (e.g ., sweating or pulse rate greater than 100); increased hand tremor; insomnia; p sychomotor agitation; anxiety; nausea or vomiting; and, rarely, grand mal seizures or transient visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions. \Vhen hallucinations or illusions aTe observed, the clinician can specify With Perceptual Disturbances (see below). Withdrawal symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (C riterion C). The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g ., Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal or Generalized Anxiety Disorder) (Criterion D). Symptoms can be relieved by administering alcohol or any other brain depressant. The withdrawal symptoms typically begin when blood concentrations of alcohol decline sharply (i.e., within 4-12 hours) after alcohol use has been stopped or reduced. Because of the sho rt half-life of alcohol, symptoms of Alcohol W ithdrawal usua ll y peak in intensity during the second day of abstinence and are likely to improve mark-


Substance-Related Disorders

cdly by the fourth or fifth day. FoUowing acu te Withdrawal. however, symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, and autonomic d ysfunction may persist for up to 3-6 months at lower levels of intensity. Fewer than 10% of individuals who develop Alcohol Withdrawal will ever devel op dramatic symptoms (e.g., severe autonomic hyperactivity, tremors, and Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium). Grand mal seizures occur in fewe r than 3% of individua ls. Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium (p. 143) includes dis turbances in consciousness and cognition and visual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations ("d elirium tremens," or " DTs"). When Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium develops, it is likely that a clinically relevant general medical condition may be present (e.g., liver failure, pneumonia, gastrointestinal bleeding, sequelae of head trauma, hypoglycemia, an electrolyte imbalance, or postoperative status).

The following specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Alcohol Withdrawa l: With Perceptual Disturbances. This specifier may be noted in the rare instance when hallucinations with intact reality testing or auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occur in the absence of a delirium. Intact reality testing means that the person knows that the hallucinations are induced by the substance and do not represent extema l reality. When hallucinations occur in the absence of intact reality testing, a diagnosis of Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, should be considered .

Diagnostic criteria for 291 .81 Alcohol Withdrawal

A. Cessation of (or reduction in) alcohol use t hat has been heavy and prolonged .
B. Two (or more) of the fo llowing, developing within several hours to a few days after Criterion A:
( 1) autonomic hyperactivity (e.g., sweating or pulse rate greater than 100) (2) increased hand tremor

(3) Insomn ia
(4) nausea or vomiting

(5) transient visual, tactile, or aud itory hallucinations or illusions

(0) psychomotor agitation

(7) anxiety (8) grand mal seizures

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairme nt in social, occupational, or other important areas of function ing. D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another ment al disorder.
Specify if:

With Perceptua l Disturbances

Othe r Alco ho l-Induced Disorders


Other Alcohol-Induced Disorders

The following Alcohol-Induced Disorders are described in the sections of the manual with d isorders with which they share phenomenology: Alcohol Intoxication Delirium (p.143), Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium (p . 143), Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia (p. 168), Alcohol-Induced Persisting Amnes tic Disorder (p . 177), Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder (p . 338), Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder (p . 405), AlcoholInduced Anxiety Disorder (p . 479), Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (p. 562), and Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder (p. 655). These di sorders are d iagnosed instead of Alcohollntoxication or Alcohol Withdrawal only when the symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the Alcohol Intoxication or Withdrawal syndrome and when the s ymptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Alcohol-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Diso rd ers
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Alcohol Dependence and Abuse are often associated with Dependence on, or Abuse of, other subs tances (e.g., cannab is; cocaine; heroin; amphetamines; the sedati ves, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and nicotine). Alcohol may be used to alleviate the lmwanted effects of these other subs tances or to subs titute for them when they are not available. Symptom s of d epression, anxiety, and insomnia frequently accompany Alcohol Dependence and sometimes precede it. Alcohol Intoxication is sometimes associated w ith an amnesia for the events that occurred during the course of the intoxication (''blackouts''). This phenomenon may be related to the presence of a high blood alcohol level and, perhaps, to the rapidity w ith w hich this level is reached . Alcohol-Related Disorders are associated w ith a significant increase in the risk of acciden ts, vio lence, and s uicide. It is estimated that perhaps one in fi ve intensive care unit ad missions in some urban hospitals is related to alcohol and that 40% of people in the United States experience an alcohol-related accident at some time in their lives, with alcohol accounting for up to 55% of fa tal driving events. Severe Alcohollntoxication, especially in individuals w ith Antisocial Personality Disorder, is associated with the commission of criminal acts. For example, more than one-half of all murderers and their victims are believed to ha ve been intoxicated with alcohol at the time of the murder. Severe Alcohol In toxication also contributes to d isinhibition and feelin gs of sadness and irritability, which contribute to suicide attempts and completed suicid es. Alcohol-Related Disorders contribute to absenteeism from work, job-related accidents, and low employee productivity. Alcohol Abuse and Dependence, along with Abuse and Dependence of other s ubs tances, are p revalent among individuals across aU level s of education and socioeconomic s tatus. Rates of Alcohol-Rela ted Disorders appear to be elevated in hom eless individuals, perhaps reflecting a downward spiral in social and occupa tional functioning, although many people wi th Dependence or Abuse continue to maintain relationsh ips wi th their families and function


Substance+Related Disorders

within their jobs. Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Schizophrenia, and Antisocia l Personality Disorder may be associa ted with Alcohol Dependence. It should be noted that some evidence suggests tha t at least a part of the reported association behveen depression and Alcohol Dependence may be attributable to comorhid depreSSive symptoms resulting from the acute effects of intoxication or wi thdrawal.
Associated laboratory findings . One sensitive laboratory indicator of heavy drinking is an eleva tion (>30 units) of gamma-glutamyltransferase (GCn. This finding may be the only laboratory abnormality. At least 70% of individuals with a high GGT level are persis tent heavy drinkers (i.e., consuming eight or more drinks daily on a regular ba sis). A second test with comparable or even higher levels o f sensitivity and specificity is carbohydrate deficient transferrin (C On, with levels of 20 units or higher useful in identifying individuals w ho regularly consu me eight or more drinks daily. Since both GGT and COT levels retum toward normal w ithin days to weeks of s topping drinking, both s tate markers are useful in monitoring abstinence, especially w hen the clinician observes increases, rather than decreases, in these values over time. The combination of COT and GGT may have even higher levels of sensitivity and speci fi city than either test used alone. Additional useful tes ts include the mean corpuscular volume (lvICV), which may be elevated to high-normal va lues in individua ls who drink heavily- a ch ange that is due to the d irect toxic effects of alcohol on erythropoiesis. Although the MCV can be used to help identify those w h o drink heavily, it is a poor method of monitoring abstinence because of the long half-life of red blood cells. liver hmction tests (e.g., alanine aminotransferase IALT] and alkaline phosphatase) can reveal liver injury that is a consequence of heavy drinking. Elevations of lipid levels in the blood (e.g., triglycerides and lipoprotein cholesterol) can be observed, resu lting from decreases in gluconeogenesis associated with heavy dri nking . High fat content in the blood also contributes to the development of fatty liver. High-nonnal levels of uric acid can occur with heavy drinking, but are relatively nonspecific. The most direct test available to measure alcohol consumption crosssectionally is blood alcohol con centration, w h ich can also be used to judge tolerance to alcohol. An individual with a concentra tion of 100 mg of ethanol per deciliter of blood w ho does not show signs of intoxication can be presumed to have acquired at least some degree of tolerance to alcohol. A t 200 mg/ d L, most nontolerant individuals demonstrate severe intoxica tion . Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Repeated intake of high d oses of alcohol can affect nearly every organ system, especially the gastrointestinal tract, card iovascular system, and the central and peripheral nervous systems. Gastroin testinal effects include gastritis, stomach or duodena l ulcers, .1fld, in abou t 15% of those who use alcohol heavily, liver cirrh osis and pancreatitis. There is also an increased rate of cancer of the esophagus, stomach, and other parts of the gastrointestinal tract. One of the mos t common associated general medical conditions is low-grade hypertension. Cardiomyopathy and other myopathies are less common, but occur at an increased rate among those who drink very heavily. These factors, along with marked increases in levels of triglycerides and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, contribute to an elevated risk of heart disease. Peripheral neuropathy may be evidenced by muscular weakness, paresthesias, and decreased

Alcohol-Related Diso rders


peripheral sensation. More persistent central nervous system effects include cognitive deficits, severe memory impairment, and degenerati ve changes in the cerebel lum. These effects are related to the direct effects of alcohol or of trauma and to vitamin deficiencies (particularly of Ule B vitamins, including thiamine). One devastating central nervous system effect is the relatively rare Alcohol-lnduced Persis ting Amnestic Disorder (p. 177) (Wemicke-Korsakoff syndrome), in which the ability to encode new memory is severely impaired . of the symptoms and physical findings associated w ith the Alcohol-Related Disorders are a consequence o f the di sease states noted above. Examples are the d yspepsia, nausea, and bloating that accompany gastritis and the hepa tomegaly, esophageal varices, and hemorrhoid s that accompany alcohol-induced changes in the liver. Other physical signs include tremor, lmsteady gait, insomnia, a.nd erectile dysfunction. Men with chronic Alcohol Dependence may exhibit decreased testicular size and feminiz ing effects associated w ith reduced testosterone levels. Repeated heavy drinking in women is .1ssociated with menstrual irregularities and, p regnancy, with spontaneous abortion and fetal alcohol syndrome. Individuals w ith preexis ting histories of epilepsy or severe head trauma are more likely to develop alcohol-related seizures. Alcohol Withdrawa l may be associated w ith nausea, vomiting, gastritis, hematemesis, d ry mou th, puffy blotchy complexion, and mild peripheral edema. Alcohol Intoxication may res ult in fall s and accidents that may cause fractures, subdural hematomas, and other forms of brain trauma. Severe, repeated Alcohol Intoxication may also suppress immlme mechanisms and predispose individuals to infections and increase the risk for cancers. Finally, wmnticipated Alcohol Withdrawal in hospi talized patients for whom a diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence has been overlooked call add to the risks and costs of hospitalization and to time spent in the hos pital.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

The cultural traditions surrounding the use of alcohol in family, religious, and social settings, especially during childhood, can affect both alcohol use patterns and the likelihood that alcohol problems will develop. Marked differences characterize the quantity, frequency, and patterning of alcohol consumption in the countries of the world. In most Asian cultures, the overall prevalence of Alcohol-Related Disorders may be relatively low, and the male-to-female ratio high . TIle low prevalence rates among Asians appear to rela te to a deficiency, i.n perhaps 50% of Japanese, Chinese, and Korean individuals, of the form of aldehyde dehydrogenase that eliminates low levels of the firs t breakdown product of alcohol, acetaldehyde. When the estimated 10% of individuals who have a complete absence of the enzyme consume alcohol, they experience a flu shed fa ce and p alpitations that can be so severe that many do not sub. sequentl y drink at all. Those 40% of the population with a relative deficiency of the enzyme experience less in tense flu shing but still ha ve a significantly reduced risk of developing an Alcohol Use Disorder. In the United States, whites and African Americans have similar rates of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence. Latino males ha ve somewhat higher rates, although prevalence is lower among Latino females than among females from other ethnic g roups. Low educational leveL lU1employment, and lower socioeconomic status are associated with Alcohol-Related Disorders, although it is often difficult to separate cause from effect. Years of SdlOOling may not be as important


Substance-Related Disorders

in delennining risk as completing the immediate educational goal (i.e., those who drop ou l of high school or college have particularly high ra les of Alcohol-Rela ted Disorders). Among adolescents, Conduct Disorder and repeated antisocial behavior often cooccur with Alcohol Abuse or Dependence and with other Subs tance-Related Disorders. Age-related physica l changes in elderly persons result in increased brain susceptibility to the depressant effects of alcohol, decreased rales of liver metabolism of a variety of subs tances, including alcohol, and decreased percentages of body water. These

changes can cause older people to develop more severe intoxication and subsequent problems at lower levels of consumption. Alcoh ol-rela ted problems in older people are also especially likely to be associated with other medical complications. Females tend to develop higher blood alcohol concentrations than males at a gi ven dose of alcohol per kilogram because of their lower percentage of body water, higher percentage of body fat, and the fact that they tend to metabolize alcohol more slowly (in part because of lower levels of alcohol dehydrogenase in the mucosal lining of the stomach). Because of these higher alcohol levels, they may be at greater ri sk than males for some of the health-related consequences of heavy alcohol intake (in particular, liver damage). Alcohol Abuse and Dependence are more common in males than in females, with a male-to-female ratio as high as 5:1 , but this ratio varies substantially depending on the age group. In general, females sta rt to drink several years later than males, but once Alcohol Abuse or Dependence develops in females, the disorder appears to progress somewhat more rapidly. However, the clinical course of Alcohol Dependence in males and fema les is more similar than different.

Preva lence
Alcohol lise is highly prevalent in most Western countries, with the 199~ per capita consumption in adults in the United States estimated at 2.1 7 gallons of absolute alcohol. Among adults in the United States, two-thirds to 90% have ever consumed alcohol, depending on the sun'ey and the methods used, with figures for men higher than those for women. A 1996 national survey indicated that about 70% of men and 60% of women consumed alcohol, figures that varied with age, with the highest prevalence (77%) for those between ages 26 and 34 years. Higher proportions of drinkers were reported in tuban and coasta l areas of the United States, and there were only modest differences across racial groups. It should be noted that because these sun'eys measured patterns of use rather than disorders, it is not known how many of those in the sun'eys who used alcohol had symptoms that met criteria for Dependence or Abuse. Perhaps reflecting differences in research methodology and changes in the diagnostic criteria over the years, estimates of the prevalence of Alcohol Abuse and Dependence have varied markedly across different studies. However, when DSM-ITf-R and OSM-rv criteria a re used, it appears that in the mid1 990s, the lifetime risk for Alcohol Dependence was approximately 15% in the general population. The over.ll1 rate of curren t Alcohol Dependence (meastued as individuals whose pattern of alcohol use fulfilled the criteria over the prior year) probably approached 5%.

Alcohol-Relat ed Disorders


The firs t episode of Alcohol Intoxication is likely to occur in the mid-teens, with the age at onset of Alcohol Dependence peaking in the 20s to mid-30s. The large majority of those who develop Alcohol-Related Disorders do so by thei r late 30s. The firs t e vidence of Withdrawal is not likely to appear until after many other ,1spects of Dependence ha ve developed . Alcohol Abuse and Dependence have a variable course tha t is freque ntly characterized by p eriods of remission and relapse. A decis ion to stop drinking, often in response to a crisis, is likely to be followed by weeks or more of abstinence, which is often followed by limited periods of controlled or nonproblematic drinking. H owever, once alcohol intake resumes, it is highly likely that conslUnption will rapidly escalate and that severe problems w ill once again develop. Clinicians often have the erroneous impression that Alcohol Dependence and Abuse are intractable disorders based on the fac t that those w h o present for treatment typically have a history of many years of severe alcohol-related problems. H owever, these most severe cases represent only a small proportion of individuals w ith Alcohol Dependence or Abuse, and the typical person with an Alcohol Use Disorder has a much more promising prognosis. Follow-up studies of more highly ftmc tioning individuals show a higher than 65% 1-year abstinence rate following treatment. Even among less ftmctional and homeless individuals with Alcohol Dependence who complete a treatment program, as many as 60% are abstinent a t 3 months, and 45"/0 at 1 year. Some individuals (perhaps 20% or more) w ith Alcohol Dependence achieve long-term sobriety even w ithout active treatment. During even mild Alcohol intoxication, diffe rent symptom s are likely to be observed at different time points. Early in the drinking period, when blood alcohol levcis are rising, symptoms often include talkativeness, a sensation of well-being, and a bright, expansive mood. Late r, especially when blood a1cohollevels are falling, the indi vidual is likely to become progressively more depressed, withdrawn, and cognitively impaired . At very high blood alcohol levels (e.g ., 200-300 mg/ d L), a nontolerant individual is likely to fall asleep and enter a first stage of anesthes ia. Higher blood alcohol level s (e.g., in excess of 300-400 mg/ dL) can cause inhibition of respiration and pulse and e ven death in nontolerant individuals. The duration of intoxication depends on how much alcohol was consumed over what period of time. in general, the body is able to metabolize approximately one drink per hour, so that the blood alcohol level generally decreases a t a rate of 15--20 mg / dL per hour. Signs and symptoms of intoxication are likely to be more intense when the blood alcohol level is rising than when it is falling.

Famil ia l Patt ern

Alcohol Dependence often has a familial pattern, and it is estimated that 40%---60% of the variance of risk is explained by genetic influences. The ris k for Alcohol Dependence is three to four times h igher in close rela tives of people with Alcohol Dependence. H igher risk is associated with a grea ter number of affected relatives, closer genetic relationships, and the severity of the alcohol-related problems in the affected relative. Most studies have fmmd a significantly higher risk for Alcohol Dependence in the monozygotic twin than in the dizygotic twin of a person with Alcohol Depen-


Substance-Related Disorders

dence. Adoption studies have revealed a three- to fourfold increase in risk for Alcohol Dependence in the children of individuals with Alcohol Dependence when these children were adopted away at birth and raised by adopti ve parents who d id not have

this disorder. However, genetic fa ctors explain only a part of the risk for Alcohol Dependence, with a significan t pari of the risk coming from environmental or interpersonal fac tors that may include cultural atti tudes toward drinking and drunkenness, the availability of alcohol (including price), expectations of the effects of alcohol on mood and behavior, acquired personal experiences with alcohol, and stress.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis ofSubsfance-Related Disorders, see p . 207. Alcohol-Induced Disorders may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) that resemble primary mental diso rders (e.g., ~'I ajor Depressive Disorder versus Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, With Onset During Intoxication). See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. The incoordination and impaired judgment that are associated with Alcohol lntoxkation can resemble the symptoms of certain gen eral medical condition s (e.g., diabetic acidosis, cerebeUar ataxias, and other neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis). Similarly, the symptoms of Alcohol Withdrawal can also be mimicked by ce rtain general m edical conditions (e.g., h ypoglycemia and diabetic ketoacidosis). Essential tremor, a disorder that frequen tly runs in families, may suggest the tremulousness associated with Alcohol Withdrawal. Alcohol Intoxication (except for the smell of alcohol on the breath) closely resembles Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tion . The presence of alcohol on the brea th does not by itself exclude intoxica tions with other substances because multiple substances are not uncommonJy used concurrently. Although intoxication at some time during their lives is likely to be a part of the his tory of most individuals who drink alcohol, when this phenomenon occurs regul arly or causes impairment it is important to consider the possibili ty of a diagnosis of Alcohol Dependence or Alcohol Abuse. Sedative, Hy pnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal produces a syndrome very similar to tha i of Alcohol Withd rawal. Alcohol Intoxication and Alcohol Withdrawal are dis tinguished from the other Alcohol -In duced Disord ers (e.g., Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder, W ith Onset During Withdra wal) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated w ith Alcohol Intoxication or Alcohol Withdrawal and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention. Alcohol idiosyncratic intoxica tion, defined as marked behavioral change, usually ag gressiveness, following the ingestion of a relatively s mall of amount of alcohol, was included in OSM-Tn-R. Because of limited support in the literature for the validity of this condition, it is no longer included as a separate diagnosis in OSM-IV. Such presentations would most likely be d iagnosed as Alcohol Intoxication or Alcohol-Related Disorder Not Otherw ise Specified .


Alcohol-Relat ed Disord e r Not Otherwise Specif ied


291.9 Alcohol-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Alcohol-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specifi ed category is for disorders associated with the use of alcohol that are not classifiable as Alcohol Dependence, Alcoh ol Ab use, Alcohol Intoxication, Alcohol Withdrawal, Alcohol Intoxication Delirium, Alcohol Withdrawal DelirilUll, Alcohol-Induced Persisting Dementia, AlcoholInduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, AlcoholInduced Mood Disorder, Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, or Alcohol-Ind uced Sleep Disorder.

Amphetamine (or Amphetamine-Like)Related Disorders

The class of amphetamine and amphetam ine-like substances includes all substances with a substituted-phenylethylamine structure, such as amphetamine, dextroamphetamine, and methamphetamine ("speed "). Also induded are those substances that are strucruraIly different but also have amphetamine-like action, such as methylphenidate o r agents used as appetite suppressants ("diet pills"). These substances a re usually taken ora lly or intravenously, although methamphetamine is also taken by the nasal route ("snorting" ). A very pure form of methamphetamine is called "ice" because of the appearance of its crystals when observed under magnification. Because o f its high purity and relatively low vaporization point, as is true for "crack," ice can be smoked to produce an immediate and powerful stimulant effect. In addi tion to the synthetic amphetamine-like compound s, there arc narurally occurring, plant-derived stimulants such as khat that can prod uce Abuse or Dependence. Unlike cocaine, wh ich is almost always purchased on the illegal market, amphetamines and other stimulants may be obtained by prescription for the treatment of obesity, AttentionDeficit/ Hyperactivity Disord er, and arcolepsy. Prescribed stimulants have sometimes been diverted into the illegal market, often in the con text of weight-control programs. Most of the effects of amphetamines and amphetamine-like drugs are similar to those of cocaine. However, unlike cocaine, these substances do not have local anesthetic (Le., membrane ion channel) activity; therefore, their risk for indUCing certain general medical conditions (e.g., cardiac arrhythmias and seizures) may be lower. The psychoactive effects of most amphetamine-like substances last longer than those of cocaine, and the peripheral sympathomimetic effects may be more potent. n,is section contains d iscussions that are specific to the Amphetamine-Rela ted Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been provided for the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) that apply across all substances. The applkation of these general criteria to Amphetam ine Dependence and Ab use is provided below. H owever, there are no unique criteria sets for Amphetamine Dependence or Amphetamine Abuse. Specific texts and criteria sets for Amphetamine In toxication and Amphetamine Withdrawal are also provided below. The Amphetamine-Induced Disorders (other than Amphetamine in toxication and With-

Substance-Related Disord ers draw al) are described in the sections o f the manual w ith disorders with w hich they share phenomenology (e.g., Amphetamine-Induced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed below are the Amphetamine Use Disorders and the Am phetamine-induced Disorders.

Amphetamine Use Disorders

304.40 305.70 Amphetamine Dependence (see p. 224) Amphetamine Abuse (see p. 225)

Amphetamine-Induced Disorders
292.89 292.0 292.81 292.11 292.12 292.84 Amphetamine Intoxica tion (see p. 226) Specify if: With Perceptual Disturbances Amphetamine Withdrawal (see p. 227) Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium (see p. 143) Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations (see p . 338) SpecijeJ if: With Onset During Intoxication Amphetamine-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) Specify if: With Onset During intoxication / With Onset During WiU,drawal Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During intoxication Amphetamine-Induced Sexual D ysfunction (see p. 562) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder (see p. 655) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxica tion / With Onset During Withdrawal Amphetamine-Related Disorder No t Othenvise Specified (see p. 231)

292.89 292.89 292.89


Amphetamine Use Disorders


Amphetamine Dependence

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). The patterns of u se and course o f Amphetamine Dependence are similar to those of Cocaine Dep endence because both substances are potent central nervous system stimulants with similar p sychoactive and sympathomimetic effects. However, amphetamines are longer acting than cocaine and thus are usually self-administered fewer times per day. As wi th Cocaine Dependence, usage may be chronic or episodic, with binges ("s peed runs") punctuated by brief drug-free periods. Aggressive or violent behavior is associated w ith Amphetamine Dependence, especially when high doses are smoked, ingested, or administered intravenously. As w ith cocaine, intense


Amphetamine Abuse


but temporary anxiety resembling Panic Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder, as well as paranoid ideation and psych otic episodes that resemble Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type, are often seen, especiaHy in association with hig h-dose use. Withdrawal states are often associated with temporary, but potentially intense, depressive symp toms that can resemb le a Major Depressive Epi sode. Tolerance to amphetamines d evelops and often leads to substantial escalation of the dose. Conversely, some individuals with Amphetamine Dependence develop sensitization, which is characterized by enhanced augmentation of an effect following rep ea ted exp osure. In these cases, small doses may produce marked stimulant and other adverse mental and neurological effects.

The following s pecifiers may be applied to a diagnOSiS of Amphetamine Dependence (see p. 195 for more details): With Physiological Dep enden ce Without Physiological Dependence Early Full Remission Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission In a Controlled Environment


Amphetamine Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). Even individuals whose pattern of use d oes not meet cri teria for Dependence ca n d evelop multiple problems w ith these substances. Legal difficulties typically arise as a result of behavior while intoxicated with amphetamines (especially aggressive behavior), as a consequence of obtaining the drug on the illegal market, or as a result of drug possession or use. OccaSionally, individuals w ith Amphetanline Abuse w ill engage in illegal acts (e.g., manufacturing amphetamines, theft) to obtain the drug; h owever, this behavior is more common among those w ith Dependence. Individuals may con tinue to use the substance despite the knowled ge tha t continued use res uhs in arguments with famil y members while the individual is intoxica ted or presents a nega tive example to ch ildren o r other close famil y members. When these problems are accompanied by evidence o f tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive behavior, a d iagnosis of Amphetamine Dependence rather than Abuse shou ld be considered . However, since some symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive use can occur in individuals with Abuse but not Dependence, it is important to determine whether the full criteria for Dependence are met.


Substa nce-Related Disord ers

Amphetamine-Induced Disorders
292.89 Amphetamine Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Intoxication (see p. 199). The essential feature of Amphetamine Intoxica tion is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psych ological changes that develop during. or shortly after, lise of amphetamine or a related substance (Criteria A and B). Amphetamine lntoxication generally begins with a "high" feelin g, followed by the development of

symptoms such as euphoria with enhanced vigor, gregariousness, hyperactivity, restlessness, hypervigilance, interpersonal sensitivity. taJkativeness, anxiety, tension,
alertness, grandiosity, stereotyp ical and repetitive beha\' ior, anger, fighting , and impaired judgmen t. In the case of chronic intoxication, there may be affective blunting wi th fat igue or sadness and socia l w ithdrawal. These beh avioral an d psychological changes are accompanied by two or more of the following signs and symptoms: tachyca rdia or bradycardia; pupillary dilation; eleva ted or lowered blood pressure; pers piration or chills; nausea or vomiting; evidence of weight loss; psychomotor agitation or reta rdation; muscular weakness, res piratory depression, chest pain, or cardiac arrhy th mias; and confusion, seizures, d yskinesias, d ystonias, or coma (Criterion C). Amphetamine In tox ication, either acule or chron ic, is often associated with impaired social or occupational fun ctioning. The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Cri terion D). TIle magnitude and manifestations of the behavioral and physiological changes depend on the dose used and individual characteristics of the person using the substance (e.g., tolerance, rate of absorption, chronicity of use). The changes associated with intoxication begin usually within minutes (and sometimes within seconds) after substance use but may take lip to 1 hour, d epend ing on the sp ecific drug and method of delivery.

Specifi er
The following specifier may be applied 10 a diagnosis of Amphetamine Intoxication: With Percep tual Disturban ces. This sp ecifier may be n oted when hallucinations w ilh intact reali ty testing or auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occur in the absence of a delirium. IIlfaet reality testing mea ns that the person knows tha t the hallucinations are induced by the substance and do not represent external rea lity. When hallucinations occur in the absence of intact reality testing, a d iagnosis of Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, shou ld be considered .

292.0 Amphetamine Withdrawa l


Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Amphetamine Intoxication

A. Recent use of amphetamine or a related substance (e.g., methylphenidate).
B. Clin ically sig nificant maladaptive behavioral or psychological cha nges (e.g ., e uphoria or affective blunting; changes in sociabi lity; hypervigilance; interpersonal sensit ivity; anxiety, t ension, or anger; stereotyped behaviors; impa ired judgment; or impai re d social or occupational functioning) that developed during, or sho rt ly after, use of amphetamine or a related substance .

C. Two (or more) of the fo llowing, d eveloping during, o r sh o rt ly after, use of a mphetamine or a related substance:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

tachycardia o r bradycard ia pupillary dilation elevated o r lowered blood pressure perspiration or chills nausea o r vo miting evidence of weight loss psychomotor agitatio n o r retardat ion muscular weakness, respiratory depression. chest pa in. or cardiac a rrhythmias confusion, seizures. d ysk inesias. dysto n ias. or coma

D. The symptoms are not due to a general med ical cond itio n and a re no t better a c-

counte d for by another menta l disorder.

Speci fy if:

With Perceptual Disturbances


Amphetamine Withdrawal

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria fo r Substance Withdrawal (see p. 201 ). The essential feature of Amphetamine Withdrawal is the presence of a charac teristic withdrawal syndrome that d evelops w ithin a few hours to several d a}'s a fter cessation of (or reduction in) heavy and prolonged amphetamine use (Criteria A and 13). The ,Ose seen during in toxicasymp toms of wi thdrawal are, in general, the opposite of U tion. The withdrawal syndrome is characterized by the d evelopment of dysphoric mood and h\'o or more of the following physiolog ical changes: f.,tigue. v ivid and unpleasant dreams. insomnia or hypersomn ia. increased appetite, and psychomotor retardation or agitation. Anhedonia and drug craving can also be p resent but are not pacl of the diagnostic criteria . The symptoms cause cl inically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational. or other important areas of ftm cti on ing (Cri terion C). The symptoms must not be due to a genera l medical cond ition and are not better accounted for by another mental d isorder. Marked withdraw al symptoms ("crashing") often follow an episode of in tense, high-dose use (a "speed run "). Thls "crash" is characterized by intense and unpleasant feelings of lassitude and depression, generally requiring several d ays of rest and

Substa nce-Relat ed Diso rders

recuperation . Weight loss commonly occurs during heavy s timulant use, whereas a marked increase in appetite with rapid weight gain is often observed during withdrawal. Depressive symptoms may last several days to weeks and may be accompanied by suicida l ideation. The vast majority of individuals with Amphetamine Dependence have experienced a withdrawal syndrome at some point in their lives, and virtually all report tolerance.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.0 Amphetamine Withdrawal

A. Cessation of (or reduction in) amphetamine (or a related substance) use that has been heavy and prolonged. B. Dysphoric mood and two (or more) of the following physiological changes, developing within a few hours to severa l days after Criterion A: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) fatigue vivid, unpleasant dreams insomnia or hypersomnia increased appetite psychomotor reta rdat ion or agitation

C. The sym ptoms in Criterion B cause cl inically significant distress or impa irment in so-

cial, occupational, or other important areas of functio ning. D. The symptoms a re not due to a general medical condition a nd are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Other Amphetamine-Induced Disorders

The follOWing Amphetamine-induced Disorders are described in the sections of the manual with disorders with w hich they share phenomenology: Amphetamine Intoxica tion Delirium (p . 143), Amp hetamine-Ind uced Psycho tic Disord er (p. 338), Am phetamine-Induced Mood Di sorder (p. 405), Am ph etamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479), Amphetami ne-Induced Sexual Dys fun ction (p. 562), and Amphetamin e-In d uced Sleep Disorde r (p. 655). These diso rders are d iagnosed ins tead of Amphetamine Intoxication or Amphetamine Withdrawal only when the symptoms are in excess of those us ually associated wi th Amphetamine Intoxication or With drawal and when the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Amphetamine-Related Disorders

Associat ed Features and Disorders
Acu le Amphetamine intoxication is sometimes associated with rambling speech, headache, transient ideas of reference, and tiruutus. During intense Amphetamine

Amphetam ine-Related Oisorders Intoxication, paranoid ideation, audi tory hallucinations in a clear sensorium, and tactile hallucinations (e.g., fonnication or a feeling of bugs tmder the skin) may be experienced. Frequently, the person using the substance recognizes these symptoms as resulting from the stimulan ts. Extreme anger w ith threa ts o r acting ou t of aggreSSive beha vior may occur. Mood changes such as d epression with suicida l ideation, irritability, anhedonia, emotional lability, or d is turbances in attention and concentration are common, especially during withdrawal . Weight loss and other signs of malnutrition and impaired personal hygiene are often seen with sustained Amphetamine Dependence. Amphetamine-Related Disorders and other stimuJant-related d isorders are often "ssociated with Dependence on or Abuse of other substances, especiall)' those with sedative properties (such as alcohol or ben zod iazepines), which a re usually taken to reduce the tmpleasant, "j ittery" feelings that result from stimuJant drug effects. The laboratory and physical examination findings and the mental disorders and genera l medica l conditions that are associated with the Amphetamine-Related Disorders are generally simi lar to those that are associated with the Cocaine-Related Disorders (see p. 246). Urine tests for substances in this class usually remain positi ve for only 1- 3 days, even after a "b inge." Adverse pu lmonary effects are seen less often than with cocaine because substances in this cla ss are smoked fewer times per day. Seizures, H IV infection, malnutrition, gunshot or knife wounds, nosebleeds, and cardiovascular problems are often seen as presenting complaints in individuals with Amphetamine-Related Disorders. A hi story of ch ildhood Conduct Disorder and adult Antisocial Personality Di sord er may be associated with the later development of Amphetamine-Related Disorders.

Specific Culture, Ag e, and Gender Features

Amphetamine Dependence and Abuse are seen throughout all levels of society and are more common among persons between ages 18 and 30 years. Intravenous use is more common among persons from lower socioeconomic groups and has a male-tofemale ratio of 3 or 4:1. The male-to-fema le ratio is more evenly divided among those with nonintravenous use.

The patterns of use of amphetamines in the general popu lation differ between locales (e.g., with high rates in southern California) and have nuctuated greatly over the years. In the Uni ted Sta tes, genera l use patterns were though t to peak in the early 1980s, when more than 25% of adults reported that they had ever used one of these drugs. Regarding more recent use, a 1996 na tional slln' ey of drug use reported that around 5% o f ad ults acknowledged ever having used "stimulant" drugs to get "high." ApprOximately 1% acknowledged having taken amphetamines in the prior year, and 0.4% acknowledged having taken amphetamines in the prior month. The peak p revalence of e\'er having used amphetamines was between ages 26 and 34 years (6%), while use in the last year was highest among 18- to 25-year-olds (2%). Some surveys have reported even higher patterns of use in some YOlmger cohorts.


Substance-Related Disorders

A 1997 survey of high school seniors reported that 16% had ever used amphetaminelike drugs, including 10% in the prior year. It should be noted that because these surveys measured patterns of use rather than disorders, it is nol known how many of those in the surveys who used am phetamines had symptoms that met the criteria for Dependence or Abuse. Rates of Amphetamine Dependence and Abuse are m ore difficull to document. A national epidemiological study conducted in the United Sta tes in the early 19905 reported a 1.5% lifetime prevalence of these Amphetamine Use Disorders, including 0.14% in the past 12 months.

Some individuals who develop Abuse or Dependence on amphetamines or amphetamine-like substances begin use in an attempt to control their weight. Others become introduced to these substances through the illegal market. Dependence can occur rapidly when the substance is used intravenously or smoked. O ral administration usually results in a slower progression from use to Dependence. Amphetamine Dependence is associated with tw o patlems of administration: episodic use or daily (or almost daily) use. In the episodic pattern, substance use is separated by d ays of nonuse (e.g., intense use over a weekend or on one or more weekdays).n,ese periods of intensive highdose use (often called "speed runs" or "binges") are often associa ted with intravenous use. RlUlS tend to terminate only when drug supplies are depleted . Chronic daily use may involve high or low doses and may occur throughout the day or be restricted to only a few hours. In chronic daily use, there are generally no wide fluctuations in dose on successive days, but there is often an increase in dose O\'er time. Chronic use of high doses often becomes unpleasant because of sensitization and the emergence of d ysphOriC and other nega tive drug effects. n,e few long-term data ava ilable indicate that there is a tend ency for persons who have been dependent on amphetamines to decrease or stop use after 8-10 years. "This appears to result from the development of ad verse mental and physical effects that emerge in association with long-term dependence. Little or no data are available on the long-term course of Abuse.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general d iscussion of the differen tial diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Amphetamine-Induced Disorders may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., d elusions) tha t resemble primary men tal disorders (e.g., Schizophrenifonn Disorder or Schizophrenia versus Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions, With Onset During Intoxica tion). See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. Cocaine In toxication, H allucinogen Intoxication, and Phencycl id ine In toxication may cause a similar clinica l picture and can sometimes be distinguished from Amphetamine Intoxication only by the presence of amphetamine metabolites in a urine specimen or amphetamine in plasma . Amphetamine Dependence and Abuse should be distinguished from Cocaine, Phencyclidine, and Hallucinogen Dependence and Abuse. Amphetamine Intoxication and Amphetamine Withdrawal are d istinguished from the other Amphetamine-Ind uced Disorders (e.g., Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latler


Amphetamine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

231 \

disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Amphetamine In toxica tion or Amphetamine Withdrawal and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention.


Amphetamine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Amphetamine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ca tegory is for disorders associated with the use of amphetamine (or a related substance) that are not cla ssifiable as Amphetamine Dependence, Amphetamine Abuse, Amphetamine Intoxication, Amphetamine Withdrawal, Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium, Amphetam ine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Amphetamine-Ind uced Mood Disorder, Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Amphetamine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, or Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder.

Caffeine-Related Disorders

Caffeine can be consumed from a number of different sources, including coffee (brewed = 100-140 mg/ 8 OZ, instant = 65-100 mg/ 80z), tea (40-100 mg/ 8 oz), caffeinaled soda (45 mg/ 12 oz), over-the-counter analgesics and cold remedies (25-50 mg/ tablet). antidrowsiness pill s (100--200 m g/ tablet), and weight-loss aids (75-200 mg/ tablet). Chocolate and cocoa have much lower levels of caffeine (e.g., 5 mg/ chocolate bar). The consumption of ca ffeine is ubiquitous in much of the United States, with an average caffeine intake of approximately 200 mg/ day, and up to 30% of Americans consuming SOO mg or more per day. Some individuals w ho drink large amounts of coffee display some aspects of dependence on caffeine and exhibit tolerance and perhaps withdrawaL H oweVer, the data are insufficient at tltis time to detennine whether these symptoms are associated with cl inically significant impairment that meets the criteria for Substance Dependence or Substance Abuse. in contrast, there is evidence that Caffeine Intoxication can be clinicall)' Significant, and specific text and criteria are provided below. Recent e\' idence also suggests the possible clinical relevance of caffeine w ithdrawal; a set of research criteria is included on p. 765. The Caffeineinduced Disorders (other than Caffeine Intoxication) are described in the sections of the manua l with disorders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Caffeinelnduced Anxiety Disorder is included in the" Anxiety Disorders" section). Listed below are the Caffeine-Induced Disorders.

Caffeine-Induced Disorders
305.90 292.89 292.89 292.9

Caffeine Intoxication (see p. 232) Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Caffeine-lnduced Sleep Disorder (see p. 655) Specifij if: With Onset During lntoxication Caffeine-Related Disord er Not Othenvise Specified (see p. 234)


Subst a nce-Re lated Disorde rs

Caffeine-Induced Disorders


Caffeine Intoxication

Refer, in addi tion, to the text and criteria for Subs tance Intoxication (see p. 199). The essential feature of Caffeine Intoxication is recent consumption of caffeine and five or more symptoms that develop during, or shortly after, caffeine u se (Criteria A and B). Symptoms that ean appear foUowing the ingestion of as little as 100 m g o f caffeine per day include res tlessness, nervous ness, excitemen t, insomnia, flu shed face, diuresis,

and gastrointestinal complaints. Symptoms that genera lly appear at levels of more
than 1 g / d.1)' include muscle h dtching, rambling flow of thoughts and s peech, tachycardia or cardiac arrhythmia, periods o f inexhaustibi li ty, and psychomotor agita tion. Caffeine Lntoxication may not occur d espite high caffeine intake because of the de\'eJopmen t of tolerance. The SY J11ptoms must cause c1inicall)' significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or ot her important a reas of functioni ng (Criterion C). The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted fo r by another mental disorder (e.g., an Anxiety Disorder) (Criterion D).

Diagnostic criteria for 305.90 Caffeine Intoxication

A. Rece nt consumption of caHeine, usually in excess of 250 mg (e.g., more than 2-3 cups

of brewed coHee). B. Five (or more) of the followi ng signs, developi ng during, or shortly after, caffe ine use:
(1) restlessness

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12)

nervousness excitement insomnia flushed face diuresis gastroint estinal d isturbance muscle twitching rambling fl ow of t hought and speech tachycard ia or cardiac arrhythmia periods of inexhaustibility psychomotor agitation

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupationa l, or other import ant areas of fu nctioning.
O. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e .g., an Anxi ety Disorder).

Othe r Caffe ine-I nduced Disord ers


Other Caffeine-Induced Disorders

The following Caffeine-Induced Disorders are described in other sections of the manual with disorders w ith which they share phenomenology: Caffeine-l nduced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479) and Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder (p. 655). These disorders are d iagnosed instead of Caffeine Intoxication only when the symptoms are in excess of those u suaUy associated with Ca ffeine Intoxication and w hen the symptoms a re sufficien tly severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Caffeine-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders
Mild sensory disturbances (e.g., ring ing in the ears and flashes of light) have been reported at higher doses. Although large doses of ca ffeine can increase heart rate, smaller d oses can slow the pu lse. Whether excess caffeine intake can cause headaches is unclear. On physical examination, agitation, restlessness, swea ting, tachycardia, flushed fa ce, and increased bowel motility may be seen. Typical patterns of caffei ne intake have not been consistently associated w ith other medical problems. Howe\'er, heavy u se is associated with the development or exacerbation o f anxiety and somatic symptoms such as card iac arrhythmias and gastrointestinal pa in or d iarrhea. With acu te doses exceeding 10 g of caffeine, grand mal seizures and respira tory failure m ay result in death. Excessive caffeine lI SC is associated w ith Mood, Eating, Psychotic, Sleep, and Substance-Related Disorders, whereas individuals with Anxiety Disord ers are likel}' to avoid Ihis substance.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Ca ffeine use and the sources from which caffeine is consumed va ry widely across cullures. The average caffeine intake in most of the developing world is less than 50 mg / day, compared to as much as 400 mg / day o r more in Sweden, the United Kingdom, and other European nations. Caffe ine con sumption increases during the 20s and often decreases after age 65 years. In take is grea ter in males than in fema les. With advancing age, people are likely to demonstra te increasingly intense reactions to caffeine, with greater complaints of interference with sleep or feeling s of hyperarousal.

The pattern of caffeine u se fluc tuates d u ring life, wi th 80%-85% of adults consuming caffeine in any given yea r. Among people w ho consume caffeine, 85% or more use a caffeine-containing beverage at least once a week, imbibing an average of almost 200 m g / day. Caffeine intake is probably elevated among individuals who smoke, and perhaps among those who use alcohol and other substances. The prevalence of Caffeine-Related Disorders is unknown.


Su bstance -Re lated Disorde rs

Caffeine intake us ually begins in the mid-teens, with increasing levels o f consumption through the 20s into the 305, w hen use levels off and perhaps begins to fall. Among the approximately 40% of individ uals w ho have stopped the intake of some form of caffeine. most report tilat they changed their pattern in response to its side effects or health concerns. The la ller incl ude cardiac arrhythmias, other heart problems. high blood p ress ure, fib rocystic di sease of the breast, insomnia, or anxiety. Becau se tolerance to the behaviora l effects of caffeine docs occur, Caffeine Intoxication is often seen in those who use caffeine less frequently or in those who have recently increased their caffeine intake by a subs tantial amOlmt.

Differentia l Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differen tial diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Caffeine-Induced Disorders may be characteri zed by symptoms (e.g., Panic Attacks) that resemble prim ary mental disorders (e.g., Panic Disorder versus Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Panic Attacks, '''' ith O nset During Intoxication). See p. 210 fo r a discussion of this differential diagnosis. To meet criteria for Ca ffeine Intoxication, the symptom s must not be due to a general med ical condition or an other mental disorder, su ch as an Anxiety Di sorder, that could better explain them. Manic Ep isodes, Panic Di sord er, General ized Anxiety Disorder, Amphetam ine Intoxicatio n, Sedative, Hy pnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal or licotine Withdrawal, Sleep Disord ers, and medica tion-induced side effects (e.g., akathisia) can cause a clinical picture that is similar to that of Caffeine Intoxication. The temporal relations hip of the symptoms to increased caffeine u se or to abstinence from ca ffe ine helps to es tablish the diagnosis. Caffeine Intoxication is d ifferentiated from Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication (p. 479), and from Caffeine-Indu ced Sleep Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication (p . 655), by the fact tha t the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those us ually associated with Caffeine Intoxication and are severe enough to warran t independent clinica l atten tion.

292.9 Caffeine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Caffeine-Related Disorder Not O therwise Specified category is for disorders associated with the use of caffeine that are not cl,lssifiable as Ca ffeine Intoxication, Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, orCaffeme-l nduced Sleep Disorder. An exam ple is caffeine w ith d rawal (see p. 764 for suggested research cri teria).

Cannabis-Related Disorders

This section includes problems that are associated with substances that are derived from the c.lIlnabis plant (c.lIlnabinoids) and chemically similar synthetic compOlmds.

Cannabis-Related Disorders
When the upper leaves, tops, and stems of the plant are cut, dried, and rolled into cigarettes, the product is usually called marijuana o r bhang. Hashish is the dried, resinous exudate that seeps from the tops and undersides of cannabis leaves; h ashish oil is a concentrated distillate of hashish. In recent years, another high-potency form of c.mnabis, sensimilla, has been produced in Asia, H awaii, and California. Cannabinoids are usually smoked, but they may be taken o rally, usually m ixed with tea or food. The cannabinoid tha t has been identified as primarily responsible for the psychoacti ve effects of cannabis is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (also known as THC, or delta-9-THC), a substance that is rarely ava ilable in a pure form. The carm abinoids have d iverse effects in the brain, prominent among which are actions on CBI and CB2 cannabinoid receptors that arc found throughout the central nervous system. Endogenous ligands for these receptors, anandamide and N-palmitoethanoiamide, behave essen tially like neurotransmitters. The THC content of the marijuana that is generally available varies grea tly. The THe con tent of illicit marijuana has increased signific.m tl), since the late 1960s from an average of approximately 1%-5% to as much as 10"10-15"10. Synthetic d elta-9-THC has been used for certain general medical conditions (e.g., for nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy, for anorexia and weight loss in individ uals with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome IAIDS)). TIlis section con tains d iscussions sp ecific 10 the Cannabis-Related Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been provided 10 define the gen eric aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abu se (p. 198) that apply across all substances. The applica tion of these general criteria to Cannabis Dependence and Abuse is prov ided below . However, there are no unique cri teria sets for Cannabis Dependence or Cannabis Abuse. A sp ecifiC text and criteria set for Cannabis In toxication is also prov ided below. Symptoms of p ossible cannabis withdrawal (e.g., irritable or anxious mood accompanied by physiological changes such as tremor, perspiration, na usea, change in appetite, and sleep disturbances) have been described in association with the use of vcry high doses, but their clinical sign ifican ce is uncertain. For these reasons, the diagnosis of cannabis withdrawal is nol included in this manual The Cannabis-Induced Disorders (other than Cannabis Intoxication) are described in the sections of the manua l with disorders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Cannabis-Induced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed below are the Cannabis Use Disorders and the Cannabis-Ind uced Disorders.

Cannabis Use Disorde rs

304.30 305.20 Cannabis Dependence (see p. 236) Cannabis Abuse (see p. 236)

Cannabis-I nduced Diso rde rs

292.89 292.81 292.]] Cannabis Intoxication (see p. 237) Specify if: With Perceptua l Disturbances Cannabis Intoxication Delirium (see p. 143) Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication

292_ 11 292.89 292.9

Substance-Related Disorders Cannabislnduced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Cannabis-Induced Anxiety D isorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Cannabis-Related Disorder Not Othen... ise Specified (sec p. 241)

Cannabis Use Disorders 304.30 Cannabis Dependence

Refer, in addi tion, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). Individua ls wi th Cannabis Dependence have compulsive use and associated problems. To lerance to most of the effects of ca nnabis has been reported in individuals who use ca nnabis chronically. There have also been some reports of withdrawal symptoms, but their clinica l significance is uncertain. There is some evidence that a majority of chronic lIsers of cannabinoid s report histories of tolerance or withdrawal and that these individuals evidence more severe drug-rela ted problems overall. Individuals with Cannabis Dependence may lise very potent cannabis throughout the day over a period of m onths or yeaTS, and they may spend several hours a day acquiring and using the substance. This often interferes with fami ly, school, work, or recrea tiona l activities. Individuals with Cannabis Dependence may a lso persist in their use despite knowledge of physical problems (e.g., chronic cough related to smoking) or psychologica l problems (e.g., excessive sedation and a decrease in goal-oriented activities resulting from repeated use of high doses).

The following specifiers may be applied to a diagnOSiS o f Cannabis Dependence (see p. 195 for more detai ls): \Vith Physiological Dependence Without Physiological Depe ndence Early Full Remission Early Partial Remi ssion Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission In a Controlled Environment


Cannabis Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). Periodic cannabis use and intoxication can in terfere with performance at work or school and may be physically h azardous in sihlations such as driv ing a car. Legal problems may occur as a consequence of arrests for cannabis possession. There may be arguments with spOllses or parents over the possession of cannabis in the home or its use i.n the presence of children. \,\' hen psychological or physica l problems are associated with


Ca nnabis Intoxicat ion

237 1

ca nnabis in the context of compulsive use, a diagnosis of Cannabis Dependence, rather than Cannabis Abu se, should be considered .

Cannabis-Induced Disorders

292.89 Cannabis Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Intoxica tion (see p. 199). The essential fea ture of Ca nnabis Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behav ioral or psychological changes that develop during, or shortly after, cannabis use (Criteria A and B). Intoxication ty pically begins with a "h igh" feeling followed by symptoms that include euphoria with inappropriate laughter and grandiosity, sedation, lethargy, impainnent in sho rH enn memory, difficulty carrying out complex mental processes, impaired judgmen t, d istorted sensory perceptions, impaired motor performance, and the sensa tion tha t time is passing slowly. Occasionally, anxiety (which ca n be severe), d ysphoria, or social withdrawa l occurs. These psychoactive effects are accompanied by two or more of the following signs, d eveloping w ithin 2 hou rs o f cannabis u se: conjunctival injection, increased appetite, dry mouth, and tadlyc.ud ia (Criterion C). The symptoms must no t be due to a general medica l condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). Intoxication develops within minutes if the ca nnabis is smoked, but may takea few hours to develop if ingested orally. The effects usually last 3-4 hours, the duration being somewhat longer when the substance is in gested orally. The magnitud e of the behavioral and physiological changes d epends on the d ose, the method of administration, and the individual characteristics o f the person u sing the substan ce, such as rate of absorption, tolerance, and sensitivity to the effects of the substance. Because most cannabinoids, induding delta-9-THC, are fat soluble, the effects of cannabis or hashish may occasionally p ersist or reoccur for 12- 24 hours due to a slow release of psychoactive substances from fatty tissue o r to enterohepatic circula tion.

The follow ing specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Cannabis In toxication: With Perceptual Disturban ces. This specifier may be noted when hallucinations w ith in tact reality testin g o r auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occw in the absence of a delirium. Illtact reality testing means that the person knows that the halluci nations are induced by the substance and do not represent external reality. \ h en hallucina tions occur in the absence o f intact re.l lity testing, a diagnosis o f Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Wi th Hallucina tions, should be considered.


Substa nce-Related Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Cannabis Intoxication

A. Recent use of cannabis.
B. Clinically sig nificant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes (e .g., impai red motor coordin at ion, euphor ia, anxiety, sensation of slowed time, im pa ired judgment, social withdrawal) that developed during. or shortly after, cannabis use.


Two (or more) of the following signs, developing within 2 hours of cannabis use:
(1) conjunctival injection

(2) increased appetite

(3) dry mouth

(4) tachycardia
D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are n ot better accounted for by another menta l disorder.

Specify if:

With Perceptual Disturbances

Other Cannabis-Induced Disorders

The fo llowing Cannabis-Induced Disorders are described in other sections of the manua l with disorders with which they share phenomenology: Cann abis Intoxication Delirium (p. 143), Cannab is-Indu ced Psychoti c Disorder (p . 338), and CannabisIndu ced Anxiety Di sorder (p . 479). These disorders are diagnosed instead of Cannabis Intoxication only when the symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with Cannabis Intoxication and when the symptoms are s ufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Cannabis-Related Disorders

Associat ed Feat u res and Diso rd ers
Associated descriptive featu res and mental disorders. Cannabis is often used w ith other substances, especially nicotine, alcohol, and cocaine. Cannabis (especially marijuana) may be mixed and s moked with opioids, phencyclidine (PCP), or hallucinogenic drugs. Individuals w ho regularly use cannabis often report both physical and mental lethargy and anhedonia . Mild forms of d epression, anxiety, or irritability are seen in about one-third of ind ividuals who regularly use cannabis (daily or almost daily). When taken in hig h doses, cannabinoids have psychoactive effects tha t can be s imilar to those of hallucinogens (e.g., lysergic acid diethylamide [LSD)), and individuals who use cannabinoid s can experience adverse mental effects that resemble hallUCinogen-induced "bad trips." These range from m ild to moderate levels of anxiety

Cannabis-Related Disorders
(e.g., concern that the police will discover the substance use) to severe anxiety reactions resembling Panic Attacks. There may also be paranoid ideation ranging from suspiciousness to frank delusions and hallucinations. Episodes of d epersonalization and derealization have also been reported. Fatal traffic accidents have been found to occur more o ften in individuals who test positive forcannabinoids than in the general population. H owever, the significance of these findings is unclear because alcohol and other substances are often also present. Associate d laboratory findings. Urine tests generally identify cannabinoid metabolites. Because these substances are fat soluble, persist in bodily fluid s for extended periods of time, and are excreted slowly, routine urine tests for cannabinoids in individuals who use cannabis casually can be positive for 7-10 days; urine of individuals with heavy use of cannabis may test positive for 2-4 weeks. A p ositive urine test is only consistent with past use; it does not establish Intoxica tion, Dependence, or Abuse. Biological alterations include temporary (and probably d ose-related ) suppression of immunological function and suppressed secretion of testosterone and luteinizin g hormone (LH), although the clinical Significance o f these alterations is unclear. Acute cannabinoid use also causes d iffuse slowing of background activity on EEG and rapid eye movement (REM) supp ression. Associat e d physica l examination find ings and general medical conditions. Cannabis smoke is highJy irritating to the nasopharynx and bronchial lining and thus increases the risk for chronic cough and other signs and symptoms of nasopharyngeal patho logy. Chronic cannabis use is sometimes associated with weight gain, probably resulting from overeating and reduced physical activity. Sinusitis, pharyngi tis, bronchitis with persistent cough, emphysema, and pulmonary dysplasia may occur with chronic, heavy use. Marijuana smoke contains even larger amounts of known carcinogens than tobacco.

Specific Cult ure, Age, and Gende r Feat ures

Cannabis is probably the world 's most commonly used illicit substance. It has been taken since ancient times for its psychoactive effects and as a remed y for a wide range of m ed ical conditions. It is among the fi rst drugs of experimentation (often in the teens) for all cultural groups in the United States. As with most other illicit drugs, Cannabis Use Disorders appear more often in males, and p revalence is most common in persons betw een ages 18 and 30 years.

Preva lence
Cannabinoids, especia lly cannabis, are also the most widely llsed illicit psychoactive substances in the United States. Although the lifetime prevalence figures slowly decreased in the 1980s, modest increases were reported between 1991 and 1997, especially among youth. A 1996 national survey of drug use noted that 32% o f the US. popu lation reported ever having used a cannabinoid . Almost 1 in 11 had used it in the prior year, and around 5% had used it in the past month. The age span with the highest lifetime prevalence was 26 to 34 yea rs (50%), but use in the last year (24%) and

Substance-Re lated Disord e rs

last month (1 3%) w as most common in 18-- to 25-year-olds. Among those who used in the prior year, 5% had taken a cannabinoid at least 12 times, and 3% had laken one on more than 50 days. Regarding use of cannabis in adolescents and young adults, a 1995 survey found that 42% of high school seniors had ever used a cannabinoid, including 35% in the p rior year. Because the surveys assessed patterns of use rather than disorders, it is not known how many o f those who used marijuana had symptoms that met criteria for Dependence or Abuse. A 1992 national survey conducted in the United States reported lifetime rates of Cannabis Abuse or Dependence of almost 5%, indud ing 1.2% in the prior year.

Cannabis Dependence and Abuse usually develop over an extended period of time, although the progression might be more rapid in young people w ith pervasive conduct p roblems. Most people who become depend ent typically establish a pattern of chronic use that gradually increases in both frequency and amount. With chronic heavy use, there is sometimes a diminution or loss of the pleasu rable effec ts of the substance. Although there may also be a corresponding increase in d ysphOric effects, these are not seen as freq uently as in chronic use of other substances such as alcohol, cocaine, or amphetamines. A history of Conduct Disorde r in childhood o r adolescence and Antisocial Personality Disorder are risk fa ctors for the d evelopment of many Substance-Related Disorders, induding CaImabis-Related Disorders. Few data are available on the long-term cou rse of Cannabis Dependence or Abuse. As w ith alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine, cannabinoid use ap pea rs early in the course of substance use in man}' people who later go on to develop Dependence on other substances-an observation that has led to speculation tha t cannabis might be a "gateway drug." However, the social, psychological, and neurochemica l bases of this possible progression are not well understood, and it is not d ear that marijuana actually causes individuals to go on to use addi tional types of substances.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the d iffe ren tial d iagnosis o f Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Cannabis-Induced Disorders may be characterized by sympto ms (e.g., anxiety) that resemble primary mental disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder versus Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Generalized Anxiety, With Onset During Intoxication). See p. 210 for a discussion of this d ifferential diagnosis. Chronic intake of cannabis can produce a lack of motivation that resembles Dysthymic Disorder. Acute ad verse reactions to cannabis should be differentiated fro m the symptoms of Panic Disorder, Major Depressive Diso rder, Delusional Disorder, Bipolar Disorder, or Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type_ Physical examination w HI usually show an increased pulse and injected conjunctivas. Urine toxicological testing can be helpful in making a d iagnosis. In contrast to Cannabis Intoxication, Alcohollntoxication and Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication frequentl y d ecrease appetite, increase aggressive behavior, and produce nystagmus or ataxia . Hallucinogens in low doses may cause a clinic.11 picture that resembles Cannabis Intoxication . PCP, like cannabis, ca n be smoked and

292.9 Cannabis-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified


also causes perceptual changes, but Phencyclidine Intoxica tion is much more likely to cause ataxia and aggressive behavior. Cannabis Intoxication is distinguished from the other Cannabis-Induced Disorders (e.g., Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Di sorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Cannabis Intoxication and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention. The distinction beh\'een occasional use of cannabis and Cannabis Dependence or Abuse can be difficult to make beca use social, behavioral, or psychological problems may be difficult to attribute to the substance, especially in the context of use of other substances. Denial of heavy use is common, and people appear to seek treatment for Cannabis Dependence or Abuse less often than for o ther ty pes o f Substance-Related Disorders.

292.9 Cannabis-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Cannabis-Related Disorder Not O therwise Specified category is for disorders associated w ith the use of cannabis that are not dassifiable as Cannabis Dependence, Cannabis Abuse, Cannabis Intoxication, Cannabis Intoxication Delirium, CannabisInduced Psychotic Disorder, or Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder.

Cocaine-Related Disorders
Cocaine, a naturally occurring substance produced by the coca plant, is consumed in several preparations (e.g., coca leaves, coca paste, cocaine hydrochloride, and cocaine alkaloids such as freebase and crack) that d iffer in potency due to varying levels of purity and speed of onset. However, in all fonns, cocaine is the acti ve ingredient. Chewing coca leaves is a practice generally limited to nati ve populations in Centra l and South America, w here cocaine is grown. The use of coca paste, a crude extract of the coca plant, occurs almost exclusively in cocaine-producing countries in Central and South Am erica, where its is "basulca." Solven ts used in the preparation of coca paste often contaminate the paste and may cause toxic effects in the central nervous system and other organ systems w hen the paste is smoked . Cocaine hydrochloride powder is usually "snorted " through the nostrils ("snorting") or d issolved in water and injected intravenously. It is sometimes mixed with heroin, yielding a drug combination known as a "speedball." A commonly used form of cocaine in the United States is "crack," a cocaine alkaloid that is extracted from its powdered hydrochloride salt by mixing it with sodium bicarbonate and allowing it to dry into small "rocks." Crack differs from other forms of cocaine primarily because it is ea sily vaporized and inhaled and thus its effec ts have an extremely rapid onset. The clinical syndrome and adverse effects that are associated with crack lise are identical to those produced by comparable doses of other cocaine preparations. Before the advent of crack, cocaine was separated from its hydrochloride base by heating it with ether, ammonia, or some other volatile solvent.


Su bstance-Related Disorders

The resul ting "free base" cocaine was then smoked. This process was dangerous because of the risk that the solvents could ignite and harm the user.
This section contains discussions specific to the Cocaine-Rela ted Disorders. Texts

and criteria sets have already been provided to define the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) th at apply across all substances. The application of these general criteria to Cocaine Dependence and Abuse is provided below . However, there are no unique criteria sets for Cocaine Dependence or Cocaine Abuse. Specific texts and criteria sets for Cocaine Intoxication and Cocaine Withdrawal a re also provided below. The Cocaine-Induced Disorders (other than Cocaine Intoxication and Withdrawal) are described in the sections of the manual w ith disorders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Lis ted below are the Cocaine Use Disorders and the Cocaine-Induced Disorders.

Cocaine Use Disorders

304.20 305.60 Cocaine Dependence (see p. 242) Coca in e Abuse (see p. 243)

Cocaine-Induced Disorders
292.89 292.0 292.81 292.11 292.12 292.84 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.9 Cocaine Intoxication (see p. 244) Specify if: With Percephtal Dis turbances Cocaine Withdrawal (see p . 245) Cocaine In toxication Delirium (see p. 143) Cocaine-Induced Psychoti c Disorder, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During intoxication Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations (see p . 338) Specify if: With Onset OUTing intoxication Coca ine-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) Specify if: With Onset DuTing Intoxication / W ith Onset During Withdrawal Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Lntoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal Cocaine-Induced Sexual D ysfuncti on (see p. 562) Specify if: With Onset During lntoxication Cocaine-Induced Sleep Diso rder (see p. 655) 5pecifiJ if: With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During Withdrawal Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Othenvise Specified (see p. 250)

Cocaine Use Disorders

304.20 Cocaine Dependence

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p . 192). Cocaine has extremely potent euphoric effects, and indiv iduals exposed to it can develop Dependence after using the drug for very short periods of time. An early sign of


Cocaine Abuse

243 1

Cocain e Dependence is when the individual find s it increasingly difficult to resist us~ ing cocaine whenever it is available. Because of its short half-life of about 30-50 minutes, there is a need for frequent dosing to maintain a "high ." Persons with Cocaine Dependence can spend extremely large amounts of m oney on the drug within a very short period of time. As a result, the person using the substance may become involved in theft, prostitution, or drug dealing or may requ est salary ad vances to obtain funds to purchase the drug. Individuals with Cocaine Dependence often find it necessary to d iscontinue use for several days to rest or to obtain additional fund s. Important responsibilities sllch as work or child care may be grossly neglected to obtain or use cocaine. Mental or physical complications of dliOruC use su ch as paranoid ideation, aggressive behavior, anxiety, depression, and weight loss are common. Regardless of the route of administration, tolerance occurs with repeated lise. Withdrawal symptoms, particularly hypersomnia, increased appetite, and dysphoric mood, can be seen and are likely to enhance craving and the likelihood of relapse. The overwhelming majority of individuals with Cocaine Dependence have had signs of physiologica l dependence on cocaine (tolerance or withdrawal) at some time during the COLUse of their substance use. The designation of "Wi th Physiological Dependence" is associated with an earlier onset of Dependence and more cocaine-related problems.

The following specifiers may be applied to a diagnosis o f Cocaine Dependence (see p. 195 for more details): With Physiologi cal Depend ence Without Phys iolog ical Dependence Early Full Remi ssion Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Parti al Remission In a Controlled Environment


Cocaine Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). The intensity and frequency of cocaine administra tion is less in Cocaine Abuse as compared with Dependence. Episodes of problematic use, neglect of responsibiUties, and interpersonal conflict often occur around paydays or s pecial occasions, res ulting in a pattern of brief periods (hours to a few days) of high-dose use followed by much longer period s (weeks to months) of occasional, nonproblematic use or abstinence. Legal difficulti es may result from possession or u se of the drug. When the problems associated with use are accompanied by evidence of tolerance, withdrawal, or compulsive behavior related to obtaining and administering cocaine, a d iagnosis of Cocaine Dependence ra ther than Cocaine Abuse should be considered. However, since some symptoms of tolerance, withdrawal. or compulsive use can occur in individuals w ith Abuse but not Dependence, it is important to determine whether the full criteria for Dependence are met.

Substance-Related Disorders

Cocaine-Induced Disorders
292.89 Cocaine Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and cri teria for Substance Intoxication (see p. 199). The essential feature of Cocaine Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psycholOgica l changes that develop during, or shortly after, use of cocaine (Criteria A and 6). Cocaine Intoxication usually begins with a "high" fee ling and includes one or more of the following: euphoria with enhanced vigor, gregariousness, hyperactiv ity, restlessness, hypervigilance, interpersonal sensitivity, talkativeness, anxiety, tension, alertness, grandiosity, stereotyped and repetitive behavior, anger, and impaired judgment, and in the case of chronic intoxication, affecti ve blunting with fatigue or sadness and socia l withdrawal. These behavioral and psychological changes arc accompanied by hvo or more of the following signs an d symptoms that develop during or shortly after cocaine use: tachycardia or bradycardia; pupillary dilation; elevated or lowered blood pressure; perspiration or chills; nausea or vomiting; evidence of weight loss; psychomotor agita tion or retardation; muscular weakness, respira tory depression, chest pain, or cardiac arrhythmias; and confusion, seizures, d yskinesias, dystonias, or coma (Criterion C). Intoxication, either acute o r chronic, is often associated with impaired social or occupational functioning . Severe intoxication can lead to convulsions, cardiac arrhythmias, hyperpyrexia, and death. To make a diagnosis of Cocaine Intoxication, the symptoms must not be due loa general medical condition and are not better accounted for b y another mental disorder (Criterion D). TIle magnitude and direction of the behavioral and physiological changes d epend on many variables, including the dose used and the individual characteristics of the person using the substance (e.g., tolerance, rate of absorption, chronicity of use, context in which it is taken). Stimulant effects such as euphoria, increased pulse and blood pressure, and psychomotor activity are most commonly seen. Depressant effects such as sadness, bradycard ia, decreased blood pressure, and decreased psychomotor activity are less common and generally emerge on ly w ith chronic high-dose use.

The following specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Cocaine Intoxication: With Perceptual Disturbances. This specifier may be noted when hallucinations with intact reality testing or auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occur in the absence of a delirium. llltnct renlity testillg means that the person knows that the hallucinations are induced by the substance and do not represent external reality. When hallucinations occur in the absence of intact reality testing, a diagnosis of Substance-Ind uced PsydlOtic Disorder, With Hallucinations, should be considered.

292 .0

Cocaine Withdrawal

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Cocaine Intoxication

A. Recent use of cocaine.
B. Clinically sign ificant maladaptive behaviora l o r psychological changes (e.g., euphoria

or affective blunting; changes in sociability; hypervigilance; inte rpersona l sensitivity; anxiety, tension, or anger; stereotyped behaviors; impa ired judgment; or impaired social or occupational functioning) that developed during. or shortly after, use of cocaine.
C. Two (or more) of the following. developing during, or shortly after, cocaine use:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

tachyca rdia o r bra dycardia pu pillary dilation elevated or lowered blood pressure perspiration or chills nausea or vomiting evidence of weight loss psychomotor ag itation o r retardati o n muscular weakness, respiratory depression, chest pain. or cardiac arrhythmias confusion, seizures, dyskinesias, dystonias, or coma

D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better ac-

counted for by another mental disorder. Specify if:

With Perceptual Disturbances


Cocaine Withdrawal

Refer, in additio n, to the text and criteria fo r Substance Withdrawal (see p. 201). The essential feature of Cocaine Withdrawal is the presence of a characteris tic w ithdrawal syndrome that develops wi thin a few hours after the cessation of (or reduction in) cocaine use that has been heavy and prolonged (Criteria A and B). The w ithdrawal syndrome is characterized by the development o f d ysphoriC mood accompanied by h vo or m ore of the following physiological changes: fatig ue, vivid and unpleasant dreams, insomnia or h yp ersomnia, increased appetite, and psychomotor retardation or agitation. Anhedonia and drug craving can often be present but are not part of the diagnostic criteria . These symptoms cause clinically significant dis tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of hmctioning (Criterion C). The symptoms mus t not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Crite rion D). Acute withdrawal symptoms ("a crash") are ofte n seen after period s of repetitive high-dose use ("runs" or "binges"). These p eriod s are cha racterized by intense and unpleasant feelings of lassitude and depression and increased a p petite, generally requiring several days of rest and recuperation . Depressive symptoms w ith suicidal ideation or behavior can occur and are generally the most serious problems seen during "crashing" or other forms of Cocaine Withdrawal.

Substance-Related Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 292.0 Cocaine Withdrawal

A. Cessation of (or reduction in) cocaine use that has been heavy and prolonged.

B. Dysphoric mood and two (or more) of the following physiological changes, developing within a few hours to several days after Criterion A:
(1) fatigue

(2) (3) (4) (5)

vivid, unpleasant dreams insomnia or hypersomnia increased appetite psychomotor retardation or agitation

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clin ically significant distress or impairment in so-

cial, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. D. The symptoms are not du e to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Other Cocaine-Induced Disorders

The following Cocaine-Induced Disorders are described in other sections of the manual with disorders with which they share phenomenology: Cocaine Intoxication Delirium (p. 143), Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Di sorder (p. 338), Cocaine-lnduced Mood Disorder (p. 405), Cocaine-lnduced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479), CocaineInduced Sexual Dysfun ction (p. 562). and Cocaine-lnduced Sleep Disorder (p. 655). These disorders are diagnosed instead of Cocaine Intoxication or Cocaine Withdrawal only when the symptoms ate in excess of those usually associated with the Cocaine Intoxication or Withdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Cocaine-Related Disorders

Associated Feat ures and Diso rders
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Cocain e is a short-acting drug that p rodu ces rapid and powerful effects on the centra l nervous system, especially wh en taken intravenously o r smoked . When injected or smoked, cocaine typicaUy produces an instant fee ling of well-being, confidence, and euphoria. Dramatic behavioral changes can rapidly develop, especially in association w ith dependence. Individuals with Cocaine Dependence have been known to spend thousand s of dollars for the substance w ithin very sh ort periods o f time, resulting in financial catastrophes in which savings or homes have been lost. Individuals may engage in criminal activities to obta in m oney for cocaine. Erratic behavior, social isolation, and sexual dysfunction are often seen in the contex t o f long-term Cocaine Dependence.

Cocaine-Re lated Disorders


Aggressive behavior can result from the effects of cocaine; violence is also associated with the cocaine "trade." Promiscuous sexual behavior either as a result of increased desire or using sex fo r the purpose of obtaining cocaine (or fo r money to purchase cocaine) has become a factor in the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, including human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Acute Intoxication with high doses of cocaine may be associated with rambling speech, headache, transient ideas of reference, and tinnitus. There may also be paranoid ideation, auditory hallucinations in a clear sensorium, and tactile hallucinations ("coke bugs"), which the user usually recognizes as effects of cocaine. Extreme anger with threats or acting out of aggressive behavior may occur. Mood changes s uch as depression, suicidal ideation, irritability, anhedonia, emotional lability, or disturbances in attention and concentration are common, especially during Cocaine Withdrawal. Indiv iduals with Cocaine Dependence often have temporary depressive symptoms that meet symptomatic and duration criteria for Major Depressive Disorder (see Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, p. 405). Histories consistent w ith repeated Panic Attacks, social phobic-like behavior, and generalized anxiety-like syndromes are not uncommon (see Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, p. 479). Eating Disorders may also be associated with this subs tance. One of the most extreme instances of cocaine toxicity is Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (see p. 338), a disorder with delusions and hallu cinations that resembles Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type. Menta l d isturbances that occur in association WiUl cocaine use usu ally resolve within hours to days after cessation of use, although they can persist for as long as a month . Individuals with Cocaine Dependence often develop conditioned responses to cocaine-related stimuli (e.g., craving on seeing any white powder-like substance)a phenomenon that occurs with most drugs that cause intense psychological changes. These responses probably contribute to relapse, are difficult to extinguish, and typically persist long after detoxification is completed. Cocaine Use Disorders are often associated with other Substance Dependence or Abuse, especially involving alcohol, marijuana, heroin (a speedball), and benzodiazepines, w hich are often taken to reduce the anxiety and other unpleasant s timu lant side effec ts of cocaine. Cocaine Dependence may be associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder, and Pathological Gambling. Assodated laboratory findings. Most laboratories test for benzoylecgonine, a metaboli te of cocaine that typically remains in the urine fo r 1-3 days after a single dose and may be present for 7-12 days in those using repeated high doses. Mildly elevated liver function tests can be seen in individuals who inject cocaine or use alcohol excessively in association w ith cocaine. Hepatitis, sexually transmitted d iseases including HIV, and tuberculosis may be associated with cocaine use. Pneumonitis or pneumothorax are occasionally observed on chest X ray. Discontinuation of chrome cocaine use is often associated with EEG changes, alterations in secretion patterns of prolactin, and down-regulation of dopamine receptors. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. A wide range of general medical conditions may occur that are specific to the route of


Substance-Related Disorders

administration of cocaine. Persons who use cocaine intranasally ("snort") often develop sinusitis, irritation and bleeding of the nasal mucosa, and a perforated nasal
septum . Those who s moke cocaine are at increased risk for respiratory problems (e.g., coughing, bronchitis, and pneumonitis due to irritation and inflammation of the tiss ues lining the res pirato ry tract). Persons w ho inject cocaine have puncture marks and "tracks," m ost common ly on their forearms, as Seen in those w ith Opioid Dependence. HIV infection is associated with Cocaine Dependence due to the frequent intravenous injections and the increase in promiscuous sexua l behavior. Other sexually trans m itted diseases, hepatitis, and tuberculosis and o ther lung infections are also seen . Cocaine Dependence (with any route of administration) is commonly associated with s igns of weight loss and malnutrition because of its appetite-suppressing effects. Ches t pain may also be a common symptom. Pneumothorax can result from performing Valsa lva-like mane uvers that are done to better absorb coca ine thai has been inhaled. Myocardial infarc tion, palpita tions and arrhythmias, sudden d eath from res pira tory or cardiac a rrest, and s troke have been associated with cocaine use among you ng and otherwise hea lthy persons. TIlese incidents are probably ca used by the abili ty of cocaine to increase blood pressure, cause vasoconstriction, or alter the electrical activity of the heart. Seizures have been obsen'ed in association with cocaine use. Traumatic injuries due to dis putes resuJting in v iolent behavior are common, especially among persons w ho sell cocaine. Among pregnant females, cocaine use is associated with irregula rities in placental blood flow, abruptio placentae, premahu e labor and delivery, and an increased prevalence of in fants with very low birth weights.

Specific Cultu re, Age, and Gender Featu res

Cocaine use and its attendant disorders affect all race, socioeconomic, age, and gender groups in the United States. Although the current cocaine epidemic started in the 1970s among more affluent ind ividuals, it has shifted to include lower socioeconomic groups living in large metropolitan areas. Rural areas that previously had been spared the problems associated with illicit drug use have a lso b een affected. Roughly similar ra tes have been noted across different racial groups. Ma les are more commonly affected than femal es, w ith a male-to-female ratio of 1.5-2.0:1.

As with most drugs, the prevalence of cocaine use in the United States has fluctuated greatly over the years. After a peak in the 19705, the proportion of the population who have used cocaine in any of its fo rms gradually decreased unli l the early 1990s, after which the pace of diminution con tinued but at a slower ra te of decline. A 1996 national s un'ey of drug use reported that 10% of the population had ever used cocaine, with 2% reporting use in the last year and 0.8% reporting use in the last month. Crack use was much less p revalent, w ith around 2% of the populal'ion re porting lifetime use, 0.6% re portin g u se in the prior year, and 0.3% reporting use in the prior month. individuals between ages 26 and 34 years reported the highest rates of lifetime use (21% for cocaine and 4% for crack). Ho wever, the age group with the h ighest ra te over the pas t year (5% for cocaine and 1% for crack) was 18- to 25-year-o ld s. It should be noted

Cocaine-Related Disorders


that because these SlITVeys measured patterns of use rather than disorders, it is not known how many of those in the slln'ey who used cocaine had symptoms that met the criteria for Dependence or Abuse. The lifetime rate of Cocaine Abuse or Dependence was reported to be almost 2% in a 1992 community slln'ey conducted in the United Slates, w ith a prevalence in the prior 12 months of about 0.2%.

As with amphetamines, Cocaine Dependence is associated with a variety of pattems of seU-administration, including episodic or daily (or almost daily) use. In the episodic pattem, the cocaine use tends to be separated by 2 or more days of nonuse (e.g., intense use over a weekend or on one or more weekdays). " Binges" are a form of episodic use that typically involve continuolls high-dose use over a period of hours or days and are often associated with Dependence. Binges usually terminate only when cocaine supplies are depleted. Chronic daily use may involve high or low doses and may occur throughout the day or be restricted to only a few hours. In chronic dai ly use, there are generally no wide fluctuation s in dose on su ccessive days, but there is often an increase in dose over time. Cocaine smoking and intravenous use tend to be particularly associated with a rapid progression from use to abuse or dependence, often occurring over weeks to months. Intranasal use is associated with a more gradual progression, usually occurring over months to years. Dependence is commonly associated with a progressive tolerance to the desirable effects of cocaine leading to increasing doses. With continuing use, there is a diminution of pleasurable effects due to tolerance and an increase in dysphoric effects. Few data are available on the long-term course of Cocaine Use Disorders.

Differential Diagnosis
For a genera 1discussion of the differentia 1diagnosis of Substance-Rela ted Disorders, see p. 207. Cocaine-Induced Disorders may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) that resemble primary mental disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder versus Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Feahtres, With Onset During Withdrawal) . See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. The marked mental dis turbances that can result from the effects of cocaine should be distinguished from the symptoms of Schizophrenia, Paranoid Ty pe, Bipolar and other Mood Disorders, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and Panic Disorder. Amphetamine Intoxication and Phencyclidine Intoxication may cause a similar clinical picture and can often only be distinguished from Cocaine Intoxication by the presence of cocaine metabolites in a urine specimen or cocaine in plasma. Cocaine Intoxication and Cocaine Withdrawal are distinguished from the other CocaineInduced Disorders (e.g., Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Cocaine Intoxication or Cocaine \<\Iithdrawal and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention.


Substance-Related Disorders

292.9 Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disorders associated w ith the use of cocaine that are not classifiable as Cocaine Dependence, Cocaine Abu se, Cocaine Intoxication, Cocaine Withdrawal, Cocaine Intoxication Delirium, Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Cocaine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, or CocaineInduced Sleep Disorder.

Hallucinogen-Related Disorders

This diverse group of substances includes ergot and related compounds (lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD1, morning g lory seed s), phenylalkylamines (mesca line, "STP"
[2,5-dimethoxy-4-methylamphetaminel, and MDMA 13,4-methylenedioxymethamphetaminei also caUed " Ecstasy" ]), indole alkaloids (psilocybin, DMT [dimethyltryptamine]), and miscellaneous other compounds. Excluded from this group are phencyclidine (PCP) (p. 278) and cannabis and its active compound, deJta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) (p. 234). Although these substances can have hallucinogenic effects, they are discussed separately because of significant differences in their other psychological and behaviora l effects. Hallucinogens are usually taken orally, although DMT is s moked, and use by injection does occur. This section contains discussions specific to the Hallucinogen-Related Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been provided to define the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p . 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) that apply across all substances. Theapplication of these general criteria to H allucinogen Dependence and Abuse is provided below. However, there are no unique criteria sets for Hallucinogen Dependence or Hallucinogen Abuse. A specific text and criteria set for Hallucinogen Intoxica tion is also provided below. Tolerance develops with repeated use, but a clinically significant withdrawal from these subs tances has not been well documented. For this reason, the diagnosis of hallucinogen w ithdrawal is not included in this manuaL llle Ha llucinogen-Induced Disorders (other than Hallucinogen Intoxication) are described in the sections of the manual with disorders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed below are the Hallucinogen Use Disorders and the H,l11ucinogen-Induced Disorders.

Hallucinogen Use Disorders

304.50 305.30 Hallucinogen D ependence (see p. 251) Hallucinogen Abuse (see p. 252)


Hall uc inoge n De pendence


Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders
292.89 292.89 292.81 292.11 292.12 292.84 292.89 292.9 Hallucinogen Intoxication (see p. 252) Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flas hbacks) (see p. 253) Hallucinogen lntoxica tion D elirium (see p . 143) Hallucin ogen-Indu ced Psych otic Disorde r, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Halluci n oge n-Induced Psychoti c Di sorder, With Hall uci nations (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Hallucinogen-lnduced Mo od Disorder (see p. 405) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication H allucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p . 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication H allucinogen-Related Disord er Not Oth en vise Sp ecifi ed (see p . 256)

Hallucinogen Use Disor ders

304. 50 Ha ll u ci nogen Dependen ce

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). One of the generic Dependence criteria (i.e., w ithdrawal) does not apply to hallucinogens, and others require further explanation. Tolerance has been reported to develop rapidly to the euphoric and psychedelic effects of hallucinogens but not to the autonomic effects such as p upillary dilation, hyperreflexia, increased blood pressure, increased body tempera ture, piloerection, and tachycardia . Cross-tolerance exists between LSD and other hallucinogens (e .g., psilocybin and mescaline) but d oes not extend to most other ca tegories of drugs such as PCP and cannabis. Hallucinogen u se, even among individuals with presentations that meet full criteria for Dependence, is often limited to only a few times a week. Although withdrawal has been shown only in animals, dear reports of "a,wing" after s topping hallucinogens are known . Because of the long half-life and extended dtuation of action of most hallucinogens, individuals with Hallucinogen Dependence often spend hours to days using and recovering from theireffecls. ln contrast, some hallucinogenic drugs (e.g ., DMT) are quite short acting. Hallucinogens may continue to be u sed despite the knowledge of ad verse effects (e.g ., memory impainnent while intoxicated; "bad trips." which are usually panic reactions; or fl ashbacks) . Some individua ls wh o u se MDMA (an amphetamine-like drug with hallucinogenic effects) describe a "hangover" the day after use that is ch aracterized by insomnia, fatigue, drowsiness, sore jaw muscles from teeth cienciling, toss of balance, and h eadaches. Because adulterants or substitutes are often sold as "acid" or other hallucinogens, some of the reported adverse effects may be due to substances such as strycimine, PCP, or amphetamine. Some individuals can manifest dangerous behavioral reactions (e.g., jumping out of a window under the belief that one can "fly ") due to lack of insight and judgmen t w hile intoxicated. These adverse effects appear to be more common among those w ho have preexisting mental disorders.


Subst ance -Related Diso rde rs

The follOWing specifiers may be applied to a diagnosis of Hallucinogen Dependence (see p. 195 for more details) :
Early Full Remission Early Partial Remission Sus tained Full Remission Sus tained Partial R em iss ion In a Controlled En vironme nt

30 5.30

Hallucinogen Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p . 198) . Pers ons who misuse hallucinogens are likely to use them much less often than d o those with Depen dence. However, they may repeatedly fail to fulfill major role obligations at school, work, or home due to beh avioral impairmen t caused by H allucinogen lnlox icatian. The individual may u se hallucinogens in s ituations in which it is physically hazardous (e.g., while d riving a motorcycle or a car), and legal difficulties may arise due to behaviors that result from intoxication or p ossession of hall ucinogens. There may be recurren t social or interpersonal problems due to the individual's behavior while intoxicated, isolated Westyle, or arguments with significant others.

Hallucinog en-Induced Disorders

292.89 Ha llucinoge n Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and cri teria for Substance In toxication (see p . 199) . The essential feature of Hallucinogen Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological ch anges (e.g., marked anxiety or depression, ideas of reference, difficulty focusing attention, fear of losing one's mind, paranoid ideation, impaired judgment, or impaired social or occupational functioning) that develop during or shortly after (within minutes to a few hours of) hall ucinogen use (Cri teria A and B). Perceptual changes are a central part of in toxication, d eveloping during or shortly after hallucinogen use and occur in a state of full wakefulness and alertness (Criterion C). These changes include subjective intensification of perceptions, depersonalization, d erea lization, ill usions, hallucinations, and synesthesias. In addition, the diagnosis requires that h vo of the following physiological signs are also present: pupilla ry dilation, tachycardia, sweating, palpit<1tions, blurring of vision, tremors, and incoordination (Criterion 0 ). The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental dis order (Criterion E). Hallucinogen Intoxication usually begins with some s timulant effects such as restlessness and autonomic activation . Nausea may occur. A sequence of exp eriences then follows, with higher doses producing more intense symptoms. Feelings of euphoria may alternate rapidly w ith depression or anxiety. Initial visu al illusions or enhanced sensory experience may give way to hallucinations. At low doses, the per-


Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)

ceptual changes frequently d o not include hallucinations. Synesthesias (a blending of senses) may result, for example, in sounds being "seen. " The hallucinations are usuaUy visu al, often of geometric forms or figures, sometimes of p ersons and objects. r.,'lore rarely, auditory or tactile hallucinations are experienced . In most cases, reality testing is preserved (i .e., the individual knows that the effects are subs tance induced).

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Hallucinogen Intoxication

A. Recent use of a hallucinogen. B. Clinically sign ificant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes (e.g., marked anxiety or depression, ideas of reference, fear of losing one's mind, paranoid ideation, impaired judgment, or impaired socia l or occupational functioning) that developed during, or shortly after, hallucinogen use.


Perceptual changes occurring in a state of full wakefulness and alertness (e.g., subjective intensi fication of perceptions, depersonalization, derealization, i llusions, hallucinations, synesthesias) that developed during, or shortly after, hallucinogen use.

D. Two (or more) of the fo!lowing signs, developing durin g, or shortly after, hallucinogen use:
(1) pupi l lary dilation

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

tachycardia sweating palpitat ions blurring of vision tremors incoordination

E. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

292.89 Hallucinogen PerSisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)

The essential feature of Hallucinogen Persis ting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) is the transient recurrence of disturbances in perception that are reminiscent of those experienced during one or more earlier Hallucinogen Intoxications. The person must have had no recent Hallucinogen Intoxicati on and mus t show no current drug toxicity (Criterion A). This reexperiencing of perceptual symptoms causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or o ther important areas of functioning (Criterion B). The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g., anatomical lesions and infections of the brain or v isual epilepsies) and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., delirium, dementia, or Schizophrenia) or by h ypnop ompic hallucinations (Criterion C) . The perceptual dishubances may include geometric form s, peripheral-field images, flas hes of color, intensified colors, trailing images (images left su spended in the path of a moving

Substance-Related Disorders object as seen in stroboscopic photography), perceptions of entire objects, afterimages (a same-colored or complementary-colored "shadow" of an object remaining after removal of the object), halos around objects, macropsia, and micropsia . The abnormal perceptions that are associated w ith Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder occur episodically and may be self-indu ced (e.g., by thinking about them) or triggered by entry into a dark environment, various drugs, anxiety or fatigu e, or other s tressors. The episodes us ually abate after several months but can last longer. Reality testing remains intact (i.e., the person recognizes that the perception is a drug effect and does not represen t external reality). In contrast, if the person has a delus ional interpretation concerning the etiology of the perceptual disturbance, the appropriate diagnosis would be Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks)

A. The reexperiencing, following cessation of use of a hallucinogen. of one or more of the pe rceptual symptoms that were experienced wh il e intoxicated with the hallucinogen (e.g., geometric hallucinations, false perceptions of movement in the peripheral visual fields, flashes of color, intensified colors. trails of images of moving objects, pOSit ive afterimages. halos around objects. macropsia. and micropsia). B. The symptoms in Criterion A cause dinically Significant distress or impa irment in social. occupation al. or other important areas of functi oning.
C. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition (e.g . anatomical lesions

and infections of the brain, vimal epi lepsies) and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., delirium, dementia, Schizophrenia) or hypnopompic hallucinations.

Other Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders

The fo llowing Hallucinogen-lnduced Disorders are described in other sections of the manua l w ith disorders with which they share phenomen ology: Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium (p . 143), Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder (p. 338), Hallucinog en-Induced Mood Disorder (p. 405), and Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479). These d isorders are diagnosed ins tead of Hallucinogen Intoxication only when the symptoms are in excess of those u sually associated wi th the Hallucinogen Intoxication syndrome and when the symptoms are suffiCiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Hallucinogen-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders
"''hen intoxicated with a hallucinogen, indiv iduals may be voluble and d iscursive and show rapid alternation of mood s. Fearfulness and anxiety may become intense,

Halluc inogen-Re lated Disorders


with dread of insa nity or d eath. Many hallucinogenic substances have stimulant effects (e.g., tachycardia, mi ld h yp ertension, h yperthermia, and pupillary dilation) and may cause some of the features of Amphetamine Intoxication . The percephlal disturbances and impaired judgment associated with Hallucinogen Intoxication may res ult in injuries or fatalities from automobile accidents, physical fi ghts, or attempts to " fly" fro m high places . Environmental factors and the personality and expectations of the individual using the hallucinogen may contribute to the nature and severity of Hallucinogen Intoxication . Intoxication may also be associated w ith physiological changes, including increases in blood glucose, cortisol, ACTH, and prolactin. Hallucinogen Persis ting Perception Disord er may p roduce considerable anxiety and concern and may be m ore common in suggestible persons. It remains controversial whether the chronic hallucinogen use produces a Psychotic Disorder de novo, triggers psychotic symptoms only in vulnerable persons, or is simply an early and continuing sign of an evolving psychotic process. Hallucinogen Abuse and Dependence also frequentl y occur in persons with preexis ting adolescent Conduct Disorder or adult Antisocial Personality Disorder. LSD intoxication may be confirmed by urine toxicology.

Specific Cu lture, Age, and Ge nder Feat ures

Hallucinogens may be u sed as part of established religious practices s uch as peyote in the Native American Church. Within the United States, there are regional differences and changes in patterns of u se over the decades . Hallucinogen Intoxication usually first occurs in adolescence, and younger users may tend to exp erience more disruptive emotions. Hallucinogen use and Intoxica tion appear to be three times more common among males than among females.

Prevale nce
Hallucinogens came into vogue in the United States in the 1960s. O ver the ye.1rs, a variety of these agents have been popuJar, but in the 1990s the two most commonly used drugs of this class have been LSD and MDlvlA. It is es timated tha t the p eak p revalence o f intake of hallucinogens in the United States was betw een 1966 and abou t 1970, w ith a subsequent decline, but there is some evidence of a modes t increase begirnling in approximately 1990. According to a 1996 national s urvey of drug u se, 10% of people aged 12 and older acknowledged ever having used a hallucinogen. The age group reporting the highes t proportion who had ever used one of these drugs was 18- to 25-year-old s (16%), including 7% in the past year and 2% in the prior month. Am ong high school seniors, data from a 1997 national survey indicated that 15% acknow ledged ever having taken a hallucinogen, including 10% in the prior year. It should be noted that because these surveys measured patterns of use rather than disorders, it is not known how many of those in the survey who used hallucinogens had symptoms that met the cri teria for Dependence or Abuse. A 1992 community survey conducted in the United States reported lifetime rates of Hallucinogen Abuse or Dependence to be about 0.6%, with a 12-month p revalence rate of about 0.1%.

Cou rse

Substa nce-Related Disorders

Hallucinogen Intoxication may be a brief and isolated event or may occur repeatedly. The intoxication may be prolonged if doses are frequently repeated during an episode. Frequent dosing, however, tends to reduce the intoxicating effects because of the development of tolerance. Depending on the drug and its route of administration, peak effects occur within a few minutes to a few hours, and intoxication ends within a few hours to a few days after dosing ends. The high prevalence of "ever having used" hallucinogens among those ages 26-34 years and the lower prevalence of recent use in that group suggest that many individuals may stop using hallucinogens as they get older. Some individuals w ho use hallucinogen report " nashbacks" that are not associa ted with any impairment o r distress. On the o ther hand, flashbacks can cause impairment or distress in some individuals (Hallucinogen Persisting PercepHon Disorder; see above).

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., d elusions) that resemble primary mental disord ers (e.g .. Schizophreniform Disorder versus Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions, With Onset During Intoxication). See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. HallUC inogen Intoxication should be differentiated from Amphetamine or Phencyclidine Intoxication. Toxicological tests are useful in making this distinction. intoxication with anticholinergics can a lso produce hall ucinations, but they are often associated with physical findings of pupillary dilation, fever, d ry mou th and skin, flushed fa ce, and visual disturbances. Hallucinogen Intoxication is dis tinguished from the other Hallucinogen-Induced Disorders (e.g., Hall ucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with HallUC inogen Intoxication and arc severe enough to warrant independen t clinical attention. HallUCinogen Intoxication is distinguished from Halluci nogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flash backs) by the fa ct that the latter continues episodically for weeks (or longer) after the most recent in toxication. In HallUCinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, the individual does not believe that the perception represents external reality, whereas a person with a Psychotic Disorder often believes that the perception is real. Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder may be distinguished from migraine, epilepsy, or a neurological condition by neuro-ophthalmological history, physical examination, and appropriate labora tory evaluation.


Hallucinogen-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Hallucinogen-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disord ers associated with the use or hallUC inogens that are not classifiable as Hallucinogen Dependence. Hallucinogen Abuse, HallUCinogen Intoxication, Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium, Hallucinogen-Induced

Inhalant-Related Disorders

Psychotic Disorder, Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder, or HallucinogenInduced Anxiety Disorder.

Inhalant-Related Disorders
This section includes disorders induced by inhaling the aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons found in substances such as gasoline, glue, paint thinners, and spray paints. Less commonly used are halogenated hydrocarbons (found in cleaners, typewriter correction fluid , spray-<:an propellants) and other volatile compo und s containing esters, ketones, and glycols. The active ingredients include toluene, benzene, acetone, tetrachloroethylene, methanol, and o ther substances. Reflecting different modes of action and profiles of associated problems, disorders arising from the use of anesthetic gases (e.g., ni trous oxide, ether) as well as short-acting vasodilators (e.g., amyl and butyl nitra te ("poppers"]) are described instead under Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorders on p. 294. Most compounds that are inhaled are a mixture of several substances that can produce psychoactive effects, and it is often difficult to ascertain the exact substance responsible for the disorder. Unless there is dear evidence that a single, unmixed substance has been used, the general lerm illhalallt should be used in recording the diagnosis. These volatile substances are available in a wide variety of commercia l products and may be used interchangeably, depend ing on availability and personal preference. Although there may be subtle d ifferences in the psychoactive and physical effects of the different compounds, not enough is known about their differential effects to distinguish among them. All are capable of producing Dependence, Abuse, and Intoxication. Several methods are used to inhale intoxicating vapors. Most commonly, a rag soaked w ith the substance is applied to the mouth and nose, and the vapors are breathed in- a process called "huffing." The substance may also be placed in a paper or plastic bag and the gases in the bag inhaled-a procedure called "bagging." Substances may also be inhaled directly from containers or from aerosols sprayed in the mouth or nose. There are reports of individ uals heating these compounds to accelerate vapori zation. The inhalants reach the lu ngs, bloodstream, and target sites very rapidly. This section contains discussions specific to the Inhalant-Related Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been provided for generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p . 198) that apply across all substances. The application of these general criteria 10 Inhalant Dependence and Abuse is provided below. However, there are no unique criteria sets for Inhalant Dependence or Inhalant Abuse. A specific text and criteria set for Inhalant Intoxication is also p rovided below. Tolerance has been reported among individuals with heavy use. Although withdrawal-like symptoms have been seen in arumals a fter repeated exposure 10 trichJoroethane, it has not been established that a clinically meaningful withdrawal syndrome occurs in humans. For this reason, the diagnosis of inhalan t withdrawal is not included in this manual. The Inha lant- Induced Disorders (other than Inhalant Intoxication) are described in the sections of the manual with disorders with which


Substance-Related Disorders

they share phenomenology (e.g., Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder is included in

the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed below are the Inhalant Use Disorders and the Inhalant-Induced Disorders.

Inhalant Use Disord ers

304.60 305.90 Inhal an t Dependen ce (see p. 258) Inhalant A bu se (see p. 259)

Inha lant-Induced Disorders

292.89 292.81 292.82 292.11 Inhala nt Intoxication (see p. 259) Inhalant Intoxication Delirium (see p. 143) Inha lant-lnduced Persisting Dementia (see p. 168) Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disord er, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With O nset During Intoxica tion Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disord er, With Hallucin ations (see p. 338) Specify if: With O nse t During Intoxication Inh alan t-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) Specify if; With Onset During Intoxication Inhalan t-In duced Anxiety Disord er (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Inhal ant-Related Disorder Not Oth en vise Specified (see p. 263)


292.89 292.9

Inhalant Use Disorders


Inhalant Dependence

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). Some of the generic Dependence criteria d o not appl}' to inhalants, whereas others require further explana tion. Tolerance to the effects of inhalants has been reported among individuals with heavy use, although its prevalence and clinical significance are u nknown. A possible mild withdrawal syndrome has been reported but has not been well documented and d oes not ap pear to be clinically sign ifi can t. TIlUS, Inhalant Dependence includes neither a characteristic withdrawal syndrome nor ev idence of inhalant use to relieve or avoid w ithdrawal symptoms. However, inhalants may be taken over longer p eriod s of time or in larger amounts than was origina lly intended, and individuals who use them may find it d ifficul t to cut down or regulate inhalant use. Because inhalants are inexpensive, legal, and easily available, spending a great deal of time attempting to p rocure inhalants would be rare. H owever, su bstantial amounts of time may be spent on using and recuperating from the effects of inhalant usc. Recurrent inhalant use may result in the individ ual giv ing up or reducing imporI,mt socia l, occupational, or recreational activities, and substance use may continue despite the individual's knowledge of physical problems (e.g., liver d isease or central and periphera l nervous system damage) or psychological problems (e.g., severe depression) caused by the u se.


Inhal ant Abuse


The fo llowing sp ecifiers may be applied to a diagnosis of Inhalan t Dependence (see p. 195 for more details): Early Full Remission Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission In a Controlled Environment


Inhalant Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abu se (see p. 198) . Individuals who abuse inhalants may use them in hazardous circums tances (e.g., driving an automobile or operating machinery when judgment and coordination are impaired by Inhalant In toxication). Users can also become agitated and even violen t during intoxication, w ith s ubsequent legal and interpersonal problems. Repeated intake of inhalants may be associated with family conflict and school problems (e.g., truancy, poor grades, dropping out of sch ool) or difficulties at work.

Inhalant-Induced Disorders


Inhalant Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Subs tance Intoxication (see p. 199). The essential feature of Inhalant Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavioral or psychological changes (e.g., confusion, belligerence, assaultiveness, apa thy, impaired judgment, impaired social or occupationa l functioning) that develop during, or shortly after, the intentional use of. o r short-term, high-dose exp osure to, volatile inhalants (Criteria A and B). The maladaptive changes are accompanied by signs that includ e dizziness or visual dishtrbances (blurred vision or diplopia), nystagmus, incoordination, slurred speech, an lmsteady gait, tremor, and euphoria. Higher doses of inhalants may lead to the development of lethargy and psychomotor retardation, generalized muscle weakness, depressed reflexes, stupor, or coma (Criterion C) . The distmbance must not be due to a general medical condition and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Cri terion D).

Substance-Related Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 292,89 Inhalant Intoxication

A. Recent intentional use or short-term, high-dose exposure to volati le inha lants (ex-

cluding anesthetic gases and short-acting vasodilators). B. Clinica lly significant maladaptive behavioral or psychologica l changes (e.g., belliger. ence, assaultiveness, apathy. impai red judgment, impaired social or occupational funct ioning) that developed during. or shortly after. use of or exposure to volatile inhalants.
C. Two (or more) of the foll owing signs. developing during. or shortly after. inhalant

use or exposure: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


(8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

dizziness nystagmus incoordination slurred speech unsteady gait lethargy depressed reflexes psychomotor retardation tremor general ized muscle weakness blurred vision or diplopia stupor or coma euphoria

D. The symptoms are not due to a general med ical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Other Inhalant-Induced Disorders

The following Inhalant-Illduced Disorders are d escribed in other sections of the manual w ith disorders w ith which they share phenomenology: Inhalant Intoxication Delirium (p. 143), Inhalant-Indu ced Persisting Dementia (p . 168), Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Diso rder (p . 338), Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder (p. 405), and InhalantInduced Anxiety Disorder (p . 479). These disorders are diagnosed instead of Inhalant Intoxica tion only when the symptoms are in excess of those us ually associated with Inhalant Intoxication and when the symptoms are su fficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Inhala nt-Related Disorders

Additional Information on Inhalant-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals with Inhalant Intoxication may present with auditory, visua l, or tactile hallucinations or other perceptua l disturbances (macropsia, micropsia, illusionary misperceptions, alterations in time perception). Delusions (such as beli eving one can fl y) may develop during periods of Inhalant Intoxication, especially those characterized by marked confusion; in some cases, these delusions may be acted on with resultant injury. Anxiety may also be present. Repeated but episodic intake of inhalants may first be associated with school problems (e.g., truancy, poor grades, dropping out of school) as well as family confl ict. Use by older adolescents and young adults is often associa ted wi th social and work problems (e.g., delinquency, unemployment). Most commonly, inhalants are used by adolescents in a group setting. Solitary use tends to be more typical of those with long-Ienn, hea\'y use. The use of inhalants as the predominant substance among those seeking help for Substance Dependence appears to be rare, but inhalants may be a secondary drug used by individuals with Dependence on other substances. In some individuals, there may be a progression to a stage at which inhalants become the preferred substance, especially among individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Associated laboratory find ings. Direct assay for inhalants is not generally available and is not part of routine screening for drugs of abuse. However, a metabolite of toluene, hippuric acid, is excreted in the urine, and a ratio greater than 1 in relation to creatinine might be suggestive of toluene use. Damage to muscles, kidneys, liver, and other organs can result in labora tory tests being indicative of these pathological conditions. Associated physical exa mination findings and general medical conditions . The odor of paint or solvents may be presen t on the breath or dothes of individuals who use inhalants, or there may be a resid ue of the substance on clothing or skin. A "glue sniffer's rash" may be evident around the nose and mouth, and conjunctival irritation may be noted. There may be evidence of trauma due to d isinhibited behavior or burns due to the flammable nature of these compounds. T onspecific respiratory findings include evidence of upper- or lower-ainvay irritation, including increased airway resistance, pulmonary hypertension, acute respira tory distress, coughing, sinus discharge, dyspnea, ra les, or rhonchi; rarely, cyanosis may result from pneumonitis or asphyxia. 1l1ere may also be headache, generalized weakness, abdomina l pain, nausea, and vomiting. Inhalants can cause both central and peripheral nen 'ous system damage, which may be permanent. Examination of the individual w ho chronically uses inhalants may reveal a number of neurological deficits, including generalized weakness and peripheral neuropathies. Cerebral atroph}', cerebellar degeneration, and white ma t ter lesions resulting in cranial nerve or pyramidal tract signs have been reported


Substance-Related Disorders

among individuals with heavy use. Recurrent use may lead to the development of hepatitis (which may progress to cirrhosis) or metabolic acidosis consistent with dis tal renal tubular acidosis. Chronic renal failure, h epatorenai syndrome, and proximal renal tubular acidosis have also been reported, as has bone marrow suppression, es pecially w ith benzene and trichloroethylene, with the former possibly increasing the

risk for acute myelocytic leukemia. Some inhalants (e.g., methylene chloride) may be metabolized to carbon monoxide. Death may occur from respiratory or cardiovascular depression; in particular, "sudden sniffing death" may result from acute arrhythmia, hypoxia, o r electrolyte abnormalities.

Specific Cu lture, Age, a nd Gender Features

While most surveys report few differences based solely on ethnic or radal groups, a study of chi ldren in rural Alaska no ted that almost 50% of Alaskan-native children in isolated vi llages have at some time used solvents to get high. Because of their low cos t and easy availability, inhalants are often the first d rugs of experimentation for young people, and there may be a higher incidence among those Jiving in economical1y depressed areas. Inhalant u sc may begin by ages 9-12 years, appears to peak in adolescence, and is less common after age 35 years. Males account for 70%--80% of inhalantrelated emergency-room visits.

Preval ence
It is difficult to estabUsh the true prevalence of inhalant use because these drugs are easy to obtain legally, and thei r importance might be underestimated in surveys. In addition, the popularity of different inhalants changes over time, with , for example, a decrease over the pas t decade in the proportion of users prcfcrring glues and aerosols and an increase in those inhaling lighter fluid. A 1996 national survey of drug use reported that around 6% of people in the United States acknowledged ever having used inhalants, with 1% reporting use in the past year and 0.-1% in the past month. The highest lifetime prevalence was seen for 18- to 2S-year-olds (11 1<.), while 12- to 17-}'ear-olds predominated for use in the prior year (4%) or in the prior month (2%). Higher rates are reported among a va riety of subgroups, including almost 30% of p ri son inmates who report ever having used these substances. Rates of use are also higher among populations who live in poverty, especiaUy children and young adults. It shouJd be noted that because these surveys measured patterns of u se rather than disorders, it is not known how many of those in the survey who used inhalants had symptoms that met criteria for Dependence or Abuse. The prevalence of Inhalant Dependence or Abuse in the general p opulation is unknown.

It can be difficult to maldl inhalant dose 10 effect because the different methods of administration and the varying concentra tions of inha lants in the products u sed cause highly variable concentrations in the bod}'. The time course of Inhalant Intoxication is related to the pharmacological characteristics of the s pecific subs tance u sed, but it


Inhala nt- Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

is typica lly brief, lasting from a few minutes to an hour. Onset is rapid, peaking within a few minutes after inhaling. Younger children diagnosed as having Inhalant Dependence may use inhalants several times a week, often on weekends and after school. Severe depend ence in adults may involve varying periods of intoxica tion throughout each day and occasional periods of heavier use that may last several days. This pattern may persist for years, with recurrent need for treatment . Individuals who use inhalants may have a preferred level or degree of intoxication, and the method of administration (typicall)' sniffing from a container or breathing through a rag soa ked in the substance) may allow the individual to maintain that level for several hours. Cases have also been reported of the development of Dependence in industrial workers who have long-term occupational exposure and access to inhalants. A worker may begin to use the compound for its psychoactive effects and subsequently develop a pattern of Dependence. Use leading to Dependence ma y also occur in people who do not have access to o ther substances (e.g., prisoners, isolated military personnel, and adolescents or yOWlg adu lts in isolated rural areas).

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Inhalant-Induced Disorders may be characteri zed by symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) that resemble primary m ental di sorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder versus Inhala nt-induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, Wi th Onset During Intoxication). See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. The symptoms of mUd to moderate Inhalant Intoxication can be similar to those of Alcohol In toxicati on and Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication. Breath odor or residues on bod y or clothing may be important differentia ting clues, but should not be relied on exclusively. lndividuals who chronicaUy use inh alants are likely to use other substances frequentl y and heavily, fur ther complica ting the diagnostic picture. Concomitant use of alcohol may a lso make the differentiation difficult. History of the drug used and characteristic findings (including odor of solven t or paint residue) may diffe rentiate Inhalant Intoxication from other substance in toxications; additionally, symptoms may su bside faster with Inhalant Intoxication than with o ther substance intoxications. Rapid onset and resolution may also d ifferentiate Inhalan t In toxica tion from o ther mental d isorders and neurological conditions. Inhalant In toxication is d istinguished from the o ther Inh alan tInduced Disord ers (e.g., Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder, With Onset During lntoxication) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Inhalant Intoxication and are severe enough to w arrant independent clinical attention. Industrial workers may occasionall}' be accidentally exposed to volatil e chem icals and suffer physiological intoxication. The category "Other Substance-Related Disorders" should be used for such toxin exposures.

292.9 Inhalant-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Inhalan t-Related Diso rder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disorders associated with the use of inhalan ts that are not classifiable as Inhalant Dependence,


Substance-Related Disorders

Inhalant Abuse, Inhalant Intoxication, Inhala nt Intoxication Delirium, InhalantInduced Persisting Dementia, Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder, or Inhalant-Induced Anxiety Disorder.

Nicotine-Related Disorders

Nicotine Dependence and Withdrawal can develop w ith use of all form s of tobacco (cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipes, and cigars) and with prescription medications (nicotine gum and patch). The relative ability of these products to produce Dependence or to induce Withdrawa l is associated with the rapidity characteristic of the route of administration (smoked over oral over transdemlal) and the nicotine content of the product. This section contains discussions specific to the Nicotine-Related Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been p rovided to define the generic aspects of Subs tance Dependence (p. 192) that apply across all substances. The application of these general criteria to Nicotine Dep endence is provided below. Reflecting a paucity of clinically relevant data, nicotine intoxication and nicotine abuse are not included in OSM-IV. A specific text and criteria set for N icotine Withdrawal are also provided below. Listed below are the Nicotine-Related Disorders.

Nicotine Use Disorder

305.1 N icotine Dependence (see p. 264)

Nicotine-Induced Disorder
292.0 292.9 N icotine Withdrawal (see p. 265) N icotine-Related Disorder Not Othenvise Specified (see p . 269)

Nicotine Use Disorder


Nicotine Dependence

Refer, in addition , to the tex t and cri teria for Substance Dependence (see p. 192). Some of the generic Dependence criteria do not appear to apply to nicotine, wh ereas others require furth er explanation. Tolerance to nicotine is manifes ted by a more intense effect of nicotine the first time it is used during the day and the absence of nausea and dizziness with repea ted intake, despite reg ular use of substantial amounts o f nicotine. Cessation of nicotine u se p roduces a well-defined withdrawal syndrome that is described below. Many individuals who use nicotine take ni cotin e to relieve or to avoid withd rawal symptoms when they wake up in the morning or after being in a situation where use is restricted (e.g., at work or on an airplane). Individuals who smoke and other individuals who u se nicotine are likely to find that they use up their supply of cigarettes or other nicotine-containing products faster than originally in-


Nicotine Withdrawal


tended. Although more than 80% of individuals who smoke express a d esire to stop smoking and 35% try to stop each year, less than 5% are successful in unaided at tempts to quit. Spending a great deal of time in using the substance is best exempli fied by chainsmoking. Because nicotine sources are readily and legally available. spending a great d eal of time attempting to procure nicotine w ould be rare. Giving up important social, occupational, or recreational activities can occur when an indi vidual forgoes an activity because it occurs in smokingrestricted areas. Continued use d espite knowledge of med ical problems related to smoking is a particularly im portant health p roblem (e.g., an individual who continues to smoke d espite having a tobacca.induced general med ica l condition such as bronchitis or chronic obstruc live lung disease).

Specifie rs
The following specifiers may be p. 195 for more details):
ap ~lied

to a diagnosis o f N ico tine Dependence (see

Wi th Ph ysiological Depen den ce Withou t Physiological Dependence Early Full Remi ss ion Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Rem ission Sustained Partial Remission

Nicotine -Induced Disorder


Nicot ine Wit hdrawal

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria fo r Substance Withdrawal (see p. 201). The essential feature of N icotine Withdrawal is the presence o f a characteristic withdraw al syndrome that develops after the abrupt cessation of, or reduction in. the use of n ic oti ne~ontaining products folloWing a prolonged period (a t least several weeks) of daily use (Criteria A and B). The withdrawal syndrome includes four or more of the following: d ysphoric or depressed mood; insomnia; irritability. frustration. or anger; anxiety; difficulty concentrating; restlessness or impatience; decreased heart rate; and increased appetite or weight gain. The withdrawal symptoms cause clinically signif icant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of func tioning (Criterion C). The symptoms must n ot be due to a general medical condition and are not better accoun ted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). These symptoms are in large part due to nicotine deprivation and are typically more intense among individuals w ho smoke cigarettes than among individuals who use other nico ti ne~on taining products. The more rapid onset of nicotine effects w ilh cigarette smoking leads to a more intensive use pattern that is more difficult to give up because of the frequency and rapidity of reinforcement and the g reater physical dependence on nicotine. In individuals who smoke cigarettes. heart rate decreases by 5 to 12 beats per minute in the first few days aft er stopping smoking. and weight


Substance-Related Disorders

increases an average of 2-3 kg over the first year after s lopping smoking. Mild symploms of withdrawal may occur after switching to low-tar/ nicotine cigarettes and after

slopping the use of smokeless (chewing) tobacco, nicotine gum, or nicotine patches.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.0 Nicotine Withdrawal


Daily use of nicotine for at least several weeks.

B. Abrupt cessation of nicot ine use, or reduction in the amou nt of nicotine used, followed within 24 hours by four (or more) of the following signs:
(1) dysphoric or depressed mood

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

. insomnia

irritability, frust ration, or anger anxiety difficulty concentrating


decreased heart rate (8) increased appetite or weight gain

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social. occupational. or other important areas of functioning.
D. The symptoms a re not due to a general medical condition and are not bette r accounted for by another mental disorder.

A dditio nal Inf ormation on Nicotine-Related Disorders

Associat ed Features and Disorders
Associated descriptive features and mental disorde rs. Craving is an important element in Nicotine Withdrawal and may account for the difficulty that individuals have in giving up nicotine-con taining products . Other symptoms associated w ith ' icotine Withdrawal include a desire for sweets and impaired per forman ce on tasks requiring vigilance. Several features associated with ' icotine Dependence appear to predict a greater le vel of difficulty in s topping nicotine use: smoking soon after waking, smoking when ill, difficulty refraining from smoking, reporting the firs t cigarette of the day to be the one most difficult to give up, and smoking more in the morning than in the afternoon. The numbe r of cigarettes smoked per day, the nicotine yield of the cigarette, and the number of pac k-years also are r elated to the likelihood of an individual s topping s moking. Nicotine Dependence is more common among individuals with other mental disorders such as Schizophrenia . Depending on the p opulatio n s tudied, from 55% to 90% of individuals with other mental disorders s moke, compared to 30% in the general population. Mood, Anxiety, and other Subs tanceRela ted Disorders may be more common in indi viduals who smoke than in those who arc ex-smokers and those who have never smoked.

Nicotine-Related Disorders Associated laboratory findings . Withdrawal symptoms are associated with a slowing on EEG, decreases in catecholamine and cortisolleveis, rapid eye movement (REtvl) changes, impainnent on neuropsychological testing, and decreased metabolic rate. Smoking increases the metabolism of many medications prescribed for the treahnent of mental disorders and of other substances. Thus, cessation of smoking can increase the blood levels of these medications and other substances, sometimes to a clinically significant degree. This effect does not appear to be due to nicotine but rather to other compounds in tobacco. N icotine and its metaboli te cotinine can be measured in blood , saliva. o r urine. Persons who smoke also often have diminished pulmonary function tests and increased mean corpuscular volume (MeV). Associated physical exa mination findings and general medical conditions , icotine Withdrawal may be associated with a dry or productive cough, decreased heart rate, increased appetite or weight gain, and a dampened orthostatic response. The most common signs o f icotine Dependence are tobacco odor, cough, evid ence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and excessive skin wrinkling. Tobacco stains on the fingers can occu r but are rare. Tobacco use can markedly increase the risk of lung, oral, and other cancers; cardiovascular and cerebrovascular conditions; duonic obstructive and other lung diseases; ulcers; maternal and fe tal complications; and other conditions. Although most of these problems appear to be caused by the carcinogens and carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke rather than by nicotine itself, nicotine may increase the risk for ca rdiovascular events. Those who have never smoked but are chronically exposed to tobacco smoke appear to be at increased risk for conditions such as lung cancer and heart di sease.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Feature s

The p revalence of smoking is decreasing in most industrialized nations but is increasing in the developing areas. African American men tend to have higher nicotine blood levels for a g iven number of cigarettes compared with o ther racial groups, which might contribute to greater difficulty in cessation of smoking. The highest lifetime p revalence of use of nicotine, in contrast to other drugs, is in older individuals. In the United States, the prevalence of smoking is slightly higher in males than in females; however, the prevalence of smoking is decreasing more rapidly in males than in females. In other countries, smoking is often much more p revalent among males. Use of smokeless tobacco is much higher in males than females, with males outnumbering femal es 8 to 1 or more.

There were fairl y substantial decreases in regular sm oking and icoline Depend ence in most groups in the 1980s, followed by a leveling off of this rate of decline, estimated to be onJy 2% or less in the late 1990s. Greater levels of decrease were seen for men than for women, and for Caucasian individuals than for those of African American or Hispanic background. Severa l groups have shown an actual increase in the prevalence of regular smoking or Dependence in the mid-1 990s, especia lly women who have less than a high school education.

Substance-Relat ed Disorders
A 1996 national survey of d rug use reported that 72% of the adult population in the United States had ever used cigarettes, with 32% reporting use in the prior }'ear and 29% reporting use in the prior month. The lifetime prevalence in the United States was highest among individuals aged 35 and older (78%), although use in the prior year and prior month was highest for people between ages 18 and 25 (45% and 38%, respectively). The 1996 survey also indicated substantial rates of use of smokeless tobacco, with 17% of the U.s. population acknowledging ever having used these products, and 5% reporting use in the prior month . Surveys of drug use in high school students indicate that tobacco use in the younger population is on the rise. According to a 1997 survey of 12th-g raders, 65% reported ever having used cigarettes-an increase over the 1994 proportion of 62% (but not as high as the peak lifetime prevalence of 76% in 1977). Since it is estimated that behveen 80% and 90% of regular smokers have Nicotine Dependence, up to 25% of the U.s. population may have Nicotine Dependence. The rate of Nicotine Dependence has been shown to be higher in individuals with Schizophrenia or Alcohol Dependence than in the general population.

Nicotine in take usually begins in the early teens, with 95% of those who continue to smoke by age 20 becoming regular daily smokers. More than 80% of smokers report attempting to quit, but during the first attempt, less than 25% of those who do abstain remain successful for extended periods of time. In the longer run, about 45% of those who consume nicotine on a regular basis are able to stop smoking eventually. For the large majority of smokers who have Nicotine Dependence, cessation of cigarette smoking usually results in withdrawal symptoms that begin withi n a few hours of cessation and typically peak in intensity between the first and fourth days, with most residual symptoms greatly improving by 3 to 4 weeks, but with hunger and weight gain p ersisting for 6 months or more. This off-and-on again course and repeated desire for abstinence probably apply equally to consumption of other forms of nicotine, including chewing tobacco.

Familial Pattern
The risk for smoking increases threefold if a first-degree biological relative smokes. Twin and adoption studies indicate that genetic factors contribute to the onset and continuation of smoking, with the degree of heritability equivalent to tha t observed with Alcohol Dependence.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential d iagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. The symptoms of Nicotine Withdrawal overlap with those of other substance withdrawal syndromes; Caffeine Intoxication; Anxiety, Mood, and Sleep Disorders; and m edicati on-induced akathisia. Admission to smokefree inpatient units can induce withdrawal symptoms that might mimic, intensify, or disguise other diagnoses. Re-


Nicotine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

duction of symptoms associated with the resumption of smoking or nicotine-replacement therapy confirms the diagnosis.

Because reguJar nicotine use does not appear to impair mental functi oning, Nicotine Dependence is not readily confused with other Substance-Related Disorders and mental disorders.

292.9 Nicotine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Nicotine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ca tegory is fo r d isorders associated with the use of nicotine that are not classifiable as N icotine Dependence or
Nicotine Withdrawal.

Opioid-Related Disorders

The opioids includ e natural opioids (e.g., morphine), sem isynthetics (e.g., heroin), and synthetics with morphine-like action (e.g., codeine, hydrom orphone, methadone, oxycodone, meperidine, fen tanyl). Med ications such as pentazocine and buprenorphine that have both opiate agonist and antagonist effects are also included in this class because, especially at lower doses, their agonist properties produce similar phYSiological and behaviora l effects as classic opioid agonists. Opioids are prescribed as analgesics, anesthetics, antidiarrheal agents, or cough suppressants. Heroin is one of the most commonly misused drugs of this class and is usually taken by injection, although it can be smoked or "snorted" when very pure heroin is available. Fentanyl is injected, whereas cough suppressants and antidiarrheal agents are taken orally. The other opioid s are taken both by injection and orally. This section contains discussions specific to the Opioid-Related Disorders. Texts and criteria sets have already been provid ed for the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) tha t apply across all substances. The application of these general criteria to Opioid Dependence and Abuse is provided below. However, there are no unique criteria sets for Opioid Dependence and Opioid Abuse. Specific text and criteria sets for Opioid Intoxica tion and Opioid Withdrawal are also provided below . The Opioid-lnduced Disorders (other than Opioid intoxication and Withdrawal) are d escribed in the sections of the manual w ith d isorders with which they share phenomenology (e.g., Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder is included in the "Mood Disorders" section). Listed below are the Opioid Use Disorders and the Opioid-Induced Disord ers.

Opioid Use Disorders

304.00 305.50 Op ioid Dependence (see p. 270) Op ioid Abuse (see p . 271)

Opioid-Induced Disord ers
292.89 292.0 292.81 292.11 292.12

Substance-Related Disorde rs

292.84 292.89

O pi oid Intoxicati on (see p . 271) Specify if: With Perce ptual Dis turbances Opioid With drawal (see p . 272) Opioid Intoxication Delirium (see p . 143) O pioid-Induced Psychotic D isorde r, With Delusio ns (see p . 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Opioid-Induced Psychotic Di sorder, With Hallucinations (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder (see p . 405) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxica tion Opioid-In duced Sexu al D ysfun ction (see p . 562) Specify if: With Onset During In toxication O pi oid-Indu ced Sleep Disorde r (see p. 655)

Specify if: With Onset During In toxication / With Onset During

292.9 Withdrawal OpioidRelated Disorder Not Othenvise Specified (see p . 277)

Opioid Use D isorders


Opioid Dependence

Refer, in addi tion, to the text and criteria for Subs tance Dependence (see p. 192). Most indi viduals with O pioid Dependence have significant levels of tolerance and will experience w ithdrawal on abrupt discontinuation of opioid substances. Opioid Dependence includes signs and symptoms that renect compulsive, prolonged selfadministration of op ioid s ubs tances that are used for no legitima te medical purpose or, if a general medical condition is present that requires opioid treatment, that are used in d oses that are greatly in excess of the amo unt needed for pain relief. Persons with Opioid Dependence tend to d evelop such regular pa tterns of compulsive drug use that daily activities are typica lly p lanned around obtaining and administering opioid s. Opioids are us ually purchased on the illega l market but may a lso be obtained from p hysicians by faking or exaggerating general medical problems or by receiving simultaneou s prescrip tions from severa l physicians. Health care profes sionals with Opioid Dependence w ill often obtain opioid s by w riting prescriptions for themselves or by diverting opioids that have been prescribed for patients or from phannacy supplies.


Opi o id Abuse


The following specifiers may be applied to a diagnosis of Opioid Dependence (see p. 195 for more detail s); With Physiological Dependence Without Physiological Dependence Early Full Remi ssion Early Partial Remission Sustained Full Remission Sustained Partial Remission On Agonist Therapy In a Controlled Environment


Opioid Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). Legal difficulties may arise as a result of behavior while intoxica ted with opioids or because an individual has resorted to illega l sources of supply. Persons who abuse opioids typically use these su bstances much less often than do those w ith d ependence and do not develop significant withdrawa l symptoms. \t\'hen problems related to opioid use are accompanied by evidence of withdrawal or compulsive behav ior related to the use of opioi ds, further info rmation should be gathered to see if a d iagnosis of Opioid Dependence, rather than Opioid Abuse, is m ore appropriate.

Opioidlnduced Disorders


Opioid Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the tex t and criteria for Substance Lntoxication (see p. 199). The essen tial feature o f O pioid Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behaviora l or psychological changes (e.g., ini tial euphoria followed by apathy, dysph oria, psychomotor agitation or retardation, impaired judgnlent, or impaired social or occupa tional nUlctionin g) that develop during, or shortly after, opioid use (Criteria A and B). Intoxication is accompanied by p upillary constriction (unless there has been a severe overdose with consequent anoxia and pupillary dilation) and one or more o f the following signs: d rowsiness (d escribed as being "on the nod ") or even coma, slurred speech, and impairment in atten tion or memory (Criterion C). individ uals w ith Opioid Intoxica tion may demonstrate i.nattention to the environmen t, even to the point of ignoring potentially hannful events. The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). TIle magn itude of the behavioral and physiological changes that result from opioid use depends on the dose as well as characteristics of the individual using the substance (e.g., tolerance, rate o f absorption, chronidty of use). Symptoms o f Opioid Intoxication usually last for several hours, a time fram e that is consistent with the half life of most opioid drugs. Severe intoxication following an apioid overdose can lead to carna, respiratory depression, pupillary dilation, unconsciousness, and even d eath.

Substance-Rela ted Disorders

Specifie r
The following specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Opioid Intoxication: With Perceptual Disturbances. This specifier may be noted in the rare instance in which hall ucina lions with intact reality testing or auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occur in the absence of a delirium. Ill tact reality testillg means that the person knows that the hallucinations are induced by the substance and do not represent external reality. When hallucina tions occur in the absence of intact real ity testing, a diagnosis ofSubstance-lnduced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, shou ld be considered.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Opioid Intoxication

A. Recent use of an opioid.
B. Clinically Significant maladaptive behaviora l or psychological changes (e.g., initial

euphoria followed by apathy, dysphoria, psychomotor agitation or retardation, im pa ired judgment, or impaired social or occupational functioning) that developed during, o r shortly after, opioid use.


Pupi llary constriction (or pupi ll ary d ilation due to anoxia fr om severe overdose) and one (or more) of the following signs, developing during, or shortly after, opioid use:
(1) drowsiness or coma (2) slurred speech (3) impairment in atte ntion or memory

O. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and a re not better ac-

counted for by another mental d isorder.

Specify if:

With Perceptual Disturbances

292 .0

Opioid Withdrawal

Refer, in addition. to the text and criteria for Substance Withdrawal (see p. 201). The essential feature of Opioid Withdrawal is the presence of a characteristic withdrawal syndrome that develops after the cessation of (or reduction in) opioid use that has been heavy and prolonged (Criterion Al). The withdrawal syndrome can be also precipitated by administration of an opioid antagonist (e.g . naloxone or naltrexone) after a period of opioid use (Criterion Al). Opioid Withdrawal is characterized by a pattern of signs and symptoms that are opposite to the acute agonist effects. The first of these are subjective and consist of complaints of anxiety. restlessness. and an "achy feeling " that is often loca ted in the back and legs. accompanied by a wish to obtain opioids ("craving") and drug-seeking behavior. along with irri tabili ty and increased sensitivity to pain. Three or more of the foUowing must be present to make a diagnosis of Opioid Withdrawal: dysphoric mood; nausea or vomiting; muscle aches;

292.0 Opioid Withd rawa l


lacrimation or rhinorrhea; pupillary dilation, piloerection, or increased sweating; di arrhea; yawning; fever; and insomnia (Criterion B). Piloerection and fever are associ atec! with more severe withdrawal and are not often seen in routine clinical practice because individuals with Opioid Dependence usually obtain substances before withdrawal becomes that far advanced. These symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal must cause clinically significant distress or impainnent in social, occupational, or other important areas of ftmctioning (Criterion C). The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). In most individuals who are dependen t on short-acting drugs such as heroin, withdrawal symptoms begin within 6-12 hours after the last d ose. Symptoms may take 2-4 days to emerge in the case of longer-acting drugs such as methadone or LAAM (L-alpha-acety lmethadol). Acute withdrawal symptoms for a short-acting opioid such as heroin usually peak within 1- 3 days and gradually subside over a period of 5-7 days. Less acu te withdrawal symptoms can last for weeks to months. These more cluonic symptoms include anxiety, d ysphoria, anhedonia, insomnia, and drug craving. Virtually all ind iv iduals with Op ioid Dependence report a ph)'siological component, including 50% who have experienced withdrawal.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.0 Opioid Withdrawal

A. Either of the followin g:
(1 ) cessation of (or reduction in) opioid use that has been heavy and prolonged

(several weeks or longer) (2) administration of an opioid antagonist after a period of opioid use 8. Three (or more) of t he following, developing within minutes to several days after Cri terion A:
(1) dysphoric mood

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

nausea or vomiting muscle aches lacrimat ion or rhinorrhea pupi llary dilation, piloerection, or sweati ng dia rrhea yawning fever insomnia

C. The symptoms in Crit erion 8 cause clinically significant distress or impairment in so cia l, occupational, or other importa nt areas of functioning .
D. The symptoms are not due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by anot her mental disorder.


Substance-Related Disorders

Other Opioid-Induced Disorders

The foll owing Opioid-Induced Disorders are described in other sections of the manual with disorders with which they share phenomenology: Opieid Intoxication
Delirium (p. 143), Opioid-lnduced Psychotic Disorder (p. 338), Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder (p. 405), Opieid-Indu ced Sexual Dysfunction (p. 562), and OpieidIndu ced Sleep Disorde r (p. 655). These disorde rs are diagnosed instead of Opioid Intoxica tion or Opioid Withdrawal only when the symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the Op ioid lnloxication or Withdrawal syndrome and w hen the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clin ical attention.

Additional Information on Opioid-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Opioid Dependence is commonly associa ted with a history of d rug-related crimes (e.g., possession or distribution of drugs, forgery, burglary, robbery, larceny, or receiving stolen goods). Among health care professionals and individuals who have ready access to controlled substances, there is often a different pattern of illegal activities involving problems with state licensing boards, professional staffs o f hospita ls, or other adm inistrative agencies. Divorce, unemployment, o r irregular employment is often associated with Opioid Dependence at all socioeconomic levels. For many individuals, the effect of taking an opioid for the first time is d ysphoric rather than euphoric, and nausea and vomiting may result. Individuals w ith Opioid Dependence are at risk for the d evelopment of mild to moderate depression that meets symptomatic and duration criteria for Dysthymic Disorder, and sometimes for Major Depressive Disorder. These symptoms may represent an Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) or exacerba tions of a preexisting primary depressive disorder. Periods of depression are especially common during chronic intoxication or in association with physical or psychosocial stressors tha t are related to the Opioid Dependence. Insomnia is common, especially during withdrawal. Antisocial Personality Disorder is much more common in individuals with Opioid Dependence than in the general population. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is also seen with increased frequency. A history of Conduct Disorder in childhood or adolescence has been identified as a significant risk factor for Substance-Related Disorders, especially Opioid Dependence. Associated laboratory findings. Routine u rine toxicology tests are often positive for opioid drugs in individuals w ith Opioid Dependence. Urine tests remain positive for most opioids for 12-36 hours after administration. Longer-acting opioids (e.g., methadone and LAAM) can be identified in urine for several days. Fentanyl is not detected by standard urine tests but can be identified by more specialized procedures. Laboratory evidence of the presence o f other substances (e.g., cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, amphetamines, benzodiazepines) is common. Screening tests for hepatitis A, 8,

Opioid-Re lated Disorders


and C are positive in as many as 800 .......90% of intravenous users, either for hepatitis an/ tigen (signi fying active infection) or hepatitis antibody (signifying past infection). Mildly elevated liver function tests are common, either as a result of resolving hepatitis or from toxic injury to the liver due to contaminants that have been mixed with the injected opioid . Subtle changes in cortisol secretion patterns and bod y temperature regulation have been observed for up to 6 months following opioid detoxification.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . Acute and chronic opioid use are associated with a lack of secretions, causing dry mouth and nose, slowing o f gastrointestinal activity, and constipation. Visual acuity may be impaired as a result of p upillary constriction. In individuals who use opioids intravenously, sclerosed veins (" tracks") and puncture marks on the lower portions of the u pper extremities are common. Veins sometimes become so badly sclerosed that peripheral edema d evelops and ind ividuals switch to veins in the legs, neck, or groin. When these veins become unusable or o therwise lmavailable, individuals often inject directly into their subcutaneous tissue ("skin-popping"), resulting in ceUulitis, abscesses, and circular-appearing scars from healed skin lesions. Tetanus and Clostridilllll boil/lillI/ill infections are relatively rare but extremely serious consequences of injecting opioids, especially with contaminated needles. Infections may also occur in other organs and include bacterial endocarditis, hepatitis, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection. Tuberculosis is a particularly serious p rOblem among individuals w ho use drugs intravenously, especially those depend ent on heroin. Infection with the tubercle bacillus is usually asymptomatic and evident only by the presence of a positive tubercu lin skin lest. However, many cases o f active tuberculosis have been found, especially among those who are infected w ith HI V. These individuals often have a newly acqUired infection, bu t also are likely to experience reactivation of a prior infection due to impaired immune function. Persons who sniff heroin or other opioids ("snorting") often develop irritation of the nasal mucosa, sometimes accompanied by perfo ration of the nasal septum. Difficullies in sexual functioning are common. Males often experience erectile d ysfunction during intoxication or ch ronic use. Females commonly have disturbances of reproducth'e function and irregular menses. The incidence of HIV infection is h.igh among individuals w ho use intravenous drugs, a la rge proportion of whom are individuals with Opioid Dependence. HIV infection rates have been reported to be as high as 60% among persons dependent on heroin in some areas of the United States. In add ition to infections such as cellulitis, hepatitis, HIV, tuberculosis, and endocarditis, Opioid Dependence is associated with a death rate as high as 1.50/ 2% per ....... year. Death most often results from overdose, accidents, injuries, AIDS, or other general medical complications. Accidents and injuries due to violence that is associated with buying o r selling drugs are common. In some areas, violence accounts for more opioid-related dea ths than overd ose or HfV infection. Physiologica l dependence on opioids may occur in about half of the infants born to females w ith Opioid Dependence; this can produce a severe withdrawal syndrome requiring medical treatment. Although low birth weight is also seen in children of mothers with Opioid Dependence, it is usually not marked and is generally not associated with serious adverse consequences.

Substance-Related Disorders

Specifi c Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Since the 1920s, in the United States, members of minority groups living in economicaUy deprived areas have been overrepresented among persons with Opioid Dependence. However, in the late 1800s and early 19OOs, Opioid Dependence was seen more often among white middle-class individuals, especially women, suggesting that differe nces in use reflect the avaiJability of opioid drugs and other social fac tors. Medical personnel who have ready access to opioids may have an increased risk for Opioid Abuse and Dependence. Increasing age is associated w ith a decrease in prevalence. This tendency for Dependence to remit generally begins after age 40 years and has been called "maturing out" However, many persons ha\'e remained opioid dependent for 50 years or longer. Males are more commonly affected, with the male-Ie-female ratio typically being 1.5:1 fo r opioids other than heroin (i.e., available by prescription) and 3:1 for heroin.

Preva lence
A 1996 national survey of drug use reported that 6.7% of men and 4.5% of women in the United States acknowledged ever using an analgesic drug in a manner other than that for which it was prescribed, including 2% who had used these drugs in the prior year and approximately 1% who had taken these drugs in the prior month. The medically inappropriate use of analgesics had its highest lifetime prevalence among individuals behveen ages 18 and 25 (9%), with 5% in this age g roup acknowledging ever having taken the drug in the prior year, and 2% acknowledging ever having taken the drug in the prior month . The lifetime preva lence for heroin use was around 1%, with 0.2% ha\' ing taken the drug during the prior year. A 1997 survey of drug use among high school students reported that around 2% of high school seniors had ever taken heroin and 10% acknowledged the inappropriate use of other "analgesics." These lifetime heroin rates for high school seniors are higher than the 1990 and 1994 ra les (1.3% and 1.2%, respectively) and represent the highest figures since the 1975 rate of over 2%. Because the surveys assessed patterns of use rather than disorders, it is not known how many of those who used analgeSiCS or heroin had symptoms that met criteria for Dependence or Abuse. A community study conducted in the United States from 1980 to 1985 thelt used the more narrowly defined DSM-llI criteria found that 0.7% of the adult population had Opioid Dependence or Abuse at some time in their lives. Among those individuals with Dependence or Abuse, 18% reported use in the last month and 42% reported having had a problem with opioids in the last year.

Opioid Dependence can begin at any age, but problems associated with opioid use are most commonly first observed in the late teens or early 20s. Once Dependence develops, it usually continues over a period of many years, even though brief periods of abstinence are frequent. Relapse following abstinence is common. Although relapses do occur, and while some long-term mortality rates have been reported to be as high as 2% per year, about 20%-30% of individuals with Opioid Dependence


Opioid-Related Disorde r Not Otherwise Specified

achieve long-term abstinence. An exception to the chronic course of Opioid Dependence was observed in service personnel who became dependent on opioids in Vietnam. On their return to the United States, less than 10% of those who had been dependent on opioids relapsed, although they experienced increased rates of Alcohol or Amphetamine Dependence. Few data are ava ilable on the course ofOpioid Abuse.

Famili al Pattern
The family members of individua ls with Opioid Dependence are likely to have higher levels of psychopathology, especially an increased inddence of other SubstanceRela ted Disorders and Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of Substance-Rela ted Disorders, see p. 207. Opioid-Induced Disorders may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) that resemble primary mental disorders (e.g., Dysthymic Disorder versus Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, With Onset During In toxication). See p. 210 for a discussion of this differential diagnosis. Opioids are less likely to produce symptoms of mental disturbance than are most other drugs of abuse. Alcohol Intoxication and Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication can cause a clinical picture that resembles Opioid Intoxication. A diagnosis of Alcohol or Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tion can usually be made based on the absence of pupillary constriction or the lack of a response to a naloxone challenge. In some cases, intoxication may be due both to opioids and to alcohol or other sedatives. In these cases, the naloxone challenge will not reverse all of the sedative effects. The anxiety and restlessness associated with Opioid Withdrawal resemble symptoms seen in Sedative, Hyp notic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal However, Opioid Withdrawal is also accompanied by rhinorrhea, lacrimation, and pupillary dilation, which are not seen in sedative-type withdrawal. Dilated pupils are also seen in Hallucinogen Intoxication, Amphetamine Intoxication, and Cocaine Intoxication. However, other signs or symptoms of Opioid Withdrawal such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, ab dominal cramps, rhinorrhea, or lacrimation are not present. Opioid Intoxication and Opioid Withdrawal are distinguished from the other Op ioid-Induced Disorders (e.g., Opioid lnduced Mood Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually associated with Opia id Intoxication or Opioid Withd rawal and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention.

292.9 Opioid-Relat ed Diso rder Not Otherwise Specified

The OpioidRelated Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disorders associated with the use of opioids that are not classifiable as Opioid Dependence, Opioid Abuse, Opioid Intoxication, Opioid Withdrawal, Opioid In toxication Delirium, Opioid-Induced Psychotic Diso rder, Opioid-Induced Mood Disorder, Opioid-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, or Opioid-lnduced Sleep Disorder.


Substance-Re lated Disorders

Phencycl idine (or Phencyclidine-Like)Related Disorders

The phencyclidines (or phenC}'clidine-like substances) include phencyclidine (PCP, Sernylan) and the less poten t but similarly acting compounds such as ketamine (Ketalar, Ketaject), cyclohexantine, and d izocilpine. These substances were first developed as dissociative anesthetics in the 19505 and became street drugs in the 19605. They can be taken orally or intravenously or can be s moked. Phencyclidine (sold illicitly under a variely of names such as PCP, Hog. Tranq, Angel Dust, and PeaCe Pill) is the most commonly abused substance in this class. This section contains discussions specific to the Phencyclidine-Related Disorders. Texis and criteria sets have alread y been provided for the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p. 198) that apply across all substances. The application of these general criteria to Phencyclidine Dep endence and Abuse is provided below. However, there are no unique criteria sets for Phencyctidine Dependence or Phencyclidine Abuse. A specific text and criteria set for Phencyclidine Intoxication is also provided below. Although symptom s of phencyclidine withdrawal may occur, their clinical significance is uncerta in, and a diagnosis of phencyclidine wi thdrawal is not included in this manual The Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders (other than Phencyclidine Intoxication) are described in the sections of the manual with disorders w ith wh ich they share phenomenology (e.g., PhencyclidineInduced Psychotic Disorder is included in the "Schizophren ia and Other Psychotic Disorders" section). Listed below are the Phencycli dine Use Disorders and the Phencyclidine-Induced Di sorders.

Phencyclidine Use Disorders

304.60 305.90 Phencyclidine Dependence (see p. 279) Phencyclidi ne Abuse (see p. 279)

Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders
292.89 292.81 292.11 292.11 292.84 292.89 292.9 Phencyclidine Intoxication (see p. 280) SpecifiJ if With Perceptual Disturbances Ph encyclidine Intoxication Delirium (see p. 143) Phencyclidine-In d uced Psychotic D isorder, With Delusions (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucin ations (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Phencycl idine-Ind uced Mood Disorder (see p. 405) SpecifiJ if: With Onset During Intoxication Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Phencyclidin e-R elated Disorder Not Oth en .... ise Specified (see p. 283)


Phencyclidin e Depend ence


Phencyclidine Use Disor ders


Ph e n cyclid ine Dependence

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Dependence (see p . 192). Some of the generic criteria for Subs tance Depend ence do not apply to phencyclidine. Although "craving" has been reported by ind ividuals w ith heavy use, nei ther tolerance nor withdrawal symptoms ha ve been clearly d emonstrated in humans (although both have been sh own to occur in animal studies). Phencyclidine is us ually not difficult to obtain, and individ uals with Phencyclidine Dependence often use it at least two to three times per d ay, thliS spending a significant proportion of their time using the substance and experiencing its effects. Phencyclidine use may continue despi te the presence of psychological p roblems (e.g ., d isinhibition, anxiety, rage, aggression, panic, fla shbacks) or medical prob lems (e.g ., hyperthennia, hyp ertension, seizures) that the ind ividual knows are cau sed by the subs tance. Ind ividuals w ith Phencyclidine Dependence can manifest d an gerous behavioral reactions due to lack of insight and judgment while intoxicated . Aggressive behavior involving fighting-probably the result of disorganized thinking, agitation, and impaired judgment- has been identified as an especially problematic adverse effect of phencyclidine. As with hallucinogens, ad verse reactions to phencyclid ine may be more common among individuals w ith preexis ting mental d isorders.

Speci f ie rs
The following specifi ers may be applied to a diagnosis of Phencyclidine Dependence (see p . 195 for m ore details) : Early Full Remission Early Partial Rem ission Su stained FuJI Remission Sus tained Parti al Remi ssion In a Con troll ed Environm ent

30 5.90

Phen cycl idi ne Abuse

Refer, in addition, to the text and cri teria for Subs tance Abuse (see p . 198). Although in dividuals who abuse phencyclidine u se the subs tance much less often than those with Dep endence, they may repeatedly fail to ful fill major role obligations at school, work, or home becau se o f Phencyclidine Intoxication. Individuals may use phencyclidine in situations where it is physically hazardous (such as while operating heavy machinery or driving a motorcycle or car). Legal difficulties may arise d ue to p ossessi on of phencyclidine or to behaviors resu lting from Intoxica tion (e.g., fig hting) . There may be recurrent social or interpersonal problems d u e to the individual's behavior while intoxicated or to the chaotic lifestyle, multiple legal p roblems, or arguments with significant others.


Substa nce-Re lated Disorders

Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders


Phencyclidine Intoxication

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Substance Intoxication (see p. 199). The
essential feature o f Phencyclidine Intoxication is the presence of clinically significant maladaptive behavio ra l changes (e.g., belligerence, assa uitiveness, impulSiveness, unp redictability, psych omotor agitation, impaired judgment, or impaired social or occupational fun ctioning) that d e velo p during, or s hortly after, use of phe ncyclidine (or a related s ubstance) (Criteria A and B). These changes a re accompanied by h\'o or more of the follo w ing signs that d evelop within an ho ur of us ing the subs tance (or less when it is smoked, "snorted," or used intravenously): vertical or horizontal nys-

tagmus, hyp ertension or tachyca rdia, numbness or diminished responsiveness to pain, ataxia, d ysarthria, muscle rigidity, seizures or coma, and hyperacusis (Criterion C) . The symptoms must not be due to a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion D). Specific signs and symptoms are dose related. Lower doses of phencyclidine produce vertigo, ataxia, nystagmus, mild hypertension, abnormal involuntary movements, slurred speech, nausea, weakness, slowed reaction times, euphoria or affective dulling, and lack of concern. Disorganized thinking, changed body image and sensory perception, depersonaliza tion, and fee lings of unreality occur at intermediate doses. There is evidence tha t individuals with Schizophrenia may experience an exacerbation of psychotic symptoms. Higher doses produce amnesia and coma, with analgesia sufficient for surgery, and seizures with respiratory depression occur at the highest doses. Effects begin almost immediately after intravenous use or smoking, reaching a peak within minutes. Peak effects occur about 2 hours after oral doses. In milder intoxications, the effects resolve after 8-20 hours, w hereas signs and symptoms of severe intoxications may persist for several days. Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (p . 338) may persist for weeks.

The following specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Phencyclidine Intoxication: With Percep tual Disturbances. This specifier may be noted when hallucinations with intact reality testing or auditory, visual. or tactile illusions occur in the absence of a delirium . Illtact reality testjug means that the person knows that the hallucinations are ind uced by the substance and do not represent external reality. When hallucinations occur in the absence of intact reality testing, a diagnosis of Substance-Induced PSydlOtic Disorder, With Hallucinations, should be considered.

Other Phencyclid ine-Induced Diso rders


Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Phencyclidine Intoxication

A. Recent use of phencycl idi ne (or a related substance).

8 . Clinically sig nif icant maladaptive behaviora l changes (e.g., belligerence, assaultiveness, impulsive ness, unpredictability, psychomotor agitation, impaired judgment, or impaired social o r occupat ional functio ning) that developed during, or shortly after, phencyclidine use.


Within an hour (less when smoked, "snort ed," or used intravenously), two (or more) of the follow ing signs:

(1) (2) (3) (4)

(5) (6) (7) (8)

vertical or horizontal nystagmus hypertension or tachycardia numbness o r dimin ished responsiveness t o pain ataxia dysarthria muscle rigidity seizures or coma hyperacusis

D. The symptoms are not d ue t o a general medical condition and are not better accounted for by another menta l disorder.

Specify if:

With Perceptual Disturbances

Other Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders

The foUowing Phencyclidine-Induced Disorders are described in other sections of the manual with disorders w ith which they share phenomenology: Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium (p. 143t Phencycl idine-Indu ced Psychotic Di sorder (p. 338), Phencyclid ine-Induced Mood Disorder (p . 405), and Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479). These d isorders are diagnosed instead of Phencyclidine Intoxication only w hen the symptoms are in excess of those u sually associated with the Phencyclidine Intoxication syndrome and w hen the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Phencyclidine-Related Disorders

Associated Features and Diso rd ers
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Although individua ls with Phencyclidine Intoxication may remain alert and oriented, they may show delirium, coma, psychotic symptoms, or cata tonic mutism with posturing. Repeated intoxica-


Substance-Related Disorde rs

tions may lead to job, family, social, or legal problems. Violence, agitation, and bizarre behavior (e.g., confused wandering) may occur. Individuals with Phencyclidine Dependence or Abuse may report repea ted intoxication-induced hospitalizations, emergency-room visits, and arrests fo r confused or bizarre behavior or for fighting . Conduct Disorder in adolescents and Antisocial Personality Disorder in adults may

be associa ted with phencyclidine use. Dependence on other substances (especially cocaine, alcohol, and amphetamines) is common among those w ho have Phencyclidine

Associated laboratory find ings. Phencyclidine (or a related s ubstance) is present in the urine of individuals who are acutely intoxicated with one of these substances. The substance may be detectable in urine for several weeks after the end of prolonged or very high dose use because of its high lipid solubility. Phencyclidine may be detected more readily in acidic urine. Creatine phosphokinase (CPK) and serum glu tamic-oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOn are often elevated, reflecting muscle damage.
Associated physical examination findings and gen e ral medical conditions. Phencyclidine Intoxication produces extensive cardiovascular and neurological (e.g., seizures, dys tonia s~ d yskinesias, catalepsy, and h ypothermia or hyperthermia) toxicity. Since almost half of individuals with Phencyclidine Intoxication present with nystagmus or elevated blood pressure, these physical signs can be useful in identifying a phencyclidine user. In those with Phencyclidine Dependence o r Abuse, there may be physical evidence of injuries from accidents, fights, and fa lls. Needle tracks, hepatitis, human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) disease, and bacterial endocarditis may be fo und among the relatively few individuals who take p hencyclid ine intravenousI}'. Drowning, even in small volumes of water, has been reported. Respira tory problems arise with apnea, bronchospasm, bronchorrhea, aspiration during coma, and hypersalivation. Rhabdomyolysis with renal impairment is seen in about 2"10 of individua ls who seek emergency care. Cardiac arrest is a rare outcome.

Specific Cu lture, Age, and Gender Feat ures

The preva lence of phencyclidine-rela ted problems appears to be higher among males (about twofold ), among those between ages 20 and 40 years, and among ethnic minorities (about hvofold). MaJes compose about three-quarters of those with phencyclidinerelated emergency-room visits.

Preva lence
Medical examiners nationally report that phencyclidine is involved in abou t 3% of deaths associated w ith substance use. It is men tioned as a problem in about 3% of substance-related emergency-room visits. According to a 1996 national survey of d rug lise in the United States, more than 3% of those age 12 and o lder acknowledged ever lIsing p hencyclidine, w ith 0.2% reporting use in the prior year. The highest li fetime prevalence was in those aged 26-34 years (4%), while the highest proportion using phencyclidine in the prior year (0.7%) was in those aged 12-17 years. It should be noted that because these surveys measured patterns of use r<lther than disorders, it is


Phencyclid ine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specifie d


not known how many of those in the su rvey who used p hencyclidine had symptollls that Illet cri teria for Dependence or Abuse. The p revalence of Phencyclid ine Dependence or Abuse in the general popula tion is unknown.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Phencyclid ine-Induced Disord ers may be characterized by symptoms (e.g., depressed mood) th at resemble prim ary mental disorders (e.g., Major Dep ressive Disorder versus Phencycl idine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Dep ressive Fea tures, With Onset During Intoxication). See p. 210 for a discu ssion of this differential diagnosis. Recurring episodes of pSydlOtic or mood symptoms due to Phencyclidine Intoxication may mimic Schizophrenia or Mood Diso rd ers. History or laboratory evidence o f p hencyclidine use es tablishes a role for the substance but does not rule out the co-occurrence of other prim ary menta l d isord ers. Rapid onset of symptoms, presence of delirium , or observation of nystagmus or hypertension also suggests Phencyclidine Intoxica tion rather than Sch izophrenia, but phencyclidine use may induce acute psychotic episodes in individuals with preexisting Schizophrenia. Rapid resolution of symptoms and the absence of a history of Schizophren ia may aid in this differentiation. Drug-rela ted violence or impaired ju dgment may co-occur with, or may mimic aspects of, Conduct Disorder or Antisocial Personality Disorder. Absence of behavioral problems before th e onset of substance use, o r during abstinence, may help to clarify this differentiation. Phencyclidine and related substances may produce perceptual disturbances (e.g., scintillating Lights, perception of sounds, illusions, or fo rmed visual images) that the person usually recognizes as resulting from the drug use. If rea lity testing remains intact and the person nei ther believes that the perceptions are real nor acts on them, the specifier Wi th Perceptual Distu rbances is noted for Phencyclidine Intoxication. If reali ty testing is impaired, the diagnosis of Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Diso rder should be considered . Differentiating Phencyclidine Intoxication from other Substance Intoxications (with which it often coexis ts) depend s on a history of ha\'ing taken the substance, the p resence of d laracteristic findin gs (e.g., nystagmus and mild hypertension), and positive urine toxicological tests . individ uals who use phencyclid ine often use other drugs as well, and comorbid Abuse or Dependence on other drugs must be consid ered. Phencyclidine In toxica tion is distinguished from the o ther Phencyclidin eInduced Disorders (e.g., Phencyclidine-Induced f\'[ood Disorder, With Onset During Intoxication) because the symptoms in these latter d isorders are in excess of those usually associa ted with Phencyclidine Intoxication and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention.


Phencyclidine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Phencyclidine-Rela ted Disorder Not Otherwise Specified ca tegory is for disorders associated with the use of phencyclidine that are not classifiable as Phencycli-


Substance-Related Diso rders

dine Dependence, Phencyclidine Abuse, Phencyclidine Intoxication, Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium, Psychotic Disorder, PhencyclidineInduced Mood Disorder, or Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety D isorde r.

Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorders

The sedative, hypnotic, and anxiolytic (antianxiety) substances include the benzodiazepines, benzodiazepine-like drugs su ch as zolpidem and zaleplon, the carhamates (e.g., glutethimide, meprobamate), the barbittuates (e.g ., secobarbital), and the barbiturate-like hypnotics (e.g., glutethimide, methaqualone). This class of substances includes all p rescription sleeping medications and almost all prescription antianxiety medications. The nonbenzodiazepine antianxiety agents (e.g ., bus p irone, gepirone) are not included in this class. Some medications in this class have other important clinical uses (e.g., as anticonvulsants). Li ke alcohoL these agents are brain depressants and can produce similar Substance-Induced and Substance Use Disorders. At high doses, sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics can be lethal, particuJarly when mixed with alcohol. Sedati ves, hypnotics, and anxiolytics are available both by prescription and from illegal sources. OccaSionally, individuals who obtain these substances by prescription will abuse them; conversely, some of those who purchase subs tances from this class "on the street" do not develop Dependence or Abuse. Medications with rapid onset and / or short to intermediate lengths of action may be especially vulnerable to being abused. TIus section contains discussions specific to the Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or AnxiolyticRelated Disorders. Texts and criteria sets ha ve already been provided to define the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192) and Substance Abuse (p . 198) that apply across all subs tances. The applica tion of these general criteria to Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence and Abuse is provided below . However, there are no unique criteria sets for Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anx.iolytic Dependence and Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly tic Abuse. Specific texts and criteria sets for Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication and Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly tic Withdrawal are also provided below. TIle Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-Induced Disorders (other than Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication and Withdrawal) are described in the sections of the manual w ith disorders with w hich they share phenomenology (e.g., Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder is included in the " Anxiety Di so rders" section). Lis ted below are the Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly tic Use Di sorders and the Sedative-, H ypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders.

Sedati ve, Hyp notic, or Anxiolytic Use Di sorde rs

304.10 305.40 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependen ce (see p. 285) Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse (see p. 286)

304. 10

Sedative, Hypnot ic, or Anx iolytic Depende nce


Sedative-, Hypn ot ic-, or Anxio lytic-I nduced Disorders

292.89 292.0 292.81 292.81 292.82 292.83 292.11



292.89 292.89 292.89


Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolyti c Intoxication (see p. 286) Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolyti c Withdra wal (see p. 287) Specify if: With Perceptua l Disturbances Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic In toxication Delirium (see p. 143) Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly lic Withdrawal Delirium (see p. 143) Sed ative-, Hypn otic-, o r Anxiolytic-Ind uced Persisting Demen ti a (>ee p . 168) Sedati ve-, Hypn otic-, or An xioly tic-In duced Persisting Amn es ti c Disord er (see p . 177) Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-lnduced Psych otic Disorder, With Delusion s (see p. 338) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication / "Vith Onset During Withdrawal Sed ative-, Hypno tic-, or Anxiolytic-Indu ced Psych ot ic Disorder, With Hallucinations (see p. 338) Specify if: '''' ith Onset During Intoxication / With Onset During W ithd rawal Sedative-, Hypn otic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder (see p . 405) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxica tion / With O nset During Withd rawal Sedative-, H ypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-In duced Anxiety Disord er (see p. 479) Spl.'cifiJ if: With Onset During Withd raw al Sed ative-, Hyp notic-, o r Anxiolytic-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (see p . 562) Specify if: Wi th Onset During In toxication Sedative-, Hypn otic-, o r Anxioly tic-Indu ced Sleep D isorder (see p. 655) SpecifiJ if: With Onset During In toxica tion / With Onset During Withd rawal Sed ative-, Hypnoti c-, or Anxiolyti c-Rela ted Di sorder Not O then vise Sp eci fi ed (see p. 293)

Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Use Disorders

304.10 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Depend ence
Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Subs tance Dependence (see p. 192) and Alcohol-Related Disorders (see p. 21 2). Very signifi cant levels of physio logical dependence, marked by both tolerance and w ithdrawal, can de\!elop to the sedatives, hypnotics, and anxioly tics. The timing and severity of the w ithdrawal syndrome w ill d iffer depending on th e s pecific s ubstance and its pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics. For example, withdrawa l from shorter-acting s ubstances that are rapidly absorbed and that have no active metabolites (e.g., triazolam) can begin w ithin hours aft er the subs tance is s topped ; withdrawal from su bstances with long-acting metabolites (e.g ., dia zepam) may not begin for 1- 2 d ays or longer. The withd rawal syndrome produced by s ubstances in this class may be characterized by the d evelopment


Substance-Re lated Disorders

of a d elirium that can be life threatenin g. There may be evidence of tolerance and withdrawal in the absence of a d iagnosis of Substance Dependence in an indiv idual who has abruptly discontinued benzod iazepines that were taken for long periods of time at prescribed and therapeu tic d oses. A diagnosis of Subs tance Dependence should be considered only when, in addition to havin g physiologica l d ependence, the individual using the substance shows evidence of a range of p roblems (e.g., an individ ua l wh o has developed d rug-seeking beha vior to the extent that important acti vit ies are given u p or reduced to obtain the su bstance).

Specif iers
The following specifiers may be ap p lied to a diagnosis of Seda tive, Hypnotic, o r Anxiolytic Dependence (see p. 195 fo r more details); With Physiol og ical Depen dence Without Physiolog ica l Dependence Early Full Remission Early Partial Rem ission Sustained Full Rem ission Sus tained Partial Rem ission In a Con trolled Environ ment


Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse

Refer, in add ition, to the text and cri teria for Substance Abuse (see p. 198). Abuse of substances from this class may occur on its own or in conjunction w ith use of o ther substances. For example, ind ivid uals may use intoxica ting d oses of sedatives or benzodiazepines to "come d own " fro m cocaine o r ampheta mines or use high doses of benzodiazepin es in combina tion with methadone to "boost" its effects. Abuse of substances from this class may result in use in hazardous situations, such as getting "high" and then d riving. The individual may miss work o r school o r neglect h ome d uties as a result of intoxication or get into arguments w ith spouse or parents about epi sodes o f substance use. When these problems are accompan ied by evidence of to lerance, w ithdrawal, or compu lSive behavior related to the use o f sedatives, hypnotics, or anxiolytics, a d iagnosis of Sedative, Hypnotic, o r Anxiolytic Dependence should be considered .

Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders 292.89 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication

Refer, in ad d ition, to the text and criteria for Substance Intoxication (see p . 199). The essential feature of Sedative, H}'p notic, or An xio ly tic Intoxication is the p resence of clin ically significant maladaptive beh avioral or psychological changes (e.g., mappre-

292.0 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withd rawal


priatc sexual or agg ressive behavior, mood lability, imptlired judgment, impaired social or occupational fun ctioning) that develop during, or s hortly after, usc of a sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic s ubstance (Criteria A and B). As with other bra in depressants such as alcohol, these behaviors may be accompanied by s lurred s peech, an uns teady gait, n ystagmus, memory o r attentional problems, levels of incoordination that can interfere with d riving abilities and with performing usual activities to the point of causing fa Us or au tomobile accidents, and stupor or coma (Criterion C). Memory impairment is a prominent featu re of Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic intoxication and is mos t often characterized by an anterograde amnesia that resembles "alcoholic blackouts," whidl can be quite d is turbing to the individual. The symptoms mu st not be due to a ge neral medical condition and are not beNer accounted for by another mental disorder (Cri terion D). Intoxication may occ ur in individuals who are receiving these substances by prescription, are borrowing the medication from fri ends or relatives, or are deliberately taking the substance to achieve intoxication.

Diagnostic criteria for 292.89 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication

A. Recent use of a sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic. B. Cli nically significant malada ptive be havioral o r psychological changes (e .g., inappropriate sexual or aggressive behavior, mood lability, impaired judgment, impaired social or occupational functio ning) that developed during, or shortly after, sedative, hypnotic. o r anxiolytic use.


One (or more) of the fo llowing signs, developing during, or shortly after, sedative, hypnotic, o r anxiolytic use: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) sl urred speech incoordination unsteady gait nystagmus impairment in attention or memory stupor or coma

D. The sym ptoms are not d ue to a general medical condition and a re not better accounted fo r by another mental disorder.

292.0 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal

Refer, in addition, to the text and criteria for Subs tance '''' ithdrawal (see p. 201 ). The essential feature of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal is the presence of a characteristic syndrome that develop s after a marked decrease in or cessation of intake after several weeks or more of regular u se (Criteria A and B). This withdrawal syndrome is characterized by two or morc symptoms (similar to Alcohol Withdrawal) that include autonomic hyperactivity (e.g., increases in heart rate, respira tory ra te,


Substance-Related Disorders

blood pressure, or body temperature, along with sweating); a tremor of the hands; insomnia, anxiety, and nausea sometimes accompanied by vomiting; and psychomotor agitation . A grand mal seizure may occur in perhaps as many as 200/ .-30% of individ. uals undergoing untreated withdrawal from these substances. In severe Withdrawal, visuaL tactile, or auditory hallucinations or illusions can occur but are us ually in the context of a delirium. If the person 's reality testing is intact (i .e., he or she knows the substance is causing the hallucinations) and the illusions occur in a clear sensorium, the sp ecifier With Perceptual Disturbances can be noted (see below). The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion C). The symptoms mus t not be due to a general medical cond ition a nd are not better accounted for by another menta) disorder (e.g., Alcohol Withdrawal or Generalized Anxiety Disorder) (Criterion 0 ). Relief of w ithdrawal symptoms with adminis tration of any sedative-hypnotic agent would support a diagnosis of Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal . The withdrawal syndrome is characterized by signs and symptoms that are generally the opposite of the acute effects that are likely to be observed in a firs t-time user of these agents. The time course of the withdrawal syndrome is generally predicted by the half-life of the substance. Medications whose actions typically last about 10 hours or less (e.g., lorazepam, oxazepam, and temazepam) produce withdrawal symptoms w ithin 6-S hours of decreasing blood levels that peak in intensity on the second day and improve markedly by the fourth or fifth day. For substances with longer half-lives (e.g., diazepam), symptoms may not develop for more than a week, peak in intensity during the second week, and decrease markedly during the third or fourth week. There may be additional longer-term symptoms at a much lower level of intensity that persist for several months. As w ith alcohol, these lingering withdrawal symptoms (e.g., anxiety, moodiness, and trouble sleeping) can be mistaken for non-substance-induced Anxiety or Depressive Disorders {e.g ., Generalized Anxiety Disorder}. The longer the substance has been taken and the higher the dosages used, the more likely it is that there will be severe Withdrawal. However, Withdrawal has been reported with as little as 15 mg of diazepam (or its equivalent in other benzodiazepines) w hen taken daily for several months. Dosages of approximately 40 mg of diazepam (or its equivalent) daily are more likely to produce clinically relevant withdrawal symptoms, and even higher doses (e.g ., 100 mg of diazepam) are more likely to be followed by withdrawal seizures o r deliriwn. Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Wi thdrawal Delirium (see p. 143) is characterized by disturbances in consciousness and cognition, with vis ual, tactile, or auditory hallucinations. \oVben present, Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic W ithdrawal Deliriwn should be diagnosed instead of Withdrawal.

The following specifier may be applied to a diagnosis of Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal: With Perceptual Disturbances. This specifier may be noted when hallucinations with intact reality testing o r auditory, visual, or tactile illusions occur in

Other Sedative-. Hypnotic-. o r Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders

the absence of a delirium. Intact reality testing means that the p erson knows that the haUucinations are induced by the substance and d o not represent external reality. When hallucinations occur in the absence of intact reality testing. a diagnosis of Substance-Induced Psychotic Disord er, With Hallucinations, shou ld be considered.

Diagnostic criteria for

292.0 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal

A. Cessation of (or reduction in) sed ative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic use that has been heavy and prolonged.

B. Two (or more) of the followin g. developing within several hours to a few days after Crit erion A:
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

autonom ic hype ractivity (e.g . sweating or pulse rate greater than 100) increased hand tremor insomnia nausea or vomiting transient visual. tactile. or aud itory hallucinations or illusions psychom otor ag itation anxiety grand mal sei zures

C. The symptoms in Criterion 8 cause cl inica lly significant distress or impairment in so

cial. occupational. or other important areas of fun ction ing. D. Th e symptoms are not due to a g en eral medical cond ition and are not better accounted for by another m ental disorder.

Specify if:

With Perceptual Disturbances

Other Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Disorders

The follow ing Sedative-, Hypnotic-, o r Anxioly tic-lnduced Disorders are d escribed in other sections o f the manual with d isorders with which they share phenomenology: Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication D elirium (p. 143), Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal D elirium (p. 143), Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or AnxiolyticInduced Persisting Dementia (p. 168), Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (p. 1n), Sedative-, Hy pnoti c-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder (p. 338), Sedative-, Hy pnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder (p. 405), Sedative-, Hyp notic-, or Anxiolytic-Indu ced Anxiety Disorder (p. 479), Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxio lytic-nduced Sexual Dysfunc tion (p. 562), and Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sleep Disorder (p. 655). These disorders are d iagnosed instead of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication or


Substance- Related Disorders

Sed ative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal only when the symptoms are in excess of those us ually associated with the Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication or Withdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently seve re to warrant ind ependent clinical attention.

Additional Information on Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorders

Assoc iat ed Features and Disorders
Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence and Abuse may often be associa ted with Dependence on, or Abuse of, other substances (e.g., alcohol, cannabis, cocaine, heroin, methadone, amphetamines). Sedatives are oft en used to alleviate the unwanted effects of these other s ubs tances. Acute Intoxication can result in accidental injury through faUs and automob ile accidents. For elderly individuals, even short-term use of these sedating medications at prescribed doses can be associated w ith an increased risk for cognitive problems and falls. Some data indicate that the disinhibiting effects of these agents can, like alcohol, actually contribute to overly aggressive beha vior, with subsequent interpersonal and legal problems. Intense or repeated Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic intoxication may be associated with severe depressions tha t, although temporary, can be intense enough to lead to s uicide attempts and completed suicides. Accidental or deliberate overdoses, similar to those observed for Alcohol Abuse or Dependence or repeated Alcohol In toxica tion, can occur. In con trast to their w ide margin of safety when used alone, benzodiazepines taken in combina tion with alcohol appear to be particularly dangerous, and accidental overdoses have been reported . Accidental overdoses have also been reported in individuals who deliberately misuse barbiturates and other nonbenzodiazepine sedatives (e.g., methaqualone). With rep eated use in search of euphoria, tolerance develops to the sedative effects, and a progressively higher dose is used. However, tolerance to b rain s tem depressant effects develops much more slowly, and as the p erson takes more substance to adlieve euphoria, there may be a sudden onset of resp irator}' d epression and hypotension, which may res ult in death. Antisocial beha vior and Antisocia l Personality Disorder are associated with Sedative, Hyp notic, or Anxiolytic Dependence and Abuse, es pecially when the subs tances are obtained illegally. Associated laboratory findings . Almost all of these substances can be identified through laboratory evaluation s of urine or blood (the latter of which can quantify the amounts of these agents in the bod y). Urine tes ts are likely to remain positive for up to a week or so after the use of long-acting subs tances (e.g., flurazepam). Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Physical examination is likely to reveal evidence of it mild deo"case in most aspects of autonomic nervou s system fWlctioning, including a slower p ulse, a slightly decreased respiratory rate, an d a slight drop in blood pressure (most likely to occur with postural changes). Overdoses o f sedati ves, h ypnotics, and anxiol}'tics may be associ-

Sedative-, Hypnotlc-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorders


ated with a deterioration in vital signs that may signal an impending medica l emergency (e.g., respiratory arrest from barbiturates). There may be consequences of trauma (e.g., internal bleeding or a subdural hematoma) from accidents that occur while intoxicated. Intravenous use of these substances can result in medical complications rela ted to the use of contaminated needles (e.g., hepatitis and human immunodeficiency virus IHrv] infection).

Speci fic Culture, Age, and Gender Features

There are marked variations in p rescription patterns (and availability) of this class of substances in different countries, which may lead to variations in prevalence of Sed ative, Hypnotic-, or AnxiolyticRelated Disorders. Deliberate Intoxication to achieve a "high" is most likely to be observed in teenagers and individuals in their 20s. Withdrawal, Dependence, and Abuse are also seen in individuals in their 40s and older w ho escalate the dose of prescribed medications. Both acute and chronic toxic effects of these substances, especially effects on cognition, memory, and motor coord ination, are likely to increase wilh age as a consequence of phannacodynamic and pharmacokinetic age-related changes. Individuals with dementia are more likely to develop Intoxica tion and impaired physiological functioning at lower doses. Women may be at higher risk for prescription drug ab use of substances of this class.

In the United States, up to 90% of individuals hospitalized for medical care or surgery receive orders for seda tive, hypnotic, or anxiolytic medications during their hospital stay, and more than 15% of American adults use these medications (usually by prescription) during any 1 year. Mosl of these individuals take the medication as directed, w ithout evidence of misuse. Among the medications in thi s class, the benzodiazepines are the most widely used, with perhaps 10% of adults having t'"lken a benzo-diazepine for <'I t least 1 month during the p rior year. In both the Uni ted States and elsewhere, these drugs are usu ally prescribed by a p rimary care provider, and prescribed use of these medications is higher in women and increases with age. A 1996 national survey of drug use indicated that around 6% of individuals acknowledged using either sedatives or " tranquilizers" illicitly, including 0.3% who re porled illicit use of sedatives in the prior year and 0.1 % who reported use of sedatives in the prior month. The age group w ith the highest lifetime p revalence of sedatives (3%) or " tranquilizers" (6%) was 26-- to 34--year-olds, while those aged 18-25 were most likely to have used in the prior year. Because most surveys assessed patterns of use rather than disorders, it is nol known how many of those w ho used substances from this dass had symptoms that met criteria for Dependence or Abuse. A 1992 U.s. national survey reported a lifetime prevalence for Abuse or Dependence of less than 1%, including less than 0.1 % for 12 month prevalence.

The more usual course involves young people in their teens or 20s who rna}' escalate their occasional use of sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics to the point at which they

Substance-Related Disorders
d evelop problems that might qualify fo r a diagnosis of Dependence or Abuse. This pattern may be especially likely among individuals who ha ve other Substance Use Disorders (e.g., rela ted to alcohol, opioids, cocaine, amphetamine). An initial pattern of intenni llent use al parties can lead to daily use and high levels of tolerance. Once this occurs, an increasing level of interpersonal, work, and legal difficulties, as well as increasingly severe episodes of memory impairment and physiological withdrawal, C,1n be expected to ensue. The second and less frequently observed clinical course begins with an individual who originally obtai.ned the medication by prescription from a physician, usua lly for the treatment of anxiety. insomnia, or somatic complaints. Although the great majority o f those w ho are prescribed a medication from this class do not develop problems, a small p roportion d o. In these individua ls, as either tolerance or a need for higher doses of the medication develops, there is a gradual increase in the dose and frequency of self-administration. The person is likely to continue to justify use on the basis of the original symptoms of anxiety or insomnia, but substance-seeking behav ior becomes more p rominen t and the person may seek out multiple ph}'sicians to obtain sufficient supplies o f the medication. Tolerance can reach high levels, and Withdrawal (including seizures and Withdrawal Delirium) may occur. Other individuals at heightened risk migh t include those with Alcohol Dependence who may receive repeated p rescriptions in response to their complain ts of alcohol-related anxiety or . . msomrua.

Differential Diagnosis
For a general discussion of the differential diagnosis of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 207. Sed ative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Disorders may present with symptoms (e.g., anxiety) that resemble primary mental disorders (e.g., Generalized Anxiety Disorder versus Sedative-, H ypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset During Withdrawal). See p. 210 for a discussion o f this differential diagnosis. Seda tive, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication closely resembles Alcohol Intoxication, except for the smell of alcohol on the breath. In older persons, the clinical pichtre of intoxication can resemble a progressive dementia. l.n addition, the slurred speech, incoordina tion, and other associated feature s characteristic of Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tion could be the result of a general medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis) or of a prior head tTauma (e.g., a subdural hematoma). Alcohol Withdrawal produces a synd rome very similar to that of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal. The anxiety, i..nsonmia, and autonomic nervous system h yperactivity that is a consequence of intoxication with other drugs (e.g., stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine), that are consequences of physiological conditions (e.g., hyperthyroidism), or that are related to primary Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Panic Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder) can resemble some aspects of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal. Sedative, Hypno tic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tion and Withdrawal are distinguished from the other Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-Induced Disorders (e.g., Seda~ tive-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Onset Drning Withdrawal) because the symptoms in these latter disorders are in excess of those usually

292.9 Sedative-, Hypnot ic-, or Anxiolyt ic-Related Disorder Not Othe rwise Specified
associated with Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication or Wi thdrawal and are severe enough to warrant independent clinical attention. It should be noted that there are ind ividuals who continue to take benzod iazepine medication according to a physician's direction for a legitimate medical indication over extended periods of time. Even if physiologically d ependent on the medication, many of these individuals do not develop symptoms that meet the criteria for Dependence because they are not preoccupied with obtaining the subs tance and its u se does not interfere with their perfonnance of usual social or occupational roles.

292.9 Sedative, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is for disorders associated with the use of sedatives, h ypnoti cs, o r anxiolytics that are n ot dassifiable as Seda tive, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence; Sedative, H ypnotiC, or Anxiolytic Abuse; Sed ative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly tic Intoxication; Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxioly tic Withdrawal; Sedative, H ypnotic, or Anxioly tic Intoxication Delirium; Sed ative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Delirium; Sed ative-, H ypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Persisting Dementia; Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder; Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Ind uced Psychotic Disorder; Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder; Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Anxiety Disorder; Sedative-, Hypnotic-, o r Anxiolytic-lnduced Sexual Dysfunction; or Sedative-, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sleep Disorder.

Polysubstance-Related Disorder


Polysubstance Dependence

This diagnosis is reserved fo r behavior during the same 12-month period in which the person was repeatedly using at least three groups of substances (not induding caffeine and nicotine), b u t no single s ubstance p redominated . Further, during this period, the Dependence criteria were met for s ubstances as a group but not for any specific substance. For example, a diagnosis o f Polysubstance Dependence would apply to an individual who, during the same 12-month period, missed. work because of his heavy use of alcohol, continued to use cocaine despite experiencing severe depressions after nights of heavy cons umption, and was repeatedly unable to s tay within hi s self-imposed limits regarding his use of codeine. In this ins tance, a lthough the problems associated w ith th e use of anyone s ubstance were not pervasive enough to jus tify a diagnosis of Dependence, his overall use of s ubstances significan tly impaired his functioning and thus warranted a diagnosis of Dependence on the subs tances as a group. Such a pattern might be observed, for example, in a setting where subs tance


Substance-Related Diso rde rs

use was highly prevalent but where the d rugs of choice changed frequently. For those situations in which there is a pa ttern of problems associated with multiple drugs and the criteria arc met for more than one s pecific Subs tance-Related Disorder (e.g., Cocaine Dependence, Alcohol Dependence, and Cannabis Dependence), each diagnosis should be made.

Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorders

The O ther (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disord ers category is for classifying Substance-Related Disorders associated with substances not listed ahove. Examples of these substances, w hich are described in more detail below, incl ude anabolic steroids, nitrile inhalants (" poppers"), nitrous oxid e. over-the-counter and prescription med ications no t otherw ise covered by the 11 categories (e.g., cortisoL antihistamines, benztropine), and o ther substances that have psychoactive effects. In addition, this category may be used when the specific substance is unknown (e.g., an intoxication after taking a bottle of unlabeled pills) . Anaboli c steroids sometimes produce an initial sense of enhanced well-being (or even euphoria), which is replaced after repeated use b y lack of energy, irritability, and other forms of d ysphoria. Continued use of these substances may lead to more severe symptoms (e.g., depressive sym p tomatology) and general med ical condi tions (liver d isease). Ni trite inh alants ("poppers"-forms o f amyl, butyl, and isobuty l nitrite) produce an in toxication that is characterized by a feeling of fullness in the head, mild eup horia, a change in the perception o f time, relaxa tion of sm ooth muscles, and a possible increase in sexual feelings. In addition to possible compulsive use, these substances carry dangers of potential impairment of immune fun ctioning, irritation of the respiratory system, a d ecrease in the oxygen--carry ing capacity of the blood, and a toxic reaction that can include vomiting, severe headache, hypotension, and dizziness. Nitrous oxide ("laughing gas") causes rapid onset of an intoxication that is char.1Cterized by light-headedness and a floating sensation that d ears in a matter of minutes aft er ad ministration is stopped . There are reports of temporary but clinically relevant confusion and reversible paranoid states w hen nitrous oxide is used regu larly. Other substances that are capable of prod ucing mild intoxications include catnip, which can p roduce states similar to those observed w ith marijuana and w hich in high d oses is reported to result in LSD-type perceptions; betel nu t, wh ich is chewed in many cultures to p roduce a mild euphoria and floa ting sensation; and kava (a substance derived from the South Pacifi c pepper plant), which produces seda tion, incoordination, weight loss, mild forms of hepatitis, and lung abnormalities. In addition, ind ividuals can d evelop dependence and impairment through repea ted self-administration of over-the-counter and prescription drugs, includ ing cortisol, antiparkinsonian agents that have anticholinergic properties, and antihi stamines. A discussion of how to cod e med ication-rela ted disorders is found on p. 205. Texts and criteria sets have already been provided to d efine the generic aspects of Substance Dependence (p. 192), Substance Abuse (p. 198), Substance Intoxication

Other (or Unknown) Substance- Re lated Disord ers

(p. 199), and Substance \,\'ithdrawal (p. 201) that are ap plicable across classes of sub stances. The Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Disorders are described in the sections o f the manual with d isorders with which they share phenomenology le.g., Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is in cluded in the "Mood Disorders" section] . Lis ted below are the O ther (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorders and the Other (o r Unknown ) Substance-Ind uced Disorders.

Other (or Unknown) Substance Use Disorders

30<1.90 305.90

Other (or Unkn own) Substance Dependen ce (see p. ] 92) Other (or Unknown) Subs tance Abuse (see p. 198)

Other (or Unknown) Substance- Induced Disorders

292.89 292.0 292.81 292.82 292.83 292.11




292.89 292.89


Other (or Unknown) Substance Intoxicati on (see p . 199) Specify if: With PercepruaJ Disrurbances Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal (see p. 201) SpecifiJ if: 'yVith Perceptual Dis turbances Other (or Un.known ) Substance-Induced Delirium (see p . 143) Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persis ting Dementia (see p . 168) Other (or Unknown) Su bstance-Induced Persisting Amnesti c Di sord er (see p. 177) Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Ps ychoti c Disorder, With Delusions (see p . 338) Specify if: With Onset Du ring Intoxication/ With Onset During Withd rawal Other (o r Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Di sorder, With Hallucinations (see p . 338) Specify if: With O nset During Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawa l Other (or Unknown) Subs tance-Induced Mood Di sord er (see p. 405) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During Withdrawal Other (or Unknown) Substance- Induced A nxiety Diso rd er (see p. 479) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset During ' ''' ithdrawal Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction (see p. 562) Specify if: With Onset During Intoxication Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder (see p. 655) Specify if: With Onset Dtuing Intoxication / \'\lith O nset During Withdrawal Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorder Not Oth envise Specified

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

T he disorders in this section include Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Shared Psychotic Disorder, Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, SubstanceInduced Psychotic Disorder, and Psychotic Disorder a t Otherwise Specified. These disorders have been g rouped together to facilitate the differential diagnosis of d isorders that include psychotic symptoms as a prominent aspect of their presentation. Other disorders that may present with psychotic symptoms as associated fea tures afe included elsewhere in the manual (e.g., Dementia of the Alzheimer' s Type and Substance-Induced Delirium in the "Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders" section; Major Depressive Disorder, With Psychotic Features, in the "Mood Disorders" section). Despite the fact tha t these disorders are grouped together in this chapter, it should be understood that psychotic symptoms are not necessarily considered to be core or fundamental features of these disorders, nor d o the disorders in this section necessaril y have a common etiology. In fact, a number of studies suggest closer etiological associations between Schizophrenia and other disorders that, by definition, do not present with p sychotic symptoms (e.g., Schizotypal Personality Disorder). The term psychotic has historically received a number of different defin itions, none of wh ich has achieved universal acceptance. The narrowes t definition of psychotic is restricted to d elusions or promjnent hallucinations, with the hallucinations occurring in the absence of insight in to their pathological nature. A slightly less res trictive definition would also include prominen t hallucinations that the indiv idual realizes are hallucinatory experiences. Broader s till is a definition that also includes other p ositive symptoms o f Schizophrenia (i.e., disorganjzed speech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior). Unlike these definitions based on symptoms, the definition used in earlier classifica tions (e.g., DSM-U and lCD-9) was probably far too inclusive and focused on the severity of functiona l impairment. In that context, a mental disorder was termed "psychotic" if it resul ted in "impairment that grossly interferes w ith the capacity to meet ordinary demands of life. " The tenn has also previously been defined as a "loss of ego boundaries" or a "gross impainnent in reaJj ty testing." In thi s manual, the term psycllOtic refers to the presence of certain symptoms. However, the specific cons tellation o f symptoms to w hich the term refers varies to some extent across the diagnostic categories. in Schizophrenia, Sch..izophreniform Disorder, Sch izoaffective Disorder, and Brief Psychotic Disorder, the term psycllotic refers to delusions, any prominent hallucinations, d isorganized sp eech, or disorganized or catatonic behavior. in Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and in



Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Subs tance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, psyclwtic re fe rs to d elu sio ns or only those hallucinations that a re not accompanied by insight. Finally, in Delusional Disorde r a nd

Shared Psychotic Disorder, psychotic is equivalent to delusional. The follow ing- disorders are included in this section:
Schizophrenia is a disorder that lasts for at least 6 months and includ es at leas t

1 month of acti ve-phase symptoms (Le., tw o [or more] of the following: delusions,
hatiucinations, disorganized speech, grossly diso rganized or catatonic behavior, nega tive symptoms). Definitio ns for the Schizophrenia 5ubt}' pes (Paranoid, Disorganized, Catatonic, Undiffe rentia ted, and Residual) are also included in this section. Schizophreniform Diso rde r is characterized by a symptoma tic presentation that is equivalent to Schizo phre nia e xcept for its duration (i.e., the d is turbance las ts fr om 110 6 months) and the absence of a requirement tha t there be a decline in fun ctioning. Schizoaffective Disorder is a disorder in w hich a mood episode and the activephase symptoms of Schizophrenia occur together a nd were preceded or a re followed by at leas t 2 wee ks of delu sions or hallucinations withou t prominent m ood symptoms. D elusional Disorder is cha racterized by a t least 1 month of nonbizarre delusio ns w itho ut other active-phase symptom s of Schizo phrenia . Brief Psycho lic Disorder is a disorder that lasts m a rc than 1 day a nd remits by 1 m o nth. Shared Psychotic Disorder is cha racterized by the presence of a delus io n in an individual who is influenced by someone else who has a longer-standing delusion w ith s imila r contcnt. In Psychotic Di sorder D ue to a General Medical Condition, the psychotic sym ptoms a re judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a ge neral medical cond ition . In Su bstance-Induced Psychotic Di sord er, the psychotic symptoms a re judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a drug of abuse, a m ed ication, or toxin exposure. Psychotic Disorder Not Othenvise Specified is incl uded for clas sify ing psychotic p resentations tha t do not meet the criteria for an y of the sp ecific Psycho tic Disorders defined in this sectio n or psychotic symptom a tology abo ut w hich there is inadequate or contradictory informa tion .

The essential feature s of Schizophrenia a re a mixture of cha racteris tic signs a nd symptoms (both positive and negative) tha t have been p resent for a s igni fi cant po rtion of time during a I-month period (or for a s horter time if s uccessfull y treated), w ith some s igns of the disorder persisting for at least 6 m onth:;! (Criteria A and C). These signs and symptoms a re associated with marked social or occu ational d 'sfunctio n (Criterio n B . e dis turbance is not be tter accounted (or b y Schizoaffective Disorder or a Mood Disord er With Psychotic Features and is not due +o..thc d irect J~hysio l og ical efff?:t ts of asubstanceor.a.general medical condi liQll (Crite ria D and E). In individuals with a previous diagnosis of A utis tic Disorde r (or anothe r Pe rvasive Develo pmen tal Disorder), the addi tional diagnOSiS of Schizophrenia is w arranted



and attention. No gi the diagnosis involves the recognition of a of signs and symptoms associated with impaired occupational or social fWlCtioning. Characteristic symptoms (Cri terion A) may be conceptualized as falling into two broad categories: positive and negative. The positive symptoms appear to reflect an excess or distortion of normal fun ctions, whereas the negative symptoms appear to reflect a diminution or loss of norm.a.l functions. The positive~ymE toms (Criteria AlM ) include distortions in thought content (delusions), perception (hallucinations), langu',!-ge and th~ugh t process (disorganized speech" and self-monit6ring-of-hehavor catatonic behavior). These positive symptoms mily commay iinum be rela ted to different underlying "disorganization dimension"


Delusions (Criterion A 1) are erroneous beliefs that usually involve a misinterpretation of perceptions or experiences. Their con tent may include a variety of themes (e.g., persecutory, referential, somatic, religious, or grandiose). Persecutory delusions arc most common; the person believes heor she is being tormented, followed, tricked, spied on, o r ridiculed. Referential delusions are also common; the person believes that certain gestures, comments, passages fTom books, newspapers, song lyrics, or other em'jronmental cues are specifically directed at him or her. The distinction between a delusion and a strongly held idea is sometimes difficult to m ake and d epends in part on the degree of conviction w ith which the belief is held des pite clear contradictory evidence regarding its veradry. , Although bizarre delusions are considered to be especially characteris tic of Schizophrenia, "b izarreness" may be difficult to judge, especially across d ifferent cu ltures. Delu sions are deemed b izarre if they are clearly implau sible and not understandable and do not derive fTom ordinary life experiences. An example of a bizarre delusion is a person 's belief that a st.ranger has removed his or her internal organs and has replaced them with someone else's organs without leaving any wowlds or scars. An example of a nonbizarre delusion is a person's false belief that he or she is under surveillance by U,e police. Delusions that express a loss of control over mind or body are generally considered to be bizarre; these include a person's belief tha t his or her thoughts have been taken away by some outside force ("th ought w ithdrawal "), tha t alien though ts have been pu t into his or her mind ("thought insertion"), or that his or her body o r actions are being acted on or manipulated by some outside force ("d elusions of control"). If the delusions are judged to be bizarre, only this single symptom is needed to sati sfy Criterion A for Schizophrenia. Hallucinations (Criterion A2) may occur in any sensory modality (e.g., auditory,

Sch izo p hre ni a and Other Psychot ic Disord e rs visual, olfac tory, gu statory, and tactile), but auditory hallucinations are by far the most common .. Auditory hallucinations are usually experienced as voices, w hether familiar or unfamiliar, tha t are perceived as distinct from the person's own thoughts~ The hallucinations must occur in the context of a clear sensorium; those that occur while falling asleep (hypnagogic) or waking up (hypnopompic) are considered to be within the range of normal experience. Isolated experiences of hearing one's name called or experiences that lack the quality of an external percep t (e.g., a humming in one's head) should also not be considered as sym p tomatic of Schizophrenia or any other Psychotic Disord er. Hallucinations may be a normal pa rt of religious experience in certain cultu ral contexts. Certain typ es of aud itor}' hallucinations (Le., two or more voices con versing with one another or voices maintaining a running commentary on the person's thoughts o r behavior) have been considered to be particularly characteristic of Schizopluenia. If these types of hallucinations a re present, then only this single symptom is needed to sa tisfy Criterion A. Disorganized thinking (" formal though t disorder") has been argued by some to be the single most important feature of Schizophrenia. Because o f the difficulty inherent in d eveloping an objecti ve d efinit ion of " though t disorder," and because in a clinical setting inferences about thought are based p rimarily on the ind ividual's speech, the concept of d isorganized speech (Criterion A3) has been emphasized in the d efiniti on for Schizophrenia used in this manual. The speech o f ind ividuals with Schizophrenia m ay be d isorganized in a va riety of w ays. The person may "slip o ff the track" from one topic to another ("d erailment" or "loose associations"); answers to questions may be obliquely related or completely unrelated (" tangentiality"); and, rarely, speech may be so severely disorganized that it is nearly incomprehensible and resembles receptive aphasia in its lingu istic d isorganization (" incoherence" or "word salad"). Because mildly disorganized speech is common and nonspeci fic, the symptom must be severe enough to substantia lly impair effective com munication. Less se\'ere disorganized thinking or speech may occur during the prod romal and residual period s of Schizophrenia (see Criterion C). Grossly disorganized behavior (Criterion A4) may manifest itself in a variety of ways, ranging from childlike silliness to unp red ictable agitation. Problems may be noted in any form of goal-directed behavior, leading to diffi cul ties in performing activities o f daily living such as preparing a meal or maintaining hygiene. The person m ay appear markedly disheveled , may d ress in an unusual manner (e.g., wea ring multiple overcoats, scarves, and gloves on a hot day), o r may display clearly inapprop riate sexual behavior (e.g., public masturbation) or unpred ictable and un triggered agitation (e.g., shou ting or swearing). Care should be taken not to apply this criterion too broadly. For example, a few instances of restless, angry, or agitated behavior should not be consid ered to be evidence of Schizophrenia, especia lly if the motivation is understandable. Cata tonic motor behaviors (Criterion A4) include a marked decrease in reactivity to the environment, sometimes reach ing an extreme degree o f complete unawareness (ca tatonic stupor), maintaining a rigid posture and resisting e ffort s to be m oved (cataton ic rigid ity ), active resistance to instructions or attempts to be moved (cata tonic nega tivism), the assumption o f inapp ropriate or bizarre postures (catatonic posturing), or purposeless and unstimulated excessive motor activity (catatonic excitement). Although catatonia has historically been associated with Schizophreni a, the

Schizophren ia


clin ician should keep in mind that ca tatonic symptoms are nonspecific and may occur in other mental disorders (see Mood Disorders With Ca tatonic Features, p. 417), in genera l medical conditions (see Catatonic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, p. 185), and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders (see NeurolepticInduced Parkinson is m, p. 792). The negative symptoms o f Schizophrenia (C riterion AS) account for a substantial degree of the morbidity associated with the disorder. Three negative symptomsaffective fl attening, alogia, and avolition-are included in the definition of Schizophrenia; o ther nega tive symptoms (e.g., anhedonia) are noted in the " Associated Features and Disorders" section below. Affective fl attening is especially common and is characterized by the person's face appearing immobile and unresponsi ve, with poor eye contact and reduced body language. Although a person with affective flattening may smile and warm up occasionally, his or her range of emotional expressiveness is clearly diminished most o f the time. It may be useful to observe the person in teracting with peers to determine whether affective fl attening is sufficien tly persisten t to meet the criterion. Alogia (poverty of speech) is man ifested by brie{. laconic, empty replies. The individual \\'ith alogia appears to ha ve a diminution of thoughts that is refl ected in decreased flu ency and p rod ucti vity of speech. This must be differentiated from an unw illingness to speak, a cHnica l judgment that may require observa tion over time and in a variety of si tuations. Avolition is cha racterized by an inability to initiate and persist in goal-directed activities. The person may sit for long periods of time and show little interest in participating in work o r soda l activities. Althuugh comm on in Schizophrenia, negative symptoms are difficult to evaluate because they occu r on a continuum with normality, arc relatively nonspecific, and may be due to a variety of other factors (including positive symptoms, med ica tion side effects, depreSSion, envirorunental understimulation, or demoraHLl tion). If a negative symptom is judged to be dearly attributable to any of these factors, then it should not be considered in making the diagnosis ofSchizopluenia. For example, the behav ior of an indiv idual who has the delusional beHef that he will be in danger if he leaves h is room or tal ks to anyone may mimic social isola tion, avolition, and alogia. Certain antipsychotic medications o ften p rod uce extrapyramidal side effects, such as bradykinesia, that may mimic affective flatt ening. The distinction between true negative symptoms and medication side effects often depend s on clinica l judgment concerning the type of antipsycllOtic medica tion, the effects of anticho linergic medications, and d osage adjustmen ts. The difficult distinction between nega tive symptoms and depressive symptoms may be informed by the other accompanying symptoms that are present and the fac t that individuals w ith symptoms of depression typically experience an intensely painful a ffect, where.1S those with Sch izophrenia h.we a diminution or emptiness o f affect. Finall y, chronic environmental underslimulation or demora liza tion may resu lt in learned apathy and avolilion. In establishing the presence of nega tive symptoms that are to be used in making the diagnosis of Schizophrenia, perhaps the best test is their persistence for a considerable period of time despite efforts directed at resolving each o f the potential causes d escribed above. It has been suggested that enduring negative symptoms tha t are no t attributilble to the secondary causes described above be referred to as "defi cit" symptoms. Criterion A fo r 5chizophrenia requires that at least h\'O of the five items be present concurrently for much of at least 1 month . However, if delusions are bizarre or haJlu-

Schizoph renia and Other Psychotic Disorders cinations involve "voices commenting" or "voices conversing," then the p resence of only one item is required . The presence of this relatively severe constella tion of signs and sympto ms is referred to as the "active phase." In those situations in which the active-phase symptoms remit within a month in response to treatment, Criterion A can still be considered to h ave been met if the clinician judges that the symptoms would have persisted for a month in the absence of effective treahnent. In children, evaluation of the characteristic symptoms should include due consideration of the presence of other disorders or developmental difficulties. For example, the disorganized s peech in a child with a Communication Disorder should notcoun! toward a diagnosis of Schizoph renia unless the degree of disorganization is significan tly greater than would be expected on the basis of the Communication Disorder alone. Schizophrenia involves d ysfunction in one or more major areas of functioning (e.g., interpersonal relations, work o r education, or self-care) (Criterion B). Typically, functioning is clearly below that which had been achieved before the onset of symptoms. U the disturbance begins in chi ld hood or adolescence, however, there may be a failure to achieve what would have been expected for the individual ra ther than a deterioration in functioning. Comparing the indh'idual w ith unaffected siblings may be helpful in making th is d etermination. Educational progress is frequen tly disrupted, and the individual may be unable to finish school. Many indh' iduals are unable to hold a job for su stained periods of time and are employed at a lower level than their parents ("downward drift"). The majo rity (60%-70%) of individu als with Schizophrenia do not marry, and most have relatively limited social contacts. The d ysfunction persists for a substantial period during the course of the disorder and does not appea r to be a direct result of any single feature. For example, if a woman quits her job beca use of the circumscribed delusion tha t her boss is trying to kill her, this alone is not sufficient evidence for this criterion unless there is a more pervasive pattern of d ifficulties (usually in multiple domains o f functioning). Som e signs of the disturbance must persist for a continu ous period of at least 6 mon ths (Criterion C). Ouring that time p eriod, there must be at least 1 month of symptoms (or less than 1 month if symptoms are successfull}' treated) that meet Criterion A of Schizophrenia (the active phase). Prodromal symptoms are often present prior to the active phase, and residual symptoms m ay follow it. Some prodromal and residual symptoms a re relatively mild or subthreshold forms of the positive symptoms specified in Criterion A. Individuals may express a var iety of unu sual or odd beliefs that are not of delusiona l proportions (e.g., ideas of reference or magical thinking); they may have unusual p erceptual experiences (e.g., sensing the presence of an unseen person or force in the absence of formed hallucinations); their speech may be generally understandable but digressive, vague, or overly abstract or concrete; and their behavio r may be peculiar but not grossly d isorganized (e.g., mumbling to themselves, collecting odd and apparently worthless objects). In addition to these p ositivelike symptoms, nega tive symptoms are particularly common in th e prodroma l and residual phases and can often be quite severe. Indi viduals who had been socially active may become withdrawn; they lose interest in previously pleasurable activities; they may beco me less talkative and inquisitive; and they may spend the bulk of their time in bed. Such negative symptoms are often the fi rst sign to the famil y that something is wrong; family members may ultimately report that they experienced the ind ivid ual as "gradually slipping away."

Sch izophre n ia


Subtype s and Course Specifie rs

The diagnosis of a particular subtype is based on the clin ical picture Ih al occasioned the most recent evaluation or admission to clinical care and may therefore change over tim e. Separale lex t and criteria are p rovided for each o f the following subtypes: 295.30 295.10 295.20 295.90 295.60 Paranoid Type (sec p. 313) Disorganized Type (see p. 314) Catatoni c Type (see p. 315) Undifferentiated Type (see p. 316) Residu al Type (see p. 316)

The following specifiers may be used to indicate the characteristic course of symptoms of Schizophrenia over time. These specifiers can be applied on ly a fter at least 1 year has elapsed since the initial onset of active-phase sympto ms. During this in itial I-year period, no cou rse specifiers can be g iven. Episodic With Intere pisod e Res idu al Symp toms. This specifier applies w hen the course is characterized by episodes in wh ich Cri terion A for Schizophrenia is m et and there are clin ically Significant residual symp toms between the episod es. With Prominent Nega tive Symptoms can be added if prominent negative symptoms are present during these resid ual period s. Episodic With No lnterepisode Resid ual Symptoms. TillS specifier applies when the course is characterized by episodes in w h ich Criterion A fo r Schizoph renia is met and there are no clinically significant residual symptoms between the episodes. Continuous. This specifier applies when characteristic synl p toms of Criterion A are met thro ughou t all (or most) of the course. With Prominent Negative Symptoms can be added if prominent negative sympto ms are also p resent. S ing le Epi sod e In Partial Remiss ion. This specifier applies w hen there has been a sing le episode in which Criterion A for Schizophrenia is met and some clinically Significant residual symptoms remain. With Prominent Nega tive Symp toms can be added if these residual symptoms includ e p rom inent negative symptoms. Singl e Episod e In Full Remission. This specifier ap plies w hen there has been a single episode in wh ich Criterion A for Schizophrenia h,l Sbeen met and no clinically cant residual symptoms remain . Other or Unspeci fi ed Pattern . This specifier is used if another or an unspecified course pattern has been p resent.

Recording Procedures
The diagnostic code for Schizophrenia is selected based on the appropria te subtype: 295.30 for Paranoid Type, 295.10 for Disorganized Ty pe, 295.20 for Catatonic Type, 295.90 for Undifferentiated Typ e, and 295.60 for Residual Type. There are no fi fthdigit codes available for the course specifiers. In recording the name o f the disorder, the course specifiers are noted after the approp riate subtype (e.g., 295.30 Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type, Episodic With ln terepisode Residual Sym p toms, With Prom inent Nega tive Symptoms).


Sch izophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. The individual w ith Schizophrenia may display inappropriate affect (e.g., smiling, la u ghing, or a silly facial ex-

pression in the absence of an appropriate stimulus), which is one of the defining features of the Disorganized Type. Anhedonia is common and is manifested by a loss of interest or p leasure. Dysphoric mood may take the foml of depression, anxiety, or
anger. lllcre may be d is turbances in sleep pa ttern (e.g., s leeping during the day and nighttime activity or res llessness) . The individual may show a lack of interest in eating or may refuse food as a consequence of delusional beliefs. Often there are abnormalities of psych omotor activity (e.g., pacing, rocking, or apathetic immobility). Difficulty in concentration, attention, and memory is frequen tly evident. A majority of individuals with Schizophrenia have p oor insight regard ing the fa ct that they have a psychotic illness. Evidence suggests that poor insight is a manifestation o f the illness itsel f rather than a coping s trategy. It may be compa rable to the lack of awaren ess of neu rological d efi cits seen in s troke, temled (1II0sogllosia. Thi s symptom predis poses the individual to noncompliance w ith treatment and has been found to be predictive of higher relapse rates, increased number of invohmtary hospital ad missions, poorer psychosocial fun ctioning, and a p oorer course of illness. Depersonalization, derealization, and somatic con cerns may occur and sometimes reach delus ional proportions. Anxiety and phobias are common in Schizophrenia . Motor abnormalities (e.g ., grimacing, posturing, odd manneris ms, ritualis tic or stereotyped beha \!ior) are sometimes present. The life exp ectancy of individuals with Schizophrenia is shorter than that of the genera l p opulation for a variety of reasons. Suicide is an important factor, because approximately 10% of individuals with Schizophrenia commit s uicide--and beh\'een 20% and 40% make at least one attempt over the course of the illness. Although the risk remains high over the w hole lifes pan, specific ris k factors for s uicide include male gender, being under 45 years of age, depressive symptoms, feeling s of hop elessn ess, unemployment, and recent hospital discharge. Suicide risk is also elevated during p ostpsychotic periods . Males successfully complete suicide more often than females, but bo th groups are at increased ris k relati ve to the general p opula tion . Many s tud ies ha ve rep orted tha t subgroups of ind ivid ual s diagnosed with Schizophrenia have a higher incidence of assa ultive a nd violent behavior. The major predictors of violent behavior are male gender, younger age, past history of violence, noncompliance w ith antipsychotic merucation, and excessive substance use. However, it should be noted that most individuals with Schizophrenia are not more d angerous to others than those in the general population . Rates of comorbidity with Subs tance-Related Disorders are high . Nicotine Dependence is especially high, w ith es timates ranging from 80% to 90% of individuals w ith Schizophrenia being regular cigarette smokers. FurthemlOre, these individuals tend to sm oke heavily and to ch oose cigarettes with high nicotine content. ComorbidHy with Anxiety Disorders has als o been increasing ly recognized in Schizophrenia. In particular, rates of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Panic Disorder are elevated in individuals w ith Schizophrenia relative to the general population. Schizotypal, Schizoid, or Paranoid Personality Disorder may sometimes preced e the onset of Schizophrenia. Whether these Personality Disorders are simply prodromal to Schizo-


305 \

phrenia or whether they constitute a separa te earlier di sorder is not cl ea r. An increased risk of Schizopluenia has been found in association with prena tal and childhood factors (e.g., prenatal exposure to flu, prenatal exposure to fa mine, obstetric complications, central nervous system infection in early childhood). Associated laboratory findings. No laboratory findin gs have been identified that are diagnostic of Schizophrenia . However, a variety of measures from neuroimaging, neuropsychological, and neurophysiological studies have shown differences beh\'een groups of individuals with Schizophrenia and appropriately matched control subjects. In the structural neuroimaging literature, the most widely studied and most consistently replicated finding continues to be enlargement o f the lateral ventricles. Many studies have also demonstrated d ecreased brain tissue as evidenced by widened cortical sulci and decreased volumes of gray and w hite matter. However, there is ongoing controversy as to whether the apparent d ecrease in brain tissue is a focal as opposed to a more diffuse process. When examined by region, the temporal lobe has most consistently been found to be decreased in volume, while the frontal lobe is implicated less often. '''' ithin the temporal lobe, there is evidence of foca l abnormalities, with medial temporal structures (hippocampus, amygdala, and en torhinal cortex), as well as the superior temporal gyrus and planum temporale, most consistently found to be sma ller in volume. Decreased thalamic volume has also been observed in both individuals with Schizophrenia and their unaffected first-degree relatives, but fewer studies have looked at this. Another finding that has been consistently replicated is that of increased basal ganglia size, but there is increasing evidence that this may be an epiphenomenon of trea tment with t)' pica! neuroleptic medica tion . An increased incidence of large cavum septum peU ucidi has also been demonstra ted i.n individuals with Schizophrenia. This may have important pathophysiological implications, because it is suggestive of an early (i.e., prenata l) midline d evelopmental brain abnorma li ty, at least in a subgroup of individuals with Schizophrenia. In terms of functional brain imaging studies, hypofrontality (i.e., a relative d ecrease in cerebral blood fl ow, metabolism, or some other pro,,-")' for neural activity) con tinues to be the most consistently replicated finding. However, there is increasing recognition that functional abnormalities are unlikely to be limited to an}' one brain region, and m ost of the more recent studies suggest more w idespread abnormalities involving cortical-subcortical circuitry. Neuropsychological deficits are a consistent finding in groups of individuals Witll Schizophrenia. Deficits are evident across a range of cognitive abilities, including memory, psychomotor abilities, attention, and difficulty in changing response set. In ad d ition to the presence o f these deficits among chronically ill individ uals with Schizophrenia, there is increasing evidence that many of these deficits are found among individuaJs during their first psychotic episode and prior to treatment with antipsychotic medication, in individuals with Schizophrenia who are in clinical remission, as well as in unaffected first~degree relatives. Fo r these reasons, some of the neuropsychological deficits are thought to reflect more fundamental features of the illness and, perhaps, to revea l vulnerability fa ctors for Schizophrenia. These deficits are clinically meaningful in that they are related to the d egree of difficulty that some individuals with Schizophrenia have with activities of d aily living as well as the ability to acquire skills in psychosocial rehabilitation. Accordingly, the severi ty of neu-


Schizoph ren ia and Other Psychoti c Disorde rs

ropsychological deficits is a relatively s trong predictor of social and vocational outcome. Several neurophysiological abnormalities have been demonstrated in groups of individuals w ith Schizophrenia. Among the most common are deficits in the perception and processing of sensory stimuli (e.g ., impairment in sensory gating), abnonnal smooth pursuit and saccadic eye movements, slowed reaction time, alterations in brain laterality, a nd abnomlalities in evoked potential electroencephalograms. Abnormal laboratory find ings may also be n oted as a complication either of Schizophrenia or of its treatment. Some individual s with Schizophrenia drink excessive ammmts of fluid ("water intoxication") and d evelop abnormalities in urine specific gravity or electrolyte imbalances. Elevated creatine phosphokinase (CPK) levels may resuit from Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (see p. 795).
As sociat e d ph ysica l e xamination findings and general medical conditions . Individuals wi th Schizophrenia are sometimes physicaIJy awkward and may display nemological "soft signs." such as left / right confusion, poor coordination, or mirroring. Some minor physical anomalies (e.g., highly arched palate, narrow- or wide-set eyes or subtle malformations of the ears) may be more conunon among individuals with Schizophrenia . Perhaps the most common associated physical findings are motor abnomlil lities. Most of these are likely to be related to side effects from treatment with anti psychotic medications. Motor abnormalities that are secondary to neuroleptic treatment include Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia (see p. 803), Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism (see p . 792), Nemoleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia (see p. 800), Neurolep tic-Induced Acute Dystonia (see p. 798), and Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (see p. 795). Spontaneous motor abnormalities resembling those that may be induced by neuroleptics (e.g., sniffing, tongue clucking, grunting) had been described in the preneurolepticera and are also still observed, although they may be difficult to distinguish from nemoleptic effects. Other physical findings may be rela ted to frequently associated disorders. For example, because Nicotine Dependence is so common in Schizophrenia, these individuals are more likely to develop cigaretterelated pathology (e.g ., emphysema and other pulmonary and cardiac problems).

Specific Cult ure, Ag e, a nd Ge nd e r Features

Clinicians assessing the symptoms of Schizophrenia in socioeconomic or cultmal situations that are different from their o wn must take cu ltural d ifferences into account. Ideas that may appear to be delusional in one culture (e.g., sorcery and witchcraft) may be commonly held in another. In some cultures, visual or auditory hallucinations wi th a religious content may be a normal part of religious experience (e.g ., seeing the Virgin Mary or hearing God's voice). In addition, the assessment of disorganized speech may be made difficult by linguistic variation in narrative styles across cultures that affects the logical form of verbal presentation. The assessment of affect requires sensitivity to differences in styles of emotional expression, eye contact, and body language, which vary across cultures. If the assessment is conducted in a language that is different from the individual's primary language, care mus t be taken to ensure that alogia is not related to linguistic barriers. Because the cultura l meaning of self-initiated, goa l-directed activity can be expected to vary across diverse settings, disturbances of voli tion must also be carefully assessed.

Schizoph re n ia There is some evidence that clinicians may have a tendency to overd iagnose Schizophrenia in some ethnic g roups. Studies conducted in the United Kingd om and the United States su ggest that Schizophrenia may be diagnosed more o ft en in individuals who are African American and Asian American than in o ther racia l groups. It is not clea r, however, whether these find ings represent true d iffe rences among radal groups o r w hether they are the result of clinician bias or cu ltural insensitivity. Culhlral diffe rences have been noted in the presentation, course, and outcome o f Schizophrenia. Catatonic behavior has been reported as relatively uncommon among individuals with Schizophrenia in the United States bu t is more common in nonWestern countries. Individuals with Schizophrenia in developing nations tend to have a more acute course and a better ou tcome than do individ uals in industrialized nations. The onset o f Schi zophrenia typicaUy occurs betw een the la te teens and the mid3Os, with onset p rior to adolescence rare (although cases w ith age at onset of 5 or 6 years have been reported ). The essential feature s of the condition are the same in children, but it may be particularly d ifficult to make the diagnos is in this age gTOUp. In children, d elus ions and hallucinations may be less eIabor.lted than those observed in adu lts, and visua l hallucinations may be more common. Disorganized sp eech is observed in a number of disord ers with childhood onset (e.g., Communication Disorders, Pervasive Developmental Disorders), as is d isorganized beh avior (e.g., AttentionDeficit/ Hyperactivi ty Disorder, Stereotypic Movement Disorder). These symptoms should not be attributed to Schizophrenia w ithout d ue con sidera tion of these more common d isord ers of ch ildhood . Sch izophrenia ca n also begin later in life (e.g., after age 45 years). Late-onset ca ses tend to be si.mila.r to earlier-onset Sduzophrenia, although a nu mber of d iffe rences h ave been observed . For example, the p roportion of affected women is g reater, and individuals w ith late onset are mo re likely to ha ve been married than indiv iduals wi th an earlier age at onset, bu t they are nonetheless more sociaUy isolated and impaired w hen contrasted to the general pop ulation. Clinical factors such as the p ostmenopausal state, human leukocyte antigen subtypes, and cereb rovascular d isease are possible risk factors. The clinical presentation is more likely to include persecutory delusions and hallucina tions, and less likely to include disorgan ized and negative symptoms. Often the cou rse is characterized by a predominance of positive symptoms w ith preservation of affect and social fWlCtioning. The course is typically chronic, although individuals may be qu ite responsive to anti psychotic medications in lower d oses. Among those w ith the oldest age a t onset (i.e., over age 60 years), sensory d eficits (e.g., auditory and visual loss) occu r more commonly than in the general ad ult population, althou gh their specific role in pa thogenesis remains unknown. There is also evidence su ggesting that cognitive impainnen t accompan ies the clinical picture. However, the issu e of whether iden tifiable brain pathology d efines la te-onset illness remains unclear. Evid ence from a large body of literature demonstrates that Schizoph renia is expressed differently in men and women. The mod al age at onset for men is between 18 and 25 years, and that for women is between 25 an d the m id-30s. The age-at-onset d istribution is bimodal for women, wi th a second peak occurrin g later in life, bu t unimodal among men. Ap proximately 3%-10% of women have an age at onset afte r 40, whereas late onset is much less common in men. ""omen also h ave better premorbid functioning than men. \"' omen w ith Schizophrenia tend to express more affective

Schizophrenia and Other Psychot ic Disorders

sympto matology, paranoid delusions, and hallucinations, whereas men tend to express more negative symptoms (flat affect, avolition, social withdrawal). Regarding the course of Schizophrenia, women have a better prognosis than men , as d efined by number of rehospitalizations and lengths of hospital stay, overall duration of illness, time to relapse, response to neuroleptics, and social and w ork fun ctioning. However, the gender advantage in these parameters appears to attenuate to some degree w ith age (i.e., short- to medium-term outcome is beller in women , but long-term outcome for women, esp ecially in the postmenopausal p eriod, becomes more like that for men). A slightly higher incidence of Schizophrenia has been observed in men than in women. Further, a number of s tudies have demonstrated gender differences in the genetic trans mission of Schi zophrenia . Rales of Schizophrenia among famil y m embers of women w ith Schizo phrenia are higher than those among family members of men w ith Schizophrenia, while relatives of men have a higher incidence of schizotypal and schizoid personality traits than do those o f w om en.

Preva lence
Schizophrenia has been observed worldwide. Prevalences among adults are often reported to be in the range of 0.5% to 1.5%. Annual incidences are most often in the range of 0.5 to 5.0 per 10,000. Incidence es timates beyond this range have been reported for some p opulation groups-for ins tance, a far higher incid ence for secondgeneration African Caribbeans living in the United Kingdom. Birth cohort s tudies suggest some geographic and histo rical variations in incid ence. For examp le, an elevated risk has been rep orted among urban-born individ uals compared wilh rural-born individuals, as well as a gmdually declining incidence for later-born birth cohorts.

Cou rse
The median age at onset fo r the fi rst psychotic episode of Schizophrenia is in the earl)' to mid-20s for men and in the late 20s fo r women . The onset may be abrupt or insidious, but the majority of individuals dis play some type of prodromal phase manifested by the slow and g radual development of a variety of signs and symptom s (e.g., social w ithdrawal, loss of interes t in school or work, deterioration in hygiene and grooming, unus ual behavior, outburs ts of anger). Family members may find this behavior difficult to interpret and assume that the person is "going through a phase." Eventually, however, the appearance o f some active-phase symptom marks the d isturbance as Schizophrenia. The age at onset may have both pathophysiological and prognostic significance. Individuals w ith an early age at onset are more often male and have a poorer premorbid adjus tment, lower educational achievement, more evidence o f structural brain abnormalities, more prominent nega tive signs and symptoms, more evidence of cognitive impairment as assessed w ith neuropsychological testing, and a w orse outcome. Conversely, individuals with a later onset are more often female, ha ve less evidence of structural b rain abnormalities or cognitive impairment, and dis play a better o utcome. Most studies of course and outcome in Schizophrenia s uggest that the course may be variable, w ith som e individuals disp laying exacerbations and remissions, w hereas

Sch izophrenia others remain chronically ill Beca use of variability in definition and ascertainment, an accurate summary of the long-term o utcome of Schizophrenia is not possible. Complete remission (Le., a return to fu ll premorbid functioning ) is probably not common in Ihis disorder. Of those who remain ill, some appear 10 have a relatively stable course, whereas others show a progressive worsening associated with severe disability. Early in the illness, negative symptoms may be prominent, appearing primarily as prodromal features. Subsequently, positive symptoms appear. Because these positive sympto ms are particularly responsive to treatment, they ty pically diminish, but in many individuals, negative symptoms persist beh\'een episodes of positive symplams. There is some suggestion that negative symptoms may become steadily more prominent in some indiv iduals during the course of the illness. Numerous studies ha\'e ind icated a group of factors that are associated with a better p rognosis. These include good premorbid adjustmen t, acute onset, later age at onset, absence of anosognosia (poor insight), being female, precipitating events, associated mood disturbance, treatment with antipsychotic medkation soon after the onset o f the illness, consistent medication compliance (i.e., early and consistent trea tment predicts better response to later treatment with antipsychotic medication), brief duration of activephase symptoms, good interepisocle functi Oning, minimal residual symptoms, absence of structural brain abnormalities, normal neurologkal function ing, a famil y history of Mood Disorder, and no family hislory o f Schizophrenia.

Familial Pattern
The first-degree biological relatives of individuals with Schizophrenia have a risk for Schizophren ia that is about 10 times g rea ter than that of the general population. Concordance rates fo r Schizophrenia are higher in monozygotic twins than in dizygotic twins. Adoption studies have shown that biological relatives of individuals with Schizophrenia have a substantially increased risk for Schizophrenia, w hereas adoptive relatives have no increased risk. Although much evidence suggests the importance of genetic factors in the etiology of Schizophrenia, the existence of a substantial discordance rate in monozygotic h"ins also indicates the importance o f environmental fa ctors. Some relatives of individuals with Schizophrenia may also have an increased risk for a group o f m ental disorders, termed the scllizopllrellin spectrllm. Although the exact boundaries of the spectnUIl remain unclear, family and adoption studies suggest that it probably includes Schizoaffective Disorder and Schizotypal Personality Disorder. Other psychotic di sorders and Paranoid, Schizoid, and Avoidant Personality Disorders may belong to the schizophrenia spectrum as well, but the evidence is more limited.

Differential Diagnosis
A wid e variety of general m edical conditions can present with psychotic symptoms. Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, a d eliri um, or a dementia is diagnosed w hen there is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory tests that indicates that the delusions or hallucinations are the direct ph ysiological consequence of a general medical condition (e.g., Cushing's syndrome, brain tumor) (see p . 334). Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, Substance-Induced De-


Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

lirium, and Substance-Induced Persis ting Demen tia are distinguish ed from Schizoplu en ia by the fac t thai a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologicaUy related to the d elusions or hallucinations (see p . 338). Many d ifferent types of Su bstance-Related Disorders may produce symptoms similar to those of Schizophrenia (e.g., s ustained amphetamine or cocaine use

may produce delusions or hallucinations; phencyclidine use may produce a mixture of positive and negative symptoms). Based on a variety of features that characterize
the course of Schizophrenia and Substance-Related Disorders, the clinician must determine w hether the psychotic sym p toms have been initiated and maintained by the substan ce use. Ideally, the clinician should attempt to observe the individual during a su stained p eriod (e.g., 4 weeks) of abstinence. However, because such prolonged periods of abstinence are often difficult to achieve, th e clinician may need to consider other evidence, such as whether the psychotic symptoms appear to be exacerba ted by the substance and to diminish when it has been discontinued, the relative severity of psychotic symptoms in relation to the amount and dura tion of substance use, and knowledge of the characteristic symptoms produced by a particular substance (e.g., amphetamines typ ically produce delusion s and stereotypies, but not affective blunting or prominent negative symptoms). Distinguishing Schizophrenia from Mood Disord er With Psych otic Features and Schizoaffec tive Disorder is made difficult by the fact that mood disturbance is common during the prodromal, active, and residual phases of Schizophrenia. If p sychotic symptoms occur exclusively during periods of mood disturbance, the diagnosis is Mood Di sorder \o\' ith Psychotic Fea tures. In Schizoaffective Disorder, there must be a m ood episod e that is concurrent with the active-phase symptoms of Schizophrenia, mood symptoms must be present for a substantial po rtion o f the total duration of the disturbance, and delusions or hallucinations must be present for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms. In contrast, mood symptoms in Schizophrenia either have a d uration that is brief in relation to the total duration of the disturbance, occur only during the prodromal or residual phases, or do not meet full criteria for a mood episode. When mood symptoms that meet full criteria for a mood episode are superimposed on Schizophrenia and are of particular clinical significance, an additional diagnosis of Depressive Disorder N ot Othenvi se Specified or Bipolar Disorder Not Othenvise Specified may be given. Schizophrenia, Catatonic Type, may be difficul t to distinguish from a Mood Disorder With Catatonic Features. By d efini tion, Schizophrenia differs from Sch izophreniform Disorder on the basis of duration. Schizophrenia involves the p resence of symptoms (including prodromal or residual symptoms) for a t least 6 months, whereas the total duration o f symptoms in Schizophren iform Disorder must be at least 1 month but less than 6 months. Schizophrenifonn Disorder also does not require a d ecline in functioning. Brief Psychotic Disorder is defined by the presence of delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, or g rossly disorganized or cata tonic behavior lasting for at least 1 day but for less than 1 month . The differential diagnosis beh\'een Schizophrenia and Delusion al Di sorder Tests on the na ture of the delusions (nonbizarre in Delusional Disorder) and the absence of o ther characteristic symptoms of Schizophrenia (e.g., hallucinations, disorganized speech or behavior, or prominent negative symptoms). Delusional Disorder may bP

Schizoph renia


particularly difficult to differentiate from the Paranoid Type of Schizophrenia, because this subtype does not include p rominent d isorganized speech, disorganized behavior, or fl at or inappropriate affect and is often associated w ith less decline in functioni ng than is characteristic of the o ther subtypes of Sch izophren ia . When poor psyd lOsocial functioning is present in Delusional Disorder, it arises directly from the delusional beliefs themselves. A d iagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified may be made if insufficient information is available to choose between Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders (e.g., Schizoaffective Disorder) or to determine whether the presenting symptoms are substance induced or are the result of a general medical condition. Such lU1certai nty is particularly likely to occur early in the course of the d isorder. Although Schizophrenia and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (e.g., Autistic Disorder) share disturbances in language, affect, and interpersonal rela tedness, Ihey can be distinguished in a number of ways. Pervasive Developmental Disorders are cha r,lcteristicaUy recognized during infancy or early childhood (usually before age 3 years), whereas such early onset is rare in Schizophrenia . Moreover, in Pervasive Developmental Disorders, there is an absence of prominent delusions and hallucinations; more pronounced abnorma lities in affect; and speech thai is absen t or minimal and characterized by stereotypies and abnormalities in prosody. Schizophrenia may occasionally develop in individuals w ith a Pervasive Developmental Disorder; a diagnosis of Schizophrenia is warranted in indi viduals w ith a p reexisting diagnosis of Autistic Disorder or another Pervasive Developmental Disord er only if prominent hallucinations or delusions have been present for at least a mo nth . C hildhood-onset Schizophrenia must be disti nguished from chi ldhood presentations combining disorganized s peec h (from a Communication Disorder) and d isorganized behavior (from AHention-DeficitIHyperactivity Disorder). Sch izophrenia shares features (e.g., paranoid ideation, magical thinking, social avoidance, and vague and digressive speech) w ith and may be preceded by Schizotypa l, Sch izoid, or Paranoid Personality Disorder. An additional diagnosis of Schizophrenia is appropriate w hen the symptoms are severe enough to sa tisfy Criterion A of Schizophrenia. The preexisting Personality Disorder may be noted on Axis n followed by "Premorbid" in parentheses (e.g ., Schizotypal Personality Disord er (Premorbid )J.


Schi zoph renia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia

A. Characteristic symptoms: Two (or more) of the following, each p resent fo r a sig nificant portion o f time during a l -month period (or less jf successfu lly treated):
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

hallucinations disorganized speech (e.g . frequent derailment o r incoherence) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior negative symptoms, i.e., aHective f lattening, alog ia, or avolition

Note: Only one Criterion A symptom is required if de lusions are bizarre or ha llucinations consist of a voice keeping up a run ning commentary on the person's behavior

or thoughts, or two or more voices conversing with each other. B. Social/occupational dysfunction: For a sign ificant portion of t he t ime since the onset of the disturbance, one or more major a reas of functioning such as work, interpersonal relations, or self-care are markedly below the level achieved prior to t he onset (or when the onset is in childhood or adolescence, fa ilure to achieve expected level of interpersona l, academic, or occupational achievement).
C. Duration: Continuous signs o f the disturbance pe rsist for at least 6 months . Th is 6month period must include at least 1 month o f symptoms (or less if successfully treated) that meet Criterion A (i.e., active-phase symptoms) and may include periods of prodroma l or residua l symptoms. During these prodromal or residual periods, the signs of the dist urbance may be manifested by o nly negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A present in an attenuated form (e .g., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences).

D. Schizoaffective and Mood Disorder exclusion: Schizoaffective Disorder and Mood Diso rder With Psychotic Features have been ruled out because either (1) no Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episodes have occu rred concurrently with the active-phase symptoms; or (2) if mood episodes have occurred during active-phase symptoms, their total duratio n has been brief relative to t he duration of the active and residual periods. E. Substance/general medical condition exclusion: The distu rbance is not due to the direct physiologica l effects of a substa nce (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condit ion . F. Relationship to a Pervasive Developmental Disorder: If there is a history of Autistic Disorder or another Pervasive Developmenta l Disorder, the additiona l diagnosis of Schizophrenia is made only if prominent delusions or hallucinations are a lso present for at least a mont h (or less if successfully treated).

Classification of longitudinal course (can be applied only after at least 1 year has elapsed since the initia l onset of active-phase symptoms):
Episodic With Interepisode Residual Symptoms (episodes are defined by the reemergence of prominent psychot ic symptoms); also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms Episodic With No Interepisode Residual Symptoms Continuous (prominent psychotic sympt oms a re p resent throughout the period of obse rvation); also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms


Paranoid Type

Diagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia (continued)

Single Episode In Partial Remission; also specify if: With Prominent Negative Symptoms Single Episode In Full Remission Other or Unspecified Pattern

Schizophrenia Subtypes
The sub types of Schizophrenia are defined by the predominant symptomatology at

the time of evaluation. Although the prognostic and treatment implications of the subtypes are variable, the Paranoid and Disorganized Types tend to be the least and most severe, respectively. The d iagnosis of a particular subtype is based on the clinicill picture that occasioned the most recent evaluation or admission to clinical care and may therefore change over time. Not inhequently, the presentation may include symptoms that are characteristic of more than one subtype. The choice among suir types depends on the fo llowing algorithm: Catatonic Type is assigned whenever prominen t catatonic sym ptoms are present (regardless of the presence of other symplams); Di sorganized Type is assigned w henever disorganized speech and behavior and flat or inappropriate a ffect are prominent (tutl ess Catatonic Type is a lso present); Paranoid Type is assigned w henever there is a preoccupation w ith delusions or frequent hallucinations are prominent (unless the Cata tonic or Disorganized Type is present). Undifferentiated Type is a residual category d escribing presentations that include prominent active-phase symptoms not meeting criteria for the Catatonic, Disorganized, or Paranoid Type; and Residual Type is fo r presentations in which there is continuing evidence of the disturbance, but the criteria for the active-phase symptoms are no longer met. Because of the limited va lue of the schizophrenia subtypes in clinical and research settings (e.g., prediction of course, treatment response, correlates of illness), alternative subtyping schemes are being actively investiga ted. The alternative with the most empirical support to date proposes that three dimensions of psychopathology (psychotic, d isorganized, and negative) may come together in different ways among individ uals with Schizophrenia. This dimensiona l al ternative is d escribed in Appendix B


Paranoid Type

TIle essential feature of the Paranoid Type of Schizophrenia is the presence of prominent delusion s or auditory hallucinations in the context of a relative p reservation of cognitive functioning and affect. Symptoms characteristic of the Disorganized and Catatonic Types (e.g., disorganized speech, fl at or inappropriate affect, ca tatonic or disorganized behavior) are not prominen t. Delusions are typicaUy persecutory or grandiose, or both, but delusions w ith other themes (e.g., jea lousy, religiosity, or somatization) may also occur. The delusions may be multiple, but a re usuallyorganized around a coherent theme. Hallucinations are also typicaUy related to the content of


Schizophren ia a nd Other Psychot ic Diso rd e rs

the delus ional theme. Associated features include ano ie!y, an ger, aloofness, and arx gumentativeness. The individual may have a s uperior and pa tronizing manner and either a s tilted, for mal q ualHy or extreme intens ity in interpersonal interactions. The persecutory themes may predispose the individual to s uicidal behavior, and the combination of persecutory and grandiose delusions with anger may predispose the individua l to violence. Onset tends to be later in life than the other types of Schizophrenia, and the distinguishing characteristics may be more s table over time . These individuals usually show little or no impairment on neuropsychologic.11 or other cognitive tes ting. Some evidence s uggests that the prognos is for the Paranoid Type may be consi derably better than for the other types of Schizoph renia, particu lMly with regard to occu pational functioning and ca pacity for independent living.

Diagnostic criteria for 295.30 Paranoid Type


type of Schizoph renia in which the following crit eria are met:

A. Preoccupation with one or more delusions or freque nt auditory hallucinations.


None of the following is prominent: disorganized speech, disorganized or catatonic behavior, or flat or inappropriate aHect.


Disorganized Type

The essential features of th e Disorganized Type of Schizophrenia are d isorganized speech, disorganized behavior, and fla t or inappropria te aHect. nle disorganized speech m ay be accompanied by silliness and laughter Utat are not closely related to the content of the speech . TIle behavioral disorgan iza tion (i.e., lack of goal orientation) may lead to severe d isruption in the abili ty to perform activities of daily living (e.g., showering, d ressing, or p re meals). C riteria for the Catatonic Typ e of Schizophrenia Me not met, and delusions or hallucinations, if present, are fragmenta ry and not organized into a coherent theme. Associated features include grimacing, malUlerisms, and other oddities o f behavior. Impaired performance may be noted on a variety of neuropsycholOgica l and cogniti ve tests. This s ubtype is also usually associated with poor premorbid personality, carly and insidious onset, and a continuous course w ithou t significant remissions. Hjs lorically, and in other classification systems, this typ e is termed Ilebepilrellic.


Catatonic Type


Diagnostic criteria for 295.10 Disorganized Type

A type of Schizophrenia in which th e following criteria are met: A. All of t he following are prominent: (1 ) disorga nized speech (2) disorganized behavior (3) flat or inappropria te aHect B. The criteria are not met for Catatonic Type.

295 .20

Catatoni c Type

The essential feature of the Catatonic Type of Schizophrenia is a marked psychomotor disturbance that may involve motoric immobility, excessive motor activity, extreme negati vism , mutism, p eculiarities of voluntary movement, echolalia, or echopraxia. Motoric immobility may be manifested by catalepsy (waxy flexibility) or stupor. The excessive motor activity is apparently purposeless and is not influenced b}1 external stimuli. There may be extreme negativism that is manifested by the maintenance of a rigid against attempts to be moved or resistance to all instructions. Pecu liarities of voluntary movement are manifested by the voluntary assumption of inappropriate or bizarre postures or by prominent grimacing. Echola lia is the pathological, parrotlike, and apparently senseless repetition of a word or phrase just spoken by an o ther person. Echopraxia is the repetitive imitation of the movements of another person. Additional featu res include stereotypies, mannerisms, and automatic obedience or mimicry . During severe catatonic stupor or excitement, the person may need careful supervision to avoid self-harm or harming others. There are potential risks from maln utrition, exhaustion, hyperpyrexia, or self-inflicted injury. To diagnose this SUbtype, the individual's p resentation must first meet the full criteria for Schizophrenia and not be better accounted for b y another e tiology: substance induced (e.g., Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism, see p. 792), ,1 general medical condition (see p. 185), or a Manic or ~'I ajor Depressive Episode (see p. 417).

Schizophren ia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 295.20 Catatonic Type

A type of Schizophrenia in which the cl inical picture is dominated by at least two of the following:
(1) motoric immobil ity as evidenced by catalepsy (includ ing waxy f lexibility) or stupor (2) excessive motor activity (that is apparently pu rposeless and not influenced by exter-

nal sti muli) (3) extreme negativism (an apparently motiveless resistance to all instructions o r ma intenance of a rigid posture against attempts to be moved) or mutism (4) peculiarities of vol untary movement as evidenced by posturing (volunta ry assumpt ion of inappropri ate or bizarre postures), stereotyped movements, prominent mannerisms, or prominent gri macing (5) echolalia or echopraxia


Undifferentiated Type

The essential feature of the Undifferentiated Type of Schizophrenia is the presence of sympto ms that meet Criterion A of Schizophrenia but that do not meet criteria for the Paranoid, Disorganized, o r Catatonic Typ e.

Diagnostic criteria for 295.90 Undifferentiated Type

A type of Schizophrenia i n which symptoms that meet Criterion A are pre sent, but the criteria are not met for the Paranoid, Disorganized, or Cat atonic Type.


Residual Type

The Residual Type of Schizophrenia should be used when there has been at least one episode of Schizophrenia, but the curren t clinical picture is without prominent positive psychotic symptoms (e.g., delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech or behavior). There is continuing evidence of the disturbance as indicated by the presence of negative symptoms (e.g., flat a ffect, poverty of speedl, or avolition) or two or more attenuated positive symptoms (e.g . eccentric behav ior, mildl y disorganized speech, or odd beliefs). If delusions or hallucinations are present, they are not prominent and are not accompanied by strong affect. The course of the Resid ual Type may be time limited and represent a transition between a full-bl own episode and complete remission. However, it may also be continuously present for many years, with or without acute exacerbations.


Schizo ph renifo rm Disorde r


Diagnostic criteria for 295.60 Residual Type

A type of Schizophrenia in which the following criteria are met:
A. Absence of promi nent delusions, hall ucinations, disorganized speech, and gross ly

disorganized or catatonic behavior. B. There is continuing evidence of the disturbance, as indicated by the presence of negative symptoms or two or more symptoms listed in Criterion A for Schizophrenia, present in an attenuated form (e.g ., odd beliefs, unusual perceptual experiences).

295.40 Schizophreniform Disorder

Di ag nosti c Features
The essential features of Schizophreniform Disorder are identical to those of Schizophrenia (Criterion A) except for two differences: the total duration of the illness (induding prodromal, active, and residual phases) is at least 1 month but less than 6 months (Criterion 8 ) and impaired social or occupational functioning during some part of the illness is not required (although it may occur). The du ra tion requirement for Schizophreniform Disorder is intermedia te behveen that for Brief Psycho tic Disorder (in which symptoms last for at least 1 day but for less than 1 month) and Schizophrenia (in which the symptoms p ersist for a t least 6 month s). The diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder is made under h\'o conditions. ln the first, the diagnosis is applied without qualification to an episode of illness of between 1 and 6 months' duration from which the individual has already recovered. In the second instance, the diagnosis is applied when a person who, although symptomatic, has been so for less than the 6 months required for a diagnOSiS of Schizophrenia. In this case, the diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder shou ld be qualified as "Provisiona l" because there is no certainty that the individual will actually recover from the dis h.lfbance within the 6-month p eriod . If the disttubance persists beyond 6 months, the diagnosis would be changed to Schizophrenia .

Specif iers
The following specifiers for Schizophreniform Disorder may be used to indicate the presence or absence of features that may be associa ted with a better prognosis: With Good Prognostic Features. This specifier is used if at least h\'o of the following features are present: onset of prominen t p sychotic symptoms within 4 weeks of the firs t noticeable change in usual behavior or functioning, confusion or perplexity at the height of the psychotic episode, good premorbid social and occupational fun ctioning, and absence of blunted o r nat affect. Without Good Prognostic Features. This specifier is used if two o r more of the above features have not been present.


Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Associated Features and Disorders

Also see the discussion in the Associated Features and Disorders section for Schizophrenia, p . 304. Unlike Schi zophrenia, impairment in social or occupational functioning is not required for a diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder. H owever, most individuals do experience dyshmction in various areas of daily functioning (e.g., work or school, interpersonal relationships, and self-care).

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

For additional discussion of culture, age, and gender factors relevant to the diagnosis of Schizophrenifonn Disorder, sec the Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section for Sch izophrenia (p. 306).111creare s uggestions that in developing countries, recovery from Psychotic Disorders may be more rapid, which would result in higher rates o f Schizophreniform Disorder than of Schizophrenia .

Available evidence suggests variations in incidence across sociocultural settings. In the United Sta tes and other developed countries, the incidence is low, possibly fivefold less than that of Schizophrenia . In developing countries, the incidence is substantially higher, especially for the subtyp e "With Good Prognostic Features"; in some of these settings Schizophrenifoml Disorder may be as conunon as Schizophrenia.

There is little available information on the course of Schizoph reniform Disorder. Approximately one-third of individuals with an initial diagnosis of Schizophreniform Disorder (provisional) recover within the 6-month period and receive Schizophreniform Disorder as their final diagnosis. Of the remaining h vo-thirds, the majority will progress to the diagnosis of Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective Disorder.

Familial Pattern
Few family studies have focused on Schizophreniform Disorder. Available evidence suggests that relatives of individuals with Schizophrenifo ml Disorder have an increased risk for Schizophrenia.

Differential Diagnosis
Because the d iagnostic criteria for Schizophrenia and Schizophreniform Disorder differ primarily in temlS of duration of illness, the discussion of the differential diagnosis of Schizophrenia (p. 309) also applies toSchizophreniform Disorder. Schizophreni form Disorder differs from Brief Psychotic Disorder, which has a duration of less than 1 month.


Schizoaffective Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 295.40 Schizophreniform Disorder

A. Criteria A, D, and E of Schizophrenia are met.

B. An episode of t he disorder (including prodromal, active, and residual phases) lasts at least 1 month but less than 6 months. (When the diagnosis must be made without
waiting for recovery, it should be qualified as "Provisional.")

Specify if :
Without Good Prognostic Features With Good Prognostic Features: as evidenced by two (or more) of the following: (1) onset of prominent p'>Ychot ic symptoms within 4 weeks of the first noticeable change in usual behavior or functioning (2) confusion or perplexity at the height of the psychotic episode (3) good pre morbid socia l and occupationa l f unctioning (4) absence of blunted or f lat affect

Diag nostic Feat ures

5chizoaffective Disorder

The essential feature of Schizoaffecti ve Disorder is an uninterrupted. period of illness during which, at some time, there is a Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode concurrent with symptoms tha t meet Criterion A for Schizophrenia (Criterion A). In addition, during the sa me period of illness, there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms (Criterion B). Finally, the mood symptoms are present for a substantial portion of the tota l duration of the illness (Criterion C). The symptoms must not be due to the direct physiological effects of a s ubstance (e.g., cocaine) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyp erthyroidism or temporal lobe epilepsy) (Criterion D). To meet criteria for Schizoilffective Disorder, the essential feannes must occur within a single uninterrupted period of illness. The phrase "period of illness" as used here refers to a time period during which the individua l continues to d isplay active or residual symptoms of psychotic illness. For some individuals, this period of illness may last for years or even decades. A period of illness is considered to have ended when the individual has completely reeov ered for a significant inten'al of time and no longer demonstrates any significant symptoms of the d isorder. The phase of the illness with concurrent mood and p sychotic symptoms is characterized by the full criteria being met for both the active pha se of Schizophrenia (Le., Criterion A) (see p. 298) and for a Major Dep ressive Episode (p. 349), a Manic Episode (p. 357), or a Mixed Episode (p. 362). The duration of the Major Depressive Episode must be at least 2 weeks; the duration of the Manic or Mixed. Epi sode must be at least 1 week. Because the psychotic symptoms must have a total duration of at least 1 month to meet Criterion A for Sch.izophrenia, the minimum duration of a schizoaffective

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders episode is also 1 month. An essential feature of a Major Depressive Episode is the presence of ei ther depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure. Because loss of interest or pleasure is so common in non affective Psychotic Disorders, to meet Criterion A for Schizoaffective Disorder the Major Depressive Episode must include pervasive d epressed mood (i.e., the presence of markedly diminished interest or pleasure is not sufficient). The phase of the illness w ith psychotic symptoms alone is characterized by delusions or hallucinations that last at least 2 weeks. Although some mood symptoms may be present during this phase, they are not prominent. This d e tennination can be difficult and may require longitudinal observation and multiple sources of information. The symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder may occur in a variety of temporal patterns. The following is a typical pattern: An individual may have pronounced auditory hallucinations and persecutory delusions for 2 months before the onset of a prominent Major Depressive Episode. The psychotic symptoms and the full Major Depressive Episode are then present for 3 months. Then, the person recovers completely from the Major Depressive Episode, but the psychotic symptoms persist for another month before they too disappear. During this period of illness, the individual's symptoms concurrently met criteria for a Major Depressive Episode and Criterion A for Schizophrenia, and, during this same period of illness, a uditory hallucinations and delusions were present both before and after the depressive phase. The total period of illness lasted for about 6 months, with psychotic symptoms alone present during the initial 2 months, both depressive and psychotic symptoms present during the next 3 months, and psychotic symptoms alone present during the last month. In this instance, the duration of the depressive episode was not brief relative to the total duration of the psychotic disturbance, and thus the presentation qualifies for a diagnosis of Schizoaffective Disorder. Criterion C for Schizoaffective Disorder specifies that mood symptoms that meet criteria for a mood episode must be present for a substantial portion of the entire period of illness. If the mood symptoms are present for only a relatively brief period of time, the diagnos is is Schizophrenia, not Schizoaffective Disorder. In e valuating this criterion, the clinician should determine the proportion of time during the continuous period of psychotic illness (i.e., both active and residual symptoms) in which there were Significant mood symptoms accompanying the psychotic symptoms. The operationalization of what is meant by "a substantial portion of time" requires clinical judgment. For example, an individual w ith a 4-year history of active and residual symptoms of Schizophrenia develops a superimposed Major Depressive Episode thai lasts for 5 weeks during which the psychotic symptoms persis t. This presentation would not meet the criterion for "a s ubstantial portion of the total duration" because the symptoms that meet criteria for a mood episode occurred for only 5 weeks out of a total of4 years of disturbance. The diagnosis in this example remains Schizophrenia with the additional diagnOSiS of Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified to indicate the superimposed Major Depressive Episode.

Two subtypes of Schizoaffective Dis order may be noted based on the mood component of the disorder:

295 .70

Sch izoaffective Disorde r


Bi polar Typ e. This subtype applies if a Manic Episode or Mixed Episode is part of the presentation. Major Depressive Episodes may also occur. Depressive Type. This subtype applies if only Major Depressive Episod es are part of the presentation .

Assoc iat ed Features and Di so rd ers

There may be poor occupational functionin g, a restricted range of social contact, difficulties with sell-care, and increased risk of suicide associated with Schizoaffective Disorder. Residual and negative symptoms are us ually less severe and less chronic than those seen in Schizophrenia. Anosognosia (Le., poor insight) is also common in Schizoaffective Disorder, but the deficits in insight may be less severe and pervasive than in Schizophrenia. Indi viduals with Schizoaffective Disorder may be at increased risk for later developing episodes of pure Mood Disorder (e.g., Major Depressive or Bipolar Disorder) or of Schizophren ia or Schizophreniform Disorder. 111ere may be associated Alcohol and other Substance-Related Disorders. Limited clinical evidence suggests that Schizoaffective Disorder may be preceded by Schizoid , Schizotypal, Borderline, or Paranoid Personality Disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gen d e r Feat u re s

For additional discussion of culture, age, and gender factors relevant to evaluating psychotic symptoms, see the text for Sch izophrenia (p . 306), and for a discussion of such factors relevant to diagnosing Mood Disord ers, see p. 372 and p. 385. Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type, may be more common in young adults, whereas Schizoaffective Disorder, Depressive Type, may be more common in older adults. The incidence of Schizoaffective Disorder is higher in women than in men- a difference that is mostly accotmted for by an increased incidence among women of the Depressive Type.

Preva lence
Detailed informa tion is lacking, but Schizoaffective Disorder appears to be less common than Schizophrenia.

Cou rse
The ty pical age at onset of Schizoaffective Disorder is early adulthood, aJthough onset can occur anywhere from adolescence to late in life. The prognosis for Schizoaffecti ve Disorder is somewhat better than the prognosis for Schizoph renia, but considerab ly worse than the prognosis for Mood Disorders. Substantial occupationa l and social d ysfunction are coounon . The presence of precipitating events or s tressors is associated with a better prognosis. The outcome for Schizoaffective Disorder, Bipolar Type, may be better than th at for Schizoaffective Disorder, Depressive Type.

Familia l Pattern

Schizophrenia a nd Other Psych ot ic Diso rders

There is substantial evidence that there is an increased risk for Schizophrenia in firstdegree biological relatives of individuals with Schizoaffective Disorder. Most studies also show tha t relatives of individuals w ith Schizoaffective Disorder are at increased

risk for Mood Disorders.

Differential Diagnosis
General medical conditions and substance use can present with a combina tion of p sychotic and mood symptoms. Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, a delirium, or a dementia is diagnosed w hen there is evidence from the history, physical examination, or labora tory tests indica ting that the symptoms are the direct physiologica l consequence of a s pecific general medical condition (see p . 334). Subs tance-Induced Psychoti c Diso rder and Substance-Induced Delirium are distinguished from Schizoaffective Disorder by the fact that a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the symptoms (see p. 338). Distinguishing Schizoaffective Disorder from Schizophrenia and from Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features is often difficult. In Schizoaffective Disorder, there mus t be a mood episode that is concurrent with the active-phase symptoms of Schizophrenia, mood symptoms must be present for a substantial portion of the total duralion of the d is turbance, and delusions or hallucinations m ust be present for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominenl mood symptoms. In contrast, mood symptoms in Schizophrenia either have a duration that is brief relative to the total duration of the dishubance, occur only during the p rodromal or residu al phases, or do not meet full criteria fo r a mood episode. If psychotic symptoms occur exclusively during periods of mood disturbance, the diagnosis is Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features. In Schizoaffective Disorder, symptoms should not be counted toward a mood episode if they are clearly the result of symptoms of Schizophrenia (e.g., difficulty sleeping because o f disturbing auditory hallucinations, weight loss because food is considered poisoned, difficulty concentrating because of psychotic disorganization). Loss of interest o r pleasure is common in nonaffective Psychotic Disorders; therefore, to meet Cri terion A for Schizoaffec tive Disorder, the Major Depressive Episode must include pervasive depressed mood . Because the relative proportion of mood to psychotic symptoms may change over the course of the disturbance, the appropriate diagnosis for an individual episode of illness may change from Schizoaffective Disorder to Schizophrenia (e.g., a diagnosis of Schi zoa ffecti ve Disorder for a severe and prominent Major Depressive Episode lasting 3 months during the first 6 months of a chronic psychotic illness would be changed to Schizophrenia if active psychotic or prominent residual symptoms persist over several years w ithout a reClurence of another mood episode) . The diagnosis may also change for different episodes of illness separated by a period of recovery. For example, an individual may have an episode of psychotic symptoms that meet Criterion A for Schizophrenia during a Major Depressive Episode, recover full y from this episode, a nd then later develop 6 weeks of delusions and hallucinations without prominent mood symptoms. The diagnosis in this instance would not be SchizoaHective


Del usional Disord e r


Disorder because the p eriod of delusions and hallucinations was not continuous with the initial period of disturbance. In stead, the appropriate diagnoses for the first episode would be Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, In Full Remission, and Scltizophreniform Disorder (provisional) for the current episode. Mood disturbances, especially depression, commonly develop during the course of Delusional Disorder. However, such presentations do not meet criteria for Schizoaffective Disorder because the p sychotic symptoms in Delusional Disorder are restricted to nonbizarre delusions and therefore do not meet Criterion A for SchizoaUective Disorder. If there is ins ufficient information concerning the relations hip between psychotiC and mood symptoms, Psychotic D isorder Not Othe rwise Specified may be the mos t appropriate diagnosis.

Diagnostic criteria for 295.70 Schizoaffective Dis order

A. An uninterrupted period of illness during which, at some time, there is either a Major Depressive Episode, a Manic Episode, or a Mixed Episode concurrent with symptoms that meet Criterion A for Schizophren ia. Note : The Major Depressive Episode must include Criterion A1: depressed mood. B. Duri ng t he same period of illness, there have been delusions or hallucinations for at least 2 weeks in the absence of prominent mood symptoms.
C. Symptoms that meet criteria for a mood episode are present for a substantial portion

of the total duration of the active and residual periods of the illness.
O. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g .. a

drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Specify type:

BipolarType: if the disturbance includes a Manic or a Mixed Episode (or a Manic or a Mixed Episode and Major Depressive Episodes) Depressive Type: if the disturbance only includes Major Depressive Episodes

297. 1
Diagnosti c Features

Del usional Di sorder

The essential feature of Delusional Disorder is the presence of one or more non bizarre delusions tha t persist for at least 1 month (Criterion A). A diagnosis of Delusional Disorder is not given if the individual has ever had a symptom presentation that met Criterion A for Schizophrenia (Criterion B). Auditory or v isual hallucinations, if present, are not prominent. Tactile or olfactory hallucinations may be present (and prominent) if they are related to the delusional theme (e.g., the sensation of being infested with insects associated with delusions of infestation, or the perception that one emits a foul odor from a bod y orifice associated with d elusions of reference). Apart


Sch izophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

from the direct impact of the delusions, psychosocial functioning is not markedly impaired, and behavior is neither obviously odd nor bizarre (Criterion C). If mood episodes occur concurrently with the delusions, the total duration of these mood episodes is relatively brief compared to the total duration of the delusional p eriods (Criterion D). The delusions are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., cocaine) or a general medical condition (e.g ., Alzheimer's disease, systemic lupus erythema tosus) (Criterion E). Although the determination of whether delusions are bizarre is considered to be especially important in distinguishing behveen Delusional Disorder and Schizophrenia, "bizarreness" m ay be difficult to judge, especially across different cultures. Delusions are deemed b izarre if they are clearly implausible, not understandable, and not derived from ordinary life experiences (e.g., an individual's belief tha t a stranger has removed his or her internal organs and replaced them with someone else's organs w ithout leaving any wounds or scars). In contrast, nonbizarre delus ions involve situations that can conceivably occur in real life (e.g., being followed, poisoned, infected, loved at a distance, or deceived by one's spouse or lover). Psychosocial functioning is variable. Some individuaJs may appear to be relatively unimpaired in their interpersonal and occupational roles. In others, the impairment may be substantial and include low or absent occupational functioning and social isolation. ''''hen poor psychosocial fun ctioning is present in Delusional Disorder, it arises directly from the delusional beliefs themselves. For example, an individual who is convinced that he w ill be murdered by "Mafia hit men " may quit his job and refuse to leave his house except late at night and only when dressed in clothes quite different from his normal attire. All of this behavior is an understandable attemp t to prevent being identified and killed by his p resumed assassins. In contrast, poor functionin g in Schizophrenia may be due to both positive and negative symptoms (particularly avolition). Simi larly, a common characteristic of individuals w ith Delusional Disorder is the apparent normality of their behavior and appear.lnce when their delusional ideas are not being discussed or acted on. In general, social and marital functioning are more likely to be impaired than intellectual and occupational fun ctioning.

The type of Delusional Disorder may be specified based on the predom inant delusional theme: Erolomanic Type. This subtype applies when the centra l theme of the delusion is that another person is in love with the individual. The delusion often concerns idealized romantic love and spiritual union rather than sexual attraction. The person about w h om this conviction is held is usually of higher status (e.g., a famous person or a superior at work), but can be a complete stranger. Efforts to contact the object of the delusion (through telephone calls, letters, gifts, visits, and even surveillance and stalking) are common, aJthough OCC.1 sionally the person keeps the delu sion secret. Most individuals with this subtype in clinical samples are female; most individuaJs with this subtype in forens ic samples are male. Some individuals with this subtype, particularly males, come into conrrict with the law in their efforts to pursue the object of


Delusional Disorder their delusion or in a misguided effort to " rescue" him or her from some imagined danger. Grandiose Type. This sUbtype applies when the centra l theme of the delusion is the conviction of having some great (but unrecognized ) talent or insight or having made some important discovery. Less commonly, the individual may have the d elusion of having a special relationship with a prominent person (e.g., an adviser to the president) or being a prominent person (in w hich case the actual person may be regarded as an impostor). Grandiose delusions may have a relig ious content (e.g., the person believes that he or she has a special message from a deity). Jealous Type. lhis subtype applies when the central theme of the person's delusion is that his or her spouse o r lover is unfaithful. lhis belief is arrived at without due cause and is based on incorrect inferences supported by small bits of "evidence" (e.g., disarrayed clothing or spots on the sheets), which are collected and used to justify the delusion. The individual with the delusion usually confron ts the spouse or lover and attempts to intervene in the imagined infidelit}r (e.g., restricting the spouse's autonom y, secretly following the spouse, investigating the imagined lover, attacking the spouse). Persecutory Type. This subtype applies when the central theme of the delusion involves the person's belief that he or she is being conspired against, cheated, spied on, followed , poisoned or d rugged, maliciously maligned, harassed, or obstructed in the pursuit of long-term goals. Small slights may be exaggera ted and become the focus of a d elusional system. The focus of the delusion is often on some injustice that must be remedied by legal action ("querulous paranoia"), and the affected person may engage in repeated attempts to obtain satisfacti on by appeal to the courts and other government agencies. individuals with persecutory delusions are often resentful and angry and may resort to v iolence against those they believe are hurting them. Somatic Type. This subtype applies when the central theme of the delusion involves bodily functions or sensations. Somatic d elusions can occur in several forms. Most common are the person's conviction that he or she emits a foul odor from the skin, mouth, rectum, or vagina; that there is an infestation of insects on or in the skin; that there is an internal parasite; that certain parts of the body are definitely (contra ry to all evidence) m isshapen or ugly; or that parts o f the body (e.g., the large intestine) are not functiOning. Mixed Type. This subtype applies when no one delusional theme predominates. Unspecified Type. This subtype applies when the dominant delusional belief calUlot be clearly detennined or is not d escribed in the specific types (e.g., referential delusions without a prominent persecutory or grandiose com ponent).

Associated Features a nd Disorders

Social, mari tal, o r work problems can result from the delusional beliefs of Delusional Disorder. Ideas of reference (e.g., that random events are of special significance) are common in individuals with this disorder. Their interpretation of these events is usu-

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders ally consistent w ith the content of their delusional beliefs. Many individuals w ith Delusional Disorder develop irritable or d ysphoric mood, which can usually be understood as a reaction to their delusional beliefs. Especially with the Persecutory and Jealous Types, marked anger and violent behavior can occur. The individual may engage in litigious behavior, sometimes leading to hund reds of letters of protest to government and judidal officials and many court appearances. Legal difficulties can occur in Delusional Disorder, Jealous Type and Erotomanic Type. lndividuals with Delusional Disorder, Somatic Type, may be subject to unnecessary medica l tes ts and procedures. Hearing d efi Ciency, severe psychosocial slTessors (e.g., imm igration), and low socioeconomic s tatus may predispose an individual to the d evelopment of certain typ es of Delusional Disorder (e.g., Parano id Type). Major Depressive Epi+ sodes probab ly occur in indiv iduals with Delusional Disorder more frequently than in the gen eral p opulation . Delusional Disorder may be associated with ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, and Paranoid, Schizoid , or Avoid+ ant Personality Disorders.

Specific Culture and Gender Features

An individual's cultural and relig ious background mus t be taken into account in evaluatin g the possible p resence of Delusional Disord er. Some cultures ha ve w idely held and culturally sanctioned beliefs that might be considered d elusional in other cultures. llle content of delusions also varies in different cultures and subcultures. Delusional Disorder, Jealous Typ e, is p robably more common in men than in women, but there appears to be no major gender difference in the overall frequ ency of Delu+ sional Disorder.

Delusional Disorder is relatively u ncommon in clinical settings, with most s tudies s uggesting tha t the disorder accounts for 1%- 2% of admissions to inpa tient mental health faciliti es. Precise information about the population prevalence of this disorder is lacking, but the best estimate is around 0.03%. Because of its usually late age a t onset, the Wetime morbidity risk may be between 0.05% and 0.1% .

The age at onset of Delusional Disorder is variable, ranging from adolescence to latc in life. The Persecutory Type is the most common s ubtype. The course is quite variable. Especia lly in the Persecuto ry Type, the disorder may be chronic, although a waxing and wa ning of the preoccupation w ith the delusional beliefs oft en occms. In other cases, fu ll periods of remission may be followed by s ubsequ ent relapses. In yet other cases, the disorder remits w ithin a few months, often without subsequent relapse. Some evid ence sugges ts that the Jealou s Typ e may have a beller prognosis than the Persecutory Type. When the Persecutory Type is associated with a precipitating event o r s tressor, it may have a better prognosis.

297 .1

Delusional Disorder

Familial Pattern
Some studi es have found that Delusional Disorder is more common among relatives of individua ls with Schizophrenia than would be expected by chance, whereas other studies have found n o familial relationship beh\'een Delusional Disorder and Schizophrenia. There is limited evidence that Avoidant and Paranoid Personality Disorders may be especially common among fir st-degree biological relatives of individuals with Delusional Disorder.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

The diagnosis of Delusional Disorder is made only when the delusion is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition. A d elirium, a demen tia, and Psych otic Disorder Due to a Gen eral Medical Cond iti on may present with symp toms that suggest Delu sional Disorder. For example, simple persecutory delusions (e.g., "someone comes into my room at n ight and steals my clothes") in the early phase of Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type would be diagnosed as Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Delu sions. A Subs tance-Induced Psychotic Disorder,es pecially due to stimulants such as amphetamines or cocaine, crosssectiona lly may be identical in symptomatology to Delusional Disorder, but can usually be distinguished by the chronolOgical relationship of substance use to the onset and remission of the delusional beliefs. Delusional Disorder can be distinguished from Sch izoph re nia and Schizop hren iform Disorder by the absence of the other characteristic symptoms of the active phase of Schizophrenia (e.g., prominent auditory or visual hallucinations, bizarre delusions, disorganized s peech, grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms). Compared with Schizophrenia, Delu sional Disorder usually produces less impairmen t in occupational and social functi oning. It can be difficult to differentiate Mood Disorders With Psych otic Fea tures from Delusional Disorder, because the psychotic features associated w ith Mood Disorders usually involve nonbizarre delusions w ithout prominent hallucinations, and Delusional Disorder frequentl y has associated mood symptoms. The distinction depends on the temporal relationship between the mood disturbance and the delus ions and on the severity of the mood symptoms. If del usions occur exclusively during mood episodes, the diagnOSis is Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features . Although depressive symptoms are common in Delusional Disorder, they arc usually mild , remit while the del usional symptoms persist, and do not warrant a separate Mood Disorder magna-sis. Occasionally, mood symptoms that meet full criteria for a mood episode are superimposed on the delusional disturbance. Delusional Disord er can be diagnosed only if the total duration of all mood episodes remains brief relative to the total duration of the delusional disturbance. If symptoms that meet criteria for a mood episode are present for a substantial portion of the delu sional disturbance (Le., the delusional equivalent of Schizoaffective Disorder), then a diagnosis of Psych otic Disord er Not Oth erwise Specified accompanied by either Depressive Disorder No t O therw ise Specified or Bipo lar Disorder No t Oth erwise Specified is appropriate. Individuals with Shared Psych otic Disorde r can present w ith symptoms that are similar to those seen in Delusional Disorder, but the disturbance ha s a characteristic

Schizophren ia and Ot her Psycho t ic Diso rde rs etiology and cou rse. In Shared Psychotic Disord er, the delusions arise in the context of a close relationsh ip w ith ano ther person , are identical in form to the delusions of that other person, and d iminish or disap pear when the individual with Shared Psychotic Disorder is separa ted from the individual w ith the primary Psychotic Disorder. Brief Psychotic Diso rder is differentiated from Delusional Disorder by the fact tha t the d elusional sym p toms las t less than 1 month. A d iagnosis o f Psychotic Di sorder Not O then 'lise Sp eci fi ed may be made if insufficient info rmation is available to choose between Delusional Disorder and other Psychotic Disorders or to d etermine whether the presenting symptoms are subs tance induced or the result of a general medical condi tion . It may be difficu lt to d ifferentia te Hypochondriasis (esp ecially With Poor Insight) from Delusiona l Disorder. In Hypochondriasis, th e fea rs o f having a serious d isease or the concern that one has such a serious disease are held w ith less than delu sional intensity (Le., the individual can entertain the pOSSibility tha t the fea red disease is not p resent). Bod y Dysmorphic Disord er in volves a p reoccupation with some imagined defect in appearance. Many individuals w ith this disorder hold thei r beliefs w ith less than d elu sional intensity and recognize that their view of their appearance is d istorted. However, a significant prop ortion of individuals whose symp toms meet criteria for Body Dysmorphic Disorder hold their beliefs w ith delusional intensity. When criteri a for both d isorders are met, both Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Delusional Disord er, Soma tic Ty pe, may be d iagnosed. The boundary between ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (especially W ith Poor In sigh t) and Delusional Disorder can sometimes be difficult to establish . The ab ility of ind ivid uals with ObsessiveComp ul sive Disorder to recognize that the obsessions or comp ulsions are excessive or unreasonable occurs on a con tinuum. In some ind ivid uals, reali ty tes ting may be los t, and the obsession may reach d elu sional proportions (e.g., the belief that one has caused the death of another person by having willed it). lf the obsessions develop into sus tained delusiona l beliefs that represent a major part of the cl inical picture, an additional diagnosis of Delusional Disord er may be appropriate. In con trast to Delusional Disorder, there are no clear-cut or persis ting d elusional beliefs in Paranoid Person ality Disorder. Whenever a person with a Delusional Disorder h as a preexisting Personality Disorder, the Personality Disorder should be listed on Axis II, followed by "Premorbid " in parentheses.


Brief Psychotic Disord er

Diagnostic criteria for 297.1 Delusional Disorder

A. Nonbizarre delusions (Le., involving situations that occur in real life, such as being followed, poisoned, infected, loved at a distance, or deceived by spouse or lover, or having a disease) of at least 1 month's duration. B. Criterion A for Schizophrenia has never been met. Note: Tactile and olfactory hallucinations may be present in Delusional Disorder if they are related to the delusiona l theme .
C. Apart from the impact of the delusion(s) or its ramifications, functioning is not mark-

edly impaired and behavior is not obviously odd or bizarre. D. If mood episodes have occurred concurrently with delusions, their total duration has been brief relative to the duration of the delusional periods. E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.
Specify type (the following types are assigned based on the predominant delusional

theme): Erotomanic Type: delusions that another person, usually of higher status, is in love with the ind ividual Grand iose Type: delusions of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or special relat ionship to a deity or fa mous person Je alous Type: delusions that the individual's sexua l partner is unfait hful Pe rsecutory Type: delusions that the person (or someone to whom the person is close) is being malevolently treated in some way Somatic Type : delusions that the person has some physical defect or general medical condition Mixed Type: delusions characteristic of more than one of the above types but no one theme predominates Uns pe cified Type

2 98.8
Diag nostic Feat ures

Brief Psy chotic Disorder

The essential feature of Brief Psychotic Disorder is a dis turbance that involves the sudden onset of at least one of the following positive psychotic symptoms: delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech (e.g., frequent derailment or incoherence), or grossly disorganized o r catatonic behavior (Criterion A). An episode of the dishlrbance lasts at leas t 1 day but less than 1 month, and the individual eventua lly has a full return to the premorbid level of fun ctioning (Criterion B). The dis turbance is not better accounted for by a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Feahues, by Sc.hizoaffective Disorder, or by Schizophrenia and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a hallucinogen) or a general medical condition (e.g., subdural hematoma) (Criterion C).

Specif ie rs

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

The fo llowing specifiers for Brief Psychotic Di sorder rna }' be noted based on the presence or absence of precipitating stressors:
With Marked Stressor(s). This s pecifier may be noted if the psychotic symptoms develop shortly after and apparently in res ponse to one or more events that, singly o r together, would be markedly stressful to almost anyone in sim-

ilar circumstances in that person's culture. This type of Brief Psychotic Disorder was called "brief reacti ve psychosis" in DSM-l1I-R. The precipitating event(s) may be any major s tress, such as the loss o f a loved one or the psychological trauma of combat. Delemlining whether a specific stressor was a precipitant or a consequence of the illness may sometimes be clinically difficult. In s uch instances, the decision will depend on rela ted fa ctors such as the temporal relationship between the stressor and the onset of the symptom s, ancil lary information from a spouse o r friend about level of flmctioning prior to the s tressor, and history of similar res ponses to s tressful events in the pas t. Witho ut Marked Stressor(s). This specifier may be noted if the p sychotic symptoms are not apparently in response to events that would be markedl}' stressful to almost anyone in similar circumstances in the person's culture. With Post partum Onset. This specifier may be noted if the onset of the psychotic symptoms is within 4 weeks pos tpartum .

Associated Featu res and Disorders

Individua ls with Brief Psychotic Disorder typ ica lly experience emotional turmoil or overwhelming confusion. They may have rapid shilts from one intense affect to another. Although brief, the level of impairment may be severe, and s uperv ision may be required to ensure that nutritiona l and hygienic needs are met and that the indio vidual is protected from the con sequences of poor judgment, cognitive impairment, or acting on the basis of delusions. There appears to be an increased risk of mortality (with a particu larly high ris k for suicide), especially among yowlger individuals. Preexisting Personality Disorders (e.g., Paranoid, His trionic. Narcissis tic, Schizotypal, or Borderline Personality Disorder) may predispose the individual to the development of the disorder.

Specific Cul t ure Featu res

It is important to dis tinguis h symptoms of Brief Psychotic Disorder from culturally sanctioned response patterns. For example, in some religious ceremonies, an individ ual may report hearing voices, but these do not generally persist and are not per ceived as abnormal by mos t members of the person's community.

Preva lence
Cases of Brief Psychotic Disorder are rarely seen in clinical settings in the United States and other developed countries. The incidence and prevalence of cases that do not come to clinica l attention are wlknown . However, psychotic disturbances that


Brief Psychotic Disorde r


met the A and C criteria for Brief Psychotic Disorder but not the B cri terion (i.e., the duration of active sym p toms is 1-6 mo nths as opposed to remitting with in a month) are more common in developing countries than in d eveloped countries.

Brief Psychotic Disorder may appear in adolescence or early adulthood, w ith the average age at onset being in the la te 20s or early 30s. By definition, a d iagnosis of Brief Psychotic Disorder requires a full remission of all symptoms and a return to the premorbid level of functioning within 1 month of the onset of the disturbance. In some individuals, the duration of psychotic symptoms may be quile brief (e.g., a few d ays).

Fam ili a l Pattern

Some evidence suggests thai Brief Psycho tic Disorder may be related to Mood Disorders, whereas other evidence suggests that it may be d istinct from both Schizophrenia and Mood Disorders.

Different ial Diag nosis

A wide variety of general medical conditions can presen t w ith pSydlOtk symptoms of short duration. Psychotic Disorde r D ue to a Genera l Med ical Cond ition o r a delirium is d iagnosed when there is evidence from the h istory, ph ysical examination, or la boratory tests tha t indicates that the delusions or hallucinations are the direct physiological consequence of a specific gen eral medica l condition (e.g., Cushing's syndrome, brain tumor) (see p. 334). Su bstance-In duced Psycho ti c Disorder, Sub stance-In duced Deliri um, and Substan ce Intoxica tion are distinguished from Brief Psychotic Disorder by the fa ct that a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a med ication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged 10 be etiOlogically related to the psychotic symptoms (see p. 338). Laboratory tests, such as a urine d rug screen or a blood alcohol level, may be helpful in making this determination, as may a ca refuJ history of substance use with attention to temporal relationsh ips beh\'ccn substance intake and onset of the symptoms and the na tu re of the substance being used. The diagnosis of Brief Psychotic Disord er carumt be made if the psychotic symptoms are better accounted for by a m ood episode (i .e., the psychotic symptoms occur exclusively during a fu ll Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode). If the psychotic sym ptoms persist for 1 month or longer, the d iagnosis is either Schizophren ifo rm Disorder, Delusion al Disorder, Mood Disorde r With Psych otic Fea tures, or Psych otic D isord er Not Olhen vise Specified, depending on the other symptoms in the presentation. The differential diagnosis between Brief Psychotic Disorder and Schizophreniform Disorder is difficult when the psychotic symptoms have remitted before I month in response to success fu l treatment w ith medication. Because recurrent episodes of Brief Psycho tic Disorder are rare, careful attention should be g iven to the possibility that a recurrent disorder (e.g., Bipolar Disorder, recurrent acute exacerbations of Schizophrenia) may be responsible for any recurring psychotic episodes. An episod e of Factitious Disord er, With Pred om inantly Psych ological Sig ns and Sym p toms, may have the appearance of Brief Psychotic Disorder, but in such cases


Schizoph renia and Other Psychot ic Disorde rs

there is evidence that the symptoms are intentionally produced . When Malingering involves apparently psychotic symptoms, there is usually evidence that the illness
was feigned for an understandable goal. T certain individuals with Personality Disorders, psychosocial s tressors may pren cipitate brief periods of p sychotic symptoms. These are usually transient and do not warrant a separate diagnosis. If psychotic symptoms persist for at least 1 day, an ad-

ditional diagnosis of Brief Psychotic Disorder may be appropriate.

Diagnostic criteria for 29B.B Brief Psychotic Disorder

A. Presence o f one (or more) of the fo llowin g symptoms:
(1) delusions (2) hallucinations (3) d isorga nized speech (e.g . f requent derailment or incoherence)

(4) grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior Note: Do not include a symptom if it is a cu lturally sanctioned response pattern.

B. Duration of an episode of the dist urbance is at least 1 day but less than 1 month, with

eventual full return to premorbid level of funct ioning.

C. The disturbance is not better account ed fo r by a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, Schizoaffective Disorder, or Schizophren ia and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medicat ion) or a general medical condition.
Specify if:

With Marked Stressor(s) (brief reactive psychosis): if symptoms occur shortly after a nd apparently in response t o events that, singly or togethe r, would be markedly stressful to almort anyone in similar circumstances in the person's culture Without Marked Stressor(s): if psychotic symptoms do not occur shortly after, or are not apparently in response to events that, singly or together, would be markedly stressful to almost a nyone in similar circumstances in the person's culture With Postpartum Onset: if onset within 4 weeks postpa rtum


Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie

a Deux)

Diagnosti c Features
The essential feature of Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie a Deux) is a delusion that develops in an individual who is involved in a close relationship with another person (sometimes termed the "inducer" or " the primary case") who already has a Psychotic Disorder with prominen t delusions (Criterion A). The indh'idual comes to share the d elusional beliefs of the primary case in whole or in part (Criterion B). The delusion is not better accounted for by another Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizoph renia) or a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features and is no t due to the d irect physiological

297 .3 Shared Psychotic Disorder (Folie

a De ux)

effects of a substance (e.g., amphetamine) or a general medical cond ition (e.g., brain tumor) (Criterion C). Schizophrenia is p robably the most common d iagnosis of the primary case, although other diagnoses may include Delusional Disorder or Mood Disorder With Psychotic Feahtres. The conten t of the shared delusional beliefs may be dependent on the d iagnosis of the primary case and can include relatively bizarre delusions (e.g., that radiation is being transmitted into an apartment from a hostile fo reign power, causing indigestion and dia rrhea), mood-congruent d elusions (e.g., that the primary case w m soon receive a film contract for 52 million, allowing the fa mily to purcllase a m uch larger home w ith a swimming pool), or the nonbizarre delusions that are characteristic of Delusional Disorder (e.g., the FBI is tapping the fa mily telephone and trailing famil y members when they go o ut). Usually the primary case in Shared Psychotic Disorder is dominant in the relationship and gradually imposes the delusional system on the mo re passive and initially healthy second person. Ind ividuals w ho come to share d elusional beliefs are oHen related by blood or marriage and have lived together for a long time, sometimes in relative social isolation . If the relationship with the p rimary case is interru pted , the delusional beliefs of the other individual u.suaUy d iminish or disappear. Although m ost commonly seen in relationships of only two people, Shared Psychotic Disorder can occu r among a larger number of individual s, especially in fam.ily situations in w hich the parent is the primary case and the children, sometimes to vary ing degrees, adopt the parent's delusional beliefs. Individuals with th is disorder rarely seek treatment and usually are broug ht to clinical attention when the p rimary case receives treatment.

Associated Features and Diso rders

Aside from the delusional beliefs, behavior is usually not o thenvise odd or unusual in Shared Psychotic Disorder. Impairment is ofte n less severe in the indi vidual w ith Shared Psychotic Disorder than in the primary case.

Little systematic information about the prevalence of Psychotic Disorder is available. This disorder is rare in clinical settings, although it has been argued that some cases go unrecognized . Limited evidence suggests that Shared Psychotic Disorder is somewhat more common in women than in men.

Little is known about the age at onset o f Shared Psycho tic Disorder, but it appears to be quite variable. Without intervention, the course is usually chronic, because this disorder most commonly occurs in relationships that are long-standing and resistant to change. With separation from the primary case, the individ ual's d elusional beliefs disappear, sometimes q uickly and sometimes quite slowly.

Differential Diagnosis
The diagnosis of Shared Psychotic Disorder is made only when the d elusion is not due to the d irect physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition.


Schizophren ia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Differential diagnosis is rarely a problem because the history of close association with the prima ry case and the similarity o f delusions between the two ind ividuals is unique to Shared PsydlOtic Disorder. In Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, Schizoaffective Disord er, and Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, there is either no close relationship w ith a d om inant person who has a Psychotic Disorder and shares similar delusional beliefs or, if there is such a person, the psycho tic symptoms usually preced e the onset of any shared delusions. In rare cases, an ind ividual may present with what appears to be Shared Psychotic Disorder, but the delusions d o nol d isappear when the indiv idual is separa ted from the primary case. In such a sihliltion, il is p robably appropriate to consid er another Psychotic Disorder d iagnosis.

Diagnostic criteria for 297.3 Shared Psychotic Disorder

A. A delusion develops in an individual in the context of a close relationship with an other person(s), who has an alreadyestablished delusion. B. The delusion is similar i n content t o that of the person who already has the estab lished delusion.

C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) or a Mood Disorder W ith Psychotic Features and is not due to t he direct phySiological eff ects of a substance (e.g ., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Featu res
The essential fea tures of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition are p rominent hallucinations or delusions that are judged 10 be due to the direct physiological cffects of a genera l medical condition (Criterion A). Therc must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the d elusions or hallucinations are the d irect physiological consequence of a general m edical condition (Criterion B). The psychotic disturbance is not better accounted for by ano ther mental d iso rder (e.g ., the symptoms are not a psychologically mediated response to a severe general medical cond ition, in which case a diagnosis of Brief Psychotic Diso rder, With Ma rked Stressor, would be appropriate) (Criterion C). TIle diagnosis is not mad e if the d isturbance occurs only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). Because of lCD9CM cod ing requirements, a separa te diagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Med ical Condition is not given if d elusions occur only during the course of Vascular Dementia; a d iagnosiS o f Vascular Dementia w ith the subtype With Delusions is given instead. Hallucinations can occur in any sensory modality (i.e., visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, or audito ry), but certain etiologica l factors are likely to evoke sp ecific halJuci-

Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition


natory phenomena. Ol factory hallu cinations, especially those involving the s mell of burning rubber or other unpleasant smells, are highl y s uggestive of temporal lobe epilepsy. Hallucination s may vary from s imple and unformed to highly complex and organized, depending on etiological fa ctors, environmental surroundings, nature and focus of the ins ult rendered to the central nen'ous system, and the reactive response to impairment. Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is generally not diagnosed if the individual maintains rea lity testing for the hallucination and appreciates that the perceptual experie nces result from the general medical COIldition. Delusions may express a variety of themes, including somalic, grandiose, religious, and, most commonly, persecutory. Religious delusions have been specifically associated in some cases with temporal lobe epilepsy. Individuals with right parietal brain lesions can develop a contralateral neglect syndrome in w hich they may disown parts of their body to a delusional extent. O n the whole, however, associations between delusions and particular general medical conditions appear to be less s pecific than is the case for hallucina tions. In determining whether the psychotic disturbance is due to a general medical condition, the clinician mus t firs t establish the presence of a general medica l cond ition. Further, the clinician mus t establish that the p sychotic d isturbance is etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiological mechanism. A careful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. A lthough there are no infallible guidelines for determining whether the relationship between the pSycl10tiC disturbance and the general medical condition is etiologica l, several considerations provide some guidance in this area. One consideration is the p resence of a temporal association beh\'een the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condi tion and tha t of the psychotic disturbance. A second consideration is the presence of features that are atypical for a primar}' Psychotic Disorder (e.g., atypical age at onset or presence of visual or olfactory hallucina tions) . Evidence from the literature tha t suggests that the re can be a direct association beh\'een the general medical condition in question and the development of psychotic symptoms can provide a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. In addition, the clinician mus t also judge that the disturbance is not better accounted for by a primary Psychotic Disorder, a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, or another primary menial disorder (e.g., Adjustment Disorder). This dete rmination is explained in greater detail in the "Mental Diso rders Due to a General Medical Condition " section (p. 181).

One of the following subtypes may be lI sed to indicate the predominant symptom presentation. lfboth delusions and hallucinations are present, code whichever is predominan t: 293.81 With De lus ions. This s ubtype is used if delusions are the predominant symptom. 293.82 With Ha llucinations. This subtype is used if hallucinations are the predominant symptom .

Recording Procedures

Schizophren ia and Other Psychotic Disord ers

In record ing the d iagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condi tion, the clinician should first note the presence of the Psychotic Disorder, then the identified general medical condition judged to be causing the distur bance, and finally the appropriate specifier indicating the predominant symptom presentation on Axis I (e.g., Psychotic Disorder Due to Thyrotoxicosis, With Hallucinations). The diagnos tic code on Axis I is selec ted based on the subtype: 293.81 for Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, With Delusions, and 293.82 for Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, With Hallucinations. The ICD-9-CM code for the

general medical condition should also be noted on Axis III (e.g., 242.9 thyrotoxicosis). (See Appendix G for a list of ICO-9-CM diagnostic codes for selected general medical conditions.)

Associated General Medical Conditions

A va riety of general medical cond itions may cause psychotic symptoms, including neurological conditions (e.g., neoplasms, cerebrovascular disease, Huntington's disease, mult iple sclerosis, epilepsy, auditory o r visual nerve injury or impairment, deafness, migraine, central nervous system infections), endocrine conditions (e.g., hyper- and hypothyroidism, hyper- and hypoparathyroidism, hyper- and hypoadrenocorticism), metabolic conditions (e.g., hypOxia, hypercarbia, h ypoglycemia), fl uid or electrolyte imbalances, hepatic or renal d iseases, and autoimmune d isorders with central nervous system involvement (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus). Those neurological conditions that involve subcortical structures or the temporal lobe are mo re conunonly associated with delusions. TIle associated physical examination findings, laboratory fi ndings, and patterns of prevalence or onset ref]ect the etiological general medical condition.

Preva lence
Prevalence rates for Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition are difficu lt to estima te given the w ide variety of underlying medical etiologies. Research docs suggest that the synd rome is underd iagnosed in the general medical setting. Psychotic symptoms may be present in as many as 20% of individuals presenting with untreated endocrine disorders, 15% of those with systemic lupus erythematosus, and up to 40% or more o f individuals wi th lemporallobe epilepsy.

Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition may be a single transient state or it may be recurren t, cycling w ith exacerbations and remissions o f the underlying general medical condition. Although trea tment of the underlying general medical condition often results in a resolution o f the psychotic symptoms, this is not always the case, and psychotic symptoms may persist long after the causative medical event (e.g., Psychotic Disorder Secondar)' to Focal Brain Lnjury).

Psychotic Di sorder Due to a Genera l Medical Condition


Differential Diagnosis
Hallucinations and delusions commonly occur in the context o f a deliri um; however, a separa te diagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medica l Condition is not given if the disturbance occurs exclusively during the course of a d elirium. In contrast, a diagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition may be given in addition to a diagnosis of dementia if the psychotic symptoms are a direct etiological consequence of the pathologica l process causing the dementia. Because of ICD-9-CM coding requiremen ts, an exception to this is when d elusions occur exclusively during the course of Vascular Demen tia. In this case, o nly a diagnosis of Vascular Dementia w ith the subtype With Delusions is given; a sepa rate diagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is not made. If the presentation includes a mix of different types o f symptoms (e.g., psychotic and anxiety), the diagnosis is usually Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition because in such situ ations pSydlOtic symptoms typically predominate in the cli.n.ical picture. If there is evidence of recent or prolonged substance use (including medications with psychoactive effects), withdrawal from a substance, or exposure to a toxin (e.g., LSD Intoxication, Alcohol Withdrawal), a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorde r should be considered. It may be useful to obtain a urine or blood drug screen or other appropriate laboratory evaluation. Symptoms that occur during or shortly after (i.e., within 4 weeks of) Substance Intoxication or Wi thdrawal or after medication use may be especially indicative of a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, d epending on the character, duration, or amount of the substance used. If the clinician has ascertained that the disturbance is due to both a general medical cond ition and substance use, both diagnoses (i.e., Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condi tion and Substance-Induced Psychotic Diso rder) can be given. Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition must be distinguished from a primary Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder) or a primary Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features. In primary Psychotic Disorders and in primary Mood Disorders With Psychotic Features, nospecific and direct causative physiological mechanisms associated w ith a general medical condition can be demonstra ted. La te age at onset (e .g., the first appearance of delusions in an individual over age 35 years) and the absence of a personal or famil y history of Schizophrenia or Delusional Disorder suggest the need for a thorough assessmen t to rule out the diagnosis of Psychotic Disorder Due 10 a Genera l Medical Condition. Aud.ilory hallucinations that involve voices speaking co mplex sentences are more characteristic of Schizophrenia than of Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. Other ty pes of hallucinations (e.g., visual. olfactory) commonly signal a Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition or a SubstanceInduced Psychotic Disord er. Psychotic Disorder N ot Oth envise Specified is diagnosed when the clinician cannot determine if the pSydlOtiC d isturbance is primary, substance induced, or due to a genera l medical condition. Hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations may occur in ind ividua ls without a mental di so rder, but they occur on ly on faUing asleep or on awakening.

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 293.xx Psychotic Disorder Due to ...

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A. Prominent hallucinations or delusions. B. There is evide nce from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the disturbance is the di rect physiological consequence of a general med ical condit ion.
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

D. The disturbance does not occur excl usively during the course of a delirium.
Code based on predominant symptom:

.81 .82

With Delusions: if delusions are the predominant symptom With Hallucinations : if hallucinations are the predominant symptom

Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis I, e.g., 293.81 Psychotic Disorder Due to Malignant lung Neoplasm, With Delusions; also code the general medica l condition on Axis III (see Appendix G for codes). Coding note: If delusions are part of Vascu lar Dementia, indicate the delusions by cod ing the appropriate subtype, e.g., 290.42 Vascular Dementia, With Delusions.

Su bsta n ce-Induced Psy chotic Disorder

Diag nostic Fea t ures
The essentia l features of Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder are prominent hallucinations or d elusions (Criterion A) that are judged to be due to th e direct physiological effects o f a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure) (Criterion B). Hallucinations that the individual realizes are substance induced are not included here and instead would be diagnosed as Substance Intoxica tion or Substance Withdrawal with the accompanying specifier With Perceptual Disturbances. The disturbance must not be better accounted. for by a Psychotic Disorder that is not substance induced (Criterion C). The diagnosis is no t made if the psychotic symptoms occur only during the course of a delirium (Criterion 0 ). This diagnosis should be made instead o f a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the psychotic symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication or w ithdrawal syndrome and wh en the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. For a more detailed discussion of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 191. A Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder is distinguished hom a primary Psychotic Disorder by considering the onset, course, and other fac tors. For d rugs of abuse, there must be evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laboratory findings of Dependence, Abuse, intoxication, or withdrawal. Substance-Induced Psychotic

Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder


Disorders arise only in association with intoxication or w ithdrawal states but can persist for weeks, whereas primary Psychotic Disorders may precede the onset of substance use or may occur during times of sustained abstinence. Once initia ted, the psychotic symptoms may continue as long as the substance use continues. Another consideration is the presence of featu res that are atypical of a primary Psychotic Disorder (e.g., atypical age at onset or course). For example, the appearance of d elusions de novo in a person over age 35 years w ithout a known history of a primary Psychotic Disord er should alert the clin ician to the possibility of a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder. Even a prior history of a primary Psychotic Disorder does not rule out the possibility of a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder. It has been suggested that 9 out of 10 nonauditory hallucinations are the product of a Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder or a Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. In contrast, factors that suggest that the psychotic symptoms are betler accounted for by a primary Psychotic Disorder include persistence of psychotic symptoms fo r a substantial period of time (Le., a mon th or more) after the end of Substance Intoxica tion or acute Substance Withdrawa l; the development o f symp toms that a re substantially in excess of what would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used or the duration o f use; or a history of prior recurrent primary Psychotic Disorders. Other causes of psychotic symptoms must be considered even in a person with Intoxication or Withdrawal, because substance use problems are not uncommon among persons with (presumabl},) non-substance-induced Psychotic Disorders.

Subtypes and Specifiers

One of the following subtypes may be used to ind icate the predominant symptom presentation. U both delusions and hallucinations are present, code whichever is p redominant: With Delusions. This subtype is used if delusions are the predominant symptom. With Hallucinations. This subtype is used if hallucinations are the predominant symptom. TIle context of the development of the psychotic symptoms may be indicated by using one of the specifiers listed below: With Onset During Intoxica tion. This specifier should be used if criteria for intoxication w ith the substance are met and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome. With O nse t During Withdrawal. This specifier should be used if criteria for w ithdrawal from the substance are met and the symptoms d evelop during, or shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome.

Recording Procedure s
The name of the Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder beg ins with the specific substance (e.g., cocaine, methylphenidate, dexamethasone) that is presumed to be causing the psychotic symptoms. The diagnostic code is selected from the listing of classes

Schizophrenia and Other Psychot ic Disorders

of substances provided in the criteria set. For substances that d o not fit into any of the classes (e.g., dexa methasone), the code for "Other Substance" should be used. In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic doses, the specific medication can be indicated by lis ting the appropriate E-cod e on Axis I (see Appendix G). The code for each of the specific Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorders depends on whether the presentation is predominated by delusions or hallucinations: 292.11 for With Delusions and 292.12 fo r With Hallucinations, except for alcohol, for which the code is 291.5 for With Delu sions and 291.3 fo r With Hallucinations. The name of the disorder (e.g., Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder; Methy lphenidate-Induced Psychotic Disorder) is followed by the subtype indicating the predominant symptom presentation and the specifier indicating the context in which the symptoms d eveloped (e.g., 292.11 Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, ,<\rith Delusions, With Onset During intoxication; 292.12 PhencycHdine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, '''lith Hallucinations, With Onset During Intoxication). When more than one substance is judged to playa Significant role in the development of the psychotic sym p toms, each should be listed sepa rately. If a substance is judged to be the etiological factor, but the specific substance or class o f substance is unknow n, the category 292.11 Unknown SubstanceInduced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions, or 292.12 Unknown Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, may be used.

Specific Substances
Psychotic Disorders can occur in association w ith intoxication w ith the following classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances; cannabis; cocaine; hallucinogens; inhalants; opioid s (meperidine); phencyclidine and related substances; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. Psychotic Disorders can occur in association w ith withdrawal from the following classes of substances: alcohol; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. The initiation o f the d isorder may vary conSiderably with the substance. For example, smoking a high dose of cocaine may p roduce psychosis within minutes, whereas days or weeks of hig h-dose aJeohol o r sedative use may be required to produce psychosis. Hallucinations may occur in any modality, but, in the absence of delirium, they are usually auditory. Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations, usually occurs only after prolonged , heavy ingestion of alcohol in people who apparently have Alcohol Dependence. The a uditory ha llucinations are usually voices. The Psychotic Disorders induced by intoxication with amphetamine and cocaine share similar clinical features. Persecutory d elusions may rapidly develop shortly after use of ampheta mine or a similarly acting sympathomimetic. Distortion of body image and misperception of people's faces may occur. The hallucination of bugs or vermin crawling in or under the skin (formication) can lead to scratching and extensive skin excoriations. Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder may develop shortly after high-dose cannabis use and usually in volves persecutory delusions. The disorder is apparently rare. Marked anxiety, emotional lability, depersonaliza tion, and subsequent amnesia for the episode can occur. The disorder usually remits within a d ay, but in some cases may persist for a few days. Substance-Induced Psychotic Disord ers may a t times not resolve promptly when

Substance-Ind uced Psychot ic Diso rder

the offend ing agent is removed. Agents s uch as amph etamines, phencyclidine, and cocaine have been reported to evoke temporary psych otic s tates that can sometimes persis t fo r weeks or longer despite removal of the agent and treatment with neuroleptic medication . These may be ini tially difficult to distinguish from non-subs tanceinduced Psychotic Disorders. Some of the medications reported to evoke psychotic symptoms include anesthetics and analgesics, anticholinergic agents, anticonvuls ants, antihistamines, antihypertens ive and cardiovascular medications, antimicrobial medications, anti par kinsonian medications, chemotherapeutic agents (e.g., cyclosporine and procarbazine), corticosteroids, gastrointestinal medications, muscle relaxants, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, other over-the-counter medications (e.g., phenylephrine, pseudoephedrine), antidepressant medication, and disulfiram. Toxins reported to induce psychotic symptoms include an ticholinesterase, organophosphate insecticides, nerve gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and volatile substances such as fue l or paint.

Differential Diagnosis
A diagnosis ofSubstance-lnduced Psychotic Disorder should be made instead of a diagnosis o f Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the psychotic symptoms are judged to be in excess of those usuaUy associa ted with the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms ace s ufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. Individuals intoxicated w ith s timulants, cannabis, the opioid meperidine, or phencyclidine, or those withdrawing from alcohol or sedatives, may exp erience altered perceptions (scintillating lights, sounds, visual illusions) that they recognize as deug effects. If reality tes ting for these experiences remains intact (i.e., the person recognizes that the perception is subs tance induced and neither believes in nor acts on it), th e d iagnosis is not Subs tance-Induced Psychotic Disorder. Instead, Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal, With Perceptual Disturbances, is diagnosed (e.g., Cocaine Intoxication, With Perceptual Dis turbances). "Flashback" hallucinations tha t can occur long after the use of hallucinogens has s top ped are diagnosed as Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (see p. 253). Moreover, if substance-induced p sychotic symptoms occur exclusively during the cou rse of a delirium, as in some severe form s of AJcohol Withdrawal, the p sychotic sym p toms are considered to be an associated featu re of tlle delirium and are not d iagnosed separatel y. A Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder is distingu ished from a primary Psychotic Disorder by the fact that a s ubstan ce is judged to be etiologically rela ted to the symptoms (see p. 338). A Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder due to a prescribed trea tment for a mental or general medical condition must have its onset while the person is receiving the medica tion (or during wi thdrawal, if there is a withdrawal syndrome associated with the medication). Once the trea tment is d iscontinued, the psychotic symptoms will usually remit w ithin days to several weeks (d epending on the hal f-li fe of the s ubstance and the presence of a w ithd rawal syndrome) . If sym p to ms persist beyond 4 weeks, other causes for the psychotic symptoms should be cons idered. Because individuals with general medical conditions often take medications for those conditions, the clinician must consider the p ossibility that the psychotic symptoms are


Sch izophreni a and Ot her Psychoti c Disorders

caused by the physiological consequences of the general medical condition rather than the medication, in w ruch case Psych otic Disorder Du e to a General Medical Conditi on is diagnosed . The history often provides the primary basis for s uch a judgment. At times, a change in the treatment for the genera l medical condition (e.g., medication substihltion or discontinuation) may be need ed to determine empirically for tha t person w hether the medication is th e causative agent. If the clinician has ascertained that the d is turbance is due to both a general medical condition and subs tance lise, both diagnoses (i.e., Psych otic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder) may be given. When there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the psychotic symptoms are due to a subs tance (including a medication) or to a general medical condition or are primary (i .e., not due to either a s ubstance or a general medical condition), Psych otic D isorder Not O therwise Sp ecifi ed would be indicated .

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder

A. Prominent hallucinations or del usions. Note: Do not include ha llucinations if the person has insight that they are subst ance induced . B. There is evidence from the history, physical examinat ion, or laboratory fi ndi ngs of either (1) or (2):
(1) the symptoms in Criterion A developed during, or with in a month of, Substance

Intoxication or Withdrawa l (2) medication use is etiolog ically related to the disturbance
C. The dist urbance is not better accounted for by a Psychotic Disorde r that is not substance induced . Evidence that the symptoms a re better accou nt ed for by a Psychotic Disorder that is not substance in duced might include the follow ing: the symptoms precede the onset of the substance use (or medicat ion use); the symptoms persist for a substantial period of time (e .g., about a month) after the cessat ion of acute withdrawa l or severe intoxication, or are substantially in excess of what would be expected given t he type or amount of the subst ance used or the duration of use; or t here is other evidence that suggests the existence of an independent non-substa nceinduced Psychot ic Disorder (e .g., a history of recurre nt non-substance-re lated episodes) .

D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively d uring t he course of a delirium. Note : This diagnOSis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxicat ion or Substance Withdrawa l only when the symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication or withdrawal synd rome and when the symptoms are sufficie ntly severe to warrant independent cli nical attention .


Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

343 1

Diagnostic criteria for Substancelnduced Psychotic Disorder

Code [Specific Substance i-Induced Psychotic Disorder:
(291.5 Alcohol, With Delusions; 291.3 Alcohol, With Hallucinations; 292. 11 Amphetamine [or Amphetamine-like Substance!, With Delusions; 292 .1 2 Amphet am ine [or Am phetamine-like Substance!. Wi t h HalluCinations; 292 .11 (annabis, With Del usions; 292. 12 Cannabis, With Hallucinations; 292 .11 Cocaine, With Delu sions; 292 .12 Cocaine, With Hallucinations; 292.11 Hallucinogen, With Delusions; 292. 12 Hallucinogen, Wi t h Hallucinations; 292 .11 Inhalant, With Delusions; 292 .1 2 Inhalant, With Hallucinations; 292 .11 Opioid, With Delusions; 292. 12 Opioid, With Hallucinations; 292 .11 Phencyclidine [or Phencyclidine Like Substance!, With Delusions; 292 .1 2 Phencyclidine [or Phencyclidine like Substa nce], With Hallucinations; 292. 11 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic, Wi t h Delusions; 292. 12 Sedative, Hypnot ic, or Anxiolytic, Wi t h Hallucinations; 292.11 Other [or Unknown] Substance, With Delusions; 292 .1 2 Other [or Unknown! Substance, With Hallucinations)
Specify if (see table on p. 193 for applicabi lity by substance): With Onset During Intoxication: if criteria are met for Intoxication with the substance and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome With Onset During Withdrawal: if cri t eria are met for Withdrawal from the substance and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after, a wi t hdrawal syn drome


Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This ca tegory includes psychotic symptomatology (i.e., d elusions, hallucinations, disorga nized s peech, grossly di sorganized or catatonic behavior) abou t which there is inadequate information to make a specific diagnosiS or about which there is contradictory information, or disorders with psychotic symptoms that do not meet the criteria for any specific Psychotic Disorder. Examples include
1. Pos tpartum psychosis that d oes not meet criteria for Mood Disorder With Psy chotic Features, Brief Psychotic Disorder, Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, or Substance Induced Psychotic Disorder 2. Psychotic symptoms that have lasted for less than 1 month bu t that ha ve not yet remitted, so that the criteria for Brief Psychotic Disorder are not met 3. Persistent auditory hallucinations in the absence o f any other features 4. Persistent nonbizarre delusions with periods of overlapping mood episodes that have been present for a substantial portion of the delusional disturbance S. sihJations in which the clinician has concluded that a Psychotic Disorder is present, but is unable to determine whether it is primary, due to a general medical condition, or substance induced

Mood Disorders

he Mood Disorders section includes disorders that have a disturbance in mood

as the predominant feature. The section is div ided into three parts. The first part describ ~ mood episodes (Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, Mixed Episode, and H ypomanic Episode) that have been included separately at the beginning of this section for convenience in diagnosing the various Mood Di sorders. These episodes do not have their own diagnostic codes and cannot be diagnosed as separate entities; however, they s.e rve_as the building blocks for the disorder diagnoses. The second part describes the Mood Disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder). The cri teria sets for most of the Mood Disorders require the presence or absence of the mood episodes described in the firs t part of the section, The third part includes the specifiers that describe either the most recent mood episode or the course of recurrent episodes. The Mood Disorders are divided into the Depressive Disorders ("unipolar depression"), the Bipolar Disorders, and two disorders based on etiology-Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Mood Disorder. The Depressive Disorders (i .e., Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, and Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) are di stinguished from the Bipolar Disorders by the fact that there is no history of ever having had a Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode. The Bipolar Disorders (i.e., Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar n Disorder, Cyclothymic Disorder, and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) involve the presence (or history) of Manic Episodes, Mixed Episodes, or H ypomanic Episodes, usually accompanied by the presence (or history) of Major Depressive Episodes. Major Depressive Disorder is characterized by one or more Major Depressive Episodes (i.e., at least 2 weeks of depressed mood or loss of interest accompanied by at least four addi tional symptoms of depression). Dysthymic Disorder is characterized by at least 2 years of depressed mood for more days than not, accompanied by additional depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is included for coding disorders with depressive features that do not meet criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood, or Adjusbnent Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood (or depressive symptoms about which there is inadequate or contradictory information). Bipolar I Disorder is characterized by one or mOTe Manic or Mixed Episodes, usually accompanied by Major Depressive Episodes. Bipolar II Disorder is characterized by one or m ore Major Depressive Episodes accompanied by at least one H ypomanic Episode.



Mood Disorde rs

Cyclothymic Disorder is characterized by at least 2 years of numerous p eriods of hypoma nic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a ~<lanic Episode a nd numerous pe riods of depressive symptoms that do not meet crite ria fo r a Major Depressive Episode. Bipolar Disorder Not Othe nvise Specified is included for coding disorders with bipolar featu res that do not meet criteria for any of the specific Bipolar Disorders defined in this section (or b ipolar symptoms about which there is inadequate Of contra dictory information). Mood Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Cond ition is characterized by a prominent and persistent d isturbance in mood that is judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a general medica l condition. Subs tance-Induced Mood Disorder is characterized by a prominent and persistent d ishlTbance in mood that is judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a drug of abuse, a m ed ication, another somatic treatment fo r depression, or toxin exposure. Mood Disorder Not Othenvise Specified is included for coding disorders with mood symptoms that do not meet the criteria for an)' specific Mood Disorder and in which it is difficult to choose between Depressive Disorder .o t Otherwise Specified and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (e.g., acute agi tation). The s pecifiers described in the third part of the section are provided to increase diagnostic specificity, create more homogeneous s ubgroups, assist in trea tment selection, and improve the prediction of prognosis. Some of the specifiers describe the clinical status of the current (or most recent) mood episode (i.e., SeveritylPsychotiC/ Remission Specifiers), w hereas others describe fea tu res of the current episode (or mos t recent episode if the ep isode is currently in partial or fu ll remission) (i.e., C hronic, With Catatonic Features, With Melancholic Features, With Atypical Features, With Postpartum Onset). Table 1 (p . 411 ) indicates which episode specifiers apply to each codable Mood Disorder. Other sp ecifiers describe the course of recurrent mood episodes (i.e., longitudinal Course Specifiers, With Seasonal Pattern, With Rapid Cycli ng). Table 2 (p. 424) ind icates which course specifiers apply to each codable Mood Disorder. The specifiers that indicate severity, rem ission, and psychotic fea h l.res can be coded in the fifth d ig it of the diagnostic code fo r most of the Mood Diso rders. The other specifiers ca nnot be coded. The Mood Disorders section is organized as follow s: Mood Episodes Major Depressive Episode (p . 349) tI.<fanic Episode (p . 357) Mixed Episode (p . 362) Hypomanic Episode (p . 365) Depressive Disorders 296.xx Major Depressive Disorder (p . 369) 300.4 Dysthymic Diso rder (p. 376) 311 Depressive Disorder Not O thenvise Sp ecified (p . 381)

Mood Diso rders Bipolar Diso rders 296.xx Bipolar I Disord er (p. 382) 296.89 Bipolar II Disorder (p. 392) 301.1 3 Cyclothymic Disord er (p. 398) 296.80 Bip olar Disorder No t Otherwise Specified (p. 400) Other Mood Disorders 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to . .. [Judica te tile Geflcrnl Medical COlldil ioll/ (p. 401 ) 29x.xx Su bs ta nce~lnduced Mood Disorder (p. 405) 296.90 Mood Disorder Not Othemise Sp ecified (p. 410) Specifiers d escribing the clini cal status of the current (or m ost recent) mood episod e J\oWd, Moderate, Severe Witho ut Psychotic Features, Severe With Psychotic feah u es, In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (for Major Depressive Episode, p. 41 1; fo r Manic Episode, p. 413; for Mixed Episode, p. 415) Specifiers d escribing features of the curre nt episode (or most recent episo de if cu rrently in partial or full remission)
Clu-onic (p . 41 7)

With Catatonic Features (p. 4 17) With Melancholic Features (p. 419) With Atypical f eatures (p. 420) With Postpa rtum Onset (p. 422) Specifiers describing course of recurrent episodes Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Full lnterepisode Recovery)
(p . 424)

With Seasonal Pattern (p . 425) With Rapid Cycling (p. 427)

Reco rding Procedures for Majo r Depressi ve Disord er and Bipolar I and Bipolar II Disorders
Selecting diagnostic codes. The diagnostic codes are selected as foll ows: For Major Depressive Disorder:
1. The first three digits are 296. 2. The fourth digit is ei ther 2 (if there is only a single Major Depressive Epi~

sode) or 3 (if there are recurrent Major Depressive Ep isod es). 3. The fifth digit indicates the severity of the current Major Depressive Epi~ sode if full criteria are met as follows: 1 for Mild severity, 2 for Moderate severity, 3 for Severe Wi thout Psycho tic Features, 4 for Severe With Psy~ chotic Features. If full criteria are not currently met fo r a Major Depressive Episode, the fifth d igit indicates the current clinical status of the Major Depressive Disorder as follows: 5 for In Partial Remission, 6 for In Full Re~ mission. Ii current severity or clinical status is unspecified , the fifth digit is O.

For Bipolar I Disorde r:
1. The fi rst three digits are also 296.

Mood Disorders

2. The fourth d igit is 0 if there is a single Manic Episode. For recurrent episodes, the fourth d igi t indicates the nature of the current episode (or, if the Bipolar I Disorder is currently in partial or full remission, the nahue of the most recen t episode) as follows: 4 if the current or most recent episode is a Hypomanic Episode or a Manic Episode, 6 if it is a Mixed Episode,S if it is a Major Depressive Episode, and 7 if the current or most recent episode is Unspecified . 3. The fifth d igit (except (or Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recen t Episode Hypomanic, and Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified) indicates the severity of the current episode if full criteria are met for a Manic, Mixed, or Major Depressive Episode as follows: 1 for Mild severity, 2 for Moderate severity, 3 for Severe Without Psychotic Features, 4 for Severe With Psychotic Features. If full criteria are not met for a Manic, lvlixed, or Major Depressive Episode, the fifth digit indicates the current clinica1 status of the Bipolar I Disorder as fo llows: 5 for In Partial Remission, 6 for In Ful l Remission. If current severity or clinical status is WlSpecified, the fifth digit is O. For Bipola r I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic, the fifth digit is always O. For Bipolar Disorder, Most Recen t Episode Unspecified, there is no fifth digi t.

For Bipolar II Disorder, the diagnostic code is 296.89. Recording the name of the diagnosis. in recording the name of a diagnosis, terms should be listed in the following order:
1. Name of disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar Disorder)

2. Specifi ers coded in the fourth digi t (e.g., Recurrent, Most Recent Episode Manic) 3. Specifiers coded in the fifth digit (e.g., Mild, Severe With Psychotic Fea tures, In PartiaJ Rem ission) 4. As many specifiers (without codes) as apply to the current or most recent episode (e.g., With Melancholic Features, With Postpartum Onset) 5. As many specifiers (without codes) as apply to the course of recurrent episodes (e.g., With Seasonal Pattern, With Rapid Cycling) The following examples illustrate how to record a Mood Disorder diagnosis with specifiers: 296.32 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate, With Atypical Featu res, With Seasonal Pattern, With Fulllnterepisod e Recovery 296.54 Bipola r I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe With Psychotic Features, With Melancholic Features, With Rapid Cycling

Mood Episodes

Mood Episodes

Major Depressive Episode

Episode Features
Theessential feature of a Major Depressive Episode is a period of at least 2 weeks d uring which there is either d epressed mood o r th e loss of interest or p leasu re in nearly all activities. In child ren and ad olescents, the mood may be irritable rather than sad . The individ ual must also experience at least four additional sym p toms drawn from a list that incl udes changes in appetite o r weigh t, sleep, and psychomotor acti vity; de([cased energy; feelings of w orthlessness or guilt; d ifficulty thinking, concentrating, or ma king decisions; or recurren t thoug hts of dea th or suicidal idea tion, plans, or a tlempts. To C Olmt toward a Major Depressive Episode, a sym ptom must either be new I)' present or must have clearly worsened compared w ith the person 's p reepisode status. The symptoms must persist for most of the day, nearly every day, for at leas t 2 consecu tive weeks. The episode must be accompanied by clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning . For some individ uals with milder episodes, fun ctioning may appear to be normal but requires marked ly increased effort. The mood in a Major Depressive Episode is o ft en described by the p erson as d epressed, sad, hopeless, discouraged , or "down in the dumps" (Criterion Al ).In some cases, sad ness may be denied at first, but may subsequently be elicited b)' in terview (c.g., by pointing out that the individu al looks as if he or she is abou t to cry). In some individ uals who complain of feeling "blah ," having no feelings, or feeling anxiou s, the presence of a depressed mood can be inferred from the p erson's facial expression and d emeanor. Some indi vid uals emphasize soma tic comp lain ts (e.g., bod ily aches and pains) ra ther than rep orting fee lings of sadness. Many ind ividuals report o r exhibit increased irritability (e.g ., persistent anger, a tendency to res pond to events with angry outbursts or blaming others, or an exaggerated sense of frustration over minor ma tters). In chi ld ren and adolescents, an irri table or cranky mood may d evelop rather than a sad or d ejected m ood . lllis presentation should be differen tiated from a "spoiled ch ild " pattern o f irritabili ty w hen frustrated. l oss of interest or pleasure is nearly always p resent, at least to some degree. lnd i\'iduals may report feeling less interested in hobbies, "no t caring anymore," or not feeling any enjoyment in activities th ai were p reviously considered plea su rab le (C riterion A2). Family members o ft en notice social withdrawal o r neglect o f pleasurab le a\'ocations (e.g ., a formerly avid golfer no longer plays, a child who used to enjoy soccer find s excuses no t to practice). In some individuals, there is a significant reduction fro m previous levels of sexual interes t or desire. Appetite is usually reduced, and m any ind ivid uals feel that they have to force themselves to eat. O ther individ uals, particularly those encountered in ambulator}' settings, may have increased app etite and may crave specific foods (e.g ., sweets or other carbohydrates). When appetite changes are severe (in either direction), there

Mood Disorders

may be a significant loss or gain in weight, or, in children, a fa ilure to make exp ected weight gains may be noted (Criterion A 3). The most common s leep d is turbance associated w ith a Major De pressive Episode is insomnia (Crite rion A4). Ind ividuals typically have midd le insomnia (i.e., w aking up during the nig ht a nd having difficulty returning to sleep) o r terminal insomnia (i.e., waking too early and being u nable to return to s leep). Wtial insomnia (i.e., difficu lty fa lling aslee p) may also occur. Less frequently, individuals present with overs leep ing (hypersomnia) in the form of prolonged sleep episodes at nigh t or increased d aytime sleep. Sometimes the reason that the individual seeks treahnentis for the d isturbed sleep. Psychomotor changes include agita tion (e.g., the inability to sit s till, pacing, han dw ringin g; or pu lling or rubbing of the skin, clothing, or o ther objects) or retard ation (e.g., s lowed speech, thinking, and body movemen ts; increased pa uses before answering; sp eech tha t is decreased in volume, inflection, a mount, o r variety of conten t, or mu teness) (Criterion AS). The psychomotor agi tation or re tarda tion mus t be severe e nough to be observable by others and not re present me rely s ubjective feelin gs. Decreased energy, tiredness, and fa tigue are com mon (Crite rion A6). A person may report sustained fa tigue w ithou t ph ysical exertion. Even the smallest tasks seem to require substantial effort. The effidency w ith w hich tasks a re accomplished may be reduced . For examp le, an individ ual may com plain that washing and dreSSing in the morning are exhaus ting a nd take h " ice as long as usual. The sense of worthlessness or guilt associated with a Major Depressive Episode may include unrealis tic nega ti ve evaluations of one's worth or guil ty p reoccupa tions or rumina tions over m inor pas t failin gs (Criterion A7). Such individ uals often misinte rpret ne u tral or trivial d ay-to-d ay events as e vidence o f personal defects and have a n exaggera ted sense of responsibility for untoward events. Fo r example, a realtor m ay become preoccupied with self-bla me for fai lin g to make sales even w he n the ma rket has collapsed generally a nd o ther realtors a re equally una ble to m ake sales. The sense of worthlessness or guilt may beof d elusional p roportions (e.g., a n individual who is convinced tha t he or sh e is personally responsible for world p overty). Blaming oneself for being sick a nd for failing to meet occu pational or interpersonal respons ibilities as a resu lt of the dep ression is very common a nd, unless delus ional, is not considered sufficie nt to meet this criterion . Many individuals re port impaired ability to th in k, concen trate, or make decisions (Crite rion AS). They may appear eas ily dis tracted or com p lain of memory difficulties. Those in intellectually de manding acade mic or occupational pu rsuits are oflen unable to function adequately even when they have mild concen tra tion p rob lems (e.g., a compu te r p rogrammer who can n o longer perform com p licated but previously manageable tasks). In child ren, a precipitous drop in grades may re nect poor concentration. In elderly ind ividuals with a Major Depressive Episode, me mory difficulties may be the chief complaint an d may be mis taken for ea rly signs of a d ementia ("pseudodementia"). When the Major Depressive Episode is s uccessfully treated, the memory p roble ms often full y aba te. However, in some indiv idlla ls, pa rticularly elderly persons, a Major Dep ressive Episod e may sometimes be the in itial presen tation of an irreversible d ementia. Frequently there may be thoug hts of death, suicidal ideation, or suicid e attempts (Criterion A9). These thoughts ran ge from a belief tha t others wou ld be bette r off if

Majo r Depressive Episode


the person were dead, to transient but recurrent thoughts of committing suicide, to actual s pecific plans of how to conun i! suicide. The frequency, intensity, and lethality of these thoughts can be quite variable. Less severely suicidal individuals may report transien t (l~ to 2-minute), recurren t (once or twice a week) thoughts. More severely suicidal individuals may have acquired materials (e.g., a rope o r a gun) to be used in the suicide attempt and may have established a location and time when they will be isolated from o thers so that they can accomplish the suicide. Although these behav~ iors are associa ted statistically with suicide attempts and may be helpful in identi fy~ ing a high~ris k group, many studies have shown that it is not possible to predict accurately whether or when a particular individual with depression w ill attempt sui ~ cide. Motivations for suicide may include a desire to give up in the face of perceived insurmountable obstacles or an in tense wish to end an excruciatingly painful emotional state that is perceived by the person to be without end. A diagnosis o f a Major Depressive Episode is not made if the symptoms meet criteria for a Mixed Ep isode (C riterion 6). A Mixed Episode is characterized by the symptoms of both a ~'[anic Episode and a Major Depressive Episode occurring nearly every day for at least a I -week period. The deg ree of impairmen t associated with a Major Depressive Episode varies, bu t even in mild cases, there must be either clinically significant distress or some interference in social, occupational, or other important areas of fun ctioning (Criterion C). If impairment is severe, the person may lose the ability to hmction socially or occupationally. In extreme cases, the person may be unable to perform minimal self-care (e.g., feeding or clothing self) or to maintain m inimal personal hygiene. A careful interview is essential to elicit symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode. Reporting may be compromised by difficulties in concentrating, impaired memory, or a tendency to den y, di scount, or explain away symptoms. Information from additional informants can be especially helpful in clarify ing the course of current or prior Major Depressive Episodes and in assessing whether there have been any Manic or Hypomank Episodes. Because Major Depressive Episod es can beg in gradually, a review of clinical infomlation that focuses on the worst part of the current episode may be most likely to detect the presence of symptoms. TIle evaluation of the symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode is especially difficult when they occur in an indiv idual who also has a general medical condi tion (e.g., cancer, stroke, m yocardial infarction, diabetes) . Some of the cri terion items of a Major Dep ressive Ep isode are identical to the characteristic signs and symptoms of general medkal conditions (e.g., weight loss with untrea ted diabetes, fatigue with cancer). Such symptoms shou ld count toward a Major Depressive Episode except when they are d early and fu lly accoun ted for by a general medical condition. For example, weight loss in a person with ulcerative colitis who has many bowel movements and little foo d intake should not be counted toward a Major Depressive Episode. On the other hand, when sadness, guilt, insonmia, or weight loss a re p resent in a person with a recent myocardial infarction, each symptom would count toward a Major Depressive Episode because these are not clearly and fully accounted for by the physiological effects of a myocardial infarction. Similarly, when symptoms are clearly due to mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations (e.g., a 30-pound weight loss rela ted to not eating because of a delusion tha t one's food is being poisoned), these symptoms do not count toward a Major Depressive Episode.

Mood Disorders By definition, a Major Depressive Episode is not due to the direct physiological effec ts of a drug of abuse (e.g., in the contex t of Alcohol In toxication or Cocaine Withd rawal), to the side effects o f medications or treatments (e.g., steroids), or to toxin exposure. Similarly, the episode is not due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism) (Cri terion D). Moreover, if the symptoms begin within 2 months of the loss of a loved one and do not persist beyond these 2 months, they are generally considered to result from Bereavement (see p. 740), un1ess they are associa ted with marked functional impairment or include morbid preoccupation w ith worthlessness, su icida l ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psychomotor retardation (C riterion E).

Associat ed Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals with a Major Depressive Episode frequently present with tearfulness, irritability, brooding, obsessive rumination, anxiety, phobias, excessive worry over physical health, and complaints of pa in (e.g., headaches or joint, abdominal, or other pains). During a Major Depressive Episode, some individuals have Panic Attacks that occur in a pattern that meets criteria for Panic Disorder. In child ren, separation anxiety may occur. Some individuals note difficulty in intimate relationships, less sa tisfying social interactions, or difficulties in sexual functioning (e.g., anorgasmia in women or erectile d ysfunction in men). There may be marital problems (e.g., divorce), occupational problems (e.g., loss of job), academic problems (e.g., truancy, school failure), Alcohol or Other Substance Abuse, or increased utilization of medical services. The most serious consequence of a Major DepresSive Episode is attempted or completed suicide. Suicide risk is es pecially high for ind ividuals with psychotic features, a h istory of previous suicide attempts, a family history of completed suicides, or concurrent substance use. There may also be an increased rale of premature death from general medkal conditions. Major Dep ressive Episodes often follow psychosocial stressors (e.g., the death o f a loved one, marital separation, divorce). Childbirth may precipitate a Major Depressive Episode, in which case the specifier With Postpartum Onset is noted (set' p . 422). Associated laboratory findings. No laboratory findings that are diagnostic of a Major Depressive Episode have been identified . However, a variety of laboratory findings have been noted to be abnormal more often in g roups of individuals with Major Depressive Episodes compared with control subjects. It appears that the same laboratory abnonnalities are associated with a Major Depressive Episode regardless of whether the episode is part of a Major Depressive, Bipolar I, or Bipolar II Disorder. Most laboratory abnormalities are state dependent (i.e., affected by the p resence or absence of depressive symptoms), but some findings may p recede the onset of the episode or persist after its remission. Laboratory tests are more likely to be abnormal in episodes with melancholic or psychotic features and in more severely depressed individuals. Sleep EEG abnormali ties may be evident in 40%- 60% of outpatients and in up to 90% of in patients with a Major Depressive Episod e. The most frequently associated pOlysomnographic findings include 1) sleep continuity disturbances, such as pro-

Major Depressive Episode


longed sleep latency, increased intermittent wakefulness, and early morning awakening; 2) reduced non-rapid eye movement (NREM) stages 3 and 4 sleep (slow-wave sleep), with a shift in slow-wave activity away from the first NREM period; 3) decreased rapid eye movement (REM) latency (i.e., shortened duration of the first N REM period); 4) increased phasic REM activity (i.e., the number of actual eye movemen ts during REM); and 5) increased duration o f REM sleep early in the night. There is evidence that these sleep abnormalities may persist after clinical remission o r precede the onset of the initial Major Depressive Episode among those at high risk for a Mood Disorder (e.g., first-degree family members of individuals wi th Major Depressive Disorder). The pathophysiology of a Major Depressive Episode may involve a dysregulation of a number of neurotransmitter systems, including the serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, acetylcholine, and gamma-aminobu tyric acid s}'stems. There is also evidence of alterations of several neuropeptides, including corticotropin-releasing hormone. In some depressed individuals, hormonal disturbances have been observed, including elevated g lucocorticoid secretion (e.g., elevated urinary free cortisol levels or dexamethasone nonsuppression of plasma cortisol) and blunted grow th hormone, thyroid-stimulating hormone, and prolactin responses to various chaUenge tests. Functional b rain imaging studies document altera tions in cerebral blood flow and metabolism in some individuals, indud ing increased blood flow in lim bic and paralimbi c regions and decreased blood fl ow in the lateral prefron tal cortex. Depression beginning in late life is associa ted with alterations in brain structure, including periventricular vascular changes. one of these changes are present in all individua ls in a Major Depressive Episode, however, nor is any particular dis turbance specific to depression.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Culture can influence the experience and communication of symptoms of depression. Underdiagnosis or misdiagnosis can be reduced by being alert to ethnic and cultural specificity in the presenting compla ints of a Major Depressive Episode. For example, in some cultures, depression may beexpericnced largely in somatic terms, rather than with sadness or guilt. Complaints of "nerves" and headaches (in Latino and Med iterranean cultures), of weakness, tiredness, or " imbalance" (in Chinese and Asian cultures), of problems of the "heart" (in Middle Eastern cultures), or of being "hea rtbroken" (among Hopi) may express the depressive e);perience. Such p resentations combine features of the Depressive, Anxiety, and Soma toform Disorders. Cultures also may differ in judgments about the seriousness of experiencing or expressing dysphoria (e.g., irritability may provoke greater concern than sadness or withdrawal). Cultu rally distinctive experiences (e.g., fear o f being hexed or bewitched, feelings of "heat in the head" or crawling sensations o f \Vonns or ants, or vivid feelings of being visited by those who have died ) must be distinguished from actual hallucinations or delusions that may be part o f a Major Depressive Episode, With Psychotic Features. It is also imperative that the clinician not rou tinely dismiss a symptom merely because it is viewed as the "norm " for a culture. The core symptoms o f a Major Depressive Episode arc the same for children and adolescents, although there are data that suggest that the prominence of characteristic


Mood Disorders

symptoms may change w ith age. Certain symptoms such as somatic complaints, irritabili ty, a nd social withdrawal are particularly com mon in children, whereas p sychomotor retardation, hypersomn ia, and delusions are less conunon in prepuberty than

in adolescence and adulthood. In prepubertal children, Major Depressive Episodes occur more frequentl y in conjunction with other mental disorders (especially Disruptive Behav ior Disorde rs, A ttention-Deficit Disord ers, and Anxiety D is orders) than in isolation. In adolescents, Major Depressive Episodes are frequently associated w ith Disruptive Be havior Dis orders, Attention-Deficit Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Substance-Rela ted Disorders, and Eating Disorders. In elderly adults, cognitive symptoms (e.g., disorientation, memory loss, and distractibility) may be particularly p rominen t. Women are at significantly greater risk than m en to develop Major Depressive Episodes at some point during their lives, with the greatest differences found in studies conducted in the United States and Europe. This increased differential risk emerges during adolescence and may coincide with the onset of puberty. Thereafter, a significant proportion of women report a worsening of the sy mptoms of a Major Depressive Episode several days before the onset of menses. Studies indicate that depressive episodes occur h" ice as frequently in women as in men. See the corresponding sections of the texts for Major Depressive Disorder (p. 372), Bipolar I Disorder (p. 385), and Bipolar n Disorder (p. 394) fo r specific information on gender.

Cou rse
Symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode usually develop over d ays to weeks. A prodromal period that may include anxiety symptoms and mUd d epressive symptoms may last for weeks to months before the onset of a full Major Depressive Episode. The duration of a Major Depressive Episode is also variable. An untreated episode typicaUy lasts 4 months or longer, regard less o f age at onset. In a majori ty of cases, there is complete remission of symptoms, and functioning returns to the premorbid level. In a significant proportion of cases (perhaps 20%-30%), some depressive symptoms insufficient to meet full criteria fo r a Major Depressive Episode may persist for months to years and may be associated with some disabili ty or distress (in which case the specifier In Partial Remission may be noted; p. 412). Partial remission followin g a Majo r Depressive Episode appears to be predictive of a similar pattern afte r subsequent episodes. In some individuals (S'Yn-10%), the fu l1 criteria for a Major Depressive Episode continue to be met for 2 or more years (in which case the specifier Chronic may be no ted; see p. 417).

Differential Diagnosis
A Major Depressive Episode must be distinguished from a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. The appropriate diagnosis would be Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition if the mood disturbance is judged to be the direct p hysiological consequence of a specific general medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyrOi dism) (see p. 401). This d etermination is based on the history, laboratory findings, or physical examination. Uboth a Major Depressive Episode and a general medical condition are present but it is judged that the depressive symptoms

Major Depressive Episode are not the direct p hysiologica l consequence o f the general medical condition, then the primary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder) and the general medical condition is record ed on Axis III (e.g., myocardial infarction). This would be the case, for examp le, if the Major Depressive Episode is consid ered to be the psychological consequence of having the general medical condition o r if there is no etiological relationship between the Major Depressive Episode and the general medical condition. A Substance Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished hom a Major Depressive Episode by the fa ct that a substance (e.g ., a drug of abuse, a medication, or a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood dishubance (see p. 405). For example, depressed mood tha t occurs on ly in the con text of withdrawal from cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, With Onset During Withdrawal. In elderly p ersons, it is often difficult to determine whether cognitive symptoms (e.g., disorientation, ap athy, difficulty concentrating, memory loss) are better accounted for by a dementia or by a Major Depressive Episode. A thorough medical evaluation and an evaluation of the onset of the disturbance, tempora l sequencing of depressive and cognitive symptoms, course of illness, and treatment resp onse are helpful in making this determination. The p remorbid state of the individual may help to differentiate a Major Depressive Episode from a dementia. In a dementia, there is usually a premorbid history o f d eclining cogn itive function, whereas the individual with a Major Dep ressive Episode is much more likely to have a relatively normal premorbid state and abrupt cognitive decline associated with the depression . Major Depressive Epi sodes w ith promin ent irritable mood may be difficult to distinguish from Manic Episod es with irritab le mood or from Mixed Episodes. Thi s distinction requires a careful clinical evalua tion of the p resence of manic symptoms. If criteria arc met for both a Manic Episode and a Major Depressive Episode (except fo r the 2-weck duration) nearly every day for at least a l-week period, this would constitute a Mixed Episode. Distractibility and low fru stration tolerance can occur in both Attention-Deficitl Hyperactivity Di sorder and a Major Depressive Episode; if the criteria are met for both, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder may be diagnosed in addition to the Mood Disorder. However, the clinician must be cau tious not to overdiagnose a Major Depressive Episode in children w ith Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder whose disturbance in mood is characterized by irritability rather U,an by sadness or loss of interest. A Major Depressive Episode tha t occurs in resp onse to a p sychosocia l stressor is distinguished from Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood by the fact that the fu Ucriteria for a Major Depressive Episode are not met in Adju shnen t Disorder. After the loss of a loved one, even if depressive symptoms are of sufficient duration and number to meet criteria for a Majo r Depressive Episode, they should be attribu ted to Bereavement ra ther than to a Major Depressive Episode, unless they persist fo r more than 2 months or include marked functi onal impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic symptoms, or psydlOmotor retardation. Finally, p eriod s of sadness are inherent aspects of the human experience. These periods should not be diagnosed as a Major Depressive Episode wlless criteria are met for severity (Le., five out of nine sympto ms), duration (i.e., most of the day, nearly


Mood Disorders

every day for at least 2 weeks), and clinically significant distress or impairment. The diagnosis Depressive Disorder Not Othenvise Specified may be appropriate for p resentations of depressed mood with clinically significant impairmen t that do not meet criteria for duration or severity.

Criteria for Major Depressive Episode

A. Five (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week

period and represent a change from previous function ing; at least one of the symptoms is either (ll depressed mood or (2) loss of interest or pleasure. Note: Do not include symptoms that are clearly due to a general medical condition, or mood-incongruent delusions or hallucinations. (1) depressed mood most of the day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observation made by others (e.g., appears tearful). Note : In chi ldren and adolescents, can be irritable mood. markedly diminished interest or pleasure most of (~ the day, nearly every day (as indicated by in all, or almost all, activitiesobservaeither subjective account or tion made by others) (3) significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain (e.g., a change of more than 5% of body weight in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. Note: In children, consider failure t o make expected weight gains. (4) insomnia or hypersomnia nearly every day (5) psychomotor agitation or retardation nearly every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of restlessness or being slowed down) (6) fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day ':'(7) feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (nat merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick) (8) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indeciSiveness, nearly every day (either by subjective account or as observed by others) (9) recurrent thoughts of death (not just fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specific plan for committing suicide 8. The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode (see p. 365).

C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairm ent in social, occupational. or ather important areas of functioning.
D. The symptoms are nat due to the direct phYSiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroid ism). E. The symptoms are not better accounted for by Bereavement, i.e., after the loss of a loved one, the symptoms persist for longer than 2 months or are characterized by marked functional impairment, morbid preoccupation with worthlessness, suicidal ideation, psychotic ~mptoms, or psychomotor retardation.

Manic Ep isode


Manic Episode
Ep isode Features
A r.,< fanic Episode is defined by a distinct period during which there is an abnormally and persistently eleva ted, expansive, or irri table mood. This period of abnormal mood must last at least 1 week (or less if hospitalization is required) (Criterion A). The mood disturbance must be accompanied by at least three additional symptoms fro m a list that includes infla ted self-esteem or grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, pressure of speech, rught o f ideas, distractibility, increased involvement in goaldirected activities or psychomotor agitation, and excessive involvement in pleasurable activities with a h igh potential for painful consequences. If the mood is irritable (rather than elevated or expansive), at least four of the above symptoms must be present (Criterion B). The symptoms do not meet criteria for a Mixed Episode, which is characterized by the s}'mptoms of both a Manic Episode and a Major Depressive Episode occurring nearly every day for a t least a I-week period (Criterion C). The dis turbance must be sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization, or it is characterized by the presence of psychotic features (Criterion D). The episode must not be due to the direct physiological effects of a drug of abuse, a medication, other somatic treatments for depression (e.g ., electroconvu lsive therapy or light therapy), or toxin exposure. The episode must also not be due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis, brain tumor) (C riterion E). The elevated mood of a Manic Episode may be described as euphoric, unusually good, cheerful, or high. Although the person's mood may initia lJy have an infectious quality for the uninvolved observer, it is recognized as excessive by those who know the person well. The expansive quality of the mood is characterized by unceasing and indiscriminate enthusiasm for interpersonal. sexual, or occupational interactions. For example, the person may spontaneously start extensive conversations with strangers in publiC places, or a salesperson may telephone strangers at home in the early morning hours to initiate saJes. Although elevated m ood is considered the prototypical symptom, the predominant mood disturbance may be irritability, particulilfly when the person's wishes are thwarted. Labili ty of mood (e.g., the aJtemation between euphoria and irritabili ty) is frequently seen. In nated self-esteem is typically present, ranging from uncritica l self-confidence to marked grandiosity, and may reach d elusional proportions (Criterion Bl). Individuals may give advice on matters about wh ich they ha\'e no special knowledge (e.g., how to run the United Nations). Despite lack of any particular experience or talent, the individual may embark on writing a novel or composing a symphony or seek publicity for some impractical invention. Grandiose delusions are common (e.g., having a special relationship to God or to some public figure from the political, religiOUS, or entertainment world). Almost invar iably, there is a decreased need for sleep (Criterion B2). The person usually awakens several hours earlier than usual, feeli ng fu ll of energy. When the sleep disturbance is severe, the person may go for d ays without sleep and yet not feel tired.

Mood Disorders Manic speech is typically pressured, loud, rapid, and difficult to interrupt (C riterion 83). Ind ividuals m ay talk nonstop, sometimes for hours on end, and without regard for others' wishes to commun icate. Speech is sometimes characterized by joking, punning, and amusing irrele\'ancies. The individual may become theatrical, with dramatic mannerisms and singing . Sounds rather than meaning ful conceptual relationships may govern word choice (i.e., clanging). If the person's m ood is more irritable than expansive, speech may be marked by complaints, hostile comments, o r angry tirad es. The individual's thoughts may race, often at a rate faster than can be articulated (Criterion 84). Some individuals with Manic Episodes report that this experience resembles watching two or three television programs simultaneously. Frequently there is flight of ideas evidenced by a nearly continuous flow of accelerated speech, with abrupt changes from one topic to another. For example, while talking about a potential business deal to sell computers, a salesp erson may shift to discussing in minute detail the history of the computer chip, the industrial revolu tion, or applied mathematics. When flight of id eas is severe, sp eech may become disorgani zed and incoherent. Distractibili ty (Criterion 85) is evidenced by an inability to screen ou t irrelevant external stimuli (e.g., the interviewer's tie, backg round noises or conversations, or furni shings in the room). There ma y be a reduced ability to d ifferentiate beh ,'een thoughts that are germane to the topic and thoughts tha t are only slightly relevant or clearly irrelevant. TIle increase in goal-d irected activity often involves excessive plarming of, and excessive participation in, muJtiple activities (e.g., sexual, occupational, political, religiOllS) (Criterion B6). Increased sexual drive, fanta sies, and behavior are often presen t. The p erson may simultaneously take on multiple new business ventures without regard for the apparent risks or the need to complete each ven ture satisfactorily. Almost in variably, there is increased sociability (e.g., renewing old acquaintances or calling fri ends or even strangers at aU hours of the d ay o r night), without regard to the intrusive, d omineering, and demanding na ture of these interactions. Indi viduals often disp lay p sychomotor ag itation or restlessness by pacing or by holding muJtip le conversations simuJtaneously (e.g., by telephone and in person at the same time). Some indi viduals write a torrent of letters on many different topics to friends, public fi gures, or the med ia. Expansiveness, unwarran ted optimism , g randiosity, and poor judgment often lead to an imprudent involvemen t in pleasurable activities such as buying s prees, reckless driving, fooHsh business investments, and sexual behavior unusual for the person, even though these activities are likely to have painful consequences (Criterion 87). The individual may purchase many uJU"lccded items (e.g ., 20 pairs of shoes, expensive antiques) without the money to pay for them. Unusual sexual behavior may include infidelity o r ind iscriminate sexual encounters with strangers. TIle im pairment resulting from the dishtrbance must be severe enough to cause marked impairnlent in fun ctioning or to require h ospitalization to protect the individual from the negative consequences of actions that resuJt from poo r judgment (e.g., financial losses, illegal activities, loss of employment, assaultive behavior). By definition, the presence of psychotic features during a Manic Episode constitutes marked impaim,ent in fun ctioning (Criterion D). Symptoms like those seen in a Manic Episode may be due to the direct effects of

Manic Episode


antidepressant medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light therapy, or medication prescribed for other general medical conditions (e.g., corticosteroids). Such presen tations are not considered Manic Episodes and do not count toward the diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. For example, if a pcrson with recurrent Major Depressive Disorder develops manic symptoms following a course of antidepressant medication, the episode is diagnosed as a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features, and there is no switch from a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder to Bipolar I Disorder. Some evidence suggests that there may be a bipolar "diathesis" in individuals who d evelop manic-like episodes foU owing somatic treatment for depression. Such individuals may havc an increased likelihood of future Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episodes thai are not related to substances or somatic treatments for depression . This may be an especially important consideration in children and adolescents.

Associated Featu res and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Individuals with a Manic Episode frequently do not recognize that they are ill and resist efforts to be trea ted. They may travel impulsively to other cities, losing contact with relati ves and caretakers. They may change their dress, makeup, or personal appearance to a more sexually suggestive o r dramatically flamboyant style that is ou t of character for them . They may engage in activities that have a disorganized or bizarre q uality (e.g., distributing candy, money, or ad vice to passing strangers). Gambling and antisocial behaviors may accompany the Manic Episode. Ethical concerns may be disregarded even by those who are typically very conscientious (e.g., a stockbro ker inappropriately buys and sells stock without the clients' knowledge or permission; a scientist incorporates the findings of others). The person may be hostile and physically threatening to others. Some individuals, especially those with psychotic featu res, may become physically assaultive or suicidal. Adverse consequences of a Manic Episode (e.g., involuntary hospitalization, difficulties w ith the law, or serious financial difficulties) often result from poor judgm ent and hyperactivity. When no longer in the Manic Episode, most individuals are regretful for behaviors engaged in during the Manic Episode. Some individua ls describe having a much sharper sense of smell, hearing, or vision (e.g., colors appear very bright). When catatonic symptoms (e.g., stupor, mutism, negativism, and posturing) are present, the specifier \<\Iith Ca tatonic Features may be indica ted (see p. 41 7). Mood may shift rapidl y to anger o r depression. Depressive symptoms may last moments, hours, or, more rarely, days. Not uncommonly, the depressive symptoms and manic symptoms occur simultaneously. 1f the criteria for both a Major Depressive Episode and a Manic Episode are prominent every d ay for at least 1 week, the episode is considered to be a ~lixed Episode (see p. 362). As the Manic Episode d evelops, there is often a substantial increase in the use of alcohol or stimulants, which may exacerbate or prolong the episode. Associated laboratory findings . No laboratory findin gs that are diagnostic o f a Manic Episode have been identified. However, a variety of laboratory findings have been noted to be abnormal in groups of individuals with Manic Episodes compared with control subjects. Laboratory findings in Manic Episodes include polysomnographic

1 360

Mood Disorders

abnormalities and increased. cortisol secretion. There m ay be abnormalities involving the norepinephrine, serotonin, acetylcholine, dopamine, or gammaaminobutyric ad d neurotransmitter systems, as demonstrated by studies of neurotransmitter metabo-

lites, receptor functioning, pharmacological provocation, and neuroendocrine


Specif ic Cu lture, A ge, and Gender Feat ures

Cultu ral considera tions that were suggested for Major Depressive Episodes are also relevant to Manic Ep isodes (see p. 353). Manic Ep isodes in adolescen ts a re more likely to include psychotic features and may be associated with school truancy, antisocial behavior, school fai lure, or s ubs tan ce use. A sign ifican t mi nority of ad olescen ts appear 10 have a history o f long-standing behavior problems tha t precede the onset of a frank Manic Episode. It is unclear whether these problems rcpresent a p rolongcd prodrome to Bipolar Disorder or an independent d isorder. See the corresponding sections o f the texts for Bipolar I Disorder (p. 385) and Bipolar U Disorder (p. 394) for specific in form ation on gender.

The mean age at on set for a fi rst Manic Ep isode is the early 20s, but some cases start in adolescence and o thers start after age 50 years. Manic Ep isodes typically begin s uddenly, with a rapid escalation o f symp toms over a few d ays. Frequently, Man ic Episodes occur following psychosocia l stressors. The episodes us ually last from a few weeks to several mon ths and a re briefer and end more abruptly than Major Depressive Episodes. In many instances (500/0-60%), a Major Dep ressive Episod e immediately p recedes or immedi ately follows a Manic Episode, w ith n o intervenin g period of eu thymia. If the Manic Episod e occurs in the postpartum period, there m ay be an increased risk for recurrence in subsequent postpartum p eriods and the s pecifier With Postpartum Onset is applicable (see p. 422).

Differential Diagnosis
A Manic Episode must be distinguished from a M ood Di sorder Due to a Ge neral M edical Condition . The appropria te diagnosis would be Mood Disorder Due to a General Med ical Cond ition if the m ood d isturbance is judged to be the direct physiological consequence o f a specific genera l medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis, brain tumor, C ushing's syndrome) (see p. 401). This d etem \ina tion is based on the history. laboratory fi ndings, or physica l examination . If it is judged that the manic s}'m p toms are not the d irect physiological consequence of the genera l medica l condition, then the primary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g ., Bi polar I Di sorder) and the general medical cond ition is recorded on Axis III (e.g., myoca rdial infarction). A late onset o f a fi rsl Manic Episode (e.g., after age 50 years) should alert the clinician to the possibility of an etiological general medical cond ition or substance. A Sub stancelndu ced M ood Disorder is distinguished from a Manic Episode by the facl that a substance (e.g., a d rug of abuse, a med ica tion, or exp osure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologica lly related to the mood distu rbance (see p . 405). Sym p toms like

Ma nic Episode


those seen in a Manic Episode may be precipitated by a drug of abuse (e.g., manic symptoms that occur only in the context of intoxication w ith cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features, With Onset During lntoxica tion). Symptoms like those seen in a Manic Episode may also be precipitated by an tidepressant treatmen t such as medication, electroconvulsive therapy, or light therapy. Such episodes are also d iagnosed as Substance-Induced Mood Disorders (e.g., Amitriptyline-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Fea tures; Electroconvulsive Therapy-Induced r.,'lood Disorder, Wi th Manic Features). However, clinica l judgment is essential to d etermine whether the treatment is truly causal or whether a p rimary Manic Episode happened to have its onset while the person was receiving the treMment (see p. 406). Manic Episodes should be distinguished from Hypomanic Episodes. Although Manic Episod es and Hypomanic Episodes have an identical list of characteristic symp toms, the distu rbance in Hypo manic Episod es is not sufficiently severe to cause marked im pairmen t in socia l or occupationaJ fllflCtiOning o r to require hospitalization. Some Hypomanic Episodes may evolve into fu ll Manic Episod es. Major D ep ressive Episodes w ith prom inent irritable mood may be difficult to distinguish from Manic Episodes w ith irritable mood or from Mixed Episodes. This determination requires a careful clinical evaluation of the presence of manic symptoms. U criteria are met for bo th a Manic Episode and a Major Dep ressive Episode nearl}' every d ay for at least a l-week period, th is would constitute a Mixed Episode. Attention-DeficitIHyperactivity Disorder and a Manic Episod e are both characterized by excessive acti vity, impulsive behavio r, poor jud gmen t, and denial of p roblems. Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is d isting uished from a Manic Episod e by its characteristic early onset (i.e., before age 7 )'ears), chronic rather than episodic cou rse, lack o f relatively clear onsets and o ffsets, and the absence o f abnorma U expansive or eleva ted mood or psychotic fe atures. y

1 362

Mood Disorders

Criteria for Manic Episode

A A distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive. or irritable j mood, lasting at least 1 week (or any duration if hospitalization is necessary) ,
B. During the period of mood disturbance. three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a signifi-

cant degree:
(1) inflated self-esteem or grandiosity

(2) decreased need for sleep (e.g .. feels rested aft er only 3 hours of sleep)
(3) more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking (4) flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing

(5) distractibility (i.e., attention too easily drawn to unimportant or irrelevant externa l stimuli) (6) increase in goal-d irected activity (either socially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation (7) excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potential for painful consequences (e .g., engaging in unrestrained buying sprees, sexua l indiscretions, or foolish business invest ments)
C. The symptoms do not meet criteria fo r a Mixed Episode (see p. 365).

D. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in occupat ional functioning or in usua l social activit ies or relationships with others, or to necessitate hospita lization to prevent harm to self or others, or there are psychotic features. E. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other t reatment) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism). Note: Manic-like episodes that are clea rly caused by somatic ant idepressant treatment (e.g., med ication, electroconvulsive therapy, light therapy) should not count toward a diag nosis of Bipolar I Disorder.

Mixed Episode
Episode Featu res
A Mixed Episode is characterized by a period of time (lasting at least 1 week) in which the criteria are met both for a Man ic Episode and for a Major Depressive Episode nearly every day (Criterion A). The individual experiences rapidly alternating moods (sadness, irritability, euphoria) accompanied by symptoms of a Manic Episode (see p. 357) and a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 349). The symptom presentation fre quently includes agitation, insomnia, appetite d ysreguJation, psychotic features, and suicidal thinking. The disturbance must be sufficiently severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational fun ctioning or to require hospitalization, Dr it is

Mixed Episode


characterized by the presence of psychotic features (Criterion B). The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) (Criterion C). Symptoms like those seen in a Mixed Episode Illay be due to the di rect effects of antidepressant medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light therapy, or medication prescribed for other general med ical conditions (e.g., corticosteroids). Such presentations are not consid ered Mixed Episodes and do not count toward a d iagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. For example, if a person with recurrent Major Depressive Disorder develops a mixed symptom picture during a course of antidepressant medication, the diagnosis of the episode is Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, With Mixed Features, and there is no switch from a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder to Bipolar I Disorder. Some evidence suggests that there may be a bipOlar "diathesis" in individuals who develop mixed-like episodes following somatic treatment for depression. Such individuals may have an increased likelihood of future Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episodes that are not related to substances o r somatic treatments for depression. This may be an especially important considera tion in children and adolescents.

Associated Features and Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Associated features of a Mixed Episode are similar to those fo r Manic Episod es and Major Depressive Episodes. Individuals may be disorganized in their thinking or beha vior. Because individua ls in Mixed Episodes experience mo re d ysphoria than do those in Manic Episodes, they may be more li kely to seek help. Associated laboratory findings. Llboratory findings for Mixed Episode are not well Shldied, although evidence to date suggests physiological and endocrine findings that are similar to those found in severe Major Depressive Episodes.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gen der Features

Cultural considerations suggested for Major Depressive Episodes are relevant to Mixed Epi sodes as well (see p. 353). Mixed episodes appear to be more common in younger individuals and in individua ls over age 60 years with Bipolar Disorder and may be more common in males than in females.

Cou rse
Mixed Episodes can evolve from a Manic Episode or from a Major Depressive Episode or may arise de novo. For example, the diagnosis would be changed from Bipolar I Diso rder, Most Recent Episode Manic, to Bipola r I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, for an individual with 3 weeks of manic symptoms followed by 1 week of both manic symptoms and depressive symptoms. Mixed episodes may last weeks to several months and may remit to a period with few or no symptoms or evolve into a Major Depressive Episode. It is far less common for a Mixed Episode to evolve into a Manic Episode.

Mood Disorders

Differential Diagnosis
A Mixed Episode mus t be d istinguished from a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Med ical Condition if the mood disturbance is judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a sp ecific general medical condition (e.g ., multi ple sclerosis, b rain tlUllOf, Cushing's syndrome) (see p . 401). This determination is based on the his tory, laboratory findings, or physical examination. If it is judged that the mixed manic and depressive sym ptoms are not the direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, then the prim ary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g ., Bip olar I Disorder) and the general medical condition is recorded on Axis 11l (e.g., myocardial infarction). A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguis hed from a Mixed Episode by the fact tha t a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exp osure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood disturbance (see p. 405). Symptoms like those seen in a Mixed Episode may be precipitated by use of a drug o f abuse (e.g., mixed manic and depressive symptoms that occur only in the con tex t of intoxica tion with cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Mixed Features, With Onset During Intoxication). Symptoms like those seen in a Mixed Episode may also be precipitated by antidepressant treatment such as medication, electroconvulsive therapy, or light therapy. Such episodes are also diagnosed as Substance-Ind uced Mood Disorders (e.g ., Amitriptyline-Induced Mood Disorder, With Mixed Features; Electroconvulsive Therapy~Induced Mood Disorder, With t>.1ixed Feahlres). However, clinical judgment is essential to determine whether the treatment is truly causal or whether a primary Mixed Episode happ ened to have its onsct while the person was receiving the treatment (see p. 406). Major Depressive Episodes w ith prominent irritable mo od and Manic Episodes with prominent irritable mood may be difficult to distinguish from Mixed Episodes. This d etermination requi res a carefu l clinical evaluation of the simultaneous presence of symptoms that are characteris tic of both a full Manic Episode and a full Major Depressive Episode (except for duration). Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and a Mixed Episode are both ch aracterized by excessive activity, impulsive behavior, p oor ju dgment, and denial of problems. Attention-Deficit/ Hyp eractivity Disorder is distinguished from a Nl.ixed Episode by its characteristic early onset (i.e., before age 7 years), chronic rather than episod ic course, lack of relatively d ear onsets and offsets, and the absence of abnormally expansive or elevated mood or psychotic features. Children with AttentionDeficit/ H yperactivity Disorder also sometimes show depressive symptoms such as low self-esteem and frus tration tolerance. If criteria are met for both, Atten tion Deficit/H yperactivity Disorder may be d iagnosed in addition to the Mood Disorder.

Hypomanic Ep isod e

Criteria for Mixed Episode

A. The criteria a re met both fo r a Manic Episode (see p. 362) and for a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) (except for duration) nearly eve ry day during at least a ' -week period. B. The mood disturbance is sufficiently severe to cause ma rked impairment in occupational functionin g or in usua l social act ivities or relationships with othe rs, or t o necessitate hospitalization t o prevent harm to self or othe rs, or there are psychotic features.
C. The symptoms a re not due t o the direct physiolog ica l effects of a substance (e.g., a

drug of abuse, a medication, or other t reatment ) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroid ism). Note: Mixed-like episodes th at are dea rly caused by somatic ant idepressant treatment (e .g., medication, electroconvu lsive thera py, light therapy) should not count toward a diagnos is of Bipol ar I Disorder.

Hypomanic Episode
Episo de Features
A H}'pomanic Episode is defin ed as a d istinct period d uring which there is an abnormally and persisten tly elevated, expansive, or irritable mood that lasts at least 4 d ays (Criterion A) . This period of abnormal mood must be accomp anied by a t least three add itional symptoms from a list that incl udes inflated self-esteem or grand iosity (nond elusional), d ecreased need for sleep, p ressLUe of sp eech, fli ght of ideas, d istractibility, increased involvement in goal-di rected activ ities or psychomotor ag itation, and excessive involvement in pleasurab le activities that h ave a high potential for pain ful consequences (Criterion B). If the mood is irritable rather than elevated or expansive, at least fo ur of the above symptoms must be present. This list of additional symp toms is identical to those that define a Manic Episode (see p. 357) excep t that delusions or hallucinations cannot be present. The mood during a Hyp omanic Episode must be d early different fro m the individual' s usual nondepressed mood, and there must be a clear change in functioning that is not characteristic of the individual's usual fu nctioning (Criterion C). Because the changes in mood and function in g must be observable by others (C riterion 0 ), the evaluation o f this criterion will often require interv iewing other in formants (e.g ., fam ily members). History from other informants is particu larly important in the evaluation of adolescents. In con trast to a Man ic Episode, a Hyp omanic Episod e is not severe enough to cau se marked impairment in social or occupationa l fun ctioning or to require hospitalization, and there are n o psychotic featu res (Cri terion E). The change in function in g for some ind ivid u als may ta ke the form o f a marked increase in efficiency, accom plishmen ts, or creativity. However, for others, hypo man ia ca n cause so me social or occu pa tional impairment.

Mood Disorders

The mood disturbance and other symptom s must not be due to the direct physiolog ical effects of a drug of abuse, a medication, other treatment fo r depression (electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy), or toxin exposure. The episode must also not be due to the d irect physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., multiple scle.rosis, b rain tumor) (Criterion F). Symptoms Like those seen in a Hypomanic Episode may be due to the d irect effects of antidepressant medica tion, electroconvulsive therapy, ligh t therapy, or medica tion prescribed for o ther general medical conditions (e.g., corticosteroids). Such presentations are not consid ered Hypomanic Episodes and d o not count toward the diagnosis of Bipolar n Disorder. For example, if a person with recurren t Major Depressive Disorder d evelops symptoms of a hypo manic-like episode during a course of antidepressant medica tion, the episode is diagnosed as a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, Wi th Manic Features, and there is no switch from a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder to Bipolar n Disorder. Some evidence suggests that there may be a bipolar "diathesis" in indi viduals who develop manic- or hypomanic-like episod es follow ing somatic treatment for depression . Such individuals may have an increased likelihood of future Manic or H ypoma nic Episodes that are not rela ted to substances or somatic treatments for depression. The elevated mood in a Hypomanic Episode is d escribed as euphoric, unusually good, cheerful, or high. Although the person's mood may have an infectious qua lity for the uninvolved observer, it is recognized as a distinct change from the usual self by those who know the person weU. The expansive quality of the mood djs turbance is characterized by enthusiasm for social, interpersonal, or occupational interactions. Although elevated mood is considered prototypical, the mood disturbance may be irritable o r may alternate between eu phoria and irritability. Characteristically, in nated self-esteem, usually at the level of uncritical self-confidence ra ther than marked grand iosity, is present (Criterion Bl ). There is very o ft en a decreased need fo r sleep (Criterion 82); the person awakens before the usual time with increased energy. The speech of a person with a Hyp omanic Episode is often somewhat louder and more rapid than usu al, but is not typically d iffi cult to interrupt. It may be full of jokes, puns, plays on words, and irrelevancies (Criterion B3). Flig ht of ideas is uncommon and, if present, lasts for very brief periods (Cri terion 84). Distractibility is often present, as evidenced by rapid changes in speech or activity as a resull of responding to various irrelevant external stimuli (Criterion B5). The increase in goal-directed activity may involve planning of, and participation in, multiple activities (Criterion B6) . These activities are often creative and producti ve (e.g.; writing a letler to the editor, clearing up paperwork). Sociability is usually increased, and there may be an increase in sexual activity. There may be impulsive activity such as buying sprees, reckless driving, or foolish business investments (Criterion B7). However, such activities are usua lly organized, are not bizarre, and do not resull in the level of impairment that is characteristic of a Manic Episode.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associa ted features o f a Hypomanic Episode are similar to those for a Manic Episode. Mood may also be characterized as d}'sphoric if irritable or depressive symptoms are more prominent than euphoria in the clinical presentation.

Hypomanic Episode


Specific Culture and Age Features

: ultural considerations that were suggested fo r Major Depressive Epi sodes are relevant to Hyp oma nic Episodes as well (see p. 353). In younger (e.g., adolescent) persons, Hypomanic Episodes may be associa ted w ith school truancy, antisocial behavior, school fai lure, or substance use.

A Hypomanic Episode typically begins sudd enly, with a rapid escalation of symptoms w ithin a d ay o r two. Episodes may last for several weeks to months and are usually more abrupt in onset and briefer than Major Depressive Episodes. In m any cases, the Hypomanic Episode may be preceded or followed by a Major Depressive Episode. Studies suggest tha t 5%- 15" of individuals with hyp omania will ultimately de/" velop a Manic Episode.

Differential Diagnosis
A Hypomanic Episode must be d istinguished from a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition . The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Condition if the mood disturbance is judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific general medical condi tion (e.g., multiple sclerosis, bra in tumor, Cushing's syndmme) (see p. 401). This determination is based o n the history, laboratory fi nd ings, or physical examination. If it is judged that the hypomanic symptoms are not the direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, then the primary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g., Bipolar II Disorder) and the general medical cond ition is recorded on Axis III (e.g., myocardial infarction). A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from a Hypomanic Episode by the fact that a substance (e.g., a d rug of abuse, a medica tion, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood disturbance (see p. 405). Symptoms like those seen in a H}'Poman ic Episode may be precipita ted by a drug of abuse (e.g., hypomanic symptoms that occur only in the context of intoxication w ith cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features, With Onset During Intoxication). Symptoms like those seen in a Hypomanic Episode may also be p recipitated by an tidepressant treatment such as m edica tion, electroconvulsive therapy, or light therapy. Such episodes are also d iagnosed as SubstanceInduced Mood. Disorders (e.g., Amitriptyline-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features; Electroconvulsive Therapy-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic f eatures). However, clinical judgment is essential to detennine whether the treatment is truly causal or w hether a primary Hypo manic Episode happened to have its onset while the person was receiving the treatment (see p. 406). Manic Episodes should be distinguished from Hy pomanic Episodes. Although Manic Episod es and Hypomanic Episodes have identical lists of characteristic symptoms, the m ood disturbance in Hypomanic Episodes is not sufficientl y severe to cause marked impainnent in social or occupational fun ctioning or to require hospitalization. Som e Hypomanic Episodes may evolve into full Manic Episodes. Attention-DeficitlHyperactivity Disorder and a Hypomanic Episode are both

Mood Disorders

characterized by excessive activity, impulsive behavior, poor judgment, and denial o f problems. Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder is distinguished from a Hypomanic Episode by its characteristic early onset (Le., before age 7 years), chronic rather than episodic course, lack of relatively clear onsets and offsets, and the absence of abnormally expansive or elevated mood . A Hypomanic Episode must be distinguished from eu th ymia, particuJariy in individuals who have been chronically depressed and are unaccustomed to the experience of a nondepressed mood state.

Criteria for Hypomanic Episode

A distinct period of persistently elevated, expansive, or irritable mood, lasting throughout at least 4 days, that is clearly different from the usua l nondepressed mood . B. During the period of mood disturbance, three (or more) of the following symptoms have persisted (four if the mood is only irritable) and have been present to a significant degree: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) infl ated selfesteem or grandiosity decreased need for sleep (e.g ., feels rested after only 3 hours of sleep) more talkative than usual or pressure to keep talking flight of ideas or subjective experience that thoughts are racing distractibility (i.e., attention too eaSily drawn t o unimportant or irrelevant external stimuli) (6) increase in goaldirected activity (either SOCially, at work or school, or sexually) or psychomotor agitation (7) excessive involvement in pleasurable activities that have a high potent ial for painful consequences (e.g., the person engages in unrestrained buying sprees, sexual indiscretions, or foolish business investments)

C. The episode is associated wit h an unequivocal change in functioning that is unchar-

acteristic of the person when not symptomat ic. D. The disturbance in mood and the change in functioning are observable by others. E. The episode is not severe e nough to cause marked impairment in social or occupa tiona l fun ctioning, or to necessitate hospitalization, and t here are no psychotic fea tures. F. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other treatment) or a general medica l condition (e.g ., hyperthyroidism) . Note: Hypomanic-like episodes that are clearly caused by somatic antidepressant treatment (e.g., medication, electroconvulsive therapy, light t herapy) should not count toward a diag nosis of Bipola r II Disorder.

Depressive Disorde rs

369 1

Depressive Disorders

Major Depressive Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Major Depressive Disorder is a clinical course that is charac terized by one or more Major Depressive Episodes (see p. 349) without a history of i\'lanic, Mixed, o r Hypomanic Episodes (Criteria A and C). Episodes of Substance Induced Mood Disorder (due to the direct physiological effects of a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure) or of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition do not count toward a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. In addition, the episodes must not be better accounted for by Schizoaffective Diso rd er and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusiona l Disorder, or Psychotic Diso rder Not Otherwise Specified (Criterion B). The fourth digit in the diagnostic code for Major Depressive Disorder indicates whether it is a Single Episode (used only for first episodes) or Recurrent. It is sometimes difficult to distinguish between a single episode with waxing and waning symptoms and two separate episodes. For purposes of this manual, an episode is considered to have ended when the full criteria for the Major Depressive Episode have not been met for at least 2 consecutive months. During this 2 month period, there is either complete resolution of symptoms or the presence of depressive symptoms that no longer meet the fu ll criteria for a Major Depressive Episode (In Partial Remission). The fifth digit in the diagnostic code fo r Major Depressive Disorder indicates the current state of the dishlrbance. If the criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are met, the severity of the episode is noted as Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Featu res, or Severe With Psychotic Feahlres. If the criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are not currently met, the fifth digit is used to indicate whether the disorder is In Pa rtial Remission or In Full Remission (see p. 412). If Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episodes develop in the course of Major Depres sive Disorder, the diagnosis is changed to a Bipolar Disorder. However, if manic or hypomanic symptoms occur as a direct effect of antidepressant treatment, use of other medications, substance use, or toxin exposure, the diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder remains appropriate and an additional diagnosis of Substance lnduced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features (or With Mixed Features), should be noted. Similarly, if manic o r hyp omanic symptoms occur as a direct effect of a general medical condition, the d iagnOSis of Major Depressive Disorder remains appropriate and an additional diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, With ~'fanic Features (or With Mixed Features), should be noted .

If the full criteria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, the following specifiers may be used to describe the current clinical stahls of the episode and to de scribe features of the current episode:


Mood Disorders

Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features, Severe With Psych otic Features (see p. 411) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

If the fu ll criteria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, the following specifiers may be used to describe the current clinical status of the Major Depressive Disorder and to describe features of the most recent episode:
In Pa rtial Remission, In Full Remi ssion (see p. 411 ) Chronic (see p. 41 7) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Featu res (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p . 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p . 422) nle follow ing specifie rs may be used to indica te the pa tte rn of the episodes and the presence of interepisode symptoms for Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent:

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Fullin terepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (see p. 425)

Recording Procedures
TIle diagnostic codes for Major Depressive Disorder are selected as follows: 1. The first three digits are 296. 2. The fourth digit is either 2 (if there is only a single Major Depressive Episode) or 3 (if there are recurrent Major Depressive Episodes). 3. If the full cri teria are curren tly met for a Major Depressive Episode, the fifth digit indicates the current severity as follows: 1 for Mild severity, 2 fo r Moderate severity, 3 for Severe Without Psychotic Features, 4 for Severe With Psychotic Features. If the full cri teria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, the fifth dig it indicates the current clinical status of the Major Depressive Disorder as foll ows: 5 for In Partial Remission, 6 for In Full Remission. If the severity of the current episode or the current remission status of the disorder is unspecified, then the fifth digit is O. Other specifiers for Major Depressive Disorder cannot be coded. In recording the name of a diagnosis, terms should be Listed in the following order: Major Depressive Disorder, specifiers coded in the fourth digit (e.g., Recurrent), specifiers coded in the fifth digit (e.g., Mild, Severe With Psychotic Features, In Partial Remission), as many specifiers (without codes) as apply to the current or most recent episode (e.g., With Melancholic Features, With Postpartum Onset), and as man}'

Major Depressive Disorder


specifi ers (without codes) as apply to the course of episodes (e.g ., With Full Interepi sode Recovery); for example, 296.32 Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate, With Atypical Features, With Seasonal Pattern, With Fullinterepisode Recovery.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Major Depressive Disorder is associated with high mortality. Up to 15% of individua ls with severe Major Depressive Disorder die by suicide. Epidemiological evidence also s uggests that there is a fourfo ld increase in death rates in in dividuals with Major Depressive Disord er who are over age 55 years. Individ uals with Major Depressive Disorder admitted to nu rsing homes may ha ve a markedly increased likelihood of death in the firs t year. Among individuals seen in general medical settings, those with Major Depressive Disorder have more pain and physical illness and decreased physical, social, and role hmctioning. Major Depressive Disorder may be preceded by Dysthymic Disorder (10% in epidemiological samples and 15%-25% in clinical samples). It is also estimated that each year approxima tely 10% of individuals with Dysthymic Disorder alone will go on to have a first Major Depressive Episode. O ther mental disorders frequently co-occur with Major Depressive Disorder (e.g., Substance-Related Disorders, Panic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Borderline Personality Disorder). Associated laboratory findings. TIle laboratory abnormalities that are associated with Major Depressive Disorder are th ose associated w ith Major Depressive Ep isode (see p . 352) . None of these findings are d iagnostic of Major Depressive Disorder, but they ha ve been noted to be abnormal in g rou ps of individ uals with Major Depressive Disorder compared with control subjects. Neurobiologica l dis turbances s uch as elevated glucocorticoid levels and EEG sleep alterations are mo re prevalent among individuals with Psych otic Features and those with more severe episodes or with Melancholic Features. Most laboratory abnormali ties are state dependent (i.e., are present only wh en depressive symptoms are present). However, evidence suggests that some sleep EEG abnormalities persist in to clinical remission or may precede the onset of the Major Depressive Episode. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. individuals with chronic or severe general medical conditions are at increased risk to develop Major Depressive Disorder. Up to 20%-25% of individuals w ith certain general medical conditions (e.g., diabetes, m yocardial infarction, carcinomas, stroke) will de\lelOp Major Depressive Disorder during the course o f their general medical condi tion. The management of the general medical condition is more complex and the prognosis is less favo rable if Major Depressive Disorder is present. In addition, the prognosis of Major Depressive Disorder is adversely affected (e.g ., longer episodes or poorer responses to treatment) by concomitant chronic genera l medical conditions.

Mood Disorders

Specifi c Cult ure, Age, and Gender Features

Sp ecific cu lture-related fea tures are d is cussed in the text for Major Depressive Epi sode (see p. 353). Epidemiological s tud ies sugges t significant coho rt effects in ris k of depression . For example, individ uals b orn beh\'een 1940 and 1950 a ppear to have an earlier age at onset and a grea ter lifetime risk of d epression than those born prior to 1940. There is some ev idence tha t Atypical Features are mo re common in you nger people and that Melancho lic Features are m ore common in old er depressed people. Among those with an onset o f d e p ression in later life, there is evidence o f subcortical wh ile matter hyperintens ities associated with cerebrovascular disease. These "vascu lar" d epressions are associated with greater n europsycholog ica l impairments and poorer responses to standard th erapies. Major Depress ive Disorder (Single or Recur rent) is twice as common in adolescent and adult fe males as in adolescent and adult males. In prepubertal children, boys and girls are equ ally affected.

Prevalen ce
Studies of Major Depressive Disorder have reported a w ide range of values for the proportion of the adult population with the d isorder. The lifetime ris k for Major Depressive Disorder in community samples has varied from 10% to 25% for women and from 5% to 12% for men . The point prevalence of Major Depressive Disord er in adults in com munity samples has varied fro m 5% to 9% for women and ITom 2% to 3% fo r men . The p revalence rates for Major Depressive Dis order ap pear to be unrelated to elhnicity, education, income, o r marital s tatus.

Cou rse
Major Depressive Disorder may begin at any age, with an average age at onset in the mid-20s. Epidemiological data s ugges t that the age at onset is d ecreasing for those born more recently . The course of Major Dep ressive Disorder, Recurrent, is variable. Some people have isolated ep isodes that are separated by m any years w ithout any depressive symptoms, w hereas others h ave dus ters of episodes, and still others have increa singly frequent episodes as they g row older. Some evidence s ugges ts that the periods of remission generally las t longer early in the course of the d is order. The number of prior episod es predicts the likelihood of developing a su bsequent Major Depressive Episod e. At leas t 60% of individuals with Major De pressive Disorder, Single Ep isod e, can be expected to have a second episode. Individuals who have had two ep isodes have a 70"10 chance of having a third , and indiv iduals w ho have had three episodes have a 90% chance o f h aving a fourth. Abo ut 5%- 10 of individuals with ;', Major Depressive Disorder, Sing le Episode, subsequently develop a Manic Ep isode (Le., d evelop Bipolar I Disorder). Major Depressive Epis od es may end com p letely (in about h vo-thirds of cases), or only partially or not at all (in abou t one-third of cases). For ind ividuals w ho have ani}' partial remission, there is a greater likelihood of developing additional episodes and of continuing the pattern o f partial interep isode recovery. The longitud ina l course specifiers With FulJ Intere pisode Recovery and Without Fullin tere pisod e Recovery (see p . 424) may therefore have prognostic value. A number of individuals have pre-

Major Depressive Disorder


existing Dysthymic Disorder prior to the onset of Major Depressive Disorder, Single :pisode. Some evidence suggests that these individuals are more likely to have add itional Major Depressive Episodes, have poorer interepisode recovery, and may require additional acute-phase treatment and a longer period of continuing trea tment to attain and ma intain a more thorough and longer-lasting euthymic s tate. Follow-up naturalistic s tudies suggested that 1 year after the diagnosis of a Major Depressive Episode, 40% of individuals s till have symptoms that are sufficien tly severe to meet criteria fo r a full Major Depressive Episode, roughly 20% con tinue to have some symptoms that no longer meet fuJi criteria for a Major Depressive Episode (i.e., Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission), and 40% have no Mood Disorder. The severity of the initial Major Depressive Episode appears to predict persistence. Chronic general medical conditions are also a risk factor for more persistent episod es. Episodes of Major Depressive Disorder often foUow a severe psychosocial s tressor, such as the death of a loved one or divorce. Studies s ugges t that psychosocia l events (slressors) may play a more significant role in the precipitation of the first or second episodes of Major Depressive Disorder and may play less of a role in the onset of s ubsequent episodes. Chronic general m edical conditions and Subs tance Dependence (particularly Alcohol or Cocaine Dependence) may contribute to the onset or exacerbation of Major Depressive Disorder. It is difficult to predict whether the firs t episode of a Major Depressive Disorder in a young person w ill ultimately evolve into a Bipolar Disorder. Some data suggest that the acute onset of severe d epression, especially with psychotic features and psychomotor retardation, in a young person without prepuberta l psychopathology is more likely to predict a bipolar course. A famil y history of Bipolar Disorder may also be suggestive of subsequent development of Bipolar Disorder.

Familial Pattern
Major Depressive Disorder is 1.5--3 times more common among first -degree biological relatives of persons with this disorder than among the general population. There is evidence for an increased risk of Alcohol Dependence in adult firs t-degree biological relatives, and there may be an increased incidence of an Anxiety Disorder (e.g., Panic Di sorder, Social Phobia) or Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder in the chi ldren of adults with Major Depressive Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Major Depressive Episode (p. 354). A hi story of a Manic, Mixed, or Hypoman ic Epi sode precludes the d iagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder. The presence of Hypomanic Episodes (without any history of Manic Episodes) indicates a diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder. The presence of Manic or Mixed Episodes (with or without Hypomanic Episodes) indicates a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. Major Depressive Episodes in Major Depressive Disorder must be dis tinguis hed from a Mood Disord er Due to a General Medical Condition. The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition if the mood dis turbance is judged to be


Mood Disorders

the direct physiologica l consequence of a specific general medical condition (e.g.,

multiple sclerosis, s troke, hypothyroidism) (see p. 401). This determination is based on the h istory, laboratory findings, or ph ysical examination. If it is judged that the de-

pressive symptoms are not the direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, then the primary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g., Major Dep ressive Disorder) and the general medica l condition is recorded on Axis ill (e.g., myocardial infarction). This wou ld be the case, fo r example, if the Major Depressive Episode is considered to be the psychological consequence of hav ing the general medical condition or if there is no etiological relationship between the Ma jo r Depressive Episode and the general medical condition . A Substance-Induced Mood Disord er is dis tinguished from Major Dep ressive Episod es in Major Depressive Disorder by the fact tha t a s ubs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologicaUy related to the mood disturbance (see p . 405). For example, depressed mood that occurs only in the con text of w ithd rawal from cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Dep ressive Featu res, With Onset During Withdrawal. Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder are differentiated based on severity, chronicity, and persistence. In Majo r Depressive Disorder, the depressed mood mus t be present for most of the day, nearly every day, for a period of at leas t 2 weeks, whereas Dysthymic Disorder must he present for more days than not over a period of at leas t 2 yea rs. llle differen tia l diagnosis between Dys thymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder is made particularly difficult by the fa ct that the two disorders share similar symptoms and that the differences between them in onset, dura tion, persis tence, and severity are not easy to evaluate retrospectively. Usually Major Depressive Disorder consis ts of one or more discrete Major Dep ressive Episodes that can be distinguished from the person's us ual functioning, whereas Dysthymic Disorder is cha racterized by ch ronic, less severe depressive symptoms that have been present fo r many years. If the initial onset of chronic depressive symptoms is of sufficien t severity and number 10 meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode, the diagnosis would be Major Depressive Disorder, Chronic (if the criteria are still met), or Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission (if the criteria are n o longer met). The diagnosis of Dysthym ic Disorder is made follow ing Major Depressive Disorder only if the Dys thymic Disorder was established prior to the fi rst Major Depressive Episode (i.e., no Major DepresSive Episodes during the first 2 years of d ysthymiCsym ptoms), or if there has been a full remission of the Major Depressive Episode (i.e., lasting at leas t 2 months) before the onset of the Dysthymic Disorder. Schizoaffective Disorder differs from Major Depressive Disorder, With Psychotic Features, by the requirement that in Schizoaffective Disorder there mus t be at least 2 weeks of delusions or hallucinations occurring in the absence of p rominent mood symptoms . Depressive symptoms may be present du ring Sch izophreni a, Delusional Disorder, and Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Most commonly, such depressive symptoms can be considered associated features of these disorders and do not merit a separate diagnosis. However, when the depressive symptoms meel full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode (or are of particular clinical significance), a d iagnosis of Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified may be made in addition to the d iagnosis of Schizophren ia, Delu sional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. Schizoph renia, Catatonic Type, may he d ifficult to dis ting uish from

Major Depressive Diso rder


Major Depressive Disorder, With Ca tatonic Features. Prior his tory or family history may be helpful in making this dis tinction. In elderly individuals, it is often difficult to determine w hether cognitive symptoms (e.g., disorienta tion, apathy, difficulty concentrating, memory loss) are better accounted for by a dementia o r by a Major Dep ressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder. This differential d iagnosis may be informed by a thorough genera l medical evaluation and consideration of the onset of the dis turbance, tempora l sequencing of depressive and cognitive symptoms, course of illness, and treatment response. The premorbid s tate of the individual may help to differentiate a Major Depressive Disorder from dementia. In dementia, there is usually a premorbid his tory o f declining cognitive function, w hereas the individual with Major Depressive Disorder is much more likely to have a relatively nom,al premorbid s tate and abrupt cognitive decline associated w ith the depression.

Diagnostic criteria for 296.2x Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode

A. Presence of a single Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356).

B. The Ma jor Depressive Episode is not better accou nted for by Schizoatfective Disorder and is not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophren iform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.
C. There has never been a Manic Episod e (see p. 362), a Mixed Episode (see p. 365), or

a Hypoman ic Episode (see p. 36B). Note: This exclusion does not apply if all of the man ic-like, mixed-like, o r hypoma nic-l ike episodes are substa nce or t reatment induced or are due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condit ion. If the full criteria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, specify its current clinical status and/or fea t ures: Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Feature s/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 41 t) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, specify the current clinical status of the Major Depressive Disorder or features of the most recent episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 41 t ) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Feature s (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)


Mood Disorde rs

Diagnostic criteria for 296.3x Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent

A. Presence of two or more Major Depressive Episodes (see p. 356), Note: To be considered separate episodes, there must be an interval of at least 2 consecut ive m onths in which cri t er ia are not met for a Major Depress ive Episode. B. The Major Depressive Episodes are not better accounted for by Sch izoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder. or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specif ied.

C. There has never been a Manic Episode (see p. 362). a Mixed Episode (see p. 365), or a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 368). Note: This exclusion does not apply if all of the manic-like, mixed-like, or hypoma nic-like episodes are substance or treatment induced or a re due to the direct physiologica l eff ects of a general med ica l condition.

If the full criteria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, specify its curre nt clinical status and/or features: Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic FeaturesJ Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 411) Chronic (see p. 417) With Ca tatonic Features (see p. 41 7) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria a re not (urrently met fo r a Major Depressive Episode, specify the (urrent clinical status of the Major Depressive Disorder or features of the most recent episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 411) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Interepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (see p. 425)

Diagnostic Feat ures

Dysthymic Disorder

The essential feature of Dysthymic Disorder is a chronically depressed mood that occu rs for most of the day more days than no t for at least 2 years (Criterion A) . Individ-


Dysthymic Disorder


uals with Dys thymic Disorder describe their mood as sad or "down in the dumps." In children, the mood may be irritable rather than depressed, and the required minimum dLUation is only 1 year. DLUing periods of depressed mood, at least h \'o of the foUowing additional symptoms are present: poor appetite or overeating, insomnia or hypersomnia, low energy or fatigue, low self-es teem, poor concentration or difficulty making decisions, and feelings of hopelessness (Criterion B). individuals may note the prominent presence of low interes t and self-criticism, often seeing themselves as uninteresting or incapable. Because these symptoms have become so much a part of the individual's day-to-day experience (e.g ., "I've always been this way," "That's jus t how I am"), they are often not reported unless directly asked about by the in terv iewer. DLUing the 2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents), any symptom-free intervals las t no longer than 2 months (Criterion C). The diagnosis of Dysthymic Disorder can be made only if the initial 2-year period of d ysthymic symptoms is free of Major Depressive Episodes {Criterion D). If the chronic depressive symptoms include a Major Depressive Episode during the initial 2 years, then the diagnosis is Major Depressive Disorder, Chronic (if full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are met), or ~'I ajor Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission (if full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are not cLUrently met). After Ule initial 2 years of the Dysthymic Disorder, Major Depressive Episodes may be superimposed on the Dysthymic Disorder. In such cases ("double depression "), both Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder are diagnosed. Once the person returns to a dysthymic baseline (I.e., criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are no longer met but d ysthymic symptoms persis t), only Dysthymic Disorder is diagnosed. The diagnosis of Dysthymic Disorder is not made if the individual has ever had a :"'Ianic Episode (p o357), a Mixed Episode (p . 362), or a H ypomanic Episode (po 365) or if criteria have ever been met for Cyclothymic Disorder (Criterion E). A separa te diagnosis of Dysthymic Disorder is not made if the depressive symptoms occur exclusively during the course of a chronic Psychotic Disorder, such as Schizoph renia or Delusional Disorder (Criterion F), in w hich case they are regarded as associated features of these disorders. Dysthymic Disorder is also not diagnosed if the dis turbance is d ue to the direct physiological effects of a s ubs tance (e.g., alcohol, antihypertensive medications) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidis m, Alzheimer's disease) (Criterion G). The symptoms mus t cause clinically significant dis tress or impairmen t in social, occupational (or academ ic), or other important areas of fun ctioning (Criterion H).

Age at onset and the characteristic pattern of symptoms in DysthymiC Disorder may be indicated by using the foll specifiers: Early Onset. This specifier should be u sed if the onset of the d ysthymic symptoms occurs before age 21 years. Such individuals are more likely to devclop subsequent Major Depressive Epi sodes. Late Onset. This specifier should be used if the onset of the d ysthymic symptoms occurs at age 21 or older. With Atypical Features. This s pecifier should be used if the pattern of symp-


Mood Diso rders

to ms during the most recent 2 years of the disorder meets th e criteria for With A typical Feahlres (see p. 420).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . The associated features of Dysthymic Disorder are similar to those for a Major Depressive Episode (p. 352). Several studies suggest that the most commonly encoun tered symptoms in Dysthymic Disorder may be feelings o f inadequacy; generalized loss of interest or pleasure; social withdrawal; feelings of gu ilt or brooding about the pa st; subjective feelings of irritability or excessive anger; and decreased activity, effect iveness, or productivity. (Appendix B provides an alternative for Criterion B for use in research studies that includes these items.) In individuals with Dysthymic Disorder, vegetative symptoms (e.g., sleep, appetite, weigh t change, and p sychomotor symptoms) appear to be less common than for persons in a Major Depressive Episode. When Dysthymic Disorder w ithout prior Major Depressive Disorder is present, it is a ris k fa ctor fo r developing Major Depressive Disorder (in clinica l settings up to 75% of individuals with Dysthymic Disorder will develop Major Depressive Disorder within 5 years). Dysthymic Disorder may be associated w ith Borderline, His trionic, Narcissistic, Avoidant, and Dependen t Personality Disorders. However, the assessment of features of a Personality Disorder is difficult in such individuals beca use chronic mood symptoms may contribute to interpersonal problems or be associated with distorted self-perception. O ther chronic Axis I disorders (e.g., Substance Dependence) or chronic p sychosocial stressors may be associa ted w ith DysthymiC Disorder in adu lts. In children, Dysthymic Disorder may be associa ted with Attention-Deficit / Hyp eracti vity Disorder, Conduct Disorder, Anxiety Disorders, Learnin g Disorders, and Mental Retardation . Associated laboratory finding s. About 25%-50% of adults with Dysthymic Disorder have some of the same polysomnographic features that are found in some individuals w ith Major Depressive Disorder (e.g., reduced rapid eye movement [REM] latency, increased REM density, reduced slow-wave sleep, impaired sleep continuity). Those individuals with polysomnographic abnormalities more often have a positive family history for Major Depressive Disorder (a nd may res pond better to antidepressant medications) than those w ith Dysthymic Disorder without such findings. Whether polysomnographic abnormalities are a lso fOlmd in those with "pure" Dysthymic Disorder (i.e., those with no prior history of Major Depressive Episodes) is not clear. Dexamethasone nonsuppression in Dysthymic Disorder is not common, unless criteria are also met for a Major Depressive Episode.

Specific Age and Gender Features

In child ren, Dysthymic Disorder seems to occur equally in both sexes and often res ults in impaired school performance and social interaction. Children and adolescents with Dysthymic Disorder are u sually irritable and cranky as well as depressed. They have low self-es teem and poor social s kills and are pessimis tic. In ad ulthood, women are hvo to three times more likely to develop Dysthymic Disorder than are men.


Dyst hymic Diso rder

The lifetime prevalence of Dysthymic Disorder (with or without superimposed Major Depressive Disorder) is approximately 6%. The point prevalence of Dysthym ic Disorder is approximately 3%.

Dysthymic Disorder often has an early and insidious onset (i.e., in childhood, adolescence, or early adult life) as well as a duonic course. In clinical settings, individuals with Dysthymic Disorder usually have superimposed Major Depressive Disorder, which is often the reason for seeking treatment. If Dysthymic Disorder precedes the onset of Major Depressive Disorder, there is less likelihood that there will be spontaneous full interepisode recovery between Major Depressive Episodes and a greater likeWlOod of having more frequ ent subsequent episodes. Although the spontaneous remission rate for Dysthy mic Disorder may be as low as 10% per yea r, evidence suggests the outcome is significantly better w ith active trea tment. The trea~ed course of Dysthymic Disorder appears similar to that of other Depressive Disorders, whether or not there is a superimposed Major Depressive Disorder.

Fam ilial Pattern

Dysthymic Disorder is more common among first-degree biological relatives of people with Major Depressive Disorder than among the general popula tion. In addition, both Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disord er are more common in the firs t-deg ree relatives of individuals with Dysthymic Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
See the "Differential Diagnosis" section for Major Depressive Disorder (p. 373). The differential diagnosis between Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disorder is made particularly difficult by the facts that the two disorders share similar symptoms and tha t the differences between them in onset, duration, persistence, and severity are not easy to evaluate retrospectively. Usua lly Major Depressive Disorder consists of one or more discrete Major Depressive Episodes that can be distinguished from the person's usual functioning, whereas Dysthym ic Disorder is characterized by chronic, less severe d epressive symptoms that have been present for many years. \-Vhen Dys thymic Disorder is of many years' duration, the mood d isturbance may not be easily distinguished from the person's " usual" fWlCtioning. U the initial onset of chronic depressive symptoms is of sufficient severity and number to meet full criteria fo r a Major Depressive Episode, the diagnosis would be Major Depressive Disorder, Chronic (if the full criteria are st ill met), or Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission (if the full criteria are no longer met). The diagnosis of DysthymiC Disorder can be made following rvlajor Depressive Disorder ani}' if the Dysthymic Disorder was established prior to the first Major Depressive Episode (i.e., no Major Depressive Episodes during the first 2 years o f d ysthymic symptoms), or if there has been a htll remission of the Major Depressive Disord er (i.e., lasting at least 2 months) before the onset of the Dysthymic Disord er.

Mood Disorders Depressive symptoms may be a common associated. feature of chronic Psychotic Disorders (e.g., Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder). A separate diagnosis of Dysthym.ic Disorder is not made if the symptoms occur onl y during the course of the Psychotic Disorder (including residual phases). Dysthymic Disorder mus t be distinguis hed from a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Co ndition. The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, With Depressive Feahues, if the mood dis turbance is judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific, us ually chronic, general med ical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis) (see p. 401). This determination is based on the his tory, laboratory findin gs, or physical examination. If it is judged that the depressive symptoms are not the direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, then the p rimary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g., Dysthymic Disorder) and the general medical condition is recorded on Axis III (e.g., diabetes mellitus). This would be the case, for exam p le, if the d epressive symptoms are considered to be the p sychological consequence of having a chronic general medica l condition or if there is no etiologica l relationship between the depressive symptoms and the general medical condition. A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from a Dysthymic Disorder by the fa ct that a subs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically relaled to the mood disturbance (see p.405). Often there is evid en ce of a coexisting personality disturbance. When an individual's presentation meets the cri teria for both Dysthymic Disorder and a Personality Disorder, both d iagnoses are g iven.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder

A. Depressed mood for most of the day, for more days than not, as indicated either by

subjective account or observation by othe rs, for at least 2 years. Note: In children and adolescents, mood ca n be irritable and duration must be at least 1 year. 8. Presence, while depressed, of two (or more) of the following:
(1 )

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

poor appetite or overeating insomnia or hypersomnia low energy or fatigue low self-erteem poor concentration or difficulty making decisions feelings of hopelessness

C. During the 2year period (1 year for children or adolescents) of the dirturbance, the per

son has never been without the symptoms in Criteria A and 8 for more than 2 months at a time. D. No Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) has been present during the first 2 years of the disturbance (1 year for children and adolescents); i.e., the disturbance is not better accounted for by chronic Ma jor Depressive Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission.


Depressive Disorder Not Ot herwise Specified

Diagnostic criteria for 300.4 Dysthymic Disorder

Note : There may have been a previo us Ma jor Depressive Episod e provided there was a full remission (no significant signs or symptoms for 2 months) befo re develo pment of the Dysthymic Disorder. In addition, after the initial 2 years (1 year in chi ldren or adolescents) of Dysthym ic Disorder, there may be superimposed episodes o f Ma jor Depressive Disorder, in which case bot h diagnoses may be given when the criteria are met for a Major Depressive Episode. E. There has neve r been a Manic Episode (see p. 362), a Mixed Episode (see p. 365), or a Hypo manic Episode (se e p. 368), and criteria have never been met for Cyclothymic Disorder.

F. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the co urse of a chro nic Psychotic Disorder, such as Schizophrenia or Delusi o nal Disorder.
G. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a med ication) o r a general medical co nd ition (e.g ., hypothyroidism).
H. The symptoms cause cl inically significant d istress or impa irment in social, occupation-

al, or other impo rtant areas of functi o ning.

Specify if:
Early Onset: if onset is before age 21 years Late Onset: if onset is age 21 years or o lder

Specify (for most recent 2 years of Dysthymic Disorder):

With Atypical Features (see p. 420)


Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category includes d isorders with depressive features that do not meet the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Adju stment Disorder With Depressed Mood (see p. 679), or Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood (see p. 680). Sometimes depressive symptoms can present as part o f an Anxiety Disorder ot O thenvise Specified (see p. 484). Examples of Depressive Disorder 01 Otherwise Specified include 1. Premenstrllal d ysphoric disorder: in most menstrual cycles during the past year, symptoms (e.g., m arkedly depressed mood , marked anxiety, marked affective lability, d ecreased interest in activ ities) regularly occurred during the last week of the luteal phase (and remitted w ithin a few days of the onset of menses). These symptoms must be severe enough to markedly in terfere with work, school, or usual acti vities and be entirely absent for at least 1 week postmenses (see p. 771 for suggested research criteria). 2. Minor d epressive disorder: episodes of at least 2 weeks of depressive symptoms but with fewer than the five items reqUired for Major Depressive Disorder (see p. 775 for suggested research criteria).


Mood Disorders

3. Recurrent brief depressive disorder: depressive episodes lasting from 2 days up to 2 weeks, occurring at leas t once a month for 12 months (n ot associated with the mens trual cycle) (see p. 778 for s uggested research criteria).
4. Postpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizophrenia: a Major Depressive Episode that occurs du ring the residual phase of Schizophrenia (see p . 767 for su ggested research criteria).

5. A Major Depressive Episode superimposed on Delusiona l Disorder, Psychotic Disorder Not Othen vise Specified, or the aclive phase of Schizophrenia. 6. Situa tions in w hich the clinician has conduded that a depreSSive disorder is present but is unable to detennine whether it is primary, due to a general medical condition, o r substance induced.

Bipolar Disorders
This section includes Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar " Disorder, Cyclothymia, and Bipola r Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. There are six separa te criteria sets fo r Bipolar I Disorder: Single Manic Episode, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic, Most Recent Episode Manic, Most Recent Episode rvlixed, Most Recent Episode Depressed, and Most Recent Episode Unspecified. Bipolar r Disorder, Single Manic Episode, is used to describe individuals who are having a first episode of mania . The remaining criteria sets are used to specify the nature of the current (or most recent) episode in individuals w ho have had recurrent mood episodes.

Bipolar I Disorder
Diagnostic Features
The essential featu re of Bipola r I Disorder is a clinical course that is characterized by the occurrence of one or more Manic Episodes (see p. 357) or ~'1i xed Episodes (see p. 362). Often individuals have also had one or more Major Depressive Episodes (see p. 349). Episodes of Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (due to the di rect effects of a medication, other soma tic treatments for depression, a d rug of abuse, or toxin exposure) or of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition do not count toward a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. In addition, the episodes are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizoph reniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder NotOthenvise Specified . Bipolar I Disorder is subclassifi ed in the fourth digit of the code according to whether the individual is experiencing a fi rst episode (Le., Single Manic Episode) or whether the disorder is recurrent. Recurrence is indicated by either a shift in the polarity of the episode or an interval behven episodes of at least 2 months without manic sym ptoms. A shift in polarity is defined as a clinical course in which a Major Depressive Episode evolves into a Manic Episode o r a Mixed Episode or in which a Manic Episode or a Mixed Episode evolves into a Major Depressive Episode. In contrast, a Hypomanic Episode that evolves into a Manic Episode or a Mixed Epi-

Bipolar I Disorder

sode, or a Manic Episode that evolves into a Mixed Episode (or vice versa), is considered to be only a single episode. For recurrent Bipolar I Disorders, the nature of the current (or m ost recent) episode can be sp ecified (Most Recent Episode Hyp omanic, Most Recent Episode Manic, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Most Recent Episode Unspecified ).

If the full criteria are currently met for a Manic, Mixed, or Major Depressive Episode, the following specifiers may be used to describe the current clinical status of the episode and to describe features of the current episode: Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features, Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 411) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria are not currently met for a Manic, Mixed or Major Depressive Episode, the following specifiers may be used to describe the current clinical sta tus of the Bipolar I Disorder and to describe features of the most recent episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 411 ) With Catatonic Features (see p. 41 7) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If criteria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, the follow ing may be used to describe features of the current episode (or, if criteria are not currently met but the most recent episode of Bipolar I Disorder was a Major Depressive Episode, these specifiers apply to that episode): Chronic (see p. 41 7) With Melancholic Features (see p. 41 9) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) The following specifiers can be used to indicate the pattern of episodes: longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Fullinterepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (applies only to the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)

Recording Procedures
The diagnostic codes for Bipolar I Disorder are selected as follows:
1. The first three digits are 296. 2. The fourth digit is 0 if there is a single Manic Episode. For recurrent episodes, the fourth digit indicates the nature of the current episode (or, if the Bipolar I Dis-


Mood Disorders

order is currently in partial or full remission, the nahlre of the most recent episode) as follows: 4 if the current or most recent episode is a Hypomanic Episode or a Manic Episode, S if it is a Major Depressive Episode, 6 if it is a Mixed Episode, and 7 if the current o r most recent episode is Unspecified. 3. The fifth digit (except for Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic, and Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified) indicates the severit}' of the current episode if fuU crite ria are met for a Manic, Mixed, or Major Depressive Episode as follows: 1 for Mild severity, 2 for Moderate severity, 3 for Se,'ere Without Psychotic Features, 4 for Severe With Psychotic Features. If full criteria are not met for a Manic, Mixed, or Major Depressive Episode, the fifth digit indicates the current clinical status o f the Bipolar I Disorder as foll ows: 5 for In Partial Remission, 6 for In Full Remission. If current severity or clinical status is unspecified, the fifth digit is O. Other specifiers for Bipolar I Disorder cannot be coded. For Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic, the fifth d igit is always O. For Bipolar Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified, there is no fifth dig it. In recording the name of a diagnosis, terms should be listed in the foll owing order: Bipolar I Disorder, specifiers coded in the fourth digit (e.g., Most Recent Episode Manic), specifiers coded in the fifth dig it (e.g., Mild , Severe With Psychotic Features, In Partial Remission), as many specifiers (without codes) as apply to the current or most recent episod e (e.g., With Melancholic Featu res, With Postpartum Onset), and as many specifiers (without codes) as apply to the course of episodes (e.g., With Rapid Cycling); for example, 296.54 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe With Psychotic Features, With Melancholic Features, With Rapid Cycling. Note that if the single episode of Bipolar I Disorder is a Mixed Episode, the diagnosis would be indicated as 296.0x Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, lvtixed.

Associated Feat ures and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Completed suicide occurs in 10o/o-15% of individuals with Bipolar I Disorder. Suicidal idea tion and attempts are more likely to occur when the individual is in a d epressive or mixed state. Child abuse, spouse abuse, or other v iolent behavior may occur during severe Manic Episodes or during those with psychotic features. Other associated problems include school truancy, school fail ure, occupa tional failure, divorce, or episodic antisocial behavior. Bipolar Disorder is associated with Alcohol and other Substance Use Disorders in many ind ividuals. Individuals with earlier onset of Bipolar I Disorder are more likely to ha ve a history o f current alcohol or other substance use problems. Concomitant alcohol and other substance use is associa ted with an increased number of hospitalizations and a worse cou rse of illness. O ther associated m ental disorders include Anorexia Nervosa, Buiintia I ervosa, AHention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Social Phobia. Associated laboratory findings . There appear to be no laboratory features that are diagnostic of Bipolar I Disorder or tha t distinguish Major Depressive Ep isodes found in Bipolar I Di sorder from those in Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar 11 Disorder.

Bipolar I Disorder


Imaging studies comparing groups of indi\'iduals with Bipolar I Disorder with groups with Major Depressive Disorder or groups without any Mood Disorder tend to show increased ra tes of right~hemisp h eric lesions, or bilateral subcortical or p eri ~ ventricular lesions in those w ith Bipolar I Disorder.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. An age at onset for a first Manic Episode after age 40 years should alert the clinician to the possibili ty that the symptoms may be due to a general medical condition or sub~ stance use. Curren t or pa st hypothyroidism or labora tory evidence of mild thyroid hypofunction may be associated with Rapid Cycling (see p . 427). In 'a ddition, hyper~ thyroid ism may precipitate o r worsen ma nic symptoms in individuals with a preex~ isting Mood Disorder. However, hyperthyroidism in individuals without p reexis ting Mood Disorder does not typically cause manic symptoms.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

There are no reports of differential incidence of Bipolar I Disorder based on race or ethnidty. There is some evidence that clinicians may have a tendency to overdiag~ nose Schizophrenia (instead of Bipolar Disorder) in some ethnic groups and in younger individuals. Approximately 10%- 15% of adolescents with recurrent Major Depressive Epi~ sades w ill go on to develop Bipolar I Disorder. Mixed Episodes appear to be more likely in adolescents and young adults than in older adults. Recentepidemiological s tudies in the United States indicate that Bipolar I Disorder is approximately equally common in men and wom en (unlike Major Depressive Dis~ order, which is more conunon in women). Gender appears to be related to the num~ ber and type of Manic and Major Depressive Episodes. The first episode in males is more likely to be a Manic Episode. The first episode in fema les is more likely to be a Major Depressive Episode. In men the number of Manic Episodes equals or exceed s the number of Major Depressive Episodes, whereas in women Major Depressive Episodes predominate. In add ition, Rapid Cycling (see p. 427) is more common in women than in m en. Some evidence suggests that mixed or depreSSive symptoms during Manic Episodes may be more common in women as well, although not all studies are in agreement. Thus, women may be at particular risk for depressive or in ~ termixcd mood symptoms. Women with Bipolar r Disorder have an increased risk of dcveloping subsequent episod es in the immediate postpartum period. Some women have their first episode during the postpartum period. The specifier With Postpartum Onset may be used to indicate that the onset of th e episode is within 4 wecks o f d elivery (see p . 422). The premenstrual period may be associa ted with worsening of an ongoing Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, o r Hypomanic Episode.

The lifetime preva lence of Bipolar I Disorder in community samples has varied from 0.4% to 1.6%.

Co urse

Mood Di sorde rs

Average age at onset is 20 for both men and women. Bipolar 1 Disorder is a recurrent disorder-more than 90% of individuals who have a single Manic Episode go on to have future episodes. Roughly 60'Yo-700/0 of Manic Episodes occur immediately before or after a Major Depressive Episode. Manic Episodes often precede or follow the Major Dep ressive Episodes in a cha racteristic pattern for a particular p erson. The number of lifetime episodes (both Manic and Major Dep ressive) ten ds to be higher for Bipolar I Disorder compared w ith Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent. Studies of the course of Bipola r I Disorder prior to lithium maintenance treatmen t s uggest that, on average, four episodes occur in 10 years. The inten' al between episodes tends to decrease as the individual ages. There is some evidence that changes in sleep-wake schedule such as occur durin g time zone changes or sleep deprivation may precipitate or exacerbate a Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode. Approximately 5%-15% o f individuals with Bipolar I Disorder have multiple (four or more) mood episodes (Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, o r Hypomanic) that occur within a given year. U this pattern is present, it is noted b y the specifier With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427). A rapid-cycling pa ttern is associated with a poorer prognosis. Although the majority of individuals with Bipolar I Disorder experience significant symptom reduction behveen episodes, some (20%- 30%) continue to display mood lability and other residual mood symptoms. As many as 60% experience chronic interpersonal or occupational difficu lties beh\feen acute episodes. Psychotic symptoms may develop after days o r weeks in what was previously a non psychotic Manic or Mixed Episode. When an individual has Manic Episodes with p sych otic features, subsequent Manic Episodes are more likely to h ave psychotic features. incomplete interepisode recovery is more common when the curren t episode is accompanied by mood-incongruent psychotic features.

Fa milial Pattern
First-degree biological relatives of individuals w ith Bipolar I Diso rder have elevated rates of Bipolar I Disorder (4%-24%), Bip olar II Disorder (1%- 5%), and Major Dep ressive Disord er (4%-24%). Those individuals w ith Mood Disorder in their first-degree biological relatives are more likely to have an earlier age at onset . Twin and adoption studies provide strong evidence of a genetic influence for Bipolar 1 Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, and HypomaniC Episodes in Bipolar I Disorder must be distinguished from episodes of a Mood Disorder Due to a Gen eral Medical Condition. The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition for episodes that are judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific general medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyroidism) (see p. 401 ). This determination is based on the history, laboratory findings, or physical examination. A Sub stance-Induced Mood Disorder is d istinguished from Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episodes that occur in Bipolar I Disorder by the fact that a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood d isturbance (see p. 405). Symptoms like those seen in a Manic,

Bipo lar I Disorde r


Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode may be part of an intoxication with or withdrawal from a drug of abuse and should be diagnosed as a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (e.g., euphoric mood that occurs only in the context of intoxication with cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features, With Onset During Intoxication). Symptoms like those seen in a Manic or Mixed Episode may also be precipi tated by antidepressant treatment SUdl as medication, electrocon\'ulsive therapy, or light therapy. Such episodes may be diagnosed as a SubstanceInduced Mood Disorder (e.g ., Amitrip tyline-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features; Electroconvulsive Therapy-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features) and would not count toward a diagnosis of Bipolar I Disorder. However, when the substance U5e or medication is judged not to fully account for the episode (e.g ., the episode continues for a considerable period autonomously after the substance is discon tinued), the episode would count toward a diagnosis of Bipolar TDisorder. Bipolar I Disorder is distinguished from Major Depressive D iso rder and Dysthymic D isord er by the lifetime his tory of at least one Manic or Mixed Episode. Bipolar I Disorder is distinguished from Bipolar II D isorder by the presence of one or more Manic or Nlixed Episodes. When an individual previously diagnosed with Bipolar II Disorder develops a Manic or Mixed Episode, the diagnosis is changed to Bipolar I Disorder. In Cyclothymic D isorde r, there are numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Manic Episode and periods of depressive symptoms that d o not meet symptom or duration criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Bipolar I Disorder is d istinguished from Cyclothymic Disorder by the presence of one or more Manic or Mixed Episodes. If a Manic or Mixed Episode occurs after the first 2 years of Cyclothymic Disorder, then Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar I Disorder may both be d iagnosed. The differential diagnosis between Psychotic D isorders (e.g., Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Delusional Disorder) and Bipola r I Disorder may be difficult (especially in adolescents) because these disorders may s hare a number of presenting symptoms (e.g., grandiose and persecutory delusions, irritability, agita tion. and catatonic symptoms). particularly cross-sectionally and early in their course. In contrast to Bipolar I Disorder, Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder. and Delusiona l Disorder are all characterized by periods of p sychotic symptoms that occur in the absence of prominent mood symptoms. Other helpful considerations include the accompanying symptoms, previous course, and family history . Manic and depressive symptoms may be present during Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, and Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified, but rarely with sufficient number, duration, and pervasiveness to meet criteria for a Manic Episode or a Major Depressive Episode. However, when full criteria are met (or the symptoms are of particular clinical significance), a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder Not O thenvise Specifi ed may be made in addition to the diagnOSiS of Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. If there is a very rapid alternation (over days) behveen manic symptoms and depressive symptoms (e.g., several days of purely manic symptoms followed by several days of purely depressive symptoms) that do not meet minimal duration criteria for a Manic Episode or Major Depressive Episode, the diagnosis is Bipolar Disorder No t Othenvise Specified .


M ood Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 296.0x Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode

A. Presence of only one Manic Episode (see p. 362) and no past Major Depressive Epi-

Note: Recurrence is defined as either a change in polarity from depression or an

interval of at least 2 months without manic symptoms. B. The Manic Episode is not better accounted for by Sch izoaffective Disorder and is no
superim posed on Schizophrenia, Schizo ph reniform Disorder. Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Ot herwise Specified.
Specify if:


if symptoms meet criteria for a Mixed Episode (see p. 365)

If the fu ll cri teria are currently met for a Mani c, Mixed. or Major Depressive EpisodE specify its current clinical status andlor features:

Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 4 10) With Catatonic Features (see p. 4 17) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria are no t current ly met for a Manic, Mixed, o r Major Depressive Episode, specify the curre nt clinica l status of the Bipolar I Disorder or featu res of the most recent episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 410) With Catatonic Features (see p. 41 7) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

Diagnostic criteria for 296.40 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic
A. Currently (or most recently) in a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 368).

B. There has previously been at least one Manic Episode (see p. 362) or Mixed Episode (see p. 365).
C. The mood symptoms ca use clinically sig nificant distress or impairment in social, occupational, o r other important areas of fu nctioning.

D. The mood episodes in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder. Delusional Diso rder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Interepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (applies o nly tothe patte rn of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)

Bi polar I Disorde r

Diagnostic criteria for

296.4x Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic

A. Cu rrently (or most recently) in a Manic Episode (see p. 362) . B. Th ere has p reviously been at least one Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356), Manic Episode (see p. 362), or Mixed Episode (see p. 365).
C. The mood episodes in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by s<hizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Sch izophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorde r, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

If the full criteria are currently met for a Man ic Episode, specify its current clinical status and/or features : Mild, Moderate, Severe W ithout Psychotic Features/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 413) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria are not currently met for a Ma nic Episode, specify the curre nt cl inica l status of the Bipolar I Disorder and/or features of the most recent Manic Episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 414) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Interepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (appl ies o n ly tathe pattern o f Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)


Mood Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 296.6x Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed
A. Currently (or most recently) in a Mixed Episode (see p. 365) .

B. There has previously been at least one Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356), Manic Episode (see p. 362), or Mixed Episode (see p. 365).

C. The mood episodes in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by Schizoaffec
t ive Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schi2ophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

If the full criteria are currently met for a Mixed Episode, specify its current clinical status andlor features :

Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 415) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)
If the full criteria are not currently met for a Mixed Episode, specify the current clinical status of the Bipolar I Disorder and/or features of the most recent Mixed Episode;

In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 416) With Catatonic Features (see p. 4 17) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (W ith and Without Interepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (applies only to the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)

Bipolar I Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 296.5x Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed
A. Currently (or most recently) in a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356). B. Th ere has previously been at least one Manic Episode (see p. 362) or Mixed Episode (see p. 365).
C. The mood episodes in Crit eria A and B are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, De lusional Disorder. or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified .

If the full criteria are currently me t fo r a Major Depressive Episode, specify its current cli nical stat us andlor features: Mild, Moderate. Severe Without Psychotic Features/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 411 ) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 41 9) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422) If the full criteria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode. specify the current clinical stat us of the Bipolar I Diso rder andlor features of the most recent Major Depressive Episode: In Partial Remission, In Full Remission (see p. 411 ) Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 417) With Melancholic Features (see p. 41 9) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (see p. 422)

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Interepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (applies only t o the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 42S) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)

Mood Diso rde rs

Diagnostic criteria for

296.7 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unspecified
A. Criteria, except for du ration, a re current ly (or most recently) met for a Manic (see p. 362), a Hypomanic (see p. 368), a Mixed (see p. 365), or a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356).
B. There has previously been at least one Manic Episode (see p. 362) o r Mixed Episode (see p. 365).

C. The mood symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impa irment in social, occupational, or other important areas o f fu nctioning . D. The mood symptoms in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed o n Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusio nal Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Ot he rwise Specified . E. The mood symptoms in Criteria A and 8 are not due to the d irect physiological effects o f a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or other t reatment) or a general medical cond itio n (e.g., hy perthyroidism).

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Interepisode Recove ry)

(see p. 424) With Seasonal Pattern (appl ies o nly to the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)

296.89 Bipolar II Disorder (Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes With Hypomanic Episodes)
Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Bipolar n Disorder is a clinical course that is characterized b)' the occurrence of one or more Major Depressive Episodes (Criterion A) accompanied by at least one Hyp omanic Episode (Criterion B). Hypomanic Ep isodes shouJd not be confused with the several days of euthy mia that may follow remission of a Major Dep ressive Episod e. The presence of a Manic or Mixed Episode precludes the diagnosiS of Bipolar n Disorder (Criterion C). Episodes of Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (due to the direct physiological effects of a medication, other sOmatic treatments for depression, drugs o f abuse, or toxin exposure) or of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition do not COWlt toward a diagnOSiS of Bipolar Disorder. In addition, the episodes must not be better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Sp ecified (Criterion D). The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or impai rment in social, occupational, or oth-

296 .89 Bipolar II Disorder (Recu rre nt Major Depressive Ep isodes Wit h Hypomanic Episodes)


er important a reas of hmctioning (Criterion E) . In some cases, the H ypomanic Epi sodes themselves do not cause impairment. Instead, the impairment may result from the Major Depressive Episodes or from a chronic pattern of unpredictable mood epi sodes and fluctuating unreliable interpersonal or occupational hmctioning. lndividuals with Bipolar II Disorder may not view the Hypomanic Episodes as pathological, although others may be troubled by the individ ual's erratic behavior. Often individuals, particularly when in the midst of a Major Depressive Episode, d o not recall periods of hypomania w ithout re minders from close friends or relatives. Information from o ther informants is ohen critical in es tablishing the diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder.

Spe cif iers

The following specifiers for Bipola r II Disorde r should be u sed to indicate the nature of the cu rrent e pisode or, if the full criteria are not currently met for a H ypomanic or Major Depressive Episode, the nature of the most recent e p isode: H yp om anic. This s pecifier is used if the current (or most recent) e pisode is a H yp omanic Episode. D epressed . This specifie r is u sed if the current (or most recent) episode is a Major Depressive Episode.

If the full cri teria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, the following
specifiers may be used to describe the current clinical s tatus of the episode and to de scribe features of the curre nt episode:

Mild, Mode rate, Severe W ithou t Psychotic Features, Severe W ith Psycho tic
Features (see p . 411) Ch ronic (see p. 41 7) With Catatonic Features (see p . 417) With Melancholic Features (see p . 419) Wi th Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum O nset (see p. 422)

If the fuJI criteria are no t curre ntly met for a H yp omanic or Major Depressive Epi
sode, the following specifiers may be used to d escribe the current clinical s tatus of the Bipolar II Disorder and to describe featu res of the m ost recent Major Depressive Ep isode (only if it is the mos t recent type of mood episode):
In Parti al Remission, In Full Rem ission (see p. 411) Chronic (see p. 41 7) With Catatonic Features (see p. 41 7) With Melancholic Features (see p. 419)

With A typical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onse t (see p. 422) The follow ing specifiers may be used to indicate the pattern or frequ ency of epi sodes:


Mood Di sord ers

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without lntcrepisode Recovery) (see p. 424) Wi th Seasonal Pattern (applies only to the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (see p. 425) Wi th Rapid Cycl ing (see p. 427)

Reco rding Proced ures

The diagnostic code for Bipolar n Disorder is 296.89; none of the specifiers are cadable. In recording the name of the diagnosis. tenns should be listed in the following order: Bipolar n Disorder, specifiers indicating current o r most recent episode (e.g., Hypomanic, Depressed). severity specifiers that apply to the current Major Depressive Episode (e.g ., Moderate), as many s pecifiers describing features as appl y to the current or most recent Major Depressive Episode (e.g., With Melancholic Feahues, With Postpartum Onset), and as many specifiers as apply to the course of episod es (e.g., With Seasonal Pattern); for example, 296.89 Bipolar 11 Diso rder, Depressed, vere With Psychotic Feahlres, With r"lelanrnolic Featmes, With Seasonal Pattern.

Associated Feat ures and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Completed suicide (usuaUy during Major Depressive Episodes) is a Significant risk, occurring in 100/ --15% 0 of persons with Bipola r II Diso rder. School truancy, school fa ilure, occupational failure, or divorce may be associated with Bipolar U Disorder. Associated men tal disorders include Substance Abuse or Dependence, Anorexia Nervosa, Bu limia Nervosa, Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disord er, Panic Disord er, Social Phobia, and Borderline Personality Disord er. Associated laboratory findings . There appear to be no laboratory features that are di agnostic of Bipolar 1I Disorder or that distinguish Major Depressive Episodes found in Bipolar II Disorder from those in Major Depressive Disorder or Bipolar I Disord er. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . An age at onset for a first Hypomanic Episode after age 40 years should alert the clinician to the possibility that the symptoms may be due to a general medical condition or substance use. Current or past hypothyroidism or labor.ltory evidence of mild thyroid hyponmction may be associa ted with Rapid Cycling (see p. 427). In addition, hyperthyroidism may precipitate or worsen hypomanic symptoms in individuals with a preexistin g Mood Disorder. However, hyperthyroidism in other individuals does not typically cause hyp omanic symptoms.

Specific Gender Featu res

Bipolar II Disorder may be more common in women than in men. Gender appears to be related to the number and type of Hypomanic and Major Depressive Episodes. in men the number of Hypomanic Episodes equals or exceeds the number of Major Depressive Episodes, whereas in women Major Depressive Episodes predominate. In

296.89 Bipola r II Disorder (Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes With Hypomanic Ep isodes) addition, Rapid Cycling (see p . 427) is more common in women than in men. Some evidence sugges ts that mixed or depressive symptoms during H ypomanic Episodes may be m ore common in wom e n as well, altho ug h no t a ll studies are in agreement. Thus, women may beat particula r ris k fo r d epressive or inte rmixed mood symptoms. Women with Bipolar II Disorder may be at increased risk of developing subsequent episodes in the immedia te postpartum period.

Preva lence
Community s tudies s uggest a lifetime prevalence of Bipolar II Disorder of a pp roximately 0.5%.

Roug hly 60%- 70% of the Hypomanic Episodes in Bipolar 11 Disorde r occur immediately before or after a Major Depressive Episode. H ypomanic Episodes often precede or fo llow the Major Depressive Episodes in a characteristic patte rn for a particular person. The number of lifetime e pisodes (bo th H yp omanic Episodes and Major Depressive Episodes) lend s to be h igher fo r Bipolar U Disorder compared with Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent. The interval between episodes te nds to decrease as the individual ages. Approxim ately 5%- 15% of individuals with Bipolar 11 Disorder have mu ltiple (four or m o re) m ood episodes (Hypomanic o r Major Depressive) that occur within a g iven year. If this pattern is pres ent, it is no ted by the specifier With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427). A ra pi d-cycling pattern is associated w ith a poorer prognosis. Although the m ajority of individuals w ith Bipola r II Disorder return to a fully functio nal level between e pisodes, app roximate ly 15% co ntinue to display mood lability and interpersonal o r occupational difficulties. Psychotic symptoms do not occur in Hypomanic Episodes, and the}' appear to be less frequen t in the Major Depressive Episodes in Bipola r U Disorder than is the case for Bipolar I Disorder. Some evidence is consiste nt with the notion that marked changes in s leep-wake schedule such as occur during time zone changes or s leep depriva tion m ay precipita te or exacerbate H ypomanic o r Major Depressive Episodes. If a Manic or Mixed Episode d evelops in the course of Bipolar II Disorder, the diagnosis is changed to Bipolar I Disorder. Over 5 years, about 5%-15% o f individua ls with Bipolar II Disorder will develop a Manic Episod e.

Familial Pattern
Some studies have indica ted that first-degree biolOgiCal relatives of individuals with Bipolar 11 Dis order have e levated rates of Bipolar Il Disorder, Bipola r I Disorde r, and Major Depressive Disorder compared w ith the general p opulation.

Differential Diag nosis

Hypomanic and Major Depressive Episodes in Bipolar II Disorder mus t be distinguished from episodes o f a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Con dition.

Mood Disorders
The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition for episodes that are judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific general medical condition (e.g., multiple sclerosis, stroke, hypothyroidis m) (see p. 401). This determination is based on the history, laboratory finding s, or physical examination. A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from Hyp omanic or Major Depressive Episodes that occur in Bipolar II Disorder by the fact that a substance (e.g., a drug of abu se, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood dis turbance (see p. 405). Symptoms like those seen in a Hypomanic Episode may be part of an intoxication with or w ithdrawal from a drug of abuse and should be diagnosed as a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (e.g., a major depressive-like episode occurring only in the context of w ithdrawal from cocaine would be diagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features, With Onset During Withdraw al). Symptoms like those seen in a Hypomanic Episode may also be precipitated by antidepressant treatment such as medica tion, electrocon vulsive therapy, or light therapy. Such episodes may be diagnosed as a Substance-Induced Mood Disorder (e.g., Amitriptyline-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features; Electroconvulsive Therapy-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features) and would n ot count toward a diagnosis of Bipolar n Disorder. However, when the substance use or medication is judged not to full y account for the episode (e.g., the episode continues fo r a considerable period autonomously after the substance is d iscontinued), the episode would coun t toward a diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder. Bip olar II Disorder is distinguished from Major D epressive Disorder by the lifetime his tory of at least one Hypomanic Episode. Attention during the interview to whether there is a history of euphoric or d ysphoric hypomania is important in making a differential diagnosis. Bip olar II Disorder is distingu ished from Bipolar I Disorder by the p resence of one or more Manic or Mixed Episodes in the latter. When an individual p reviously diagnosed with Bipolar U Disorder develops a Manic or Mixed Episode, the diagnosiS is changed to Bipolar I disorder. In Cyclothymic Disorder, there are numerous periods of h ypomanic sym ptoms and nunlerous periods of depressive symptoms that do not meet symptom or duration criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Bipolar II Disorder is distinguished from Cyclothymic Disorder by the presence of one or more Major Depressive Episodes. If a Major Depressive Episode occurs after the first 2 years of Cyclothymic Disorder, the additional diagnosis of Bipolar II Disorder is given. Bipolar II Disorder mus t be distinguished from Psychotic Disorders (e.g., Schizoaffective Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Delusional Disorder). Schizophrenia, Schizoaffective Disorder, and Delusiona l Disorder are all characterized by periods of psychotic symptoms that occur in the absence of prominent mood symptoms. Other helpful considerations include the accompan ying symptoms, previous course, and family history.

296.89 Bipola r II Diso rder (Recurrent Major Depressive Episodes W ith Hypoma nic Episodes)


Diagnost ic criteria for 296.89 Bipolar II Disorder

A. Presence (or history) of one or more Major De pressive Episodes (see p. 356).

B. Presence (or history) of at least one Hypomanic Episode (see p. 36B).

C. There has never been a Manic Episode (see p. 362) or a Mixed Episode (see p. 365) .

D. The mood symptoms in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by 5chizoaffec tive Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Diso rder Not Otherwise Specified. E. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupation ai, or other important areas of functi o ning.
Specify current or most re cent episode:

Hypomanic: if currently (or most recently) in a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 368) Depressed : if currently (or most recently) in a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) If the full criteria are currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, specify its current clinical status andlor featu res: Mild, Moderate, Severe With out Psychotic Features/Severe With Psychotic Features (see p. 41 1) Note : Fifthdigit codes specified on p. 413 cannot be used here because the code fo r Bipolar II Disorder already uses the fifth digit. Chron ic (see p. 417) With Ca tatonIc Features (see p. 41 7) With Melancholic Features (see p. 4 19) With Atypical Features (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onset (se e p. 422) If the full criteria are not currently met for a Hypoman ic or Major Depressive Episode, specify the cl inical status of the Bipolar 11 Disorder andlo r features of the most recent Majo r Depressive Episode (only if it is the most recent type of mood episode): In Pa rtial Remi ssion, In Full Re mission (see p. 4 11) Note: Fifthdi git codes specified o n p. 413 canno t be used here because the code for Bipolar II Disorder already uses the fifth digit. Chronic (see p. 417) With Catatonic Features (see p. 4 17) With Me lancholic Fea ture s (see p. 419) With Atypical Fe ature s (see p. 420) With Postpartum Onse t (see p. 422)

long itudinal Course Specifiers (With a nd Without Intere pisode Recovery) (see p. 424) With Se asonal Patter n (a pplies only tothe pattern of Major Depressive Episodes) (se e p. 425) With Rapid Cycling (see p. 427)


Mood Disorders

Diagnostic Features

Cyclothymic Disorder

The essential feature of Cyclothymic Disorder is a chronic, fluctuating mood disturbance involving numerous periods of hypomanic symptoms (see p. 365) and numerOliS periods o f depressive symptoms (see p . 349) (Criterion A). The hypomanic symptoms are of ins ufficient number, severity, pervasiveness, or duration to meet full criteria for a Manic Episode, and the depressive symptoms are of insufficient number, severity, pervasiveness, or duration to meet full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. However, it is not necessary that any of the periods of hypomanic symptoms meet either the dura tion or symptom t1ueshold criterion for a Hypomanic Episode. During the 2-year period (1 year for children or adolescents), any symplomfree intervals last no longer than 2 months (Criterion B) . The diagnosis of Cyclothymic Disorder is made only if the initial 2-year period o f cyclothymic symptoms is free of Major Depressive, Manic, and Nfixed Episodes (Criterion C) . After the initial 2 years of the Cyclothymic Disorder, Manic or Mixed Episodes may be superimposed on the Cyclothymic Disorder, in which case both Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar J Disorder are diagnosed . Similarly, after the initial 2 years of Cyclothymic Disorder, Major Depressive Episodes may be superimposed on the Cyclothymic Disorder, in which case both Cyclothymic Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder are diagnosed . The diagnosis is not made if the pattern of m ood swings is better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder or is superimposed on a Psychotic Disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (Criterion D), in which case the mood symptoms are considered to be associated features of the Psych otic Disorder. The mood dis turbance must also not be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medica1 condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) (Criterion E). Although some people may function particularly well during some of the periods of hypomania, overall there must be clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning as a result of the mood disturbance (Criterion F). The impairment may develop as a result of prolonged periods of cyclical, often unpredictable mood changes (e.g., the person may be regarded as temperamental, moody, unpredictable, inconsistent, or unreliable).

Assoc iated Featu res and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Substance-Related Disorders and Sleep Disorders (i.e., difficulties in initiating and maintaining sleep) may be present.

Specific Age and Gender Features

Cyclothymic Disorder often begins early in We and is sometimes considered to reflect a temperamen tal predisposition to other Mood Disord ers (especially Bipolar Disorders). In community samples, Cyclothymic Disorder is apparently equally common

301 .13

Cyclothymic Disorder

in men and in women. In clinical settings, women with Cyclothymic Disorder may be

more likely 10 present for treatment than men.

Studies have reported a lifetime prevalence of Cyclothymic Disorder of from 0.4% to 1%. Prevalence in mood disorders clinics may range from 3% to 5%.

Cou rse
Cyclothymic Disorder usually begins in adolescence or early adult life. Onset of Cyclothymic Disorder late in adult We may suggest a Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition such as multiple sclerosis. Cyclothymic Disorder usually has an insidious onset and a chronic course. There is a 15%-50% risk that the person w ill subsequently develop Bipolar I or II Disorder.

Fam ilial Pattern

Major Depressive Disorder and Bipolar I or U Disorder appear to be more coounon among first-degree biological relatives of persons with Cyclothymic Disorder than among the general population. There may also be an increased familial risk of Substance-Related Disorders. In addition, Cyclothymic Disorder may be more common in Ihe first-degree biolOgical relatives of individuals w ith Bipolar I Disorder.

Different ial Diag nosis

Cyclothymic Disorder must be distinguished from a Mood Diso rder D ue to a General Medical Co ndition. The diagnosis is Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, With Mixed Features, when the mood distu rbance is judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific, usually chronic general medica l condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) (see p. 401). This determination is based on the history, labora tory findings, or physical examination. If it is judged that the depressive symptoms are not the direct physiological consequence of the general medical condition, then the primary Mood Disorder is recorded on Axis I (e.g., Cyclothymic Disorder) and the general medical condition is recorded on Axis m. This would be the case, for exa mple, if the mood symptoms are considered to be the psychological consequence of having a chronic general medical condition or if there is no etiological relationship beh\'een the mood symptoms and the general medical condition. A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from Cyclothymic Disorder by the fac t that a substance (especially stimuJants) is judged to be etiologically related to the mood disturbance (see p. 405). The frequent mood swings that are suggestive of Cyclothymic Disorder usually dissipate following cessation of drug use. Bipolar I Disorder, With Rapi d Cycling, and Bipolar II Disorder, With Rapid Cycling, both may resemble Cyclothymic Disorder by virtue of the frequent marked shifts in mood. By definition, the mood states in Cyclothymic Disorder do not meet the fu ll criteria for a Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode, whereas the speci-


Mood Disorders

fier With Rapid Cycling requires that full mood episodes be present. If a Major Dep ressive, Manic, or Nlixed Episode occurs during the course of an established Cyclothymic Disorder, the diagnosis of either Bipolar I Disorder (for a Manic or Mixed Episode) or Bipolar II Disorder (for a Major Depressive Episode) is given along with the diagnosis of Cyclothymic Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder is associated with marked shifts in mood that may su ggest Cyclothymic Disorder. If the criteria are met for each disorder, both Borderline Personality Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder may be diagnosed .

Diagnostic criteria for 301.13 Cyclothymic Disorder


For at least 2 years, the presence of numerous periods with hypomanic symptoms (see p. 368) and numerous periods with depressive symptoms that do not meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode. Note: In chi ldren and adolescents, the duration must be at least 1 year. not been without the symptoms in Criterion A for more than 2 months at a time.

B. During the above 2-year period ( 1 year in children and adolescents), the person has

C. No Maj or Depressive Episode (p. 356), Manic Episode (p. 362), or Mixed Episode (see p. 365) has been present during the first 2 years of the disturbance.
Note: After the initial 2 years (1 year in children and adolescents) o f Cyclothymic Disorder, there may be superimposed Manic or Mixed Episodes (in which case both Bipolar I Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder may be diagnosed) or Major Depressive Episodes (in which case both Bipolar II Disorder and Cyclothymic Disorder may be diagnosed) . D. The symptoms in Criterion A are not better accounted for by Schizoaffective Disorder and are not superimposed on Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. E. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical cond ition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) .
F. The symptoms cause clinically sig nificant distress or impa irment in social, occupation aL or other important areas of functioning .


Bipolar D isorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Bipolar Disorder N ot Otherw ise Specified category includes disorders with bipolar features tha t do not meet criteria for any specific Bipolar Disorder. Examples include 1. Very rapid alternation (over days) beh veen manic symptoms and depressive symptoms that meet symptom tlueshold criteria but not minimal duration criteria for Manic, Hypomanic, or Major Depressive Episodes 2. Recurrent Hypomanic Episodes w ithout intercurrent d epressive symptoms 3. A Manic or Mixed Episod e superimposed on Delusional Disorder, residual Schizophrenia, or Psychotic Disorder Not Othen\'ise Specified

Other Mood Di so rders


4. H ypomanic Episodes, along with chronic depressive symptoms, that are too infreque nt to qualify for a diagnosi5 of Cycloth ymic Disorder 5. Sihlations in which the clinician has concluded that a Bipolar Disord er is present but is unable to determine whether it is primary, due to a general medical condition, or substance induced

Other Mood Disorders

293.83 Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Features
The essen tial ieahue of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is a prominent and persistent disturbance in mood that is judged to be due to th e direct physiological effects of a general medical condition. The mood disturbance may involve depressed mood j markedly diminished interest or pleasurej or elevated, expansive, or irritable mood (Criterion A). Although the clinical presentation of the mood dishlrbance may resemble that of a Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode, the full criteria fo r one of these episodes need not be met; the predominant symptom type may be ind icated by using one of the following subtypes: With Depressive Features, With Major Depressive-Like Episode, With Manic Feahlres, or With Mixed Feahues. There mus t be evidence from the his tory, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the dis turbance is the direct p hysiological consequ ence of a general medical condition (Criterion B). The mood disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Adjustmen t Disorder With Depressed Mood that occurs in response to the psychosocial stress of having the general medical condition) (Criterion C) . The diagnosis is also not made if the mood disturbance occurs only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). The mood disturbance must cause clinically significant dis tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion E). In some cases, the individual may still be able to function, but only with markedly increased effort. In d etermining whether the mood disturbance is due to a general medical condition, the clinidan m ust firs t establish the presence o f a general medical condition. Further, the clin ician mus t establish that the mood dis turbance is etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiological mechanism. A careful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible guidelines for d etermining whether the relationship between the mood disturbance and the general medical condition is etiological, several considerations provide some guidance in this area. One consideration is the presence of a temporal association between the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condition and that of the mood disturbance. A second consideration is the presence of feahlres that are atyp ical of primary Mood Disorders (e.g., atypical age at


Mood Disord ers

onset or course or absence of family history). Evidence from the literature that s uggests that the re can be a direct association between the genera l med ical condition in question and the d evelopment of mood symptoms can provid e a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. In addition, the clinician mus t also judge that the disturbance is n ot bette r accounted for by a primary Mood Disorder, a SubstanceInduced Mood Disord er, or other primary mental d isorders (e.g., Adjustment Disorder). This determination is explained in greater detail in the "Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition" section (p. 181). In contrast to Major Depressive Disorder, Mood Disorde r Due to a General Medical Condition, With Depressive Features, appears to be nearly equaUy distributed by gender. Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition increases the risk of attempted and completed suicide. Rates of suicide are variable depending on the particular general medical condition, with chronic, incurable, and painful conditions (e.g., malignancy, spinal cord injury, peptic ulcer d isease, Huntington's disease, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [A IDS], end-stage renal disease, head inju ry) carryin g the greatest risk for suicide.

One of the following subtypes may be used to indicate which of the foll owing symptom presentations predominates: With Depressive Features. This subtype is used if the predominant mood is depressed, but the full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are not met. With Major Depressive-like Episode. This subtype is used if the full criteria (except Criterion D) for a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) are met. With Manic Features. This subtype is used if the predominant mood is elevated, euphoric, or irri table. With Mixed Features. This subtype is used if the symptoms of both mania and depression are presen t but neither predominates.

Recording Procedures
In recording the diagnOSis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinicia n should note both the specific phenom enology of the d isturbance, including the appropriate subtype, and the identified general medical condition judged to be causing the d isturbance on Axis I (e.g., 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to Thyrotoxicosis, With Manic Features). The ICD-9-CM code for the general medical condition should also be noted on Axis TIl (e.g., 242.9 thyrotoxicosis) . (See Appendix G fo r a list of selected ICD-9.cM diagnostic codes for general medical conditions.) A separate diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medica l Condition is not given if the d epressive symptoms d evelop exclusively during the course of Vascular Dementia . In this case, the d epressive symptoms are indicated by speci fying the subtype With Depressed Mood (i.e., 290.43 Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood).


Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Associated General Medical Conditions

A variety of general medical conditions may cause mood symptoms. These conditions include degenerative neurological conditions (e.g., Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease), cerebrovascular disease (e.g., stroke), metabolic conditions (e.g., vitamin Bl2 deficiency), endocrine conditions (e.g ., h yper- and hypothyroidism, h yper- and h ypoparathyroidism, hyper- and hypoadrenocorticism), autoimmune conditions (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus), viral or other infections (e.g ., hepatitis, mononucleosis, human immunodeficiency virus [HIV]), and certain cancers (e.g ., carcinoma of the pancreas). The associated physical examination finding s, laboratory fi ndings, and patterns of prevalence or onset reflect the etiological general medical condition .

Preva lence
Prevalence estimates for Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition are confined to those presentations with depressive features. It has been observed that 25%40% of individuals with certain neurological conditions (including Parkinson 's disease, Huntington's disease, multiple sclerosis, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease) will develop a marked depressive d isturbance at some point during the course of the illness. For general medical conditions without direct central nervous system involvement, rates are far more variable, ranging from more than 60% in Cushing's syndrome to less than 8% in end-stage renal disease.

Differential Diagnosis
A separate diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is not given if the mood disturbance occurs exclusively during the course of a delirium. In contrast, a diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition may be given in addition to a diagnosis of dementia if the mood symptoms are a direct etiological consequence of the pathological process causing the dementia and if the mood symptoms are a prominent part of the clinical presentation (e.g., Mood Disorder Due to Alzheimer's Disease). Because of ICD-9-CM coding requirements, an exception to this is when depressive symptoms occur exclusively during the course of Vascular Dementia. In this case, only a diagnosis of Vascular Dementia with the subtyp e With Depressed Mood is given; a separate diagnosis of Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is not made. If the presentation includes a mix of different types of symptoms (e.g., mood and anxiety), the specific mental disorder due to a general medical condition depends on w hich symptoms predominate in the clinical picture. If there is evidence of recent or prolonged substance use (including medications with psychoactive effects), withdrawal from a s ubstance, or exp osure to a toxin, a Substance-lnduced M ood Disorder should be considered . It may be useful to obtain a urine or blood drug screen or other appropriate laboratory evaluation. Symptoms that occur during or shortly after (i .e., w ithin 4 weeks of) Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal or after medication use may be especially indicative of a SubstanceInduced Disorder, d epending on the character, duration, or amount of the substance used. If the clinician has ascertained that the disturbance isdue to both a general med -


Mood Disorde rs

ital condition and substance u se, both diagnoses (i.e., Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and Subs tance-Induced Mood Disorder) are given. Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition must be distinguished from Major Depressive Disorder, Bipo lar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, and Adj u stment Disorder With Depressed Mood (e.g., a maladaptive res ponse to the stress of having a general medical condition). In Major Depressive, Bipolar, and Adjus tment

Disorders, no specific and direct causative physiological mechanisms associated with

a general medical condition can be demonstrated. It is often difficult to determine whether ccrtain symptoms (e.g . weight loss, insomnia, fati gue) represent a mood disturbance or are a direct manifestation of a general med ical condition (e.g., cancer, stroke, m yocardial infarction, diabetes). Such symptoms count toward a diagnosis of a Major Depressive Episode except in cases where they are d ea rl}' and fully accounted fo r by a general medical condition. If the clinician cannot determine whether the mood dishlTbance is primary, substance induced, or due to a general medical condition, Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified may be diagnosed.

Diagnostic criteria for 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to ...

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A. A prominent and persistent disturbance in mood predominates in the cl in ical picture and is characterized by either (or both) of the following : (1) depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities (2) elevated, expansive, or irritable mood
B. There is evidence from the history. physical examination, or laborat ory findings t hat

t he disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medica l cond ition.

C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood in response to the stress of having a genera l medical condition).

D. Th e disturbance does not occu r excl usively during the course of a delirium. E. Th e symptoms came cli nica lly significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or othe r important areas of functioning.
Specify type:

With Depressive Features: if the predominant mood is depressed but the full criteria are not met for a Major Depressive Episode With Major Depress ive-like Episode: if the full criteria are met (except Criterion D) for a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) With Manic Features: if the predominant mood is elevated, euphoric, or irritable With Mixed Features: if the symptoms of both mania and depreSSion are present but neither predominates

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

Diagnostic criteria for 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to .. [Indicate the General Medica(Condition] (continued)
Coding note:

Include the name of the general med ica l condition on Axis I, e.g., 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to Hypothyroidism, With Depressive Features; also code the general medica l condition on Axis 111(see Appendix G for codes).
Coding note:

If depressive symptoms occur as part of a preexisting Vascular Dementia, indicate the depressive symptoms by coding the appropriate subtype, i.e., 290.43 Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood.

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

Diagnosti c Features
The essential feature of Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is a prominent and persistent disturbance in mood (Criterion A) that is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, other somatic treatment for d epression, or toxin exposure) (Cri terion B). Depend ing on the nature of the substance and the con text in which the symptoms occur (j.e., during intoxication or withdrawa l), the disturbance may involve depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure or elevated, expansive, or irritable mood. Although the clinical presentation of the mood disturbance may resemble that of a Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, or Hypomanic Episode, the full criteria for one of these episodes need not be mel. The predominant symptom type may be indicated by using one of the follo wing subtypes: With Depressive Featu res, With Manic Features, With Mixed Features. The disturbance must not be better accounted for by a Mood Disorder that is not substance induced (Criterion C). The diagnosis is not made if the mood disturbance occurs only during the course of a delirium (Cri terion D). The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or impainnent in social. occupational, o r other important areas of functioning (Criterion E). In some cases, the individual may still be able to fun ction, but only with markedly increased effort. llUs diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance In toxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the mood symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome and when the mood symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from a primary Mood Disorder by considering the onset, course, and other factors. For drugs of abuse, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, o r laboratory findings of Dependence, Abuse, intoxication, o r withdrawal. Substance-Induced Mood Disorders arise only in association w ith intoxication or withdrawal states, w hereas primary Mood Disorders may precede the onset of substance use or may occur during times of sustained abstinence. Because the withdrawal sta te for some substances can be relatively protracted, mood symptoms can last in an in tense form for up 104 weeks after the cessation of substance use. Another consideration is the presence o f features that are atypical of primary Mood Disorders (e.g., atypical age at onset or course). For ex-


Mood Disorders

ample, the onset of a Manic Episode after age 45 years may suggest a substanceinduced etiology. In contras t, factors that suggest that the mood symptoms are better accoun ted for by a primary Mood Disorder include persistence of mood symptoms for a substantial period of time (Le., a month or more) after the end of Substance Intoxicati on or acute Substance Withdrawal; the development of mood symptoms that are substantially in excess of what would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used or the duration of u se; or a history of p rior recurrent primary episodes of Mood Disorder. Some medications (e.g., s timu lants, steroids, L-dopa, antidepressants) o r other somatic treatments for depression (e.g., electroconvulsive therapy or light therapy) can induce manic-like mood d is tu rbances. C linical judgment is essential to determine whether the treatmen t is truly causal or whether a primary Mood Disorder happened to have its onset while the person was receiving the treatment. For example, manic symptoms that develop in a person while he or s he is taking lithium would not be diagnosed as Substance-Induced Mood Disorder because lithium is not likely to induce manic-like episodes. On the other hand, a depressive episode that developed within the first several weeks of beginning alpha-methyldopa (an antihypertensive agent) in a person with no history of Mood Disorder would qualify for the diagnosis of AlphaMethyldopa-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features . In some cases, a previously established condition (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent) can recur while the person is coincidentally taking a medica tion that has the capacity to cau se depressive sym ptoms (e.g., L-dopa, birth-control p ills) . In such cases, the clinician must make a judgment as to whether the medication is causative in this particular situation. For a more detailed discussion of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 191.

Subtypes a nd Specifiers
One of the following subtypes may be used to indicate which of the following symptom presentations predomina tes: Wi th Dep ressive Features. This subtype is used if the predominant mood is depressed. With Man ic Features. This subtype is used if the predominant mood is elevated, euphoric, or irritable. With M ixed Features. This subty pe is used if the symptoms of both mania and depression are present but neither predominates. The context of the development of the mood symptoms may be ind icated by using one of the following specifiers: Wi th O n set During Intoxication . This specifier should be used if cri teria for intoxication w ith the substance arc met and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome. With O n set D u ring W ith drawal. This specifier should be used if criteria for withdrawal from the substance are met and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome.

Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

Recording Procedures
The name of the Substance-Induced Mood Disorder begins w ith the sp ecific s ubstance or somatic treatment (e.g., cocaine, amitriptyline, electroconvulsive therapy) that is presumed to be causing the mood symptoms. The diagnostic code is selected from the lis ting of classes of substances provided in the cri teria set. For subs tan ces that do not fit into any of the classes (e.g., amitriptyline) and for o ther somatic treatments (e.g ., electroconvu lsive therapy), the code for "Other Substance" should be used . In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic doses, the s pecific medica tion can be indica ted by listing the appropriate E-code (see Appendix G). The name of the disorder (e.g., Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder) is followed by the subtype indicating the predominant symptom presentation and the specifier indicating the context in which the symptoms developed (e.g ., 292.84 Cocaine-Induced Mood Disord er, With Depressive Features, With Onset During Withdrawal). When more than one substance is judged to play a significant role in the development of mood symp toms, each should be lis ted separately (e.g., 292.84 Cocaine-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features, With Onset During Withdrawal; 292.84 Light Therapy-Induced Mood Disorder, With Manic Features). If a subs tan ce is judged to be the etiolog ical factor but the s pecific s ubstance or class of s ubstances is unknown, the category 292.84 Unknown Subs tan ce-Induced Mood Disorder may be used .

Specific Substances
Mood Disord ers can occur in association with intoxication with the follow ing classes of subs tances: alcoho l; amphetamin e and related s ubstances; cocaine; hallucinogens; inhalants; opioids; phencyclidine and related subs tances; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown subs tances. Mood Disorders can occur in association w ith withdrawal from the foll owing classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances; cocaine; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown s ubs tances. Some of the medications reported to evoke mood symptoms include anes thetics, analgesics, anticholinergics, anticonvulsants, antihypertensives, anti parkinsonian medications, antiulcer medications, cardiac medications, oral contraceptives, psychotropic medica tions (e.g., antidepressants, benzodiazepines, antipsychotics, disulfiram), muscle relaxants, s teroids, and s ulfonamides. Some medications have an especially high likelihood of producing depressive features (e.g ., high d oses of reserpine, corticosteroids, anabolic steroids). I ote that thi s is not an exhaus tive lis t of possible medications and that many medications may occasionally produce an idiosyn cratic depressive reaction. Heavy metals and toxins (e.g ., volatile subs tances su ch as gasoline and paint, organophosphate insecticides, nerve gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide) may also cause mood symptoms.

Differential Diagnosis
Mood symptoms occur commonly in Substance Intoxica tion and Substance Withdrawal, and the diagnosis of the substance-sp ecific intoxication or subs tance-specific withdrawal will us ually suffice to categorize the symptom presentation. A diagnosis

Mood Disorders

of Substance Induced Mood Disorder should be made instead of a diagnosis of Sub stance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the mood symptoms are judged to be in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication..or withdrawal syndrome and when the mood symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant indepen d ent clinical a ttention. For example, d ysphoric mood is a characteristic feature of Cocaine Withdrawa l. Cocaine--Induced Mood Disorder should be diagnosed instead of Cocaine Withd rawal only if the mood disturbance is substantially more intense than what is usually encoun tered with Cocaine VVithdrawal and is sufficiently severe to be a separate focus of attention and treatment. If substanceinduced mood symptoms occur exclu sively during the course of a de lirium, the mood symptoms are considered to be an associated feature of the delirium and are n ot diag nosed separately. In su bstance induced presentations that contain a mix of different types of symp to ms (e.g., mood, psychotic, and anxiety symptoms), the specific type of Substancelnduced Disorder to be diagnosed depends on which type of sym p toms predominates in the clinical presentation. A Substance Induced Mood Disorder is distinguished from a primary Mood Dis order by the fact that a substance is judged to be etiologically related to the symptoms (p . 405). A Substance-Induced Mood Disorder due to a p rescribed treatment fo r a mental disorder or general medical condition must have its onset while the person is receiving the medication (e.g ., antihypertensive medication) or during withdrawa l, if there is a withdrawa l syndrome associated with the medication. Once the treatment is dis continued, the mood symptoms w ill usually remit within days to several wee~ (depending on the h alf-life of the substance and the presence of a withdrawal syr drome). U symptoms p ersist beyond 4 weeks, other cau ses for the mood symptom should be considered. Because individuals with genera l medical conditi ons often take med ica tions fc those conditions, the clinician must consider the possibility that the mood symptom are caused by the physiological consequences of the general medical condition ralhe; than the medication, in which case Mood Disord er Due to a General Medical Can dition is diagnosed. The history o ft en provides the primary basis for such a judg ment. At times, a change in the treatment for the general medical condition (e.g., medication substitution or discontinuation) may be need ed to determine empirically for that person w hether the m edication is the causa tive agent. If the clinician has ascertained that the disturbance is due to both a general medical condition and substance use, both d iagnoses (i.e., Mood Disorder Due to a General Medica l Condition and Substance-Induced Mood Disord er) may be given. When there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the mood symptoms are due to a substance (including a medica tion) or to a general medical condition or are p rimary (i .e., not due to either a substance or a general medical condition), Depressive Disorder No t Otherwise Specified or Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified would be ind icated.

Substance-Induced Mood Diso rder

409 1

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Mood Disorder

A. A prominent and persistent disturbance in mood predominates in the clinical picture and is characteri zed by either (or both) of the follow ing: (1) depressed mood or markedly diminished interest or pleasure in all, or almost all, activities (2) elevated, expansive, or irritable mood
B. There is evidence from the history, physical exam ination, or laboratory findings of either (1) or (2):

(1) the symptoms in Criterion A developed during, or within a month of, Substance

Intoxication or Withdrawal (2) medicat ion use is etiologically related to the disturbance
C. The d isturbance is not bette r accounted for by a Mood Disorder that is not substance

induced. Evidence that the symptoms are better accounted for by a Mood Disorder that is not substance induced might include the follow ing : the symptoms precede the o nset ofthe substance use (or medication use); the symptoms persist for a substantial period of time (e.g., about a month) after the cessation of acute withdrawal or se vere intoxication or are substantially in excess of what would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used or the duration of use; or there is other evidence that suggests the existence of an independent non-subst anceinduced Mood Disorder (e .g., a history of recurrent Major Depressive Episodes) . D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium.
E. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impai rment in social. occupation-

al, or other important areas of functioning . Note: This diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the mood symptoms are in excess of those usually asso ciated with the intoxication or wit hdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms are suffi ciently severe to warrant independent clinica l attention. Code [Specific Substance]-In duced Mood Disorder: (29 1.89 Alcohol; 292 .84 Amphetamine [or Amphetamine-Like Substance); 292.84 Cocaine; 292 .84 Hallucinogen; 292 .84 Inha lant; 292.84 Opioid; 292 .84 Phencycl idine lor Phencyclidine-li ke Substancej; 292.84 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic; 292.84 Other lor Unknown] Substance)
Specify type:

With Depressive Features: if the predom inant mood is depressed With Manic Features: if the predominant mood is e levated, euphoric, or irritable With Mixed Features : if symptoms of both ma nia and depression are present and neit her predominates
Specify if (see table on p.1 93 for applicabil ity by substance):

With Onset During Intoxication : if the criteria are met for Intoxication with the substance and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome With Onset During Withdrawal: if criteria are met for Withdrawal from the substance and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after, a withdrawa l syndrome

Mood Disorders

296.90 Mood Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category includes disorders with mood symptoms that do not meet the criteria lor any specific Mood Disorder and in which it is difficult to choose between Depressive Disorder N ot Otherwise Specified and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified (e.g., acu te agitation).

Specifiers Describing Current or Most Recent Episode

A number of specifiers for Mood Disorders are p rovided to increase diagnostic specificity and create more h omogeneous subgroups, assist in treatment selection, and improve the prediction of prognosis. The Severity / Psychotic/ Remission specifie rs describe the current clin ica l status of the Mood Disorder. The following specifiers describe symptom or course features of the current m ood episode (or the most recent mood episode if criteria are not currently met for any episode): Chronic, With Catatonic Features, With Melancholic Features, With Atypical Features, and With Postpartum Onset. The specifiers that ind icate severity, remission, and psychotic features can be coded in the fifth digit of the diagnostic code for most of the Mood Disorders. The other specifiers cannot be cod ed. Table 1 indicates which episode specifiers apply 10 each Mood Disorder (see p. 411).

Severity/PsychotidRemission Specifiers fo r Major Depressive Episode


Tab le 1.

Epi sode specifiers that apply t o Mood Diso rders

Severityl Psychotitl Rem ission With With With With PostCatatonic Melancholic Atypica l partum Featu r es Features Features Onset


Major Depressive Disorder, Si ngle Episod e Major Depress ive Disor der, Recurrent Dysthymic Disord er Bipol ar I Disorder, Sing le Manic Episode Bipol ar I Disorder, Most Rece nt Episode Hypomanic Bipol ar I Oisorder, Most Re cen t Episod e Manic Bipol ar I Disorder, M ost Recent Episo de M ixed Bipo lar I Disorder, M ost Recent Episo de Depressed Bipol ar I Disorde r, M os t Recent Episode Unspecified Bipol ar II Disorder, Hypoma nic Bipolar II Disorder, Depresse d Cyclothymic Disord er


Severity/Psychotic/Remission Specifiers for Major Depressive Episode

In Major Depressive Disorder, these specifiers indicate either the severity of the current Major Depressive Episode or the level of remission if full criteria are no longer met. In Bipolar 1 and Bipolar n Disorder, these specifiers indkate either the severity of the current Major Depressive Episode or the level of remission jf the most recent episode was a Major Depressive Episod e. If criteria currently met for the Major Depressive Episode, it can be d assified as Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic

Mood Disorders Fea tures, or Severe With Psychotic Fea tures. If the criteria are no longer met, the specifier indicates w hether the most recent Major Depressive Epi sode is in partial or fu ll remission. For Major Depressive Disorder and most of the Bipolar I Disorders, the specifier is refl ected in the fifth-d igit cod ing for the d isorder. 1- Mild, 2- Moderate, 3-Severe Without Psychotic Features. Severi ty is judged to be mild, mod erate, or severe based on the number of criteria symptoms, the severity of the symp toms, and the degree of functional d isability and distress. Mild episodes are characterized by the presence of only fi ve or six depressive symptoms and either mild disability or the capacity 10 function normally but with substantial and unusual effort. Episodes that are Severe Withollt Psychotic Featllres are characterized by the presence o f most of the criteria symptoms and clear-cut, observable disability (e.g., inability to work or care for children). Moderate episodes have a severi ty that is intermedjale between mild and severe. 4--Severe With Psychotic Features. This specifier indicates the p resence of either delusions or hallucinations (typically auditory) during the curren t episode. Most commonly, the content of the d elusions or hallucinations is consisten t with the dep ressive themes. Such mood-congruen t psydwtic fratllres include d elusions of guilt (e.g., of being responSible for iUness in a loved one), d elusions of d eserved punishment (e.g., of being punished because of a mora l transgression or some personal inadequacy), nihi listic delusions (e.g., of world or personal d estruction), somatic delusions (e.g., of cancer or one's body "rotting away"), or d elusions o f poverty (e.g., of being bankrupt). Hallucinations, when present, are usually transient and not elabOmings or sins. orate and may involve voices that berate the person for shortC Less commonly, the content of the hallucinations or delusions has no appa rent relationship to d epressive themes. Such mood-illcongruent psychotic features include persecutory d elusions (without d epressive themes that the individual deserves to be persecuted ), d elusions of thought insertion (i.e., one's thoughts are not one's own), delusions of th ought broadcasting (Le., others can hear one's thoughts), and delusions of control (i.e., one's actions are under ou tsid e control). These features are associated with a poorer prognosis. The clinician can indicate the nature o f the psychotic fea tures by specifying With Mood-Congruent Fea tures or With Mood-Incongruent Fea tures. 5-ln Partial Rem ission, 6--In Full Remission. Full Remission requires a period of at least 2 mon ths in which there are no significant symptoms of d epression. There are h vo ways for the episode to be In Partia l Remission: 1) some symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode are still present, but full criteria are no longer met; or 2) there are no longer any significant symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode, but the period of remission has been less than 2 months. If the Major Depressive Episod e has been superimposed on DysthymiC Disorder, the diagnosis o f Major Depressive Disorder, In Partial Remission, is not given once the full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are no longer met; instead, the diagnosis is Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disord er, Prior History.

Severit y/Psychot id Rem ission Specifiers f or Man ic Episode

Criteria for Severity/Psychotic/Remission Specifiers for current (or most recent) Major Depressive Episode
Note : Code in fifth digit. Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features, and Severe Wit h Psychotic Features can be applied only if t he criteria a re currently met for a Major Depressive Episode. In Partial Remission and In Fu ll Remission can be applied t o t he most recent Major Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and t o a Major Depressive Episode in Bipolar I or II Disorder only if it is the most rece nt type of mood episode . .x1-Mild: Few, if any, symptoms in excess of those requ ired to make t he diagnosis and symptoms result in only minor impairment in occupational fun ctioning or in usua l social activities or relationships with oth ers. . x2-Moderate : Sym ptoms or functional impa irment between "mi ld " and "severe." .x3-Seve re Without Psychotic Features : Several symptoms in excess of those reo quired to make t he diagnosis, and symptoms marked ly inte rfere with occupation al functioning or with usual social activities or relat ionships with othe rs . .)(4-Severe With Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinat ions. If possible, specify whether the psychotic features are moodcongruent or mood-incongruent: Mood-Congruent Psychotic Feature s: Delusions or hallucinat ions whose content is entirely consistent with the typica l depressive themes of personal inadequacy, guilt, disease, death, nihilism, or deserved punishment. Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinat ions whose content does not involve typica l depressive themes of personal inadequacy, guilt, disease, death, nihil ism, or deserved punishment. Included are such symptoms as persecutory delusions (not directly related to depressive themes), thought inse rti on, thought broadcasting, a nd delusions of control. .)(5- 1n Partial Remission: Symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode are present but full criteria are not met, or there is a period without any significant symptoms of a Major Depressive Episode lasting less than 2 months following the end of the Major Depressive Episode. (If the Major Depressive Episode was superimposed on Dysthymic Disorder, the diagnosis of Dysthymic Disorder alone is given once t he fu ll criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are no longer met .) .)(6-ln Full Remission: During the past 2 mont hs, no significant signs or symptoms of the disturbance were present .
,x~nspeclfied .

Severity/Psychotic/Remission Specifiers for Manic Episode

In Bipolar I Disorder, these specifie rs indica te either the severity of the current Manic Episode or the level of remission if the mos t recent episode was a Manic Episode. If criteria are c urrently met for the Manic Episode, it can be class ified as Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features, or Severe W ith Psychotic Features. If the criteria are no longer met for a Manic Episode, the specifier indicates whether the most recent Manic Episode is in partial o r fu ll remission. These specifie rs are reflected in the fifth -digit coding for the disorder.


Mood Disorders

l-Mild, 2-Moderate, 3-Severe Without Psych otic Features. Severity is judged to be mild, moderate, or severe based on the number of criteria symptoms, the severity o f the symptoms, the degree of fu nctional disabili ty, and the need for supervision. Mild episodes are characterized by the p resence of only three or four manic symptoms. Modera te episodes are ch aracterized by an extreme increase in activity or impairment in judgment. Episodes that are Severe Witliollt Psychotic Featllres are characterized b}' the need fo r al most continual superv ision to protect the individual from harm to sell or others.
4-Severe With Psychotic Features. This specifi er ind ica tes the presence of either

delusions or hallucinations (typically auditory) during the current episode. Most

commonly, the content o f the d elus ions or hallucin ations is consisten t w ith the manic themes, that is, they are mood--colIgmf!lIt psychotic fea tures. For example, God 's voice may be heard exp laining that the person has a s pecial mission. Persecutory delusions may be based on the idea that the person is being persecuted because of some special relation ship or attribute. Less commonly, the content of the h allucinations or d elusions has no apparent rela tionship to manic themes, tha t is, they are mood-illcollgTllellt psychotic fea tures. These may include persecutory delusions (n ot d irectly related to grandiose themes), delusions o f thought insertion (Le., one's though ts are not one's own ), d elusions of though t broadcasting (i.e., others can hear one's tho ugh ts), and delusions of control (Le., one's actions are under outside con trol). The presence of these features may be associated with a poorer prognosis. The clinician can indicate the nature o f the psychotic featu res by s pecify ing With Mood-Congruent Features or With MoodLncongruent Features. 5--In Parti al Remission, 6-In Full Remission. Fu ll Remission requires a period of at least 2 mon ths in which th ere are no significant symptoms of m ania. There are h \'o ways for the episode to be In Partial Remission: 1) symptoms of a Manic Episode are still present, but fu ll criteria are no longer met; or 2) th ere are no longer any Significant symptoms of a Manic Ep isode, but the period o f rem ission has been less than 2 months.

Severity/Psychot icJRemi ss ion Specifiers for Mixed Ep isode


Criteria for Severity/Psychotic/Remission Specifiers for current (or most recent) Manic Episode
Note: Code in fifth digit. Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Feat ures, and Severe Wit h Psychotic Features can be applied o nly if the criteria are currently met for a Manic Episode. In Partial Remission and In Full Remission can be appl ied to a Manic Episode in Bipola r I Disorder on ly if it is the most recent type of mood episode . .xl-Mild: Minimum symptom criteria a re met for a Manic Episode . .x2-Moderate: Extreme increase in activity or impairment in judgment. .x3-Severe Without Psychotic Features: Almost continua l supervision required to prevent physica l harm to self or others . .x4-Severe With Psychotic Features: De lusio ns o r ha llucinations. If possible, specify whether t he psychotic features are mood-congruent or mood-incongruent: Mood-Congruent Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinations whose content is entirely consistent with the typical manic themes of inflated worth. power, knowledge, identity, or special relationsh ip to a deity o r famous person. Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinations whose conte nt does not involve typical manic themes of inflated worth, power, knowledge, identity, or speCial relationship to a deity o r famous person . Included are such symptoms as persecutory delusions (not directly related to grandiose ideas or themes), t hought insertion, and delusions of being controlled . .xS-ln Partial Remission: Symptoms of a Manic Episode are present but full criteria are not met, or there is a period w ithout any sign ificant symptoms of a Manic Episode lasting less than 2 months foll owing the end of the Manic Episode . .x6-ln Full Remission: During the past 2 months no signifi cant signs or symptoms of the disturbance were present . .xO-Unspecified.

Severity/Psychotic/Remission Specifiers for Mixed Episode

In Bipolar I Disorder, these specifiers indicate either the severity of the current Nlixed Episode or the level of remission if the most recent episode was a Mixed Episode. If criteria are currently met for the Mixed Episode, it can be classified as Mild, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Features, or Severe With Psychotic Features . If the criteria are no longer met for a rvlixed Episode, the specifier indica tes w hether the m ost recent Mixed Episode is in partial o r full remission. These specifiers are reflected in the fifth -digit coding for the disorde r. I -M ild, 2-Moderate, 3- Severe Without Psychotic Features. Severi ty is judged to be m ild, moderate, or severe based on the number of criter ia symptoms, the severity of the symptoms, the degree o f fun ctional disability, and the need for superv ision. M ild episodes are characterized by the prese nce o f only three or four manic sym p-


Mood Diso rders

toms and fi ve or s ix depressive symptoms. Moderate episodes are characterized by an extreme increase in activity or impaimlent in judgmen t. Episodes that are Severe Without Psyclwtic Features are characterized by the need for almost continual supervision to protect the individual from ham l to self or others.

4-S evere W ith Psychotic Features. This specifier indica tes the presence of either delusions or hallucinations (typically auditory) during the current episode. Most commonly, the content of the delusions or hallucinations is consistent with either the manic or depressive themes, that is, they are mood-coJlgruell t psycl10ticfen tures. For example, God's voice may be heard explaining that the person has a specia l mission. Persecutory delusions may be based on the idea that the person is being persecuted because of being especial ly deserving of punishment or having some special relationship or attribute. Less conunonly, the content of the hallucinations or delusions has no apparent relationship to either manic or depressive themes, that is, they are mood-iI/congruent psyd lOfic fea f flres. These may include delusions of thought insertion (i.e., one's thoughts are not one' s own), delusions of thought broadcasting (i.e., others can hear one' s thoughts), and delus ions of control (i.e., one's actions are un der ou tside control). These features are associated with a poorer prognosis. TIle clinician can indicate the nature of the psychotic features by specifying With Mood-Congruent Features or With Mood-Incongruent Features.
5-Jn Pa rtial Remission, &-I n Full Remi ss io n. Full Remission requires a period of at least 2 months in which there are no significant symptoms of mania or depression. There are two ways for the episode to be In Partial Remission: 1) symptoms of a Mixed Episode are still present, but full criteria are no longer met; or 2) there are no longer any significant symptoms of a ~1ixed Episode, but the p eriod of remission has been less than 2 months.

Cri t eria for Severity/PsychotidRemission Specifiers for current (or most recent) Mixed Episode
Note: Code in fifth digit. Mi ld, Moderate, Severe Without Psychotic Featu res, and Severe With Psychotic Features can be applied only if the criteria a re current ly met fo r a Mixed Episode. In Partial Remission and In Full Remission can be applied to a Mixed Episode in Bipolar I Disorder only if it is the most recent type of mood episode . .x1-Mild: No more t han min imum symptom criteria are met for bot h a Man ic Episode and a Major Depressive Episode . .x2-Moderate: Symptoms or functio nal impairme nt betwee n " mild" and "severe. ~ ,x3-Severe Without Psychotic Features: Almost continual supervision requi red to prevent physical ha rm to self or others. ,x4-Severe With Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinat ions. If possibl e, specify whether the psychotic features are mood-congrue nt or mood-incong ruent:

Chronic Specifier f or a Major Depressive Episode


Criteria for SeveritylPsychoticlRemission Specifiers for current (or most recent) Mixed Episode (continued)
MoodCongruent Psychotic Features: Delusions or hallucinations whose conte nt is e ntirely consiste nt with the typical manic o r depressive themes. Moodlncongruent Psychotic Features: Delusions or halluci nations w hose content does not involve typica l manic o r depressive themes. Included are such symptoms as persecutory delusions (not directly related to g randiose o r depressive themes), t hought insertion, and delusions of bei ng controlled . .x5-ln Partial Remission: Symptoms o f a Mixed Episode a re present but fu ll criteria are not met, o r there is a period without any significa nt symptoms o f a Mixed Episode lasting less than 2 months fo llowing the end of the Mixed Episode . .x6-ln Full Remission: During t he past 2 months, no significant signs or symptoms o f the d isturbance were p rese nt . .xO-Unspecified.

Chronic Specifier for a Major Depressive Episode

This specifier indicates the chronic nature of a Major Depressive Episode (i.e., that full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode have been continuously met for at least 2 years) . This specifier applies 10 the current (or, if the full criteria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, to th e most recent) Major Dep ressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and to the current (o r most recent) Major Depressive Episode in Bipolar I or Bipolar n Disorder only if it is the most recent type of mood episode.

Criteria for Chronic Specifier

Specify if:

Chronic (can be applied to the current o r most recent Majo r Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and to a Major Depressive Episode in Bipola r I o r II Disorder o nly if it is the most recent type o f mood episode) Full criteria fo r a Major Depressive Episode have been met continuously for at least the past 2 years.

Catatonic Features Specifier

The specifie r With Catatonic Features can be applied to the current Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode in Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, or Bipolar II Diso rder. If full criteria are no longer met for a mood episode, the specifier applies to the most recent mood episode. The specifier With Catatonic Features is appropriate when the clinical picture is characterized by marked psychomotor d isturbance that

Mood Disorders may involve m o loric immobility, excessive m o lar activity, extre me negativis m , mutism , peculiarities of voluntary m oveme nt, echolalia, or echopraxia. M o io ric immobility may be manifested by ca ta lepsy (waxy flexibility) or stupor. The excessive motor activity is ap parently purposeless and is no t influenced b y external stimuli. There may be extreme negativism thai is manifested by the maintenance of a rigid posture against aHempts to be moved. o r res is tance to all ins tructions. Pecu lia rities of voluntary movement are m a nifested b y the assumption of inappropriate or bizarre postures or by promine nl grimacing. Echo lalia (the pathological, parrotlike, and apparently senseless repetiti on o f a word o r phrase jus t spoken by another person ) and echop raxia (the repetitive imitation of the movements o f another person) are often p resent. Additional features may include s te reoty pies, manne rism s, and automatic obedience or mimicry. During severe catato nic stup or or excitem e n t, the person may need careful supervis io n 10 avoid self-harm or ha rm to others. Po te ntial conseque nces include malnutrition, exhaustio n, hyperpyrexia, o r self-inflicted injury. Ca tatonic states have been found to occur in 50/0 -9% of inpatients . Among inpatients w ith catalonia, 250/0 -50% of cases occur in a ssociation with Mood Disorders, 10/ -15% of cases occur in associatio n with Schizophrenia (see Schizophre nia, Cata0 tonic T ype, p. 31 5), and the remainder occur in association with other menial disord ers (e.g., Obsessive-Compuls ive Diso rder, Personality Disorders, and Dissociative Disorders). It is important to no te that catatonia can also occu r in a w ide va riety of general medica l conditions including, bu t not limiled 10, those due to infectious, metabolic, neurological conditions (see Catato ni c Disorder Due to a Gen era l Medi ca1 Condi tion, p . 185), or can be due to a side e ffect of a m edication (e.g., a MedicationIndu ced Movemen t D iso rde r, see p. 791). Because o f the seriousness of the complications, particular attention should be paid to the p ossibility that the catatonia is due to Neurolep tic Malign ant Syn drome (p . 795).

Criteria for Catatonic Features Specifier

Specify if:

With Catatonic Features (can be appl ied to the current o r mort recent Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, o r Mixed Episode in Ma jor Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, or Bipola r II Disorder)
The cl inica l picture is dominated by at leart two o f the following:
(1 ) matoric immobility as evidenced by catalepsy (i ncluding

flexibility) or


(2) excessive motor activity (t hat is a pparently purposeless and not influenced by external stimuli) (3) extre me negat ivism (an appa rent ly motiveless resista nce to all instructions or maintenance of a rigid posture aga inst attempts to be moved) or mutism (4) peculiarities of voluntary movement as evidenced by posturing (voluntary assumption of inappropriate o r bizarre postures), stereotyped movements,
prom inent mannerism s, or prominent grimacing

(5) echola lia or echopraxia

Melancholic Features Specifier

Melancholic Features Specifier

The specifier With Melancholic Features can be applied to the current (or, if the full criteria are not currently met for a Major Depressive Episode, to the most recent) Major Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and to the current (or most recent) Major Depressive Episode in Bipolar I or U Disorder only if it is the most recent type of mood episode. The essential featureof a Major Depressive Episode, With Melancholic Featu res, is loss of interest or pleasure in all, o r almost aU, activities or a lack of reactivity to usually pleasurable stimuli. The individual's depressed mood does not improve, even temporari ly, when something good happens (Criterion A). In addition, at least three of the follOWing symptoms are present: a distinct quality of the depressed mood, depression that is regularly worse in the morning, early morning awakening, psychomotor retarda tion or agitation, significant anorexia or weigh t loss, or excessive or inappropriate guilt (Cri terion B). The speC ifier With Melancholic Features is applied if these features are present at the nadir of the episode. There is a near-complete absence of the capacity for pleasure, not merely a diminution. A guideline for evaluating the lack of reactivity of mood is that, even for very desired events, the depressed mood does not brigh ten at all or brightens only partially (e.g., up to 20'%--40% of normal for only minutes at a time). The distinct quality of mood that is characteristic of the With Melancholic Featu res specifier is experienced by individuals as qualitatively different from the sadness experienced during bereavement o r a norunelancholic depressive episode. This may be eliciled by asking the person to compare the quality of the current depressed mood with the mood experienced after the death of a loved one. A depressed mood tha i is described as merely more severe, longer-lasting, or present without a reason is not considered distinct in qua lity. Psychomotor changes are nearly always present and are observable by o thers. Individuals with melancholic features are less likely to have a premorbid Personality Disorder, to have a clear precipi tant to the episode, and to respond to a trial of placebo medication. One consequence of a lower probability of response to placebo is a g reater need for active antidepressan t treatment. These features exhibit only a modest tendency to repea t across episodes in the same individual. They are more frequent in inpatients, as o pposed to outpatients, and are less likely 10 occur in milder than in more severe Major Depressive Episodes and are more likely to occur in those with psychotic features. Melancholic features are more frequentl y associated with laboratory findings of dexamethasone nonsuppressian; elevated cortisol concentrations in plasma, urine, and saliva; alterations of sleep EEG profiles; abnonnal ty ramine challenge test; and an abnonnal asymmetry on dichotic listening tasks.


Mood Diso rde rs

Criteria for Melancholic Features Specifier

Specify if:

With Melancholic Features (can be applied to the current o r most recent Major

Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and to a Major Depressive Episode in Bipolar I or Bipolar II Oisorder only if it is the most recent type of mood
A. Either of the following, occurring during the most severe period of the current

(1) loss of pleasure in all, or almost all, activities

(2) lack of reactivity to usually pleasurable stimuli (does not fee l much better, even temporarily, when something good happens)
B. Th ree (or more) of the following:
(1) distinct quality of depressed mood (i.e., the depressed mood is experienced

(2) (3)

(4) (5) (6)

as distinctly different f rom the kind of fe eling experienced after the death of a loved one) depression regularly worse in the morning earl y morning awakening (at least 2 hours before usual time of awakening) marked psychomotor reta rdat ion or agitation significant anorexia or weight loss excessive or inappropriate guilt

Atypical Features Specifier

The specifier With Atypical Features can be applied to the current (or, if the full criteria are not cu rrently met for a Major Depressive Episode, to the most recent) Major Depressive Episode in Major Depressive Disorder and to the current (or most recent) Major Depressive Episode in Bipolar I or Bipolar II Disorder only if it is the most recent type of mood episode, or to Dysthymic Disorder. "Atypical depression" has historical Significance (i.e., atypical in contradistinction to the more classical "endogenous" presentations of d epression) and does not connote an uncommon or unusual clinical presentation as the term might imply. TI,e essential features are mood reactivity (Criterion A) and the presence of at least two of the following features (Criterion B); increased appetite or weight gain, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, and a long-standing pattern of extreme sensitivity to perceived interpersonal rejection. These features p redominate during the most recent 2-week period (or the most recent 2-year period for Dysthymic Disorder). The specifier With Atypical Features is not given if the criteria for With Melancholic Features or With Ca tatonic Features have been mel during the same Major Depressive Episode. When used to describe the most recent Major Depressive Episode (as opposed to a current episode), the specifier applies if the features predominate during any 2-week period.

Atypical Features Specifier


Mood reactivity is the capacity to be cheered up when presented with positive ~\'ents (e.g., a visit from children, compliments from others). Mood may become euthymic (no t sad) even for extended periods o f time if the external circumstances remain fav orable. Increased appetite may be manifested by an obviolls increase in food intake or by weigh t gain. Hypersomnia may include either an extended period of nighttime sleep or d aytime napping that totals at least 10 hours of sleep per day (or at least 2 hours more than when not depressed). Lead en paralysis is defined as feeling heavy, leaden, or weighted d own, uSlially in the arms or legs; this is generally present for at least an hour a day but often lasts for many hours at a time. Unlike the other atypical fea tures, pathological sensitivity to perceived interpersonal rejection is a trait that has an early onset and persists throughout most of adult We. Rejection sensitivity occurs both when the person is and is not d epressed, though it may be exacerbated during d epressive periods. The problems that result from rejection sensitivity must be significan t enough to result in fun ctional impairmen t. There may be stormy relationships with frequ ent disruptions and an inability to sustain a longer-lasting relationship. The individual's reaction to rebuff or criticism may be manifested by leaving work early, using substances excessively, or d isplaying o ther clinically significant malada p tive behavioral responses. TIlere may also be avoi dance of relationships due to the fea r of interpersonal rejection. Being occasionally touchy or overemotional does not qualify as a manifestation of interpersonal rejection sensitivity. Personality Disorders (e.g., Avoidant Personality Disorder) and Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Separation Anxiety Disorder, SpeCific Phobia, or Socia l Phobia) may be more common in those with atypical features. The laboratory find ings associated with a Major Depressive Episode With Melancholic Features are generaUy not present in associa tion w ith an episode with atypica l features. Aty pical features are two to three times more common in women. Individuals w ith atypical features report an earlier age at onset of their depressive episodes (e.g., while in high school) and frequently have a m ore ciuonic, less episodiC course, with only partial in terepisode recovery. Younger individuals may be more likely to have episodes with atypical fea tures, whereas older individuals may more often have episodes w ith melancholic features. Episodes with atypical features are more common in Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, and in Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, occurring in a seasonal pattern. Depressive episod es with Atypical Features are more likely to respond to treatment with monoam ine oxidase inhibitors than with tricyclic antidepressants. The predictive value of Atypical Fea tures is less clear with newer treabnents, such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors or interpersonal or cogniti ve psychotherapies.


Mood Disorders

Criteria for Atypical Features Specifier

Specify if :

With Atypical Features (can be applied when these features predominate during the most recent 2 weeks of a current Ma jor Depressive Episode in Major Depressive
Disorder or in Bipolar I or Bipolar II Disorder when a cu rrent Major Depressive

Episode is the most recent type of mood episode, or when these features predominate d uring the most recent 2 years of Dyrthymic Disorder; if the Major Depressive Episode is not current, it applies if the feature predomi nates during any 2-week

A. Mood reactivity (i.e., mood brightens in response to actual or potentia l positive events)
B. Two (or more) of the following featu res:

(1) significant weight gain or increase in appetite

(2) hypersomnia (3) leaden paralysis (i.e., heavy, leaden feelings in arms or legs) (4) long-standing pattern of interpersona l rejection sensitivity (not limited to episodes of mood disturbance) t hat re sults in significant social or occupational impairment

C. Criteria are not met for With Melancholic Features or With Catatonic Features
during the same episode.

Postpartum Onset Specifier

The specifier With Postpartum Onset can be applied to the current (or, if the full criteria a re not curren tly met for a Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode, to the most recent) Major Depressive, Manic, or Nlixed Episode of Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, or Bipolar II Disorder or to Brief Psych otic Disorder (p. 329) if onset is within 4 weeks after childbirth. The symptoms of the postpartum-onset r.,fajor Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode do not differ from the symptoms in nonpostpactum mood e pisodes. Symptoms that are common in postpartum-onse t episodes, though not specific to pos tpartum onse t, include fluctuations in mood, m ood lability, and preoccupation with infant well-being, the intensity of which may range from ove rconcern to frank delus ions. The presence of severe ruminations or delus ional tho ughts about the infant is associated w ith a significantly increased risk of hann to the infa nt. Pos tpa rtum-onset mood episodes can present either with or without psychotic fea tures. Infanticide is mos t often associated w ith postpartum psychotic episodes that ace cha racterized by comma nd hallucina tions to kill the infant or delusions that the infant is possessed, bu t it can also occur in seve re postpartum m ood episodes without such specific delu sions or hall ucinatio ns. Postpartum mood (Major De p ressive, Manic, or Mixed) episodes with pSydlOtiC features appear to occur in from 1 in 500 to 1 in 1,000 d eliveries a nd may be more common in primiparous w omen. The risk of post-

Specifi ers Descr ibing Cou rse of Recur rent Episodes

partum episodes with psychotic fea tures is particu larly increased for women w ith prior p ostpartum mood ep isodes but is also elevated for those with a prior history of a Mood Disorder (especially Bipolar I Disorder). Once a woman has had a postpartum. episode w ith psychotic features, the risk of recurrence with each subsequent delivery is beh "een 30% and 50%. There is also some evidence of increased ris k of postpartum psychotic mood episodes among women without a his tory of Mood Disorders with a famil y h istory o f Bipolar Disorders. Postpartum episodes must be differentiated from delirium occurring in the postpartum period, which is d istinguished by a decreased level of awareness or attention. Women with postpartum Major Depressive Episodes often have severe anxiety and even Panic Attacks. Maternal attitudes toward the infant are highly variable but can include dis interest, fea rfulness of being alone w ith the i.nfant, or overintrusiveness that inhibits adequate infant res t. It is important to dis tinguish pos tpartum mood episodes from the "baby blues," which affect up to 70% of women during the 10 days postpartum, are transient, and do not impair functioning . Prospective studies have d emonstrated that mood and anxiety symptoms during pregnancy, as well as the "baby blues," increase the ris k for a postpartum Major Depressive Episod e. A past personal history of nonpostpartum Mood Disorder and a famil y history of Mood Disorders also increas e the risk for the development of a postpartum Mood Disorder. The risk factors, recurrence rates, and symptoms of postpartum-onset Mood Episodes are simila r to those of n onpostparlum Mood Episodes. However, the postpartum period is unique with respect to the degree of neuroendocrine alterations and psychosocial adju stments, the poten tial impact of breast-feeding on treatment p lanning, and the long-term implications of a his tory of p ostpartum Mood Disorder on subsequent famil y planning.

Criteria for Postpartum Onset Specifier

Specify if:

With Postpartum Onset (can be applied to the current or most recent Major Depressive, Manic, or Mixed Episode in Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar I Disorder, or Bipolar II Disorder; or to Brief Psychotic Disorder)

Onset of episode with in 4 weeks postpartum

Specifiers Describi ng Course of Recurrent Episodes

A number of speci fiers for Mood Disorders are provided to increase diagnostic specificity and create more homogeneous subgroups, assist in treatment selection, and improve the prediction of prognosis. Specifiers that describe the course of recurrent e pisodes include Lon gitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Full Interepisode Recovery), Seasonal Pattern, and Rapid Cycling. These specifiers cannot be coded. Table 2 indicates which course specifiers appJy to each Mood Disorder (see p.424).

Table 2. Course spe cifiers th at appl y t o Mood Disord ers
WithIWithout Inte repisode Re covery
Majo r Depressive
Disord er, Single

M ood Diso rders

Seasonal Pattern

Ra pid Cycling

Ep isod e
M ajor Depressive

Disord er, Rewrrent

Dys thymic Disorder

Bipola r I Diso rder,

Single M anic

Episo de
Bipolar I Disord er,

Most Recent Episode

Hypo manic Bipola r 1 Disor der,

Most Recent
Episo de Manic

Bipola r I Disorder,

Most Recent
Episode M ixed Bipolar I Disorder, M on Recent

Episode De pressed
Bipolar I Disorder, M on Recent Episode Unspeci f ied Bipolar II Disorde r, Hypomanic Bipolar II Disorde r,




Cydo thymic Disorder

Longitudinal Course Specifiers (With and Without Full Interepisode Recovery)

The specifiers With Full lnterepisode Recovery and Without Full lnterepisode RecO\' ery are provided to help characterize the cou rse of illness in individuals wi th Recurrent Major Depressive Disord er, Bipolar I Disorder, or Bipolar n Disord er. These speCifiers should be applied to the period of tim e behveen the h vo most recen t episodes. The characteriza tion of course is furthe r enhanced by noting the p resence of antecedent DysthymiC Disorder. The fo ur graphs below d epict prototy pical courses. A shows the course of Major DepreSSive Disorder, Recurrent, in which there is no anteceden t Dysthymic Disorder and there is a period of full rem ission behveen the episodes. This course pattern p redicts the best future p rognosis. B shows the course of Ma jor Depressive Disord er, Recurrent, in which there is no antecedent Dysthymic Disorder but in which p rominent

Seasonal Pattern Specifi er symptoms persist between the two most recent episodes-that is, no more than partial remission is attained. C shows the rare pattern (present in fewer than 3% of individuals with Major Depressive Disorder) of Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, w ith antecedent Dysthymic Disorder but with full interepisode recovery between the two most recent episod es. D shows the course of Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, in which there is antecedent Dysthymic Disorder and in which there is no period of full remission behveen the two most recent episodes. llus pattern, commonly referred to as "double dep ression" (see p. 377), is seen in about 200/0-25% of individuals with Major Depressive Disorder. In general, individuals with a history of Without Full interepisode Recovery have a persistence of that pattern beh\'een subsequent episodes . They also appear more likely to have more Major Depressive Episodes than those wi th full in terepisode recovery. Dysthymic Disorder prior to the fi rst episode of Major Depressive Disorder is most likely to be associated w ith lack of full interepisode recovery subsequently. These specifiers may also be applied to the period of time behveen the most recent mood episodes in Bipolar I Disorder or Bipolar II Disorder to indicate presence or absence of mood symptoms.
A. Recurrent, with full interepisode recove ry, with no Dysthymic Disorder B. Recurrent, without full interepi~ode recovery. with no Dysthymic d isorder C. Recurrent, w ith full interepisode recovery. superimposed o n Dynhymic Disorder (a lso code 300.4) D. Recurrent. without full interepisode recovery. super imposed on Dysthymic Disorde r (also code 300.4)

Criteria for Longitudinal Course Specifiers

Specify if (can be applied to Recurrent Major Depressive Disorder or

Bipolar I or II Disorder): With Fullinterepisode Recovery: if full remission is attained between the nvo most recent Mood Episodes Without Fulllnterepisode Recovery: if full remission is not atta ined between t he two most recent Mood Episodes

Seasonal Pattern Specifier

The specifier With Seasonal Pattern can be applied to the pa ttern of Major Depressive Episodes in Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar n Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent. The essential feature is the onset and remission of Major Depressive Episodes



O isorder~

at characteristic times of the year. Ln most cases, the episodes begin in fa ll or winter and remit in spring. Less commonly, there may be recurrent summer depressi,'e
episodes. nus pattern of onset and remission of episodes mus t have occurred during the last 2 years, withou t any nonseasonal episodes occurring during this p eriod. In addition, the seasonal depressive episodes mus t subs ta ntially outnumber any nonseasonal depressive episodes over the individual's lifetime. This specifier does not app ly to those situati ons in which the pattern is better explained by seasonally linked psychosocial siressors (e.g., seasonal unemployment o r school schedule). Major J)e.. p ressive Episodes that occur in a seasonal paUern are often characterized by prominent anergy, hy persomnia, overeating, weigh t gain, and a craving for carbohydrates. It is unclear whether a seasonal pattern is more likely in Major Depressive Disorder, Recurren t, or in Bipolar Disorders. However, within the Bipolar Disorders group, a seasonal pattern appea rs to be mo re likely in Bipolar n Diso rd er than in Bipolar I Disorder. In some individuals, the onset o f Manic or Hypomanic Episodes may also be linked to a pa rticular season. Bright visible-spectrum tight used in trea tment may be associated w ith switches into Manic or Hypomanic Episodes. The prevalence o f w inter-type seasonal pattern appears to vary with latitude, age, and sex. Pre\'alence increases with higher la titudes. Age is also a s trong predictor of seasonality. w ith younger persons at higher risk for winter d epressive episodes. Women comprise 60%--90% of persons with seasonal pattern, but it is unclear whether female gender is a sp ecific risk facto r over and above the risk associated with recurrent Major Depressive Disorder. AJthough this specifier applies to seasonal occurrence of fu ll Major Depressive Episodes, some research suggests that a seasonal pattern may also describe the presentation in some individuals w ith recurrent winter d epressive episodes that do not meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode.

Rapid-Cycling Specifier


Criteria for Seasonal Pattern Specifier

Specify if:
With Seasonal Pattern (can be applied to the pattern of Major Depressive Episodes in Bipola r I Disorder, Bipolar II Disorder, or Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent)
A. There has been a regular t emporal relationship between the onset of Major Depressive Episodes in Bipolar I or Bipolar II Disorder or Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, and a particular time of t he year (e.g . regular appearance of the Major Depressive Episode in the fall or w inter).

Note : 0 0 not include cases in which there is an obvious eHect of seasonalrelated psychosocial stressors (e.g., regularly being unemployed every winter). B. Full rem issions (or a ch ange from depression to mania or hypomania) also occur at a characteristic time of the year (e.g., depression disappears in the spring).

C. In the last 2 years, two Major Depressive Episodes have occurred that demonstrate the temporal seasonal re lationships defined in Criteria A and B, and no nonseasonal Major Depressive Episodes have occurred during that same period. D. Seasonal Major Depressive Episod es (as described above) substantially out number t he nonseasonal Major Depressive Episodes that may have occurred over the ind ividual's lifetime.

Rapid-Cycling Specifier
The specifier With Rapid Cycling can be applied to Bipolar I Disorder or Bipolar II Disorder. The essential feature of a rapid-cyding Bipolar Disorder is the occurrence of four o r more mood episodes during the previous 12 months. These episodes can occur in any combination and order. The episodes must meet both the duration and symptom criteria for a Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, or Hyp omanic Episode and must be demarcated by either a period of full remission or by a sw itch to an ep isode of the opposite polarity_ Manic, Hypomanic, and Mixed Episodes are counted as being on the sam e pole (e.g., a Manic Episode immediately followed by a rvli;xed Episode counts as only one episode in considering the specifier With Rapid Cycling). Except for the fact that they occur more frequently, the episodes that occur in a rapidcycling pattern are no different from those that occur in a non rapid -cycling pattern. Mood episodes that count toward defining a rapid-cycling pattern exclude those episodes directly caused by a substance (e.g., cocaine, corticosteroids) or a general medica l condi tion. Rapid cycling occu rs in approximatel)' 10%-20% of individuals w ith Bipolar Dis order seen in Mood Disorders clinics. \<\'hereas in Bipo lar Disorder in general the sex ratio is equal, women comprise 70%- 90% of individuals wi th a rapid-cycling pattern. The mood episodes a re not linked to any p hase of the menstrual cycle and occur in both pre- and postmenopausal women. Rapid cycling may be associated with hypo--

Mood Disorders

thyroid ism, certain n eurologica l conditions (e.g., multiple sclerosis), Mental Retardation, head injury, or antidepressant treatment. Ra pid cycling can occur at any time during the course of Bipolar Disorder and may appear and d isappear, particularly if it is associated with antidepressant use. There is some evidence that some indi viduals with rapid cycling have an acceleration of their cycling rate after exposure to antidepressant medication. The development of rapid cycling is associated w ith a poorer longer-term p rognosis.

Criteria for Rapid-Cycling Specifier

Specify if:

With Rapid Cycl ing (can be ap plied to Bipolar I Disord er o r Bipolar II Disorder) At least four episodes of a mood d istu rbance in t he previous 12 months that meet criteria for a Major Depressive, Man ic, Mixed, or Hypoma nic Ep isode. Note: Episodes are demarcated either by partial o r full remission for at least 2 months or a switch to an episode of opposite polarity (e.g., Major Depressive Ep isode to Manic Episode).

Anxiety Disorders

he foUowing disorders are contained in this section: Panic Disorder Without

Agoraphobia, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia, Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compu!sive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, Substancelnduced Anxiety Disorder, and Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. Because Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia occur in the context of severa l of these disorders, criteria sels for a Panic Attack and fo r Agoraphobia are listed separately at the beginning of tlus section. A Panic Attack is a discrete period in which there is the sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror, often associa ted with fee lings o f impending doom. During these attacks, symptoms such as sh ortness of breath, palpitations, chest pain or discomfort, choking o r smothering sensa tions, and fear of "going crazy" or losing control are present. Agoraphobia is anxiety about, or avoidance of, places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of hav ing a Panic Attack or panic-l ike symptoms. Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia is characterized by recurrent tmexpected Panic Attacks abou t which there is persistentconcem. Panic Disorder With Agoraph obia is characterized by both recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks and Agoraphobia. Agoraphobia Without Histo ry of Panic Disorder is characterized by the presence of Agoraphobia and panic-like symptoms without a history of unexpected Panic Attacks. Sp ecific Phob ia is characterized by clinically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to a specific feared object or situation, often leading to avoidance behavior. Social Phobia is characterized by cl in ically significant anxiety provoked by exposure to certain types of social or performance situa tions, often leading to avoidance behavior. Obsessive-Compuls ive Diso rder is characterized by obsessions (which cause ma rked anxiety or distress) and / or by compulsions (wh ich serve to neutralize anxiety). Posttraumati c Stress Disorder is characterized by the reexperiencing of an extremely traumatic event accompanied by symptoms of increased arousal and by avoidance of stimuli associated w ith the trauma . Acute Stress Disorder is characterized by symptoms similar to those of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder that occur immed iately in the aftermath of an extremely traumatic event. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is characterized by at least 6 months of persisten t and excessive anxiety and worry.



Anxiety Diso rders

Anxiety Disorder Due 10 a General Medical Condition is characterized by prominent symptoms of anxiety that are judged to be a d irect ph ysiological consequence of a general medical cond ition. Subs tance-Induced Anxiety Disorder is characterized by prominent symptoms of anxiety that are judged to be a direct physiological consequence o f a drug of abuse,

a medication, or toxin exposllfe.

Anxiety Disorder Not Othenvise Specified is included for coding disorders with prominent anxiety or p hobic avoidance that do not meet criteria for any of the specific Anxiety Disorders defined in this section (or anxiety symptoms about which there is inadequate or contradictory in fa nnatian). Because Separation Anxiety Disorder (characterized by anxiety related to separation from parental fi gures) usually develops in childhood, it is included in the "Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy, Ch ildhood, or Adolescence" section (see p. 121). Phobic avoidance tha t is limited to genital sexual contact with a sexual partner is classified as Sexual Aversion Disorder and is included in the "Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders" section (see p. 541).

Panic Attack
Because Panic Attacks can occu r in the context of an y Anxiety Disorder as well as other mental disorders (e.g., Mood Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders) and some genera l medical conditions (e.g., cardiac, respira tory, vestibular, gastrointestinal), the text and criteria set for a Panic Attack are p rovided separately in this section. The essentiaJ featu re o f a Panic Attack is a discrete period o f intense fear ordiscomfort in the absence of real danger that is accompanied by at ieast 4 of 13 somatic or cognitive symptoms. Symptoms can be somatic or cognitive in nature and include palpitations, swea ting, trembling or shaking, sensa tions of shortness of breath or smothering, feeling of choking, ch est pain or discomfort, nausea or abdominal distress, d izziness or ligh theadedness, derealization or depersonalization, fear of losing control or "going cra zy," fear o f d ying, paresthesias, and chills or hot flu shes. The .1 ttack has a sudden onset and builds to a peak rapidly (usually in 10 minutes or less) and is oft en accompanied by a sense of imm inent d anger or impending doom and an u rge to escape. The anxiety that is characteristic of a Panic Attack can he differentiated from generalized anxiety by its discrete, almost pa roxysmal, nature and its typicall)' greater severity. Attacks that meet all other criteria but that have fewer than-1 somatic or cognitive symptoms are referred to as limited -symptom attacks. There are three ch aracteristic types of Panic Attacks: unexpected (uncued), situationally bound (cued), and situation ally predisposed. Each typ e o f Panic Attack is defined by a different set of relationships between the onset o f the attack and the presence or absence of situational triggers that can include cues that are either external (e.g., an individual with claustrophobia has a.n attack while in a elevator stuck beh veen fl oors) or internal (e.g., catastroph.ic cognitions about the ramifications of heart palpita tions). Unexpected (uncued) Panic Attacks are defined as those for which the individual does not associate onset with an internal o r external situational triggpr

Panic Attack

(i.e., the attack is perceived as occurring spontaneously "out of the blue"). Situationally bound (cued) Panic Attacks are defined as those that almost invariably occur immedia tely on exposure to, or in anticipation of, the situational cue or trigger (e.g., a person w ith Social Phobia having a Panic Attack upon entering into or thinking about a public speaking engagement). Situ ation ally predisposed Panic Attacks are similar to situationally bound Panic Attacks but are not invariably associated with the cue and do not necessarily occur immediately aft er the exposure (e.g., attacks arc more likely to occur while driving, but there are times when the individual drives and d oes not have a Panic Attack or times when the Panic Attack occurs after d riving for a half hour). Individua ls seeking care for unexpected Panic Attacks will usua lly describe the fear as intense and report that they though t they were about to die, lose control, have a heart attack or stroke, or "go crazy." They also usually repo rt an urgent desire to flee from w herever the attack is occurring. With recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks, over time the attacks typically become situationally bound o r predisposed, although unexpected attacks may persist. The occurrence of unexpected Panic Attacks is required for a d iagnosis of Panic Disorder (with or without Agoraphobia). Situationally bound and situationally predisposed attacks are frequent in Panic Disorder but also occur in the context of other Anxiety Disorders and other mental disorders. For example, situationally bound Panic Attacks are experienced by a majority of individual s with Social Phobia (e.g., the person experiences a Panic Attack each and every time she m ust speak in public) and Specific Phobias (e.g., the person with a Specific Phobia of dogs experiences a Panic Attack each and every time he encounters a barking dog), whereas s ituationa~ y predisposed Panic Attacks most ty pically occur in Generalized Anxiety Disorder (e.g., after wa tching television news programs that warn of an economic slowdown, the", person becomes overwhelmed with worries about his finances and escalates into a Panic Attack) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., a rape victim sometimes experiences Panic Attacks when faced with reminders of the traumatic event, such as seeing a man who reminds her of the assailant). In determining the differential d iagnostic significance of a Panic Attack, it is important to consider the context in which the Panic Attack occurs. The distinction between unexpected Panic Attacks and both situationally bound and situationally predisposed Panic Attacks is critical, since recurrent unexpected attacks are required for a diagnosis of Panic Disorder (see p. 433). Determining whether a history of Panic Attacks warrants a diagnOSiS of Panic Disorder is, however, complicated by the fact that an exclusive relationship does not always exist between the type of Panic Attack and the diagnosis. For instance, although a diagnOSiS of Panic Disorder d efinitionally requires that at least some of the Panic Attacks be u nexpected, individ uals with Panic Disorder frequently report also having situationally bound o r situationally predisposed attacks. As such, carefu l consideration of the focus of a.pxiety associated with the Panic Attacks is important in differential diagnosis. To illustrate, consid er a woman w ho has a Panic Attack prior to a public speaking engagement. If this woman indicates that the focus of her anxiety was that she might die from an impending heart attack, then assuming other djagnostic criteria are met, she may have Panic Disorder. If on the other hand, this woman identifies the focu s of anxiety as not the Panic Attack itself, but of being embarrassed and humiliated, then she may be more likely to have

Anxiety Disorders
Social Phobia. The d iagnostic issues fo r boundary cases are d iscussed in the "Differential Diagnosis" sections of the texts for the disorders in which Panic Attacks may appear.

Criteria for Panic Attack

Note: A Panic Attack is not a codable disorder. Code the specific diagnosis in which the Panic Attack occurs (e.g . 300.2 1 Pan ic Disorder W ith Agoraphobia [p. 441)). A discrete period of intense fear or discomfort, in which four (or more) of the foll owing symptoms developed abruptly and reached a peak within 10 mi nutes: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13)

palpitations, pounding heart. or accelerated heart rate sweating trembling or shaking sensati ons of shortness of breath or smothe ring feeling of choking chest pain or discomfort nausea or abdominal distress feeling dizzy, unsteady, lightheaded, or faint derea li zation (feelings of unreality) or depersonalization (being detached from oneself) fear of losing control or going crazy fear of dying paresthesias (numbness or tingling sensations) chi lls or hot f lushes

Because Agoraphobia occurs in the context of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia and Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder, the text and criteria set for Agoraphobia are provided separately in this section. The essential feature of Agoraphobia is anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of having a Panic Attack (see p. 430) or panic-like symptoms (e.g., fcar of having a sudden attack of dizziness or a sudden attack of diarrhea) (Criterion A). The anxiety typically leads to a pervasive avoidance of a variety of situations that may include being alone outside the home or being home alone; being in a crowd of people; traveling in an automobile, bus, or airplane; or being on a bridge or in an ele\'ator. Some individuals are able to expose themselves to the feared situations but endure these experiences with considerable dread . Often an individual is better able to confront a feared situa tion when accompanied by a companion (Criterion B). Individuals' avoidance of situations may impair their ability to travel to work or to carry out homemaking responsibilities (e.g., grocery shopping, taking children to the doctor). The anxiety or phobic avoidance is

Panic Disorder


,lot better accounted for by another mental disorder (Criterion C). The differential di-

agnosis to distinguish Agoraphobia from Social and Specific Phobia and from severe Separation Anxiety Disorder can be difficult because all of these conditions are characterized by avoidance of specific situations. The diagnostic issues for boundary cases are discussed in the "Differential Diagnosis" sections of the texts for the disorders in which avoidant behavior is an essential or associated feature.

Criteria for Agoraphobia

Note: Agoraphobia is not a codable disorder. Code the specific disorder in which the Agoraphobia occurs (e.g., 300.21 Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia [po441 ) or 300.22 Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder [po 441)).
A. Anxiety about being in places or situations from which escape might be difficult (or embarrassing) or in which help may not be available in the event of having an unexpected or situationa lly predisposed Panic Attack or panic-l ike symptoms. Agoraphobic fears typically involve characteristic clusters of situations that include being outside the home alone; being in a crowd or standing in a line; being on a bridge; and traveling in a bus, train, or automobile.

Note: Consider the diagnosis of Specific Phobia if t he avoidance is limited to one or only a few specific situations, or Social Phobia if the avoidance is limited to social situations. B. The situations are avoided (e.g., travel is restricted) or else are endured with marked distress or with anxiet y about having a Panic Attack or panic-like symptoms, or require the presence of a companion.
C. The anxiety or phobic avoidance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Social Phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to social situations because of fear of embarrassment), Specific Phobia (e.g., avoidance limited to a single situation like elevators), ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g., avoidance of dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., avoidance of stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g., avoidance of leaving home or relatives) .

Pa n ic Di sorder
Diagnosti c Featu res
The essential feature of Panic Disorder is the presence of recurrent, unexpec:ted Panic Attacks (see p. 430) followed by at least 1 month of persistent concern about having another Panic Attack, worry about the pOSSible implications or consequences of the Panic Attacks, or a Significant behavioral change rela ted to the attacks (Criterion A). The Panic Attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., Caffeine Intoxication) or a general medical condition (e.g., h yperthyroidism) (Criterion C). Finally, the Panic Attacks are not better accounted for by another mental dis-

Anxiety Disorders order (e.g., Specific or Social Phobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or Separation Anxiety Disorder) (Criterion D). Depending on whether criteria are also met for Agoraphobia (see p. 433), 300.21 Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia or 300.01 Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia is diagnosed (Criterion B). An unexpected (spontaneous, uncued) Panic Attack is defined as one that an individual does not inunediately associate with a situational trigger (i.e., it is perceived as occurring "out of the blue"). Situational triggers can include stimuli that are either external (e.g., a phobic object or situation) or internal (e.g., physiological arousal) to the individual. In some instances, although a situational trigger may be apparent to thedinician, it may not be readily identifiable to the individual experiencing the Panic Attack. For example, an individuaJ may not immediately identify increased autonomic arousal induced by a hot, stuffy room, or feelings of faintness produced by quickly sitting up as triggers for a Panic Attack, and as such, these attacks are considered at the time to be unexpected. At least two unexpected Panic Attacks are required for the diagnosis, but most individuals have considerably more. Individuals with Panic Disorder frequently also have situationally predisposed Panic Attacks (i.e., those more likely to occur on, but not invariably associated w ith, exposure to a situational trigger). Situationally bound attacks (i.e., those that occur almost invariably and immediately on exposure to a situational trigger) can occur but are less common. The frequ ency and severity of the Panic Attacks vary widely. For example, some individuals have moderately frequen t attacks (e.g., once a week) that occur regularly for m onths at a time. Others report short bursts of more frequent attacks (e.g., daily for a week) separated by weeks or months without any attacks or with less frequent attacks (e.g., two each month) over many years. Limited-symptom attacks (i.e., attacks that are identicaJ to "full" Panic Attacks except that the sudden fear or anxiety is accompanied by fewer than 4 of the 13 symptoms) are very common in individuals w ith Panic Disorder. Although the distinction between full Panic Attacks and limited-symptom attacks is somewhat arbitrary, full Panic AHacks are typicaUy associated with greater morbidity (e.g., greater hea lth care utilization, greater functional impairment, poorer quality of life). Most individuals who have limited-symptom attacks have had full Panic Attacks at some time during the course of the disorder. Individuals with Panic Disorder display characteristic concerns or attributions about the implications or consequences of the Panic Attacks. Some fear that the attacks indicate the presence of an undiagnosed, life-threatening illness (e.g., cardiac disease, seizure disorder). Despite repeated medical testing and reassurance, they may remain frightened and unconvinced that they do not have a life-threatening illness. Others fear that the Panic Attacks are an indication that they are "going crazy" or losing control or are emotionally weak. Some individuals with recurrent Panic Attacks Significantly change their behavior (e.g., quit a job, avoid physical exertion) in response to the attacks, but deny either fear of having another attack or concerns about the consequences of their Panic Attacks. Concerns about the next attack, o r its implications, are often associated with development of avoidant behavior that may meet criteria fo r Agoraphobia (see p. 433), in which case Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia is diagnosed.

Panic Disorder

Associate d Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. In addition to worry about Panic Attacks and their implications, many inclividuals w ith Panic Disorder also report constant or intermittent feeling s of anxiety that are not focused on any specific situation or event . Others become excessively apprehensive about the outco me of routine activities and experiences, particularly those related to health or separation from loved ones. For example, individuals w ith Panic Disorder often antici pate a catastrophic outcome from a mild physical sym p tom or medication side effect (e.g., thinking tha t a headache inclicates a brain tum or or a hyp ertensive crisis). Such individuals are also much less tolerant of medication side effects and generally need continued reassurance in order to take medication. In inclividuals whose Panic Disorder has not been treated or was misdiagnosed, the belief that they have an und etected life-threatening illness may lead to bo th chronic debilitating anxiety and excessive visits to health care facilities. This patlem can be both emotionally and fin ancially d isruptive. In some cases, loss or dis nlption of important interpersonal relationships (e.g., leaving horne to live on one's own, divorce) is associated with the onset or exacerbation of Panic Disorder. Demoralization is a common consequ ence, with many individuals becoming discouraged , ashamed, and wlhap py about the difficu lties of carrying out their normal routines. They often attribute this p roblem to a lack of "strength" or "character." This d emoralization can become generalized to areas beyond specific panic-related problems. These indi viduals may frequently be absent fro m w ork or school for doctor and emergency-room visits, which can lead to unemploym ent or dropping out of school. Reported rates for comorbid Major Dep ressive Disorder vary w idely, ranging from 10% to 65% in individ uals with Panic Disorder. In approximately one-third o f individuals w ith both disorders, the depression p recedes the onset of Panic Disorder. In the remaining tw o-thirds, d epression occurs coincident w ith or following the onset of Panic Disorder. A subset of individuals may treat their anxiety with alcohol or medications, and some of them may d evelop a Substance-Related Disorder as a consequence. Comorbidity w ith other Anxiety Disorders is also common, es pecially in clinical settings and in individuals with more severe Agoraphobia. Social Phobia and Generalized Anxiety Disorder have been reported in 15/.,--30% of individ uals with Panic Disorder, Specific Phobia in 20/0--20%, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in u p to 10%. Although the literature sugges ts that Posttraumatic Stress Disorder has been reported in 2/0--10% o f those with Panic Disorder, some evid ence su ggests that rates may be much higher wh en posttraumatic s ymp toms are systematically q ueried. Separation Anxiety Disorder in childh ood has been associated w ith this d isorder. Comorbidity and symptom overlap with Hyp ochondriasis are common . Associated laboratory findings. No laboratory findin gs have been iden tified tha t are d iagnostic of Panic Disorder. H owever, a variety of labora tory findings ha ve been noted to b e abnormal in groups of individuals with Panic Disorder relati ve to control subjects. Some individua ls w ith Panic Disorder show signs of compensated respiratory alkalosis (I.e., decreased carbon dioxide and decreased bicarbonate levels wi th


Anxiety Disorder!

an almost normal pH). Panic Attacks in response to panic provocation procedures s uch as sodium lactate infusion or carbon dioxide inhalation are more common in individuals with Panic Disorde r than in control subjects or individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions.

Transient tachycardia and moderate elevation of systolic blood pressure may occur during some Panic AUacks. Studies ha\'e identified significant comorbidity hehveen
Panic Disorder and numerous general medical symptom s and conditions, including. but not limited to, d izziness, cardiac arrhythmias, h yperthyroidism, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and irritable bowel syndrome. However, the nature of the association (e.g., cause-and-effect) between Panic Disorder and these conditions remains unclear. Although studies have suggested that both mitral valve prolapse and thyroid disease are more conunon among individua ls with Panic Disorder than in th e general population, others have found no differences in p revalence.

Specific Culture and Gender Features

In some cultures, Panic Attacks may involve intense fear of w itchcraft or magic. Panic Disorder as described here has been found in epidemiological studies throughout the world. Moreover, a number of conditions included in the "Glossary of CultureBound Syndromes" (see Append ix l) may be related to Panic Disorder. Some cultural o r ethnic groups restrict the participation of women in public life, and this must be distinguished from Agoraph obia. Pan ic Disorder Without Agoraphobia is diagnosed twice as often and Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia three times as often in women as m men .

Preva lence
Although lifetime prevalence rates of Panic Disorder (With or Without Agoraphobia) in community samples have been reported to be as h igh as 3.5%, most studies have found rates between 1% and 2%. One-year prevalence rates are between 0.5% and 1.5%. The prevalence rates of Panic Disorder in clinical samples are considerably higher. For example, Panic Disorder is diagnosed i.n approximately 10% of individuals referred for mental health consu ltation . In general medical settings, preva lence rates vary from 10% to 30% in vestibular, respiratory, and neurology clinics to as high as 60% in cardiology clinics. Approximately one-third to one-half of individuals diagnosed with Panic Disorder in community samples also have Agoraphobia, although a much higher rate of Agoraphobia is encountered in clinical samples.

Cou rse
Age at onset for Panic Disorder va ries considerably, bu t is most typically between late adolescence and the m id-30s. There may be a bimodal distribu tion, with one peak in late adolescence and a second smaller peak in the mid-30s. A small number of cases begin in childhood, and onset after age 45 years is unusual but can occur. Retrospective d escriptions by individuals seen in clinical settings suggest that the usual course

Panic Disord e r

437 1

is chronic but waxing and waning. Some individuals may have episodic outbreaks with years of remission in between, and others may have continuous severe symptomatology. Limited symptom a ttacks may come to be experienced w ith g reater freq uency if the cou rse of the Panic Disorder is chronic. Although Agoraphobia may develop at any point, its onset is usua lly w ithin the first year o f occurrence of recurrent Panic Attacks. The cou rse of Agoraphobia and its relationship to the course of Panic Attacks are variable. In some cases, a decrease or remission of Panic Attacks may be followed dosely by a corresponding decrease in agoraphobic avoidance and anxiety. In others, Agoraphobia may become ch ronic regardless of the presence or absence o f Panic Attacks. Some individuals report that they can reduce the frequency of Panic Attacks by avoiding certain situations. N aturalistic (a llow-up studies of individ uals treated in tertiary care settings (which may select for a poor-prognosis group) suggest that, at 6-10 years posttreatment, about 30% of individuals are well, 40%50% are improved but symptomatic, and the remaining 20%-30% ha ve symptoms that are the same or slightly worse.

Familial Pattern
First-degree biological relatives of indiv iduals w ith Panic Disorder are up to 8 times more li kely to dcvclop Panic Disorder. If the age at onset of the Panic Disorder is before 20, first-degree relatives have been found to be up to 20 times marc likely to have Panic Disorder. However, in clinical settings, as many as one-half to three-quarters of individuals with Panic Disorder do not have an affected firs t-degree biological elative. Twin studies indica te a genetic contribution to the development of Panic Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Panic Disorder is not diagnosed if the Panic Attacks are judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a general m edical condition, in which case an Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is diagnosed (see p. 476). Examples of general medical conditions that can ca use Panic Attacks includ e hyperthyroidism, hyperparathyroidism, pheochromocytoma, vestibular d ysnmctions, seizure disorders, and cardiac conditions (e.g., arrhythmias, supraventricular tachycardia). Appropriate laboratory tests (e.g., serum calcium levels for hyperpa rathyroidism) o r phySica l examinations (e.g., for cardiac conditions) may be helpfu l in determining the etiological role of a general medical condition. Panic Disorder is not diagnosed if the Panic Attacks are judged to be a direct physiological consequence of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication), in which case a Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder is di agnosed (see p. 479). Intoxica tion w ith central nervous system stimu lants (e.g., cocaine, amphetamines, caffeine) or cannabis and withdrawal from central nervous system depressants (e.g., alcohol, barbiturates) can precipitate a Panic Attack. However, if Panic Attacks continue to occur outside of the context of substance use (e.g., long after the effects of intoxication or withdrawal have ended), a diagnosis of Panic Disorder should be considered. In addition, because Panic Disorder may p recede substance use in some individuals and may be associated w ith increased substance use for purposes of self-medication, a detailed history should be taken to determine


Anxiety Disorders

if the individual had Panic Attacks prior to excessive s ubstance use. If this is the case, a d iagnosis of Panic Disorder sh ould be considered in addition to a diagnosis of Substance Dep endence or Abuse. Features such as onset after age 45 years or the presence of atyp ica l symptoms during a Panic Attack (e.g., vertigo, loss of consciousness, loss of bladder or bowel control , headaches, slurred sp eech, or amnesia) sugges t the possibil ity that a general medicaJ condition or a subs tance may be causing the Pan ic Attack symptoms. Panic Disorder m u st be distingu ished from other mental disorders (e.g., other Anxiety Disorders and Psychotic Disorders) that have Panic Attacks as an associated feature. By definition, Panic Disorder is characterized by recurrent, unexpected (spontaneous, unwed , "out o f the blue") Panic Attacks. As discussed earlier (see p . 430), there are three types of Panic Attacks-unexpected, situa tionally bound, and situationally predisposed . The presence of recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks either initially or later in the course is required for the diagnosis of Panic Disorder. In contras t, Panic Attacks that occur in the context of other Anxiety Disorders are situationa lly bound or situationally p redisposed (e.g., in Social Phobia cued by social situations; in Specific Phobia cued by an object or situation; in Gen eralized Anxiety Disorder cued b y worry; in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder cued by though ts of or exposu re to the object or situation related to an obsession (e.g., exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination); in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder cued by s timuli recalling the s tressor). In some cases, the individ ual may have d ifficulty identifying cues triggering a Panic Attack. For example, an ind ividual with Posttraumatic Stress Diso rder may have a Panic Attack triggered by cognitions or physiological symptoms similar to those that occurred at the time of the traumatic event (e.g., cardiac arrhy thmias, feelings of detachment). These cues may not be easily associated by the individual w ith the triggering event. If the Panic Attacks occur on ly in situations that can be associated with the traumatic event, then the Panic Attacks sho uld be attributed to the Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. For example, if a person who had been raped w hil e at home alone experiences ranic Attacks only when others are not around, a d iagnosis o f Posttraumatic Stress Disorder should be considered instead of a diagnosis of Panic Disorder. However, if the person experiences u nexpected Panic Attacks in other situations, then an additional d iagnosis of Panic Disorder should be considered. The focus of the anxiety also helps to differentiate Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia from other disorders characterized by avoidant behaviors. Agoraphobic avoidance is associated w ith anxiety about the possibili ty of having a Panic Attack or panic-like sensations, whereas avoidance in other disorders is associated w ith concern about the nega tive or harmfu l consequences arising from the feared object or situation (e.g ., scrutiny, humiliation, and embarrassment in Social Phobia; fa lling from a high place in Specific Phobia o f heigh ts; sepa ration from parents in Separation Anxiety Disorder; persecution in Delusional Disorder). Differentiation of Specific Phobia, Situationa l Type, from Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia may be particularly difficult because both disorders may include Panic Attacks and avoidance of similar types of situations (e.g., driving, flying, public transp ortation, enclosed places). Prototypically, Panic Disord er With Agoraphobia is characterized by the initial onset of unexpected Panic Attacks and the subsequent avoidance of multip le siruations thoug ht to be likely triggers of the Panic Attacks.

Panic Disorder


Pro totypically, Specific Phobia, Sih.ta tio nal Type, is cha racterized by s ituational avoidance in the absence of recurrent unexpected Pa nic A ttacks. Some presentations fall between these prototypes and require clinical judgment in the selection of the most app ropriate diagnosis . Four factors can be helpful in m aking this judgment: the focu s of a nxiety, the type and number of Panic Attacks, the numbe r of situations avoided, and the level of interc urren t anxiety. Fo r example, an indi vidual w ho ha d not previously feare d o r a voided elevators has a Panic Attack in a n e levator and begins to dread going to work because of the need to take the elevator to his office on the 24th noor. If this individual subsequently has Panic A ttacks only in e levators (even if the focu s of anxiety is on the Panic Attack), the n a diagnosis of Specific Phobia may be appropriate. If, however, the ind iv idual experiences unexpected Panic Attacks in o the r situations and begins to avoid or endure with dread o ther situations because of anxious anticipation of a Panic Attack, then a diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobi a w ould be warranted. Furthermore, the presence of pervasive apprehension abou t having a Panic Attack even when not anticipating exp osure to a phobic situa tio n also su pports a di agnosis of Panic Disorder \>\Iith Agoraphobia. II the individual has additional unexpected Panic A ttacks in other s ituations but no additional avoidance o r e ndurance with dread develops, then the appropria te diagnosis would be Panic Disorder W ithout Agoraphobia. If the focus of avoidance is not related to having a Panic Attack but concerns som e othe r catastrophe (e.g., injury due to the elevator cable breaking), then an additional d iagnosis of Specific Phobia m ay be considered. Simila rly, dis tinguishing between Social Phobia and Panic Disorder W ith Agoraphob ia can be difficult, esp ecially when there is a voidance on ly of socia l situatio ns. For example, individuals with Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia and those with Social Phobia may both avoid crowded s ituations (e.g., large sho pping centers, crowded parties). The focus of anxiety and the type o f Panic A ttacks can be helpful in making this dis tinction. For example, an individua l who had not previously had a fear of public speaking has a Panic Attack while g iving a talk and begins to dread giving presentations. II this indiv idual su bsequently h as Panic Attacks o nly in social performance situations and if these attacks are accompanied by a fear of being embarrassed and humiliated, then a d iagnosis of Social Phobia may be appropriate. If, however, the individua l continues to experience unexpected Panic Attacks in o ther Situations, then a diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia would be warra nted . Individuals with Social Phobia fear scrutiny and rarely have a Panic Attack w he n alone (unless when anticipating a social situation), w hereas individuals w ith Panic Disorder W ith Agoraphobia may be more anxious in s ituations where they must be w ithou t a trusted compa nion. In addition, nocturnal Panic Atlacks that awaken an individual from sleep are characteristic of Panic Disorder. When criteria are met for bo th Panic Disorder and another Anxiety or Mood Disorder, both disorders should be diagnosed. However, if unexpected Panic A ttacks occur in the context of another disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder or Generalized Anxiety Disorder) but are not accompanied by a month or more o f fear of having additional attacks, associated concerns, o r behavior change, the additional diagnosis of Panic Disorder is not made. Because individuals with Panic Disorder may self-me dicate their symptoms, comorbid Substance-Rela te d Disorders (most notably related to cannabis, alcohol, and cocaine) are not uncommon.

Anxiety Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.01 Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia

A. Both (1) and (2):
(1) recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks (see p. 432) (2) at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of the following:

(a) persistent concern about having additional attacks

(b) worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences (e.g., losin{J control, having a heart attack, "going crazy") (c) a significant change in behavior related to the attacks B. Absence of Agoraphobia (see p. 433) .

C. The Panic Attacks are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g ., hyperthyroid

D. The Panic Attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Social Phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure to feared social situations), Specific Phobia (e .g., on exposu re to a specific phobic situation). ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder (e.g ., on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., in response to stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g ., in response to being away from home or close relatives).


Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 300.21 Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia

A. Both (1) and (2): (1) recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks (see p. 432) (2) at least one of the attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) o f the following: (a) persistent concern about having additional attacks (b) worry about the implications of the attack or its consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, " going crazy" ) (c) a significant change in behavior related to the attacks B. The presence of Agoraphobia (see p. 433).
C. The Panic Attacks are not due to the direct physiological eHects of a substance (e.g .,

a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroid ism) . D. The Panic Attacks are not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Socia l Phobia (e.g., occurring on exposure to feared social situations), Specific Phobia (e.g ., on exposure to a specific phobic situation), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g ., on exposure to dirt in someone with an obsession about contamination), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e .g ., in response to stimuli associated with a severe stressor), or Separation Anxiety Disorder (e.g ., in response to being away from home or close relatives).

300.22 Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature s of Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder are si mila r to those of Panic Disorder Wi th Agoraphobia except that the focu s of fear is on the occurrence of incapacitating or extremely embarrassing panic-like symptoms or limited-symptom attacks rather than full Panic Attacks. Individuals with this d isorder have Agoraphobia (see p. 433) (Criterion A). The "panic-like symptoms" include any of the 13 symptoms li sted for Panic Attack (see p. 432) or other symptoms that may be incapacitating or embarrassing (e.g., loss of bladder control, vomiting in public). For example, an individual may fear having a severe headache or cardiac symptoms and not being able to get help. To qualify for this diagnosis, the full cri teria for Panic Disorder mus t never have been met (Criterion B) and the symptoms mus t n ot be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medicaJ condition (Criterion C) . If an associated general med ical condition is present (e.g ., a cardiac condition), the fear o f being incapacitated or embarrassed by the development of


Anxiety Disorders

symptoms (e.g., fa inting) is clea rly in excess of that usu ally associa ted with the condition (Criterion D). When a diagnosis of Agoraphobia ',\Iithout History of Panic Disorder is being made, it should be ensured tha t the avoid,mce is characteris tic of Agoraphobia and cannot be better explained by ano ther Axis I disord er (e.g., Specific Phobia or Soc ial Phobia) or Axis U disorder (e.g., Avoidant Personality Disorder).

Specif ic Culture and Gen der Features

Some cultural or ethnic groups restrict the participation of women in public life, and this must b e dis tinguis hed from Agoraphobia. This di sorder is diagnosed fa r more often in females than in males.

Preva lence
in clinica l settings, almost all individuals (over 95%) w ho present w ith Agora phobia also have a current diagnosis (or hislory) of Panic Disorder. In contrast, the prevalence of AgoraphObia Without Hislory o f Panic Disorder in epidemiological samples has been reporled 10 be higher than that for Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia. However, problems with assessment appear to have inflated the rates reported in epid emiological stud ies. Recently, indi vidu als who were given a diagnosis of Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder in an epidemiological study were reevaluated by clinicians using standard interview schedules. The majority were found to have Specific Phobias, but not Agoraphobia.

Rel<1tively little is known about the course of Agoraphobia 'N ithout History of Panic Disorder. Anecd otal evidence suggests that some cases may persist for years and be associated with consid erable impa irment.

Differential Diagnosis
Agoraphobia Without H.istory of Panic Disorder is distinguished ITom Pan ic Disorder With Agoraphobia by the absence of a h istory of recurrent unexp ected Panic Attacks. The avoidance in Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder results from fear of incapacitation or humiliation due to unpredictable, sudden, panic-like symptoms rather than from fea r of a full Pan ic Attack as in Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia. The diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia remains appropriate in cases in which Panic Attacks go into remission but Agoraphobia continues to be experienced. Other reasons for avoidance must also be distinguished from Agoraphobia Without H.istory of Panic Disorder. In Social Ph obia, individua ls avoid social or perfor mance situations in which they fear that they might act in a way that is humiliating or embarrassing. In Sp ecific Phobia, the ind ividual avoids a specific feared object or situation . In Majo r Dep ressive Disorder, the individual may avoid leaving home due to apathy, loss of energy, and anhedonia . Persecutory fears (as in Delusional Diso rder) and fears of contamination (as in Ob sess ive -Compulsive Disorder) can

300 .29

Specif ic Phobia (formerly Simp le Phobia)


also lead to w idesp read avoidance. In Separatio n Anxiety Disorder, children avoid situations tha t take them away from home or dose relatives. lndividuals with certain general medical cond itions may avoid situations due to realis tic concerns about being incapaci tated (e.g., fainting in an individual w ith transient isch emic attacks) or being embarrassed (e.g., d iarrhea in an individual w ith Ccohn's d isease). The d iagnosis of Agoraphobia Without His tory of Panic Disorder should be given only if the fear or avoidance is dearly in excess of th at u sually associated w ith the general m edical condition .

Diagnostic criteria for 300.22 Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder

A. The presence of Agoraphobia (see p. 433) related to fea r of developing panic-like symptoms (e.g., d izziness or diarrhea). B. Criteri a have never been met for Panic Disorder (see p. 440).
C. The dist urbance is not due to t he direct physiolog ical effects of a substance

(e.g ., a drug of abuse. a medication) or a genera l medical conditi on. D. If an associated general medical condition is present. the fear described in Criterion A is clearly in excess of t hat usually associated with the cond ition.

300. 29 Specific Phobia (formerly Simple Ph o bia)

Diag nostic Featu res
The essential fea ture o f Specific Phobia is marked and p ersislen t fear of clearly discernible, ci rcumscribed objects o r situations (Criterion A). Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response (Cri terion B). Thi s response may take the form of a situationally bOWld or situationally p red isposed Panic Attack (see p. 430). Althou gh adolescents and ad ults w ith this di sorder recognize th at their fear is excessive o r wueasonable (Criterion C), this m ay not be the case with children . Most often, the p hobic stimulus is avoid ed, although it is sometimes endu red w ith d read (C riterion D). The d iagnosis is app ropriate only if the avoidance, fea r, or anxious anticipation of encountering the phobic s timulus interferes significantly with the person 's daily routine, occup ational functioning, or social life, or if the person is markedly d is tressed about having th e phobia (Criterion E). In ind ividuals under age 18 years, sym p toms mus t have persisted for at leas t 6 months before Specific Phobia is d iagnosed (C riterion F). The anxiety, Panic Attacks, or p hobic avoidance a re not better accounted for by another men tal disorder (e.g., ObsessiveCompulsive Disord er, Posttraumatic Stress Disord er, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Social Phob ia, Panic Disorder With Agoraphob ia, or Agorap hobia Withou t tory of Panic Disorder) (Criterion G).

Anxiety Disorders

The individual experiences a marked, persistent, and excessive or lUlreasonable fear when in the presence of, or when anticipating an encowlter with, a specific object or situation. The focus of the fear may be anticipated harm from some aspect of the object or situation (e.g., an indiv idual may fear air travel because of a concern about crashing, may fear dogs because of concerns about being bitten, or may fear driving becau se of concerns about being hi t by other vehicles on the road). Specific Phobias may also involve concerns about losing control, panicking, somatic manifestations of a nxiety and fear (such as increased heart rate or shortness of breath), and fainting that might occur on exposure to the feared object. Forexample, individuals afraid of blood and injury may also worry about the possibility of fainting; people afraid of heigh ts may also worry abou t dizziness; and people afraid of closed-in situations may also worry about losing control and screaming. These concerns may be particularly strong in the Situational Type of Specific Phobia. Anxiety is almost invariably felt immediately on confronting the phobic stimulus (e.g ., a person with a Specific Phobia of cats will almost invariably have an immedia te anxiety response when forced to confront a cat). The level of anxiety or fear usually varies as a function of both the degree of proximity to the phobic s timulus (e.g ., fear intensifies as the cat approaches and decreases as the cat withdraws) and the degree to which escape from the phobic stimulus is limited (e.g., fear intensifies as the elevator approaches the midway point between floors and decreases as the doors open at the next floor). However, the intensity of the fear may not always relate predictably to the phobic stimulus (e.g., a person afraid of heights may experience variable amounts of fear when crossing the same bridge on different occasions). Sometimes full-blown Panic Attacks are experienced in response to the phobic stimulus, especially when the person must remain in the situation or believes that escape will be impossible. Occasionally, the Panic Attacks are delayed and do not occur immediately upon confronting the phobic stimulus. This dela y is more li kely in the Situational Type. Because marked anticipatory anxiety occurs if the person is confronted with the necessity of entering into the phobic situation, such situations are usually avoided. Less commonly, the person forces himself or herself to endure the phobic situation, but it is experienced with intense anxiety. Adults with this disorder recognize that the phobia is excessive or lUU"easonable. The diagnosis would be Delusional Disorder instead of Specific Phobia for an individual who avoids an elevator because of a conviction that it has been sabotaged and who does not recognize that this fear is excessive and unreasonable. Moreover, the diagnosis should not be given if the fear is reasonable given the context of the stimuli (e.g., fear of being shot in a hunting area or a dangerous neighborhood). Insight into the excessive or unreasonable nature of the fear tends to increase with age and is not required to make the diagnosis in children. Fears of circumscribed objects or situations are very common, especially in children, but in many cases the degree of impairment is insufficient to warrant a diagnosis. If the phobia does not significantly interfere with the individual's functioning or cause marked distress, the diagnosis is not made. For example, a person who is afraid of snakes to the point of expressing intense fear in the presence of snakes wowd not receive a diagnosis of Specific Phobia if he or she lives in an area devoid of snakes, is not restricted in activities by the fear of snakes, and is not d istressed about having a fear of s nakes.

300 .29

Specific Phobia (f orm erly Simple Phobia)

The following subtypes may be specified to indica te the focus of fea r or avoidance in Specific Phobia (e.g., Specific Phobia, Animal Typ e) . Animal Type. This subtype should be specified if the fea r is cued by animals or insects. This subtype generally has a childhood onset. Natural Environment Type. This subty pe should be speci fi ed if the fear is cued by objects in the namral environment, such as storms, heights, or water. This subtype generally has a childhood onset. Blood-Inj ection-Inju ry Type. nus subtype should be specified if the fear is cued by seeing blood or an injury or by receiving an injection or other invasive medical procedure. This subtype is highly fami lial and is often characterized by a strong vasovagal response. Situation al Type. This sub type should be specified if the fear is cued by a specific situation such as public transportation, hmnels, brid ges, elevators, fi ying, driving, or enclosed places. This subtype has a bimoda l age-at-onset distribution, with one peak in childhood and another peak in the mid-20s. nus subtype appears to be similar to Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia in its characteristic sex ratios, famili al aggregation pattern, and age at onset. Other Type. This subtype should be specified if the (ear is cued by other stimu li. These stimuli might include the fear of choking, vomiting, or contracting an iUness; "space" phobia (Le., the individual is afraid of falling down if away from walls or other means of physical support); and children's fears of loud sounds or costumed characters. The frequency of the subtypes in adult clinical settings, fro m most to least frequent, is Situational; Natural Environment; Blood-Injection-Injury; and Animal. Smdies of community sam ples show a slightly different pattern, with phobias of heights and of spiders, mice, and insects most common, and phobias of other animals and other elements of the natural environment, such as storms, thunder, and lighming, least common. Phobias of d osed-in situati ons (a Situational Type of phobia) may be more common in the elderly. In many cases, more than one subtype of Specific Phobia is present. Having one phobia of a specific subtype tends to increase the likelihood of ha ving another phobia from within the same subty pe (e.g., fear of cats and snakes). When more than one subtype applies, they should all be noted (e.g., Specific Phobia, Animal and Natural Environment Types).

Associated Features and Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Specific Phobia may resu lt in a restricted lifestyle or interference with certain occupations, depending on the type of phobia. For example, job promo tion may be threatened by avoidance of air travel, and social activities may be restricted by fears of crowded o r dosed-in places. Specific Phobias frequentl y co-occur with other Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, and Substance-Related Disorders. For example, in community sa mples, rates of cooccurrence with other disorders range fro m 50% to 80%, and these rates may be high-

Anxie ty Disorders
er among individuals with earlyonset Specific Phobias. In clinical settings, Specific Phobias are very common comorbid diagnoses w ith other d isorders. However, Specific Phobias are rarely the focus of clinical a ttention in these situations. The Specific Phobia is usually associated w ith less d istress or less interference w ith functiOning than the comorbid main diagnosis. Overall, only 12%-30% are estimated to seek professional help for their Specific Phobias. In the absence of other d iagnoses, help seek ing for Specific Phobias is more likely with more fun ctionally impairing phobias (e.g., phobias of objects o r situa tions that are co mmonly encountered). multiple phobias, and Panic Attacks in the phobic context. In contrast, individuals w ith irrational fea rs of blood injury, med ical procedures, and medical settings may be less likely to seek help for p hobias.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. A vasovagal fainting response is characteristic of Bloodlnjection Injury Type Specific Phobias; approximately 75% of such individuals report a history o f faintin g in these situations. The physiological response is characterized by an initial brief acceleration o f heart rate and elevation in blood p ressure followed by a deceleration of heart rate and a drop in blood pressure, which contrasts w ith the usual acceleration of heart rate and elevation in blood pressure in other Specific Phobias. Certain general medica l conditions may be exacerba ted as a consequence of phobic avoidance. For ex ample, Specific Phobias, BloodInjection-Inju ry Type, may have d etrimen tal effects on dental or physical health, because the individual may avoid obtain ing necessary medical care. Similarly, fears of choking may have a detrimental effect on health when food is limited to substances that are easy to sw allow or when ora l med ication is avoided .

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

The con tent of phobias varies with culture and ethnicity. For example, fears o f magic or spirits are present in many cultu res and should be consid ered a Specific Phobia only if the fear is excessive in the context of that culture and causes signi fica nt impair ment or distress. Specific Phobias may be m ore common in the lower socioeconomic strata, although the data are m ixed. In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantru ms, freeZing, or cling ing. Children o ft en d o not recognize that the fears are excessive or unreasonable and rarely report d istress about having the phobias. Fears of animals and other objects in the natural environmen t are particularly common and are usually transitory in child hood. A d iagnosis of Specific Phobia is not warranted unless the fears lead to clinical Iy Significant impairment (e .g., unw illingness to go to school for fear of encountering a dog on the street). Overall, the ratio of w omen to men with Specific Phobias is apprOXimately 2:1, even among the elderly. However, the sex ratio varies across different types of Spe.cific Phobias. Approximately 750/ -90% of individuals with the Animal and Natural 0 Environment Type are female (except for feilr of heights, where the percentage of fem ales is 550/0-70%). Similarly, approximately 75 /0-90% o f individua ls w ith the Sit ua tional Type are fe male. App roxima tely 55/0-70% of individua ls with the Blood lnjectionInjury Type are female.


Specific Phobia (formerly Simple Phobi a)

Although phobias are common in the general population, they rarely result in sufficient impairment or distress to warrant a diagnosis of Specifi c Phobia. The reported prevalence may vary depending on the threshold used to determine impairment or distress and the number of types of phobias surveyed. In community sam ples, CUfrent prevalence rates range from 4% to 8.8%, and lifetime prevalence rates range from 7.2% to 11.3%. Prevalence rates decline in the elderly. Also, prevalence estimates vary for different types of Specific Phobias.

The firs t symptoms of a Specific Phobia usually occur in childhood o r early adolescence and may occur at a younger age for women than for men. Also, the mean age at onset varies according to the type of Specific Phobia. Age at onset for Specifi c Phobia, Situational Type, tends to be bimodaUy distributed, w ith a peak in childhood and a second peak in the mid-20s. Specific Phobias, 1 atural Environment Type (e.g., height phobia), tend to begin primarily in childhood, although many new cases of height phobia d evelop in early adulthood. The ages a t onset for Specific Phobias, Animal Type, and for Specifi c Phobias, Blood-Injection-Injury Type, are also usually in childhood . Fear of a stimulus is usually present for some time before becoming sufficiently distressing or impairing to be considered a Specific Phobia. Predisposing factors to the onset of Specific Phobias include traumatic events (such as being attacked by an animal or trapped in a closet), unexpected Panic Attacks in the to-be-feared situation, observation of others undergoing trauma or d emonstrating fearfulness (such as observing o thers fall from heights or become afraid in the presence of certain animals), and informational transmission (e.g., repeated parental warnings about the dangers of certain animals or media coverage of airplane crashes). Feared objects or situations tend to involve things that may actua lly represen t a threat or have represented a threat at some point in the course of human evolution . Phobias that result from traumatic events o r unexpected Panic Attacks tend to be particularly acute in their development. Phobias of traumatic origin do not have a characteristic age at onset (e.g., fear of choking, which usually follows a choking o r near-choking incident, may develop at almost any age). Specific Phobias in adolescence increase the chances of either persistence of the Specific Phobia or development of additional Specific Phobias in early adulthood but do not predict the d evelopment of other disorders. Phobias that persist into adulthood remit only infrequently (around 20% of cases).

Familial Pattern
There is an increased risk for Specific Phobias in famil y members of those with Specific Phobias. Also, there is some evidence to sugges t that there ma y be an aggregation within families by type o f phobia (e.g., first-degree biological relatives of persons with Specific Phobias, Animal Type, are likely to have animal phobias, although not necessarily of the same animal, and first-degree biological relatives of persons with Specific Phobia s, Situational Type, are likely to have phobias of sihlations). Fears of blood and injury have particula rly strong familia l patterns.

Anxiety Disorders

Differential Diagnosis
Specific Phobias differ from most other Anxiety Disorders in levels of intercurrent anxiety. Typically, individuals with Specifi c Phobia, unlike those with Panic Disord er With Agoraphobia, do not presen t with pervasive anxiety, because their fear is limited to specific, circumscribed objects or situations. However, generalized anxious anticipation may emerge under conditions in which encounters with the phobic stimulus become mo re likely (e.g., when a person who is fearful of snakes moves to a d esert area) o r when life events force immediate confrontation w ith the phobic stimulus (e.g., when a person who is fearful of flying is forced by circumstances to fly). Differentiation of Specific Phobia, Situational T}rpe, from Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia may be particularly difficult because both disorders may include Panic Attacks and avoidance of similar types of situations (e.g., driving, flying, public transportation, and enclosed places). Prototypically, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia is characterized by the initial onset of unexpected Panic Attacks and the subsequent avoidance of multiple situations thought to be likely triggers of the Panic Attacks. Prototypically, Specific Phobia, Situational Type, is characterized by situational avoidance in the absence of recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks. Some presentations fall beh\'en these prototypes and require clinical judgment in the selection of the most appropriate diagnosis. Four factors can be helpful in making this judgment: the focus of fear, the type and nu mber of Panic Attacks, the number of situations avoided, and the level of intercurrent anxiety. For example, an individual who had not previously feared or avoided elevators has a Panic Attack in an eleva tor and begins to dread going to work because of the need to take the elevator to his office on the 24th floo r. If this individual subsequently has Panic Attacks only in elevators (even if the focus of fear is on the Panic Attack), then a diagnosis of Specific Phobia may be appropriate. It however, the ind ividual experiences unexpected Panic Attacks in other situations and begins to avoid or endure with dread other sihlations because of fear of a Panic Attack, then a diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia would be warranted. Furthermore, the presence of pervasive apprehension about having a Panic Attack even when not anticipating exposure to a phobic situation also supports a d iagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia. If the individual has additional unexpected Panic Attacks in other situations but no additional avoidance or endurance with d read develops, then the appropriate diagnosis would be Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia . Concu rrent diagnoses of Specific Phobia and Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia are sometimes w arranted . In these cases, consideration o f the focus of the individual's concern abou t the phobic situation may be helpful. For example, avo idance of being alone because of concern abou t ha ving unexpected Panic Attacks warrants a diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia (if other criteria are met), whereas the additional phobic avoidance of air travel, if due to worries about bad weather conditions and crashing, may warrant an additional diagnosis of Specific Phobia. Specific Phobia and Social Phobia can be differentiated on the basis of the focus of the fears. For example, avoidance of eating in a r~sta urant may be based on concerns about negative evaluation fro m others (i.e., Social Phobia) or concerns about choking (i.e., Specific Phobia). In contrast to the avoidance in Specific Phobia, the avoidance in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder follows a life-threa tening stressor and is accompa-


Specific Phobia (formerly Simp le Phobia)

nied by additional feature s (e.g., reexperie.n cing the trauma and restricted affect). In ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder, the avoidance is associated with the content of the obsession (e.g ., dirt, contamination). In individuals with Separation Anxiety Disorder, a diagnosis of Specific Phobia is not given if the avoidance behavior is exclusively limited to fears of separation from persons to whom the individual is attached . Moreover, children with Separation Anxiety Disorder often ha ve associated exaggerated fears of people or events (e.g., of muggers, burglars, kidnappers, car acciden ts, airplane travel) that might threaten the integrity of the family. A separate diagnosis of SpecUic Phobia would rarely be warranted . The differentiation between H ypochondriasis and a Specific Phobia, Other Type (i.e., avoidance of situations that may lead to contracting an illness), depends on the presence or absence of disease conviction. Individuals with H ypochondriasis are preoccupied w ith fears of having a disease, w hereas individuals wi th a Specific Phobia fear con tracting a disease (but do not believe it isaJready present). ln ind ividuals with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa, a diagnosis of Specific Phobia is not given if the avoidance behavior is exclusively limited to avoidance of food and food-related cues. An individual w ith Schizophrenia or another Psychotic Disorder may avoid certain activities in response to delusions, but does not recog nize that the fear is excessive or unreasonable. Fears are very common, particularly in childhood, but they do not warrant a diagnosis of Specific Phobia unless there is significant interference with social, educational, or occupational functioning or marked distress about having the phobia .

Diagnostic criteria for 300.29 Specific Phobia

A. Marked and perSistent fear that is excessive or unreasonable, cued by the presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation (e.g., flying, heights, animals, receiving an injection, seeing blood). B. Exposure to the phobic stimulus almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response, which may take the form of a situationa lly bound or situationally predisposed Panic Attack. Note: In children, the anxiety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, or clinging.
C. The person recognizes that the fear is excessive or unreasonable. this feature may be absent.

Note: In children,

D. The phobic situation(s) is avoided or else is endured with intense anxiety or distress. E. The avoidance, anxious anticipation, or distress in the feared situation(s) interferes significantly with the person's normal routine, occupational (or academic) function ing, or social activities or relationships, or there is marked distress about having the phobia. F. In individuals under age 18 years, the duration is at least 6 months .

Anxiety Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.29 Specific Phobia (continued)

G. The anxiety, Panic Attacks, o r phobic avoidance associated with the specific object or situation are not better accounted for by another mental d isorder, such as ObsessiveCompulsive Disorde r (e.g., fear of dirt in someone with an obsession about contaminati o n), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (e.g., avoidance of stimu li associated with a severe stressor), Separat ion Anxiety Disorder (e.g., avoidance of school), Social Phobia (e.g., avoidance of social situations because of fear of e mbarrassment), Pa nic Disorder With Agoraphobia, or Agoraphobia Without History of Pa nic Disorder.
Specify type:

Animal Type Natural Environment Type (e.g., heights, storms, water) Blood-Injection-Injury Type Situational Type (e.g., airplanes, elevato rs, enclosed places) Other Type (e.g., fear of choking, vomiting, o r contracting an ill ness; in chi ldren, fea r of loud sounds or costumed characters)

300.23 Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

Diagnostic Features
The essential fea ture of Social Phobia is a marked and persisten t fea r of social or performance situations in w hich embarrassment may occur (Criterion A). Exposure to the social o r performance situation almost invariably provokes an immediate anxiety response (Criterion B). This resp onse may take the form of a situationally bound or situa tionally predisposed Panic Attack (see p. 430). Although adolescen ts and ad ults with this d isorder recognize that their fear is excessive or unreasonable (Cri terion C), this may not be the case with children. Most often, the social or performance situation is avoided, although it is sometimes endured with dread (Criterion D). The diagnosis is appropriate only if the avoidance, fear, or anxious anticip ation of encountering the social or performance situation interferes significantly with the person's daily routine, occupa tional functionin&- or social life, or if the person is markedly distressed about having the phobia (Criterion E). In individuals younger than age 18 years, symptoms mus t h ave persis ted fo r at least 6 months before Social Phobia is diagnosed (Criterion F). The fear or avoidance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs tance or a general medical condition and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Panic Disorder, Separation Anxiety Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, or Schizoid Personali ty Disorder) (C riterion G). If another mental disorder or general medical condi tion is present (e.g., Stuttering, Parkinson's disease, Anorexia Nervosa), the fea r or avoidance is not limited to concern about its social impact (Criterion H). In feared social or performance situations, individuals with Social Phobia experience concerns about embarrassment and are afraid that others w ill judge them to be anxious, weak, "crazy," or s tupid. They may fear public speaking because of concern


Socia l Phobia (Socia l Anxiety Disord er)


that others w ill notice their trembling hands or voice or they may experience extreme anxiety when conversing with others becatlse of fear that they will appear inarticulate. They may avoid eating, drinking, or w riting in public because of a fear of being embarrassed by having o thers see their hands shake. Individuals with Social Phobia almost always experience symptoms o f anxiety (e.g., palpitations, tremors, sweating, gastrointestinal discomfort, diarrhea, muscle tension, blushing, confusion) in the feared social situations, and, in severe cases, these symptoms may meet the criteria for a Panic Attack (see p. 432). Blushing may be more typical of Social Phobia . Adults with Socia l Phobia recognize that the fear is excessive or Wlfeasonable, although this is not always the case in child ren. For example, the d iagnosis would be Delusional Disorder instead of Social Phobia for an indi vidual who avoids eating in public because of a conviction that he or she w ill be observed by the p olice and who does not recognize that this fear is excessive and unreasonable. Moreover, the diagnosis should not be given if the fear is reasonable given the context of the stimuli (e.g ., fear of being caUed on in class when unprepared). The person w ith Social Phobia typically will avoid the feared situations. Less commonly, the person forces himself o r herself to endure the social or performance situation, but experiences it with intense anxiety. Marked anticipatory anxiety may a lso occur far in advance of upcoming social or public situations (e.g., worrying every day for several w eeks before attend ing a social event). There may be a vicious cycle of anticipatory anxiety leading to fearful cognition and anxiety symptoms in the feared situa tions, w hich leads to actual or perceived poor performance in the feared situations, w hich leads to embarrassment and increased anticipatory anxiety abou t the feared situations, and so on. The fear or avoidance mus t interfere significantly with the person' s normal routine, occupational or academic fun ctioning, or social activities or relationships, or the person must experience marked d is tress about having the p hobia. For example, a person who is afraid of speaking in public would not receive a diagnosis of Social Phobia if this activity is not routinely encountered on the job or in the classroom and the person is not particularly distressed about it. Fears of being embarrassed in social situations are common, but us ually the degree of distress or impairment is insufficient to warrant a diagnosis of Social Phobia. Transien t social anxiety or avoidance is especially common in childhood and adolescence (e.g., an adolescent girl may avoid ea ting in front of boys for a short time, then res ume us ual behavior). In those younger than age 18 years, only symptoms that persist for at least 6 months qualify for the diagnosis of Social Phobia.

Generalized. This specifier can be used when the fears are related to most social si tuations (e.g., initiating or maintaining conversations, participating in small groups, dating, speaking to authority fi gures, attending parties). lndividuals w ith Social Phobia, Generalized, usually fear both public performance situations and social interactional situations. Beca use individuals w ith Social Phobia often do not spon taneously report the full range o f their social fears, it is useful for the clinician to review a list of social and performance situations with the individual. Individuals whose clinical manifestations do not meet the

Anxiety Disorders

d efi n ition of Generalized compose a heterogeneous group (sometimes referred to in the literature as nongeneralized, circumscribed, or specific) that includes persons who fear a single performance siltlation as well as those who fea r several, but n ot most, social situations. Individuals w ith Social Phobia, Generalized , may be more likel)' to man ifest deficits in social skills and to have severe social and work impairment.

Associated Features a nd Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Common associated. features of Socia l Phobia includ e hypersensitivity 10 criticism, negative evaluation, or rejection; difficuHy being assertive; and low self-es teem or feelings of inleriority. Ind ividuals with Social Phobia also often fear indirect evaluation by others, such as taking a test. They may manifest poor social s ki lls (e.g., poor eye contact) or observable signs of anxiety (e.g ., cold clammy hands, t.remors, shaky voice). Indiv iduals with Social Phobia o ft en underachieve in school due to test anxiety or avoidance of classroom participation. They may underachieve at w ork because of anxiety during. o r avoidance of, speak ing in g roups, in public, or to authority figures and colleagues. Persons with Social Phobia often have d ecreased social support netw orks and are less likely to m arry. In more severe cases, individuals may drop out of school, be unemployed and not seek work due to difficulty interviewing for jobs, have no fri ends or cling to unfulfilling relations hips, completely refrain from dating, or remain with thei r family of origin . FurthemlOre, Social Phobia may be associated with su icid al ideation, es pecially when comorbid d isorders are present. Social Phobia may be associated w ith other Anxiety Disorders, Mood Disorders, Subs tance-Related. Disord ers, and Bulimia Nervosa and u sually precedes these disord ers. In clinical samples, Avoidant Personality Disorder is frequ ently present in individuals with Social Phobia, Generaliz ed. Associated laboratory findings. Thus far, no laboratory test has been found to be diagnostic of Social Phobia, nor is there s ufficient evidence to support the use of any laboratory tes t (e.g., lactate infusion, CO 2 inhalation) to dis tinguis h Social Phobia fro m other Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Pan ic Disorder).

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Clinical p resentation and resu lting impairment may differ across cultures, depending on social d emands. in certain cultures (e.g., Japan and Korea), individuals with Social Phobia may develop persistent and excessive fears of giving offense to others in social situations, instead o f being embarrassed . These fears may take the form of extreme anxiety that blus hing, eye-to-eye contact, or one's body odor will be offensive to others (tnijill kyofllslto in Japan). In children, crying, tantrums, freezing. clinging or s taying d ose to a familiar person, and inhibited interactions to the point of mutism may be present. Young children may appear excessively timid in unfamiliar social settings, shrink from contact with o thers, refu se to participate in group play, typically stay on the periphery of social ac ti vil'ies, and attempt to remain dose to familiar adults. Unlike adults, children with Social Phobia usually do not have the option of avoiding feared situations altogether


Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)

and may be unable to identify the nature of their anxiety. There may be a decline in classroom performance, sch ool refu sal, or avoidance of age-appropriate socia l activities and dating. To make the diagnosis in children, there must be evidence of capacity for social relations hips with famili ar people and th e social anxiety must occur in peer settings, not jus t in interactions with adults. Because of the disorder's early onset and chronic course, impairment in child ren tends to take the form of failure to achieve an expected level of functioning, rather than a decline from an optimal level of functioning. In contras t, w hen the onset is in ado lescence, the disorder may lead to decremen ts in social and academic performance. Epidemiological and community-based s tudies suggest tha t Socia l Phobia is more common in women than in men . In mos t clinical samples, however, the sexes are either equally represented or the majority a re male.

Pre val ence

Epidemiological and community-based s tudies have reported a lifetime p revalence of Social Phobia ranging from 3% to 13%. The reported p revalence may vary depending on the threshold u sed to determine distress or impairment and the number of types of social situations specifically surveyed. In one s tudy. 20% reported excessive fear of p ublic speaking and performance, but only about 2% appeared to experience enough impairment or distress 10 warrant a d iagnOSiS o f Social Phobia. In the genera l population, most individuals with Socia l Phobia fear public speaking, whereas somewhat less than half fear speaking to s trangers or meeting new people. Other performance fears (e.g., eating, drinking. or writing in public, o r using a p ublic restroom) appear to be less common. In clinical settings, the vast majority of persons w ith Social Phobia fear more than one type of social situa tion. Social Phobia is rarely the reason for admission to inpatient settings. In outpatient clinics. ra tes of Social Phobia have ranged between 10% and 20% of individua ls w ith Anxiety Disorders, but rales vary widely by site.

Social Phobia typically has an onset in the mid-teens, sometimes emerging out of a childhood history o f social inhibition or s hyness. Some individuals report an onset in ea rly childhood. O nset may abruptly follow a s tressful or hu miliating experience, or it may be insidious. TIle course of Social Phobia is often continuous. Duration is frequently lifelong. although the d isorder may attenuate in severity or remit during adulthood. Severity of impairment may fluctuate with life slressors and demands. For example, Social Phobia may diminish afler a person with fear of dating marries and reemerge after death of a sp ou se. A job promotion to a position requiring public speaking may resu lt in the emergence of Social Phobia in someone who previo usly never needed 10 speak in public.

Familial Pattern
Socia l Phobia appears to occur more frequentl y among firs t-degree biologica l relatives of those with the disord er compared wi th the general population . Evidence for this is strongest for the Genera lized s ubtype.

Anxiety Disorders

Differential Diagnosis
Individuals w ith both Panic A ttacks and social a voi dance sometimes p resent a p otentially d iffi cult diagnostic p roblem. Prototyp ically, Panic D is order With Agoraph obi a is characterized by the initial onset of unexpected Panic Attacks and the s ubsequent avoidance of multiple s ituations thou ght to be likely triggers of the Panic A ttacks. Although social situations m ay be avoided in Panic Disorder due to the fear of being seen w hile ha\'ing a Panic A ttack, Panic Disorder is characterized by recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks tha t are not limited to social situations, a nd the diagnosis of Social Phobia is not m ade w hen the only social fear is o f being seen w hile having a Panic A ttack. Pro totypically, Social Phobia is characterized by the avoidance o f social situations in the absence of recurrent unexpected Pan ic A ttacks. When Panic A ttacks do occu r, they take the form o f situationaHy bound or s ituationally p red isposed Panic Attacks (e.g., a person w ith fea r of embarrassm ent w hen sp eaking in p ublic experiences Panic A ttacks cued only by public sp eaking or o ther social situations). Some presentations fall between these prototypes and require clinical judgment in the selection of the most appropriate d iagnosis. For example, an individual who had not p reviously had a fear of public speaking has a Pan ic A ttack w hile g iving a talk an d begins to d read giving presenta tions. if this individual s ubsequently has Panic A ttacks only in social p erformance s ituations (even if the focus of fear is on the panic), then a d iagnosis of Social Phobia may be a ppropria te. If, however, the individual continues to exp erience unexpected Panic Attacks, then a diagnosis of Panic Disorder With Agora phobia would be war ranted. If criteria are m et for both Social Phob ia and Panic Disorder, both d iagnoses may be given. For example, an individual with Welong fear and avoidance o f most social s itua tions (Social Phobia) later d evelops Panic Attacks in n onsocial situations and a variety of add itional avoidan ce beh aviors (Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia). Avoidance of situa tions because of a fear of p ossible humiliation is highly prominent in Social Phobia, but may also at times occur in Pani c Disorder With Agoraphobia and Agoraphobi a Withou t His tory of Panic Dis order. The s ituations avoided in Social Phobia are li mited to those invoh'ing possible scru tiny by o ther p eople. Fears in Agoraphobia Without History of Panic Disorder typically involve characteristic dusters of s ituations that mayor m ay not involve scrutiny by others (e.g., being alone outside the home or being home alone; being on a bridge or in an ele\ator; traveling in a bus, train, automobile, or airplane). The role of a companion also may be usefu l in distinguishing Social Ph obia from Agoraphobia (With and W ithout Panic Disorder). Typically, individ uals with agora phobic avoidance pre fer to be with a trusted companion w hen in the feared situation, w hereas individuals w ith Social Phobia may have marked anticip atory anxiety, but characteristically do n ot have Panic A ttacks when alone. A person w ith Social Phobia w ho fea rs crowded s tores would feel scru tinized with or without a companion and might be less anxious without the added burden o f perceived scrutiny by the companion . Chi ldren with Separation Anxiety Disorder m ay avoid social settings d ue to concerns abou t being separated from their caretaker, cqncem s a bout being embarrassed by needing to leave prematurely to return h ome, or concerns abou t requiring the p resence of a parent w hen it is not developmentally a pprop riate. A separate d iagnosis of Social Phobia is generaUy not warranted . C hildren w ith Separati on Anxiety Dis


Social Phobia (Social Anxiety Disorder)


order are usually comfortable in social settings in their own home, whereas those wi th Social Phobia di splay signs of d iscomfort even when feared social situations occur at home. Although fear of embarrassm ent or humiliation may be presen t in Generalized Anxiety Di sorder or Specific Phobia (e.g., embarrassmen t about fainting when having blood drawn), this is no t the main focus of the individual's fear or anxiety. Children w ith Generalized Anxiety Disorder have excessive worries about the q uality of their performance, but these occur even w hen they are not evaluated by others, whereas in Social Phobia the potential evaluation by o thers is the key to the anxiety. In a Pervasive Developmental Disorder and Sch izo id Personality D isord er, socia l situations are avoided because of lack of in terest in relating to other individ uals. In contras t, ind ividuals with Social Phobia have a capacity for and interest in social relationships wi th fami Har people. In particular, for children to qualify fo r a diagnosis of Social Phobia, they must have at least one age-approp riate social relationship w ith someone ou tsid e the immediate famil y (e.g., a child w ho feel s uncomfortable in sodal gatherings with peers and avoid s such situations, but who has an active interest in and a relationsh ip with one famili ar same-age friend). Avoid ant Personality D isord er shares a number o f features w ith Social Phobia and ap pears to overlap extensively with Social Phobia, Generalized. Avoidant Personality Disord er may be a more severe variant of Social Phobia, Generalized , that is not qualitatively distinct. For ind ividuals with Social Phobia, Generalized, the additional d iagnosiS of Avoid ant Personality Disorder should be considered. Social anxiety and avoidance of social situations are associated features of many other m en tal d isorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Schizophrenia, Body Dysmorphic Disorder). U the symptoms of social anxiety or avoidance occur only du ring the course of ano ther mental d isord er and are judged to be better accoun ted for by that disorder, the additional diagnosis of Social Phobia is no t m ade. Some individuals may experience clinically significan t social anxiety and avoidance related to a general medjcal condition or mental disord er w ith potentially embarrassing symptoms (e.g., tremor in Parkinson's disease, Stuttering, obesity, strabismus, facial scarring, or abno rmal eating behavior in Anorexia Nen 'osa). However, if social anxiety and avoidance are limited to concems abou t the general m edical condition or mental disorder, by convention the diagnosis o f Social Phobia is not made. If the social avoidance is clinically signifi cant, a separate d iagnosis o f Anxiety Disorder No t Othen vise Specified rna}' be given. Performance anxiety, stage fri gh t, and shyness in social situations that involve unfamiliar people are common and should not be d iagnosed as Social Phobia unless the anxiety or avoidance leads to clinically significant impairment or m arked distress. Children comm only exhibit socia l anxiety, particularly when interacting w ith Wlfamiliar adults. A diagnOSiS o f Socia l Phobia should not be made in child ren unless the social anxiety is also ev ident in peer settings and persists for at least 6 months.

A nxiet y Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.23 Social Phobia

A. A marked and persistent fear of o ne or more social or performance situations in which the pe rson is exposed to unfamil iar people or to possible scrutiny by others. The individual fears that he o r she will act in a way (or show anxiety symptoms) that will be hum il iat ing or embarrassing. Note : In children, there must be evidence of the ca pacity for age-appropriate social relationships with familiar people and the anxiety must occur in peer settings, not just in interactio ns with adu lts. B. Exposure to the feared social situation almost invariably provokes anxiety, which may t ake the form of a situationally bound or situation ally predisposed Panic Attack. Note: In children, the anx iety may be expressed by crying, tantrums, freezing, o r shrinking fr om social situations wit h unfamiliar people.
C. The person recogn izes that the fear is e xcessive or unreasonable. Note: In children, this feature may be absent.

D. The feared socia l o r perfo rmance situations are avoided o r e lse a re endured with intense a nxiety o r distress. E. The avoidance, a nxious ant iCipation, o r distress in t he feared social o r performa nce situation(s) interferes significantly with the person's normal ro utine, occupational (academic) functi o ning, or soc ial activities or relatio nships, o r there is marked distress about having the phobia. F. In ind ividuals unde r age 1B years, the duration is at least 6 months.
G. The fea r or avoidance is no t d ue to the direct physiolog ical effects of a substance

(e.g., a drug of abuse. a medication) or a general medical condit ion and is not bette r accounted fo r by another mental disorder (e.g ., Panic Disorder With o r Without Agoraphobia. Separation Anx iety Disorder, Body Dysmorph ic Disorder, a Pervasive Developmental Disorder, o r Schizoid Personal ity Disorder).
H. If a genera l medical condition or another mental disorder is present, the fear in Cri-

te rion A is unrelated to it, e .g., the fea r is not of Stuttering, t rembling in Parkinson's disease, o r exhibiting abnormal eating behavior in Anorexia Nervosa o r Bulimia Nervosa .
Specify if:

Generalized: if the fears include most social situations (also consider the additional diagnosis of Avoidant Personality Disorder)

300. 3

Obsess ive-Compulsive Disorder

Diag nostic Feat ures

The essential features of Obsessive-Compulsive DiSorder are recurre nt obsessions or compuls ions (Crite rion A) tha t are severe enough to be time consuming (Le., they take more than 1 hour a day) or cause marked d is tress or s ignificant impa irm ent (Cri-


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

terion C) . A t some point during the course of the disorder, the person has recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable (Criterion B). 1I another Axis I disorder is present, the content of the obsessions or compulsions is not restricted to it (C riterion D). The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (Criterion E). Obsessions a re persistent ideas, thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive a nd inappropria te and that cause marked anxiety or distress. The intrusive and inappropriate quality of the obsessions has been referred to as "ego-dystonic." This refers to the individual's sen se that the content of the obsession is alien, not wi thin his or her own control, a nd not the kind of thought thai he or she would expect to have. H owever, the individual is able to recognize that the obsessions a re the p roduct of his or her own mind and are not imposed from w ithout (as in thought insertion). The most common obsessions are repeated thoughts about contamina tion (e.g., becoming contaminated by s haking hands), repea ted d oubts (e.g., wondering whether one has performed s ome act s uch as hav ing hurt someone in a traffic accident or ha ving left a door unlocked), a need to have things in a particular order (e.g., intense distress when objects are disordered or asymmetrical), aggressive or horrific impulses (e.g., to hurt one's child or to s hout an obscenity in church), and sexual imagery (e.g., a recurrent pornogr<1phic image). The thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive worries about real-life problems (e.g., concerns about current ongoing difficulties in life, s uch as financial, work, or school problems) and are unlikely to be related to a real-li fe p roblem. The individual with obsessions u sually attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts or impulses or to neutralize them with some other thought or action (i.e., a compulsion). For example, an individual plagued by doubts about having turned off the stove attempts to n eu tralize them by repeatedly checking to ensure that it is off. CompulsioJ/s a re repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or me ntal acts (e.g., p ra ying, cOlmting, repeating word s silently) the goal of which is to prevent o r reduce anxiety or dis tress, nollo provide pleasure or g ra tification. In most cases, the person fee ls driven to perform the compuls ion to reduce Ihe distress that accompanies an obsession or to prevent some dreaded e vent or s ituation. For example, individuals with obsessions about being contaminated may reduce their menta l distress by washing their hands until their skin is raw; individuals distressed by obsessions a bout having left a door unlocked may be driven to check the lock every few minutes; individuals distressed by unwanted blasphemous thoughts may find relief in counting to 10 backward and forward 100 times fo r each thought. In some cases, individua ls perform rigid or s tereotyped acts accord ing to idiosyncraticaUy elaborated rules w ithout being able to indicate why they are doing them. By de finition , compulSions a re either clearly excessive or are not connected in a realistic way with what Ihey are des igned to neutra li ze or prevent. The mos t common compulsions involve washing and cleaning, counting, checking, requesting o r demanding assurances, repeating actions, and ordering. By definition, adults with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder have at some p oint recognized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable. This requirement does not apply to children because they may lack sufficient cognitive aware ness to make this judg ment. H owever, even in adults there is a broad range of

Anxiety Disorders

insight into the reasonableness of the obsessions or compulsions. Some individuals are uncertain about the reasonableness of their obsessions or compulsions, and any given individual's insight may vary across times and situations. For example, the person may recognize a contamina tion compulsion as unreasonable when discussing it in a "safe situation " (e.g., in the therapist's office), but not when fo rced to handle money. At those times when the individual recognizes that the obsessions and compulsions are WU"easonable, he or she may desire or attempt to resist them. \>\'hen attempting to resist a compulsion, the individual may have a sense of mounting anxiety or tension that is often relieved by yielding to the compulsion. In the course of the disorder, after repeated fa il ure to resist the obsessions or compulsions, the individual may give in to them, no longer experience a desire to resist them, and may incorporate the compulSions into his o r her daily routines. The obsessions o r compuls ions must cause marked distress, be time consuming (take more than 1 hour per d ay), or Significantly interfere with the indiv idual's normal routine, occu pational fun ctioning, or usual socia l activities or relationships with others. Obsessions or compulsions can displace useful and satisfying behavior and can be highly disruptive to o verall functiOning. Because obsessive intrusions can be distracting, they frequently result in inefficient performance of cognitive tasks that require concentration, such as reading or computa tion. In addition, many individuals avoid objects or situations that provoke obsessions or compulsions. Such avoidance can become extens ive and can severely restrict general functi oning.

With Poor Insight. This specifier can be applied when, for most of the time during the curren t episode, the individual does not recognize that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Frequently there is avoidance of situations that involve the content of the obsessions, such as dirt or contamination. For example, a person w ith obsessions about dirt may avoid publk reslTooms or sha king hands with strangers. Hypochondriacal concerns are common, with repeated visits to physicians to seek reassurance. Guilt, a pathological sense of responSibility, and sleep d isturbances may be present . There may be excessive use of alcohol or of sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic medications. Performing compulsions may become a major life activity, leading to serious marital, occupational, or social disability. Pen 'asive avoidance may leave an individual housebound. In adults, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder may be associated with Major Depressive Disorder, some other Anxiety Disorders (i .e., Specific Phobia, Social Phobia, Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder), Ea ting Disorders, and some Personality Disorders (i.e., Obsessive-Compulsive Personali ty Disorder, Avoidant Personality Disorder, Dependent Personality Disorder). In children, it may also be associated w ith Learning Disorders and Disruptive Behavior Disorders. There is a high incid ence of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in children and adults with Tourette's

300.3 Obsessive-Co mp ulsive Disorder


Disorder, with estimates ranging from approximately 35% to 50%. The incidence of lourene's Disorder in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is lower, with estimates ranging beh\'een 5% and 7%. Behveen 20% and 30% of individuals with ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder have reported current o r past tics. Associated laboratory findings. No laboratory findings have been identified that are diagnostic of Obsessive-Compulsive Di sorder. However, a variety of laboratory findings have been noted to be abnormal in groups of individuals with ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder relative to conlTol subjects. There is some evidence that some serotonin agonists given acu tely cause increased symptoms in some individuals with the disorder. Lndividuals with the disorder may exhibit increased autonomic activity when confronted in the laboratory with circumstances that trigger an obsession. Physiologica l reactivity decreases after the performance of compulsions. Associated physical examination findings and ge neral medical conditions. Dermatological problems caused by excessive washing w ith wa ter or caustic cleaning agents may be observed.

Specific Cult ure, Ag e, an d Ge nd e r Featu res

Culturally prescribed ritual behavior is not in itself indicative of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder unless it exceeds cultural nomlS, occurs at times and places judged inappropriate by others of the same culture, and interferes with social role functioning. Although cultural fa ctors may not lead to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder per se, religious and cultural beliefs may influence the themes of obsessions and compulsions (e.g., Orthodox Jews with religious compulsions may have symptoms focu sing on dietary practices). Important life transi tions and mourning may lead to an intensification of ritual behavior that may appear to be an obsession to a clinician who is not familiar with the cul tlJfal context. Presentations of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in children are generally similar '0 those in adulthood . Washing, checking, and ordering rituals are particularly comnon in child ren. Children generally do not request help, and the symptoms may not Je ego-dystonic. More often the problem is identified by parents, who bring the child in for treatment. Gradual dedines in schoolwork secondary to impaired ability to concentra te have been reported. Like ad ults, child ren are more prone to engage in rituals at home than in front of peers, teachers, or strangers. For a small subset of children, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder rna}' be associated wi th Group A betahemolytic streptococcal infection (e.g., scarlet fever and "strep throat"). This form of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is characterized by prepubertal onset, associated neurological abnormalities (e.g., cho reiform movements and motoric hyperactivity) and an abrupt onset of symptoms or an episodic course in which exacerbations are temporally related to the streptococcal infections. Older adul ts tend to show more obsessions concerning morality and washing rituals compared with other types of symptoms. In ad ults, this disorder is equally common in males and females. However, in childhood-onset Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, the disorder is more common in boys than in girls.

Anxiety Disorders

Preva lence
Community studies have estimated a life time prevalence of 2.5% and a I -year prevalence of 0.5%- 2.1% in adults. However, methodological problems with the assessment tool used raise the possibility that the true p revalence rates are much lower. Conununity studies of children and adolescen ts have estimated a lifetime preva lence 0 of 10/ -2.3% and a I-year prevalence of 0.7%. Research indicates that prevalence rates of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder are similar in many differen t cultures around the world.

Although Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder usually begins in adolescence o r early adulthood, it may begin in childhood. Modal age at onset is earlier in males than in females: between ages 6 and 15 years for males and between ages 20 and 29 years for femal es. For the most part, onset is gradual. but acute onset has been noted in some cases. The majority o f individuals have a chronic waxing and waning course, w ith exacerbation of symptoms that may be related to stress. About 15% show progressive deterioration in occupational and social functi oning. About 5% have an episodic course with minimal or no symptoms between episodes.

Familial Pattern
The conco rdance rate for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is higher for monozygotic h\'ins than it is for dizygotic hvins. The rate of Obsessive-Compulsive Disord er in firs t-degree biological relatives of individuals w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and in first-degree biological relatives of individuals w ith Tourette's Disorder is higher than tha t in the general population.

Differential Diagnosis
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder must be distinguished from Anxi ety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition . The diagnosis is Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition when the obsessions or compulsions are judged to be a d irect physiological consequence of a specific genera l medica l condition (see p . 476). TIus determination is based on h istory, laboratory finding s. or physical examination. A Substance-Ind uced Anxiety Disorder is d istinguished from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder by the fa ct tha t a substance (i .e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the obsessions or compulsions (see
p . 479).

Recurrent or intrusive thoug hts, impulses, images, or behaviors may occur in the con text of many other mental d isorders. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is not d iagnosed if the content of the thoughts or the acti vities is exclusively related to another mental disorder (e.g., preoccupation with appearance in Body Dysm orphic Disorde r. preoccupation w ith a feared object o r Specific or Social Phobia, hair plllling in Trichotillomania). An additional diagnosis o f Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder may stilI be warranted if there are obsessions or compulsions whose content is unrelated to the other mental disorder.

300 .3 Obsessive-Compu lsive Di sorder


In a Major Depressive Episode, persistent brooding about potentially unpleasant circumstances or about possible al ternative 'actions is common and is considered a mood -congruent aspect of depression rather than an obsession. For example, a depressed individual who ruminates that he is w orthless would not be considered to ha ve obsessions because such brooding is not ego-d ystonic. Generali zed Anxiety Disorder is characterized by excessive worry, but such worries are distinguished from obsessions by the fact that the person experiences them as excessive concerns about real-life circumstances. For example, an excessive concern that one may lose one's job would constitute a worry, not an obsession. In contrast, the content of obsessions does not typically involve real-life problems, and the obsessions are experienced as inappropriate by the individual (e.g., the intrusive distressing idea that "God" is "dog" spelled backward). If recurrent distressing thoughts are exclusively related to fea rs of haVing, or the id ea that one has, a serious disease based on misinterpretation of bodily symptoms, then Hypochondriasis should be diagnosed instead of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. However, if the concern about having an illness is accompanied by rituals such as excessive washing or checking behavior related to concerns about the illness or about spreading it to other people, then an additional diagnosis of ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder may be indicated. If the major concern is about contracting an illness (rather than having an illness) and no rituals are involved, then a Specific Phobia of illness may be the more appropriate diagnosis. The ability of individuals to recognize that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable occurs on a continuum. In some ind ividuals with ObsessiveCompu lsive Disorder, reality testing may be lost, and the obsession may reach delusional proportions (e.g., the belief that one has caused the death of another person by having willed it). In such cases, the presence of psychotic featUres may be indicated by an additional diagnosis of Delusional Disorder or Psychotic Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. The specifier With Poor Insight may be useful in those situations that are on the boundary between obsession and delusion (e.g., an ind ividual whose extreme p reoccupation w ith contamination, although exaggerated, is less intense than in a Delusional Disorder and is justified by the fa ct that germs are indeed ubiquitous). The rumina tive delusional thoughts and bizarre stereotyped behaviors that occur in Schizophrenia are distinguished from obsessions and compulsions by the fac t that they are not ego-dystonic and not subjcct to reality testing. However, some individuals manifest symptoms o f both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Schizophrenia and warrant both diagnoses. Tics (in T ic Disorder) and stereotyped movements (in Stereotypic Movement Disorder) must be distinguished from compulsions. A fic is a sudd en, rapid, recurrent, nonrhytlunic stereoty ped motor movement Or vocalization (e.g., eye blinking, tongue protrusion, throat clearing). A stereotyped movemeJlf is a repetitive, seemingly driven nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., head banging, body rocking, self-biting). In contrast to a compu lsion, tics and stereotyped movemen ts are typically less complex and are not aimed at neutralizing an obsession. Some individuals man ifest symptoms of both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and a Tic Disorder (especiaUy Tourette's Disorder), and both d iagnoses may be warranted. Some activities, such as eating (e.g., Eating Disorders), sexua l behavior (e.g.,


Anxiety Disorders

Paraphili as), gambling (e.g., Path ological Gambling), or substance use (e.g., Alcohol Dependence or Abuse), when engaged in excessively, have been referred to as "com-

pulsive." However, these activities are not considered to be compulsions as defined in this manual because the person usually derives pleasure from the activity and may wish to resist it only because of its deleterious consequences.
Although Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive

Di sorder have similar names, the clinical manifestations of these disorders are quite d ifferent. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality D isorder is not characterized by the
presence of obsessions or compulsions and ins tead involves a pe rvasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism , and control and must begin by early adulthood . If an individual manifests symptoms of both Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, both diagnoses can be given. Superstition s and repetitive checking beh aviors are commonly encountered in everyday life. A diagnosis of O bsessive-Compulsive Disorder should be considered only if they a re particularly time con suming or resul t in clinically s ignificant impairment or distress.

Diagnostic criteria for

300.3 ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder

A. Either obsessions or compulsions:
Obsessions as defined by (1), (2), (3), and (4):
(1) recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced, at

some time during the disturbance, as intrusive and inappropriate and that cause marked anxiety or distress (2) the thoughts, impulses, or images are not simply excessive worries about reallife problems (3) the person attempts to ignore or suppress such thoughts, impulses, or images, or to neutralize them with some other thought or action (4) the person recognizes that the obsessional thoughts, impulses, or images a re a product of his or her own mind (not imposed from without as in thought insertion)
Compulsions as defined by (1) and (2):

(1) repetitive behaviors (e.g., hand washing, ordering, checking) or mental acts (e.g., praying, cou nting, repeating words silently) that the person feels driven to perform in response to an obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly (2) the behaviors or mental acts a re aimed at preventing or reduCing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation; however, these behaviors or menta l acts either are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent or are clearly excessive 8. At some point during the course of the disorder, the person has recogn ized that the obsessions or compulsions are excessive or unreasonable. Note : Th is does not apply to children.

309.81 Posttraumat ic St ress Disorder

Diagnostic criteria for

300.3 Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (continued)

C. The obsessions or compulsions ca use marked distress, are time consuming (t ake mo re than 1 hour a day), or significantly interfere wit h the person's normal routine, occupatio na l (or academic) funct ioni ng, o r usua l socia l activit ie s or relat io nships.

D. If another Axis I d isorder is present, th e content of t he obsessio ns or compulsio ns is not restricted to it (e.g .. preoccupatio n w ith fo od in the presence of an Eat ing Disorder; hair pulling in t he presence of Trichoti ll omania; concern with appearance in the presence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder; preoccupation with drugs in t he presence of a Subst a nce Use Disorder; preoccupatio n wit h having a serio us ill ness in the presence of Hypocho ndriasis; preoccupatio n with sexual urges o r fa ntasies in the presence of a Pa raph ilia; or guilty ruminatio ns in the presence of Majo r De pressive Disorder).
E. The distu rba nce is not due t o the direct physio logical effects of a substance (e.g .. a

drug of abuse, a medicat ion) or a genera l med ica l conditio n.

Specify if:

if, fo r most of the time during the current e pisode, the perso n does not recognize t hat t he o bsessions and co mpulsions a re excessive o r unreasona ble

With Poor Insight:

Diagnosti c Features

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

The essential feature of Posttra uma tic Stress Disorde r is the d e velo pment of characteris tic sympto ms follow ing e xpos w e to an extreme tra umatic s tressor involving direct persona l exp erience of an even t tha t involves a ctual o r th reate ned dea th o r serio us injury, or o ther threa t to one's physical integ rity ; o r w itnessing an even t tha t involves death, injury , o r a thre a t to the phYSical integ rity o f another pe rso n; or le arning a bo ut unexpected or vio len t d ea th, serio us harm, or thre a l of de a th or injury expe rienced by a family member o r o the r close associate (Criterio n AI ). The person's response to the event must involve intense fea r, he lpless ness, o r ho rro r (or in ch ildren, the resp onse mus t invo lve d isorganized or agita ted be hav io r) (Cr iterion A2). The charac teristic sympto m s res ulting fro m the exposw e to the ex trem e tra uma include pers iste nt reexpe riencing of the tra umatic event (Cri te rion B), persis tent avoid ance of s timuli associa ted w ith the trauma and n umbing of gene ra l res ponsiven ess (Crite rio n C), and p ersiste nt symptom s of increa sed arous a l (C riterion D). The fu ll symptom picture must be prese nt fo r m o re than 1 m o nth (Crite rion E), and the distwban ce mus t cause clinica lly sig nifica nt dis tress or impa irm e nt in social, occupa tio nal, o r othe r important area s of functiOning (Criterio n F) . Tra uma tic events that are experi enced directly includ e, but a re not limited to, military co mbat, viole nt persona l assa ult (sexual assault, phys ical attack, rob bery, mugging), being kidnapp ed , being taken hostage, terroris t atta ck, to rture, incarcera tio n as a p risone r of w ar or in a concentration camp, natural o r manmad e d isa sters, severe

Anxiety Disorders
au tomobile accidents, or being d iagnosed w ith a We-threatening illness. For children, sexuaUy traumatic events may include d evelopmentally inappropria te sexual experiences without threa tened or actual v iolence or injury. Witnessed events include, but Me not limited to, observing the serious inju ry or unnatural death of another person due to violent assault, accid ent. war, or disaster or unexpectedly witnessing a dead body or body parts. Events experienced by others that are learned about include, but are not li mited to, violent personal assa ult, serious accident, or serious injury experienced by a fam ily member or a close friend; learning about the sudden, unexpected death o f a family member or a close friend; or learning that one's child ha s a Wethreatening disease. The disord er may be especially severe or long lasting when the stressor is of human d esign (e.g., torture, rape). The likelihood of developing this disorder may increase as the intensity of and physical proximity to the stressor increase. The traumatic event can be reexperienced in various ways. Commonly the person has recurrent and intrusive recollections of the event (Cri terion 81 ) or recurrent distressing dreams during which the event can be replayed or o them'ise represen ted (Criterion 82). In rare instances, the person experiences dissociative states that last from a few seconds to several hours, or even days, during w hich components of the event are relived and the person beha ves as tho ugh experiencing the event at that moment (Criterion 83). These episodes, often referred to as " fla shbacks," are typically brief but can be associated with prolonged distress and heightened arousal. Intense psychological d is tress (Criterion 84) or physiological reactivity (Criterion 85) often occurs when the person is exposed to triggering events that resemble o r symbolize an aspect of the tra umatic event (e.g., anniversaries of the traumatic event; cold , snow y weather or uniformed guards for sun' ivors of dea th camps in cold climates; hot, humid weather for combat veterans of the South Pacific; entering any elevator for a woman who was raped in an elevator). Stimuli associa ted with the trauma are persistently avoided . The person commonly makes deliberate efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations abou t the traumatic event (Criterion Cl) and to avoid activities, situations, o r people w ho arouse recollections o f it (Criterion C2). This avoidance of reminders may include amnesia for an important aspect of the traumatic even t (Criterion C3). Diminished responsiveness to the external world, referred to as "psychic numbing" or "emotional anesthesia," usually begins soon after the traumatic event. The individual may complain of having markedly diminished interest or participation in previously enjoyed activities (Criterion C4), of feeling detached or estranged from other people (Criterion CS), or o f having markedly reduced ability to feel emotions (especiaUy those associated with intimacy, tenderness, and sexuality) (Criterion C6). The individual may have a sense o f a foreshortened future (e.g., not expecting to have a career, marriage, child ren, or a normal life span) (Criterion C7). The individual has persistent sym p toms of anxiety or increased arousal that were not present before the trauma. These symptoms may include difficulty falling o r staying asleep tha t may be due to recurrent nightmares during which the traumatic even t is relived (Criterion 01 ), hypen ' igiJance (Criterion 04), and exaggerated startle response (Criterion DS). Some individ uals report irritability o r outbursts of anger (Criterion D2) or difficulty concentrating or completing tasks (Criterion D3).

309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

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The foUowing specifiers may be used to specify onset and duration of the symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: Acute. This specifier should be used when the duration o f symptoms is less than 3 months. Chronic. This specifier should be used when the symptoms last 3 months or longer. With Delayed Onset. This specifier indicates tha t at least 6 months have passed behveen the traumatic event and the onset of the symptoms.

Associated Features a nd Disorders

Associated descriptive features and manta I disorders. Individuals with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder may describe painful guilt feelings about surviv ing when others did not survive or about the things they had to do to survive. Avoidance patterns may interfere with interpersona l relationships and lead to marital conflict, divorce, or loss of job. Auditory hallucinations and paranoid id eation can be present in some severe and chronic cases. The foll owing associated constellation of symptoms may occur and a re more commonly seen in association with an interpersonal stressor (e.g., childhood sexual or physical abuse, d omestic battering): impaired affect modulation; self-destructi ve and impulsive behavior; d issociative symptom s; somatic complaints; feelings of ineffectiveness, shame, despair, or hopelessness; feeling permanently damaged; a loss of previously sustained beliefs; hostility; social withdrawal; feeling constantly threa tened; impaired relationships with others; or a change from the individual's previous persona lity characteris tics. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is associated with increased rates of Major Depressive Disorder, Substance-Related Disorders, Panic Disorder, Agoraphobia, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, Specific Phobia, and Bipolar Disorder. These disorders can either precede, follow, or emerge concurrently with the onset of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Associated laboratory findings . Increased arousal may be measured through studies of autonomic fun ctioning (e.g., heart rate, electromyography, sweat gland activity). Associated physical e xamination findings and general medical conditions. Physica l injuries may occur as a direct consequence of the trauma. In additi on, chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder may be assodated w ith increased rates of somatic complaints and, possibly, general medica l conditions.

Specific Culture and Age Features

Individuals who have recently emigrated from areas o f considerable social unrest and civil conflict may have elevated rates of Posttraumatic Stress Disord er. Such individua ls may be especially reluctant to divulge experiences of torture and trauma due to their vulnerable political immig rant status. Specific assessments of traumatic experiences and concomitant symptoms are needed for such individuals.

Anxiety Disorders

In younger children, distressing dreams of the event may, within several weeks, change into generalized nightmares of monsters, of rescuing others, or of threats to seU or others. Young children usually do not have the sense that they are reliving the past; rather, the reliving of the trauma may occur through repetitive play (e.g., a child who was involved in a serious automobile accident repeatedly reenacts car crashes with toy cars). Because it may be difficult for ch ild ren to report diminished interest in significant activi ties and constriction of affect, these symptoms should be carefully evaluated with reports from parents, teachers. and other observers. In children, the sense of a fo reshortened future may be evidenced b y the belief that life will be too short to include becoming an ad ult. There may also be "omen formation"-that is, be lief in an ability to foresee future untoward events. Children may also exhibit various physical symptoms, such as stomachaches and headaches.

Prevale nce
Community-based studies reveal a lifetime prevalence for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of approximately 8% of the adult popula tion in the United States. Information is not curren tly available with regard to the general population prevalence in other countries. Studies of at-risk individuals (i.e., groups exposed to specific traumatic incidents) yield variable findin gs, with the highest rates (ranging behveen one-third and more than half of those exposed) found among survivors of rape, military combat and captivity, and ethnically or politically motivated internment and genocide.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder can occur at any age, including childhood. Symptoms usually begin within the first 3 months after the trauma, although there may be a d~ lay of months, or even years, before symptoms appea r. Frequently, a person's reac tion 10 a trauma initially meets criteria for Acute Stress Disorder (see p. 469) in the immediate aflennath of the trauma. The symptoms of the disorder ilnd the relative predominance of reexperiencing, avoidance, and hyperarousal symptoms may vary over time. Duration of the symptoms varies, w ith complete recovery occurring within 3 months in approximately half of cases, w ith many o thers having persisting symptoms fo r longer than 12 months afler the trauma. In some cases, the course is characterized by a waxing and waning of symptoms. Symptom reactivation may occur in response to reminders of the original trauma, life stressors, or new traumatic events. The severity, duration, and proximity of an individual's exposure to the trawnatic event are the most important factors affecting the likelihood of developing this disorder. There issome evidence that social supports, famil y history, childhood experiences, personality variables, and preexisting mental disorders may influence the d evelopment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. This disorder can develop in individuals without any predisposing conditions. particularly if the stressor is especially extreme.

Familial Pattern
There is evidence of a heritable com ponen t to the transmission of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Furthennore, a history of depression in first-d egree relati ves has


Posttraumatic Stress Diso rde r

vul~erab i1ity

467 \
to developing Postraumatic Stress

been related to an increased Disorder.

Differenti al Diagnosis
In Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, the stressor must be of an_ extreme (i.e., life-threatening) nature. In contrast, in Adjustment Disorder, the stressor can be of any severity. The diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder is appropriate both for situations in which the response to an extreme s tressor does not meet the criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (or another specific mental disorder) and for situations in which the symptom pattern of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder occurs in response to a stressor that is not extreme (e.g., spouse lea\'ing, being fired ). N ot all psychopathology that occurs in individuals exposed to an extreme stressor should necessarily be attributed to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Symptoms of avoidance, numbing, and increased arousal that are present before exposure to the stressor do not meet criteria for the diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Diso rder and require consideration of other diagnoses (e.g., a Mood Disorder or another Anxiety Disorder). Moreover, if the symptom response pattern to the extreme stressor meets criteria for another mental disorder (e.g., Brief Psychotic Disorder, Conversion Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder), these diagnoses should be given ins tead of, or in addition to, Pos ttraumatic Stress Disorder. Acute Stress Disorder is distinguished from Posttrawnatic Stress Disorder because the symptom pattern in Acute Stress Disorder must occur within 4 weeks of the traumatic event and resolve within that 4-week period. If the symptoms persis t for more than 1 month and meet criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, the diagnosis is changed from Acute Stress Disorder to Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. In Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, there are recurrent intrusive thoughts, but these are experienced as inappropriate and are not related to an experienced traumatic event. Flashbacks in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder must be distinguished from illus ions, hallucinations, and other perceptual disturbances that may occur in Schizophrenia, other Psychotic Disorders, Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, a delirium, Substance-Induced Disorders, and Psychotic Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition. Malingering should be ruled out in those situations in which financial remuneration, benefit eligibility, and forensic determinations playa role.

Diagnostic criteria for

309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following were present:
(1) the person experienced, witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events

that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physica l integrity of self or others (2) the person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. Note: In children, this may be expressed instead by disorganized or agitated behavior

Anxiety Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for

309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (continued)

B. The traumatic event is persirtently reexperienced in one (or more) of the following ways:



(4) (5)

recurrent and intrusive distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, o r perceptions. Note: In you ng children, repetitive play may occur in which themes or aspects of the trauma are expressed . recurrent dirtressing dreams of the event. Note: In children, there may be frightening dreams without recognizable content. acting or feeling as if the traumatic event were recu rring (i ncludes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashbac k episodes, including those that occu r on awakening or when intoxicated). Note: In young ch ildre n, trauma-specific reenactment may occur. intense psychological dirtress at exposure to interna l or externa l cues that symbol ize or resem ble a n aspect of the t raumat ic event physio logical reactivity on exposure to internal or externa l cues that symbol ize or rese mble an aspect of the traumatic event

C. Persistent avoidance of rti mu li associated w ith the tra uma and numbing of genera l responsiveness (not present before the trauma), as indicated by three (or more) of the follow ing :
(1) efforts to avoid thoughts, fee lings, or conversations associated with the trauma (2) efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that a rouse recollections of the trauma

(3) inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma

(4) markedly diminished interest or participation in significant activities (5) fee ling of detachment or ertrangement from ot hers

restricted range of affect (e.g., unable to have loving feelings) (7) sense of a foreshortened future (e.g., does not expect to have a career, mar riage, chi ldren, or a normal life spa n)

D. Persistent symptoms of increased a rousa l (not present before the trauma), as indicated by two (or more) of the following :
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) E.

difficulty fall ing or staying asleep irritability o r outbursts of anger difficulty concentrating hypervigilance exaggerated startle response

Duration of the disturbance (symptoms in Criteria B, C, and 0 ) is more than 1 month. tional, or other importa nt areas of fu nct ion ing.

F. The disturbance causes clinically significant distress or impa irment in social, occupa-

Specify if:

Acute: if durat ion of symptoms is less than 3 months Chronic: if duration of symptoms is 3 mont hs or more
Specify if:

With Delayed Onset:

if onset of symptoms is at least 6 months after the stressor

308.3 Acute Stress Disorder

Diagnostic Features


Stress Disorder

The essential feature of Acute Stress Di sorder is the development of characteristic anxiety, dissociative, and other symptoms that occurs within 1 month after exposure to an extreme traumatic stressor (Criterion A). For a discussion of the types of stressors involved, see the description of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (p. 463). Either while experiencing the traumatic event or after the event, the individual has at least three of the foll owing dissociative symptoms: a subjective sense of numbing, detachment, or absence of emotional responsiveness; a reduction in awareness of his or her surroundings; derealization; depersonalization; or dissodative amnesia (Criterion B). Following the trauma, the traumatic event is persistently reexperienced (Criterion C), and the individual displays marked avoidance of stimuli tha t may arouse recollections of the trauma (Criterion D) and has marked symptoms of anxiety or increased arousal (Criterion E). The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress, significantly interfere with normal fun ctioning, or impair the individual's ability to pursue necessary tasks (Criterion F). The dis turbance lasts for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 4 weeks after the traumatic event (Criterion G); if symptoms persist beyond 4 weeks, the diagnOSiS of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder may be applied. The symptoms are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (Le., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition, are not better accounted for by Brief Psychotic Disorder, and are not merely an exacerbation of a preexisting mental disorder (Criterion H). As a response to the traumatic event, the individual develops dissociative symptoms. Individua ls w ith Acute Stress Disorder may have a decrease in emotional responsiveness, often finding it difficult or impossible to experience pleasure in previously enjoyable activities, and frequently feel gUilty about pursuing usual life tasks. They may experience difficulty concentrating, feel detached from their bodies, experience the world as unreal or dreamlike, or have increasing difficulty recalling specific details of the traumatic event (dissociative amnesia). In addition, at least one symptom from each of the symptom clusters required foe Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is present. First, the traumatic event is persistently reexperienced (e.g., recurrent recoUections, images, thoughts, dreams, ill usions, fla shback episodes, a sense of reliving the event, or distress on exposure to reminders of the event). Second, reminders of the trauma (e.g., places, people, activities) are avoided . Finally, hyperarousal in response to stimuli reminiscent of the trauma is present (e.g., difficulty sleeping, irritability, poor concentration, hypervigilance, an exaggerated startle response, and motor restlessness).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Symptoms of despair and hopelessness may be experienced in Acute Stress Disorder and may be sufficientlysevere and persis tent to meet criteria for a Major Depressive Episode, in which case an additional diag nosis of Major Depressive Disorder may be warranted . If the trauma


Anxiety Diso rde rs

led to another's death or to serious injury, survivors may feel guilt about having remained intact or about not providing enough help to others. Individuals with this d isorder often perceive themselves to have greater responsibility for the consequences of the trauma than is warranted. Problems may resu lt from the individual's neglect of basic health and safety needs associated with the aftennath of the trauma.Individuals with this disorder are a t increased risk for the development of Posttraumatic Stress D isorder. Rates of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder of approximately 80"'/0 have been reported for motor vehicle crash slln' ivors and victims of violent crime whose response to the trauma initially met criteria for Acute Stress Disorder. Impulsive and risk-taking behavior may occur after the trauma . Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . General medical conditions may occur as a consequence of the trauma (e.g., head injury, burns).

Specifi c Cu lture Features

Although some events are likely to be universally experienced as traumatic, the severity and pattern of response may be modulated by cultural differences in the implications of loss. There may also be culhuaUy prescribed coping behaviors that are characteristic of particular cultures. For example, dissociative symptoms may be a more prominent part of the acute s tress response in cultures in which such behaviors are sanctioned. For fur ther discussion of cultural factors related to traumatic events, see p . 465.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Acu te Stress Disorder in a popula tion exposed to a seriolls traumatic stress depend s on the severity and persistence of the trauma and the degree of exposure to it . The prevalence of Acute Stress Disorder in the general population is not known. In the few available studies, rates ranging from 14% to 33% have been reported in individuals exposed to severe tralUna (i.e., being in a motor vehicle accident, being a bystander at a mass shooting).

Symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder are experienced during or immediately after the trauma, last for at least 2 days, and either resolve within 4 weeks after the conclusion of the traumatic event or the diagnosis is changed . When symptoms persist beyond 1 month, a diagnosis of Pos ttraumatic Stress Disorder may be appropriate if the full criteria for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder are met. The severity, duration, and proximity of an individual's exposure to the traumatic event are the most important factors in determining the likelihood of development of Acute Stress Disorder. There is some evidence that social supports, famil y history, childhood experiences, personality variables, and preexisting mental disorders may influence the development of Acu te Stress Disorder. This disorder can develop in individuals withou t any predisposing conditions, particularly if the stressor is especially extreme.

308.3 Acute Stress Disorder


Differential Diagnosis
Some symptomatology follow ing exposure to an extreme stress is ubiquitous a nd often does n ot require any diagnosis . Acute Stress Disorder should only be considered if the symptoms last at leas t 2 days and caus e clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning or impair the indi vidual 's ability to pursue some n ecessa ry task (e.g., obtaining necessary assis tance or mobilizing personal resources by telling family members about the tra umatic experience). Acute Stress Disorder mus t be dis tinguished from a Men tal Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g ., head trauma) (see p . 181) and from a Substa nceInduced Disorder (e.g., related to Alcohol Intoxication) (see p. 209), which may be common consequences of exposure to an extreme stressor. In some individuals, p sychotic symptoms may occur follow ing an extreme s tressor. In such cases, Brief Psychotic Disorder is d iagnosed instead of Acute Stress Disorder. If a Major Depressive Episode develops after the trauma, a diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder should be cons idered in addition to a diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder. A separate diagnosis of Acute Stress Disorder should not be made if the symptoms a re an exacerbati on of a preexisting mental disorder. By definition, a diagnosis of Acute Stress D isorder is appropriate only for symptoms that occur within 1 month of the extreme stressor. Because Posttra um atic Stress Disorder requires more than 1 month of symptoms, this diagnos is cannot be made during this initial I-month period. For individuals with the diagnosis of Acu te Stress Disorder w hose symptoms persis t for longer than 1 month, the diagnosis of Pos ttrauma tic Stress Disorder should be cons idered . For individuals who ha ve an extreme stressor but who develop a symptom pattern that d oes not meet criteria for Acute Stress Disorder, a diagnosis of Adj u stment Disorder should be considered . Malingering must be ruled out in those situations in w hich financial remuneration, benefit eligibility, or forensic determinations pla y a role.

Diagnostic criteria for 308.3 Acute Stress Disorder

A. The person has been exposed to a t raumatic event in which both of the following

were present:
(1) the person experienced, w itnessed, or was confronted with an event or events

that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of self or othe rs (2) the person's response involved intense fea r, helplessness, or horror B. Either whi le experiencing or after experi encing the distressing event, the individual has three (or more) of the fol lowing dissociative symptoms:
(1) a subjective sense of numbing, detachment, or absence of emotional respon-

(2) (3) (4) (S)

siveness a reduction in awareness of his or her surround ings (e.g., "being in a daze ") derealization depersona lization dissociative amnesia (i .e., inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma)

A n xie t y Disord ers

Diagnostic criteria for 308.3 Acute Stress Disorder

C. The traumatic event is persistently reexperienced in at least one of the following ways: recurrent images, tho ughts, drea ms, illusions, flashba ck episodes, or a sense of reliving the experience; or d istress on exposure to reminders of the traumatic event.
D. Marked avoidance of stimuli that arouse reco llections of the trauma (e.g ., thoughts, fee lings, conversations, activities, places, people). E. Marked symptoms o f anxiety o r increased arousa l (e.g., difficulty sleeping, irritability, poor concentration, hypervigilance, exagg erated startle response, motor restlessness).
F. The disturbance causes clinica lly significant distress or im pairment in social, occupa-

tiona L or other important areas of functioning or impairs the individual's ability to pu rsue some necessary task, such as obtaining nece ssary assistance or mobi lizing personal resources by t el ling family members about the t raumatic experience. G. The distu rbance lasts for a minimum of 2 days and a maximum of 4 weeks and occurs within 4 weeks of the traumatic event.
H. The d ist urbance is not due to the di rect physiological effects of a su bstance (e.g., a d rug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition, is not better account ed fo r by Brief Psychotic Disorder, and is not mere ly an exacerbation of a preexisting Axis I or Axis II disorder.

300.02 Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Includes Overanxious Disorder of Childhood)

Diagnostic Feat ures
The essential feature of Generalized Anxiety Disorder is excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for a period of at least 6 months, about a number of events or activities (Criterion A). The indiv idual find s it difficult to control the worry (Criterion B). The anxiety and w orry are accompanied b}' at least three additional symptoms from a list that includes restlessness, being easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, and disturbed sleep (only one addi tional symptom is required in children) (Cri terion C). The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of another Axis I disorder su ch as having a Panic Attack (as in Panic Disorder), being embarrassed in public (as in Social Phobia), being contaminated (as in ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder), being away from home or close relatives (as in Separa tion Anxiety Disorder), gaining weight (as in Anorexia Nervosa). having mul tiple physical complaints (as in Somatization Disorder), or having a serious illness (as in Hypochondriasis), and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclUSively during Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (Criterion D). Although individua ls with Generalized Anxiety Disorder may not always identify the worries as "excessive," they report subjective distress due to constant worry, have

300.02 Generalized Anxiet y Diso rder (Includes Overanxious Disorder of Childhood)

473 \

difficulty controlling the worry, or experience related impairment in social, occupationa l, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion E). The disturbance is nol due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (i.e., a drug o f abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure) or a general medical condition and does not occur exclusively during a Mood Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, or Pervasive Developmental Disorder (Criterion F). The intensity, duration, or frequency of the anxiety and worry is far out of proportion to the actual likelihood or impact of the feared event. The person finds it difficult to keep worrisome thoughts from interfering with attention to tasks at hand and has d ifficulty stopping the worry. Adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder often worry about everyday, routine We circumstances such as possible job responsibilities, finances, the health of family members, mis fortune to their children, or minor matters (such as ho usehold chores, car repairs, or being late for appointments). Children with Generalized Anxiety Disord er tend to worry excessively about their competence or the quality of their performance. During the course of the di sorder, the focus of worry mny shift from one concern to another.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated with muscle tension, there may be t.rembling, h\itching, feeling shaky, and muscle aches or soreness. Many individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder also experience somatic symptoms (e.g., sweating, nausea, or diarrhea) and an exaggerated startle response. Symptoms of autonomic hyperarousal (e.g., accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness) are less prominent in Generalized Anxiety Disorder than in other Anxiety Disorders, such as Panic Diso rder and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Depressive symptoms are also common. Generalized Anxiety Disorder very frequently co-occurs with Mood Disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder or Dysthymic Disorder), with other Anxiety Disorders (e.g., Panic Disorder, Social Phobia, Specific Phobia), and with Substance-Related Disorders {e.g., Alcohol or Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence or Abuse}. Other conditions that may be associated with stress (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome, headaches) frequently accompany Generalized Anxiety Disorder.

Spe cifi c Culture, Ag e, a nd Ge nde r Features

There is considerable culhtral variation in the eX'Pression of anxiety {e.g., in some cu i tures, anxiety is expressed predominantly through somatic symptoms, in others through cognitive symptoms}. It is important to consider the cultural context when evaluating w hether worries about certain si tuations are excessive. In children and adolescen ts with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, the anxieties and worries often concern the quality of their performance or competence at school or in sporting events, even when their performance is not being evaluated by others. There may be excessive concerns about punctuality. They may also worry abou t catastrophic e\'ents such as earthquakes or nuclear war. Children with the di sorder may be overly conforming, perfectionist, and unsure of themselves and tend to redo tasks because of excessive dissatisfaction with less-than-perfect performance. They are typically overzealous in seeking approval and require excessive reassurance about their performan ce and their other worries.


Anx iety Disorders

Generalized Anxiety Disorder may be overdiagnosed in children. In consid ering this d iagnosis in children, a thorough evaluation for the presence of other childhood Anxiety Disorders should be d one to determine whether the worries may be better expla ined by one of these disorders. Separa tion Anxiety Disorder, Social Phobia, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disord er are often accompa nied by worries that may mimic those described in Generalized Anxiety Disorder. For example, a child with Social Phobia may be concerned about school performance because of fear of humiliation. Worries about illness may also be better explained by Separation Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. In clinical settings, the disorder is d iagnosed somewha t mo re frequently in women than in men (about 550/0-60% of those presen ting with the disorder are female). In epidemiological studies, the sex ratio is approxima tely two-thirds female.

In a community sample, the l -year prevalence ra te for Generalized Anxiety Disorder was approximately 3%, and the lifetime prevalence rate was 5%. In anxiety disorder clinics, up to a quarter of the ind ividuals have Generalized Anxiety Disorder as a presenting or comorbid diagnosis.

Co urse
Many individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder report that they have felt anxious and nervous all their lives. Although over half of those presen ting for treatment report onset in childhood or adolescence, onset occurring after age 20 years is not uncommon. The course is chronic but fluc tuating and often worsens during times of stress.

Fam ilia l Pattern

Anxiety as a trait has a familia l association. Although early studies produced inconsistent findings regard ing familial patterns for Generalized Anxiety Disorder, more recent h vin studies suggest a genetic con tribution to the d evelopment of this disorder. Furthermore, genetic factors influencing risk of Generalized Anxiety Disorder may be closely rela ted to those for Major Depressive Disorder.

Di ffe rentia l Diagnosis

Generalized Anxiety Disorder must be distinguished from an An xiety Disord er D ue to a General Med ical Condition. The diagnosis is Anxiety Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Condition if the anxiety symptoms are judged to be a di rect physiologica l consequence of a specific general medical condi tion (e.g., pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism) (see p. 476). This detennination is based on history, laboratory findings, or physical examination. A Su bstance-Induced Anxiety Di sorder is d istinguished from Generalized Anxiety Disorder by the fact that a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the anxiety disturbance (see p. 479). For example, severe anxiety that occurs only in the context

300.02 General ized A nxiety Diso rder (I ncl udes Ove ranxious Disord er of Childhoo d)


of heavy coffee consumption would be d iagnosed as Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Generalized Anxiety. When another Axis I disorder is present, an additional d iagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder should be made only when the focu s of the anxiety and worry is unrela ted to the other disorder, th at is, the excessive worry is not restTicted to having a Panic Attack (as in Panic Disorder), being embarrassed in public (as in Social Phob ia), being contamina ted (as in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), gaining weight (as in Anorexia N ervosa), having a serious illness (as in Hy pochondriasis), ha ving multiple physical co mplaints (as in Somatization Disorder), or to concerns about the weUare of close relations or being away from them or from home (as in Se parati on Anxiety Disorder). For example, U anxiety present in Social Phobia is focused on le upcoming social situations in which the individual mu st perform or be evaluated by others, whereas individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder experience anxiety whether or not they are being evaluated . Several features distinguish the excessive w orry of Generalized Anxiety Disorder from the ob sess ional thoug hts of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Obsessiona l thoughts are not simply excessive worries abou t everyday or real-We problems, bu t rather are ego-dystonic intrusions that often take the fo nn o f urges, impulses, and images in addition to though ts. Finally, most obsessions are accompanied by compulsions that reduce the anxiety associated with the obsessions. Anxiety is invariably present in Pos ttraumatic Stress D isorder. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is no t diagnosed if the anxiety occurs exclusively during the course of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Anxiety may also be present in Adjus tment Disorder, but this residual category should be used only when the criteria are not met for any other Anxiety Disorder (including Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Moreover, in Adjustment Disorder the anxiety occurs in response to a life stressor and does not persis t for more than 6 months after the termination of the s tressor or its consequences. Generalized anxiety is a common associated feature of M ood Disorders and Psychotic Disorders and should not be diagnosed separately if it occurs exclUSively during the course of these conditions. Several features distinguish Generalized Anxiety Disorder from non p atholog ical anxiety. Firs t, the worries associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder are difficult to control and typically interfere significa ntly with fWlc tioning, whereas the worries of everyday We are perceived as more controllable and can be put off until later. Second, the worries associated with Generalized Anxiety Disorder are more pervasive, pronOlmced , d is tressing, and of lon ger duration and frequently occur without precipitants. The more life circumstances about which a person worries excessively (finances, children's safety, job performance, car repairs), the more likel y the d iagnosis . Third , everyd ay w orries are much less likely to be accompanied by physical symptoms (e.g., excessive fatigue, restlessness, feeling keyed up or on edge, irritability), althou gh this is less true of children.


Anxiety Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.02 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

A. Excessive anxiety and worry (apprehensive expectation), occurring more days than not for at least 6 months, abo ut a number of events o r activities (such as work or
school performance) . B. The person f inds it difficult to control the worry.

C. The anxiety and worry are associated w ith three (or mo re) of the follow ing six symp-

toms (with at least some symptoms present for more days than not for the past
6 months), Note: Only one item is required in chi ldren.
(1) re stlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge

(2) being easily fatigued (3) difficulty concentrating or mind going blank (4) irritability (5) muscle tension

(6) sleep disturbance (difficulty fall ing or staying asleep, or restless unsatisfying sleep) O. The focus of the anxiety and worry is not confined to features of an Axis I d isorder, e.g ., the anxiety o r worry is not about having a Panic Attack (as in Panic Disorder), being embarrassed in public (as in Socia l Phobia), being contaminated (as in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder), being away from home or close re latives (as in Separation Anxiety Disorder), gaining weight (as in Anorexia Nervosa), having multiple physical compla ints (as in Somatization Disorder), or havin g a serious illness (as in Hypochon driasis), and the anxiety and worry do not occur exclusively during Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. E. The anxiety, worry, o r physical symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impa irment in social, occu pationa l, o r other important areas of fu nctioning. F. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hyperthyroidism) and does not occur exclusively during a Mood Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, o r a Pervasive Developmental Disorder.

293.84 Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Features
The essential fea ture of Anxiety Disorder Due to a Gene ral Medical Condition is clinica lly Significant anxiety that is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition. Symptom s can include prominent, generalized anxiety symptom s, Panic Attacks, o r obsession s or compulsions (Criterion A). There mus t be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings that the di sturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (Cri-


Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

terion B). The disturbance is not better accounted for by another mental disorder, such as Adjus tment Disorder With Anxiety; in which the s tressor is the general medical condition (Criterion C). The d iagnosis is not made if the anxiety symptoms occur only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). The anxiety symptoms must ca use clinically significant dis tress or impainnent in social, occupational, or other important areas of fWlctioning (Criterion E). In determining whether the anxiety symptoms are due to a general medical condition, the clinician mus t first es tablish the presence of a general medical condition. Further, the clinician must establish that the anxiety symptoms are etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiological mechanis m . A careful and comprehensive assessment of multiple factors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible guidelines for determining w hether the relationship beh veen the anxiety symptoms and the general medical condition is etiological, several considerations provide some guidance in this area. One consideration is the presence of a temporal association between the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condition and the anxiety symptoms. A second consideration is the presence of feahues that are atypical of a primary Anxiety Disorder (e.g., atypical age at onset or course, or absence of famil y history). Evidence from the literature that s uggests that there can be a direct association beh\'een the general m edical condition in question and the development of anxiety symptoms may provide a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. in addition, the clinician must also judge that the dis turbance is not better accounted for by a primary Anxiety Disord er, a Subs tanceInduced Anxiety Disorder, or other primary mental disorders (e.g., Adjus tment Disorder). These determinations are explained in greater d etail in the "Mental Disord ers Due to a General Medical Condition " section (p. 181).

The following specifiers can be llsed to indicate which symptom presentation predominates in Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition: With Generalized Anxiety. This s pecifier may be used if excessive anxiety or w orry about a number of events or activities predominates in the clinical presentation. With Panic Attacks. This sp ecifier may be used if Panic Attacks (see p . 430) p redominate in the clinical presentation. With Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms. TIus specifier may be used if obsessions or compulsions predominate in the clinical presentation.

Record ing Procedures

In recording the diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should first note the presence of the Anxiety Disorder, then the identified general medical condition judged to be causing the dis turbance, and finally the appropriate specifier indicating the predominant symptom presenta tion on Axis I (e.g., 293.84 Anxiety Disorder Due to Thyrotoxicosis, With Generalized Anxiety). The ICD-9-CM code for the general medical condition should also be noted on Axis ill (e.g ., 242.9


Anxiet y Disorders

thyrotoxicosis). See Appendix G fo r a list of ICO-9-CM diagnostic cod es for selected general medical conditions.

Assoc iated General Medica l Cond itions

A variety of general medical conditions may cause anxiety symptoms, including endocrine conditions (e.g., hyper- and hypothyroidism, pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, hyperadrenocorticism), cardiovascular conditions (e.g ., congestive heart failure, pu lmonary embolism, arrhythmia). respiratory conditions (e.g., chronic obstructi ve pulmonary disease, pneumonia, hyperventilation). metabolic conditions (e.g., vitamin 8 12 deficiency, porphyria), and neurological conditions (e.g., neoplasms, vestibular d ysfunction, encephalitis). The associated physica l examination findin gs, laboratory findings, and patterns of preva lence or onset reflect the etiologic.,1 general medical condition.

Differential Diagnosis
A separa te diagnosis of Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition is not given if the anxiety disturbance occurs exclusively during the course of a delirium. However, a diagnOSiS of Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition may be given in addi tion to a diagnosis of dementia if the anxiety is a dire<:t etiological consequence of the pathological process causing the dementia and is a prominent part of the clinical presen tation . U the presentation includes a mix of different types of symptoms (e.g., mood and anxiety), the specific Mental Disorder Due to a Genera] Medical Cond ition depends on which symptoms pred ominate in the clinical picture. If there is evidence of recent or prolonged substance use (includ ing medications wi th psychoactive effe<:ts), withdrawal from a substance, or exposure to a toxin, a Substance-Induced Anxiety Di sorder should be considered. It ma y be useful to obtain a urine or blood drug screen or o ther approp ria te laboratory evaluation. Symptoms tha t occur during or shorlly after (i.e., within 4 weeks of) Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal or after medication use may be especially indicative of a SubstanceInduced Anxiety Disorder, depending on the type, duration, or amolUlt of the substance used . If the clinician has ascertained that the disturbance is due to both a general medical condition and substance use, both diagnoses (i.e., Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition and Substance-Induced Anxiety Disord er) can be given. Anxiety Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition should be distinguished from a pri mary Anxiety Disorder (especially Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder. and Obsessive-Compulsh'e Disorder) and from Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety or Wit~Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood (e.g., a maladaptive response to the stress of having a general medical cond ition). In primary men tal disorders, no specific and direct causative physiolOgica l mechanisms associated with a general medical condition can be demonstrated . Late age at onset and the absence of a personal or family history of Anxiety Disorders suggest the need for a thorough assessment to rule oul the diagnosis of Anxiety Disorde r Due to a General Medical Condition. In addition, anxiety symptoms may be an associated feature of anoth er mental disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia, An orexia Nervosa). Anxiety Disorder N ot Othenvi se Specified is d iagnosed if the clinician cannot de-

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder

termine whether the anxiety disturbance is primary, substance induced, or due to a genera l medical condition.

Diagnostic criteria for 293.84 Anxiety Disorder Due to

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

A. Prominent anxiety, Panic Attacks, or obsessions or compulsions predominate in the

clinical picture. B. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory f indings that the disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition.

C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by anoth er ment al disorder (e.g., Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety in which the stressor is a se ri ous general medica l condition). D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the cou rse of a del irium. E. The d isturbance causes clin ica lly significant distress or impairment in social, occupat ional, or other important areas of fun ctioning.
Specify if:

With Generalized Anxiety: if excessive anxiety or worry about a number of eve nts or activities predominates in the cli nical presentatio n With Panic Attacks : if Panic Attacks (see p. 432) predom inate in the cl inical presentati on With Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: if obsessions or compulsions predominate in the clinical presentation Coding note : Include the name of the general medical cond ition on Axis I, e.g., 293.84 Anxiety Disorder Due t o Pheochromocytoma, With Genera lized Anxiety; also code the general medical condition on Axis 111 (see Appendix G for codes).

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Di ag nostic Features
The essentia l features of Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder are prominent anxiety symptoms (Criterion A) that are judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure) (Criterion B). Depending on the nature of the substance and the contex t in which Ihe symptoms occur (i.e., during intoxication or withdrawal), the disturbance may involve prominent anxiety, Panic Attacks, phobias, or obsessions or compulsions. Although the clinical presentation of the Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder may resemble that of Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Social Phob ia, or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, the full criteria for one o f these disorders need not be met. The disturbance

4 80

Anxiety Disorders

must not be better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., ano ther Anxiety Disorder) that is not subs tance induced (Criterion C). The diagnosis is not made if the anxiety symptoms occur only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). The symptoms mus t cause clinically signific ant distress or impairment in social, occupationat or other important areas of functioning (Criterion E). This diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the anxiety symptoms are in excess of those usually associated w ith the intoxication or withdrawal syndro me and w hen the anxiety symptoms a re s ufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. For a more detailed discussion of Substance-Rela ted Disorders, see p. 191. A Substancelnduced Anxiety Disorder is distinguished from a primary Anxiety Disorder by considering the onset, course, and other fac tors. For drugs of abuse, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings of Dependence, Abuse, intoxication, or withdrawal . Substancelnduced Anxiety Disorders arise only in association w ith intoxication or withdrawal states, whereas primary An xiety Disorders may precede the onset of sub stance use o r occur during times o f sustained abstinence. Because the withdrawal state for some substances (e.g., some benzodiazepines) can be relatively protracted, the onset of the anxiety symptoms can occur up to 4 weeks after cessation of substance use but is usually earlier. Another consideration is the presen ce of features that are atypical of a primary Anxiety Disorder (e.g., aty pica l age at onset or course). For example, the onset of Panic Disorder after age 45 years (which is rare) or the presence o f atypical symptoms during a Panic Attack (e.g., true vertigo; loss of balance, consciousness, or bladder or bowel control; head aches; slurred speech; or amnesia) may suggest a substanceinduced etiology. In contrast, factors suggesting that the anxiety symptoms are better accounted for by a primary Anxiety Disorder include persistence of anxiety symptoms for a substantial period of time (i.e., a month or longer) after the end of Substance Intoxication or acute Withdrawal; the d evelopment o f symptoms that are substantially in excess of wha t would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used o r the duration of use; or a history of prior recurrent primary Anxiety Disorders.

The follOWing specifiers can be used to indicate wh ich symptom presentation predominates: With Ge neralized Anxiety. This specifier may be used if excessive anxiety or worry about 'a number of events or activities predominates in the clinical presentation. With Panic Attacks. This specifier may be used if Panic Attacks (see p. 430) predominate in ~e clinical presentation. With ObsessiveCompulsive Symptoms. This specifier may be used if obsessions or compulsions predominate in the clinical presentation. With Phobic Symptoms. This specifier may be used if phobic symptoms predominate in the clinical presentation.

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder The context of the development of the anxiety symptoms may be indicated by using one of the following specifiers: . With Onset During Intoxication. This specifier should be used if criteria for in toxica tion w ith the substance a re met and the symptoms d evelop d uring the in toxication syndrome. With Onset During Withdrawal. This specifier should be used if cri teria for withdrawal from the substance are met and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome.

Recording Procedures
The name of the diagnosis of Substance-Ind uced Anxiety Disorder begins with the specific substance (e.g., alcohol, methylphenidate, thyroxine) that is presumed to be causing the anxiety symp toms. nle diagnostic code is selected from the listing of cla sses o f substances provided in the criteria set. For substances that d o not fit into any of the classes (e.g., thyroxine), the code for "Other Substance" shouJd be used . In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic doses, the specific medication can be indicated by listing the appropriate E-code on Axis I (see Appendix G). The name o f the disorder (e.g., Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder) is followed by the specification of the predominant sy mptom presentation and the context in whkh the symptoms developed (e.g., 292.89 Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Panic Attacks, \"Iith Onset During Intoxication). When more than one substance is judged to play a significant role in the development o f anxiety symptoms, each should be listed separately (e.g., 292.89 Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Di sord er, With Generalized Anxiety, With Onset During Intoxication; 291.89 Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder, With Generalized Anxiety, With Onset During Withdrawal). U a substance is judged to be the etiological factor, but the specific substance or class of substances is wUmown, the category 292.89 Unknown Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder should be used.

Specific Substances
Anxiety Disorders can occur in association with intoxication with the following classes of S\lbstances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances; caffeine; cannabis; cocaine; hallucinogens; inhalants; phencyclidine and related substances; and other or unknown substances. Anxiety Disorders can occur in association w ith withdrawal from the foll owing classes of substa nces: alcoh ol; cocaine; sedatives, h ypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknown substances. Some of the medications reported to evoke anxiety symptoms include anesthetics and analgesiCS, sympathomimetics or other bronchodilators, anticholinergics, insulin, thyrOid preparations, oral contracep tives, antihistamines, anti parkinsonian medications, corticosteroids, antihypertensi\'e and cardiovascular medications, anticonvulsants, li thiwn carbonate, antipsychotic medications, and antidepressant m edications. Heavy metals and toxins (e.g., volatile substances such as gasoline and paint, organophosphate insectiddes, nerve gases, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide) may also cau se anxiety symptoms.

Anxiet y Diso rders

Differential Diagnosis
Anxiety symptoms commonly occur in Substance Intoxication and Subs tance Withdrawal. The diagnosis o f the substance-specific intoxication or subs tance-specifi c withdrawal w ill us ually su ffice to categorize the symptom presen tation. A diagnosis of Substance-Induced Anxiety Disord er sh ould be mad e ins tead o f a d iagnosis of Subs tance Intoxication or Subs tance Withdrawal only wh en the anxiety symptoms are judged to be in excess of those us ually associated with the intoxication or w ithd rawal synd rome and wh en the anxiety symptoms are s uffi ciently severe to warrant independen t clinical attention . For example, anxiety symptoms are a characteris tic feature of Alcohol W ithdrawal. Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder s hou ld be diagnosed instead o f Alcohol Withdrawal only if the anxiety symp toms are more severe than those usually encountered with Alcohol Withdrawal and are su fficien tly severe to be a separate focus of attention and trea tment. If s ubs tance-induced anxiety sym p toms occur exclusively during the course of a delirium, the an xiety symp toms are considered to be an associated feature of the deliriu m and are not d iagnosed separately. In subs tan ce-induced presentation s that contai n a m ix of different types of symptoms (e.g., mood, psycho tic, and anxiety), the specific typ e of Subs tancelnduced Disord er to be diagnosed depends on w hich type of symptoms p redominates in the clin ical presentation . A Substance-Ind uced Anxiety Disorder is d istinguish ed from a prim ary An xi ety Disorder by the fa ct that a subs tance is judged to be etiologically related to the symptoms (see p. 480). A Subs tance-Induced Anxiety Disorder due to a prescribed treatment for a mental disorder or general medical condition mus t have its onset while the person is receiving the medication (or during withdrawal, if a withdrawal syndrome is associated with the med ication). Once the treatment is d iscontinued, the anxiety symptoms will usually improve markedly or rem it w ithin d ays to several weeks to a mon th (dep end ing on the ha lf-life of the subs tance and the presence of a withdrawal s}' ndrome). If symptoms p ersist beyond 4 weeks, other causes for the anxiety sym p toms should be consid ered . Because individuals with general med ical conditions often take med ications for those cond itions, the clinician mus t consider the possibility that the anxiety symptoms are caused by the physiologica l consequences of the general medical condition rather than the med ication, in which case Anxiety Di sorder Due to a G eneral Medical Condition is d iagnosed. The his tory often provides the p rimary basis for such a judgment. At times, a change in the treatment for the general medical condition (e.g., medication substitution or d iscon tinuation) rna)' be n eeded to determine empirically for that person whether or not the medica tion is the causative agent. If the clinician has ascertained that the disturbance is d ue to both a general medica l cond ition and substance use, both d iagnoses (i.e., Anxiety Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Condition and Substance-Ind uced Anxiety Disorder) may be given. When there is insufficien t evidence to determin e w hether the anxiety symptoms are due to a subs tance (including a medication) or to a general medical ~onditi o n or are prinlary (i.e., not due to either a substance or a gen eral medical condition), An xiety Disorder Not a thenvi se Specifi ed would be indicated.

Substance-Induced Anxiety Disord e r

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder

A. Prominent anxiety, Pan ic Attacks, o r obsessions o r compulsions predo minate in the clinical picture . B. There is evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laboratory finding s of eit her (1) o r (2):
(1) the symptoms in Criterion A develo ped during, or w ithin 1 month of, Substance

Intoxication or Withdrawal (2) medication use is etiologically related to the distu rbance
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by an Anxiety Disorde r that is not sub

stance induced. Evidence t hat the sympto ms are better accounted for by an Anxiety Disorde r that is not substance induced might include the following: the symptoms precede the onset of the substance use (or medication use); the symptoms persist for a substantial period of time (e.g., about a month) after the cessation of acute with drawal or severe intoxication o r are substantially in excess of what would be expected given the type o r amount of the substance used or the duration of use; o r there is other evidence sugg esting the existence of an independent nonsubstance-induced Anxiety Disorder (e.g., a history of recurre nt nonsubstance-related episodes). D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. E. The d isturbance causes clinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. Note: This diagnosis sho uld be made instead of a d iagnosis of Substance Intoxicati on o r

Substance Withd rawa l on ly w hen the anxiety symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication o r withdrawal syndro me and when the anxiety symptoms are sufficiently severe to wa rrant independent clin ical attention.
Code [Specific Substance)- Induced Anxiety Disorder

(291.89 Alcohol; 292.89 Amphetamine (or Amphetamine-like Substance); 292 .89 Caffe ine; 292.89 Cannabis; 292 .89 Cocaine; 292.89 Hallucinogen; 292.89 Inha lant; 292.89 Phencycl id ine (or Phencycl idine-like Substance); 292 .89 Sedative, Hypnot ic, o r Anxiolytic; 292 .89 Other [or Unknown) Substance)
Specify if:

With Generalized Anxiety: if excessive anxiety or worry about a number of events or activities predominates in the clinical presentation With Panic Attacks : if Panic Attacks (see p. 432) predominate in the clinica l presentation With Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms: if obsessions or compulsions predominate in the cl inical presentation With Phobic Symptoms: if phobic symptoms predominate in the clinical presentation
Specify if (see table on p. 193 for applicability by substance):

With Onset During Intoxication : if the criteria are met for Intoxicat ion with the substance and the symptoms deve lop during the intoxication syndrome With Onset During Withdrawal: if criteria are met fo r Withdrawal from the substance and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after. a withdrawal syndrome

Anxiety Diso rders

300.00 Anxiety Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category includes disorders with prominent anxiety o r phobic avoidance that do not meet criteria for any specific Anxiety Disorder, Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety, Or Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood. Examples include anxiety-depressive disorder: clinically significa nt symptoms of anxiety and depression, but the criteria are not met for either a specific Mood Disorder or a specific Anxiety Disorder (see p. 780 for suggested research criteria) 2. Clinically significant social phobic symptoms that are related to the social impact of having a general medical condition or mental d isorder (e.g., Parkinson's disease, dermatological conditions, Stu ttering, Anorexia Nervosa, Body Dysmorphic Disorder) 3. Situations in which the d isturbance is severe enough to warrant a diagnosis of an Anxiety Disorder but the individual fails to report enough symptoms for the full criteria for any specific Anxiety Disorder to have been m et; for example, an individual who reports all of the features of Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia except that the Panic Attacks are aJl limited-symptom attacks 4. Situations in which the clinician has concluded that an Anxiety Disorder is present but is lUlable 10 d etermine whelher it is primary, due to a general medical condition, or substance ind uced 1.

Somatoform Disorders

T he common feature of the Somatoform Disorders is the presence o f physical symptoms that suggest a general medical condition (hence, the term somal%rm) and are not fully explained by a genera l medical condition, by the d irect effects of a substance, or by another mental disorder (e.g., Panic Disorder) . TIle symptoms must social. occupational, or o ther and Malingering, the physical under voluntary control). Somatoform Disorders differ from Psychological Factors Medical Condition in that there is no diagnosable general medical condition . The grouping of these d isorders in a . utility . . to exclude occult ge neral medical conditions or substanceinduced e tiologies for the bodily symptoms) rather than on assumptions regarding shared etiology or mechanism . These disorders are often encountered in general medical settings. The following Somatoform Disorders are included in this section: Somatization Disorder (historically referred to as hysteria or Briq uet's synd rome) is a polysymptomatic disorder that begins before age 30 years, extends over a period of years, and is characterized by a combination of pain, gastroin testinaL sexual, and pseudoneurologicals}'mptoms. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder is characterized by unexplained physical complain ts, lasting at least 6 months, that are below the threshold for a diagnosis of Somatization Disorder. Conversion Disorder involves unexplained symptoms or deficits affecting voluntary motor o r sensory fun ction that suggest a neurological or o ther general medical condition. Psychological factors are judged to be associated with the symptoms or deficits. Pain Diso rder is characterized by pain as the pred Ominant focu s of clinica l attention. In addition, psychological fac tors are judged to have an important role in its onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance. Hypochondriasis is the preoccupation w ith the fear of having, or the idea that one has, a serious disease based on the person's misinterpreta tion of bodily symptoms or bodily functions. Body Dysmorphic Disorder is the preoccupation w ith an imagined or exaggerated defect in p hysical appearance. Soma to form Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is included for coding d isorders with somatoform symptoms that do not meet the criteria for any of the specific Somatoform Disord ers.


So matofo rm Di so rders

Diagnostic Features

Somatization Disorder

The essential feahue of Somatization Disorder is a pattern of recurring, multiple, clinically significant somatic complaints. A somatic complaint is considered to be c1inicaUy significant if it results in medical treatment (e.g., the taking of medication) or causes significant impairment in social, occupational, or o ther important areas of functioning. The somatic complaints must begin before age 30 years and occur o\'er a period of several years (Criterion A). The multiple somatic complaints cannot be fully explained by any known general medical condition or the direct effects of a substance.1f they occur in the presence of a general medical condition, the physical complaints or resulting social or occupational impainnent are in excess of what would be expected from the history, ph)'sical examination, or laboratory tests (Criterion C) . There must be a history of pain related to at least four different sites (e.g., head, abd om en, back, joints, extremities, chest, rectum) or fun ctions (e.g., menstruation, sexual intercourse, urination ) (Criterion 81). There also must be a history of at lea st two gast.rointestinal symptoms other than pain (Criterion 82). Individuals w ith the disorder frequently describe the presence of nausea and abdominal bloating. Vomiting, diarrhea, and food intoler<lnce are less common . Gastrointestinal complaints often lead to frequ ent X-ray examina tions and can result in abdominal surgery that in retrospect was unnecessary. There must be a histor}' of at least one sexual or reproductive symptom other than pain (Criterion 83). In w omen, this may consist of irregu lar menses, menorrhagia, or vomiting throughout pregnancy. In men, there may be symptoms such as erectile or ejaculatory d ysfunction. Both women and men may be subject to sexual indifference. Finally, there must also be a history of at least one symptom, other than pain, that suggests a neurological cond ition (conversion symptoms such as impaired coordina tion or balance, paralysis o r localized weakness, difficulty swallowing o r lump in throat, aphonia, urinary retention, hallucinations, loss of to uch or pain sensation, double vision, blindness, d eafness, or seizures; dissociative symptoms such as amnesia; or loss of consciousness other than fainting) (Criterion 84). The symptoms in each of the groups have been listed in the approxima te order of their reported frequency. Finally, the unexpla ined symptoms in Somatization Disorder are not in tentionally feigned or produced (as in Factitious Di sorder o r Malingering) (Criterion D).

Associate d Fea t ures and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals w ith Soma tization Disorder usually describe their complaints in colorful, exaggerated tenns, but specific factual infonnation is often lacking. They are often inconsistent h istorians, so that a checklist approach 10 diagnostic interviewing may be less effective than a thorough review o f medical treatments and hospilaliz~tio n s to d ocument a pattern of frequent somatic complaints. They often seek treatment from several physicians concurrently, which may lead to complicated and sometimes hazardous combinations of treatments. Prominent anxiety symptoms and depressed mood are very com-


Somatization Disord e r

man and may be the reason for being seen in mental health settings. There may be impulsive and antisocial behavior, su icide threats and attempts, and mar ital discord. The lives of these individuals, particula rly th ose with associated Personality Disorders, are o ften as chaotic and complicated as their medical histo ries. Freq uent use of medication s may lead to side effects and Substance-Related Disord ers. These individuals comm only lmdergo numerous medica l examinations, diagnostic p rocedures, surgeries, and hosp italizations, wh ich expose the person to an increased risk of morbidity associated w ith these procedu res. Major Dep ressive Disorder, Panic Disord er, and Substance-Related Disorders are frequently associated with Somatization Disorder. H istrionic, Borderline, and Antisocial Personality Disorders are the most frequently associated Personality Disorders. Associated laboratory findings. Laboratory test results a re remarkable for the absence of fi ndings to support the subjective complaints. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Physical examination is remarkable fo r the absence of objective find ings to fully explain the many subjective complaints of individ uals with Soma tization Disorder. These individuals m ay be diagnosed w ith so-called fun ctional d isorders (e.g., irritable bowel syndrome). However, because these syndromes are as yet without est,lbIished objective signs or specific laboratory findings, their symptoms may count toward a d iagnosis o f Somati zation Disorder. Some ind iv iduals have objective findings and an associated genera l medica l condition that d oes not fuJl y exp lain the complaints. For exam ple, individ uals w ith hypothyroidism may present with multiple complaints and a significant nu mber of objective findin gs, but the disease would nol expla in such a long history of numerous d iverse complain ts.

Specific Culture and Gender Features

The type and freq uency of somatic symptoms may differ across cultures. For example, burning hands and feet or the nondelusional experience of worms in the head or ants craw ling under the skin represent pseud oneurological symptoms that are more common in Africa and South Asia than in 'orth America. Symptoms related to male reproductive function may be m ore prevalent in cultures in wh ich there is widespread concern abou t semen loss (e .g., dlmt syndrome in Ind ia). Accord ingly, the symptom reviews should be adjusted to the culture. The sym p toms listed in this m anual are examples that have been found most d iagnostic in the United States. It should be noted that the order of frequency was derived fro m studies ca rried out in the United States. Somatization Disorder occurs on ly rarely in m en in the United Sta tes, but the higher reported frequency in C reek and Puerto Rican men suggests that cultural facto rs may infl uence the sex ratio.

Preval ence
Studies have reported widely variable Wetime prevalence rates o f Soma ti zation Disorder, ranging from 0.2% to 2% among women and less than 0.2% in men. Di ffe rences

4 88

Somatoform Disorders

in rates may depend on w hether the interviewer is a physician, on the method of assessment, and on the demographic variables in the samples studied. When nonphysician interviewers are used, Somatization Disord e r is much less frequ ently diagnosed .

Somatization Disorder is a ch ronic but fluctuating d isorder tha t rarely remits com-

pletely. A year seldom passes without the individual's seeking some medical attention prompted by unexplained somatic complaints. Diagnostic cri teria are typicaUy met before age 25 years, but initial symptoms aTe often present by adolescence. Menstrual difficulties may be one of the earliest symptoms in women. Sexual symptoms
are o ften associated with marital discord.

Fami lia l Pattern

Soma tiza tion Disorder is observed in 10%-20% of fema le firs t-degree biologica l relatives of women with Somatization Disorder. The male relatives of women with this disorder show an increased risk of Antisocial Personality Disorder and SubstanceRelated Disorders. Adoption studies indicate that both genetic and environmental factors contribute to the risk for Antisocial Personality Disord er, Substance-Related Disorders, and Somatization Disorder. Ha\!ing a biological or adoptive parent w ith any of these di sorders increases the ris k of developing either Antisocial Personality Disorder, a Substance-Related Disord er, or Somatization Disord er.

Differential Diagn osis

The symptom pichtreencountered in Somatiza tion Disorder is frequently nonspecific and can overlap with a multitude of general med ical conditions. Three feahtres that suggest a diagnosis of Soma tization Disorder ra ther than a general m edical condition include 1) involvement of multiple organ systems, 2) early onset and chronic course without development of physical signs or s tructural abnormalities, and 3) absence of laboratory abnomlalities that are characteris tic of the s uggested general medical condition. It is s ti ll necessary to ru le out general medical conditions thai are d laracterized by vague, multiple, and confuSing somatic symptoms (e.g., systemic lupus erythematosus, hyperparathyroidis m, multiple sclerosis, acute intermittent porphyria, hemochromatosis, Lyme disease, chronic parasitic disease). Moreover, Somatization Disorder does not protect individuals from having other independent general medical conditions. Objective findings s hould be evaluated w ithout undue reliance on subjecti\'e complaints. The onset of multiple physical symptoms late in life is almost always due to a general medical condition . Schizophreni a w ith multiple somatic delusions needs to be differentiated from the nondelusional somatic complaints of individuals w ith Soma ti zation Disorder. In rare ins tances, individuals with Somatization Disorder also have Sch izophrenia, in w hich case both diagnoses should be noted. Furthennore, hallucinations can occur as pseudoneurological symptoms and must be dis tinguished from the typical hallucinations seen in Schizophrenia (see p. 299).


Somatization Disorder

It can be very difficult to distinguish between Anxiety Disorders and Somatization Disorder. In Panic Diso rder, multiple somatic symptoms are also present, but these occur primarily during Panic Attacks. However, Panic Disorder may coexist with S0matization Disorder; when the somatic symptoms occur at times other than during Panic Attacks, both diagnoses may be made. Individuals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder may have a multitude of physical complaints associated with their generalized anxiety, but the focus of the anxiety and worry is not limited to the physical complaints. Ind ividuals with Mood Disorders, particularly Depressive Disorders, may present with somatic complaints, most commonly headache, gastrointestinal disturbances, or unexplained pain. Individuals w ith Somatization Disorder have physical complaints recu rrently throughout most of their Li\'es, regardless of their current mood state, whereas physica l complaints in Depressive Disorders are limited to episodes of depressed mood. lndividuals with Somatization Disorder also often present with depressive complaints. If criteria are met for both Somatization Disorder and a Mood Disorder, both may be diagnosed . By definition, all ind ividuals with Somatization Disorder have a history of pain symptoms, sexual symptoms, and conversion or dissociative symptoms. Therefore, if these symptoms occur exclusively during the course of Somatization Disorder, there should not be an additional diagnosis of Pa in Disorder Associated Wi th Psychological Factors, a Sexual Dysfunction, Conversion Disorder, or a Dissociative Disorder. Hypochondriasis is not to be d iagnosed if preoccupation with fears of having a serious illness occurs exclusively during the course of Somatization Disorder. The criteria for Soma tiza tion Disorder in this manual are slightly m ore restrictive than the original criteria for Briquet's syndrome. Somatoform presentations tha t d o not meet criteria for Somatiza tion Disorder should be classified as Undifferentiated Somaloform Disorder if the duration of the syndrome is 6 months o r longer, or Somatoform Disorder Not Othenyise Speci fied for present" tions o f shorter duration. In Factiti ous Diso rder With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms and Malingering, somatic symptoms may be intentionally prod uced to assume the sick role or for gain, respectively. Symptoms that are intentionally produced should not count toward a diagnosis of Somatization Disorder. However, the presence o f some factitious or malingered symptoms, mixed with other nonintentional symptoms, is not uncommon . In such mixed cases, both Somatization Disorder and a Factitious Disorder or Malingering should be di agnosed.


Somatoform Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.81 Somatization Disorder

A. A history of many physical complaints beginning before age 30 years t hat occur over a period of several years and resu lt in treatment being sought or significant impairment in social, occupational, or ot her important areas of functioning .
B. Each of the following criteria must have been met, with individual symptoms OCCU(-

ring at any t ime during the course of the disturbance:

(1) four pain symptoms:

a history of pain related to at least four diff erent sites or

functions (e.g., head, abdomen, back, joints, extremities, chest, rectum, during

menstruation, during sexual intercourse, o r during urinatio n) (2) two gastrointestinal symptoms: a history of at least two gastrointestinal symptoms othe r than pain (e.g., nausea, bloating, vomiting other than during pregnancy, d iarrhea, or intolerance of several different foods) (3) one sexual symptom: a history of at least one sexual or reproductive symptom othe r tha n pa in (e.g., sexual indifference, erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction, irregular menses, excessive menstr ual bleeding, vomiting throughout pregnancy) (4) one pseudoneurological symptom: a history of at least o ne symptom or deficit suggesting a neurological cond it ion not limited to pain (conversion symptoms such as impaired coordination o r balance, paralysis or localized weakness, difficulty swallowing or lump in throat, aphonia, urinary retentio n, hallucinations, loss of touch or pain sensation, double vision, blindness, deafness, seizures; dissociative symptoms such as amnesia; or loss of consciousness other than fainting )
C. Either (1) or (2):
(1 ) after appropriate investigati o n, each of the sympt o ms in Criterion B cannot be

fully explained by a known general medical condit ion o r the direct effects of a substance (e.g., a d rug of abuse, a medication) (2) when there is a re lated general medical condition, the physica l co mplaints o r result ing social o r occupational impairment a re in excess of what would be expected fro m the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings
D. The symptoms are not intentionally produced or fe igned (as in Factitious Disorder or

Ma ling ering).

3 00.82

Undiffer entiated Somatoform Disorder

Diagn osti c Feat ures

The essential feature o f Undifferenti ated Somatoform Disorder is one or more physical complaints (Cri terion A) that persist for 6 months or longer (Criterion D). Frequent complaints include chronic fatigue, loss of appetite, or gastrointestinal or genitourinary symptoms. These symptoms cannot be fully exp lained by any known general medical condition or the direct effects of a substance (e.g., the effects ofinjury, substance use, or medication side effects), or the physical complaints or resultant impairment are grossly in excess of w hat would be expected from the history, physical


Undiffere ntiated Somatof orm Disorder

4 91

examination, or laboratory findings (Criterion B). The symptoms m ust cause clinica lly significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion C). The diagnosis is not made when the symptoms are beNer accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., another Somatoform Disorder, Sexual Dysfunction, Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disorder, Sleep Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder) (Criterion E). The symptoms are not intentionally produced or feigned (as in Factitious Disorder or Malingering) (Criterion F). This is a resid ual category for those persistent somatoform p resentations that do not meet the full cri teria for one of the specific Somatoform Disorders (e.g., Somatization Disorder). Particular care must be exercised to ensu re the presentation does no t meet the criteria for Somatization Disorder, because individuals with that d isorder typically are inconsistent historians (i.e., reporting insufficient somatic sym ptomatology to meet the criteria at one assessment, but enough symptoms to meet the full criteria at another evaluation). Symptoms that may be seen include the examples listed for Somatization Disorder. There rna}' be a single circumscribed symptom, such as nausea, or, more commonly, multiple physical symptoms. The chronic unexp lained physical complaints often lead to medical consultation, typ ically with a primary care physician.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Medically unexplained symptoms and worry about physical illness may constitute culturally shaped " idioms of d istress" that are em ployed to express concerns about a broad range of personal and socia l problems, w ithout necessarily indicating psychopathology. The highest frequency of unexplained physical complaints occurs in young women of low socioeconomic status, but s uch symptoms are not lim ited to any age, gender, or sociocultura l group. "Neu rasthenia," a syndrome described frequently in many pa rts of the world and characterized by fatigu e and weakness, is classified in OSM-IV as Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder if symptoms have persisted for longer than 6 months.

11le course of individual unexplained physical complaints is unpredictable. The eventual diagnosis o f a genera l med ical condition or another menta l d isorder is frequent.

Differential Diagnosis
Also refer to the Differential Diagnosis section for Somatization Disorder (see p. 488). Undifferentiated Soma tofonn Disorder is differentia ted from Somatization Di sord er by the requiremen t in Somatization Disorder of a m ultiplicity of sym ptoms of severa l years' duration and an onset before age 30 years. If the physical complaints have persisted for less than 6 m onths, a d iagnosis of Somatofonn Diso rd er Not Othen vise Specified should be made. Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder is not diagnosed if the symptoms are better accounted for by another mental disorder. Other men tal disorders that frequentl y include unexplained physical complaints are Ma jor De-

Soma toform Di so rders pressive Disorder, Anxie ty Disorders, and Adjustment Disorder. in contrast to Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder, the physical symptoms of Factitio us Disorders and Malingering are intentionally produced or feigned. In Factitious Disorder, the motiva tion is to assume the sick role and to obtain medical evaluation and treatment, whereas in Malingering, more external incentives are apparent, such as finanaal compensa tion, avoidance of duty, evasion of criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.82 Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder

A. One or more physical complaints (e.g., fatigue, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal or urinary complaints).

B. Either (1) o r (2):

(1) after appropriat e investigat ion, t he symptoms ca nnot be fully explained by a

known general medical condition or the direct effects of a substa nce (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) (2) when there is a related genera l medical condition, the physica l compla ints or reo suiting social or occupational impairment is in excess of what would be expected from the hist ory, physical examination, or laboratory findings
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupation -

al, o r other important areas of functioning . D. The duration of the disturbance is at least 6 months. E. The disturbance is not better accounted fo r by another mental disorder (e.g., another Somatoform Disorder, Sexual Dysfunction, Mood Disorder, Anxiety Disord er, Sleep Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder). F. The symptom is not intentionally produced or fe igned (as in Factitio us Disorder or Malingering) .

Diagnostic Features

Conversion Disorder

The essential feature of Conversion Disorder is the presence of symptoms or deficits affecting voluntary m otor or sensory function that suggest a neurological or other general medical condition (Criterion A). Psychologica l fa ctors are judged to be associated w ith the symptom or deficit, a judgment based on the observation that the in itiatio n or exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is preceded by conflicts or other stressors (Criterion B). The symptoms are not.intentionally produced o r feigned, as in Factitious Disorder or Ma lingering (Criterion C). Conversion Disorder is not diagnosed if the symptoms or deficits are full y explained by a neurological or o ther general medical condition, by the direct effects of a substance, or as a culturally


Conversion Disord e r


sanctioned behavior or exp erience (Criterion D). The problem mus t be clinically significant as evidenced by marked distress; impairment in socia l, occupational, or other important areas of functioning; or the fact that it warrants med ical evaluation (Criterion E). Conversion Disord er is not diagnosed if symptoms are limited to pai n or sexual dysfunction, occur exclusively during the course of Somatiza tion Disorder, or are better accounted for by another mental disord er (Criterion F). Conversion symptoms are related. to voluntary motor or sensory fu nctioning and are thus referred to as "p seudoneurological " Motor symptoms or d eficits include impaired coordination or balance, paralysis or localized weakness, aphonia, difficulty swallowing or a sensation of a lump in the throat, and urinary retention. Sensory s)'mptoms or d eficits include loss o f touch or pain sensation, double vision, blindness, deafness, and hallucinations. Symptoms may also include seizures or convulsions. The more medically n aive the person, the more implau sible are the presenting symptoms. More sophis ticated. p ersons tend to have more subtle symptoms and deficits that may c1osel)' simulate neurological or other general medical condHions. A diagnosis of Con version Disorder should be made only after a thorough medical investigation has been performed to rule out an etiological neurologica l or genera l medical condition . Because a general medical etiology for many cases of apparent Conversion Disorder can take years to become evident, the diagnosis should be reeva luated periodically. In early studies, general medical etiologies were later found in from one-quarter to one-half of persons initially diagnosed with conversion symptoms. In more recent s tudies, misdiagnosis is less evident, perhaps reflecting increased awareness of the d isorder, as well as improved knowledge and d iagnos tic techniques. A h istory of other unexplained somatic (es peci ally conversion) or dissociative symptoms signifies a greater likelihood that an apparent conversion symptom is not due to a general medical condition, es pecially if criteria for Somatiza tion Disorder have been met in the past. Conversion symptoms typicall)' do not conform to known anatomical pathways and physiological mechanisms, but ins tead follow the individual's concephJaIization of a cond ition. A "paralysis" may involve inability to p erform a particular movement or to move an entire body p art, rather than a d efi cit corresp onding to p atterns of motor innervation. Conversion symptoms are o ft en inconsistent. A "paralyzed " extremity will be moved inadvertently while dressing or when attention is d irected elsewhere. If p laced above the head and released, a "para lyzed " arm will briefly retain its position, then fall to the side, rather than striking the head. Unacknowled ged strength in antagonistic muscles, nonnal muscle tone, and intact refl exes may be demonstrated. An electromyogram will be normal. Difficulty swallowing will be equal with liquid s and solids. Conversion "anesthesia " of a foot or a hand may follow a so-ca lled s tocking-g love dis tribution with wliform (no proximal to dis tal g radient) loss of all sensory modalities (Le., touch, temperature, and pain) sharply demarcated at an anatomical landmark rather than according to derma tomes. A conversion "seizure" w ill vary from convulsion to convulsion, and paroxysmal activity will not be evident on an EEG. Even when fo llowin g s uch guidelines carefully, caution must be exercised . Knowledge of ana tomical and physiological mechanis ms is incomplete, and available methods of objective assessment have limitations. A broad range of neurolog ical conditions may be misdiagnosed as Conversion Disorder. Prominent among them

Soma t o form Disorders

are multiple sclerosis, myasthenia gravis, and idiopathic or substance-induced d ystonias. However, the presence of a neurologica l condition d oes not p reclude a diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. As many as one-third of individuals with conversion symptoms have a current or prior neurological condition. Conversion Disorder may be diagnosed in the presence of a neurological or other general medical condition if the symptoms are not fully explained given the nature and severity of the neurological or other general medical condition. Traditionally, the term cOl/version derived from the h ypothesis that the individual's somatic symptom represents a symbolic resolution of an unconscious psychological conflict, reducing anxiety and serving to keep the conflict out of awareness ("p rimary gain" ). The individual might also derive "secondary gain" from the conversion symptom-that is, external benefits are obtained o r noxious duties or responsibilities are evaded. Although the OSM-fV criteria set for Conversion Disorder does not necessarily imply that the symptoms involve such constructs, it does require that psychological factors be associated w ith their onset or exacerbation. Because psychological fac tors are so ubiquitously present in relation to general medical conditions, it can be d ifficult to establish whether a specific psychological fac tor is etiologically related to the symptom or defi cit. However, a close temporal relationship between a conflict or stressor and the initiation or exacerbation of a symptom may be helpful in this determination, especially if the person has developed conversion symptom s under similar circumstances in the past. Although the indi\' idual may derive secondary gain from the conversion symptom, u nlike in Malingering o r Facti tious Disorder the symptoms are not inten tionally p roduced to obtain the benefits. The determination that a symptom is not in tentionally produced or feigned can also be difficult . Generally, it must be inferred from a careful evaluation of the context in which the symptom develops, especially rela tive to potential external rewards or the assumption of the sick ro le. Supplementing the person's self-report w ith additional sources of information (e.g., from associates or record s) may be helpful. Conversion Disorder is not diagnosed if a symptom is full y expla ined as a cul turaUy sanctioned behavior or experience. For example, "visions" or "spells" that occur as part of religious rituals in w hich such behaviors are encouraged and expected would not justify a diagnosis of Conversion Disorder unless the symptom exceeded wha l is contextually expected and caused undue distress or impairment. In "epidemic hysteria," shared symptoms develop in a circumscribed group of people following "exposure" to a common precipitant. A diagnosis of Conversion Diso rder should be made only if the individual experiences clinically significant distress or impairment.

The following subtypes are noted based on the nature of the presenting symptom or deficit : With Motor Symptom or Deficit. Thi s subtype includes such symptoms as impaired coordination or balance, paralysis or localized weakness, difficult)' swallowing or "lump in throa!," aphonia, and u rinary reten tion. With Sensory Symptom or Deficit. This subtype includes such symptoms

300. 11 Conversion Disorder as loss of touch or pain sensation, d ouble vision, blindness, deafness, and hallucinations. With Seizures or Convulsions. This subtype includes seizures or convulsions with voluntary motor or sensory components. With Mixed Presentation. This subtype is used if symptoms o f more than one category are evident.

Associated Features a nd Disorders

Associated descriptive features a nd mental disorders. Individuals with conversion symptoms may show fa belle jndifference (I.e., a relative lack of concern about the nature or impUcations of the symptom) or may also present in a dramatic or histrionic fashion. Because these individuals are often suggestible, their symptoms may be modified or resolved based on external cues; however, it must be cautioned that this is not specific to Con version Disorder and may also occur with general medical conditions. Symptoms may be more common following extreme psychOSOCial stress (e.g., warfare or the recent death of a significant figure) . Dependency and the adoption of a sick role may be fostered in the course of treatment. Other nonconversion soma tic complaints are common. Associated mental disorders include Dissocia tive Disorders, Major Depressive Disorder, and H istrionic, Antisocial, Borderline, and Dependent Personality Disorders. Associated laboratory findings . No specific laboratory abnormalities are associated with Conversion Disorder. Ln fact, it is the absence of expeded findings that suggests and supports the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder. However, labora tory finding s consistent with a general medical condition do not exclude the diagnosis of Conversion Disorder, because it only requires that a symptom not be fully explained by such a condition. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . Symptoms of Conversion Disord er typically do not conform to known anatomical pathways and physiological mechanisms. Thus, expected objective signs (e.g., reflex changes) are rarely present. H owever, a person may develop symptoms tha t resemble those observed in others or in themselves (e.g., individ uals w ith epilepsy may simulate "seizures" that resemble those they have observed in others or how their own seizures were described to them). GeneraUy, individual conversion symptoms are sell-limited and d o not lead to physical changes or disabilities. Rarely, physical changes sllch as atrophy and contractures may occur as a result of disuse or as sequelae to diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. It is important to note, however, that conversion symptoms can occur in individuals with neurological conditions.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gend e r Feat ures

Conversion Disorder has been reported to be more common in rural populations, individuals of lower socioeconomic status, and individuals less know ledgeable about medical and psychological concepts. Higher rates of conversion symptoms are reported in developing regions, with the incidence generally declining with increasing

Somatoform Disorders development. Falling d own with loss or alteration of consciousness is a feature of a variety of culture-specific syndromes. The form of conversion symptoms reflects local cultura l id eas about acceptable and credible ways to express distress. Changes resembling conversion symptoms (as well as d issociative symptoms) are common aspects of certain culturally sanctioned religious and healing rituals. The clinician must assess w hether such symptoms are fully explained in the particular social context, and whether they result in dinically significant distress, disability, or role impairment. Conversion symptoms in children under age 10 years are usually limited to gait problems or seizures. Con version Disorder appears to be more frequent in women than in men, w ith reported ra tios varying from 2:1 to 10:1. Especially in women, symptoms are much mo re common on the left than on the right side of the body. Women (rarely men) presenting w ith con version symptoms may later mani fes t the full picture of Somatization Disorder. In men, there is an association between Conversion Disorder and Antisocial Personali ty Disorder. In addition, Conversion Disorder in men is often seen in the context of industrial accidents or the military.

Reported rates of Conversion Disorder have varied widely, ranging from 11/ 100,000 to 500/ 100,000 in general population samples. It has been reported in up to 3% of outpatient referrals to mental hea lth clinics. Studies of general medical/surgical inpatients have identified conversion symptom rates ranging between 1% and 14%.

Co urse
The onset of Conversion Disorder is generally from late childhood to early adulthood, rarely before age 10 years or after age 35 years, but onset as late as the ninth decade o f life has been reported. Wh en an apparent Conversion Disorder first develops in middle or old age, the probability of an occult neurological or other general medical condition is high . The onset of Conversion Disord er is generally acute, b ut gradually increasing symptomato logy may also occur. Typically, individu~ conversion symptoms are of short duration . In individuals hospitalized with conversion symptoms, symptoms will remit within 2 weeks in most cases. Recurrence is common, occurring in from one-fifth to one-quarter of individuals within 1 year, with a single recurrence predicting future episodes. Factors that are associa ted with good p rognosis include acute onset, presence of clearly identifiable stress at the time of onset, a short in terval between onset and the institution of treatment, and aboveaverage intelligence. Symptoms of paralysis, aphonia, and blindness are associated with a good prognosis, whereas tremor and seizures are not.

Famili al Pattern
Limited data suggest that conversion symptoms are more frequent in relatives of ind ividuals with Conversion Disorder. Increased risk of Conversion Disorder in monozygotic twin pairs but not in dizygotic twin pairs has been reported.

300. 11

Conve rsion Disord e r

Differential Diagnosis
The major diagnostic concern in eva luating potential conversion symptoms is the exclusion of occult n eurolog ical or oth er general m edical condi tions and substance (including medication l-indu ced etiologies. Appropriate eva luation of potential general medical conditions (e.g., multiple sclerosis, myas thenia gravis) should include careful review of the current presentation, the overall medical history, neurological and general physical examinations, and appropriate laboratory studies, including investigation for use of alcohol and other substances. Pain D isorder or a Sexual Dysfun ction is diagnosed instead of Conversion Disorder if the symptoms are lin,ited to pain or to sexual dysfunction, respectively. An add itional diagnosis of Conversion ' Disorder should not be made if conversion symptoms occur excl usively during the course of Som atizati on Disorder. Conversion Disorder is not diagnosed if symptoms are better accounted for by anoth er m en tal disord er (e.g., catatonic symptoms or somatic delusions in Schizop hreni a or other Psychotic Disorders or Mood Disorder or difficulty swallowing during a Pan ic Attack). In Hypoch ond riasis, the individual is preoccupied with the "serious disease" underlying the pseudoneurological symptoms, whereas in Conversion Disorder the focus is on the presenting symptom and there may be /" belle indifference. In Body Dysmorp h ic Disorder, the emphasis is on a preoccupation w ith an imagined or slight defect in appearance, rather than a change in volwl lary molor or sensory function. Conversion Disorder shares features with Di ssociative Di sorders. Both disorders involve symptoms that suggest neurological d ysfun ction and may also have shared antecedents. Ifboth conversion an d dissociative symptoms occur in the same individ ual (which is common), both diagnoses should be made. It is controversial whether hallucinations ("pseudohallucina tions") can be considered as the presenting symptom of Conversion Disorder. As distinguished from h allucina tions th at occur in the con text of a Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Sch izophrenia or another Psychotic Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, a Substance-Related Disorder, or a Mood Disorder '''lith Psycho tic Features), hallucinations in Conversion Disorder genera lly occur w ith intact insight in the absence of other psychotic symptoms, often involve more than one sensory modality (e.g., a hallucination involving visual, auditory, and tactile components), and often have a naive, fa ntastic, or childi sh content. They are often psychologically meaningful and tend to be described by the individual as an interesting story. Symptoms of Factitio us D isorders and Malingering are intentionally p roduced or feigned . In Facti tious Disorder, the motivation is to assume Ihe sick role and 10 obtain medica l evaluation and treatment, whereas more obvious goals such as financia l compensation, avoidance of duty, e\'asion of criminal prosecution, or obtaining d rugs are appa rent in Malingering. Such goals may resemble "secondary gain" in conversion symptoms, with the distinguishing feature of conversion symptoms being the lack of conscious intent in the production of the symptom.

Somatof orm Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.11 Conversion Disorder

A. One or more symptoms or deficits affecting volu ntary motor or sensory function that suggest a neurolog ical or other general medical condition. B. Psychological factors are judged t o be associated with the symptom or deficit because the initiation or exacerbation of the symptom or deficit is preceded by conflicts or other stressors.
C. The symptom or deficit is not intentionally produced or feigned (as in Factitious Dis-

order or Malingering). D. Th e symptom or deficit can not, after appropriate investigation, be fully explained by a gene ral medical condition, or by the direct effects of a substance, or as a culturally sanctioned behavior or experience. E. The symptom or deficit causes clinica lly significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of function ing or warrants medical eva luation . F. The symptom or deficit is not limited to pain or sexual dysfunction, does not occur exclusively during the course of Somatization Disorder, a nd is not better accounted for by another mental disorder.
Specify type of symptom or deficit:

With With With With

Motor Symptom or Deficit Sensory Symptom or Deficit Seizures or Convulsions Mixed Presentation

Pain Disorder
Diag nostic Feat ures
The essential feature of Pain Disorder is pain that is the predomin ant focu s of the clinical presentation and is of s ufficient severity to warrant clinical attention (Criterion A). The pain causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, o r other important areas of functioning (Criterion B). Psychologica l factors are judged to pia)' a significant role in the onset. severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain (Criterion C). The pain is not intentionally produced or feigned as in Factitious Disorder or Malingering (Criterion D). Pain Disorder is not d iagnosed if the pain is better accounted for by a Mood, Anxiety, or Psychotic Disorder, or if the pain presentation meets criteria for Dyspareunia (Criterion E). Examples of impairment resulting from the p ain include inability to work or attend school, frequent use of the hea lth care system, the pain becoming a major focus of the individual's life, substantial use of medications, and relational problems s uch as marital discord and disruption of the family's normal lifestyle. The psychological fa ctors involved may consist of another

Pain Diso rder

Axis I or Axis U disorde r (which would also be djagnosed) o r may be of a nature tha i does not reach the threshold for such a disorder (e.g., reactions to psychosocial stressars).

Subtypes and Specifiers

Pain Disorder is coded according to the subtype that best characterizes the fa ctors involved in the etiology and maintenance of the pain :

307.80 Pain Di sorder Associated With Psychological Factors. This subtype is used when psychological factors are judged to have the majo r role in the onset, severity. exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. In this subty pe, general medica l conditions play either no role or a minimal role in the o nset or m aintenance of the pain. This s ubtype is not diagnosed if criteria for Somatization Disorde r are met. 307.89 Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition. This subtype is used when both psychological factors and a general medical condition are judged to have important roles in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. The ana tomical site of the pain or associated general medical condition is coded on Axis III (see "Recording Procedures"). Pain Disorder Associated With a General Medi cal Condition. Thissubtype of Pain Disorder is /lot considered a mental disorder a/ld is coded all At is III. It is listed in this section to facilitate differential diagnosis. The pain results h om a general medica l condition, and psychological facto rs are judged to play either no role o r a minimal role in the onset or maintenance of the pain. The lCD-9-CM code fo r this subtype is selected based on the location of the pain or the associated general medical condition if this has been established (see " Recording Proced ures"). For Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Facto rs and Pain Disorder Associa ted With Both Psychological Factors and a General Med ical Condition, the foll owing specifiers may be noted to indicate the duration of the pain: Acute. This specifi er is used if the duration o f the pain is less than 6 months. Chronic. This Specifier is used if the duration of the pain is 6 months or longer.

Record ing Proced ures

The diagnostic code for Pai n Disorder is selected based on the subty pe described above. The code is 307.80 for Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors. For Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition, 307.89 is coded on Axis I and the associated general medical condition or anatomical site of pain is coded on Axis m(e.g., 307.89 Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Med ical Cond ition on Axis I; 357.2 Diabetic Polyneuropathy on Axis ill). For Pain Disorder Associated With a General Medical Condition, the diagnostic code for the pain is selected based on the associa ted general medical condition if one has been established (see Appendix G) or on the anatomical

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Somatof orm Disorders

location of the pain if the lUlderlying general medical condi tion is not yet clearly established- for example, low back (724.2), sciatic (724.3), pelvic (625.9), headache (784.0), facial (784.0), chest (786.50), joint (719.40), bone (733.90), abdominal (789.0), breast (611.71), renal (788.0), ear (388.70), eye (379.91), throat (784.1), tooth (525.9), and urinary (788.0).

Associat ed Features and Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Pain may severely dis rupt

various aspects of daily life. Unemployment, disability, and famil y problems are frequently encountered among individuals with chronic forms of Pain Disorder. Iatrogenic Opioid Dependence or Abuse and Benzodiazepine Dependence or Abuse may d evelop. A history of Substance Dependence or Abuse, whether with an illicit d rug or a p rescribed medica tion, increases the risk for the developmen t of Dependence or Abuse on a con tro lled substance prescribed for pain m anagemen t. However, even individuals w ithout any history of Substance Dependence or Abuse are at some risk for d eveloping these problems. As many as a quarter of individuals prescribed op ioids for treatmen t of ch ronic pain may develop Abuse or Dependence. The risk of iatrogenic Substance Dependence can be minimized by ensuring that the individua l with pain has had an appropriate evaluation to rule ou t the possibility of a treatable underlying etiology fo r the pain; tha t if other m ental disorde rs are p resent, they are appropriately treated; and that medications are prescribed by a single physician rather than having the indiv idual obtaining them from mu ltiple sou rces. Substance Dependence or Abuse (mostly with alcohol) may complicate the lifetime illness course of Pain Disorder in up to a quarter of indiv iduals with ch ronic pain. Individuals whose pain is associated with severe d epression and those whose pain is related to a terminal illness, most notably ca ncer, appear to be at increased risk for s uicide. Individuals w ith recurrent acu te or chronic pain are sometimes convinced that there is a h ealth professional somewhere who has the "cure" for the pain. They may spend a considerable am ount of time and money seeking an unattainable goal. Health care professionals may unwittingly playa role in fostering this behavior. Pain may lead to inactivity and social isolation, which in tum can lead to additional psycho logical problem s (e.g., depression) and a reduction in physical endurance tha t res ults in fatigue and additional pain. Pain Disord er appea rs to be associa ted with other mental disorders, esp ecially Mood and Anxiety Diso rders. Chronic pain appears to be most frequen tly associa ted with Depressive and Anxiety Disorders, whereas acute pain appears to be mo re commonly associated with Anxiety Disorders. The associated mental disorders may p recede the Pain Disorder (and pOSSibly predispose the individual to it), co-occur with it, or result from it. Both the acute and chronic forms of Pain Disorder are freq uen tly associa ted with various sleep p roblems. Common sleep symptoms in individuals w ith chronic pain include delayed sleep onset, frequent awakenings, nonrestorative sleep, and decreased sleep time. Sleep Disorders such as obstructive sleep apnea and nocturnal myoclonus occur at higher rales among individuals w ith chronic pam than in the general population.
Associated laboratory findings . In Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a Gen eral Medica l Condition, appropria te laboratory testing may

Pain Disorder reveal pathology that is associated with the pain (e.g., finding of a herniated lumbar disc on a magnetic resonance imasY'g (1-00) scan in an individual with radicu lar lowback pain). However, general medical conditions may also be present in the absence of objective findings. Conversely, the presence of such findings may be coincidental to the pain. ln Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition, the physical examination may reveal pathology that is associated with the pain. Pain Disorder can be associated with many general medical conditions. Among the most common general medical conditions associated with pain are various musculoskeletal cond itions (e.g., disc herniation, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis or rheumatoid arthritis, myofascial syndromes), neuropathies (e.g., d iabetic neuropathies, postherpetic neuralgia), and ma lignancies (e.g., metastatic lesions in bone, tumor infiltration of nerves) . Attempts to treat the pain may lead to additional problems, some of w hich can cause more pain (e.g., use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs resulting in gastrOintestinal distress, overuse of acetaminophen resulting in hepatic d isease, surgery resulting in adhesions).
Associate d phys ical examination f indings and general medical conditions.

Specif ic Cultu re, Age, and Gender Features

There may be differences in how various ethnic and cultural groups respond to painfu l stimu li and how they express their reactions to pain. However, because there is so much individual \'ariation, these factors are of limited usefulness in the eva luation and management of individuals with Pain Disorder. Pain Disorder rna)' occur a t any age. Females appear to experience certain chronic pain conditions, most notably migraine and tension-type headaches and musculoskeletal pain, more often than do ma les.

Preva le nce
Pain that causes significant distress o r impairment in fun ctioning is widespread . For example, it is estimated that, in any given year, 100/0-15% of adults in the United States have some form of work disability due to back pain (on ly some of whom have Pain Disorder). However, the prevalence of Pain Disorder is unclear. Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition appears to be relatively common in certain clinical settings, particular those in which pain is a significant problem (e.g., pain clinics, psychiatric consultation services in a general medical hospital). Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors appears to be much less common.

Co urse
Most acute pain resolves in relatively short periods of time. There is a wide range of variability in the onset of chronic pain, although it appears that the longer acute pain is presen t, the more likely it is' to become chronic and persistent. In most cases, the pain has persis ted for many years by the time the individual comes to the attention of

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Somatoform Disorders

the mental health profession. important factors that appear to influence recovery from Pain Disorder are the indiv idua l's acknowledgmen t of pain; giving up lUlproductive efforts to control pain; participation in regula rly scheduled activities (e.g., work) d espite the pain; degree of pain reduction; recognition and treatment of comOTbid mental disorde rs; psychological adaptation to chronic illness; a nd not allowing the pain to become the detennining factor in his or her lifestyle. Individuals with

greater numbers of painful body areas and higher numbers of genera l medical symptoms other than pain have a poorer prognosis.

Fami lial Pattern

Depressive Disorders, Alcohol Dependence, and chronic pain may be more conunan in the first-degree biological rela th'e5 of individuals with chronic Pain Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Pain symptoms are included in the diagnostic criteria for Somatization Disorder. If the pain associated with psychological factors occurs exclusively during the course of Somatization Disorder, an additional diagnosis of Pain Disorder Associated \'\' ith Psychological Factors is not made. Similarly, if the pain presenta tion meets criteria for Dyspareunia (i.e., pain associated with sexual intercourse), an additiona l d iagnosis of Pain Disorder is not given. Pain complaints may be p rominent in individuals with Conversion Disorder, but by definition, Conversion Disorder is not limited to pain symptoms. Pa in symptoms are common associated features of other mental disor ders (e.g., Depressive Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Psychotic Disorders). An additional diagnosis of Pain Disorder should be considered only if the pain is an independent focus of ciinkal attention, leads to clinically signi fi cant distress or impairment, and is in excess of that usually associa ted w ith the other mental disorder. Pain symptoms may be intentionally produced or feigned in Factitious Disorder or Malingering. In Factitious Disorder, the motivation is to assume the sick role and to obtain medical evaluation and treatment, whereas more obvious goals such as fi nancial compensation, avoidance of duties related to m ilitary service or incarceration, evasion of criminal prosecution, o r obtaining drugs are apparent in Malingering.

Relationship to the Taxonomy Proposed by The International Association for the Study of Pain
The Subcomm ittee on Taxonomy of The International Association for the Study of Pain proposed a fi ve-axis system for categorizing chrornc pain according to anatomical region, Il) organ system, temporal characteristics of pain and pattern of occurrence, TV) patient's statement of intensity and time since onset of pain, and V) etiology. This five-axis system focuses primarily on the physical manifestations of pain. It provides for comments on psychological fac tors on both the second axis where the involvement of a mental disorder can be coded and the fift h axis where possible etiologies include "psychophysiological" and "psychological. "


Pa in Disorder

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Diagnostic criteria for Pain Disorder


Pain in one or more anatomical sites is the predomin ant focus of the clinical presentat ion and is of sufficient severity to wa rrant clinical attention.

B. The pain causes cl in ica lly significan t distress or impairment in socia l, occupational, or other important areas of function ing.
C. Psychological facto rs a re judged to have an important role in the onset, severity, ex-

acerbation, or ma intenance of the pain. D. The symptom or deficit is not intenti ona lly produced o r feigned (as in Factit ious Disorder o r Mal ingering).

E". The pain is not better accounted fo r by a Mood, Anxiety, or Psychotic Disorder a nd does not meet criteria for Dyspa reun ia.
Code as fo llows:

Pain Disorder Associated With Psychological Factors: psychological factors are judged to have the major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. (I f a general medical condit ion is present, it does not have a major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, o r maintenance of the pain.) This type of Pain Disorde r is not diagnosed if criteria are a lso met for Somatization Disorder.
Specify if:

Acute: duration of less than 6 months Chronic: du ration of 6 months o r longer Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition: both psychological factors and a general medical condition are judged to have important roles in the o nset, severity, exacerbatio n, or maintenance of the pain. The associated general med ical cond it ion o r anatomical site of the pain (see below) is coded on Axis III.
Specify if:

Acute: duration of less than 6 months Chronic: duration of 6 months o r longer Note: The following is not considered to be a mental disorder and is included here to facilitate differential diagnosis. .... , Pain Disorder Associated With a General Medical Condition: a general medical condition has a major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of the pain. (If psychological factors are present, they are not judged to have a major role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or ma intenance of the pai n.) The diagnostic code for the pain is selected based on the aS50ciated genera l medical cond ition if one ha s been established (see Appendix G) or on the anatomical location of the pain if the unde rlying general medical conditio n is not yet clearly established- fo r example, low back (724.2), sciatic (724.3), pelvic (625.9), headache (784.0), fa cia l (784.0), chest (786.50), joint (7 19.40), bone (733.90), abdominal (789.0), breast (61 1.7 1), renal (788.0), ear (388.70), eye (379.9 1), th roat (784. 1), tooth (525.9), and urinary (788.0).

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Somatoforrn Disorders

Diagnostic Features


The essential feature of Hypochondriasis is preoccupation wi th fears of having, or the idea tha t one has, a serious d isease based on a misinterpreta tion of onear more bodily signs or symptoms (Criterion A). A thorough medical evaluation does not identify a general medical condition tha t fully accounts for the p erson 's concerns about disease or for the physical signs or symptoms (although a coexisting general medical condi
tion may be p resent). The unwarranted fear or id ea of having a disease persists despite medical reassurance (Criterion B). H owever, the belief is not of delusiona l intensity (Le., the person can acknowledge the possibility that he or she may be exaggerating the extent of the feared disease, or that there may be no disease at all). The belief is also not restricted to a circumscribed concern about app earance, as seen in Body Dysmorphic Di sorder (Criterion C) . The preoccupation w ith bodily symptoms causes cl in icaUy significant d is tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of fun ctioning (Cri terion D) and lasts for at least 6 months (Criterion E). The p reoccupation is not better accounted for by Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, a Majo r Depressive Episode, Separation Anxiety, or ano ther Somatoform Disorder (Criterion F). The preoccupation in Hypochond riasis may be w ith bod ily functions (e.g., heartbeat, sweating, or peris ta lsis); w ith minor physical abnormalities (e.g., a s mall sore or an occasional cough); or with vague and ambiguous physical sensations (e.g., "tired heart, " "aching veins") .111e person attributes these symptoms or signs to the su spected disease and is very concerned w ith their meaning, authenticity, and etiology. The concerns may involve several bod y systems, at different times or Simultaneous ly. Alternatively, there may be preoccupation with a sp ecific organ or a single disease (e.g., fear of having cardiac d isease). Repea ted physical examinations, d iagnostic tests, and reassurance from the physician do little to allay the concern about bodily d isease or affliction. For example, an individual preoccupied w ith having cardiac disease w ill not be reassured by the repeated lack of findin gs on physical examination, ECG, or even cardiac angiogra phy. Indiv iduals with Hyp ochondriasis may become ,? Iarmed by reading or hearing about disease, knowing someone w ho becomes sick, or fro m observations, sensations, or occurrences w ithin their own bodies. Concern about the fea red illness often becomes a central fea ture of the indi vidual's self-image, a topic of social d iscourse, and a res ponse to life s tresses.

With Poor Insight. This s pecifier is used if, for mos t of the time during the current episode, the individual does not recognize that the concern about having a serious illness is excessive or unreasonable.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Fears of aging and death are common. Although indi vid uals with H ypochondriasis p lace greater importance


Hypochondrias is

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on physical health, they generally have no better health habits (e.g., healthy diet, regular exercise, avoidance of smoking) than individuals without the disorder. The medical history is often presented in great detail and at length in Hy pochondriasis. "Doctor-shopping" and deterioration in doctor-patient relationships, with fru stration and anger on both sides, are common . Individua ls with this disorder often believe that they are not getting proper care and may strenuously resist referral to mental hea lth professionals. Complications may result from repeated diagnostic p rocedures that carry their own risks and are costiy. However. because these individuals have a h istory of multiple complaints without a clear physical basis, they may receive cursory eva luations and the presence of a general medical condition may be missed. Social relationships become s tr~ined because the individual w ith Hypochondriasis is preoccupied with his or her condition and often expects special treatment and consideration. Family We may become disturbed as it becomes centered around the individual's physical well-being. Often, the preoccupation interferes with job performance and causes the person to miss time from work. In more severe cases, the individual with Hypochondriasis rna}' become a complete invalid. Serious illnesses, particularly in childhood, and pa st experience with d isease in a family member are associated with the occurrence of Hypochondriasis. Psychosodal stressors, in particular the death of someone close to the individual. are thought to predpitate the disorder in some cases. Individ uals with Hypochondriasis often have other mental disorders (particularly Anxiety, Depressive, and otherSoma toform Oisorders). Associated laboratory findings . Laboratory findings do not confirm the individual's preoccupation. Associated physical examination find ings and general medical conditions . Physical examination findings do not confirm the individual's preoccupation.

Specif ic Culture a nd Ge nd e r Features

Whether it is unreasonable for the preoccupation with disease to persist despite appropriate medical evaluation and reassurance mlls t be judged relative to the individual's cultural background and explanatory models. The diagnosis of Hypochondriasis should be made cautio usly if the individual's ideas about disease have been reinforced by traditional healers who may disagree with the reassurances provided by medical evaluations. Findings with respect to age and gender differences in prevalence are inconsistent, but the disorder occurs across the lifespan in both men and women.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Hypochondriasis in the general population is 10/0-5%. Among primary care outpatients, estimates of current prevalence range from 2% to 7%.

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H yp ochondriasis can begin at any age, w ith the most common age at onset thought to be in early adulthood. The course is us ually e1uanic, w ith w axing and waning symptoms, bu t complete recovery sometimes occurs. It appears that acute onset, brief duration, mild hypochondriacal symptoms, the presence of general medical comorbidity, the absence of a comorbid mental disorder, and the absence of secondary gain are favorable prognostic ind icators_ Because of its chronicity, some view this disorder as having p rominent " traitlike" characteristics (i.e., a long-s tanding preoccupation with bodily complaints and focus on bodi ly symptom s).

Differential Diagnosis
The most important differential diagnostic consideration in H ypochond rias is is an underlying general medical condition, such as the early s tages of neurological conditions (e.g., multiple sclerosis or myasthenia gravis), endocrine conditions (e.g., thyroid or parathyroid disease), d iseases that affect multiple body systems (e.g., systemic lupus erythematos us), and occult malignancies. Al though the presence of a general medical condition d oes n ot rule out the possibility of coexisting Hypochondriasis, transien t preoccupations rela ted to a current general medical condition do not cons titute Hypochondriasis. Somatic symp toms (e.g ., abdominal p ain ) arc common in children and should no t be diagnosed as Hypochondriasis unless the child has a prolonged preoccupation w ith having a serious il1ness. Bod ily preoccupations and fears of debili ty may be freq uent in elderly p ersons. However, the onset of health concerns in old age is more likely to be realistic or to reflect a Mood Disorder rather than Hypochondriasis. A number of other disorders may be characterized by concerns about health or illness. H yp ochondriasis is not diagnosed if the individual's health concerns are better accoun ted for by one of these disorders. For example, individuals w ith Generalized Anxiety Disorder worry about a number of events and activities tha t may inclu de worries about ha ving a d isease. A separate diagnosis of Hypochondriasis should be considered only if the preoccupation with ha ving an illness is the individual 's predominant focus of concern. Some individuals in a Major Depressive Episod,e will be preoccu p ied w ith excessive worries over physical health . A separate diagnosis of Hypochondriasis is not made if these concerns occur only d uring Major Depressive Episodes. H owever, depression often occurs secondary to the Hypochondriasis, in which case Hypochondriasis should also be diagnosed . Individuals w ith Hypochondriasis may have intrusive thoughts about ha vin g a disease and also may have associa ted compulsive behaviors (e.g., askin g for reassu rances). A separate diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is given only when the obsessions or compulsions are not restricted to concerns abou t illness (e.g ., checkin g locks). Occasionally, indi vid uals with H yp ochondriasis experience Panic Attacks that are triggered by hyp ochondriaca l concerns . However, a separate diagnosis of Panic Disorder is made only w hen recurrent unexpected Panic Attacks are also present. In Body Dysmorphic Disorder, the concern is limited to the person's physical appearance. In contrast to a Specific ("disease") Phobia in which the individual is fea rful of developing or being exposed to a disease, Hypochondriasis is char,1cterized by a p reoccupation tha t one has the d isease.


Body Dysmorphic Disorder


In Hypochondriasis, the disea se conviction d oes not reach delusional proportions (i.e., the individual can entertain the p ossibility that the feared d isease is not p resent), as opposed to somatic delus ions that can occur in Psych otic D isorders (e.g., Schizophrenia, Delusional Disorder, Somatic Type, and Major Depressive Disorder. With Psychotic Fea tures).

Diagnostic criteria for 300.7 Hypochondriasis

A. Preoccupation with fea rs of having. or the idea that one has. a serious disease based on the person's misinterpretation of bodily symptoms.
8. The preoccupation persists despite appropriate medical eva luation and reassurance.
C. The belief in Criterion A is not of delusional intensity (as in Delusional Disorder, So-

matic Type) and is not restricted to a circumscribed concern about appearance (as in Body Dysmorphic Disorder) .
O. The preoccupation causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occu-

pational. or other important areas of functi oning. E. The duration of the disturbance is at least 6 months.
F. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, a Major Depressive Episode, Separation Anxi ety, or another Somatoform Disorder.
Specify if:

With Poor Ins ight: if, for most of the time during the current episode, the person does not recognize that the concern about having a serious illness is excessive or unreasonable

3 00.7
Diagnostic Feat ures

Bod y Dy smorphic Disorder

The essential feature of Body Dysmorphic Disorder (historically known as dysmorphophobia) is a preoccupation with a defect in appearance (Criterion A). The defect is either imagined, or, if a slight physical anomaly is present, the individual's concern is markedly excessive (Criterion A). The preoccupation mus t cause significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion B). The preoccupa tion is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g ., d issatisfaction w ith body s ha pe and s ize in Anorexia Nervosa) (Criterion C). Complaints commonly involve imagined or slight fla ws of the face o r head s uch as hair thinning, acne, wrinkles, scars, vascular markings, paleness or redness of the complexion, swelling, fac ial asymmetry or dis proportion, or excessive facial hair. Other common preoccupations includ e the shape, size, or some other aspect of the nose, eyes, eyelidS, eyebrows, ears, mouth, lips, teeth, jaw, chin, cheeks, or head . However, an y other body part may be the focus o f concern (e.g., the genitals, breas ts,


Somatoform Disorders

buttocks, abdomen, arms, hands, fee t, legs, hips, shoulders, spine, larger body reo gions, overall body size, or body build and muscularity). The preoccupation may simultaneously focus on several body paris. Although the complaint is often specific (e.g., a "crooked" lip or a "humpy" nose), it is sometimes vague (e.g., a " falling" facc or "inadequately finn" eyes). Because of embarrassment over their concerns or for other reasons, some individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder avoid describing their "defects" in detail and may instead refer only to their general ugliness. Most individuals with this disorder experience marked dis tress over their s upposed deform ity, oiten describing their preoccupa tions as "in tensely painfu l," " tormenting," or "devastating." Mos t find their preoccupations difficult to control, and they may make little or no attempt to resist them. As a result, they often spend hours a day thinking about their "defect," to the point where these thoughts may dominate their lives. Significant impairment in many areas of functioning generally occurs. Feelings of self-consciousness about their "defect" may lead to avoidance of work, school, or public situations.

Associated Featu res and Diso rders

Frequent checking of the defect, either directly or in a reflecting surface (e.g., mirrors, store windows, ca r bum pers, watch faces) can consume many hours a day. Some individua ls u se s pecial lighting or magnifyin g glasses to scrutinize their "defect ." lllere may be excessive grooming behavior (e.g ., excessive hair combing, ha ir removal, ritualized makeup application, or s kin picking). Although the u sual intent of checking and grooming is 10 diminish anxiety, be reassured about one's appearance, or temporarily improve one's appearance, these behaviors often intensify the preoccupation and associated anxiety. Consequently, some individuals avoid mirrors, sometimes covering them o r removin g them from their environment. Others alternate between periods of excessive mirror checking and avoidance. Other behaviors aimed at imp roving the "defect" include excessive exercise (e.g., weight lifting). dieting, and frequent changing of clothes. There may be frequent requests for reassurance about the "defect," but such reassurance leads to only temporary, if any, relief. Individuals with the disorder may also frequently compare their "ugly" body part with tha t of others. They may try 10 camouflage the "defect" (e.g., g row ing a beard to cover imagined fa cial scars, wearing a hat to hide imagined hill.r loss, stuffing their shorts to enhance a "small" penis). Some individuals may be excessively preoccupied with fears that the "ugly" body part will malfunction or is extremely fragile and in conslant danger of being damaged . Insight about the perceived defect is often p oor, and some individuals are delusional; that is, they are completely convinced that their view of the defect is accurate and tmdistorted, and they cannot be convinced otherwise. Ideas and delusions of reference related to the imagined defect arc <lIsa common; that is, individ uals with this disorder often think tha t others may be (or are) taking specijll notice of their s upposed flaw, perhaps talking about it or mocking it. Avoidance of usual activities may lead 10 extreme social isolation . In some cases, individuals may leave their homes only at night, when they cannot be seen, or become housebound, sometimes for years. Individuals with this disorder may drop out of school, avoid job interviews, work at jobs below their capacity, or not work at all. TIley may ha ve few friend s, avoid dating and other social interactions, have marital


Body Dysmorphic Disorder

difficulties, or get d ivorced because of their symptoms. The distress and d ysfunction associated with this disorder, although variable, can lead to repeated hospitalization and to suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicide. Individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disorder often pursue and receive general medical (often dennatoiogical), dental, or surgical treatments to rectify their imagined or slig ht d efects. Occasionally, indjvjdtla ls may resort to extreme measures (e.g., self-su rgery) to correct their perceived flaw s. Such treatment may cause the d.isorder to worsen, leading to intensified or new preoccupations, which may in turn lead to further unsuccessful procedures, so that individ uals may eventually possess "synthetic" noses, ears, breasts, hips, or other body parts, w hich they are still dissatisfied w ith. Body Dysmorphic Disord er may be associated with Major Depressive Disorder, Delusional Disorder, Social Phobia, and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

Specific Culture a nd Gender Features

Cultural concerns about physical appearance and the importance of proper physica l self-presentation may influence or amplify preoccupations about an imagined physical deformity. Body Dysmorphic Disorder may be equally common in women and in men in outpa tient mental health settings.

Prevalen ce
The prevalence of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in the commwlity is unknown. In clinic" l mental health settings, reported rates of Body Dysmorphic Disorder in individuals with Anxiety or Depressive Disorders range from under 5% to approximately -10%. In cosmetic surgery and dermatology settings, reported rates of Body Dysmorphic Disorder range from 6% to 15%.

Co urse
Body Dysmorphic Disorder usuall}' begins during adolescence but can begin during childhood. However, the disorder may not be d.iagnosed fo r many years, o ften becali se individuals w ith the disorder are reluctant to reveal their symptoms. The onset may be either gradua l or abrupt. The di sorder often has a fairly continuous course, with few symp tom-free in tervals, although the intensity of symptoms may wax and wane over time. The part of the body on which concern is focused may remain the same or may change.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

Unlike normal concerns abou t appearan ce, the preoccupation w ith appearance in Body Dysmorphic Disorder is excessivel}' time consuming and associa ted w ith significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, o r other areas of functioning. However, Body Dysmorphic Disorder may be underrecognized in settings in w hich cosmetic procedures are performed. The excessive exercising (e.g., weight lifting) that can occur in Body Oysmorp hic Disorder to correct a perceived appearance fl aw


Somatoform Disorders

should be differentiated from healthy e~ ercising and from excessive exercising tha t may occur as part of an Eating Disorder. The diagnosis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder should not be made if the preoccupation is better accounted for by another mental di sorder. Body Dysmorphic Disorder should not be diagnosed if the excessive preoccupation is restricted to concerns about "fa tness" in Anorexia Nervosa, if the individual's preoccupation is limited to d iscomfort w ith or a sense of inappropriateness about his or her primary and secondary sex cha racteris tics occurring in Gender Identity Disorder, or if the preoccupation is limited to mood-congnlcnt ruminations involving appearance that Deem exclusively during a Major Dep ressive Episode, However, dep ression often occu rs secondary to Body Dysmorphic Disorder, in which case Body Dysmorphic Disorder should be diagnosed . Individuals wi th Avoidant Personality Disorder or Social Phobia may worry about being embarrassed by real defects in appearance, but this concern is usua U not y p rominent, p ersisten t, distreSSing, time, and impairing. Although individuals with Body Dysmorphic Disord er have obsessional preoccupations abou t their appearance and may have associated com pulsive behaviors (e.g., mirror checking), a sepa rate diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder is gi ven only when the obsessions or compulsions are not restricted to concerns abou t appearance. Some individuals with Bod y Dysmorphic Disorder remove body hair or pick their skin in an attempl 10 improve their appearance; these behaviors should be distinguished from hair pulling in Trichotillomania, which does not occur in response to appea rance concerns, and from skin picking tha t may be associated with other mental disorders. Individuals with Body Dysmo rphic Disorder can receive an additional diagnosis of Delusional Disorder, Somati c Type, if their preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance is held with a delusional intensity. Koro is a culture-related syndrome that occurs primarily in Southeast Asia tha t may be related to Body Dysmo rphic Disord er. It is characterized by the preoccupation that the penis (or labia, nipples, or breast in women) is shrinking or retracting and will di sappear into the abdomen . This preoccupation is often accompanied by a belief that death will result. Koro differs from Body Dysmorphic Disorder by its usually brief d uration, different associated features (primarily acu te anxiety and fear of death), positive response to reassurance, and occasional occurrence as an epidemic.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder

A. Preoccupation with an imagined defect in appearance. If a slight physical anomaly is present, the person's concern is markedly excessive. B. The preoccupation ca uses clinically significan t distress or impairment in socia l, occupational, o r other impo rtant areas of functioning.
C. The preoccupation is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., dissatisfaction with body sh ape and size in Anorexia Nervosa).


Somatoform Di sorder Not Otherwise Specified

300.82 Somatoform Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category includes disorders with somatoform symptoms that do not meet the criteria for any speci fi c Somatoform Disord er. Examples include
1. Pseudocyesis: a fa lse belief of pregnant that is associated wi th objective

signs of pregnancy, w hich may include abdominal enlargement (although the umbil icus does not become everted), reduced menstrual flow, amenorrhea, subjective sensation of fetal m ovement, nausea, breas t engorgement and secretions, and labor pains at the expected d ate of delivery. End ocrine chan ges may be present, but the syndrome cannot be explained by a general medical condi tion tha t causes endocrine ch anges (e.g., a ho rmone-secreting tumor). 2. A disorder in volv i.n g non psychotic hypochondriacal symptoms o f less than 6 months' dLUation. 3. A d isorder involving unexp lained physical complaints (e.g., fa tigue or body weakness) of less than 6 months' dLUation that are not due to another mental disorder.

Factitious Disorders

<'ctiticus Disorders a TC characterized by physical or psychological symptoms that arc intentionally produced o r feigned in order to assume the sick role. The judgment that a particular symptom is intentionally produced is made both by direct evidence and by excluding other causes of the symptom. For examp le, an individual presenting with hematuria is found to have anticoagulants in hi s possession. The person d en ies h av ing taken them, bu t blood s tu d ies are consis tent w ith the ingestion of anticoagulan ts. A reasonable inference, in the absence of evidence that acciden tal ingestion occurred, is that the individual may have taken the med ication in tentionally. It should be noted Ula! the presence of factitious symptoms d oes not preclude the coexis tence of true physical or psychological symptoms. Factitious Disorders are dis tinguished from acts of Malingering. In Malingering, the individual also produces the symptoms intentionally, but has a goal that is obviously recognizable when the environmental circums ta nces are known. For example, the intentional production of symptoms to avoid jury duty, s tanding trial, or conscription into the mili tary would be classified as Ma lingering. Similarly, if an individual who is hospitalized fo r treatment of a men tal disorder simu lates an exacerbation of illness to avoid transfer to another, less desirable fa cility, this would be an act of Mali ngering. In contrast, in Factitious Disorder, the motivation is a p sychological need to ass ume the sick role, as evidenced by an absence of external incentives for the behavior. Malingering may be considered to be adaptive under certain circums tances (e.g., in hostage situations), bu t by d efinition a diagnosis of a Factitious Disorder a lways implies psychopathology.

Factitious Disorder
The essential feature of Factitious Disorder is the in tentional production of physical or psychological signs or symptoms (Criterion A). The presentation may includ e fabrication of subjective compla ints (e.g., complaints of acute abdominal pain in the absence of an)' s uch pain), falsifica tion of objective signs (e.g., manipulating a thermometer to create the illusion of fever), self-inflicted conditions (e.g., the production of abscesses by injection of saliva into the s kin), exaggeration o r exacerbation of preexisting general medical conditions (e.g., feigning of a grand mal seizlUe b y an individual with a previous his tory of seizure di sorder), or any combination or variation of these. The motivation for the behavior is to assume the sick role (Cri terion B). External incentives for the behavior (e.g., economic gain, avoiding lega l responsibiH ty, or improv ing physical well-being, as in Malingering) arc absent (Criterion C). Ind iv iduals with Factitious Disorder usuaUy present their h istory w ith dramatic flair, bu t are extremely vague and inconsistent when qu estioned in g reater detail.



Factitious Oi sord ers

They may engage in pathological lying, in a manner that is intriguing to the listener, Clbout an y aspect of their history or symptoms (Le., pseudologia fanl.lslica). They oftcn have extensive knowled ge of medical terminology a nd hospital rou tines. Complaints of pain and requests for analgesics are vcry common. After an extensive workup of their initial chief complaints has proved negative, they o ften complain of

other physical or psychologica l problems and produce more fa ctitious symptoms.Indi vid uals w ith this disorder may eagerly undergo multiple invasive p rocedures and operations. While in the hospital, they usu ally have few visitors. Eventually, a point may be reached a t which the factitious nature of the individual's symptoms is revealed (e.g., the person is recognized by someone who encoun tered the patient during a previous admission; other hospitals confirm multip le prior hospitalizations for fac titious symptoma tology). When confronted with e\idence that their symptoms are fac titious, individuals w ith this d isorder usually deny the allegations or rapid ly d ischarge themselves aga inst medica l advice. Sometimes, they w ill be admitted to a nother hospital soon after. Their repeated hospitalizations may take the m to numerous cities, s tates, and countries.

Factitious Di sorde r is coded according to the s ubtype that best characterizes the pred ominant sym p toms. 300.16 With Predom inantl y Psychological Signs and Symptoms. This subtype describes a clinical presenta tion in which psychological signs and symptoms p red ominate. It is characterized by the intentional production or feigning of psychological symptoms that are s uggestive of a mental disorder. The ind iv idual's goal is appa rently to assume the " patient" role and is not othe rw ise understa ndable in light o f environme ntal ci rcumstances (in contras t to the case in Ma lingering). This s ubtype may be suggested by a Wide-ran ging symptomatology tha t often does not correspond to a typical syndromal pattern, an unusual course and response to treatment, and th e worsening o f symptoms w he n the individual is aware of being observed . Individuals with this s ubtype of Factitious Disorder may cla im problems s uch as de pression and suicid al ideation follOWing the death o.f a sp ouse (the death not being confirmed by other informan ts ), memory loss (recent and remote), hallucinations or delusions, symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and dissociative symptoms. Some individuals may discern from the examiner's questions the symptoms to endorse during a review of syste ms. Con versely, they may be extremely negativistic and uncooperative when questioned . The p resentation usually represents the indiv idual's concept of mental disorde r and may not conform to any recognized diagnostic category. 300.19 With Predominantly Physical Signs a n d Symptoms. This subtype describes a clinical presen tation in w hich signs and symptoms of an apparent genera l medical condition predomin<"!te. Comm on clinical problems tha t may be feigned or produced include infection (e.g., abscesses), impaired wound healing, pain, hypoglycem ia, anemia, bleedi ng, rashes, ne urological symptoms (e.g., seiZures, dizziness, o r blacking out), vomiting, diarrhea, fevers of

Fact iti ous Disorder

undetennined origin, and symptoms of automlmune or connective tissue disease. The mos t severe and chronic form of this disorder has been referred to as '?vh.inchausen 's syndrome," consis ting of the core elements of recurrent hosp italization, peregrination (traveling), and pseudologia fanla s tica . All organ systems are potential targets, and the symptoms presented are limited only by the indiv idual's medical knowledge, sophistication, and imagination. 300.19 With Comb ined Psychological and Phys ical Signs and Symptoms . This subtype describes a clinical presentation in which both p sychological and physical signs and symptoms are present, but neither p redominates.

Associated Features.and Disorde rs

In Factitious Disorder With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms, the intentional giving of approximate answers may OCCtu (e.g., "8 times 8 equals 65"). The individual may surreptitiousl y u se psychoactive substances for the purpose of producing symptoms that suggest a men tal disorder (e.g., s timulants to produce res tlessness or insomnia, hallucinogens to induce altered perceptual sta tes, analgesics to induce euphoria, and hypnotics to induce lethargy). Combinations o f psychoactive substances can p roduce very lffiUSUal presenta tions. Individuals with Factitious Disorder \<\Iith Predom inantly Physical Signs and Symptoms may also present with Substance Abuse, particularly o f prescribed analgesics and sedatives. Multiple hosp italizations frequently lead to iatrogenically induced general medical conditions (e.g., the fonnation of scar tissue from unnecessary surgery, or adverse drug reactions). Individuals w ith the chronic form of this disorder may acquire a "gridiron abdomen" from mu ltiple surgical procedures. Chronic Factitious Disorder is usually incompatible with the individual's maintaining s teady employmen t, family ties, and interpersonal relationships. Possible predis posing factors to Factitiou s Disorder may include the presence of o ther men tal disorders or general medical conditions during childhood or adolescence that led to extensive medical treatment and h ospital ization; family disruption or emotio nal o r physical abuse in childhood; a grudge agains t the medical profession; employment in a medically related position; and the presence of a severe Personality Disord er, most o ften Borderline Personality Disorder.

, ..
Specifi c Gender Features
Factitiou s Disorder is more common in females than in males. However, the most chronic and severe (Munchausen) variant appea rs to be more frequ ent in males than in females.

There is limited information on the prevalence of Factitious Disorder. Standard epidemiological techniques are constrain ed by the fact that Factitiolls Disorder always involves deception and sometimes peregrination as well, and so it often may not be recognized. On the other hand, the chronic form of the diso rder may be overreported because affected individuals appear to different physicians at different hospitals, of-


Factitious Disorders

ten under different names. The best d ata indicate tha t, with in large general hospi tals, Factitious Disorder is diagnosed in around 1% of patients on whom m ental health p rofessionals consult. The p revalence appears to be grea ter in highly specialized trea tment settings. Presenta tions with Predominantly Psydlo logicaJ Signs and Symptoms are reported much less commonly than those w ith Pred ominantly PhYSica l Signs and Symptoms.

The course of Factitious Disorder u sually consis ts of interm ittent episodes. Less common is a single episode or chronic, unremitting illness. The onset is usually in earl y ad u lthood, often after a hospitalization for a general medical condition or o ther mental d isorder. in the chronic form of this disorder, a pattern o f su ccessive hospitalizations may become a lifelong pattern.

Differential Diagn osis

A Factitious Disorder must be distinguished from a true general med ical condition and from a true menial disorder. Suspicion that an apparent men tal disorder or general medical condition in fact represents Factitious Disorder should be aroused if any comhination of the followin g is n oted in a hospitalized individual : an atypical or d r.1matic presentation tha t d oes not conform to an identifiable general medical condition o r mental disorder; symptoms or behaviors tha t are present only when the ind ividual is being observed; pseud o logia fan tastica; disrupti ve behavior on the ward (e.g., noncomp liance w ith hosp ital regulations, arguing excessively with nu.rses and physicians); extensive knowled ge of medical terminology and hospital routines; covert use of substances; evidence of multiple treatment in terventions (e.g., repeated surgery, repealed cou rses of electroconvu lsive therapy); extensive history of traveling; few, if any, visitors while hosp italized; and a fluctuatin g clinica l course, with rapid development o f "complications" or new "pathology" once the initial workup proves to be nega ti ve. H owever, it sho uld be noted that the absence of objecti ve signs (e.g., a demonstrable lesion) is not n ecessarily an indication that the symptoms (e.g., pain) are intentionally produced . In Somatoform Disorders, physical compl~ints tha t a re not full y attributable to a true general medical cond ition are also present, but the symptoms are not intentionaUy produced . Malingering differs from Factitious Disorder in that in Malingering, the individual is consciollsly motivated by an external incentive. Individuals w ith Malingering may seek hospitalization by producing symptoms in attemp ts to obtain compensation, avoid prosecu tion, or simply "get a bed for the n ighl. " However, the goa l is usually appa rent, and they can "stop " the symptoms when the symptoms arc no longer usefu l to them . In Factitious Disorder, the individual is usually nol awa re of the motivation behind the factitious behavior and externa l incenth'es are absen t.

300 .1 9

Factitiou s Disorder Not Otherwise Specifi ed

517 \

Diagnostic criteria for Factitious Disorder


Intentional production or fe ig ning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms.

B. The motivation for the behavior is to assume t he sick role .

C. External incentives for the behavior (such as economic gain, avoiding legal responsibility, or improving physical well-be ing, as in Malingerin g) are absent.
Code based on type:

300.16 With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms: if psychological signs and symptoms predominate in the clinical presentation 300.19 With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms: if physical signs and symptoms predominate in the clinical presentation 300.19 With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms : if both psychologica l and physical signs and symptoms are present but neither predom inates in the clinical presentation

300.19 Factitious Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category includ es d isorders with factitiou s symptoms that d o not meet the criteria for Factitious Disorder. An example is factitious disorder by proxy : the intentional production o r feigning of physical or psychological signs or symptoms in another person who is under the indi vidual 's CMe for the purpose of indirectly assuming the sick role (see p . 781 for suggested research criteria).

Dissociative Disorders

T he essential feature of the Dissociative Disorders is a disruption in the usua lly integrated functions of consciousness, memory. identity, or perception. The d isturbance may be sudd en o r gradual, transient or duonic. The following disorders arc included in thi s section: Dissociative Amnesia is characterized by an inability to recall important personal informa tion. usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, tha t is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forge tfulness. Dissociative Fugue is char,1cte rized by sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one's customary p lace of work, accompanied by an inabili ty to recall one's past and confusion about personal identity or the assumption of a new iden tity . Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personali ty Disorder) is characterized by the presence of two or more di stinct identities or persona lity s tates tha t recurrently take control of the individual's behavior accompanied by an inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfuln ess. It is a disorder characteri zed by iden tity fragmentation rather than a proliferation of sepa rate personalities. Depersonalization D iso rder is characterized by a persis tent or recurrent feeling of being detadled from one's men tal processes or body that is accompanied by intact reality tes ting. Dissociative Disorder Not Othenvise Specified is included for codin g disord ers in which the predominant feature is a dissociative symptom, but that do not meet the criteria for any specific Di ssociative Disorder. Di ssociative symptoms are also included in the criteria sets for Acute Stress Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Somatization Disorder. An additional Dissociative Disorder diagnosis is not given if the dissociative symptoms occur exclUSively during the course of one o f these disorders. In some classifications, conversion reaction is considered to be a d.issociative phenomenon; howeVer, in DSM-TV, Conversion Disorder is p laced in the "Somatoform Disorders" section to emphasize the importance of considering neurological o r other general medical conditions in the differential diagnosis_ A cross-Cllitural perspective is particularly importa nt in the eva luation of Dissociative Disord ers because dissociative s tates are a common and accepted expression of cultural activities or religious experience in many societies_ In most such ins tances, the dissociative s tates are not pathologica! and do not lead to Significa nt distress, impairment, or help-seeking behav ior. However, a number of culturally defined syndromes characterized by d issociation do cause distress and impairment and are recOgnized indjgenously as mani fes tations of pathology (see p_ 783 and p. 897), although the symptomatology may take different form s in different cultures, such as recurrent b rief episodes o f dissociative s tupor or spirit possession in Lndia_



Dissociat ive Disorders

300.12 Dissociative Amnesia (formerly Psychogenic Amnesia)

Diagnostic Feat ures
The essen tial feature o f Dissodative Amnesia is an inability to recall important personal infonnation, u sually of a traumatic or s tressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by normal forgetfulness (Criterion A). This disord er involves a re\'ersible memory impai rment in which mem orics of personal exp erience cannot be retrieved in a verbal form (or, if temporarily retrieved, cannot be wholly retained in

consciousness). The disturbance does not occur excluSively during the course of Dissocia tive Identity Disorder, Dissociative Fugue, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Acute
Stress Disorder, or Somatization Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs tance or a neurologica l or other general medical condition (Criterion B). TIle symp toms must cause clinica lly significant d is tress or impairment in socia l, occupational, or other important areas of functi oning (Criterion C) . Dissociative Amnesia most conunonly presents as a retrospectively reported gap or series of gaps in recall for aspects of the individual's life h istory. These gaps are us ually rela ted to traumatic or extremely s tressful events. Some individuals may have amnesia fo r episodes of self-mutilation, violent outbursts, or s uicide attempts. Less common ly, Dissocia tive Amnesia presents as a fl orid episode w ith s udden onset. This acute form is more likely to occur during wartime or in response to a natura l disaster or other fo rms of severe trauma. Several types of memory dis turbances have been described in Dissociative Amnesia. In localized {II/mesia, the individual fails to recall events that occurred during a circumscribed period of time, us ually the first few hours following a profound ly disturbing event (e.g ., the uninjllTed Slm ' ivor of a car acciden t in which a f,1 mily member has been killed may not be able to recall anything that happened from the time of the accident until 2 d a}'s later). In selective allllll!sia, the person can recall some, but not all, of the events during a circumscribed period of time (e.g., a comba t veteran can recall only some parts of a series of v iolent combat experiences). Three other types of amnesia-generalized, continuous, and systematized- are less common. In gelleralized alllllesia, fai lure of recall encompasses the p erson's entire life. Indi vid uals with this rare disorder usually present to the police, to emergency rooms, or to general hospita l consultation-liaison services. ContinI/OilS allllles;a is d efined as the inabili ty to recall events subsequent to a specific time up to and including the presen!. Systematized amllesia is loss of memory for certa in ca tegories of information, such as all memories relating to one's family or to a particular person. Individuals who exhibit these latter three types of Dissociative Amnesia may ultimately be diagnosed as having a more comp lex form of Dissociative Disorder (e.g., Dissociative Iden tity Disorder).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Some individuals with Dissociative Amnesia report depressive symptoms, anxiety, depersona lization, trance states, analgesia, and spontan eous age regression. They may provide approximate in-

300. 12

Dissociative Amnesia (formerly Psychogenic Amnesia)

accurate ans wers to questions (e.g., "2 plus 2 equals 5") as in Ganser syndrome. Other problems that sometimes accompany this disorder include sexual dysfunction, impairment in work and interpersonal relationships, self-mutilation, aggressive impulses, and su icidal impulses and acts. Individuals with Dissociative Amnesia may also have symptoms tha t meet criteria fo r Conversion Disorder, a Mood Disorder, a SubstanceRelated Disorder, o r a Personality Disorder. Associated laboratory findings . Individua ls wi th Dissociative Amnesia o h en display high hypnotizability as measured by standardized tes ting .

Specific Age Features

Dissociative Amnesia is es pecially difficult to assess in preadolescent children, because it may be confused with inattention, anxiety, oppositional behavior, Learning Disorders, p sychotic dishubances, and d evelopmentally appropria te childhood amnesia (i.e., the decreased recall of au tobiographical events that occurred before age 5). Serial observation o r evaluations by several different examiners (e.g., teacher, therapist, case worker) may be needed to make an accurate diagnosis of Dissociati ve Amnesia in children .

Preval en ce
In recent years, there has been an increase in reported cases of Dissociative Amnesia that involves previously forgotten early childhood traLUnas. This increase has been subject to very different in terpretations. Some believe that the greater awareness of the diagnosis among mental health profeSSionals has res ulted in the identification of cases that were previously undiagnosed. in contras t, others believe that the syndrome has been overdiagnosed in individuals w ho are highly suggestible.

Dissociative Amnesia can present in any age grou p, from young children to adults. The main manifestation in most individuals is a retrospective gap in memory. The reported d uration of the events for which there is amnesia may be minutes to years. Only a single episode of amnesia may be reported, although two or more episodes are also conunonJy described . Individuals who have had one ep isode of Dissociative Amnesia may be predisposed to develop amnesia for subsequent traumatic circumstances. Acute amnesia may resolve spontaneously after the individual is removed from the traumat ic circLUllsla nces wilh which the amnesia was associated (e.g., a soldier with localized amnesia after several days of intense combat may spontaneously regain memory of these experiences after being removed from the battlefield). Some individuals with ch ronic aOUlesia may g rad ually begin to recall dissociated memories. Other individuals may d evelop a chronic form of amnesia.

Differential Diagnosis
Dissociative Amnesia mus t be d istinguished from Amnestic Disorder Due to a General Medi cal Condition, in which the amnesia is judged to be the direct physiological


Dissociative Disorders

consequence o f a s pecific neurological or other general medical condition (e.g., head trauma, epilepsy) (see p. 175). Thi s d etermination is based on history, laboratory findings, or physical examination . [n Amn esti c Di sorder Due 10 a Brain lnju ry, the disturbance of recall, though circumscribed, is often both retrograde (i.e., encompassing a period of time before the head trauma) and anterograde (Le., for events after the trauma), and there is usually a history of a clear-cut physical traum a, a period of unconsciousness, or clinical evidence of brain injury. In contrast, in Dissociative Amnesia, the dis turbance of recall is almost always anterograde (i.e., memory loss is restricted to the period after the trauma), and there are typically no prob lem s with leanling new in fo rmation. The ra re case of Dissocia tive Amnesia with retrograde amnesia can be d isting uished by the diagnostic use o f hypnosis; the prompt recovery of the lost memories suggests a dissociative basis for the d isturbance. In seizu re d iso rders, the memory impairment is sudden in onset, motor abnormalities may be present. and repeated EEGs reveal typical abnormalities. In d eliriu m and dementia, the memory loss for personal infomlil tion is embed ded in a far more extensive set of cognitive, linguistic, affective, a ttentional, perceptual, and behavioral d isturbances. In contras t, in Dissociative Amnesia, the memory loss is primarily for autobiographical infonnation and cognitive abilities generally are preserved. The amnesia associated with a genera l medical cond ition us ually cannot be reversed. Memory loss associated with the use of subs tances or medica tions m ust be dis tinguis hed from Dissociative Amnesia. Subs tan ce-In d uced Pe rsis ting Amnestic Disord er should be diagnosed if it is judged that there is a persis tent loss of memory that is related to the direct physiological effects of a s ubs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse or a medication) (see p. 177). Whereas the ability to lay down new memories is preserved in Dissocia tive Amnesia, in Substance-Induced Persisting Amnes tic Disord er, shortteml memory is impaired (Le., events may be recalled immediately after they occur, but not after a few minutes h ave passed). Memory loss associated with Su bs tance Intoxica tion (e.g., "blackouts") can be d istinguis hed from Dissociati ve Amnesia by the association of the memory loss with heavy subs tance use and the fact that the amnesia usually cannot be reversed. The dissociative symptom of amnesia is a characteristic fea ttue of both Dissociative Fugue and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Therefore, if the dissociative amnesia occurs exclusively during the course of Dissociative Fugu e or Dissocia tive Identity Disorde r, a separa te d iagnosiS of D i ssociati"~ Amnesia is not made. Because depersonalization is an associated feature o f Dissociative Am.nesia, d ep ersonalization that occurs only during Dissocia tive Amnesia should no t be diagnosed separately as Deperson alization Disord er. In Posttraum atic Stress Disorder and Acu te Stress D isorder, there can be amnesia for the traumatic even t. Similarly, dissociative symptoms such as amnesia are included in the criteria set fo r So matiza tion Di so rd er. Dissociative Amnesia is not diagnosed if it occurs exclusively the course of these disorders. Malingered amnes ia is most common in individuals presenting with acute, florid symptoms in a context in w hich potential secondary gain is eVident-faTexample, fi nancial or lega l problems or the desire to avoid combat, although tnle amnesia may also be associated with such stressors. Furthermo re, individuals with true Dissoci ative Amnesia uSllally score high on s tandard m easures of hypnotizability and d issociative capacity.


Dissociat ive Fugue (f o rmerly Psychogenic Fu gue)

523 /

Care must be exercised in evaluating the accurac), of retrieved memories. There has been considerable controversy concerning amnesia related to reported physical or sexual abuse, particularly when abuse is alleged to have occurred during early childhood. Some clinicians believe tha t there has been an lmderreporting of s uch e\'ents, especially because the victims are often children and perpetrators are inclined to deny or dis to rt their actions. However, other clinicians are concerned that there may be overreporting, particularly given the unreliability of childhood memories. There is currently no method for establishing w ith certainty the accuracy of such re~ trieved memories in the absence of corroborative evidence. Dissociative Amnesia must also be differentiated from memory loss related to Age-Related Cogniti ve Decline and non patholog ical forms of amnesia including everyday memory loss, posthypnotic amnesia, infantile and childhood amnesia, and amnesia for sleep and dreaming. Dissociative Amnesia can be distinguished from normal gaps in memory by the extensive and involuntary nature of the inability to recall the conten t of the lost memory (i.e., memories of it traumatic nature) and by the presence of significant distress or impainnent.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.12 Dissociative Amnesia

A. The predominant disturbance is one or more episodes of inability to recall important persona l information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness . B. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of Dissociative Identity Disorder, Dissociative Fugue, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, or Somatization Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a neurolog ical or other general medical condition (e.g., Amnest ic Disorder Due to Head Trauma).
C. The symptoms cause clinically significant distress or impa irment in social, occupation~

al. or other important areas of functioning.

300.13 Dissociative Fugue (formerly Psychogenic Fugue)

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Dissociative Fugue is sudden, unexpected travel away from home or one's customary p lace of daily activities, with inability to recall some or aU of one's past (Criterion A). This is accompanied by confusion about personal identity or even the assumption of a new identity (C riterion B). The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of Dissociative Identity Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a s ubstance or a genera l medical condition (C riterion C). The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or im pairment in social. occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion D).


Dissociative Disorders

Travel may range from brief trips over relatively short periods of time (Le., hours or days) to complex, usually unobtrusive wandering over long time periods (e.g., weeks or months), with some ind ividuals re portedly crossing numerous national borders and traveling thousands of miles. During a fug ue, ind ividuals may appear to be w ithout psych opathology and generally d o not a ttract atten tion. At some point. the individual is brought to clinical attention, usually beca use of amnesia for recent events or a lack of aw areness of personal identity . O nce the individual returns to the prefu gue state, there may be no memory fo r the events that occurred during the

Most fu gu es d o not involve the fonnation of a new identity. If a new identi ty is assumed du ring a fu gue, it is usually characterized by more gregarious and uninhibited trai ts than characterized the former identi ty. The person Dlay assume a new name, take up a new residence, and engage in complex social acti\' ities that are well integrated and that d o not suggest the presence of a mental disord er.

Associated Feat ures and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. After return to the prefugue stale, amnesia for traumatic events in the person's past may be noted (e.g., after termination o f a long fugu e, a soldier remains anUlestic for wa rtime events that occurred several years previously in which the soldier's closest friend was killed). Depression, dysphoria, anxiety, grief, shame, guilt, psychological stress, conflict, and suicidal and aggressive imp ulses may be present. The person may proVide approximate inaccurate answers to questions (e.g., "2 plus 2 equals 5") as in Ganser synd rome. The extent and duration of the fug ue may determ ine the degree o f other problems, such as loss of employment or severe d isru ption o f personal or family relationships. Indiv iduals with Dissoci ative Fugue may have a Mood Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, or a Substance-Related Disord er.

Specific Culture Features

Individuals with va rious culturally d efined "running" syndromes (e.g ., pibloktoq among native peoples of the Arctic, grisi sikllis among the Miskito of Hond uras and Nicilmgua, Navajo " frenzy" w itchcraft, and some forms of nmok in Western Pacific cultu res) m ay have symptoms that meet diagnostic criteria for Dissociative Fugue. These are conditions cha racterized by a sudden onset of a high level of activity, a trancelike state, potentially dangerous behavior in the form of ruruting or fl eeing, and ensuing exhaustion, sleep, and amnesia for the episode. (See also Dissociative Trance Disorder in Appendix B, p. 783.)

Preva lence
A prevalence rate o f 0.2% for Dissocia tive Fugue has been reported in the general population . The prevalence may increase during times of extremely stressful even ts such as wartime or natural disaster.


Dissociat ive Fugue (f ormer ly Psychoge nic Fugue)

Co urse
The onset of Dissociative Fug ue is usually related to traumatic, stressful, or over whelming life events. Most cases are described in adults. Single episodes are most commonly reported and may last from hours to months. Recovery is usua lly rapid, but refractory Dissociative Amnesia may persist in some cases.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

Dissociative Fugue must be d istinguished from symptoms that are judged to be the direct physiol ogical consequence of a s p ecific general medical conditi on (e.g., head injury) (see p. 181). This determination is based on his tory, laboratory findings, or physical examination. Individuals with compl ex part ial seizures ha ve been noted to exhibit wandering or semi purposeful behavior during seizures or du.ring postictal sta tes for which there is subsequent amnesia. However, an epileptic fugue can usually be recognized because the individual Illay ha ve an aura, motor abnorma lities, stereotyped behavior, perceptual alterations, a postictal stale, and abnormal findings on serial EEGs. Dissociative symptoms that are judged to be the direct physiolog ical consequence of a general medical condition shou.ld be diagnosed as Mental D isorder No t O then .... ise Sp eci fied Due to a General Medical Condition . Dissocia tive Fugue must also be distinguished from symptoms caused by the direct p hysiological effects of a sub stance (see p. 209). U the fugue symptoms ani)' occur during the course of Dissociative Identity Disord er, Dissociative Fugue should not be diagnosed separately. Dissociati ve Amnesia and Depersonalization Di so rder should not be diagnosed separately if the amnesia or depersonalization symptoms occur only during the course of a Dissociative Fugue. Wandering and purposeful travel that occur during a Manic Episod e must be distinguished from Dissociative Fugue. As in Dissociative Fugue, individuals in a Manic Epi sode may report amnesia for some period of their life, particularly fo r behavior that occurs during eu thymic or depressed states. However, in a Manic Episode, the travel is associa ted with grandiose ideas and other manic symptoms and such indi viduals often call attention to themselves by inappropriate behavior. Assumption of an allemate identity does not occur. Peripatetic behav ior may also occur in Schizophrenia. Memory for events during wandering episodes in individuals with Schizophrenia may be difficult to ascertain due to the individual's disorganized speech. Howe\;er, individuals with Dissociative Fugue generally do not demonstrate any of the psychopathology associated with Schizophrenia (e.g., delusions, negative symptoms). Malingered fugue states may occur in individuals who a re attempting to nee a situation involving legal, financia l, or persona l difficu lties, as weU as in soldiers who are attempting to avoid comba t or Wlpleasant military duties (although true Dissociative Fugue may also be associated with such stressors). Malingering of dissociative symp toms can be maintained even during hypnotic or barb ituratefacilitated interviews. In the forensic con text, the examiner should a lways give careful consideration to the diagnosis of ma lingering when fugue is claimed. Criminal conduct that is bizarre or with little actual gain may be more consistent with a true dissociative distu rbance.

Dissociative Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 300.13 Dissociative Fugue

A. The predominant disturbance is sudden. unexpected travel away from home or one's customary place of work. with in ability to recall o ne's past.

B. Confu sion about personal identity or assumption of a new identity (partial or complete).
C. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during t he course of Dissociative Identity Disorder and is not due to t he direct physiological eHects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy).

D. The symptoms cause clinically sig nificant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important a reas of functioning.

300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personality Disorder)

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Dissociative Identity Diso rder is th e presence of two or more dis tinct identities or p ersonality s tates (Criterion A) that recurrently take control of behavior (Criterio n 6). There is an inabili ty to recall importa nt personal inform ation, the extent o f which is too grea t to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness (Criterion C). The dis turbance is no t due to the direct physiological effects of a s ubs tance or a general medical conrutjon (Crite rion D). In children, the symptom s cannot be attributed to imaginary playmates or other fanta sy p lay. Dissociative Ide ntity Disorder renects a failure to integrate various as pects of identity, memory, and co nscio usness. Each personality s tate m ay be e xperie nced as if it has a dis tinct personal hi story, self-image, and identity, including a sepa rate name. Usually the re is a primary identity that carries the individual's given name and is passive. d ependent. g uilty, and depressed . The alterna te id enti ties freq uently ha ve d iffe rent names and characteris tics thai contrast w ith the primary identity (e.g., are hostile, controlling, and self-destructive). Particular identities may emerge in specific circumstances and may differ in re ported age and gender, vocabuiar}', general knowledge, or p redominant affect. Alternate id entities are experienced as taking control in sequence, one at the expense of the o ther, a nd may de ny knowled ge of one another, be critical of one a nother, o r appear to be in o pe n con nic!. Occasionally, o ne or m o re powe rful identities allocate time to the others. Aggressive or hostile identities m a y a t times inte rrupt activities o r p lace the others in uncomfortable s ituations. Individuals w ith this disorde r expe rience frequen t gaps in me mory for personal his tory, both remote and recent. The amnt;s ia is frequently asymme trica l. n,e more passive identi ties tend to have more cons tricted memories, whereas the more hostile, controlling, or " protector" identities h ave more complete memories. An identity tha t is not in co ntrol may nonetheless gain access to co nsciousness by producing auditory

300.14 Dissociat ive Identity Disorder (formerly Mu lt ipl e Persona lity Disorder)


or visual hallucinations (e.g ., a voice gl\' ing instructions) . Evidence of amn esia may be uncovered by reports from others who have witnessed behav ior that is d isavowed by the individual or by the ind ividual's own discoveries (e.g., finding items of dothing at home tha t the ind ivid u al cannot remember havin g bought). There may be loss of memory n ot only fo r recurrent periods o f time, but also an overall loss of biographical memory for some extended period of childhood , adolescence, or even ad ulthood . Transition s among iden tities are often triggered by psychosocial stress. The time required to switch from one identi ty to another is usually a ma tter of seconds, but, less frequently, may be gradual. Behavior that may be frequentl}' associated with identity switches include rapid blinking, facia l changes, changes in voice or d emeanor, or disruption in the ind ividua l's train of thoug hts. The nu mber of id entities rep orted ranges from 2 to more than 100. Half of reported cases include ind ividuals with 10 or fewe r identities.

Associ ated Features a nd Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals with Dissociative Iden ti ty Disorder frequentl y report h aving experienced severe physical and sexual abu se, especially during ch ild hood. Controversy surrounds the accuracy of sllch reports, because chi ld hood memories m ay be s ubject to d is torti on and some individuals with this disorder are highly hypnotizable and especially vulnerable to suggestive influences. H owever, reports by individuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder of a p as t history of sexlIal or physical abuse are often confirmed by objective evid ence. Furthermore, persons responsible fo r acts of physical and sexual abuse may be prone to deny o r distort their behavior. lnd ividuals with Dissociative Identity Disorder may manifes t posttrauma tic symptoms (e.g., nightmares, fl ashbacks, and startle responses) or Posttrauma tic Stress Disorder. Self-mutilation and suicidal and aggressive behav ior may occur. Some individuals may have a rep etitive pattern of rela tionships involv in g physical and sexua l abuse. Certai n identities may experience conversion symptoms (e.g., pseudoseizu res) or have unusual abilities to control pajn or other p hysical symptom s. Lndivid uaJs with this disorder may also have symptoms that meet cri teria fo r Mood, Substance-Related, Sexual, Eating, or Sleep Disorders. Self-mutilative behavior, imp u lsivity, and s ud den and in tense changes in relationships may warrant a concurrent d iagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder. Associated laboratory findings . Indiv idual s with Dissociative Identity Disorder score toward the upper end of the distribution on meas ures of hypnotizability and d issociative capacity. There are reports of va ria tion in physiological function across identity s tates (e.g., differences in vis ual acu ity, pain tolerance, sympto ms of asthma, sensitivi ty to allergens, and res ponse of blood gl ucose to insulin). Associated physical e xamination findings and general medical conditions. There may be sca rs from self-inflicted injuries o r physical abuse. Ind ividuals w ith this disorder may have migraine and other types of head aches, irri table bowel synd rome, and as thma.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Dissociative Di sorders

Dissociative Ide ntity Disorder has been found in individuals from a variety of cultures around the world . In preadolescent children, particular ca re is needed in making the diagnosis because the manifestations may be less distincti\'e than in

adolescents and ad wts. Dissociative Identity Disorder is diagnosed three to nine

times more frequently in adult fema les th an in adult males; in childhood, the fe maleto-male ratio may be more eve n, but data are limited . Females tend to have more id entities than do males, a veraging 15 or more, whereas males average approxima tely 8 identities.

The sharp rise in reported cases of Dissociative Identity Disorder in the United States in recent years has been subject to very differen t interpretations. Some believe that the greater awareness of the diagnosis among mental health professionals has resulted in the identification of cases that were previously undiagnosed . In contrast, others believe that the syndrome has been overdiagnosed in individuaJs who a re h.igh ly suggestible.

Dissociative Identity Disorder appears to have a flu ctuating clinical course that lends to be chronic and recurrent. The average time period from first symptom presentation to diagnosis is 6-7 years. Episod ic and continuous courses ha ve both been d escribed. TIle disorder may become less manifest as individuals age beyond their late 40s, but may reemerge during ep isodes of stress or trauma or with Substance Abuse.

Fami lial Pattern

Several studies suggest that Dissociative Identity Disorder is more common among the first-d egree biological relatives of persons with the disorder than in the general population.

Different ial Diagnosis

Dissociative Identi ty Disorder must be dis tinguished from symptoms that are caused by the d irect physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., seizure disorder) (see p. 181). This determinat ion is based on history, laboratory find ings, or physical examination. Dissociative Identity Disorder sho uld be distinguished from dissociative sym ptoms d ue to com plex partial seizures, although the two disorders may co-occur. Seizure episodes are generally brief (30 seconds to 5 minutes) and do not involve the complex and enduring structures of identity and behavior ty pically found in Dissocia tive Identity Disorder. Also, a h istory of p hysica l and sexual abuse is less common in individuals with complex partial seizures. EEG studies, especially sleep dep rived and with nasophary ngeal leads, may help clarify the differential diagnO SIS.

300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder (formerly Multiple Personal ity Disorder)


Symptoms caused by the direct physiological effects of a s u bstance can be d istinguished from Dissociative Identity Disord er by the fact that a substance (e.g., a d rug of abuse or a medication) is judged to be etiologically related 10 the disturbance (see p. 209). The diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder takes precedence over Dissociative Amnesia, Dissociative Fugue, and Deperson alization Disorder. Ind ivid uals with Dissociative Identity Disorder can be dis tinguis hed fro m th ose with trance and possession trance symptoms tilat w ould be diag nosed as Dissociative Disorder Not Oth envise Specified by the fa ct that those with pa thologica l trance and possession trance symptoms ty p ically describe extem al spirits or entities that have entered tileu bodies and taken control. The d ifferential d iagnosis between Dissociative Identity Disorder and a variety of other mental disorders (including Schizophrenia and other Psychotic Disorders, Bipolar Disorder, Wilh Rapid Cycling, Anxiety Disorders, Somatization D isorders, and Personality Disorders) is complicated by the apparently overlapping symptom presentations. For exa mp le, the presence of more than o ne dissociated personality state may be m istaken fo r a d elusion or the communication from one identity to another may be m istaken for an auditory hallucination, leading 10 confusion with the Psychotic Disorders, and s hifts between identity states may be confused w ith C),dical mood fluctuations leading to confusion w ith Bipolar Disorder). Factors that may support a diagnosis of Dissociative Identity Disorder are the p resence of clear-cut dissocia tive symptomatology w ith sudd en shifts in identity s tates, the p ersistence and consistency of identity-specific demeano rs and behaviors over time, reversible amnesia, evidence of dissociative behavior that p redates the clinical or forensic p resentation (e.g., reports by family or co-workers), and high scores on measures of d issociation and hypnotizability in individuals who d o not have the characteristic p resentations of another mental disorder. Dissociative Identity Disord er mus t be distinguished from M alingering in situations in which there may be financial or forensic gain and from Factitious Disorder in w hich there may be a pattern o f helpseeking behavior.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder

A. The presence of two or more distinct identities or personality states (each with its own relatively enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and self) . B. At least two of these identities or personality states recurrently take control of the person's behavior.
C. Inabi lity to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be ex-

plained by ordinary forgetfulness . D. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., blackouts or cha ot ic behavior during A!cohollntoxication) or a general med ical co n ~ dit ion (e.g ., complex partial seizures). Note: tn children, the symptoms are not attributable to imaginary playmates or other fantasy play.


Dissociative Disorders

Diagnostic Features

Depersonalization Disorder

The essential features of Depersonalization Disorder are persistent or recurrent episodes of depersonalization characterized by a feeling of detachment or estrangement from one's self (Criterion A). The individual may fee l like an automaton or as if he or she is living in a dream or a movie. There may be a sensation of being an outside observer of one's mental processes, one's body, or parts of one's body. Various types of

sensory anesthesia, lack of affecth'e response, and a sensation of lacking control of

one's actions, including s peech, are often present. The individual with Depersonalization Disorder maintains intact reality testing (e.g., awareness that it is only a feeling and that he or she is not really an automaton) (Criterion B). Depersonalization is a common experience, and this diagnosis should be made on ly if the symptoms are sufficiently severe to cause marked distress or impairment in func tioning (Criterion C). Because depersonalization is a common associated feature of many other mental d isorders, a separa te diagnosis of Depersonalization Disorder is not made if the experience occurs exclusively during the course of an other mental disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia, Panic Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, or another Dissociative Disorder). ln addition, the djs turbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs tance or a general medical condition (Criterion D).

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Often individuals with Depersonalization Disorder may have difficulty describing their symptoms and may fear that these experiences signify that they are "crazy." Derealiza tion may also be present and is experienced as the sense that the external world is s trange or unreal. The individual may perceive an uncanny alteration in the size o r shape of objects (macropsia or micropsia), and people may seem unfamiliar or mechanical. Other common associated features include anxiety symptoms, depressive symptoms, obsessive rumination, somatic concerns, and a dis turbance in one's sense of time. Hypochondriasis, Major Depressive or Dysthymic Diso rder, Anxiety Disorders, Personality Disorders (most commonly Avoidant, BOrderline, and Obsessive-Compulsive), and Subs tance-Related Disorders may a lso coexis t with Depersonalization Disorder. Depersonalization and derealization are very frequent symptoms of Panic Attacks and are more common when anxiety symptoms follow a traumatic stressor, as in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. A separate diagnosis o f Depersonalization Disorder should not be made when the depersonalization and derealization occur exclusively during such attacks. Associated laboratory findings . Individuals with Depersonalization Disorder ma)' d isplay high hypnotizability and high dissociative capaci ty as measured by s tandard ized tes ting. _

300.6 Deperso na lization Disord e r


Specific Cu lture and Gender Features

Voluntarily ind uced experiences of depersonalization or derealization form p art of meditative and tran ce practices that are p revalent in many religions and cultures and should not be con fused with Depersona lization Disorder. In clinica l samples, this d isorder is d iagnosed at least h vice as often in wom en than in men.

Prevalen ce
The lifetime p reva lence of Depersonalization Disorder in community and clinical settings is W\know n. At some time in their lives, app roxima tely half of all adults may ha\'e experienced a single brief episod e o f depersonalization, u sually p recipitated by se\'ere stress. A transient experience of depersonalization develops in nearly onethird of ind ividuals exposed to life-threatening danger and in close to 40% of patients hospitalized for mental disorders.

lndi\' id uals with Depersonalization Disorder usually present (or treatment in adolescence or adulthood, although the disorder may have an und etected onset in child hood . The mean age at onset has been reported to be around age 16. Because dcpersonaHza tion is rarel y the p resenting complaint, ind ividua ls wi th recurren t depersonaliza tion often present with another symptom such as anxiety, panic, or depression. Duration of ep isod es of d epersona lization can vary from very brief (seconds) to persistent (years). Depersonali za tion subsequen t to IHe-threatening situations (e.g., military combat, traumatic accidents, being a victim o( violent crime) usua lly develops suddenly on exp osure to the trauma, and trauma h istories are often associated w ith this d isorder. The cou rse is usu ally chronic and may wax and wane in intensity but is also sometimes episodic. Most often the exacerbations occur in association with actual or perceived stressful events.

Differential Diagnosis
Depersona liza tion Disorder m ust be d istinguished from symptom s that arc d u e to the physiological consequen ces of a specifi c general m edi c.. l cond ition (e.g., epilepsy) (see p. 181). This determination is based on h istory, labora tory find ings, o r physical examin a tion. D epersonalization t hat is caused b y the direc t ph ysiological effects of a substance is d istinguished from Depersonalization Disord er by the fact that a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse or a medication) is judged to be etiologically related to the depersonaliza tion (see p . 209). Acu te Intoxication or Withdrawal from alcohol and a variety of other substances can result in depersonalization. On the other hand, substan ce use m ay intensify the symp toms of a preexisting Depersonalization Disorder. Thus, accurate diagnosis of Depersonalization Disorder in individuals w ith a h istory of a lcohol- or substance-induced d epersonalization shou ld in clud e a longitud inal h istory of Substance Abuse and depersonalization sym p toms. Depersona liza tion Disorder should not be diagnosed separately w hen the symptoms occur only d uring a Panic Attack that is part o f Panic D isorder, Social or


Dissociative Disorders

Speci fi c Ph obia, OT Posttraumatic o r Acute Stress Disorders. In contrast to Schizop hren ia, intact reality testing is maintained in Depersonaliza tion Disorder. The feel ing of numbness associated \\'ith depersona liza tion may mimic a d epression. However, feelings of numbness in individuals wi th Depersonaliza tion Disorder are associated w ith other man ifestations of depersonalization (e.g., a sense of detachment from one's selt) and occur even when the individual is not depressed.

Diagnostic criteria for 300.6 Depersonalization Disorder

A. Persistent or recurrent experiences of fee ling detached from, and as if one is an outside observer of. one's mental processes or body (e.g., feeling like one is in a dream).

B. During the depersonalization expe rience, reality testing remains intact.

C. The depe rsonali zation causes clinically significant dist ress or impairment in social, occupational, or othe r important areas of funct ioning.

D. The depersonalization experience does not occur exclusively during the course of another menta l disorder, such as Schizophrenia, Panic Disorder, Acute Stress Disorder, or another Dissociative Disorder, and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a ge neral medical condition (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy).

300.15 Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This ca tegory is included fo r d isorders in wh ich the predominant feature is a d issociative sym p tom (i.e., a disruption in the usually integrated functions of consciousness, memory, iden tity, or perception of the environment) that does n ot meet the criteria for any specific Dissociative Disorder. Examples include 1. Clinical presen tations simila r to Dissociative Identity Disorder that fail to meet fuU criteria for this disorder. Exa mples include p resentations in which a) there are not two or more distinct personalit}' states, or b) amnesia for important persona l information d oes not OCCllI. 2. Derealization unaccompanied by depersonalization in adults. 3. States of dissociation that occur in indiv idua ls who have been subjected to periods of prolonged and intense coercive persuasion (e.g., brainwashing, thought reform, or indoctrination while captive). 4. Dissociative trance disorder: sing le or episodic disturbances in the state of consciousness, identity, or memory tha t are indigenous to particular locations and cultures. Dissocia tive trance involves narrowing of awareness of immediate surroundings or stereotyped behaviors or movements that arc experienced as being beyond one's control. Possession trance involves replacement of the customary sense of personal identity by a new identity, attributed to the influence of a spirit, power, deity, or other person, and associated with slereotype.d "involuntary"


Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified


mo\'ements or amnesia and is perhaps the most common Dissociative Disorder in Asia. Examples include nmok (Indonesia), bebnillnn Ondonesia), Intalt (Malaysia), pib/oktoq (Arctic), ataqlle de lIervios (Latin America), and possession (India). The dissociative or trance disorder is not a normal part of a broadly accepted col lective cultu ral or religious practice. (See p. 785 for suggested research criteria.) 5. Loss of consciousness, stupor, or coma not athibutable to a general medical condition. 6. Ganser syndrome: the giving of approximate answers to questions (e.g., " 2 plu s 2 equals 5") when not associated with Dissociative Amnesia or Di ssociative Fugue.

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

section contains the Sexual Dysfunctions, the Paraphilias, and the Gender Identity Disorders. The Sexual Dysfun cti ons are characterized by disturbance in sex-

Th iS

ual desire and in the psychophysiologicaJ changes that characterize the sexual response cycle and cause marked d istress and interpersonal difficulty. 111e Sexual
Dysfun ctions include Sexual Desire Disorders (i.e., Hyp oac tive Sexual Desire Disorder, Sexua l Ave rsion Di sorder), Sexu al Arousal Disorders (i.e., Fema le Sexual Arous-

al Disorder, Male Erectile Disorder), Orgasmic Disorders (i.e., Female Orgasmic

Disorder, Male O rgasmic Disorder, Premature Ejaculation), Sexua l Pain Disorders (i.e., Dys pareunia, Vaginismus), Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition, Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, and Sexual Dysfunction Not O therwise Specifi ed. The Paraphilias are characterized by recu rren t, in tense sexual urges, fantasies, or behaviors that involve unusua l objects, activities, or situa tions and ca use clinically signifi cant d istress or impairment in social, occu pational, or other im portan t areas of h mction in g. The Par'lphilias include Exhibitionism, Fetish ism, Frotteurism, Ped o-philia, Sexual Masochism, Sexu al Sad ism, Transvestic Fetishism, Voyeurism, and Paraphilia Not O then vise Specified . Gen d er Ide ntity Disorders are characterized by strong and persistent crossgender identification accompanied by persistent d iscomfort with one's assigned sex. Geuder idelltity refers to an indiv id ual's self-perception as male or fema le. The term gender dysphoria d enotes strong and persistent feelings of discomfort with one's assigned sex, the d esire to p ossess the body o f the o ther sex, and the desire to be regarded by others as a member of the other sex. The terms gender identity and gender dysp horia should be distinguished from the term sexual orienta/ioll, whidl refers to erotic attraction to males, females, or both. Sexu al Disord er Not Othen vise Specified is induded fo r cod ing disorders of sexual functioning that are not classifiable in any o f the specific categories. It is important to note that notions of deviance, sta nda rds of sexual performance, and concepts of appropriate gender role can vary from culture to culture.

Sexual Dysfunctions
A Sexual Dysfu nction is characterized by a disturbance in the processes that characterize the sexual response cycle or by pa in associated w ith sexual in tercourse. The sexual response cycle can be divided in to the follow ing phases:


1. Desire:

Sexua l and Gender Ident ity Diso rders

lltis phase consists of fantasies a~out sexual activity and the desire to have sexual activity. 2. Excitement: This phase consists of a subjecti ve sense of sexual pleasure and accompanying physiologica l changes. The major changes in the male consist of penile hunescence and erection. The major changes in the female consist of V.lsocongestion in the pelvis, vaginal lubrication and expansion, and swelling of the external genitalia. 3. Orgasm: Thi s pha se consists of a peaking of sexual pleasure, with release of scxualtension and rhythmic contraction of the perineal muscles and reproductive organs. In the male, there is the sensation of ejaculatory inevitabili ty, which is followed by ejaculation of semen. In the female, there are contractions (not always subjectively experienced as such) of the wall of the outer third of the vagina. In both genders, the anal sphincter rhythmically contracts. 4. Reso/rlfioll : This phase consists of a sense of muscular relaxation and general well-being . During this phase, males are physiologically refractory to further erection and orgasm for a variable period of time. In contrast, fema les may be able to respond to additional stimulation almost immediately. Disorders of sexual response may occur at one or more of these phases. Whenever more than one Sexual Dysfunction is present, all are recorded. No attempt is made in the criteria sets to specify a minimum frequency or range of settings, activities, or types of sexua l encOlmters in which the dysftmction must occur. This judgment must be made by the clinician, taking into accOlmt SUell factors as the age and experience of the individual, frequency and chronicity of the symptom, subjecti ve distress, and effect on other areas of functioning . The words "p ersis ten t or recurrent" in the diagnostic criteria indicate the need for such a clinical judgment. If sexual stimulation is inadequate in either focus, intensity, or duration, the diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction involving excitement or orgasm is not made.

Subt ypes
Subtypes are provided to indicate the onset, context, and etiological factors associated with the Sexual Dyshmctions . If multiple Sexua l Dys function s are p resent, the appropriate subtyp es for each may be noted. These subtypes do not apply to a diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition or Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction. One of the follOWing subtypes may be used to indicate the nature of the onset of the Sexual Dysfunction: Lifelong Type. This subtype applies if the sexual d ysftmction has been present since the onset of sexual ftmctioning. Acq ui red Type. 1l1is subtype applies if the sexual dyshmction develops only after a period of normal functionin g. One of the follOWing subtypes may be used to indicate the context in which the Sexual Dysfunction occurs: Generali zed Type. This subtype applies if the sexual d ysfunction is not limited to certain types of s timulation, sihla tions, or partners.

S exual Dysfunctions


Situati ona l Typ e. This subtype applies if the sexual dysfun ction is limi ted to certain types of stimulation, situations, or partners. The specific situational pattern of the dysfu nction may aid in the d iffe rential diagnosis. For example, normal mastu rbatory function in the p resence of impaired partner relational functioning would sugges t that a chief complain t of erectile dysfunction is more likely due to an in terpersonal or intrapsychic problem rather than attributable to a general medical condition or a substance. One of the foUowing subtypes may be used to indicate etiological factors associated with the Sexual Dysfunction: Du e to Psychological Fa ctors. This subtype applies when psychological factors are judged to have the major ro le in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or main tenance of the Sexual Dysfunction, and general medical conditions and substances play no role in the etiology of the Sexual Dysfunction . Due to Com bined Factors. Thi s subtype applies when 1) psychological factors are judged to have a role in the onset, severity, exacerba tion, or maintenance of the Sexual Dysfunction; and 2) a general medical condition or substance use is also judged to be contributory b u t is not sufficient to accoun t for the Sexual Dysfunction. If a general medical condition or substance use (including medication side effects) is sufficient to account for the Sexual Dysfunction, Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition (p. 558) and / or Substance-Ind uced Sexual Dysfunction (p. 562) is diagnosed.

Asso ciated Di sorders

Sexual dysfunction may be associated with Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia, and Specific Phobia).

Sp ecific Cult ure, Age, and Gender Feat u res

Clinical judgments about the presence of a Sexual Dysfunction should take into account the indiv idual's etlm..ic, cul tura l, religiOUS, and social background , wh ich may infl uence sexual desire, expectations, and attitudes about performance. For example, in some societies, sexua l desires on the part of the female arc given less relevance (especially w hen ferti lity is the primary concern). Aging may be associa ted w ith a lowering of sexual interest and functioning (especially in males). bu t there are wide individual differences in age effects.

There are few systematic epidemiological data regarding the p revalence of the various sexua l dyshmctions, and these show extremely wide variabil ity. probably reflecting d iffe rences in assessmen t method s, definitions used, and cha racteristics of sampled populations. The most comprehensive sun'ey to d ate, conducted on a representa tive sample of the U.s. population between ages 18 and 59, suggests the fol -


Sexua l and Gen der Ident ity Disorders

lowing prevalence estimates for various sexual complaints: 3% for male dyspareunia, 15% for female dyspareunia, 10% for male orgasm problems, 25% for female orgasm
problems, 33% for female hypoactive sexual desi re, 27% for p remature ejaculation, 20% for female arousal problems, and 10% for male erectile d ifficu lties. Male erecti le problems also increase in prevalence after age SO. It is unclear whether these sexual complaints would have met diagnostic criteria for a DSM-IV Sexual Disorder. Estimates of prevalence rates for sexual aversion, vaginismus, sexual d ysfun ctions d ue to a general medical condition, and s ubstance-induced sexual dys functions are not available.

Differentia l Diag nosis

if the Sexual DysfWlction is judged to be caused exclusively by the physiological ef-

fects of a s pecified general medical condition, the diagnosis is Sexu al Dysfun cti on Due to a General Med ical Condition (p. 558). nl is determination is based on history, laboratory findings, or ph ysica l examination . If the Sexual Dysfunction is judged to be caused exclusively by the physiological effects of a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure, the diagnosis is Substan ce-Induced Sexu al Dysfunctio n (see p. 562). The clinician shou ld inquire ca refully about the nature and extent o f substance use, incl uding medications. Symptoms that occur during or shortly after (i.e., within 4 weeks 00 Subs tance Intoxication or a fter medication lise may be especially indicative of a Substance-Indu ced Sexual Dysfunction, depending on the type or amOWl t of the substance used. or the duration of use. lf the clinician has ascertained that the sexual dysfunction is due to both a general medical condition and substance use, both diagnoses (Le., Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medica l Condition and Subs tance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction) can be given. A p rimary Sexu al Dysfunction diagnosis with the subtype Due to Combined Factors is made if a combination of psychological fac tors and either a general med ical condition or a substance is judged to have an etiologica l role, but no one etiology is sufficient to account for the d ysfunction. If the clinician cannot determine the etiological roles of psychological factors, a general medical condition, and substance use, Sexu al Dysfu nction N ot Olhen vise Specified is diagnosed. The diagnosis of a Sexual DysfWlction is also not made if the dysfunction is better accowlted for by another Axis I d isorder (e.g., if dim illished sexual d esire OCClUS only in the contex t of a rvlajor Depressive Episode). However, if the distu rbance in sexual functioning antedates the Axis I disorder or is a focus of independent clinical attention, an additional diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction can also be made. Commonly, if one Sexual Dysfun ction is present (e.g., a Sexual Arousal Disorder), additional Sexual Dysfunctions w ill also be p resent (e.g., Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder). In such cases, all should be d iagnosed. A Personality D iso rder may coexist wi th a Sexu aJ Dysfunction . In such cases, the Sexual Dysfunction should be recorded on Axis I and the Persona lity Disorder s hould be recorded on Axis ll lf another clinical condition, s uch as a Relation al Problem, is associated with the disturbance in sexual fWl ctioning, the Sexual Dysfunction s hould be diagnosed and the other clinical condition is also noted on Axis I. Occasional problems with sexual desire, arousa l, or orgasm that are not persistent or recurrent or are not accompan ied by marked dis tress o r interpersonal difficulty are not considered to be Sexual Dysfunctions.

302.7 1

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder


Sexual Desire Disorders


Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essentia l feature of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is a d eficiency or absence of sexual fanta sies and desire for sexlJ<11 activity (Criterion A). The dishlrbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The d ysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except another Sexual Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively to the d irect physiological effects of a substance (including medications) or a general medical cond ition (Criterion C). Low sexual desire may be global and encompass all fomls of sexual expression or may be situa tional and limited to one p artner or to a specific sexu al acti vi ty (e.g., intercourse but not mastu rbation). There is little motivation to seek s timuli and diminis hed frus tration when deprived of the opportunity for sexual exp ression. The individua l us ually does not initiate sexual activity or may only engage in it reluctantly when it is initiated by the partner. Although the frequ ency of sexual experiences is us ually low, p ressure from the partner o r nonsexual needs (e.g., for physical comfort or intimacy) may increase the frequency of sexual encounters. Because of a lack of normative age- or genderrelated da ta on freq uency or degree of sexual desire, the diagnosis mus t rely on cl inical judgment based on the individua l's characteristics, the interpersonal detenninants, the life context, and the cultural setting. The clinician may need to assess both partllers when discrepancies in sexual desire promp t the call fo r p rofessional attention. Appa rent "low desire" in one partner may instead reflect an excessive need for sexual expression by the other partner. Alternatively, both pa rtners may have levels of desire wi thin the normal range but at different ends of the continuum.

Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (lifelong versus Acquired), context (Generalized versus Situational ), and etiologicaJ fa ctors (Due to Psychological Factors, Due to Combined Factors) for Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder. (See descriptions on p . 536.)

Associated Features and Diso rd ers

Low sexual interes t is frequently associated with problems of sexua l arousal or w ith orgas m difficulties. The deficiency in sexual desire may be the primary d ysfunction or may be the cons t'quence of emotional dis tress induced by disturbances in excitement or orgasm. However, some individ uals with low sexual d esire retain the capacity for adequate sexual excitemen t and orgasm in response to sexual s timulation. General medical conditions may have a nonspecific deleterious effect on sexual desire due to weakness, pain, problem s w ith body image, or concerns abou t survival. Dep ressive disorders are often associated with low sexual desire, and the onset of depression may precede, co-occur with, or be the consequence of the deficie nt sexual

1 540

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

desire. Individuals wi th H ypoactive Sexual Des ire Disorder may have difficulties developing stable sexual rela tions hips and may have mari ta l dissatisfaction and d is ru ption.

The age at onset for individuals w ith Lifelong fann s of HypoactiveSexuaJ Des ire Disorder is puberty. More frequently, the disorder develops in adulthood, after a period o f adequate sexual interest, in association with psych ological distress, stress ful life events, or interpersonal difficulties. The loss of sexual d esire may be continuou s or episodic, depending on p sychosocial or relationship factors. An episodic pattern of loss of sexual desire occurs in some individuals in relation to problems with intimacy and commitment.

Differentia l Diagnosis
Hypoactive Sexual Des ire Disorder must be distinguis hed from Sexual D ysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition. The appropria te diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition w hen the d ysfunc tion is judged to be due exclusivel)' to the physiological effects of a speci fied general medical cond ition (see p. 558). This determination is based on his tory, laboratory finding s, or physica l examination. Certain general m edical conditions s uch as n eurological, hormonal, and metabolic abnormali ties may specificall y impair the ph}'siologica i subs trates of sexua l desire. Abnorma lities in total and bioavailable tes tos terone and prolactin may ind icate hormonal diso rders respons ible for loss of sexua l des ire. If both H ypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and a general medical condition are p resent, bu t it is judged that the sexual dysfunction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the general medical condition, then H ypoactive Sexua l Desire Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. contrast to Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disord er, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction is judged to be due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., antihypertens ive medication, a drug of abuse) (see p. 562). lfboth H ypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder and substance u se are present, but it is jud ged that the sexual dysfunction is not due exclusively to the direct phys iological effects of the subs tance use, then Hypoactive Sexual Desire Di sord er, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. If the low sexual desire is judged to be due exclusively to the phys iological effects of both a general medical condition and s ubs tance u se, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medica I Condition and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction are diagnosed. H ypoactive Sexua l Desire Disorder may also occur in associa tion wi th other Sexu,'II Dysfunction s (e.g., Male Erectile Dysfunction). If so, both should be noted. An additional d iagnosis of Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder is us ually not made if the low sexuaJ desire is better accowlted for by another Axi s I disorder (e.g., Major Dep ressive Disorder, ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder, Pos ttraumatic Stress Disorder). The additional diagnos is ma y be appropriate w hen the low desire predates the Axis I disorder or is a focus of independent clinical aHention. Occasional problems with sexu al desire that are not persis tent o r recurrent or are not accompanied by marked

302 .79

Sexua l Aversion Disorder


distress or interpersonal difficulty are not considered to be H ypoac tive Sexual Desire Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.71 Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

A. Persist ently or recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and desire for sexual activity. The judgment of deficiency or absence is made by the clinician, taking into account factors that affect sexual functioning, such as age and the context of the person's life.
B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.
C. The sexual dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except

another Sexual Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e .g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.
Specify type:

Lifelong Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Generalized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors

Diagnostic Features

Sexual Aversion Disorder

The essential feattue of Sexual A version Disorder is the a ve rsion to and active a voida nce of genital sexual contact w ith a sexual partner (Criterion A). The dis ttubance must cause marked dis tress or interpersonal difficulty (C riterion B). The dysfwlCtion is not better accmmted for by another Axis I d isorder (except another Sexual Dyshmctio n) (Criterion C). The individual reports anxiety, fea r, or disgust w hen confronted by a sexual opportunity with a partner. The a version to gen ital co ntact may be focused on a particular asp ect of sexual experience (e.g., genital secretions, vagina 1penetration). Som e individuals expe rience generalized revulsion to a U sexual s timuli, induding kissing and touching. The intens ity of the indjvidual's reaction w h en exposed to the avers ive s timulus may range from moderate anxiety and lack of pleasure to extreme psychological distress.


Sexual and Gender Ident ity Disorde rs

Su bt ypes
Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (l ifelo ng vers us Acquired), context (Gen erali zed versus Situation al), and etiologica l factors (D ue to Psychological Fac lors, Due to Comb ined Factors) for Sexua l Aversion Disorder. (See descriptions on p . 536. )

Assoc iat ed Fea tu res a nd Disord ers

When confron ted with a sexual situation, some individuals with severe Sexual Aver-

sion Disorder may experience Panic Attacks with extreme anxiety, feelings of terror, faintness, nausea, palpitations, dizziness, and breathing difficulties. There may be
markedly impaired interpersonal relations (e.g., marital dissatisfaction). Individua ls m ay avoid sexual situations or poten tial sexual partners by covert s trategies (e.g., going to sleep early, traveling, neglecting p ersonal appearance, using substances, and being overinvolved in work, social. or family activities) .

Different ial Diagnosis

Sexual Aversion Disord er may also occur in association with other Sexual Dys functions (e.g., Dyspareunia). If so, both should be no ted. An additional diagnosis of Sexual Aversion Disorder is us ually not made if the sexual aversion is better accoun ted fo r by another Axis I d isord er (e.g., Major Depressive Diso rder, ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttrauma tic Stress Disorder). The additional diagnosis may be made when the aversion predates the Axis I disorder or is a focus o f independent clinical attention. Althoug h sexual aversion may technically meet the criteria for Specific Phobia, th is additional d iagnosis is not given. Occasion al sexual aversion that is not persistent or recurrent or is no t accom panied by marked distress or in terpersonal diffi culty is not considered to be a Sexual Aversion Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.79 Sexual Aversion Disorder

A. Persistent or recurrent extreme aversion to. and avoidance of. all (or almost all) gen-

ita l sexual contact with a sexual partner.


The dist urbance causes marked distress or jnterpersonal diHiculty. anot her Sexua l Dysfunction).

C. The sexual dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except
Specify type:

Lifelong Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Situational Type Generalized Type


Due to Psychological factors Due to Combined factors

302 .72

Female Sexua l Arousa l Disorder


Sexual Arousal Disorders

302 .72

Female Sexual Arousal Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature o f Female Sexual Arousal Disorder is a p ersistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain lmhl completion of the sexual activity, an adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement (Criterion A). The arou sal response consists of vasocongestion in the pelvis, vaginal lubrication and expansion, and swelling of the external genita lia. 111e distUIbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The d yshmction is not better accOlmted for by another Axis r disorder (except another Sexual Dy sfunction) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (including medications) or a genal eT medical condi tion (Criterion C).

Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (Lifelong versus Acquired), context (Generalized vers us Situational), and etiological factors (Due to Psychological Factors, Due to Com bined Fac tors) for Female Sexual Arousal Disorder. (Sec descriptions on p.536.)

Assoc iated Features and Diso rders

LimHed evidence suggests that Female Sexual Arousal Disorder is often accompanied by Sexual Desire Disorders and Female Orgasmic Disorder. The ind i\'idual with Female Sexual Arousal Disorder may have little or no subjective sense of sexual arousal. The disorder may result in painful intercourse, sexual avoidance, and the disturbance of marital or sexu al relationships.

Differential Diagnosis
Female Sexual Arousal Disorder must be dis tinguished fro m a Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medica l Condition. 111e appropriate diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition when the d ysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the physiological effects of a specified general medical condition (e.g., menopausal or postmenopausal reductions in es trogen levels, atrophic vaginiti s, diabetes mellitus, radiotherapy of the pelvis) (see p . 558). Reduced lubrication has also been reported in association with lactation. This detennination is ba sed on history, laboratory fin dings, or physical examination . If both Female Sexual Arousal Disorder and a general med ical condition are present but it is judged that the sexual d ysnmction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological consequences of the general medical condi tion, then Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. In contrast to Female Sexual Arousal Disorder, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a sub5t.m ce (e.g ., red uced lubrication caused by antihypertensives or antihistamines) (see


Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

p. 562). If both Female Sexual Arousal Disorder and substance lise are present but it

is judged that the sexual d ),sftmction is not due excl usively to the direct physio logical effects of the substance use, then Female Sexua l Arousa l Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. U the arousal problems afC judged 10 be due exclusively to the physiological effects
of both a genera l medical co ndition and s ubs tance use, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General rvfedical Condition and Substance--Induced Sexual Dysfun ction are diag* nosed. Female Sexua l Arousal Disord e r may also occur in association w ith other Sexual Dysfunctions (e.g., Female Orgasmic Disorder). If so, both should be noted. An addi* tiona l diagnos is of Female Sexu al Arousal Diso rder is us ually not made if the sexual arousal problem is better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Diso rder, ObseSSive-Compulsive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder). The add itional diagnosis m ay be made when the p roblem w ith sexual arousal predates the Axis I disorder o r is a focus of independent clinical attention. Occasion al problems with sexual arousal that are not pers is tent or recurre nt or are not accompanied by m a rked distress or interpersonal difficulty a re not cons idered to be Female Sexual Arous al Disorder. A d jagnosis of Fem ale Sexual Arousal Disorde r is also no t appropriate if the problems in a ro usal are due to sexua l stimulation that is not adequate in focus, intens ity, and dura tion .

Diagnostic criteria for

302.72 Female Sexual Arousal Disorder


Persistent or recurrent inability to atta in, or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity, a n adequate lubrication-swelling response of sexual excitement.

B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficu lty.

C. The sexual dysfunction is not better accounted for by a nother Axis I disorder (except

another Sexual Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively to the direct phYSiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical cond ition .
Specify type:

life long Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Gene ralized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors


Male Erectile Disorder

Diagnostic Features

Male Erectile Disorder

The essential feature of Male Erectile Disorder is a persistent or recurrent inability to attain, o r to maintain lmtil completion of the sexual activity, an adeq uate erection (Criterion A). The disturbance m ust cause marked dis tress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The d ysfunc tio n is not better accmmted for b y another Axis I disorder (except another Sexua l Dysfuncti on) and is not due exclus ively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (including medications) or a general medical condition (Criterion C). There are d ifferent patterns of erectile dysfwlCtion. Some individuals w ill report the inability to obtain any erection from the outset of a sexu al exp erience. Others will complain of first experiencing an adequate e rection and then losing tumescence when attempting p enetration . S till others will report that they ha ve an erection that is sufficientl y finn for penetration but that they then lose tumescence before or d uring thrustin g. Some males may report being able to experience an erection on ly during self-m asturbatio n or o n awaken ing . Masturbatory erections may be lost as well, bu t this is not common.

Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (Lifelong versus Acquired), context (Generalized versus Situa tional), and etiological factors (Due to Psychological Factors, Due to Combined Factors) for r-,'lale Erectile Disorder. (See descriptions on p . 536.)

Associated Features and Disorders

The erectile difficulties in Male Erectile Disorde r are frequently associated with sexual anxiety, fear of failure, concems about sexual p erfomlance, and a decreased subjective sense of sexual excitement and pleasure. Erectile d ysfunction can disrupt existing marital or se xual relationships and may be the ca use of unconsumma ted marriages and infertility. This disorder may be associated w ith H ypoactive Sexual Desire Diso rder and Pre mature Ejaculation. individuals with Mood Disord ers and Substance-Related Disorders often report problems w ith sexual arousal.

The various forms of Male Erectile Di sorde r follow different courses, and the age at onset varies subs tantially. The few individuals w ho have never been able to experience an erectio n of sufficient quality to complete sexual activity w ith a partner typically have a chronic, lifelong disorder. Acquired cases may remit spontaneously 15%-30% of the time. Sihlational cases may be dependent on a typ e of partner or the intensity or q uality of the relationship and are episodic and frequently recurrent.

Differential Di agn osi s

Sexua l and Gender Identit y Disorders

Male Erectile Disorder must be distinguished from Sexu al Dysfu nction Due to a General Medical Condition. The appropriate diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfun ction Due to a General Medkal Cond ition when the dysfu nction is judged to be due exclusively to the physiologica l e ffects of a s pecified general medical condition (e.g., diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, renal fa il ure, p eripheral neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease, s pinal cord injury, injury of the autonomic nervous system by surgery or radiation) (see p. 558). This detennination is based on hi story (e.g., impaired ereclile functioning during masturbation), laboratory findings, or physical examination. Nocturnal penile tumescence studies can demonstrate w hether erections occur during sleep and may be helpful in differentiating primary erectile disorders from Male Erectile Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Cond ition. Penile blood pressure, pulsewave assessments, o r duplex ultrasound srud ies can indica te vasculogenic loss of erectile functioning. Invasive procedures such as intracorporeal pharmacologica l testing or angiography can assess the presence o f arterial flow problems . Cavernosography can evaluate ven ous competence. If both Male Erectile Disorder and a general medical condition are present but it is judged that the erectile dysfunction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the general med ical condi tion, then Male Erectile Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. A Su bstance-Induced Sexual Dysfu nction is d isti.nguished from Ma le Erectile Disorder by the fac t that the sexual dysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the direct p hYSiological effects of a substance (e.g., antihypertensive medication, antidepressant medication, neuroleptic medication, a drug of abu se) (see p. 562). If both Male Erectile Disorder and substance use are present but it is judged that the erectile d ysfu nction is not due exclusively to the d irect physiological effects of the substance use, then Male Erectile Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed . If the arousal problems are judged to be due exclusively to the physiological effects of both a general medical condition and substance use, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction are diagnosed. Male Erectile Disorder may also occur in associ ation with other Sexual Dysfunctions (e.g., Premarure Ejaculation).lf so, both should be noted. An additiona l diagnosis of Male Erectile Disorder is usually not mad e if the erectile dysfun ction is better accounted for by another Axis I disord er (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder). The additional diagnosis may be made when the erectile d ysfunction predates the Axis I d isorder or is a focus of indep end ent clinical attention. Occasion al p roblem s w ith having erec tion s that are not persistent or recurrent or are not accompanied by marked distress or interpersonal difficulty are not considered to be Male Erectile Disorder. A diagnosis of Male &ectile Disorder is also not appropriate if the erectile dysfunction is due to sexual stimulation that is not adequate in focus, intensity, and duration. Older males may require more stimulation or take longer to achieve a fu ll erection. TIlese physiological changes sh ould not be considered to be Male Erectile Disord er.

302.73 Female Orgasmic Disorder (formerly Inhibited Female Orgasm)

547 1

Diagnostic criteria for 302.72 Male Erectile Disorder

A. Persistent or recurrent inability to attain, or to maintain until completion of the sexual activity, an adequate erection.
B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

C. The erectile dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (other

than a Sexual Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively t o t he direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition.
S pecify type:

Lifelong Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

General ized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combin ed Factors

Orgasmic Disorders
302.73 Female Orgasmic Disorder (formerly Inhibited Female Orgasm)
Diag nostic Featu res
The essential feature of Female Orgas mic Disorder is a pe rsis tent or recurre nt delay in, or absence of, orgas m folloW ing a norma l sexual excite ment phase (Criterion A). Women exhibit wide variability in the ty pe or intensity of stimu lation that triggers orgasm. The diagnos is of Female O rgasmic Disorder should be based on the clinicia n' s jud gment that the woman's orgasmic capacity is less than would be reasonable for her age, sexual experience, and the adequacy of sexual stimulation s he receives. The disturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The dysfun ction is not better accOlmted fo r by another Axis I d isorder (except another Sexua l Dysfunction ) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (including medications) or a ge neral medical cond ition (Criterion C).

Subtyp es are provided to indicate onset (Lifelong versus Acquired ), context (Generalized versus Situ ati onal), and etiological fac tors (Due to Psychol og ica l Factors,

1 548

Sexual an d Ge nder Identit y Disorders

Due to Combined Factors) for Female Orgasmic Disorder. (See descr iptions on p.536.)

Associated Features and Diso rd ers

No association has been iotmd between specific patterns of personality traits or psychopathology and orgasm.ic dysfwlction in fe males. Female Orgasm ic Disorder may affect body image, self-esteem, or rela tionship satisfaction. According to controlled s tudies, orgasmic capacity is not correlated w ith vaginal size or pelvic muscle s trength. Although females with spinal cord lesions, removal of the vulva, or vaginal excision and reconstruction have reported reaching orgasm, orgasmic d yshmction is commonly reported in women w ith these condi tions. In general, however, chronic general med ical cond itions li ke diabetes or pelvic cancer are more likely to impair the arousal phase of the sexual response, lea vi ng orgasmic capacity relatively in tact.

Beca use orgasmic capacity in females may increase with increasing sexual experience, Female Orgasmic Disorder may be more prevalent in younger women . Most female orgasmic disorders are life long ra ther than acquired. Once a female learns how to reach orgasm, it is uncom mon fo r her to lose that capacity, un less poor sexual communication, rela tionship conflict, a tra umatic experience (e.g., rape), a Mood Disorder, or a general med ical condition intervenes. When org.1smic d ysfunction occurs only in certain situations, difficulty w ith sexual desire and arousal are often present in addition to the orgasmic disorder. Many fema les increase their orgasmic capacity as they experience a w ider variety of stimulation and acquire more knowledge about their own bodies.

Differential Diagn os is
Female Orgasmic Disorder must be distinguished from a Sexual D ysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition. The appropriate d iagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Cond ition when the d ysflU1ction is judged to be due exclusively to the ph ysiolog ical effects of a specified general medical condition (e.g., spinal cord lesion) (see p. 558) . This d etermination is based on history, laboratory find ings, or physical ex.1mination . If both Female Orgasmic Disorder and a gener.1! medica l condition are present but it is judged that the sexua l dysfunction is not due exclusively to the d irect physiological effects of the genera l medic.ll condition, then Female Orgasmic Disorder, Due to Combin ed Factors, is diagnosed . In contrast to Female Orgasmic Disorder, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is jud ged to be d ue exclusively to the direct ph ysiological effects of a substance (e.g., antidepressants, benzodiazepines, netuoieptics, antihypertensives, opioids) (see p. 562). If both Female Orgasmic Disorder and substance use are p resent but it is judged that the sexual dyshmction is not d ue. exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the substance use, then Femal e Orgasmic Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. If the sexua l dysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the physiological effects

302.73 Fema le Orgasm ic Disorder (formerly Inhibited Fema le Orgasm) of both a general m ed ical condition and substance use, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction are diagnosed. Female Orgasmic Diso rder may also occur in association with other Sexual Dysfunctions (e.g., Fema le Sexual Arous al Disorder). If 50, both should be noted. An additional diagnos is of Female Orgasm ic Disorder is usually n ot m ade if the orgasmic difficulty is better accounted for by a n othe r Axis I di sorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorde r). This additional diag nos is may be made when the orgasmic difficulty predates the Axis I disorder o r is a focu s of independent clinical attention. Occasional orgasm ic p roblems tha t are not persis tent o r recurrent or a rc not accompanied by marked distress o r interpersonal difficulty are not cons ide red to be Female OrgasmiC Disorder. A diagnosis of Female O rgasmic Disorder is als o not appropria te if the problems a re due to sexual s tinlU lation tha t is not adequate in focu s, intens ity, and d uration.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.73 Female Orgasmic Disorder

A. Persistent or recu rre nt delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a normal sexual excitement phase. Women exhibit wide variabi lity in the type or intensity of stimulat ion that triggers orgasm. The diagnosis of Female Orgasmic Disorder should be based on the clinician's judgment that the woman's orgasmic capacity is less than would be reasonable fo r her age, sexual experience. and the adequacy of sexual stimulation she receives.
B. The disturbance causes marked distress o r interperso na l difficulty.

C. The orgasmic dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except another Sexual Dysfuncti on) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition.
Specify type:

Lifelon g Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Genera lized Type Situational Type Specify: Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors


Sexua l and Gender Identity Diso rders

302.74 Male Orgasmic Disorder (formerly Inhibited Male Orgasm)

Diagnostic Fea tures
The essential feature of Male Orgasmi c Disorder is a persistent or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm followin g a normal sexual excitement phase. In judging whether the o rgasm is delayed, the clinician should take into account the person's age and
whether the s timulation is ad equate in focus, in tensity, and dura tion (Criterion A).

The d isturbance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The orgasmic dysfunction is not better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except another Sexual Dysfunction ) and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a s ubs tance (including medications) or a general medical condition (Crite rion C) . In the most common form of Male Orgasmic Disorder, a male cannot reach orgasm during intercourse, although he can ejaculate from a partner's manual or oral s timulation. Some males with Male Orgasmic Disorder can reach coital orgasm but only after very p rolonged and intense noncoital stimula tion . Some can ejacu late only from masturbation. An even smaller subg roup have experienced orgasm only at the moment of waking from an erotic dream.

Subtypes are provided to indicate onse t (Lifel ong versu s Acquired), context (Generalized versus Situational), and etiological factors (Due to Psychological Fa ctors, Due to Combined Factors) for Male Orgasmic Disorder. (See descriptions on p. 536.)

Associated Feature s and Disorders

Many coi tally inorgasmic maJes describe feeling aroused at the beginning of a sexual e ncOlUlter but that thrus ting gradually becomes a chore ra the r than a p lea SLUe. A pattern of paraph ilic sexua l a.rousal may be present. ,,,Ihen a man has hidden his lack of coital orgasms from his wife, the couple may present w ith infertili ty of unknown ca use. The disorder may result in the distLUbance of existing marita l or sexual relations hips. Males can u sually reach orgasm even w hen vascular or neurological conditions interfere with e rectile rigidity. Both the sensation of orgasm a nd s triated muscle contractions at orgasm remain in lact in males w ho lose their prostate a nd seminal vesicles with radical peldc cancer sLUgery. Orgasm also can OCCLU in the absence of e mission of semen (e.g., w hen sympathe tic ganglia are damaged by surgery or autonomic neuropathy).

Differential Diagnosis
Male O rgasmic Disorder must be dis tinguished from a Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Conditi on . The approp riate diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition when the d ysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the phys iological effects of a specified general medical condition {e.g.,


M ale Orgasmi c Disorder (formerly In hibited Male Orgasm)

hyperprolactinemia) (see p. 558). This detennination is based on history. laboratory findings, or physical examination . Sensory threshold testing may demonstrate reduced sensation in the skin on the penis that is due to a neurological condition (e.g . spinal cord injuries, sensory neuropathies) . If both Male Orgasmic Disorder and a general medical cond ition are present but it is judged that the sexual d ysfunction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects o f the general medical condition, then tvfale Orgasmic Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed. In contrast to Male O rgasmic Disorder, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is judged 10 be due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., alcohol, opioid s, antihypertensives, antidepressants, neuroleptics) (see p. 562). Uboth Male Orgasmic Disorder and substance use are present but it is judged that the sexual dysfunction is not due exclUSively to the direct physiological effects of the substance use, then Male Orgasmic Disorder, Due to Combined Factors, is diagnosed . If the orgasmic d ysfunction is judged to be due exclusively to the ph ysiological effeds of both a general medical cond ition and substance use, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction are diagnosed. Male Orgasmic Disorder may also occur in association with other Sexual Dysfunctions (e.g., Male Erectile Di sorder). U so, both should be noted. An additional diagnosis of Male Orgasmic Disorder is usually not made if the orgasmic difficulty is better aCCDlmted for by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disord er). An additional d iagnosis may be made when the orgasmic difficulty preda tes the Axis I disorder or is a focll s o f independen t clinical attention . Several ty pes of Sexual Dysfunction (e.g., ejaculation but without pleasurable orgas m, orgasm that occurs w ithout ejacu lation of semen or with seepage of semen rather than propulsive ejaculation) wou ld be diagnosed as Sexu al Dysfunction Not Othen."ise Specified rather than as Ma le Orgasmic Disorder. Occasion al orgasmic problems that are not persistent or recurren t or are not accompanied by marked distress o r interpersonal difficulty are not considered to be Male Orgasmic Disorder. As males age, they may require a longer period of stimulation to achieve o rgasm. The clinician mllst also ascertain that there has been suffi cient stimulation to attain orgasm.


Sexua l and Gender Ide ntity Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 302.74 Male Orgasmic Disorder


Persiste nt or recurrent delay in, or absence of, orgasm following a norma l sexual excitement phase during sexua l activity t hat the clinician. taking into account the person's age, judges to be adequate in focus, intensity. and duration.

B. The disturbance causes marked distress or inte rpersonal difficulty.

C. The orgasmic dysfunction is not better accounted for by another A xis I disorder (except another Sexua l Dysfunction) and is not due exclusively t o the direct physiologi-

cal effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.
Specify type:
Life long Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Ge ne ralized Type Situa tion al Type


Due to Psychologica l Fa ctors Due to Combined Factors

30 2.75
Diagnostic Features

Prem atu re Ej acu lat i o n

The essential fea ture of Premature Ejaculation is the persistent or recurre nt onset of orgasm and ejaculation w ith minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly a fl er penetration and before the person w ishes it (Criterion A). The clinician must take into account factors that affect duration of the e xcitemen t phase, such ,lS age, novelty of the sexual partner o r sihtation, and recent freq uency o f se xual activity. The majority of males with this disorder can delay orgasm during self-masturbation for a considerably longer time than during coitus. Partners' estimates of the duratio n of time from the beginning of sexual activity until ejacula tion as well as their judgment of w he ther Premature Ejacula tion is a problem can be quite d ispa rate. The disturbance mus t cause m arked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Cr iterion B). The p remature ejaculation is not due excl usi vel y to the direct effects of a s ubstance (e.g., wi thdrawal from opioids) (Criterion C).


Premature Ejaculation

Subtypes are p rovided to in dica te onset (Lifelong versus Acquired), context (Generalized versus Situational), and etiological factors (Due to Psychological Factors, Due to Combined Factors) for Premature Ejaculation. (See descriptions on p . 536.)

Associated Features and Disorders

Like other Sexual Dysfunctions, Premature Ejaculation may create tension in a relationship. Some unmarried males hesitate to begin dating new partners out of fear of embarrassment from the disorder. Thi s can contribute to social isolation.

A majority of young males learn to d elay orgasm with sexual experience and aging, but some continue to ejaculate prematurely and may seek help for the disorder. Some males are able to delay ejaculation in a long-term relationship but experience a recurrence of Premature Ejaculation when they have a new partner. Typically, Premature Ejaculation is seen in yOWlg men and is present from their firs t attemp ts at intercourse. However, some males lose the ability to delay orgasm after a period of adequate fun ction. When onset occurs after a period of adequate sexual func tion, the context is often a d ecreased frequency of sexual activity, intense performance an...,iety with a n ew partner, or loss of ejaculatory control related to difficulty achieving or maintaining erections. Some males who have stopped regu lar use of alcohol may develop Premature Ejaculation because they relied on their drinking to delay orgasm instead of learning behavioral strategies.

Differential Diagnosis
Premature Ejacula tion should be distinguished from erectile d ysfuncti on related to the development of a general m edical condition (see p. 558). Some individuals with erectile dyshmction may omit their usual strategies for delaying orgasm. Others require prolonged noncoital stimu lation to develop a degree of erection sufficient for intromission. In such individuals, sexual arousal may be so high that ejaculation occurs immediately. Occasional problems with premature ejaculation that are not persistent or recurrent or a re not accom panied by marked distress or interpersonal d ifficulty do not qualify for the diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation. The clinician should also take into account the individual's age, overall sexual exp erience, recent sexual activity, and the novelty of the partner. When problems with Premature Ejaculation are due exclUSively to substance use (e.g., Opioid Withdrawal). a SubstanceInduced Sexual Dysfunction can be d iagnosed (see p. 562).


Sexua l and Gender Identit y Di sorders

Diagnostic criteria for 302.75 Premature Ejaculation

A. Persistent or recurrent ejaculation with minimal sexual stimulation before, on, or shortly after penetration and before the person w ishes it. The dinician murt take into account factors that affect duration of the excitem ent phase, such as age, novelty of the sexua l partner or situation, and recent frequency of sexual activity.

B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

C. The pre mature ejaculation is not due exclusively t o the direct effects of a substance (e.g., withdrawal from opioids).
Specify type:

Lifelong Type
Acquired Type

Specify type:

Generalized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors

Sexual Pain Disorders 302.76 Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)
Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of Dysparelmia is gen ital pain tha t is associa ted w ith sexual intercourse (Criterion A). A lthough it is most" commonly experienced during coitus, it may also occur before or after intercourse. The d isorder can occur in both males and females. In females, the pain may be desc ribed as s uperficial during intromission or as deep during p enile th rusting. The intensity of the symptoms may range from mild discomfort to s harp pain. Thedisturhance must cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty (Crite rion B). The disturbance is not caused exclusively by Vaginismus or lack of lubrica tion , is not better accoun ted for by another Axis I disorder (except for another Sexual Dys functio n), and is not d ue exclusively to the direct physiological effee ts of a subs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (Criterion C).

302.76 Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Co nd ition)


Subt ypes
Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (Lifelong versu s Acq uired ), context (Generalized versus Situational), and etiological factors (Due to Psych ological Factors, Due to Com b in ed Factors) for Dyspareunia. (See descriptions on p. 536.)

Associat ed Features an d Di sord ers

Dysparewlia is rarely a chief complaint in mental health settings. Individuals w ith Dyspareunia typically seek trea tment in general medical settings. The physica l examination for individual s with this d isorder typical l}, does not d emonstrate geni ta l abnorma li ties. The repeated experience of genital pain during coitus may resuJ t in the a\'oidance of sexual experience, d isrupting existing sexual relationships o r limiting the developmen t of new sexual relationships.

Cou rse
The limited amount of information available suggests that the course of Dyspareunia tends to be chronic.

Differential Dia g nosis

Dyspareunia must be distinguished from Sexu al Dysfunction D ue to a Gen eral Medical Cond ition (see p . 558). The appropriate diagnosis would be Sexua l Dyshmction Due to a General Medica l Condition when the dysfun ction is judged to be due exclUSively to the physiological e ffects of a speci fi ed general medical condition (e.g., insufficient vaginal lubrica tion; pelvic pathology such as vaginal or urinary tract infec tions, vaginal scar tissue, endometriosis, or adhesions; postmenopausal vaginal atrophy; temporary estrogen deprivation during lacta tion; urinary tract irritation or infection; or gastrointestina l conditions). This determination is based on history, labora tory findings, o r physical examination. If both Dyspareunia and a general medical condition arc present but it is judged tha t the sexual d ysfu nction is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the general medical condition, then a diagnosis of Dyspareunia, Due to Combined Factors, is made. In contrast to Dyspareunia, a Substan ce-In d uced Sexu al Dysfuncti on is judged to be due exclusively to the direct p hysiological effects of a substance (see p. 562). Painful orgasm has been reported with flu phenazine, thioridazine, and amoxapine. If both D)'spareunia and substance use are present but it is judged that the sexual d ysfunction is not d ue exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the substance use, a then DysparelUli" , Due to Combined Factors, is d iagnosed. If the sexual pain is judged to be due exclUSively to the physiolog ic.l1 effects of both a general medical condition and substance u se, both Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condi tion and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction are diagnosed. Dyspareunia is not diagnosed if it is caused exclusively by Vaginismus or a lack of lubrication. An additional diagnosis of Dyspa reunia is usually not made if the sexual dysfunction is beller accounted for by another Axis I disorder (e.g., Somatization

Sexua l and Ge nd er Identity Disorders

Disorder). The additional diagnosis may be made w hen the orgasmic difficulty predates the Axis I disorder or is a focus of independent clinical attention. Dyspareunia can also occur in association w ith other Sexual Dysfunctions (except Vaginismus), and if criteria for both are met, both should be coded. Occasional p ain associated w ith sexu al intercou rse tha t is not persistent or recurrent or is not accompanied by marked d istress or interpersonal d ifficul ty is not consid ered to be Dyspareunia.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.76 Dyspareunia


Recurrent or persistent genital pain associated with sexual intercourse in eit her a male or a female.

B. The disturbance causes marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.

C. The disturbance is not caused exclusively by Vaginismus or lack of lubrication, is not

better accounted for by another Axis I disorder (except another Sexua l Dysfunction), and is not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e .g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition.
Specify type:

lifelong Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Generalized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors

306.51 Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)

Diagnost ic Features
The essentia l feature of Vaginis mus is the recurren t or persis tent invo lu ntary contraction of the p erineal muscles surrounding the outer thi rd of the vagina wh en vaginal penetration with penis, finger, tampon, or speculu m is attempted (Criterion A). The dis turbance must calise marked di stress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion B). The dis turbance is not better accou n ted for by ano ther Axis I disord er (except another Sexual Dysfunction) and is not d ue exclusively to the d irect physiological effects of a general medical condition (C riterion C) . In some fe males, even the an ticipa tion of vaginal insertion may result in muscle spasm . l1le contraction may range from mild , inducing some tightness and discomfort, to severe, preventing penetration .


Vaginismus (Not Due to a Ge ne ra l Medical Condition)

Subty pes
Subtypes are provided to indicate onset (Life long versus Acq uired), contex t (Generalized versus Situation al), and etiological fac tors (Due to Psych ological Factors, Due to Combined Factors) for Vaginismus. (See descriptions on p. 536.)

Associat ed Features and Diso rd ers

Sexual responses (e.g., desire, pleasure, orgasmic capacity) may not be impaired unless penetration is attempted or anticipated. The physica l obstruction due to muscle contraction usually preven ts coitus. The condition, therefore, can limit the development of sexua l relationships and disrupt existing relationships. Cases o f unconsummated marriages and infertility have been found to be associated w ith this condition. The diagnosis is often made during routine gynecological examinations when response to the pelvic examination results in the readily observed contraction of the vaginal outlet. In some cases, the intensity o f the contraction may be so severe or p rolonged as to cause pain. However, Vaginismus occurs in some women during sexual activity but not during a gynecological examination. The disorder is more often found in younger than in older females, in females with negative attitudes toward sex, and in females who have a h istory of being sexually abused or traumatized.

Lifelong Vaginismus usually has an abrupt onset, first manifest during initial attempts at sexual penetration by a partner or during the fi rst gynecological exam ination. Once the disorder is established, the course is usually chronic unless ameliorated by treatment. Acquired Vaginismus also may occur suddenly m response to a sexual trauma or a general medical condition .

Differenti al Di ag nosis
Vaginismus must be d istinguished from a Sexual Dys fun ction Due to a General Medical Condi tion (see p. 558). The appropriate diagnosis would be Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition when the dysfunction is judged to be due exclUSively to the physiological effects of a s pecified general medical condition (e.g., endometriosis or vaginal infection). This determination is based on history, laboratory findings, o r physical examination. Vaginismus may remain as a residual problem after resolution of the general medical condition. If both Vaginismus and a general medical condition are p resent but it is judged that the vaginal spasms are not due exclusively to the direct physiological effects of the general medical condition, a diagnosis of Vaginismus, Due to Combined Factors, is made. Vaginismus may also occur in association with other Sexual Dysfunctions (e.g., Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder). If so, both should be noted. Although pain associated with sexual in tercourse may occur with Vaginismus, an additional diagnosis of Dyspareu nia is not given. An additional diagnosis of Vaginismus is usually not made if the vaginal spasms are better accounted for by an other Axis I condi ti on (e.g., Somatization Disorder). TIle additional diagnosis may be made when the vagina l spasms p redate the Axis I di sorder or are a focus of independent clinica l attention.


Sexua l and Gender Identity Disord ers

Diagnostic criteria for 306.51 Vaginismus

A. Recurrent or persistent invol unta ry spas m of t he musculature of the outer third of

the vagina that interferes with sexual intercourse. B. The dist urbance causes marked distress or inte rpersonal difficulty.
C. The disturbance is not better accounted fo r by another Axis I disorder (e.g ., Somati zat ion Disorder) and is not due exclusively to the direct physio logical effects of a gen eral medical cond ition.
Specify type:

Lifelong Type Acquired Type

Specify type:

Generalized Type Situational Type


Due to Psychological Factors Due to Combined Factors

Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition

Diag nostic Features
The essential feature o f Sexual Dysfunction D ue to a Genera l Medica l Condition is the p resence of cl inically significant sexual dysfunction that is judged to be due exclusively to the d irect physiological effects of a general m edical cond ition. The sexual d ysfun ctio n can involve p ain associated w ith intercourse, hypoactive sexual desire, male erectile dysfunction, or other forms of sexual d ysfunctio n (e.g., Orgasmic Disorders) and mus t cause marked d is tress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion A). There must be evid ence from the h is tory, physical examinatio n, or laboratory findings that the d ysfunction is fully expla ined by the di rect physiological effects of a general m edical condition (Criterion B). The dishlrbance is not better aCCOlUlled fo r by anothe r mental disorder (e.g., ~."I ajor Depressive Disorder) (Criterion C). In determining whether the sexual d ysfun ction is excl usively due 10 a general medical condition, the clin ician mus l firs t establish the presence of a general med ica l condition. Further, the clinician must establish that the sexual d yshmction is etiologically related to the general medical condition through a physiolog ica l mechanism. A careful and comprehenSive assessm ent o f multiple fac tors is necessary to make this judgment. Altho ug h there a re no in fa llible g uidelines for determining whether the relationship between the sexua l d ysfunction and the gene ral medical cond itio n is etia-

Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medica l Condition


logical. several considerations provide some guidance in this area. One consideration is the presence of a temporal association between the onset, exacerbation, or remission of the general medical condition and that of the sexual d ysfunction. A second consideration is the presence of features that are atypical of a primary Sexual Dysfunction (e.g., atypical age at onset or course). Evidence from the literature that suggests that there can be a direct association between the general medical condition in question and the d evelopment of the sexual dysfunction can provide a useful context in the assessment of a particular situation. In addition, the clinician must also judge that the disturbance is not better accOlmted for by a primary Sexual Dyshmction, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, or anoUler primary mental disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder). These determinations are explained in greater detail in the "Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition" section (p. 181). In contrast, a Sexual Dysfunction diagnosis with the subtype "Due to Combined Factors" is made if a combination of psychological factors and either a general medical condition or a substance is judged to have an etiological role, but no one etiology is sufficient to accOlmt for the dysfunction.

The diagnostic code and tenn for a Sexual Dysfuncti on Due to a General Medical Condition is selected based on the predominant Sexual Dysfuncti on. The tenns listed below should be used instead of the overall rubric "Sexual Dysfullction Due to a General Medica l Condition." Fem ale Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to ... [Indicate HIe Gelleral Medical Conditioll). This term is used if, in a female, deficient or absent sexual desire is the predominant feature. 608.89 Male Hypoaclive Sexua l Desire Disorder Du e to ... [Illdicate tile Gelleral Medical CO llditioll}. This term is used if, in a male, d eficient or absent sexual desire is the predOminant feature. 607.84 Male Erectil e Disorder Due to ... [Indicate tile General Metiical Conditiold. TIus term is used if male erectile dyshmction is the predominant feature. 625.0 Female D yspareunia Due to ... [Illdica te tile Gellera l Medical C01/ditioIlJ. This term is used if, in a female, pain associated with intercourse is the predominant feature. 608.89 Male Dyspareunia Due to ... [Illdicate t1,e Ge/leral Medical CO/ltii tiollJ. 111is term is used if, in a male, pain associated with intercou rse is the predominant feature. 625.8 Other Fem ale Sexual Dysfunction Due to .. . !IlIdicate ti,e General Medica l COlltiitiollJ. This term is used if, in a female, some other feature is predominant (e.g., Orgasnuc Disorder) or no feature predominates. 608.89 Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to ... [Illdicate ti,e Gelleral Medica l Condition). This term is used if, in a male, some other fea ture is predominant (e.g., OrgasmiC Disorder) or no feature predominates. 625.8

1 560
Recording Proce dures

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

In recording the d iagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condi-

tion, the clinician should note both the specific phenomenology of the d ysfunction (from the tis t above) and the identified general medical condition judged to be causing the dysfunction on Axis I (e.g., 607.84 Male Erectile Disorder Due to Diabetes Mellitus). The ICD-9-CM code for the general medical condition is also noted on Axis III (e.g., 250.0 diabetes mellitus). (See Appendix G for a list of selected ICD-9-CM diagnos tic codes for general medical conditions.)

Associated General Medical Conditions

A variety of general medical conditions can cause sexual dysfunction, including neurological cond itions (e.g., multiple sclerosis, spinal cord lesions, neuropath)', temporal lobe lesions), endocrine conditions (e.g., d iabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, hyper- and hypoadrenocorticism, hyperprolactinemia, hyp ogonadal slates, pituitary d ysfunction) , vascular conditions, and genitourinary conditions (e.g., testicu lar disease, Peyronie's disease, urethral infections, p ostprostatectomy complications, genital injury or infection, atrophic vaginitis, infections of the vagina and external geni talia, postsurgical complications such as episiotomy scars, shortened vag ina, cystitis, endometriosis. uterine prolapse, pelvic infections, neoplasms, oophorectomy without hormone rep lacement. and side effect s of cancer treahnents (surgical. radiation, chemotherapy)). Current clinical experience suggests that Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition is usually generalized. The associated physical examination findings, laboratory findings, and patterns of prevalence or onset reflect the etiological general medica l condition.

Differential Diag nosis

Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition is diagnosed only if the sexual d ysfun ction is fully explained by the direct effects of a general medical condition. If psycholog ical fa ctors also play a role in the onset, severity, exacerbation, or maintenance of a sexual dysfun ction, the diagnosis is the primary Sexual D ysfunction (with the subtype Due to Combined Factors). In detennining whether the sexual dysfun ction is primary or exclusively due to the direct effects of a general medical condition, a comprehensive p sychosexual and medical history is the most important component of the evaluation. For males. tests such as nocturnal penile tumescence, vascular studies, and injection of tissue activators may be helpful in the assessment. Careful gynecological examination is important in making these detenninations in women, especially in assessing Sexual Pain Disorders in females. Neurological evaluation and endocrine assessment may be helpful in both men and women. If there is evidence of recent or prolonged substance use (including medications). withdrawal from a substance, or exposure to a toxin, and that the sexual d ysfunction is fully explained by the direct effects of the substance, a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction should be consid ered. The clinician should inquire carefully abou t the nature and extent of substance use, including medications. Symptoms that occurduring or shorti}' after (Le., within 4 weeks of) Substance Intoxication or after medication

Sexual Dysfunction Du e to a Gene ral Med ical Condit ion

use may be especially indicative of a Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction, depending on the type or amo unt of the substance used or the d uration of use. If the cl inician has ascertained that the sexual d ysfunction is due to both a general med ical condition and substance use, both diagnoses (Le., Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction) can be given. Hypoactive sexual desire, arousal d ysfun ction, and, to a lesser exten t, orgasmic dysfun ction can also occur as sympto ms of Major Depress ive Disorder. In Major Depressive Disorder, no specifi c and d irect causative pa thoph ysiological mechanisms associ ated with a genera l med ical condition can be demonstrated . Sexual Dysh mction Due to a General tvled ical Condition must be distinguished from the dimini shed sexual in terest and fun ctioning that may acco mpan y ag ing.

Diagnostic criteria for Sexual Dysfunction Due to [Indicate the General Medical Condition]
al difficulty predominates in t he cl inical picture.

A. Ctinica lly significant sexual dysfuncti on that re sults in marked distress or interp erson-

B. There is evidence f rom the history, physical examination, o r laboratory f i nd ings that t he sexual dysfunct ion is fully explained by the direct physio logical effects of a general medica l con dition.

C. The dist urbance is not better accounted for by another ment al disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder).
Select code and term based on the pre dominant sexua l dysfunct ion:

625.8 Female Hypoactive Sex ual Desire Disorder Due to .. , [Indicate the General Medical Condition}: if deficient or absent sexual desi re is the predominant featu re 60B .B9 Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition}: if deficient or absent sexua l desire is the predominant fe ature 607.84 Male Erectile Disorder Due to .. [Indicate the General M e dical Condition}: if ma le erectile dysfunction is t he predominant feature 625 .0 Female Dyspareunia Due to . . . [Indicate th e General Medical Condition}: if pa in associated w ith intercourse is the predom inant feature 60B.B9 Male Dyspareunia Due to [Indicate the General Medical Condition}: if pain associated with i ntercourse is the predominant feature 625 .B Other Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to . .. [Indicate the General Medical Condition}: if some other feature is predominant (e.g., Orgasmic Disorder) or no fea t ur e predomina t es 60B.B9 Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition}: if some other feat ure is predominant (e.g., Orgasmic Disorder) or no featur e predominates Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condit ion on Axis t e.g., 607 .84 Male Erectile Disorder Due to Diabetes Mellit us; also code the general medical condit ion on Axis III (see Appendix G for codes).

1 562

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction

Diagnostic Featu res
The essential feature of Subs tance~Indu ced Sexual Dysfunction is a clinically sign ifican t sexual d ysfunc tion that results in marked dis tress or interpersonal difficulty (Criterion A). Depending on the subs tance involved, the dysfunction may involve im-

paired desire, impaired arousal. impaired orgasm, or sexual pain. The d ysfunction is judged to be fully explained by the direct physiological effects of a substance (i.e., a
drug of abuse, a m edication, or toxin exposure) (Criterion B). The dis turbance must not be be tter accounted for by a Sexual Dysfunction that is not s ubs tance induced (Criterion C). This diagnosis shou ld be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication only when the sexual symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication syndrome and when the symptoms are suffidentl y severe to warrant independent clinical attention. For a more detailed d iscussion of SubstanceRelated Disorders, see p. ]91. A Substance-Induced Sexual DysfWlction is distinguished from a primary Sexual Dysfunction by considering onset and course. For drugs of abuse, there must be evidence o f intoxication from the history, phYSical examination, or laboratory findings. Substance-Induced Sex ua l Dysfunctions arise on ly in association with intoxication, whereas primary Sexua l DysfWlcti ons may precede the onset of substance use or occur during times of sustained abstinence from the substance. Factors suggesting that the d}'sfunction is better accounted for by a primary Sexual Dysfunction include persistence of the d ysfunction for a substantial period of time (i .e., a m on th or more) after the end of Substance In toxication; the development of a dysfunction that is s ubstantially in excess of what would be expected given the type or amoWlt of the substance used or the duration of use; or a history of prior recurrent primary Sexual Dysfunctions.

The following specifiers for Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction are selected based on the predominant sexual dysfunction. Although the clinical presentation of the sexual dyshmction may resemble one of the specific primary Sexual Dysfunctions, the full criteria for one of these disorders need not be m et. With Impaired Desire. Thi s specifier is used if deficient or absent sexual desire is the predo minant feature . With Impaired Arous al . This specifier is used if impa ired sexual arousal (e.g., erectile d ys function, impaired lubrication) is the pred ominant fealme. With Impaired Orgasm . This s pecifier is lIsed if impaired o rgasm is the predominant fearnre. With Sexual Pain. This specifier is u sed if pain associated with intercourse is the predominant feature. Substance-Induced Sexual Dys functions usua lly have thei r onset during Substance Intoxication, and this may be indicated by no ting With Onse l During In toxication .

Substance-I nduced Sexual Dysf unction

~ecord i ng

563 1

Proce du res

The name of the Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction begins with the specific substance (e.g., alcohol, fluoxetine) that is presumed to be causing the sexual dysfunction. The diagnostic code is selected from the Listing of classes of substances provided in the criteria set. For substances that do not fit into any o f the classes (e.g., f] uoxetine), the code for "Other Substance" should be used. In addition, for medications prescribed at therapeutic doses, the specific medication can be indicated by Lis ting the appropriate E-code on Axis I (see Appendix G). The name of the disorder is foUowed by the specification of predominant symptom presentation (e.g., 292.89 CocaineInduced Sexual D}'sfunc tion, With Impaired Arousal). When more than one substance is judged to play a significant role in the development of the sexual d ysfunction, each should be listed separately (e.g., 291.89 Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfun ction, With Impaired Arousal; 292.89 F1uoxetine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction , With Impaired Orgasm). If a substance is judged to be the etiological facto r, but the specific substance or class o f substances is unknown, the category 292.89 Unknown Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction may be used.

Specific Substances
Sexual Dysfun ctions can occur in association with intoxication with the following classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances; cocaine; opioids; sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics; and other or unknow n substances. Acu te intoxication with or chronic Abuse of or Dependence on substances of abuse has been reported to d ecrease sexual interest and cause arousal problems in both sexes. A decrease in sexual interest, arousal disorders, and orgasmic disorders may also be caused by prescribed medications in cluding antihypertensives, histamine H2 receptor antagonists, antidepressants (especially selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors), neuroleptics, anxiolytics, anabolic steroids, and antiepileptics. Painful orgasm has been reported with fluphenazine, thioridazine, and amoxapine. Priapism has been reported with use of chlorpromazine, trazodone, and d ozapine and following penile injections of papaverine or prostaglandin. Medications such as antihypertensive agents or anaboUc steroids m ,,)' also promote depressed or irritable mood in addition to the sexual d ysfunc tion, and an additional d iagnosis of Substance-Induced Mood Disorder may be warranted. Current clinical experience strongly su ggests that Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfuncilon \5 usually generalized (i.e., not limited to certain types of stimulation, situations, or partners).

Differe ntial Diagnosis

Substance-induced sexua l d ysfunctions are most Ukely to occur durmg Substance Intoxication. The diagnosis of the substance-specific In toxica tion will usually suffice to categorize the symptom presentation. A diagnOSiS of Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxica tion only when the d ysfunction is judged to be in excess of that usually associated with the intoxication syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent cl inical attention. If psychologica l facto rs also play a role in the onset, severity,


Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

exacerbation, or maintenance of a sexual dysfunction, the diagnosis is the primary Sexual Dysftmction (with the subtype Due to Combined Factors). A Su bstan ce-Induced Sexual Dysfunction is dis tinguished from a primary Sexual D ys function by the fac t that the symptoms are jud ged to be fully explained by the direct effects of a subs tance (see p . 562) . A Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction due to a prescribed treatment for a mental disorder or general medical condition must ha ve its onset while the person is receiving the medication (e.g ., antihypertensive medication). Once the iTeatmen l is discontinued, the sexual dysflmction w ill remit wi thin days to several weeks (depending on the half-life of the substance). If the sexual d ysfunction persis ts, other causes for the d ysfwlCtion should be considered . Side effects of prescribed medications that affect sexual fu nction may lead individuals to be noncompliant with the medication regimen if they value sexual performance over the benefits of the medication. Because individuals with general medica l conditions often ta ke medications fo r those conditions, the clinician must consider the possibil ity that the sexual d yshmction is ca used by the physiological consequences of the general medical condition rather than the medication, in which case Sexual D ys functio n Due to a Gen eral Medical Condition is diagnosed. The history often provides the primary basis for sllch a judgment. At times, a change in the treahnen t for the general medical condition (e.g., medication s ubstitution or discontinuation) may be needed to determine empirically for tha t person wh ether the medication is the causative agent. if the clinician has ascertained that the d ysfunction is due to both a general medic.)l condition and substance use, both diagnoses (i.e., Sexual Dysfunction Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-Induced Sexu al Dysfunction) are given. \o\'hen there is insufficient evidence to determine whether the Sexual Dysfunction is due to a substance (including a medication) or to a general medical condition or is primary (i.e., not due to either a substance or a general medical condition), Sexual D ysfunction Not Othen... ise Specified would be indicated.

302 .70

Sexual Dysfunction Not Otherwise Speci f ied


Diagnostic criteria for

Substancelnduced Sexual Dysfunction

A. Clinically significant sexual dysfunction that results in marked distress or interpersonal difficulty predominates in the clinical picture. B. There is evidence from the history. physical examination, or laboratory findings that the sexual dysfunction is fully expla ined by substance use as manifested by either (1) or (2):
(1) the symptoms in Criterion A developed during, o r within a month of, Substance

Intoxicat ion (2) medi cation use is etiologically related to the distur bance
C. The distu rbance is not better accounted for by a Sexual Dysfunction that is not subst ance induced. Evidence that the symptoms a re better accounted for by a Sexual Dysfunction that is not substance induced might include the following: the sympto ms p recede the o nset of the substance use o r dependence (or medication use); the symptoms persist for a subst antia l period of time (e.g . about a month) after the cessation of intoxication, or are su bstantia lly in excess of what would be expected g iven the type or amount of the substance used or the duration of use; or there is other evidence that suggests the existence of an independent non-substance-induced Sexual Dysfunction (e.g., a history of recurren t non-substance-related episodes) .

Note: This diagnosis shou ld be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Intoxication only when the sexual dysfunction is in excess of that usually associated with the intoxica tion syndrome and when the dysfunction is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention.
Code [Specifi c Substance]- Induced Sexual Dysfunction:

(29 1.89 Alcohol; 292 .89 Amphetamine [or Amphetamine-like Sub!>tance]; 292.89 Cocaine; 292 .89 Opioid; 292 .89 Sedative. Hypnotic. or Anxiolytic; 292.89 Other [or Unknown) Sub!>tance)
Specify if:

With With With With

Specify if:

Impaired Desire Impaired Arousal Impaired Orgasm Sexual Pain

With Onset During Intoxication: if the criteria are met for Intoxication with the substance and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome

302.70 Sexual Dysfunction Not Otherwise Specified

This category includes sexual d ysfunctions that d o not meet criteria for any s pecific Sexual Dyshmction. Examples include


Sexu al and Gender Identity Diso rders

1. No (or s ubstantially d iminished) subjective erotic fee lings despite otherwisenormal arousal and orgasm 2. Situations in which the clinician has concluded tha t a sexual dysfunction is presen t but is unable to determine whether it is p rimary, due to a general medical condition, or substance induced


Di agnosti c Features
The essential features of a Paraphilia are recurren t, intense sexu ally arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors generally involving 1) n onhuman objects, 2) the suffering or h umiliation of oneself or one's par tner, or 3) children or other nonconsenting persons tila! occur over a per iod of at least 6 months (Cr iterion A) . For some individuals, paraphilic fanta sies or s tim uli are obligatory for erotic arousal and are always included in sexual activity. In other cases, the paraphilic preferences occur only episodic.1l1y (e.g ., perhaps during per iods of stress), whereas at other times the person is a ble to fu nction sexually without paraphilic fantas ies or stimuli. For Pedophi lia, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, and Frotteurism, the d iagnosis is made if the person has acted on these urges or the urges or sexu al fantas ies cause marked d is tress or inte rpersonal d ifficu lty. For Sexual Sadism, the diagnosis is made if the person has acted on these LUges with a nonconsen ting person or the urges, sexu al fan tasies, or beh aviors cause mar ked distress or interpersonal d ifficu lty. For the re main ing Paraphilias, the diag nosis is made if the behavior, sexu al u rges, or fa ntasies cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other im portant areas of ftmctioning (Cri terion B). Paraphilic imagery may be acted out w ith a nonconsenting partner in a way tha t may be injurious to the partner (as in Sexual Sadism or Pedop hilia) . The in d ividual may be subject to arrest and incarcera tion. Sexu al offenses against ch ild ren constitute a significant proportion of all rep orted criminal sex acts, and ind ividuals with Exhibitionism, Pedophilia, and Voye urism make up the majority of app rehended sex offenders. In some situations, acting ou t the parap hilic imagery may lead to self-injury (as in Sexua l Masochism). Social and sexual relationships m ay suffer if others find tht unusual sexual behavior shameful or repugnant or if the individ ual's sexu al partne] refuses to cooperate in the u nusual sexual p references. In some instances, the unusuai behavio r (e.g., exhibitionistic acts or the collection of fetish obje<ts) may become the major sexual activi ty in the individual 's We. These individua ls a re rarely self-referred a nd usually come to the attention of mental h ealth p rofessionals only when their behavior has brought them into conflict with sexu al par tners or society. TIle Paraphilias described here are conditions that have been specifically identified by previous classifications. They include Exhibitionism (exposu re of genitals), Fetish ism (use of nonliving objects), Frotteurism (touching and rubbing against a noneonsenting person), Pedophilia (focus on pre pubescent children), Sexual Masochism (receiving hum iliation or suffe ring), Sexual Sadism (inflicting hu miliation or suffer

Para p h il ias ing), Transvestic Fetishism (cross-dressing), and Voyeurism (obsen' ing sexual activity). A residual category, Paraphilia Not Otherwise Specified, includes other Pa raphilias tha t are less frequently e ncountered. Not uncommon ly, individuals have more than one Paraphilia.

Reco rding Procedures

The ind ividual Paraphilias are differentiated based on the cha racteris tic paraphilic focus. H owever, if the ind ividua l's sexual p references meet crite ria for more than one Paraphilia, alJ should be d iagnosed . The diagnostic code and terms are as follow s: 302.4 Exhibitionis m, 302.81 Fe tishism, 302.89 Frotteurism, 302.2 Pedophilia, 302.83 Sexual Masochism, 302.84 Sexual Sadis m, 302.3 Transves tic Fe tishism, 302.82 Voyeurism, and 302.9 Paraphilia Not Othenvise Specified.

Assoc iat ed Features and Di sord ers

Associated d escriptive features and mental disorders. The preferred stimulus, even within a particular Paraphilia, may be highly specific. Indiv iduals who do not have a consenting partner with whom their fantas ies can be acted out may purchase the services of prostitutes or may act ou t their fantasies with unw illing victims. Individuals with a Paraphilia may select an occupation or develop a hobby o r volun teer work that brings them into contact with the des ired s timulus (e.g., selling women's s hoes or lingerie (Fetis hism], working with children {Pedophilia], or driving an ambulance ISexual Sad ism}). They may selectively view, read , purchase, or collect photographs, film s, a nd textual depictions that fOCli S on thei r p referred type of paraphilic s timulus. Many individua ls wi th these disorders assert that the behavior ca uses them no distress and that their on ly problem is social d ysfun ction as a result of the reaction of others to their beha vior. Others report extre me guilt, shame, and depression at having to engage in an unusual sexual activity that is socially unacceptable or that they regard as immoral. There is often impairment in the capacity for reciprocal, affectionate sexual activity, and Sexual Dys functions may be present. Personality dis turbances are also frequent a nd may be severe enough to warran t a diagnos is of a Personali ty Disorder. Sym ptoms of depression ma y develop in individuals w ith Para philias and may be accom pa nied by an increase in the frequency and inte nsity of the paraphilic behav ior. Associated laboratory findings . Pe nile ple thysmography has been used in research settings to assess various Pa raphilias by measuring an individual's sexual arou sal in response to visual and a uditory s timuli. The reliability and validity of this p rocedure in clinical assessment have not been well establis hed, and clinical experience suggests that subjects can simuJate response by manipula ting mental images. Associated general medical conditions. Frequen t, unprotected sex may resu lt in infection w ith, or transmission of, a sexually transmitted disease. Sadis tic or masochistic behaviors may lead to injuries ranging in extent from minor to life threatening .


Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

Specific Cult u re and Gender Feat ures

The diagnosis of Paraphilias across cultures or religions is complica ted by the fa ct that what is considered d evia nt in one cultural setting may be morc acceptable in another setting. Except for Sexual ivlasodusm, w here the sex ratio is estimated to be 20 males for each female. the other Paraphilias are almost never diagnosed in females, although some cases have been reported.

Although Pa.raphilias are rarel), diagnosed in genera l dinical facilities, the large commercial market in paraphllic pornog raphy and paraphemalia suggests that its prevalence in the community is likely to be higher. The most common presenting problems in clinics that s pecialize in the treatment of Paraphilias are Pedophilia, Voyeurism, and Exhibitionis m. Sexual Masochism and Sexual Sad ism are much less commonly seen. Approximately one-haH of the individuals with ParaphiJias seen clinically are married.

Certain of the fanta sies and behaviors associated with Paraphilias may begin in childhood or early ado lescence but become better defined and elaborated during adolescence and early adulthood. Elaboration and rev ision of paraphilic fanta sies may continue over the lifetime of the individual By definition, the fantasies and urges associated with these disorders are recurrent. Many individuals report that the fantasies are always present but that there are period s of time when the frequ ency of the fanta sies and intensity of the urges vary subs tantia lly. The disorders tend to be chronic and lifelong, but both the fantasies and the behaviors often diminish with advancing age in adults. The behaviors may increase in response to p sychosocial s tressors, in rela!"ion to other mental di sorders, or w ith increa sed oppo rtunity to engage in the Paraphi lia .

Differential Diagnosis
A Paraphilia must be dis ting uished from the non path ological u se of sexual fan tasies, beh aviors, or objects as a stim ulus fo r sexual excitem ent in individuals without a Paraphilia. Fantasies, behaviors, or objects are paraphilic only when they lead to clinica lly Significan t distress o r impairment (e.g., are obligatory, result in sexual dysfunction, require participation of nonconsenting individuals, lead to legal complica!"ions, interfere with social relationships). In Men tal Retardation, Dem entia, Personality Chan ge Du e to a Gen eral Medical Con d iti on, Su bstance Intox ication, a Man ic Episod e, or Schizophrenia, there may be a decrease in judgment, social skills, or impulse control that, in rare instances, leads to unusual sexual behavior. This can be distinguished from a Paraphilia by the fa ct that the unus ual sexual behavior is not the individual's preferred or obligato ry pattern, the sexual symptoms occur exclUSively du the course of these mental d isorders, and the unusual sexua l acts tend to be isolated rather than recurrent and usually have a later age at onset.

302 .4

Exhi bitio ni sm

Th e individ ual Paraphi lias ca~ be d istinguished based on differences in the characteristic paraphilic focus. However, if the individ ual's sexual preferences meet criteria for marc than one Paraphilia, all can be diagnosed . Exhibitionis m must be distinguished from pub lic urination, which is sometimes offered as an explanation fo r the behavior. Fetishism and Tran sves tic Fetishism both often involve articles of feminine clothing. In Fetishism, the focus of sexual arousal is on the article of clothin g itself (e.g ., pan ties), whereas in Transvestic Fetishism the sexual arousal comes from the act of cross-dressing. Cross-dressing, which is present in Transvestic Feti s hi sm, may also be present in Sexual Masochism . In Sexu al Masochism, it is the humiliation of being forced to cross-dress, not the garments themselves, that is sexually exciting. Cross-dressing may be associated with gender d ysphoria. If some gen der dysphoria is present b u t the full criteria for Gender Identity Disorder are not met, the diagnosis is Tran sves tic Feti s his m, W ith Gender D ysphori a. Individ uals should recei\'e the additional diagnosis of G ender Identi ty Disord er if their presentation meets the full criteria for Gender Identity Disorder.



The paraphilic focus in Exhibitionism involves the exposure of one's genita ls to a stranger. Sometimes the indiv idual mashuba tes while exp osing himself (or while fantasizing exposing himself). If the person acts on these urges, there is generally no attempt at fmther sexual activity with the stranger. In some cases, the individual is aware of a desire to surprise or shock the observer. In other cases, the individual has the sexually arousing fanta sy that the observer w ill become sexually aroused . The onset usually occurs before age 18 years, although it can beg in at a later age. Few arrests are made in the o lder age groups, w hich may s uggest tha t the condition becomes less severe after age 40 years.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.4 Exhibitionism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fa ntasies, sexua l urges, or behaviors involving the exposure of one's gen itals to an unsuspecting stranger. B. The pe rson has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fan t asies cause ma rked d istress or interpersonal difficulty.


Fetis hi s m

The paraphilic focus in Fetis hism involves the use of nonliving objects (the "fetish"). Among the more common fetish objects are women's UJlderpants, bras, stockings, shoes, boots, or other wearing appa rel. nle person w ith Fetishism frequentl y mashlrbates while holding, rubbing, or smelling the fetish object or may ask the sexual partner to wear the object during their sexual encOlmters. Usually the fetish is required or strongly preferred for sexual excitement, and in its absence there may be erectile d ys-

1 570

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

function in males. This Paraphilia is not diagnosed when the fetishe s are limited to articles of female clothing used in cross-d ressing. as in Transvestic Fetishism, or when the object is genitally stimulating because it has been designed for that purpose (e.g., a vibrator). Us ually the Para philia begins by adolescence, although the fetis h may h ave been endowed with s pecial significance earlier in childhood . O nce established, Fetishis m tends to be chronic.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.81 Fetishism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexua lly arousing fa ntasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the use of nonliving objects (e.g., female undergarments),

8. The fa ntasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impairment in socia l, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
C. The fetish o bjects are not limited to articles of fema le clothing used in crossd ressing (as in Transvestic Fetishism) or devices designed for the purpose of tactile genital stimu lation (e.g ., a vibrator).



The paraphilic foc us of Frotteurism involves touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person. The behavior us ually occurs in crowded p laces from w hich the ind ividual can more easily escape arres t (e.g ., on busy sidewalks o r in public transportation vehicles) . He rubs his genitals against the victim's thighs and buttocks or fondles her genitalia or breas ts with his hands. \o\'"hile doing this he us ually fanta s izes an exclusive, caring relationship w ith the victim . H owever, he recognizes that to avoid possible p rosecution, he mu st escape detection after touching his victim. Usually the para philia begins by adolescence. Most acts o f fro ttage occur w hen the person is ages 15-25 years, after w hich there is a gradual decline in frequency .

Diagnostic criteria for 302.89 Frotteurism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexua lly a rousing fan tasies, sex

ual urges, o r behaviors involving touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting per son. B. The perso n has acted on t hese sexual urges, o r the sexual urges or fa ntasies cause marked distress or interpersonal diHiculty .


Ped ophilia




The ptlraphilic focu s of Pedophilia involves sexual activity wi th a prepubescent child (genera lly age 13 years or younger). The individual with Pedophilia mus t be age 16 yeMs or o lder and a t least 5 years older than the child. For individuals in late adolescence with Pedophilia, no precise age difference is speci fi ed , and cl inical judgment mus t be used ; both the sexual mahlrity of the dilld and the age difference must be taken into account. Individuals with Pedophilia generally report an attraction to children of a particular age range. Some ind ividuals prefer males, others females, and some are aroused by both males and females. Those attracted to females usually prefer 8- to 100rear-olds, whereas those attracted to males usually prefer slightly older children. Pedophi lia involving female victims is reported more often than Pedophilia involving male victims. Some individuals with Pedophilia are sexually attracted only to children (Exclusive Type), whereas others are sometimes attracted to adults (Nonexclusive Type). ind ividuals with Pedophil ia who act on their urges w ith children may li mit their acti vity to undressing the child and looking, exposing themselves, masturbating in the presence of the chil d, or gentle touching and fond ling of the child. Others, however, perform fellatio o r cunnilingus on the child or penetra te the child 's vagina, mouth, or anus w ith their fingers, foreign objects, or penis and u se varying d egrees of force to do so. These activities are commonly explained with excuses or rationalizations that the}' have "educational value" for the child, that the child derives "sexual p leasure" from them, or that the child was "sexually provocative"-themes that .lre .llso common in pedophilic pornography. Because of the egosyntonic natu re of Pedophilia, many individuals w ith pedophilic fant<l sies, urges, or behaviors do not experience significant distress. It is important to understand that experiencing dis tress abou t having the fan tasies, urges, or beh<lviors is not necessary for a diagnosis of Pedophilia . Individuals w ho have a pedophiHc arousa l pattern and act on these fantasi es or urges with a child qualify for the diagnosis of Pedophilia. Individuals may limit their activities to their own children, s tepchildren, or relatives or may victimize children outside their families. Some individuals with Pedophilia threa ten the child to prevent disclosure. Others, particularly those who frequently victimize children, d evelop compiic<lted techniques for obtaining access to children, which may include winning the trus t of a child 's mother, marrying a woman w ith an aHr<lctive child, trading children with other individuals w ith Pedophilia, or, in rare instances, taking in foster children from nonindustrialized countries or abducting children fTOm s trangers. Except in cases in which the disorder is associated with Sexual Sadis m, the person may be attentive to the child 's need s in order to gain the child's affection, interest, and loyalty and to prevent the child from reporting the sexual activity. The disorder usually begins in adolescence, although some individuals with PedophiHa report that they did not become aroused by children until middle age. The frequency of pedophilic behavior often fluctuates with psychOSOCial stress. The course is u sually chronic, especially in those attracted to males. 111e recidivism rate for individuals with Pedo philia involving a preference for males is roughly twice that for those who prefer females.


Sexua l and Gender Identity Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 302.2 Pedophilia

A. Over a period of at least 6 mo nths, recurrent, intense sexually arousi ng fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubesce nt child or chi ldren
(generally age 13 years or younger).

B. The pe rson has acted o n these sexual urges, o r the sexual urges o r fantasies cause marked distress or interpe rsona l difficulty .
C. The pe rson is at least age 16 years and at least 5 yea rs older than the child or children
in Criterion A.

Speci fy if;

Do not include an individual i n late adolescence involved in an ongo ing sex-

ual relatio nship with a 12- o r 13-year-old.

Sexu a lly Attracte d to Males Sexu a lly Attracte d to Fe males Sexu a lly Attracte d t o Both
Spe cify if:
Lim it e d to Incest

Specify type:
Exclusive Type (attracted only to children) Nonexclu sive Type

302 .83

Sexual Masochi sm

The paraph ilic focus of Sexual M asochis m involves the act (real, no l s imula ted) o f being hwnilialed, beaten, bo und, o r othenvise made to s uffe r. Some individua ls are both ered by their masochistic fa ntasies, w hich m ay be invoked d u ring sexual inlercourse o r m asturbation but no t o then vise a cted o n . In such cases, the masochis tic fantasies usua lly involve being ra ped w hile bei ng held or bound by othe rs so that the re is no possibility of e sca pe. O thers ac t on the m asochis tic sexual urges by themse lves (e.g., binding them se lves, sticking them selves with pins, shocking the mselves electrically, or self-mutilation) o r w ith a p a rtner. M asochis tic acts tha t m ay be sou g ht wilh a pa rtner include res traint (physical bondage), blindfolding (sensory bondage), paddling, s panking, whipping, bea ting, electrical s hocks, c utting, " p inn ing and p ie rcing" (infibula tio n), and humiliation (e.g., being urina led or defecate d o n, be ing forced to crawl a nd bark like a d og, o r be ing s ubjected 10 verbal abuse). Fo rced cross-dressing may be sough t for its hwnilia ting associa tio ns. 111e individua l rna}' have a d es ire to be t.reated as a helpless infa nl and clothed in diapers ("infantilism " ). One particularly dangero us fo rm of Sexua l Masochism; caJled " hypoxyphiJia," involves sexual arousal by oxygen de privation obtained by means o f chest compressio n, noose, ligature, plastic bag, mas k, o r chemical (ofte n a volatile nitrite tha t produces a te mpo ra ry d ecrease

302 .84

Sexual Sadism


in brain oxygenation by perip heral vasodilation). O xygen-depriving acti vities may be engaged in alone or with a partner. Beca use of equipmen t malfunction, errors in the placement of the noose or Ligature, or other mis takes, accidental dea ths sometimes occur. Data from the United States, England, Australia, and Canada indicate that one to h vo hypoxyp hilia-ca used deaths p er million po pula tion are detected and reported each year. Some males w ith Sexual Masochism also have Fetishis m, Trans\cstic Fetishis m, or Sexual Sadism . Masochistic sexual fantasies are likely to have been present in childhood . The age at which masochistic activities with pa rtners fi rst begins is variable, but is commonly by early adulthood . Sexu al Masochism is us ually chronic, and the person tends to repeat the same masochi stic act. Some individuals with Sexual Masochism m ay engage in masochis tic acts fo r many years withou t increas ing the potential injurious ness of their acts. O thers, however, increase the severity of the masochistic acts over time or during periods o f s lTess, which may eventually resuit in injury or even death.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.83 Sexual Masochism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually a rousi ng fantaSies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving the act (real, not simulated) of being humi liated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer. B. The fantasies, sexua l urges, or behaviors cause clinica lly significant distress or impairment in social, occupat ional, or ot her important areas of funct ioning.


Sexual Sadism

The par.lphilic focus o f Sexual Sadism involves acts (real, not simulated) in w hich the individ ual d erives sexual excitement from the psychological or p hysical s uffering (including h umilia tion) of the victim. Some indiv iduals with this Paraphilia are bothered by their sadis tic fantasies, w hich rna}' be invoked during sexual activit)' but not otherwise acted on; in such cases the s adis tic fantas ies us ually involve having complete conlTol over the victim, w ho is terrified by anticipation o f the impending sadistic act. O thers act on the sad is tic sexual urges with a consenting partner (who may have Sexual Masoch is m) w ho willingly s uffers pain or humiliation . Still others with Sexual Sadism act on their sadis tic sexual u rges w ith nonconsenting victims. In all of these cases, it is the s uffering of the victim that is sexually arousing . Sad is tic fantasies or acts may involve activities that indica te the dominance of the person over the victim (e.g., forcing the victim to crawl or keeping the victim in a cage). They may also involve res traint, blindfold in g, paddling, spanking, w hipping, pinching, beating.. burning, electrica l shocks, rape, cutting, s ta bbing, stran gulation, tortu re, mutiJation, or killing. Sadis tic sexual fan tasies are likely to have been p resent in childhood. The age at onset of sadistic activ ities is variable, but is commonly by early aduHhood. Sexual Sadism is u sually chronic. When Sexual Sadis m is practiced w ith nonconsenting partners, the activity is likely to be repeated un til the person with Sexual Sadism is app rehended . Some individuals wi th Sexual Sad ism may engage in sadistic acts for


Sexua l and Gender Identity Disorders

man}' years w ithout a need to increase the potential for inflicting serious physical damage. Usuall}', however, the severity of the sadis tic acts increases over time. When Sexual Sadi sm is severe, and especially when it is associated with Antisocial Personality Disorder, individuals with Sexllal Sadism may seriously injure or kill their victims.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.84 Sexual Sadism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually a rousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving acts (real, not simu lated) in which the psychological or physical suffering (including humiliation) of the victim is sexually exciting to t he

B. The person has acted on these sexual urges with a nonconsenting person, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.


Transvestic Fetishism

11le paraphilic focus o f Transvestic Fetishism involves cross-dressing by a male in women's attire. In many or most cases, sexual arou sal is produced by the accompanying thought or image of the person as a fem ale (referred to as "autogynephilia"). These images can range from being a woman with female genitalia to that of a view of the self fully dressed as a woman with no real attention to genitalia. Women's garments are arousing primarily as symbols of the individual's femininity, not as fetishes with specific objective properties (e.g., objects made of rubber). Usu ally the male with Transvestic Fetis his m keeps a collection of female clothes that he inte rmittently u ses to cross-dress. This disorder has been described only in heterosexual males. Transvestic Fetishis m is not diagnosed w hen cross-dress ing occurs exclus ively during the course of Gender Identity Disorder. Transvestic phenomena range from occasional solitary wearing of female clothes to extensive involvement in a transvestic subcul- ture. Some males wear a single item of women's apparel (e.g., underwear or hosiery) under their masculine attire. Other males with Transvestic Fetishism dress entirely as females a nd wear makeup. The degree to w hich the cross-dressed indiv idual successfull y appears to be a female varies, depending on mannerisms, body habitus, and cross-dressing s ki ll. When not cross-dressed, the male with Transvestic Fetishism is usually unremarkably mascu line. Although h is basic preference is heterosexual, he lends to have few sexual partners and may have engaged in occas ional homosexual acts. An associa ted fea ture may be the presence of Sexual Masochism. The d isorder typically begins w ith cross-dressing in childhood or early adolescence. In many cases, the cross-dressing is not done in public until ~dulthood. The initial experience may involve pa rtial or total cross-dressing; partial cross-dressing often progresses to completecross-d ressing. A favored ar ticle of clothing may become erotic in itself and may be used habitually, first in masturbation and later in intercourse. In some individuals, the motivation for cross-dressing may change over time, temporarily o r permanently, w ith sexual arous. 1in response to the cross-dress ing diminishing or disappearing. In , s uch instances, the c ross-dressing becomes an antidote to anxiety or depression or



575 /

contributes to a sense of peace and calm . In o ther individuals, gender dysphoria may emerge, especially under situational s tress with or without symptoms of depression. For a smaU number of individuals, the gender d ysphoria becomes a fixed part of the clinical picture and is accompanied by the desire to dress and live permanently as a fema le and to seek hormonal or surgica l reassignmen t. IndividuaJs wi th Transvestic Fetishism often seek trea tment when gend er dysphoria emerges. The subtype With Gender Dysphoria is provided to allow the clinician to note the presence of gender dysphoria as part of T ransves tic Fetishism.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.3 Transvestic Fetishism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, in a heterosexual male, recurrent, intense sexually

arousing fantasies, sexua l urges, or behaviors involving crossdressing.

B. The fan tasies, sexual urges, or behaviors cause clinically significant distress or impair-

ment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

Specify if:

With Gender Dysphoria: if the person has persistent discomfort with gender role or identity



The paraphilk focu s of Voyeurism involves the act of observing wlsuspecti ng individuals, usually s trangers, who are naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity. The act of looking ("peeping") is for the purpose of achieving sexual excitement, and gener.llly no sexual activity with the observed person is sought. O rgasm, usually produced by mas turbation, may occur during the voyeuristic acti\' ity or later in response to the memory of what the person has witnessed. Often these indh'iduals have the fantasy of having a sexual experience w ith the observed person, but in reality this rarely occurs. In its severe form , peeping cons titutes the exclusive fo rm of sexual acti vity. The onset of voyeuristic behavior is usually before age 15 The course tend s to be chronic.

Diagnostic criteria for 302.82 Voyeurism

A. Over a period of at least 6 months, recurrent, intense sexually arousing fantasies, sex ual urges, or behaviors involving the act of observing an unsuspecting person who is naked, in the process of disrobing, or engaging in sexual activity. 8. The person has acted on these sexual urges, or the sexual urges or fantasies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty.


Sexual and Gender Ident ity Disorders

302. 9

Par aphilia Not Otherwise Specified

This category is included fo r cod ing Para philias that d o not meet the criteria fo r any o f the s pecific categories. Examples include, but are not limited to, telephone scatologia (obscene phone calls), necro philia (cor pses ), pa rtialis m (exclus ive foclls on pa rt of body), zoophilia (an imals), coprophilia (feces), kUs ma philia (enemas), a nd urophilia (u rine) .

Gender Identity Disorders

Gender Identity Disorder

Diagnost ic Feat ures
There a re tw o com ponents o f Gender Iden ti ty Disorder, both of w h ich mus t be presen t to ma ke the d iagnosis. There mus t be e vide nce o f a s trong and persis tent cross-gende r iden tification, which is the des ire to be, or the ins is tence tha t one is, of the other sex (Criterion A). This cross-gend er id enti fica tion mus t not merely be a des ire for any perceived cu ltural adva ntages of being the other sex. There mus t also be evid ence of pers is te nt d isco mfort about one's assigned sex or a sense of inappropriateness in the gende r role of tha t sex (Cri te rion B). Th e diagnosis is not mad e if the individual has a concu rre nt physical intersex condition (e.g., pa rtial androgen insens itivity syndrome or conge nital adrenal hyperplas ia) (Criterion C). To ma ke the diagnosis, there must be evid ence of clin ically s ignifican t d is tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other import<1nt a reas o f functioning (Criterion D). In boys, the cross-gender id e ntific ation is ma nifes ted by a marked p reoccu pation w ith traditionally fem inine activities. They may h ave a preference for dressing in girls' or women's clothes or may improvise such ite ms from a vailable materia ls when genuine a rticles a re unavailable. Towels, a prons, and scarves a re often u sed to represen t long h air or s kirts. There is a s trong a ttraction for the ste reotypical gam es and pas times o f girl s. They p articu larly e njoy p laying h Ollse, d rawing pictures of bea utiful girls and p rincesses, a nd wa tch ing televis ion or videos o f their favorite fe male characters. Stereotyp ica l fe ma le-type dolls, such as Ba rbie, a re o ften their fa vorite toys, a nd girls are their p referred pla ymates. When p la)'ing "h ouse," these boys rolep lay fe male figures, mos t commonly "mother roles," and o ften are quite preoccupied w ith female fantas), figures. They avoid rough-and-tumble pia)' and com petitive s ports and have little inte rest in cars and trucks or othe r nonaggressive bu t s te reotypica l boys' toys. The)' ma y express a wish to be a girl a nd assert tha t they will grow up to be a woman. They rna)' insis t on sitting to urina te a nd pre te nd not to have a penis by pushing it in between their legs. More ra rely, boys w ith Gende r Ide ntit), Disorder may s ta te tha t they find their pe nis oT'testes d isgu sting, tha t they w ant to remove them, or tha t they have, or w is h to h ave, a vagina. G irls w ith Gende r Ide ntity Diso rder displa y inte nse negative reactions to p are ntal expectations or attempts to have the m wear d resses or other feminine a ttire. Some

Gender Identity Disorder

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may refuse to attend school or social events w here such clothes may be required. They prefer boys' clothing and short hair, are often misidentified by strangers as boys, and may ask to be ca lled by a boy's name. Their fanta sy heroes are mos t often powerful male fi gures, such as Batman or Superman. These girls prefer boys as playmates, w ith whom they share interests in contact sports, rough-and-tumble play, and traditiona l boyhood games. They show little interes t in d olls or any fo ml of fe minine dress-up or role-play activity. A girl w ith this disorder may occasiona lly refuse to urinate in a sitting position. She may claim that she has or will grow a penis and may not wa nt to grow breasts or to menstruate. She may assert that she w ill g row up to be a ma n. Such g irls typically reveal marked cross-gender iden tification in role-playing, dreams, and fanta sies. Adults with Gender Identity Disorder are preoccupied with their wish to live as a member of the other sex . This preoccupation may be manifested as an in tense desire to adopt the social role of th e other sex or to acquire the physical appearance of the other sex through hormonal or surgical manipulation. Adults with this disorder are uncomfortable being regarded by others as, or fun ctioning in society as, a member of their deSignated sex. To varying degrees, they adopt the behavior, dress, and mannerisms of the other sex. In private, these individuals may spend much time crossdressed and working on the appearance of being the other sex. Many attempt to pass in public as the o ther sex. With cross-dressing and hormonal treatment (and for males, electrolysis), many individuals with this disorder may pass convincingly as the other sex. The sexual activity of these individuals w ith same-sex partners is generally constrained by the preference that their partners neither see nor touch their genitals. For some males who present later in life (often foll owing marriage), the individual's sexual activity with a woman is accompanied by the fan tasy o f being lesbian lovers or that his partner is a man and he is a woman. In adolescents, the clinical features may resemble either those of children or those of adul ts, depending on the individual's d evelopmental level, and the criteria should be applied accordingly. In a younger ad olescent, it may be more difficult to arrive at an accurate diagnosis because of the adolescent's guardedness. This may be increased if the adolescent feels ambivalent about cross-gender id entification or feels that it is unacceptable to the fantil y. The adolescent may be referred because the parents or teachers are concerned about isolation or peer teasing and rejection. In such circumstan ces, the diagnosis should be reserved for those adolescents wh o appear quite cross-gender identified in their dress and who engage in behaviors that suggest significant cross-gender identifica tion (e.g., shaving legs in males). Clarifying the d iagnosis in children and adolescents may require monitoring over an extended p eriod of time. Distress or d isability in individuals with Gender Identity Disorder is manifested differently across the life cycle. In young children, distress is manifested by the s tated unhappiness about their assigned sex. Preoccupation w ith cross-gender wishes often interferes with ordinary activities. In older child ren, failure to develop age-appropriate same-sex peer relationships and skills often leads to isolation and distress, and some children may refuse to attend school because of teasi.n g or pressure to dress in attire stereotypical of their assigned sex. l.n adolescents and adults, preoccupation with cross-gender wishes o ften interferes w ith ordinary activities. Relationship difficulties are common, and func tioning at school or at work may be impaired.

Specifie rs

Sexua l and Gender Ident ity Disorders

For sexually matu re ind ividuals, the follow ing s pecifiers may be noted based on the individual's sexu al orientation: Sexu ally Attracted to Males, Sexu ally Attracted to Females, Sexually Attracted to Both, and Sexu ally Attracted to Neither. Males with Gender Identity Disorder include substantial p roportions w ith all four sp ecifi ers. Those who are attracted to m ales usually first experience the d isorder beginning in

childhood or early adolescence, while those males attracted to females, both genders, or neither usually report their gender dysphoria beginning in ea rly to mid-adult
hood . Those men attracted to nei ther gender are often isola ted ind ividuals with sch izoid tra its. Virtually all females with Gender Identity Disorder will receive the same

specifi er- Sexually Attracted to Females-although there are exceptional cases involving females w ho are Sexually Attracted to Males.

Recordi ng Procedures
The assigned diagnostic code depends on the ind ividual's current age: if the disorder occurs in childhood, the code 302.6 is used; for an adolescent or adult, 302.85 is used.

Associated Features and Diso rd ers

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders . Many ind ividuals with Gender Identity Disorder become socially isolated. Isolation and ostracism contribute to low self-esteem and may lead to school aversion or dropping out of school. Peer ostracism and teasing are especially common sequelae for boys with the disorder. Boys with Gender Identity Disorder often show marked feminine mannerisms and speech patterns. The disturbance can be so pervasive that the mental lives of some individuals revolve only around those activities that lessen gender distress. They are often preoccupied with appearance, especially early in the transition to living in the opposite sex role. Relationships with one o r both parents also may be seriously impaired. Some males with Gender Identity Disorder resort to self-treatment with hormones and may very rarely perfo rm their own castration or penectomy. Especially in urban cenlers, some males with the disorder may engage in prostitution, which places them at high risk for human immunodeficiency virus (HfV) infec tion. Suicide attempts and Substance-Related Disorders are commonly associated. Children with Gender Iden tity Disorder may manifest coexisting Separation Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, and S)'TTlptoms of depression. Adolescents are particularly at risk fo r depression and suicidal idea tion and suicide attempts. In adults, anxiety and depressive symptoms may be present. In clinical samples, associated Personality Disorders are more common among males than among fema les. Adult males who are sexually attracted to females, to both males and females, or to neither sex usually report a history of erotic arousal associated with the thought or image of oneself as a woman (termed Qutogyneplli/ia). In most cases, the individ ua l would qualify, at least in his past, for a diagnosis of Transvestic Fetishism. In others, however, the individual's fa vorite fantasy emphasizes fe minine attributes other than clothing. Some men, for example, masturbate while picturing themselves

Gender Ident ity Disorder


as nude women, focu sing on their imagined breasts and vulvas; o thers masturba te while picturing themselves engaged in some stereoty pically feminine activity such as knitting . Associated laboratory findings . There is no diagnostic test specific for Gender Identity Disorder. In the presence of a nonnal physical examination, ""ryotyping for sex chromosomes and sex hormone assays are usually not indica ted. Psychological testi ng may reveal cross-gender identification o r behavior pa tterns. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Individuals with Gender Identity Disorder have nomlal genitalia (in contrast to the ambiguous genitalia or hypogonadism fou n d in physical intersex conditions). Adolescent and adult males w ith Gender Identity Di sorder may show breast enlargement resulting from hormone ingestion, hair den uding from temporary or permanent epilation, and other physical dmnges as a resu lt of procedures such as rhinoplasty or thyrOid ca rl"ilage shav iJlg (surgical red uction of the Ad am's apple). Distorted breasts or breast rashes may be seen in fema les who wear breast binders. Postsurgical complications in genetic females include prominent chest wal1 scars, and in genetic males, vagi nal strictures, rectovaginal fi stulas, ure thr.1l stenoses, and misd irected urinary streams. Adult fema les w ith Gender Identity Disorder may ha ve a h.igher-thanexpected likelihood of polycystic ovarian d isease.

Specific Ag e and Gender Features

Females with Gender Iden ti ty Disorders gen erally experience less ostracism because of cross-gender interests and may suffer less fro m peer rejection, at least until adolescence. In child clinic samples, boys w ith this disorder are referred fo r evaluation much more frequ ently than are girls. In adultcli..nic samp les, men outnumber women by about h\'o o r three times. In children, the referral bias toward males may partly rent'"Ct the g reater stigma that cross-gender behavior c.lrries fo r boys than for girls.

Preva lence
There are no recent epidemiological studies to provide data on prevalence of Gender Identity Disorder. Da ta from smaller countries in Europe w ith access to total populCltion statistics and referrals suggest that roughly 1 per 30,000 adult males and 1 per 100,000 adult females seek sex-reassignment surgery.

Co urse
For ciinicalJ}' referred children, onset of cross-gender interests and acti vities is usually beh veen ages 2 and 4 years, and some paren ts report that their ch ild has always had cross-gender interests. Only a very small number of children with Gender Identity Disorder w ill continu e to have symptoms that meet criteria for Gender Identity Disord er in adolescence or adulthood. Typ ically, children are referred around the time of school entry b ecause of parental concern that w hat they regi1rded as a "phase" does not appear to be passing. Most children with Gender Identity Disorder dis play

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Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

less overt cross-gender behaviors with time, parental intervention, or resp onse from peers. By late adolescence or adulthood, about three-quarters of boys who had a

childhood history of Gender Identity Disorder report a homosexual or bisexual orientation, but without concurrent Gender Identity Disorder. Most of the remainder report a heterosexual orientation, also without concurrent Gender Identity Disorder. The corresponding percentages for sexual orientation in girls are not known. Some adolescents may develop a clearer cross-gender identifica tion and request sexreassignment surgery or may continue in a chronic course of gender confusion or dysphoria. In adult males, there are two d ifferent courses for the development of Gender Identity Disorder. The first is a continuation o f Gender Identity Disorder that had an onset in childhood. These individuals typically prescnt in late adolescence or adulthood . In the other co urse, the m ore overt signs of cross-gender identification appear later and more gradually, with a clinical presentation in early to mid-adulthood usually follo wing, but sometimes concurrent with, Transvestic Fetishis m. nle later-onset group may be more flu ctuating in the degree of cross-gender identification, more ambivalent about sex-reassignment surgery, more likely to be sexually attracted to women, and less likely to be satisfied after sex-reassignment surgery. Males with Gender Identity Disorder who are sexually attracted to males tend to present in adolescence or early adulthood with a lifelong history of gender dysphoria. In contrast, those who are sexually attracted to females, to both males and females, or to neither sex tend to present later and typically have a history of Transvestic Fetishism. Typically, after sex reassignment, those males who were attracted to females wish to live w ith another woman in either a lesbian relationship or as sisters. U Gender Identity Disorder is present in adulthood, it tends to have a chronic course, but spontaneous remission has been reported .

Differential Diagnosis
Gender Identity Disorder can be distinguished from simple nonconfonnity to stereotypical sex-role behavior by the extent and pervasiveness of the cross-gender wishes, interests, and activities. This disorder is not meant to d escribe a child's nonconfonnity 10 stereol)' pic sex-role behavior as, for example, in "tomboyishness" in girls or "sissyish" behavior in boys. Rather, it represents a profqwld di..sturbance of the ind iv idual's sense of identity with regard to maleness or femaleness. Behavior in children that merely d oes not fit the cultura l stereotype of masculinity or feminin il)' should not be given the diagnosis unless the full syndrome is presen t, including marked distress or impainnent. Transvestic Fetishism occurs in heterosexual (or bisexual) men for whom the cross-dressing behavior is for the purpose of sexual excitement. Aside from crossdresSing, most indiv iduals with Transvestic Fetishism do not have a history of childhood cross-gender behaviors. Males w ith a presentation that meets full criteria for Gender Identity Disord er as well as Transvestic Fetishism should be given both diagnoses. U gender dysphoria is present in an individual w ith Transvestic Fetishism but full criteria for Gender Identity Disorder are not met, the specifier With Gender Dysphoria can be used. The category Gender Identi ty Disorder Not Otherwise Specified can be used for

Gender Identity Disorder individ uals w ho have a gender id entity problem w ith a con current congen ital intersex cond ition (e.g., partial androgen insensitivity syndrome or congenital adrenal hyperplasia). In Schizophrenia, there may rarely be delusions of belonging to the other sex. Insistence by a person with a Gender Id entity Disorder that he or she is of the other sex is not considered a delusion, because what is invariably meant is that the person feels like a member of the other sex rather than truly believes that he or she is a member of the other sex. in very rare cases, ho wever, Schizophrenia and severe Gender Identity Disorder may coexist.

Diagnostic criteria for Gender Identity Disorder

A. A strong and persistent cross-gender identification (not merely a desire for any per ceived cult ural adva ntages of being the other sex). In chi ldren, the disturbance is manifested by four (or more) of the following:
(1) repeatedly stated desire to be, or insistence that he or she is, the other sex (2) in bo ys, preference for cross-dressing o r simulating female attire; in girls, insis-

tence on wearing only stereotypica l masculine clothing (3) strong and persistent preferences for cross-sex roles in make-believe play or persistent fantasies of being the o t her sex (4) intense desire to participate in the stereotypica l games and pastimes of the othersex (5) strong preference for playmates of the othe r sex In adolescents and adults, the d isturbance is manifested by symptoms such as a stated desire to be t he other sex, frequ ent passing as the other sex, desire to live or be treated as the other sex, or the conviction that he o r she has the typical feel ings and reactions of the other sex.
B. Persistent discomfort with his o r he r sex or sense of inappro priateness in the gender

ro le of that sex. In children, the d isturbance is manifested by any of the following : in boys, assertion that his penis or testes are d isgusting or will d isappear o r assertion that it would be better not to have a penis, o r aversion toward rough-andtumble play and rejection of ma le stereotypica l toys, games, and activities; in girls, rejection of urinating in a sitting position, assertion that she has or wi ll grow a pe nis, o r assertion that she does not want to grow breasts or menstruate, or marked aversio n toward normative feminine clothing. In adolescents and adults, the d isturbance is manifested by symptoms such as preoccupation w ith getting rid of primary and secondary sex characteristics (e.g., request for hormones, surgery, or other procedures to physically alter sexual characte ristics to simulate the other sex) o r belief that he or she w as born the wrong sex.
C. The disturbance is not concurrent with a physical intersex condition .

D. The disturbance causes clinica lly significant dist ress or impairment in social, occupa tional, o r other important areas of functioning .


Sexual and Gen der Identity Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for Gender Identity Disorder (continued)

Code based on current age:


Gender Ide ntity Disorder in Children

Gender Id entity Disorder in Adolescents or Adults

Specify if (for sexually mature individuals):

Sexually Sexually Sexually Sexually

Attracted Attracted Attracted Attracted

to to to to

Males Females Both Neither

302.6 Gender Identity Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is included for coding disorders in gender identity thai are no t classifi-

able as a specific Gender Id enti ty Disorder. Examples include

1. Intersex conditions (e.g .. partial androgen insensitivity syndrome or congeni tal adrenal hyperplasia) and accompanying gender dysphoria 2. Transient, stress-related cross-dressing behavior 3. Persistent preoccupation with castration or penectomy without a desire to acquire the sex characteristics of the other sex


Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This ca tegory is included for coding a sexual disturbance that does not meet the criteria for any specific Sexual Disorder and is neither a Sexual Dysfunction nor a Paraphilia. Examples include 1. Marked feelings of inadequacy concerning sexual performance or other traits related to self-imposed standards of masculinity or femininity 2. Distress abou t a pattern of repeated sexuijl relationships involving a succession of lovers who are experienced by the individual only as things to be used 3. Persistent and marked distress about sexual orientation

Eating Disorders

he Eating Disorders are characterized by severe disturbances in eating behavior. Thi s section includes two s pecific diagnoses, Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia er\fosa. Anorexia Nervosa is characterized by a refusal to maintain a minimally normal body weight. Bulimia Nervosa is characterized by repeated episodes of b inge eating followed by inappropriate compensatory behaviors such as self-induced vomiting; mi suse of laxatives, d iuretics, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise. A dish.ubance in perception of body shape and weight is an essen tial feature o f both Anorexia Nerva sa and Bu li mia Nervos<l. An Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified category is also provided for coding disorders that do not meet criteria for a specific Eating Disorder. Simple obesity is included in the Ifltemntiollnl C/assijicntiofl of Diseases (TCD) as a general medical condition bu t does not appear in DSMIV because it has not been es tablished that i t is consistently associated with a p sycho logical or behav ioral syn drome. However, when there is evidence that psychological factors are of importance in the etiology or course of a particular case of obesity, this can be indicated by noting the presence of Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condi tion (p. 731). Disorders ofFeecling and Eating that are usually first d iagnosed in infancy or early childhood (i.e., Pica, Rumination Disorder, and Feeding Disorder of Infancy o r Early Childhood) are included in the section " Feeding and Eating Disorders of Infancy or Early C hildhood " (p. 103).

Diagnostic Features

Anorexia Nervosa

The essential features o f Anorexia Nervosa are tha t the individual refuses to maintain a minimally normal body weight, is intensely afraid of gaining weight. and exhibits a significant disturbance in the perception of the shape or size of his or her body. In addition, poshnenarcheal females w ith this disorder are amenorrheic. (The term aflorexin is a misnom er because loss of appetite is rare.) The individual maintains a body weight that is below a minimally normal level for age and height (Criterion A). When Anorexia Nervosa develops in an individual during childhood or early adolescence, there may be failure to make expected weight gains (i.e., while growing in height) instead of weight loss. Criterion A provides a guideline for determining when the individual meets the threshold for being underweight. It suggests that the individual weigh less than 85% of that weight that is considered normal for that person 's age and height (usually


1 584

Eating Disorders

compu ted using one of several published versions of the MetTopolitan Life Insurance tables or pediatric g rowth charts). An alternative and somewhat stricter g uideline (used in the lCD-tO Diagnos tic Criteria fo r Research) requires that the individual have a body mass index (Btvll) (calcula ted as weight in kilograms / height in meters 2) equ al to or below ] 7.5 kg / m l, These cutoffs are provided o nly as s uggested guidelines for the clinician, since it is unreasonable to specify a single standard for minimally normal weight that applies to all individua ls of a given age and height. In determining a minimally normal weight, the clinician s hould consider not only such guidelines but also the individual's body build and weight his tory. Usually weigh t loss is accomplished primarily through reduction in total food intake. Although individua ls may beg in by excluding from their diet what they perceive to be h ighly caloric foods, most eventually end up with a very res tricted diet that is somet imes limited to only a few fo od s. Additional methods of weight loss include purging (i.e., self-induced vom iting or the misuse of laxatives or diuretics) and increased or excessive exercise. Individ ua ls with this disorder intensely fear ga ining weight or becoming fa t (Criterion B). TIlis intense fear o f becoming fat is usually not allevia ted by the weight loss. In fact, concern about weight gain often increases even as actual weight continues to decrease. The experience and significance of body weight and shape are distorted in these individuals (Criterion C). Some ind ividuals feel g lobally ovenveig ht. Others realize that they are thin but are s till concerned that certain pa rts of their bodies, particularl)' the abdomen, buttocks, and thighs, are " too fa L" They may employ a wide variety of techniques to estimate their body s ize or weight, incl uding excessive weighing, obsessive measuring of body parts, and persistently us ing a mirror to check for perceived areas of " faL " The self-esteem of indi viduals with Anorexia Nervosa is highly eight loss is viewed as an impressi\'e d ependent on their body shape and weigh t. ' ,\T achievemen t and a s ign of extraordinary self-discipline, whereas weight gain is perceived as an unacceptable failure of self-control. Tho ugh some individ uals with this disorder may acknowledge being thin, they typically deny the serious medical implications of their malnourished s tate. in postmenarcheal fe males, amenorrhea (due to abnormally low levels of estrogen secretion that are due in tum to diminished pituitary secretion of fo llicle-stim ulating honnone IFSH j and luteinizing hormone [LHj) is an indicator of p hysiological d ysfunction in Anorexia Nervosa (Cri terion D). Ameno rrhea is us ually a consequence of the weight loss but, in a minori ty of individuals, may actually precede it. In prepubertal females, menarche may be delayed by the illness. The ind ividual is often brought to professional attention by famil y members after marked weight loss (or failure to make expected weight gains) has occurred . If ind ivid uals seek help on their own, it is usually because of their subjective dis tress over the somatic and psychological sequelae of starvation. It is rare for an individual with Anorexia Nen 'osa to complain of weight loss per sc. lndividuals w ith Anorexia Nervasa frequently lack insight into, or have considerable d enial of, the problem and may be unreliable historians. It is therefo re often necessary to obtain information from parents or other outside sources to evaluate the degree of weight loss and other features of the illness.

307. 1 Anorexia Nervosa

The foll owing subtypes can be used to specify the presence o r absence o f regular
binge eating or purging during the current episode of Anorexia
~estrictin g Type.


This subtype describes presentations in which weight loss is accomplished p rimarily through dieting, fas ting, o r excessive exercise. During the current episode, these individuals have not regula rly engaged in binge eating or purging . Binge-Eatin glPurging T ype. This sub type is used when the ind ividual has regularly engaged in binge eati ng or pu rging (or both) during the current episode. Most individuals with Anorexia Nervosa who binge eat also purge through self- induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, d iuretics, orenemas. Some individuals included in this subtype d o not binge ea t, but do regularly purge after the consumption of small amounts of food. It appears that most individuals with Binge-Ea ting / Purging Type engage in these behaviors at least weekly, but sufficient information is not available to justify the specification of a minimum frequency.

Associated Featu res a nd Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. When seriously underweight, many indi vidua ls w ith Anorexia Nervosa manifest depressive symptoms such as depressed mood, social withd rawal, irritabili ty, insomnia, and diminished interest in sex. Such individuals may have sym p tomatic presentations that meet criteria for Major Depressive Disord er. Because these features are also observed in individuals withou t Anorexia Nen'osa wh o are undergoing starvation, many of the depressive fearures may be secondary to the physiological sequelae of semistan 'ation. Symptoms o f mood disturban ce must therefore be re<lssessed after partial or complete weight restoration. Obsessive-compulsive features, both related and unrelated to food, are often prominent. Most indi viduals w ith Anorex ia Nervosa are preoccupied with though ts of food. Some collect recipes or h oard food. Observa tions of behaviors associated with other forms of stan' ation su ggest that obsessions and compulsions rel<lted to food may be caused or exacerbated by lmdernutrition. When in dividuals w ith Anorexia Nen'osa exhibit obsessions and compulsions that are not related to food , body shape, or weight, an add itional diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder may be warranted . Other features sometimes associated with Anorexi<l Nen'osa include concerns about eating in public, feeling s of ineffectiveness, a strong need to control one's environment, inflexible thinking, limited social spon taneity, perfectionism, and overly restrained initiative and emotional expression. A substantial portion of individual s with Anorexia Nen'osa have a personality disturbance that meets criteria for at least one Personality Disorder. Compared w ith individuals with Anorexia Nervosa, Restricting Type, those w ith the Binge-Eating/ Purging Type are more likely to have other impulse-control p roblems, to abuse alcohol or other drugs, to exhibit more mood lability, to be sexually <lctive, to have a greater frequency o f suicide attempts in


Eating Disorders

their his tory, and to ha ve a personality disturbance that meets criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder.

Associat e d laboratory find ings. Although some individuals with Anorexia NerVOSil exhibit no laboratory abnormalities, the semjstarvation characteristic of this disorder ca n affect most major organ systems and produce a variety of disturbances. The induced vomiting and abuse of laxatives, diuretics, and enemas can also cause a number of dis turbances leading to abnormal laboratory findings. Hematology: Leukopenia and mild anemia are common; thrombocytopenia occurs rarely. Cllemistry: Dehydration may be reflected by an elevated blood urea nitrogen (8U ). Hypercholesterolemia is common. Uver function tests may be elevated. Hypo-magnesemia, hypozincemia, hypophosphatemia, and hyperamylasemia are occasionally found . Induced vomiting may lead to metabolic alkalosis (elevated serum bicarbonatel- hypochloremia, and hypokalemia, and laxative abuse may cause a metabolic acidosis. Serum thyroxine (Tol) levels are usually in the low-normal range; triiodothyron ine (T) levels are d ecreased. Hyperadrenocorticism and abnormal responsiveness to a variety of neuroendocrine challenges are common. In females, low serllm estrogen levels are present, w hereas males have low levels of serum testosterone. There is a regression of the hypothalamic-pituita ry-gonadal axis in both sexes in that the 24-hour pattern of secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) resembles that normally seen in prepubertal or pubertal individuals. ElectromrdiograpllY: Sinus bradycardia and, rarely, arrhy thmias are observed . Elecfroellceplmlograplly: Diffuse abnomlalities, reflecting a metabolic encephalopathy, may result from significant fluid and electrolyte disturbances. Braill imaging: An increase in the ventricular-brain ratio secondary to starvation is often seen. Resting energy expenditllre: This is o ften significantly reduced .
Ass ociated physical examination f indings and general me dical conditions.

Many of the physical signs and s}' mptoms of Anorexia Nervosa are attributable to starvation. In addition to amenorrhea, there may be complaints of constipation, abdominal pain, cold intolerance, lethargy, and excess energy. The most obvious fmdin g on physical examination is emaciation. There may also be significant hypotension, hypothermia, and dryness of skin . Some individuals develop lanugo, a fine d owny body hair, on their trunks. Most individuals with Anorexia Nervosa exhibit bradycardia. Some de\'elop peripheral edema, especially during weight restoration oron cessation of laxative and diuretic abuse. Rarely, petechiae, usually on the extremities, may indicate a bleeding diathesis. Some individuals evidence a yellowing o f the skin associated with hypercarotenemia. Hypertrophy of the salivary glands, particularly the parotid g lands, may be present. Individ uals who induce vomiting may have dental enamel erosion and some may have scars or calluses on the dorsu m of the hand from contact w ith the teeth when using the hand to induce vomiting. The sem istarvation of Anorexia Nervosa, and the purging beha viors sometimes associated with it, can result in significant associated general medical conditions. These include the development of normochromic normocytic anemia, impaired renal function (associa ted with chronic dehydration and hypokalemia), cardiovascular

307.1 Anorexia Ne rvosa


problems (severe hypotension, arrhythmias), dental problems, and osteoporosis (resulting from low ca lcium intake and absorp tion, reduced estrogen secretion, and increased cortisol secretion).

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Fe atures

Anorexia Nervosa appears to be far more prevalent in ind ustrialized societies, in which there is an abund ance of food and in wh ich, especially for fem ales, being considered attractive is linked to being thin . The d isord er is probably most common in the Un ited States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan , New Zea land, and Sou th Africa, but liule systema tic work has examined prevalence in o ther cuItures. Immigrants fro m cul tures in which the disorder is rare who em igrate to cultures in which the disorder is more preva lent may develop Anorexia Nervosa as thin-body ideals are assimilated. Cultural factors may also innuence the manifestations of the di sorder. For example, in some cu ltures, distu rbed perception of the body or fear of weight ga in may not be p rominent and the exp ressed motivation fo r food restriction may have a different content, sllch as epigastric discomfort o r distaste for food. Anorexia Nervosa rarely begins before p uberty, but there are suggestions that the severity of associated mental disturban ces may be grea ter am ong prepubertal individuals who develop the illness. However, d ata also suggest that when the illness begins d u ring early adolescence (between ages 13 and 18 years), it may be associa ted with a beller p rognosis. l\llore than 90% of cases of Anorexia Nervosa occur in females.

The lifetime prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa among females is approximately 0.5%. Individuals who are subthresh old fo r the d isorder (Le., with Ea ting Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) are more commonly encountered. The prevalence of Anorexia Nervosa among males is apprOxima tely one-tenth that among females. The incidence of Anorex ia Nervosa appears to h ave increased in recen t d ecades.

Anorexia Nervosa ty p ically begins in m id - to la te ad olescence (age 14-18 years). The onset of th is disorder rarely occu rs in females over age 40 years. 111e onset of illness may be associated w ith a stressfu l life event. The course and outcome of Anorexia Ncrvosa arc high ly variable. Some ind ividuals w ith Anorexia Nervosa recover fuJly after a single episode, some exhibit a fl uctuatin g pa ttern of weight gain followed by relapse, and others exp erience a chronically deteriorating course of the illness over many years. With time, particularly w ithin the firs t 5 years of onset, a significant fraction o f individuals with the Restricting Type of Anorexia Nervosa develop binge eating, ind ica ting a change to the Binge Eating/ Purging subtype. A sustained shift in clinical p resentation (e.g., weight gain plus the presence of binge ea ting and purging) may even tually wa rrant a change in diagnosis to Bulimia 'ervosa. Hosp italization may be required to restore weigh t and to address fluid and electrolyte imbalances. O f ind ivid uals admitted to university hospitals, the long-term


Eat ing Disorders

mortality from Anorexia Nen'osa is over 10%. Death mos t commonly results from s tarvation, suicide, or electrolyte imbalance.

Familia l Pattern
There is an increased risk of Anorexia Nervosa among fust---degree biological relatives of individuals with the disorder. An increased risk of Mood Disorders has also been found among fi rst-degree biological relatives of individuals with Ano rexia Nervosa, particularly relatives of ind ividuals with the Binge-Eating / Pu rging Type. Studies of Anorexia ' ervosa in twins have found concordance rates for monozygotic twins to be significantly higher than those for dizygotic h\'ins.

Differential Diagnosis
Other possible causes of significant weight loss shou ld be consi dered in the differential diagnOSiS of Anorexia Nervosa, especially when the presenting features are atypical (such as an onset of illness after age40years). In ge neral medical conditions (e.g., gastrointestinal disease, brain tumors, occult ma lignancies, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS}), serious weight loss may occur, but individuals with su ch disorders usually do not have a distorted bod y image and a desire for further weight loss. The s uperior mesenteric artery syndrome (characteri zed by postprandial vomiting secondary to intermittent gastric outlet obstruction) should be distinguished from Anorexia Nervosa, although this syndrome may sometimes develop in individuals with Anorexia Nervosa bccauseof their emaciation. In Major Depressive Disorder, severe weight loss may occur, but most ind ividuals with Major Depressive Disorder do not have a desire for excessive weight loss or excessive fear of gaining weight. In Schizophreni a, individuals may exhibit odd eating behavior and occasionaHy experience s ignificant weight loss, but they rarely s how the fear of gaining weight and the body image disturbance required for a diagnosis of Anorexia Nervosa. Some of the features of Anorexia Nervosa are part of the cri teria sets for Social Phob ia, Obsessive-Compuls ive Disorder, and Body D ysm or phic Disorder. Specifically, individuals may be humiliated or embarrassed to be seen ea ting in public, as in Social Phobia; may exhibit obsessions and compu ls ions related to food, as in Obsessh'e-Compulsive Disorder; or may be preoccupied with an imagined defect in bodily appearance, as in Body Dysmorphic Disorder. If the individual with Anorexia Nervosa has social fears that are limi ted to eating behavior alone, the diagnosis of S0cial Phobia should not be made, but social fears unrelated to eating behavior (e.g., excessive fear of speaking in public) may warrant an additional diagnosiS of Social Phohi.l. Similarly, an ad ditional diagnosis of Obsessive-Compuls ive Disorder s hould be considered only if the individual exhibits obsessions and compulSions unrelated to food (e.g., an excessive fear of contamination), an d an additional diagnosis of Body Dysmorphic Disorder should be considered only if the distortion is unrelated to body shape and size (e.g., p reoccupa tion that one's T).ose is too big). In Bulimia Nervos a, individuals exhibit recurrent episodes of binge ea ting, engage in inappropriate behavior to avoid weight gain (e.g., self-induced vomiting), and are overly concemed w ith body shape and weight. However, unlike individuals with

307.5 1 Bu lim ia Nervosa


Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating/ Purging Type, individuals with Bulimia NerV05<l are able to maintain body weight at or above a minimall}' normal level.

Diagnostic criteria for 307.1 Anorexia Nervosa

A. Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (e.g ., weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% of that expected; or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of t hat expected).
8. Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat. even though underweight.
C. Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue

influence of body weight or shape on self-eva luation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
D. In postmenarcheal females, a menorrhea, i.e., t he absence of at least three consecu-

tive menstrual cycles. (A woman is considered to have amenorrhea if her periods 0(cur only following hormone, e.g., estrogen, administration.)
Specify type:

Restricting Type: during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i .e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretic;, or enemas) Binge-Eating/Purging Type : during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i.e., selfinduced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas)

Diagnostic Feature s

Bulimia Nervosa

The essential features of Bulimia iervosa are binge ea ting and inappropriate compensatory methods to prevent weight gain. In addition, the self-evaluation of individuals w ith Bulimia Nervosa is excessively influenced by body shape and weight. To qualify for the diagnosis, the binge eating a nd the inappropriate compensatory behaviors mus t occur, on a verage, at leas t twice a week for 3 months (Criterion C). A b;flge is defined as eating in a discrete period of time an amount of food that is definitel y larger than most individuals would eat under s imilar circumsta nces (Criterion A 1). The clinician should consider the conlext in which the eating occurredwhat would be rega rded as excessive conswnption at a typical meal m ight be considered normal during a celeb ration or holiday meal. A "discrete period of time" refers to a limited period, u sually less tha n 2 homs. A s ing le episode of binge eating need not be restricted to one setting . For example, an individual may begin a binge in a restaurant and then continue it on returning home. Continual snacking on smal1 amounts of food throughout the d ay wo uld not be cons idered a binge. Although the type of food cons umed during binges varies, it typically includes

1 590

Eating Disorders

sweet, high-calo ric foods such as ice cream or cake. However, hinge eating appears to be characterized more by an abnormality in the amount of food cons umed than by
a craving for a s pecific nutrient, s uch as carbohyd ra te. Although indiv iduals with Bulimia Nervosa cons ume more calories during an episode of binge ea than p ersons without Bulimia 'ervosa consume during a mea\, the fra ctions of calories d erived

from protein, fat. and carbohydrate arc similar.

lnd ividua ls with Bulimia Nervosa arc typieaDy ashamed of their eating p rob lems and attempt to conceal their sym p toms. Binge eating usu all y occurs in secrecy, or as inconspicuously as p OSSible. An episode may or may not be planned in advance and is usually (but not always) cha racterized by rapid. cons umption. The binge eating often continues un til the individual is uncomfortably, or even painfully, fu ll. Binge eating is typ ically triggered by d yspho ric mood states, interpersonal slressors, intense hunger following dietary restraint, or feelings related to body weight, body shape, and food . Binge eating may transiently reduce d yspho ria, but d isparaging selfcri ticis m and d epressed mood o ften fo llow. An ep isode of binge eating is also accompanied by a sense of lack of control (Criterion A2) . An individual may be in a frenzied state while binge eating, especially early in the course of the disorder. Some individuals describe a dissociative qua lity d uring, or following, the binge episodes. After Bulimia N ervosa has persisted for some time, individuals may report that their binge-ea ting episodes are no longer characterized by an acute feeling o f loss of control. but rather by behavioral ind ic.1tors of impaired control, such as difficul ty resis ting binge eating or difficulty stopping a binge once it has beglU1. The imp airment in control associated w ith binge eating in Bulimia Nervosa is not absolu te; fo r example, an individu al may continue binge eating while the telephone is ringing, but will cease if a roommate or spouse u nexpectedly enters Ihe room . Another essential fe ature of Bul imia Nervosa is the recurrent use of inappropriate compensatory behaviors to prevent weight gain (C riterion B). Many indi viduals with Bulimia Nervosa employ severa l methods in their attempt to com pensate for binge eating. The most common compensa tory technique is the ind uction of vomiting after an episod e of binge eating. This method of purging is emp loyed by 80%- 90% of individu als with Bulimia 'ervosa w ho presen t for trea tment a t eating d isorders clinics. The immediate effects of vomiting include relief from physical d iscomfort and reduction of fear of gaining weight. In some cases, vomiting ~ecomes a goal in itself, and the person w iJl binge in ord er to vom it or will vomit after eating a sma ll amOlU1t of food. Indiv iduals with Bulimia Nenosa may use a variety of methods to ind u ce vomiting, indud ing the use of fin gers o r instmments to stimulate the gag renex. Ind ividuals generally become adept at inducing vomiting and are eventually able to vomit at w ill. Rarely, individuals consume syrup of ipecac to ind u ce vomiting. Other purging beha\.iors include the misu se of laxatives and d iuretics. Approxima tely one-third of those with Bulimia Nervosa mis use laxatives after binge eating. Rarely, ind ividuals with the disorder w ill misu se enemas follow ing episodes of binge ea ting, but this is seldom the sole compensatory method employed. Individuals w ith Bulimia Nen fosa may fa s t for a d ay or more or exercise excessively in an aHempt to compensate for binge eating. Exercise may be considered to be excessive w hen it significantl y interferes w ith important activities, when it occurs al inapp ropriate times or in inapp rop riate settings, o r w hen the individual continues to


Bu limi a Nervosa


exercise d espite injury or other medical complications. Rarely, indiv iduals with this disorder may take thyroid hormone in an attempt to avoid weight gain. Individuals \\'ith d iabetes mellitus and Bul imia Nervosa rna)' omit o r reduce insulin doses in order to reduce the metabolis m of food consumed during ea ting binges. Individuals with Bulimia Nervosa place an excessive emphasis on body shape and \\"eight in their seif-evaluation, and these factors are ty pically the most important ones in determining self-es teem (Criterion D). Individua ls with this disorder may closely resemble those with Anorexia Nervosa in their fear of gain ing weight, in their desire to lose weight, and in the level of dissatisfaction w ith their bod ies. However, a diagnosis of Bulimia Nervosa s hould not be given when the disturbance occu rs only during episodes o f An orexia Nervosa (Criterion E).

The following subtypes ca n be used to specify the presence or absence of regula r use of pmging methods as a means to compensa te for the binge eating: Purging Typ e. This subtype describes presentations in wh ich the person has regularl)' engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas during the current epi sode. Nonp urging Type. Th is subtype describes presenta tions in which the person has used other inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not regularl}' engaged in self-induced vomiting or the mis use of laxatives, diu retics, or enemas d uring the curren t episode.

Associ ated Features and Diso rders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Indi viduals w ith Bulimia Nervosa typica lly are w ithin the normal weight range, although some may be sligh tly underweight or overweight. The d isorder occurs but is uncommon among moderately and morbidly obese individua ls. There are su ggestions tha t, prio r to the onset of the Eating Disorder, individuals w ith Bulimia Nervosa are more li kely to be overweight than their peers. Between binges, individua ls with Bulimia Nen 'osa typica lly restrict their total caloric consum ption and p refere ntiall}' select low-calorie ("diet") foods w hile avoiding foods they perceive to be fattening or like ly to trigger a binge. There is an increased frequency of depressive symptoms (e.g., low self-esteem) or Mood Disorders (particularly Dys thymic Disorder and t\'lajor Depressive Disorder) in indiv idu als with Buli mia Nen'osa. In many or mos t individuals, the mood disturbance begins at the sa me time as or fo llowing the development of Bulimia Nervosa, and individuals often ascribe their mood d isturbances to Bu limia Nervosa. However, in some individuals, the mood d isturbance dearly precedes the development of Bu~ limia Nervosa. There may also be an increased frequenc y of anxiet}' s}'mptoms (e.g., fear of social situations) or Anxiety Disorders. lllese mood and anxiety dishnbances frequently remit following effective treatment of Bulim ia Nervosa. The lifetime prev alenee of Substance Abuse or Dependence, particularly involving alcohol or s timulants, is at leas t 30% among individuals with Bulimia Nervosa. Stim ulant use often begins in an attem p t to control appetite and weight. A substantial portion of individ-


Eating Disorders

uals with Bulimia Nervosa al so ha ve personality feahl res that meet criteria for one or more Personal ity Disorders (mos t frequ ently Borderline Personality Disorder). Preliminary evidence sugges ts tha t individuals with Bulimia I ervosa, Purging

T}'pe, show more symptoms of depression and greater concern with shape and weight than individuals wi th Bulimia e rvosa, Nonpurg ing Type.
Associated laboratory findings. Frequent purging behavior of any kind can produce fluid and electrolyte abnonnalities, most frequen tly hypokalemia, hyponatremia, and hy pochloremia. The loss of s tomach acid through vomiting may produce a metabolic alkalosis (elevated serum bicarbonate), and the frequ ent induction of diarrhea

through laxative abuse can ca use metabolic acidosis. Some individuals with Bulimia Nervosa exhibit mildly elevated levels of serum amylase, probably reflectin g an increase in the sa livary isoenzyme. Recurrent vomiting eventually leads to a significant and permanent loss of dental enamel, especially from ling ual surfaces o f the fron t teeth. These teeth may become chipped and appear ragged and " moth-eaten. " There may also be an increased frequency of denta l cavities. In some individuals, the sali vary glands, partku lari}' the parotid glands, may become notably enlarged. Ind ividuals who induce vom iting by manually stimulating the gag reflex may develop calluses or scars on the dorsal surface of the hand from repeated trauma from the teeth. Serious cardiac and skeletal m yopathies have been reported among individuals who regu larly use syrup of ip ecac to induce vomiting. Menstrual irregularity or amenorrhea sometimes occurs among fema les with Bulimia Nervosa; whether such disturbances are rela ted to weight fluctuatio ns, to nutritional deficiencies, or to emotional stress is uncertain. Individuals who chronically abuse laxatives ma y become dependent on their use to stimulate bowel movements. The flu id and electroly te disturbances resu fro m the purging behavior are sometimes sufficiently severe to constitute medically serious problems. Rare but poten tially fa tal complica tions include esophageal tears, gastric rupture, and cardiac arrhythmias. Rectal prolapse has also been reported among individuals wi th this disorder. Compared w ith indi viduals w ith Bulimia Nervosa, Nonpurging Type, those with the Purging Type are much m ore likely to have physical problems such as fluid and electroly te disturbances.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions .

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Bulimia I ervosa has been reported to occur with roughly similar frequencies in most indusrrialized countries, including the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Japan, New Zealand, and Sou th Africa. Few studies have exam ined the prevalence of Bulimia Nervosa in other cultures. [n clinical studies of Bulimia Nervosa in the United Sta tes, individuals presenting with this disorder are primarily white, but the d isorder has also been reported among other ethnic groups. in clinic and population samples, at least 90% of individuals wi th Bulimia Nervosa are fema le. Some data suggest that males with Bulimia Nervosa have a rugher prevalence o f premorb id obesi ty than do fem ales with Bulimia Nervosa.

307. 51

Bulimia Nervosa

The lifetime p revalence of Bulimia Nervosa among women is approximately 1%-3%; the rate of occurrence of this disorder in males is approxima tely one-tenth of that in females.

Bulimia Nervosa u sually begins in late adolescence or early adult life. The binge ea ting frequentl y begins during or after an epi sode of dieting. Disturbed eating behavior persists for at least severa l years in a high percentage o f clinic samples. The course may be chronic or intermittent, with periods of remission alternating with recurrences of binge eating. However, over lon ger-term follow -up, the symptoms of many individuals appear to diminish. Periods o f remission longer than 1 year are associated with better long-term outcome.

Fam ilia l Pattern

Several stud ies have s uggested an increased frequency of Bulimia Nervosa, of Mood Disorders, and of Substance Abuse and Dependence in the first-degree biological relatives o f individuals with Bulimia Nervosa. A fa milial tendency toward obesity may exist, but this has not been definitively established.

Differential Diagnosis
Individ uals whose b inge-eating behavior occurs only during Anorexia Nervosa are given the diagnosis Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating/Purging Type, and should /l ot be gi ven the addi tional diagnosis of Bulimia Nervosa. For an individual who binges and purges bu t whose p resentation no longer meets the full criteria fo r Anorexia Nervosa, Binge-Eating/ Pu rging Type (e.g., when weight is nomMI or menses have become regular), it is a matter o f clinical judgmen t whether the most appropriate current diagnosis is Anorexia fervosa, Binge-Ea ting / Purging Type, In Partial Remission, or Bulimia N ervosa . In certain neurological or other general medical conditions, such as Kleine-Levin syndrome, there is disturbed eating behavior, but the characteristic psychological features of Bulimia Nervosa, such as overconcern with body shape and weight, are not present. Overea ting is common in Major Depressive Disorder, With Atypi cal Fea tures, but s uch individ uals do not engage in inappropria te compensatory behavior and d o not exhibit the characteristic overconcern with body shape and weight. If criteria for both disorders are met, both diagnoses s hould be given. Binge-eating behavior is included in the impulsive behavior criterion that is part of the definition of Borderline Personality Disorder. if the full criteria for both disorders are met, both diagnoses can be given.


Eating Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 307.51 Bu limia Nervosa

A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:
(1) eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g . within any 2-hour period). an amount

of food that is definitely larger than mort people would eat during a similar period of time and under sim ilar ci rcumstances (2) a sense of lack of (Ontrol over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating)
B. Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain.

such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas, or other medications; fasting; or excessive exercise.
C. The binge eating and inappropriate com pensatory behaviors both occur, o n average,

at least twice a week fo r 3 months. D. Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight. E. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of Anorexia Nervosa.

Specify type:
Purging Type: during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas Nonpurging Type: during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the person has used other inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as fasting o r excessive exercise, but has not regularly engaged in self-induced vomit ing o r the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas

307.50 Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

The Eating Disorder Not Otherw ise Specified category is for disorders of eating that do nol meellhe criteria for any specific Eating Disorder. Examples include
1. For females, all of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that the indi\' idual has regular menses. 2. All of the criteria for Anorexia Nervosa are met except that, despite s ignificant weight loss, the individual 's curre nt weight is in the normal range. 3. All o f the criteria fo r Bulimia Nervosa are met except that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory mechanisms occur at a frequency of less than twice a week o r for a duration of less than 3 months. t The regular use of inappropriate compe nsatory behavior by an individual of normal bod }' weight after eating s mall amounts of food (e.g., self-induced vomiting after the cons umption of two cookies). 5. Repeatedly chewing and spitting ou t, but not s wallowing, large amowl ts of food.


Eating Disorder Not Oth erwise Specified


6. Binge-eating disorder: recurren t episodes of binge eating in the absence of the regular lise of inappropriate compensatory behaviors characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa (see p. 785 for su gges ted research criteria).

Sleep Disorders

T he s leep disorders are organized into fo ur major sections according to presumed etiology. Primary Sleep Disorders are those in which none of the etiologies lis ted below (i.e., another mental disorde r, a general medical condition, or a substance) is responsible. Prima ry Sleep Disorders are preSlmled to arise from endogenous abnormalities in sleep-wake generating or timing mechanisms, often complicated by conditioning fac tors. Primary Sleep Disorders in tum a re s ubdivided into Dyssomnias (characterized by abnormalities in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep) and Parasomnias (characterized by abnormal behavioral or physiological events occurring in association w ith sleep, specific sleep s tages, or sleep-wake transitions). Sleep Disorder Related to An other Mental Disorder involves a prominen t complaint of sleep d isturbance tha t results from a diagnosable mental disorder (often a ~'Iood Disorder or Anxiety Disorder) but that is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. Presumably, the pathophysiological mechanis ms responsible for the mental disorder also affect sleep-wake regulation. Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition in volves a prominent complaint of sleep dis turbance that results from the direct physiological effects of a general medical condi tion on the sleep-wake system . Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder involves prominent complaints o f sleep dishubance that resu lt from the concurrent use, or recent d iscontinuation of lise, of a substance (including medications). The systema tic assessment in individuals who present with prominent complaints of sleep d is turbance includes an evaluation of the specific type of sleep complaint and a consideration of concurrent mental disorders, general medica l conditions, and substance (including medication) u se that may be resp onsible for the sleep disturbance. Five distinct sleep stages can be m easured by p o\ysomnography: rapid eye movement (REM) sleep and four s tages of non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep (stages 1,2,3, and 4). Stage 1 NREM sleep is a transition from wakefulness to sleep and occupies about 5% of time spent asleep in healthy adults. Stage 2 NREM sleep, w hich is characterized by specific EEG waveforms (sleep spindles and K complexes), occupies about 50% of time s pent asleep. Stages 3 and 4 N REM sleep (also known collectively as slow-wave sleep) the deepest levels of sleep and occupy abou t 100/..--20% of sleep time. REM sleep, d uring which the majority of ty pical storylike dreams occur, occupies about 200/..--25% of total sleep. These sleep s tages ha ve a characteris tic temporal organiza tion across the night. NREM stages 3 and 4 tend to occur in the first one-third to one-hali o f the night and increase in duration in resp onse to sleep deprivation. REM sleep occurs cyclically throughout the nigh t, alternati ng with NREM sleep about every 80-100 minutes. REM sleep p eriods increase in duration toward the morning . Human sleep also varies characteristically across the life s pan. After relative stability with large amounts of slow-wave sleep in chilcUlOOd and early adolescence, sleep continuity and depth de-


1 598

Sleep Disorders

teriorale across the adult age range. Thi s deteriora tion is reflec ted by increased wakefulness and s tage I sleep an d d ecreased stages 3 and 4 sleep. Because of this, age must be considered in the diagnosis of a Sleep Disorder in any individ ual. Polysolllllogmphy is the monitoring of mu ltiple eJectrophysiologicaJ parameters during s leep and generally includes measureme nt of EEG activity. electrooculographiCactivity. and elcctromyographic activity. Additional polysomnographic measures may include Ofal or nasal airflow, respiratory effort, chest and abdominal wall movement, oxyhemoglobin sa turation, or exhaled carbon dioxide concen tration; these meas ures a f C used to monitor respiration during s leep and to d e tect the presence and severity of sleep apnea. Measurement o f peripheral electromyographic activity may be used to detect abnormal movements during sleep. Most polysomnographic s tud ies are conducted during the person's usual sleeping hours-that is, at night. However, daytime polysomnographic s tudies also are used to q uantify daytime sleepiness. The most common d aytime procedure is the 1\'lultiple Sleep La tency Tes t (MSLT), in w hich the individual is ins tructed to lie d own in a dark room and not resis t fa ll ing asleep; this pro tocol is repeated five times during the day. Sleep latency (the amount o f time required to fa ll asleep) is measured on each trial and is used as an index of phYSiolog ical sleepiness. The converse of the MSLT is also used: In the Maintenance of Wakefulness Tes t {Mlo"'D, the indi vidual is placed in a quiet, dimly lit room and ins tructed to remain awake; this protocol is repeated several times during the d ay. Again , sleep latency is measured, b ut it is lIsed here as an index o f the individual's abili ty to maintain wakefulness. Standard terminology fo r polysomnographic measures is u sed throughou t the text in this section. Sleep cOlltiJwily refers to the overall ba lance of sleep and wakefulness d uring a night of sleep . "Better" sleep con tinuity indicates consolidated sleep with little wakefulness; "worse" sleep continuity indicates d isru pted sleep with more wakefulness. Sp ecific sleep continui ty measures include sleep latency- the amount of time required to fa ll asleep (expressed in minutes); intermit/ellt wakefiliness-the amount of awake time after initial sleep onset (expressed in minutes); and sleepeJjiciellcy-the ratio o f actual time spent asleep to time spent in bed (expressed as a percentage, with higher numbers indicating better sleep continuity). Sleep nrchitecture refers to the amoun t and distribution of specific sleep stages. Sleep archi tecture measures include absolute amounts of REM sleep and each NREM sleep s tage (in minutes), relative amount of REM sleep and N REM sleep s tages (expressed as a percen tage of total sleep time), and la lency between sleep onset and the first REM period (REM la tency). The text for each of the Sleep Disorders contains a section describing its relationship to corresponding disorders in the Tile 1utematiol/al Classification Of Sleep Disorders: (lCSD) Diag nostic and Coding Mmllfal, published in 1990 by the American Sleep Disorders Association.

Primary Sleep Disorders

Dyssomnias arc primary disorders of initia ting or main taining sleep o r of excessive sleepiness and are characterized by a dis ttubance in the amount, q uality, or timing of


Primary Insomnia


sleep. This section includes Primary Insonutia, Primary Hypersomnia, I arcolepsy, Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Disorder, Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, and Oyssom nia Not Otherwise Specified.

Diagnostic Feat ures

Primary Insomnia

The essentia l feature of Primary Insonmia is a complaint of difficulty initiating or maintaining sleep or of nonrestorative sleep that lasts for at leas t 1 month (Criterion A) and causes clinically significant dis tress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of ftmctioning (Criterion B). The disturbance in sleep does not occur exclusively during the course of another sleep disorder (Criterion C) or mental disorder (Criterion D) and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition (Criterion E). Individuals with Primary Insomnia mos t often report a combination of difficulty falling asleep and intermittent wakefulness during sleep. The s pecific type of sleep complaint often va ries over time. For ins tance, individuals who complain of difficulty falling asleep at one time may later complain of difficulty maintaining sleep, and vice versa. Less commonly, individuals with Primary Insomnia may complain only of nonrestorative sleep--that is, feeling that their sleep was restless, light, or of poor quality. Not all individuals with nigh ttime sleep disturbances are distressed or have functiona l impai rmen t. A diagnosis of Primary Insomnia s hould be reserved for those indi viduals w ith significant distress or impairmen t. Primary Insomnia is often associated w ith increased physiological , cognitive, or emotional arousal in combination with negative conditioning for sleep. A marked preoccupation with and dis tress due to the inability to sleep may contribute to the development of a vicious cycle: the more the individual s tri ves to sleep, the more fru strated and dis tressed he or she becomes and the less he or s he is able to sleep. Lying in a bed in w hidl the individual has frequentl y spent sleepless nights may cause frustration and conditioned arousaltCollversely, the individual may faU asleep more easily when not trying to do so (e.g., whi le watching televis ion, re.lding, or riding in a car). Some individuals with increased arousal and nega ti ve conditioning report that they sleep bettcr away from their own bed rooms and their u sual routines. Individuals w ith Primary Insomnia may thereby acqui re ma ladaptive sleep habi ts (e.g., daytime napping, spending excessivc time in bed, following an erratic sleep schedule, performing sleep-incompatible behaviors in bed) during the course of the disorder. Chronic insomnia may lead to decreased feelings of weU-bcing during the day (e.g., deterioration of mood and motivation; decreased attention, energy, and concentr.ltion; and an increase in fatigue and malaise). Although individuals often have the subjective complaint of daytime fatigue, polysonmographic s tudies us ually do not demons trate an increase in p hysiol ogical signs of sleepiness.

Associat ed Features and Diso rd ers

Associated descriptive features and m ental disorders. ~""Iany individuals with Primary Insomnia have a history o f " light" or easily disturbed sleep prior to the devel-

1 600

Sleep Di sorders

opmen! of more persistent sleep problems. Other associated factors may include anxious overconcern with general health and increased sensitivity to the daytime effects of mild sleep loss. Symptoms of anxiety or depression that do not meet criteria
for a specific mental disorder may be p resent. Interpersonal, social, and occupational problems may develop as a result of overconcem with sleep, increased da ytime irritability, and poor concentration. Problems with inattention and concentration may also lead to accidents. Individuals w ith severe insomnia have grea ter fLmctional impairmen t, lower producti vity, and increased health care utilization compa red with individuals without sleep complaints. Individuals with Primary Insomnia may also report interpersonal and work-related stress. Individuals with Primary Insomnia may have a history of mental disorders, particularly Mood Disorders and Anxiety Disorders. Primary Insomnia also constitutes a risk facto r for (or perhaps an early symptom of) subsequent Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, and Substance Use Disorders. Individuals w ith Primary Insomnia so metimes use med ications inapp ropriately: hypnotics or a lcohol to help with nighttime sleep, anxiolytics to combat tension or anxiety , and caffeine or other stimulants to combat excessive fatigue. In some cases, this type of substance use may progress to Substance Abuse or Substance Dependence. Associated laboratory findings. Polysomnography often demonstrates poor sleep continuity (e.g ., increased sleep latency, increased intermiHent wake fuln ess, and decreased sleep efficiency) and may demonstrate increased stage 1 sleep and decreased stages 3 and 4 sleep. O ther labora tory findings may include increased muscle tension and increased amoun ts of alpha and beta activity during sleep as mea sured by quantitative EEe ana lysis. These features must be interpreted within the con text of age-appropriate nom's. Polysomnographic measures often show considerable va riability from night to n ight. individuals with Primary lnsomnia may also ha\'e substantial d iscrepancies beh\'een subjective and p olysomnog raphic measures of sleep quanti ty, most commonly in the direction of underestimating sleep amount. Some individuals may report better sleep in the laboratory than at home, suggesting a conditioned basis for sleep compla ints. lndividuals with Primary insomnia typically do not have increased daytime sleepiness as measured by sleep laboratory testing compared with individuals w ithout any Sleep Disorders. O th er psychophysiological tests may also show high arousal (e.g., increased muscle tension, excessive p hysiolog ical reactivity to stress, and increased metabolic rate). Individuals with Primary Insomnia may also have e levated scores on self-report psychological or personality in ventories (e.g., on profiles indicating chronic, mild depression and anxiety; an " internalizing" style of connict reso lution; and a somatic focus). Measures of neu rops}'ch ological test performance d o no t show consistent patientS of impainnent among individuals with Primary Insomnia. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions . Individuals with Primary Insomnia may app ear fatig ued or haggard but show no other characteristic abnormalities on physical examination . There may be an increased incidence of stress-related psychophysiological problems (e.g., tension headache, increased muscle tension, gastric distress).


Primary Insom nia

Specific Age and Gen der Feat ures

Survey data consistently demonstrate that complaints of insomnia are more prevalent with increasing age and among women. The increasing prevalence of insomnia complaints w ith age may be attributable partl y to the increased rates of physica l health problems in the elderl y. Young adults more often complain of difficulty falling asleep, whereas midlife and elderly adults are more likely to have d iffi culty with maintaining sleep and early morning awakening. Paradoxically, despite the g reater prevalence of insonmia complaints among elderly women, polysomnog raphic s tudies generally indicate better preservation of sleep continuity and slow-wave sleep in elderly females than in eld erly males. The reason for this discrepancy between selfreport and laboratory d ata is not known. Although polysomnographic s tudies are of limited value in the routine evaluation of insomnia, they may be more useful in the differential diagnosis of insomnia among older adults than among younger individ uals. This is because older i.ndividuals more often have identifiable etiologies for their sleep complaints, s uch as periodic limb movements and sleep apnea.

Preva lence
There are few data regarding the prevalence of Primary lnsonmia in the general population. Population surveys indica te a 1-year p revalence of insomnia complaints of 300/ -45% in adults. The prevalence o f Primary Insomnia is approximately 1 %~10% 0 in the general adult population and up to 25% in the elderly. In dinics specializing in sleep disorders, approximately 1 5%~25% of individuals with chronic insomnia are diagnosed with Primary Insomnia.

Cou rse
The factors that precipitate Primary Insomnia may differ from those that perpetuate it. Most cases have a fa irly sudden onset a t a time of psychological, social. or medical stress . Prima ry Insomnia o ften p ersists long after the original causative fa ctors resolve, due to the development of heightened arousal and negative conditioning. For example, a person with a painful inju ry who spends a grea t deal of time in bed and has difficulty sleep ing may then develop nega ti ve associations for sleep. Nega tive associations, increased arousal, and conditioned awakenings may then persis t beyond the con valescent period, leading to Primary Insomnia. A similar scenario may develop in association with insomnia that occurs in the context of an acute psychological stress or a mental disorder. For instance, insomnia that occurs during an episode of Major Depressive Disord er can become a focus of attention w ith consequent nega tive conditioning, and insomnia may persis t long after resolution of the depressive episode. In some cases, Primary Insomnia may d evelop gradually wi thout a clear stressor. Primary Insomnia typically begins in young adulthood or middle age and is rare in dilldhood or adolescence. In exceptional cases, the insomnia can be documented back to childhood. The course of Primary lnsorrmia is variable. It may be limited to a period of several months, particularly if precipitated by a psychosocial or general medical s tressor tha t later resolves. However, approximately 50%.....75% of individuals


Sleep Disorders

with insom nia complaints have chronic symptoms las ting for more than 1 year, and previous insomnia is the strongest single risk factor for current msonmia, Some individuals experience an episodic course, w ith periods of better or worse sleep occurring in response to life events s uch as vacations or stress.

Familial Pattern
The predisposition toward light and disrupted s leep has a familia l association . Li mited d ata from twin s tudies have yielded inconsisten t results regarding the importance o f genetic factors in Primary Insomnia .

Differential Diagnosis
"Normal" sleep duration varies considerably in the general population. Some individuals w ho require little sleep ("short sleepers") may be concerned about their sleep duration . Short sleepers are distinguished from those with Primary Insomnia by their lack of d ifficu lty fa lling asleep and by the absence of characteristic symptoms of Primary Insomnia (e.g., intermittent wakefulness, fatigue, concentration problems, or irritability). However, some short sleepers are uninformed as to their abbreviated biological need for sleep, and in their attempt to prolong time in bed, they create an insomnia sleep pattern. Daytime sleepiness, wh ich is a characteristic feature of Primary Hypersomnia, may infrequently occur in Primary Insonmia but is not as severe. 'Nhen daytime sleepiness is judged to be due to insomnia, an additional diagnosis o f Prima ry Hypersomnia is not given. Jet Lag and Shift Work Typ es of Circadian Rhy thm Sleep Dis order are distinguished from Primary Insomnia by the history of recent transmeridian travel or shift work. Individuals with the Delayed Sleep Phase Type of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder report sleep-onset insomnia only when they try to sleep at socially normal times, but they do not report difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep when they sleep at their preferred times. Narcolepsy may cause insomnia co mplaints, particularly in older adults. However, Narcolepsy rarely involves a major complaint of insonmia and is d is tinguished from Primary Insomnia by symptoms of prominent daytime sleepiness, ca taplexy, sleep paralysis, and sleep-rela ted hallucinations. Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder, particularly central sleep apnea, may involve a complaint of chronic insomnia and d aytime impaimlent. However, clinically significant sleep apnea is an uncommon finding among otherwise h ealthy young and midd le-aged individuals with chronic insomnia (although it may be more common in the elderly). A careful history may reveal periodic pauses in breathing during sleep or crescendo-decrescendo breathing (Cheyne-Stokes respiration). A h istory of central nervous system injury or disease may further suggest a Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Polysomnography can confirm the presence of apneic even ts. Most individuals with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder have obstructi ve apnea that can be distinguished from Primary Insom nia by a h istory of loud snoring, brea thing pauses dwing sleep, and excessive daytime sleep iness. Parasomnias are characterized by a complaint of unusual behavior or events dw-

307 .42

Prima ry Insomn ia


ing sleep thnt sometimes may lend to intermittent awakenings. However, it is these behnvioral events that dominnte the clinical pichue in a Parasollmia rather than the . . msonmla. Primary Insomnia mus t be distinguished from m ental disorders that include insomnia as an essential o r associated feature (e.g ., Mnjor Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Schizophrenia). The diagnosis of Primary Insomnia is not given if insonmia occurs exclusively during the course of another mental disorder. A thorough investigation for the presence of other mental di sorders is essential before considering the d iagnosis of Primary Insonmia. A diagnosis of Primary Insomnia can be made in the presence of another current or pas t mental disorder if the ment,ll disorder is jud ged to no t account for the insomnia or if the insonmia and the ment,ll disorder have an independent course. ,"Vhen insomnin occurs as a manifestation of, and excl usively during the course of, another mental disorder (e.g., a Mood, Anxiety, Somatoform, or Psychotic Di sorder), the d iagnosis of Insomn.ia Related to Another Mental Disorder may be more appropriate. This diagnosis should only be considered when the insollmia is the predominan t complaint and is suffi ciently severe to warrant independen t clinical attention; otherwise, no separate d iagnosis is necessary. Clinical fea tures su ch as nega tive conditioning and poor sleep h ygiene are more consistent wi th a diagnosis of Primary in somnia, whereas clinically significant nonsleep symptoms (e.g., d epressed mood, anxiety) and a chronic, severe course of insomnia are more common in indi vid uals with In somnin Related to Another Mental Disorder. In clinical settings, polysollmography is not typicnlly u seful in the differential diagnosis of Primary Insomnia versus Insomnia Related to Another Men tal Disorder. Primary Insomnia must be distinguished from Sleep Dis order Due to a General Medical Condition, Insomnia Type. The diagnosis should be Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition when the i.nsomnia is judged to be the direct physiological consequence of a specific gen eral medical cond ition (e.g ., pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism, congestive heart fa ilure, dlfonic obstructive pulmonary disease) (see p . 651). This determination is based on history, laboratory findings, or physical exam in ation. Substance-Induced Sleep Di sorder, Insomnia Ty pe, is distinguished from Primary Insomnia by the fac t that a substance (i.e., a drug of abu se, a medication, or exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the insonmia (see p. 655). For example, insollm.ia occurring only in the context of heavy coffee constunption would be diagnosed as Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder, Insomnia Type, With Onset During lntoxication.

Relationship to International Classification of Sleep Di so rders

Primary Insonmia subsumes a number of insonmia diagnoses in the International Classificn tion of Sleep Disorders (lCSD), including Psychophysiological Insollm.ia, Sleep State Misperception, Idiopathic Insonmia, and some cases of Inadequate Sleep Hygiene. Psychophysiological Insomnia most closely resembles Primary lnsollm.ia, particularly in terms o f arousal and conditioni ng factors. Sleep State Misperception is a condition characterized by complain Is of insomnia with a marked d iscrepancy between subjective and objective es timates of sleep. Idiopathic Insomnia includes those cases with onset in childhood and a lifelong course, p resumably due to an abnormality in the neurological control of the sleep-wake system. Inadequate Sleep Hygiene


Sleep Disorders

refers to insomnia resulting from behavioral practices that increase arousal or d isrupt sleep organization (e.g., working late into the night, taking excessive daytime naps,

or keeping irregular sleep hours).

Diagnostic criteria for 307.42 Primary Insomnia

A. The predominant complaint is diHiculty initiating or maintaining sleep, or non restor ative sleep, for at least 1 month. B. The sleep disturbance (or associated daytime fat igue) causes clinically signif icant distress or impairment in social, occupationa l, o r other important areas of function ing.
C. The sleep disturbance does no t ocwr exclusively during the course of Narcolepsy, Breat hing-Relat ed Sleep Disorder. Ci rcadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, or a Parasomn ia.

D. The dist urbance does not occur exclusively du ring the cou rse of anothe r mental disorder (e.g .. Major Depressive Disorder. Ge nera lized Anxiety Disorder, a delirium). E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiologica l effects of a substance (e.g .. a drug of abuse. a medication) or a general medical condition.

Diag nostic Features

Primary Hypersomnia

The essential feature of Prima ry Hyp ersomnia is excessive sleepiness for at least 1 month as evidenced either by prolonged sleep episodes or by daytime sleep episodes occurring almos t daily (Criterion A). The excessive sleepiness mus t be sufficiently severe to cause clinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functi oning (Criterion B). The excessive sleepin ess does not occur exclusively during the cou rse of another Sleep Disorder (Cri terion C) or mental disorder (Criterion 0 ) and is not due to the d irect ph}'sioiogical effects of a substance or a general medica l condition (Criterion E). In individuals with Primary Hypersomnia, the duration of the major sleep episode (for most ind i\'idua ls, n octurnal sleep) may range from 8 to 12 hours and is often fol lowed by difficulty awakening in the morning. The actual q uality o f nocturnal sleep is no rmal. Excessive sleepiness during normal waking hours takes the form of intentional naps o r inadvertent episodes of sleep. Objective meas urements demonstrate increased physiological sleepiness. Daytime naps tend to be relatively long (often lasting an hour or m ore). are experienced as unrefreshing, and often d o not lead to improved alertness. individuals typically feel sleepiness developing over a period of tim e, rather than experiencing a s udden sleep "attack." Unintentional sleep episodes ty pically occur in low-s timulation and low-.activity situations (e.g., while attending lectures, reading, watching television, or d riving long d istan ces). Hypersomnia can lead to Signifi cant distress and dysfun ction in work and social relationships. Prolonged nocturnal sleep and difficulty awakening can result in diffi-


Pri mary Hyp ersomnia


cult)' in meeting morning ob ligations . Unintentional daytime sleep episodes can be embarrassing and even dangerous, if, for instance, the ind ividual is driving or operating machinery when the episode occurs. The low level of alertness that occurs w hile an individual fights sleepiness can lead to poor efficienc)" poor concen tration, and poor memory during daytime activities. Sleepiness, often misa ttributed to boredom or laziness, can also disrupt SOCi,ll and family relationships.

Speci fi er
Recurrent. This specifier is used if there are periods of excessive sleepiness that last at leas t 3 days occurring several times a year for at least ") years. Most individuals with Prim,l ry Hypersomnia have consistent and persistent symptoms. In contrast, the Recurrent form s hould be noted if symptoms occur periodically for several days to several weeks, with symptomatic periods recurring several times per year. Between periods o f excessive sleepiness, sleep dmation and daytime alertness are normal. In the recurrent form of Primary Hypersoomia known ,1S Kleine-Levin syndrome, individuals may spend 18-20 hours asleep or in bed. The recurrent periods of sleepiness are associated with other characteris tic clinical features indicating disinhibition. Indiscriminate hypersexuality including inappropriate sexual advances and overt masturbation can be seen in males (and less often in females). Compulsive overeating with acute weight gain may occur. irritabili ty, d epersonaliza tion, depression, confusion, and occasional hallucinations have been described in some individuals, and impulsive behaviors can also occur. Other recurrent forms of hypersollmia can be seen in the absence of these feahlres. For instance, some females report regularly occurring period s of hypersomnia a t s pecific times of their menstrual cycle.

Assoc iated Feat ures and Di so rders

Associated descripti ve features and mental disorders. In Primary Hypersomnia, sleep tends to be continuou s but nonres torative. individuals with th is disorder fall asleep quickly and have good sleep efficiency, but may have difficulty w aking up in the morning, sometimes appearing confused, combative, or ataxic. This prolonged impairmen t of alertness at the sleep-wake transi tion is often referred to as "sleep drunkenness." Persis tent daytime sleepiness can lead to automatic behavior (usually of a very routine, low-complexity type) that the in dividual carries out with tittle or no subsequen t reca ll . For example, individuals may find themselves having driven several miles from where they thought they were, unaware of fue "autom,ltic" driving they did in the p receding minutes. Alfuough precise data are not ava ilable rega rding comorbidity with menial disorders, many individuals w ith Primary Hyp ersomnia have symptoms o f depression that may meet criteria for a Mood Disorder. This may be related to the psychosocial consequences of excessive sleepiness. Individuals with hypersomnia are also at risk for Subs tance-Related Disorders, particularl y related to self-medication with stimulants.

Associated laboratory finding s.

Sleep Disorders
In Primary Hypersonmia, nocturnal POiYSOOU10g-

raphy demonstrates a normal to prolonged sleep duration, short sleep latency, normal to increased sleep continuity, and nomlai dis tributions of rapid eye movement (REM) and non-rapid eye movemen t (NREM) sleep. Some individuals w ith this dis-

order may have increased amounts of slow-wave sleep. Increased spindle density during stage 2 sleep may be present. Sleep-onset REM periods (the OCCUI'rence of
REM sleep within 20 minutes of sleep onset), breathing-related s leep disturbances, and frequent limb movements disrupting sleep are not present. The Multiple Sleep Lalency Tes t (~\!ISL documents excessive physiological daytime s leepiness, ty pically indicated by mean s leep latency values of 5--10 minutes_ REM sleep does not occur during the daytime s leep episodes. ' octurnal polysomnography and the MSLT do not reveal findings cha racteristic of o ther causes of hypersomnia. in the Recurrent Kleine-Levin form of Primary H}'persomnia, routine EEG s tudies performed during the periods of h}'persornn.ia s how general s lowing of the background rhythm and paroxysmal bursts of theta activity. Nocturnal polysomnography shows an increase in total sleep time and sho rt REM sleep latency. MSLT s tudies confirm increased physiological sleepiness, with s leep latencies generally less than 10 minutes. Sleep~onset REM periods may be seen during symptomatic periods.

Associated physical e xa mination findings and general medical conditions . individua ls with Primary H ypersomnia often appear sleepy and may even fall asleep in the clinician's waiting area. A s ubset of individuals with Primary H ypersomnia have a family history of hypersomnia and also have symptoms of au tonomic nerVOliS system dys function, induding recurrent vascular-type headaches, reacti vity of the peripheral vascular system (Raynaud's phenomenon), and fainting . lndividuals with the Recurrent KleineLevin form may have nonspeCific neurolOgical examination findings induding depressed deep tendon reflexes, d ysarthria, and nystagmus.

Spec if ic Age o r Gender Feat ures

Hyperactivity may be one of the presenting signs of daytime sleepiness in child ren. Voluntary napping increases with age, but this normal phenomenon is dis tinct from Primary Hypersomnia. Kleine-Levin syndrome affects males about three times more often tha n it affects females.

Preva lence
The true prevalence of Primary H ypersomnia in the general population is not known. Approximately 5/0-10% of indi viduals who present to sleep di sorders clinics with com p laints of daytime s leepiness are diagnosed as having Primary H ypersomnia. TI,e Recurrent form of Primary H ypersomnia known as Kleine-Levin syndrome is rare. Popula tion s urveys find a complaint of daytime sleepiness in 0.5~~5.0% of adults, w ithout rega rd to s pecific causes or diagnoses. After other conunon causes are accounted for, the lifeti me prevalence of clinically significan t hypersomnia is at least 16%, and the incidence over approximately a 4year inter va l is abou t 8%.


Primary Hype rsomni a


Primary Hypersomnia typically begins between ages 15 and 30 years, with a gradual prog ression over weeks to months. For most indi viduals, the course is then chronic and stable, unless treatment is initiated . 11le development of other sleep disorders (e.g ., Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder) ma y worsen the degree of sleepiness. KleineLevin syndrome also begins during adolescence and may continue its periodic course fo r decades, although it often resol ves during middle age.

Fam ilia l Patte rn

The subgroup of in dividuals with autonomic d ysfuncti on are more likely than other individuals w ith Primary Hypersonulia to have famil y members w ith Prim ary Hypersomnia. Kleine-Levin synd.rome does not demonstrate famili al aggregation.

Diffe re ntial Diagnosis

" 'onnal" sleep duration varies consid erably in the general p opulation. "Long sleepers" (i.e., individuals who require a greater than average amount of sleep) do not have excessive daytime sleepiness, sleep drunkenness, or automatic behavior when they obtain their required amount of nocturnal sleep. If social o r occupational demands lead to sho rter nocturnal sleep, d aytime symptoms may appear. In Prim ary Hypersomnia, by contrast, symptoms of excessive sleepiness occur regardless of nocturnal sleep duration. An inadequate amount of n octurnal sleep can produce symptoms of da ytime sleepiness very similar to those of Prima ry Hypersonmia . An averagc sleep duration of fewer than 7 hours per nigh t strong ly s uggests inadequate nocturnal sleep, and an average o f morc than 9 hours of sleep p er 24-hour period suggests Primary Hypersomnia. Individuals w ith inadequate nocturnal sleep ty pically "catch up" with longer sleep durations on d ays w hen they are free from socia l or occupational d emands or on vacations. Unlike Primary Hyp ersomnia, insufficient nocturnal sleep is unlikely to persist u naba ted for decades. A diagnosis of Primary Hypersomnia should not be made if there is a question reg.1fding the ad equacy of nocturnal sleep dura tion . A diagnostic .md therapeutic trial of sleep extension for 10-14 d ays ca n often clarify the d iagnosis. Daytime sleepiness, which is a cha racteristic feahue of Prima ry Hypersonmia, can also occur in Primary Insomn ia, but the sleepiness or fati gue is less severe in individuals with Prima ry Insomnia. ''''hen d aytime sleepiness is judged to be d ue to insomnia, an add itional diagnosis of Primary Hypersonmia is not given. Primary Hyp ersomnia and Narcolepsy are similar w ith respect to the degree of daytime sleepiness, age at onset, and stable course over time but can be distinguished based on d istinctive clinical and laboratory features. Individuals w ith Primary Hypersomnia ty pically have longer and less d isrupted nocturnal sleep, greater difficulty awakening, more persistent day time sleep iness (as opposed to mo re discrete "sleep attacks" in ' arco lepsy), longer and less refreshing daytime sleep episodes, and little or no d rea ming during day time naps. By contrast, individuals w ith N arcolepsy ha ve cataplexy and recurrent intrusions of elements of REM sleep into the transition be-

1 608

Sleep Diso rders

hveen sleep and wakefulness (e.g., sleep-rela ted hallucinations and sleep paralysis). The MSLT typ ica lly demonstrates shorter sleep latencies (i.e., greater physiological sleepiness) as well as the presence of multiple sleep-onset REM periods in individ uals with Na rcolepsy. Individuals with Primary Hypersomnia and Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder may have similar patlems of excessive sleepiness. Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Disorder is s ugges ted by a his tory of loud s noring, pau ses in breathing during sleep. brain injury, or ca rdiovascula r d isease and by the p resence of obes ity, oropharyngeal anatom ica l abnorma lities, hyp ertension, or heart fail ure on physical examination. Polysomnographic studies can confi rm the presence of apneic even ts in BreathingRelated Sleep Disord er (and thei r absence in Primary Hypersomnia) . Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder is o ften characterized by daytime sleepiness. A history of an abno rmal sleep-wake sch edule (w ith shifted or irregular hours) is present in ind ividuals with Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder. Pa rasomnias rarely p roduce the prolonged , undisturbed nocturnal sleep or daytime sleepiness characteristic of Primary Hyperso mnia. Primary Hypersomnia must be distinguished from m en tal di sorders th at include hypersomnia as an essential or associated feature. in particu lar, complaints of daytime sleepiness may occur in a Majo r Depressive Episode, With Atyp ical Features, and in the d ep ressed p hase of Bipolar Disorder. The diagnosis of Primary Hypersomnia is not given if hypersomnia occurs exclusively during the course of another men tal d isorder. A thorough investigation for the presence of other mental disorders is essential before considering the diagnosis of Primary Hypersomnia. A diagnosis of Primary Hypersomnia can be mad e in the presence of another current o r past mental disord er if the men tal d isorder is judged to not account for the hypersomnia or if the hypersomnia and the mental disord er have an independent course (e.g., in an individual with chronic hypersomnia who later develops a Major Depressive Disorder). in contrast, when hypersomnia occu rs as a manifesta tion o f, and exclusively d uring the course of, another mental d isorder, the diagnosis o f Hypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disord er may be more appropri ate. This d iagnosis should only be considered when the hypersomnia is the predominant complaint and is sufficiently severe to warran t independent clinical atten tion; otherwise, no separate diagnosis is necessary. In general, labora tory testing of d aytime sleepiness in individ uals with H ypersomni a Related to a Mental Diso rder often shows normal or only mild levels of physiological sleepiness compared with individual s with Primary Hypersomnia . Primary H ypersomnia m ust be d istinguished from Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition, Hypersomnia Type. The d iagnosis is Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition w hen the hypersomnia is judged to be a d irect p hysiological consequ ence o f a specific general medical condition (e.g., morbid obesity, brain tu mor) (see p. 651). This determina tion is based on history, laboratory findings, or physical examination. Substance-Induced Sleep Di sorder, Hypersomnia Type, is distinguished from Pri mary Hypersomnia by the fact that a substance (i.e., a d rug of abuse, a medication, o r exposure to a toxin) is judged to be etiologically related to the hypersomn ia (see p. 655). For example, hypersomnia occurring only in the con text of withd rawal from cocaine wou ld be d iagnosed as Cocaine-Induced Sleep Disord er, Hypersomnia Type, \o\/ith Onset During Withdrawal.




Relat io nship to the International Class ificat ion of Sleep Disorders

Primary H ypersolTUlia is analogolls to the diagnosis of Idiopathic Hypersomnia in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders (TCSD). In addition, the ICSD includes a separate category for Recurrent Hypersomnia, which is ana logolls to the Recurrent form of Primary Hyp ersomnia.

Diagnostic criteria for 307.44 Primary Hypersomnia

A. The predom inant complaint is excessive sleepiness for at least 1 month (or less if recurrent) as evidenced by either prolonged sleep episodes or d aytime sleep episodes that occur almost daily. B. The excessive sle epiness causes clinically sign ificant distress or impa irment in social, occupational, or other important areas of function ing.
C. The excessive sleepi ness is not better accounted fo r by insomn ia and does not occur exclusively du ring the course of another Sleep Disorder (e.g., Narcolepsy, BreathingRelated Sleep Disorder, Circadia n Rhythm Sleep Disorder, o r a Parasomnia) and can not be accounted for by an inadequate amount of sleep.

D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the cou rse of another mental dis order.
E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological e Herts of a substance (e.g., a

drug of abuse, a medication) o r a general medical cond ition.

Specify if:

Recurrent: jf there are periods of excessive sleepiness that last at least 3 days oc curring several times a year for at least 2 years

Diagnostic Features


TIle essen tial featu res of Narcolepsy are repeated irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep, cataplexy, and recurren t intrusions of elements of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep into the transition period beh\'een sleep an d wakefulness. The individual's sleepiness ty pically decreases after a sleep attack, only to return several hours later. The sleep attacks mus t occur daily over a period of at least 3 months to establis h the diagnosis (Criterion A), although most individuals describe many years of sleep attacks prior to seeking clinical attention. In addi tion to sleepiness, ind ividuals with Narcolepsy experience one or both of the fo llowing : cataplexy (i.e., episodes of s udden, bilateral, reversible loss of muscle tone that las t for seconds to minutes and are usually precipitated by intense emotion) (Cri terion B1) or recurrent intrusions of elements of rapid eye movemen t (REM) sleep into the transition behveen sleep and wakefulness as manifested by p aralysis of volwltary muscles or dreamlike hall ucinations (Criterion B2). Many sleep experts allow the diagnosis to be made in the absence


Sleep Disorders

of cataplexy or intrusions of REM sleep elements if the ind ividual demonstrate:! pathological sleepiness and two or more sleep-onset REi\'[ periods during a Multi ple Sleep Latency Test (MSL The symptoms mus t no t bedue to the direct physiological effects of a s ubstance (including a medication) o r a nother general medical cond ition (Criterion C). Although Narcolepsy is classified in the chapter of ICD devoted to neurological conditions, it is included in this section to assist in differential diagnosis in individuals with excessive sleepiness and is coded on Axis L Episodes of sleepiness in Narcolepsy are often d escribed as irresistible, resulting in unintended sleep in inappropriate situations (e.g., while driving an automobile, altending meetings, or carrying on a conversa tion). Low-stimulation, low-activity situations typically exaggera te the d egree of sleepiness (e.g., fallin g asleep while reading, watching television, or attending lectures). Sleep episodes generally last 10--20 minutes but can last up to an hour if uninterrupted . Dreaming is frequentl y reported . Individuals have varying abilities to "fight off" these sleep attacks. Some individuals take naps intentionally in order to manage their sleepiness. Individuals with Narcolepsy typically ha ve 2--6 episod es of sleep (intentional and unintentional) per day w hen untreated. Sleep episodes are usually su perimposed on a more normal d egree of alertness, although some individu als describe constant sleepiness of some d egree. Cataplexy often develops severa l years after the onset of daytime sleepiness and occurs in approximately 70% of individuals w ith the di so rder. The loss of muscle tone with cataplexy may be subtle, leading to a sagging jaw or drooping eyelids, head, or arms not noticeable to observers. Cataplexy can also be more d ramatic, and the indiv idual may drop objects being carried , buckle at the knees, or actually fall to the grou nd. Respiratory and eye muscles are not affected. The muscle weakness usually lasts only seconds, although periods of up to a half hour have been reported . Episodes are followed by a full return of normal muscle streng th. Full consciousness and alertness are preserved during cataplectic episodes. ind ividuals can clearly describe events and have no confusion before or after the episode. Rarely, prolonged episodes of cataplexy Illay lead into sleep episodes . Cataplexy is usually triggered by a strong emotional stimulus (e.g., anger, surprise, laughter). Sleep deprivation typically increases the frequency and severity of episodes of cataplexy. Approximately 20%--40% of individuals with Narcolepsy also experience intense dream like imagery just before fallin g asleep (hypnagogic ha llucinations) or just after awakening (hypno pompic hallucinations). Most sleep-related hallucinations are visual and incorporate elements of the actual environment. For instance, individuals may describe objects appearing through cracks in the wall or d escribe objects moving in a p icture on the \\'aIL The hallucinations may also be auditory (e.g., hearing intruders in the home) or kinetic (e.g., sensation of fl ying). Although hypnagogiC and ar_ hypnopompic hallucinations are important symptoms among individuals w ith E colepsy, these symp toms are also present in approximately 100/0--15% of the general /0 population. Approximately 30%--500 of individuals w ith Narcolepsy also experience sleep paralysis just on falling asleep or awakening . In thi s condition, indiv iduals d escribe being awake but lmable to move or sp eak. They may also comp lain of feeling unable to brea the, although the diaphragm is s pared and respiration continues. It should be noted, however, that 40/ --50% of normal sleepers report having had iso0 lated episodes of sleep paralysis at least once during their lifetime. Sleep-related hallucinations and sleep paralysis may occur Simultaneously, resulting in an often



Narcol epsy


terrify ing experience of seeing or hearing unusual things and being unable to move. Both sleep-related ha llucinations and sleep paralysis las t for seconds to a few minutes and terminate s pontaneously. Both phenomena (vivid mental imagery and skeletal muscle atonia) are thought to result from di ssociated elements of REM sleep intruding into wakefulness.

Associated Fea t u res a nd Diso rd e rs

Associat e d descriptive fe atu res and m ental disorde rs . Some individuals with Narcolepsy experience generalized daytime s leepiness behveen the discrete sleep attacks. They may describe being able to sleep at any time in an)' situation. Automatic behavior, in which the individual engages in activity wi thout full awareness, can occur as a result of profound sleepiness. Individuals may drive, converse, or even work during episodes of automatic behavior. Frequent, intense, and vivid dreams rna)' occur during nocturnal sleep. Individ uals with Narcoleps y often experience fragm ented nighttime sleep as a result of s pontaneous awakenings or periodic limb movements. Rarel}', individuals may present with a ch ief complaint of insomnia rather than hypersomnia. Indiv iduals with Narcolepsy may hesi tate to engage in social activities because they fear falling asleep or having an episode of cataplexy. They may also strive to pre\'ent attacks of cataplexy by exerting control over their emotions, wh ich may lead to a generalized lack of expressiveness that interferes with social relations. Narcolepsy can severely limit daytime ftmctioning bt"Cause of repeated, uncontrollable sleep attacks, automatic behavior, and episodes of cataplexy. Indi viduals with Narcolepsy are at ris k for accidental injury to themselves or others because of falling asleep in dangerou s situations (e.g ., wh ile driving an automobile or operating machinery). A concurrent mental disorder or history of another mental disorder can be found in approximately 40% of ind ividu als with J arcolepsy. The mos t common associated disorders are Mood Di sorders (prima rily Major Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder), followed by Substance-Related Disorders and Generalized Aruuety Disorder. A history of Parasonmias such as Sleepwalking Di sorder, bruxis m (clenching of the jaw and grinding teeth), rapid eye movement (REM) sleep behavior disorder, and Enuresis appears to be more common in indi\' iduals with Narcolepsy. Associa te d labora tory find in gs. Findings from Ule daytime Multiple Sleep Latency Test (MSL include an average sleep latency of less than 5 minutes and the appearance of REM sleep during two or more naps on a five-nap MSLT. These MSLT criteria will correctly identify approximately h vo out of three individuals with Narcolepsy. Nocturnal polysomnographic studies frequentl y demons trate sleep latencies of less than 10 minutes and sleep-onset REM periods. Additiona l finding s on polysonmography may include frequent transient arousals, decreased sleep e fficiency, increased stage 1 sleep, increased REM sleep, and an increase in the frequenc y of eye movements within the REM periods (" REM density"). Periodic limb movements and episodes of sleep apnea are often noted, but the latter occur less frequentl y than in Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Individua ls with Narcolepsy may demons trate differences in the amplitude or timing of circadian fun ctioning as measured by core body temperature and motor activity.

Sleep Disorders

Human leukocyte antigen (H LA) typing of individuals with Narcolepsy often shows the presence of HLADQBl~0602. This marker is present in almost all individ uals with Narcolepsy and cataplexy and is independent of racial ethnicity. Howeve.r, HLA DQBl ~0602 is present in only 40% of individuals wi th N arcolepsy w ithout cataplexy and is presen t in 20%-25% of the general population. Other HLA ma rkers vary in terms of their sensitivity and specificity in different racial groups.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Individuals with arcolepsy may appear sleep}' during the dinical interview and examination and may actually fall asleep in the waiting area o r examination room . During episodes of cataplexy, individuals may slump in the chair and have slurred speech or drooping eyelids.

Specific Age Feat ures

H yperacti vity may be one of the presenting signs in children with daytime sleepiness. The core cl inica l features and laboratory findings in Narcolepsy in children are similar to those in adults. However, cataplexy and mild daytime sleepiness may be more difficult to identify in children than in adults.

Preva lence
Epidemiological studies indica te a prevalence o f 0.02%-0.16% for Narcolepsy in the adult population, with equal ra tes in fem ales and males.

Co urse
Daytime sleepiness is almost always the first symptom of Narcolepsy and usually becomes clinically significant during adolescence. However, on careful review, some degree of sleepiness may have been p resent even during preschool and early school ages. Onset after age 40 is unusual. However, some individuals with I arcolepsy may not identify excessive sleepinl.'Ss as a symptom of an illness. This may explain why many individuals are first diagnosed with Narco lepsy many years after the first onset of symptoms. Acu te psychosocial stressors or acute alterations in the sleep-wake schedule herald the onset in roughly half of cases. Cataplexy may develop concurrently with sleepiness but often appears mon ths, years, or even d ecades after the on set of sleepiness. Sleeprelated hallucinations and sleep paralysis are more variable symptoms of the disorder and may not occur in some individuals. Disrupted noctur nal sleep usually d evelops la ter in the course of the disorder, often when individuals are in their 40s or 50s. TIle excessive sleepiness of Narcolepsy has a stable course over time. The development of other Sleep Disorders (e.g., periodk limb movements or Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder) may worsen the d egree of sleepiness, whereas treatment with stimu lant medications may improve it. Cataplexy usually has a stable course as well, although some individuals report decreased symptoms or e ven complete cessation of symptoms after many years. Similarly, the sleep-related hallucinations and sleep pa ralysis may go into remission while the dayti me sleepiness and sleep attacks persist.


Na rco le psy

Familial Pattern
Data from HLA studies and family studies strongly suggest a role for genetic fa ctors in the development of Narcolepsy. The mode of inheritance has not been d etermined but is likely multifac torial. Approximately 50/..-15% of first-degree biological relatives of probands with Narcolepsy have the disorder. Approximately 250/ -50% of the first0 degree biological relatives o f individua ls with Narcolepsy have other disorders cha racterized by excessive sleepiness (such as Primary Hy persomnia).

Differential Diagnosis
Narcolepsy must be d ifferentiated from nonnal va riatio ns in sleep, sleep d eprivation, other primary Sleep Disorders, and Sleep Disorder Related to Another Mental Disorder, Hypersonmia Type. Many ind ividuals feel some sleepiness during the day, pa rticularly in the afternoon hours when an increase in physiological sleepiness occurs. However, such individual s do not have irresistible sleep at other times of the day and can "figh t through" their sleepiness with increased mental and physical effort. They generally do no t experience ca taplexy, sleep-related hallucinations, o r sleep paralysis. Episodes o f muscle weakness may occur in individuals without Narcolepsy. Al though joking and laughing are the most typical triggers of ca taplexy, episodes that are exclusively triggered by stress or tension or tha t occur in the context of physical exertion are less li kely to represent true cataplexy. Sleep d eprivation from any cause produces day time sleepiness. Narcolepsy shou ld be d iagnosed only if the individual ha s demonstrated a regular sleep-wake schedule w ith an ad equa te amoun t of nocturna l sleep. Sleep deprivation and irregular sleep schedules may rarely lead to sleep-related hallucinations or sleep paralysis, but not to cataplexy. The degree of d aytime sleepiness may be similar in individuals WiUl Narcolepsy and Primary Hypersomnia . Compared with individuals with Narcolepsy, individuals w ith Primary Hypersomnia generall}' describe prolonged and less disrupted nocturnal sleep. Daytime sleepiness in Primary Hypersomnia consists of more prolonged, unrefreshing sleep periods, which have less urgency than the sleep "attacks" of Narcolepsy and are less often associated wi th dreaming. Indi\'iduals w ith Primary Hypersomnia d o not manifest cataplexy, sleep-related hallucinations, or sleep paralysis. foctumal polysomnography confirms less disrupted sleep and normal REM latency in ind ividuals w ith Primary Hypersomnia, and the MSLT does not show sleep-onset REM periods. Individ uals w ith Breathing-Related Sleep Disord er often experience excessive sleepiness tha t is equal in magnHude to that of individua ls w ith Narcolepsy. Furthermore, many individuals with N arcolepsy may develop some degree of sleep apnea. Brea thing-Related Sleep Disord er is d istinguished from I arcolepsy by a history of loud snoring; breathing pauses that d isrupt nocturnal sleep; lengthy, u nrefre shing daytime sleep episodes; and the absence o f accessory symptoms such as cataplexy. Polysomnogra phy can identify breathing pauses (apneas) in ind ivid uals with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. lf an individual p resents with an unambiguous history of Narcolepsy together with confirmatory pol ysonmographic find ings (sleep-onset REM) and also has evidence of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder during polysom-


Sleep Disorders

nography, both diagnoses can be made. If an individual has sleep-onset REM and sleep apnea activ ity dur ing polysomnography but does not have the full clinical syn-

drome of areeleps)" then onl}' a diagnosis of Breathing-Related Sleep Di sorder should be made.
Individuals with H ypersomn ia Related to Anot her Men tal D isord er may report excessive sleepiness and intense dreams. In particular, Major Depressive Episodes

' '''ith Atypical Features and Bipolar Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, often
involve an intense need fo r sleep during the daytime. However, individuals with Mood Disorders typically ha ve prolonged albeit dis turbed !lochlmal sleep in contrast to the short, frag mented sleep of Narcolepsy. Daytime naps are not refresh ing in individuals with Mood Disorders. Furthermore, these individuals do not have the accessory symptoms that are characteristic of Narcolepsy (e.g., cataplexy), although individuals who have Major Depressive Disorder. With Psychotic Features, rna)' complain of hallucinations near sleep and a t o ther times. Polysomnographic studies of ind ividuals with Mood Disorders may revea l short RErvl latency, but typically not as short as that seen in Narcolepsy. Nocturnal sleep la tency is also longer in individuals with Mood Disorders. Finally, daytime testing with the MSLT shows a much lower degree of physiologica l sleepiness and infrequent sleep-onset REr,,1 periods in individuals w ith Mood Disorders. Thus. the "sleepiness" in these individuals appears to be more a manifestation of psychomotor retardation and anergy. The use of. or w ithdra wal from, s ubs tances (including medica tions) may produce some symptoms of Narcolepsy. Cholinergic agonists (includ ing an ticholines terase pesticid es) can disrupt sleep continuity and enhance REM sleep. Similar effects can result from the abrupt discon tinuation of anticholinergiC agents, including tricyclic antidepressants. Reserpine and methyldopa can enhance REM sleep and produce sleepiness. Withdrawal from stimulants can produce severe somnolence. A d iagnosis of Subs tan ce-I nduced Sleep Disord er, Hypersomn ia Type, might be warranted if the symptoms are judged to be due to the direct physiolog ical effects of a substance (see p. 655). Conversely, a diagnosis of arco lepsy should not be made if the individual is taking or has recently discontinued taking s uch substances. Narcolepsy must be distinguished from Sleep Diso rder Due to a General Medical Co nditi on, Hy persomnia Type. The diagnosis is Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition when the symptoms are judged to be the direct phYSiological consequence of a specific general medical con.d ition (e.g., closed head injury or hypothalamic tumor) (see p . 651).

Relati on ship t o th e International Cla ssi f icat ion of Sleep Disorde rs

The In ternational Classifica tion of Sleep Disorders (ICSD) diagnOSiS of Na rcolepsy includes the same essential features as the OSM-[\I d iagnosis .


Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder

615 /

Diagnostic criteria for 347 Narcolepsy

A. Irresistible attacks of refreshing sleep that occur daily over at least 3 months.

B. The presence of one or both of the following:

(1) cataplex.y (i.e., brief episodes of sudden bilateral loss of muscle tone, most often

in association wit h intense emotion) (2) recurrent intrusions of elements of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep into the transition between sleep and wakefulness, as manifested by either hypnopompic or hypnagogic hallucinations or sleep paralysis at the beginning or end of sleep episodes
C. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., a

drug of abuse, a medication) or another general medical condition.


Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essen tia l featm e of Breathing-Related Sleep Disord er is sleep disruption, leading to excessive sleepiness o r, less commonly, to insomnia, that is judged to be due to abnormalities of ventilation during sleep (e.g., sleep apnea or central a lveolar hypo\'entilation) (Criterion A). This sleep disruption must not be better accounted for by a mental disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (induding medication) or a general medical condition that produces sleep symptoms through a mechanism other than abnormal breathing (Criterion B). Excessive sleepiness is the most common presenting comp laint of indiv iduals with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Sleepiness res ults from frequent arousals during nochlrna l sleep as the individual attempts to breathe normally. The sleepiness is most e\'ident in relaxing situations, such as when the individual is reading or watdling television. The individual's inability to control the sleepiness can be evident in boring meetings or while attending movies, theater, or concerts. When sleepiness is extreme, the person may fall asleep while actively conversing, eating, walking, or driving. Naps tend to be uruefreshing and may be accompanied by a dull headache on awakening. However, there ca n be considerable variation in the intensity of the sleepiness. The impact of the sleepiness may be minimized by the individual. who may express pride abou t being able to sleep anywhere at any time. Insomnia, frequent awakenings, or unrefreshing sleep are less frequent than daytime sleepiness as the presenting complaint in individuals \\'ith Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Some individuals may complain of difficulty breathing while lying supine or sleeping. Abnonnal respiratory events dming sleep in Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder include apneas (episodes of bre.lthing cessation), hypopneas (abnonnally slow or shallow respiration ), and hypoventilation (abnormal blood oxygen and carbon dioxide


Sl eep Disorders

levels). Three forms of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder have been described: air structive sleep apnea syndrome, cenlral sleep apnea syndrome, and central alveolar hypoventi la tion syndrome. An older term, Pickwickillll syndrome, has been used to describe obese individuals with a combination of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and waking hypoventilation as well as sleep-related hypoventilation. Obstructive sleep apI/en syndrome is the most common form of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. It is d ,a racterized by repeated episodes of upper-ai rway obs truction (apneas and hypopneas) during sleep. The central drive for respiration and respiratory movem en ts in the chest and abdo men are preserved . It u sually occurs in overweight individuals and lead s to a complaint of excessive sleep iness. Obstructi ve sleep apnea syndrome is cha racterized by loud snores or brief gasps that alterna te with episodes of silence that u sually last 20-30 seconds. Snoring is cau sed by b reathing throug h a partially obstructed airway. Silent periods are caused by obstructive apneas, with the cessation in brea thing caused by complete airway obstruction. Typ ica lly the loud snoring h as been present fo r many years, often since childhood , but an in crease in its severity may lead the individual to seek evaluation. The snoring is comma n ly loud enough to disturb the sleep of others in close proximity. The cessa tion of breathing, sometimes lasting as long as 60-90 second s and associated w ith cyanosis, may a lso be of concern to bed partners. The term ination of the apneic event can be associated with loud " resuscitative" snores, gasps, moans or mumbling, or whole-body movements. The bed partner may have to move to a sepa rate bed or another room as a result of the affected individual's snoring, gas ps, and m ovements. Most affected indi viduals are Wlaware of the loud snoring, breathing difficulty, and frequent arousals. However, some p ersons, particularly elderly persons, are intensely awa re of the sleep d isturbance and present w ith a complaint of freq uent awakenings and uneefreshing sleep. Some indi viduals without frank airway obstruction may demonstrate arousals associated with increased airway resistance (sometimes referred to as IIpper tlimmy resisttlllce syndrome or respira tory evellt-related flrollstlls). These individuals have many clinica l characteristics in common w ith individuals with obstructi ve sleep apnea syndrome. Central sleep apnea syndrome is cha racterized by episodic cessation of ventilation during sleep (apneas and hypop neas) w ithout airway obstruction. Thus, in contrast to obstructive apnea events, central apneas are not associated with continued chest wall and abdominal breathing movements and occur m ore commonly in elderly persons as a result of card iac or neurological conditions that affect ventilatory regula tion. Ind ividuals most often present w ith complaints of insonu,ia due to repeated awakenings, which they mayor may not associate w ith breathing difficulties. Individuals with central sleep apnea may have mild sno rin g, but it is not a prominen t complaint. The central aiiJf!olar hypoveJ/tiiafioJ/ sYJ/drome is cha racterized by an impairment in ventilatory control that results in abnorma lly low arterial oxygen levels further worsened by sleep (hypoventilati on w ithout apneas or hypopneas). The hmgs in individ uals with this disorder have normal mechanical properties. This form m ost commonly occurs in very overweight individuals and can be associated with a comp laint of either excessive sleepiness or insomnia.

780. 59

Breathing-Re la te d Sleep Diso rder


Associated Featu res and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. The individual wi th Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder may complain of n octurnal chest discom fo rt, choking, suffoca tion, or in tense anxiety in associa tion w ith apneic even ts o r hyp oventilation. Body movements associa ted w ith breathing d ifficulties can be violent, and ind ivid uals with Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder are often described .1S restless sleepers. Indi,'iduals with this disorder typically feel unrefreshed on awakening and may describe fee ling more tired in the morning than when they wen t to sleep. They may also describe sleep drunkenness (i.e., extreme difficulty awakening, confusion, and ina ppropriate behavior). Severe dryness o f the mouth is common and oft en leads the person to drink water during the nigh t or on awak ening in the morning. Nocturia occurs more often with the p rogression of symp toms. Du ll, generalized mo rning head aches can last for 1-2 hours after awakening. The sleep iness can lead to memory d isturbance, poor concentration, irritability, ilnd personal ity dlanges. Mood Disorders (p articuJa rly Majo r Depressive Disorder and Dysthymic Disorder), Anxiety Disorders (particularly Panic Disorder), and demen tia are commonly associated w ith Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder. Individuals can also have red uced libido and erectile ability. Rarely, erectile d ysfunction is the presen ting com p lain t of the obstructive sleep apnea synd rome. Children with Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder may have failure to thrive, d evelopmen tal d eJa}', learning difficulties, poor attention, and hyperactive behavior. Excessive d aytime sleepiness can result in injuries (e.g., fall ing asleep while driving a vehicle) and c.1n also cause severe social and occup ation al impairment resu lting in job loss, marital and family problems, and d ecreased school performance. Associated laboratory findings . Each of the major Breathing- Rela ted Sleep Disorder syndromes p roduces specific abnormalities. In the obstructi ve sleep ap nea syn d rome, nocturnal polysomnogr aphy shows apneic episod es longer than 10 seconds in dur.ltion (usu aUy 20-40 seconds), w it h rare episodes lasting up to several min utes. Hypopneas are characterized by a red uction of airflow. Both types o f events are associa ted w ith a reduction in oxyhemoglobin sahlriltion. Generally, more than 10--15 apneas or hypopnias per hour of sleep in the p resence of symptoms is considered to be clinica lly significant. The central sleep ap nea synd rome may include Cheyne-Stokes respiration (i.e., a pattern of period ic breathin g consisting of an ap nea, a 10- to 60second ep isod e o f hyperventilation following the apnea, and a gradual d ecrease in ventilation culminating in another apnea). In the cen tral a" 'eolar hypoventilation synd rome, period s of decreased respiratjon lasting up to several minutes occur, with sustained arterial oxygen desaturation and increased carbon d ioxide levels. Other features of nocturnal po lysomnography in ind ividuals w ith Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Disorder include short sleep duration, frequent awakenings, increased amounts of stage 1 sleep, and decreased amounts o f slow-wave sleep and rapid eye movemen t (REM) sleep. The arousa ls that occur at the termination o f the .1pneic and hypoven tila tion events may be quite brief (severa) seconds). Apneas, hyp opneas, and hypoventilation may p roduce o ther d isturbances: oxyhemoglobin d esaturation, ECG abnonnalities, eleva ted pulmonary and systemic arterial pressure, and transient arousals as the individ ual tennin ates an episode of


Sleep Di sorders

breathing disturbance. Cardiac arrhythmias commonly occur during sleep in individuals with Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder and may includ e sinus arrhythmias, prematme ven tricular contractions, atrioventricular block, or sinus arrest. Bradycardia followed by lachyc.1rdia is commonly seen in association with apneic episodes. Frequent nocturnal awakenings and oxyhemoglobin desaruration can result in excessive sleepiness tha t may be detected by the Multiple Sleep Latency Tes t (MSLT) or other tests of daytime sleepiness. Mean sleep latency on the MSLT is often less than 10 minutes and can be less than 5 minu tes (normal is 10-20 minutes). Arterial blood gas measurements while the person is awake are usually normal, but some individuals with severe obstructive sleep apnea syndrome or central alveolar hypoventi lation syndrome can ha ve waking hypoxemia o r hypercarbia . Cephalometric X rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computed tomography (en, and fiber-optic endoscopy can show obstruction of the u pper airway. Cardiac testing may show evidence of impai red right ventricular function. Individuals may also have elevated hemoglobin or hematocrit values due to repealed nocturnal hypoxemia. Polysomnographic findings in ch ildren differ from those in adults in that most children demonstrate labored breathing, partial obstructive hypoventilation with cyclical desaturations, hypercapnia, parad oxical movements, and snoring.
Associated phys ica l examination findings and general medical conditions. The majority of individuals with the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and the central alveolar hypoventilation syndrome are oven\'eight and notice an increase in the severity of symptoms with increasing body weight. Upper-airway narrowin g can occur due to excessive bulk of soft tissues. In particu lar, individuals with larger neck sizes (e.g., neck circumference greater than 17 inches in men and greater than 16 inches in women) are at higher risk for obstructive sleep apnea . Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome occurring in individuals of normal or below-nomlal bod}' weight suggests upper-aim'ay obstruction due to definable, localized struchlral abnorma lity, such as a maxillomandibular malformation or adenotonsillar enlargement. J asal airway obstruction may also be present. Indi viduals may have noisy breathing even while awake. Gastroesophagea l reflux w ith severe " heartburn" pain may occur in the obstnlctive sleep apnea syndrome in association with the effort to reestablish breathing during sleep. Individuals with central sleep apnea syndrome less frequently are overweight or have demonstrable upper-airway obstructions. Systemic hypertension with elevated diastolic pressure is commonly associated with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Some individuals, particularly those with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or alveolar hypoventilation, have continuously low oxygen saturation values during sleep and are predisposed to developing pulmonary hypertension and associa ted right-si ded cardiac faihu e (cor pulmona le), hepatic congestion, and ankle edema. Individuals with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder may have an underlying abnormality in the neurological control of the upper-airway musculature or ventilation during sleep. Disorders affecting neurological control of ventilation usually manifest as the central sleep apnea syndrome. Some individual s with neurological conditi ons have a specific lesion affecting the control of pharyngeal muscles, which may lead to the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder can be associated with systemic general medical

780.59 Breath ing -Related Sleep Disorder


or neurological conditions. For instance, obstructive sleep apnea may result from tongue enlargement due to acromegaly, lingual thyroid tissue or cysts, or vocal cord paralysis ilS seen in Shy-Drager syndrome. Impaired cardiac fun ction due to reduced cardiac outpu t can result in cen tral sleep apnea, as can neurological conditions that affect the brain stem control of respiration, such as syringobulbia or brain stem tumors.

Specific Age and Gender Fe atures

In young children, the signs and symptoms of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder (almost exclusively the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome) a re more subtle than those in adu lts and the diagnosis is more difficult to establish. In children, polysomnography is useful in confimling the diagnosis. Snoring, which is characteristic of adult obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, m.ight no t be present. Agitated arousals and wlUsual sleep postures, such as sleeping on the hands and knees, commonly occur. Nocturna I enuresis is also common and should raise the s uspicion of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome if it recu TS in a child who was previou sly dry at night. Children may also manifest excessive da ytime sleepiness, although this is not as common or pronounced as in adults. Day time mouth breathing, difficulty in swallOWing, and poor speech articulation arc also common features in children . In children younger than 5 years, nig httime symptoms such as observed apneas o r labored breathing are more often the presenting symptoms. In chi ldren over the age of 5, daytime symptoms such as sleepiness and behavioral problems, attention and learning d ifficulties, and morning headaches are more often the focu s of concern. On physical examination, pectus excavatum and rib flaring can be seen. If associated w ith adenotonsillar enlClrgement (the most common cause of obstructi ve sleep apnea in children), typical "adenoid fa cies" can be seen with a dull expression, periorbital edema, and mou th breathing. TIle obstructive sleep apnea syndrome is most common in middle-aged , overweight males and prepubertal children with enlarged tonsils. Aging leads to an increase in the frequency of both obstructive and central apnea events, even among asymptoma tic healthy individuals. Beca use some degree of apnea may be normClti ve with aging, polysomnographic results must be interpreted wi thin thiscontexl. On the other hand, Significant clinical symptoms of insomnia and hypersomnia should be investigClted regardless of the individuCll's age, Clnd a d iagnosis of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder shou ld be made if a breathing disturbance best explains the symptoms. In adults, the male-to-female ratio of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome ranges from 2:1 to 4:1. TIlere is no sex difference among prepubertal children. In ad liltS, central apneic events appear to be more prevalent in males than in females, although this difference is less apparen t after menopause.

Preva lence
The preva lence of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder associClted with obstructive sleep apnea is estimated to be approximately 1%- 10% in the adult p opulation but may be higher in elderly individuClls. The prevalence of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder also varies considerably as Cl function of the threshold for the frequency of apnea

1 620

Sleep Di sorders

even ts. The prevalence of centra l sleep apnea syndrome is not precisely known but is estimated to be 10% of the Tate of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.

The obstructive sleep apnea synd rome can occu r a t any age, but most individuals present for evaluation when they are between ages 40 and 60 years (with females more likely to develop obstructive sleep apnea after menopause). Central sleep apnea
is more commonly seen in elderly individuals with central nervous system or cardiac disease. The central a lveolar hypoventilation syndrome and cenlral sleep apnea syn-

d rome can develop at an)' age.

Breath ing-Related Sleep Disorder usually h as an insidious onset, gradual progression, and chronic course. Most o ften , the disorder will have been present for years by the time it is diagnosed. Spontaneous resolution of the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has been reported with weight loss, but usu ally the cou rse is progressive and can ultimately lead to prematu re death due to cardiovascular disease or arrhythmia. The central sleep apnea syndrome also has a chronic unremitting course, although management of underly ing medical conditions may improve the breathing disturbance. Adults with the central ah'eolar hypoventilation syndrome have a slowly prog ressive course.

Fami lial Pattern

A famitial tendency for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome has been described.

Differentia l Diagnosis
Breathing-Relating Sleep Disorder must be differentiated from other causes of sleepiness, such as Narcoleps)', Primary Hyp ersomnia, and Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder. Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder can be differentiated from Narcolepsy by the absence of cataplexy, sleep-related hallucinations, and sleep paralysis and by the p resence of loud s noring, gas p ing during sleep, or observed apneas or shallow breathing in sleep. Daytime sleep episodes in Narcolepsy are characteristically shorter, more refresh ing, and more often associated with dreaming. Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Di sorder shows characteristic apneas or hypoventilation during nocturnal polysomnographic s tudies, and Narcolepsy results in multiple sleep-onset REM periods during the MSLT. Some individuals have concurrent Narcolepsy and Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder may be distinguished from Primary Hyp ersomnia and Circadi an Rhythm Sleep Disord er based on the presence ofc1inical or laboratory findings of obs tructive sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, or cen tral alveolar hypoventilation syndromes. Definitive differential diagnosis between Primary Hypersomnia and Breath ing-Related Sleep Disorder may require polysomnographic s tudies. Hypersomnia related to a Major Depressive Episode can be distinguished from Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder by the presence o r absence of other characteristic sympto ms (e.g., d epressed mood and loss of interes t in a Major Depressive Episode and snoring and gasping during sleep in Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder).


Breathing-Re lated Sleep Disorder


Individuals with Breath ing-Related Sleep Disorder must also be differentiated from otherwise asymptomatic adults who snore. This differentiation can be made based on the presenting complaint of insomnia or hypersomnia, the grea ter intensity of snorin g, and the presence o f the characteristic history, signs, and symptoms of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. For individua ls complaining of insomnia, Primary Insomnia can be differentiated from Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder by the absence of comp laints (or reports from bedpartners) of difficu lty brea thing during sleep and the absence of the histo ry, signs, and symptoms characteristic of Breathing-Related Sleep Di sorder. Nocturnal Panic Attacks may include s}'mptoms of gasping or choking during sleep tha t may be d ifficult to distinguish clinically from Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. However, the lower frequency of episodes, intense autonomic arousal. and the lack of excessive sleepiness d iffere nti ates nocturnal Panic Attacks from BreathingRela ted Sleep Disord er. Polysomnography in individuals with nocturnal Panic Attacks does not reveal the ty pical pattern of apneas, hypoventilation, or oxygen desaturation characteristic of Breathing-Related Sleep Disord er. Atten tion- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in children may include sympto ms of inattention, academic impairmen t, and hyperactivity, all of which may also be symptoms of chi ldhood sleep apnea. The presence of o ther symp toms and signs of childhood sleep apnea (e.g., labored breathing or snoring during sleep and adenotonsillar hypertrophy) would suggest the presence of a Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder. The diagnOSiS of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder is appropriate in the p resence of a gen eral medi cal condition that causes insomnia or h ypersomnia through the mechanism of impaired ventilation d uring sleep. For example, an individual with tonsillar hypertrophy who has sleep difficulty related to snoring and obstructive sleep apneas should receive a diagnosis of Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder on Axis I and tonsillar hypertrophy on Axis m. In contrast, Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is appropriate if a general medical or neurological condition causes sleep-related s}'mptoms through a mechanism other than breathing disturbance. For instance, individuals with arthri tis or renal impainnent may complain of insomnia or hyp ersomnia, but this does not result from breathing impairment during sleep. The use of, or withdrawal from, substances (including medications) can produce insomnia or hypersomnia similar to that in Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. A careful h istory is usually sufficient to identify the relevant sub stance, and foll ow-up shows improvement o f the sleep disturbance after discontinuation of the substance. In other cases, the use of a substance (e.g., alcohol. barbiturates, benzodiazepines, or tobacco) has been shown to be associated with Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder. An individual with symptoms and signs consistent with Breathing-Related Sleep Disord er should receive that diagnosis, even in the presence of concurrent substance use tha t is exacerbating the condition.

Relationship to the International Classificatio n of Sleep Diso rd ers

Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder is id entified as three more specific syndromes in the International Classification o f Sleep Disorders (lCSD): Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome, Central Sleep Apnea Synd rome, and Central Alveolar Hypovenlila tion Syndrome.


Sleep Diso rde rs

Diagnostic criteria for

780.59 Breathing-Re lated Sleep Disorder

A. Sleep disruption, leading to excessive sleepiness Of insomnia, that is judged to be due to a sleep-related breathing condition (e.g., obstructive or central steep a pnea syndrome or centra l alveolar hypoventilation syndrome).

B. The disturbance is not better accounted for by anothe r mental disorder a nd is not due to the direct physiologica l eHects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medica t ion) or another general medical condition (other than a breathi ng-related d isorder),

Coding note:

Also code sleep-related breathing disorder on Axis III .

307.45 Circadian Rhyth m Sle ep Disord er (formerly Sleep-Wake Schedule D isorder)

Diagnostic Featu res
The essen tial feature of Ci rcadian Rhy thm Sleep Disorder is a persisten t o r recurrent pattern of s leep disruption tha t results from altered function of the circadian timing system or from a mismatdl be h\'een the individual's endogenous circadian sleepwake system and exogenous demands regarding the timing and dura tion of sleep (Cri terion A)_ In contrast to other primary Sleep Disorders, Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder does no t result from dysfunction o f the mechanisms genera ting sleep and wakefulness per se_ As a result of the circadian misma tch, individuals with this disorder may complain of insomnia at certain tim es during the 24-h ollf day and excessive s leepiness at other times, with resulting impairmen t in social, occupationa l, or other important areas of functionin g o r marked s ubjective distress (Criterion B). The sleep prob lems are not better aCCOlUlled for by other Sleep Disorders or other mental disorders (Cr iterion C) and are not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs ta nce o r a genera l medical condition (Criterion D). The diagnosis of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder should be reserved for those presentations in which the individual has s ignificant social or occupatio nal impairment or marked dis tress related to the s leep disturbance. Ind ividuals vary widely in their ability to adapt to circadia n changes and requirements. Many, if not most, indi~ viduals w ith circadian~ related symptoms of s leep dis turbance do not seck treatment and do not have symptoms of sufficient severity to warr.lIlt a diagnosis. Those w ho prese nt for evalua tion because of this disorder are mos t often troubled by the severity or persistence of their symptoms. For example, it is not unusual for shift workers to present for evaluation after falling asleep while on the job or wh ile driving. TI,e diagnosis of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder res ts primarily o n the clinical his tory, including the pattem of work, sleep, naps, and "free time. " The his tory shou ld also examine pas t attempts at coping wi th symptoms, such as attempts at ad-

307.45 Circad ia n Rhythm Sl ee p Disorder (formerly Sleep-W ake Schedule Disorder)


\Iancing the sleep-wake schedule in Delayed Sleep Phase Type. Prospective sleep wake diaries or sleep charts are often a useful adjunct to di agnosis.

Del ayed Sleep Phase Typ e. This type of Circad ian Rhythm Sleep Disorder is characterized by a delay o f circadian rhythms, including the sleep-wa ke cycle, relative to the demands of society . rvleas urement of end ogenous circadian rhythms (e.g., core body temperature, p lasma melatonin levels) during the individual's usual (i.e., delayed ) sleep-wa ke schedule reflects this d elay. Individua ls wi th this SUbty pe are h )'Pothesized to have an abnonnally d im inished ability to phase-advance sleep-wake hou rs (i.e., to move sleep and wakefulness to earlier clock times) o r an aHeration in the us ual alignment of sleep with other circadian rhythms. As a result, these individuals are "locked in" to habitually late sleep hours and have great difficulty shifting these sleep hours forwa rd to an earlier time. The circadian phase o f sleep is s table: indi\' id uals will fa ll asleep and awaken a t consis ten t, albeit d elayed, times when left to their ow n sched ule (e.g., on weekends or vacations). Affected individuals complain o f d ifficulty fallin g asleep at socially acceptable hou rs, but once sleep is initiated , it is normal. There is concomitant difficulty awakening at socially acceptable hours (e.g., multiple alarm clocks are often unable to arou se the individual). Many individuals w ith this disord er will be chronically sleep deprived as a res ult of the need to awaken for social and occupational obligations in the morning. Sleepiness d uring the desired w ake period may result. Jet Lag Type. In this type of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, the endogenous circadian sleep-wake cycle is no rmal and the disturba nce arises from conflict between the pattern of sleep and wakefulness generated by the ci rcad ian system and the pattern o f sleep and wakefulness req uired by a new time zone. Individuals with this type complain of a mis match between desired and required hou rs of sleep and wakefulness. The severity of symptoms is proportional to the number of time zones traveled, with ma ximal di ffi culties oft en noted after traveling through eight o r more time zones in less than 2-1 hours. Eastw ard travel (advancing Sleep-wake hours) is typ ically more d iffi cult for most individuals to tolerate than wes tward tra vel (delaying sleep-wake hours). Shift Work Typ e. In this t}'Pe of Circad ian Rhyth m Sleep Disorder, the end ogenolls circad ian sleep-wake cyd e is normal and the d is turbance arises from conflict between the pattern of sleep and wakefulness generated by the circadian system and the d esired p attern of sleep and wakefulness req ui red by shift work. Night-sh if t schedules (with s hi fting back to a day schedule on d ays off) and rota ting-sh ift schedules arc the most d isruptive becau se they force sleep and wakefulness into aberran t circad ian positions and prevent any conNorkers on these shifts ty pically have a s ho rter sleep dusis tent ad justment. I ration and more frequent dishubances in sleep continui ty than morning and afternoon workers. Conversel y, these indi viduals may feel sleepy or fall asleep during the desired wake period , that is, in the middle of the night work s hift. Work schedules tha t involve slowly rotating shifts o r rotations to progressively


Sleep Diso rders

eartier shifts (Le., nights-aftemoons-days) are also associated with higher degrees of sleep disturbance and other complaints th an o ther types of rotatingsh ilt sch edu les. The circadian mismatch of the Shift Work Type is further exacerbated by insufficien t sleep time, social and famil y demands, alcohol lise, and environmental dis turbances (e.g., telephone, traffic noise) during intended sleep times. Unspecified Type. This type of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder should be indicated if another pattern of circadian sleep disturbance (e.g., advanced sleep phase, non-24-hour sleep-wake p attern, or irregular sleep-wake pattern) is presen t. An "advanced sleep phase pattern" is the analog of Delayed Sleep Phase Type, but in the opposite direction: individuals complain of an inability to stay awake in the evening and spontaneous awakening in the early morning ho tlls. " 'on-24-hOtll sleep-wake pattern" denotes a free-running cycle: the sleep-wake schedule follows the endogenous circadian rhythm period of slightly over 24 hours despite the presence of 24-hour time cues in the environmen t. In contrast to the stable sleep-wake pattern of the Delayed or advanced sleep phase ty pes, these indi viduals' sleep-wake schedules become progressively delayed relative to the 24-hourclock, resulting in a chang ing sleep-wake pattern and changing sleep-wa ke complaints over successive d ays (e.g., several days of sleep-onset insomnia fo llowed by days of daytime sleepiness followed by days of difficulty staying awake in the evening). " Irregular sleep-wake P,l ttern" indicates the absence of an identifiable pattern of sleep and wakefulness.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. In Delayed Sleep Phase Type, individ uals frequently go to bed later and wake up later on weekends orduring vacations, with a reduction in sleep-onset difficulties and difficulty awakening. They ",iU typically give man y examples of sch ool, work, and social difficulties arising from their difficulty awakening at socially desired times. If awakened earlier than the time d ictated by the circadian timekeeping system, the indi vidual may demonstra te "sleep drunkenness" (i.e., extreme difficulty awakening, confusion, and inappropria te beha vior). Perfo rmance often also follows a delayed phase, with peak efficiency occurring in late-evening hours. Jet Lag Type may be more common in individuals who are "morning larks." It is often accompanied by other symptoms sllch as impaired concentra tion and memory, impaired coord ination, weakness, lightheadedness, headache, fatigue, malaise, decreased appetite, and indigestion. These symptoms may rela te not only to circadian mismatch but also to other travel conditions such as sleep deprivation, alcohol and caffeine use, and decreased ambient air p ressure in airplanes. Performance is often impaired, fo llowing the pattern that would be predicted by the underlying endogenOll S circadian rhythms. Shift Work Type may also be more common in individuals who are " morning types." Concentration and attention, performance, and alertness are often impaired during d esired waking hours, following the pattern that would be predicted by the underlying endogenous circadian rhythms. Reduced quality o f life and d ysfunction in occu pa tional, family, and social roles are o ften observed in shift

307.45 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (formerly Sleep-Wake Sched ule Disorder)


workers, p articularly those who have sleep difficulties. Shift work is a ris k fac tor for sleepiness-related work and m otor vehicle accidents. The non-24-hour sleep-wake pattern has been described primarily in blind individuals, particularly those with no light perception (e.g., from retrolental fibroplasia or surgical enucleation) as opposed to those with some degree of conscious light perception . Napping and regularly recurring insonmia occur when the individual's endogenous circadian rhythms (which a re slightly longer than 24 hours) are out of phase with the light-dark cycle and socially appropriate sleep-wake hours. Individ uals with any Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder may u se increased amounts of alcohol, sedative-hypn otic, or s timulants in an attempt to control their inappropriately phased sleep-wake tendencies. The use of these subs tances may in tum exacerba te the Circadian Rhy thm Sleep Disorder. Delayed Sleep Phase Type has been associated with schizoid, schizotypal, and avoidant personality feahues, p articularly in adolescents, as well as with depressive symptoms and Depressive Disorders. "Non-24-hour sleep-wake pattern" and "irreg ular sleep-wake pattern" have also been associated with these same feahues. Jet Lag and Shift Work Typ es may precipitate or exacerba te a Manic or Major Depressive Episode or an episode of a Psychotic Disorder. Shift work is also associated with depressive symptoms. Associat e d laboratory findings . Sleep studies yield different results depending on what time they are performed. For individuals w ith Delayed Sleep Phase Type, s tudies conducted at the preferred sleep times will be essentially n ormal for age. However, when studied at socially nonnal sleep times, these individuals have prolonged sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency (due mainly to sleep-onset di ffic ulties), short sleep duration, and, in some individuals, modera tely short REM sleep latency. Laboratory proced ures designed to measure the phase of the endogenous circadian pacemaker (e.g., core body temperature, plasma melatonin levels) reveal the exp ected phase delay in the timing of acrophase (p eak time) and nadir w hen individuals are studied during their usual sleep-wake times. In addition, awakening time may be d elayed relative to other circadian rhythms . When studied during their habitual workweek sleep hours, ind ividua ls w ith Shift Work Type usually have normal or short sleep latency, reduced sleep duration, and more frequent sleep continui ty dis turbances compa red w ith age-matched individuals with "normal" nocturnal sleep patterns. There may be a specific reduction in stage 2, stages 3 and 4, and REM sleep in many cases. Polysomnographic patterns in shift workers have been shown to remain stable over intervals of 2 years, s uggestin g neither adaptation nor worsening. Measures of physiological sleepiness, such as the Multiple Sleep La tency Test (MSLT), s how a high degree of sleepiness d u ring d esired wa ke times (e.g., during the nigh t shift). After a period of adj us tment to a normal diurnal schedu le, these indiv iduals have normal nocturnal sleep and nornlal levels of daytime sleepiness. ""hen studied on their usu al shift-work schedules in their usual environment, shift workers demons trate changes in the overt timing of their circadian rhythms relative to nonnal diurnal patterns. However, these changes seldom if ever result in a complete nocturnal orientation. Interventions s uch as bright light can shift endogenous circad ian rhythms into phase with the nig ht shift, but this does not necessarily improve subjective complaints or performance. N ight shift work may be associated with increases in triglyceride or ch oles terol levels.


Sleep Diso rders

Laboratory studies of simulated. jet lag demonstrate prolonged sleep latency, impaired sleep efficienc)" reductions in REM sleep, and minor reductions in slow-wave sleep. These features recover toward baseline values over 1-2 weeks and are more severe with simulated eastward travel (i.e., advanced s leep hours) than with simulated westward travel (Le., delayed sleep hours). Other laboratory measures, including circadi an rhy thms of melatonin, core body lempCrfl ture, alertness, and performance, also take several days or weeks to adjust foUowing simulated jet lag. Non-24-hour sleep-wake pattern in blind individuals is often characterized by "free-nmning" circadian rhythms of core body lemperah.lre, melatonin secretion, and sleep propensity. In o ther words, these rhythms have a period of slightly longer than 24 hours, similar to those of Sighted individuals deprived of all time cues in experimental settings. Ind ivid uals with "advanced sleep phase pattern," as expected, show earlier timing of endogenous circadian rhythms, as well as a shortening o f the endogenous circad ian rhythm period.
Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. No specific physical find ings are described for Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder. Shift workers may appea r haggard or sleepy and may have an excess of gastrointestinal disturbances, includ ing gastritis and peptic ulcer disease. The roles of caffeine and alcohol consumption and altered eating patterns h ave not been fully eva luated in these cases. Shift work has been associa ted " 'ith risk fac tors fo r ca rd iovascular disease, such as hypertens ion, "nondipping" 24-holl.f blood pressure patterns, increased atherogenic lipids, and abnormal electrocardiographic measures (prOlonged QTc interval). It may also be associated with a slightly increased risk for actual cardiovascular disease, a lthough not all studies have found this. Non-24-hour sleep-wake pattern often occurs in blind individuals, particularly those with no ligh t perception. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder may exacerbate p reexisting general medical conditions.

Specific Age Features

The onset of Delayed Sleep Phase Type most often occurs bCh\'een late childhood and early adu lthood . Shift work and jet lag symptoms are often reported to be more severe, or mo re easi ly induced in laboratory settings, in la te-middle-aged and elderly individuals compared with young adults. Older adults also have more severe poly somnographic sleep disturbances fo llowing simulated jet lag in the laboratory, but their circadian rhythms appear to adjust at the s.'me rate as younger adults. "Advanced sleep phase pattern" a lso increases with age. lllese findings may resul t from age-rela ted deteriora tion in nocturnal sleep and shortening of the endogenous circadian period.

The prevalence for any of the types of Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder has not been well established. Prevalence fi gures for the Delayed Sleep Phase Type from popula tion surveys have varied widely, ranging from 0.1 % to 4% in adults and up to 7".. in / /0 adolescents. Up to 600 of night shift workers may have Shift Work T}'p e.

307 .4 5 Circad ian Rhythm Sleep Disorder (fo rmerly Sleep-Wake Schedu le Disorder)


Cou rse
Delayed Sleep Phase Type typically begins adolescence and may fol low a psychosocial stressor. Without intervention, Delayed Sleep Phase Type typically lasts for years or decades but may "correct" itself given the tendency for endogenous circadian rhythm phase to advance with age. Treatment can often normaljze sleep hours at least temporarily, but there is a persistent vulnerability for delayed sleep hours and other symptoms. Shift Work Type typically persis ts for as long as the individual works that particular scheduJe. Reversal of symptoms generally occurs within 2 weeks of a return to it normal diurnal sleep-wake schedule. Experimental and field data concerning jet lag indicate that it takes approx imately 1 day p er time zone traveled fo r the circadian system to resyndlionize itself to the new local time. Differen t circad ian rhythms (su ch as core body temperature, hormonal level. alertness, and sleep patterns) may readjust at different rates.

Familial Pattern
A family history may be present in up to 40% of individuals with Delayed Sleep Phase Type. A familial form of Advanced Sleep Phase Type, segregating as an autosomal dominant trait w ith high penetrance, h as been identified.

Differential Diagnosis
Circadjan Rhythm Sleep Disorder mus t be dis ting uished from normal patterns of sleep and normal adjustments following a change in schedule. The key to stich distinctions lies in the persistence of the d is turbance and the presence and deg ree of social or occupational impairment. For ins tance, many adolescents and yOlmg adults maintain delayed sleep-wake schedules, but w ithout di stress or interference wi th school or work routines. Likewise, many individuals characterize themselves as ei ther "nigh t owls" or " morning larks," because of their preference for either late or early sleep schedules. These tendencies in themselves do not w arrant a diagn osis of Delayed Sleep Phase Type or "ad vanced sleep phase pattern. " A diagnosis wou ld be made only in indi viduals who persistently experience clinically Significant distress or impairment and who have difficulty changing their sleep-wake pa ttern. Similarly, almost anyone who travels across time zones w i.\l experience transient sleep disn lption. TIle diagnosis of the Jet Lag Type should be reserved for indi\' iduals wi th associated severe sleep disturbances and work d is rup tion. Delayed Sleep Phase Type mllst be differentia ted from volitional p atterns of delayed sleep hours. Some individuals who voltmtarily delay sleep onset to participa te in social or work activi ties may complain of d ifficulty awakening . \<\lhen perm.itted to do so, these indi viduals fall asleep readily at earlier times and, after a period of recovery sleep, have no signifi cant difficulty awakening in the morning. In sllch cases, the primary problem is sleep deprivation rather than a Circadian Rhy thm Sleep Disorder. Other i.ndjviduals (pa rticularly children and adolescents) m ay volitionaUy shift sleep hours to avoid school or family demands. The pattern of difficulty a wakening vanishes when desired activities are sched uJed in the morning h ou rs. T a similar n


Sleep Diso rders

way, younger children in volved in limit-setting batt les w ith parents may p resent as

having Delayed Sleep Phase Type.

Jet Lag and Shift ' ''lark Types mu st be distingu ished mainly from other primary Sleep Disorders, such as Primary I nsomnia and Primary H ypersomnia. The his tory of jet lag or sh ift work, with lmdis tmbed sleep o n other schedules, usually prov ides

sufficien t evidence to exclude these other disorders. In some cases, other primar),
Sleep Disorders, stich as Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder or periodic lim b movements di sorder, may complicate Shift Work o r Jet L.1g Types. This possibility should be suspected when reversion to a normal diurnal schedule does not provide relief from sleep-rela ted symptoms. Olher types of Circad ian Rhythm Sleep Disorder, such as "non-24-hour sleep-wake pattern" and "irregular sleep-wake pattern," are distingu ished from the Delayed Sleep Phase Type by the stable pattern o f delayed sleepwake hours characteristic of the la tter. Patterns of delayed or advanced slee p th at occur exclu sive ly during another mental disorder arc not d iagnosed separately. Fo r instance, an ind ividual wi th Major Depressive Disorder may have d elayed sleep hours similar to those in Delayed Sleep Phase Type, but if this sleep pattern occurs only during the Major Depressive Episode, an addi tional diagnosis of Circadia n Rhythm Sleep Disorder would not be warranted. Likewise, an ind ividual exp eriencing an acute exacerbation of Sch izophrenia may have a very irregular sleep-wake pattern, but if this sleep pattern is only associated w ith the exacerbation, no additional diagnosis of Circad ian Rhythm Sleep Disorder would be made. Substances (including medications) can cause delayed sleep onset or awakening in the morning. For instance, consumption of caffeine or nicotine in the evening may delay sleep onset, and the use of hypnotic medications in the middle of the n ight may delay the time of awakening. A diagnOSis of Su bstance-Ind uced Sleep Disorder may be considered if the sleep d isturbance is judged to be a direct p hysiological consequence of regular substance use and warrants independent clinical attention (sec p. 655). General medica l conditions rarely cause fixed delays or advances of the sleepwake schedule and typically pose no difficulty in differen tial d iagnosis.

Re lationship to the Internati ona l Classification of Sleep Disorders

The In ternational Classificatio n of Sleep Disorders (ICSO) includes categories for Delayed Sleep Phase Syndrome, Shift Work Sleep Di sorder and Time Zone Change (Jet Lag) Syndrome, and specific categories for three other Circadian Rhythm Sleep Dis orders (lrregularSleep-Wake Pattern, Advanced Sleep Phase Syndrome, and Non-UHour Sleep-Wa ke Syndrome).

307 .47

Dyssomnia Not Otherwise Specified


Diagnostic criteria for

307.45 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder

A. A persistent or recu rrent pattern of sleep disruption lead ing to excessive sleepiness or insomnia that is due to a mismatch between the sleep-wake schedule required by a person's environment and his or her circadian sleep-wake pattern.
B. The slee p disturbance causes cl inica lly significant distress or impairment in social, oc-

cupational, or other important areas of functioni ng .

C. The disturbance does not occur exclusive ly during the course of another Sleep Disor-

der or other ment al disorder.

D. The distu rbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a

drug of abuse, a medication) o r a general medica l cond ition.

Specify type:

Delayed Sleep Phase Type: a persistent pattern of late sleep onset and late awakening times, with an inabi lity to fall asleep and awaken at a desired earlier t ime Jet Lag Type: sleepi ness and alertness that occur at a n inappropriate time of day relative to local time, occurri ng after repeated t ravel across more than one t ime zone Shift Work Type: insomnia during the major sleep period or excessive sleepiness during the major awake period associated with night shift work or frequently changing shift work Unspecified Type


Oyssomnia Not Otherwise Specified

The Dyssonmia N ot Otherwis e Specified category is for insomnias, hypersonmias, or circadian rhythm disturbances that do not meet cr iteria for any s pecific Dyssomnia. Examples include
l. Complaints of clinically sign ificant insomnia or hypersomnia that are attribut-

able to e nvironmental fac tors (e.g., noise, light, frequ e nt interruptions). 2. Excessive s leep iness Ihal is attributable to o ngoing sleep depriva tion . 3. "Res tless legs syndrome" : nus syndrome is characterized by a desire to move the legs o r arms, associated with wlComfortable sensa tions typicall y descr ibed as, cra w ling, tingling, burning, or itdling . Frequent movements of the limbs occur in an effort to relieve the uncomfortable sensa tions. Symptoms are w orse when the individual is a t rest and in the e vening or night, and they are relieved temporarily by movement. The uncomfortable sensations and limb m ovements can delay s leep onset, a w aken the indi vidual from s leep, and lead to day time s leepiness or fatigue . Sleep s tudies de monstrate involuntary periodic limb movements during sleep in a majority of indi vid uals with restless legs syndrome. A minority of ind ivid uals ha ve e vidence of anemia or reduced serum


Sleep Disorders

iron stores. Peripheral nerve eJecrrophysiologicaJ s tudies and gross brain mor phology a re usuall y normal. Restless legs syndrome can occur in an idiopa thic form, or it can be associated with general medical or neurological conditions, including normal pregnall,}', renal failure, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral vascu-

la r disease, or peripheral nerve dysflU1ction. Phenomenologically, the hvo forms are indistinguishable. The onset of restless legs syndrome is typically in the Sffand or third decade, alth ough up to 20% of ind ividuals w ith this syndrome may

have symptoms before age to. The prevalence of restless legs syndrome is be-tween 2% and 10% in the general population and as high as 30% in general medical populations. Prevalence increases with age and is equal in males and females. Course is marked by stability or worsening of symptoms with age. There is a positive family history in 50%-90% of indi viduals. The major differential diagnoses include medication-induced akathisia, peripher.l1 neuropa thy, and nochlrnalleg cramps. Worsening at night and periodic limb movements are more common in restless legs syndrome than in medication-induced akathisia or peripheral neuropathy. Unlike restless legs syndrome, nocturnal leg cramps do not present wi th the desire to move the limbs nor are there frequent limb movemen ts. 4. Periodic limb movements: Periodic limb movemen ts are repeated low-amplitude brief limb jerks, particularly in the lower extremities. These movements begin near sleep onset and d ecrease during stage 3 or 4 non-rapid eye movement (NREM) and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. lvtO\'ements usually occur rhythmically every 20-60 seconds and are associated w ith repea ted, b rief arousa ls. Ind ividuals are often unaware of the ach la l movements, but may complain of insomnia, frequent awakenings, or daytime sleepiness if the number of movemen ts is very large. Indiv idua ls may have consid erable variabil ity in the number of periodic limb movements from nig ht to night. Period ic limb movements occur in the majority of individuals with restless legs syndrome, but they may also occur w ithout the other sym p toms of restless legs synd rome. Indiv idua ls with normal pregnancy or with conditions such as renal failure, congestive heart failure, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder may also develop periodic limb movements. Although ty pical age at onset and prevalence in the general population are unknown, periodic limb movements increa se with age and may occu r in more than one-third of individuals over age 65. Men are more common ly affected than wonlen. 5. Situations in which the clinician has concluded that a Dyssomnia is present but is unable to d eterm ine w hether it is primary, due to a general med ical cond ition, or substance induced.

Parasomnias are disorders characterized by abnonnal behavioral or physiological events occurring in association wi th sleep, s pecific sleep stages, o r sleep-wa ke transitions. Unlike dyssomnias, parasomnias do not involve abnormalities of the mechanisms generating sleep-wake states, nor of the timing of sleep and wakefulness. Rather, parasomnias represent the activation of physiological systems at inappropriate times during the sleep-wake cycle. I.n particular, these disorders involve activation of the autonomic nervous system, motor system, or cognitive processes during

307 .47

Nightma re Disorder (formerly Dream Anxiety Disorder)

sleep or sleep-wake transitions. Different parasomnias occur at different times during sleep, and specific parasomnias often occur during sp ecific sleep stages. Individuals with parasoJlmias usually present with complaints of unusu al behavior during sleep rather than complaints o f insomnia or excessive daytime sleep in ess. This section includes N ightmare Disorder, Sleep Terror Disorder, Sleepwalkin g Disorder, ,md Parasamnia Not Otherw ise Specified.

307.47 Nightmare D isorder (formerly Dream Anxiety Disorder)

Diag nostic Features
The essential feature of Nig htmare Disorder is the repeated occurrence of fri ghtening dreams that lead to awakenings from sleep (Criterion A). The individual becomes fully alert on awakening (Criterion B). The frig htening dream s or sleep interruptions resulting from the awakenings cause the indi vidual significant distress or result in social or occupational d ysfunction (Criterion C). Thi s disorder is no t diagnosed if the nightmares occur exclusively during the co urse of another mental di sorder or are d ue to the direct physiological e ffects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse or a medication) or a general medica l condHion (Criterion D). Nightmares typicall y occur in a leng thy, elaborate d ream sequence that is highly anxiety provoking or terrifying. Dream content most often foc uses on imminent physica l danger to the indi vidual (e.g., pu rsu it, attack, injury). In other cases, the p ercei\ed d anger may be more subtle, involving personal failu re or embarrassment. Nightmares that occur a fter traumatic experiences may replicate the original dangerous or threatening situation, but most nighhnares do not recount actual events. On awakening, individuals with this disorder can describe the dream sequence and content in detail. Individuals may report multiple nightmares within a gi\'en night, often with a recurrent theme. N ightmares arise almost exclusively during rapid eye movement (RENO sleep. Because REM episodes occur periodically throughout nocturnal sleep (approximately every 90-110 minutes), nightmares may also occur at an}' time during the sleep episod e. However, beC,luse REM sleep periods typicall y become longer and d reaming marc intense in the second half of the night, nightmares are a lso more likely to occur later in the night. T ightmares usually terminate with an awakening that is associated with a rap id return of full alertness and a lingering sense o f fear or anxiety. These fa ctors often lead to d ifficulty returning to sleep. Nightmare Disorder causes significant subjective d istress more o ften than it causes demonstrable social or occupa tional impairmen t. However, if nocturnal awakenings are frequent. or if the indi vidu al avoid s sleeping because of fear of nightmares, the individ ual may experience excessive sleepiness, poor concentration, depreSSion, anxiety, or irritability that can d isnlpt daytime fun ctioning.

Associ at ed Featu res and Disorders

Sleep Di sorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. In in d ivid uaJs w ith Nightmare Disorder, m ild au tonomic arousal (e.g ., sweating, tachycardia, tachypnea) may be evident on awakening. Individ uals who have had frequent nightmares since childhood tend to show elevated rales of general psychopatho logy on symptom measu res. Depressive and anxiety symp toms that do not meet criteria for a s pecifi c diagnosis are common among individ uals with N igh tmare Disorder. Bod y movements and vocalization a re not characteristic of N ightmare Diso rder because o f the loss of skeletal muscle tone that no rmally occurs during REM sleep. ' <\Then talking, screaming, or striking ou t do occur, these are most likely to appear as brief p henomena tha t terminate a nightmare. These behaviors are also more likely to occu r in the n igh tm ares that accompany Posttraumatic Stress Disord er, because these n igh tmares may occur during non- rap id eye movement (NREM) sleep.

Associate d laboratory findings . Polyso mnographic studies d emonst rate abru pt awakenings from REM sleep tha t correspond to the individual 's report o f nightmares. These awakenings usually occur d uring the second half o f the night. In most cases, the REM sleep episode will have lasted for more than 10 mi n utes and may include a greater-than-average number of eye m ovements. Heart rate and respiratory rate m ay increase o r show increased variability before the awakening. N igh tmares following tra umatic events (e.g ., i.n ind ividuals with Posttra umatic Stress Disorder) may arise during N REM sleep, particularly stage 2, as well as d uring REM sleep. Other p olysomnographic featu res, including sleep continu ity and sleep architecture, are not characteristically abnormal in N ightmare Disord er.

Specific Cult ure, Age, and Ge nder Featu res

TI,e sign ificance a ttributed to nightmares may vary with cultu ra l background . For instance, some cultures may relate nightmares to spiritual or s upernatural phenomena, whereas others may view nigh tmares as indicators of mental or physical d isturbance. Becau se n ig htmares frequen tly occur d uring childhood, th is diagnos is shou ld not be given unless there is persisten t significant distress or impairment that warrants ind ep endent clinical atten tion. ligh tmare Disord er is most likely to appear in children exposed to severe p sychosocial stressors. Although speci fi c drea m content may renect the age of the individual having the nigh tmares, the essential features o f the d isorder are th e same across age grou ps. Females rep ort having nightmares more often than do men, at a ratio of approximately 2:1 to 4:1. It is not dea r to what extent th is difference re nects a true d iscrep ancy in the nu mber of nightmares as opposed to a variance in rep orting.

Preval ence
Between 10% and 50% of chi ldren ages 3-5 years have n ightmares of sufficient intensity to d isturb their paren ts. In the adult population, as many as 50% of individuals may report at least an occasional nightmare. In young adults, at least 3% report having nigh hllares frequently or always. However, the actual prevalence o f N ightmare Disord er is unknown.


Ni ghtmare Disorde r (f o rme rly Dream Anxiet y Disorder)


Nightmares often begin between ages 3 and 6 years. When the frequency is high (e.g., several per week), the dreams may become a source of concern and distress to both children and parents. Most child ren who develop a n ightmare problem ou tgrow it. In a minority, the dreams may persist at high frequency in to ad u lthood, becoming virtually a lifelong dishubance. Adults with chronic nightmares report similar degrees of subjective sleep d is turbance as those who have had nigh tmares for less than 6 months. A tendency toward amelioration of the disorder in later decades has been described.

Di ffe rential Diagnosis

Nightmare Disorder should be differentiated from Sleep Terror Disorder. Both disorders include awakenings or partial awakenings w ith fea rfulness and autonomic activa tion, bu t can be differentiated by several clinical featrnes . N igh tmares typically occur later in the night during REM sleep and produce vivid dream imagery, COOl plete awakenings, mild autonomic arousal, and detailed recall of the even t. Sleep terrors typically arise ill the first third of the night during s tage 3 or 4 NREM sleep and produce either no dream recall or single images without the story like quality that is typical of nightmares. Sleep terrors lead to partial awaken ings in which the individual is confused, d isoriented, and only partiaUy responsive and has significant autonomic arousal. In contrast to N ightmare Disorder, the individual wi th Sleep Terror Disorder has anmesia for the event on awakening in the morning . Breathing-Related Sleep Disord er can lead to awakenings w ith autonomic arousal, but these are not accompanied by recall of frightening dreams. N ightmares are a frequent complaint of individua ls w ith Narcolepsy, but the presence of excessive sleepiness and cataplexy d iffe rentiates this condition from N ightmare Disorder. Panic Attacks arising drning sleep can also produce abrupt awakenings with autonomic arousal and fearfulness, but the individual does not report frightening dreams and (an identify these symptoms as consistent with other Panic Attacks. The p resence of complex motor activity drning frightening d reams should promp t further eva luation for other Sleep Disorders, such as " REM sleep beh avior disorder" (see Parasomnia Not Othen ... ise Speci fied ). Numerous medications tha t affect the autonomic nervous system can precipitate nightmares . Examples include L-dopa and other dopaminergic agonists; beta-adrenergic antagonists and o ther antihypertensive medica tions; amphetamine, cocaine, and other stimuJants; and an tidepressant medications . Conversely, withdrawal of medications that s uppress REM sleep, such as an tidepressant med ications and alcohol, can lead to a REM sleep "rebound" accompanied by nightmares. If the nightmares are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention, a diagnosis of Substance-Indu ced Sleep Disord er, Parasomnia Type, may be consi dered (see p. 655) . Nightmare Disorder also s hould not be diagnosed if the disturb ing dreams arise as a d irect physiologica l effect of a general medical condition (e.g., central ner\'ous system infection, vascular lesions of the brain stem, general medical conditions causing delirium). If the nightmares are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention, Sleep Disord er Due to a General Medi cal Conditi on, Parasomnia


Slee p Disorders

Type, may be considered (see p. 651). Alth ough nightmares may frequently occur during a d elirium, a separate diagnosis of N igh tmare Disorder is not given. N igh tm ares occu r frequently as part of oth er m ental disorders (e.g., Posttrauma tic

Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia, Mood Disorders. other Anxiety Disorders, Adjustment Disorders, and Personality Disorders). If the nightmares occur exclusively during the course of another mental disorder, the diagnosis of Nightmare Disorder is not given. Many individuals experience an occasional, isolated n ightmare. N ightma re Disorder is not diagnosed unless the frequency and severity of nightmares result in significant distress or impai rment.

Relati o nship to the Internati onal Cl ass ification of Sleep Disord ers
Nightmare Disord e r corrcsponds to the diagnosis of N ightmares in the International Classifica tion of Sleep Di sorders (ICSD).

Diagnostic criteria for 307.47 Nightmare Disorder


Repeated awakenings from the major sleep period or naps with detailed recall of extended and extremely frighten ing dreams, usually involving threats to survival, security, or self-esteem. The awakenings gene rally occur during the second half of the sleep period. and alert (in contrast to the confusion and disorientation seen in Sleep Terror Disorder and some forms of epilepsy).

B. On awakening from the frightening dreams, the person rapidly becomes oriented

C. The dream experience, or the sleep disturbance resulting from the awakening, causes clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other importa nt areas of functioning .
D. The nightmares do not occur exclusively during the course of another mental disor-

der (e.g., a delirium, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder) and a re not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Diagnost ic Fea t u res

Sleep Terror Disorder

The essential feature of Sleep Terror Disorder is the repeated occurre nce of sleep tcrrors, that is, abrupt awakenings from s leep usually beginning with a panicky scream or cry (Cri terion A). Sleep terrors u suaUy begin during the firs t third of the major sleep episode and last 1-10 m inutes. The episodes are accompan ied by au tonomic arousal and behavioral manifestations of inte nse fear (Crite rion (3). During an episode, the individual is d iffi cult to awaken or comfort (Crite rion C). If the i.ndhridual


Sleep Terror Disorder


awakens after the sleep terror, no dream is recalled, or only fragm en tary, single images are recalled. On awakening the following morning, the individual has amnesia for the event (Criterion D). TIle sleep terror episodes must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, o r other important areas of functioning (Cri terion E). Sleep Terror Disorder should not be diagnosed if the recurrent events are d ue to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition (Criterion F). Sleep terrors are also called "n ight terrors" or pavor nocrumus. During a typica l episode, the individual abruptly sits up in bed screaming o r crying, wi th a frigh tened expression and au tonomic signs of intense anxiety (e.g., tachycardia, rapid brea thing, flushing of the skin, sweating, d ilation of the p upils, increased mu scle tone). TIle indiv idual is usually unresponsive to the efforts o f others to awaken or comfort h im or her. If awakened, the person is confused and disoriented fo r several minutes and recounts a vague sense of terror, usually withou t dream content. Although fragmentary vivid dream images may occur, a story like dream sequence (as in nightmares) is no t reported. Most commonly, the individual does not awaken full y, but returns to sleep, and has amnesia for the episode on awakening the next morning. Some individuals may vaguely recall ha ving an "episode" during the p revious night, but do not have detai led recall. Usually on ly one ep isode will occur on any one night, althou gh occasionally several episodes may occur at intervals throughout the night. For tile diagnosiS to be made, the individual must experience clinically significant distress or impairment. Embarrassment concerning the episodes can impair social rela tionships. Individuals may avoid siruations in which others might become awa re o f the disrurbance, such as going to camp, visiting friends overnight, or sleeping with bed partners.

Associated Features and Diso rders

Associated d escriptive features and mental disorders. The episode is u sua lly accompanied by yelling, screaming, cry ing, or incoherent vocalizations. TIle ind ividual mily actively resist being held or touched or even demonstrate more elabora te m otor activity (e.g., swinging, plmching, rising from the bed, o r fleeing). These behaviors appear to represent a ttempts at self-protection or flight from a tiueat and may result in physical injury. Episodes that simultaneously include features o f sleep terror and sleepwalking can occur. Alcohol or sedative u se, sleep deprivation, sleep-wake sched ule d isruptions, fatigue , and physica l or emotional stress increase the likelihood of episodes. Children with Sleep Terror Disorder do not have a higher incidence of psychopathology or mental disorders than does the general population . Psychopathology is more likely to be associated with Sleep Terro r Disorder in adul ts. Sleep Terror Disorder may occur with an increased frequen cy in individuals with Axis I d isorders, particularly Posttrau matic Stress Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Di sord er. Personality Disorders may occur in individuals w ith Sleep Terror Disorder, es pecially Dependent, SchizOid , and Borderline Personality Disorders. Elevated scores for dep ression and anxiety have been noted o n personality inven tories.


Slee p Disorders

Associated laboratory f indings . Sleep terro rs begin during deep N REM s leep tha t is characterized by slow-frequency EEG acti vity (delta). This EEG activity is most prevalent during stages 3 and 4 N REM sleep, w hich are concen tra ted in the fi rst third of the major sleep episode. Therefore, sleep terrors are a lso most li kely to occur in the

firs t third of the night. However, episodes can occur d uring slow-wave sleep at an)' time, even during daytime naps. The onset of sleep terror episodes is typically heralded by very high voltage EEG delta activity, an increase in muscle tone, and a Iwofold 10 fourfold increase in heart ra te, oft en to over 120 beats per minu te. During the ep isode, the polysomnogram may be obscured w ith movement artifact. In the absence of such artifact, the EEG typically shows theta or alpha activity during the episode, indicating partial arousaL Individuals with Sleep Terror Disorder m ay also have abrupt arousals from deep NREM sleep that do not p rogress to full episodes of sleep terror. Such episodes can incl ude abru p t tach ycardia .
Associated physical e xamination findings and general m e dical conditions . Fever and sleep d eprivation can p roduce an increased frequ ency of sleep terror episodes.

Specifi c Culture, Age, and Gender Features

No reports have provided clear ev idence of cu lturally related d ifferences in th e manifestations of Sleep Terror Disord er, although it is likely that th e significance and cause attributed to sleep terror episodes w ill diffe r beh veen cu ltures. Older ch ild ren and adults provide a more detailed recollection of fea rful images associated with sleep terrors than d o younger child ren, w ho are more likely to have complete amnesia or to report only a vague sense of fear. Among children, Sleep Terror Disorder is more common in males than in females. Among ad u lts, the sex ratio is even.

Preva lence
There are limited d ata on Sleep Terror Disorder in the general popu lation. The p revalence o f sleep terror episodes (as op posed to Sleep Terror Disorder in which there is recurrence and d istress or impairment) has been estim ated at 10/ -6% among children 0 and at less than 1% of adults.

Co urse
Sleep Terror Disorder usually begins in child ren beh \'ccn ages 4 and 12 years and resolves s pon taneously d u ring adolescence. In adults, it m ost conunon ly begins beh \'een ages 20 and 30 years and often follows a chronic course, w ith the frequency and severity of episodes waxing and waning over time. The frequency of episodes varies both within and amon g individuals. Episodes usually occur at in tervals of days or weeks but m ay occur on consecu tive nights.

Familia l Pattern
Individ uals w ith Sleep Terror Disorder frequently report a positive family history of either sleep terrors or sleepwa lking. Some studies indicate ., l O -fold increase in the


Sleep Terror Disorder

prevalence of the disorder among first-degree biologica l relatives. The exact mode of . inheritance is unknown.

Differential Diagnosis
Many individuals suffer from isolated episodes of sleep terrors at some time in their lives. The d istinction behveen individual episodes of sleep terrors and Sleep Terror Disorder rests on repeated occurrence, intensity, clinically significant impairment or distress, and the poten tial for injury to self or others. Sleep Terror Disorder must be differentiated from other d isorders that produce complete or partial awakenings at night or unusual behavior during sleep. The most important differential diagnoses for Sleep Terror Disorder include N ightmare Disorder, Sleepwalking Disorder, other parasomnias (see Parasomnia Not Otherwise Specified), Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Disorder, and seizures occurring during sleep. In contrast to individuals with Sleep Terror Disorder, individuals w ith Nightmare Disord er typically awaken easily and completely, report vivid story like dreams accompanying the episodes, and tend to have episodes later in the night. The d egree of autonomic arousa l and motor activity is not as great as that in Sleep Terror Disorder, and recall is more complete. Sleep terrors usually occur during slow-wave sleep, whereas nighhnares occur during REM sleep. Parents of children w ith Sleep Terror Disorder may misinterpret reports of fearfulness and frag mentary imagery reports as nigh tmares. Sleepwalking Disorder may be difficult to differentiate from cases of Sleep Terror Disorder that involve prominent motor activity. In fact, the two disorders frequently occur together, and family history commonly involves both disorders. The p rotol)'Pical case of Sleep Terror Disord er involves a p redominance of autonomic a rousal and fea r, with a lesser degree of motor activ ity that tends to be abrupt and d isorganized. The prototypical case of Sleepwalking Disorder involves little autonomic arousal or fea r and a greater deg ree of o rganized motor activity. Parasomnias Not Othenvise Specified include several presentations that can resemble Sleep Terror Disorder. The most common example is " REM sleep behavior disorder," which also produces subjective fea r, violent moto r activity, and the potential fo r inju ry. Because this occurs during REM sleep, it involves vivid storylike dreams, more immediate and complete awakening, and motor activity that clearly follo ws dream content. "Nocturnal paroxysmal d ystonia " also includ es awakenings from sleep w ith motor activity, but this activity is longer in duration, more rhythmic and stereotyped , and not associated with subjective reports or signs of fear. Hypnagogic hallucinations, experienced sporadically by many otherwise-asymptomatic individuals, as weU as more regularly by those with Narcolepsy, may be associated with anxiety. Their occurrence at sleep onset, vivid images, and subjective sensation of wakefulness differentiate these episodes from sleep terrors. Ra rely, an individual wi th a Breathing-Related Sleep Diso rder may have episodes of awakenings associated w ith fear and panic tha t resemble those in Sleep Terror Disorder. The association with snoring, obeSity, and respiratory symptoms such as witnessed apneas, an inability to breathe, or choking episodes d istinguishes Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder. A single episode of sleep terror can also occur during the slow-wave sleep rebound that follows the abrupt treahnent of obstructive


Sleep Disorders

sleep apnea syndrome (e.g., following nasal continuous positive airway pressure
[CPAPl therapy). Seizures that occur during s leep can produce s ubjective sensations o f fear and stereotyp ed behaviors. followed by confusion and difficulty awa kening. Most n octurnal seizures occur at s leep-wake transitions, but they may occur during s low-wave sleep. Incontinence and tonic-clonic movemen ts suggest a seizure disorder, bu t front al an d temporal lobe seizures can produce more complex beha viors as well. An EEG often reveals intericlal findin gs in individuals with s leep-reiated seizures, but EEG monitoring during nocturnal sleep may be needed for definitive differentia l diagnosis. Sleep disruption related to seizures should be diagnosed as Sleep Di sord er Due to a General Medical Condition, Parasom nia Type (see p . 651). Sleep Disord ers Due to a General Medical Condition other than sleep-related seizures may rarely cause unusual beha vioral episodes at night. The ne\\' onset o f abnormal behavior during sleep in a middle-aged or old er adult should prompt consideration of a closed head injury or centra l nervous system pa thology such as tumor or infection. Sleep terror episodes also may be exacerbated or induced by med ications sllch as central nervou s system depressants. If episodes are judged to be a di rect physiological effect of taking a medication or substance. the disorder should be classified as a Substance-Induced Sleep Disord er, Parasomnia Type (see p. 655). Panic Disorder may also cause abrupt awakenings from deep l\TR.EM sleep accompanied by fearfulness. but these episod es produce rapid and complete awakening without the confusion. anmesia. or motor activity ty pica l of Sleep Terror Disorder. lndi \' iduais who have Panic Attacks during sleep report tha i these symptoms are virtually identica l to those of Panic Attacks that occur during the day. The presence of Agoraphobia may also help d ifferentiate the two disorders.

Relationshi p to the Internationa l Classificat ion of Sleep Disorders

Sleep Terror Disorder is virtually id entical to Sleep Terrors in the International Classification of Sleep Disorders OCSD). Confusional Arousals, which can occur as an independent disorder or in conjunction w ith Sleep Terror Disorde r, are also described in the ICSD. Confusional Arousals are characterized by brief awakenings from slo\\'wave sleep with confusion, but wilhout lerror or ambula lion.


Sleepwalking Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 307.46 Sleep Terror Disorder

A. Recurrent episodes of a brupt awakening from sleep, usually occurring during the first third of the major sleep episode and beginning with a panicky scream. B. Intense fear and signs of autonomic arousal, such as tachycardia. rapid breathing, and sweating, during each episode.
C. Relative unresponsiveness to eHo1't5 of others to comfort the person during the epi-

sode . D. No detailed dream is recalled and there is amnesia for the episode. E. The episodes cause clinically significant distress or impairment in sodal, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. F. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological eHects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition.

Diagnostic Features

Sleepwalking Disorder

The essential feature of Sleepwalking Di sorder is repeated episod es of complex motor behavior initiated during sleep, including rising from bed and walking about. s lepwa lking episodes begin during slow-wave s leep and therefore mos t often occur during the first third of the night (Criterion A). During e p isodes, the indi"idual has reduced ale rtness and responsiveness, a blank stare, and relative unrespons iveness to conununication with others o r efforts to be a wakened by others (Criterion B). If a wakened during the episode (o r on awakening the foll owing morning), the ind ividual has limited recall for the eve nts of the episode (Criterion C). After the episode, there may initially be a brief period of confusion or difficulty orie nting, followed by fuU recovery o f cognitive function and appropriate behavior (Criterion D). The sleepwalking must cause clinically s ignificant dis tress or impairment in social, occupationa\, or other important areas of h.mctioning (Criterion E). SIepwalking Disorder should not be diagnosed if the beha vior is due to the d irect physiological effects of a s ubstance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a ge neral medical condition (Crite rion F). Sleepwa lking episod es can include a varie ty of beha viors. In mild e pisodes (sometimes called "confus ional arousals"), the individual may simply sit up in bed , look about, or pick at the blanket or sheet. More typically, the individual achmlly ge ts out of bed and may walk into closets, out of the room, up and dow n stairs, and e ve n out of buildings. Individuals may use the ba throom, eat, and ta lk during episodes. Running and fra ntic attempts to escape some apparent threat can al so occur. Most behaviors during sleepwalking episodes are routine a nd of low complexity. H owever, cases of unlocking doors and even ope rating machinery have been reported . Particula rly in

Sleep Diso rders

childhood, sleepwalking can also include inappropriate behavior (e.g., urinating in a closet). Most episodes last fo r several minutes to a half hour. Sleepwalking episodes can terminate in spontaneous arousals followed by a b rief period of confusion, o r the indiv id ual may return to bed and continue to sleep until the morning. Not uncommonly, the individual may aw aken the next morning in another place, or with evidence o f having performed some activity during the night, but with complete amnesia for the event. Some episodes m ay b e followed by vague recall o f fragmenta ry d rea m images, bu t usually not by typical storylike d rea ms. During sleepwa lking episod es, ind iv iduals may talk o r even respond to others' questions. However, their articu lation is poor, and true d ialogue is rare. Individuals rna}' resp ond to o thers' requests to cease their acti vity and return to bed. However, these behaviors are performed w ith reduced levels of alertness, and awaken ing an in divid ual h om a sleep walking episode is typ ically very d ifficult. If aw akened, the individual remains confu sed fo r several minutes and then returns to a normal sta te of alertness. For the d iagnosis to be made, the indi vidual must experience clinica lly sign ificant d istress or impairment. Indiv idua ls m ay avoid sihla tions that w ould revea l their behavior to o thers (e.g., children m ay avoid visiting friends or going to summer camp; adults may avoid sleeping with bedpartners, goin g on vacation, or staying away from home). Social isolation or occu pational difficulties can result.

Associated Features and Disord ers

Associated descriptive features and mental d isorders. Internal stimuli (e.g., a d istended bladder) or external stimuli (e.g., noises) can increase th e likelihood of a sleepwalking episode, as can p sychosocial stressors and alcohol or sed ative use. Some individuals w ith sleepwalking also report episod es o f ea ting during the night, most often w ith complete or partial amnesia . TIley may find evidence of their ea ting only the nex t morning. Individuals can injure themselves d u ring sleepwalking episod es by bump ing into objects, walking on stairs, goin g outsid e, and even walking out of wind ows. The risk of injury fu rth er increases if sleepwa lking episodes also include fea tures of sleep terrors, with an attendant fleeing or srriking ou t. Ind ividuals with Sleep walking Disorder and Sleep Terro r Disorder can also injure others during episodes. Other p arasomnias associated with non- rapid eye movement ( IREM) sleep (e.g., Sleep Terror Disorder) can also occur in individuals w ith Sleepwalking Disorder. Sleepwalking Disord er in children usually is not associa ted w ith other mental disord ers, but in ad ults it may be associated w ith Personality Disorders, Mood Disorders, or Anxiety Disorders. Associated laboratory findings . Polysorrmog raphy, using routine p rocedures with the addition of audiovisu al monitoring, can d ocument episodes o f sleepwalking. The majority of sleep walking episodes begin within the first few hours of sleep, typically d uring N REM stage 3 or 4 sleep, althou gh some individuals (e.g., older adults) may have episodes during NRM stage 2 sleep. Preced ing the episode, the EEC often shows rhy thmic ("hyp ersyn chronous"), high-voltage delta acti\'ity that persists during the arousal. EEG signs of arousal, such as alpha activ ity, ma y also ap-


Sleepwalk ing Disorder

pear at the beginning of the episode. Most commonly, the EEG is obscured by movement artifact during the actual episode. Heart rate and respiratory rate may increase at the beginning of the episode. lllese findin gs may occur with a full sleepwalking episode or with a more m inor beha vioral event (such as a confusional arousal). Other polysomnographic findings may include an increased number of transitions out of stages 3 and 4 sleep and reduced sleep efficiency. Other polysom nographic findings may include an increased number of transitions out of stages 3 and 4 sleep, increased awakenin gs during N REM sleep, and reduced sleep efficiency. Sleep-stage architec ture may show an increase in NREM stages 3 and 4 sleep but is otherwise unremark able. Sleep apnea and periodic limb movements are seen in a minority of individuals with Sleepwalking Disorder.
Associated physical exam ination findings and general medical cond itions. Fe ver or sleep depriva tion can increase the frequency of sleepwalking episodes. Db structive sleep apnea syndrome, periodic limb m ovement disorder, and other disorders that produce severe disruption of slow-wave sleep can also be associated with sleepwalking ep isodes. An association has been noted between Sleepwalking Disord er and mig raine headaches, Na rcolepsy, and other neurological conditions in a subset of individua ls.

Speci fic Culture, Age, and Gender Features

No reports have provided clear evidence of culturally related differences in the man ifestatioll5 of Sleep\\' alking Disorder, but it is likely that the significance and causes attribu ted to sleepwalking differ among cultures. In clinical samples, violent acti vity during sleep walking episodes is more likely to occur in adults (particularly in men), whereas ea ting during sleepwalking episodes is more commonly seen in women. Sleep wa lking Disorder occurs more often in females during childhood but more often in males d uring adulthood .

Beh\'een 10% and 30% of children have had at least one ep isode of sleepwalking, and 2%-3% sleepwalk often. The prevalence of Sleepwalking Di sorder (marked by repeated ep isodes and impairment or d istress) is much lower, p robably in the range of 10/ -5"/ . Epidemiological surveys repo rt the prevalence of sleepwalking episodes (not 0 0 Sleepwalking Disorder) to be 1.0%-7.0% among adults, with weekly to monthly episodes occurring in 0.5%-0.7%.

Cou rse
Sleepwa lking can occur at any time after a child is able to wa lk, bu t episodes most commonly occur for the first time beh\'een ages 4 and 8 years. The peak prevalence occurs at about age 12. Episodes ra rely occur for the first time in adults, although some associated behaviors such as nocturnal ea ting may beg in several years after the sleepwa lking itself. The onset of Sleepwalking Disorder in adults with no history of sleepwalking as ch ildren should p rompt a search for specific etiologies such as sub-

\ 642

Sl eep Disorde rs

sla nce use or a neurologica l condition . The majority of adults with Sleepwalking Disorder have a his tory of episodes d uring childhood as w ell . Sleepwalking in childhood usually disappea rs sp ontaneous ly during ea rly adolescence, typically by age 15 years. Less commonly, episodes may have a recurrent course, with return of episodes in early ad ulthood after cessation o f episodes in lale childhood . Sleepwal kin g Disord er in adults most often follows a chronic, waxing and waning course. Sleepwalking e pisodes may occur as isolated even ts in indi viduals o f a ny age, bu t the mos t common pa ttern is repeated episodes occu rring over a period of several years.

Fam ili a l Pa tt ern

Sleepwalki ng Disorder aggregates among family members. A family his tory for sleepwalking or sleep terrors has been reported in u p to 80% of individ uals who sleepwa lk. The ri sk for Sleepwal king is further increased (to as much as 60% of off~ s pring) w hen both paren ts ha ve a history o f the d isorder. Genetic trans m ission issugges ted by an increased p revalence of monozygotic, as opposed to dizygotic, twins, but the exact mode of inheritance is not known.

Differe nt ial Dia gnosis

Many chil d ren have isolated or infrequen t episodes of slccpwalking, either with or without precipitating events. TIle exact boundary beh veen n on c1 inically significant sleepwalk ing episodes and Sleepwalking Diso rder is indis tinct. Frequent episodes, in juries, more active or violent behavio r, and social impai rment res ulting from sleepwalking are li kely to lead the child' s p arents to seek help and w arrant a d iagnosis of Sleepwalking Di sorder. Episodes that have persisted fro m child hood to la te ad oles cence, or tha t occur de novo in adults, are more likely to warrant a diagnosis of Sleepwalking Disorder. It can be d ifficu lt clinica lly to d is tingu ish Sleepwalking Disorder from Sleep Terror Disorder when there is an a ttempt to "escape" from the terrifying s timulus. In both cases, the ind ividual shows movement, difficulty awakening, and am nesia for the event. An initia l screa m, signs of intense fear and p an ic, and autonomic arousal are more characteristic of Sleep Terror Disord er. Sleepwalking Disord er an d Sleep Terror Di sorder may occur in the sam e individual, and in such cases both should be diagnosed. Breathin g-Related Sleep Di sorder, especially the obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, can also p rod uce confusional arou sa ls w ith subsequent amnesia . However, Brea thing-Related Sleep Disorder is also characterized by characteristic symptoms of s noring, b reathing pauses, and d aytime sleepiness. In some individ u als, BreathingRelated Sleep Disorder may precipi tate episod es of sleepwalkin g . "REM sleep behavio r di sorder" is another Parasonmia (see Parasomn ia ot Othen vise Sp ecif ied ) tha t may be difficult to dis tingu ish from Sleepwalking Disorder. REM sleep behavior d isorder is characterized by episodes of prominen t, complex movemen ts, often involving p ersonal injury. In con tras t to Sleepwalking Disorder, REM sleep beh avior d isorder occurs during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, often in the later pa rt of the n ight. Ind ividua ls with REM sleep behavior d isorder awaken easily and report more d etailed and vivid dream conten t than do ind ividuals with


Sl e epwal king Disord e r

Sleepwalking Disorder. A small num ber of indi \,jdu als may have confusional arousals with motor activity tha t occur d uring both ' RE~'1 and REM sleep. The defi nitive diagnosis in such cases should be based on a carefu l eva luation of clinical, polysomnographic, an d other laboratory findings. A var iety of other behaviors ca n occm w ith partia l arOllsals from sleep. Confusio nal arousals resemb le sleep walking episodes in all respects except the actual movement out of the bed. "Sleep drunkenness" is a state in which the individual shows a prolonged transition from sleep to wakefulness in the morning. It may be difficult to arouse the individual, who may violently resist efforts to awaken him or her. Again, ambula tion o r other more complex behaviors disting uish Sleepwalking Disorder. However. both confusion al a rousals and sleep drunkenness may occur in individuals with Sleepwalking Disorder. Sl eep-related seizures can produce episodes of unusual behavior that OCClU only du ring sleep. The individual is unresponsive and is amnestic for the episode. Typically, sleep-rela ted ep ilepsy produces Illore stereoty pical, persevera tive, low-com plexity movements th an those in sleepwalking. In most cases, individuals with sleep-related epilepsy also have similar episodes d lUing wakefulness. The EEG shows features of epilepsy, includi ng paroxysmal activity d uring the episodes and interictal features at other times. However, the p resence of sleep-related seizures does not preclude the presence of sleepwalking episodes. Sleep-related epilepsy should be d iagnosed as Sleep Disorder Du e to General Medical Condition, Parasomni a Typ e (see p. 651). Sleepwalking can be induced by use of. or w ithdrawa l from, substances o r medications (e.g., alcohol. ben zodiazepines, opiates, cocaine, nicotine, antips),chotics, tricyclic an tidepressants, ch lora l hydrate). In SUdl cases, Substance-Indu ced Sleep Di sorder, Paraso mnia Ty pe, should be d iagnosed (see p. 655). Di ssociative Fugue bears superficial similarities to Sleepwalking Disorder. Fugue is ra re in children, typically begins when the individual is awake, lasts hours or days, and is not char,1cterized by d isturbances of consciousness. Sleepwalking must also be distillgujshed from Malingering or other voluntary behavior occurring during wakefulnes s, although in some cases such d istinctions may be d ifficult. FeatlUes that suggest Sleepwalking Disorder include a positive childhood history, low-complexi ty or stereotyped behavior d ming sleepwalking episodes, the absence of secondary gain to the individ ual from his or her nocturnal behav ior, and the p resence of typical polysonuwgraphic findin gs such as repeated arOllsa ls from NREM sleep. Furthermore, it may be d ifficult for the ind ividual to convi ncing ly cowlterfeit the appearance or behavior o f sleepwa lking tulder direct observation or in a video recording made in the sleep laboratory.

Relationship to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders

Sleepwalking Disorder is virtuaUy identical to Sleepwalking as described in the International Classification of Sleep Disord ers (ICS D). The TCSD includes two other disorders that m ay have features sinlilar to sleepwalking: Confusional Arousals and 'octumal Eating (Drinking) Syndrome.


Sleep Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 307.46 Sleepwalking Disorder


Repeated episodes of rising from bed during sleep and walking about, usually occurring during the first third of the major sleep episode.
the efforts of others to communicate wit h him or her, and can be awakened only with great difficulty.

B. While sleepwalking. the person has a blank, staring face, is relatively unresponsive to

C. On awakening (either from the sleepwa lking episode or the nelct morning). the p er-

son has amnesia for the episode.

D. Within several minutes after awakening from the sleepwalking episode. there is no

impairment of mental activity or behavior (although there may initially be a short period of confusion or disorientation).

E. The sleepwalking causes clinically signi ficant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning . F. The disturba nce is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medical condition.


Parasomnia Not Otherwise Specified

The Parasonmia 'o t Otherwise Specified category is for disturbances that are characterized b y abno rmal behavioral or physiological events during sleep o r sleep-wake transitions, but that do not meet cri teria for a more specific Parasomnia. Examples indude 1. REM sleep behavior disorder: motor activity, often of a violent nature, that arises during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Unlike sleepwalking, these episodes lend to occur later in the night and are associated with v ivid dream recall. 2. Sleep paralysis: an inability to perfo rm voluntary movement during the transition behveen wakefulness and sleep. The episodes may occur at sleep onset (hypnagogic) or w ith awakening (hypnopompic). The episodes are usually associated w ith extreme anxiety and , in some cases, fear of impending death. Sleep paralysis occurs commo nly as an ancillary symptom of arcolepsy and, in such cases, should not be coded separately. 3. Situa tions in which the clinician has concluded that a Parasonmia is present but is unable to delemline whether it is primary, due to a general medical condition, or substance induced.

Sleep Disorders Related t o Another Ment al Disorder

645 1

Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental Disorder

307.42 Insomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder 307.44 Hypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder
Diagnosti c Feat u res
The essential feature of Insomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder and H}'persomma Rela ted to Another Mental Disorder is the presence of either insomnia or h}'persomnia that is judged to be related temporall}' and causally to another mental disorder. Insomnia or H ypersomnia that is the direct physiological conseque nce of a substance is not included here. Such presentations would be diagnosed as Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder (see p. 655). Insomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder is charac terized by a complaint of difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings during the nigh t, or a marked feeling of n onres torative s leep that has lasted for at least 1 month a nd is associa ted with daytime fa tigue or impaired da}'time fun ctioning (Criterion A). Hypersomnia Rela ted. to Another Menta l Disorder is characterized by a complaint of either p rolonged nighttime s leep or repea ted daytime s leep epis odes for at leas t 1 month (Criterion A). In both Insomnia and Hypersomnia Related to Another Menta l Disorder, the sleep s}'mptoms cause significant dis tress or impair ment in social, occupational. or other important areas of functioning (Criterion B). The insomnia or hypersomnia is not better accoun ted for b}' ano ther Sleep Disorder (e.g., Narcolepsy, Breathing-Related Sl eep Disorder, or a Parasomnia) and hypersomnia is not better accOlUlted for by an inadequa te amount of s leep (Criterion 0 ). The sleep dis turbance must not be due to the direct physiological effects of a s ubstance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (Crite rion E). Sleep disturbances are common features of other mental disorde rs. An additional diagnOSiS of Insomnia or H ypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder is made only when the sleep d is turbance is a predominant complaint and is sufficie ntly severe to warrant independen t clinical aUention (Criterion C). Individuals with this type of insonmia or hypersomn ia usually focus on their sleep dis turbance to the exclusion of the symptoms characteristk of the related mental disorder, whose presence may become apparent only after specific and persis tent ques tioning . Not infrequently, they attribute their symptoms of mental disorder to the fac t that they have slept poorly. Many mental disord ers may a t times involve insomnia or hypersomnia as the pred ominant problem. Lndividuals in a r."lajor Depressive Epis ode or who have Dysthyling asleep o r s la ying asleep or early mic Disorder often complain of d ifficul ty faL morning awakening with inability to return to sleep. H ypersomnia Related to Mood Dis order is more often associated w ith Bipolar Mood Dis order, Most Recent Episode


Sleep Disorders

Depressed, or a Major Depressive Episode, Wi th Aty pical Features. Indivi duals with Generalized Anxiety Disorder often report difficulty fallin g asleep and may aw" ken with anxious ruminations in the middle o f the nig ht. Some individ uals with Panic Disorder have nocturnal Panic Attacks tha t can lead to insomnia. Significant insomnia is often seen during exacerbations of Schizophrenia and other PsydlOtiC Disorders but is rarely the predominant complaint. Other mental d isorders thaI may be related to insomnia include Adjus hnent Disord ers, Somatoform Disorders, and Personality Disorders.

Re co rding Proced ures

The name of the diagnosis begins with the type of sleep disturbance (i.e., insomnia or hypersomnia) followed by the name of the specific Axis I or Axis II disorder that it is related to (e.g ., 307..12 Insomnia Related to Major Depressive Disorder) on Axis 1. 111e specific related men tal disorder should also be coded on Axis I or Axis n as appropriate.

Associated Features and Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Because, by definition, the criteria are met for the related menta l disorder, the associa ted features of Insomnia or Hypersomnia Rela ted to Another Mental Disord er include the characteristic and associated features of the related mental disorder. Indiv idua ls with Insomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder may demonstrate the same type of conditioned arousal and negative conditioning that individua ls with Primary Insomnia demons trate. Fo r ins tance, they w ill note increased anxiety as bedtime approaches, improved sleep when taken out of the usual sleep environment, and a tendenC)' to spend too much time in bed. They may also have a his tory of multiple or inappropriate medication treatments for their insomnia co mp laints. Indi viduals with H}' persomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder w ill frequen tly emphasize sympto ms o f fati gue, "leaden paralysis," or complete lack of energy. On careful questioning, these individuals may be more distressed by such fati gue-related symptoms than by true sleepiness. They may also have a his tory of inappropriate use of s timulant medications, including caffeine. Associated laboratory findings . Characteris tic (but not diagnostic) polysonmographic findings in Major Depressive Episode include 1) sleep continuity disturbance, s uch as prolonged sleep latency, increased intermittent wakefulness, and early morning awakening; 2) red uced non- rapid eye movement (NREM) stages 3 and ,J sleep (slow-wave sleep), w ith a s hift in slow-wa ve activity away from the first RE~I period; 3) decreased r,' pid eye movement (REM) la tency (i.e., shorter duration of the firs t N REM period ); .I) increased REM density (Le., the number of actual eye movements during REM); and 5) increased duration o f REM sleep ea rly in the n ight. Sleep abnormalities may be evident in 40% ,...,60% of outpatients and in up to 90% of inpatients with a Major Depressive Episode. Evidence s uggests that 1110s t of Ulesc abnor~ malities persis t after clinical remission and may precede the onset of the initial ~"ajor Depressive Episode.

307.42 307.44

Insom nia Rel ated to Another Me ntal Disorder Hypersomnia Re lated to Another Mental Disord er


Polysomnographic findings in Manic Episodes are si milar to those found in Major Depressive Episodes. In Schizophrenia, REM s leep is diminished early in the course of an acute exacerbation, with a gradual return toward norma l va lues as clinical status improves. REM la tency may be reduced . To tal sleep time is often severely diminished in Schizoph re nia, and s low-wave sleep is typica lly reduced during exacerbations. Individuals with Panic Disorder m ay have paroxysm al awa ke nings on entering s tages 3 and 4 NREM s leep; these awakenings are accompanied by tachycardia, increased respira lory ra te, and cognitive and emotional sympto ms with Panic Attacks. Most other me ntal disorders produce nonspecific patterns of sleep dis turbance (e.g., prolonged sleep latency or frequ e nt awakenings). Laboratory testing of daytime sleepiness by the Multiple Sleep Latency Test in individuals w ith H yp e rsomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder often shows normal or only mild levels of physiological sleepiness compared with individuals with Primary H ypersonutia or Na rcolepsy. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Individuals wi th Insonmia or Hypersomnia Related to Another Me ntal Disorder rna}' appear tired, fati gued, or haggard during rou tine examina tion. The general medical conditions associated with these Sleep Disorders a rc the same as those associated with the underlying mental disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

In some cultures, s leep complain ts may be viewed as relatively less stigmatizing than mental disorders. Therefore, individlla ls from some cultural ba ckgrounds lIlay be more likely to present w ith complaints o f insomnia or hypersomnia rather than with other symptoms (e.g., depress ion, anxiety). Children and adolescen ts with rvlajor Depressive Disorder generally p resent with less subjective sleep disturbance and fewer p olysomnographic changes than do older adults. In general, hypersomnia is a more common feature of Depressive Disorders in adolescents and young adu lts and insomnia is more COIlUllon in older adults. Sleep Disorders Related to Another lvtenta l Disorder are more prevalent in femal es than in males. This difference probably relates to the increased pre\'alence of Mood ,lI1d Anxiety Disord ers in women rather than to any particu lar d iffere nce in s usceptibility to s leep proble ms.

Preva lence
Sleep problems are extremely corrunon in all types of mental disorders, but there are no accurate es timates of the percentage of individuals who present primarily because of s leep dis ruption . Insomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder is the mos t frequent diagnosis (35%-50%) among individuals presenting to sleep disorders centers for evaluation of chronic insomnia. Hype rsomnia Related to Another Mental Disord er is a much less freq uent d iagnosis (fewer than 5%) a mong individuals evaluated fo r hypersollmia at s leep disorders centers.

Cou rse


D i so(de (~

The course of Sleep Disord ers Related to Another Mental Disorder generally follows the course of the underlying mental disorder itself. The sleep dish.lrbance rna)' be one of the earliest symptoms to appear in individua ls who s ubsequently d evelop an associated mental disorder. Symptoms of insomnia or hypersonmia often fluctuate considerably over time. For many individuals with depression, particularly those treated with medica tions, sleep dis turbance may improve rapidly, o ften more quickly than other symptoms of the underlying mental disorder. On the other hand, other individu als have persis ten t or intermittent insomnia even after the o ther symptoms of their Major Depressive Disorder remit. Individuals with Bipolar Disorder often have d istinctive sleep-related symptoms depending on the nature of the curren t epi sod e. During Man ic Episodes, ind ividuals experience hyposonmia, although Ihey rarely complain about their inability to sleep. On the other hand, s uch individuals may have ma rked dis tress about hypersomnia during Major Depressi\fe Episodes. Individuals: with Psychotic Disorders most often have a notable worsening in sleep early during the course of an acute exacerbation, but then report improvement as psychotic symptoms abate.

Diffe rential Diagnos is

Insomnia or Hypersorrmia Related to Another Men tal Disorder should not be diagnosed in every indi vidual with a mental disorder who also has sleep-related symp toms. A d iagnosis of Insonmia o r Hypersonmia Rela ted to Another Men tal Disorder should be made on ly when sleep symptoms are severe and are an independent focus: of clinical attention. 0 independent sleep disorder diagnosis is warranted for most ind ividuals with Majo r De press ive Disorder w ho report d iffi culties falling or s taying asleep in the m iddle of the night. However, if the individual p rimarily complains of sleep disturbance or if the insomnia is out of proportion to other symptoms, then an add itional d iagnOSis of Insomnia Related to Anoth er Mental Disord er may be warranted. Distinguishing Prim ary Insomni a or Primary Hypersomnia from Insomnia or Hypersomnia Related to Another Mental Di sord er can be esp ecially difficu lt in indio viduals w ho present wi th both clinically significant sleep dis turbance and other symptoms of a men tal d isorder. The diagnosis of Insomnia or Hypersomnia Related to Another r..-Iental Disorder is based on three judgm ents . Firs t, the insomnia or hypersomnia mus t be judged to be attribu table to the mental disorder (e.g., the insomnia or hypersomnia occurs exclusively during the mental disord er), Second, the insonmia or hypersomnia must be the predominant complaint and mus t be sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. TIlird , the symptom presentation should meet the full criteria for another mental disorder. A d iagnosis of Primary Insomnia or Primary Hyp ersomnia is ap propria te when (as is often the case) the insomnia o r h ypersomnia is acco mpanied by symptoms (e.g., anxiety, d epressed mood) that d o not meet criteria for a specific mental di sord er. A diagnosis of Primary Insomnia is also appropriate for individual s with chronic insomnia who later develop a Mood or Anxiety Disorder. If symptoms of insomnia or hypersomnia persist long after the o ther symptoms of th e related mental disorder have remitted completely,

307.42 307 .44

Insom nia Relat ed t o Another M ental Disorder Hypersomnia Relat ed t o A n other Me nt al Disorder

the diagnosis w ould be ch anged from Insomnia or H ypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder to Prima ry Insomnia or Pri mary H ypersomnia. Insomnia or H ypersomnia Related to Another Mental Diso rder is not d iagnosed if the presentation is better accounted for by another Sleep Disorder (e.g., N arcolepsy, Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder, or a Parasomnia). Insomn ia or Hypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disord er must be djstingu ished from a Sleep D isord er Due to a General Medi cal Cond ition . The diagn osis is Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition when the sleep disturbance is judged to be a d irect physiological consequence of a speci fi c genera l med ica l condition (e.g., pheochromocytoma, hyperthy roid ism). This determination is based on history, laboratory fi ndings, and ph ysical examination (see p. 651 for further discussion). A Substan ce-lndu ced Sleep Disorder is distin guished from Insomnia or Hypersomnia Related to Another Mental Disorder by the fact that a substance (i.e., a drug of abuse, a med ication ) is judged to be etiolog ically related to the sleep d isturbance (see p. 655 for fur ther discussion). For example, insomnia that occurs o nl y in the contex t of heavy coffee consumption would be diagnosed as Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder, Insomnia Type. Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental Disorder m ust be differentia ted from norm al sleep patterns, as well as from other Sleep Disorders. Although complaints of occasional insomnia or hypersomnia are common in the genera l population, they are not usuaUy accompanied by the other signs and symptoms of a mental d isord er. Transient sleep d istu rbances are common reactions to stressfu l li fe events and generally do not warran t a diagnosis. A separate d iagnosis of Insomnia or Hypersomnia Rela ted to Adjustmen t Disorder sho uld be considered only when the sleep disturbance is pa rticularly severe and prolonged .

Relationship to the International Classification of Sleep Disorders

The Interna tional Classifi cation o f Sleep Disorders (1CSD) includes analogous diagnoses for Sleep Disorders Rela ted to An other Men tal Disorder and specifica lly lists Psychoses, Mood Diso rders, Anxiety Disorders, Pani c Diso rder, and Alcoholism.


Sleep Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 307.42 Insomnia Related to . .. [Indicate the Axis I or Axis /I disorder]
A. The predominant complaint is difficu lty in itiating or maintaining sleep, or nonrestarative sleep. for at least 1 month that is associated with daytime fat igue or impaired
daytime function ing.

B. The sleep disturbance (or daytime sequelae) causes <:Iinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupation al, or other important areas of functi onin g.

C. The insomnia is judged to be related to another Axis I or Axis II disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Diso rder. Genera lized Anxiety Disorder, Adjustment Disorder With Anxi
et y) but is sufficientl y severe to warrant independent clinica l attention.

D. The disturbance is not better accounted for by another Sleep Disorder (e.g., Narcolepsy, Breathing-Re lated Sleep Disorder, a Parasomn ia). E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physio logical effects of a substa nce (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition.

Diagnostic criteria for 307.44 Hypersomnia Related to ... [Indicate the Axis I or Axis /I disorder]
A. The predominant complaint is exce ssive sleepiness for at least 1 month as evidenced

by either prolonged sleep episodes o r daytime sleep episodes that occur a lmost da ily. B. The excessive sleepiness causes cl inically significant distress o r impai rment in social. occupational, or other important areas of functioning.


The hypersomnia is judged to be related to another Axis I or Axis II disorder (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder) but is sufficientl y seve re to warrant independent clinical attention.

D. The disturbance is not better a cco unted for by another Sleep Disorder (e.g ., Narcolepsy, Breathing -Related Sleep Disorder, a Pa rasomn ia) or by an inadequate amou nt of sleep. E. The disturbance is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g . a d rug of abuse, a medication) or a general medi cal condition.

Othe r Sl eep Disorders


Other Sleep Disorders

780.xx Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition

Diagnostic Features
The essen tial feature of Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is a prominent disturbance in sleep that is severe enough to warrant ind ependent clin ical attention (Criterion A) and is due to a general med ical condition. Symptoms may include insomnia, hyp ersomnia, a Parasomnia, or some combination of these. There must be evidence from the history, physical examination, o r laboratory find ings that the sleep disturbance is the direct physiological consequence of a general medical condition (Cri terion B). The d istu rbance is no t better accounted for by ano ther mental disorder, such as Adjustment Disorder, in which the stressor is a seriou s general medical cond ition (Criterion C). The diagnosis is no t made if the sleep disturbance occurs only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). By convention, sleep disturbances due to a Sleep-Related Breathing Disord er (e.g., sleep apnea) or to Narcolepsy are not incl uded in this catego ry (Criterion E). The sleep symptoms must cause clinically signifi cant d istress or impairnlent in social, occupational, or other imp ortant areas of (Criterion F). In determining whether the sleep disturbance is d ue to a general medical condition, the clinician Illust first establish the presence of a general med ical condition . Further, the clinician must establish tha t the sleep disturbance is etiologically related to the general med ical condition through a physiolog ical mechanism. A careful and comprehensive assessment o f multiple {,lciors is necessary to make this judgment. Although there are no infallible g uid elines for determining whether the relationship between the sleep disturbance and the general medical condition is etiological, several considerations provide some guidance in this a rea. One consid eration is the p resence of a temporal assodation between the onset, exacerbation , or remission of the general medical condition and tha t of the sleep disturbance. A second consideration is the presence o f features that are atypical of prinlary Sleep Disorders (e.g., a typical age at onset or cou rse or absence of fam ily history). Evidence from the literatu re th at suggests that there can be a direct association betw een the general medical cond ition in question and the development of a sleep disturbance can provide a useful context in the assessment o f a particular situation . In add ition, the clinician must also judge that the d isturbance is not better accotmted for by a primary Sleep Disorder, a SubstanceInduced Sleep Di sorder, or other primary men tal disorders (e.g., Ad ju shnent Disord er). This determination is explained in greater d etail in the "l\'lental Disord ers Due to a General Medical Condition" section (p. 181).

The subtyp es listed below can be used to indica te which o f the follow ing symp tom presentations pred ominates. The cl inical p resentation of the speci fic Sleep Disorder


steep Disorders

Due to a General Medical Condition may resemble thai of the ana logous primary Sleep Disorder. However, the full criteria for the analogous primary Sleep Disorder do not need to be met to assign a diagnosis of Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition.
Insomnia Type. This subty pe refers to a sleep complaint characterized primarily by difficulty fallin g asleep, difficulty mainta ining sleep, or a feeling of nonreslorative sleep. Hypersomnia Ty pe. This subtype is used when the predominant complaint is one of excessively long nocturnal sleep or of excessive sleepiness during waking hours. Parasomnia Type. This subtype refers to a sleep dis turbance characterized primarily by abnormal behavioral events that occur in association with sleep or sleep transitions. Mixed Type. This subtype should be u sed to d esignate a sleep problem due to a general medical condition characterized by multiple sleep sym p toms but no symptom clearly predominates.

Recording Procedu res

In recording the diagnosis of Sleep Disord er Due to a General Medical Condition, the clinician should note both the specific phenomenology of the disturbance, including the appropriate subtype, and the sp ecific general med ical condition judged to be causing the dis turbance on Axis I (e.g., 780.52 Sleep Disord er Due to Thyrotoxicosis, Insomnia Type). The ICD-9-CM code for th e general medical condition should also be noted on Axis III (e.g., 242.9 thyrotoxicosis). (See Appendix G for a lis t of selected ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes for general medical conditions.)

Associ ated Features and Disorders

Associated laboratory findings . Labora tory findings a re consis tent with the underlying general medical condition. There are no p olysonmographic findings that are s pecific to the entire group of Sleep Disorders Due to a Gen eral Medical Condition. Most general medical conditions cause a decrease in tota l sleep duration, an increase in awakenings, a d ecrease in slow-wave sleep, and (less consistently) a d ecrease in rapid eye movement (REM) sleep or phasic REM d ensity. Some medical conditions produce more sp ecific pOlysonulOgraphic find ings. For example, ind ividuals with fibrom yalgia syndrome complain of nonrestorative sleep and often have a di stinct pattern of alpha EEG acthrity during non-rapid eye movement (NRBvl) sleep. Sleeprelated seizures result in s pecific EEG discharges that are consis tent w ith the underlyin g seizure type. Associated physical examination findings and general medical conditions. Individuals with a Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition are expected to have the typical physica l find ings of the underlying general medical condition. Sleep disturbances may res ult from a va riety of general medical and neurological conditions including (but not limited to) d egenerative neurological illnesses (e.g., Parkinson's disease, Hunling ton 's disease), cerebrovascular disease (e.g., insomnia


Sleep Di sord e r Du e to a General Medical Conditi o n

foUowing vascular lesions to the u pper bra in stem), endocrine conditions (e.g., hypoor hyperthyroidism, hypo- or hyp erad renocorticism), viral and bacteria l infections (e.g., hypersomnia related to viral encephalitis), coughing related to pulmonary disease other than sleep-related breathing cond itions (e.g., dU"onic bronchitis), and pain from musculoskeletal d isease (e.g., rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia). General medical conditions in which hypersomnia may p resent as a core feature of the illness inelude myotonic dystrophy and Prader-Wi lli syndrome.

Differential Diagnosis
Sleep disturbances are extremely conunon in the context of a delirium; therefore, a separate diagnosis o f Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is not given if the disturbance occurs exclusively during the course of the delirium . In contrast, a diagnosis of Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition may be given in addition to a diagnosis of dementia if the sleep disturbance is a d irect etiological consequence of the pathological p rocess causing the dementia and the sleep disturbance is a prominent part of the clinical presenta tion. Sleep Disorder Due to a Genera l Medical Condition must be differentiated from expected disruptions in sleep patterns, primary Sleep Disorders, Sleep Disorders Related to Another Mental Disorder, and Substance-Induced Sleep Disorders. rvlan y individuals experience sleep di srupti on during the course of a genera l medi cal or neurological condition. In the majority of cases, such complaints do not merit an add itional diag nosis of a Sleep Disord er. Ra ther, a diagnosis of Sleep Disorder Due to a General Med ical Condition should be reserved fo r cases in w hich the sleep d ishlrbance is a very p rominent clinical feature, atypical symptoms are present, or the individual is sufficiently distressed by the sleep symptom or attendant impairment that specific treatment for this disturbance is required. Sleep Disorders Due toa General Medical Condition are characterized by symptoms simi lar to those in primary Sleep Disorders. The differentia l diagnosis rests not on specific symptoms but rather on the p resence or absence of a medical condition judged to be etiologically related to the sleep complaint. In the specific cases of Narcolepsy and Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder, the underlying etiology of the sleep d isturbance is asswned to be a general medical condition. However, in these two specific examples, the general med ical cond ition does not exist independent of sleep symptoms. For th is reason, these two disorders are included in the "Primary Sleep Disorders" section. Differentiating a Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition from Substance-Induced Sleep Di sorder can prove very di fficult. In many cases, ind ividua ls with a significant general medical condition often take medication for that condition; these medications in tu rn may cause sleep-related symptoms. For example, an ind ividual may have sleep d isruption rela ted to asthma. However, that indiv idual may also be treated with theophylline preparations, which in some cases can themselves cause sleep dish.!rbance. Differentiating a Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition from a Substance Induced Sleep Disorder o ften rests on chronology, response to treatment or discontinuation of medications, and longitudinal COllise. In some cases, concurrent d iagnoses of Sleep Di sorder Due to a General Med ical Condition and Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder may be approp riate. In cases in which a drug o f abuse is suspected to be the cause for the Sleep Disorder, a urine or

\ 654

Sleep Disorders

blood drug screen may help to differentiate this problem from a Sleep Disorder Due
to a General Medical Condition. If the clinician cannot determine whether the sleep dis turbance is primary, related to another menial disorder, due to a general medical condi tion, or subs tance induced, the appropriate diagnosis is Dyssomnia o r Parasomnia Not Otherwise Specified.

Relation ship t o the Internati o nal Classification of Sleep Di sorders

The International Classification of Sleep Disorders (lCSD) contains the general sec tion "Medical/ Psychiatric Sleep Disord ers. " Specific diagnoses arc presented for Sleep Di sorders that are associated with neurological disord ers (with 7 examples listed) and Sleep Disorders that are associa ted with o ther medical disorders (with 7 examples listed). Although only 14 medical / neurological disorders are specifically cited in the ICSD, the clinician may diagnose a Sleep Disorder associated with any other medical disorder simply by using the appropriate ICD-9-CM codes .

Diagnostic criteria for 7BO.xx Sleep Disorder Due to

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]

A. A prominent disturbance in sleep that is sufficiently severe to warrant independent

clinical attention . B. There is evidence from the history, physical examination, o r laboratory finding s that the sleep disturbance is the di rect physiological consequence of a general medica l condition.
C. The disturbance is not better accou nted fo r by another mental disorder (e.g., an Ad

justment Disorder in which the stressor is a serious medical illness). D. The disturbance d oes not occur exclUSively during the course of a delirium. E. The disturbance d oes not meet the criteria for Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder or Narcolepsy. F. The sleep disturbance causes clinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
Specify type:

.52 _ 54 _ 59 .59

Insomnia Type : if the predominant sleep disturbance is insomnia Hypersomnia Type: if the predominant sleep disturbance is hypersomnia Parasomnla Type: if the predominant sleep disturbance is a Parasomnia Mixed Type: if mo re than one sleep distu rbance is prese nt and none predominates

Coding note: Include the name of the general medical condition on Axis I, e.g., 780.52 Sleep Disorder Due to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Insomnia Type; a lso code the general medical condition on Axis III (see Appendix G fo r codes).

Substance-I n duced Sleep Disorder


Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

Diag nostic Fea tures
The essential feature ofSubstance-lnduced Sleep Disorder is a prominent disturbance in sleep that is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention (Criterion A) and is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (Le., a drug of abuse, a medication, or toxin exposure) (Criterion 8). Depending on the subs tance involved, one of four types of sleep disturbance may be noted. Insomnia and Hypersonmia Types are most common, and Parasonulia Type is seen less often. A Mixed Type may also be noted when more than one type of sleep disturbance is present and none predominates. nle disturbance mus t not be better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., anoth er Sleep Disorder) that is not substance induced (Criterion C). The d iagnosis is not made if the sleep dis turbance occurs only during the course of a delirium (Criterion D). The symptoms must calise clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupationa l, or other important areas of functioning (Criterion E). This diagnosis should be made instead of a diagnosis of Substance Lntoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the sym ptoms arc in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication or w ithdrawal syndrome and when the s ymptoms are suffiCiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. For a more detailed discussion of Substance-Related Disorders, see p. 191 . A Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder is distinguished from a primary Sleep Disorder and from Insomnia or Hypersomnia Related to Another Men tal Disorder by considering the onset and course. For drugs of abuse, there must be evidence from the history, physical examination, or laboratory findings of Dependence, Abuse, intoxication, or withdrawal. Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder arises only in association with intoxication or withdrawal s tates, whereas the primary Sleep Di so rders may precede the onset of subs tance use or occur during times o f sus tained abs tinence. Because the withdrawa l s tate for someslibstances w ith long half-li ves (e.g., some benzod iazepines) can be relatively protracted, the onset of the sleep dis turbance can occur up to 4 weeks after cessation of s ubst.lIlce use but is u sually seen within days of abstinence. Another consideration is the presence of features that are a typical of primary Sleep Disorders (e.g., atypical age at onset or course). In contrast, factors that sugges t that the sleep dis turbance is bettcr accounted for by a primary Sleep Diso rder include persis tence of the sleep di sturbance for more than about a month a fter the end of intoxication or acu te wi thdrawal; the development of symptoms that are s ubs tantially in excess o f what would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used or the duration of; or a history of a prior primary Sleep Disorder.

Subtypes and Specifiers

The subtypes lis ted below can be used to indicate which of the following symptom presentations p redominates. The clinical p resentation of the specific SubstanceInduced Sleep Di sorder may resemble that of the analogous primary Sleep Disorder. However, the full criteria for the analogous primary Sleep Disorder do not need to be met to assign a diagnosis of Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder.

Sleep Disorders
lnsomnia Type. This subty pe refers to a sleep complaint characterized primarily by difficulty fa lling asleep, d ifficulty maintaining sleep. or a feeling of nonrestorati ve sleep. Hy persomnia Type. This subtype is used when the predominant complaint is one o f excessively long noctu rnal sleep or of excessive sleepiness during wakin g hours. Parasomnia Type. This subty pe refers to a sleep disturbance characterized primaril}' by abnormal behavioral events that occur in association with sleep or sleep-wake transitions. Mixed Type. This subtype should be used to designate a substance-i nduced sleep problem characterized by multiple types of sleep symptoms but no symptom dearly predominates. The contex t of the developmen t of the sleep symptoms may be indicated by usinl one of the foll owing specifiers: With Onset During Intoxication. This specifier should be used if criteria ar. met fo r intoxication with the substance and symptoms develop during the intoxication synd rome. With Onset During Withdrawal. This specifier should be used if criteria an met fo r withdrawal from the substance and the symp toms develop during, 0\ shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome.

Recording Procedures
The name of the Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder begins with the specifi c substance (e.g., aJcohoJ, methylphenidate, thyroxine) tha t is presumed to be ca using the sleep disturbance. The diagnostic code is selected from the listing of classes of substances p rovided in the criteria set for Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder. For substances that d o not fit into any of the classes (e.g., thyroxine), the code fo r "Other Substance" should be used. In addition, for medica tions prescribed at therapeutic doses, the specific medication can be indica ted by listing the appropriate E-code (see Appendix G). The name of the disorder (e.g., Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder) is fo llowed by the subtype indicating the predominant symptom presenta tion and the specifier indica ting the context in w hich the sym ptoms developed (e.g., 292.89 Caffeine- Induced Sleep Disorder, Insomnia Type, With Onset During Intoxication). When more than one substance is judged to playa significant role in the development of the sleep disturbance, each shou ld be listed separately (e.g., 292.89 Cocaine-lnduced Sleep Disorder, Insomnia Type, With Onset During Intoxication; 291.89 Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder, Insomnia Type, With Onset During Withdrawa l). If a substance is judged to be the etiological fac tor but the specific substance ordass of substance is tmknown, the category 292.89 Unknown Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder may be used.

Specific Substances
Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder most commonly occurs during intoxicati on with the following classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related substances;

Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

caffeine; cocaine; op ioids; and sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics. Sleep disturbances are also seen less commonly with intoxication with other types of substances. Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder can also occur in association with withdrawa l from the following classes of substances: alcohol; amphetamine and related stimulants; cocaine; opio ids; and sedatives, hypnotics, and anxiolytics. Each of the Substance-Induced Sleep Disorders produces EEG sleep patterns that are associated with, but cannot be considered diagnostic of, the disorder. The EEG sleep profile for each substance is hlrther related to the stage of use, whether intoxication, chronic use, or withdrawal following disconti nuation of the substance.
Alcohol. Alcohol-Induced Sleep Disorder typ ically occurs as the Insomnia Typ e. During acute intoxication, alcohol ty pically produces illl immediate sedative effect, with increased sleepiness and reduced wakefulness for 3-4 hou rs. This is accompanied by an increase in stages 3 and 4 non- rapid eye movement ! REM) sleep and reduced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep during EEG sleep studies. Follow ing these initial effects, the individual has increased wa kefulness, restless sleep, and, often, vi vid and anxiety-laden dreams for the rest of the sleep period. EEG sleep stud ies show tha t, in the second h alf of sleep after alcohol ingestion, stages 3 and 4 sleep is reduced, wakefulness is increased, and REM sleep is increa sed. Alcohol can aggravate Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder by increasing the number of obstructive apnea events. With continued habitual use, alcohol continues to show a short-Jived sedative effect for several hours, followed by sleep continuity disruption for several hours. During Alcohol ,<\Iithdrawal, sleep is grossly disturbed. The individual typically has extremely disrupted sleep continuity, accompanied by an increase in the amount and intensity of REM sleep. This is often accompanied by an increase in viv id dreaming and, in the most extreme example, constitutes pari of Alcohol ""ithdrawal Delirium. After acute withdrawal, individuals who have chronically used alcohol may continue to complain of light, fragmented sleep for weeks to years. EEG sleep studies confirm a persistent deficit in slow-wave sleep and persistent sleep continui ty disturbance in these cases.
Amphetamines and related stimulants. Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder is characterized by insomnia during intoxication and by hypersomnia during withdrawal. During the period of acute intoxication, amphetamine reduces the total amount of sleep, increases sleep latency illld sleep continuity di sturbances, increases body movements, and decreases REM sleep. Slow-wave sleep tends to be reduced . During withdrawal from chronic amphetamine use, individuals typically experience hypersomnia, with both prolonged nocturnal sleep dLUation and excessive sleepiness during the daytime. REM and slow-wave sleep may rebound to above baseline values. Multiple Sleep LatenC}' Tests (MSLTs) may show increased daytime sleepiness during the withdrawal phase as weU.

Caffeine. Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder typically produces insomnia, although some individuals may present with a complaint of hypersomnia and daytime sleepi ness related to withdrawal (see p. 764). Caffeine exerts a dose-dependent effect, with increasing doses causing increased wakefulness and decreased sleep continuity. Pol)'somnography may show prolonged sleep latency, increased wakefulness, and


Sleep Disorders

a decrease in slow-wave sleep. Consistent effecls on REM sleep have not been described. Abrupt wi thdrawal from chronic caffeine use can produce hypersomnia.
Some indiv iduals may al so experience hypersomnia between daytime doses o f caffein e, as the immediate s timulant effect wanes.

Cocaine. As with other stimulants, cocaine typica lly produces insonmia during
acute intoxica tion and h ypersomnia during w itJldrawaJ. During acu te intoxica tion, the total amount of sleep may be drastica lly reduced, w ith only shorl bouts of very dis rupted sleep. Conversely, w ithd rawal after a cocaine binge is often associated with extremely prolonged sleep duration .

Opioids. During acute short-term use, opioids typically produce an increase in

sleepiness and in s ubjecti ve d ep th of sleep . REM sleep is typically reduced by acute administration o f op ioids, w ith little overall change in wakefulness or to tal sleep time. \"' ith continued administration, most individ uals become tolerant to the sedative effects o f opioids and may begin to complain of insomnia. Thi s is mirrored by increased wakefulness and d ecreased sleep time in polysomnograph ic s tud ies. Withdrawal from opioids is typ icall}' accompanied by hyp ersomnia complain ts, although few objecti ve s tudies have documented this finding . Sedatives, hypnotics. and anxiolytics. Drugs within this class (e.g., barbiturates, benzodiazepines, meprobamate, glutethi mide, and meth}'p rylon) have similar, but not iden tica l, effects on sleep. Differences in duratio n of action and half-life m ay affect sleep complaints and objective meas u res of sleep . In genera l, barbitura tes and the older non barbiturate, nonbenzod iazepine drugs more consis tently produce toleran ce, dependence, and severe withdrawa l, but these phen omena can be no ted with benzodiazepines as well . During acute intoxication, sed ative-h ypnotic d rugs produce the exp ected increase in sleepiness and decrease in wakefulness. Polysomnographic s tudies confirm these subjective effects during acute administration, as well as a d ecrease in REM sleep and an increase in sleep-spindle activity. Chronic use (p articu larly of barb iturates and the old er nonbarbiturate, nonbenzodiazepine drugs) may cause tolerance wi th the resulting return o f insonmia. lf the ind ividual then increases the d ose, day time hyp ersomnia may occur. Sedati\'e-hypnotic d rugs can aggravate Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder by increasing the frequency and severity o f obs t.ructive sleep apnea events. The abrup t discontinuation o f chron ic sedative h ypnotic use ca n lead to withdraw al insomn ia. In addi tion to d ecreased sleep duration, withdrawal can produce increased anxiety, tremulousness, and ataxia. Barb iturates and the old er nonbarbiturate, nonben zodiazepine drugs are also associated with a high incid ence of withdrawal seizures, w hich are much less frequently observed with benzod iazepincs. Typically, sedati ve-hypnotic d rugs w ith s ho rt durations o f action are mos t li kely to produce complain ts o f withdrawal insonm ia, whereas those with longer durations of action are more often associated w ith d aytime hypersonmia d uring active use. Ho\\,ever, any sedative-hypno tic drug can p otentially cause either day time sedation or withdrawal insomnia . Withdrawa l from sedative-hypnotic agents can be con fi rmed by polysonmogra phic s tudies, w hich show reduced sleep duration, increased sleep disruption, and REM sleep " rebotmd. "

Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder


Other substances . Other substances may p roduce sleep disturbances. Common examples include medications that affect the central or autonomic nervous systems (including adrenergic agonists and antagonists, dopamine agonists and antagonists, cholinergic agonists and antagonists, serotonergic agonists and antagonists, antihistamines, and co rticosteroids). Clinically, such medications are prescribed for the control of hypertension and cardiac arrhythmias, ch ronic obstructive pulmonary disease, gastrointestinal motility problems, o r inHamma tory processes .

Differential Diagnosis
Sleep disturbances arc commonly encountered in the context of Substance intoxication o r Substance Withdrawal. A diagnosis of Substance-induced Sleep Disorder should be made in stead of a diagnosis of Substan ce Intoxication or Substance With drawal only when the sleep disturbance is judged to be in excess of that usua lly associated w ith the intoxication or withdrawal syndrome and w hen the d isturbance is suffiCiently severe 10 warrant independent clmical attention. For example, insomnia is a characteristic fea hlre of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxioly tic-lnduced Sleep Disorder should be d iagnosed instead of Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal only if the msomnia is more severe than that usually encountered w ith Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic \<\Iithdrawal and requires s pecial attention and treahllent.lf the substance-induced sleep disturbance occurs exclusively during the course of a delirium, the sleep distu rbance is considered to be an associated of the delirium and is not diagnosed sepa.ratel}'. In sub sta nce-induced presentations that contain a mi x of different types of symptoms (e.g., sleep, mood, and anxiety), the sp ecific type of Substa nce- Induced Disorder to be diagnosed depends on wh.ich type of symptoms predominates in the clin ical presentation. A Subslancelnduced Sleep Disorder is distinguished from a primary Sleep Disorder and from Insomni a or Hyp ersomnia Related to Anothe r Mental Disorder by the fact that a substance is judged to be etiologically related to the symptoms (see p. 655). A Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder d ue to a prescribed treatment for a mental disorder or general medic,1l condition must ha ve its onset while the person is receiving the medication (or du.ring withd rawa l, if there is a w ithdrawal syndrome associated with the medica tion). Once the treahnent is discontinued, the sleep disturbance wiJIusual ly remi t within days to several weeks (depending on the half-life of the substance and the presence of a withdrawal syndrome). However, as discussed above, some form of sleep problem can persist at decreasing intensity for months following Secla tive, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal. With these exceptions, if symptoms persist beyond 4 weeks, other causes for the sleep disturbance shou ld be considered . Not infrequently, individua ls with a primary Sleep Disorder use medications or drugs of abuse to relieve their symptoms. if the clinician judges that the substance is playing a significant role in the exacerbation of the sleep disturbance, an additional d iagnosis of a Substance-Ind uced Sleep Disorder may be warranted. A Substance-induced Sleep Disorder and Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition can also be difficult to di stinguish. Both may produce similar symptoms of insomnia, hypersomnia, or (more rarely) a Parasomnia . Furthermore, many


Sleep Disorders

indiv iduals with general medical conditions that cause a sleep complaint are treated with medica tions that may also cause distu rbances in sleep. The chronology of symptoms is the most important factor in disting uishing between these h vo causes of sleep disturbance. For instance, a sleep disrurbance tha i clearly preceded the use of any medica tion for treatmen t of a general medical condition would suggest a diagnosis of Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition. Conversely, sleep symptoms that appear only after the ins titution of a particular merucation or subs tance would s uggest a Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder. In a similar way. a sleep dis turbance tha I appears during treatment for a general medical condition but that improves after the medication is discontinued s ugges ts a d iagnosis of Subs tance-Induced Sleep Disorder. If the clinician has ascertained that the distu rbance is due to both a general medical condition and subs tance u se, both diagnoses (i.e., Sleep Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition and Substance-L nduced Sleep Disorder) are g iven. WIlen there is insufficient evidence to determine w hether the sleep d is turbance is due to a substance (including a medication) o r to a general medical condition o r is primary (i.e., not due to either a s ubstance or a general medical condition), Parasomn ia Not Othenvise Specifi ed or Dysso mnia a t O then vise Specified wouJd be indicated.

Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

A. A prominent disturbance in sleep that is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical attention. B. There is evidence from the history, physica l examination, or laboratory findings of either (1) or (2): (1) t he symptoms in Criterion A developed during, or within a month of, Substance Intoxication or Withdrawal (2) medicat ion use is etiologically related to t he sleep disturbance
C. The disturbance is not better accounted for by a Sleep Disorder that is not substance

induced. Evidence that the symptoms are better accounted for by a Sleep Disorder that is not substance induced might indude the fo llowing: the symptoms precede t he onset of the substance use (or medication use); the symptoms persist for a substantial period of time (e.g., about a month) after t he cessation of acute withdrawa l or severe intoxication or a re substantially in excess of what would be expected given the type or amount of the substance used or the durati on of use; or there is other evi dence that suggests the existence of an independent non-substance-induced Sleep Disorder (e.g ., a history of recurrent non-subst ance-related episodes) . D. The disturbance does not occur exclusively during the course of a delirium. E. The sleep disturbance causes cl inically significant distress or impairment in soc ial. oc cupat ional, or other important areas of function ing . Note : This diagnosis should be made instead of a d iagnosis of Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal only when the sleep symptoms are in excess of those usually associated with the intoxicat ion or withdrawal syndrome and when the symptoms are sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinica l attent ion.

Substance-I nduced Sleep Di sorder


Diagnostic criteria for Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder

Code [Specific Substancel-Induced Sleep Disorder:

(29 1.89 Alcohol; 292 .89 Amphetamine; 292.89 Caffeine; 292.89 Cocaine; 292 .89 Opioid; 292 .89 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic; 292 .89 Other [or Unknow nl Substance)
Specify type:

Insomnia Type: if the predominant sleep disturbance is insomnia Hypersomnia Type: if the predominant sleep disturbance is hypersomnia Parasomnia Type : if the predominant sleep disturbance is a Parasomnia Mixed Type: if more than one sleep disturbance is present and none predominates
Specify if (see table on p. 193 for applicability by substance):

With Onset During Intoxication : if the criteria are met for Intox ication with the substance and the symptoms develop during the intoxication syndrome With Onse t During Withdrawal: if criteria are met for Withdrawal from the substa nce and the symptoms develop during, or shortly after, a withdrawal syndrome

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified

the presentation of d isorders in o ther sections of the manual (e.g ., Subs tance-Related Disorders, Pa raphilia s, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Cond uct Disorder, Schizophrenia, and Mood Disorders may have fea tures that in vol ve p roblems of imp ulse control). The essential feat u re o f Imp ulse-Control Disord ers is the fai lure to resist an impulse, d rive, o r temptation to p erform an act that is harmfu l 10 the person or to others. For m ost of the disorders in this se<tion, the individu al fee ls an increasing sense of tension or arousal before comm itti ng the act and then exp eriences pleasure, gratifica tion, or relief at the time of committi ng the act. Following the act there may or may not be regret, self-reproach, or gu ilt. TIle following d isorders are includ ed in this section: Interm ittent Explosive Di sorder is characterized b y d iscrete episodes of fa ilure to resist aggressive impu lses resu lting in serious assaults or d estruction o f p rop erty. Klept om ania is characteri zed by the recurrent failtue to resist imp u lscs to steal objects not needed for persona l use or monetary value. Py ro mani a is characterized by a pattern of fire setting for p leasure, gra tifica tion, or relief of tension. Pathol og ical Gambling is characterized by recurrent and persistent maladapti vc gambling behavior. Tri ch otill omania is characterized by recurrent pulling ou t of one's hair for p leasure, g ratification, or relief of tension that resu lts in noticeable hair loss. Impul se-Control Disord er Not O th en vise Sp ecified is included for corling disorders o f imp ulse control th at do not meet the criteria for any o f the s pecifi c ImpuJseControl Disorders described above o r in other sections of the manual.

Th iS

section includes disorders of im pulse con trol that arc not classified as part of


Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Diag nostic Featu res

The essential feat u re of Intermi ttent Exp losive Disorder is the occu rrence of discrete episodes of fail u re to resist aggressive impulses that result in serious assau ltive acts or d estruction of property (Criterion A). Examp les of serious assaulti ve acts include striking or oth em ' ise h urting another p erson or verbally threatening to physically assault another individual. Destruction o f property entails pu rposeful breaking of an object of va lue; minor or unintentional d a mage is no t o f su fficie nt severity to meet this criterion. The deg ree of aggressiveness expressed during an episode is grossly



Im pulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Class ified

out of proportion to any provocation or precipitating p sychosocial s tressor (Criterion B). A diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder is made only after other mental disorders tha t might account for episodes of aggressive behavior have been ruled out (e.g., Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, a Manic Episode, Conduct Disorder, or Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactiv ity Disorder) (Criterion C). The aggressive episodes a re not due to the direct physiological effects of a subs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condi tion (e.g ., head trauma, Alzheimer' s disease) (Criterion C). TIle individual may describe the aggressive episodes as "spells" or "a ttacks" in which the explosive behavior is preceded by a sense of tension or arousal and is followed immediately by a sense of relief. Later the individual may feel upset, remorseful, regretful, or embarrassed about the aggressive behavior.

Associated Features and Disorders

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Individuals with Intermittent Explosive Di sorder sometimes describe intense impulses to be aggressive prior to their aggressive acts. Explosive episodes may be associated with affective symptoms (irritability or rage, increased energy, racing though ts) during the aggressive impulses and acts, and rapid onset of depressed mood and fatigue after the acts. Some individuals may also report that their aggressive episodes are often preceded or accom panied by symptoms s uch as tingling, tremor, palpitations, chest tightness, head p ressure, or hearing an echo. Individuals may describe their aggressive impuJses as extremely dis tressing . The d isorder may result in job loss, school suspension, divorce, difficulties with interpersonal relationships or other impairment in social or occupational spheres, accidents (e.g ., in vehicles), hospitalization (e.g ., beca use of injuries incurred in fights or accidents), financial problems, incarcera tions, or other legal problems. Signs of generalized impulsivity or aggressiveness may be present behvcen explosive episodes. Individuals with Intennitten t Explosive Disorder may report problems with chronic anger and frequent "subthreshold" episodes, in which they experience aggressive impuJses but either manage to resist acting on them or engage in less destructive aggressive behaviors (e.g., screaming, punch ing a wall without damaging it). Individuals with narcissistic, obsessive, paranoid, or sdlizoid traits may be especially prone to having explosive outbursts of anger when under s tress. Preliminary data suggest that Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, and other Imp ulse-Control Disorders may be associated with Intermittent Explosive Disorder. Childhood histories may show severe temper tantrums, impaired attention, hyperactivity, and other behavioral difficulties, such as stealing and fire setting. Associated laboratory findings. There may be nonspecific EEG findings (e.g., slowing) or evidence of abnormalities on neuropsychological testing (e.g., difficulty with letter revers,ll). Signs of altered serotonin metabolism (e.g ., low mean 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid [5-HlAA] concentra tions) have been found in the cerebrospinal fluid of some impulsive and temper-prone individuals, but the specific relationshi p of these findings to Intermittent Explosive Disorder is unclear.

312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disorder

Associate d physical e xa mination findings and general medical conditions. There may be nonspecific or "soft" findin gs on neurological examina tions (e.g., reflex asymmetries or mi rror movements). Developmental difficu lties indicative of cerebral dysfun ction may be present (e.g., delayed speech or poor coordination). A history o f neurological conditions (e.g., migraine headaches, head injury, episodes of u nconsciousness, or febrile seizures in childhood) may be present. However, if the clinician judges that the aggressive behavior is a consequence of the direct physiological effects o f a di agnosable gener.ll medical condition, the appropriate Mental Disord er Due to a General Medical Condition should be diagnosed instead (e.g., Personality Change Due to Head Trauma, Aggressive Type; Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Ea rly Onset, Uncomplica ted, \,\'ith Behav ioral Disturbance).

Specific Culture a nd Gender Features

Amok is characterized by an episode of acute, unrestrained violent beha\'ior for which the person claims aOUlesia. Although traditionally seen in southeastern Asian cou ntries, cases of amok ha"e been reported in Canada and the United States. Unlike Intermittent Explosive Disorder, amok typically occurs as a single episode rather than as a pattern of aggressive behavior and is often associated w ith prominent dissociative feah.ues. Episodic violent behavior is more common in males than in femal es.

Reliable informa tion is lacking, but Intermitten t Explosive Disorder is apparently rare.

Limited d ata are ava il able on the age at onset of Intermittent Explosive Disorder, b ut it appears to be from childhood to the early 20s. Mode of onset may be abrupt and without a prodromal period. The course of Intermitten t Explosive Disorder is variable, with the disorder having a chronic course in some individuals and a more episodic course in other individuals.

Familial Patte rn
Mood Disorders, Substance Use Disorders, Intermittent Explosive Disorder, and oth er impulse-Control Disorders may be more common among the first-degree relatives of indiv iduals with Intermittent Explosive Disorder than among the general population.

Differential Diagnosis
Aggressive behavior can occur in the context of many other mental disorders. A diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder should be considered only after all other disorders that are associa ted with aggressive impulses or behavior have been ruled ou t. If the aggressive beh av ior occu rs exclusively during the course of a delirium, a

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified diagnosis o f Intermittent Explosive Disorder is not given. Similarly, w he n the behavior develops as part of it dementia, a diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder is not made and the appropriate diagnosis is dementia with the specifier With Behavioral Disturbance. Intermittent Explosive Disorder should be distinguished from Per sonality Change Due to a General Medical Condi tion, Aggress ive T yp e, which is diagnosed when the pattem of aggressive episodes is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a diagnosable general medical condition (e.g., an individual who has s uffered brain injury from an automobile accident and subsequently manifests it change in personality characterized by aggressive outbursts). In rare cases, episodic violence may occur in individuals w ith epilepsy, especially of fronta l and temporal origin (partial complex epi lepsy). A ca reful history and a thorough neurological evaluation are helpful in making the determination. Note that nonspecific abnormalities on neurological examination (e.g., "soft s igns") and nonspecific EEG changes are compatible with a diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorde r and only preempt the diagnosis if they are ind icative of a d iagnosable general medical condition . Aggressive outbursts mily also occur in association with Su bstan ce Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal, particularly associated w ith alcohol, phencyclidine, cocaine and other s timulants, barbitu rates, and inhalan ts. The clinician should inquire carefu11y about the nature and ex ten t of s ubs tance use, and a blood or urine drug screen may be informative. Intermittent Explosive Disorder should be dis tinguished from the aggreSSive or erratic behavior that can occur in Opp osition al Defiant D isorder, Con du ct D isorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderl ine Personality Disorder, a Man ic Episode, and Sc hizophrenia. If the aggressive behavior is better accounted for as a diagnostic or associated feature of another mental disorder, a separate d iagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder is no! given . H owever, impuls ive aggression in individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder can have s pecific clinical relevan ce, in w hich case both diagnoses may be made. For example, if an indi vidua l with an established diagnosis of Bord e rline Pe rsonali ty Disorder develops discrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses resulting in serious physical or verbal assaultive acts or des truction of property, an additional diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder may be warranted. "Anger attacks"-sudden spells of anger associated with autonomic arousal (tachycardia, sweating, flushing) and fee lings of being out of control- have been described in individuals with Major Depressive Disorder and Panic Disorder. If these attacks occur only in the setting of a Major Depressive Episode or a Panic Attack, they should not count toward a diagnosis of Intermittent Explosive Disorder. H owever, if these anger attacks a lso occur a t times other than during Major Depressive Epi sodes or Panic Attacks, and meet the Intermi ttent Explosive Disorder criterion for serious assaultive acts, then both diagnoses may be given . Aggressive behavior may, of course, occur when no men ial disorder is present. Pu rposeful behav ior is dis tinguished from Intermittent Explosive Disorder by the prese nce of motivation and gain in the aggressive act. In forens ic se ttings, individuals may m alinger Intermitlent Explosive Disorder to avoid responsibility for their behavior. Anger as a normal reaction to specific life even ts or environmental situations also needs to be distinguis hed from the anger th at may occur as part of an



667 /

aggressive episode in Intermittent Explosive Disorder, which occurs with little or no provocation.

Diagnostic criteria for 312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disorder

A. Several d iscrete episodes of failure to resist aggressive impulses that result in serious assaultive acts or destruction of property. B. The degree of aggressiveness expressed d uring the e pisodes is grossly out of proportion to any precipitating psychosocia l stressors.
C. The aggressive episodes are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Antisocial Personality Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, a Manic Episode, Conduct Disorde r, or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) and are not due to the d irect physiologica l effects of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a genera l medica l condition (e.g., head trauma, Alzheimer's disease).

Diagnostic Featu res


The essential feature of Kleptomania is the recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal items even though the items are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value (Criterion A). The individual experiences a rising subjective sense of tension before the theft (Criterion B) and feel s pleasure, gra ti fication , or relief when committing the theft (Criterion C). The stealing is not committed to express anger or vengeance, is not done in response to a delusion or hallucination (Criterion D), and is not better accounted for by Conduct Disorder, a Manic Episode, or Antisocial Personality Disorder (Criterion E). The objects are stolen despite the fact that they are typicall}' of little va lue to the indiv idua l, who could have a fforded to pay for them and often gives them awa}' or discards them. Occasionally the individual may hoard the stolen objects or surreptitiously return them . Although individuals with this disorder wi ll generally avoid stealing when immediate arrest is p robable (e.g., in full \!iew of a police officer), they u sually do not preplan the thefts or full y take into account the chances of apprehension. The stealing is done without assistance from , or collaboration with, others.

Associated Feat u res a nd Diso rde rs

Individuals with Kleptomania experience the impulse to steal as ego-dystonic and are aware that the act is wrong and senseless. The person frequently fears being apprehended and o ften feels depressed or guilty a.bout the thefts. Kleptomania may be associated with compulsive buying as well a.s with ~'lood Di sorders (especially Major Depressive Disorder), Anxiety Disorders, Eating Disorders (particularly Bulimia


Impulse-Control Disord ers Not Elsewhere Classified

Nervosa), Personality Disorders, and o ther Impulse-Control Disorders. The disorder may cause legal, fami ly, career, and personal difficulties.

Specific Gender Features

Preliminary evidence suggests that, in clinical samples, approximately tw o--third s of indi viduals with Kleptomania are female.

Kleptomania is a rare condition that appears to occur in fewer than 5% of identifiea shoplifters. Its prevalence in the general population is unknown.

Co urse
Age at onset of Kleptomania is variable. The disorder may begin in childhood , adolescence, or adulthood, and in ra re cases in late adulthood. There is little systematic in formation on the course of Kleptomania, but three typical courses have been dE' scribed : sp oradic with brief epi sodes and long periods of remission; episodic with protracted p eriods of stealing and p eriods of remission; and chronic with some deg ree of flu ctuation. The disorder may con tinue for years, desp ite multiple convictiol1." for shoplifting .

Fa milial Pattern
There are no controlled family history studies of Kleptomania. However, preliminary data suggest that first -degree relatives of ind ividuals w ith Kleptomania may ha\e higher rates of Obsessive-Compul sh'e Disorder than the gen eral population.

Differential Diagnosi s
Kleptomania should be distinguished from ordinary acts of theft or shoplifting. Ordinary theft (whether planned or impulsive) is d eliberate and is motiva ted by the usefulness of the object or its monetary worth . Some individuals, esp l'CiaUy adolescents, may also stea l on a dare, as an act of rebellion, or as a rite of passage. The diagnosis is not made unless other characteri stic features of Kleptomania are also p resent. Kleptomania is exceedingly rare, whereas shoplifting is relatively common. In Malingering, individuals may simulate the symptoms of Kleptomania to a void criminal p rosecution . Antisocial Personality Disord er and Conduct Disorder arc distil' gUished from Kleptomania by a general pattern of antisocial behavior. Kleptomani. should be distinguished from intentional or inad vertent stealing that may OCC\lr dur ing a Manic Episode, in response to delusions or hallucinations (c.g., in Schizophreni a), or as a result of a d ementia.




Diagnostic criteria for 312 .32 Kleptomania

A. Recurrent failure to resist impulses to steal o bjects that are not needed for personal use or for their monetary value. B. Increasing sense of tension immediately before committing the theft.
C. Pleasure, grat ification, or relief at the time of committing the theft .

D. The stealing is not committed to express anger o r vengeance and is not in response to a delusion or a hallucination . E. The steal ing is not better account ed for by Conduct Disorde r, a Manic Episode, or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic Features


The essential feahlre of Pyromania is the presence of multiple episodes of de Jibe r.1te and purposefu l fire setting (C riterion A). Individuals with this disorder e xperience tension o r affective a rousal before setting a fire (Criterion B). There is a fa scination with, interest in, curiosity about, or attraction to fire and its situational contexts (e.g., paraphemal ia, uses, consequences) (Criterion C). Indiv iduals with this disorder are often regular "wa tchers" at fires in their neighborhoods, may set off fal se alarms, and derive pleasure from institutions, equipment, and personnel associated with fire. They may spend time at the local fire department, set fires to be affiliated wi th the fire department, or even become fire fi ghters. Individuals w ith this disorder experience pleasure, g ratification, or a release of tension when setting the fire, w itnessing its effects, or participating in its afterma th (Cri terion D). The fire setting is not done for monetary gain, as an expression of sociopolitica l id eology, to conceal criminal activity, to express anger or vengeance, to improve one's living circumstances, or in response to a delu sion or a hallu cina tion (Criterion E). TIle fire setting does not result from impaired judgment (e.g., in dementia or Mental Retardation). 111e di,1gnosis is not made if the fire setti ng is better accounted for by Conduct Disorder, a Manic Episode, or Antisocial Personality Disorder (Criterion F).

Assoc iated Features and Disorders

Individuals with Pyromania may m ake considerable advance preparation for starting a fire . They may be indifferent to the consequences to life or property caused b y the fire, or they m ay derive satisfa ctio n from the resulting property d estruction . The behaviors may lead to property damage, legal consequences, or injury or loss of We to the fi re setter or to others. Individuals w ho impulsive ly set fi.res (who mayor may not have Py romania) often h.we a current o r past history of Alcohol Dependence or Abuse.


Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified

Specif ic Age and Gender Featu res

Although fire setting is a major problem in children and adolescents (over 40"/0 of those arrested for arson offenses in the United Slates are und er age 18 years), Pyromania in childhood appears to be rare. Juvenile fire setting is usually associated with Conduct Disorder, Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, o r Adjustment Disorder. Pyromania occurs much more often in males, especially those with poorer social skills and learning difficulties.

Preva lence
Pyromania is apparently rare.

Cou rse
There ace insu ffic ient data to esl"blish a typical age at onset of Pyromania. The relationship between fire setting in childhood and Pyromania in adulthood has no t been documented . In ind ividuals with Pyromania, fire-setting inciden ts are episodic and may wax and wane in frequency. Longitudinal course is lmknown .

Differe nt ial Diagnosis

It is important to rule out other causes of fire setting before giving the diagnosis of

Pyroma nia. Intentional fire setting rna}' occur for p ro fit, sabotage, or revenge; to conceal a crime; to make a pol itical sta tement (e.g., an act of terrorism or protest); or to attract attent ion or recognition (e.g., setting a fire in order to discover it and save the day). Fire setting may also occur as part of developmental experimentation in ch ildhood (e.g., playing with matches, lighters, or fire). Some indiv iduals with mental disorders u se fire setting to communica te a desire, wish, or need, o ften directed at gaining a ch ange in the nahlre or loca tion of services. This for m of fire setting has been referred to as "communicative arson" and mus t be carefully distinguis hed from Pyromania. A separate diagnosis of Pyromania is not given when fire setting occurs as part of Cond uct D iso rder, a Manic Episode, or Antisoci al Perso nality Disorder, or if it occurs in response to a delusion o r a hallucination (e.g., in Schizoph renia) or if it is due to the direct phYSiolog ical effects of a general medical condition (e.g., epilepsy). The d iagnosis of Pyromania s hould also not be given when fire setting results from impai red judgment associated w ith dementia, Men tal Retardation, or Substance Intoxication.

312.3 1 Patholog ica l Gambli ng


Diagnostic criteria for 312.33 Pyromania

A. Deliberate and purposeful fire setting on more than one occasion. 8. Tension or affective arousal before the act. C. Fascination with, interest in, curiosity about, or attraction to fire and its situational contexts (e.g., paraphernalia, uses, consequences). D. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when setting fires, or when witnessing or participating in their aftermath .
E. The fire setting is not done for monetary gain, as an expression of sociopolitical ide-

ology, to conceal criminal activity, to express anger or vengeance, to improve one's living circumstances, in response to a delusion or hallucination, or as a result of impaired judgment (e.g., in dementia, Menta l Retardation, Substance Intoxication).

The fire setting is not better accounted for by Conduct Disorder, a Manic Episode, or Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic Featu res

Pathological Gambling

The essential feature of Pathological Gambling is persistent and recurrent maladaptive gambling behavior (Criterion A) that disrupts personal, family, or vocational pursuits. The diagnosis is not made if the gambling behavior is better accounted for by a Manic Episode (Criterion B). The individual may be preoccupied with gambling (e.g., reliving pas t gambling experiences, planning the next gambling venture, o r thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble) (Cri terion Al). Mos t individuals with Pathological Gambling say that they are seeking "action " (an aroused, euphoric s tate) or excitement even more than money. Increasingly larger bets, or greater ris ks, may be needed to continue to produce the desired level of excitement (C riterion A2). Individuals with Pathological Gambling often continue to gamble d esp ite repeated efforts to control, cut b.1(k, o r stop the behavior (Criterion A3). There may be restlessness or irritability when attempting to cut down or s top gambling (Criterion A4). The individual may gamble as a way of escaping from problems or to relieve a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression) (C riterion AS). A pattern of "dlasing" one's losses may develop, with an urgent need to keep gambling (often with larger bets or the taking of grea ler ris ks) to undo a loss or series o f losses. The individual may abandon his or her gambling strategy and try to win back losses all at once. Although all gamblers may chase fo r short period s, it is the long-term chase that is more characteristic of individuals with Pathological Gambling (Cri terion A6). The individual may lie to famil y members, therapis ts, or others to conceal the extent of involvement with gambling (Criterion A7). When the individual's borrowing resources are


Impulse-Co ntro l Disorders Not Elsewhere Classif ied

strained, the person may resort to antisocial behav io r (e.g., forgery, frau d, theft, or embezzlement) to obtain money (Criterion A8). The individua1 may have jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, o r educational or career opportunity because of gambling (Criterion A9). The individu al may also engage in "bailout" behavior. turning to fam ily or others fo r help with a des perate financial situati on that was ca used by gambling (Criterion AIO).

Associated Featu res a nd Disorde rs

Associated descriptive features and mental disorders. Distortions in thinking

(e.g., denial, superstitions, overconfidence, or a sense of power and control) may be

present in individuals w ith Pathologica l Gambling. Many individuals with Pathological Gambling believe that money is both the cause of and solution to all their problems . Individ uals with Pathologica l Gambling are frequently highly competitive, energetic, restless, and easily bored. They mily be overly concerned w ith the approval o f others and may be generous to the point of extravagance. When not gambling, they may be workaholics or "binge" workers who wailtmtil they are up against deadlines before really w orking hard. They may be prone to developing general medical conditions that are associated with stress (e.g., hypertension, peptic u..lcer disease, migraine). lndividua Is seeking trea tment for Pathologi ca l Gambling have rela tively high ra tes of suicid al ideation and suicide attempts. Studies of men w ith Pathological Gambling suggest thai a history of inattentive and hyperactive symptoms in childhood may be a risk fac tor for development of Pathological Gambling later in li fe. Increased rates of Mood Disorders, Atten tion-Deficit / Hyperacti vity Disorder, Substance Abuse or Dependence, o ther Impulse-Control Di sorders, and Antisocial, Narcissis tic, and Borderline Personality Disorders have been rep orted in individuals with PatholOgical Gambling. Associated laboratory findings. Tllere are no laboratory findin gs that are diagnostic of Pa thological Ga mbling. However, a variety of laboratory findings have been reported 10 be abnormal in males w ilh Pa thological Gamblin g compared w ilh control subjects. These include measures of neurotrans mitters and their metabolites in cerebrospinal fl uid and urine, and response to neuroendocrine dlallcnges, implicating abnormalities in a variety of neurotransmitter systems, including the serotonin, norepinephrine, and d opamine systems. Abnormalities in platelet monoamine oxidase activity have also been reported in males with Pathological Gambling. Individuals with Pathological Gambling may display high levels of impulsivity on neuropsychologicallests.

Specific Cu lture a nd Gender Features

There are cultural variations in the prevalence and type of gambli ng activities (e.g., pai go, cockfights, horse racing, the stock market). Approximately one-third of individua ls w ith Pathological Gambling <"Ire females, but in d ifferent geographic areas and cultures, gender ratio can vary considerably. Females with the d isorder are more apt to be depressed and to gamble as an escape. females are underrepresented in treahnent programs for gambling and represent only 2%.-4% of the population of

312.3 1

Pathologica l Gambl ing


Gamblers Anonymous. Th is may be a function of the greater s tigma attached to female gamblers.

TIle p reva lence of Pathological Gambling is influenced by both the availa bility of gambling and the dura tion of availa bility such that with the increasing availability of legalized gambling, there is an increase in the prevalence of Pathological Gambling. Community studies estima te the lifetime prevalence of Pathological Gambling to range from 0.4% to 3.4% in adults, although prevalence rates in some areas (e.g., Puerto Rico, Austra lia) have been reported to be as high as 7%. Higher prevalence rates, ranging from 2.8% to 8%, have been reporled in adolescents and college s tudents. The prevalence of Pa thologicaJ Gambling may be increased in treatment-seeking individuals with a SubstanC Use Disorder. e

PatholOgical Gambling typically begins in early adolescence in males and later in life in females. Although a few individuals are "hooked" with their very first bet, for most the course is more insidious. There may be years of social gambling followed by an abrupt onset thai may be precipitated by greater exposure to gambling or by a stressor. The gambling pattern may be regular or episodic, and the course of the disorder is Iypically ch ronic. There is generally a progression in Ihe frequency of gambling, the amount wagered, a nd the preoccupation w ith gambling and obtaining money w ilh wh ich to gam ble. The urge to gamble and gambling activity generally increase during periods of stress or d e pression.

Fami lial Pattern

Pathological Gambling and Alcohol Dependence are both more common among the parents of individuals with Pathological Gambling than among the general population.

Differe ntial Diagnosis

Pathological Gambling must be dis tinguished from social gambling and professional gambling. Social gambling typica lly occurs w ith friends or colleagues and lasts for a limited period of time, w ith predetemlined accep table losses. In profess ional gambling, risks are limited and di scipline is central. Some ind ividuals can experience problems associated. with their gambling (e.g., short-term chas ing be havior and loss of control) that do not meet the full criteria for Pathological Gambling. loss of judgmen t and excessive ga mbling may occur during a Mani c Episode. An add itional d iagnosis of Pathological Gambling should only be given if the gambling behavior is not better accounted for by the Manic Episode (e.g., a history of maladaptive gambling beh avior at times other than during a Manic Episod e). Alternatively, an individual wi th Pathologica l Gambling may exhibit behavior during a gambling binge that res embles a Manic Episode. However, once the individual is away from the


Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified

gambling. these manic-like features dissipate. Problems with gambling may occur in individuals with Anti social Personality Disorder; if criteria are met for both disorders, both can be diagnosed.

Diagnostic criteria for 312.31 Pathological Gambling

A. Persistent and recu rrent maladaptive gambling behavior as indicated by five (or more) of the following:

is preoccupied with gambling (e.g., preoccupied with re living past gambling experiences. handicapping o r planning the next venture, or thinking of ways to get money with which to gamble) sired excitement has repeated unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back, or stop gambling is restless or irritable when attempting to cut down or stop gambling gambles as a way of escaping from problems or of relieving a dysphoric mood (e.g., feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety, depression) after losing money gambling, often returns another day to get even ("chasing one's losses) lies to fami ly members, therapist, or others to conceal the exte nt of involvement with gambling has committed illegal acts such as forgery, fraud, theft, o r embezzlement to finance gambling has jeopardized or lost a significant relationship, job, or educational or career opportunity because o f gambling relies on others to provide money to rel ieve a desperate financial situation caused by gambling

(2) needs to gamble with increasing amounts of money in order to achieve the de-

(4) (5) (6)

(7) (8)


B. The gambling behavior is not better accounted fo r by a Manic Episode.

Diagnostic Feat ures


The essential featu re of Trichotillo mania is the recurrent pulling out of one's own hair that resu lts in noticeable hair loss (Criterion A). Sites of hair pulling may include any region of the body in w hich hair may grow (including axillar)" pubic, and perirectal regions), with the most common sites being the scalp,eyebrows, and eyelashes. Hair puU ing may occur in brief episodes scattered throughout the day or in less frequent bul more sus tained periods that can continue for hou rs. H air pulling o ften occurs in states of relaxa tion and dis traction (e.g., when reading a book o r watching television ) but may also occur during stressful circums tances. An increasing sense of tension is present immediately before pulling out the hair (Criterion B). For some, tension does not necessarily precede the act but is associa ted with attempts to resist the w ge. There is gratification, pleaswe, or a sense of relief when pulling out the hair (Criterion C). Some


Trichotilloman ia

individuals experience an "itchlike" sensation in the scalp that is eased by the act of pulling hair. The diagnosis is not given if the hair pulling is better accounted for by another menta l disorder (e.g., in response to a delusion or a hallucination) or is due to a general medical condition (e.g., i.nflammation of the skin or other dermatological conditions) (Criterion D). The d isturbance must cause Significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning (Crilerion E).

Associat ed Feat ures and Disord ers

Associated descriptive features and mental d isorders . Examining the hair root, hvirling it off, pulling the strand between the teeth, or trichophagia (eating hairs) may occllr with Trichotillomania. H air pulling does not usually occur in the presence of other people (except immediate family members), and social s ituations may be avoided. Individuals commonly deny their hair-pulling behavior and conceal or camouflage the resulting alopecia . Some individua ls have urges 10 pull hairs from other people and rna}' sometimes try to find opporhmities to do so surreptitiously. They may pull hairs from pets, dolls, and other fibrous materials (e.g., sweaters or carpets). Nai l biting, scratching, gnawing, and excoriation is often associa ted with Trichotillomania. Individuals with Trichotillomania may also have Mood, Anxiety Disorders (especially Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder), Substance Use Disorders, Eating Disorders, Personality Disorders, or Mental Retardation. Associa ted la boratory findings . Certain his tological findings are considered characteris tic and may aid diagnosis when Trichotillomania is suspected and the affected ind ivid ual denies symptoms. Biopsy samples from involved areas may reveal short and broken hairs. His tological examination will reveal normal and damaged follicl es in the same area, as well as an increased number o f catagen hairs. Some hair follicles may show signs of trauma (wrinkling of the outer root sheath). Involved follicles may be empty or may contain a deeply pigmented keratinOllS material. The a bsence of inflammation dis tinguis hes Trichotillomania-induced a lopecia from alopecia area ta. Associated physical e xa mination findings and g e neral medical conditions. Pain is not rOlltinely reported to accompany the hair pulling; pruritus and tingling in the involved areas may be present. The patterns o f hair loss a re highly variable. Areas of complete alopecia are common, as well as areas of noticeably th.inned hair dens ity. When the sca lp is involved, there may be a predilection for the crown or parietal regions. The s urface of the scalp u sually shows no evidence of excoria tion. There may be a pattern of nearl)' complete baldness except for a narrow perimeter around the outer margins of the scalp, particularly at the nape of the neck ("tons ure trichotillomania"). Eyebrows and eyela shes may be completely absent. Thinning of pubic hairs may b e apparent on inspection. There may be areas of absen t hair on the limbs or torso. Trichophagi a may res uit in bezoars (hair balls) that may lead to anemia, abdominal pain, he matemesis, nausea and vomiting, and bowel obstruction and even perforation.


Im pulse-Contro l Disorders Not El sewhere Classified

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Fea tures

Among children with Trichotilloman ia, males and females a re equally represented. Among ad ults, Trichotilloman ia is much more common among females than among males. This may reflect the true gender ratio of the condition, or it may reflect differential treatment seeking based on cultural or gender-based attitudes regarding appearance (e.g., acceptance of normative hair loss among males).

systematic data are available on the p revalence of Trichotillomania. Although Trichotillomania was previou sly thought to be an uncom mon condition, it is now believed 10 occur more frequen tly. For example, a s urvey of college studen ts found a lifetime ra le of 0.6%.

Transient periods of hair pulling in early childhood may be considered a benigl "habit" w ith a self-limi ted course. Individ uals who present with chronic Trichotillomania in adulthood often report onset in early adolescence. Some individuals have continuous sym p toms for decades. For others, the disorder may come and go for weeks, months, or }'ears at a time. Sites of hair pulling may vary over time.

Differential Di agnosis
Other causes of alopeci a shou ld be considered in indi vidua ls who d eny hair pulling (e.g., alopecia areata, male-pattern baldness, chronic discoid lupus erythematosus, lichen pianopilaris, folliculiti s decalvans, pseudopeJade, and alop ecia mucinosa). A separate diagnosis of Trichotillomania is not given if the behavior is better accounted for by another mental disord er (e.g., in response to a delusion or a hallucination in Schizophren ia). The repetiti ve hair pulling in TridlOtillomania must be distinguished from a compulsion, as in ObsessiveCompulsive Disorder. In ObsessiveCompulSive Disorder, the repetitive behaviors are performed in response to an obsession, or according to rules that mus t be applied rigidly. An additional diagnOSis of Stereotypic MO\'ement Disorder is not made if the repetiti ve behavior is limited t hair p ulling. The self-induced alopecia in Tricho tillomania mus t be dis tinguishe from Factitious Disord er With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms, in w hich the m ot iva tion for the behavior is assuming the sick role. Many individuals twist and play with hair, especially during sta tes of heightened anxiety, bu t this behavior does not us ually quali fy for a diagnosiS of Trichotillomania. Some individuals may p resent with fea tures of Trichotillomania, but the resulting hai.r damage may be so slight as to be virtually undetectable. In s uch situations, the d iagnosiS should only be considered if the ind ivid ual experiences significant dis tress. In children, self-limited period s of hair pulling are common and may be considered a tempora ry "habit. " This form of childhood hair pulling differs from adult forms of Trichotillomania in that there may be an absence of reported tension or relief associated with the hair pulling. Therefore, among children, the d iagnosis should be reserved for situations in which the behav ior has p ersisted for several months.



Impulse-Control Disorder Not Ot herwise Specified

Diagnostic criteria for 312.39 Trichotillomania


pulling out of one's hair resulting in noticeable ha ir loss.

B. An increasing sense of t e nsion immediately before pulling out the hair or when attempting to resist the behavior.
C. Pleasure, gratification, or relief when pull ing out the hair.

D. The disturbance is not better accounted fo r by another mental disorder and is not due to a general medical condition (e.g., a dermatological condition). E. The disturbance causes cl inically significant distress or impairme nt in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning .

312.30 Impulse-Control Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for d isorders of impulse control (e.g., skin picking) that do not meet the criteria for any specific Impulse-Control Disorder or for another mental disorder having features involv ing impulse control described elsewhere in the manual (e.g., Substance Dependence, a Paraphilia).

Adjustment Disorders

Diagnostic Features
The essential feature of an Adjustment Disorder is a psychological response to an
identifiable stressor or stressors that results in the development of clinically significant

emotional or behavioral symptoms. The symptoms must develop within 3 months

after the onset of the stressor(s) (Criterion A). The clinica l significance of the reaction is indicated either by marked distress that is in excess of what would be expected given the nature of the stressor or by significant impairment in social or occupational (academic) functioning (Criterion B). In other words, a reaction to a stressor that

might be considered normal or expectable can still qualify for a diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder if the reaction is s ufficiently severe to cause significant impairment.
This category s hould not be used if the disturbance meets the criteria for another specific Axis I disorder (e.g., a specific Anxiety or Mood Disorder) or is merely an exacerbation of a preexisting Axis I or 11 disorder (Criterion C). However, an Ad jus tment Disorder may be diagnosed in the presence of another Axis I or Axis II disorder if the latter does not account for the pattern of symptoms that have occurred in response to the stressor. The diagnosis of an Adjustment Disorder also d oes not apply when the symptoms represent Bereavement (Criterion D). By definition, an Adjus hnent Disorder mus t resolve within 6 months of the termination of the stressor (or its consequences) (Criterion E). However, the symptoms may persist for a prolonged period (i.e., longer than 6 months) if they occur in res ponse to a c1uonic s tressor (e.g., a chronic, djsabling genera l medical condition) or to a s tressor that has enduring consequences (e.g., the financial and emotional difficulties resulting from a divorce). The s tressor may be a single event (e.g., termination of a romantic rela tions hip), or there may be multiple s tressors (e.g., marked business difficu lties and marital problems). Stressors may be recurrent (e.g., associated with seasonal business crises) or continuous (e.g., Ijving in a crime-ridden neighborhood). Stressors may affect a single individual, an entire family , or a larger group or community (e.g., as in a natural disaster). Some stressors may accompany specific developmental events (e.g., going to school, leaving the parental home, getting married, becoming a parent, failing to attain occupational goals, retirement).

Subtypes a nd Specifiers
Adjustment Disorders are coded according to the subtype that best characterizes the predominant symptoms: 309.0 With Depressed Mood. This subtype should be used when the predominant manifes tations are symptoms s uch as depressed mood, tearfulness, or feeling s of hopelessness.


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Adjustment Disorders

309.24 With Anxiety. This subtype should be used when the predominant manifes tations a re symptoms such as nervousness, worry, or jitteriness, or, in children, fears o f separation from major attachment figures. 309.28 With Mixed Anxiety and Dep ressed Mood. This subtype should be u sed w hen the p redominan t manifesta tion is a combination of d epression and

309.3 This SUbtype should be used when the predominant manifestation is a distu rbance in conduct in which there is viWith Dis turbance of Condu ct.

olation of the rights of others or of major age-appropria te societal norms and rules (e.g., truancy. vandalism, reckless driving, fighting, defaulting on legal responsibilities). 309.4 With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct. This subtype should be used when the predominant manifestations are both emotional symptoms (e.g., depression, anxiety) and a d istu rbance of conduct (see above subtype). 309.9 Unspecified . This subtype should be used for maladaptive reactions (e.g., physical compla ints, social withdrawal, or work or academic inhibition) to stressors that are not classifiable as one of the specific su btypes of Adjustmen t Disorder.
The duration of the symptoms of an Adj ustment Disorder can be indicated by dlOOSing one of the following specifiers: Acute. This specifier can be used to indic.l te persistence of symptoms for less than 6 months. Chronic. This specifier can be used to indicate persistence of symptoms for 6 mon ths or longer. By d efinition, symptoms cannot persis t for more than 6 months after the termination of the stressor or its conseq uences. TIle Chron ic specifier therefore applies w hen the duration of the d istllTbance is longer than 6 months in response to a chron ic stressor or to a stressor that has enduring consequences.

Record ing Procedures

The predominan t symptom presentation for an Adjushnent Disord er sho uld be ind ica ted by choosing the diagnostic code and term from the list above, followed, if desired, by the Acute or Ch ronic specifier (e.g., 309.0 Adj ustment Disorder With Depressed Mood, Acute). In a multiaxial assessment, the nature of the stressor can be indicated by listing it on Axis IV (e.g., Divorce).

Associated Features an d Disorders

The subjective distress or impairment in function ing associated with Adjustment Disorders is frequen tly manifested as decreased performance a t work or school and temporary changes in social relationships. Adj ustment Disorders are associated with suicide attempts, suicide, excessive substance use, and somatic complaints. Adjustment Disorder has been reported in individuals w ith preexisting mental diso rders in selected samp les, such as chi ld ren and adolescents and in general medical and surgi-

Adjustm e nt Disorde rs


cal patients. The presence of an Adjustmen t Disorder may complica te the course of illness in indiv iduals who have a general medical condition (e.g., decreased compliance with the recommended medical regimen or increased length of hospital stay).

Specific Cu lture, Ag e, a nd Gende r Features

The context of the individual's cultural setting should be taken into account in making the clinica l judgment of whether the individual's response to the stressor is maladaptive or whether the associated distress is in excess of what would be expected. The natu re, mean ing, and experience o f the stressors and the evaluation of the response to the stressors may vary across cultu res. Adjustmen t Disorders may occur in any age g roup. In clinical samples of adults, women are given the diagnosis twice as often as men. In contrast, in clinical sam p les of d illd ren and adolescents, boys and girls are equally likely to receive this d iagnosis.

Preva lence
Adjustment Disorders are apparen tly comm on, although prevalence rates vary widely as a function of the population studied and the assessment method s used . The pre\'alence of Adjushllent Disorder has been reported to be between 2% and 8% in community samples of child ren and adolescents and the eld erly. Adjustment Disorder has been diagnosed in up to 12% of general hospita l inpatients who are referred fo r a mental health cons ul tation, in 10%- 30% of those in mental health outpatient settings, and in as many as 50% in specia l populations that have experienced a s pecific stressor (e.g., (oUowing cardiac surgery). Individuals from disadvantaged li fe circum stances experience a high rale of stressors and may be al increased risk for the disorder.

By definition, the d isturbance in Adju stment Disorder begins within 3 months of onset of a stressor and lasts no longer than 6 months a ft er the stressor or its consequences have ceased. If the stressor is an acute event (e.g., being fired from a job), the onset of the d is tmbance is usually immedia te (or within a few days) and the dura tion is relatively brief (e.g., no more than a few months). If the stressor or its consequences perSist, the Adjustment Disorder may also persist. The persistence of Adjustment Disorder or its progression to other, more severe mental d isorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder) ma y be more likely in children and adolescents than in adults. However, some or all of this increased risk may be attribu table to the presence of comorbid conditions (e.g ., Atten tion-Deficit/ Hyperacti vity Disorder) or to the possibility that the Adjustment Disord er actually represented a subclinical prodrome manifestation of the more severe men tal disorder.

Differential Diag nosis

Adjustment Disorder is a residual ca tegory used to describe presentations that are a response to an identifiable stressor and that do not meet the criteria for another s pe-


Adjustment Disorders

cme Axis I disorder. For example, if an individual has symptoms that meel criteria for

a Major Depressive Episode in response to a stressor, the diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder is not applicable. Adjustment Disorder can be diagnosed in addition to another Axis I disorder on ly if the latter does not accoun t for the pa rticular symptoms that occur in reaction to the stressor. For example, an individual may de\'elop Adjustment Disorder \o\' ilh Depressed Mood after los ing a job and at the same time ha ve a diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Because Personali ty Diso rders <ITe frequently exacerbated by stress, the addi tional diagnosis of Adjus tment Disorder is us ually not mad e. However, if symptoms that are no t characteristic of the Personality Disorder appear in response toa stressor (e.g., a person with Pa ranoid Personality Disorder d evelops depressed mood in response to job loss), the additional diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder may be appropriate. The diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder requires the p resence of an iden ti fiab le stressor, in contrast to the atypical or subthreshold p resen tations that would be diagnosed as a No t Othenvise Specified disorder (e.g., Anxiety Disorder Not Othenvise Specified). If the symptoms of Adjustment Disorder persist for more than 6 months after the stressor or its consequences have ceased, the diagnOSis should be changed to another mental disorder, usua lly in the appropriate Not Oth envise Specified ca tegory. Adjustment Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Acute Stress Disorder all require the presence of a stressor. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Acute Stress Disorder are characterized by the presence of an extreme stressor and a specific constellation of sym p toms . In contrast, Adjustmen t Disorder can be triggered by a stressor of any severity and may involve a wide range of possible symptoms. In Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition, spedfic psychologica l symptoms, behaviors, or other factors exacerbate a gen eral medical condition, complicate treatment for a general medical condition, or Olhenvise increase the risks of developing a general medic.ll condition . In Adjustmen t Disorder, the relationsh ip is the reverse {i.e., the psychologica l symptoms develop in response to the stress of having or being diagnosed with a general medical condition}. Both condi tions may be present in some individuals. Bereavement is generally diagnosed instead of Adjustment Disorder when the reaction is an expectable response to the death of a loved one. The diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder may be appropriate when the reaction is in excess of, or more prolonged than, w hat would be expected. Adjustment Disorder should also be distinguished from other non pathological reactions to stress that do not lead to marked d istress in excess of wh at is expected and that do not ca use significant impairment in socia l or occupational functioning. Adjustment Disorder should not be diagnosed when the symptoms are due to the direct physiological effects of a General Medical Condition (such as the u sual transienl functional impairment thaI is associated w ith a course of chemotherapy).

Adjustmen t Disord ers


Diagnostic criteria for Adjustment Disorders

A. The development of emotional o r behaviora l symptoms in response to an identifiable stressor(s) occurring w ithin 3 months of the onset of the stressor(s). B. These symptoms or behaviors are clinically significant as evidenced by either of the following: (1) marked distress that is in excess of what would be expected from exposure to the stressor (2) significant impairment in social or occupational (academic) functioning
C. The stress-related disturbance does not meet the criteria for anot her specific Axis I

disorder and is not merely an exacerbation of a preexisting Axis I or Axis II disorder. D. The symptoms do not represent Bereavement. E. Once the stressor (or its consequences) has term inated, the symptoms do not persist for more than an additional 6 months.

Specify if: Acute: if the disturbance lasts less than 6 months Chronic: if the disturbance lasts for 6 months or longer
Adjustment Disorders are coded based on the subtype, which is selected according to the predominant symptoms. The specific stressor(s) can be specified on Axis IV. 309.0 309.24 309.28 309.3 309.4 309.9 With Depressed Mood With Anxiety With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood With Disturbance of Conduct With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct Unspecified

Personality Disorders


section begins w ith a general definition of Personality Disorder that applies to each of the 10 specific Personality Disorders. A Personality Disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the individual's culture, is pervasive and inflexible, has an onset in adolescence or early adulthood, is stable over time, and leads to dis tress or impairment. The Personality Disorders included in this section are lis ted below . Paranoid Personality Disorder is a pattern of distrus t and suspiciollsness such that others' motives are in terpreted as malevolent. Schizoid Personality Disorderis a patte rn of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of emotional expression. Schizotypal Personality Disorder is a pattern of acute d iscomfort in close relationships, cognitive or perceptual dis tortions, and eccentricities of behavior. Antisocial Personali ty Disorder is a pattern of disregard for, and v iolation of, the rights of others. Borderline Personality Disorder is a pattern of ins tability in interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity. His trionic Personality Disorder is a pattern o f excessive emotionality and attention seeking. Narcissistic Personality Disorder is a pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empa thy . Avoidant Personality Disorder is a pattern of social inhibition, feelin gs of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to negative evaluation. Dependent Personality Disorder is a pattern of submissive and clinging behavior related to an excessive need to be taken care of. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is a pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and control. Personality Disorder N ot Othenyise Specified is a category provided fo r two situations: 1) the individual's personality pattern meets the general criteria for a Personality Disorder and traits of several different Personality Disorders are present, but the criteria for any specific Personality Disorder are not met; or 2) the individual's personality pattern meets the general criteria for a Personality Disorder, but the individual is considered to have a Personality Disord er that is not included in the Classification (e.g., passive-aggressive personality d isorder) . The Personality Disorders are grouped into three clusters based on descriptive similarities. Cluster A includes the Paranoid, Schizoid, and Schizotypal Personality Disorders. Individuals with these disorders often appear odd or eccentric. Cluster B includes the Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. Individuals with these disorders often appear dramatic, emotional, or erratic. Cluster C



Personality Disorders

includes the Avoidant, Dependent, and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorders. lndiv iduals with these disorders often appear anxious or fearfu l. It should be no led that this clus tering system, although useful in some research and ed ucational s ihlc1nons, has serious limitations and has not been consisten tly va lidated . Moreover, ind ividuals frequently present with co-occurring Personality Disorders from different clusters.

Diagnostic Featu res

Perso/lality traits are enduring patterns of perceiving, relating la, and thinking about
the environment and oneself that are exhibited in a wide range of social and personal contexts. Only when personality lTails are inflexible and ma\adapti\'e and cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress do they constitute Personality Disorders. The essential feature o f a Personali ty Disorder is an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations o f the individual's cultmc and is manifested in at leasllwo o f the follow ing arcas: cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functioning, or impulse control (Criterion A). This enduring pattern is innexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal .md social siltl alions (Criterion B) and leads to clinically Significant distress o r impairment in social, occupational, or other importan t areas of function ing (Criterion C). The pattern is stable and of long d uration, and its onset can be traced back a t least to adolescence or earl)' adulthood (Criterion D). The pattern is not better accounled for as a manifestation or consequence of another mental disorder (C riterion E) and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance (e.g ., a drug of abuse, a medication, exposure to a toxin) or a general medical condition (e.g., head trauma) (Criterion F). SpecifiC diagnostic criteria are also provided for each of the Personality Disorders included in this section. The items in the criteria sets for each of the specific Personality Disorders arc listed in order o f decreasing d iagnostic importance as measu red by relevant data on diagnostic efficiency (when available). The diag nosis of Personali ty Disorders requires an evalu ation of the individual's long-term patterns of fun ctioning, and the parlicuJar personality features must be evident by early adulthood . The personality traits that defin e these disorders must also be disting uished from characteristics that emerge in response to specific situational slressors or more transient mental states (e.g., Mood or Anxiety Disorders, Substance Intoxication). The clinician should assess the st.lbility of p ersonality traits over time and across different situations. Although a single interv iew with the person is sometimes sufficient for making the diagnOSiS, it is often necessary to conduct more than one in terview and to space these over ti me. Assessment can also be complicated by the fact tha t the characteristics that define a Personality Di sorder may not be considered problematic by the individ ual (i.e., the traits are often ego-syntonic). To help overcome this difficulty, supplementary information from other informants may be helpful.

Record ing Procedures

Personality Disorders are coded on Axis II. When (as is o ften the case) an individual's pattern of behavior meets criteria for more than one Personality Disorder, the clinician should U all relevant Personality Disorder diagnoses in order of importance. st

Personal ity Disorde rs


When an Axis I disorder is not the principal d iagnosis or the reason fo r visit, the clinidan is encouraged to ind icate w hich Personality Disorder is the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit by noting " Principal Diagnosis" or "Reason for Visit" in parentheses. In most cases, the principal diagnosis or the reason for visit is also the main focus of attention or treatment. Personality Disorder Not O ther wise Specified is the appropriate d iagnosis for a "mixed" presentation in which criteria are not met for any single Personality Disorder b ut fea tures of several Personality Disord ers arc present and involve clinica lly s ignificant impClirment. Specific maladaptive personality traits that do not meet the threshold for a Personality Disorder may also be listed on Axis U. In SUcil ins tances, no specific code should be used; for examp le, the clinician might record "Axis 11: V71.09 No diagnosis on Axis U, histrionic personali ty traits. " The use of particular defense mechanisms may also be indicated on Axis U. For example, a clinician might record " Axis II: 301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder; Frequen t use of deniaL" Glossary definitions for specific defense mechanisms and the Defensive Flmctioning ScClle appear in Appendix B (p.807). When an individu al has a chronic Axis I Psychoti c Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) that was preceded by a preexisting Personality Disorder (e.g., Sch izotypal, Schizoid, Paranoid), the Personality Disorder should be recorded on Axis n, followed by " Premorbid" in parentheses. For example: Axis I: 295.30 Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type; Axis n : 301.20 Schizoid Personality Disorder (premorbid).

Specifi c Cultu re , Age, and Gender Featu res

Judgments about personality functioning must take into account the individual's ethnic, cultu ra l, and social backgTOund. Personality Disorders should not be confused with problems associated with acculturation followin g immigra tion or w ith the expression of habits, customs, or religious and political va lues professed by the individual's culture o f origin . Esp ecially when evaluating someone from a different background, it is u seful for the clin ician to obtain additional information from informants who are familiar with the person 's cultural background. Personality Disorder ca tegories may be applied to children or adolescents in those relatively u nus ual instances in which the individua1's particular maladaptive personality traits ap pear to be pervas ive, pcrsistent, and lmlikcly to be limited to a particular developmen tal s tage or an episod e of an Axis I disorder. It should be recognized that the traits of a Personality Disorder that appear in childhood will often not persist unchanged into adult life. To diagnose a Personality Disorder in an individ ua l w1der age 18 yea rs, the features must h avc been present for at least 1 yea r. The one exception to this is Antisocial Personality Disorder, which cannot be diagnosed in ind ividuals under age 18 years (see p. 701). Although, by definition, a Personalit), Disorder requires an onset no later than early ad ulthood, individuals may not come to cl inical attention u ntil relatively late in life . A Personality Disorder may be exacerbated following the loss of significant supporting persons (e.g., a s pouse) or previously stabilizing social s ituations (e.g., a job). However, thc development of a change in personal ity in middle adulthood or later life warrants a thorough evaluation to determine the possible p resence of a Personality Chan ge Due to CI General ivledical Condi tion or an unrecognized Substance-Related Disorder.


Personality Disorder

Certain Personality Disorders (e.g., Antisocial Personality Disorder) are diagnosed more frequently in men . Others (e.g., Borderline, His trionic, and Dependent Personalit) Disorders) are diagnosed more frequently in women. Although these differences in prevalence probably reflect rea l gender differences in the presence of such patterns, clinicians mus t be cau tious not to overd iagnose or underdiagnose certain Personality Disorders in femal es or in males because of socia l stereotypes about typical gender roles and behaviors.

TIle features of a Personality Disorder usually become recogltizable during adolescence or early adult life. By definition, a Personality Disorder is an enduring pattern of think ing, feeling , and behaving that is relatively stable over time. Some types of Personality Disorder (notably, Antisocial and Borderline Personality Disorders) tend to become less evident or to remit with age, whereas this appears to be less tnle for some other typ es (e.g., Obsessive-Compulsive and Schizotypal Personality Disorders).

Differential Diagnosis
Many of the specific criteria fo r the Personality Disorders d escribe feature s (e.g., suspiciousness, dependency, or insensitivity ) that are also characteristic of episodes of Axis I men ial disorders. A Personality Disorder should be diagnosed only wh en the defining characteristics appeared before early adulthood, are typical of the individual's long-term nmctioning, and do not occur excl usively during an episode of an Axis I d isorder. It may be particularly difficult (and not particularly u seful) to distinguish Personality Disorders from those Axis I disorders (e.g., Dysthymic Disorder) that have an early onset and a chronic, relatively stable course. Some Persona lity Disorders may have a "spcctrum" relationship to particular Axis I cond itions (e.g., Schizotypal Personality Disorder with Schizophrenia; Avoidant Personality Disorder with Social Phobia) based on phenomenological or biological simi larities o r familial aggregation. For the three Personality Disorders that may be related to the Psychoti c Disorders (i.e., Paranoid , Schizoid, and Schizotypal), there is an exclusion criterion stating that the pattern of behavior must not have occurred exclusively d uring the course of Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, or another Psychotic Disorder. When an individual has a chronic Axis I Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) that was preceded by a preexisting Personality Disorder, the Personali ty Disorder should also be recorded, on Axis II, foDowed by "Premorbid" in parentheses. The clinician must be ca utious in djagnosing Personality Disorders du ring an epi sode of a Mood Disorder o r an Anxiety Disorder because these conditions may havf cross-sectional symptom features that m imic persona li ty traits and may make it mOrl difficult to evalua te retrospecti vely the individual 's long-term patterns o f functioning. When personality changes emerge and persist after an individual has been exposed to extreme stress, a diagnosis of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder should be considered (see p . 463). When a person has a Substance-Related Disorder, it is important not to make a Personality Disorder d iagnosis based solely on behaviors that are consequences of Substance Intoxication or Wi thdrawal or that are associated with

Dimensiona l Models fo r Personality Disorders


activities in the service of s us ta ining a dependency (e.g., antisocial behav ior). When enduring changes in personality arise as a res u lt of the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., brain tumor), a diagnos is of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Con dition (p. 187) should be considered. Personality Disorders mus t be distingui shed from personality traits that do not reach the th reshold for a Personali ty Disord er. Personality trai ts are diagnosed as a Persona lity Disorder only when they are inflexible, maladaptive, and persis ting and cause significant functional impairment or subjective dis tress.

General diagnostic criteria for a Personality Disorder

A. An enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from

the expectations of the individual's culture. This pattern is manifested in two (or more) of the foll owing areas:
(1) cognition (i.e., ways of perceiving and int erpreting self, other people, and

events) (2) affectivity (i.e., the range, intensity, lability, and appropriateness of emotional response) (3) interpersonal functioning (4) impulse control
B. The enduring pattern is inflexible and pervasive across a broad range of personal and social situations.
C. The enduring pattern leads to clinically significant distress or impairment in social,

occupational, or other important areas of funct ioning.

D. The pattern is stable and of long duration, and its onset can be traced back at least to adolescence or early adulthood .
E. The enduring pattern is not better accounted for as a manifestation or consequence

of another mental disorder.

F. The enduring pattern is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance

(e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., head trauma).

Dimensional Models for Personality Disorders

The diagnostic approach used in this manual represents the categorical pers pective that Personality Disorders are qualitatively distinct clinical syndromes. An alternative to the categorical approach is the dimensiona l perspective that Personality Dis orders represent ma ladaptive variants of personality trails that merge imperceptibly into normality and into one another. There ha ve been many different attempts to identi fy the mos t fun damental dimensions that lmderlie the entire domain of nomlal and pathological personality functioning. O ne model cons is ts of the fo How ing five di mensions: neuroticis m, introversion vers us extroversion, closedness versus openness to experience, antagonism versus agreeableness, and conscientiousness. Another ap-

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Personality Diso rd ers

p roach is to d escribe more specific areas of personality d ysfun ction , including as many as 15-40 d imensions (e.g., a ffecti ve reactivity. social apprehensiveness, cognitive dis tortion, impulsivity, insincerity, self-centeredness). Other dimensional models that h ave been p roposed include positive affecti vity , nega tive affectivity. and cons traint; novelty seeking, rewa rd d ependen ce, harm avo id ance, persistence, self-

directedness, cooperativeness. and self- transcendence; power (dominance "5. submission) and affiJi ation (love "s. hate); and pleasure seeking versus pain avoidance, passive accommoda tion versus active modification, and self-propagation versus o ther nurturance. The DSM-IV Personality Disorder clu sters (i.e., odd-eccentric, dramatic-emotionaL and anxious-fearfu l) may also be viewed as dimensions representing sp ectra of person ali ty dysfun ction on a continuum with Axis I mental d isorders. The alternative d imensional models share much in common and together appear to cover the impo rtant areas of personali ty d ysfun ction. Their integration, clinica l u tility, and relationship with the Personality Disorder diagnostic ca tegories and various asp ects o f personality dysfunction are under active inves tigation.

Cluster A Personality Disorders


Paranoid Personality Disorder

Diagnosti c Features
The essential fea ture of Paranoid Personality Disord er is a p allern of pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of o thers such that their motives are interpreted as m alevolent. This pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a va riety of con texts. Individuals with th is d isorder asswne that other people will exploit, harm, or deceive them, even if no ev id ence exists to support this exp ectation (Criterion AI ). They suspect on the basis of li ttle or no evidence th at o thers a re p lotting again st them and may a ttack them suddenly, at any time and w ithout rea son. They often feel tha t they have been d eep ly and irreversibly injured by another person o r persons even when there is no objective evidence for this. They are preoccupied with unjustified d oubts about the loyalty or trustworth iness of their friends an d associates, whose actions are mi nutely scrutin ized for evidence of h ostile inten tions (Criterion A2). Any p erceived d eviation from trustworthiness or loyalty serves to support their underlying assu mptions. They are so amazed when a friend or associate shows loyalty that they cannol trust or believe it . It they get into trouble, they expect that fri ends and associates wil either a ttack or ignore them . lnd ividuals with this d isorder are relu ctant to confide in or become close to other becau se they fear that the informa tion they share w ill be used against them (C riterio; A3). They may refuse to answer personal q uestions, saying th at the info nnation is "nobody's business." They read hidden meanin gs that a re d emeaning and threa tening in to benign remarks o r even ts (Criterion A4). For example, an individual w ith this d isorder may misinterpret an honest m istake by a store clerk as a deliberate attempt to Shortchange or may view a casual hu morous remark by a co-worker as a serious


Paranoid Persona lity Disorder


character attack. Compliments are often m isi nterpreted (e.g., a compliment on a new acqu isi tion is m.isinterp reted as a criticism fo r selfishness; a compliment on an accomplishment is misinterpreted as an attempt to coerce more and better performance). They may view an offer of help as a criticism that they are not doing well enough on their own. Individuals with this disorder persistently bear grudges and are unwilling to forgive the insults, injuries, or slights that they think they have received (Criterion AS). r slights arouse major hostility, and the hostile feelings persist for a long time. Because they are constantly vigilant to the hannful intentions of o thers, they very often feel that their character or reputation has been attacked or that they have been slighted in some other way. They are quick to counterattack and react with anger to perceived insults (Criterion A6). Individuals with this d isorder may be pathologically jealous, often suspecting that their spouse or sexual pa rtner is unfaithful without any adequ ate ju stification (Criterion A7). They may ga ther trivial and circumstantia l "evidence" to support their jealous beliefs. They want to maintai n complete control of intimate rela tionships to avoid being betrayed and may constantly question and challenge the whereabouts, actions, intentions, and fidelity of their spouse or partner. Paranoid Personality Disorder sh ould not be d iagnosed if the pattern of behavior occurs exclusively d uring the course of Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Fea tures, or another Psychotic Disorder or if it is due to the direct physiological effects of a neurolog ical (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy) or other general medical condition (Criterion B).

Associated Features and Disorders

Indiv iduals with Paranoid Personality Disorder are genera lly difficult to get along with and often have problems w ith close rela tionships. TIleir excessive suspiciousness and hostility may be expressed in overt argumentativeness, in recurrent complaining, or by quiet, apparently hostile aloofness. Because they are hypervigilant fo r poten tial threats, they may act in a guarded, secretive, or devious manner and appear to be "cold " and lacking in tender feelings. Although they rna)' appear to be objective, rational, and unemotional, they more often display a labile range of affect, with hostile, stubbo rn, and sarcastic expressions predominating. Thei r combative and sus piciOllS nature may elicit a hostile response in others, which then serves to confirm their origina l expectations. Because individuals with Paranoid Personali ty Disorder lack trust in others, they have an excessive need to be self-sufficient and a strong sense of autonomy. They also need to have a high d egree of control over those around them . They are often rigid, critical o f others, and unable to collaborate, although they ha ve great difficulty accepting criticism themselves. They may b lame o thers for their own shortcomings. Because of their quickness to counterattack in response to the threa ts they perceive around them, they may be litigious and frequently become involved in legal disputes. Indh,jd uals with this d isorder seek to confirm their preconceived negative notions regardi ng peop le or sihlations they encounter, attr ibuting malevolen t motivations to others tha t are projections of their own fears. They may exhibit thinly hidden, unrealistic grandiose fantasies, are often attuned to issues of powe r and rank, and tend to develop nega tive stereotyp es of others, particularly those frOIll population groups


Personality Diso rders

dis tinct from their own. Attracted by simplis tic formulations of the world, they are

often wary of ambiguous situations. They may be perceived as "fanatics" and form tightly knit "cults" or groups w ith others who share their paranoid belief systems.
Particularly in response to s tress, individuals with this disorder may experience very brief psychotic episodes (lasti ng minutes to hours). In some instances. Pa ranoid

Personality Disorder may appear as the premorbid antecedent of Delusional Disord er or Schizophrenia. Individuals w ith this d isorder may d evelop Major Depressive Disorder and may be at increased risk for Agoraphobia and O bsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Alcohol and other Substance Abuse or Dependence frequently occur. TIle most common co-occurring Personality Disorders appear to be Schizotypa l, Schizo id, Narcissistic, Avoidant, and Borderline.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Some behav iors that a re influenced by sociocultural contexts or specific life circumstances may be erroneously labeled paranoid and may even be reinforced by the p rocess of clinical evaluation. tvlembers o f minority groups, immigrants, politica l and economic refu gees, or individ uals of d ifferent ethnic background s may display g uarded o r d efensive behavio rs due to unfamiliarity (e.g., language barriers or lack of knowledge o f rules and regulations) or in response to the perceived neglect or indifference of the majority society. These behavio rs can, in turn, generate anger and frustra tion in those who deal wi th these indi viduals, thus setting up a vicious cyd e of mutual mistrust, which should not be confused w ith Paranoid Persona lity Disorder. Some elhnic g roups also display culturally related behavio rs tha t can be misin terpreted as paranoid. Paranoid Persona lit), Disorder may be first apparent in childhood and adolescence with solitariness, poor peer relationships, social anxiety, und erachievement in school, hypersensitivity, peculiar though ts and language, and idiosyncratic fanta sies. These children may appear to be "odd " or "eccen tric" and attract teasing. In clinical samples, this d isorder appears to be more commonJy diagnosed in males.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Paranoid Personality Disorder has been reported 10 be 0.5%-2.5% in the genera l popu lation, 10%-30% among those in inpatient psychiatric settings, and 2%- 10% among th ose in outpatient mental health clinics.

Fam ilia l Pattern

There is some evidence for an increased prevalence of Paranoid Personalit}' Disorder in relatives o f proband s w ith chronic Schizophrenia and for a more specific familia l relationship w ith Delu sional Disorder, Persecu tory Type.

Differenti al Diagnosis
Paranoid Personali ty Disorder can be distinguished from De lusional Disord er, Persecutory Type, Schizophren ia, Paranoid Type, and Mood Disorder With Psych otic

301 .0

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Features because these disorders are all characterized by a period of persistent p sychotic symptoms (e.g., delusions and hallucinations). To give an additional diagnosis of Parruloid Persona lity Disorder, the Perso nality Disorder m~l s t ha ve been p resent before the onset o f psycho tic symptoms and must persist when the p sychotic symploms are in remission. \o\'hen an individual has a chronic Axis I Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) that was preceded by Paranoid Personality Disord er, Paranoid Personality Disorder shou ld be recorded on Axis II, follow ed by " Premorbid" in parentheses. Paranoid Personality Diso rder must be distinguished from Personalily Change Due to a Gene ral Medical Co ndition, in which tJle traits emerge due to the d irect effec ts of a general m edical condition on the central nervous system. It must also be dis tinguished from symptoms that may develop in association with chronic sub stance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). Finally, it must also be distinguished from paranoid traits associated with the development of physical handicaps (e.g., a hearing impairment). Other Personality Di sorders may be confused w ith Paranoid Personality Disorder because they have certain featu res in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these d isorders based on d ifferences in their characteristic fea tures. However, if an individual ha s personality features tha t meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in addition to Paranoid Personali ty Disorder, all can be diagnosed. Paran oid Personality Disorder and Schizotypal Personality Disorder share the tra its of suspiciousness, interpersonal aloofness, and paranoid ideation, but Schizotypal Personality Disorder also includes symptoms such as magical thinking, unusual perceptual experiences, and odd thinking and speech. Individ uals with behaviors that meet criteria for Schizoid Personality Disorder are o ft en perceived as strange, eccentric, cold , and a loof, but they d o not usually have prom inen t paranoid ideation. The tendency of indi viduals with Paranoid Personality Disord er to react to minor stimuli with anger is also seen in Borderline and Histrioni c Personality Disorders. However, these disorders are not necessarily associa ted w ith pervasive sus piciousness. People w ith Avoidant Personality Disorder may also be reluclant to confide in others, but mo re because of a fear of being embarrassed or found inade quate than fro m fear of others' malicious in tent. Although antisocial behavior may be presen t in some indiv idua ls wi th Paranoid Personality Disorder, it is not usually motivated by a desire for personal gain or to exploit others as in Antisocial Personali ty Diso rder, but rather is more often due to a desire for revenge. Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may occaSionally dis p lay suspiciou sness, social withdrawal, or alienation, bu t this d erives primarily from fears of having their imperfections or fl aws revealed . Paranoid traits may be adaptive, particularly in threaten ing environments. Para~ noid Personality Diso rder should be diagn osed only wh en these traits are in fl exible, maladaptive, and persisting ruld cause sig nificant ftm ctional impairment or subjective distress.


Persona lit y Diso rde rs

Diagnostic criteria for 301.0 Paranoid Personality Disorder

A. A pelVasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent, begi nn ing by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by f our (or more) of the fol lowing:

(1) suspects, without sufficient basis, that others are exploiting, harming, or deceiving him or her

(2) is preoccupied with unjustified doubts about the loyalty or trustworthiness of friends or associates (3) is reluctant to confid e in others because of unwarranted fear that the information will be used maliciously against him or her
(4) reads hidden demeaning or threatening mean ings into benign remarks or

events (5) persistently bears grudges, i.e., is unforgiving of insults, injuries, or slights (6) perceives attacks on his o r her character or reputation that are not apparent to others and is quick to react angrily or to counterattack (7) has recurrent suspicions, without justification, regarding f idelity of spouse or sexual partner B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychot ic Features, or anot her Psychotic Disorder and is not d ue to the direct physiological effects of a gene ral medical conditio n.

Note: If criteria a re met prior to the onset of Sch izophrenia, add " Premorbid, " e.g., "Paranoid Personality Disorder (Premorbid). "

301.20 Schizoid Personality Disorder

Diag nosti c Features
The essential feature o f Schizoid Personality Disorder is a pervasivc pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings. This pattern begins by ea rly adulthood and is presen t in a variety of contexts. Individuals with Schizoid Personality Disorder appear to lack a desire for intimacy, seem indifferent to opportunities to develop close relationships, and do not seem to derive mudl sa tisfaction from being pa rt of a famil y o r other social group (Criterion Al ). They prefer s pending time by themselves, rather than being w ith other people. They often appear to be socially isolated or "loners" and almost always dlOose solitary activities or hobbies tha t do not include interaction with others (Criterion A 2). They prefer mechanical or abstract tasks, such as computer or mathematical games. Thc)' rna)' have very little in terest in having sexual experiences with another person (Criterion A3) and take p leasure in few, if any, activities (Criterion At). There is usually a reduced experience of pleasure from sensory, bodily, or interpersonal ex periences, such as walki ng on a beach at sunset or having sex. These individuals havt


Schizoid Perso nal ity Disorder


no close friends or confidants, except possibly a first-degree rela tive (C riterion AS). Individuals w ith Schizoid Personali ty Disorder often seem indifferent to the approva l or criticism of others and d o not appea r to be bothered by wh at others may think of them (Criterion A6). They may be oblivious to the normal subtleties of social intemction and often do not respond appropria tely to socia l cues so that they seem socially inept or superficial and self-absorbed . They usually d isplay a "bland" exterior without visible emotional reactivity and rarely reciprocate gestures or facial expressions, such as sm iles or n od s (Criterion A7). They cla im that they ra rely experience strong emotions such as anger and joy. They often d isp lay a constricted affect and appear cold and aloof. However, in those very unusual circumstances in which these individua ls become at least temporarily comfortable in revealing themselves, they may acknowledge having painful feelings, particularly related to social interactions. Schizoid Personality Disorder should not be diagnosed if the pattern of behavior occurs excl usively during the course of Schizophrenia, a Mood Di sorder With Psychotic Featu res, another Psychotic Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder or if it is due to the d irect physiological effects o f a neurological (e.g., temporal lobe epilepsy) or other general medical cond ition (Criterion B).

Associated Features and Disorde rs

lndivid\la ls Witil Schizoid Personality Disorder may have particular difficulty expressing anger, even in res ponse to direct provocation, which contributes to the impression tha t they lack emotion. Their lives sometimes seem d irectionless, and they may appear to "drift" in their goals. Such individuals often react passively to adverse circum stances and have d ifficulty responding appropriately to important life events. Because of their lack of soci al skills and lack of desire for sexual experiences, individua ls w ith this di sord er have few friend ships, date infrequently, and often do not marry. Occupa tional functioning may be impaired, particularly if interpersonal in\'olvement is required, but individuals with this disorder may do w eD when they work under condHions of social isola tion. Particularly in response to stress, ind ividua ls with this disord er may experience very brief psychotic episodes (lasting minutes to hours) . In some instances, Schizoid Personal ity Disorder may appear as the premorbid antecedent of Delusional Disorder or Schizophrenia. Individuals with thi s disorder may sometimes develop Major Depressive Disorder. Schizoid Personality Disorder most often co-occurs wi th Schizotypal, Paranoid , and Avoidan t Personality Disorders.

Specific Cu lture, Age, and Gender Features

Indi viduals from a variety of cultura l backgrowlds sometimes exhibit defensive behaviors and interpersonal sty les that may be erroneously labeled as schizoid . For example, those who have moved from rural to metropolitan emironments may react with "emotional freezing" tha t may last for se\'era l months and be manifested by solitary activities, constricted affect, and other d efi cits in communication . Immigrants from other countries are sometimes mistakenly perceived as cold, hostile. o r indifferent. Sch izoid Personality Disorder ma y be firs t apparent in childhood and adolescence


Perso na lity Disorders

w ith solitariness, poor peer relationships, and underachievement in school, which mark these children or adolescents as different and make them subject to teasing.

Schizoid Personality Disorder is diagnosed slightly more often in males and may cause more impairment in them .

Schizoid Personality Disorder is u ncommon in clinica l settings.

Fam ili a l Patte rn

Schizoid Persona lity Disorder may ha ve increased prevalence in the relatives of individuals with Schizophrenia or Schizot}'pal Personality Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Schizoid Personality Disorder can be distinguis hed from Delus ional Disord er,
Schizophrenia, and Mood Disorder With Psychot ic Features because these disorders are aU characterized by a period of persistent p sychotic symptoms (e.g., delusions and hallucinations). To give an additional diagnosis of Schizoid Personality Disorder, the Personality Disorder must have been present before the onset of psychotic symptoms and must persist when the p sychotic symptoms are in remission. When an indiv idual has a chronic Axis ' Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) that was preceded by Schizoid Personality Disorder, Sch izoid Personality Disorder should be recorded. on Axis Il followed by " Premorbid" in pa rentheses. There may be great difficulty d ifferentiating ind ividuals w ith Schizoid Personality Disorder from those with milder forms o f Autistic Disorder an d from those w ith As perger's D isorder. Milder fo mls of Autistic Disorder and Asperger' s Disorder are differentiated by more severely impaired social in teraction and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Schizoid Personality Disorder must be distinguished from Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition, in which the traits emerge d u e to the direet effeets of a general medical condition on the central nervous system . It must also be distinguished from symptom s that may d evelop in association with ch ronic substance use (e.g., Cocaine-Rela ted Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). Other Personality Disorders may be confused w ith Schizoid Personality Disorder because they have certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these disorders based on d ifferences in their characteristic features. H owever, if an individual has persona li ty features tha t meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in addition to Schizoid Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed . Although characteristics of social isolation and restricted affectivity are common to Schizoid, Schizotypal, and Paranoid Personality Disord ers, Sch izoid Personality Disorder can be distinguished from SchizotypaJ Personality Di sorder by the lack of cognitive and perceptual distortions and from Paranoid Person ality Disorder by the lack of suspiciousness and paran oid ideation. TIle social isolation of Schizoid Person al ity Disorder can be d istinguished from that of Avoidant Personality Disorder, which is due to fear of being embarrassed or found inadequate and excessive antid


5chizotypa l Personality Diso rder

697 1

pation of rejection. In contras t, people with Schizoid Personality Disorder have a more pervasive detachment and limited desire for social intimacy. Individuals with Obsessive-Com pulsive Personality Disorder may also show an apparent social detachment s temming from devotion to work and discomfort w ith emotions, but they do have an underlying capacity for intimacy. ind ividuals who are "loners" may display personality traits that might be considered schizoid . Only w hen these traits a re inflexible and maladaptive and ca use significant flU1ctional impainnent o r subjective distress do they cons titute Schizoid Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for 301.20 Schizoid Pers onality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in interpersonal settings, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) neither desires nor enjoys close relationships, including being part of a family almost always chooses solitary activities has little, if any, interest in having sexual experiences with another person takes pleasure in few, if any, activities lacks close friends or confidants other than first-deg ree relatives appea rs indifferent to the praise or criticism of others shows emotiona l coldness, detachment, or flattened affectivity

B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of Sch izophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, another Psychotic Disorder. or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder and is not due to the direct physiol ogical effects of a general medical condition. Note: If criteria are met prior to the onset of Schizophrenia. add "Premorbid," e.g ., ~ Schizoid Personality Disorder (Premorbid)."

3 01. 22

Schizotypal Pe rsonality Disorder

Diagnosti c Features
The essential feature of Schizot)'pal Personality Disorder is a pen'asive pattern of social and in terpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships as well as by cognitive or perceptual d istortions and eccentrici ties o f behavior. This pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. Individua ls with Schizo!")'pa! Personal ity Disorder often ha ve ideas of reference (i.e., incorrect interpretations of casual incidents and external events as having a particu lar and unus ual meaning speci ficall y for the person) (Criterion A 1). These should be dis tinguished fro m delusions o f reference, in which the beliefs are held with delusiona l conviction. These individuals may be superstitious or preoccupied with paranormal phenomena that are outside the norms of their s ubculture (Criterion A2).

Personality Disorders They may feel that they have special powers to sense events before they happen or to read others' thoughts. They may believe that they have magical control over others, which can be implemented directly (e.g., believing that their spouse's taking the dog oul for a walk is the d irect result of thinking an hour earlier it should be done) or indirectly through compliance with magical rituals (e.g., walking pas t a specific object three times to avoid a certain harmful outcome) . Perceptual alterations may be p resent (e.g., sensing that another person is present or hearing a voice murmuring his or her name) (Criterion A3). Their speech may include unusual or idiosyncratic phrasing and construction. It is often loose, digressive, or vague, bu t without actual derailment or incoherence (Criterion A4). Respon ses can be either overly concrete or overly abstract, and words or concepts are sometimes applied in unusual ways (e.g., the person may s tate that he o r sh e was not "talkable" at work). Individuals w ith this d isorder are often s uspicious and may h ave paranoid idea tion (e.g., believing their colleagues at work a re intent on underm ining their reputation with the boss) (Criterion AS). They are u sually not able to negotiate the hl ll range of affects and interpersonal cuing required for successful relationships and thus often appear to interact with others in an inappropriate, stiff, or constricted fa shion (Criterion A6). These individuals are often considered to be odd or eccentric because of unu sual m anneris ms, an often unkempt manner of dress that does not quite " fit together," and inattention to the usual social conventions (e.g., the person may avoid eye contact, wear clothes that are ink stained and ill-fitting, and be unable to join in the give-and-take banter of co-workers) (Criterion A7). Individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder experience interpersonal relatedness as problematic and are uncomfortable relating to other people. Although they may express unhappiness about their lack of relationships, their behavior s uggests a decreased desire for intimate contacts. As a result, they us ually have no or few dose friend s or confidants other than a first-degree relati ve (Criterion A8). They are anxious in social situations, particularly those involv ing unfamiliar people (Criterion A9). They will interact w ith other p eople when they have to, but prefer to keep to themselves because they feel that they are different and just do not " fit in. " Their social anxiety does n ot easily aba te, even w hen they s pend more time in the setting or become more fami liar with the other people, because their anxiety tends to be associated with s uspiciousness regarding others' motivations. For example, w hen attend ing a dinner party, the individual with Schizot)'pal Personality Disorder will nol become more relaxed as time goes on, but rather may become increasingly tense and

Schizotypal Personality Disorder should not be diagnosed if the pa ttern of beha\'ioroccurs exclusively during the course of Sch izophrenia, a Mood Disorder W ith Psychotic Features, another PsychotiC Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Di sorder (Criterion B).

Associated Features and Diso rders

indiv id uals with Schizotypa l Personality Disorder often seek treatment for the associated symptoms of anxiety, depression, or o ther d ysphoric affects rather than for the personality disorder fea tu res per se. Particularly in response to s tress, individ uals w ith Ihis disorder may experience transient psychotic episodes (lasting minutes to

301.22 Schizotypal Persona lity Oisorder

hours), alth ough they usually a re insufficient in duration to warrant an additional diagnosis such as Brief Psychotic Disorder or Sch izophreniform Disorder. In some cases, clinically significant psychotic sym p toms may develop that meet criteria fo r Brief PSydlOtiC Disorder, SChizophreniform Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Schizophrenia . Over hali may have a history of at least one Major Depressive Episode. From 30% to 50% of individuals diagnosed w ith this disorder have a concurrent d iagnosis of Major Depressive Disord er when admitted to a clinical setting. There is con sider able co-occurrence with Schizoid, Paranoid, Avoidant, and Borderline Personali ty Disorders.

Specifi c Cult ure, Age, and Gender Features

Cognitive and perceptual distortions must be evaluated in the context of the individ ua\'s cultural milieu . Pervasive culturally determined characteristics, particula rly those regarding religious beliefs and ritual s, can appear to be schizotypal to the uninformed outsider (e.g., voodoo, speaking in tongues, life beyond death , shamanism, mind read ing, sixth sense, evil eye, and magical beliefs related to health and illness). Schizoty pal Personality Disorder may be first apparent in childhood and adolescence w ith solitariness, poor peer relationships, social anxiety, underachievement in school, hypersensitivity, peculiar thoughts and language, and bizarre fantasies. These children may app ea r "odd " or "eccentric" and attract teasing. Schizotypa l Personal ity Disorder may be slightly more common in males .

Prevale nce
Schizotypal Personality Disorder has been reported to occu r in approximately 3% of the general population.

Cou rse
Schizotypal Personality Disorder has a relatively stable course, with only a small p roportion of individuals going on to d evelop Schizophrenia o r another Psychotic Dis order.

Fam ilia l Pattern

Schizotypal Personality Disord er appears to aggregate familia lly and is more p revalent among the fustdegree biological relati ves of indiv idua ls with Schizophrenia than among the general popula tion. There may also be a modest increase in Schizophren ia and other Psychotic Disorders in the relatives of probands with Schizotypal Personality Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis
Schi zotypal Personali ty Disorder can be distinguished from Delusional Disord er, Schi zophrenia, and Mood Disorde r Wi th Psych otic Features because these disor ders are all d laracterized by a period of persistent psychotic symptoms (e.g., delu


Pe rso na lity Disorders

sicns and hallucinations}. To give an additional d iagnosis of Schizotypai Personality Disorder, the Personality Disorder must have been present before the onset of psychotic symptoms and persis t when the psychotic sym ptoms are in remission. When an ind ividual has a chronic Axis I Psychotic Disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia) that was preceded by Schizotyp al Personality Disorder, Schizotyp al Personality Disorder should be recorded on Axis II followed by "Premorbid " in p arentheses. There may be g reat difficulty differentiating child ren with SchizotypaJ Personality Disorder from the heterogeneous group of solitary, odd children whose behavior is characterized by marked social isolation, eccentricity, or pecu liarities of language and whose diagnoses would probably include milder fonns of A utis tic Di sorder, Asperget's Disorder, and Expressive and M ixed Receptive-Expressive Lang uage Disorders_ Communi cation Disorders may be di fferen tiated by the primacy and severity of the d isorder in language accom panied by compensatory efforts by the child to communicate by other means (e.g., gestures) and by the characteristic features of impaired language found in a specialized language assessment. Milder form s of Autistic Disorder and Asperger's Disorder are d ifferen tiated by the even gre,1ter lack of social awareness and emotional reciprocity and stereotyped behaviors and interests. Schizotypal Personality Disord er mus t be d is tinguished from Personality Change Due to a G eneral M edical Condition, in w hich the traits emerge due to the direct effects of a general med ical condition on the cen tral nervous system. It must also be distinguished from symptoms that may d evelop in associ ation with chroni c substance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder No t Othenvise Specified ). O ther Personality Disorders may be confused w ith Schizotypal Personality Disorder because they h ave certain features in common. It is, therefore, importan t to distinguish among these disorders based on differences in their characteristic features. However, if an individual has personality featu res that meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in addition to Schizotypal Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed . Although Paran oid an d Schizoid Person ality Disorders may also be characterized by social detachment and res tricted affect, Schizotypal Personality Disorder can be d istinguis hed from these hvo diagnoses by the presence of cognitive or perceptual dis tor tions and marked eccentricity or oddness. Close relationships are limited in both Schizotypal Personality Disorder and Avoidant Personali ty Di sord er; however, in Avoid an t Personali ty Disorder an active des ire for relationships is cons trained by a fear of rejection, w h ereas in SchizotypaJ Personality Disorder there is a lack of desire for relationships and persisten t d etachment. Individuals w ith Nardss istic Person ality Disorder may also d isp lay su sp iciousness, social withdrawal, or alienation, but in N arcissistic Person ality Disorder these qualities derive primarily from fears of having imperfections or flaws revealed . Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder may also h ave transient, psydlOtic-like symptoms, bu t these are usu ally more closely related to affective shifts in response to s tress (e.g ., intense anger, anxiety, or disappoin tment) and are usually more dissocia tive (e.g., d erealization or depersonalization). In contrast, individuals with Schizotypal Personality Disorder are more likely to have end uring psychotic-like symptoms that may worsen wlder stress but are less likely to be in variably associa ted with pronounced affective symptoms. Although social isolation may occur in Borderline Personality Disorder, this is usually secondary to repeated in terpersonal failures due to angry outbursts

Cluster B Person alit y Disorders


and frequent mood shifts, rather than a result of a persistent lack of social contacts and desire for intimacy. Furthermore, individuals w ith Schizotypal Personality Disorder do not usua lly demonstra te the impu lsive or manipulative behaviors of the individual with Borderline Personality Disorder. H oweve r, there is a high rate of cooccurrence behveen the two disorders, so that making such dis tinctions is not always feasib le. Sch izotypal fea tures during adolescence may be reflective of trans ie nt emotional htrmoil, rather than an enduring personality disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for

301.22 Schizotypal Personality Disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of social and interpersonal deficits marked by acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, dose relationships as well as by cognitive or perceptua l distortions and eccentricities of behavior, beginning by early adult hood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the follow ing:


(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

ideas of reference (exduding delusions of reference) odd beliefs or magical thinking that influences behavior and is inconsistent with subcultural norms (e.g., superstitiousness, belief in clairvoyance, telepathy, or "sixth sense"; in children and adolescents, bizarre fantasies or preoccupations) unusual perceptual experiences, induding bodily illusions odd thinking and speech (e.g ., vague, circumst antial, metapho rical. overelaborate, or stereotyped) suspiciousness or paranoid ideation inappropriate or constricted affect behavior or appearance that is odd, eccentric, or peculiar lack of close friends or confidants other than first-degree relatives excessive social anxiety that does not dimi nish with familiarity and tends to be associated with paranoid fears rather tha n negative judgments about self

B. Does not occur exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia, a Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, another Psychotic Disorder, or a Pervasive Developmental Disorder. Note: If criteria are met prior to the onset of Schizophrenia, add gPremorbid, " e.g., "Schizotypal Personality Disorder (Premorbid).

Cluster B Personality Disord ers


Antisocial Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Featu res

The essential feature o f Antisodal Personality Disorder is a pervasive pattern of disregard for, and violation of, the rights of others that begins in childhood or early adolescence and continues into adulthood.


Pe rso nality Disorders

This pattern has also been referred toas psychopa thy, sociopathy, or dyssociaJ personality disorder. Because decei t and manipul ation arc central features of Antisocial Personality Disord er, it may be especially helpful to integrate information acquired from systematic clinical assessment with information collected from collateral sources, For this diagnosis to be given, the ind ividu al mus t be at least age 18 years (Criterion B) and must have had a history of some symptoms of Cond uct Disorder before age 15 years (Criterion C). Conduct Disorder involves a repetitive and persis tent pattern of behavior in w hich the basic rights of others or major age-appropriate societal norms o r rules are violated. The specific behaviors cha racteristic of Conduct Disorder fall into one of four categories: aggression to people and animals, destruction of property, deceitfulness or theft, or serious viola tion of rules. These are described in more detail on p. 93. The paHern of antisocial behavior continues into adulthood. lndividuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder fa U to conform to social norms with respect to law ful behavior (Criterion AI). They may repea ledly perform acls thai are g rounds fo r arrest (whether they are arrested or not), su ch as destroying property, harassing others, stealing, or pursuing illegal occu pations. Persons with this d isorder disregard the wishes, rights, or feeling s of others. They are frequently deceitful and manipu lative in order to gain personal profit or pleasure (e.g., to obtain money, sex, or power) (Criterion A2). They may repeatedly lie, use an aJias, can others, or malinger. A pallern of impulsivity may be manifested by a fa ilure to plan ahead (Cri terion A3). Decisions are made on the spur of the moment, w ithout foreth ought, and withou t consideration for the consequences to self or others; this may lead to sudden changes of jobs, residences, or relationships. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder tend to be irritable and aggressive and may repealedly get into physical fights or commi t acts of physical assault (including spou se beating or child bea ting) (C riterion A4). Aggressive acts that are required to defend onesel f or someone else are not considered to be evidence for this item. These individuals also d isplay a reckless disregard for the safety of themselves or others (Criterion AS). ntis may be evidenced in their driving behavior (recurrent speeding, driving w hile intoxicated, multiple accidents). They rna} engage in sexual behav ior or substance use that has a h igh risk for hannful consequences. They may neglect o r fail to care for a child in a way that puts the child in d anger. Individuals wi th Antisodal Personali ty Disorder also lend to be consistently and ex tremely irresponsible (Criterion A6). Irresp onsible work behavior may be indicated by Significant periods of unemployment des pite available job opportunities, or by abandonment of several jobs without a realistic plan for getting another job. There may also bea pattern of repeated absences from work that are not explained by illness either in themselves or in their famil y. Financial irresponsibility is indicated by acts such as defaulting on debts, failin g to prmride child support, or failing to support other dependents on a regular basis. Indiv iduaJs with Antisocial Personality Disorder show little remorse for the consequences of their aels (Criterion A7). They may be ind ifferent to, o r provide a su perficial rational.ization for, having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from someone (e.g., "life's unfair," "losers deserve to lose," or "he had it com ing anyway"). These ind i\riduals may blame the victims for being foolish, helpless, or d eserving their fate; they may minimize the harmful consequences of their actions; or they may simply indicate complete indifference. They generally fail to compensate

301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder

703 1

or make amends for their behavior. They may believe that everyone is ou t to "help number one" and that one should stop at nothing to avoid being pushed around. The antisocial behavior must not occur exclusively during the course o f Schizo-phrenia or a Manic Episode (Criterion D).

Associated Features and Disorders

Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder frequentl}' lack empathy and tend to be callou s, cyn ical, and contemptuous of the feelings, rights, and sufferings of others. They may have an inflated and arrogant self-appraisal (e.g ., feel that ordinary work is beneath them or lack a realistic concern about their current problems or their fu ture) and may be excessively opinionated, self-assured, or cocky. They may display a glib, superficial chann and can be quite voluble and verhally facile (e.g., using technica l tenns or jargon that might impress someone who is unfamiliar wi th the topic). Lack of empathy, inflated self-appra isal, and superficial charm are feahlres that have been commonly included in traditional conceptions of psychopathy thai may be particuJarly distinguishing of the disorder and more predictive of recidivism in prison or forensic settings w here criminal, delinquenl, or aggressive acts are likel}' to be nonspecific. These individuals ma y also be irresponsible and exp loitative in their sexual relationships. They may have a history of many sexual partners and may never have sustained a monogamous relationship. They may be irresponsible as parents, as evidenced by malnutrition of a child, an illness in the child resulting from a lack of minimal hygiene, a child 's dependence on neighbors or nonresident relatives for food or shelter, a failure to arrange for a caretaker for a young child when the individual is away from home, or repeated squandering of money required for household necessities. These individuals may receive dish onorable discharges from the armed services, may fail 10 be self-supporting, may become impoverished or even homeless, or may spend many years in penal institutions. Individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder are more likely than people in the general population to die prematurely by violent means (e.g., suicide, accidents, and homicides). Individuals w ith this disorder may also experience d ysphoria, including complaints of tension, inability to to lerate boredom, and depressed mood . They may have associated Anxiety Disorders, Depressive Disorders, Substance-Related Disorders, Somatization Disorder, Pathological Gambling, and other disorders of impulse control. Individuals wi th Antisocial Personality Disorder also often have personality features that meet criteria for other Personality Di sorders, particularly Borderline, Histrionic, and Narcissistic Personality Disorders. The likelihood of developing Antisocial Personality Disorder in adult life is increased if the indi vidual experienced an early onset of Conduct Disorder (before age 10 years) and accompanying AttentionDeficit / Hyperactivi ty Disorder. Child abuse or neg lect, unstable or erratic parenting, or inconsistent parental discipline may increase the likelihood that Conduct Disorder will evolve into Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Antisocial Personality Disorder appears to be associated wilh low socioeconomic status and urban settings. Concerns have been raised that the diagnosis ma y at times be


Persona lity Disorders

misa pplied to individua ls in settings in which seemingly antisocial behavior may be part of a protective survival strategy. In assessing antisocial traits, it is helpful for the
clinician to consider the social and economic context in which the behaviors occur. By definition, Antisocial Personality cannot be diagnosed before age 18 years. Antisocial Personality Disorder is much more common in males than in fema les. There has been some concern that Antisocia l Personality Disorder may be u nderd iagnosed in fe males, particularly because of the emphasis on aggressive items in the definition of Cond uct Disord er.

Preva lence
The overa ll prevalence of Antisocial Persona lity Disorder in community samples is
about 3% in males and about 1% in females. Prevalence es timates within clin ical settings have varied fro m 3% to 30%, depending on the predominant characteristics of the pop ulations being sampled . Even higher prevalence ra tes are associa ted w ith s ubstance abuse trea tment settings and prison or forensic settings.

Co u rse
An tisocial Personality Disorder has a chronic course bu t may become less evident or remit as the indi\'idual grows older, particuJarly by the fourth decade of life. Although this remission tends to be particularly evident w ith respect to engaging in criminal behavior, there is likely to be a decrease in the fu ll spectrum o f an tisocial behav iors and s ubstan ce u se.

Famili al Pattern
Antisocial Persona li ty Disorder is mo re common among the fi rst-degree b iological rela tives of those w ith the d isorder than among the general pop uJation . The risk to biological relatives of fem ales w ith the disorder tend s to be h igher than the risk to biological rela tives of males with the d isord er. Biological rela tives of persons with this d isorder are a lso at increased risk for Somatization Disorder and Subs tance-Related Disorders. Within a fami ly that has a member with Antisocial Personality Disorder, males more often have Antisocial Personality Di sorder an d Subs tance-Related Disorders, w hereas females m ore o ften have Somatization Disord er. However, in such families, there is an increase in p revalence of all of these d isorders in both males and fem ales compared with the general p opulation . Adoption s tudies indicate that both genetic and env ironmental factors con lTibute to the ris k of this group of disorders. Both ad opted and biological children of parents with Antisocial Personality Disorder have an increased risk of d eveloping Antisocial Personality Disorder, Somatization Disorder, and Subs tance-Related Disorders. Ad opted-away children resemble their biological p arents more than their adoptive parents, but the adop tive fam ily en vironment influ ences the ris k of d evelop ing a Personality Disorder and related psychop athology.


Ant iso ci a l Pe rsona lity Disorder


Differential Diagnosis
The d iagnosis of Antisocial Personali ty Disord er is not given to individ uals under age 18 years and is given only if there is a his tory of some symptoms of Conduct Disorder befo re age 15 years. For individ uals over age 18 years, a d iagnosis o f Conduct Disorder is given only if the criteria fo r Antisocial Personality Disorder are not met. When antisocial behavior in an adult is associated with a Substance-Related Disorde r, the diagnosis of Antisocial Personality Disorder is not made unless the signs of Antisocial Personality Disorder were also p resent in childhood and have continued into adulthood. 'When substance use and antisocial behavior both began in childhood and contin ued into adulthood, both a Substance-Related Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disord er should be d iagnosed if the criteria fo r both are met, even though some antisocial acts may be a consequence of the Substance-Rela ted Disorder (e.g., illegal selling of d rugs or thefts to ob tain money fo r d rugs). Antisocial behavior that occurs exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Man ic Episode shou ld not be diagnosed as Antisocial Personality Disorder. Other Personality Disorders may be confu sed with An tisocial Personality Disorder because they have certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these disorders based on d ifferences in their characteristic features. However, if an individ ual has personality fea tu res that meet criteria for one o r more Personality Disorders in addition to Antisocial Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed. Individuals w ith Antisocial Personality Disorder and Narcissistic Personality Disord er share a tendency to be tough-minded, glib, superficial, exploitative, and unempathic. However, Narcissistic Personality Disorder d oes not includ e characteristics of impulsivity, aggression, and deceit. In addition, individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder may no t be as needy of the admiration and envy of oU lers, and persons w ith t arcissistic Personality Disorder usually lack the history of Conduct Disorder in child hood or crim inal behavior in ad ulthood. Individuals w ith Antisocial Personality Diso rder and Histri oni c Personality Disord er share a tendency to be impulsive, superfi cia l, excitement seeking, reckless, seductive, and manipulati ve, but persons with Histrionic Personali ty Disorder tend to be more exaggerated in their emotions and d o not characteris tically engage in antisocial behaviors. Individuals with Histrionic and Borderline Personality Disord ers are manipulative to gain nu rnuance, whereas those with Antisocial Personality Disord er are manipu lative to gain profit, power, or some o ther material gratification. Individuals w ith Antisocial Personality Disorder tend to be less emotionally W\StabJe and more aggressive than those with Borderline Personality Disorder. Although antisocial behavior may be present in some individuals w ith Paranoid Personality Disorder, it is not usually motivated by a d esire for personal gain or to exploit others as in Antisocia l Personality Disorder, but ra ther is more o ften due to a desire for revenge. Antisocial Personality Disorder must be d istinguished from criminal behavior undertaken for gain that is not accompanied by the personality features characteristic of this d isorder. Adult Antisocial Behavior (listed in the "Other Condi tions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention" section, p. 740) can be used to describe crimina l, aggressive, or other antisocial behavior that comes to clinical a ttenhon but that does no t meet the full criteria for Antisocial Personality Disorder. Only when antisocial personality traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and persisten t and cause significant fu nc-


Persona lity Disorders

tional impairment or s ubjective di stress do they constitute Antisocial Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for 301.7 Antisocial Personality Disorder

A. There;s a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others occurring since age 15 years, as indicated by three (or more) of the following:
(1) fa ilure to conform to socia l norms with respect to lawful behaviors as indicated

by repeatedly performing acts that are grounds for arrest (2) deceitfulness, as indicated by repeated lying, use of aliases, or conning others
for personal profit or pleasure (3) impulsivity or failure to plan ahead

(4) irritability and aggressiveness. as indicated by repeated physical fights or assaults (5) reckless disregard for safety of self or others (6) consistent irresponsibility, as indicated by repeated failure to sustain consistent work behavior or honor financia l obligations (7) lack of remorse, as indicated by being indifferent to or rationaliZing having hurt, mistreated, or stolen from another B. The individual is at least age 18 years.
C. There is evidence of Conduct Disorder (see p. 98) with onset before age 15 years.

D. The occurrence of antisocial be havior is not exclusively during the course of Schizophrenia or a Manic Episode.

3 01. 83

Borderline Personality Disorder

Di agnosti c Features
The essential feature of Borderline Personality Disorder is a perv asive pattern of in stability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity that begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder make fran tic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment (Criterion 1). The perception of impending separation or rejection, or the loss of external structure, can lead to profound changes in self-image, affect, cognition, and behavior. These individuals are very sensitive to environmental circumstances. They experience intense abandonmen t fears and inappropriate anger even when faced with a realistic time-limited separation or when there are unavoidable changes in plans (e.g., sudden despair in reaction to a clinician's announcing the end of the hour; panic or fury when someone important to them is just a few minutes late or must cancel an appointment). They may believe that this "abandonment" implies they are "bad." These abandonment fears are related to an intolerance of being alone and a need to have other people with them . Their fr.lntic efforts to avoid abandonment may include impulsive actions such as self-mutilating or suicidal behaviors, which are described separately in Criterion 5.

301 .83

Borderline Personality Disorder

707 1

Ind iv iduals w ith Bo rderline Personality Disorder h ave a pattern of unstable and intense relationships (Criterion 2). They may idealize potentia l caregivers or lovers at the fi rst or second meeting, demand to s pend a lot of time together, and sh are the most in tima te details early in a relationship. However, they may switch quickly from idealizing other p eop le to devaluing them, feeling that the other p erson d oes not care enough, does n ot give enou gh, is not " there" enough. These individ u als can empathize with and nurture other p eople, but only w ith the expectation that the o ther person w ill "be there" in return to m eet their own needs on d emand. These individuals il rc prone to sudden and dramatic shifts in their view of o thers, who may alternately be seen as beneficent su pports or as cruelly punitive. Such shifts often reflect disillu sionment w ith a caregiver whose nurturing qualities had been idealized or whose rejection or abandonment is expected. There may be an id enti ty d isturbance characterized by markedly and persistently unstable self-image or sense of self (Criterion 3). There are sudden and d ramatic shi fts in self-image, characterized by shifting goals, values, and vocational aspirations. There may be sudden changes in opinions and plans about career, sexual identity, ,'alues, and types of friends. These individuals may sudden ly change from the role of a needy supplicant fo r help to a righteous avenger of past mistreatment. Although they usually have a self-image that is based on being bad or evil, ind ividuals w ith this disorder may at times have feelings that they d o not exist at all . Such experiences usually occu r in situations in which the ind ividual feel s a lack of a meaningful relationship, n urturing, and support. These indi viduals may show worse performance in unstructured work or school situations. Ind iv id uals with this d isorder d isplay imp ulsivity in at least h vo areas that are potentially self-damaging (Criterion 4). They may gamble, spend money irresponsibly, binge eat, abuse substances, engage in unsafe sex, or d rive recklessly. Ind ividuals with Borderline Personality Oisorder display recurrent suicidal behavio r, gestu res, or threats, or self-mutila ting beha vior (Criterion 5). Completed suicide occurs in 80/010% of such individuals, and self-muti lative acts (e.g., cutting or burning) and suicid e threats and attempts are very common . Recurrent suicidality is often the reason that these individuals present for help. These self-d estructive acts are usuaUy precipitated by threats of separation o r rejection or by expectations that they assu me increased responsibility. Self-mutilation may occur d uring dissocia tive experiences and oft en brings relief by reaffirmin g the ability to feel or by expiating the individual's sense of being evil. Ind iv id uals with Borderline Personality Disorder may d isp lay affective instability Ihat is due to a m arked reactivity of mood (e.g., in tense episodic dysphoria, irritability. or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a fe w d ays) (Criterion 6). The basic d ysphoriC mood of those w ith Borderline Personality Oisorder is often disrupted by periods of anger, panic, o r d espair and is rarely relieved by periods of well-being or sa tis faction. These episod es may refl ect the individual 's extreme reacti vity to interpersonal stresses. Indi viduals with Borderline Personality Disorder may be troubled by chronic feelings of emptiness (Criterion 7). Easily bored, they may constantly seek something to d o. Individuals w ith Borderline Personality Disorder frequently express inappropriate, in tense anger o r have difficulty contro lling their anger (Criterion 8). They may dis play extreme sarcasm, enduring bitterness, or verbal outbursts. The anger is often elicited when a caregiver or lover is seen as

Personal ity Disorders

neglectful, withhold ing, uncaring, or abandoning. Such expressions o f anger are of ten followed by shame and guilt and con tribute to the feeling they have of being evil. During period s of extreme stress, transient paranoid ideation or dissociative symptoms (e.g., depersonalization) may occur (Criterion 9), but these are generally of insufficient severity or duration to warrant an additional diagnosis. These episodes occur most frequently in response to a real or imagined abandonmenl. Symptoms tend to be transient, lasting minutes or hours. The real or perceived return of the caregiver's nurturance may result in a remission of symptoms.

Associated Featu res and Diso rde rs

Individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder may have a pattern of undermining themselves at the moment a goal is about to be realized (e.g., dropping out of school just before graduation; regressing severely after a discussion of how well therapy is going; destroying a good relationship just when it is clear that the relationship could last). Some individuals develop psychotic-like sym p toms (e.g., hallucinations, bodyimage distortions, ideas of reference, and hypnagogic phenomena) during times or stress. Individuals with this disorder may feel more secure with transitional objects (Le., a pet or inanimate possession) than in interpersonal relationships. Premature death from suicide may occur in individuals with this disorder, especially in those with CD-"occurring Mood Disorders or Substance-Rela ted Disorders. Physical handicaps may result from self inflicted abuse behaviors o r failed suicide attempts. Recur rent job losses, interrupted education, and broken marriages are common. Physica l and sexual abuse, neglect, hostile con nict, and early parental loss or separation are more common in the childhood histories of those with Borderline Personality Disorder. Common co-occurring Axis I disorders include Mood Disorders, SubstanceRelated Disorders, Eating Disorders (notably Bulimia), Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder. Borderline Personality Disorder also frequentl y co--occurs with the other Personality Disorders.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Feat ures

The pattern of behavior seen in Borderline Personality Disorder has been identified in many settings around the world . Adolescents and YOtmg adults with identity problems (especially when accompanied by substance use) may transien tly display behaviors that misleadingly give the impression of Borderline Personality Disorder. Such situa tions are characterized b y emotional instability, "existential" dilemmas, uncertainty, anxiety-provoking choices, conflic ts abou t sexual orientation, and competing social pressures to decide on careers. Borderline Personality Disorder is diagnosed predominantly (about 75%) in females.

Preva lence
The prevalence of Borderline Personality Disorder is estimated to be about 2% of the general population, about 10% among individuals seen in outpatient mental health clinics, and about 20% among psychiatriC inpatients. It ranges from 30% to 60% among clinical popula tions w ith Personality Disorders.


Borderline Persona lity Disorder


There is considerable variability in the course of Borderline Personality Disorder. The most common pattern is one of chronic instability in early adulthood, with episodes of serious affective and impulsive dyscontrol and high levels of use o f health and mental hea lth resources. The impairment from the disorder and the risk of suicide are greatest in the YOUIlg-adult years and g radually wane with advancing age. Allhough the tendency toward intense emoti ons, impulsiv ity, and intensity in relationships is often lifelong, individuals who engage in therapeutic intervention often show improvement beginning sometime during the first year. During their 30s and 40s, the majority of individuals with this disorder attain greater stability in their relationships and vocational functioning. Follow-up studies of individua ls identified throu gh ou tpatient mental health clinics indica te that after about 10 years, as many as half of the individuals no longer have a pattern of behavior that meets full criteria for Borderline Personality Disorder.

Famil ial Pattern

Borderline Personality Disorder is about five tinles more comm on among first-degree biological relatives of those w ith the disorder than in the genera l population. There is also an increased familial risk for Substance-Related Disorders, Antisocial Personality Disorder, and Mood Disorders.

Differential Diagnosis
Borderline Personality Disorder often co-occurs with Mood Disorders, and when criteria for both are met, both may be diagnosed . Because the cross-sectional presentation of Borderline Personality Disorder can be mimicked by an episode of Mood Disorder, the c1inidan shou ld avoid giving an additional diagnosis of Borderline Persona lity Disorder based only on cross-sectional presentation without having documented that the pattern o f behavior has an early onset and a long-standing course. Other Personality Disorders may be confused with Borderline Personality Disorder because they have certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these disorders based on differences in their characteristic feature s. However, if an individual has personality features that meet criteria for one o r more Personality Disorders in addition to Borderline Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed. Although Histri onic Person ality Disorder can also be characterized by attention seeking, manipulative behavior, and rapidly shifting emotions, Borderline Personality Disorder is distinguished by self-destructiveness, angry disruptions in close relationships, and chronic feelings of deep emptiness and loneliness. Paranoid ideas or illusions may be present in both Borderline Personality Disorder and Sch izotypal Personality Disorder, but these symptoms are more transient, interpersonally reactive, and responsive to external structuring in Borderline Personality Di sorder. Although Paranoid Personality Disorder and Narci ssistic Personality Disorder may also be characterized by an angry reaction to minor stimuli, the relative stability of self-image as well as the relative lack of self-destructiveness, impulsivity, and abandonment concerns distinguish these disorders from Borderline Personality Dis-


Personality Disorders

order. Although Antisocial Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are both characterized by manipulative behavior, individuals with Antisocial Personality Disorder are manipulative to gain profit, p ower, or some other material g ratification, whereas the goal in Borderline Personality Disorder is directed more toward gaining the concern of ca retakers. Both Dependent Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are characterized by fear of abandonment; however, the individual with Borderline Personality Disorder reacts to abandonment wi th feel-

ings of emotional emptiness. rage, and demands, whereas the individual with Dependent Personality Disorder reacts with increasing appeasement and submissiveness and urgently seeks a replacement relations hip to prov ide caregiving and support. Borderline Personality Disorder can further be distinguished from Dependent Personali ty Disorder by the typical pattern of unstable and intense relationships. Bord erline Personality Disorder must be distinguished from Personality Change Du e to a General Medical Cond ition, in which the traits emerge due to the direct effeets of a general medical condition on the central nervou s system. It must also be distinguished from sym p toms th ai may develop in association with chronic s ubstance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder at Othen\'ise Specified). Borderline Personality Disorder should be distinguis hed from Identity Problem (see p. 741), which is resen'ed (or identity concerns related to a d evelopmental phase (e.g., adolescence) and d oes not q ualify as a mental disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for

301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affects, and marked impulsivity beginning by eady adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
(1) franti c efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment.

Note: Do not include sui

(2) (3) (4)

(S) (6)

(7) (8) (9)

cidal or self-mut ilating behavior covered in Criterion S. a pattern of unstable and intense interpersonal relationships characterized by alter nating between extremes of idealization and devaluation identity disturbance: markedly and persistently unstable se lf-image or sense of self impulsivity in at least two areas that are potentia lly self-damag ing (e.g., spending, sex, substance abuse. reckless driving. binge eating). Note: Do not include suicidal or self-mutilating behavior covered in Criterion S. recurrent suicidal behavior. gestures. or threats. or self-mutilating behavior affective instability due to a marked reactivity of mood (e.g .. intense episodic dys' phoria. irritability. or anxiety usually lasting a few hours and only rarely more than a few days) chronic fee lings of emptiness inappropriate, intense anger or difficu lty controlling anger (e.g . frequent displays of temper. consta nt anger. recurrent physical fights) transient. stressrelated paranoid ideation or severe dissociative symptoms


Histrionic Personalit y Disorde r



Histrionic Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essentiaJ feature of Histrionic Personality Disorder is pen'asive and excessive emotionality and attentionseeking behavior. nlis pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contexts. Individuals with His trionic Personality Disorder are uncomfortable or fee l unapprecia ted w hen they arc not the ccnter of attention (Criterion 1). Often livel}' and dramatic, they tend to draw attention to themselves and may initially charm new acquaintances by their enthusiasm, .1pparent openness, or flirtatious ness. These qualities wear thin, however, as these individ uals continually demand to be the center of attention. They commandeer the role of " the life of the party." If they are not the cen ter of attention, the)' may do something dramatic (e.g., make up s tories, create a scene) to draw the focus of attention to themselves. TIlis need is often apparent in their behavior with a clinician (e.g., fl attery, bringing g ifts, prov iding dramatic de scriptions of physical and psychological symptoms that are replaced by new symptoms each visit). The appearance and behavior of individuals with this di sorder a re often inappropriately sexually provocative or seductive (Criterion 2). This behavior is directed not only toward persons in whom the individual has a sexual or rom.mtic interest, but oc curs in a wide variety of social, occupational, and professional relationships beyond what is appropriate for the social context. Emotional expression may be shallow and rapidly s hifting (Criterion 3). In dividuals with this d isorder consis tently use physical appearance to dr.l \\, attention to themselves (Criterion 4). They are overly concerned with impressing others by their appearance and exp end an excessive amount of time, energy, and money on clothes and grooming. They may "fish for compliments" regarding appearance and be easily and excessively upset by a critical comment about how they look or by a photograph that they regard as unflattering. These individuals have a s tyle of speech that is excessively impressionistic and lacking in detail (Criterion 5). Strong opinions a re expressed with d ranl.ltic flair, but underlying reasons are usually vague and diffuse, without supporting fa cts and details. For example, an indi vidual with Histrionic Personality Disorder may comment that a certain ind iv iduaJ is a wonderful human being, yet be wlable to provide any specific examples of good qualities to support this opinion. Individuals with this disorder are characterized by self-dramatization, theatricali ty, and an exaggerated expression of emotion (Criterion 6). They may embarrass fri ends and acquaintances by an excessive public display of emotions (e.g., embraCing casual acquaintances with excessive ardor, sobbing uncontroUably on minor sentimental occasions, or having temper tantrums). However, their emotions often seem to be turned on and off too quickly to be d eeply felt, which may lead others to accuse the individual of faking these feelings. Individuals with His trionic Personality Disorder have a high degree of s uggestibility (Criterion 7). Their opinions and feelings arc easily influenced by others and by current fads. They may be overly trusting, especially of strong authority figures whom they see as magically solving their problems. They have a tendency to play


Personality Disorders

hunches and to adopt convictions quickly . Individuals with this disorder often consider relationships more intima te than they actually are, describing almost every acquaintance as "my d ear, dear friend " or referring to physicia ns met only once or h vice under pro fessional circums tances by their first names (Cri terion 8). Flight s into romantic fanta sy are common.

Associated Features and Disorders

Individuals with His trionic Personality Disorder may have difficulty achieving emotional intimacy in romantic or sexual relationships. Withou t being aware of it, they of len act out a role (e.g., "victim" or "princess") in their relationships to others. They may seek to control th eir partner through emotional manipulation or seductiven ess on one level, whereas displaying a marked dependency on them at another level. Individuals w ith this disorder often have impaired relations hips with same-sex friends because their sexually provocati ve in terpersona l style may seem a th reat to their friend s' relationsh ips. These individuals may also alienate friend s wi th demand s for constant attention. They often become d epressed and upset w hen they are not the center of a ttention. They may crave novelty, s timulation, and excitement and have a tendency to become bored with their us ual routine. These individuals are often intolerant of, or frustra ted by, situa tions that involve delayed gratification, and their actions are often directed at obtaining immediate satisfaction. Although they often initiate a job or p roject with grea t enthusiasm, their interest may lag quickly. Longertem \ relationships may be neglected to make way for the excitement o f new relationships. The actual risk of suicide is n ot known , but clinical experience suggests that individuals with this disorder are at increased risk for suicidal gestures and threats to get attention and coerce better caregiving. His trionic Personality Disord er has been associa ted w ith higher rates of Somatization Disorder, Conversion Disord er, and Major Depressive Disorder. Borderline, Narcissis tic, Antisocial, and Dependent Personality Disorders often co-occur.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

Norms for interpersonal behavior, personal appearance, and emotional expressiveness vary widely across cul tures, genders, and age groups. Before considering the various trai ts (e.g., emotionality, seductiveness, dramatic interpersonal s tyle, novelty seeking, sociability, charm, impressionability, and a tendenc), to somatization) to be e\'idence of His trionic Personality Disorder, it is important to evaluate whether they cause clinically Significant impairmen t or distress. In clinical settings, this d isorder has been diagnosed more frequently in females; however, the sex ratio is not significantly different than the sex ratio o f females within the respecti ve clinical setting. In contrast, some s tudies lIsing s tructured assessments report similar preva lence rates among males an d females . The behavioral expression of His trionic Personality Disorder may be influenced by sex role s tereotypes. For example, a man with this disorder may dress and behave in a manner often iden tified as " macho" and may seek to be the center of attention by bragging about a thletic s ki lls, whereas a woman, for example, may choose very feminine clothes and talk about how much she impressed her dance instructor.


Histrionic Personality Disorder

713 1

Limited data from general population s tudies s uggest a prevalence of His trionic Personality Disorder of abo ut 20/ -3%. Rates of about 10%- 15% have been rep orted in in0 patient and outpatient mental health settings ,,'hen structured assessment is u sed.

Differential Diagn osis

Other Personali ty Disorders may be confused with His trionic Personality Disorder because they ha ve certa in featur es in common. It is, therefore, important to dis tinguish among these d isorders based on differences in their characteris tic features. However, if an individual has p ersonality features that meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in addition to His trionic Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed . Although Borderline Personality Disorder can also be characterized by attention seeking, manipulati ve behavior, and rapidly shifting emotions, it is d istinguished by self-des tructiveness, angry dis ruptions in close relation ships, and chronic fee lings of deep emptiness and identity disturbance. Individuals with Antisocial Personali ty Disorder and H.istrionic Personality Di sorder share a tendency to be impulsive, s uperficial, excitement seeking, reckless, seducti ve, and manipulative, but persons with His trionic Personality Disorder tend to be more exaggerated in their emotions and d o not characteris tically engage in antisocial behaviors. Individuals with His trionic Personality Disorder are manipulative to gain nurturance, whereas those w ith Antisocial Personality Disorder are manipulative to gain profit, p ower, or some other material g ratification. Although indi viduals w ith Narcissis tic PersonaliIy Disorder also crave attention from others, they usually wanl praise for their "superiority," whereas the individual with Histrionic Personality Disorder is willing to be viewed as fra gile or dependent if Ihis is instrumental in getting attention. Ind ividuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may exaggerate the intimacy of their relationships with other people, but they arc more apt to emphasize the "VIP" status or wealth of their friends. In Depen dent Personality Disorder, the person is excessively dependent on others for praise and guidance, bu t is w ithout the flamboyant, exagger aled, emotional features of His trionic Personality Disorder. His trionic Personality Disorder mus t be d istinguished from Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition, in which the traits emerge due to the direct effects of a general medical condition on the cent:ral nervous sys tem. It mus t also be distinguished from symptoms th at may develop in association with chronic s u bstance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Di so rder Not Otherwise Specified). Many individuals may display histrionic personality traits. Only when these traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and persis ting and cause Significant flUlctional impairment or s ubjecti ve dis tress do they constitu te Histrionic Personality Disorder.

1 714

Personality Disorders

Diagnostic criteria for 301 .50 Histrionic Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking. beginning by early
adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by fi ve (or more) of the fol -

(1) is uncomfortable in situations in which he or she is not the (enter of attention (2) interaction with others is often characterized by inappropriat e sexually seductive or provocative behavior (3) displays rapidly shifting and shallow expression of emotions

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

consist ently uses physical appearance to draw attention to self has a style of speech that is excessively impressionist ic a nd Jacking in detail shows self.d ramatization, theatricality. and exaggerated expression of emotion is suggertible, i.e., easily influenced by others or circumstances considers relationships to be more intimate than they actua lly are


Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Diag nostic Features

The essential feature of larcissistic Personality Disorder is a pervasi\'e patlern of grandiOSity, need fo r admiration, and lack of empathy tha t begins by early adulthood a nd is p rese nt in a variety of contexts. Individuals with this d isorder have a grandiose sense o f self-importance (Criterion I). They routinely overestimate their abilities and inflate their accomplishments, often a ppea ring boastful and pretentiolls. They may bli thely aSSllme that others attribute Ule same value to their efforts and may be surprised when the praise they expect and feel they deserve is not forthcoming. Often implici t in the infla ted judgments of their own accomplishments is an underestimation (devaluation) of the contributions o f others. They are often preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited su ccess, power, brilliance, beauty, o r ideal love (Cri terion 2). They may ruminate about "long overdue" admiration and privilege and compare themselves fa vorably with famou s or privileged people. Individuals w ith Narcissistic Personality Disorder believe that they arc superior, special, o r unique a nd expect o the rs to recognize them as such (Criter ion 3) . They may feel that they can only be und erstood by, and should only associate w ith, other people who a re special or of high status and may attribute " unique," "perfect," or "gifted" qualities to those with whom they associa te. Individuals with this disorder believe that their needs are special and beyond the ken of ordinary people. Their own self-esteem is enhanced (i.e., "mirrored") by the idealized value that they assign to those with whom they associate. Thcy are likcl y to ins is t on having only the "top" person (doctor, law yer, hairdresser, ins tructor) or being affiliated w ith the " best" ins titutions, but may devalue the credentials of those who disappOint them. Indiv iduals w ith this disorder gcnera Uy require excessive admirat ion (Criterion 4). Their self-esteem is almost invariably very fra g ile. They may be preoccupied w ith


Narcissistic Personality Disorder


how well they are d oing and how favorably they are regarded by others. This often takes the form of a need for constan t attention and admiration. They may expect their arrival to be greeted w ith g reat fanfare and are astonished if others do not covet their possessions. TIleY may constantly fis h for complimen ts, often with great charm . A sense of en titlement is evident in these ind ividuals' unreasonable exp ectation of especially favorable treatment (Criterion 5). They expect to be catered to and are puzzled or furious w hen this does not happen. For example, they may assume that they do not have to wait in line and that their priorities are so important that others s hould defer to them, and then get irritated when others fai l to assis t "in their very important work. " This sense of entitlemen t comb ined with a lack of sensitivity to the wants and needs of others may result in the conscious or unw itting exploitation of others (Cri terion 6). They expect to be g iven whatever they want or fee l they need, no matter w hat it might mean to others. For example, these individuals may expect great d ed ication from others and may overwork them w ithout regard for the impact on their lives. They tend to fonn friend ships or romantic relationships only if the other person seems likely to advance their purposes or o therw ise enhance their self-es teem. TIley often us urp s pecial privileges and extra resources that they believe they d eserve because they are so special . Ind ividuals with arcissistic Personality Disorder generally have a lack of empathy and have difficulty recognizing the desires, subjective experiences, and feelings of others (Criterion 7). They may assume thai others are totally concerned about their welfare. They tend to d iscuss their own concerns in inappropria te and lengthy detail, while failing to recognize that others also have feelings and need s. They are often contemptllo us and impatient with others who talk about their own problems and concerns. TIlcse individllals rna)' be oblivious to the hurt their remarks may innict (e.g ., exuberantly telling a fonner lover tha t " I am now in the relationship of a lifetime!"; boasting of heal th in front of someone who is sick). When recognized, the needs, desires, or feelings of others are likely to be viewed disparagingly as signs of weakness or vu lnerability. Those w ho relate to individuals w ith arcissis tic Personality Disorder typically find an emotional coldness and lack o f recip rocal interest. These indi viduals are often envious o f others or b elieve that others are en vious of them (C riterion 8). They may begrudge o thers their successes or possessions, feeling that they better deserve those achievements, admiration, or privileges. They rna}' harshly dcvahle the contributions of others, particularl y w hen those individuals have received acknow ledgment or praise for their accomplishments. Arrogant, haughty beha\'iors characterize these individuals. They often display snobbish, disda inful, or patronizing attitudes (Criterion 9). For example, an indi vidual with th is disorder may complain about a clumsy waiter's "rudeness" or "stupidity" or conclude a medical evaluation with a cond escend ing evaluation of the physician.

Associated Features and Disord ers

Vulnerability in self-esteem makes individuals w ith Narcissistic Personality Disord er very sensiti ve to " injury" from critkism o r defeat. Although they may no t show it outwardly, criticism may haunt these ind ividuals and may leave them feeling humiliated, d egraded , holl ow, and empty. They may react with d isdain, rage, or defiant counterattack. Such experiences o ftcn lead to social withdra wa l or an appearance of


Perso nality Disorders

humility that may mask and protect the grandiosity. interpersonal relations arc typica lly impaired due to problems d erived from en ti tlement, the need for admiration, and the relative disregard for the sensitivities of others. Though overweening ambition and con fide nce may lead to high achievement, performance m ay be d is rupted due to intolerance of criticism or defea t. Sometimes vocational functioning can be \'ery low, rcnecting an unwillingness to take a risk in competitive or other situations in which defea t is possible. Susta ined feelings of sham e or humiliation and the attendanl self-criticism may be associated w ith social w ithdrawal, depressed mood, and Dysthymic or Major Depressive Disorder. In contrast, sustained periods of grandiosity may be associa ted with a hypomanic mood . Narcissistic Personality Disorder is ervosa and Substance-Rela ted Disorders (especially also associa ted w ith Anorexia T related to coca ine). Histrionic, Borderline, Antisocial, and Paranoid Personality Disorders may be associa ted with Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

Specific Age and Gender Features

Narcissistic trails may be particularly common in adolescen ts and do nol necessarily indicate that the individual will go on to have Narcissistic Personali ty Disorder.Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may have special difficulties adjusting 10 the onset o f physical and occupational limitations that are inherent in the aging process. Of those diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, 50%-75% arc male.

Estimates o f prevalence of Narcissistic Personality Disorder range from 2% to 16% in the clinical population and are less than 1% in the general population.

Differential Diagnosis
Other Personality Disorders may be confused with Narcissistic Personality Disorder because they have certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these d isorders based on differences in their characteris tic features . However, if an individual ha s personality features that meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in add ition to I arcissistic Personality Disorder, aU can be diagnosed . The most u seful feature in discriminating Niu cissistic Personality Disorder from Histrion ic, Antisocial, and Borderline Personality Disorders, whose interactive styles arc respectively coquettish , callous, and needy, is the grandiosity characteristic of I arcissistic Personality Disorder. The rela tive stability of self-image as well as the relative lack of self-destructiveness, impulsiv ity, and aba ndonment concerns also help d istinguish Narcissistic Personality Disorder from Borderline Personality Disorder. Excessive pride in adlievements, a relative lack of emotional disp lay, and disdain for others' sensitiv ities help distinguish Narcissistic Person ality Disorder from Hislrionic Personality Disorder. Although individuals w ith Borderline, H istrionic, and 'arcissistic Personality Disorders may require much atten tion, those with 'arcissistic Personality Disorder specifically need thai attention to be admiring. individuals with Antisocial and Narcissistic Personality Disorders will share a tendency to be tough-minded , g lib, s uperficial, exploita tive, and unem patllic. However,

301.8 1

Na rcissistic Personal ity Disord e r

717 1

Narcissistic Personality Disorder does not necessarily include characteristics of impulsivity, aggression, an d deceit. In addition, individuals with An tisocial Personality Disorder may not be as needy of the admiration and en vy of others, and persons with Narcissistic Personality Disord er usuaUy lack the history of Conduct Diso rd er in child hood or criminal behavior in adu lthood. In bo th Narcissistic Persona lity Disorder and Obsessive-Comp ulsive Personality Disorder, the indiv idual may p rofess a commitmen t to perfectionism and believe that o thers cannot do things as well. In contrast to the accompanying seU-criticism of those w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, individ uals with Narcissis tic Personality Disorder are more likely to believe tha t they have achieved perfection. Suspiciousness and social w ithdrawa l usually distinguish those with Sch izotypal or Paranoid Persona li ty Disorder from those wi th Narcissistic Personality Disorder. When these quali ties are present in individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder, they d erive primaril y from fears of having imp erfections or fl aws revea led. Grandiosity may emerge as part of M anic or Hypo mani c Episodes, bu t the association w ith mood change o r fun ctional impairments helps di stinguish these episod es from Narcissis tic Personalit}' Disorder. Narcissistic Personality Disorder must also be distinguished from sy m ptoms th at m ay develop in associa tion wi th ch ronic s ub s tance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder Not Othenvise Speci fi ed). Many highly successfu l individuals display personality t raits tha t might be considered narcissis tic. O nly when these traits are infl exible, maladaptive, and persisting and ca use significant fWlCtionai impairment or s ubjective distress do they constitute Narcissis tic Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic crit eria for 301.81 Narcissistic Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of grandiosity (in fa ntasy or behavior), need for admi ration. and lack of empat hy, beginning by early adulthood and present in a va riety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following:
(I) has a grandiose sense of self- im portance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and ta l-

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (8) (9)

ents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements) is preoccupied with fant asies of unlimited success, power, brill iance, beauty, or ideal Jove believes that he or she is "special" and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate wit h, other special or high-status people (or institutions) requires excessive admiration has a sense of entitlement, i.e., unreasonable expectations of especia lly favo ra ble treat ment or automa tic compliance with his or her expectations is interpersona lly exploitative, i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends lacks empathy: is unwilling to recognize or identify with t he fee li ngs and needs of others is often envious of others or believes t hat ot hers are envious of hi m or her shows arroga nt, haughty be haviors or attitudes


Persona lity Disorders

Cluster C Personality Disorders

301.82 Avoidant Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Featu res
The essential fea ture of Avo idant Personality Disorder is a pervasive pa ttern of social inhibition , feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensiti vity to negative evaluation thai begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of con tex ts. Individuals with Avoidant Personality Disorder avoid work o r school activities that in volve significan t interpersonal con tact beca use o f fears of criticism, disapprov al, or rejection (Criterion 1). Offers of job promotions may be declined because the new responsib ilities mig ht resuJt in criticis m fro m co-workers. These indi viduals avoid making new friend s unless they are certain they w ill be liked and accepted w ithout criticism (Criterion 2) . Until they pass str ingent tests pro\'ing the contrary, other people are assu med to be critical and d isapproving. Individuals with this disorder will not join in group activities unless there are repea ted and generous offers of support and nurturance. lllterpersona l intimacy is o ften di fficult for these ind ividuals, although they are able to establish intima te relationships when there is assu rance of uncritical accep tance. They may act with restraint, ha ve difficul ty ta lking about themselves, and w ithhold in timate feelings for fea r of being exposed, rid iculed, or sham ed (Criterion 3). Because individua ls w ith this d isorder are p reoccupied with being criticized or rejected in social situations, they may have a markedly low threshold for detecting such reactions (Criterion 4). If someone is even slightly disapp roving or criti cal, they may fee l extremely hurt . They tend to be shy. q uiet, inhibited, and "invisible" because of the fe ar that any attention would be deg rading or rejecting. They expect that no matter what they say, o thers w ill see it as "wrong," and so they may say nothing at all. They react strongly to subtle cues that are suggestive o f mockery or derision. Despite their longing to be active participants in social life, they fear placing their welfare in the hands of others. Individuals w ith Avo idan t Personality Diso rder are inhibited in new interpersonal situa tions because they feel inadequate and have low self-esteem (Criterion 5). Doubts concerning social co mpetence and personal appeal become especially man ifest in settings involving interactions w ith strangers. These individuals believe themselves to be socially inept, personaUy unappea ling, or inferior to o thers (Cri terion 6). They are unusually reluctant to take personal risks or to engage in any new activities because these may p rove embarr.lssing (Criterion 7). They are prone to exaggera te the potential d angers of ordinary situations, and a res tricted lifestyle may result fro m their need fo r certainty and sec urity. Someone w ith this diso rder may ca ncel a job interview for fea r of being embarrassed by not d reSSing ap propria tely. Marginal somatic symp toms or other problems may become the reason for avoiding new activ ities.

301 .82

Avoi dant Personality Disorder

Associated Features and Disorders

Individuals with Avoidant Personali ty Disord er often vigilantly appraise the movements and expressions of those with whom they come into contact. Their fearful and tense demeanor mily elicit ridicule and derision from others. w hich in tum confirms their self-doubts. They are very anxious ahout the possibili ty that they will react to criticism w ith b lu shing or crying. They are described by others as being "shy," "timid," "lonely," and "isola ted ." The major p roblems associa ted with this disorder occur in social and occupational functioning. 111e low self-esteem and hypersensitivity to rejection are associated with restricted interpersonal contacts. These individuals may become relatively isolated and usually do not have a large social support network tha t can help them weather crises. They d esire affection and acceptance and may fantasize about idea lized relationships w ith o thers. The avoid ant behaviors can also adversely affect occupational functioning because these ind ividuals try to avoid the types of social situations that may be important for meeting the basic demands of the job or for advancement. Other d isorders that are commonly diagnosed with Avoidant Personaljty Disorder include Mood and Anxiety Disorders (especially Social Phobia of the Generalized Type). Avoidant Personality Disorder is often diagnosed with Dependent Personality Disorder, because individuals w ith Avoidant Personality Disorder become very attached to and d ependent on those few other people with whom they are friends . Avoidant Persona li ty Disorder also tend s to be diagnosed w ith Borderline Personality Disorder and w ith the C luster A Personality Disorders (i.e., Paran oid, Schizoid, or Schizotypal Persona li ty Di sorders).

Specific Culture, Age, and Gende r Features

There may be variation in the degree to which different cu ltural and ethnic groups regard d iffidence and avoidance as appropriate. Moreover, avoidant behavior may be the result o f problems in acculturation following imm.jgra tion. This diagnosis should be used with great caution in children and ad olescents for whom shy and avoidant behavior may be developmentally appropria te. Avoidant Personality Disorder appears to be equa lly frequent in males and females.

Preva lence
The p revalence of Avoidant Personality Disorder in the general population is between 0.5% and 1.0%. Avoidant Personality Disorder has been reported to be present in about 10% of outpatients seen in mental health clinics.

The avoid ant behavior often s tarts in infancy or childhood w ith s hyness, isolation, and fea r of strangers and new situations. Although shyn ess in childhood is a conmlOn precursor o f Avoidant Personality Disorder. in most individuals it tends to g radually dissipate as they get older. In contrast, ind ividuals who go on to develop Avoidant Personality Disorder may become increasingly shy and avoidant during adolescence


Pe rsonality Diso rde rs

and early adulthood, when social rela tionships with new people become especially important. 111ere is some evidence thai in adults Avoidan t Personality Disorder tends
to become less evident or to remi t with age.

Diffe re nt ial Diagnosis

There appears to be a great deal of overlap betw een Avoidant Personality Disorder and Soci al Phobia, Generalized Type, so m uch so that they may be alternative conceptualizations of the same o r similar conditions. Avoidance also characterizes both Avoid ant Personali ty Disorder and Panic Disorder With Agoraphob ia, and they often co-occur. The a voidance in Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia typica lly starts after

the onset of Panic Attacks and may vary based on their frequency and intensity. In contrast, the avoid ance in Avoidant Personality Disorde r tend s to have an early onset, an absence of clear precipi tants, and a stable course. Other Personality Disorders may be confused w ith Avoidant Personality Disorder because they have certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these d isord ers based on d ifferences in their characteristic features. However, if an individua l has personality featu res tha t meet criteria for one o r more Personality Disorders in addition to Avoidant Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed . Both Avoidant Personality Diso rder and Dependent Personality Di sorder are characterized by feelings of inad equacy, hypersensitivity to criticism, and a need for reassu rance. Although the prim ary focus of concern in A\'oidant Personality Disorder is avoid ance o f humilia tion and rejection, in Depend en t Personality Disorder the focus is on being taken care of. H owever, Avoidant Personality Disorder and Dependent Personality Disorder are particularly likely to co-occur. Like Avoidant Personality Disorder, Schizoid Personality Disorder and Schizotypal Personality Disorder are characterized by socia l isola tion. However, ind ivid uals w ith Avoidant Personality Disord er want to have relationships with others and feel their loneliness deeply, whereas those w ith Schizoid or Schizotypal Personality Disorder may be content w ith and even p refer their social isolation . Paranoid Personality Di sorder and Avoid ant Personal ity Disorder are both characterized by a reluctance to confid e in others. However, in Avoid ant Personality Disorder, this reluctance is du e more to a fear of being embarrassed or being found inadequate than to a fea r o f others' ma liciou s intent. Avoidant Personality Disorder m ust be distinguished from Personality Change Due to a Ge neral Medical Conditi on, in w hich the traits emerge due to the d irect effects o f a general medical condition on the central nervous system. It must also be distinguished h om symptoms that m ay d evelop in association with chroni c substan ce use (e.g., Cocaine-Rela ted Disord er Not Otherwise Specified ). Many individuals d isplay avo id ant personali ty traits. OnI)' when these traits are inflexible, malad ap tive, and persisting and cause significant fun ctional impairment or subjective distress do they constitute Avoidant Personality Disord er.

301.6 Depende nt Personality Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 301.82 Avoidant Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, fee li ngs of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to neg ative evaluati on, beginning by early adulthood and present in a va riety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the following:
(1 ) avoids occupational activities that involve significant interp ersonal contact, because

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

of fears of criticism, disapproval, or rejection is unw ill ing to get involved with people unless certain of being l iked shows restraint w ithin i nt imate relationships because of the fear of being shamed or ridiculed is preoccupi ed with being criticized or rejected in social situations is inhibited in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy views self as socially inept, personal ly unappea ling, or inferi or to others is unusually relucta nt to take persona l risks or to engage in any new activit ies because they may prove embarrassing


Dependent Personality Disorder

Diagnostic Features
The essen tial feature of Dependent Personality Disorder is a pervasive and excessive nCd to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation_This pattern begins by early adulthood and is present in a variety of contex ts_ The dependent and submissive behav iors are designed to elicit caregiving and arise from a seUperception of being unable to functi on adequa tely without the help of others. Individuals w ith Dependent Pe rsonality Disorder have great difficulty making everyday decision s (c_g., w hat color sh irt to wear to work or whether to carry an urn brella) without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others (Criterion 1). These individuals tend to be passive and to allow other people (often a single olher person) 10 take the initia tive and assume responsibility for most major areas of their lives (Criterion 2). Adults with this d isorder typically depend on a parent or sp ouse 10 d ecide where they should live, wh at kind of job Ihey shou ld h ave, and which neighbors to befriend. Adolescents w ith this disorder may allow their p arenl(s) to de cide what they should wea r, with whom they should associate, how they should spend their free tinle, and whal school or college they should attend. This need for others to assume responsibility goes beyond age--appropriate and situationappropriate re quests for assistance from others (e_g_, the specific needs o f children, elderly persons, and handicapped persons). Dependen t Personality Disorder may occur in an ind ividual w ho has a serious general medical condition or disability, but in such cases Ihe difficulty in taking responsibili ty mus t go beyond what would normally be associat cd with that condition or d isability.


Pe rso nal ity Disorders

Beca use they fear losing support or approval, individ uals w ith De pendent Personality Disorder often have d ifficulty expressing d isagreement w ith o ther people, espe.-

cially those on whom they are dependent (Criterion 3). These individuals feel so lmable to fu nction alone thai they w ill agree with thing s tha t they feel arc wrong rath er than risk losing the help of those to whom they look for guidance. They do not gel appropriately angry at others whose support and nurturance they need for fear of alienating them. If the individual's concerns regard ing the consequences o f expressing d isagreement are realistic (e.g., real istic fears o f retribu tion fro m an abusive
sp ouse), the behavior s ho uld not be considered to be eviden ce of Dependen t Personali ty Disord er. Individ u als with this disorder have difficul ty initiating p rojects or d oing things independently (Criterion 4). They lack self-confidence and believe that they n eed help to begin and carry through tas ks. They w ill wait fo r others to s tart things beca use they believe that as a rule others can d o them better. These individ uals are con vinced thai they are incapa ble of functioning independen tl y and present them selves as inept and requi ring constant assis tance. They are, however, likely to fu nction adequately if given the assurance that someone else is su pervising and app ro ving . There m ay be a fear of becoming o r a p pearin g to be more com petent, beca use they may believe that this will lead to abandonment. Beca us e they rely on others to h andle their prob lems, they often do not learn the s kills o f indep endent living, thus p erpetuating d epend ency. Individuals with Dependent Personality Disorder may go to excessive lengths to obtain nurturance and s upport from others, even to the point of vol unteering for un p leasant tas ks if s uch behav ior will bring the ca re they need (Criterion 5). They are willing to submit to what others want, even if the d emands are unreasonable. Their need to maintain a n important bond w iII often result in imba lanced o r dis torted relationships. They may make extraord inary seU-sacrifices or tolerate verba l, ph ysical, or sexual abuse. (It sh ould be noted that this behavior should be cons idered ev id ence of Dependent Personality Diso rder onJy w h en it can clearly be esta blis hed that other options a re available to the individual.) Individuals with this d is order feel uncomfortable or helpless w hen alone, becaus e of thei r exaggera ted fears of being una ble to care for themselves (Criterion 6). They will "tag along" w ith im por ta nt o thers jus t to avoid being alone, even if they arc not interes ted or involved in what is ha ppening. Wh en a close relationship ends (e.g., a breakup with a lover; the death of a caregiver), ind ividuals with Dependent Personali ty Disorder may urgently seek another relationship to provide the care and support they need (Criterion 7). Their belief that they are unable to fu nction in the absence of a close rela tionship motiva tes these ind ividuals to become qu ickly and indiscrimina tely attaclled to another p erson . Individuals with this d isorder are often p reoccupied with fears of being left to care for themselves (Criterion 8). They see themselves as so tota lly de pend ent on the advice an d help of an impor tant other p erson th a t they worry about being aband oned by that person w hen there are no grounds to justify such fears. To be considered as evi dence of tltis criterion, the fea rs mus t be excessive and tmrealis tic. For example, an elderly man with cancer who moves into h is son 's household for care is exhibiting dependent behavior that is app ropriate given Utis person 's life ci rcumstances.

301 .6

Dependent Personality Disorder


Associated Features and Di sorders

Individuals w ith Dependent Personal ity Disorder are often characterized by pessimism and self-doubt, tend to belittle their abilities and assets, and may cons tantly refer to themselves as "stupid. " They take criticism and disapproval as proof of their worthlessness and lose faith in themselves. They may seek overprotection and dominance from others. Occupational functioning may be impaired if independent initiative is required . They may avoid positions of responsibility and become anxious when faced with d ecisions. Social relations tend to be limited to those few people on whom the individual is dependent. There may be an increased risk o f Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, and Adjus tment Disorder. Dependent Personality Disorder often CO-OCClUS w ith other Personality Di sorders, especially Bord erline, Avoidant, and Histrionic Personality Disorders. Chronic physica l illness or Separation Anxiety Disorder in childhood or adolescence may p red ispose the individual to the d evelopment of this disorder.

Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features

The degree to which dependent behaviors are cons idered to be appropriate varies substantially across di fferent age and sociocultural groups. Age and cultural fa ctors need to be considered in evalua ting the d iagnos tic threshold of each criterion. Dependent behavior shou ld be consid ered characteris tic of the d isorder only when it is dearly in excess of the individual's cultural norms or reflects unrealis tic concerns. An emphasis on passivity, politeness, and deferential treatment is characteris tic of some societies and may be mis interp reted as traits of Dependen t Personality Disorder. Similarly, societies may d ifferentiall y foster and discourage d ependent behavior in males and female s. This diagnosis should be used w ith great caution, if at all, in children and adolescents, for whom dependent behavior may be d evelopmentally appropriate. In clinical settings, this disorder has been diagnosed more frequentl y in females, although some studies rep ort similar prevalence rates among males and femal es.

Dependent Personality Disorder is among the most frequently reported Personality Disord ers encountered in mental health clinics.

Differential Diagnosis
Dependent Personality Disorder must be dis tinguished from d ep endency arising as a consequence of Axis I disorders (e.g ., Mood Disorders, Panic Disorder, and Agoraphobia) and as a result of general medical conditions. Dependent Personali ty Disorder has an early onset, chronic course, and a pattern of behav ior that does not occur exclusively during an Axis I or Axis 111 disorder. Other Personality Disorders may be confused with Dependent Personality Disorder because they ha ve certain features in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these d isorders based on differences in their characteris tic features. However, if an i.ndividual has personality features tha t m eet criteria for one or more


Personality Disorders

Personality Disorders in addition to Dependen t Personality Disorder, aU can be diag nosed. Although many Personality Disorders are characterized by dependent features, Dependent Personali ty Disorder can be dis tinguished by its predominantly submissive, reactive, and clinging behavior. Both Depend ent Personality Disorder and Borderline Personality Disorder are ch aracterized by fear of abandonment; however, the individual with Borderline Personality Disorder reacts to abandonment with feelings of emotional emptiness. rage, and demands, whereas the individual with Dependent Personality Disorder reacts with increasing appeasement and submissiveness and urgently seeks a replacemen t relations hip 10 provide caregiving and support. Borderline Personality Disorder can further be d is tingu ished h om Dependent Personality Disorder by a typical pattern of unstable and intense relationships. Individuals with Histrionic Personality Disorder, like those w ith Dependent Personal ity Disorder, have a s trong need for reassurance and approval and may appear ch ildlike and clinging. However, u nlike Dependent Persona lity Disorder, which is characterized by self-effacing and docile behavior, Histrionic Persona lity Disorder is characterized by gregarious namboya nce with active d emands for attention. Both Dependent Personali ty Disorder and Avoidant Personality Diso rder are characterized by feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity to cri ticis m, and a need for reassurance; however, individuals with Avoidant Personality Disorder have such a stron g fear of humilia tion and rejection that they withdraw unti l they are certain they w ill be accepted. In contrast, individuals wi th Dependent Personality Disorder have a pattern of seeking and maintaining connections to important others, rather than avoiding and withdraw ing from relations hips. Dependen t Personality Disorder mus t be dis tinguished from Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition, in which the traits emerge due to the direct effec ts of a general medical condition on the central nervous system . It must also be distinguished fro m symptoms that may develop in association with chronic substance use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder 'at Othem'ise Specified). Many individuals display dependent personality traits. O nly when these tra ils are inflexible, maladaptive, and persis ting and cause significant functional impairment o r subjective distress do they constitu te Dependent Personality Disorder.


Obsessive-Compu lsive Personalit y Disorder


Diagnostic criteria for 301.6 Dependent Personality Disorder

A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fea rs of separation, beginning by ear ly adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the following : (1) has difficulty making everyday decisions without an excessive amount of advice and reassurance from others (2) needs others to assume responsibil ity for most major areas of his or her life (3) has difficulty expressing disagreement with others because of fear of loss of support or approval. Note : Do not include realist ic fears of retribution. (4) has difficulty initiating projects or doing things on his or her own (because of a lack of self-confidence in judgment or abilities rather than a lack of motivation or energy) (5) goes to excessive lengt hs to obt ain nurtura nce and support from others, to the point of volunteering to do things t hat are unpleasant (6) feels uncomfortable or helpless when alone because of exaggerated fears of being unable to care for himself or herself (7) urgently seeks another relationship as a source of care and support when a close relationship ends (8) is unrealistically preoccupied with fears of being left to take care of himself or herself

301.4 ObseSSive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

Diag nostic Feat ures
The essential feature of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder is a preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal con trol, at the expense of flexibiJjty, openness, and efficienC}' . This pattern begins by early aduJthood and is present in a variety of contexts. Individuals with Obsessive-Compu lsive Personality Disorder attempt to maintain a sense of control through pains taking attention to rules, trivial details, procedures, lists, schedules, o r form to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost (Criterion 1). They are excessively carefu l and prone to repetition, paying extraordinary attention to detail and repeatedly checking for possible mistakes. They are oblivious to the fa ct that other people tend to become very annoyed at the delays and inconveniences that resu lt from this behavior. For example, when s uch individuals misplace a list of things to be d one, they will spend an inordinate amount of time looking for the list ra ther than spending a few moments re-creating it from memory and proceed~ ing to accomplish the tasks. Time is poorly allocated, the mos t important ta sks being left to the las t momen t. The perfectionism and self-imposed high s tandard s of performance cause significant d ysfunction and distTess in these individuals. They may become so involved in making every detail of a project absolutely perfect that the project is never finished (Criterion 2). For example, the completion of a written report is delayed by numerous time-consuming rewrites that all come up sh ort of "perfec-


Persona lity Disord ers

tion," Deadlines are missed, and aspects of the individual's life that are not the current focus of activity may fall into disarray. Individuals w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder display excessive devotion to work and productivity to the exclusion o f leisure activities and friendships (Criterion 3). nus behavior is no t accounted for by economic necessity. They of-

ten feel that they do not have time to take an evening or a weekend day off to go on an outing or to just relax. They may keep postponing a pleasurable activity, such as a vacation, so that it may never occur. \,\' hen they do take time for leisure acti vities or " acations, they are very uncomfortable unless Ihey have taken along something to
work on so they do n ot " was le time." There may be a grea t concentra tion o n household chores (e.g., re peated excessive cleaning so tha t "one could cat off the floor"). If they spend time w ith frie nds, it is likely to be in some kind of formall y o rganized activity (e.g., sports). H obbies or recreational activities a re approadled as serious tasks requiring careful o rganization and hard work to mas ter. The emph asis is on perfect performance. These individuals tum play into a structured tas k (e.g., correcting an i.nfant fo r not putting rings o n the post in the right order; telling a toddler to r ide his or her tricycle in a s tra ight line; turning a baseball game into a harsh "lesson"). Individuals w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Pe rsonality Disorder may be excessively conscientiou s, scrupulou s, a nd inflex ible about matters of m o rality, e thics, or values (C ri terion 4). They may force themselves and others to follow rigid m oral principles and very strict standards of performance. They may also be mercilessly sel f-critical about their own mistakes. Individ uals with this disorder are rigidly deferential to a utho rity and rules and ins is t o n quite literal compliance, with no rule bending for extenuating circumstances. For example, the individual will no t lend a quarter to a friend w ho needs o ne to make a telephone call, because " neither a borrower or lender be" o r because it would be "bad" for the person 's cha racte r. These qualities should not be accmmted for by the individual 's cultural or religious identification. Individuals w ith this disorder may be unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects, even w hen they have no sentimental value (Criterion 5). Often these individuals w ill admit to being " pack ra ts." They regard discarding objects as was teful because "you never know when you m ight need something" and w ill become upset if someone tries to get rid of the things they have saved. Their spouses or roomma tes m ay complain about the a mount of space taken up by old parts, magazines, broken appliances, and so on. Individuals w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Pe rsonality Disorder are reluctant to de lega te tasks or to wor k with others (Criterion 6). They stubbornly and unreasonably insist that e verything be do ne their way and that people conform to their way of doing things. They often give very detailed instructions abo ut how things should be done (e.g., there is one and only one way to m ow the lawn , wash the dis hes, build a doghouse) and a re surprised and irritated if others su ggest creative alternatives. At other times they may reject offers of help even when behind schedule becau se they believe no one e lse can do it r ight. Individuals w ith this disord e r may be m iserly and s tingy and maintain a standard of living far below what they can afford, believing that spending must be tightly controlled to prov ide for future catastrophes (Criterion 7). Indi viduals with ObsessiveCompulsive Pe rsonality Disorder are characterized by rigidity and s tubbornness (Criterio n 8). They a re so concerned about having things done the one "correct" way


Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder


that they have trouble going along with anyone else's ideas. These individuals plan ahead in meticulous detail and are unwilling to consider changes. Totally wrapped up in their own perspective, they have d ifficulty acknowledging the viewpoints of others. Friends and colleagues may become frustrated by this constant rigidity. Even when individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Personali ty Disorder recognize that it may be in their interest to compromise, they may s tubbornly rehlse to do so, arguing that it is "the principle of the thing."

Associated Features and Disorders

When rules and established procedures do not di ctate the correct answer, decision making may become a tim e-consuming, often painful process. Indi viduals with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder may have such difficul ty deciding which tasks take priority or what is the best way of doing some particular task th,1t they may never get s tarted on anything . They are prone to become upset or angry in situa tions in which they are not able to maintain control of their physical or interpersonal environment, although the anger is ty pically not exp ressed directl y. For example, a person may be angry when service in a restaurant is poor, but instead of complaining to the management, the individual ruminates about how much to leave as a tip. On other occasions, anger may be expressed with righteous indignation over a seemingly m inor matter. People w ith this disorder may be especially atten tive to their relative status in dominance-submission relationships and may disp lay excessive deference to an authority they respect and excessive resis tance to authority that they do not respect. Individuals with this disorder usually express affection in a highly controlled or stilted fa shion and may be very wlcomfortable in the presence of others who are emotionally expressive. Their everyday relationships have a formal and serious quality, and they may be stiff in situations in which others would s mile and be happy (e.g., greeting a lover at the airport). They carefull y hold themselves back lUltil they are sure that wha tever they say will be perfect. They may be preoccupied w ith logic and intellect, and intolerant of affective behavior in others. They o ften ha ve difficulty expressing tender feelings, rarely paying compliments. Individuals with this disorder may exp erience occupational difficulties and distress, p articularly when confronted with new situations that demand fl exibility and compromise. Ind ividuals with Anxiety Disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Social Phobia, and Specific Phobias, have an increased likelihood of having a personality disturbance that meets criteria for ObsessiveCompulsive Personality Disorder. Even so, it appea rs that the majority of individuals with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder do not have a pattern of behavior that meets criteria for this Personality Disorder. Many of the features of Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder overlap with " type A" personality characteristics (e.g., preoccupation with work, competitiveness, and time urgency), and these features may be present in people at risk for m yocardial infarction. There may be an association between Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder and Mood and Eating Disorders.

Specific Culture and Gender Featu res

Persona lity Disorders

In assessing an indi\,jdual for Obsessive-Compuls ive Personality Disorder, the clinician should not include those behav iors that reflect habits, customs, or interpersonal styles that aTC culturally sanctioned by the individual's reference group. Certain cultures place subs tantial emphasis on work and productivity; the resulting behaviors in members of those societies need not be considered indications of ObsessiveCompulsive Personali ty Disorder. In systematic s tudi es, the disorder appears to be diagnosed aboullwice as often among males.

Studies that have used systematic assessment suggest prevalence estimates of Obsessive-Compulsive Personali ty Disorder of about 1% in commtmity samples and about 3%-10% in individuals presenting to mental health clinics.

Differential Diagnosis
Despite the similarity in names, Obsessive-Compuls ive Disorder is us ually easily distinguished from Obsessive-Compulsive Personali ty Di sorder by the presence of true obsessions and compulsions. A diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder should be considered especially when hoarding is ex treme (e.g ., accumulated s tacks of worthless objects present a fire hazard and make it d ifficult for others to walk through the house). \O\'hen criteria for both disorders are met, both diagnoses s hould be recorded. Other Personality Disorders may be confused with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder because they have certain feah.ues in common. It is, therefore, important to distinguish among these disorders based on differences in their characteristic features . However, if an individual has personality features that meet criteria for one or more Personality Disorders in addition to Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder, all can be diagnosed . Individuals with Narcissistic Personality Disorder may also profess a com.!n.itment to perfectionism and believe that others cannot do things as well, but these individuals are more likely to believe that they have achieved perfection , whereas those with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder are usually self-critical. Individuals with Narcissistic or An ti social Personality Disorder lack generosity but will indulge themselves, whereas those with Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder adopt a miserly spending style tow ard both self and others. Both Schizoid Personality Disorder and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disord er may be characterized by an apparent formali ty and social detachment. In Obsessive-Compulsive Personali ty Disorder, this s tems from discomfort with emotions and excessive devotion to work, whereas in Schizoid Personality Disorder there is a fundamen tal lack of capacity for intimacy. Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder must be distinguished from Personality Ch ange Due to a General Medical Condition, in which the traits emerge due to the direct effecls of a general medical condition on the central nervous system. It must also be distinguished from symptoms that may develop in association with chronic substan ce use (e.g., Cocaine-Related Disorder Not O therwise Specified).


Personality Disorder Not Otherwise Specif ied


Obsessive-compulsive personality traits in moderation may be especiall y adaptive, particularly in sihlations that reward high perfomlance . Only w hen these traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and persisting and cause s ignificant func tiona l impairmentor subjective distress do they constitute Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder.

Diagnostic criteria for

301.4 Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

A pervasive pattern of preoccupation w ith orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control, at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency, beginning by early adu lthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the fo llowing: (1) is preoccupied w ith deta ils, rules, lists, order, organ ization, or schedules to the extent that the major point of the activity is lost (2) shows perfectionism that interferes with task completion (e.g., is unable to complete a project because his or her own overly strict standards are not met) (3) is excessively devoted to work and productivity to the exclusion of leisure activities and friendships (not accounted for by obvious economic necessity) (4) is overconscientious, scrupulous, and inflexible about matters of morality, ethics, or values (not accounted for by cultural or religious identification) (5) is unable to discard worn-out or worthless objects even whe n they have no sentimental value (6) is reluctant to delegate tasks or to work with others unless they submit to exactly his or her way of doing things (7) adopts a miserly spending style toward both self and others; money is viewed as something to be hoarded for future catastrophes (8) shows rigidity and stubbornness

301.9 Persona lity Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for disorders of personality functioning (refer to the general diagnos tic criteri a for a Personality Disorder o n p . 689) that do not meet criteria for any specific Personality Disorder. An example is the presence of features of more than one spec ific Personality Disorder that d o not meet the full criteria for any one Personality Disorder ("mixed personality"), but that together cause clinically significant distress or impairment in one or more important areas of functioning (e.g ., social or occupational). This category can also be used when the clinician judges that a specific Personality Disorder that is not included in the Classification is appropriate. Examples include depressive personality disorder and passive-aggressive personality disorder (see p. 789 and p. 791, respectively, for suggested research criteria).

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention

his section covers other conditions or p roblems that may be a focus of clinical atlention. These are related to the mental disorders described previously in this manual in one of the following ways: 1) the problem is the focus o f diagnosis or treatment and the individual has no mental disorder (e.g., a Partner Relational Problem in which neither partner has symptoms that meet criteria for a mental disorder, in which case onl y the Partner Relational Problem is coded); 2) the individual has a mental disorder but it is unrelated to the problem (e.g., a Partner Relational Problem in which one of the partners has an incidental Specific Phobia, in w hich case both can be coded); 3) the individual has a mental disorder that is related to the problem, but the problem is sufficiently severe to warrant ind ependent clinical attention (e.g., a Partner Relational Problem sufficiently problematic to be a focus of treatment that is also associated with 1>.'lajor Depressive Disorder in one of the partners, in w hich case both can be coded). The cond itions and problems in this section are coded on Axis I.

Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition

316 Psychological Factor Affecting Medical Condition

Diagnostic Features
The essential fea ture of Psychological Factor Affecting Medical Condition is the p resence of one or more s pecific psychological or behavioral factors that adversely affect a general medical condition. There are several d ifferent ways in w hich these factors can adversely affect the genera l m ed ical condition. The factors can influence the course of the general medical condition (which can be inferred by a dose temporal association between the factors and the development or exacerba tion of, or delayed recovery from, the medical condition). The factors ma y interfere w ith treatment of the general medica l condition. The fac tors may constitute an ad ditional health risk for the individual (e.g., continued overeating in an individual with weight-related diabetes). They may precipitate or exacerbate symptoms of a general medical condi tion by eliciting stress-related physiological responses (e.g ., causing chest pain in individuals



Other Conditions That M ay Be a Focus of Cl inical Attention

with coronary artery disease, or bronchospas m in individuals with asthma). The psychological or beha vioral factors that in flu ence general medical conditions include Axis I disorders, Axis IT diso rders, psychologica l symptoms or personality traits that do not meet the full criteria for a s pecific m ental disorder, maladaptive health beha viors, o r physiological responses to environmen tal or socia l s tressors.

Psychological or behavioral fact ors play a potential role in the presentation or

treatment of almost every general m edical condition. This category should be reserved fo r those situations in which the psychological factors have a clinically significant e ffect o n the course o r o utcome of the general medical condition o r place the indi vidual at a s ignificantl}, higher ris k for an adverse outcome. There mus t be reasonab le evid ence to s uggest an associa tion between the psycholog ical factors and the medical conditio n, although it may often not be possible to demons trate direct causality or the m echanisms underlying the re la tionship. Psychological a nd behavioral factors may affect the course of almost every major category of d is ease, including cardiovascu lar conditions, derm a tological conditions, end ocrinological co nditions, gastrointestinal co nd itions, neoplastic conditions, neurological conditio ns, pulmonary conditions, rena l conditions, and rheumatological conditions. The Psychological Facto r Affecting r.,4edical Conditio n diagnosis is coded on Axis I, and the accompanying general medical condition is coded on Axis ill. (See Appendix G for a list of dia gnos tic codes for genera l medical conditions.) To p ro vide g rea ter specifici ty regarding the type o f psychological fClciar, the name is chose n from the list below. When m o re than one ty pe of fac tor is presen t, the most prominent should be specified .
Mental Di sorder A ffecting ... (Judicate tlte General Medical COllditioll). A specific Axis I o r Axis n disorder significantly affects the course or treatment of a general medical cond itio n (e.g ., Major Depressive Diso rder adversely affecting the prognOSiS of m yocardia l infarction, renal fa ilure, o r hemodialysis; Sch izoph.renia complicClting the treatment of diabetes mellitus). In addition to coding this condi tion on Axis I, the specific mental disorder is also coded on Axis I o r Axis n. Psych ological Symp toms Affecting _ . . (Iudica te tile General M edicn/ COllditioll). Symptoms that do not m eet full criteria for an Axis I diso rder significantly affect the course or treatme nt of a genera l medical condition (e.g., symptoms of a nxiety or depression affecting the course and severi ty o f irritable bowel synd.rome or peptic ulcer disease, or co m plicating recovery from surgery). Personali ty Traits or Coping Style Affecting ... [Illd ica te tile Genera l h'lediml COlldition1. A perso nality trait or a maladaptive coping style s ignificantly affects the cou rse o r trea tmen t of a genera l m edical condition. Personality traits can be subthreshold for a n Axis II diso rder o r represent an other pattern that hCls been demons trated to be a ris k factor fo r ce rtai n illnesses (e.g ., " ty pe A," pressured, hostile behavio r for coronary artery disease). Problematic p e rsonality traits a nd maladaptive coping sty les can impede the working relationship w ith heCllth care personnel. Maladap ti ve H ealth Behaviors Affecting . . . [Illdicnte tile General Medica l COl/dWolI}. Ma la daptive health b eha viors (e.g., sedentary lifestyle, uns afe sexual


Psychologica l Factor Affecting M edica l Condition


practices, overeating, excessive alcohol and drug use) significantly affect the course or trea tment of a general medical condition. If the maladaptive behaviors are better accounted for by an Axis I d isorder (e.g., overeating as part of Bulimia ervosa, alcohol u se as part of Alcohol Dependence), the name ''Nlen tal Disorder Affecting Medical Condition " should be used instead. Stress-Related Physiological Res pon se Affecting . .. rr"dic(lte tile Gellernl M edic(l f COlld itio"]. Stress-related physiological responses significant ly affect the course or treatment of a general medical condition (e.g., precipitate chest pain or arrhythmia in a patient with coronary artery disease). Other or Uns pecified Factors Aff ec ting . . . [Indicate tI'e Ge"eraf Medi c(l f Co"diti oll ]. A fac tor no t inclu ded in the subtypes specified above or an unspecified psychological or behaviora l factor significan tly affects the course o r treahnent of a general medical cond illon.

Differentia l Diagnosis
A temporal association between symptoms of a men tal disorder and a genera l medical condition is also characteristic of a Mental Disorder Due to a General Med ical Condition, but the p resumed causality is in the opposite d irection. In a Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Cond ition, the general medical condition is judged to be causing the mental disorder through a direct physiological mechanism . In Psychologica l Factor Affecting Medica l Cond ition, the psychological or beh avioral factors are judged to affect the cou rse of the general medica l condition. Subs tance Use Disorders (e.g., Alcohol Dependence, kotine Dependence) adversely affect the prognosis of many general medical conditions. If an individual has a coexisting Substance Use Disorder that adversely affects or causes a general medical condition, Menta l Disorder Affecting General Medical Condi tion can be coded on Axis I in addition to the Substance Use Disorder. For substance use patterns affecting a general med ical cond ition that do not meet the criteria for a Substance Use Disorder, ~'I aladapti"e Health Behaviors Affecting Med ical Cond ition ca n be specified. Somatoform Disorders are characterized by the p resence of both psychological facto rs and ph ysical symptoms, but there is no general medical condition that can completely account for the physical symptoms. In con trast, in PsydlOlogica l Factors Affecting Med ical Condition, the psychological fac tors adversely affect a diagnosable general medical condition. PsycholOgical factors a ffec ting pain syndromes are not diagnosed as Psychological Factor Affecting Medical Cond ition but rather as Pain Disord er Associated With Psych ological Factors or Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a Gen eral M edical Con di tion. When noncompliance with treatment for a general medical condition results from psychological fac tors but becomes the major focus o f clinical atten tion, Noncompliance With Treatment (see p. 739) should be coded .

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinica l Attention

316 ... [Specified Psychological Factor] Affecting ...

[Indicate the General Medical Condition]
A. A gene ral medical condition (coded on Axis III) is present . B. Psychological factors adversely affect the general medica l condition in one of the following ways:

the factors have influenced the course of the general medical condition as shown by a close temporal association between the psychological factors and the development or exacerbation of, or delayed recovery from, the general medical condition (2) the factors interfere with the treatment of the general medical cond ition (3) the factors constitute add it ional health risks for the individual (4) stress-related physiological responses precipitate or exacerbate symptoms of the general medical condition

Choose name based on the nature of the psycholog ica l factors (if more than one factor is present, indicate the most prominent): Mental Disorder Affecting , . . {Indicate the General Medical Condition} (e.g., an Axis I disorder such as Major Depressive Disorder delaying recovery from a myocardial infarction) Psychological Symptoms Affecting . . . [Indicate the General Medical Condition] (e.g., depressive symptoms delaying recovery from surgery; a nxiety exacerbat ing asthma) Personality Traits or Coping Style Affecting .. , [Indicate the General M ed ical Condition] (e.g., pathological denial of the need fo r surgery in a patient with cancer; hostile, pressured behavior contributing to cardiovascular disease) Maladaptive Health Behaviors Affecting . .. [Indicate the General Medical Condi tion] (e.g., overeating; lack of exercise; unsafe sex) Stress-Related Physiological Response Affecting , , [Indicate the General Medical Condition] (e.g., stress-related exace rbations of ulcer, hypertension, arrhythmia, or tension headache) Other or Unspecified Psychological Factors Affecting . . , {Indicate the Gen eral Medical Condition] (e.g., interpersonal, cultural, or religious factors)

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

The following Medication-Induced Movement Disorders are included because of their frequent importance in 1) the management by medication of mental disorders or general medical cond itions; and 2) the differential diagnosis wi th Axis I disorders (e.g., Anxiety Disorder versus Neuroleptic-Induced Akathisia; catatonia versus Neurolep tic Malignant Syndrome). Although these disorders are labeled "medica tion induced," it is often difficult to establish the causa l relationship between medica tion


Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

exposure and the development of the movement disorder, especially because some of these movement disorders also occur in the absence of medication exposure. The term neuroleptic is used broadly i..!1 this manual to refer to medications w ith dopamineantagonist properties. Although this term is becoming outdated because it highlights the propensity of antipsychotic medications to cau se abnormal movements, the term neuroleptic remains appropriate. Although newer antipsychotic medications are less likely to cause Medication-Induced Movement Disorders, these syndromes still occur. Neuroleptic medications include so-caUed conventional or typical antipsychotic agents (e.g ., chlorpromazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine), the newer "atypical" antipsychotic agen ts (e.g., c1ozapine, risperidone, olanzapine, quetiapine), certain dopamine receptor blocking drugs used in the treatment of symptoms such as nausea and gastroparesis (e.g., prochlorperazine, promethazine, trimethobenzamide, thiethylperazine, and metoclopramide), and amoxapine, which is marketed as an antidep ressant. Medication-Induced Movement Disorders should be coded on Axis I.


Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

Parkinsonian tremor, muscular rigidity, or akinesia d eveloping w ithin a few weeks of starting or raising the dose of a neuroleptic medication (or after reducing a medication used to treat extrapyramidal symptoms). (See p . 795 for sugges ted research criteria.)


Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Severe muscle rigidi ty, elevated temperature, and other related finding s (e.g., d iaphoresis, d ysphagia, incontinence, changes in level of consciousness ranging from confusion to coma, mutism, elevated or labile blood pressure, elevated creatine phosphokinase [CPK]) developing in association w ith the use of neuroleptic medication. (See p . 798 for sugges ted research criteria .)


Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia

Abnormal positioning or spasm of the muscles of the head, neck, limbs, or trunk within a few days of starting or raising the dose of a neuroleptic medication (or after reducing a medication used to treat extrap yramidal symptoms). (See p. 800 for suggested research criteria.)


Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia

Subjective complaints of restlessness accompanied by observed movements (e.g ., fidgety movements of the legs, rocking from foot to foot, pacing, or inability to sit or stand s till) developing w ithin a few weeks of s tarting or raising the dose of a neuroleptic medication (or after reducing a medication used to treat extrapyramidal symptoms). (See p. 802 for s uggested research criteria.)

Other Co nd it ions That May Be a Focus of Clin ical Attention


Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia

Involuntary choreiform, athetoid , or rhythm ic movements (lasting at least a few weeks) of the tongu e, jaw, or extremities developing in association wi th the use of neuroleptic medication for a t least a few mon ths (may be for a shorter period of time in eld erly persons). (See p. 805 for suggested research criteria .)


Medication-Induced Postural Tremor

Fine tremor occurring d uring attempts to maintain a posture that develops in association with the use of medication (e.g., lithium, antidepressants, valproate). (See p. 807 for suggested research criteria .)

333.90 Medication-Induced Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for Medication-Induced Movement Disorders not classified by any of the specific disorders listed above. Examples include 1) parkinsonism, acu te aka thisia, acute d ystonia, or dyskinetic movement that is associa ted with a medication other than a neuroleptic; 2) a presen tation that resembles neuroleptic malignant synd rome that is associated w ith a medication other than a neuroleptic; or 3) tardive d ystonia.

Other Medication-Induced Disorder


Adverse Effects of Medication Not Otherwise Specified

nus category is available for optional use by clinicians to code side effects of medica-

tion (other than movement symptoms) when these adverse effects become a main focus of clinical attention. Examples include severe hypotension, cardiac arrhythm ias, and p riapism.

Relational Problems

Relational problems include patterns of interaction behveen or among members of a relational unit that are associa ted w ith clinically significant impairment in functioning, or symptoms among one o r more members of the relational unit, or impairment in the hmctioning of the relational unit itself. The following rela tional problems are included because they are frequ ently a focus of clinical attention among individuals seen by health professionals. These problems may exacerbate o r complicate the management of a mental disorder or general medical condition in one or more members

V61 .9 Relati onal Problem Rel ated t o a Ment al Di sorder o r General M edical Co nditio n

737 \

of the relational unit, may be a re.sult of a mental disorder or a general medical condition, may be independent of other conditions that are present, or can occur in the absence of any other condi tion. 'Nhen these problems are the p rincipal focus of clinical atten tion, they sh ould be listed on Axis I. Othenvise, if they are present but not the principal focus of clinica l attention, they may be listed on Axis IV. The relevant category is generally ap plied to all members of a relational unit who are being treated for the problem .

V61.9 Relational Problem Related to a Mental D isorder or General Medical Condition

This category should be used w hen the focus of clinical attention is a pattern of impaired interaction tha t is associated with a mental d isorder or a general medical condition in a fam ily member.


ParentChild Relational Problem

This category sh ould be used when the focus of clin ical atten tion is a pattern of interaction beh\'een parent and child (e.g ., impaired comm unication, overprotection, inadequate d iscipline) that is associated with clinically signifi cant impairment in individ ual or family functioning or the development of clinically significant symptoms in parent or child .


Partner Relational Problem

This ca tegory should be used when th e foc us of clinical attention is a pattern of interaction behveen spouses or p artners characteri zed by nega ti ve communication (e.g., criticisms), distorted communication (e.g ., unrealistic expectations), or noncommunication (e.g., withdrawal) that is associated w ith clinically significant impairment in individual or family hmctioning or the development of symptoms in one or both partners.


Sibling Relational Problem

This category should be used when the focus of clinical attention is a p attern of interaction among siblings that is associated with clinically significant impairment in individual or family fWlCtioning or the development of symptoms in one or more of the siblings.

V62.81 Relational Problem Not Otherwise Specified

This category should be used when the focus of clinical attention is on relational problems that are not classifiable by any of the specific p roblems listed above (e.g., difficulties with co-workers).

Other Condit ions That May Be a Focus o f Clinica l Attention

Problems Related to Abuse or Neglect

This section includes categories that s hould b e u sed w hen the focu s of clinical attention is severe mistreatment of one individual by anoth er through physical abuse, sexual abuse, or child neglect. These problems are included because they are frequently a focus of clinical attention among ind ividuals seen by health professionals. The appropriate V code applies if the focus of attention is on the perpetrator of the abuse or neglect or on the relational unit in w hich it occurs. If the individu al being evalua ted or treated is the victim of the abuse or neglect, code 995.52, 995.53, or 995.54 for a child or 995.81 or 995.83 for an ad ult (dep end ing on the ty p e of abuse).


Physical Abuse of Child

This category shouJd be used when the focus of clinical attention is ph ysical abuse of a child . Coding fl o te: Specify 995.54 iffoms of clinical attention is 011 tIle victim .


Sexual Abuse of Child

This category should be used when the focus of clin ical atten tion is sexual abuse of a child. Codillg lIote: Specify 995. 53 iffOCIiS of clinical attentioll is 011 the victim.


Neglect of Child

This category should be used w hen the fOCllS of clinical atten tion is child neglect. Coding IIo te: Specify 995.52 iffOCII5 of clinical attentiOfl is 011 tile vicUm.

Physical Abuse of Adult

This catego ry shouJd be used when the focus of clinical atten tion is physical abuse of an aduJt (e.g., spouse beating, abuse of elderly parent). Coriillg no te: Code V61.12 V6Z.83

iffoms of clinical attention is 0 11 tile perpetrator and abuse is by partner if focus of clin ical attentioll is OIl tile perpetrator and abuse is by persoll
other than partmr iffoclls of clinical attention is on the victim

Sexual Abuse of Adult

This category should be u sed w hen the focus of cl inical attention is sexual abuse of an adult (e.g., sexual coercion, rape).

Coding 1I0te: Code

Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Cli nical Attention

V61.12 V62.83


iffoms of diniCflI atten tion is 011 tile perpetrator and abuse is by partller iffOCII S of clillical attelltioll is all ti,e perpetrator alld abllse is by perSOll
otller tllall partller iffocu s of clillical attelltioll is 011 tile victim


Additional Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clinical Attention


Noncompliance With Treatment

This category can be used when the focu s of clinical attention is noncompliance w ith an important aspect of the trea tment for a mental disorder or a general medical condition. The reasons for noncompliance may include discomfort resulting from treatment (e.g., medication side effects), expense of treatment, d ecisions based on personal value judgments or religious or cultural beliefs about the advantages and disadvantages of the proposed trea tment, maladaptive personality traits or coping styles (e.g., denial of illness), or the presence of a mental disorder (e.g., Schizoph renia, Avoidant Personality Disorder). This category should be used only when the problem is sufficiently severe to warrant independent clinical a ttention.



The essen tial feature of Malingering is the intentional production of false or grossly exaggerated physica l or psychological symptoms, motivated by external incentives such as avoiding military duty, avoiding work, obtaining financial compensation, evading criminal prosecution, or obtaining drugs. Under some circumstances, Malingering may represent adaptive behavior- for example, feigning illness while a captive of the enemy during wartime. Malingering should be strongly suspected if any combina tion of the following is noted: 1. Medicolegal context of presentation (e.g., the person is referred by an attorney to the clinician for examination) 2. Marked discrepancy behveen the person's claimed stress or disability and the objective findings 3. Lack of cooperation during the diagnostic evaluation and in complying with the prescribed treatment regimen 4. The presence of Antisocial Personality Disorder Malingering differs from Factitious Disorder in that the motivation for the symptom production in Malingering is an external incentive, whereas in Factitious Disord er external incentives are absen t. Evidence of an intrapsychic need to maintain the sick role suggests Factitious Disorder. Malingering is d ifferentiated from Con version Disorder and other Somatofonn Disorders by the intentional production of symp-

Ot her Co nd iti ons That M ay Be a Focus of Clin ical Attention


toms and b)' the obvious, external incentives associated with it. In Malingering (in contrast to Conversion Disorder), symptom relief is not often obtained by suggestion or hypnosis.


Adult Antisocial Behavior

Thi s ca tegory can be used when the foc us of d inical attention is adult antisocial behavior that is not due to a mental disorder (e.g., Conduct Disorder, Antisocial Personality Disorder, or an Impulse-Con trol Disorder). Examples include the behavior of some professional thieves, racketeers, or dealers in illegal substances.


Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior

This category can be used when the focus of clinical attention is antisocial behavior in a child or adolescent that is not due to a men tal disorder (e.g., Cond uct Disorder or an Impulse-Control Disorder). Examples include isolated antisocial acts of children or adolescents (not a pattern of antisocial behavior).


Borderline Intellectual Functioning

This category can be u sed when the focus of clinical attention is associa ted with bord erline intellectual fu nctioning, that is, an IQ in the 71-84 range. Differential diagnosis between Borderline Intellectual Functioning and Men tal Retardation (an IQ of 70 or below) is especially difficu lt when the coexistence of certa in mental disorders (e.g., Sch izophrenia) is involved. Coding no te: This is coded 011 Axis 11.


Age-Related Cognitive Decline

This category can be used when the focus of clinical attention is an objectively idel tificd decline in cognitive functioning consequent to the agi ng process thai is w ithin normal limits given the person's age. Individuals with this condition may report problems remembering names or appoin tments or may experience difficulty in solving complex problems. This category should be considered only aft er it has been d etermined tha t the cognitive impairment is not att ributable to a specific men tal disorder or neurological condition.



This category can be used when the focus of dinical attention is a reaction to the death of a loved one. As part of their reaction to the loss, some grieving individuals present with symptoms characteristic of a Major Depressive Episode (e.g., feelings of sa dness and associated symptoms s uch as insonmia, poor appetite, and weight loss). The bereaved individ ual typically regards the depressed mood as "normal," a lthough the person may seek professional help for relief of associated symptoms such as insomnia or anorexia. The dura tion a nd expression of "nomlal" bereavement vary consider-


Academic Problem


ably among different cultural groups. The diagnosis of Major Depressive Disorder is generally n ot given unless the symptoms are s till presen t 2 months after the loss. However, the presence of cer tain symptoms t]lat are not characteris tic o f a "normal" grief reaction may be helpful in diffe re ntiating bereavement fro m a r-,'Iajor Depressive Episode. These include 1) guilt abou t things other than actions taken or not taken by the survivor at the time of the death; 2) thoughts of death o ther than the survivor fee ling that he or she would be better off dead or should have died with the deceased person; 3) morbid preoccupation with worthlessness; 4) marked psychomotor retardation; 5) prolonged and marked functional impairment; and 6) hallucinatory experiences othe r than thinking that he or she hears the voice of, or trans iently sees the image of, the deceased person.


Academic Problem

This category can be u sed w hen the focus of clinical attention is an academic p roblem that is not due to a mental disorde r or, if due to a menta l disorder, is sufficiently se\'ere to warra nt indepe ndent clinical attention. An example is a pattern o f failing grades or of significant underachievement in a p erson with adequate intellectual capadty in the absence of a Learning or Communication Disorder or any other mental disorder that would account for the problem.


Occupational Problem

This category can be used w hen the foc us of clinical atte ntion is an occupational problem that is not due to a mental d isorder or, if it is due 10 a mental disorder, is sufficien tly se vere to warrant indepe nden t clinical attention . Examples include job dissatisfaction and uncertainty about career choices.


Identity Problem

This category can be used when the focus of cHn ical attention is uncertainty a bout multiple issues relating to identity such as long-term goals, career choice, friend ship patterns, sexual orientation and behavior, mo ral values, and group loyalties.


Religious or Spiritual Problem

This category can be used w hen the focus of clin ical attention is a religious or spirituaJ problem . Examples include distressing experiences that involve loss or ques tioning of faith, problems associa ted with conversion to a new faith, or questioning of spiritual values tha t may n ot necessarily be related to an organized church or religious institu tion.


Acculturation Problem

This category can be llsed when the focus of clinical attention is a p roblem involving adjustment 10 a differe nt culture (e.g., foUowing migration).

Other Conditi ons That May Be a Focus o f Clinical Attention


Phase of Life Problem

This category can be used when the focus of clinical attention is a problem associated

with a particular developmental phase or some other life circumstance that is not due to a mental disorder or, if it is due to a mental disorder, is sufficiently severe to war rant independent clinical attention. Examples include p roblems associated with en tering school, leaving parental control, starting a new career, and changes involved in marriage, divorce, and retirement.

Additional Codes


Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic)

There are several circums tances in which it may be appropriate to assign this code: 1) for a specific menta l disorder not included in the DSM-JV Classification, 2) when none of the available Not Otherwise Specified categories is appropriate, or 3) when it is judged that II nonpsychotic menial disorder is present but there is not enough information available to d iagnose one of the ca legories p rovi ded in the Classification. In some cases, the diagnOSiS can be changed to a specific d isorder after more information is obtained.


No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I

' '''hen no Axis I diagnosis or condition is present, this should be indicated . There may or may not be an Axis n d iagnosis.


Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I

'A'hen there is insu fficien t in formation to make any diagnos tic judgment about an Axis I diagnosis or condition, this should be noted as Diagnosis or Cond ition Deferred on Axis L


No Diagnosis on Axis II

When no Axis n diagnosis (e.g., no Personality Disorder) is present, this should be indicated. There mayor may not be an Axis I diagnosis or condition.


Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II

When there is insuffi cient infomlation to make any diagnostic judgment about an Axis II diagnosis, this should be noted as Diagnosis Deferred on Axis U.


Appendix A

Decis ion Trees for Differential Diagnosis

T he purpose of these deci sion trees is to aid the clinician in understanding the organization and hierarchical structure of the DSM-JV Classification . Each decision tree starts with a set of clinical features. ,"Vhen one of these features is a prominent part of the p resenting clinical picture, the clinician can follow the series of ques tions to rule in or rule out various disorders. Note that the questions are on ly approximations of the diagnostic criteria and are not meant to replace them. The Psychotic Disord ers d ecision tree is the only one that contains disord ers that

are mutually exclusive (i.e., only one disorder from that section can be diagnosed in a given individual for a particular ep isode). For the other decision trees, it is important to refer to tJle individual criteria sets to determine when more than onc diagnosis may apply.

Con tellts
I. Differential Diagnosis of Mental Disorders


IV. V. VI.

Due to a General Med ical Cond ition Differential Diagnosis of Substance-Induced Disorders Differential Diagnosis of Psych otic Disorders Differential Diagnosis of Mood Disorders Differential Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders Differential Diagnosis of Somatoform Disorders

746 748 750 752 754 756

Note: Prepared by Michael 13. Firs t, M.D., Allen Frances, MD., and Harold Alan Pincus, M.D.



A ppend ix A

Differential Diagnosis of Mental Disorders

Due to a General Medical Condition
Symp toms tha t are du ~ to the d irect physiological effect5 of a general medic.:!l condition

Disturbance of
consciousness and a

V" Evidence that the

disturbance has




change in cognition

more than one etiology (e.g., substance and gene ral medical conditions)




Memory impairmen t Ye: 1 At least one additional rognitin! deficit

Ye~ 1 evidence that the

d isturbance has
more than one



etiologr (e.g.,

disease and Alzheimer's disease)]



~ NO
'Yes VASCULAR Evidence that cerebnwilscular DEMENTIA disease is etiologically related

to the d is turbance

Dis turbance due to central ne ncous system oondiUon or systemic condition known to cause dementi"



Gradual onset and V" DEMENTIA OF TH E ALZHEIMER'S TYPE con tin uing cognltivt,! decline



Decision Trees for Differential Diagnosis


Prominent delusions or ha llucina tions predominate





Promi n" n! and persisten t mood disru rb ancc predomina tes

I Yes





No -,"~~~~",,~L l v~e~.CProminent an.,i ety. pm;c attacks, obse5sions, or compulsiOns predomina te

________________________________ cccc==c--------ANXIETY


Clinically significant Ve.
sexual d ysfunction cxd us in ,l)' due to a gene ral med ical conditi on



DishJ rbance in siccp V" sufficiently se n :re to ' warran t ind epen dentl clinical attention





I Yes



Change in p revious ' Yes persona li ty pattern



Clinic<lUy IYes sympt oms et iologic<lUy related to a general medical condition tha t d o not meet criteria for a specific Menta l Disorde r Due to a General Medical Cond iti on
No No menta l d isord er (symp toms that are not cliniCollly significant)


1 748

Appendix A

Differential Diagnosis of Substance-Induced Disorders (Not Including Dependence and Abuse)

Symp toms that are
due to the d iret:t

physiological effects
of a substance (i.e ., a d rug of abuse, a medication, o r a toxin)

A disturbance of

Ye s

cun5Cio usness a nd II change in cognition that are in excess o f that usually seen in intoxica tion o r withdrawal o1nd thai warra n t ind ependent clinical attention

! Evid ence that the INO~.1 Onset of d eliriu m ,Ve. disturbance has during w ithd rawal
more than one etiol ogy (e.g.,


from a substance

substance and general med ical condition)





Yestol At INs! one

Pe rs istent memo ry impairment

I Yes

ad ditional cognitive d e fici t

E\'idence th at the d is turba nce has mol\' than one etiology (e.g._ substance and gener~ l medic,ll cond ition)








Decision Trees for Differential Diagnosis


De!USiOT15 or hallucinatioT15 predomin.:ate,.l1l' in \ Yes excess of that usually seen in intoxication or WithdrilW~ !, and warrant indept'ndent clinical dttention


SUBSTANCEIN DUCED PSYCHOTIC DISORDER Specify if omet during intoxkClt ion o r withdra w al

mood di> turbance predominates, is in excess ri\~~"~;b.~;;;!J.;;i,~~",~~~~CV~'"''-________________~ of tha t usually seen in intoxicdtion or withdrawal, and warrants independent clinical attention


r:A""~'";'~O~'~P~'"ru,~,~,~,,~,;"~,~o~,~,","";;.;O',",O~,~~---L~V~'"''-________________.. . ';; ; " " I ~

compulsions predominate; art' in excess of thd l usually 5el'n in intoxication o r w ithdrolwal; and warran t independent clinical attention


SUBSTAN CEINOUCED MOOD DISORDER Specify if onset during into xica tion or wi thdrawClI

SUBSTANCEINDUCED ANXIETY DISORDER Specify if on\et during intoxication or withdrawal

Clinicallr significant sexual dysfunction exclusively due to a s ubstance, is in excess of Ih.:at U5Ually 5el'n in intoxication, and warrants indept'ndi!nt dinica! attenti on

I Yes


Disturbance in sleep thai is suffiOi!ntly sen~re to I I,'arrant indept'ndenl clinical attention and is in excess of th~t usuallr seen in intoxication o r wilhdrawal


[)cl'elopmen! of a reversible syndrome due 10 recen l usc of a subs tance

SUBSTANCEINDUCED SLEEP DISORD ER Specify if onset during in to xica t ion or w ithdrawa l

V" V V"


Ocn']opmen t of a syndrome due to reduction or cessation of usc of a substance



Clinically sign ificant symploms due to a subs tance that do not meet criteria for one of the Substance-Induced Disorders


No Substance-Induced Disorder (subs tance-induced symptoms that an! not clinically signific'lIlt)


Append ix A

Differential Diagnosis of Psychotic Disorders

Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speec h, or grossly disorganized behavior

Due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition




Due to the direct


physio1ogiCill effects
of a subs tance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a medication, or a toxin)


Symptoms of acth"e phase of Schizophrenia, lasting at least I month

Major Depre55i\"e or Manic Episode concurren t with acti\'e--phase symptoms




To lal duration of mood episodes has been brief relath"e to duration of active a nd residual periods


Duration at least 6 months








At least 2 wet'ks of delusions or hallucinations No in the absence of prominent mood 5ymptOm5j




PSYC HOTIC FEATURES (see Mood Disorders tree)

Decision Tre es for Differential Diagnosis

Nonbizarre delus ions lasting alle.lS1 I month

Ves l

Total duration of mood episodes has been brief relative to duration of delusional pt'riods

t vel.1Apart from
delusions, functioning not markedly impaired

V ..




Delusions occur only during mood episodes




Duration more than 1 day but less tn~n 1 month

I Yes





Appendix A

Differential Diagnosis of Mood Disorders

Depl'\$5t"d, elevated,
expansive, or irri table mood

Due to the direct ph)'S iologica l effects of a general medical condition



Due to the d irect physiological effects of a 5ubst.mce (i.e., a drug of abuse, a medica tion, o r a loxin)


rklennine type o f p resent and pas t mood epi>odes
Yeo Ele\'ated, expansi \'e, or MANIC EPISODE irritable mood, a t leasl l- week duration; marked impairment or hospitalization

Elevated, e;.;paru;in!, o r irritable mood, at least +day duution; changes obse,,'able


by others but less 5e\"t,"re

At least 2 weeks of

depressed mood o r!~ of

inlere;; t plus ~ ,soci.1led symptoms, and not better accounted for by Be~a\'emen t


Yeo MIXE D EPISOD E Criteri a met for Manic Episode and Major Depressh"e Episode nearly eve ry day for at least 1 week

Has e\"er had a ~1ANIC EPISODE or a MIXED EPISODE


Psychotic symptoms occur at times other tho during Manic m o r 1I..tixed Episodes




Occurred exclusively during Schizoaffective Disorder (revie w Psychotic Disorde~ tree)




BIPOLAR DISORDER NOS (superimpo~ed on a Psychotic Disorder)

Decision Trees f or Differential Diagnosis

~IHi~;;-;'~';";:Iu;;;;d"'~HYPOii;;ro;:';;'A"N'""C:~!v!.!,_____ _ ____--+. 1



2+ r ears of h)'pomanic symp loms and periods of dep'S~ mood

V .. -,oe-._ _ _ __ __ __ -+. CYCLOT HYMIC DISORDER

Clirtically significMlI . maniC / hrpomanlC 5)'1np oms lhill do nOI meel criteria for a ,-specific Bipolar Disorder

_Ve"'' -_ _ _ __ __ _ _ _


Has eve r had a MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE IYes Psychotic symptoms occur at tim es other Ihan during Major Depressive Episodes

L ~a



V. . Occurred exclush-ely during Schizoaffectin' Disorder (re\';ew Psychotic Disorders

, ~)


DEPR ESSIVE DISO RDER NOS (superimposed on Psychotic Disorder)

Depressed mood, more days than not, for at least 2 years with associated symptoms

, V. .



();opressed mood not meeting criteriil (or one of ilbo'-e ~Iood Disorders that develops in response to a st'Ssor


Clinically depress ive symptoms that do not meet criteria for a 5pecific Mood Disorder



No Mood Disorde r (mood symptoms that are no t clinically significan t)


Append ix A

Differential Diagnosis of Anxiety Disorders

Symptoms of anxiety, fear, ;ll"oidanre, or incl'\'ased


Due to the direct phy~iological effects of a general mcdic<l l condition




Due to the direct phpiol ogicaJ effecls of a substance (e.g., a drug of abuse, a mooicanon, a toxin)




Recurrent UJlexpec::led Panic

V" Agoraphobia, i.e., anxiety

abou t being in places from which escape might be difficult or embarrass ing in



Attaclo:5 plus a month of

worry, concern abou t attacks, or change in behavior


the event of h,ning a Panic AfIack No


Agoraphobia, i.c ., anxiety .lbout being in places from which escape mig ht be difficult o r emba rrassing in the e\'l.'n t of M\'ing panic-like symptoms




J _No
Anxicty concerning separoltion from ;H!ilchment figu~'S with onset in childhood

! Yes



Feilr of humiliilti on or embarrassment in social or perfonnance situations

Fear cued by object or situation


~N o Obsessions or compulsions




Decision Trees f or Differentia l Diagnosis


i!Illcietyand worry plus anxie ty sym ptoms

or Psychotic Disorder


Sc.-c Mood Disorders or

Psychotic Disorders tree

Anxiety in response to a Sl',ere traumatic en~nt



Reexperiencing of event, increased arousal, and avoidance of stimuli associa ted with traumati c el'ent

T No


Duration of more than 1 month




, Al\Klety that does not meet lveee''--_______ ___-+ IADJUSTMENT DISORD ER . t

criteria for one of the .100,1' Anxiety Disorders and develops in response to a stressor


Clinically signifka nt symptoms tha t do not met'! criteria fo r a specific All>'iety Disorder



No Anxiet)' Disorder (symptoms of fear, anxiety, or avoidance that a re not clinically Significant)


Append ix A

Differential Diagnosis of Somatoform Disorders

Physicoll complaints or irrational anxie ty <1bout illness or

Physical complaints ~Y~5 SpOOfic G&~ERJ.\ l are fully explained MEDICAL by a gene ral COl'>.'OmON (no medical condi tion Som"tofonn and complain ts are Disorde r) not in excess of expec ted

Psychological [actors il d nr.;ely a ffe<:1 general medical condition




Physical symp toms are intentionally produced

V" External incentil'es

are absent

I Yes





History of multiple ph)'5 ical complaints wi th at least "\ pain symptoms, :2 gas trointestinal symptom5, I sexual symptom, and 1 pseudoneurologica l symptom





S}mptom or deficit affecting \'olunta ry
motor or 5ef\50!y ful\(lion

V ..



Symptom or deficit a ffecting sexual funcliorung


Pain is forus of clinical alhmlio", and psychological factors ha'-e important role



V Other phys ical complaints las ting at least 6 months


Decisio n Trees for Differential Diagnosis


P!'t'fXCupation with ide,) of h,)ving a serious disease



I Yes

Belief is of delusional intensity




s...e Psychotic
Disorders tree Preoccupation with imagined ddect in appearance

BODY DYSMORPHIC DISORDER (if delusional, also see Psychotic Diso rde rs tree)

Clinically significant SOn1a toform symptoms that do not meet cri teria for a specific Som.ltoform Disorder


No Somaloform Disorder (SOn1ato form symp toms that are not clinically significan t)

Appendix B

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

T h is appendix contains a munber of proposals for new categories an d axes that were suggested for possible indusion in DSM-IV. The OSM IV Task Force and Work Groups s ubjected each of these proposals to a careful empirical review and invited wide commentary from the field . The Task Force determined that there was insufficien t information to warrant inclusion of these proposals as official categories or axes in DSM-IV. The items, threshold s, and dura tions contained in the research criteria sets are in tended to provi de a common language for researchers and clinicians w ho are interested in s tudying these disorders. It is hoped that such research w ill help to determine the possible utility of these proposed categories and will result in refinement of the criteria sets. The specific thresh olds and durations were set by expert consensus (informed by literature review, data reanalysis, and field-trial res ults when such information was available) and, as such, should be considered tentative. It would be highly desirable for researchers to study alternative items, thresholds, or durations whenever trus is possible. The following proposals are included in this appendix:

Postconcussional disord er Mild neurocognitive disorder Caffeine w ithdrawal Alternative dimension al d escriptors for Schizophrenia Postpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizopluerua Simple deteriorative disorder (simple Schizophrenia) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder Alternative Criterion B for Dysthymic Disorder Minor depressive disorder Recurrent brief depressive disorder Mixed anxiety-depressive disorder Factitious disorder by proxy Dissociative trance d isorder Binge-eating di sorder Depressive personal ity disorder Passive-aggressive personality disorder (negativistic persona]jty disorder)



Appendix B

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Neuro leptic-Ind uced Acute Dystonia Neuro leptic-Induced Acu te Akathisia Neuroleptic-Ind uced Tardive Dyskinesia Med ication-Ind uced Poshual Tre mor Medication-Ind uced Movemen t Disorder Not O therwise Specified
(Note: These ca tegories are included in the "OUler Cond.itions That May Be a Focus of Clinica l Attention" section. Text and research criteria sets for these conditions are included here.)

Defensive FlUlction ing Scale Global Assessment of Relational Functioning (GARF) Scale Social and Occup ational Functioning Assessm ent Scale (SOFAS)

Postconcussional Disorder
Fea tures
The essential feature is an acquired impairment in cogni tive func tioning, accompanied by specific ne urobe havioral sym p toms, that occu rs as a cons eque nce of closed head injury of s u ffi cient severity to produce a significant cerebra l concussion . The ma nifes ta tions of concussion include loss of consciousness, pos ttraumatic amneSia, and less com monly, posttrau ma tic onset of seizu res. Sp ecific approaches for defining this c rite rion need to be refin ed by furth e r resea rch. Although there is insu fficient e vide nce to estab lish a definite th res hold for the severity of the closed head injury, speci fi c criteria have been suggested , for example, two of th e following: 1) a period of u nconsciousness las ting more th an 5 minutes, 2) a p eriod of p osttrauma tic amnesia that lasts more than 12 hours after the closed head inju ry, or 3) a new onset of seizures (or ma rked worsening of a preexis ting seizu re d isord er) tha t occurs within the first 6 mon ths afte r the closed head inju ry. There m us t also be docume nted cognitive deficits in either a tten tion (concen tration, s hiftin g focu s of atten tion, pe rforming sim ultaneous cognitive tasks) or memory (learning or recalling information). Accompanying the cognitive d isturbances, there must be three (or more) sym p toms tha t are present for at leas t 3 months following the closed head injury. These includ e becoming fatigued easily; disordered s leep; headache; vertigo or d izziness; irritabi lity or aggress ion on little or no p rovoca tion; a nxiety, d epression, o r affective labili ty; apa thy or lack of spontaneity; and other changes in personality (e.g., social or sexual inapprop ria ten ess). The cognitive d is turbances and the somatic and behavio ral symptoms develop a fte r the head trauma has occurred or represe nt a s ig nificant worsening of p reexis ting symptoms. llle cognitive a nd n eurobe hav io ral sequelae a re accom panied by significant impairmen t in social o r occu pational fun ctioning and represen t a significant decline from a previous level of fun ctioning. in the case of school-age child ren, the re may be Significant worsening in acad emic ach ieveme nt dating from the tra uma . This proposed disorder shou ld not be considered if the individ u al's symptoms meet the criteria for De me ntia Due to Head Tra u ma or if the sym ptoms are bette r accounted for by anothe r menta l disorder.

Criteria Sets a nd Axes Provi ded fo r Furt he r Study


Associ ated Fe atures

Additional features tha t ma y be sequelae of closed head injury include visual or hearing impairments and anosmia (l oss of sense of smell). The latter may be related to a lack o f interest in food. Specific orthopedic and neurological complications may be present, dep ending on the cause, nature, and extent of the trauma . Substance-Related Dis orders arc frequ ently associated w ith closed head injury . Closed head injury occurs more often in yOWlg males and has been associated with risk-taking behaviors.

Diffe re nti a l Diag nosis

In DSM-IV, individuals whose presentation meets these research criteria would bediagnosed as having Cogn itive Di sord er N ot O therwise S pecified . If the head trauma results in a d ementia (e.g., memory impainnent and a t least one other cognitive impairmen t), postconcussional disorder s hould not be considered. Mild n eurocognitive diso rder, like postconcussional disorder, is included in this appendix (see p. 762). Postconcussional disorder can be d ifferentiated from mild neurocognitive djsorder by the specifi c p attern of cognitive, somatic, and behavioral symptoms an d the presence of a specific etiology (i.e., closed head injury). Individuals with Som atization Di sorder and U ndifferentiated Somatoform Dis ord er may manifest similar behavioral or somatic symptoms; how ever, these disorders do not have a specific e tiology (i.e., dosed head injury) or measurable impairment in cognitive functi on ing. Pos tconcussional disorder mus t be dis tinguished from Factitio us Disorde r (the need to assume the s ick role) and Malingering (in which the desire for compensation may lead to the production or prolongation of symptoms due to closed head injury) .

Research criteria for postconcussional disorder

A. A history of head t rauma that has caused sign ificant cerebral concussion. Note: The manifestat ions of concussion include loss of consciousness, posttraumatic amnesia, and, less commonly, posttraumatic onset of se izures. The specific method of defi ning this criterion needs to be established by further research. B. Evide nce from neuropsychologica l testing o r q uant ified cognit ive assessment of difficul ty in attention (concentrating, shifting focus of attention, performing simultaneous cog nit ive tasks) o r memory (l ea rni ng or recall ing informat ion).
C. Three (or more) of the following occur short ly afte r the t rauma and last at least 3 months:

becoming fat igued easi ly disordered sleep headache vertigo o r dizz iness irritability or aggression on little or no provocation anxiety, de pression, or affective la bility (7) changes in personality (e .g., social or sexua l inappropriateness) (8) apathy o r lack of spont aneity

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

1 762

Append ix B

Research criteria for postconcu5sional disorder (continued)

D. The symptoms in Crit er ia Band C have their onset following head trauma or else rep

resent a substantia l worsening of preexirting sym ptoms.

E. The disturbance causes significant impairment in social o r occupational function ing
and represents a sign ificant decl ine fro m a previous level o f function ing. In schoolage children, the impairment may be manifest ed by a sign ificant w orsening in school or academic perform ance dating fr om the trauma .

F. The symptoms do not meet criteria for Dementia Due to Head Trauma and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., Amnestic Disorder Due to
Head Trauma, Personality Change Due to Head Trauma).

Mild Neurocognitive Disorder

Theesscntial feature is the development of impa irment in neurocognitive functioning that is due to a general medical condition. By d efinition, the lcvel of cognitive impairment and the impact on e\feryday functioning is m ild (e.g., the individua l is able to partially compensate for cognitive impairment w ith additional effort). individuals w ith th is condition have a new onset of deficits in at least two areas of cognitive functioning. These may include dis turbances in memory (1eaming or recalling new information), execu tive fu nctioning (e.g., planning, reasoning), attention or sp eed of information p rocessing (e.g., concentration, rapidity of assimilating o r analyzing information), perceptual motor abilities (e.g., integrating visual, tactile, o r auditory infor mation with motor activ ities), or language (e.g., word-fi nding difficu lties, reduced fluency). The report o f cognitive impairment must be corroborated by the results of neuropsychological tes ting or bedside s tandardized cognitive assessment techniques. Furthermore, the cogni tive d efi cits cause marked djstress or interfere with the ind ividual's social, occupational, or other important areas of funct ioning and represent a decline from a previou s level of functioning . The cogni tive disturbance docs not meet criteria for a delirium, a dementia, or an amnestic disorder and is not better accounted for by another mental d isorder (e.g., a Substance-Related Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder).

Associat ed Features
The associated fea tures depend on th e underlying general medical condition. In the case o f certain chronic disorders (e.g., hypoxemia, electroly te imbalances), the cognitive profile is usually one of a generalized reduction in all cognitive functions. Some neurological and other general medical conditions produce pa tterns of cognitive impairment that suggest more "subcortical" brain in volvement (i.e., d isproportionate impairment in the abmty to concentra te and learn new facts and in the speed and effici ency of p rocessing information). These include the early phases of Hlmting ton's

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


disease, HIV-associated neurocogni tive disorder, and Parkinson's disease. O ther conditions (e.g ., systemic lupus erythematosu s) are m ore frequen tly associated with a multifocal or patchy pattem of cognitive loss. The EEG may show mild slowing of backgrOlUld activity or disturbance in evoked p otentials. Mild cognitive impairment, even in cases of early Alzheimer's disease, is frequently present without specific changes on neuroanatomical studies using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or compu ted tomography (CT). Abn ormalities are more likely to be present in functional brain imaging studies (single photon emission computed tomography [SPECf), positron-emission tomography [PET], hmctional ~'lRI). The course depends on the underlying etiology . in some instances, the cognitive impairment slowly worsens so tnat ultimately a di agnosis of dementia becomes appropriate (e.g ., early phases of Alzheimer's disease, HWltington's disease, and other slowly progressive neurodegenerative conditions). In other instances, the disturbance may improve slowl}', as in gradual recovery from h yp othyroidism . In some instances, cognitive dis turbances due to severe metabolic derangements or infectious diseases m ay resolve partially but be dlaracterized by a residual impairment that is permanent.

Differential Diagnosis
In DSM-IV, individuals whose p resentation meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as having Cognitive Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. Although there is no dear boun dary between mild neurocognitive disorder and dementia, mild neurocognitive disorder has less cogniti ve impairment and less impact on daily activities, and memory impairment is not a requi rement. Mild neurocognitive disorder may be confused w ith a slowly evolving d elirium, especially early in its course. Mild neurocognitive disorder can be dis tinguished from an amnestic disorder by the requirement that there be cognitive impa irment in at least two areas. NWd neurocognitive disorder should not be considered if an indi vidua l's symptoms meet criteria for a Substance-Related Disorder (induding medication side effec ts) . In such cases, the appropriate Subs tance-Related Disorder Not Otherwise Sp ecified s hould be diagnosed . Pos tconcussion al disorder, another ca tegory listed in this appendix (see p. 760), is distinguished from mild neurocognitive disorder by the presence of a specific pattem of symptoms and a specific etiology (i.e., closed head injury). Mild neurocognitive disturbances are a common associated feature of a number of mental disorders (e.g., Major Depressive Disorder). Mild neurocogniti ve disorder should only be considered if the cog nitive impairment is better accounted fo r by the direct effects of a general medical condition than by a mental di sorder. Individuals with Age-Related Cognitive Decline may have similar levels of cognitive impairmen t, but the d ecline is considered to be part of the normative aging process rather than attributable to a general medical condi tion. individuals m ay report subjective complaints of impairmen t in cognitive functioning that cannot be corroborated by neuropsychological testing or are judged not to be associa ted w ith a general medical condition. This proposed disorder should not be considered for such presen tations.

Append ix

Research criteria for mild neurocognitive disorder

A. Th e presence of two (or more) of the fo llowing impairments in cognitive functioning, lasting most of the time for a period of at least 2 week.s (as reported by the individual or a reliable informant) :

(1) memory impairment as ide ntified by a reduced ability to learn or recall information (2) disturbance in executive functioning (Le., planning, organizing, sequencing, abstracting) (3) disturbance in attention o r speed of information processing (4) impairment in perceptual-motor abilities (5) impairment in language (e.g ., comprehension, word fi nding) B. There is objective evidence from physical examination or laboratory findings (including neuroimaging techniques) of a neurological or general medical condition th at i~ judged to be et iologically related to the cognitive di sturbance.


There i~ evidence from neuropsychological testing or quantified cognitive assessment of an abnormality or decline in performance.

D. Th e cognitive deficits cause marked distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of fun ctioni ng and represent a decl ine from a previous level of functioning . E. The cognit ive disturbance does not meet criteria for a delirium, a dementia, or an amnestic disorder and is not better accounted for by another mental disorder (e.g., a Substance-Related Disorder, Major Depressive Disorder) .

Caffeine Withdrawal
The essential feature is a characteristic withdrawal syndrome due to the abrupt cessation of, or reduction in, the use of caffeine-containing products after p rolonged daily use. The syndrome includes headache and one (or more) of the following symptoms: marked fatigue or drowsiness, m arked anxiety or depression, or nausea or vomiting. These symptoms appear to be more prevalent in individuals wi th heavy use (SOD mg / day) but may occur in individu als w ith light use (100 mg / day). The symptoms must cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. The symptoms must not be due to the direct ph ysiological effects of a general medical condition and must not be better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Associated Features
Associa ted symptoms include a strong desire for caffeine and worsened cognitive performance (especially on vigilance tasks). Sym p toms can begin within 12 hours of

Criteria Set:5 and Axes Provided for Furthe r Study

cessation of caffeine u se, peak aro~d 24-48 hours, and last u p to 1 week. Some individuals may seek m ed ical treatment for these symp toms without realizing they are due to caffeine w ithdrawal.

Differential Diag nosis

In DSM-IV, ind iv id uals w hose p resen tation meets these research cri teria would be d iagnosed as having Caffein e-Related Disorder N ot Oth ern>i se Speci fi ed . For a general d iscussion of the d ifferential d iagnosis o f Subs tance-Related Disorders, see p . 207. The sym p toms mus t not be due to the direct ph ysiological effects of a gene ral medical condition (e.g., m igraine, viral illness) and mus t not be better accoun ted for by another men tal disorder. Headaches, fatigue, nausea, or vomiting due to a general medical conditio n or d ue to the initiation or cessation of a m ed ication can cause a clinica l p icture similar to caffeine withd rawal. Drowsiness, fa tigu e, and mood changes from caffeine wi thdrawal can mimic Amphetam ine or Cocaine Withdrawal. The temporal relationsh ip of symptoms to caffeine cessation and the time-limited cou rse of the symptoms usually establish the d iagnosis. If the diagn osis is unclear, a d iagnostic trial of ca ffe ine can be o f help.

Research criteria for caffeine withdrawal

A. Prolonged daily use of ca Heine.

B Abrupt cessat ion of caHei ne use, or reduction in the amount of caHeine used, closely . followed by headache and one (or more) of the following symptoms:
(1) marked fatig ue or drowsiness

(2) marked anxiety or depression (3) nausea or vomiting

C. The symptoms in Criterion B cause cl inica lly significant distress or impai rment in so

cial, occupational, or other important areas of functioni ng . D. The symptoms are not due to t he direct physiological eHects of a general medical (Qndition (e.g., migraine, viral illness) and are not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

Alt ernative Dimensional Descriptors for Schizophrenia

Because of li mitations in the classica l subtyping of Schizoph renia (see p. 313), a threefa ctor dimensional m odel (p sychotic, disorgan ized, and nega tive) has been s uggested to describe cu rren t and lifetime sym p tomatology. The psychotic factor includes delu sions and hallucinations. The d isorganized factor includes d isorganized sp eech, disorganized behavior, and inappropriate affect. The nega tive facto r includes the various negative sym ptoms. Studies s ugges t that th e severity of symptoms within each of these truee factors tends to vary together, both cross-sectionally and over


Appendix B

time, whereas this is less true for symptoms across fac tors. For example, as delusions become more severe, ha llucinations tend to become more severe as well . In contrast,
the severity of negative or disorganized symptoms is less related to the severity of hallucinations or delusions. One model for understanding the clinical heterogeneity of Schizophrenia suggests that each of these three dimensions may have different underlying pathophysiologica l processes and treatment responses. Various combinations of severity on the three dimensions are encountered in clinical p ractice, and it is relatively uncommon for one dimension to be present in the complete absence ofbotr of the others. The following is a system for applying these dimensions in research an( clinical studi es.

Alternative dimensional descriptors for Schizophrenia


absent, mild, moderate, severe for each dimension. The prominence of these dimensions may be specified for either (or bot h) the current episode (i.e., previous 6 months) or the lifetime course of the disorder. psychotic (hallucinations/delusions) dimension: describes the degree to which hallucinations or delusions have been present disorganized dimension: describes the degree to which disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, or ina ppropriate affect have been present negative (deficit) dimension : describes the degree to which negative symptoms (i.e., affective flattening, alogia, avolition) have been present. Note: Do not include symptoms that appear to be secondary to depression, medication side effects, or hallucinations or delusions.

Two examples that include the DSM-IV subtype, course specifiers, and the proposed dimensional approach are
Example 1 295.30 Schizophren ia, Paranoid Type, Continuous Current: Wi th severe psychotic dimension Wi th absent disorganized d imension With moderate negative dimension

Ufetime: With mild psychotic dimension With absent disorganized d imension With mild negative dimension
Example 2 295.60 Schizophrenia, Residual Type, Episodic With Residual Symptoms Current: mild psychotic d imension With mild disorganized dimension \"' ith mild nega tive dimension


Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study Lifetime: With moderate p sychotic dimension \N ith mild disorganized dimension With mild negative dimension


Postpsychotic Depressive Disorder of Schizophrenia

The essential feature is a Major Depressive Episode (see p . 349) that is superimposed on, and occurs during, the residual phase of Schizophrenia. llle residual phase of Schizophrenia follows the active phase (i.e., symptoms meeting Criterion A) of Schizophrenia. It is characterized by the persis tence of negative symptoms or of activepha se symptoms that are in an attenuated form (e.g., odd beliefs, lmusual perceptual experiences). The superimposed Major Depressive Episode must include depressed mood (i.e., loss of interest or pleasure cannot serve as an alternate for sad or depressed mood). Often, the Major Depressive Episode follows immediately after remission of the active-phase symptoms of the psychotic episode. Sometimes, however, it may follow after a short or extended interval during which there are no psychotic symptoms. Mood symptoms due to the direct physiological effects of a drug of abuse, a med ication, or a general medica l condition are not counted toward postpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizophren ia.

Associated Features
As compared with individuals with Schizophrenia withou t postpsychotic depressive episodes, these individuals are more likely to be living alone and to have fewer social supports. Other associated features may include a larger number of previous hospitalizations, history of psychotic relapses while being treated with an tipsychotic medications, insidious onset of psychotic episodes, p rior episodes of depression, and prior suicide attempts. There may be recent losses, undesirable life events, or other stressors. Reported prevalence rates vary, but up to 25% of individuals with Schizophrenia have been d escribed as having this condition sometime in the course of thei r illness. These individuals appear more likely to relapse into a psychotic episode or to be rehospitalized than those without depression . Individual s with Schizophrenia who also have firs t-degree biological relatives with histories of Major Depressive Disorder may be at higher risk for postpsychotic depressions. This condition is associated with suicidal ideation, suicide attempts, and completed suicides.

Differential Diagnosis
In DSM-JV, individuals whose presentation meets these researdl criteria would be diagnosed as having Depressive Disorder Not O thenvise Specified. Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is dis tinguished from this disturbance by the fac t that the depressive symptoms are due to the d irect physiolog-

Appendix B ical effects of a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidis m). Sub s tance-I n duced Mood Dis order is dis tinguished from this disturbance by the fact that the depressive symptoms are due to U,e direct physiological effects of a drug of abuse (e.g., alcohol, cocaine) or the side effects of a medication . Individuals with Schizophrenia a re often on maintenance neurolep tic medica tions, which can cause d ysphoria or Medicationlnd\lced Movement Disorders as side effects. These s ide effects can be confused with depressive sympto ms. Neuroleptic-In duced Pa rkin sonis m w ith akinesia (see p. 792) is cha racterized by a reduced ability to initia te or sustain behaviors, which can lead to a lack of sp ontaneity or anhedonia . Neurole pt ic-Indu ced Acu te Ak a thisia (see p. 800) may be mis taken for anxiety or agitation, a nd d epressed mood or s uicidal ideation may be associa ted . Adjus ting the m edica tion type or d ose may assist in reducing these side effects and clarify ing the cause of s uch symptoms. The di ffere ntial d iagnosis between postpsychotic depressive symptoms and the n egative symptoms of Schizophrenia (i.e., avolition, alogia, affective flattening) may be particularly difficult . Negative symptoms must be distinguished from the other sym p toms of depression (e.g ., s adness, g uilt, shame, hopelessness, helplessness, and low self-esteem). In Sch izoaffective D is ord er and Mood D isorder With Psych otic Featu res, there mus t be a substantial period of overlap between the full psychotic episode a nd the mood e p isode. In contrast, this proposed disorder is diagnosed only d uring the residual phase of Schizophrenia. D e m oralization may occur during the course of Schizophre nia but sho uld not be considered pos tpsychotic depression unless the full criteria for a Major Depressive Episode are met. Adjustment Disorder With Dep ressed Mood is dis tinguished from postpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizophre nia because the depressive symptoms in Adjustment Di sorder d o not meet the c riteria fo r a Major Depressive Episode.

Research criteria for postpsychotic depressive

disorder of Schizophrenia

Criteria are met fo r a Major De pressive Episode. Note: The Major Depressive Episode must include Criterion Al : depressed mood. Do not include symptoms that are better accounted for as medication side eHects or negat ive symptoms of Schizophrenia.

B. The Major Depressive Episode is superimposed on and occurs only during the residual phase of Schizophrenia.
C. The Major Depressive Episode is not due to the direct physiolog ical eHects of a sub-

stance or a general medical condition .

Cri te ria Sets and Axes Prov id ed for Further Study

Simple Deteriorative Disorder (Simple Schizophrenia)

The essential feature is the development of p rominent negative symptoms, which represent a dear change from a preestablished baseline. These symptoms are severe enough to result in a marked decline in occupa tional or academic functioning. If positive psychotic symptoms (e.g., hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, disorganized behavior, catatonic behavior) have ever been present, they have not been prominent. This pattern should be considered only after all other possible causes for the deterioration have been ruled out, that is, the presentation is not better accounted for by Schizotypal or Schizoid Personality Disorder; a Psychotic, Mood, or Anxiety Disorder; a demen tia; or Men tal Retardation; nor are the symptoms due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition. There is an insidious and progressive development of negative sym ptoms over a period of at least 1 yea r beginning in adolescence or later. Emotional responses become blunted , shallow, flat, and empty . Speech becomes impoveri shed of words and meanings. There is a definite change in "personality," with a marked loss of interpersonal rapport. Close relationships lose wannth and mutuality, social interaction generally becomes awkward, and isola tion and withdrawal result. Initiative gives way to apathy, and ambition to avolition. Loss o f in terest extends to the daily details of self-care. TIle person may appear forgetful and absentminded. Academic or job skills are lost, resulting in a pattern of brief, simple jobs and frequent unemployment.

Associated Features
Any of the features o f Schizoid or Schizotypal Personality Di so rder may be present. ~'lost common are peculiarities of grooming and behav ior, lapses in hygiene, overinvestment in odd ideas, or unusual perceptua l experiences such as illusions. This proposed disorder may occur in adolescents and adults of both sexes. Good estimates of prevalence and incidence are not available, but it is dear that the di sorder is rare. The course, at least for the firs t few yea rs, is progressively downhill, with prominent deterioration of functioning. This deterioration in functioning resembles the characteristic course of Schizophrenia and distinguishes this condi tion from Sdlizoid and Schizotypal Personality Disorders. Sy mptoms meeting Cri terion A for Schizophrenia may emerge, at which time the diagnosis is changed to Schizophrenia . In these instances, this pattern proves to have been a prolonged prodrome to Schizophrenia . In other cases this pattern recedes in severity, as can happen w ith Schizophrenia. For the majority of individuals, the course is co ntinuous, with deterioration occurring within the first few years after prodromal symptoms and then plateauing to a marginal and reduced, but stable, functional capacity.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

In DSMIV, individuals whose presentation meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as haVing Unspecified Mental Di sorder.


Append ix B

This pattern should be considered only aft er all other possible causes of deterioration in fun ctioning have been ruled out. nus pattern is d istinguished from the disorde rs included in the "Schizophrenia a nd O ther Psychotic Disorde rs" section by the absence of prom inent positive psydlOtic sym p toms. These d isorders include Sc hizophre n ia, Schizoaffective Diso rd er, Schizop hren iform Disord er, Bri ef Psych otic Disorder, D elusional Disord er, Shared Psychotic Disord er, and Psychotic Disorder Not Oth erwise S pecified, all of w h ich require a t least one p ositive sy~ptom for some period of time. TIlis proposed disorder is d istinguished from Schi zoid and Schizotypal Person ali ty D isorde rs as well as other Person ality Disord ers by the requiremen t o f a clear change in persona lity and ma rked d eterioration in func tioning. In contrast, the Personality Disorders represen t lifelong patterns w ithou t progressive d eterioration. Mood Di sorders may m imic the apathy and anhed onia o f simple deteriorative d isorder, bu t in a Mood Disorder depressive affect (sadness, hopelessness, helplessness, painful guilt) is experienced, and the course tends to be episod ic. Furthermore, in simple d eteriora tive d isorder, there is a sense of emptiness rather than a painful o r prominently dep ressive mood, and the course is continuous and progressive. The d istinction can be more difficult w ith Dysthym ic Disorder, in which the cou rse may also be continuous and in w hich vegetative s}' mptoms and painfully depressive mood may not be prominent. This p roposed disorder may mim ic chronic Substance Dependence and should only be considered if the personali ty change and deterioration precede extensive su bstance use. Personali ty Change Due to a General Medical Co ndit ion is d istinguished by the presence of an etiological general med ical cond ition. The cogniti ve impairment of simple deteriorative disorder may be mistaken for Men tal Re tardation or demen tia. Mental Retardation is distinguished by its typical onset in infancy or childhood. Dementia is d istinguished by the presence of an etiological general medical condition or substance lise. Perhaps the most difficu lt differential djagnosis is with no men tal disorder. Simple deteriorative disord er o ft en leads a person to become a marginal member of society. It does not follow, however, that marginal members o f society necessarily have th is p roposed disorder. The d efining fe atures of simple deterio rative d isorder involve negative symptoms, w hich tend to be more on a continuu m with normality than are positive symptoms and wh ich may be mimicked by a variety of factors (see the relevant discussion in the "Schizophrenia" section, p . 301). Therefore, special cau tion must be taken no t to apply this p roposed d isorder too broa dly.

Criteri a Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


Research criteria for simple deteriorative disorder (simple Schizophrenia)

A. Progressive development over a period of at least a year of all of the following :

(1) marked decline in occupational or academic functioning (2) gradual appearance and deepening of negative symptoms such as affective flattening, alogia, and avolition (3) poor interpersonal rapport, social isolation, or social withdrawal B. Criterion A for Schizophrenia has never been met.


The symptoms a re not better accounted for by Schizotypal or Schizoid Personality Disorder, a Psychotic Disorder, a Mood Disorder, an Anxiety Disorder, a dementia, or Menta l Retardation and are not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a genera l medical condition.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder

Feature s
The essential feature s are symptoms s uch as markedly depressed mood, marked anxiety, marked affective lability, and decreased interest in activities. These symptoms have regularly occurred during the last week of the luteal phase in most mens trual cycles during the past year. The symptoms begin to remit within a few days of the onset of menses (the follicular phase) and are always absent in tile week following menses. Five (or more) of the following symptoms must have been present mos t of the time during the las t week of the luteal phase. w ith at least one of the symptoms being one of the first four: 1) feeling sad . hopeless, or self-deprecating; 2) feeling tense, anxious or "on edge"; 3) marked lability of m ood interspe rsed with frequent tearfulness; 4) pers is tent irritability, anger, and increased interpersonal connicts; 5) decreased interest in usual acti vities, which may be associated w ith withdrawal from social relationships; 6) difficult)' concentrating; 7) feeling fatig ued, le thargic, or Jacking in ene rgy; 8) marked changes in appetite, which may be associated with binge eating o r craving certain food s; 9) hypersomnia or insomnia; 10) a subjective feeling of being o\'erwhelmed or out of control; and 11) physica l symptoms such a s breast tenderness or s welling, headaches. or sensations of "bloating" or weight gain, with tightness of fit of clothing, shoes. or rings. There may aJso be joint o r muscle pain. The symptoms may be accompanied by suicidal thoughts. This pattern of symptoms must have occurred most months for the previous 12 months. The symptoms disappear completely shortly after the onset of menstruation. The most typica l pattern seems to be that of d ysfunction during the week prior to menses that ends mid-menses. Atypically, some females also have symptoms for a few days around ovulation; a few fema les with short cycles might, therefore, be symptom free for only 1 week per cycle.


Appendix B

Typically, the symptoms are of comparab le severity (but not duration ) to those of another mental disorder such as Major Depressive Episode or Generalized Anxiety

Disorder and must cause an obvious and marked impairment in the ability to function socially or occupationally in the week prior to m enses. Impairment in social functioning may be manifested by marital discord and problem s with friend s and family. It is very important not to confuse long-standing ma rital or job problems with the d ysfunction that occurs only premenstrually. There is a great contrast beh\'een the woman's depressed feelings and difficulty in fu nctioning during these days and her mood and ca pabilities the rest of the mon th . These symptoms may be superimposed on another disorder but are not merely an exacerbation of the symptoms o f another disorder, such as Major Depressive, Panic, or Dysthymic Disorder, or a Personality Disorder. The presence of the cyclical pattern of symptoms must be confirmed by at least 2 consecutive months of prospective da ily symptom ratings. Daily sym p tom ratings must be done by the woman and can also be d one by someone with wh om she lives. It is important that these diaries be kept on a daily ba sis rather than composed ret.rospectively from memory.

Associated Features
Frequently there is a history of prior Mood and Anxiety Disorders. Delusions and hallucinations have been described in the la te luteal phase of the menstrual cycle but are very rarc. Whether they represent an exacerbation of a preexisting mental d isorder or instead are symptomatic of Premens lTual Dysphoric Disorder is unknown. Premenstrually related mood and somatic symptoms tend to run in families and are at least in part hereditary. Although women w ith the combination of d ysm enorrhea (painful menses) and premenstrual d ysphoric disorder are somewhat more likely to seek treatment than women with only one of these conditions, m ost women w ith either of the conditions d o not have the other condition. A w ide range of general medical conditions may worsen in the premenstrual or luteal p hase (e.g., mig raine, asthma, allergies, and seizure disorders). There are no sp ecific laboratory tests that are d iagnostic of the disturbance. However, in several small preliminary studies, certai n laboratory findings (e.g., serotonin or melatonin secretion patterns, sleep EEG findings) have been noted to be abnormal in groups of women w ith this proposed d isorder relative to con trol subjects. It is estimated that at least 75% of women report minor or isolated premenstrual changes. Limited studies suggest an occurrence of " premenstrual s}'Tldrome" (variably defined) 0200/.,.-50"lo, and that 30/0-5"10 of women experience symptoms tha t may meet the criteria for this proposed d isorder. There has been very little system.ltic study on the course and stability of this condition. Premenstrual symptoms can begin at any age after menarche. Although the majority of women whose symptoms meet research diagnostic cri teria for this p roposed disorder and participate in researd studies are in their early to mid-30s, women across the reproductive age s pan repor clinically significant premenstrually related symptoms. Although symptoms do not necessarily occur every cycle, they are present for the majority of the cycles. Some months the symptoms may be worse than others. Women commonly report that their symptoms worsen with age until relieved by the onset of menopause.

Crite ri a Sets a nd Axes Provided fo r Fu rther Study


Differenti a l Di agnosis
In DSM-IV, individuals whose presen tation meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as having Depressive Di sorder Not O therwise Specified. The transient mood changes tha t many women experience around the time of their period should not be considered a mental d isorder. Premenstrual d ysphoric d isorder shou ld be considered only when the symptoms markedly interfere with work or school or with usual social acti vities and rela tionships with others (e.g., avoidance of social activities, d ecreased productiv ity and efficiency at WOrk or school). Premenstrual d ysphoric disorder can be d istinguished from the far mare common "premenstrual syndrom e" by using prospective d aily ra tings and the strict criteria listed below. It differs from the "premenstrual syndrome" in its characteristic patlern of symptoms, their severity, and the resulting impai rment. Premenstrual d ysphoric d isorder mu st be d istinguished from the premenstrual exacerbation of a current m ental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Somatoform Disorders, Bulimia Nervosa, Substance Use Disorders, and Personality Disorders). In such situations (which a re fa r more common than premenstrual dysphoric disorder), there is a premenstrual worsening of the symptoms but the symptoms persist throughout the menstrual cycle. Although this condition should not be considered in women w ho are experiencing only a premenstrual exacerba tion of another mental disorder, it can be considered in addition to the d iagnosis o f another current mental d isorder if the woman experiences symptoms and changes in level of functioning that are ch aracteristic of premenstrual d ysphoric disorder and are markedly d ifferen t from the symptoms experienced as part of the ongoing disorder. Some individ uals w ith g en eral medical condition s may p resent w ith dysphoria and fatigue that are exacerba ted d uring the p remenstrua l period. Examples include seizure disorders, thyroid and other endocrine disorders, cancer, systemic lu pus erythematosus, anemias, endometriosis, and various infections. Attempts shouJd be made to distinguish these general medical conditions from premenstrua l d ysphoric disorder by h istory, labora tory testing, or physical exam in ation.


A ppendix B

Research criteria for premenstrual dysphoric disorder

A. In most menstrual cycles during the past year, five (or more) of t he fo llowing symp-

toms were present for most of the time during the last week of the lutea l phase. began to remit within a few days after the onset of the follicu lar phase. and were absent in the week postmenses, with at least one of the symptoms being either (1). (2). (3). or (4):
(1) markedly depressed mood, fee lings of hopelessness. or self-deprecating

(2) (3)

(4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

thoughts marked anxiety, tension, feelings of being " keyed up," or "on edge" marked affective lability (e.g_, feeling suddenly sad or tearful or increased sensitivity to rejection) persistent and marked anger or irritability or increased i nterpersonal conflicts decreased interest in usual activities (e.g., work, school, friends, hobbies) subjective sense of difficulty in concentrating lethargy, easy fatigability, or marked lack of energy marked change in appetite, overeating, or specific food cravings hypersomnia or insomnia a subjective sense of being overwhelmed or out of control other physical symptoms, such as breast tenderness or swell ing, headaches, joint or muscle pain, a sensation of "bloating," weight gain

Note: In menstruating females, the luteal phase corresponds to the period between ovulation and the onset of menses, and the follicula r phase begins with menses. In nonmenstruating females (e.g., those who have had a hyst erectomy), the timing of luteal and follicular phases may require measurement of circulating reproductive hormones. B. The disturbance markedly interferes with work or school or with usual social activities and relationships with others (e.g ., avoidance of social activities, decreased pro, ductivity and efficiency at work or school).

C. The disturbance is not merely an exacerbation of the symptoms of another disorder,

such as Major Depressive Disorder, Pa nic Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, or a Personality Disorder (although it may be super imposed on any of these disorders). D. Criteria A, B, and C must be confirmed by prospective daily ratings during at least two consecutive symptomatic cycles. (The diagnOSis may be made proviSionally prior to this confirmation .)

Alternative Criterion B for Dysthymic Disorder

There has been some controversy concerning which symptoms best define Dysthy mic Disorder. The results of the DSM-IV Mood Disorders field trial suggest that the following alternati ve version of Criterion B may be more characteristic of DysthymiC Disorder than the version of Criterion B that was in DSM-lll-R and is in OSM-IV.

Criteria Sets a nd Axe s Provided fo r Furthe r Study However, it was decided that additiona l confirmatory evidence need s to be coUected before these items are incorpo rated in the o ffici al definition of Dysthymic Disorder.

Alternative Research Criterion B for Dysthymic D isord er

8. Presence, while depressed, of three (or more) of t he following:

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

low self-esteem or self-confidence, or feeli ngs of inadequacy feelings of pessimism, despair, or hopelessness generalized loss of interest or pleasure social withdrawal chronic fatigue or ti red ness fe elings of guilt, brood ing about t he past subjective feelings of irritabi lity or excessive anger decreased activity, effectiveness, or productivity d ifficulty in thinking, reflected by poor concentration, poor memory, or indecisiveness

Minor Dep ress ive D isord er

Featu res
The essential feature is one or more period s of depressive symptoms that are identical to Major Depressive Episod es in d u ration, but wh ich involve fewer symptoms and less impairment. An episode involves either a sad or "depressed " mood o r loss of interest or p leas ure in nearly aU activities. In total, at leas t two but less than fi ve additional symptoms mus t be p resent. See the text for a Major Dep ressive Episod e (p. 349) for a more d etailed description of the chara cteris tic sym p toms. At the onset of the episode, the sym p toms are either newly present or mus t be dearly worsened compared with the person's preepisode s tatus. During the episode, these symptoms cause clinically Significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or olher importan t areas of functioning . In some indi viduals, there may be nea r-normal functi oning, but this is accomplis hed w ith sig nificantly increased effort. A number of d isorders exclude consideration o f this proposed disord er. There has never been a Major Depressive, Manic, Mixed, or H ypomanic Episode, and criteria are not met for Dysth ymic or Cyclothym ic Disorder. The mood d isturbance d oes not occur exclU Sively during Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Sch izoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not O therwise Specified.

Associated Feat ures

The prevalence of this proposed d isorder as defined here is unclear, but it may be relatively common, especially in p rimary care and o utpatient men tal health settings. A number of general medical cond itions (e.g., s troke, cancer, and d iabetes) appear to be associated . Fam ily studies suggest an increase in this symptom pattern among relatives of probands w ith Major Dep ressive Disorder.

Differential Diagnosis

Appendix B

In DSM-IV, individuals whose presentation meets these research criteria wouJd belliagnosed as having Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood if the depressive symptoms occur in response to a psychosocial stressor; otherwise, the appropriate diagnosis is Depressive Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. An episode of minor depressive disorder is distinguished from a Major Depressive Episode by the required number of symptoms (two to four symptoms for minor depressive disorder and at least fi ve symptoms for a Major Depressive Episode). This proposed disorder is considered to be a residual category and is not to be used if there is a history of a Major Depressive Episode, Manic Episode, M ixed Episode, or Hypomanic Ep isode, o r if the presentation meets criteria for Dysthymic or Cyclothymic Disorder. Symptoms meeting research criteria for minor d epressive disorder can be difficult to distinguish from period s of sadness that are an inherent part o f everyday life. lllis proposed d isorder requires that the depressive symptoms be presen t for most of the day nearly every day for at least 2 weeks. In addition, the depressive symptoms must causeclinicaUy significant distress or impairment. Depressive symptoms occurring in response to the loss of a loved one are considered Bereavement (unless they meet the criteria (or a Major Depressive Episode; see p. 349). SubstanceInduced Mood Disorder is distinguished from this disturbance in that the depressive sym ptoms are due to the direct physiological effects o f a d rug of abuse (e.g., alcohol or cocaine) or the side effects of a medication (e.g., steroids) (see p. 405). Mood Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition is distinguished from this disturbance in that the depressive symptoms are due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidism) (see p. 401). Because d epressive symptoms are common associated features of psychotic disorders, they do not receive a separate diagnosiS if they occur exclusively during Schizophrenia, Schizophrenifonn Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusional Disorder, or Psychotic Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. The relationship between this proposed disorder and several other proposed categories included in this appendix (i.e., recurrent brief depressive disorder, d epressive persona lity d isord er, and mixed anxiety-depressive disorder) and with other Personality Disorders is not known, but substantial overlap m ay exist among them.

Criteria Set s a nd Axes Provided for Further Stu dy

Research criteria for minor depressive disorder

A. A mood dist urb ance, defi ned as f ollows:
(1) at least two (but less than five) of the following symptoms have been present during the same 2-week period and represent a change from previous functioning; at least one of t he symptoms is either (a) or (b):

(a) depressed mood most of t he day, nearly every day, as indicated by either subjective report (e.g., feels sad or empty) or observat ion made by others (e.g ., appears tearfu l). Note: In children and adolescents, can be irritable mood. (b) markedly dim inished interest or pleasure i n all, o r almost all, activities most of the day, nea rl y every day (as indicated by either subjective account or observat ion made by ot hers) (el sig nifica nt weight loss w hen not dieting or weig ht gain (e. g., a change of more than 5% of body weig ht in a month), or decrease or increase in appetite nearly every day. Note : In children, consider fai lure to make expected weight gains. (d) insom nia or hypersomnia nearly every day (e) psychomotor agit at ion or ret ardation nea rl y every day (observable by others, not merely subjective feelings of r estlessness or being slowed down) (f) fatigue or loss of energy nearly every day (g) feelings of worthl essness or excessive or inappropria te guilt (which may be delusional) nearly every day (not merely self-reproach or guilt about being sick) (h) diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness, nearly every day (eit her by subjective account or as observed by others) (i) recu rrent t houg hts of death (not j ust fear of dying), recurrent suicidal ideation without a specific plan, or a suicide attempt or a specif ic plan for committing suicide (2) the symptoms cause clin ica lly sign ifican t distress or impairment in socia l, occupational, o r other importa nt areas of functioni ng (3) the symptoms are not due to the direct physiologica l effects of a substance (e.g . a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition (e.g., hypothyroi dism) (4) t he symptoms are not better account ed for by Bereavement (i.e . a norma l reaction to t he death of a loved one) B. There has never been a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356), and criteri a are not met for Dysthymic Disorder.

C. There has never bee n a Manic Episode (see p. 362), a Mixed Episode (see p. 365), or
a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 368). and criteria are not met for Cyclothymic Disorder. Note: This exclusion does not apply if all of the manic-, mixed-, or hypomanic-like episodes are substa nce or t reatment induced. D. The mood dist urbance does not occur exclusively during Schizophrenia, Schizoph reniform Disorder. Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusiona l Disorder, or Psychotic Disorde r Not Otherwise Specifi ed .

1 778
Recurrent Brief Depressive Disorder

Appe nd ix B

The essential fea ture is the recurrence of brief episodes of depressive symptoms that are identical to Major Depressive Episodes in the number and severity of symptoms but that do n ot meet the 2-week dura tion requirement. See the text for a Major Dep ressi\'e Ep isod e (p. 3-1:9) for a more detailed description o f the characteristic symptoms. The episodes last at least 2 days but less than 2 weeks and most typically have a d ura tion of betw een 2 and 4 days. Episodes must recur at least once a m onth for a period of 12 consecutive months, and they must not be associated exclusively w ith the menstrual cycle. The brief depressive episodes mus t cause clinically significant d istress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important a reas of fun ctioning. In some individuals, there may be near-normal functioning, but this is accomplished with signifi cantly increased effort. A n umber o f d isorders exclud e consideration of this p roposed d isorder. There has never been a Major Depressive, Manic, tvlixed, or Hyp omanic Episod e, and criteria are not met for Dysthymic or Cyclothymic Disorder. The m ood disturbance d oes nol occur exclusively during Schizoph renia, Sch izoph renifo rm Disorder, Schizoaffective Disord er, Delusional Disord er, or Psych otic Disorder Not O therw ise Specified .

Associated Features
The pattern of lifetime or current comorbidity appea rs to be simil ar to that o f Major Depressive Disorder. Associated disord ers may include Substance-Related Disorders and Anxiety Disord ers. The episodes may follow a seasonal p attern. The I -year pre\'alence of this p roposed d isorder has been reported to be about 7% (a ltho ugh this was often in association w ith other established mental d isorders). Males and fem ales appear equally likely to experience recu rrent brief depressive episodes, and the most typical age at onset appears to be in ad olescence. Suicid e attemp ts are the m ost serious comp lication. The rate of depressive disorders is increased in the fi rst-degree biological relatives of individ u als who have recurrent brief depressive ep isod es.

Diffe rential Diagnosis

In DSM -fV, ind ividuals w hose presentation meets these resea rch criteria would be diagnosed as having Dep ressive Disorder Not O thenvise Sp ecifi ed . An ep isode of recurren t b rief d epressive disorder is distinguished from a Major Depressive Episod e by the duration of the episode (2-13 da ys for a b rief d epressive episode and 2 weeks or longer for a Major Depressive Episode) . Recurrent b rief dep ressive d isorder is considered to be a residual category and is not to be used if therf is a h istory of a Maj or Dep ressive Ep isode, Manic Ep isode, Mixed Epi sod e, or Hypo manic Episode, or if criteria are met for Cyclothymic Disorder or Dysthym ic Di sO! d er. Substan ce-Induced Mood Disorder is d istinguish ed fro m thi s d isturbance i tha t the d epressive symp toms are due to the direct p hysiological effects of a drug i abuse (e.g., alcohol o r cocaine) or the side effects of a med ication (e.g., steroid s) (~ t'

Criteria Sets a nd Axes Provided for Further Study


p. 405). Mood Disorder Due to a Gen eral Medical Co ndition is dis tingui shed from this dis turban ce in that the depressive sym p toms are due to the direct physiolog ical effects of a genera l medical condition (e.g., hypothyroidis m) (see p. 401). Because depressive symptoms are common associated features of psychotic disorders, they do not receive a separate diagnOSis if they occur exclusively during Schizophreni a, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusiona l Diso rder, or Psychoti c Disorder No t O th envise Specifi ed. Recurrent brief d epressive disorder shares some clinica l features with Borderline Personality Disorder (i.e., both d isorders manifes t brief and episodic d epressive symptoms such as s uicidal ideation or sadness). In cases where a Personality Disorder and this proposed disorder are both prescnt, both may be noted (with recurren t brief depreSSive disorder noted as Depressive Disorder Not Otherwise Specified). The relations hip between this proposed disorder and several other proposed ca tegories included in this appendix (i.e., minor depressive disorder, depressive personality disorder, and mixed anxiety-depressive disorder) and with o ther Personality Disorders is not known, but s ubs tantial overlap may exis t among them.

Research criteria for recurrent brief depressive disorder

A. Criteria, except for duration, are met for a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356) . B. The depressive periods in Criterion A last at least 2 days but less t han 2 weeks.

C. The depressive periods occur at least once a month for 12 consecutive months and are not associated with t he menstrua l cycle.
D. The periods of depressed mood cause clinically significant distress or impairment in social. occupational, or other important areas of functioning. E. The sympt oms are not due to the di rect physiologica l effects of a substance (e.g . a drug of abuse. a medication) or a general medica l condition (e.g . hypothyroidism). F. There has never been a Major Depressive Episode (see p. 356), and criteria are not met for Dysthymic Disorder. G. There has never been a Manic Episode (see p. 362). a Mixed Episode (see p. 365). or a Hypomanic Episode (see p. 36B), and criteria are not met for Cyclothymic Disorder. Note: This exclusion does not apply if all of the manic-, mixed, or hypo' manic-like episodes are substance or treatment induced. H. The mood disturbance does not occur exclusively during Schizophrenia, Schizophreniform Disorder, Schizoaffective Disorder, Delusiona l Disorder, or Psychotic Dis order Not Otherwise Specif ied .

Appendi x B

Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder

The essen tial feature is a persistent or recurrent dysphoric mood lasting at least 1 month. The dysphoric mood is accompanied by additional symp toms that also m ust persist for at least 1 month and include at least fou r of the follow ing: concentration o r memory difficulties, sleep d isturbance, fatigue or low energy, irritability, worry, being eas ily moved to tears, hyperv ig ilance, anticipating the w orst, hopelessness or pessimism abou t the fu ture, and low self-esteem or feelings of w orthlessness. The symp toms m ust cause clinicaUy Significa nt distress or impairment in social, occu pational, or o ther important areas of func tioning. nus proposed disorder should not be considered if the sym p toms are due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical condition or if the criteria for Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disord er, Panic Disorder, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder have ever been met. The diagnosis is also not made if the criteria for any o ther Anxiety or Mood Disord er are curren tly met, even if the Anxiety or Mood Disord er is in partial remission. The s}' mptoms must also not be better accounted for by an y other men tal d isorder. Importantly, the longitudinal relationship behveen this proposed d isorder and other Depressive and Anxiety Disord ers is also unknown. Thus, it is not clear in what p roportion of indi\'iduals this pattern of symptoms (i.e., m ixed anXiety-depressive d isord er) may be a risk fa ctor for another men tal d iso rder such as Major Depressive Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disord er, or Pan ic Disord er. Current prevalence rates range from 1.3% to 2% in primary care settings. In commu nity samples, the current p revalence rale has been estimated to be 0.8%. Mixed anxiety-depressive disord er has also been found to be quite common in the few menta l hea lth settings in which it has been studied.

Different ial Diag nosis

In DSM-IV, individuals whose presentation meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as having Anxiety Disorder Not Othen vise Speci fied. Substance-Indu ced Anxiety Di sord er is distinguished from this distu rbance in that the symptoms of dysphoria are due to the direct phYSiological effects o f a drug o f abuse (e.g., alcohol or cocaine) o r the side effects of a med ication (e.g., steroid s) (see p. 479). Anxiety Di sorde r Due to a G eneral Med ical Cond iti on is distingu ished from this disturbance in that the sympto ms of dysp horia are due to the d irect physiolog ical e ffects of a general med ical cond ition (e.g., pheochromocytoma, hyperthyroidism) (see p. 476). The symptoms d escribed in this presentation are a freq uent associated feature of m an y m ental disorders and therefore should not be d iagnosed separately if better accounted for by any other mental d isorder. This cond ition should also not be considered in individ uals w ith a curren t or past history of Major Depressive D isorder, Dysth ymic Disorder, Panic D isorder, or G eneralized Anxiety Disorder or with any other curren t Mood or Anxiety Disorder (including those in partial remission). This presentation is also d istinguished fTom no men tal d isord er by the faels that the symptoms are persistent or recurrent and that they cause clinically Significant

Criteria Sets a nd Axes Provided for Furthe r St udy


distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other importa nt a reas of functioning. The relationship beh\'een this proposed disorder and several othe r proposed categories included in tillS appendix (i.e., minor depressive d isorder, recu rrent brief depressive disorder, and depressive personality disorder) and with o ther Personality Disorders is not known, bu t subs tantia l overlap may exist among them.

Research criteria for mixed anxiety-depressive disorder

A. Persistent or recurrent dysphoric mood lasting at least I month. B. The dysphoric mood is accompanied by at least 1 month of four (or more) of the following symptoms: (1) difficulty concentrating or mind going blank (2) sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless. unsatisfying sleep) (3) fatigue or low energy (4) irrita bil ity (5) worry (6) being easily moved to tears (7) hypervigil ance (8) anticipating the worst (9) hopelessness (pervasive pessimism about the fu t ure) (10) low self-esteem or fee lings of worthlessness
C. The symptoms cause cl inically significant distress or impairment in social. occupat ional. or other important areas of functioning.

D. The symptoms a re not due to the direct physiologica l effects of a substance (e.g . a drug of abuse, a medication) or a general medical condition. E. All of the following: (1) criteria have never been met for Major Depressive Disorder, Dysthymic Disorder, Panic Disorder, or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (2) criteria are not curre ntly met for any other Anxiety or Mood Disorder (including an Anxiety or Mood Disorder. In Partial Remission) (3) the symptoms are not better accounted for by any other menta l disorder

Factitious Disorder by Proxy

The essential feature is the delibera te production or fei gning of physicaJ or psycholog ical signs or symptoms in anothe r person who is under the individual's care. Typically the victim is a young child and the perpetra to r is the child's mother. The motiva tion for the perpe trator's beha vior is presumed to be a psychological need to assume the sick role by proxy. Externa l incentives for the behavior, s uch as economic


Appendix B

gain, are absent. The behavior is not better accounted for by another mental disorder.

The perpetrator induces Of simulates the illness or disease process in the victim and
then presents the victim for medical care while disclaiming any knowledge about the actual etiology of the problem. The most common induced and simu lated conditions include persistent vom iting or diarrhea, respiratory arrest, as thma, central nervous system dysfunction (e.g., seizures, uncoordination, loss of conscious ness), fever, infection , bleeding.. failure to thrive, hypoglycemia, electrolyte disturbances, and rash. The simulation of mental disorders in the victim is much less frequently reported. The type and severity of signs and symptoms are limited only by the medical sophistication and opportunities of the perpetrator. Cases are often characterized by an atypical clinical cou rse in the victim and inconsisten t laboratory test results that are at variance with the seeming health of the victim. The victim is usually a preschool dlild, although newborns, adolescents, and adults may be used as victims. With older dlildren, consideration should be given to the possibility of collaboration with the perpetrator in the production of signs an d symptoms. The perpetTator receives a diagnosis of fa ctitious disorder by proxy. For the victim, Physical Abuse of Child (995.54) or Physical Abuse of Adult (995.81) may be noted if appropriate. In the event of volunta ry collaboration, an additional diagnosis of Factitiolls Disorder may be appropria te for the collaborator.

Associat ed Features
Life stressors, sllch as chronic family d ysfunction, may be present. Perpetrators may exhibit pathological lying (or pseudologia fanta stica) in describing everyday experiences and when presenting the victim fo r medical care. They commonly ha ve considerable experience in health-related areas and seem to thrive in a medical environment. They are often unresponsive to their children when they are lUlaware of being observed. Victims may suffer a significant morbidity and mortality rate as a consequence of the induced conditions or associated problems, such as iatrogenic complications from medications, diagnostic tests, and surgical p rocedures. As they mature, they are at increased risk of d eveloping Factitious Disorder themselves or of emotional and behavioral problems that may include difficu lties in attention and concentration, impaired school perfornlance, or symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The perpetrator is usually the mother, and the father usually appears uninvolved. Sometimes, however, the father or husband may collaborate w ith the mother or may act alone. The perpetrator may a lso be another caregiver (e.g., a baby-sitter, grandmother, or stepmother). Perpetrators may have a history of hav ing been abused. Somatofonn Disorders and Personality Disorders may be present. This proposed disorder often coexists with Factitious Disorder, w hich is usually quiescent as long as the perpetra tor can induce or simulate a factiti ous illness in the \ictim . When confronted with the consequences of their behavior, perpetrators may become d epressed and suicidal. Some become angry with the health care providers, deny the accusations, attempt to remove the victim from the h ospita l against medical advice, and seek care from other providers even at a considerable distance. Perpetrators may fac e criminal charges ranging from abuse to murder. Typically the perpetrator focuses on only one victim at a time, although other Siblings or individuals may have been or might become victims.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Furthe r Study


Differential Diagnosis
In DSM-IV, an individ ual (Le., the perpetrator) whose presen tation meets these re-

sea rch criteria wou ld be diagnosed as having Factitious Di sord er Not Othen.. ise Specified. Factitious disorder by proxy must be distinguished from a general medical condition or a mental disorder in the individual being brought for treatment. Factilious disorder by proxy must also be distinguished from phys ical or sexual abuse that is not motivated by the goal of indirectly assuming the sick role. Malingering differs from facti tious disorder by proxy in that the motivation for the symptom production in Mali ngering is an external incentive, whereas in Factitious Disorder external incentives are absent. Individua ls with Malingering may seek hospitalization for an individual under their care by producing symptoms in an attempt to obtain compensation.

Research criteria for factitious disorder by proxy

A. Int entiona l production or feigning of physical or psycholog ical sig ns or symptoms in another person who is under the individua l's care. B. The motivation for t he pe rpetrator's behavior is to assume the sick role by proxy.
C. External incentives for the behavior (such as economic gain) are absent.

D. The behavior is not better accounted fo r by another menta l disorder.

Dissociative Trance Disorder

Fea tures
The essential feature is an involunt.1fy sta te of trance that is not accepted by the person's culture as a nornlal part o f a collective cultural o r religious p ractice and that causes clinically signifi cant distress or functional impairnlent. This proposed d isorder shou ld not be considered in individuals who enter trance or possession states voluntarily and w ithout distress in the context of cultural and religiOUS practices that are broadly accepted by the person 's cultural group. Sud, voluntary and nonpathological states a re common and constitute the overwhelming majority o f trance and possession trance states enCOlmtered cross-culturally. However, some ind ividuals undergoing cultu rally normative trance or possession trance states may develop symptoms that cause distress or impairment and thus could be considered for this proposed disorder. Specific local ins tances of dissociative trance disorder show considerable variation cross-culhually with regard to the precise nature of the behaviors performed during the altered state, the presence or absence of dissociative sensory alterations (e.g., blindness), the identity assumed during these states, and the degree of amnesia experienced follow ing the altered state (for examples, see Append iXI's Glossary o f Culture-Bolmd Synd romes, p. 897). In trance, the loss of customary identity is not associated w ith the appearance of alternate identities, and the actions performed during a trance state are generally not

Appe nd ix B

complex (e.g., convulsive movements, falling, running). In possession trance, there is the appearance of one (or several) distinct alternate identities with characteristic behaviors, memories, and attitudes, and the activities performed by the person tend to be more complex (e.g., coherent conversations, characteristic gestures, facial expressions, and specific verbalizations that are culturally established as belonging to a particular possessing agent). Full or partial amnesia is more regularly reported after an episode of possession trance than after an episode of trance (although reports of amnesia after trance are not uncommon). Many individuals w ith this proposed disorder exhibit features of only one type of trance, but some present with mixed symptomatology or fluctuate beh\'een types of trance over time according to local cultural parameters.

Associ ated Features

Variants of these conditions have been described in near ly every traditional society on every continent. The prevalence appears to decrease with increasing industrialization bu t remains eleva ted among traditional ethnic minorities in industrialized societies. There are considerable local variations in age and mode of onset. The course is typically episod ic, with variable dura tion of acute episodes from minutes to hou rs. It has been reported that during a trance state, individuals may have an increased pain threshold, may consu me inedible ma terials (e.g., glass), and may experience increased muscular strength. The symptoms of a pathological trance may be heightened or reduced in response to environmental cues and the ministrations of others. Presumed possessing agents are usually spiritual in nature (e.g., spirits of the dead, supernatural entities, gods, d emons) and are often experienced as making demands or expressing animosity. Individuals with pathological possession trance typically experience a limited number of agen ts (one to five) in a sequential, not simultaneous, fa shion. Complications include suicide attempts, self-mutilation, and accidents. Sudden deaths have been reported as a possible outcome, perhaps due to cardiac arrhythmias.

Differential Diagnosis
In DSM-lV, individuals wh ose presen tation meets these resea rch criteria would be diagnosed as having Di ssociative Disorder Not Othen vise Specifi ed. This diagnosis should not be made if the trance state is judged to be due to the direct physiological effects of a general medical condition (in which case the diagnosis would be Me ntal D iso rd er Not O then vise Specifi ed Due to a General Medical Conditi on, see p. 190) or a substance (in which case th e d iagnosis would be Substance-Related Diso rder No t O then vise Speci fied ). The symptoms of the trance state (e.g., hearing or seeing spiritual beings and being controlled or influenced by others) may be confused with the ha ll ucinations and delu sions of Schizoph renia, Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features, or Brief Psychoti( Di sord er. The trance stale may be distinguished by its cultural congnlency, its briefet duration, and the absence of the characteristic symptoms of these other disorders. lndi vidu als with Di ssociative Identi ty Disord er can be d istinguished from those with trance and possession symptoms by the fact that those with trance and possession symp toms typically describe external spirits or entities that have entered their bodies and taken over.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Furthe r Study

This proposed disorder should not be considered in individuals who enter trance or possession states voluntarily and wi thout dis tress or impairment in the context of cultu ral and relig ious practices.

Research criteria for dissociative trance disorder

A. Either (1) or (2):
(1) trance, i.e., temporary marked alteration in the state of consciousness or loss of

customary sense of personal identi ty without replacement by an alternate id entity, associated with at least one of the following : (a) narrowing of awareness of immediate surroundings, or unusually narrow and selective focusing on enviro nmental stimuli (b) stereotyped behaviors or movements that are experienced as being beyond one's control (2) possessio n trance, a single or episodic a lteration in the state of consciousness characterized by the replace ment of custo mary sense of personal identity by a new identity. This is attributed to the influence of a spirit, power, deity, or other person, as e videnced by one (or more) of the following: (a) stereotyped and culturally determined behaviors o r movements that are experienced as being controlled by the possessing agent (b) full or partial amnesia for the event B. The trance or possession trance state is not a ccepted as a no rmal part of a collective cultural or religiOUS practice.
C. The trance or possession trance state causes cl inically significant distress or impairment in social. occupational, or other important areas of functioning.

D. The trance or possession trance state does not occur exclusively during the course of a Psychotic Disorder (Including Mood Disorder With Psychotic Features and Brief Psychotic Disorder) or Dissociative Identity Disorder and is not due to the direct physiological effects of a substance or a general medical conditio n.

Binge-Eating Disorder
Diagnostic Features
The essential features are recurrent episodes of binge eating associated with subjec tiYe and behavioral indicators of impaired control over, and significant distress about, the binge eating and the absence of the regular use o f inappropriate campen satory behaviors (such as selfinduced vom iting, misuse of laxatives and o ther med ications, fastin g, and excessive exercise) that are characteristic of Bulimia Nervosa. The characteristics of a binge episode are discussed in the text for Bulimia Nervosa (p. 589). Indicators of impaired control include eating very rapidly, eating until feeling uncomfortably full, eating large amounts o f food w hen not hungry, eating alone because of embarrassment o\'er how much one is eating, and feeling disgust, guilt, or

Appe nd ix B depression a fter overea ting. The marked d istress required for the diagnosis includes unpleasant feelings during and after the binge episodes, as well as concerns abou t the long-term effect of the recurrent binge episodes on bod y weigh t and shape. Binge episodes must occur, on average. at least 2 days a week for a period of at least 6 months. The duration o f a bin ge-eating episode can vary greatly, and many indiv idua ls have d ifficulty separating binge eating in to d iscrete episodes. However, they u sually have li ttle difficulty recalling wh ether or not b inge eating occurred on a given d ay. Thus, it is suggested that the number of d ays on w hich binge eating occu rs be counted , rather than the number of episod es of binge eating, as is done in making the diagnosis of Bulimia Nervosa. Future research sh ould address th is issue. The sym ptom s do not occur exclusively during Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa. In addition, although some inappropriate compensatory behavior (e.g., purging, fasting, o r excessive exercise) may occur occasionally, it is not regularly employed to counteract the effects of the binge eating. Research stud ies conducted to date have varied in how they have defined " regular use of inappropriate compensa tory behaviors." Some studies have equaled "regular" with the hvice-a-week freq uency criterion of Bulimia Nervosa and have consid ered individuals who engage in these behaviors less than twice a week (but as often as once a week) 10 be eligible for the diagnosis o f binge-ea ting disorder. Other studies have excluded ind ividuals who describe any useof inappropriate compensatory beh aviors during the episode of illn ess. Future research shou ld address this issue.

Associat ed Featu res and Disorders

Some individuals report that b inge eating is triggered by dysphoric m oods, such as depression and anxiety. O thers are unable to id entify specific precipitants but may report a nons pecific feeling of tension tha t is relieved by the binge eatin g. Some individ ua ls d escribe a dissociative quality to the binge episodes (feeling "numb" or "spaced out"). Many indi viduals eat throughout the day with no planned mealtimes. individuals with thi s eating pattern seen in clinical settings have varying degrees of obesity. Most have a long history of repeated efforts to diet and feel d esperate about their difficulty in controlling food intake. Some continue 10 make attempts 10 restrict calorie in take, whereas others have given u p all efforts 10 diet becau se of re peated failures . In weigh t-control clinics, individuals with this eating pattern are, on average, more obese and have a history of more marked weight Ouctuations than in divid uals without th is p attern. In nonpatien t commu nity sam ples, most individuals with this eating pa ttern are overweight (a lthough some have never been overweight). individua ls with this eating pattern may report that their eating or weigh t interferes with their relationsh ips with other people, with their work, and w ith their ability to feel good about themselves. In comparison w ith individuals of equal weight w ithou t this p attern of ea ting, they rep ort higher rates of self-loa thing, d isgust about body size, depression, anxiety, somatic concern, and in terpersonal sensitivity. There may be a higher lifetime prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder, Substan ce-Related Disorders, and Personality Disorders. In samples drawn from weight-control p rograms, the overall prevalence varies from approximately 15% to 50% (with a mean of 30%), with females approximately 1.5 times more likely 10 have this eating pattern than males. In non patient comm unity samples, a prevalence rate of 0.7%- 4 % has been reported. The onset of binge eating

Criteri a Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


typically is in late adolescence or in the early 20s, often coming soon after significant weight loss from dieting. Among individua ls presenting for treatment, the course appears to be chronic.

Differential Diagnosis
In DSM-IV, individuals whose presen tation meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as having Eating Disorder No t Othen..,ise Specified. In contras t to Bulimia N ervosa, in wh ich inappropriate compensa tory mechanisms are employed to counteract the effects of the binges, in binge-eating disorder no such behavior is regularly employed to compensate for the binge eating. Overeating is frequently seen during episodes of Major Depressive Disorder bu t usuaUy does not involve binge eating . TI,is appendix diagnosis should be considered onl y when the individual reports that, during episodes of overeating, both the s ubjective sense of impaired control and three of the associated symptoms lis ted in Criterion B are present. Many individuals are dis tressed by episodes of overeating that are not binge-ea ting episodes.

Research criteria for binge-eating disorder

A. Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characteri zed by both of the follow ing : (1) eating, in a discrete period of time (e.g., within any 2-hou r period), an amount of fo od that is definitely larger than most people would eat in a similar period of t ime under similar ci rcumst ances (2) a sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (e.g., a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating) B. The binge-eating episodes are associated with three (or more) of the follow ing: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) eating much more rapidly than normal eating until fee ling uncomfortably full eating large amounts of food when not feel ing physically hungry eating alone because of being embarrassed by how much one is eating feeling disgusted with oneself, depressed, or very guilty after overeat in g

C. Marked distress regarding binge eating is present.

O. The binge eating occurs, on average, at least 2 days a week for 6 mont hs.

Note: The method of determining frequency differs from that used for Bulimia Nervosa; future research should address whether the preferred method of setting a frequency th reshol d is counting the number of days on which binges occur or count ing t he number of episodes of binge eating. E. The binge eating is not associated with the regular use of inappropriate compensa tory behaviors (e.g., purging, fasting, excessive exercise) and does not occur exclusively during th e cou rse of Anorexia Nervosa or Bulimia Nervosa .


App endix B

Depressive Personality Disorder

The essential feature is a pervasive pattern of depressive cogni tions and behaviors that begins by carly adulthood and that occurs in a variety of con texts. lltis pattern does no t occur exclusively d uring Major Depressive Episodes and is not better accoun ted for by Dysthymic Disorder. The depressive cognitions and behaviors include a persistent and pervasive feeling of dejection, gloominess, cheerlessness, joylessness, and unhappiness. These individuals are overly serio us, inca pable of enjoyment or relaxation, and lack a sense of humor. They may feel that th ey d o no t desen 'c to have fun o r 10 be happy. They also tend to b rood and worry, d welling persis ten tly on their negative and tmhappy though ts. Such individuals view the future as nega tively as they view the present; they d oub t that things will ever improve, an ticipate the worst, and while p riding themselves on being realistic, are consid ered by others to be pessimistic. They may be harsh in selfjudgment and p rone to feeling excessively guilty for shortcomings and failings. Selfesteem is low and particularly focused on fee lings of inadequacy. Individuals with this proposed d isorder tend to judge others as harshly as they judge themselves. They often focus on others' failings rather than their posi tive a ttributes, and they may be negativ istic, critical, and judgmental toward others.

Associate d Features
These individuals may be quiet, introverted, passive, and unasserti ve, preferring to foll ow others rather than taking the lead . This pa ttern may occur with approxima tely equ al freq uency in females and males. Individuals with this p resentation may be pred isposed to d eveloping Dysthymic Disorder and possibly Major Depressive Disor der. These conditions may exist on a spectrum, with d epressive personality disorder being the earlyonset, persistent, traitlike varian t of the Depressive Disorders . Preli minary evid ence suggests that depressive personality d isord er may have an increased prevalence in fa mily members of p robands with Major Depressive Disorder. Con versely, Major Depressive Disorder may occur with increased frequency in family members of probands w ith d epressive personality disorder who do not themselves have Major Depressive Disorder.

Differenti al Diagn osi s

In OSM-IV, individ uals whose presen ta tion meets these research criteria would be diagnosed as having Person ality Disorder Not O therw ise Specified. It remains controversial whether the d istinction between dep ressive personality d isorder and Dysthymic Disord er is useful. The resea rch criteria given for this p ro-posed d isorder differ from the d iagnostic criteria for Dysthymic Disorder by their emphasis on cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapsychic personality traits. This proposed disorder should not be considered if the symptoms are better accoun ted for by Dysthy mic Disorder or if they occur exclusively d uring Major Depressive Episod es. This proposed disorder differs from so-called norma l depressive traits (e.g., unhap-

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided fo r Furt her Study


piness, pessimism, self-cri ticis m, and proneness to guilt) in tha t the patte rn is pe rvasive and causes marked dis tress or impairment in social or occupational functi oning . The rela tionship between this proposed di sorder a nd se veral other proposed categories included in this a ppendix (i.e., minor d epressive dis order, recurrent brief depressive disorder, mixed anxie ty-depressive di sord er, and Dysthym ic Disorder when the alternative criteria set also provided w ithin this appendix is used) and w ith other Personality Disorders is not know n, but subs tantial overlap may exist among them .

Research criteria for depressive personality disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of depressive cognitions and behaviors begin ning by early adu lt-

hood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by five (or more) of the fo llowing:
(1 )

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

usual mood is dominated by dejection, gloominess, cheerlessness, joylessness, unhappiness self-concept centers around beliefs of inadequacy, worthlessness, and low selfesteem is critical, blaming, and derogatory toward self is brooding and given to worry is negat ivist ic, critical, and judgment al toward others is pessimist ic is prone to feeling guilty or remorseful

B. Does not occur exclusively during Major Depressive Episodes and is not better accounted for by Dysthymic Disorder.

Passive-Aggressive Personality Disorder (Negativistic Personality Disorder)

The essential feature is a p ervasive patte rn of nega tiv is tic attitudes and passive resistance to d emands for adequate pe rformance in social and occupational sihlations that begins by early adulthood and that occurs in a va riety of contexts . This pa ttern d oes not occur exclusively during Major Depressive Episodes and is not better accOlmted for by Dysthymic Disorder. lllese individuals habitually resent, oppose, and resis t demands to fun ction at a level expected by others. This opposition occurs most frequently in work s ituations but can also be e vident in social functionin g. The resistance is expressed by procras tination, fo rge tfulness, s tubbornness, a nd in tentional ineffiC iency, especially in response to tasks assigned by a uthority figu res. These individ uals obstruct the efforts of othe rs by fa iling to do their sha re of the wo rk. For example, w hen an executive gives a subordinate some material to review for a meeting the next morning, the subordinate may misplace or mis file the material rather than point out that there is insufficient time to do the work. These individuals feel cheated,


Appe ndi x B

unappreciated, and mis understood and chronically complain to o thers. 'Nhen difficulties appear, they blame their failures on the behaviors of others. They may be sullen, irritable,_ impatient, argumentative, cynical, skeptical, and contrary . Authority c fi gures (e.g., a superior at w ork, a teacher at schooL a parent, or a spouse who acts the role of a parent) often become the focus of discontent. Because of their negativism and tendency to externalize blame, these individuals often critici ze and voice hostility toward autho ri ty fi gures with minimal provocation. They are also envious and resentful of peers who succeed or w ho are viewed positively by authority figures. 11,ese indi viduals often complain about their personal misfortun es. They have a negative view of the future and may make comments such as, " It doesn 't pay to be good " and "Good things don't last." These individuals may waver between expressing h ostile defiance toward those they view as causing their problems and attempting to mOllify these persons by asking forgiveness or promising to perform better in the future .

Associated Features
These individuals a re often overtly ambivalent, wavering indecisively from one course of action to its opposite. They may follo w an erratic path that causes endJess wrangles with others and disappointments for themselves. An intense conflict be-h \'een dependence on others and the desire for self-assertion is characteristic of these individuals. Their self-confidence is often poor des pi te a superfi cial bravado. They foresee the worst possible outcome for most situations, even those that are going weU. This defeatist outlook can evoke hostile and negative responses from o thers who are subjected to the complaints of these individual s. This pattern of beh avior often occurs in individuals with Borderline, Histrionic, Paranoid, Dep end en t, Antisocial , and Avoidant Personality Disorders.

Differential Diagnosis
In DSrvl-T individuals whose presentation meets these research criteria would be diV, agnosed as having Personality Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. In Oppositional Defiant Disorder, there is a similar pattern of negativistic attitudes and problems wi th authority fi gures, but Oppositional Defiant Disorder is usually diagnosed in children, whereas this p roposed diso rder should be considered only in adults. This pattern should not be considered if the symptoms are better accOllnted for by Dysthy mic Disorder or if they occur exclusi\rely during Major Depressive Episodes. Passive-aggressive behaviors are frequently encountered in everyday life, particularly among those in authoritarian situations (e.g., work, military, prison) that do not tolerate o ther forms of assertiveness. Only when these passive-aggressive personality traits are inflexible, maladaptive, and cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress do they constitute a disorder.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


Research criteria for passiveaggressive personality disorder

A. A pervasive pattern of negativistic attitudes and passive resistance to demands for

adequate performance, beginning by early adulthood and present in a variety of contexts, as indicated by four (or more) of the fo llowing:
(1) passively resists fu lfilling routine social and occupational ta sks

(2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

complains of being misunderstood and unappreciated by others is sullen and argumentative unreasonably criticizes and scorns authority expresses envy and resentment toward those apparent ly more fortunate voices exaggerated and persistent complaints of personal misfortune alternates between hostile defiance and contrition

B. Does not occur exclusively during Major Depressive Episodes and is not better accounted for by Dysthymic Disorder.

Medication-Induced Movement Disorders

A consideration of Medication-Induced Movement Disorders is important in the management by medication of mental dis orders or general medical conditions and in the differential diagnosis with Axis I disorders (e.g., Anxiety Disorder versus Neuroleptic-Induced Aka thisia; catatonia versus euroleptic Malignant Syndrome). These conditions can lead to noncompliance with treahnent and psychosocial and occupational impairments. '[edication-Induced Movement Disorders should be coded on Axis 1. Although these disorders are labeled "medication induced ," it is often difficult to establish the causal relationship between medication exposure and the development of the movement disorder, especially because some of these conditions also occur in the absence of medication exposure. Criteria and text a re provided for these disorders to facilitate research and to e ncourage appropriate diagnos is and treatment. The following Medication-Induced t..,tovement Disorders are included in this section: Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism, Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akath.isia, Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia, and Medication-Induced Postural Tremor. A category for Medication-Induced Movement Disorder T Otherwise Specified is ot also provided for medication-induced movement disorders that do not meet the criteria for any of the specific disorders listed above. These include movement disorders (e.g., parkinsoni sm, acute akathisia) that are associa ted with a medica tion other than a neuroleptic (e.g ., a serotonin reuptake inhibitor). The term l1euroleptic is used broadly in this manual to refer to medications with dopamine-antagonist properties. Although this term is becoming outdated because it highlights the propensity of antipsychotic medications to cause abnormal movements, the term neuroleptic remains appropriate. vVhile newer antipsychotic medi-


A ppendix B

cations are less likely to cause Medication-Induced r"lovcment Disorders, these

syndromes sti ll occur. Neuroleptic medications include so-called conventiona l or typical antipsychotic agents (e.g., chlorpromazine, haloperidol, fluphenazine), the newer "atypical" antipsychotic agents (e.g., clozapine, risperidone, oianzapine, quetiapine), certain dopam ine receptor blocking d rugs used in the treatment of physical symptoms such as nausea (e.g., prochlorperazine, prometha zine, trimethobenzamide, metoclopramide), and amoxapine, which is mar keted as an antidepressan t.


Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

Diagnost ic Features
The essential feature of Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism is the presence of parkinsonian signs or symptoms (Le., tremor, muscular rigidity, or akinesia) that develop in association with the use of neuroleptic med ica tion. These symptoms usually develop within a few weeks of starting o r raising the d ose of a neuroleptic med ication or after reducing a medication (e.g., an anticholinergic medication) that is being used to treat or prevent acute extrapyramidal symptoms. The symptoms must not be better accounted for by a mental disord er (e.g., catatonia, negative symptoms of Schizophrenia, psychomotor retardation in a Major Depressive Episode) and are not due to a neurological or other general medical condition (e.g., idiopathic Pa rkinson's disease, \<\' ilson's disease). Rigidity and akinesia are most frequent, w hereas tremor is somewhat less common. It has been estimated that at least 50% of outpatients receiving long-term neuroleptic trea tment with the old er, conventional antipsychotic medications develop some parkinsonian signs o r symptoms at some point in their course of treatment. Rates of Neuroleptic-Ind uced Parkinsonism caused by the newer aty pical antipsychotic medications are considerably lower. Symptoms may develop rapidly after starting o r raising the dose of neuroleptic medication or may develop insidiously over time. The most ty pical cou rse is the d evelopmen t of sympto ms 2--4 weeks after slarting a neuroleptic m ed ication. The symptoms then tend to continue unchanged or to d iminish gradually over the next few months. Sy mp toms w ill usually abate with a reduction of the dose (or discontinuation) of the neuroleptic medication, the addition of antiparkinsonian medication, or a sw itch to a neuroleptic medication with a lower incidence of these side effects. Parkinsolliall tremor is a steady, rhythmic oscillatory movement (3-6 cycles per second) that is typically slower tha n other tremors and is apparent at rest. It may occur intennittently and be unilateral or biJateral or d epend on where the limb is located (positional tremor). The tremor may affect limbs, head, jaw, mouth, lip ("rabbit synd rome"), or tongue. The tremo r can be suppressed, especially when the individual attempts to perform a task with the tremulous limb. Individuals may describe the tremor as "shaking" and report that it occurs especially during times of anxiety, stress, or fatigue. Parkinsonian muscular rigidity is defined as excessive firmness and tensing of resting muscles. It may affect all skeletal muscles or it may only involve discrete mu scular areas. Two kind s of rigid ity occur: cOlltillUOIiS ("lead-pipe") rigidity and cogw/Jee/ rigidity. In lead-pipe rigidity, the limb or joint resists movement and feels locked in

Crit eria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


place. The rigidi ty is con tinuous (i .e., the limb usually does not show moment-tomoment fluctuation s). In cogw heel rigidi ty, as the muscle is stretched arowld a joint there is a rhythmic, ra tchet-like resis tan ce that interrupts the usual smooth motion of the joint. Cogw heel rigidi ty can be felt by p lacing the hand over the joint being moved . Cogwheel rigidi ty occurs when the muscles are passively moved, is mos t common in the w rists and elbows, and often waxes and wanes. Individuals with parkinsonian rigidity may complain of generalized muscle tenderness or s tiffness, muscle or joint pain, body aching, or lack of coordination during sp or ts . Akillesia is a state of decreased spontaneous motor activ ity. There is global slowing as well as slowness in initiating and executing movements. Normal everyday behaviors (e.g., g rooming) are reduced . Individuals may complain of feelin g lis tless, lacking spontaneity and d rive, or oversleeping. Parkin sonian rigidity and akinesia can be manifes ted as abnormalities in gait or d ecreases in length of s tride, arm swing, or overall spontaneity of walking. Other signs include bent-over neck, s tooped shoulders, a staring facial expression, and s mall shuffling steps. Drooling may arise due to a general decrease in pharyngeal motor activity, although it may be less common in parkinsonism associated with neuroleptic medication because of the anticholinergic properties of these medications. Subtle, behavioral manifes tations of akinesia can mimic, or worsen, negative symptoms of Schizopluenia.

Associated Features
Associated behavioral sym p toms may include depression and worsening of negative signs of Schizophrenia. Other associated signs and symptom s include small handwriting (micrographia), hypophonia, postural instability, inhibited blinking in response to glabellae tapping, and seborrhea. General medical complications can occur when parkinsonian symptoms are severe and result in decreased motor activity (e.g., contractures, bedsores, and pulmonary emboli). Decreased gag refl ex and d ysphagia can be life tlueatening and may present as aspiration pneumonia or unexplained weight loss. There may be urinary incontinence and increased rates of h ip fractures in elderly p ersons. Ris k factors for developing N euroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism include a his tory of prior episodes of N euroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism; older age; the presence of a coexisting delirium, dementia, or amnes tic disorder; or a coexis ting neurologica l condition. Children ma y also be a t higher ris k of developing Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonis m. Furthermore, the risk of developing Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonis m is associated with the type of neuroleptic medication (i.e., older conventional vs. newer atypical antipsychotic medication), the rapidity of increases in dosage, and the absolute dose; the risk is reduced if individuals are taking anticholinergic medications.

Differential Diagnosis
It is important to d is tinguish between Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism and other causes of parkinsonian symptoms in individuals being treated with a neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism should be dis tinguis hed from pa rkinsonian symptoms due to another s ubs tance or medication or due to a neurological or other general med ical condition (e.g., Parkinson 's disease, Wilson's disease).


Appendix B

Laboratory findings may h elp to establish other causes for the parkinsonian symptoms (e.g., positive u rine heavy metal screen, basal ganglia calcification indicating hypercalcemia, serum ceruloplasmin indicating Wilson's disease). Tremor due to other causes of parkinsonian symptoms, familial tremor, non-neuroleptic-induced tremor, and tremor associated with Substance Withdrawal should be distinguished from tremor in Neuroleptic-Induced Par kinsonism. Nonparkinsonian tremors tend to be finer (e.g., smaller amplitude) .md faster (lOcyc\es per second) and tend to worsen on intention (e.g ., when the individual reaches out to hold a cup). Tremor associated with Substan ce Withdrawal will usually have associated hyperreflexia and increased autonomic signs. Tremor from cerebell ar disease worsens on intention and may ha\'e associated n ystagmus, ataxia, or scanning speech. Choreifonn movements associated with Neuroleptic-Ind uced Tardive Dyskinesia can resemble parkinsonian tremor; h owever, the parkinsonian tremor is distinguished by its steady rhythmicity. Strokes and other fo cal les ions of the central n ervou s s ystem can cause focal nelUological signs as well as causing immobility from flaccid or spastic paralysis. in con trast, muscle strength is initially nonnal and muscles fatigue later i.n NeurolepticInduced Parkinsonism. Rigidity from parkinsonism also needs to be differentiated from the "clasp knife" phenomenon found in pyramidal lesions and oppositional behavior. Some indications that the parkinsonian symptoms are not due to nelUoieptics include famil y hi story of an inherited neurological condition, rapidly progressive parkinsonism not accounted for by recent psychopharmacological changes, the presence of focal nonextrapyramidal neurological signs (e.g., frontal release signs, cranial nerve abnormalities, or a positive Babinski sign), and parkinsonian signs or symptoms that do not reverse within 3 months of neuroleptic d iscontinua tion (or 1 year when the neuroleptic was given in a long-acting intramuscu lar form). Ind ividuals with Neuroleptic M alignant Syndrome have both severe akinesia and rigid ity but have additional physical and laboratory findings (e.g ., fever, increased creatine phosphokinase [CPK)). Distinguishi ng beh\'een symptoms of a primary mental disorder and behavioral disturbances from Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism can be d ifficult . Often the d iagnosis has to be based on multiple sources o f information (e.g ., physical examination find ings, medication history, mental symptoms). The diagnosis of NeurolepticInduced Parkinsonism may have to be made provisionally and can sometimes only be confirmed by a trial of dosage red uction (or elimination) of the neuroleptic medication or by initiating anticholinergic trea tment. Neuroleptic-induced akinesia and M ajor Dep ressive Disorder ha ve many overlapping symptoms. Major Depressive Disorder is more likel}' to have vegeta tive signs (e.g ., early awakening), hopelessness, and despair, whereas apathy is more ty pical of akinesia. Cataton ia associated with Schizophren ia, Ca tatoni c Type, or Mood Disorders With Ca tatonic Features can be particu larly difficult to distinguish from severe akinesia . The n egative sym p tom s of Sch izophreni a may also be difficult to differentiate from akinesia. Rigidity may also be associ ated with Psychotic Disord ers, delirium, d ementia, Anx iety Disord ers, and Con vers ion D isord er. The resistance to passive motion is constant through the full range of motion in parkinsonian rigidity, whereas it is inconsistent in mental disorders or other neurological conditions presenting with rigidity. Furthermore, individuals with parkinsonian rigidity generally have a constel-

Cri t eria Sets an d Axes Provided f or Furt he r Stu dy


1,1tion of signs and symptoms, including a characteristic walk and facial expression, drooling, decreased b linking, and other aspects of bradykinesia.

Research criteria for 332.1 Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

A. One (or more) of the following signs or sym ptoms has developed in association w ith t he use of neuroleptic medication :

pa rkinsonian t remor (i.e., a coarse, rh ythmic, resting t remor with a frequency between 3 and 6 cycles per second, affecting the limbs, head, mouth, or tongue) (2) pa rk inson ian muscular r igidity (i.e., cogwheel rigidity or continuous "Ieadpipe" r igidity) (3) akinesia (i.e., a decrease in spontaneous facial expressions, gestures, speech, or body movements)

B. The sympt oms in Cri terion A developed within a few weeks of starting or raising the dose of a neu roleptic medication, or of reducing a medication used to treat (or pre' ve nt) acute extrapyramidal symptoms (e .g., anticholinergic agents).

C. The symptoms in Criterion A are not better accounted for by a menta l disorder (e.g .,
catatonic or negative symptoms in Sch izoph renia, psychomotor retardation in a Ma jor Depressive Episode). Evidence that t he symptoms are better accounted for by a menta l disorder might incl ude the following: t he symptoms p recede the exposure to neuroleptic medication or are not compatible with the pattern o f phar macological intervention (e.g ., no improvement after lowering t he neuroleptic dose or administering anticholinergic med ication). D. The symptoms in Cr iterion A are not due to a non neuroleptic substance or to a neu rologica l or other general medical condit ion (e .g., Parkinson's disease, W ilson's disease) . Evidence t hat the symptoms are due to a general medical condition might include the f ollowing : the symptoms precede exposure to neuroleptic medication, unexplained foca l neurological signs are present, or the symptoms progress despite a stable medication regime n.

3 3 3.92

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Dia gn ostic Features

The essential feature of Neuroleptic Malig nant Syndrome is the development of severe m uscle rigid ity and elevated temperature in an indi vidual using neuroleptic medication . This is accompanied by two (or more) of the follow ing symptoms: diaphoresis, dysphagia, tremor, incontinence, changes in level of consciousness ranging from confusion to coma, mutism, tachycardia, elevated or labile blood p ressure, leukocytosis, and laboratory evid ence of muscle injury (e.g., elevated crea tine phosphokinase ICPKj). These symptoms are not due to another substance (e.g., phencyclidine) or to a neurolog ical or other general medical condition (e.g., viral encephalitis)


Appendix B

and are n ot better acco tmted for by a mental d isorder (e.g., Mood Disorder With Cata

tonic Features). There may be accompanying agitation or acute dystonic reactions.

Elevated temperature ranges from mild eleva tions (e.g., 99_100F) to markedly h}' perthermic states (e.g., 106F). Fever due to a genera] medical condition (e.g., infection) needs to be ruled out as a cause of the elevated temperature; however, individuals wi th Neu roleptic Malignant Syndrome often develop o ther m edical conditions thai can worsen an already elevated temperature. C PK is ty pically elevated, ranging from mino r elevations to extremely high levels (exceeding 16)JOO IV). It should be noted that mild to moderate ele\'ations of CPK can also be seen with muscle damage due to various causes such as intramuscular injection and use of restraints and h as also been reported in individuals with acute Psychotic Disorders. White blood cell counts are o ften high, usua lly ranging beh\'een 10,000 and 20,000. In severe cases, myoglobinuria may occur and may be a harbinger of renal failure. The presenta tion and course of Neuroleptic Malignant Syn drome are quite variable. It may have a malignant, potentially fatal course or a relatively ben ign, selflimited course. 1l1ere is current ly no way to predict the evolution of the syndrome in any particular individual. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome usually develops within 4 weeks after starting a neuroleptic m edication, with h vo-th irds of cases d eveloping within the firs t week. However, some individuals d evelop Neuroleptic Malign ant Syndrome after taking the same d ose of neurolep tic medica tion for many months. After discontinuation of neuroleptic medication, resolution of the condition occurs within a mean duration of 2 weeks for nondepo! neuroleptic medication and 1 month for depot neuroleptic medication, although there are cases that continue far beyond the mean duration of 2 weeks. In m ost cases, there is eventually a total resolution of symptoms . For a minori ty of ind ividuals, the outcome is fatal. Fata lity ra tes in the literature are in the 10%- 20% range, but these rates may be artificially high as a result of reporting bias. With increasing recognition of this cond ition, estima tes of fa tality rates have d ecreased . There ha ve been ra re reports of neurological sequelae.

Associated Featu res

Most cases have been reported to occur in indi viduals with Schizophrenia, Manic Episodes, and Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g., a delirium or a dementia). Prior episodes of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, agitation, d ehydration, high doses of neuroleptic medication, rapid increase in d osage, and intramuscular injection of neuroleptic med ication appear to be ris k facto rs. There is controversy in the litera ture about whether treatment with li thium carbonate enhances the likelihood of developing Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Although this d isorder can occur in both hot and cold environments, environments tha t are warm and humid may contribute to the development of thi s condition . Various gen eral medical conditions may occu r and complicate the clinica l pictwe, including pneumonia, renal fail ure, cardiac or respiratory arres t, seizwes, sepsis, pulmonary embolism, and d isseminated intravascular coagulation . Estimates of the prevalence of this condi tion in individuals exposed to neu roleptic medications range from 0.07% to 1.4%. leuroleptic Malignant Syndrome has been rep orted to occur somewhat m ore frequ ently in males than in fem ales. The condition m ay occur at any age but has been reported mos t frequently in yOllng adults. Varia-

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

tions in reported prevalence may be due to a lack of consistency in the definition of caseness, neuroleptic prescribing practices, study design, and the demographics of the population being studied. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome may occur more frequently with high-potency neuroleptic medication. Some individuals who have developed this condition may be less likely to be compliant with taking n euroleptic medkation. Although many individuals do not experience a recurrence when neuroleptic medication is reinstituted, some do experience a recurrence, especially when the neuroleptic medication is reinstituted soon after an episode of Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome.

Differential Diagnosis
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome must be distinguished from the symptoms of a neurolog ical or other general m edical condition. An elevated temperature that is due to a general medical condition (e.g., a viral infection) must be distinguished from the elevated temperature associated with euroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Extremely elevated temperatures are more likely due to NeuIOleptic Malignant Syndrome, especially in the absence of an identifiable general medical condition. In addition, in Neuroleptic rvlalignant Syndrome, other characteristk features (e.g., severe muscle rigidity) are also present. General medical conditions with a presentation that may resemble NelUoleptic Malignant Syndrome include central nervous system infection, s tatus epilepticus, subcortical brain lesions (e.g., stroke, trauma, neoplasms), and systemic conditions (e.g ., intermittent acute porphyria, tetanus). Heat stroke may mimic Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome but can be d istinguished by the presence of hot, dry s kin (rather than diaphoresis), hypotension (rather than fluctu ating or elevated blood pressure), and limb flaccidity (rather than rigidity). Malignant h yperthenni a presents with high elevated temperature and rigidity and usually occurs in genetically susceptible individuals who have received halogenated inhalational anesthetics and depolarizing muscle relaxants. Malignant h}'perthermia usually starts within minutes of receiving anesthesia. Because other general medical conditions can co-occur with or result from Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, it is important to determine whether the elevated temperature occurred before or subsequent to the superimposed medical problems. Abrupt discontinuation of antiparkinsonian medication in a person with Parkinson' s disease or treatment w ith dopaminedepleting agents (e.g., reserpine, tetrabenazine) may precipitate a reaction similar to Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome must be distinguished from similar syndromes resulting from the use of other psychotropic medications (e.g ., monoamine oxidase inhibitors, monoamine oxidase inhibitor-tricyclic combinations, monoamine oxidase inhibitor-serotonergic agent combinations, monoamine oxidase inhibitor-meperidine combinations, lithilUTI toxicity, anticholinergic delirium, amphetamines, fenflura mine, cocaine, and phencyclidine), all of whidl may present w ith hyperthermia, altered mental status, and autonomic changes. In s uch cases, a diagnosis of MedicationInduced Movemen t Disorder Not Otherwise Specified can be given. Indi viduals with Schizopluenia or a Manic Episode who are not receiving a neuroleptic medication may sometimes present with extreme ca tatonic s tates (so-called leth al catatonia), which can mimic Neuroleptic rv[alignant Syndrome and may in-


Append ix B

dude elevated temperature, autonomic dysfun ction, and abnonnal laboratory find ings. For individuals already receiving a neuroleptic med ication, a history of prior extreme catatonic s tales when the individual was n ot receiving a neuroleptic is im p ortant in making the differential diagnosis. The problem is further confounded by the fact that neuroleptic medication may worsen the symptoms of lethal catatonia.

Research criteria for 333.92 Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

A. The development of severe muscle rigidity and elevated temperature associated with

the use of neuroleptic medication.

B. Two (or more) of the following:
(1) diaphoresis

(2) dysphagia
(3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)


changes in level of consciousness rang ing from confusion to coma mutism tachycardia elevated or labi le blood pressure leucocytosis laboratory evidence of musde injury (e.g., elevated CPK)

C. The symptoms in Criteria A and B are not due to another substance (e.g., phencyclidine) or a neurologica l or other genera l medical condition (e.g., vi ral encephalitis). D. The symptoms in Criteria A and B are not better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., Mood Disorder With Cataton ic Features).


Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia

Diagnostic Features
n le essen tial featlUe of Neurolep tic-Induced Acu te Dystonia is s ustained abnormal postures or muscle spasms that develop in association w ith the use of neuroleptic medication. TIlese include abnormal positioning of the head and neck in rela tion to the body (e.g., retrocoJlis, torticollis); spas ms of the jaw muscles (trismus, gaping, grimacing); impaired swallowing (dysphagia), speaking, or breathing (potentially lifethreatening lar}'flgeal-phary ngeal spasm, d ysphonia); thickened or slurred speech due to hy pertonic tongue (dysarthria, macroglossia); tongue protrusion o r tongue d}'sfunction; eyes deviated up, down, or sideward (oculogyric crisis); or abnormal positioning of the d is tal limbs o r trunk (opisthotonos). nlere is great variability in the severity of the symptoms and in the body areas that may be affected . Increased tonE' in the affected muscles is us ually present. The signs or symptoms develop withi. 7 days of s tarting o r rapidly raising the dose of neuroleptic medication or of reducinl

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study a medication being u sed to treat or prevent acute extrapyramidal symptoms (e.g., anticholinergic agents). The symptoms must not be better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., catatonic symptoms in Schizophrenia) and must not be due to a nonneuroleptic substance or to a neurological or other general medical condition.

Associated Features
Fear and anxiety often accompany the onset of Nernoleptic-Ind uced Acute Dystonia, especially in individuals w ho are lmaware of the p ossibility of developing dystonia and who mistakenly regard the symptom as part of their mental disorder. Some individuals experience pain or cramps in affected muscles. Noncompliance with medication treatment may result following the development of acute d ystOniC reactions. Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia occurs most commonly in youn g males. Risk facto rs for developing Neuroleptic-Ind uced Acute Dystonia include prior d ystonic reactions to neuroleptic treatment and the u se of high-potency typical neuroleptic medication. euroleptic-lnduced Acute Dystonia is far less likel y to occur w ith atypical neuroleptic medications (i.e., fewer than 5% of treated individuals).

Differe ntial Diagnosis

It is important to distinguish between ieuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia and oth-

er causes of d ystonia in individuals being treated with a neurolep tic medication. Evidence that the symptoms are due to a n eu rological or other gen era l medical condition includes course (e.g., symptoms preceding exp osure to the neuroleptic medica tion or progression of symptoms in the absence of change in medica tion) and the presence o f focal neurological signs. Spo ntaneo usly occurri ng foca l or segmenta l dys lonias usually persist for several d al's or weeks independent of medication. Other neurological conditions (e.g., temporal lobe seizures, viral and bacterial infections, trauma, or space-occupy ing lesions in the peripheral or central n ervous system) and endocrinopathies (e.g., hypoparathyroid ism) can also produce symptoms (e.g., tetany) that resemble a N euroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome can produce d ystonia but differs in tha t it is also accompanied by fever and generalized rigidity. Neuroleptic-lnduced Acute Dystonia should be distinguished from dys tonia due to a n onneuroleptic m edication (e.g ., anticonvulsant medications such as phenytoin and carbamazepine). In such cases, a diagnosis of Medicat ion-Induced Movemen t D iso rder Not Othe n vise Specified can be given . Catatonia associated ,..,.jth a Mood Disorder or Schizophreni a can be distinguished by the temporal relationship between the symptoms and the neuroleptic exposure (e.g., d ystonia preceding exposure to neuroleptic medication) and response to pharmacological intervention (e.g., no improvement after lowering of neuroleptic dose or anticholi nergic administration). Furthermore, individuals w ith NeurolepticInduced Acute Dystonia are generaUy distressed about the dystonic reaction and usually seek intervention . In contrast, individ uals with cata tonia are typically mute and withdrawn and do not express subjective distress about their condition.


Append ix B

Research criteria for 333.7 Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia

A One (or more) o f the fo llowing signs or symptoms has developed in associat ion with the use of neurolept ic medicat ion: (1) abnormal positioning of the head and neck in relation to the body (e.g., retrocol lis, torticollis) (2) spasms of the jaw muscles (trismus, gaping, grimacing) (3) impaired swa llowing (dysphagia), speaking, or breathing (laryngeal-pharyngeal spasm, dysphonia) (4) thickened or slurred speech due to hypertoniC or enlarged tongue (dysarthria, macrog lossia)
(5) tongue prot rusion or tongue dysfunct ion (6) eyes deviated up, down, or sidewa rd (ocu logyri c cri sis) (7) abnormal positioning of the dirta l l imbs or trunk

B. The signs or symptoms in Criterion A developed within 7 days of st arting or rapidly raising the dose of neuroleptic medication, or of reducing a med ication used to treat (o r prevent) acute extrapyramida l symptoms (e.g., anticholinergic agents).
C. The symptoms in Criterion A are not better accounted for by a ment al disorder (e.g., catatonic symptoms in Schizophrenia). Evidence that the symptoms are better accounted for by a menta l disorder might include the fo llowing: the symptoms precede t he exposure to neuroleptic medicat ion o r are not compatible with the pattern of pha rmacological intervention (e.g., no imp rovement aher neu roleptic lowering or anticholinergic ad ministration).

O. The symptoms in Criterion A are not due to a nonneuroteptic substance o r to a neu ro logical or other general medical condition. Evidence that t he symptoms a re due to a general medical condition might include the follow ing: the symptoms precede the exposure to the neuro leptic med ication, unexplained focal neurological signs are present, or the symptoms progress in the absence of change in medication .


Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia

Diag nost ic Features

The essential features of Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia are subjective complaints of restlessness and at least one of the following observed movements: fidgety movements or swinging of the legs while seated, rocking from foot to foot or "walking on the spot" while standing, pacing to relieve the restlessness, or an inability to sit or stand still fo r at least several minutes. In its most severe form , the individual may be unable to maintain any position for more than a few seconds. The subjective comp laints include a sense of iMer restlessness, most often in the Jegs; a compu lsion to move one's legs; dist.ress if one is asked not to move one's legs; and d ysphoria and anxiety. The symptoms typica lly occur w ithin 4 weeks o f initiating or increasing the d ose of a neuroleptic medication and can occasionally follow the reduction of medj

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

cation used to t.reat or prevent acute extrapyramidal symptoms (e.g., anticholinergic agents). The symptoms a re not better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia, Substance Withd ra wal, agitation from a Major Depressive or Manic Episode, hyperactivity in AttentionOeficit / Hyperactivity Disorder) and are not due to a non neuroleptic substance or to a neurological or other general medical condition (e.g., Parkinson's disease, iron-deficiency anemia).

Associated Features and Disorders

The subjective distress resulting from akath isia is significant and can lead to noncompliance with neuroleptic trea hnent. Akathisia may be associa ted with dysphoria, irritability, aggression, or suicide attempts. Worsening of psychotic symptoms or behavioral d yscontrol may lead to an increase in neuroleptic medica tion dose, wh ich may exacerba te the problem. Akathisia can develop very rapidly after initiating or increasing neuroleptic medication. The development of akathisia appears to be dose dependent and to be more frequ ently associa ted w ith particular neuroleptic medications. Acute akathisia tends to persist fo r as long as neuroleptic medications are confumed, although the intensity may fluctuate over tinle. The reported p revalence of akathisia among individuals receiving neuroleptic medica tion has varied w idely (20%-75%). Although the atypical neuroleptic medications are less likely to cause akathisia than the typicaJ neuroleptics, nonetheless, these medications do cause akathisia in some individuals. Variations in reported prevalence may be due to a lack o f consistency in the definition o f caseness, neuroleptic prescribing practices, study design, and the demographics of the population being studied.

Differential Diagnos is
Neuroleptic-Induced Acu te Akathisia may be clinically indistinguishable from syndromes of restlessness due to certain neurological or other general medicaJ conditions, to nonneuroieptic substances, and to agitation p resenting as part of a mental disorder (e.g., a Manic Episode). TIle akathisia of Park inson's disease and iron-deficiency anemia are phenomenologically simila r to Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia . The frequently abrupt appearance of restlessness soon a ft er initi ation or increase in neuroleptic medication usually distinguishes Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia. Seroton in-specific reup take inhibitor antidepressant medications may produce akathisia that appears to be identical in phenomenology and treatment response to Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia. Akathisia due to nonneuroieptic medication can be diagnosed as Medicationlnduced Movement Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. Other situations that might be included under Med ica tion-Induced Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Specified are acute akathisia w ith onJ y subjective or only objective complaints, but not both; and akathisia occurring late in the course of treatment (e.g., 6 months after initiation of, or increase in the dose o f, a neuroleptic). Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia also often has a component o f generalized restlessness that may coexist w ith akathisia in an individ ual receiving neuroleptic medication. Neuroleptic lnduced Acute Akathisia is differentiated from NeurolepticInduced Tardi ve Dyskinesi a by the nature of the movements and their relationsh ip to the initiation of medication. The tinle course o f symptomatic presentation relative to neuroleptic d ose changes may aid in this distinction. An increase in neuroleptic med-


Appe ndix B

icatian will often exacerbate akathisia, whereas it often temporarily relic\'es the symptoms of Tardive Dyskinesia . Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia should be d istinguished from symptoms tha i are better accounted for by a mental disorder. Individua ls with Dep ressive Episod es, Manic Episod es, Generalized Anxiety Disord er, Schizophrenia an d other Psych otic Disord ers, Atten tion-DeficitfHyperac!ivity D isorder, de mentia, d elirium, Sub s tan ce Intoxication (e.g., with cocaine), or Sub s tance Withdrawal (e.g., from an opioid) may also display agitation that is difficult to d is tinguis h from akathisia. Some of these ind ividuals are able to differentiate akatltis ia from the anxiety, restlessness, and agitation characteristic of a mental disorder by their experience of akathisia as being different from previously experienced feelings . Othe r evidence that restlessness or agitation may be better accounted for by a mental dis order includes the onset of agita tion prior to expos ure to the neuro leptic medication, absence of increasing restlessness w ith increasing neuroleptic medication doses, and absen ce of relief with pharmacological interventions (e.g., no improvemen t after decreasing the neuroleptic d ose or treatment with medica tion intended to treat the akathis ia).

Research criteria for 333.99 Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia

A. The development of subjective complaints of restlessness after exposure to a neurole ptic medication. B. At least one of the fol lowi ng is observed :
(1) fidgety movements or swinging of the legs

(2) rocking from foot to foot while standing (3) pacing to relieve rest lessness (4) ina bil ity to sit or stand sti ll for at least several minutes
C. The onset of the symptoms in Criteria A and B occurs with in 4 weeks of initiat ing or

increaSi ng the dose of the neuroleptic, or of reducing medication used to treat (or prevent) acute extrapyramidal symptoms (e.g .. anticholinergic agents) . D. The symptoms in Crit erion A are not better accounted for by a mental disorder (e.g., Schizophrenia. Subst ance Withdrawal, agitation from a Major Depressive or Manic Episode. hyperactivity in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder). Evidence that symptoms may be bette r accounted for by a mental disorder might include the fol lowing: the onset of symptoms preceding the exposure to the neuroleptics, the absence of increaSing restlessness with increasing neuroleptic doses, and the absence of relief with pharmacological interventions (e.g., no improvement after decreasi ng the neuroleptic dose or treatment with medication intended to t reat the a kathisia). E. The symptoms in Crit erion A are not due to a non neuroleptic su bstance or to a neu rological or other general medical condition. Evidence that symptoms a re due to a general medical condition might include the onset of the symptoms preceding the exposure t o neu roleptics or the progression of symptoms in the absence of a change in medication.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia

Diag nostic Featu res

The essential feahlres of Neuroleptic- Induced Tardive Dyskinesia are abnonnal, in\'oluntary movements of the tongue, jaw, trunk, or extremities that develop in association with the use of neuroleptic medication. The movements are present over a period of at least 4 weeks and may be choreiform (rapid, jerky, nonrepetitive), athetoid (slow, sinuous, continual), or rhy thmic (e.g., stereotypies) in nalure . The signs or symptoms develop during exposure to a neuroleptic medication or within 4 weeks of wi thdrawal from an oral (or within 8 weeks of withdrawal from a depot) neuroleptic medication. There must be a history of the use of neuroleptic medication for at least 3 months (or I m onth in individuals age 60 years o r old er). Although a large number of epidemiological studies have established the etiological relationship beh\'een neuroleptic use and Tardive Dyskinesia, any dyskinesia in an individua l who is receiving neuroleptic medication is not necessarily Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia. The movements must not be due to a neuro logical or other general medical condition (e.g., Huntington's d isease, Syd enham's chorea, spontaneous d yskinesia, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's d isease), to ill-fitting dentures, or to exposure to o ther medica tions that can cause acute reversible dyskinesia (e.g., L-dopa, bromocripline). The movemen ts should also not be better accounted for by a neuroleptic-induced acute movement disorder (e.g., N euroleptic-Induced Acute DystOnia, Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia). Over three-fourth s of the individuals w ith Ta rd ive Dyskinesia have abnormal orofacial movements, approximately one-half h ave limb involvemen t, and up to onequarter have axial dyskinesia of the trunk. All three region s are affected in approximately 10% of individuals. Involvement of other muscle groups (e.g., pharyngeal, abdomina l) may occur but is uncommon, especially in the absence o f d yskinesia of the orofacial region, limbs, or trunk. Limb or truncal dyskinesia without orofac.ial involvement is more common in younger individuals, whereas orofacial dyskinesias are ty pical in older persons.

Associated Features
The symptoms of Tard ive Dyskinesia tend to be worsened by stimulants, neuroleptic withdrawal, and anticholinergic medica tions and may be transiently worsened by emotional arousal, stress, and distraction during voluntary movements in unaffected parts of the body. The abnormal movements of dyskineSia are transiently reduced by relaxation and by voluntary movements in affected parts of the body. They are generally absent during sleep. Dyskinesia may be suppressed, at least temporaril y, by increased d oses of neuroleptics or sedati ves. The overall p revalence of Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia in individuals who have received long-term neuroleptic trea tment ranges from 20% to 30%. The overall incidence among younger individ uals ranges from 3% to 5% per year. Middle-age and elderly individuals appear to develop euroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia more often, with prevalence figures reported up to 50% and an incidence of


Append ix B

25%-30% after an average of 1 year's cumulative exposure to neuroleptic medication. Prevalence also varies depending on setting, with Tardive Dyskinesia tending to be
more common among inpatients (especiaUy duonically ins titutionalized individuals). Varia tions in reported prevalence may be due to a lack of consistency in the definition of caseness, neuroleptic prescribing practices, study d esign,. and the demogra ph ics of the population being s tudied. There is no ob\,jous gender difference in the susceptibility to Tardive Dyskinesia, although the ris k may be somewhat greater in posbnenopausai women. Greater cu-

mulative amounts of typical neuroleptics and early development of extrapyramidal side effects are tw o o f the most consistent risk fa ctors for Tardive Dyskinesia. Mood Disorders (especially Major Depressive Disorder), neu rological conditions, and Alcohol Dependence have also been found to be risk factors in some g roups of individuals. There is grow ing e\' idence that the newer atypical neuroleptics are associated with a mudllower incidence of Tardive Dys kinesia than the typical neurolepties. Onset may occur at any age and is almost always insidious. The signs are ty pica U y minima l to mild at onset and escape notice except by a keen observer. In a majority of cases, Tardive Dyskinesia is mild and is p rimarily a cosmetic problem. In severe cases, however, it may be associated. with general m edical complications (e.g., ulcers in cheeks and tongue; loss of teeth; macroglossia; difficulty in walking, swallOWing. or breathing; muffled speech; weight loss; depression; and suicidal ideation). If the individual w ith Tardive Dyskinesia remains off neuroleptic medica tion, the d yskinesia remits within 3 months in one-third of the cases and remits by 12-18 months in more than 50% of cases, although these percentages are lower in old er persons. When individuals receiving neuroleptic medica tion are assessed periodically, Tardive Dyskinesia is fo und to be stable over time in about one-half, to worsen in one-quarter, and to improve in the rest. Younger individuals generally tend to improve more readily; in older indiv idua ls there is a greater likelihood that Ta rdive Dyskinesia may become more severe or more generalized wi th continued neu roleptic use. When neuroleptic medications are discontinued , it is estimated that 5%- 40% of all cases remil and beh veen 50% and 90% of mild cases remit.

Differe ntial Diag nosis

Dyskinesi a tha i emerges during neuroleptic withdrawal may remit with continued withdrawal from neuroleptic medication. U the d yskinesia persists for at least 4 weeks, a diagnosis of Tardive Dyskinesia may be warranted. euroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia must be distinguished from other ca uses of orofacial and body d yskinesia. These conditions include Huntington's disease; Wilson's disease; Syd enham's (rheumatic) ch orea; system ic lupus erythema tosus; thyrotoxicosis; heavy metal poi soning; ill-fi tting den tures; dyskinesia d ue to other medications such as l-dopa, b rom ocriptine, or am antadin e; and spon taneous dyskinesias. Factors that may be helpful in making the distinction are evidence that the symptoms p receded the exposure to the neuroleptic medication or tha t other focal neurological signs are present. It should be noted that other movement disorders may coexist w ith NeurolepticInduced Tardive Dyskinesia. Because spontaneous d yskinesia can occur in more than 5% of individuals and is also more common in elderly persons, it may be d ifficult to prove that neuroleptic medica tions produced Tardive Dyskinesia in a given individ-

Crite ria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

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ua l. Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia must be disting uished from symptoms tha t are due to a neuroleptic-ind uced acute movement disorder (e.g., NeurolepticInd uced Acute D ystoni a or Neu roleptic-Induced Acute Akathi sia). N eurolepticInduced Acute Dystonia d evelops within 7 days and Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia d evelops within 4 weeks of initiating o r increasing the d ose of a neuro leptic medica tion (or redUCing the dose of a medication used to treat acute extrapyramidal symptoms). Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia, on the other hand, develops during exposure to (or withd rawal from) neuroleptic medication in individuals with a history of neuroleptic use fo r at least 3 months (or 1 month in middle-age and elderly persons).

Research criteria for 333.82 Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia

A. Involuntary movements of the tongue, jaw, trunk, or extremities have developed in association wi t h the use of neuroleptic medication. 8. The involuntary movements are present over a period of at least 4 weeks and occur in any of the fo llowing patte rns:
(1 ) choreiform movements (i.e., rapid, jerky, nonrepetitive) (2) athetoid movem ents (i.e., slow, sinuous, conti nua l) (3) rhythmic m ovements (i.e., stereotypies)

C. The signs or symptoms in Criteria A and B develop during exposure to a neuroleptic

med icatio n or within 4 w eeks o f wi thdra wa l from an oral (or within 8 weeks of withdrawal from a d epot) neuroleptic medication. O. There has been exposure to neuro lept ic medi cation fo r at least 3 m onths (1 m onth if age 60 years or older). E. The symptoms are not due to a neurological or genera l medical condition (e.g., Hunting t on's disease, Sydenham 's chorea, spontaneous dyskinesia, hyperthyroidism, Wilson's disease), i ll fitting dentures, or exposure to other medications that cause acute reversible dyskinesia (e.g., L-dopa, b romocri ptine). Evidence that the symptoms are due to one of th ese etiologies might indude the following: the symptoms precede the exposu re to the neurolept ic m edication or unexplained foca l neurological signs are present. F. The symptom s are not better accounted for by a neuroleptic-induced acute movem ent disorder (e.g., Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia, NeuroleptiC-Induced Acute Akathi sia).


Medication-Induced Postural Tremor

Diag nostic Features

The essential feature of Medica tion-Induced Postural Tremor is a fine postura l tremor that has develop ed in association wi th the use o f a medication. Medications with


Appendix B

which such a tremor may be associated include lith ium, beta-adrenergic medica tions (e.g., isoproterenol), s timulants (e.g., amphetamine), dopamincrgic medications, anticonvulsant medications (e.g., valproic acid), neuroleptic medications, antidepressant medications, and methylxanthines (e.g., caffeine, theophylline). The tremor is a regular, rhythmic oscillation of the limbs (most commonly hands and fing ers), head, mouth, or tongue with a frequency of behveen 8 and 12 cycles per second. It is most easily observed when the affected body part is held in a sus tained pos ture (e.g., hands ou tstretched, mouth held open). ''''hen an individual describes a tremor that is consis ten t with this definition, but the clinician does not directly observe the tremor, it may be helpful to try to r~crea t e the situation in which the tremor occurred (e.g., drinking from a cup and saucer). The symptoms are not due to a preexisting, nonpharmacologically induced tremor and are not better accounted for by leurolepticInduced Parkinsonis m.

Associated Features
Most available information concerns lithium-induced tremor. Li thi um tremor is a common, u sually benign, and well-to lerated side effect of therapeutic doses. However, it may cause social embarrassment, occupational difficulties, and noncomplian ce in some individuals. As senlm lithium levels approach toxic levels, the tremor may become more coarse and be accompanied by muscle twitching, fa scicula tions, or ataxia . Nontoxic lithium tremor may improve spontaneously over time. A variety of factors may increase the ris k of lithium tremor (e.g., increasing age, high serum lithium levels, concurrent antidepressan t or neuroleptic medica tion, excessive caffeine intake, personal or family his tory of tremor, presence o f Alcoh ol Dependence, and associated anxiety). The freque ncy o f complaints about tremor appears to decrease with duration of lithium treatment. Factors that may exacerbate the tremor include anxiety, s tress, fati gue, h}'poglycemia, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, hypothermia, and Alcohol Withdrawal.

Differentia l Diagnosis
Medication-Induced Poshlral Tremor should be distinguished from a preexisting tremor that is not ca used by the effects o f a medication. Factors that help to es tablish that the tremor was preexis ting include its temporal relationship to the initiation of medication, lack of correlation with serum levels of the medication, and persistence after the medica tion is discontinued. If a preexisting, nonpharmacologically induced tremor is present that worsens with medication, such a tremor would not be considered to meet the criteria for a Medication-Induced Pos hlral Tremor and would be coded as Medication-Induced Movement Di sorder Not Othenvise Specified. The fa ctors described above that may contribute to the severity of a Medication-Induced Postural Tremor (e.g., anxiety, s tress, fatigue, hypoglycemia, thyrotoxicosis, pheochromocytoma, hypothermia, and Alcohol Withdrawal) may also be a cause of tremor independent of the medication. Medication-Induced Poshlral Tremor is not diagnosed if the tremor is better accounted for by euroleptic-In duced Parkinsonism. A Medication-Induced Poshual Tremor is usually absent at rest and intensifies when the affected part is brought into

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study action or held in a sustained position. In contrast, the tremor related to Neuroleptic Induced Pa rkinsonism is usually lower in frequency, worse at rest, and suppressed y during intentional movement and usuaU occurs in association w ith other symptoms of Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism (e.g., akinesia, rigidity) .

Research criteria for

333.1 Medication-Induced Postural Tremor

A. A fine postural tremor that has developed in association with the use of a medication (e.g., lithium, antidepressant medication, valproic acid). 8. The tremor (i.e., a regular, rhythmi c oscillat ion of the limbs, head, mouth, or tongue) has a frequency between 8 and 12 cycles per second.
C. The symptoms are not due to a preexisting no n pharmacologically induced tremor. Evidence that the symptoms are due to a preexisting t remor might include t he following: the tremor was present prio r to the introduction of the medication, the tremor does not correlate with serum levels of the med ication, and the tremor persists after discontinuation of the medication .

D. The symptoms a re no t better accounted for by Neuro leptic-I nd uced Pa rkinsonism.


Medication-Induced Movement Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

This category is for Medication-Induced Movement Disorders that do not meet criteria for any of the speciIic di sorders listed above. Examples include 1) parkinsonism, acute aka lhisia, acute d ystonia, or d yskinetic movement that is associated with a medication other than a neuroleptic; 2) a presentation that resembles Neuroleptic Malignan t Syndrome that is associated w ith a medication o ther than a neuroleptic; or 3) tardive dystonia.

Proposed Axes for Further Study

Defensive Functioning Scale

Defense mec/ulIIisms (or coping styles) are au tomatic psychologica l p rocesses that protect the individual against anxiety and from the awareness of internal or external dangers or stressors. Individuals are often unaware o f these processes as they operate. Defense mechanisms mediate the individual's reaction to emotional con(Jicts and to internal and external stressors. The individual defense mechanisms are divided conceptua lly and empirically into related groups that are referred 10 as Defense Leurls. To use the Defensive Functioni ng Scale, the clin ician should list up to seven of the


Appendix B

specifi c d efen ses o r coping sty les (starting with the most prominent) and then indi+ cate the predominant defense level exhibited by the individual. These should renect the defenses or coping styles employed at the time of evaluation, supplemented by whatever in fonnation is available abou t the ind ividual 's defenses or coping patterns during the recent time p eriod that preceded the evaluation . TIle specific defense mechanisms lis ted may be drawn from the d ifferent Defense Levels. The Defensive Functioning Axis is presen ted firs t, followed by a recording form. The res t of the section consists of a list of definitions for the specific defense mechani sms and coping styles.

Defense Levels and Individual Defense Mechanisms

High adaptive level. Thi s level of defensive fun ctioning results in opti mal adaptation in the handling of stressors. These defenses usually maximize gratification and allow the conscious awa reness of feelings, ideas, an d their consequences. They also promote an optimum ba lance among conflicting mo tives. Examples of defe nses at this level are

anticipation affilia tion altruism humor self-assertion self-observa tion subl imation suppressIOn

Mental inhibitions (compromise form ation) level. Defensive fun ctioning at this level keeps potentially threatening ideas, fee lings, memories, wishes, or fears out of awa reness. Examples are

d isplacement d issociation in tellectualiza tion isolation of affect reaction formation repressIOn undoing

Minor image-d istorting level. This level is characterized by distortions in the image of the self, body, o r olhers that may be employed to regu late self-esteem. Examples are deva luation idea lization omnipotence

.. .

Cri te ria Sets and Axes Provided fo r Furthe r Study

Disavowal leve i. 11Us level is characterized by keeping unpleasant or unacceptable stressors, impulses, ideas, affects, or responsibility out of awareness with or wi thout a misattributio n of these to external causes. Examples are denial projection rationalization Major im age-d istorting level. This level is characterized by gross distortion or misattribution of the image of self or others. Examples are autistic fan tasy projective identification splitting of self-image or image of others Action level. This level is characterized by defensive fun ctioning that deals with internal or external slressors by action or withdrawal. Examples are acting out apathetic withdrawal help-rejecting complaining . . passive aggressIOn

Level o f d efen sive dysregulati on. This level is characterized by failure of defensive regulation to contain the individ ual's reaction to slressOfs, leading 10 a pronounced break with objective reality. Examples are delusional p rojection psych otic denial psychotic d istortion


Appendix B

Recording Form: Defensive Functioning Scale

A. Curren t Defenses or Coping Styles: List in order, beginning w ith most prominent defenses or coping sty les.



" ,.


B. Predominant Current Defense Level:

Examp le
Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Moderate Seda tive, H ypnotic, or A nxiolytic Abuse Axis n: Borderline Personal ity Disorder Antisocial personality feahlres Axis ill: 881.02 Lacerations o f wris l Axis IV: Recent arrest ExpulSion from home by parents Axis \1: GAF =45 (currcnt)
296.32 305.40 301.83 Axis J:

A. Current Defen ses or Coping Styles: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

sp li tting projection identification acting out devaluation

omnipotence denial projection

major image-distorting level

B. Predominan t Current Defen se level:

Criteri a Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

Glossary of Specif ic Defe nse Mechanisms and Coping Styles

acting out The indi vidual deals with emotional conflict o r in ternal or external stressars by actions rather than reflections or feeli ngs. This definition is broader than the original concep t of the acting out of transference feelings or wishes during psychotherapy and is in tended to include behavior arising bolh w ithin and outside the transference rela tionsh ip. Defensive acting out is not synonymous w ith "bad behavior" because it requires evidence that the behavior is related 10 emotional conflicts. affil iati on The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal o r external stressars by turning to o thers for help or su pport. This involves s haring problems with others but does n ot imply trying to make someone else responSible for them . altruism The individ ual deals w ith emotional conflict or internal or external s tressars by dedication to meeting the needs of others. Unlike the self-sacrifice sometimes characteristic of reaction fo rmation, the individual receives gratification either vica riously o r fro m the response of others. anticipatio n The individual deals w ith emotional conflict or internal or ex ternal stressors by experiencing emotional reactions in advance of, or anticipating consequences of, p ossible future events and considering realistic, alternative responses or sol utions. autistic fantasy The indi vidual deals with emotion al conflict or in ternal or external stressors by excessive daydreaming as a substitu te for hu man relationships, more effective action, or problem solving. denial The indiv idual dea ls with emotional conflict or in ternal o r external stressors by refusing to acknowledge some pa inful aspect of externa l reality or s ubjecti ve experience that would be apparent to others. The term psycllotic deninl is used when there is gross impairment in reality testing. devaluation The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal or ex ternal stressors by attributing exaggerated negative qualities to self or others. disp lacement TIle individual deals with emotional con fli ct or internal o r external stressors by transferring a feeling about, or a response to, one object onto another (usually less threatening) s ubs ti tute object. \ r& disso ciati on The ind ividual deals with emotional conmct or in ternal or external strcssors wi th a breakdown in the us ually integrated func tions of consciousness, memory, perception of self or th e en vironment, or sensory f motor behavior. h elp-rej ecting compla inin g TIle individual deals wi th emotional confl ict or internal o r external stressors by complaining or m.lkin g repetitious requests for help that disguise covert feeli ngs of hos tility o r reproach toward others, which are then exp ressed by rejecting the suggestions, ad vice, or help that o thers offer. The complaints or requests may involve physical or psychological symptoms or life problems.


Appendix B

humor The individual d eals w ith emo tional (onfliet o r external stressors by emphasizing the amusing or ironic aspects of the conflict or stressor.
idealiz ati on The individual d eals w ith emotional con fli ct or internal or external stressOTS by attributing exaggerated pos itive qualities to others. intellectualization The individual d eals w ith emotional conflict or in ternal or external stressors by the excessive use of abs tract thinking or the making o f generalizations to control o r m inimize di sturbing feelings . isol ation o f affecl The indi vidual deals w ith emotional conflict o r internal or external stressors by the separation of ideas from the feelings originally associa ted with them. The individual loses touch w ith the feelings associated with a given id ea (e.g., a tra umatic event) w hile remaining aware of the cognitive elements of it (e.g., descriptive details).
omnipotence The ind iv idua l deals w ith emotional conflict or in ternal or external s tressors by feel ing or ac ting as if he or she possesses s pecial powers or abilities and is s uperior to o thers. p assive aggression The indi vidual d eals w ith emotional conflict or internal or externa l s tressors by indirectly and unassertively exp ressing aggression toward o thers. There is a facade of overt compliance mas king covert resis tance, resentmen t, or hostility. Passive aggression often occu rs in response to demands for ind ependent action or performance or the lack of gratific ation of dependent wishes b ut may be ad ap tive for individuals in s ubord inate positions who have no olher w a)' to express assertiveness more O\'erl l),. p rojecti on The individual d ea ls w ith emotional conilict or internal or external stressors by fa lsely attributing to another h is or her own unaccepta ble feelings, impulses, or thoughts. p ro jective iden tification As in p rojection, the individual d eals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by falsely attributing to another h is or her own unacceptable fee lings, impulses, or thoughts. Unlike simple p rojection, the individual does not full y d isavow w hat is projected. Ins lead , th e ind ividual remains awareof his or her ow n affects or impulses but mis a ttribu tes them as justifiable reactions to the other person . Not in frequently, the indi vidual induces the very feel ings in others that were firs t mistaken ly believed to be there, making it diffic ult to clarify w ho d id what to whom firs t. rational ization The individual deals w ith emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by concealing the true motivations fo r his or her own thoughts, actions, or feel ings through the elaboration of reassuring or self-serving bu t incorrect explanations. reaction formati on The individ ual d eals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by s ubs tituting behavio r, thoughts, or feelin gs that are diametrically

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study

813 1

opposed to his or her own unacceptable UlOughts or feelings (tiUs u sually occurs in conjunction with their repression). re pression The ind ividual deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by expelling disturbing wishes, thoughts, or experiences from conscious awareness. The fee ling component may remain conscious, detached from its associated ideas. self-asse rtion The individual deals w ith emotional conflict or stressors b y expressing his or her feelings and thoughts directly in a way that is not coercive or manipula tive. self-observation The individ ual deals w ith emotiona l conflict or stressors by reflecting on his or her own thoughts, feelings, m otiva tion, and behavio r, and responding appropriately. splitting The individual deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by compartmentalizing opposite affect states and failing to integrate the p ositive and negative qualities of the self or others into cohesive images. Because ambivalen t affec ts cannot be experienced simultaneously, more balanced. views and expectations of self or o thers are excluded from emotional awareness. Self and object images tend to alternate between polar opposites: exclusively loving, powerfu l, worthy, nurturan!, and kind-or exclusively bad, hateful, angry, destructive, rejecting, or worthless. sub limati on The individual deals with emotional con fli ct or in ternal or external stressors by channeling potentially maladaptive feelings o r impulses into socially acceptable behavior (e.g., contact sports to channel angry impulses). suppressi on The individua l deals with emotional conflict or internal or external stressors b)' intentionally avoid ing thinking about disturbing problems, w ishes, feel. . mgs, or expcnences. undoing The individual deals w ith emotional conflict or internal or external stressors by words or behavior d esigned to negate or to make amends symbolically for unacceptable thoughts, feelings, or actions.

Appendix B

Global Assessment of Relational Functioning (GARF) Scale

In struclions: The GARF Scale can be used to indicate an overall judgment of the functioning of a family or other ongoing relationship on a hypothetical continuum ranging from competent, optimal relational functioning to a disrupted, d ysfunctional relationship. It is analogous to Axis V (Global Assessment of Functioning Scale) pmvided for individuals in DSMIV. The CARF Scale permi ts the clinician to rate the degree to which a famil y or other ongoing relationa l unit meets the affective or instrumental needs of its members in the fo llowing areas: A. Problem solving- skills in negotiating goals, rules, and routines; adaptability to stress; communication skiUs; ability to resolve confl ict B. OrganiZiltioll-maintenance of interpersonal roles and subsystem boundaries; hierarchical function ing; coalitions and distribu tion of power, control, and responSibility C. Emotional climate-tone and range of feeli ngs; quality of caring, empathy, involvement, and attacrunent / commihnent; sharing of values; mutual affective responsiveness, respect, and regard; quality of sexual functioning In most instances, the GARF Scale should be used to rate fun ctioning during the current period (i.e., the level of relational fun ctioning at the time of the evaluation). In some settings, the GARF Scale may also be used to rate functioning for o ther time periods (i.e., the h ighest level of rela tional functioning fo r a t least a few months during the pa st year). Note: Use specific, intermediate codes wh en possible, for example, 45, 68, 72. If detailed info rmation is not adequate to make specific ralings, use midpoints of the fi ve ranges, that is, 90, 70, 50, 30, or 10.

Overall: RelatjO Imit is fimctioning satisfactorily from self-report of particillal pal/ts and from perspectives of obseroers. Agreed-on patterns or routines exist that help meet the usual needs of each famil y / couple member; there is flexibility for change in response to unusua l demand s or events; and occasional conilicts and stressful transitions are resolved through problem-solving communication and negotia tion. There is a shared understand ing and agreement abou t roles and appropriate tasks, decision making is established for each functional area, and there is recognition of the unique characteristics and merit of each subsystem (e.g., parents / spouses, siblings, and individ uals). There is a situationaUy appropriate, optimistic atmosphere in the family; a wide range o f feelings is freely expressed and managed w ithin the family; and there is a general ahnosphere of warmth, caring, and sharing of values among all family members. Sexual relations of aduJ t members are sa tisfactory.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided fo r Further Study


Overfill: FlIlICliollilig of relatiollalullit is sOIllf!1vlltl! IfIlSfitisfactory. Oller a period of time, mallY bllt 1I0t all diffiClllties are" resolved without colllplaillts. Dail y routines are present, but there is some pa in and d ifficulty in responding to the unusual. Some conflicts remain unresolved but do no t disrupt family functioning. Decision making is usu ally competent, but efforts at control o f one another quite often are grea ter than necessary or are ineffective. Individuals and relationships are d early demarcated but sometimes a sp ecific subsystem is d epreciated or scapegoated. A range of feeling is expressed, but instances of emotional blocking or tension are evident. Warmth and caring are present b ut are m arred by a famil y member's irritability and frustrations. Sexual activity of adult members may be reduced or problematic. Overall: RelatiOllal ,m it Iltls occasiollal fimes of satisfying and competent f llIlCliolling logct/ler, bill clearly dysful/ ctional, Ill/satisfying relationships fwd to predominate. Communication is frequ entl y inhibited by lUllesolved confl icts that o ft en interfere w ith daily routines; there is Significant difficulty in adapting to famil y stress and transitional change. Decision making is only intennittently competent and effective; either excessive rigidity or significant lack of structure is eviden t at these times. Individual needs are quite often submerged by a p artner or coa lition. Pain o r ineffective anger or emotiona l deadness interferes with family enjoyment. Although there is some warmth and support for members, it is usually unequaUy d istributed. Troublesome sexual diffiClllties between adults are o ften present.

Overfill: Refa fioll fll ullit is obviously alld seriously dysfimctiollal; forms and tillle periods of satisfactory relflting are rare. Famil)' / couple routines d o not meet the need s of members; they are grim ly adhered to or blithely ignored . Life cycle changes, such as d ep artures or en tries into the relation al unit, generate painful conflict and ob viously fru strating fa ilures of problem solving. Decision ma king is ty rannica l or quite ineffective. The unique characteristics of ind ividuals are unappreciated or ignored by either rigid or con fu singly fluid coalitions. There are infrequen t period s of enjoyment of life together; frequent distancing or open hostility reflect significant conflicts that remain unresolved and quite painful. Sexual d ysfunction among adult m embers is conunonplace.
21-40 1-20

Overall: Reial;Olla/ullit Iltls become too dysfimctiollal lo retaill COlltillllity of CO I/tflcl and aUac1/11ICIlI. Family / couple routmes arc negligible (e.g., no mealtime, sleep ing, or waking schedu.le); family members often do not know where others arc or when they will be in or out; there is a little effective communication among famil y members. Fa mily/ couple members are not organized in su ch a way that personal or generational res ponsibilities arc recog nized. Bou ndaries o f relational unit as a


Appendix B

whole and subsystems cannot be identified or agreed on. Family members are physicall}, endangered or injured o r sexually attacked. Despair and cynicism are pervasive; there is little attention to the emotional needs of others; there is almost no sense of attachmen t, commitment, or concem about one another's welfare. o Inadequate information.

Criteria Sets and Axes Provided for Further Study


Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)

The SOFAS is a new scale tha t differs from the Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale in that it focuses exclusively on the individual's level of social and occupational functio ning and is not d irectly influenced by the overall severity of the individual's psychological symptoms. Also in contrast to the GAF Scale, any impairment in social and occupational functioning that is due to general medical conditions is considered in making the SOFAS rating. The SO FAS is usually used to rate fWlctioning for the current period (Le., the level of fun ctiOning at the time of the evalua tion). The SOFAS may also be used to rate functioning for other time period s. For example, for some purposes it may be useful to evaluate functioning for the past yea r (i .e., the highest level of fun ctioning fo r at least a few months during the past year).

Appendix B

Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)

Consider social and occupational func tioning on a continuum from excellent func tioning to grossly impa ired fu nctioning. Include impairments in fun ctioning d ue to physical limitation s, as well as those due to mental impairmen ts. To be counted, im pair ment must be a direct consequence of mental and physical health problems; the effects of lack of opportunity and other environmental limitations are not to be considered.
Code {Note: Us e inte rmediate (odes when app ropriate, e .g .. 45, 68, 72 .) 100 Superior funct ioning in a wide range of activities.



Good function ing in all areas, occupationally and socially effective.




No more than a slight impairment in social. occu pational, or school functioning (e.g., in frequent interpersonal conflict, temporarily falling behind in schoolwork).

70 Some d ifficulty in soda I. occupational, or school functioning, but generally functioni ng I we ll, has some meaningful inte rpersonal relationships.

60 Moderate d ifficulty in social, occupat iona l, or school functioning (e.g., few friends, conI fliet!; with peers or co-wo rk ers).



Serious impairment in social, occupational, or school functioning (e.g., no fri e nds, unable to keep a job).

40 Major impai rme nt in several areas, such as wo rk or school, fami ly re lations (e.g., deI pressed man avoids friends, neglects family, and is una ble to wo rk; child frequently beats 31 up younger childre n, is defian t at home, and is fai ling at school). 30 Inability t o funct ion in al most all areas (e.g., st ays in bed all day; no job, home, or friends).


20 Occas io nally fa ils t o ma intain minimal personal hyg iene; u nable to function indepenI dently.

10 Persistent inabili ty to maintain min imal personal hygie ne . Unable to function witho ut I harming self or others or without consid erable externa l support (e.g., nu rsing care and 1 supervision).

Inadequate information .

Note: The rating of overall psychological functioning on a scale of 0-100 was operati onalized by Luborsky in the Health-Sickness Rating Scale. (Luborsky L: - Clinicians' Judgments of Mental Health.A rchives of General Psychia try 7:407--417, 1962). Spitz er and colleagues developed a revision of the Health-Sickness Rating Scale called the Global Assessment Scale (G AS) (Endicot t J. Spitzer RL, Fleiss JL, et al.: - The Global Assessment Scale: A Procedure for Measuring Overall Severity of Psychiatric Disturbance. _ Archives of General Psychia try 33:766-77 I, 1976). The SOFAS is d erived from the GAS and its develo p men t is described in Goldman HH, Skodol AE, Lave TR: - Revising Ax is V fo r OSMoN: A Review of Measures o f Social Functio ning. _ American Journal of Psychiatry 149: 1148-11 56, 1992.

Appendix C

Glossary of Technical Terms

affect A pattern of observab le behaviors that is the exp ression of a s ubjectively experienced feeling s tate (emotion). Common examples of affect are sadness, elation, and anger. In contrast to mood, w hich refers to a more pervasive and s us tained emotional "climate," tlffect refers to more flu ctua ting changes in emotional "weather." Wha t is cons idered the normal range of the expression of affect varies considerably, both w ithin an d amon g diffe rent cultures. Disturbances in affect include blunted Sign ifi cant reduction in the intensity of emotional expression.

flat Absence or near absence of any signs of affective expression. inapprop ri ate Di sco rdance between affecti ve expression and the content of
speech or ideation. labil e Abnormal variabili ty in affect with repeated , rapid, and abrupt shifts in affective expression . restricted or constricted Mi ld reduction in the range and intensity o f emotion al expression . agitation (psych omo tor agitation) Excessive m otor acti vity associa ted with a feeling o f inner tens ion . The activity is us ually non p roductive and repetitious and consists of such behavio r as pacing, fi dgeting, w ring ing o f the hands, pullin g o f clothes, and in ability to sit still . agoni st medication A chemical en tity extrinsic to endogenously produced substances that acts on a receptor and is capable of producing the maximal effect that can be prod uced by s tim ulating that receptor. A parti al agoni st is capable o nly of producing less than the ma ximal effect even when g iven in a concentra tion s ufficie nt to bind with all availa ble receptors. agonis t/antagon ist medication A chemical entity extrin s ic to endogenous ly prod uced su bstan ces tha t acts on a family of rece ptors (such as mu, d elta, and kappa opiate rece p tors) in s uch a fa sh ion th at it is an agonis t or partial agonis t on one type of recep tor and an antagon is t on another. Glossary definitions were informed by the foll owing sources: DSM-lll; DSM-Ul-R; America" Psychiatric G/OSstlry, 6th Edi tio n; Penguiu Dictionary of Psychology; Campbell's Psychiatric Die/ioIwry, 6th Edi tio n; Stedmall'S Medical Dictiouary, 19th Editio n; Dorlalld's lIIustrated A'kdica/ Die/ioIWry, 25th Edition; and \'\'ebster's Third Nf!iu lutenlatiol/al Dictiollary.


1 820

Appendix C

alogia An impoverishment in thinking that is inferred from observing speech and language behavior. There may be brief and concrete replies to questions and restriction in the amount of spontaneous s peech (poverty of speech ). Sometimes the speech is
adequate in amount but conveys little informa tion because it is Qverconcretc, overabstract, repetitive, or s tereotyped (poverty of content).


Loss of memory. Types of amnesia include Loss of memory of events that occur after the onset of the etio-


logical condition or agent.

retrograde Loss of memory of events that occurred before the onset of the etiological condition or agent.
antagonist medication A chemical entity extrinsic to endogenously produced substances that occupies a receptor, produces no physiologic effects, and prevents end ogenous and exogenous chemicals fro m producing an effect on that receptor.
an xiety The apprehens ive anticipation of future danger or misfortlme accompanied by a feeling of d ysphoria or somatic symptoms of te ns ion. The focu s of an ticipa ted danger may be internal or extemal. aphasia An impainnent in the understanding or transmission of ideas by language in any of its fo rms-reading, writing, or speaking- that is due to injury or disease of the brain cen ters involved in language. aphonia An inability to produce speech sounds tha t require the use of the larynx that is not due to a lesion in the central nervous system. ataxia Partial or comple te loss of coordination of \foluntary muscular movement.

attention The ability to focus in a s ustained manner on a particular stimulus or activity. A dis turbance in attention may be manifested by easy distractibility or difficulty in finis hing tasks or in concentrating on work. avolition An inabili ty to initiate and persis t in goal-directed activities. Whe n severe enough to be considered patho logical, avolition is pervas ive and prevents the person from completing many different types of activities (e.g., work, intellectual pursuits, self-care). catalepsy Waxy fle xibility-rigid maintenance of a body position over an extended period of time. cataplexy Epis odes of sudden bila teral loss of muscle to ne resulting in the individual collapsing, often in associa tion with intense emotions s uch as laughter, anger, fear, or s urprise. cata tonic behavior Marked motor abnormalities including motoric immobility (i.e., catalepsy or s tupor), certain types of excessive motor activity (apparently purposeless

Glossary of Tech nical Terms


agitation not influenced by ex lernal stimuli), extreme negntivism (apparent motiveless resistance to instructions o r attempts 10 be moved) or IIIlltism, posturing or stereotyped movemeJlts, and echolalin or echopraxia. conversion symptom A loss of, or alteration in, voluntary motor or sensory functionin g suggesting a neurological or general medical condition. Psychological fa ctors are judged to be associated with the development of the symptom, and the symptom is not fully explained by a neurological or general medical condition or the di rect effects of a substance. The symptom is not intentionally produced or feigned and is not culturally sanctioned. defen se mechanism Automatic psychological process that protects the individual agains t anxiety and from awareness of i.nternal o r exlemal stressors or dangers. Defense mechani sms mediate the individual's reaction to emotional conflicts and to external stressors . Some defense mechanisms (e.g ., projection, splitting, and acting out) are almost invariably maladaptive. Others, such as suppression and denial, may be either malad aptive or adaptive, depending on their severity, their inflexibility, and the context in which they occur. Definitions o f s pecific defense mechanisms and how they would be recorded using the Defensive Functioning Scale are presented on p.807. delusion A false belief based on incorrect inference about external reali ty that is finn ly su stained despi te what almost everyone else believes and despite what constitutes incontrovertible and obvious proof or evidence to the contrary. The belief is not one ordinarily accepted by other members of the person' s culture or s ubculture (e.g ., it is not an article of religious faith). When a false belief involves a value judgment, it is regarded as a delusion only when the judgment is so extreme as to defy credibility . Delusional conviction occurs on a con tinuum and can sometimes be inferred from an individual's behavior. It is often difficult to dis tinguish between a delusion and an overvalued idea (in which case the individual has an unreasonable belief or idea but does not hold it as firml y as is the case with a delusion). Delusions are s ubdivided according to their content. Some of the more common types are listed below : bizarre A delusion that involves a phenomenon that the p erson's culture would regard as totally implausible. delusional jealousy The delusion that one's sexual partner is unfaithful. erotomanic A delusion that another person, usually of higher status, is in love w ith the individual. grandiose A delusion of inflated worth, p ower, knowledge, identity, or special relationship to a deity or famous person. mood-congruent See mood -congruent p sychotic features. mood-incongruent See mood-incongruent psychotic features. of being controlled A delusion in which feelings, impulses, thoughts, or actions are experienced as being under the control of some external force rather than being under one's own control. of reference A delusion whose theme is that events, objects, or other persons in on e's immediate environment have a particular and unusual significance.

Appendi x C These delusions are u s ually of a negative or pejorative nature, but also may be grandiose in con tent. This differs from an idea of referellce, in which the fal se belief is not as firmly held nor as fu lly o rganized into a true belief. persecutory A delusion in which the cen tral theme is that one (or someone to whom one is close) is being attacked , harassed , cheated, persecuted, or conspired against. som atic A delu sion whose main content pertains to the appearance or functioning of one's body. th ough t broad casting The delusion that one' s thoughts are being broadcasl ou t loud so that they can be perceived by others. thoug ht insertion The delusion that certain of one's thoughts are not one's own, but ra ther (Ire inserted into one's mind. dep ersonali zati on An al teration in the perception or experience of the self so tha one feels detached from , and as if one is an outside observer o f, one's mental proces' es or body (e.g., fee ling like one is in a dream). derailment ("loosening o f associations") A pattern of speech in which a persO! ) ideas slip off one track onto another that is completely unrelated or only obHquely related. In moving fro m one sentence or clause to another, the person shifts the topic idiosyncratically from one frame of reference to another and things may be said in juxtaposition that lack a meaningful relations hip. This dis turbance occurs betwee" clauses, in contras t to incoherence, in which the dis turbance is withill clauses. An occasional change of topic without warning or obvious connection does not constitu te derailment. derealization An alleration in the perception or experience of the external world so that it seems s trange or unreal (e.g., people may seem unfamiliar or m echanical). disorien ta tion Confusion about the time o f day, date, or season (time), where one is (place), or who one is (person). dissocia ti on A d is ruption in the u sually integ rated hmct'ions of consciousness, memory, identity, or perception of the environment. The dis turbance may be sudden o r gradual, transien t or chron ic. dis trac tibility The inability to maintain attention, th at is, the shifting from one area or topic to another w ith minimal provoca tion, or attention being drawn too frequently to unimportant or irreleva nt external s timu li. dysarthria d yskinesia Imperfect articu la tion of speech d ue to disturbances of muscular control. Dis tort'ion o f voluntary movements w ith in voluntary muscular activity.

dyssomn ia Primary d isorders of sleep or wakefulness characterized by insomnia or hypersomnia as the major p resenting symptom . Dyssomnias are disorders of the amount, qu ality, or timing of sleep.

Glossary o f Technica l Terms dystonia Disordered tonicity of muscles.


echolalia llle pathologica l, parrottike, and apparently senseless repetition (echoing) o f a word or phrase just spoken by another person. echopraxia Repetition by imitation of the movements of another. The action is not a willed or voluntary one and has a sem iautomatic and lmcontrollable quality. fla shback past.
A recurrence of a memory, feeling, or perceptual ex perience from th e

fli gh t of ideas A nearly continuous flo w of accelerated sp eech with abrupt changes from topic to topic tha t are usually based on understandable associations, d istracting stimuli, or plays on word s. When severe, speech may be d isorganized and incoherent. gend er dysp horia A persistent aversion toward some or all of those physical characteristics or social roles tha t connote one's own biological sex. gend er id enti ty A person's inner conviction of being male o r fe male.

gender role Attitudes, patterns of beh avior, and personality a ttributes defined by the culture in which the person lives as stereotypically "masculine" or " femin ine" social roles. gran diosi ty An infla ted appraisal of one's worth, power, know ledge, importance, or identity. \OVhen extreme, grandiosity may be of delusional proportions. hallucination A sensory perception that has the compelling sense o f reality o f a true perception but that occurs w ithout external stimulation of the relevant sensory organ. Halluci nations should be distinguished from iIlusiol/s, in which an actual external stimulus is m isperceived or m isinterpreted . The person may or may not have insigh t into the fact that he or she is having a hallucination. One person with auditory hallucinations may recognize th at he or she is having a fa lse sensory experience, whereas another may be convinced that the source of the sensory experience has an independen t physical reality . The term hallucillation is not ordinarily applied to the fal se perceptions tha t occur during d reaming, while falling asleep (hypnngogic), or when awakening (hypllopompic). Transient hallucinatory experiences may occur in people without a menta l disorder. Types o f hallucinations include auditory A hallucination involving the perception of sound, most commonly of voices. Some clinicians and investigators would no t include those experiences perceived as coming from inside the head and would instead limit the concept of true auditory hallucinations to those sounds whose source is perceived as being external. Howe\'er, as used in OSM-rV, no distinction is made as to whether the source of the voices is perceived as being inside o r outside of the head .

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Append ix C

gustatory A hallucination involving the perception of taste (u sually unpleasant).

mood-congruent See mood-congruent psychotic features. mood-incongruent See mood-incongruent psychotic features. olfactory A hallucination involving the perception of odor, such as of burning rubber o r d ecaying fish. somatic A hallucination involving the perception of a physical experience localized within the body (su ch as a feeling of electricity). A somatic hallucination is to be distinguished from physical sensations arising from an as-yel undiagnosed general medical condition, from hypochondriacal preoccupation with normal physical sensations, and from a tacti le hallucination. tactile A hallucination involving the perception of being touched or of something being under one's skin. The most common tactile halluci nations are the sensation of electric shocks and formica tioll (the sensation of something creeping or crawling on or under the s kin). vis u al A hall ucination involving sight, which may consist of formed images, s uch as of people, or o f unformed images, such as flashes of light. Visua l hallucinations shouJd be distinguished from illusions, which are misperceptions of real external stimuli. h yp eracusi s Painful sensitivity to sounds.

hypersomnia Excessive sleepiness, as evidenced by prolonged nocturnal sleep. difficulty maintaining an a lert awake state during the day, or undesired d aytime sleep episodes. ideas of referen ce The feeling that cas ual incidents and external events have a particular and unusual meaning that is sp ecific to the person. This is to be distinguished from a delusion of reference, in which there is a belief that is held with delusional conviction. illus ion A misperception or misinterpretation of a real external stimulus, s uch as hearing the rustling of leaves as the sow,d of voices. See also hallucination. inco herence Speech or thinking that is essentially incomprehensible to others because word s or phrases are joined together without a logical or m eaningful connection. TIlis dis turbance occurs willIill clauses, in contrast to d erailment, in which the dis turbance is between clauses. This has sometimes been referred to as "word salad" to convey the deg ree of linguis tic disorganization . Mildly ungrammatical constructions or idiomatic usages characteristic of particular regional or cultural backg rounds. lack of education, or low intelligence should n ot be considered incoherence. The term is generally not applied when there is evidence that the disturbance in speech is due to an aphasia.

Glossary of Tech nical Te rms insomnia A s ubjective complaint of d ifficulty falling or staying asleep or poor sleep quality. Types of insollmia include initi al in somnia Difficulty in falling asleep. middle ins omnia Awakening in the middle of the night followed by eventually falling back to sleep, but with difficulty. terminal insomnia Awakening before one's usual waking time and being unable to return to sleep . intersex con d iti on A condition in which an individual shows intemlingling, in various degrees, of the characteristics of each sex, including physical form , reproductive organs, and sexual behav ior. macropsia The visual perception that objects are larger than they actually are.

magical thinking The erroneous belief that one's thoughts, words, or actions will cause or prevent a specific outcome in some way that defies commonly tmderstood laws of cause and effect. Magical thinking may be a part of normal child development. micropsia The visual perception that objects are smaller than they actually arc.

mood A pervasive and sustained emotion that colors the perception of the world. Conunon examples of mood include depression, elation, anger, and anxiety. In contrast to affect, which refers to more fluctuating changes in emotional "weather," mood refers to a more pervasive and sustained emotional "clima te." Types of mood include d ysphori c An unpleasant mood, such as sadness, anxiety, or irritability. elevated An exaggerated feeling of well-being, or euphoria or elation. A person with elevated mood may describe feeling "high, " "ecstatic," "on top of the world," or "up in the clouds." eUlhymic Mood in the "normal" range, which implies the absence of depressed or elevated mood . exp an Sive lack of restraint in expressing one's feelings, frequentl y with an overvaluation of one's significance or importance. irritab le Easily arulOyed and provoked to anger. mood-cong ruen t p sychoti c features Delusions or hallucinations whose content is entirely consistent with the ty pical themes of a depressed or manic mood. U the mood is depressed, the content of the delusions or hallucinations would involve themes of personal inadequacy, guilt, disease, death, nihilism, or deserved punishment. The content of the delusion may includc themes of persecution if these arc based on selfderogatory concepts such as deserved punishment. If the mood is manic, the content of the delusions or hall ucina tions would involve themes of inflated worth, power, knowledge, or identity, or a special relationship to a deity or a famous person . The content of the delusion may include themes of persecu tion if these are based on concepts such as inflated worth or deserved punishment.

moodincongruent psychotic features

Appendix C

Delusions or hallucina tions whose content

is n ot consistent with the typical themes of a depressed or manic mood. In the case of depression, the delusions or hallucinations would not involve themes of personal inadequacy, guilt, disease, death, nihilism , or deserved plmishment. In the case of mania, the delusions or hallucinations would not involve themes of inflated worlh, power, knowledge, or identity, or a special relationship to a d eity or a famou s person. Examp les of mood-incong ruent psychotic fea tures include persecutory d elusions (witho ut sel f-derogator)' or grandiose content), thought insertion, though t broadcast-

ing, and delusions of being controlled whose content has no apparent relationshi p to
any of the themes listed above. nystagmus Involuntary rhythmic movements of the eyes that consist of smallamplitude rapid tremors in one direction and a larger, slower, recurrent sweep in the opposite direction. Nystagmus may be horizontal, vertical, o r rotary. ovelValued idea An unreasonable and susta ined belief that is maintained wi th less than d elusionaJ intensity (i.e., the person is able to acknowledge the p ossibility that the belief may not be true). TIle belief is not one that is ord inarily accepted by other members of the person 's cu lture or subculture. panic allacks Discrete periods of sudden onset of intense apprehension, fearfulness, or terror, o ft en associa ted with feelings o f imp ending d oom. Du ring these attacks there arc symptom s such as shortness of breath or smothering sensa tions; palpitations, pounding heart, or accelerated heart rate; chest pain or discomfort; choking; and fear o f goi ng crazy or losing cont:rol. Panic attacks may be unexpected (uncued), in which the onset o f the attack is no t associa ted with a situational trigger and instead occurs "out of the blue"; situationally bound, in w hich the panic attack almost invariably occurs immediately on exposure to, or in anticipation of, a situation al trigger ("cue"); and situationally predisposed, in which the panic attack is more likely to occur on exp osure to a situational trigger bu t is not invariably associated w ith it. paranoid ideat ion Ideation, of less than d elusional proportions, involving suspiciousness o r the belief that one is being harassed , persecuted, or unfairly treated. parasomnia Abnormal behavior or physiological events occurring during sleep or sleep-wake transitions. personality Enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself. Perso flnlity traits are prom inen t asp ects of personality thai are exhibited in a wide range of important social and personal contexts. Only when personality traits are inflexible and maladaptive and ca use either significant ftmctional impairment or subjective d istress do they constitute a Persona lity Disorder. phobia A persisten t, irra tional fear of a s pecific object, activity, or situation (the phobic stimulus) that results in a compelling desire to avoid it. This often leads either to avoidance of the phobic stimulus or to enduring it with dread.

Glossary o f Techn ical Terms pressured speech Speech that is increased in amount, accelerated, and difficult or impossible to interrupt. Usually it is aJso loud and emphatic. Frequently the person talks without any social stimulation and may continue to talk even though no one is listening. prodrome
An early or premonitory sign or symptom of a disorder.

psychomotor agitation psychomotor retardation

See agitation.
Visible generalized slowing of movements and speech.

psychotic This term has historically received a number of different definitions, none of which has achieved universal acceptance. The narrowest definition of psycllotic is restricted to delusion s or prominent h allucinations, with the hallucinations occurring in the absence of insight into their pathological nature. A slightly less restrictive definition would also include prominen t hallucina tions that the individual realizes are hallucinatory experiences. Broader still is a definition that also includes other positive symptoms of Schizophrenia (Le., disorganized speech, grossly d isorganized or catatonic behavior). Unlike these definitions based on symptoms, the definition used in OSM-n and IC D-9 was probably far too inclusive and focused on the severity of functionaJ impa irment, so that a mental disorder was termed psychotic if it resulted in "impairment that grossly interferes w ith the capacity to meet ordinary demands of life." Finally, the term has been defined conceptually as a loss of ego boundaries or a gross impairment in reality testing. Based on their ch aracteristic features, the different disorders in OSM-IV emphasize different asp ects o f the various d efinitions of psychotic. residual phase The phase of an illness that occu rs after remission of the fl orid symptoms or the full synd rome. sex A person's biological status as male, female, or uncertain. Depending on the circumstances, this determin ation may be based on the appearance of the external genitalia or on karyotyping. sign An objective manifestation of a pathological condition. Signs are observed by the examiner rather than reported by the affected individual. stereotyped movements Repetitive, seemingly driven, and nonfunctional motor behavior (e.g., hand shaking or waving, body rocking, h ead ban ging, mouthing of objects, self-biting, picking at skin or body o rifices, hitting one's own body). stressor, psychosocial Any life event o r life change that may be associated temporally (and perhaps causally) with the onset, occurrence, or exacerbation of a mental disorder. stupor A state of unresponsiveness with immobility and mutism .


Appendix C

symptom A subjective manifestation of a pathological condition. Symptoms are reported by the affected individual rather than observed by the examiner.

synd rome A grouping of signs and symptoms, based on their frequent co-occurrence, that may suggest a common underlying pathogenesis, course, familial pattern, or treahnent selection .
synesthesia A condition in which a sensory experience associa ted with one modality occurs when another modality is stimula ted , for example, a sound produces the sensation of a particular color.
tic An involuntary, sudden, rapid, recurrent, nonrhythmic, stereotyped motor movement or vocalization.

transsexualism Severe gender dysphoria, coupled with a persistent desire for thp physical characteristics and social roles that connote the opposite biological sex.

Appendix D

Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision

T his appendix provides an overview of the changes made to the tex t. It should be noted that the followin g is not an exhaustive guide changes in wording made fo r clarity and expansions of the differentia l diagnosis sections of the text are not included here. It should also be noted that the majority of parag raphs in DSM-IV have not been revised, indicating tha t, even after the literature review, most of the information in the original text remains up-ta-date.
Introd uction . Several paragraphs have been added describing the DSM-IV text revision process, and additional clari fying text has been added to the Use of Clinical Judgment section regarding the importance of the method of data collection in determining whether diagnostic criteria have been met.

Multiaxial assessm en t. The instructions for making a Global Assessment of Func* tioning (GAF) rating have been greatly expanded. Discussions about applying the GAF to the curren t time frame and about the lmderlying struchlre o f the sca le (Le., each element's having a symptom and fun ctioning component) ha ve been added. Finally, a fOUT*step method to ensure that no elements of the GAF scale are over* looked when making a GAF rating is provided .

Disorders Usually First Diagnosed in Infancy. Childhood. or Adolescence

Mental Retardatio n. Additional information has been added regarding the association of certain etiological factors and comorbid symptoms and disorders (e.g., fragile X syndrome and Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder). Communication Diso rd ers. Text has been added to indicate that a thorough func* tiona l assessment of the individual's language ability can be made when standardized tests are unavailable or inappropriate (e.g., because the available tests were standardized only in limited populations). Prevalence and Course sections for Expres-sive Language Disorder, Mixed Receptive--Expressive Language Disorder, and Pho-nalagical Disorder, as well as the Course section for ShlUering, have been updated.



Appendix 0

Autistic Disorder. The lext in the Diagnostic Features section has been modified to highlight difficulties in the pragmatic aspects of language, which are especially relevant in the assessment of higher-functioning individuals. In addition, better examples of restricted, repetitive, and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities have been added. The text has also been modified to reflect evidence that in

up to one-fifth of cases, parents retrospectively report relatively normal development for the firs t 1 or 2 years. The section on associa ted cognitive deficits and associated general medical conditions has been updated. The range of prevalence figures has been revised to reflect a number of more recent studies that suggest a higher prevalence. More specific infonnation regarding sibling risk has been added to the Familial Pattem section.
Rett's Disorder. Text has been added reflecting the finding that some cases of Rett's Disorder are associated with a specific genetic mutation. Asperger's Diso rder. Because of the limited data available about this newly introduced disorder, the DSM-IV text for Asperger's Disorder provided little more than a restatement of the diagnostic criteria. Accordingly, the text for Asperger's Disorder has now been extensively revised. Specific examples of the typical manifestations of the impainnent in reciproca l social interaction and in restricted, repetitive behavior and interests are provided in order to better differentiate these individuals from those with Autistic Disord er. In addition, text has been added to clarify that the requirement for no clinically significant delays in language does not imply that individuals with Asperger's Disorder have no problems with communication. The Associated Features and Disorders, Course, and Differential Diagnosis sections have been greatly expanded and a section on Specific Age Features has been added. Pervasive Developmental Disorder Not Othenvise Specified. The definition has been changed to correct an error that inadvertently allowed this diagnOSis to be made in cases in which there was a pervasive impairment in only one developmental area (i.e., in the development of reciprocal social interaction, communication skills, or stereotyped behaviors, interests, or activities). The definition now requires that there be impairment in reciprocal social interaction that is associated with an impairment in communication skills or with the presence of stereotyped beha viors, interests, or activities. Atiention-D eficitlHyperactivity Disorder. Many of the changes highlight differences among the subtypes. For example, individuals with the Predominantly Inatten tive and Combined Types tend to have academic deficits and school-relate< problems, whereas those with the Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type tena to have more peer rejection and accidental injuries. Gender ratio is less predominantly male in the Predominantly Inattentive Type. Additional information about Associated Features (e.g., variability in IQ presence of family discord) and Specific Age Features (especially Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder in adults) is in cluded. Estimates of prevalence rates have been revised upward, reflecting increased prevalence due to the inclusion of the Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive and Predominantly Inattentive Types in DSM-IV.

Highlights of Changes in DSM -'V Text Revision


Conduct Disorder. The list of risk factors for developing Conduct Disorder has been expanded. The relationship between Oppositional Defiant Disorder and the subsequent development of the Childhood-Onset Type oCConduc! Disorder has been noted in the Course section. Oppositional Defiant Disorder. The Course section of the text clarifies that although Childhood-Onset cases of Conduct Disorder are often preceded by Oppositional Defiant Disorder, many children with Oppositional Defiant Disorder do not go on to develop Conduct Disorder. Pica. Prevalence data have been provided, and comorbidity with Pervasive Developmental Disorders is noted . Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood. Changes have been made in the Prevalence (community prevalence is noted) and Course sections (persistence of decreased height and weight into adolescence compared with peers). Tic Disorders. The DSM-N criteria set for Tic Disorders has been corrected by eliminating the requirement (or "clinically Significant distress or impairment" that was added to the majority of disorders in OSM-N (Tic Disorders among them). This criterion has been problematic in Tic Disorders (or a number of reasons, including the fac t that it is at variance with clinical experience (i.e., most children w ith Tourette's Disorder do not experience marked distress or impairment) and that it hinders epidemiological research and famil y studies. Other changes in the text include an expanded description of the types of tics as well as an expansion of the Differential Diagnosis section (i.e., differentiating between tics and o ther types of movements) and of the Associated Features and Disorders (including comorbid ity patterns), Specific Age Fea tures (gender ratio), Prevalence, Course, and Familial Pattern sections of Tourette's Disorder. Encopresis. Encopresis with functional constipation is the most common form. Text regarding phYSiological predispositions to constipation has been updated and expanded . Enuresis. lew information about different mechanisms underlying the Diurnal Only Type has been added. Associa ted Features and Disorders (particularly predisposing fa ctors), Prevalence, and Familial Pattern sections have been updated . Separation Anxiety Disorder. The Prevalence and Course sections have been updated to indicate that there is a decrease in prevalence from childhood through adolescence and that mosl children with separation anxiety are free of an impairing Anxiety Disorder at extended follow-up. Reactive Attachment Disorder. The Associated Features and Disorders (risk factors such as extreme neglect and institutional care) and Course (persistence of indis~ criminant sociability) sections have been updated.

Appe nd ix 0 Stereo typic Movement Disord er. Pathological skin picking has been removed from the list of examples-such cases should be diagnosed as Impulse-Control Disorder I ot Otherwise Specified. The Associated Features and Disorders section (i.e., clarification that the disorder can occur in non-developmen tally delayed populations) has been modified .

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

Delirium. The Associated Features and Disorders section has been modified to emphasize the presence of h vo varieties of delirium: hyperactive and hypoactive. Text has also been added to the Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section to reflect the finding that advanced age has been found to be a risk facto r for delirium in a variety of study populations, even after other risk fa ctors (such as concom itant illness) are controUed fo r. Prevalence data on delirium in a variety of medically ill populations are now avaiJable (e.g., up to 60% of nursing home residents age 75 or older may develop delirium). The importance of early recognition and treatment of d elirium is highlighted in the substantial additions to the Course section of the text (e.g., individuals with better premorbid cognitive and physica l func tioning have a better recovery). D eliriu m Due to a Genera l Medical Condi tion. The list of associated general medical conditions has been reorganized and updated . Substance-In d uced Delirium. Text has been added to clarify that the onset and offset may be affected by various factors such as brain damage, older age, substance half-life, presence of multiple substances, and poor clearance. Dementia . There are new d iagnostic codes for the dementias (with the exception of that for Vascular Dementia, which remains unchanged ). The code for all types of dementia (except Vascular) is 294.10 if the subtype is "Withou t Behavioral Disturbance," and 294.11 if the subtype is "With Behavioral Disturbance." Codable subtypes that p reviously applied to Dementia of the Alzheim er's Type (e.g., '''' ith Dep ressed Mood) no longer apply. instead, the corresponding Mental Disorder Due to a General Medical Condition (e.g., 293.83 Mood Disorder Due to Alzheimer's Disease) should be coded on Axis l. Because of ICD-9-CM coding conven tions, Vascular Dementia codes and subtypes remained unchanged . The list of cau ses of dementia has been updated to reflect that the most com mon cause, after Alzheimer's disease, is another neurodegenerative p rocess, such as Lew)' body disease or fron totemporal degeneration-two etiologies that are not specifically listed in OSM-N. Preva lence figures have been updated to reflect more recent epidemiological data (I.e., around 1.5% for individuals ages 65-69 yea rs, rising to 16%25% for those over age 85 years). Dementia of the Alzheimer's Ty pe. Although an enormous effort has gone into the development of biological markers for Alzheimer's disease, none of these markers are

Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision

as yet widely accepted. Text has been added 1 the Associated Laboratory Findings 0 subsection (as weU as the Differential Diagnosis section for Dementia) acknowledging that Alzheimer's disease remains a diagnosis of exclusion. The section on Course has been u pdated to highligh t the development of personality changes. Prevalence estimates have been revised on the basis of the United States General Accounting Office's 1998 report on the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease. Finally, the Familial Pattern section has been updated to refl ect current data on cruomosomal linkage and the role of the genetic marker APOE4 as a risk fa ctor for the development of late-onset cases. Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease/Dementia Due to Pick's Disease. Two of the most common form s of dementia are Lewy body dementia (an example of which is Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease) and frontotemporal dementia (of which Dementia Due to Pick's Disease is an example). Although there was insufficient evidence to justify a radical reorganization of this section, text has been added to the sections on Dementia Due to Other General Medical Conditions, Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease, and Dementia Due to Pick's Disease to clarify how such cases should be classified. Dementia Du e to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease. Text has been added regarding Ihe cross-species transmission of prion infections, reflecting the outbreak of a human \'ariant of bovine spongiform encephalopathy in the United Kingdom in the mid1990s.

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition

Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition. A change has been made to correct an error in the exclusion criterion, which does not allow a diagnosis of Personality Change Due to a General Medical Condition to be given comorbidly with a diagnosis of d emen tia. This criterion was an unintended carryover from DSM-rn-R, which excluded personality change in the p resence of dementia because personality change was included in the diagnostic criteria for dementia. Clinically significan t symptoms occurring with dementia are diagnosed by coding the specific mental disorder due to a general medical cond ition on Axis I alongside the dementia. Thus, this exclusion has been removed, allowing, for example, an individual with Alzheimer's disease who develops a change in personality to be given a comorbid diagnosis of Personality Change Due to Alzheimer's Disease.

Substance-Related Disorders
Substance Dependence. The Features section has been updated to ind icate that varied deg rees of tolerance may develop to the different central nen'ous system effects of a substance, that tolerance may develop to phencyclidine, and that a past history o f tolerance or withd rawal is associated with a worse clinical course (i.e., earlier onset, higher levels of substance intake, and greater numbers of substance-related problems).

Append ix 0 Familial Pattern sections for Depend ence/AbuselIn toxication/Withd rawal. The text has been updated to clarify that individuals who may be at higher risk for Alcohol Dependence because of a family history of Alcohol Dependence do not necessar ily have a higher risk of developing Dependence on other substances. Substance-Induced Disorders. Examples have been added to help clarify when it is appropriate to diagnose Substance Intoxication or Substance Withdrawal versus a SubstanceInduced Disorder With Onset During Intoxication or With Onset During Withdrawal. Alcohol-Related Disorders. The Associated Features and Disorders section (e.g., risk of a1cohol related accidents, comorbidity with o ther disorders) has been updated. A discussion of the laboratory test carbohydrate deficient transferrin (COn, a widely used state marker for heavy drinking, has been added. In the Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section, the text concerning the low rates of Dependence in Asians and the clinical course in women has been expanded. Text regarding the prevalence of alcohol use, alcohol~rela ted complications, and Alcohol Dependence has been expanded and updated . Amphetamine (or Amphetamine-Like)-Relaled Disorders. Text regarding the prevalence of amphetamine use across different age groups and the prevalence of Dependence has been expanded and updated. Caffeine-Relat ed Di sorders. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been expanded 10 include infonnation about the increased sens itivity of the elderly to the effects of caffeine. A Prevalence section has been added that describes patterns of caffeine use, and the Course section has been expanded and updated . Cannabi s-Related Disorders. Updated infonnation regarding mechanisms of action has been added to the introductory section . The text for Cannabis Dependence has been updated to clari fy that evidence of physiological dependence is seen in chronic users and may be associated with more severe cannabis-related problems. Text regarding the prevalence of cannabis use across different age groups and the prevalence of Dependence has been expanded and updated. A d iscussion of whether cannabis use is a precursor to other drug use (i.e., its role as a "gateway drug") has been added to the Course section. Cocaine-Related Disorders. The complications of severe Cocaine Intoxication have been updated and expanded, and the Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has also been updated. Text regarding the prevalence of cocaine use across different age groups and the prevalence of Dependence and Abuse has been expanded and upd ated. Hallucinogen-Related Di sorders. A discussion of the physiological changes associated with in toxica tion (e.g., increases in blood glucose) has been added. Text regarding the prevalence of hallucinogen use across different age groups and the prevalence of Dependence and Abuse has been expanded and updated.

Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision

Inhalant-Related Disorders. Additional information has been added to the subsections on Associated Labora tory Findings (Le., the availability of urine assay for a metabolite of toluene) and Associated Physical Examination Findings and General Med ical Conditions (i.e., an expanded list of respiratory complications and discussion of a possible association between benzene and acute myelocy tic leukemia) . Text regarding the prevalence of different types of inhalant use among differen t age and other demographic groups has been added. Nicotine-Related Disorders. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been updated (e.g., data about increased nicotine blood levels in African Americans have been added). Text regarding the prevalence of smoking and other tobacco use in various groups and the prevalence of Nicotine Dependence has been updated. The Course section has also been revised on the basis of new data . Opioid-Related Disorders. Text regarding hepatitis screening tests has been added to the Associated Laboratory Findings subsection, and death rates from medical complications have been added to the Associated Physical Examination Findings and General Medical Conditions subsection. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Fea~ tures (i.e., gender ratio) and Course (i.e., remission rates) sections have been updated. Text regarding the prevalence of different patterns of opioid use among different age and other demographic groups has been updated and expanded. Phencyclidine (or Phencyclidine-Like)-Related Disorders. Text regarding th eprev~ alenceof different patterns of phencyclidine use among different age groups has been updated and expanded. Sedative-, Hypnotic-, and Anxiolytic-Related Disorders. Text regarding patterns of use among different age groups and the prevalence of Dependence and Abuse has been updated. Polysubstance Dependence. use of this category. Examples have been added to clarify the appropriate

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders

The introduction has been updated to emphasize that psychotic symptoms are not necessarily considered to be core features of the disorders included in this section, nor do the disorders in this section necessarily have a common etiology. Schizophrenia. The Associated Features and Disorders section has been updated and expanded to indudeadditional infonnation on anosognosia (lack of insight), risk factors for suicidal and violent behavior, and comorbidity with other mental dis~ orders. The Associated Laboratory Findings subsection has also been updated to include separate discussions of structura l and functional neuroimaging, neuropsy~ chological deficits, and neurophysiological abnormalities. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section includes an expanded discussion abou t overdiagnosis of Schizophrenia in certain racial groups, updated information regarding l ate~onset

Appendix D

cases, and upda ted text regarding gender d ifferences. The Prevalence section has been updated to include add itional information and geogra phic and historical variations in incidence. The Familial Pattern section introd uces the concept of "schizophre-

nia spectrum " (i.e., the range of disorders that are more likely in the relatives of
individuals with Schi zophrenia). Schizophrenia Subtypes. The introduction has been updated to ind icate limited stabili ty and prognostic vaJue of the subtypes.

Schizophren iform Disorder.

Updated prevalence information has been provided,

including contrasting ra tes in developed and developing countries. A b rief Familial Pattern section has been added, indicating a p ossible increased risk of Schizophrenia in relatives of indiv iduals with Schizophreniform Disorder. Sch izoaffective Disorder. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features (i.e., ele vated rates in women are mostly accounted for by increased incidence of the Depres sive Type) and Course (i.e., association of stressors with a better prognosis) sections have been updated. Delus ion al Disorder. The Course section has been updated. Brief Psychotic Disorder. The Prevalence section has been u pdated to note that al though this disorder is rarely seen in developed countries, psychotic episodes 0 slightly longer d uration (1-6 months) are morc common in d eveloping countries. Psychotic Diso rder Due to a General Medi cal Co nditi on. The lis t of etiological general medical conditions has been updated, and sections on Prevalence and Course have been added.

Mood Disorders
Ma jor Depressive Episode. The Associated Laboratory Findings subsection of the text has been updated and expanded to incl ude additi onal neurobiological abnormal ities (e.g., alterations in neuropeptides and other hormones in response to challenge tests) and functional brain imaging results. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been updated to clarify that increased risk in women emerges during adolescence and rna}' coincide with puberty. Major Dep ressive Disorder. The Associa ted Physical Exam ination Findings and General Medical Conditions su bsection has been updated to emphasize tha t comor bid general medical conditions worsen the course of Major Depressive Disorder. The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been expanded to include in formation abou t labora tory fi ndings (e.g., evidence of s ubcortical white matter hyper intensities) in late-onset depression. Changes in the Familial Pattern section indicate increased risk of Anxiety Disorders in offspring of individuals with depression. Dysthymic Di sorder. The Course section has been updated to indicate that the out come o f Dysthymic Disorder is Significan tly better with active treatment. Changes to

Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision


the Familial Pattern section indicate elevated rates of both Dysthymic Disorder and Major Depressive Disord er in relatives o f those with Dysthy mic Disorder. Bipolar I Disorder and Bipolar II Disorder. The Associated Descriptive Features and Mental Disorders subsection has been expanded to include informa tion on the comorbidity of Bipolar I Disorder and Alcohol and other Substance Use Disorders. The Associated Labo ratory Findings subsection has been updated to reflect increased rates of certain brain lesions in indh' iduals with Bipolar I Disorder as a group. The Associated Physical Examination Findings and General Medical Conditions subsection has been expanded to clarify the relationship between Bipo lar I and Bipolar II Disorders and thyroid d ysfunction (i.e., association between hypo function and rapid cycling, and hyperthyroidism precipitating episodes in those with preexisting Mood Disorder). The Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been updated to reflect gender differences in Rapid Cycling, types of episodes, and risk for mixed episodes. The relationship between age at onset and famil y history is noted in the Familial Pattern section o f Bipolar I Disorder. Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified. An additional example has been added to clarify that individ uals w ith chronic d ysthymia who also experience occasional hypomanic episodes do not qualify for a diagnosis of either Dysthymic Disorder (because hypomanic episodes are present) or Cyclothymic Disorder (because the hypomanic episodes are too infrequent). Catatonic Features. causes of cata tonia . The text has been expanded to provide a breakdown o f the

Melancholi c Features. The original statement that ind ividuals with Melancholic Features a re more likely to respond to somatic trea tment is inco rrect and has been replaced by tex t that emphasizes the need for active treahllent given the low placebo response rate. Atypical Features. Text has been added to clarify that, when used to d esc.ribe the most recent (as opposed to current) episode, this specifier applies if the fea tures p redominate during any 2-week period. In addition, it is noted that individ uals with these features are more likely to respond to treatment w ith monoamine oxidase inhibitors than to tricyclic antidepressants. Postpartum Onset. The text on associated features has been updated, and text has been added to highlight the differentiation of this subtype from "baby blues." Rapid Cycling. Updated text includes prevalence data and the potential association between cycling rate and antidepressant therapy.

Anxiety Disorders
Panic Attack. The text describing the three typ es of Panic Attacks (Le., unexpected , situationally bOlU1d, and situationally predisposed) has been updated to cla rify the

1 838

Appendix 0

nature of the triggers, the association between the types of Panic Attacks and particular Anxiety Disorders, and differentia l d iagnosis. Panic Disorder. Information about the relationship behveen Panic Attacks and potential triggers in Panic Disorder has been upda ted (i.e., situational triggers may be e ither external or internal, and "unexpected" means that the individual does not immediately associate the attack with a situational trigger). The list of associated general medical conditions has been extended, the Prevalence section has been expanded to include rates in clinical samples, and the Familial Pattern section has beat updated to include information from more recent studies (e.g., relationship behveen age at onset of proband and risk in first-degree relatives). Finally, the Differential Diagnosis section has been expanded to include situations in which the person may not be able to identify the cues triggering a Panic Attack (e.g., cognitions or physiological symptoms similar to those that occurred at the time of the traumatic event in Posttraumatic Stress Disorder).
Specific Phobia . Additiona l information regarding comorbidity, relative frequ ency of subtypes in community settings, gender ratio, course (e.g., having Specific Phobia in adolescence increases the chance of having Specific Phobia in adulthood but not other mental disorders), and familial pattern has been provided. Social Phobia. The Associa ted Descriptive Features and Mental Disorders section has been updated (i.e., association with suicidal ideation and othe r Anxiety Disorders). The Associa ted Laboratory Find ings subsection has been updated to c1arify that no laboratory test has been found to be diagnostic of Social Phobia (i.e., original text suggesting a d iffe rential response to lactate infus ion has been dele ted). Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Information regarding comorbidity WiOl other mental disorders has been updated . The Specific, Age, and Gender Features section has been updated to inc1ude a brief section on the subset of childre n who develop Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder in association w ith Group A beta-hemolytic s treptococcal infections. Additional information has been added to draw on the increased body of data regarding children w ith Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (e.g., comorbid disorders, prevalence) . The Prevalence section has been updated and expanded to include rates in children. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Informa tion regarding associated fea tu res, comorbidity with other mental d isorders, associations with general medical conditions, prevalence rates, and course (e.g., symptom reactivation in response to reminders of trauma, life stressors, or new traumatic events) has been updated. A brief Familial Pattern section has been added, describing evidence of a heritable component to the transmission of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and the relationship between a his tory of depression in first-degree relatives and increased vulnerability to developing Posttrauma tic Stress Disorder. Acute Stress Disorder. Additional information regarding progression to Pos ttraumatic Stress Disorder and a range of prevalence rates in individuals exposed to severe traumas have been provided.

Highlights of Changes in DSM-IV Text Revision


Generalized Anxiety Diso rder. Prevalence in clinical settings and familia l pattern (i.e., evidence from h .... in studies that suggests a genetic contribution) have been updated.

Somatoform Disorders
Somatization Disorder. The Associated Physical Examination Findings and General Medical Conditions subsection has been updated to clarify that some individuals with Somatization Disorder also have objective signs that are part of a comorbid general medical condition. Conversio n Disorder. The Prevalence section has been expanded to include rates in certain general medical settings. Pain Disorder. The discussion on the risk of iatrogenic Substance Dependence in the Associated Features and Disorders section has been updated and expanded to include factors that minimize the likelihood of developing ia trogenic Substance Dependence.In add ition, text on associated sleep problems has been expanded. Text addressing the prevalence of Pain Disorder in clinical settings, as well as additional infonnation about course, has been included. Hypochondriasis. The Associated Features and Disorders, Prevalence, and Course (i.e., factors associated with better prognosis) sections have been updated. Body Dysmorphic Disord er. Body build and muscularity have been added to the list of body site preoccupations. The Associated Features and Disorders section has been updated 10 include additional infonnation about Jack o f insight and efforts to correct or hide Ihe defects. Reported prevalence ra tes in clinical settings are also included.

Factitious Disorders
Factitious Disorder. The revised tex t for the Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms subtype more dearly differentiates Mlinchausen's syndrome (the most severe and chronic fonn of Factitious Disorder) from less severe, more transient forms. A Specific Gender Features section has been added, and the Prevalence and Course sections have been updated .

Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Identity Disorder. The text has been modified to indicate that cases of Dissocia tive Identity Disorder ha ve been documented in a variety of cultures a round the world. Depersonalization Disorder. The Associated Features and Disorders and Course sections have been updated.

1 840

Appendix 0

Highlights of Changes in I

Sexual and Gender Identity Disorders

lntroductory text has been added to clarify the definitions of the termsgellder identity. gellder dysphoria, and sexual orientatioll.
Sexual Dysfunction s. An Associated Disorders section has been added , and the Prevalence section has been expanded and updated. Paraphilias. The clinical significance criteria were revised to clarify that for Pedophilia, Voyeurism, Exhibitionism, and Frotteurism, if the person has acted on these urges, or the urges or sexual fanta sies cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty, then by definition there is clinical significance. For Sexual Sadism, if the person has acted on these urges with a nonconsenting person, or the urges, sexual fantasies, or behav iors cause marked distress or interpersonal difficulty, then the clinical signifi cance criterion is met. For the remaining Paraphilias, the clinical significance criterion is met if the behavior, sexual urges, or fa ntasies cause clinically sign ificant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of fun ctioning. Of course, for the specific diagnosis to be assigned, the particu lar pattem of paraphiUc arousal must also be present.

N arcolepsy. Text has bee gogic and hypnopompic t with normal sleep. The A~ section and Course (age , updated . A Specific Age FI agnosis of Narcolepsy in ci Breathing-Related Sleep I ciated PhYSical Examinatic tion beh\'een neck size ani Age and Gender Featu res Circadian Rhythm Sleep been proVided in the Asso tory Findings and Associ. Conditions subsections, ar Pattern sections. O yssomn ia Not Othem'i legs syndrome and periae includ ed in the lnlernatiOi N ightmare Disorder. n subsection (i.e., an associ; symptom measures of ot~ quent nightmares in youn

Gender Iden tity Disorder. Additiona l information is included to clarify how the subty pes (based on se>.:ual attraction) differ in terms of associa ted features and cou rse.

Eating Disorders
Anorexia Nervosa. The Associa ted Features and Disorders section has been updated to include comorbidity w ith Personality Disorders. The Prevalence section has been expanded to include fig ures for males. Course features have been updated to clarify the relationship between Anore>.:ia Nervosa and Bulim ia Nervosa. Bulimia Nervosa. Course section has been updated to include some information on the long-term ou tcome of Bulimia Nervosa.

Sleepwalking Disorder. Specific Culture, Age, and sections have been updal(

Sleep Disorders Related Fea tures subsection has b-

Sleep Disorders
Primary Insomnia. The Associated Descriptive Features and Mental Disorders subsection (e.g., functional impairment) and Associated Laboratory Findings subsection (e.g., lack of daytime sleepiness as measured by Multiple Sleep Latency Test IMSLT], substan tial discrepancies beh\'een subjective report and polysomnographic measures of sleep quality) have been revised. The Specific Age and Gender Features (e.g., in the elderly). Prevalence (e.g., rates of the disorder in the general population), Course (text on chronicity), and Familia l Pattern sections have also been u pdated . Primary Hypersomnia. The Specific Age and Gender Features (e.g., in children), Prevalence, and Course sections have been updated.



Intermittent Explosive [ sa ultive acts include verb sociated Features and OJ and Menial Disorders su gressive acts, such as ti Course sections have bee cating those d isorders t individua ls wi th lntermi tion.

Appendix 0

High lights of Changes in DSM -I V Text Revision


the terms gender identity,

,as been added, and the

Narcolepsy. Text has been added to clarify that some of the symptoms (i.e., hypnagogic and hypnopompic hallucinations and sleep paralysis) a lso occur in persons with normal sleep. The Associated Laboratory Findings (including HLA typing) subsection and Course (age at onset vs. age at presentation) section have also been updated . A Sp ecific Age Fea tures section has been added to address issues in the diagnosis of Narcolepsy in children. Breathin g-Related Sleep Disorder. The Associated Laboratory Findings and Associa ted Physica l Examination Findings an d General Medical Conditions (i.e., association between neck size and risk for obstructive sleep apnea) subsections and Specific Age and Gender Features (i.e., in child ren) section have been updated. Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder. Addi tional subtype-specific information has been provided in the Assodated Features and Disorders section, Associated laboratory Findings and Associated Physical Examination Findings and General Medical Conditions subsections, and Specific Age Features, Prevalence, Course, and Fami lial Pattern sections. Dyssomnia No t Oth envise Sp ecifi ed. Greatly expanded descriptions of restless legs syndrome and periodic limb movements, h\'o weU-established Sleep Disorders included in the Internationa l Classification of Sleep Disorders, are now included . Nightm are Disorder. The Associated Descriptive Fea tures and Mental Disorders subsection (i.e., an association behveen frequent chronic nightmares and increased symptom measures of other psychopathology) and the Prevalence (i.e., rates of fre~ quent nightmares in young adults) and Course sections have been updated. Sleepwalking Disorder. The Associa ted Laboratory Findings subsection and the Specific Cu lture, Age, and Gender Fea tures, Prevalence, Course, and Familial Pattern sections have been updated. Sleep Disorders Related to Another Men tal Disord er. The Associated Labora tory Features subsection has been updated .

to clarify that for Pedo?rson has acted on these or interpersonal difficulSad ism, if the person has rges, sexual fanta Sies, or then the clinical significal significance criterion lIy significant distress or reas of functioning. Of lar pa ttern of paraphilic

uded to clari fy how the lssoda ted features and

section has been updatPrevalence section has have been updated to tia Nervosa.

de Some information on

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified

Intermi ttent Exp losive Diso rder. Text has been added clarifying tha t serious assaultive acts include verbal threats of physical assault to another individual. The Associated Fea tures and Disorders-in particular the Associated Descriptive Features and Mental Disorders su bsection (e.g., symptoms that p recede or accompany the aggressive acts, such as tingling or tremors, as well as accompanying affecl)-and Course sections have been updated. A Familia l Pattern section has been added, indicating those disorders that may be more common among first-degree relatives of individuals with Intermittent Explosive Disorder compared with the general population.

Mental Disorders subry Findings subsection la tency Test [MSLT], mnographic measures er Features (e.g., in the pulation), Course (text dated.

les (e.g., in children),


Appendix 0

Highlights of Changes il

Kleptomania. The Associated Features and Disorders and Familial Pattem (Le., possible family history of Obsessive-.Compulsive Disorder in first-degree relatives of individuals with Kleptomania) sections have been upd ated. A Specific Gender Features section (i.e., gender ratio) has also been added.
Pathological Ga mbling. An Associated Laboratory Findings subsection (e.g., a variety of abnormalities reported in samples of males) has been added. The Associa ted Fea tures and Disorders (e.g., childhood history of ina ttentive or hyperactive symptoms) and Prevalence (e.g., infl uence of availability of legalized gambling on the prevalence of Patho logical Gambling) sections have been upda ted .
T rich otillomania. The Associated Features and Disorders, Prevalence, and Course sections ha ve been updated.

Changes have been mac made in the descripti ve I postpsychotic d epressivE der. mixed anxiety-depr Movement Disorders sec pendixes E, F, and G havi have taken place over the OSM-IV Text Revision a{

Adjustment Disorders
The Associated Features and Disorders section has been updated to clarify comorbidity with other disorders. The Prevalence section has been expanded to include rates in children and in particular clinical settings. The Course section now includes text about the risk of progression to other disorders.

Personality Disorders
Introductory Text fo r Personality Disord ers. The text describing dimensional models has been updated, presenting the dimensions in terms of some of the more important models. Antisocial Personality D isorder. The Associated Features and Disorders text has been updated to clarify that features that are part of the traditional conception of psychopathy may be more predictive of recidivism in settings (e.g., prisons) where criminal acts are likely to be nonspecific. Borderline Personality D isorder. Text has been added to the Course section to emphasize that, contrary to many clinicians' p reconceived notions, the prognosis for many individua ls with Bord erline Personality Disorder is good. Dependent Personality Disorder. The text for the Specific Culture, Age, and Gender Features section has been changed to remove the suggestions tha t reported gender difference is largely artifactual. ObsessiveCompul sive Personality D isorder. The Associated Features and Disord ers section has been updated to further clarify the relationship between Anxiety Disorders (especially Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disord er.

Appendi x D

Highlights of Changes in DSM-1V Text Revision

843 1

Id Familial Pattern (i.e., I first-degree rela tives of . A Specific Gender Fea-

Changes have been made to several of the appendixes. Small changes have been made in the descriptive text for some of the research categories in Appendix B (e.g., postpsychotic depressive disorder of Schizophrenia, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, mixed anxiety-depressive disorder), and the text for the Medication-lnduced Movement Disorders section has been updated to include atypical neuroleptics. Appendixes E, F, and G have been updated to correct for lCD-9-CM coding changes that have taken place over the past several }'ears. Appendix K, containing the names of the OSM-IV Text Revision advisers, has also been added .

gs subsection (e.g., a val added. The Associated 'e or hyperacth'e sympilized gambling on the dated.

Pre\'alence, and Course

ted to clarify comorbid)anded to include rates :oon now incl udes text

escribing d im ensiona l IS of some of the more

md Disorders text has mal conception of psy., prisons) where crim-

Course section to emlOS, the prognosis for l. uiture, Age, and GenlOS tha t reported gen-

:i Features and Disorhip beh\'een Anxiety bsessive-Compulsive

Appendix E

Alphabetical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes

NOS = Not O therwise Specified .

V62 .3 V62.4 3Q8.3

309.9 309.24 309.0


309.28 309.4

995.2 780.9


291.89 291.89


291.3 291.89

3Q3.00 291.0

291.9 291.81


Academic Problem Acculturation Problem Acute Stress Disorder Adjustment Disord ers Unspecified With Anxiety With Depressed Mood With Disturbance of Conduct With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood With Mixed Disturbance o f Emo tions and Cond uct Adult Antisocial Behavior Adverse Effects of Medication OS AgeRelated Cognitive Declin e Agoraphob ia Withou t His tory of Panic Disorder Alcohol Abuse Dependence -Induced Anxiety Disord er -Induced Mood Disord er -Induced Persis ting Amnes tic Disord er -Induced Persis ting Dementia -lnduced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With Hallucinations -Induced SexuaJ Dysfun ction -Induced Sleep Disorder Intoxication Intoxication Delirium Related Disord er NOS WiUldrawal Withd rawal Delirium Amnestic Disorder Due to ... (Indica te fi,e Genernl Medical Conditioll }


305.70 304.40 292.89 292.84

Appendix E

292.11 292.12 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.81 292.9 292.0 307.1 301.7 293.84 300.00 Anxiety Disorder OS 299.80 Asperger's Disorder A tten tion-Defio t / H yperactivity Disorder 314.01 Combined Type 314.ot Predominantly Hyperactive-Impuls ive Type Predominantly Inattentive Type 314.00 314.9 Attention-Defict / Hyperactivity Disorder N OS 299.00 Autistic Disorder 301.82 Avoidant Personality Disorder V62.82 Bereavement 296.80 Bipolar Disorder NOS Bipolar r Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed 296.56 In Full Remiss ion 296.55 In Partial Remission 296.51 Mild 296.52 Moderate Severe Without Psychotic Features 296.53 Severe With Psychotic Features 296.54 296.50 Unspecified 296.40 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode HypomaniC Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic 296.46 In Full Remission In Partial Remission 296.45 Mild 296.41 Moderate 296.42 Severe Without Psychotic Features 296.43 Severe With Psychotic Features 296.44 296.40 Unspecified

Amnestic Disorder NOS Amphe tamine (or Amphetamine-Like) Abuse Dependence -Induced Anxiety Disorder -Induced Mood Disorder -Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With Hallucinations -Induced Sexual Dysfunction -Induced Sleep Disorder Intoxication Intoxication Delirium -Related Disorder N OS Withdrawal Anorexia Nervosa Antisocial Personality Disorder Anxiety Disorder Due to ... Indicate tile General Medical C01lditio1l]

Alphabet ical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagn oses and Codes

Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed 296.66 In Full Rem ission 296.65 In Partial Remission 296.61 Mild 296.62 Moderate Severe Without Psychotic Features 296.63 Severe With Psychotic Features 296.64 296.60 Unsp ecified 296.7 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episod e Unspecified Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode 296.06 In Fu ll Remission 296.05 In Partial Remission 296.01 Mild 296.02 Moderate 296.03 Severe Without Psychotic Features 296.04 Severe With Psychotic Features 296.00 Unspecified 296.89 Bipolar II Disorder 300.7 Body Dysmorphic Disorder V62.89 Borderline Intellectual Function ing 301.83 Borderline Personality Disorder 780.59 Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder 298.8 Brief Psychotic Disorder 307.51 Bulimia Nervosa Caffeine 292.89 -Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89 -Induced Sleep Disorder 305.90 Intoxication 292.9 -Related Disorder NOS Cannabis 305.20 Abuse 304.30 Dependence 292.89 -Induced Anxiety Disorder -Induced Psychotic Disorder 292.11 With Delusions 292.12 With Hallucinations 292.89 Intoxication 292.81 Intoxication Delirium 292.9 -Related Disorder NOS 293.89 Catatonic Disorder Due to .. . {lfl dicate tile General Medical COflditiOIl} 299.10 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder \171.02 Child or Ad olescent Antisocial Beh avior 307.22 Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder 307.45 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disord er Cocaine 305.60 Abuse 304.20 Depend ence

Append ix E


292.11 292.12 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.81 292.9 292.0 294 .9 307.9 31 2.81 312.82 312.89

In d uced Anxiety Disorder Ind uced Mood Disorder -induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With Hallucina tions -Induced Sexual Dysfun ction -Ind uced Sleep Disorder Intoxication Intoxication Delirium -Related Disord er NOS Withdrawa l Cognitive Disorder NOS Communica tion Disorder NOS Conduct Disorder Childhood-Onset Type Adolescent-Onset Type

Unspecified Type

300.11 Convers ion Disorder 301.13 Cyclothymic Disorder 293.0 Deli rium Due to ... (I lldicafe tile Gel/eral Medicnl COllditio ll] 780.09 Deli rium NOS 297.1 Delusiona l Disorder Dementia Due to Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease 294.1O ~ Without Behaviora l Disturba nce With Behavioral Dis turbance 294.11 "
294.10 294.1P

29U O" 294.11" 294.10" 294.11" 294.10" 294.1P 2901.10" 294 .11" 294.100294.11 0294.8

Dementia Due to H ead Trauma W ithout Behaviora l Disturba nce With Behavioral Disturbance Dementia Due to HIV Disease Without Behaviora l Disturbance With Behav ioral Disturbance Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease Without Behavioral Dishubance With Behav ioral Disturbance Dementia Due 10 Parkinson's Disease Without Behavioral Distu rbance With Behavioral Disturbance Demen tia Due to Pick's Disease Without Behavioral Dishubance With Behavioral Disturbance llditioll} Dementia Due to . .. {JlIdicate Other Gelleral Medical CO Without Behavioral Dishubance With Behavioral Disturbance Dementia NOS

"JC D-9-G\'t code valid after Oclober I, 2000.

Alphabetical listing of DSMIVTR Diagnoses and Codes


294.10 294.1}* 294.10 294.11 301.6


311 315.4



300.12 300.15 300.13 300.14 302.76 307.47 300.4 307.50 787.6 307.7 307.6 302.4 315.31

300.19 300.16 300.19 307.59 625.0


302.73 302.72 302.81 302.89 302.85 302.6 302.6

Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset '''' ithout Behavioral Disturbance With Behavioral Disturbance Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Late Onset Without Behavioral Disturbance With Behavioral Disturbance Dependent Personality Disorder Depersonalization Disorder Depressive Disorder NOS Developmental Coordination Disorder Diagnosis Deferred on Axis n Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS Disorder of Written Expression Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS Dissociative Amnesia Dissociative Disorder NOS Dissociative Fugue Dissociative Identity Disorder Dyspareunia (Not Due to a General Medical Condi tion) Dyssomnia NOS Dysthymic Disorder Eating Disorder NOS Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence Encopresis, Without Constipation and O\' erflow Incontinence Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) Exhibitionism Expressive Language Di sorder Factitious Disorder With Combined PsychologiC and Physical Signs and Symptoms al With Predominantly Physical Signs and Symptoms With Predominantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms Factitious Disorder NOS Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood Female Dyspareunia Due to .. . {lndicnte tile Gel/ernl Medicnl Condition] Female H ypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to . .. [l1Idicate Ihe Ge1leral Medical C01ldition] Female Orgasmic Disorder Female Sexual Arousa l Disorder Fetishism Frotteurism Gender Identi ty Disorder in Adolescents or Adults in Children Gend er Identity Disorder OS

'ICD-9-Cj\1code valid after October 1, 2000.

300.02 Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Appendix E

305.30 304.50 292.89 292.84 292.11 292.12 292.89 292.81 292.89 292.9 301.50 307.44 302.71

313.82 312.30

305.90 304.60 292.89 292.84 292.82

292.11 292.12 292.89 292.81 292.9

312.34 312.32 315.9 296.36 296.35 296.31 296.32 296.33 296.34 296.30 296.26 296.25 296.21

Hallucinogen Abuse Dependence -Induced Anxiety Disorder -Induced Mood Disorder -Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With Hallucinations Intoxication Intoxication Delirium Persisting Perception Disorder -Related Disorder NOS Histrionic Personality Disorder Hypersomnia Related to ... [brdicnte tile Axis lor Axis II Disorder] Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Hypochondriasis Identity Problem Impulse-Control Disorder NOS Inhalant Abuse Dependence -Induced Anxiety Disorder -Induced Mood Disorder -Induced Persisting Dementia -Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With HaUucinations Intoxication Intoxication Delirium -Related Disorder NOS Insomnia Related to ... {Ind ica te tile Axis I or Axis II Disorder} Intermittent Explosive Disorder Kleptomania Learning Disorder NOS Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent In Full Remission In Partial Remission Mild Moderate Severe Without Psychotic Fea tures Severe With Psychotic Features Unspecified Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episod~ In Full Remission In Partial Remission Mild

Alphabetica l listing of OSM-IV-TR Diag noses and Codes 296.22 296.23 296.24 296.20 608.89 302.72 607.84 608.89 302.74 V65.2 315.1 333.90 333.1 293.9 319 317 315.32 318.0 293.83 296.90 301.81 347 V61.21 995.52 Moderate Severe Without Psychotic Features Severe With Ps}'chotic Features Unspecified Male Dyspareunia Due to ... {Indicate the General Medical Condition} Male Erectile Disorder Male Erectile Disorder Due to . .. [Indicate the General Medical Condition} Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the General

333.99 333.7 332. 1 333.82 333.92

305.1 292.9 292.0 307.47 V71.09 V71.09 V15.81 300.3 301.4 V62.2 305.50


Medical Condition] Male Orgasmic Disorder Malingering Mathematics Disorder Medication-Induced Movement Di sorder NOS Postural Tremor Mental Disorder NOS Due to ... [Indicate ti,e General Medical Condition} Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified Mild Mental Retardation Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder Moderate Mental Retarda tion Mood Disorder Due to ... [Indicate tile General Medical Condition) Mood Disorder NOS Narcissistic Personality Disorder Narcolepsy Neglect of Child Neglect of Child (if focus of attention is on victim) Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia Acute Dystonia Parkinsonism Tardive Dyskinesia Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome Nicotine Dependence -Related Disorder NOS Withdrawal ightmare Disorder No Diagnosis on Axis II No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I Noncompliance With Treatment Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder Occupational Problem Opioid Abuse Depen dence -Induced Mood Disorder

/ 852

Ap pe ndix E

292.11 292.12 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.81 292.9 292.0 313.81 625.8

-Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With HaUucinations -Induced Sexual Dysfunction -Induced Sleep Disorder Intoxication Intoxication Delirium -Related Disorder OS Withdrawal Oppositional Defiant Disorder Oth er Female Sexua l Dysfunction Due to ... [Indicat e the General Medical
ConditiOIl J

608.89 Other MaJe Sexual Dysfun ction Due to .. . 11lldicate fi,e General Medical

305.90 304.90 292.89 292.81 292.84 292.83 292.82
Other (or Unknown ) Subs tance Abuse Dependence - Induced Anxiety Disorder -Induced Delirium -Induced Mood Disorder - In duced Persis ting Amnes tic Disord er -Induced Persisting Dementia -Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With H allucinations - Induced Sexu al Dysfunction - Induced Sleep Disorder In toxication -Related Disorder NOS Withdrawal Pain Disorder Associa ted With Both Psych ologica l Factors and a General Medical Condition Associated With Psychologica l Factors Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia Without Agoraphobia Paranoid Personality Disorder Paraphilia NOS Parasonmia NOS Parent-Child Relational Problem Partner Relational Problem Pa thological Gambling Pedophilia Personality C hange Due to ... {Indicate tile Gel/emf Medicaf COlldition} Personality Disorder NOS Pervasive Developmen tal Disorder NOS

292.11 292.12 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.9 292.0 307.89 307.80

300.21 300.01 301.0

307.47 V61.20 V61.10 312.31 302.2 310.1 301.9 299.80

Alphabetical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes


V62.89 Phase of Life Problem Phencyclidine (or Phencyclidine-Like) 305.90 Abuse 304.60 Dependence 292.89 - Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.84 - Induced Mood Disorder -Induced Psychotic Disorder 292.11 With Delusions 292.12 With Hallucinations 292.89 Intoxication Intoxication Delirium 292.81 292.9 -Related Disorder NOS 315.39 Phonological Disorder V6 1.12 Physical Abuse of Adult (if by partner) V62.83 Physical Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner) 995.81 Ph)'sical Abuse of Adult (iffocus of attention is all victim) V61.21 Physica l Abuse o f Child 995.54 Physical Abuse of Child (iffoclls of attention is all victim) 307.52 Pica 304.80 Polysubs tance Dependence 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 302.75 Premature Ejaculation 307.44 Primary H ypersomnia 307.42 Primary Insomnia 318.2 Profound Mental Retardation Psychological Factor Affecting Medical Condition 316 Psychotic Disorder Due to .. . [JlIdicate tile Gel/ernl Medical CO Jlditioll/ 293.81 With Delusions 293.82 With Hallucinations 298.9 Psychotic Disorder NOS 312.33 Pyromania 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood 315.00 Reading Disorder V62.81 RelationaJ Problem NOS V61.9 Relational Problem Rela ted to a Mental Disorder or General Medical Condition V62.89 Religious or Spiritual Problem 299.80 Rett's Di sorder 307.53 Rumination Disorder 295.70 Schizoaffective Disord er 301.20 Schizoid Personality Disorder Schizophrenia 295.20 Catatonic Type 295.10 Disorganized T}'Pe Para noid Type 295.30 295.60 Residual Type 295.90 Undifferentia ted Type

295.40 Schizophreniform Disorder 301.22 Schizotypal Personality Disorder Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse 305.40 304.10 Dependence -Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89
292.84 292.83 292.82 292.11 292.12 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.81 292.9 292.0 292.81 313.23 309. 21 318.1 V61.12 V62.83
-Induced Mood Disorder -Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder -Induced Persisting Dementia -Induced Psychotic Disorder With Delusions With Hallucinations -Induced Sexual Dysfunction -Induced Sleep Disorder Intoxication Intoxication Delirium -Related Disorder NOS Withdrawal Withdrawal Delirium Selective Mutism Separation Anxiety Disorder Severe Mental Retardation Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by partner) Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner) Sexual Abuse of Adult (if foclls of attention is all victim) Sexual Abuse of Child Sexual Abuse of Child (if foclls of attelltioll is 011 victim) Sexual A version Disorder Sexual Disorder NOS Sexual Dysfunction NOS Sexual Masochism Sexual Sadism Shared Psychotic Disorder Sibling Relational Problem Sleep Disorder Due to ... [Illdicate file Gel/eral M edical COllditioll1 Hypersomnia Type Insomnia Type Mixed Type Parasomnia Type Sleep Terror Disorder Sleepwalking Disorder Social Phobia Somatization Di sorder Somatoforrn Disorder NOS Specific Phobia Stereotypic Movement Disorder Stuttering

Appendix E


302.79 302.9 302.70 302.83 302.84 297.3 V61.8 780.54

780.52 780.59
780.59 307.46 307.46 300.23

300.81 300.82 300.29 307.3 307.0

Appendix E

Alphabetical Listing of DSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes 307.20 307.23 307.21 302.3 312.39 300.82 300.9 306.51 290.40 290.41 290.42 290.43 302.82 Tic Disorder NOS Tourette's Disorder Transient Tic Disorder Transvestic Fetishism Trichotillomania Undifferentiated Somatoform Disorder Unspecified Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic) Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) Vascular Dementia Uncomplicated With Delirium With Delusions With Depressed Mood Voyeurism

855 1


, Co"ditio,,]

Appendix F

Numerical Listing of DSM- IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes

o maintain compatibili ty with ICD-9-eM, some DSM-IV d iagnoses s hare the

same code numbers. These are indicated in this list by brackets. NOS = Not Otherwise Specified.
290.40 290.41 290.42 290.43 291.0 291.0 291.1 291. 2 291.3

291.81 291.89
29 1.89

291.89 291.89

292 .0
292.0 292.0 292.0 292.0 292.0 292.11 292.11 292. 11 292.11 292.11 292.11

Vascular Dementia, Un complicated Vascular Dementia, With Delirium Vascular Dementia, With Delusions Vascular Dementia, With Depressed Mood Akohol lntoxication Delirium Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium Alcohol-Induced Pers is ting Amnestic Disorder Alcohol-Ind uced Persisting Dementia Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, ''''ith Hallucinations Alcohol-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions Alcohol Withdrawal Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorder Alcohol-Induced Mood Disorder Alcohol Induced Sexual Dysfunction Alcohollnduced Sleep Disorder Alcohol-Related Disorder NOS Amphetamine Withdrawal Cocaine Withdrawal icotine Withdrawal Opioid Withdrawal Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Amphetamine--lnduced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions Cannabislnduced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions Cocaine!Jlduced Psychotic Disorder, With Del usions HallucinogenInduced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions Inha lant-Induced Psychotic Di sorder, With Delusions Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions



Appendix F


292.11 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions 292.11 Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions 292.11 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Delusions 292.12 Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Cannabis-Indu ced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Inhalant-Induced Psycho tic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Ind uced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292.12 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder, With Hallucinations 292 .81 Amphetamine Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Cannabis Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Cocaine Intoxica tion Delirium 292.81 Hallucinogen Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Inhalant Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Opioid Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Delirium 292.81 Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium 292.81 Seda tive, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxica tion Delirium 292.81 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Delirium 292.82 Inhalant-Induced Persisting Dementia 292.82 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Dementia 292.82 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Dementia 292.83 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder 292.83 Seda tive-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disord er 292.84 Amphetamine-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84 Cocaine-Induced Mood Di sorder 292.84 Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84 Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84 Opioid-lnduced Mood Disorder 292.84 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84 Phencyclidine-Induced Mood Disorder 292.84 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Mood Disorder 292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction 292.89 Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorder 292.89 Amphetamine Intoxication 292.89 Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89 Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder 292.89 Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder 292.89 Cannabis Intoxication 292.89 Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorder

Numerical listing of DSM -IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes


292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 192.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 292.89 - 292.89 - 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 292.9 - 292.9 293.0 293.81 293.82 293.83 293.84 293.89 293.9 294.0 294.10"

Cocaine-Induced Sexual Dysftmction Cocaine-Induced Sleep Disorder Cocaine Intoxication Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorder HallUcinogen Intoxica tion Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder Inhalant-Induced Anxiety Disorder Inhalant Intoxication Opioid-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Opioid-Induced Sleep Disorder Opioid Intoxication . Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder Other (or Unknown) Substance Intoxication Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder Phencycl idine Intoxication Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Anxiety Disorder Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Tnduced Sexual Dysfunction Sedative-, Hypn otic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Sleep Disorder Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication Amphetamine-Related Disorder NOS Caffeine-Rela ted Disord er NOS Cannabis-Related Disorder NOS Cocaine-Related Disorder NOS Hallucinogen-Related Disorder as Inhalant-Related Disorder NOS Nicotine-Related Disord er NOS Opioid-Related Disorder 'as Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorder NOS Phencyclidine-Related Disorder as Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Related Disorder NOS Delirium Due to .. . l1/1dicate tile General Medical Conditioll) Psychotic Disorder Due to .. . IIJ/dicate Ille Gelleral Medical COllditioll}, \<\' ith Delusions Psychotic Disorder Due to . .. {I"dicate tIJe General iVledical COl/ditIOIl/, With Ha llucinations Mood Disorder Due to ... [Ilidicate tile General Medical COllditiOIl] Anxiety Disorder Due to ... {Indicate the General Medical Condiliolll Catatonic Disorder Due to . .. [Indicate the Geueml Medical Conditionl Mental Disorder NOS Due to ... [Indicate tile General Medical COllditionl Anmestic Disorder Due to ... [Judicate the Geueral M edical Condition] Dementia Due to ... /lndicate tile Gelleral Medical COlldition/, Without Behaviora l Disturbance

'ICO-9-CM code valid after October I, 2000.

1 860

Appendix F


294.10" Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Ea rly Onset, Without Behavioral Dis turbance 294.10" Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With La te Onset, Without Behavioral Disturbance 294.11" Dementia Due to ... (lIldicate tile General Med ical Condition], With Behavioral Disturbance 294.11 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, With Early Onset, With Behavioral Disturbance 294.1 1 Dementia of the Alzheimer's Type, Wi th Late Onset, With Behavioral Dis turbance 294.8 Amnestic Disorder OS

294.8 294.9 295.10 295.20 295.30 295.40 295.60

295.70 295.90 296.00 296.01 296.02 296.03 296.04 296.05 296.06 296.20 296.21 296.22 296.23

Dementia NOS Cognitive Disorder NOS Schizophrenia, Disorganized Type Schizophrenia, Cata tonic Type Schizophrenia, Paranoid Type Schizophreniform Disord er Schizophrenia, Residual Type
Schizoaffective Disorder Schizophrenia, Un d ifferentiated Type Bipolar r Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Unspecified Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, MUd Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, Modera te Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode. Severe Without Psychotic Features Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Ep isode. Severe With Psychotic Features Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, In Partial Remission Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic Episode, In Full Remission Major Depressive Disord er, Single Episode, Unspecified Major Depressive Disorder. Single Episode, Mi ld Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Moderate Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe Without Psycho tic Features Major Dep ressive Disorder, Single Episode, Severe With Psychotic Features Major Depressive Disorder, Single Episode, In Partial Remission Major Depressive Disord er, Single Episode, In Full Remission Major Depressive Disorder. Recurrent, Unspecified Major Depressive Disord er, Recurrent, Mild Major Depressive Disorder. Recurrent, Moderate Major Depressive Disorder, Recurrent, Severe Without Psychotic Features Major Depressi\'e Disorder, Recurrent, Severe With Psychotic Fearures Major Depressive Disord er, Recurrent, In Partial Remission Major Dep ressive Disorder, Recurrent, In Full Remission Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Hypomanic Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Unspecified Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Manic, Mild

296.24 296.25 296.26 296.30 296.31 296.32 296.33 296.34 296.35 296.36 296.40 296.40 296.41

"ICD9-CM code valid after October 1, 2000.

Numer ical List ing of OSM-IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes


296.42 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episod e Manic, Moderate 296.4.3 Bip olar I Disord er, Mos t Recent Episode Manic, Severe Witho ut Psychotic Featu res 296.44 Bipolar 1 Disorder, Mos t Recent Episode Manic, Severe With Psychotic Fearures 296.45 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Man ic, In Partial Remission 296.46 Bipolar I Disord er, Most Recent Episode Man ic, In Full Remission 296.50 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Unspedfied 296.51 Bipolar J Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Mild 296.52 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episod e Depressed, Modera te 296.53 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe Without Psycho tic Features 296.54 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, Severe With Psych otic Fea tures 296.55 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Depressed, In Partial Remission 296.56 Bipolar I Disord er, Most Recent Episode Depressed, In Full Remission 296.60 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode i\fu:ed, Unspecifi ed 296.61 Bi polar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Mild 296.62 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Modera te 296.63 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Severe Without Psychotic Fea tu res 296.64 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, Severe With Psychotic Features 296.65 Bipolar I Disorder, Mosl Recent Episode Mixed, In Partial Rem ission 296.66 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Mixed, In Full Remission 296.7 Bipolar I Disorder, Most Recent Episode Unsp ecified 296.80 Bipolar Diso rder N OS 296.89 Bipolar II Disord er 296.90 Mood Disorder 'OS 297.1 Delu sional Disorder 297.3 Shared Psychotic Disorder 298.8 Brief Psychotic Disorder 298.9 Psychotic Disorder NOS 299.00 Autistic Diso rder 299. 10 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder 299.80 Asp erger's Disorder 299.80 Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS 299.80 Rett's Disorder 300.00 Anxiety Disorder OS 300.01 Panic Disorder Withou t Agoraphobia 300.02 Generalized Anx iety Disorder 300.11 Conversion Disord er 300.12 Dissociative Amnesia 300.13 Dissociative Fug ue 300.14 Dissociative Identity Disorder 300.15 Dissociative Disorder N OS 300.16 Factitious Disord er With Predom inantly Psychological Signs and Symptoms


Appendix F

300.19 Facti tious Disorder NOS 300.19 Facti tious Disord er With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and

300.19 300.21 300.22 300.23 300.29 300.3 300.4300.6 300.7 300.7 300.81 300.82 300.82 300.9 301.0 301.1 3 301.20 301.22 301.4 301.50 301.6 301.7 301.81 301.82 301.83 301.9 302.2 302.3 302.4 302.6 302.6 302.70 302.71 302.72 302.72 302.73 302.74 302.75 302.76 302.79 302.81 302.82 302.83 302.84


Facti tious Disorder With Predominantly Physical Signs and Sym ptoms Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia Agoraphobia '''' ithout History of Panic Disord er Social Phobia Specific Phob ia Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Dysthym ic Disorder Depersonalization Disorder Body Dysmorphic Disorder H yp ochondriasis Somatization Diso rder Somatoform Disord er NOS Undiffere ntiated Somatoform Disorder Unspeci fied Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic) Paranoid Personality Disorder

Cyclothymic Disorder Schizoid Personali ty Disorder

Schizoty pal Personali ty Disord er

Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder

His trionic Personality Disorder Dependent Personality Disorder Antisocial Personality Disord er N arcissistic Person ali ty Disorder A void ant Personality Disorder Borderl ine Personality Disorder OS Personality Disorder T Pedophilia Transvestic Fetishis m Exhibitionis m Gender Id entity Dis order in C hildren Gender Id entity Disorder NOS Sexua l Dysfunction NOS Hyp oactive Sexual Desire Disorder Female Sexual Arousal Disord er Male Erectile Disorder Female O rgas miC Diso rder Male O rgas mic Disorder Prema ture Ejaculation Dyspa reunia (Not Due to a General Med ical Condi tion ) Sexu al A version Disorder Fetis hism Voye urism Sexual Masochism Sexual Sad ism


Nume rica l list ing of DSM IV-TR Diagnoses a nd Codes

302.85 302.89 302.9 - 302.9 303.00 303.90 304.00 304.10 304.20 JO.!.3O JO.!.40 JO.!.50 30 .60 30 .60 304.80 304.90 305.00 305.1 305.20 305.30 305.40 305.50 305.60 305.70 305.90 305.90 305.90 305.90 306.51 307.0 307.1 307.20 307.21

863 1

Gender Iden tity Disorder in Ad olescents or Adults Frotteurism Paraphilia NOS

Sexual Disorder 'OS

Alcoh ollntoxication

Alcohol Dependence Opioid Dependence Seda tive, H}' pnotic, or Anxiolytic Dependence Cocaine Depend ence Cannabis Dependence Amphetamine Dependence Ha llUCinogen Depend ence Inhalant Dependence Phencyclidine Dependence Po lysubstance Dependence Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence Alcohol Abuse Nicotine Dependence Cannabis Abuse Hallucinogen Abuse Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse
O pioid Abuse Cocaine Abuse


[ [

307.42 307.42 307.44 307.44 307.45 307.46 307.46 307.47 307.47 307.47 307.50

Amphetamine Abuse Caffeine Intoxication Inhalant Abuse Other (or Unknown) Substance Abuse Phencyclidine Abuse Vaginismus (Not Due to a General Medica l Condition) Stuttering Anorexia Nervosa Tic Disorder NOS Transien t Tic Disorder Chronic Motor o r Vocal Tic Disorder Tourette's Disorder Stereotypic Movement Disorder Insomnia Related to .. . /Illdica te tile Axis lor Axis II Disorderl Primary lnsomnia Hyp ersomnia Related to . . . [Illdicate tile Axis lor Axis II Disorderl Primary Hypersomnia Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder Sleep Terror Disord er Sleep walking Disorder Dyssomnia NOS N ightmare Disorder Parasomnia NOS Eating Diso rder NOS


Appendix F

307.51 Bulimja Nervosa 307.52 Pica 307.53 Rumination Disorder 307.59 Feeding Disorder of Infancy or Earl}' Childhood 307.6 Enuresis (Not Due to a General Medical Condition) 307.7 Encopresis, Without Constipation and Overflow Incontinence 307.80 Pain Disorder Associated With Psycho logical Factors 307.89 Pain Disorder Associated With Both Psychological Factors and a General Medical Condition 307.9 Communication Disorder 'OS 308.3 Acute Stress Disorder 309.0 Adjustment Disorder With Depressed Mood 309.21 Separation Anxiety Disorder 309.24 Adjustment Disorder With Anxiety 309.28 Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood 309.3 Adjustment Disorder With Disturbance of Conduct 309.4 Adjustment Disorder With Mixed Disturbance of Emotions and Conduct 309.81 Posttraumatic Stress Disorder 309.9 Adjustment Disorder Unspecified 310.1 Personality Change Due to ... [Jndicate tile General Medical COllditioll/ Depressive Disorder NOS 311 312.30 Impulse-Control Disorder NOS 312.31 Pathological Gambling 312.32 Kleptomania 312.33 Pyromania 312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disorder 312.39 Trichotillomania 312.81 Conduct Disorder, Childhood-Onset Type 312.82 Conduct Disorder, Adolescent-Onset Type 312.89 Conduct Disorder, Unspecified Onset 312.9 Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS 313.23 Selective Mutism 313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder 313.82 Iden tity Problem 313.89 Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood 313.9 Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence NOS 314.00 Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly Inattentive Typ 314.01 Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Combined Type 314.01 Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, Predominantly HyperactiveImpulsive Type 314.9 Attenti on-Deficit/ Hyperacti vity Disorder NOS 315.00 Reading Disorder 315.1 Mathematics Disorder 315.2 Disorder of Vhitten Expression 315.31 Expressive Language Disorder 315.32 Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder 315.39 Phonological Disorder

Numerical Listing o f DSM -IV-TR Diagnoses and Codes

865 1

315.9 316

Developmental Coordina~on Disorder

Learning Disorder NOS ... [Specified Psychological Farlar/ Affecting . . . [Indicate ti,e Get/ernt Medical COllditiOIl] Mild Mental Retardation Moderate Mental Retardation Severe Mental Retard ation Profound Mental Retardation

317 318.0 318.1 318.2 319


Mental Retardation, Severity Unspecified Neuroleptic-Induced Parkinsonism

Medication-Induced Postural Tremor

333.1 333.7 333.82 333.90 333.92 333.99 347 607.84 608.89 608.89 608.89
625.0 625.8 6258 780.09 780.52

Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia

Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia Medication-Induced Movement Disorder NOS

Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome

Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Aka thisia

Male Erectile Disorder Due to ... {Judicate the Gel/ernl MediC/if COllditioll} Male Dyspareunia Due to ... (Indicate the Genernl Medical Condition] Male Hy poactive Sexua l Desire Disorder Due to ... [Indicate the Medical Condition] O ther Male Sexual Dys fun ction D ue to . . . [Indicate the Gel/ernl Medical Condition] Fe male Dyspareunia Due to ... [II/dicate Il,e Gel/ernl Medical COl/ditiol/j Fe m ale H ypoacti ve Sexual Desire Disorder Due to ... [Ill dicate the Gel/ernl Medical Condition] Other Female Sexu al Dysfunction D ue to ... [II/dicate tlie Gel/ernl Medical Condition) Delirium NOS Sleep Disorder Due to ... {Indicate the General Medical COl/ditio,,/. In somnia Type Sleep Disorder Due to . . . {II/dicate the Gmeral Medical COl/ditiol/], H ypersomnia Type Breathing-Related Sleep Disorder Sleep Disorder Due 10 ... [Indicate the Gel/emf Medical COl/dition], Mixed Type Sleep Disorder Due to .. . /fndicate the Gel/eraf Medical Condition], Parasomnia T)'P e AgeRelaled Cog nitive Decline Encopresis, With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence Diagnosis Deferred on Axis U Diagnosis or Condition Deferred on Axis I Adverse Effects of M edica tion NOS Neglect o f Child (ifjoClls oj attentiol/ is 011 victim) Sexual Abuse of Child (iffoclls oj a/fellfion is 01/ victim) Physical Abuse of Child (if joclls oj attel/tion is 011 victim) Physical Ab use of Adult (if joClls oj attentioll is on victim) Sexual Abuse of Adult (ifjocus oj atten tioll is 011 victim)


780.59 780.59 780.59 780.9 787.6 799.9

799.9 995.2

995.54 995.8 1 995.83

V15.81 \161.10 V61.12 V61.12 V61.20 V6 1.21 V61.21

Appendix F

V61.8 V61.9
\162.2 V62.3 V62.4 V62.8J
V62.8 7


V62.83 V62.83 V62.89 \162.89 \/62.89 \165.2 V71 .01 V71.02 V71.09 V7J.09

'oncompliance ''''ith Treatment Partner Relational Problem Physical Abuse of Adult (if by partner) Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by pa rtner) Parent-Child Relational Problem Neglect of Child Physical Abuse of Child Sexual Abuse of Child Sibling Relational Problem Relational Problem Related to a Mental Disorder or General Med ical Condition Occupational Problem Academic Problem Accultura tion Problem Relational Problem NOS Bereavement Physical Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner) Sexual Abuse of Adult (if by person other than partner) Borderline Intellectual Functioning Phase of Life Problem Religious or Spiritual Problem Malingering Adult Antisocial Behavior Child or Adolescent Antisocial Behavior No Diagnosis on Axis U No Diagnosis or Condition on Axis I

Appendix G

ICD-9-CM Codes for Selected General Medical Conditions and Medication-Induced Disorders
Updated to include

codes effective October 1. 2000

T he official coding system in use as of the publication of OSM-IV is the Il/tema/jOllnl ClassificatioJl a/Diseases, 9th Revision, CUnical Modification OCD-9-CM). This appendix
contains h\'o sections that are provided to facilitate ICD-9-CM coding: 1) codes for selected general medical conditions, and 2) codes fo r medication-induced disorders.

ICD-9-CM Codes for Selected General Medical Conditions

The codes specified for use on Axis I and Axis II of DSM-IV represent only a small fraction of the codes provided in IC D-9-CM. The conditions classified outs ide the 'Nlental Disorders" chapter of ICD-9-CM a re also important for clinical diagnosis and management in mental health settings. Axis ill is prov ided to facilitate the reporting of these conditions (see p. 29). To assis t clinicians in finding the IC D-9-CM codes, this appendb: provides a selecti ve index o f those ICD-9-CM codes for general medical conditions that are mos t releva nt to diagnosis and care in m ental health settings. JCD-9-C~'1 offers diagnostic specificity beyond that refl ected in many of the codes that appear in this appendix (e.g., to denote a specific anatomical site or tile presence of a specific complication). In cases in which increased specificity is no ted in the fifth digit of the code, the least specific code (usually "0") has been selected . For example, the code for lymphosarcoma is given as 200.10 (for unspecified site), a lthough more specificity with regard to anatomical site can be noted in the o ther fifth-digit codes, for example, 200.12 lymphosarcoma, intra thoracic lymph nodes. In cases in which increased specificity is reflected in the fourth digit of the code, this appendix often provides the "unspecified" category (e.g., 555.9 is listed for regional enteritis; ICD-9-CM also includes 555.0 for enteri tis involving tile small intestine, 555.1 for involvement of the large intes tine, and 555.2 for involvement of both). Diagnostic codes for which more specificity is available are indicated in this appendix by an asteris k ("). Clinicians interes ted in recording greater specificity should refer to the complete lis ting of cades published in the ICD-9-CM Diseases: Tabular List (Volume 1) and the fCD-9-CM Dis-



Appendix G

eases: Alphabetic Index (Volume 2). These documents are updated every October and arc published by the U.s. Departmen t of H ealth and Human Servi ces. They are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, as well as from a number o f private publishers. Note: An asterisk e) following the ICD-9-CM code indicates that greater sp ecificity (e.g., a specific complication or anatomical site) is available. Refer to the ICO-9-0." Diseases: Tabular Lis t (Volume 1) entry for that code for add itional information.

Diseases of t he Nervo us System

324.0 331.0 437.0 354.0 354.4 334.3 850.9-' 851.SO-' 359.1 348.5 049.9" 572. 2 437.2 348.3 345.10 345.40 Abscess, intracranial Alzheimer's d isease Atherosclerosis, cerehral Carpal tunnel syndrome Causa lgia Cerebellar ataxia Concussion Contus ion, cerebra l Dystrophy, Duchenne's muscular Edema, cerebra l Encephalitis, viral Encephalopathy, hepatic Encephalopathy, h yp ertensive Encephalopathy, unsp ecified Epilepsy, grand ma l Epilepsy, partial, w ith impairme nt of consciousness (temporal lobe) 345.50~ Epilepsy, partial, w ithout impairment of consciousness Oacksonian) 345.00~ Epilepsy, petit ma l (absences) 346.20 Headache, duster 432.0 Hemorrhage, extradural, nontra umatic 852 .40~ H emorrhage, extrad ural, traumatic 431 Hemorrhage, intracerebral, non traumatic 430 Hemo rrhage, s ubarachnoid, nontraumatic 852.00~ Hemorrhage, s uba rachnoid, trau ma tic Hemor rhage, subdural, nontrau matic 432.1 85 2 . 20~ Hemorrhage, subdwal, traumatic 333.4 Huntington's chorea 331.3 Hydrocephalus, communicating 331.4 H yd rocephalus, obs tructive 435.9+ Ischemic a ttack, transient 046.1 Jakob-Cre utzfeldt d isease 046.0 Kuru ().!6.3 Leukoencephalopathy, progressive multi focal 330.1 Lipidosis, cerebral 320.9~ Meningitis, bacteria l (due to unspecified bacterium) 321 .0 Meningitis, cryptococcal 054.72 Meningitis, herpes simplex virus

ICD-9-CM Codes f or Se lected General Medica l Conditions and Medication-Induced Disorders

053.0 Meningitis, herpes zoster 321 .1 Meningi tis, other ftrngal

094.2 047.9 4 346.00" 346.10" 346.90 Meningitis, syphilitic Meningitis, viral (due to unspecified virus) rvligraine, classica l (with aura) Migraine, common Migraine, unspecified


Myasthenia gravis
Neuralgia, trigeminal

337.1 350.2 351.0 343.9+ 335.23 046.2 094.1 332.0 331.1

Neuropathy, peripheral autonomic Pain, face, atypical Pa lsy, BeU's Pa lsy, cerebral

434.9+ Occlusion, cerebral artery

Palsy, p seudobulbar Panencephalitis, s ubacute sclerosing Paresis, general Parkinson's disease, primary Pick 's disease 357.9+ POlyneuropathy 348.2 Pseudotumor cerebri (benign intracranial hypertension) 335.20 Sclerosis, amyotrophic la teral 340 Sclerosis, multiple (MS) 345.3 Status, grand mal 345.2 Status, petit mal 345.70 Status, temporal lobe 433.1 Stenosis, carotid artery, without cerebral infarction 436 Stroke (CVA) 330.1 Tay-Sachs d isease 333.1 Tremor, benign essen tial

Diseases of the Circulatory System

413.9" Angina pectoris 424.1 Aortic valve d isorder 440.9" Atheroselerosis 426.10" Block, atrioventricular 426.3+ Block, left bundle branch 426.4 Block, right bundle branch 427.5 Cardiac arres t 425.5 Cardiomyopathy, alcoholic 425.4" Cardiomyopathy, idiopathic 416.9" Chronic pulmonary heart disease 414.00" Coronary atherosclerosis 427.9" Dysrhythmia, card iac, unspecified 415.19 Embolism, pulmonary 421 .9" Endocarditis, bacterial


Appendix G

Failure, congestive heart

Fibrillation, ventricula r Flutter, atrial Flutter, ventricular Hemorrhoids Hypertension, essen tial Hypertensive hea rt disease with congestive heart failure Hypertensive heart disease without congestive heart failure

427.31 Fibrillation, atrial

427.41 427.32 427.42 455.6* 401.9* 402.91"" 402.90

403.91 Hypertensive renal disease with failure 403.90* Hypertensive renal disease without failure
458.0 410.90" 424.0 424.0 394.0 423.9
451 . 9~

Hypotension, orthos tatic Infarction , myocardial, acute Mitral valve insufficiency (noruheumatic) Mitral valve prolapse Mitral valve stenosis (rheumatic) Pericarditis

443.9* Peripheral vascular disease

Phlebitis / thrombophlebitis 446.0 Polyarteritis nodosa 427.60'" Premature beats 424.3 Pulmonary valve disease (nonrheumatic) 397.1 Pulmonary valve disease, rheumatic 427.0 Tachyca rdia, paroxysmal supraventricular 427.2 Tachycardia, paroxysmal. unspecified 427.1 Tachycardia, ventricular (paroxysmal) 424.2 Tricuspid valve disease (nonrheumatic) 397.0 Tricuspid va lve disease, rheumatic 456.0 Varices, esophageal, with bl eeding 456.1 Varices, esophagea l, w ithout bleeding 454.9'" Va ricose veins, lower extremities

Diseases of the Respiratory System

513.0 518.0 493.20* 493.90* 494.1 466.0 491.21 491.20 277.00* 511.9* 492.8* 518.81 4 505 Abscess of lung Atelectasis Asthma, chronic obstructive Asthma, unspecified Bronchiectasis, acute Bronchiti s, acute Bronchitis, obstructive chronic (COPD), with acu te exacerbation Bronchitis, obstructive chronic (COPD), w ithout acute exacerbation Cystic fibrosis Effusion, pleural Emphysema Fa ilure, respiratory Pneumoconiosis

ICD-9-CM Codes f or Se lected General Med ical Cond itions and Medication-Induced Disorders


860A" Pneumohemothorax, traumatic


481 136.3 482.30"


512.S" 860.0" 011.9"

Pneumonia, mycoplasma Pneumonia, unspecified bacterial Pneumonia, pneumococcal Pneumonia, pneumocystis Pneumonia, streptococcus Pneumonia , uns pecified o rganism Pneumonia, viral Pneumothorax, spontaneous Pneumo thora x, traumatic Tuberculosis, pulmonary

ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes for neoplasms are classified in the table of neoplasms in the ICO-9-CM Alphabetic Index (Volume 2) according to site and degree of malig nancy (primary, secondary, in situ, benign, uncertain, unspeCified). Note: For patients with a personal history o f malignant neoplasms that have been surgically removed or eradicated by chemotherapy or radiation therapy, codes VI0.O-VI0.9 should be used; for specific sites, refer to the Alphabetic Index (Volume 2) of ICD-9-CM under " History (personal) of, malignant neoplasm. " Listed below are some of the most common codes assigned for neoplasms. 228.02 201.90" 176.9" 208.01" 208.00" 20S.11" 208.10" 200.10 225.2 203.01 203.00 225.0 211.4 195.2 194.0 188.9" 170.9 198.5 191.9" 198.3 174.9" 175.9" 162.9" 180.9" Hemangioma of brain Hodgkin's disease Kaposi's sarcoma Leukemia, acute, in remission Leukemia, acute Leukemia, chronic, in remission Leukemia, chronic Lymphosarcoma Meningioma (cerebral) ~'lultiple myeloma, in remission Multiple myeloma Neoplasm, benign, of brain eopiasm, benign, of colon Neoplasm, malignant, abdominal cav ity, primary Neoplasm, malignant, adrenal gland, primary Neoplasm, malignaJlt, bladder, primary Neoplasm, malignant, bone, primary Neoplasm, malignant, bone, secondary Neoplasm, malignant, brain, primary Neoplasm, malignant, brain, secondary Neoplasm, malignant, breast. female, primary eoplasm, malignant, breast, male, primary Neoplasm, malignant, bronchus, p rimary Neoplasm, malignant, cervix, primary

153.9+ Neoplasm, malignan t, colon, primary 197.5 Neoplasm, malignant, colon, secondary 171.9+ Neoplasm, malignant, connective tissue, primary

Appendix G

150.9+ Neoplasm, malignant, esophagus, primary

152.9+ T eoplasm, malignant, in testine, small. primary

189.0 Neoplasm, malignant, kidney, primary 155.0 eopiasm, malignant, liver, primary 197.7 Neoplasm, malignan t, liver, secondary
162.9" Neoplasm. malignant, lung, primary 197.0 T eoplasm, malignant, lung, secondary

196.9'" Neoplasm, malignant, lymph nodes, secondary

172.9+ Neoplasm, malignant, melanoma, primary

183.0" Neoplasm, ma lignant, ovary, primary 157.9+ Neoplasm, malignant, pancreas, primary
185 154.1 173.9 151.9 186.9* 193 179 237.70 227.0 194.0 238.4 Neoplasm, maHgnant, prostate, primary Neoplasm, maUgnant, rectum, p rimary Neoplasm, malignant, skin, primary T eoplasm, malignant, stomach, site unspecified, p rimary Neoplasm, malignant, testis, primary Neoplasm, malignant, thyroid, primary Neoplasm, malignant, uterus, primary Neurofibroma tosis Pheochromocytoma, benign Pheochromocytoma. malignant Polycythemia vera

Endocrin e Di seases
253.0 255.2 259.2 255.4 255.0 253.5 250.00 250.01* 253.2 241.9* 240.9 255.1 Acromegaly Adrenogenita l disorder Carcinoid syndrome Corticoadrenal insufficiency Cushing's syndrome Diabetes insipidus Diabetes mellitus, type II/ non-insulin-dependent Diabetes mellitus. type I/ insulin-dependent Dwarfism, pituitary Goiter. nontoxic nod ular Goiter, simple Hyperaldosteronism 252.0 Hyperpa rathyroid ism 252.1 Hypoparathyroidism 244.9 Hypothyroidism, acquired 243 Hy pothyroidism, congenital 256.9* Ovarian d ysfunction 253.2 Panhypopituitarism 259.0 Sexual development and puberty, delayed

ICD-9-CM Codes for Selected Genera l Medical Conditions and Med icat ion- Induced Disorders 259.1 257.9+ 245.9+ 242.9+ Sexual development and puberty, precocious Testicular d ysfun ction Thyroiditis Thyrotoxicosis

873 1

Nutrition al Diseases
265.0 269.3 266.2 269.3 260 262 261 278.00+ 265.2 266.0 264.9+ 266.1 266.2 267 268.9 269.1 269.0 Beriberi Calci um deficiency Folic acid deficiency Iodine deficiency Kwashiorkor Malnutrition, protein-caloric, severe Nutritional marasmus Obesity Pellagra (niacin deficiency) Riboflavin deficiency Vitamin A deficiency Vitamin B6 deficiency Vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin C d eficiency Vitamin 0 deficiency Vitamin E deficiency Vitamin K deficiency

Metabolic Diseases
276.2 276.3 277.3 276.5 271.3 276.9+ 276.6 274.9+ 275.0 275.42 276.7 276.0 275.41 276.8 276.1 270.1 277.1 277.2 275.1
Acidosis Alkalosis Amyloidosis Depletion, volume (dehydration) Disaccharide malabsorption (lactose intolerance) Electrolyte imba lance Fluid overload / retention Gout Hemochromatosis Hypercalcemia Hyperkalemia Hypematremia Hypocalcemia Hypokalemia Hyponatremia Phenylketonuria (PKU) Porphyria Lesch-Nyhan syndrome Wilson 's disease

Appen d ix G

Diseases of th e Dig estive System

540.9'" Append icitis, acute 578.9'" Bleeding, gastroin testinal 575.0 Cholecystitis, acute 575.11 Cholecystitis, chronic 571.2 Cirrhosis, alcoholic ""69' Colitis, ulcerative . 564.0 Constipation 555.9 Crohn's d isease 009.2 Diarrhea, infectious 558.9'" Dia rrhea, unspecified 562.10 Diverticulitis o f colon, unspecified 562.12 Diverticulitis o f colon, w ith hemorrhage 562.11 Diverticulosis of colon, unspecified 562.13 Diverticulosis of colon, with hemorrhage 535.50* Duodenitis and gastritis 555.9* Enteritis, regional 535.50'" Gastritis and duodenitis 558.9* Gastroenteritis 530.1 Esophagitis 571.1 Hepatitis, alcoholic, acute 571.40 Hepatitis, chronic 573.3* Hepatitis, toxic (includes drug induced ) 070.1 * Hepatitis, viral A 070.30'" Hepatitis, viral B 070.51'" Hepatitis, viral C 560.39'" Impaction, fecal 550.90'" Inguinal hernia 564.1 Irritable bowel syndrome 576.2 Obs truction, bile duct 560.9* Obstruction, in tes tinal 577.0 Pancreatitis, acute 577.1 Pancreatitis, chron ic 567.9'" Peritonitis 530.1 Reflux, esophageal 530.4 Rupture, esophageal 530.3 Stricture, esophageal 532.30 Ulcer, duodenal, acute 532.70 Ulcer, duodenal, chronic 531.30'" Ulcer, gastric, acute 531.70'" Ulcer, gastric, chronic


Ge nito urina ry System Diseases

596.4 592.0 Atonic bladder Calculus, renal

ICD-9CM Codes fo r Selected General Medica l Cond it ions and Medication -Induced Disorders



595.9+ 625.3 617.9584.9" 585 403.91* 586218.9" 580.9" 600.0 628.9 606.9 627.9 626.9" 625.2 620.2 614.9" 607.3 618.9" 601.9" 593.3 598.9599.0

Calculus, ureter Calculus. urinary. unspecified Cystitis Dysmenorrhea Endometriosis Failure. renal, acute Failure. renal, chronic Failure, renal, hypertensive Failure, renal, unspecified Fibroid of uterus Glomerulonephritis, acute Hypertrophy, p rostatic, benign (BPH ) Infertili ty, fem ale infertility, male Menopa usal or postmenopausa l disorder lenstruation, disorder of, and abnorma l bleeding Mittelschmerz Ovarian cyst Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) Priapism Prolapse, genital Prostatitis Stricture, ureteral Stricture, urethral Urinary tract infection (UTI)

Hematological Diseases
288.0 287.0 284.9" 281.2 283.9 283.11 280.9 283.10 283.19 281.0 282.60* 286.9" 288.3 282.4 287.5* Agranulocytosis Allergic purpura Anemia, aplastic Anemia, folate-deficiency Anemia, hemolytic, acquired Anemia, hemolytic-uremic syndrome Anemia, iron-deficiency Anemia, nonautoimmune hemolytic, unspecified Anem ia, other autoimmune hemolytic Anemia, pernicious Anemia, sickle-cell Coagulation d efects Eosinophilia Thalassemia Thrombocytopenia

Diseases of the Eye

366.9 Cataract 372.9- Conjunctiva disorder

361.9 Detachment retina l 365.9 Glaucoma
377.30 379.50 377.00 369.9 Neuritis, optic Nystagmus Papilledema Visual loss

Appendix G

Diseases of the Ear, Nose, and Throat

460 Common cold 389.9 Hearing loss
464.0 386.00 382.9" 462 477.9 461.9" 473.9" 388.30 463 Laryngitis, acute Meniere's disease Otitis m edia Pharyngitis, acute Rhinitis, allergic Sinusitis, acute Sinusitis, ch ron ic Tinnitus, unspecified Tonsillitis, acute

Musculoskeleta l System and Connective Tissue Diseases

716.20 711.90 714.0 733.40" 710.3 722.91 722.93 722.92 733.10" 715.90 730.20 733.00 710.1 737.30 710.2 720.0 710.0 Arthritis, allergiC Arthritis, infective Arthritis, rheumatoid Aseptic necrosis of bone Dermatomyositis Disc disorder, intervertebral, cerv ical Disc disorder, intervertebral, lumbar Disc d isorder, intervertebral, thoracic Fracture, pathological Osteoarthrosis (osteoarthritis) Osteomyelitis Osteoporosis Scleroderma (systemic sclerosis) Scoliosis Sjogren's disease Spondylitis, ankylosing Systemic lupus erythematosus

Diseases of the Skin

704.00 692.9* 693.0* 682.9* Alopecia Dermatitis, contact Dermatitis, due to substance (taken internally) CeUulitis, tmspecified site

ICD-9-CM Codes fo r Selected General Med ical Co nd it io ns and Med ication-I nduced Disorders

877 1

Erythema multi forme 703.0 Ing rowing nail 70 1.4 Keloid scar 696.1 Pso riasis 707.0 Ulcer, d ecubitus 708.0 Urticaria, allerg ic


Congenital Malformations, Deformatio ns, and Chromosomal Abno rm alities

7ol9.10 Cleft lip 749.00* Cleft palate 758.3 eri-du-chat synd rome (anti mongolism) 758.0 Down 's syndrome 760.71 Fetal a lcohol synd rome 751.3 Hirschsprung's disease (congenital colon dysfunction) 7ol2.3 Hyd rocephalus, congenital 752. 7 Indeterminate sex and pseudohermaph roditism 758. 7 Kl inefelter's syndrome 759.82 Marfan's syndrome 7ol2.1 Microcephalu s 741.90 Spina bifida 750.5 Stenosis, congeni ta l hypertrophic p yloric 760.71 Toxic effects of alcohol 760.75 Toxic effects of cocai ne 760.73 Toxic e ffects of hallucin ogens 760.72 Toxic effects of narcotics 760.70 Toxic effects of other substances (includ ing med ications) 759.5 Tuberous sclerosis 758.6 Turner's synd rome 752.51 Undescended testicle

Diseases of Pregnancy, Childbirth, and the Puerperium

Diagnoses associated w ith pregnancies can be located in the Al phabetic Index (Volume 2) of lCO-9-CM indented und er " Pregnancy, complicated (by)," or "Pregnancy, management affected by." Listed below are some of the most common conditions.
(H2.oo (H3.0 643.0* &12.0* &12.0

Eclampsia Hyperemesis gravidarum, m ild Hyperemesis grav ida rum, w ith metabolic d isturbance Pre-eclampsia, mild Pre-eclampsia, severe

Infecti o us Diseases
The foUow ing codes rep resen t ICD-9-CM diagnostic codes for infections from sp ecific organ isms . Trad itionaUy, cod es for organisms from the 041 ca tego ry are used as

1 878
006.9 Amebiasis 112.5 Cand idiasis, disseminated 11 2.4 Candidiasis, lung 112.0 Candidiasis, mouth 112.2 Candidiasis, other urogenital siles 112.3 Candidiasis, s kin and nails 112.9 Cand idiasis, uns pecified site 112.1 Candidiasis, vu lva and vagina 099.41 ClJlamydin tmeholl/ntis 001.9 C holera 1.83 Clostridiu/ll perfrigclIs 114.9 Coccidioidomycosis 078.1 Condyloma oculi/ina/III/! (viral warts) 079.2 Coxsackie virus 11 7.5 C ry ptococcosis 041 .4 Esdteric1lia coli (E. coli) 007.1 Giardiasis 098.r Gonorrhea 0-1 1.5 Hemophillls iI/fit/cliMe (H. injlllellZile) 070.1 Hepatitis, viral A 070.3" Hepatitis, viral B 070.51 Hepatitis, viral C 054.9'" Herpes simplex 053.9'" Herpes zoster 115.9~ Histoplasmosis 042 HIV infection (symptomatic) 036.9~ Infection, meningococcal 079.99 ~ Infection, viral, unspecified 487.1 Influenza, unspecified 487.0 Influenza, w ith pneumonia 041S Klebsiella pnelllllolliae 088.81 Lyme d isease 084 . 6~ Malaria 075 Mononucleosis 072.9' Mumps 1.81 Mycoplasllla 1.2 PneulIlococcus 041.6 Proteus 041.7 Pseudolllollas 071 Rabies 056.9~ Rubella 003.9'" Salmonella 135 Sarcoidosis 004.9~ Shigellosis

Appendix G

secondary codes (e.g., urinary tract infection due to Escheric1lin coli wou ld be coded as 599.0 [primary d iagnosis) and 041.4 [second ary diagnosis!).

ICD9CM Codes for Selected General Medi cal Cond itions and Medicationlnduced Disorders
0-l1.10" 041.00" 097.9" 082.9+


Staphylococcus StreptococCZls Syphilis Tickbome riketts iosis 130.9 T axaplasmasis Trichinosis 124 131.9" Trichomoniasis 002.0 Typhoid fe ver 081.9+ Typhus

Add itional diagnostic codes for overdose/ poisoning can be located in the Alphabetic Index (Va lume 2) of ICD-9CM in the table of drugs and chemicals, listed alphabetiC.l lly by drug in the " Poisoning" col umn . Acetaminophen Adrenal cortical steroids Amyl/ butyl! nitrite 962.1 Andragens and anabolic steroids Anticholinergics 971 .1 969.0 Antidepressants 967.0 Barbitrnates 969,. Benzodiazepine-based tranquili zers 969.2 Butyrophenone-bascd tranquilizers 967.1 Chloral hydrate 968.5 Cocaine 967.5 Glutethimide 969.6 Hallucinogens / cannabis 962.3 Insulin and antidiabetic agents 967.4 Methaqualone 968.2 Nitrous oxide 970. 1 Opioid anta gonists 965.00 Opioids 967.2 Paraldehyde 968.3 Phencyclidine 969. 1 Phenothiazine-based tranquilizers 965. 1 Salicylates 970.9 Stimulan ts 962.7 Thyroid and thyroid deriva tives
965.4 962.0 972.4

Additional Codes for Medication-Induced Disorders

The (a llowing are the ICD-9-CM codes (or selected medications that may cause Substance-Induced Disorders. They are made available (a r optianal use by clinicians in situations in which these medications, prescribed at therapeutic dose levels, ha ve resulted in one of the following: Substance induced Delirium, Substance-Induced

/ 880

Appendix G

Persis ting Dementia, Substance-Induced Persisting Amnestic Disorder, SubstanceInduced Psychotic Disorder, Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, Substance-Induced Anxiety Disorder, Substance-Induced Sexual Dysfunction, Substance-Induced Sleep Disorder, and Medication-Induced Movement Disorders. When used in multiaxial evaluation, the E-codes should be coded on Axis I immediately following the related disorder. It should be noted that these E-codes do not apply to poisonings or to a

medication taken as an overdose.

Example: 292.39 Substance-Induced Mood Disorder, With Depressive Features 932 .2 Oral contraceptives

Analgesics and Antipyretics

935.4 935.1 935.6 935.2 E935.3 Acetaminophen/ phenacetin Methadone 'ons teroidal anti-inflammatory agents Other narcotics (e.g ., codeine, meperidine) Salicylates (e.g., aspirin)

E936.3 936.2 937.0 E936 .1 E936.3

Carbamazepine Ethosuximide Phenobarbital Phenytoin Valproic acid

Antiparkinsonian Medications
E936.4 941 .1 E933.0 E936.4 Amantadine Benztropine Diphenhydramine l -Dopa

Neuroleptic Medications
E939.2 Butyrophenone-based neuroleptics (e.g., haloperidol) E939.3 Other neuroleptics (e.g., thiothixene) E939.1 Phenothiazine-based neuroleptics (e.g., chlorpromazine)

Sedatives, Hyp notics, and Anxiolytics

E937.0 E939.4 937.1 939.5 E937.2 Barbiturates Benzodiazepine-based medications Chloral hydrate Hydroxyzine Paraldehyde

ICD-9-CM Codes for Se lected Gene ral Medical Cond itions and Medication-Induced Disorders


Other Psychotropic M edicatio ns

E939.0 E939.6 E940.1 E939.7 Antidepressants Cannabis Opioid antagonists Stimulants (excluding central appetite d epressants)

Cardiovascular Medications
E942.0 E942.2 E942.1 E942.4 E942.3 E942.6 E942.5 Antiarrhy thmic medication (includes propranolol) Antilipemic and cholesterol-lowering medication Cardiac glycosid es (e.g., digitalis) Coronary vasodilators (e.g., nitrates) Ganglion-blocking agents (pentamethonium) O ther antihy pertensive agents (e.g., clonidine, guanethidine, reserpine) Other vasodilators (e .g., hydralazine)

Primarily Systemic Agents

E933.0 941.1 E934.2 E933.1 E941.0 E941.2 E933.5 AntiaUergic and antiemetic agents (excluding phenothia zines, hydroxyzine) Anticholinergics (e.g., atropine) and spasmolytics Anticoagulants Antineoplastic and immunosuppressive drugs Cholinergics (parasympathomimetics) Sympathomimetics (adrenerg ics) Vitam ins (excluding v itamin K)

Medications Acting on Muscles and t he Respiratory System

E945.7 E945.4 E945.8 E945.0 E945.2 E945 .1 Antiasthmatics (aminophylline) Antitussives (e.g., dextrometho rphan) Other respiratory drugs Oxytocic agents (ergot alkaloids, prostaglandins) Skeletal muscle relaxants Smooth muscle relaxants (metaproterenol)

Hormones and Synthetic Substitutes

E932.0 E932.1 E932.8 E932.2 E932.7 Adrenal cortica l steroid s Anabolic steroids and androgens Antithyroid agents Ovarian hormones (includes oral contraceptives) Thyroid replacements

Diuretics and Mineral and Uric Acid Metabolism Drugs

E944.2 Carbonic acid anhydrase inhibitors E944.3 ChJorthiazid es E944.0 Mercurial diuretics

Appe ndix G

944.4 Other diuretics {furosemid e, ethacrynic acid} 9-14.1 Purine deriva tive diuretics 9-14.7 Uric acid metabolis m drugs (probenecid)

Append ix H

DS M -IV Classif icatio n (Wit h ICD-10 Codes)

of the publication of this text revision (in the latc s pring of 2000), the offi cial coding system in use in the United Sta tes is the Illtcmatiollal Ciassijicatioll of Diseases, Ninth Revision, CLinical Modification (ICD-9-CM). Throughout much of the world, the offi cial coding system is the Internatiollal Statistical Classification of Diseases fmd Relaled Healfll Problems, Ten th Revision oeD-1 0). The preparation o f DSM-IV h as been closely coordinated w ith the preparation of C hapter V, " Mental and Behavioura l Disorders," of IC D-IO (develop ed by the World Health Organization in anticipation of its even hlal implementation in the United States). Consultations between the Am erican Psychiatric Association and the World Health Organiza tion have resulted in OSM-IV codes and terms that are fully compatible with the codes and terms in the tabular index of lCD-to. To facilita te the use of DSM-IV internationally, presented below is the DSM-IV Classification w ith the lCD-t O codes.


NOS = Not Otherwise Specified .


x appearing in a diagnostic code

Numbers in paren theses are page numbers.

U criteria are currently met, one of the following severity specifiers may be noted after the diagnosis:

ind icates that a specific code number is required .

An ellipsis ( . . . ) is used in the names

of certain d isorders to indicate that the name of a specific mental disorder or general medical condition should be inserted when recording the name (e.g., FOS.O Delirium Due to Hypothyroidism ).

Mild Moderate Severe

If criteria are no longer met, one of the

fo llowing specifi ers may be noted:

in Partial Remission in Full Remission Prior History



Appendix IATIENTION -DEF ICIT AND DISR UPTIVE BEHAVIOR DISORDERS (85) A tlen tion-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorde r (85) F90.0 Combined Type F98.8 Pred omina ntly Inattenti ve Typ e F90.0 Predominantly H yperactiveIm p ulsive Type F90.9 Attention-Defi cit / H yperacti \fity Disord er OS (93) F91.8 Cond uct Disorder (93) Specify type; Childhood-Onsel Type/
Adol escen tOnset Typ e

Diso rders Usually First Diagn osed in Infancy, Childhood, or Ado lescence (39)

MENTAL RETARDATION (41 ) No te: Tl! ese fire coded 0/1 Aris II. F70.9 Mild Men tal Retardation (43) F71 .9 Moderate Mental Retardation (43) F72.9 Severe Menial Re ta rda tion (43) F73.9 Profound Mental Re ta rd a tion (44) F79.9 Men tal Retardation, Severity Unspecified (44) LEARNING DISORDERS (49)

F91 .3 F91.9

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (I OO) Dis ruptive Be havior Disorder NOS (103)



Reading Disorder (51) Mathematics Disorder (53) Disorder of Written Expression



Learning Disorder NOS (56)

INFA NCY OR EARLY CH ILDHOOD ( 103) F98.3 Pica (103) F98.2 Rumination Disorder (105) F98.2 Feeding Dis order of Infancy or Early Ch ild hood (107) TIC DISORDERS (108) F95.2 Tourette's Disorder (111) F95.1 Chronic Motor or Vocal Tic Disorder (1 14) F95.0 Transie nt Tic D isord er (115)
Specify if Single Episode/ Rerurrent

MOTOR SK ILLS DISORDER (S6) F82 Developmental Coordina tion Disord er (56) COMM UNICATION DISORDERS (58)


Expressive Language Diso rder


FaD.a F98.5 FSO.9

Mixed Receptive-Expressive Language Disorder (62) Phonological Di sorder (65) Stuttering (67) Communication Disorder NOS


Tic Disorder NOS (116)

ELIMINATION DISORDERS (11 6) Entopresis (1 16) R15 With Constipation and Overflow Incontinence (also


code KS9.0 cOllstipatioll 011 Axis III)

F98.1 F98.0 Without Constip ation and Overflow Incontinence Enuresis (Not Due to a General Med ica l Cond ition) (118) s,lify tYII(': Nocturnal Only / Diurnal
Onl}'/Noctumal and Diurnal

F84.0 F84.2
F84.3 F84.5 F84.9

Autistic Disorder (70) Rett's Disorder (76)

Childhood D isintegrative Disorder (77) Aspe rger's Disorde r (80) Pe rvasive Developmental Disorder NOS (84)

DSM-IV Classificat io n (With ICD-l0 Codes)

OTHER DISORDERS OF INFAN CY, CHILDHOOD, OR ADOlESCENCE (121) F93.0 Separation Anxiety Disorder (121 ) Spuify if: Early Onset F94.0 Selective Mutism (125) F94.x Reactive Attachment Disorder of Infancy o r Early Childhood (127) .1 inhibited Type .2 Disinhibited Type F98 A Stereotypic Movement Disorder (13t ) Sptrify if With Seif-injUl"ioUS Behavior DEMENTIA (147) FOO.xx Dementia of the Alzheimer' s Typ e, With Early Onset (also

code G30.0 Alzheimer's Disease, Wit/I Early Onset, 011 Axis Ill)
(154) .00 Uncomplicated .01 With Delusions .03 With Depressed Mood
SptdfiJ if Wi th Beha \oiora i Oi5turbiUlce


Disorder of Infancy, Childhood, or Adolescence N OS (134)

FOO.xx Dementia of the Alzheimer's Typ e, With Late Onset (also code C30.l Alzheimer's Disease, WitIE Late Onset, 01 1 Axis Ill) (154 ) .10 Uncomplicated .11 With Delusions .13 With Depressed Mood
SptdfiJ if With Beha\'ioral Distu rbance F01.xx Vascular Dementia (1 58)

Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders

(13 5)

.81 .83

Uncomplicated With Delusions With Depressed Mood

Splcify if: With Beha\'iorai DisturbiUlce


Dementia Due to HfV Disease

DEliRIUM (136) F05.0 Delirium Due to ... {llIdicate the

(also code 822.0 HIV disease resultillg ill ellcephalopathy 011

M is III) (163)

Gelleral Medical Condition ] (code F05.1 if sltperimposed 0 11 Dementia) (141 )


Dementia Due to Head Trauma

(a/so code S06.911llracranial injury all Axis 111) (164 )

F02.3 Dementia Due to Parkinson's Disease (a lso code G20

_ .-

Substance Intoxication Delirium (refer to Slibstance-

Related Disorders for slibstallcespecific codes) (143)

Parkinson's disease 011 Axis Ill)



Substance Withdrawal Delirium (refer to Substallce-


Dementia Due to Huntington's Disease (also code G10

Related Disorders for Sllbstalfcespecific codes) (143)

__ ._ Delirium Due to Multiple Etiologies (code each of IIle specific F02.0

HU1ltingtoll's disease all Axis lll)


Dementia Due to Pick's Disease

etiologies) (146)
F05.9 Delirium NOS (147) F02.1

(also code G31.0 Pick's disease on Axis TfI) (1 65)

Dementia Due to C reutzfeldtJakob Di sease (also code AB1.0

Creulzjeldt-Jakob disease 011 Axis

III) (166)

F02 .8 Dem entia Due to .. . Illldicate the General MediCfl/ COllditionnot


listed above} (also code tile general mediCflI condition all Axis 111)
-"(1 67) Substance-Induced Pe rsisting Dem e ntia (refer to SlIbstallee-

Substance-Related Disorders (19 1)

aThe follOWing specifiers may be applied to S'lbs/allce Dependence:

SpiCify if: With Physiological De pend en~/ Without Physiological Dependence

Related Disorders for sllbstflllcespecific codes) ( 168)

Dem e ntia Due to M u ltiple Etiologies (ills tead code FOO.2for

mixed Alzheimer's alld Vascular Demelltia) (170)

F04 Dementia NOS (171)

Code cOllrse of Dependence ill fifth c/mracter:

0 ", Early Full Remission/ Earl y Pa rtial Remission 0", Sustained Full Remission / Sustai ned I' artia l Rem ission I = in a Controlled Environment 2", On Agonist Therapy ,I = Mild / Moderate/ Se\'ere

A mnes tic Disord e r Due to ...

{Indicate the General Medical

COlldition/ (175)
SpiCiN if Transien t/ Chronic


Su bstan ce-Induced Persisting A mnestic Diso rder (refer to

TIle follDwillg specifiers apply to SlIbstallceIlIdllced Disorders as lIoted:

lWith Onset Ouring Intoxication/ \\'With Onset Du ring Withdrawill

SlIbstallce-Reiated Disorders for sUbstance-specific codes) (177)

R41. 3 Amnestic Disorde r NOS (1 79)
OTHER COGNITIVE DISORDERS (179) F06.9 Cognitive Dis order OS (179)


(21~ '

Alcohol Use Disorders (213) FlO.2x Alcoh o l Dependencea (213) FlO.1Alcoh o l Abu se (214) Alcohol-Induced Disorders (2 14) FlO. DO Alcohol Intoxication (214) FlO.3 Alcoh ol W ithdraw al (215)
Sp!'cify if With Perceptual DisturbanCt'S

Mental Disorders Due to a General Medi cal Condition Not Elsewhere Classified ( 181)


Catatonic Disorde r Due to ...

[Indicate the General Medical Condition] (185)

F07.0 Personality Change Due 10 ...

1lndicate the General Med ical Condition] (187)

Labile Type / Disinhibited Type/ Aggressive T~'Pe / Apathetic Type/ Paranoid Type / Other Type / Combined Type/ Unspecified Type
S~cify type:


Mental Disorder NOS Due to . . . Illldimte the General MediCflI Condition] (190)

FlO.03 A lco h o l Intoxication Delirium (143 ) FlO.4 Alcoh o l Withdrawal Delirium (143) F10]3 Alcohol-Induced Persisting Demen tia (168) FlO.6 Alcohol Ind uced Persisting Amnes tic Diso rde r (177) FlO.xx Alcohol-lnduced Psych otic Di sord e r (338) .51 W ith Delusions!,w .52 With H a llucinations tW F10.S Alcoh o l-Induced Mood Disorde r!'w (405)

DSM-IV Classification (Wi th ICD-1 0 Codes) FlO.8 FlO.8 FlO.8 FlO.9 Alcohol-Induced Anxiety Disorde r i ,\\' (479) Alcohol-Induced Sexual Dysfunctio n l (562) A lcohol -Induced Sleep Disorder I,W (655) Alcohol-Rela ted Disorder NOS (223) F1 5.8 F1 5.9 Caffeine-Induced Sleep Disorder' (655)


Caffeine-Related Disorder NOS (234)

CANN AB IS-RELATED DISORDERS (234) Cannabis Use Diso rde rs (236) F12.2x Cannabis Depe ndencea (236) F12.1 Cannabis Abuse (236) Cannabis-Induced Diso rders (237) F12.00 Cannabis Intoxication (237) F12.04 Carmabis Intoxication, With Perceptual Di sturbances (237) F1 2.03 Cannabis Intoxication Delirium (143) F1 2.xx Cannabis-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) .51 With Delu sions ' With Hallucinations' .52 Fl2.8 Cannabis-Induced Anxiety Disorder' (479) F12.9 Cannabis-Related Dis order

AMPHETAM INE (OR AMPHETAMINElI KE)- RELATED DISOR DERS (223) Amph e tamine Use Disorders (224) Fl5.2x Amphe tamine Dependencea

F15.1 Ampheta mine Abuse (225) Amphetamine-Induced Di sorders (2 26) F15.00 Amphetamine Intoxication (226) F15.0-I: Amphetamine Intoxication, Wi th Perceptual Disturbances (226) Fl5.3 Amphe tam in e \'Vithdrawal (227) Fl5.03 Amphetamine In toxica tio n Delirium (143) Fl5.xx Amphetamine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delusions' .51 With H allucinations! .52 Fl5.8 Amphe tamine-Ind uced Mood Disorder!.\\' (405) F15.8 A mpheta m ine-lnd uced Anxiety Disorder' (479) F1 5.8 Amphe tamine-Induced Sexual Dysfunction i (562) F15.8 Amphetamine-Induced Sleep Disorderi,w (655) F15.9 Amphetamine-Related Disorder NOS (231)

NOS (241)
COCAI NE-RE LATED DISORDERS (241) Coca ine Use Diso rders (242) F14.2x Cocaine Dependencea (242) F14.1 Cocaine Abuse (243) Coca in e-Induced Disord ers (244) Fl4.00 Cocaine Intoxication (244) Fl4.1 Cocaine Intoxication, With Perceptua l Di Sh lrbances (244) F14.3 Cocaine \<\' ithdrawal (245) F14.03 Cocaine In toxica tion Delirium

F14.xx Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delusions i .51 With Hall ucina tions' .52 F14.8 Cocaine-Ind uced Mood Disorder!'w (405) F14.8 Cocaine-Induced Anxiety Disorderi,w (479) F14.8 Cocaine-Ind uced Sexual Dysfunction ' (562)

CAF FEINE-RELATED DISORDERS (23 1) Caff eine-Ind uced Disorders (232) F15.00 Caffe ine Intoxication (232) F15.8 Caffeine-Induced Anxiety Disorder 1 (479)

FI4.S F14 .9 Cocaine-Induced Sleep
Dis order!'W (655)

Append ix H

F18.8 F1 8.9

Inhalan t-Induced Anxiety Disorde~ (479) Inhalant-Related Disorder NOS (263)

Cocaine-Related Disorder NOS



Hallucinogen Use Disord ers (25 1) F1 6.2x HaUucinogen Dependence3 (251) FI 6.) Hallucinogen Abu se (252) Hallucinogen-In duced Diso rders (252) FI6.DO Hallucinogen Intoxica tion (252) f1 6.70 Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (Flashbacks) (253) FI 6.03 Hallucinogen intoxication Delirium (143) FI 6.xx Hallucinogen-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) \<\Iith Delusions' .51 With Hallucinations' .52 F16.8 Hallucinogen-Induced Mood Disorder' (405) F16.8 Hallucinogen-Induced Anxiety Disorde~ (479)


Nicotine Use Disorder (264) F17.2x Nicotine Dependenceil (264) Nicotine-Induced Disorder (265) FI7.3 1 icotin e W ithdrawal (265)

F1 7.9

Nicotine-Related Disorder NOS (269)


Opio id Use Disorders (270)

Fl1 .2x Opioid Dependenceil (270) FI 1.1 Opioid Abuse (271)

Opi o id-lnduced Oisorders (271) F11.00 O pioid Intoxica tion


Fll.3 F11.03 FI1.xx .51 .52 FI1.S Fll.S

f16 .9

Hallucinogen-Related Disorder
NOS (256)


Inhalant Use Diso rders (258) FIB.2x Inhalant Dep end ence~ (258) FI B.1 Inhalant A buse (259)
Inhalant-Induced Diso rders (259) FI 8.00 Inhalant Intoxication (259)


(271) Opioid Intoxication, With Pe rceph.lal Di sturbances (272) O pioid Withdrawal (272) Opioid Intoxication Delirium (143) Opioid-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delusions' With Ha llucinations' Opioid-Induced Mood Diso rder l (405) Opioid -Induced Sexua l Dysfunc tion' (562) Opioid-Induced Sleep Disorde~'w (655) Opioid-Related Disorder NOS (277)

F18.03 Inhalant Intoxication Delirium (143) F18.73 Inhalant-Induced Pers is ting Dementia (168) F1 8.xx Inhalant-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delu sions ' .51 With Hallucinations' .52 F18.8 Inhalant-Induced Mood Disorde~ (405)


. Phencyclidine Use Diso rders (279) FI9.2x Phencyclidine Dependence3


(279) Phencyclidine Abuse (279)

DSMIV Classificat ion (With ICO l0 Codes) Phencyclidine+lnduced Diso rders (280)

FI9.00 Phencyclidine Intoxica tion (280) F19.D-1 Phencyclidine Intoxication, With Perceptual Disturbances

FI9.03 Phencyclidine Intoxication Delirium (143) F19.xx Phencyclidine-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) .51 With Delusions' .52 With Hallucinations l F19.8 Phencyclidine-Induced Mood Disorder' (405) F19.8 Phencyclidine-Induced Anxiety Disorder' (479) F19.9 Phencyclidine-Related Disorder
NOS (283)
SEDATIVE-, HYPNOTIC-, OR ANXIOL YTIC-RELATED DISORDERS (284) Sedative, Hy pnotic, o r Anxio lytic Use Disorders (285)

F13.xx Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) With Delusions',w With Halluci nationsl.\V F13.8 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-lnduced Mood Disorderl,w (405) F13.8 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Anxiety Disorder'" (479) F13.8 Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiol},tic-lnduced Sexual Dysnmction' (562) F13.8 Sedati ve-, Hypnotic-, o r Anxio lytic-lnduced Sleep Disorderl,w (655) F13.9 Seda tive-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Rela ted Disorder NOS (293)

F13.2x Sed ati ve, Hypnotic, or Anxiolylic Dependenceil (285) F13.1 Sedative, Hy pnotic, or Anxiolytic Abuse (286)
Sedative-, Hypnotic-, or Anxio lyticInduced Disorders (286)

Other (or Un known) Substance Use Disorders (294)

F13.00 Sedative, Hypnotic, or An.xiolytic Intoxica tion (286) F13.3 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal (287)
Specify if: With Perceptual Disturbances

F19.2x Other (or Unknown) Substance Dependence" (192) F19.1 Other (or Unknow n) Substance Abu se (198)
Other (or Unknown) SubstanceInduced Disorders (295)

Fl 3.03 Sedative, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Intoxication Deli riu m (143) F1 3.4 Seda tive, Hypnotic, or Anxiolytic Withdrawal Deli rium (143) F1 3.73 Seda tive-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic-Induced Persisti ng Dementia (168) F13.6 Seda tive-, Hypnotic-, or Anxiolytic+lnduced Persisting Amnestic Disorder (177)

F1 9.00 Other (or Unknow n) Substance Intoxication (199) F19.04 Other (or Unknown) Substance Intoxication, With Perceptual Disturbances (199) F19.3 Other (or Unknown) Substance Withdrawal (201)
Specify if: Wi th Perceptual Disturbances

/ 890
F19.03 Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Delirium
(code F19.4 if Ol/sct durillg witlldrawnl) (143) F19.73 Other (or Un known)

Appendix H
2", Episodic With Inle repisode Residual Symptoms (specify if. With Prominent Negali\'e Symptoms) 3 ", Episodic Wi th No Inlerepisode Residual Symptoms 0", Continuous (Sllify if With Prominent Negative Symptoms) 4 '" Single Episode In Partial Remission (spify if. With Prominent Negative Symptoms) 5 '" Single Episode In Full Remission 8 '" Other or Unspecified Pattern 9 '" l ess than 1 year since onset of initial acli\'e-phase symptoms

Substa nce-Induced Persisting

Dementia (168)

F1 9.6

O lher (or Unknown ) Substance-Induced Persisting Amn estic Disord er (177)

F1 9.xx Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Psychotic Disorder (338) .51 With Delusions"\\' .52 With Hallucinations',w FJ9.8 Other (or Unknown ) Substa nce- Induced Mood
Disorder l,\\' (405)


Schizophreniform Disorder (317)

Swcify if; Without Good Prognosti c Features/ With Good Prognostic Featmes

F1 9.8

Other (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Anxiety

Disorder',w (479)

F25.x .0

.1 F22.0

Schizoaffective Disorder (319) Bipolar Type Depressive Typ e Delusional Disorder (323)
Spmfy type: Erotomanic Trpe / Grandiose Type/ Jealous Trpe / Persecutory Type/ Somatic Type/ Mixed Type/ Unspecified Type


O lher (or Unknown) Substance-Induced Sexual

Dysfunction! (562)


Other (or Unknown) Substance-Ind uced Sleep Disorder i ,\\' (655) Other (or Unknown) Substance-Related Disorder NOS (295)

F23.xx Brief Psychotic Disorder (329)

.81 .80
F24 F06.x

With Marked Stressor(s) Without Marked Stressor{s)

Specify if. With Postpart um Onset

F1 9.9

Shared Psychotic Disorder (332) Psychotic Di sorder Due to ...

Schizophrenia and

.2 .0

Other Psychotic Diso rders (297)

F20.xx Schizophrenia (298)


.1x .2x

.3x .5x

Paranoid Type (313) Disorganized Type (314) Catatonic Type (315) Undifferen tiated Type (316) Residual Typ e (3 16)

(Indicate tile General Medical COllditioll] (334) With Delusions With Hallucinations Substance*lnduced Psychotic Disorder (refer to SubstallceRelated Disorders for sllbstnllcespecific codes) (338) Sl>I!Cify if With Onset Ouring
Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal


Psychotic Disorder

OS (343)

Code cOllrse of Scllizoplmmin ill fifth c/mracter:

OSMIV Classificat ion (With [CO 10 Codes)

F31 .0 F31.x Bipolar I D isorder, Most Recent Episode H ypo manicg,h,i (382) Bipolar I D isord e r, Mos t Recen t Episode Manica,c,f,g,h,i (382)

Mood Diso rd ers (345)

Thefollowill g slJecijiers apply (jar crmellt or mosl recell l episode) to Mood Disorders as 1I01ed:
"Severity/ Psychotic / Remission 5pl'(:ifiers/ bChronic/ "With Catatonic Features/ dWith ~ I elancholic Features/~\'ith Atypical FeaturestfWith Postpartum Onset

Code currellt slate of Mallie Episode ill fourtil clmrncter:

1 '" Mild, ~Iode ra t e, or Severe Wi thout

Psychotic Features 2 = Severe With Psychotic Features 7 ", In Partial or Full Remission F31.6 F31.x Bipolar I D is order, Mos t Recent Episode M ixeda,.c,f,g,h,i (382) Bipolar I Dis o rde r, Most Recent Episode D e presseda,b,c,d,e,f,g.h,i

The following specifiers apply to Mood Disorders as IIoted:

SWith or Without FuU Interepisode Recovery / hWith Seasonal Patteml'With Rapid Cycling



F32.x F33.x Major Depressiv e Dis order, S ingle Episode a,b,.c,d.e.f (369) Major Depressive Disorder, Recurren~,b,.c,d,eJ,g.h (369)

Code CIlrrcnl state of Major Depressive Episode ill fourtiJ c/rnrncter:

3 ", Mild or l\'loderate :I '" Severe Without Psychotic Featu res

5 '" Severe With Psychotic Features 7 '" In Partial or Full Remission

F31.9 F31.8 Bipolar I D isorde r, Most Recent Epis ode Unspecifiedg,h,i (382) Bi pola r II Dis o rdera,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i

Code currell t state of Major Depressive Episode ill fo rtrtlr clmracler:

0", Mild 1 = Moderate

S,>fCify (cmullt or most rl'ulltrpi,<odd :
Hypomanic / ~pressed

2 = Se\'ere Without Psychotic Features 3 = Se\'ere With Psychotic Features Specify: },loodCongruent Psychotic Features/ Mood-Incongruent Psychotic Features 4 ", In Partial Remission :I = In Full Remission 9 '" Unspl'(:ified
F34.1 Dys th y mic Disorder (376) Spmfy if Earl)' Onset/ Late On5et Spify: With Atypical Features Depressive Dis order NOS (381)

F34.0 F31.9

Cyclothymic Disord e r (398) Bipolar Disorder N OS (400) F06.xx Mood Dis o rder Due to ...

[Illdicnte tile Genernl Medical Condition] (401)

.32 .32 .30 .33 W ith Depressive Featu res With Major Depressive-Like Episod e With Manic Feahtres With Mixed Features Subs tance-Induced Mood D isorder (refer to Substmrce-


BIPOLAR DISO RDERS (382) F30.x Bipolar I Disorder, Single Manic

Epis odeil,c,f (382) Specify if ~'I ixed

Related Disorders for s u bsta llce~ specific codes) (405)

Spicify type: With ~pressh'e Features/ With Manic Features/ With 1'-'Iill",d Features Spt"cify if With Onset During Intoxication/ With Onset Ouring Withdrawal Mood Diso rder NOS (410)

Code CIIrrC/lt slale of Mallic Episode ill jOllrth c/rnracter:

I = Mild, Moder.!te, or Severe Without Psychotic Features 2 = Se\'ere With Psychotic Features 8 = In Partial or Full Remission


Appendix H

A n xiety Diso rders (429 )

So mato fo rm Di so rd e rs (4 85)

Panic Disorder Without Agoraphobia (433) F40.0! Panic Disorder With Agoraphobia (433) F40.00 Agoraphobia \Vithoul His tory of Panic Diso rder (441) F40.2 Specific Phobia (443)


F45.0 F4S.1 F44.x .4

.7 F45,4

specify type: Ani mal Type / Natural Environ ment Type / Blood- InjectionInjury Type / Situ3tional T)'p e/ Othe r Type

F40.! F42.8

Socia l Phobia (450)

Specify if: Generalized

Somatiza tion Disorder (486) Und ifferentiated Somato form Disorder (490) Con version Disorder (492) With Motor Symp tom or Deficit W ith Seizures or Con vulsions W ith Senso ry Sym ptom or Deficit With Mixed Presentation Pain Disorder (498)
Spify Iypt; Associated With
Ps)'(:hological Factors/ Associa ted W Both Ps)'dlologi(:al Factors and a General Medi(:al Condition Spify if: Acute / Chronk

Obsessive-Compu lsive Disorder (456)

SI'n:ify if: With Poor lns ight


Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (463)

Specify if: Acute / C hroni(:
SI't'rify if: With Delayed O nset

F45.2 F45.2 F45.9

Hyp ochond riasis (504)

S,ledfy if: With Poo r lrrsigh t

F43.0 F41.1 F06.4

Acute Stress Disord er (469) Generalized Anxiety Disorder (472) Anxiety Disorder Due to ... [llldicate Ow Gel/erat Medical COllditioll] (476)
S,,,,dfy if: With Genera lized Anxiety/ Wi th Pank Attacks/ With O bsessi\'e-Compulsive Symptoms

Body Dysmorphic Disorder (S07) Somatoform Disord er lOS (511

Factitio u s Disorde rs (513)


Substance-In duced Anxiety Disorder (refer to Subs/allceRelated Disorders for SlIhstallcespecific codes) (479)
Spify if Wi th Generali zed Anxiety /
With Panic Attacks/ With Obsessi"e-Comp ulsi \'e Symptoms/ With POObi(: Symptoms S;NCify if With Onset Du ring Intoxication / Wi th Onse t Du ring Wit hd rawal


Factitious Disorder (513)

S/Ncify Iype: Wit h Predominant ly
Psrchologi<=al Signs and Sym ptoms / With Predominantl y Ph),si<=al Signs and Symptoms/ With Combined Psychological and Physical Signs and Symptoms


Factitious Disorder NOS (517)

F4! .9

Anxiety Disorder NOS (484)

Dissociati ve Di so rd e rs (519)

F44.0 F44.!

Dissocia live Amnesia (520) Dissocia live Fugue (523)

DSM-1V Classification (With ICD-10 Codes)

F.w.Sl F4S. 1 F44.9

Dissociati ve Identity Disorder



Depersonalization Disorder


Dissociative Disorder NOS (532) N94.1

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Di sorder Due to .. . II I/dicate the General Med ical COllditioll1 (55S) Male Erectile Disord er Due to ... [I ndicate tire Gelleral

Medical COllditioll1 (558 )

Fema le Dyspareunia Due to .. .

Sexua l and Gender Identity Disorders (535)

{Jlldicate lhe General Medical COlldition] (55S)

NSO.S Male Dyspareunia Due to .. .

[Indicate tlte General Medical CO lldifioll1 (55S)



Tire following specifiers apply fa all primary Sexual Dysfullcfiolls:

lifelong Type / Acquired Type/ Generalized TYPt' / Situational Type/ Due to Psychological Factors/ Due to Combined Factors

Other Female Sexual Dysfunction Due to . .. [llldicale

tile General Medical COllditioll]



Other Male Sexual Dysfunction Due to . .. (In dicate tlie General

Sexua l Desire Disorders (539) F52.0 H ypoactive Sexua l Desire Disorde r (539) FS2.10 Sexual Aversion Disorder (541) Sexual Arousal Disorders (543) FS2.2 Female Sexual A rousal Dis order (5-13) F52.2 Male Erectile Disorder (S.-l5) Orga smic Disorders (547) F52.3 Female Orgasmic Disorder

Medical Condiliolll (558)

Substancelnduced Sexual Dys function (refer to Slrbstal1ce

Related Disorders for silbstallcespecific codes) (562 )

Spt'Cify if; With Impaired Desire/ With Impaired Arousal / With Impaired Orgasm/ With Sexual Pain Specify if With Onset During L toxicalion n

F52.9 F65.2 F65.0 F6S.8 F6S.4

Sexual Dysfunction NOS (56S) Exhibitionis m (569) Fetis his m (569) Frotteurism (S70) Pedophilia (571)
Spify if Sexually Attracted to Males / Sexually Attracted to Females / Sexually Attracted to Both SIliCify if: Limited to Incest Spify type: uc1usi'"e Trpe/ Nonexdusi"e Type


F52.3 F52.4

Male Orgasmic Disorder (550) Premature Ejaculation (552)

Sexual Pai n Disorde rs (554) F52.6 Dyspareu.nia (Not Due to a General Medical Conditio n)


Vaginismu s (Not Due to a General Medical Condition)


Sexua l Dysfunction Due t o a General Medical Condition (558) N94.8 Female Hy poactive Sexual Des ire Disorder Due to . ..

F65.5 F65.5 F65.1 F65.3 F65.9

(Indicafe tile General Medical Condition I (558)

Sexual Masoch ism (572) Sexual Sadis m (573) Transvestic Fetishism (574) SJIify if: With Gender Dysphoria Voyeuris m (575) Paraphilia NOS (576)

GENDER IDENTITY DISORD ERS (S76) F64.x Gender Identi ty Disorder (576) .2 in Children .0 in Adolescen ts or Adults
5ptr:ify if; Sexually Attracted to Ma lesl Sexually Attracted to Females/ Sexually Attracted to Both/ Sexually Attra cted to Neither

Appe nd ix H F51.3 FS1.8 Sleepw alking Disorder (639) Parasomnia NOS (644)




Insomnia Rela ted to . . . [Jl/diCllte

ti,e Axis 1 or Axis II Disorderl



Gender Identi ty Disorder NOS (582)

(645) H ypersomnia Related to ...


Sexual Disorder NOS (582)

[II/dicate the Axis 1 or Axis 11 Disorder} (645)

OTH ER SLEEP DISORDERS (651) G47.x Sleep Disorder Due to ...

Eating Disorders (583)

F50.0 Ano rexia Nervosa (583)
5pmfy type: Res tricting Type; BingeEating / Pu rging Type

[JI/dicate the Genernl Medical Condition} (651)


.8 .8


Bulimia Nervosa (589)

5pmfy type: Purging Type/ Nonpurging Type

Insom nia Type H yp ersomnia Type Parasomnia Type Mixed Type Su bstance-Induced Sleep Disorder (refer 10 Substance-

Related Disorders for sllbslaIlCf!specific codes) (655)

SI>-ify 'Y1K: Insomnia Type /
Hypersomnia Type / Parasomnia Type/ ~Iixed Type S,H.'cify if: With Onset During Intoxication / With Onset During Withdrawal


Eating Disorder NOS (594)

Sleep Diso rders (597)


Dyssomn ias (598) FS1.a Prim ary Insomnia (599)

G47.4 G47.3

Primary H ypersomnia (604) Sptcify if: Recurrent

Narcolepsy (609) Breathing-Rela ted Sleep Disorder (615) C ircad ian Rhythm Sleep Disord er (622)
spify type: Delayed Sleep Phase Type/ Jet Lag Type/ Shift Work Type!
Unspecified Type

Impulse-Control Diso rd ers Not El sew here Cla ssified (663)

F63.8 F63.2 F63. 1 F63.0 F63.3 F63.9


F5 1.9

Dyssomnia NOS (629)

Intermittent Explosive D isorder (663) Kleptom ania (667) Pyromania (669) Pa thological Gambling (671) Trichotillomania (674) Impulse-Control D isorder NOS (677)

Para somn ias (630) F51.S N ightm are Disorder (631) F51.4 Sleep Terror D isorder (634)

DSM- IV Class ification (With ICD-10 Codes)

Adjustment Disorders (679)

Other Conditions That May Be a Focus of Clin ica l Attent io n (731)

F43.xx Adjustment Disorder (679) .20 With Depressed Mood .28 With Anxiety .22 With Mixed Anxiety and Depressed Mood .24 With Disturbance of Conduct With Mixed Dis turbance of .25 Emotions and Conduct Unspecified .9
Specify if: Acute / Chronic


(731 )


. .. {Specified PsyC//ological Factor] Affecting ... (Indicate Ole Genernl Medical CO/lditioll/ CllOose /lame based 011 lIuture of fac tors: (73 1)
Mental Disorder Affectin g Medical Condition Psychological Symptoms Affecting Med.ical Con dition Personality Traits or Coping Style Affectin g Medical Condition Maladap tive Health Behaviors Affecting Medical Condition Stress-Related Physiological Response Affecting Medical Cond.ition Other or Unspecified Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition

Persona lity Disorders (685)

Note: These are coded 011 Axis II. F60.0 Paranoid Pers onality Disorder (690) F60.1 Schizoid Personality Dis order (694) Schizotypal Personality F21 Disorder (697) F60.2 Antisocial Persona lity Disorder (701) F60.31 Borderline Personality Di sorder (706) F60.4 His trionic Personality Disorder
(711) Narcissistic Personality Disorder (71 4) Avoidant Personality Disorder
(71 8)



G21.0 G21.0 G24.0

F60.6 F60.7
F60.5 F60.9

Dependent Personality Disorder (72 1) Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Dis order (725) Personality Disorder N OS (729)

G21.1 G24.0 G2S.1


Neuroleptic-Indu ced Parkinsonism (735) Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Dystonia (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Acute Akathisia (735) Neuroleptic-Induced Tardive Dyskinesia (736) Medication-Induced Postural Tremor (736) Medication-Induced Movemen t Disorder NOS (736)

OTHE R M ED ICATION-INDUCED DISO RDER (736) TBB.7 Adverse Effects of Medication NOS (736) RELATIONAL PROBLEM S (736) 263.7 Rela tional Proble m Related to a

A ppendix H

2 72.8
R4 1.8

Mental Disorder or General

Medical Condition (737) Parent-Child Relational


7.56.7 F93.8 Z71.8
Z60.3 Z60.0

F93.3 263.9

Problem (code 263.1 iffocu s of aUeIltioll is 011 child) (737) Partner Relational Problem
(737) Sibling Relationa l Problem (737) Rela tional Proble m NOS (737)

Child or Adolescent Antisocial Be havior (740) Borderline In tellectual Func tioning (740) Age-Rela ted Cognitive Decl ine (740) Bereavement (740) Academic Problem (741) Occupa tional Problem (741) Identity Problem (741 ) Religious o r Spiritual Problem (741) Acc ulturation Problem (741) Phase of Life P roblem (742)

PROBLEM S RELATED TO AB USE OR NE GLECT (73B) 174.1 Physical Abuse o f Child (738) 174.2 Sexual Abuse of Child (738) 174.0 Neglect of Chlld (738) T74.1 Physical Abuse of Adult (738) 174.2 Sexual Ab use of Adult (738)
ADDITIONAL COND ITIONS THAT MAY BE A FOC US OF CLINI CA L ATIENTION (739) Z91.1 Noncompliance With Trea tment (739) 276.5 Malingering (739) Z72.8 Adult Antisocial Behavior (740)

Add itio nal Codes (743)

F99 Z03.2 R69 Z03.2 R46.8

Unspeci fied Mental Disorder (nonpsychotic) (743) N o DiagnOSis or Condi tion on Axis I (743) Diagnos is o r Condition Deferred on Axis I (743) N o Diagnosis on Axis II (743) Diagnosis Deferred on Axis II (743)

Appendix I

Outline for Cultural Formulation and Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes

his appendix is divided into hvo sections. The first section provides an outline for cultural formula tion designed to assist the clinician in systematically evaluating and reporting the impact of the individual's cultural context. The second is a glossary of culture-bolUld syndromes.

Outline for Cultural Formulation

The following outline for cultural formulation is meant to supplement the multiaxial diagnostic assessment and to address difficulties that may be encountered in a pplying DSM-TV criteria in a multicultural environment. The cultural formulati on pro~ vides a systematic re\iew of the ind ividual's cultural background, the role of the cultural context in the expression and evaluation of symptoms and d ysfunction, and the effect that cultural differences may have on the relationship between the individual and the clinician. As indicated in the introduction to the manual (see p . xxxiii), it is important that the clinician take into account the individual's ethnic and cultural context in the evaluation of each of the DSM-IV axes. In addition, the cultural formulation suggested below provides an opportunity to describe systematically the individual's cultural and social reference group and ways in which the cultural context is relevant to clinical care. The clinician may provide a narrative summary for each of the following categanes:

Cultural identity of the individual. Note the individual 's ethnic or cultural reference groups. For inulugrants and ethnic minorities, note separately the degree of involvement with both the culhue of origin and the host culture (where applicable). Also note language abilities, u se, and preference (including multilingualism). Cultural expl ana tions of the individual's illness. The following may be identified: the predominant idioms of dis tress through which symptoms or the need for social support are communicated (e.g., "nerves," possessing spirits, somatic complaints, inexplicable misfortune), the meaning and perceived severi ty of the individ ual's symp-



Appendix I

toms in relation to norms of the cultural reference group, any local illness category used by the indiv idual's family and community to identify the condition (see "Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes" below), the perceived causes or explanatory
models that the individual and the reference group use to explain the illness, and eurrent preferences for and pas t experiences with professional and popular sources of

Cultural fa ctors related to psychosocial environment and levels of fun ctioning.

Note culturally relevant interpretations of social stressors, available social supports,

and levels of fun ctioning and disability. This would include s tresses in the local social env ironment and the role of religion and kin neh\'orks in providing emotional, instrumental, and info rmational su pport.

Cultural elements of the relationship behveen the individual and the clinician. Indica te d ifferences in culture and social statu s between the individual and the clinician and problems that these differences may cause in diagnosis and treatment (e.g., difficulty in communicating in the individual's first language, in eliciting symptoms or understanding their cultural significance, in negotiating an appropriate relationship or level of intimacy, in determining whether a behavior is normative or pathologica l). Overall cultural assessment for diagnosis and care. The formulation concludes with a d iscussion o f how cultural considerations specifically innuence comprehensive diagnosis and care.

Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes

The term CIllture-boulld syndrome denotes recurrent, locality-specific patterns o f aberrant behav ior and troubling experience that mayor may not be linked to a particular DSM-T d iagnostic category. Many of these patterns a re indigenously considered to V be "illnesses," or at least afflictions, and most have local names. Although presentations conforming to the major DSM-JV categories can be found throughout the world, the particu la r symptoms, course, and social response are very often innuenced by local cultural factors. In contrast, culture-bound syndro':!es are generally limited to specific societies or culture areas and are localized, folk, diagnostic categories that frame coheren t meanings for certain repetitive, patterned, and troubling sets o f experiences and observations. There is seldom a oneto-one equivalence of any culture-bound syndrome w ith a DSM diagnostic entity. Aberrant behavior that might be sorted by a diagnostician using DSMIV into severa l categories may be included in a single folk category, and presentations that might be considered by a diagnostician using DSM-JV as belonging to a sing le category may be sorted in to several by an indigenous clinician. Moreover, some conditions and disorders have been conceptualized as culture-bound syndromes specific to industrialized culture (e.g., Anorexia Nervosa, Dissociative Identity Disorder), given their apparent rarity or absence in o ther cultures. It should also be noted that all industrialized societies include distinctive su bcu ltures and w idely diverse immigrant groups who m ay present with culture-bound syndromes.

Outl ine f or Cult ura l Formulation and Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndromes


This glossary lists some of the best-studied culture-bo und syndromes and idioms of distress that may be encountered in clinica l practice in North America and includes relevant DSM-rv categories w hen data suggest that they should be considered in a diagnostic fonnulation. amok A dissociative episod e cha racterized by a period of brooding foUowed by an outburst of violent, aggressive, or homicidal behavior directed at people and objects. The episode tends to be precipitated by a perceived slight or insult and seems to be prevalent only among males. The episode is often accompanied by persecu tory id eas, automatism, amnesia, exhaustion, and a return to premorbid state foDowing the episode. Some instances o f amok may occur during a brief psychotic episode or constitute the onset or an exacerbation of a ch ronic psychotic process. The origina l reports that used this term were from Malaysia . A similar behavior pattern is found in Laos, Philippines, Polynesia (cafard or cat/lUni), Papua New Guinea, and Puerto Rico (mal de pelea), and among the Navajo (i ich 'aa) . ataque de nervios An idiom of d istress principally reported. among Latinos from the Caribbean but recognized among many Latin American and La tin Mediterranean groups. Commonly reported sym p toms include uncontrol1able shouting, attacks of crying, trembling, heat in the chest rising into the head, and verbal or physical aggression. Dissociative experiences, seizurelike o r fainting episodes, and suicida l gestures are prominent in some attacks but absent in others. A general feature of an ataque de nervios is a sense of being out of control. Ataques de nervios frequently occur as a dircct result o f a stressfu l event relating to the family (e.g., news of the death of a close relative, a separation or divorce from a spouse, conflicts with a spouse or children, or witnessing an accident involving a family member). People may experience amnesia for what occurred during the ataque de nerv ios, but they o therwise return rapidly to their usual level of functi oning. Although d escriptions o f some ataques d e nervios most closely fit w ith the DSM-rY description o f Panic Attacks, the association of most ataques w ith a precipitating event and the frequent absence of the hallmark symptoms of acute fear or apprehension distinguish them from Panic Disorder. Ataques span the range from no nnal expressions of d istress not associated with having a mental disorder to symptom presen tations associated with the diagnoses of Anxiety, Mood, Dissociative, or Somatoform Disorders. bilis and colera (also referred to as IIIll illa) The u nderlying cause of these syndromes is thought to be strongly experienced anger or rage. Anger is viewed among many Latino groups as a particularly powerful emotion that can have d irect effects on the body and can exacerbate existing symptoms. The major effect o f anger is to disturb core body balances (which are understood as a balance between hot and cold valences in the bod y and between the material and spiritual aspects of the body) . Symptoms can include acute nervous tension, headache, trembling, screaming, stomach disturbances, and, in more severe cases, Joss of consciousness. Chronic fa tigue may result from the acu te episode. boufee d eJirante A synd rome observed in West Afri ca and H aiti. This French term refers to a sudden outburst of agitated and aggressive behavior, marked confuSion,

Appendix I and psychomotor excitemen t. It may sometimes be accompanied by visua l and auditory hallucinations or paranoid id eation . These episodes may resemble an episode of Brief Psychotic Disorder. brain fag A term initially used in West Africa to refer to a condition experienced by high school or university students in response to the challenges of schooling. Symptoms include difficulties in concentrating, remembering, and thinking. Students often state that their brains are "fatig ued." Additional somatic symptoms are usually centered arolmd the head and neck and include pain, pressure or tightness, blurring of vision, heat, or burning. " Brain tiredness" or fatigue from " too much thinking" is an idiom of distress in many cultures, and resulting syndromes can resemble certain Anxiety, Depressive, and Somatoform Disorders. dhat A folk diagnostic term used in India to refer to severe anxiety and hypochondriacal concerns associated with the discharge of semen, whitish discolo ration of the u rine, and feelings of weakness and exhaustion . Similar to jirynn (India), SlIkm pmme/1/1 (Sri Lanka), and sllell-k'lIei (China). fa lli ng-ou t or blacking ou t These episodes occur primarily in southern United States and Ca ribbean groups. They are characterized by a sudden collapse, which sometimes occurs without w arning but sometimes is preceded by feelin gs of d izziness or "swinuning" in the head. The individual's eyes are usuaUy open but the person claims an inability to see. The person usua lly hears and understands what is occurring around him or her but feels powerless to move. This may correspond to a diagnosis of Conversion Disorder or a Dissociative Disorder. ghost sickness A preoccupation w ith death and the deceased (sometimes associated with witchcraft) frequ ently observed among members of many American Indian tribes. Various symptoms can be a ttributed to ghost sickness, including bad dreams, weakness, feelings of d anger, loss of appetite, fainting, dizziness, fear, anxiety, hallucinations, loss of consciou sness, confusion, feelings of futility, and a sense of suffocation . h wa-byu ng (also known as wool-hwa-b yung) A Korean folk syndrome literally translated into English as "anger syndrome" and attributed to the suppression of anger. The symptoms include insomnia, fatigue, panic, fear of impending death, d ysphoric affect, indigestion, anorexia, d yspnea, palpitations, generalized aches and pains, and a feeling of a mass in the epigastrium. koro A term, probably o f Malaysian origin, that refers to an episode of sudden and intense anxiety that the penis (or, in fem ales, the vulva and nipples) will recede into the bod y and possibly cause death. The syndrome is reported in sou th and east Asia, where it is kno wn by a variety of local terms, such as s/lllk yang, shook yong, and SIlO yang (Chinese); jilljillia bemar (Assam); or rok-joo (Thailand). It is occasionally found in the West. Koro at times occurs in localized epidemic form in east Asian areas. This diagnosis is included in the Chillese Classificatioll of Mell tal Disorders, Second Edition

Outline for Cultura l Fo rmula t ion and Glossary of Culture-Bound Syndro mes latah H ypersensitivity to sudden fri ght often with echopraxia, echolalia, command obedience, and d issociative or trancelike behavior. The tenn latall is of Malaysian or Indones ian origin, but the syndrome has been fOlUld in many parts of the world. Other terms for this condition are alllllrakh, irkilll;i, ikota, olafl , myriachit, and menkeiti (Si berian groups); bah Iseh;, bah-tsi, and baall-ji (Thailand); ill/u (Ainu, Sakhalin, Japan); and lIIali-lIIali and silok (Philippines). In Malaysia it is m ore frequent in m iddle-aged women. locura A term lIsed by Latinos in the United States and Latin America to refer to a severe form of chronic psychosis. The condition is a ttribu ted to an inherited vulnerability, to the effect o f multiple li fe difficulties, o r to a combination of both factors. Symptoms exhibited by persons with locura include incoherence, agitation, auditory and visual hallucinations, inability to foUow rules of social interaction, unpredictability, and possible violence. mal de oja A concept widely found in Mediterranean cultu res and elsewhere in the world. Mal de oja is a Spanish phrase translated into English as "evil eye." Children are especially at risk. Symptoms include fitful s leep , crying without apparent cause, diarrhea, vomiting, and feve r in a child or in fan t. Sometimes adults (esp eciall y females) have the condition. nervios A common idiom of distress among Latinos in the United States and Latin America. A number of other eUmic groups h ave related, though o ft en somewhat d istinctive, ideas of "nerves" (such as IICllm among Greeks in North America). Nervios refers both to a general state of vulnerability to s tressful life experiences and to a synd rome brough t on by difficult life circums tances. The term lIeroios includes a wide range of symptoms of emotional d is tress, somatic disturbance, and inability to function. Common symptoms include headaches and "b rain aches," irritability, s tomach dis turbances, sleep difficulties, nervousness, easy tearfulness, inability to concentrate, trembling, tingling sensa tions, and lIlarf'OS (dizziness with occasiona l vertigolike exacerbations) . Nervios tend s to be an ongoing p roblem, although variable in the degree of d isability manifested. Nervios is a very broad syndrome that spans the range from cases free of a men tal d isorder to presentations resembling Adju stmen t, Anxiety, Depressive, Dissociative, Somatoform, or Psychotic Disorders. Differential diagnos is will depend on the constellation of sym p toms experienced, the kind of social events that are associated with the onset and progress of nervios, and the level of disability experienced . pibloktoq An abrupt dissociative episode accompanied by extreme exci tement o f up to 30 minutes' duration and frequently foll owed by convulsive seizures and coma lasting up to 12 hours. This is observed p rimarily in arctic and subarctic Eskimo comffi lUlities, although regional var iations in name exist. The individual may be withd rawn or mildly irritable for a period of hours or days before the attack and will typically re port complete amnesia fo r the attack. During the attack, the individua l may tear off his or her clothing, break furniture, s hout obscenities, eat feces, flee from protective s helters, or perfonn other irrational o r dangerous acts.

Appendix I qigong psychotic reaction A term describing an acute, time-limited episode char acterized by dissociative, paranoid , or o ther psychotic or non psychotic symptoms that may occur after pa rticipation in the Chinese fol k healthenhancing practice of qigong ("exercise of vital energy"). Especially vulnerable are individuals who become overly involved in the practice. This diagnosis is included in the Chinese Clnssification of Mentnl Disorders, Second Edition (CCMD-2). roo h .... ork A set of cultural interpretations that ascribe illness to hexing, witchcraft, sorcery, or the evil influence of another person. Sympto ms may include generalized anxiety and gastrointestinal complaints (e.g., nausea, vomiting, diarrhea), weakness, dizziness, the fear of being poisoned, and sometimes fear o f being killed ("voodoo death "). " Roots," "spells," or "hexes" can be "put" or placed on other persons, causing a variety of emotional and psychological problems. The "hexed" person may even fear death until the " root" has been " taken off" (eliminated), usually through the work of a "root doctor" (a hea ler in this tradition), who can also be called on to be witch an enemy. " Rootwork" is found in the southern United States among both African American and European American populations and in Caribbean societies. It is also known as IIInl pllesto or brujerin in Latino societies. sangue d onnido ("sleeping blood ") This syndrome is found among Portuguese Cape Verde Islanders (and immigrants from there to the United States) and includes pain, numbness, tremor, paralYSiS, convulsions, stroke, blindness, heart attack, infection, and miscarriage. shenjing shuairu o ("neurasthenia") In China, a condition characterized by physical and mental fatigue, dizziness, headaches, other pains, concentration difficulties, sleep disturbance, and memory loss. O ther symptoms include gastrointestinal problems, sexual dysfunction, irritabili ty, eXCitability, and various signs suggesting disturbance of the autonomic nervous system. In many cases, the symptoms would meet the criteria for a DSMIV Mood or Anxiety Disorder. This diagnosis is induded in the Chinese Classificatioll of Melltal Disorders, Second Edition (CCMD2). shen-k'uei (Taiwan); shenkui (China) A Chinese folk label describing marked anx ietyor panic symptoms with accompanying somatic complaints for which no physical cause can be demonstrated. Symptoms include dizziness, backache, fatigability, general weakness, insomnia, frequent dreams, and complaints of sexual d ysfunction (such as premature ejaculation and impotence). Symptoms are attributed to excessive semen loss from frequent intercourse, masturbation, nocturnal emission, or passing of "white turbid urine" believed to contain semen. Excessive semen loss is feared because of the belief that it represents the loss of one's vita l essence and can thereby be life t1ueatening. shi n-byung A Korean folk label for a syndrome in which initial phases are charac terized by anxiety and somatic complaints (general weakness, dizziness, fea r, anorexia, insomnia, gastrointestinal p roblems), with subsequent dissociation and possession by ancestral spirits.

Outli ne for Cult ura l Fo rmulation and Glossary of Cultu re-Bound Syndromes spell A trance state in which individuals "communica te" with deceased relatives or with spirits. At times this state is associa ted with brief periods of personality change. This culture-specific syndrome is seen among African Americans and European Americans from the southern United States. Spells are not considered to be medical events in the folk tradition but may be misconstrued as psychotic episodes in clinical settings. susto ("fright," or "soul loss") A folk illness prevalent among some Latinos in the United States and among people in Mexico, Central America, and South America. Susto is also referred to as espallto, paSIIlO, tripa ida, perdida del alma, or c1libih. Susto is an illness attributed to a fr ightening event that ca uses the soul to leave the body and results in unhappiness and sickness. Individuals with suslo also experience significant strains in key social roles. Symptoms may appear any time from days to years after the fri ght is experienced . It is believed that in extreme cases, susto may result in death. Typical symptoms include appetite disturbances, inadequate or excessive sleep, troubled sleep or dreams, feeling of sadness, lack of motiva tion to do anything, and feelings of low self-worth or dirtiness. Somatic symptoms accompanying susto include muscle aches and pains, headache, stomachache, and diarrhea. Ritual healings are focu sed on calling the soul back to the body and cleansing the person to restore bodily and spiritual balance. Different experiences of susto may be related to Major Depressive Disorder, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, and Somaloform Disorders. Similar etiological beliefs and symptom configurations are found in may parts of the world . taijin kyofusho A culturally distinctive phobia in Japan, in some ways resembling Social Phobia in DSM-IV. This syndrome refers to an individual's intense fear that hi s or her body, its parts or its fun ctions, displease, embarrass, or are offensive to other people in appearance, odor, facia l expressions, or movements. This syndrome is included in the official Japanese d iagnostic system for mental disorders. zar A genera l term applied in Ethiopia, Somalia, Egypt, Sudan, Iran, and other 'orth African and Middle Eastern societies to the experience of spirits possessing an ind ividua l. Persons possessed by a spirit may experience dissociati ve episodes that may include shouting, laughing, hitting the head against a wall, singing. or weeping. lndividuals may show apathy and withdrawal, refusing to ea t or carry out daily tasks, or may develop a long-tenn relationship with the possessing spirit. Such behavior is not considered pathological locally.

Appendix J

DSM-IV Contributors

B ecause DSM-IV is meant to be used by a diverse group of men tal health professionals in a variety 01 settings, the Task Force on DSM-IV and the Work Groups solicited and encouraged the participation of a wide range of professionals to serve as
advisers to the Task Force and individ ual ''''ork Groups. Ad visers incl uded individ uals from other health associations; clinical practitioners; researchers; forensic s pecialists; experts on gender, age, and c ultural issues; and international experts.

Advisory groups identified pertinent questions regarding each diagnosis; developed

and critiqued literature reviews, text, and criteria; and pa rticipated in field -Iria l and da ta-reanalysis projects. The Task Force on DSM-IV and the Work Group members extend their appreciation and heartfelt thanks to the individuals and organizations who conlTibuted so generousl), of their time and expertise.

Work Group Advisers

Anxiety Disorders Advisers W. Stewart Agras, M.D. Hagop Akiskal, M.D. Lauren Bersh Alloy, M.D. James Barbie, M.D. Aaron T. Beck, M.D. Jean Beckham, PhD. Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. Istvan Biller, M.D. Arthur S. Blank, Jr., M.D. Thomas D. Borkovec, Ph .D. Loretta E. Braxton, Ph.D. laomi Breslau, Ph.D. Elizabeth Brett. Ph.D. Evelyn Bromel, PhD. Timothy A. Brown. Psy. D. Allan Burstein. M.D. David M. Clark, Ph.D. Lee Anna Clark. Ph. D. Deborah S. Cowley, M.D. Michelle G. Craske. Ph.D. Raymond R. Crowe. M.D. George C. Curtis, M.D. Yael Danieli, Ph.D. Joseph A. Deltito, M. D. Pe ter A. DiNardo, Ph.D. Keith Stephen Dobson, Ph.D. Spencer Eth, M.D. John Fairbank, Ph.D. Brian Fallon, M.D. C hacles Fig ley, Ph.D. Stephen M. Ford, M.D. Ellen Frank, Ph.D. Mathew Friedman, M.D. Kishore Gadde, M.D. Ronald Ganellen, Ph.D. Micha el Gelder, M.D. Earl Giller, M.D. Wayne Goodman, M.D. Tana Grady, M.D. Bonnie Green, Ph.D. Peter J. Guamacda, Ph.D.


Appendix J Richard Heimberg, Ph.D. John E. H elzer, M .D. Judith Herman, M.D. Rudolf Hoehn-Saric, M.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Eric H ollander, M.D. Mardi H orowitz, M.D. Tom Insel, M.D. Michael Jenike, M.D. '''layne Kato n, M.D. Heinz Katscimig, M.D. Terrance Keane, Ph.D. Dean Kilpatrick, Ph .D. Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. Donald F. Klein , M.D. Stuart Kleinman, M.D. Gera ld L Kle rman, M.D. (deceased ) Lawrence Kolb, M.D. Michael J. Kozak, Ph.D. Cynthia Las t, Ph.D. Bernard Lerer, M.D. Andrew Levin, M.D. R. Bruce Lydia rd, M.D., Ph.D. Salva tore Mannuzza, Ph.D. John S. March, M.D. Andrew Mathews, Ph.D. Matig Ma vissakalian, M .D. Alexander McFarlane, M.B., B.S. (H a ns), M.D. Richard Mc ally, M.D. Cha rles A. Meyer, Jr., M.D. Ka rla Moras, Ph.D. Dennis Munjack, M.D. Lars Goran Ost, Ph.D. Howard Parad, O.5.W. Kok Lee Peng, M.D. Roger Pitma n, M.D. Robert Pynoos, M.D. Ronald M. Rapee, Ph.D. Beverley Raphael, M.D. Steven Ras mussen, M.D. James Reich, M.D., M.P.H. Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D. Jeffrey C. Richards, Ph. D. Ka rl Rickels, M.D. John H. Ris kind, Ph.D. Sir Martin Roth, M.D. Ba rbara Rothba um, Ph.D. Peler Roy-Byrne, M.D. Philip Saigh, Ph.D. Paul Salkovskis, Ph.D. W illiam C. Sanderson, Ph. D. Franklin Schneier, M.D. Javaid Sheikh, M.D. Za hava Soloman, M.D. Susan Solom on, Ph.D. La rry H . Strasburger, M .D., Ph.D. Suzanne Sutherland, M.D. Richard Swinson, M .D. Le nore Te rr, M.D. Peter Trower, Ph.D. Samuel M. Turner, Ph.D. Thomas Uhde, M.D. David Watson, Ph.D. Hans Ulrich Wittchen, Ph.D. Patti Zetlin, M.5.W. Richard Zinbarg, Ph.D. Joseph Zohar, M.D. Delirium, Deme ntia, and Amnestic and Othe r Cogn itive Disorders Ad visers Frank Be nson, M.D. John Sreitner, M.D. Sieve Buckingham, M .S.s.W . Nelson Butters, Ph.D. Steven Cohen-Cole, M.D. Jeffrey Lee Cummings, M.D. H oracia Fa brega, Jr., M.D. Barry Fogel, M.D. Robert P. Granacher, M.D., Ph.D. Robert C. Green, M.D. Robert Hea ton, M .D. Steven Ken H oge, M.D. K. Ra nga Rama Krishnan, M.D. Ke h-Ming Lin, M.D. Zbigniew Lipowski, M.D. Alw yn Lishman, M .D. Richard Mayeux, M.D. Marsel Mesulam, M.D. Vernon. Neppe, M .D. Barry Reisberg, M .D. Sir Martin Roth, M.D. David Rubinmv, M.D.

DSM-IV Contributors Randy Schiffer, M.D. Michael Taylor, M.D. Linda Teri, Ph.D. Allan Yozawitz, M.D. Stuart C. Yudofsky, M.D. Michael Zaudig, M.D.

Disorders Usu ally First Diagnosed Durin g Infancy, Chil dhood, or Adolesce nce Advisers Marc Amaya, M.D. U sa Amaya-Jackson, M.D. Adrian Angold, M.B., B.s., M.R.C.Psydl. William Arroyo, M.D. Robert F. Asarnow, Ph.D. George Bailey, M.D. Joseph Biederman, M.D. Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. Lewis M. Bloomingdale, M.D. John Bradford, M.D. Joel Bregman, M.D. Glorissa Canino, Ph.D. Ian Alberto Canino, M.D. Iris Chagwedera, Ph.D. Dante Cicchetti, Ph.D. Susan Coates, Ph.D. Patricia Cohen, Ph.D. C. Keith Conners, Ph.D. Jane Costello, M.D. Charles Davenport, M.D. Robert Delong, M.D. Martha Denckla, M.D. Park Elliott Dietz, M.D., Ph.D. Craig Donnelly, M.D. Felton Earls, M.D. L. Erlenmeyer-Kimling, Ph.D. Jack Fletcher, Ph.D. Steven Forness, Ed .D. Richard Green, M.D., J. D. Laurence Greenhill, M.D. Stanley Greenspan, M.D. Richard L Gross, M.D. Robert Harmon, M.D. Lily Hechtman, M.D. Margaret Hertzig, M.D. James J. Hudziak, M.D. Peter Jensen, M.D.

Gloria Johnson-Powell, M.D. Robert King, M.D. Mindy Krotick, M.A. Cynthia Last, Ph.D. James Leckman, M.D. James Lee, M.D. Stephen Levine, M.D . John Lachman, M.D. Catherine Lord, Ph .D. John S. March, M.D. James McKinney, Ph.D. Jon Meyer, M.D. Heino F. L. Meyer-Bahlburg, Dr., rer., nat. Juan Enrique Mezzich, M.D., Ph.D. Klaus Minde, M.D. David Mrazek, M.D. Joy Osofsky, Ph.D. Ira Pauly, M.D. Gary Peterson, M.D. Sally Provence, M.D. Joaquim Puig-Antich, M.D. (deceased) Kathleen May Quinn, M.D. Steven Rasmussen, M.D. Robert J. Reichler, M.D. Mark A. Riddle, M.D. Edward Ritvo, M.D. Richard Rosner, M.D. Byron Rourke, Ph.D. Diane H . Schetky, M.D. Eric Schopler, Ph.D. Rourke Schopler, Ph .D. Arthur Shapiro, M.D. Theodore Shapiro, M.D. Bennet Shaywitz, M.D. Larry Silver, M.D. Robert Stoller, M.D. (deceased ) Alan Stone, M.D. Peter Szatmari, M.D. Ludwig Szymanski, M.D. Paula TallaL Ph.D. Kenneth Towbin, M.D. Luke Tsai, M.D. Kenneth Jay Weiss, M.D. Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D. Elizabeth Weller, M.D. Karen Wells, Ph.D.

Agnes l,oVhittaker, M.D. Janet 8. W. Williams, D.S.W. Ronald Winchel, M.D. Allan Yozaw itz, M.D. Kenneth J. Zucker, Ph.D. Barry Zuckerman, M.D. Bernard Zuger, M.D.
Eating Disorders Adv isers W. Stewart Agras, M.D. Arnold Anderson, M.D. William Sennan, Ph.D. Peler Beumont, M.D. Barlon J. Blinder, M.D. Susan Jane Blumenthal, M.D. LCDR James M. Blunt Harry A. Brandt, M.D. Timothy D. Brewerton, M.D. Kelly BrowneU, Ph.D. Gabrielle A. Carlson. M.D. Eva Carr, M.A. Regina Cas per, M.D. Leslie Citrome, M.D. Peter J. Cooper, MD. Arthur H. Crisp, M.D. Maria DaCosta, M.D. Bonnie Dansky, Ph.D. Michael Dev lin, M.D. Adam Drewnowski, Ph.D. Elke Eckert, M.D. Rohert Edelman, M.D. Christopher Fairburn, M.D. Madeline Fernstrom , Ph.D. Manfred Fichter, M.D. Martine Flamenl, M.D. Henri Flikier, A.C.S.W. Victor Fornari, M.D. Chris Freeman, M.D. David M. Ga m er, Ph.D. Philip W. Gold, M.D. Harry E. Gwirtsman, M.D. Deborah Hasin, Ph.D. C. Peter Herman, Ph.D. David Herzog, M.D. Jules Hirsch, MD. Hans W. Hoek, M.D., Ph.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D.

Appendix J

t. K. George H su, M.D.

James I. Hudson, M.D. Laurie Humphries, M .D. Philippe Jeammet, M.D. David C. Jimerson, M.D. C raig Johnson, Ph.D. Ross S. Kalucy, M.D. Jack L Katz, M.D. ,,,T alter Kaye, M.D. Jus tin Kenardy. Ph.D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D. Sid Kennedy, M.D. Dean Kilpatrick, Ph .D. Dean O. Krahn, MD. Sing Lee, M.R.C.Psych. Pierre Leichner, M .D. Harold Leitenberg, Ph .D. Jill Lcolbonne, M.D. Gloria Leon, Ph .D. Katharine Loeb, B.A. Alexander R. Lucas, M.D. Marsha Marcus, Ph .D. Valerie Rae McClain, B.A. Juan Enrique Mezzich, M.D., Ph.D. Julian Morrow, Ph.D. Claes Norring, Dr.Med .Sc. Patrick O 'Conner, Ph .D. Marion P. Ol mstead, Ph.D. Carol B. Peterson, Ph.D. Karl Pirke, M.D. Janet Polivy, Ph.D. Harrison Pope, M.D. C harles Portney, M.D. Albert M. Powell, MD. Raymond Pr"in ce, M.D. Richard Py le, M.D. Ellen Raynes, Psy. D. Rory Richardson, M.A. Cheryl Rilenbaugh, Ph.D., M.P.H. Paul Robinson, M.D. Judith Rodin, Ph.D. Barbara J. Rolls, Ph.D. James Rosen, Ph.D. Gerald.Russell, M.D. Ronna Saunders, LCS.W. Joseph Silverman, M.D. Michael Strober, Ph .D.

DSM -IV Contributors Albert J. Stunka rd, M.D. Allan Sugarman, M.D. George Szmukler, M.D. Ste n Theander, 1.0. Suellen Thomsen, B.A. David Tobin, PhD. Walter Vandereycken, fvl.D. David Veale, M.R.C.Ps}'ch . Kelly Bemis Vi tousek, PhD. Thomas Wadden, Ph.D. David Waller, M.D. Winny Weed.a-Manna k, Ph.D. H e rber t Weiner, M.D. Mitchel Weiss, M.D., Ph .D. David Wheadon, M.D. Rena Wing, M .D. Ste ve Wonderlich, Ph.D. Susan Wooley, Ph.D. Wayne Wooley, Ph.D. Judith Wurtman, Ph.D. Joel Yager, M.D. Susan Yanovski, M.D. Pres ion Zucker, M.D. Mood Disorders Advi sers H agop Akis kal, M.D. Jay Am s terdam, M.D. Jules Angst, M.D. Paul S. Ap pelbaum, M.D. Marie Asberg, M.D. David Avery, M.D. Aaron T. Beck, M .D. James C. Beck, M .D. Dan Blazer, M.D. Charles Bowd en, MD. Ian Brocking ton, M.D. Susan B. Campbell, Ph.D. De nnis P. Cantwell, M. D. Bemard 1. Carroll, M. D. Ph .D. G iovanni Cassano, 1\'1. 0. Pa ul Chodoff, M.D. '\' illiam Coryell, M.D. John L. Cox, D.M. Jonathan Da vidson, M.D. John Davis, M.D. Chris tine Dean, M.D. Robe rt Delong, M.D. J. Raymond DePaulo, M.D. Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Cecile Ernst, M.D. Max Fink, M.D. Les lie M. Forman, M.D. Linda George, Ph.D. Robert Gerner, M. D. Elliot Gershon, M.D. William Gold stein, M.D. Byron Good, Ph .D. Frederick K. Goodwin, M.D. Thomas G ordon Gutheil, M.D. \'Vilma M. H arrison, M.D. Jonathon M. Himmelhoch, M.D. Robert M. A. H irsdlfeld, M.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Charles Holzer IU, M.D. Robert H owland, M.D. Emily H oyer. B.A. James Jefferson, M.D. Ira Katz, MD. Gabor Keitner, MD. Robert Kendell, M .D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D. Daniel Klein, Ph.D. Gerald L. Klerman, M. D. (deceased) James Kocsis, M.D. Ha rold Koenig, M.D. Ernes t Kovacs, M.D. Helena Kraemer, Ph .D. K. Ranga Rama Kris hnan, M. D. Andrew Krystal, M.D. David J. Kupfer, M.D. Jacqueline LaUve, M.D. Peter Lewinshon, Ph.D. Wolfgang Maier, M.D. John Mann, M.D. Spero Manson, Ph.D. James P. McCullough, Ph .D. Patrick McGra th, M.D. Julien Mendelewicz, M.D. Kathleen Merikangas, Ph.D. Robert Michels, M.D. Ivan Miller, Ph.D. Phyllis Nash, DSW. Mich ael O 'H ara, PhD. David O sse r, M.D.

Appendix J Gordon Parker, M.D. Barbara Parry, M.D. Eugene Payke\, M.D. Kok Lee Peng, M.D. Fredrick Petty, M.D., Ph.D. Robert M. Post, M.D. Daniel Purdy, AB. Frederic Quitkin, M.D. Judith G. Rabkin, Ph.D. Ted Reich, M.D. Richard Ries, M.D. Donald Robinson, M.D. Holly Rogers, M.D. Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, M.D. Norman Rosenthal, M.D. Anthony Rothschild, M.D. Alec Roy, M.D. Cord elia Russell, B.A Alan Schatzberg, M.D. Jan Scott, Ph.D. Tracie Shea, Ph.D. Anne Simmons, Ph.D. Stuart Sotsky, M.D. David Steffens, M.D. Jonathan Stewart, M.D. Larry H . Strasburger, M.D., Ph.D. Trisha Suppes, M.D., Ph.D. Michael Tha se, M.D. Richard Weiner, M.D. Jan Weissenburger, M.A. Myrna M. Weissman, Ph.D. Kenneth Wells, M.D. Peter C. Whybrow, M.D. George Winokur, M.D. Anna '<\' irzJustice, Ph.D. Hans Ulrich Wittchen, Ph .D. M u ltiaxial Issues Advisers Jonathan F. Borus, M.D. Kathleen Buckwalter, Ph.D. Fredric Busch, M.D. Eric Douglas Caine, M.D. Thoma s Carli, M.D. Arnold Cooper, M.D. Paul C rits-Christoph, M.D. Su san Fine, M.A Paul 1. Fink, M.D. Jack Froom, M.D. Ama Fujinawa, M.D. Daniel W. Gillette, M.D. Robert Glick, M.D. Byron Good, Ph.D. Richard E. Gordon, M.D., Ph.D. Barry Gurland, M.D. Herta A. Guttman, M.D. Richard Hall, M.D. Mardi Horowitz, M.D. Charles Hughes, Ph.D. T. Byram Karasu, M.D. James Karls, O.S.W. Florence Kaslow, Ph.D. Otto Kernberg, M.D. Gerald L. Klerman, M.D. (deceased) Thomas Kuhlman, Ph.D. PoweD Lawton , Ph.D. Joshua D. Lipsitz, Ph.D. C hristine Lloyd, M.D. Lester Luborsky, M.D. Roger Mackinnon, M.D. Carolyn Mazure, Ph.D. Theodore Millon, Ph.D. Gleo Pearson, M.D. J. Christopher Perry, M.D. George H . Pollock, M.D. Joseph M. Rey, Ph.D. Lawrence Rockland, M.D. Geoffrey Shrader, M.D. Rona ld C. Simons, M.D., M.A. Alan Stoudemire, M.D. James J. Strain, M.D. John S. Stra-'1ss, M.D. Christopher Tennant, M.D. Mary Durand Tho mas, R.N., Ph .D. Virginia Tilden, R. ' ., D.N.Se. George Vaillant, M.D. Holly Skodol Wilson, R.N., Ph.D. Ronald M. Win trob, M.D. Lyman C. Wynne, M.D., Ph.D. Personality Disorders Advisers Gerald Ad ler, M.D. Salman Akhtar, M.D. Hagop Akiskal, M.D. Norimassa Akuta, M.D .

DSM -IV Contributors Renato Daniel Alarcon, M.D., M.P.H. Arthur Alterman, Ph.D. Antonio Andreoli, M.D. Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D. Beng-Ake Armelius, Ph.D. Lorna Smith Benjamin, Ph.D. Mark Berelow itz, M.D. Jack Brandes, M.D. Remi Cadoret, M.D. Paul Chadof, M .D. Lee Anna C lark, Ph. D. John Clarkin, Ph.D. e. Robert Cloninger; M.D. Jerome Cohen, D.5.W. Kar"}'l Cole, MD. Arnold Cooper, M.D. Paul Costa, Ph.D. Alv A. Dahl, M.D. Carl Eisdorfer, M.D., Ph.D., M.5.W Edward F. Foulks, M .D., Ph.D. John Frosch, M.D. William Goldstein, M.D. Seymour L. Halleck, M.D. Robert Hare, Ph.D. Judith Hennan, M.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Mardi Horowitz, M.D. Stephen W. Hurt, Ph.D. Steven Hyler, M.D. Karen John, M.D. Patricia Judd, MSW. Charles Kaelber, M.D. Oren Kalus, M .D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D. Otto Kernberg, M.D. Donald Kiesler, PhD. Daniel Klein, Ph .D. Donald F. Klein, M.D. Arthur Kleinman, M.D., Ph.D. Harold Koenigsberg, M.D. Jerome Kroll, M.D. Marsha Linehan, Ph.D. Paul Links, M.D. John Lion, MD. W. John Livesley, M.D. Armand Loranger, Ph.D. Spencer Lyerly, Ph.D. Michael Lyons, Ph.D. K. Roy MacKenzie, MD. Roger Mackinnon, M.D. N ikolas Manos, M.D. James Mas terson, M.D. Robert McC rae, Ph.D. Thomas McGlashan, M.D. Robert David Miller, M.D., Ph.D. Leslie Morey, Ph.D. Ole Mors, M.D. Kazuhisa Nakao, M .D. H . George N umberg, MD. John Oldham, M.D. Yutaka O no, M .D. Stephen L. Ox ley, Ph.D. Joel Paris, M.D. Gordon Parker, MD. Glen Pearson, M.D. Kok Lee Peng, M.D. Christopher Perry, MD. Ethel Person, M.D. Katharine Anne Phillips, M.D. Paul Pilkonis, Ph.D. Harrison Pope, M.D. C harles PuU, M.D. James Reich, M.D., M.P.H. William H. Reid, M.D. Lee Robins, Ph.D. Elsa Ronnings tam, PhD. Loren Henry Roth, M.D. Robert Ruegg. M.D. Pedro Ruiz, M.D. A. Jolm Rush, M.D. Man' in Sch wartz, M.D. Richard Selman, M.D. Kenneth Silk, M.D. Bennett Simon, M .D. Richard e. Simons, M.D. Erik Simonsen, MD. Andrew Edward Skodol II, M .D. Paul Harris Soloff, M.D. Stephen Sternbach, MD. Alan Stone, M.D. Michael Stone, MD. Lawrence Tancredi, MD. Alex Tamopolsky, M.D. Auke Tellegen, Ph.D.

Pekka Tienari, M .D. Svenn To rgensen, M.D. Joseph Triehwasser, MD. Rohert Tringone, Ph.D. Timothy Trull, Ph .D. Peler Tyre r, M.D. Lind sey Tweed, M.D. T. Bedirhan Ustun, M .D. Per Vaglum, rvLD. Sonya Vaglum, M.D. George Vailla nt, M D . Le nore B. ' <\'a lker, Ed. D.

Appendix J

David Rubinow, 1'1.0. Paula Schnurr, Ph.D. John Steege, M.D. ;"'Ieir Steiner, M. D., Ph.D. Donna Stewa rt, M.D. Anna Stout, MD. Lenore 6 . ' '''alker, Ed.D. David Youngs, M.D.
Psychiatric Systems In terface Diso rders (Adjustmen t, Dissociative, Factitious, Impulse-Control, and Soma toforrn Disorders and Psycholog ical Factors Affecting Medical Co ndition) Advise rs Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D. Allyson As h ley, D.5.W. A rthur J. Ba rsky, M.D. David H . Ba rlow, Ph.D. Johnathon O. Beahrs, M.D. Da vid Bear, M.D. Gale Beards ley, M.D. Sidney Benjamin, M.D., ~l.Ph iL Kenneth Bowers, Ph .D. John Bradford, M.D. Bennett Braun , M.D. Etzel Cardena. Ph.D. James Chu, M. D. Catherine Classen, Ph .D. Philip Coons, M.D. Douglas Detrick, Ph.D. Robert H . Dworkin, Ph.D. David Folks, M.D. Fred Frankel. M.D. Edward Frischholz, Ph.D. George Fulup, M.D. Ro llin Gallagher, M.D. Jeffrey Geller, M.D. Daniel W. Gillette, M.D. Michael G. Golds tein, M.D. Veerainder Goli, M.B. Carlos A. Gonzalez, M.D. Junius Gonzales, M.D. Michael r. Good, M.D. Ezra E. H. Griffith, M.D. Sa muel B. Guze, M.D. Seymour L Halleck, M.D.

Dermot Walsh, 1'\'1.8.

Jack Wiggins, Ph. D. Jerry Wiggins, PhD. Mary C. Zanarin i, Ed.D.

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Advisers Elissa P. Benedek, M.D. Sa rah Berga, lvl. D. Susan Jane Blumenthal, M.D. Leah Joan Dickstein, M.D. Ellen W. Freeman, Ph.D. Sheryl Galla nt, Ph .D. Leslie Gise, M.D. Uricl Halbreich, M.D. Jean Ham ilton, M.D. Michelle Harrison, M.D. Roger F. Haskett, M.D. Steven Ke n H oge, M.D. Stephen W . Hurt, Ph.D. Renee Johns, B.A . W. Keyc, Jr., M.D. Martha Kirkpa trick, M.D. Martha McClintock, Ph.D. Margaret L. Moli ne, Ph.D. Carol C. ' adelson, M.D. Howard Osofsky, M.D. Mary Brown Parlee, Ph.D. Jeff Rausch, M.D. Robert Reid, M.D. R. Rhodes, M.D. Ana Rivera-Tovar, Ph.D. Gai l Robinson, M.D. Miriam Rosenthal, M.D. Peter Roy-Byrne, M.D.

DSMIV Contributo rs

Stephen M. Saravay, M.D. Jonathon F. Silver, M.D. Herbert Spiegel, M D . Marlene Steinberg, M.D. Robert Stewart, O.S.W. Marvin Swartz, MD. Troy L. Thompson il, M.D. Moshe Torem, M.D. Eldon Tunks, M.D. William L Webb, Jr., M.D. (deceased) Kenneth Jay Weiss, M.D. Mitchel Weiss, M.D., Ph.D. Lewis Jolly West, M. D. Ronald Winchel, M.D. Thomas Na than Wise, M.D. Dennis Wolf, M.D. Derson Young, M.D. Stuart C. Yudofsky, M.D. Sean Yu tzy, M.D. Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Advisers Xavier Amador, PhD. Stephan Arndt, PhD. Peter Berner, M.D. Istvan Bitler, M.D. Donald W. Black, M.D. Randy Borum, M.D. Malcolm B. Bowers, Jr., M.D. H. Stefan Bracha, M.D. Ian Brockington, M.D. William Carpenter, M.D. Richard J. Castillo, Ph.D. David Copolov, 1 1. 0 . .... Lawrence A. Dunn, M.D. William Edell, Ph.D. Akira Fujinawa, M.D. Carlos A. Gonzalez, M.D. Jack Gorman, MD. Igor Gra nt, MD. Ezra E. H. Griffith, M.D. Gretchen Haas, Ph. D. Martin Harrow, Ph.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Janis H. Jenkins, Ph .D. Dilip V. Jeste, M.D. Marvin Kama, M.D.

Abraham L H alpern, M.D., Ph.D. Nelson Hendler, r"I.5., M.D. Ernest Hilgard , Ph.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Jimmie C. Holland, M.D. Eric Hollander, M.D. James J. Hudziak, M.D. Janis H. Jenkins, Ph.D. Roger Kathol, M.D. J. David Kinzie, M.D. Laurence Kirmayer, M.D. Arthur Kleinman, M.D., Ph.D. Richa rd Kluft, M.D. C heryl Koopman, Ph.D. Donald S. Kornfeld, M.D. K. Ranga Rama Krishnan, M.D. John Kurtz, M.D. Henry R. Lesieur, Ph.D. James Levenson, M.D. Roberto Lewis-Fernand ez, M. D. John Lion, M.D. Zbigniew J. Lipowski, M.D. Don R. Lipsitt, M.D. Richa rd Loewenstein, M.D. Jeffrey Mattes, M.D. M. Eileen MC! amara, M.D. Harold Merskey, D.M. Michael Moran, M.D. George B. Murray, M.D. John Nemiah, M.D. Jeffrey Newcom, M.D. Raymond Niaura, Ph.D. Perry M. Nicassio, Ph.D. Martin Orne, M.D., Ph.D. Kal pana Pakianathan, M.D. Robert o. Pasnau, ~I.D. Kok Lee Peng, M.D. Samuel W. Perry m, M.D. Gary Peterson, M.D. John Plewes, M.D. Stanley L. Portnow, M.D., Ph.D. Frank Putnam, M.D. Phillip Jacob Resnick, M.D. Richard J. Rosen thal, M.D. Colin A. Ross, M.D. JO Z. Sadler, M.D. IUl Shirley Sanders, Ph.D.

Rohert Kendell, M.D. Anthony F. Lehman, M.D., M.5.P.H. Roberto Lewi s-Fernandez, M.D. Robert liberman, M.D. Jeffrey Ueberman, M.D. Mario Maj, M.D. Joseph P. McEvoy, M.D. Max McGee, M.D. Patrick McCorry, M.RBS. Herbert Meltzer, M.D. Alan Metz, M.D. Jeffrey L Metzner, M.D. Mark Richard Munetz, M.D. Alis tair Munroe, M .D. Keith 'euchterlein, Ph .D. Yuji Okazaki, M.D. AUonso Ontiveros, M.D., M.Sc. Stein Opjords moen, Ph. D. Ananda K. Pandurangi, M.D. GOd frey Pearisan, M.D. Delbert Robinson, M.D. N ina Schooler, Ph.D. Larry Siever, M.D. Samuel Siris, M.D. John Sweeney, Ph.D. Sally Szymanski, D.o. Mauricio Tohen, M.D. Ming Tso Tsu ang, M.D., Ph.D. Michael Zaudig, M.D. Sexual Disorders Advisers John Bradford, M.D. Robert P. Cabaj, M.D. Dona L. Davis, Ph .D. Park Elliott Dietz, M.D., Ph.D. Leslie Gise, M.D. Abraham L. Halpern, M.D., Ph.D. Gilbert Herdt, Ph.D. Ste....en Ken Hoge, M .D. Helen Kaplan, M.D. Kok Lee Peng, M.D. Anna Stout, M.D. Sleep Disorders Advisers Edward Bixler, M.D. Jack Edinger, M.D. Charles W. Erwin, M.D.

Appendix J
Eugene C. Fletcher, M .D. Abraham L. Halpern, M.D., Ph.D. Peter Hauri, Ph.D. Anthony Kales, M.D. Milton Kramer, M.D. Rocco Manfredi, M.D. Gail Marsh, M.D. Jeffrey L. Metzner, M.D. Harvey Moldofsky, M.D. Timothy H . Mon k, Ph.D. Ralph PascuaJy, M.D., R.N. Howard Rofn .... arg.. M.D. Thomas Roth, Ph.D. A John Rush, M.D. Constantin R. SoJdatos, M.D. Edward Stepanski, Ph.D. Michael Thorpy, M.D. Substance Related Disorders Ad .... isers Henry Abraham, M.D. Chris ter Allgulander, M.D. Arthur Alterman, Ph.D. Roland Atkinson, M .D. Tom Babor. Ph.D. George Bailey, M.D. James Barbie, M.D. Jeffrey Bedrick, M.D. Fred K. Berger, M.D. Jack D. Blaine, M.D. Sheila Blume, M.D. Richard Bormie, J.D. Ka thleen Bucholz, Ph.D. John Cacciola, Ph.D. Glorissa Canino, Ph.D. William D. Clar k, M.D. Stephen Dinwiddie, M.D. Griffith Edwards, M.D. Marian Fischman, Ph.D. Richard Frances, M.D. William Frosch, M .D. Marc Galanter, M.D. Frank Gawin, M.D. Edith S. Unansky Gomberg, Ph.D. Enoch Gordis, M .D. David Gorelick, M.D. Bridget Grant, Ph.D. Marcus Grant, Ph.D.

DSM-IV Contributors Lester Grinspoon, MD. Alfred H arkley, M.D. James Hartford, M.D. Deborah Hasin, Ph .D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Arthur M. Horton, Ph.D. John R. H ughes, M.D. Michael Invin, M.D. Jerome Jaffe, M.D. Denise Kandel, PhD. Edward Kaufman, M.D. Herbert Kleber, M.D. Thomas Kos ten, M.D. Mary Jeanne Kreek, M .D. James Langenbucher, Ph.D. Edward D. Levin, Ph.D. Benjamin Liptzin, M.D. James Maddox, M.D. Enrique Madrigal, M .D. Peier Martin, MD. Roy Mathew, M.D. Wayne McFadden, M .D. Thoma s McLellan, Ph .D. Jack H. Mendelsohn, M.D. Roger Meyer, M .D. Norman Miller, MD. Robert Millman, M .D. Maristela Monteiro, M.D. Robert M. Morse, M.D. David F. Naftolowi lz, M .D. Paul Nagy Charles O 'Brien, M.D. Glen Pearson, M .D. Stanton Peele, Ph.D. Helen Pettinatti, Ph.D. Roy Pickens, Ph.D. Andrzej Piotrowski, M.D. Rumi Price, Ph.D. Anthony Radcliffe, M.D. Charles Riordan, M.D. Jed Rose, PhD. Bruce ROWlSaville, M.D. John Saunders, MD. Sidney H. SchnolI- MD. Charles K Schuster, Ph.D. Boris Segal, M .D. Roy Stein, M .D. Lee L Towle, PhD . John Tsuang, M .D. Harold Urschel! ill, M.D. Derm ot Walsh, M.B. Robert Weinrieb, M D . Joseph Westermeyer, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H. Kenneth Win teTS, Ph.D. Sheldon Zimberg, M.D.


Task Force Advisers

Advisers on Coding Issues Andrea Albaum-Feinstein Margaret Arnatayakul, M.B.A ., KKA. Amy Blum, M .P.H., RRA. Delray G reen, RRA. Deborah K. Hansen, ART., C.CS. Robert A. Israel, M.P.H L Ann Kirner, c.C.S. Perrianne Lurie, M.D., M.P.H . Sue Meads, RRA James W. Thompson, M .D., M.P.H. Advisers on Cross-Cultural Issues Juan Enrique Mezzich, MD. , PhD. Arthur Kleinman, M.D., Ph.D. Horacia Fabrega, Jr., MD. Delores Parron, Ph .D. Byron Good , PhD. Keh-Ming Lin, M .D. Spero Manson, Ph.D. Gloria Johnson-Powell, M .D. Victor R. Adebimpe, M.D. Renata Daniel Alarcon, M .D., M .P.H. William Arroyo, MD. Morton Beiser, M D. James Boster, Ph D . Glorissa Canino, Ph.D. Ian Alberto Canino, M.D. Richard J. Cas tillo, PhD.

Freda Cheung, Ph.D. Ellen Corin, Ph.D. Dona L. Dav is, Ph.D. Armando Favazza, M .D. Candace Flemin g, Ph.D. Edwa rd F. Foulks, MD., Ph.D. Atwood Gaines, Ph.D. Albert Gaw, M.D. James Gibbs, Ph .D. Carlos A. Gonzalez, M.D. Ezra E. H. Griffith, MD. Peler ]. Guamaccia, Ph.D. Gilbert Herd I, Ph.D. Kim Hopper, PhD . Da vid Hufford, PhD. Charles Hughes, Ph. D. Janis H. Jenkins, Ph.D. Marvin Kama, M.D. Marianne Kastrup, M. D., Ph.D. ]. David Kinzie, M.D. Lau.rence Kirmayer, M .D. Paul Koegel, Ph .D. Robert F. Kraus, M .D. Tina K. Leonard-Green, MS, R.O. Roberto Lewis-Fe rnandez, rvl.D. T-Y Lin, MD. Roland Littlewood , M.B., D.Phil. Francis Lu, M .D. Enrique Madrigal, M.D. Theresa O 'Neil, Ph.D. Raymond Prince, M.D. Juan Ramos, Ph.D. Cheryl Ritenbaugh, Ph .D., M.P. H. Lloyd Rogier, Ph.D. William H. Sack, MD. Ihsan Salloum, M. D., M. P.H. Norman Sartorius, M. D., Ph.D. Catherine L Shisslak, PhD. Ronald C. Simons, M.D., M.A. Jeanne M. Spurlock, M.D. N icolette Teufel, Ph .D. James W. TIlOmp son, M.D., M.P.H. Wen-Shing Tseng, M.D. Mitchel "'leiss, M.D., Ph.D. Joseph Westermeyer, M.D., Ph.D.,

Append ix J

Ronald M. '>\' intTob, M.D. Joseph Yamamoto, M.D. Advisers on Family/Relational Issu es James Alexander, Ph.D. Arthur M . Bodin, Ph.D. Robert Butler, M.D. Pa tricia Chamberlain, Ph.D. Dante Cichetti, Ph.D. John Clarkin, Ph.D. Daniel Corwin, M .D. Mark R. Ginsberg, Ph .D. Michael J. Goldstein, Ph.D. Herta A. Gu ttman, M .D. r...lichael D. Kahn, Ph. D. Sandra Kaplan, M .D. Florence Kaslow, PhD. John F. Knutson, PhD. Jud y Magil, M.s.W. David Milkowitz, Ph.D. K Daniel O' Leary, Ph .D. David Olson, Ph.D. David Pelcovitz, Ph.D. Angus M. Strachan, Ph.D. Terry S. Trepper, Ph .D. Lyman C. W)'lme, M.D., Ph.D. Ramsy Yassa, M. D. Ad vise rs on Forensic Issues Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D. James C. Beck, M.D. Lewis M. l3loomingdale, M.D. Richard Bonnie, J.D. Jeffrey Lee C u mmings, MD. Jeffrey Geller, M.D. Robert P. Granacher, M.D., Ph .D. TIlOmas Gordon Gutheil, M .D. Abraham L. Halpern, M .D., Ph.D. Steven Ken Hoge, M.D. Stuart Kleinman, M.D. Jeffrey L Metzner, M.D. Charles A. Meyer, Jr., M.D. Robert David Miller, MD., Ph.D. Mark.Richard Munetz, M.D. Stanley L Portnow, M.D., Ph.D. Phillip Jacob Resnick, M.D. Richard Rosner, MD.

M. P.H Charles Wil kinson, M D.

DSM -IV Contributors

917 \
Alan Daniels Frank deGruy, MD. Susan Dime-Meenan Stacy Donovan, B.A . Richard Dudley, M .D. Suzanne Dworak-Peck Bruce Emery, AC.S.W . Spencer Falcon, M .D. Louis Fine, M .D. Susan Fine, M.A Rita Finnegan, R.R.A Gerald H. Flamm, M.D. Laurie Flynn, B.A. Raymond D. Fow ler, Ph.D. Richard Fran ces, M.D. Jack Froom, M .D. Robert W. Gibson, M.D. Junius Gonzales, M.D. Raphael S. Good, M .D. Robert C. Green, MD. Larry P. Griffin, MD. Claire G riffin-Francell, R. N. Alfred Harkley, M.D. N onnan B. Hartstein, M.D. Ann Hohmann, Ph.D. Theodore Hutch ison, M.D. Dale Johnson, Ph .D. John E. Joyner, M.D. Ha rold Kaminetzky, M.D. lra Katz, M.D. Jerald Kay, M.D. Kelly Kelleher, M.D. Helena Kraemer, Ph .D. John J. LaFerla, M.D. Marion Langer, Ph .D. Martha Lasseter, R.R.A . Philip Lavori, PhD. Lawrence N . Lazarus, M.D. Harriet Lefley, Ph .D. James Levenson, M.D. Frank Ling, M .D. Mack Lipkin, M .D. Don-David Lusterman, Ph .D. Richard M. Magraw, M.D. Kathryn Magruder, Ph .D., M. P.H. Dale Matthews, MD. Chuck Mi les, M.D.

Daniel W. Shuman Larry H. Strasburger, M.D., Ph .D. Kenneth Ja y Weiss, M.D. H owa rd Zonana, M.D. Advisers on Medication-J.nduced Movement Disorders Gerard Addonizio, M.D. Lenard AdJer, M.D. Burt Angrist, M.D. Ross 1. Baldessarini, M .D. Stanley N. Carof!, M.D. Daniel Casey, M.D. Jeffrey Lee Cununings, M.D. George Gardos, M .D. Allen Gelenberg, M.D. james Jefferson, M. D. Dilip V. Jeste, MD. John M. Kane, M.D. Paul E. Keck, M .D. James Levenson, M.D. Stephan C. Mann, M.D. Ananda K. Pandurangi, M.D. Patricia Rosebush, M.D. Virginia Susman, M .D. Peter Weiden, MD. Ramsy Yassa, M .D. Advisers to the Task Force on DSM-IV Boris M. As trachan, M .D. Robert Avant, MD. Jeanette Bair, B.s., M.B.A W. Robert Beavers, M.D. Jeffrey Bed rick, M.D. Carl Bell, MD. Ellen Berman, M .D. Eugene Broadhead, M.D., Ph.D. Lau ra Brown, Ph.D. Robert P. Cabaj, MD. Robert Cahan, MD. Robert Chiarello, M.D. 'yVilliam D. Clark, M.D. Steven Cohen-Cole, M.D. Lee Combri..nck-Graham, M.D. Vicky Conn , R. N . Harris Cooper, Ph.D. Michael Crouch, M.D.

Appendix J
Sheld on I. Miller, M.D. PaulO. Mozley, M.D. Kathi Pajer, M.D. Joseph Palombi, M.D. Robert C. Park, M.D. Elaine Purpel, M.5.W. Peter Rabins, M.D. Anthony Radcliffe, M.D. Richard Rahe, M.D. Peter Rappo, M.D. Marilyn Rosenson, M.5.W. Marshall Rosman, Ph .D. Don ald J. Scheel, M.D. Sidney H . Schnall, M.D. Diana Seebold, RR.A. Charles A. Shamoian, M.D., Ph.D. Steven Sharfstein, M.D. J. Gregory Shea Alfred Skinner, M.D. William W. Snavely Janet T. Spence Leon Speroff, M.D. Emanuel Steindler Melvin Stem, M.D. James E. Strain, M.D. Rev. Pa ul C. Tomlinson Michael B. Unhjem Jerome Vaccaro. M.D. Jeanne Van Riper, A.RT. Alan l Wabrek, M.D. Lenore B. Walker, Ed.D. Steven Wartman, M.D. Robert Weinrieb, M.D. Robert Weinstock, Ph .D. Bryant Welch, Ph.D. Eleanor White, Ph.D. Robert L Williams, M.D. Mark Wolraich, M.D. Dav id Youn gs, M.D.

International Advisers
The Task Force on DSM-rv sought the expertise of a wide range of international exp erts. The contributions of interna tional experts helped to enswe cultural sensitivity, applicability for international mental health professionals, and greater compatibility with ICD-10.International experts advised both the Task Force and individ ual Work Groups. Christer Allgulander, M.D. (Sweden) Paulo Alterwain, M.D. (Uruguay) Antonio Andreoli, M.D. (Switzerland) Jules Angst, M.D. (Switzerl and) Beng-Ake Armelius, Ph.D. (Switzerland) Marie Asberg, M.D. (Sweden) Tolani As uni, M.D. (Nigeria) Sid ney Benjamin, M.D., M.Phil (England) Mark Berelowilz, M.D. (England) Peter Berner, M.D. (Austria) Aksel Bertelsen, M.D. (Denmark) Peter Beumont, M.D. (Australia) ish'an Bitter, M.D. (Hungary) Ray Blanchard, Ph.D. (Canada) Daniel Bobon (Belgium) Jacek Bo mba, M.D. (Poland) Kenneth Bowers, Ph.D. (Canada) John Bradford, M.D. (Canada) Susan Bradley, M.D. (Canada) Jack Brandes, M.D. (Canada) Ian Brockington, M.D. (England) Graham Burrows, M.D. (Australia) Pa tricia Casey, M.D. (Ireland) Giovanni Cassano, M. D. (Italy) 000 Young Cha, M.D. (Korea) David M. Clark, Ph.D. (England) John E. Cooper, M.D. (England) Peter J. Cooper, M.D. (England) Daviq Copolov, M.D. (Austra li a) Jorge Costa e Silva, M.D. (Brazil) Arthw H. Cris p, M.D. (England) Stanislaw Dabrowski, MD. (Poland)

DSM-IV Contributors Adrian Dafunchio, M.D. (Argentina) Alv A. Dahl, M.D. (Norway) Chris tine Dean, M.D. (Eng land) Horst Dilling, M.D. (Germany) Keith Stephen Dobson, Ph.D. (Canada) Griffith Edwards, M.D. (England ) Chris topher Fairburn, M.D. (England) Fran cois Ferrero, M.D. (Switzerland) Manfred Fichter, M.D. (Germany) Martine Flament, M.D. (France) Chris Freeman, M .D. (Scotland) Harold Freyberger, M.D. (Germany) Akira Fujinawa, M.D. (Japan) Paul Garfinkel, M.D. (Canada) Michael Gelder, M.D. (England) Semyon Gluzman, M.D. (former USSR) Judith H. Gold, M.D. (Canada) Marcus Grant, Ph.D. (Swi tzerland) Herta A. Guttman, r"t.D. (Canada) Heinz Hafner, M.D. (Germany) Robert Hare, Ph.D. (Canada) lily Hechtman, M.D. (Canada) Michiel W. Hengeveld, M.D., Ph.D. (Netherlands) C. Peter Herman, Ph.D. (Canada) Hans Hippius, M.D. (Germany) Willem M. Hirs, M.D. (Netherland s) Teo Seng Hock, M.D. (Singapore) Hans W. Hoek, M.D., Ph.D. (Netherlands) Yoshiko Ikeda, M .D. Oapan ) Assen Jablensk. y, M.D. (Bulgaria) " Aleksander Janca, M.D. (Switzerland) Philippe Jeammet, M.D. (France) Karen John, M.D. (England) Miguel Jorge, M.D., Ph.D. (Brazil) Ross S. Kalucy, M .D. (Australia) Marianne Kastrup. M.D., Ph.D. (Denmark) Heinz Katschnig, M.D. (Austria) Jus tin Kenardy, Ph.D. (Au stralia) Robert Kendell, M.D. (Scotland) Sid Kennedy. M.D. (Canada) Renard Knabbe, M.D. (Switzerland) Vladimir Kovalev, M.D. (former USSR) Evsey Krasik, M.D. (former USSR) Yves LeCrubier, M.D. (France) Pierre Leichner, M. D. (Canada) Jill Leolbonne, M.D. (England) Bernard Lerer, M.D. (Israel) Aubrey Levin, M.D. (South Africa) Paul Links, M.D. (Canada) Zbigniew lipowski, M.D. (Canada) Alwyn lis hman, M.D. (England) W. John lives!ey, M .D. (Canada) J. Lopez-Ibor, Jr., M .O. (Spain) Mario Maj, M.D. (Italy) Felice Lieh Mak (China) Nikolas Manos, M.D. (Greece) Isaac Marks, M.D. (England) Alexander C. McFarlane, M.B.BS. (Hons), M.D. (Australia) Patrick McGorry, M.RBS. (Australia) Julien Mendelewicz, M. D. (Belgium) Klaus Minde. M.D. (Canada) Harvey Moldofsky, M.D. (Canada) Maris tela Monteiro. MD. (Brazil) Stuart Montgomery, M.D. (England) Ole Mors, MD. (Denmark) Alistair Munroe, M.D. (Canada) Gulam Mustafa, MD. (Kenya) Yoshibumi T akane, M.D. Oapan) W.A. Nolen (Netherlands) Claes Norring, Dr.Med .Sc. (Sweden) Yuri N uller (former USSR) Ahmed Okasha, M.D. (Egypt) Yuji Okazaki, MD. Oapan) Yutaka Ono, M .D. Oapan) Alfonso Ontiveros. M.D., M.Sc. (Mexico) Stein Opjords moen, Ph. D. ( orway) John O rley, M.D. (Switzerland) Lars Goran Ost, Ph.D. (Sweden) Stefano Pallanti, M.D. (Italy) Joel Paris, ~I.D . (Canada) Gordon Parker, M.D. (Australia) Eugene Pay kel, M.D. (England) Kok Lee Peng, M.D. (Singapore) Uwe Henrick Peters, M.D. (Germany) Carlo Perris, MD. (Sweden) Pierre Pichot, M.D. (France) Andrzej Piotrowski, M.D. (Poland) Karl Picke, M.D. (Germany) Janet Polh'y, Ph.D. (Canada) Charles Pull, M.D. (Luxembourg)

Appendix J
Kari Pylkkanen, M.D. (Finland) Juan Ramon d e la Fuente, M.D. (Mexico) Beverley Raphael, M.D. (A us tralia) Robert Reid, M.D. (Canada)

Helmut Remschmidt (Germany) Nils Rettersol. M.D. (Non"a},)

Joseph M. Rey, Ph.D. (Australia) Jeffrey C. Richard s, Ph.D. (Austra lia) Antonio A. Rizzoli, M.D. (Italy) Paul Robinson, M.D. (Eng land ) SiT Martin Roth, M.D. (England) Byron Rourke. Ph.D. (Canada) Gerald Russell, M.D. (England) SiT Michael Rutter, M.D. (England) Javier Saavedra, M.D. (peru) Paul Salkovskis. Ph.D. (Eng land) Norman Sartorius, M.D., Ph.D. (Switzerland) John Saunders, M. D. (Aus tralia) Aart H. Schene, M. D. (Netherlands) Marcu s Fini Sch u lsinger, M.D. (Denmark) Jan Scott, Ph.D. (England ) Ruben Hernandez Serrano, M.D. (Venezuela) Michael Shepha rd, M.D. (England) Erik Simonsen, M.D. (Denmark) Cees J. Siooff, M.D. (Netherlands) Constantin R. Sold atos, M.D. (G reece) Zahava Soloman, M.D. (Israel) Marin Stancu, M.D. (Romania) Meir Steiner, M.D., Ph.D. (Canada) Donna Stewart, M.D. (Canada)

Eric Stromgren, M.D. (Denmark) Peter Sza tmari, M.D. (Canada) George Szmukler, M.D. (England) Alex Tam opolsky, M.D. (Canada) Chris topher Tennant, M.D. (Aus tralia) Sten Theander, M.D. (Sweden) Pekka Tienari, M.D. (Finland) Svenn Torgensen, M.D. (Norway) Peter Trower, Ph.D. (England) Eldon Tlmks, M.D. (Canada) Peter Tyrer, M.D. (Eng land) T. Bedirhan Ustun, M.D. (Switzerland) Per Vagl um, M .D. (Nonvay) Walter Vandereycken, M.D. (Belgium) Jenny Van Drimmelen-Krabbe, M.D. (Switzerland) J. T. van Mens, M.D. (Netherlands) David Veale, M.R.C .Psych. (England) F. C. Verhulst (Netherlands) Marcia VersianL M.D. (Brazil) Marten W. de Vries, M.D. (Netherland s) Dermot Wa lsh, M.B. (Ireland) Winny Weeda-Mannak, Ph.D. ( 'etherlands) John S. Werry, M.D. (New Zealand) Hans Ulrich \'Vittchen, Ph.D. (Germany) Ramsy Yassa, M.D. (Ca.nada) Derson Young, M.D. (China) Michael Zaud ig, M.D. (Germany) Joseph Zohar, M .D. (Israel) Kenneth J. Zucker, Ph.D. (Canada) Roberto Llanos Zuloaga, M.D. (peru)

DSM-IV Focused Fiel d-Tria l Proj ects

The field-trial projects fund ed by the National lnstitu te o f Mental Health in collaboration w ith the ational lns titute on Drug Abuse and the National Ins titute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism were an inva luable source of data and contributed greatly to the quality of DSM-IV. Our tha nks to Darrel Regier, M.D., M.P.H., Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Sen ' ices Research, and Charles Kaelber, M.D., the Project Officer, for their support and expertise. Our thanks, too, to the foUowing field trial participants: Principal Investigator Allen Frances, M.D. Co-Principal Investigator Harold Alan Pincus, M.D.

DSMIV Co ntributors Focused Field-Trial Coordinator Myriam Kline, M.s. Statistical Consultant Helena Kraemer, Ph .D. Anti social Personality Disorder Field Trial Kenneth Towbin, M.D. John S. Werry, M.D. Disruptive Behavior Disorder Field Trial


Project Director
Benjamin Lahey, Ph .D. (also Site Coordinator)

Project Director
Thomas A . Wid iger, Ph.D.

Site Coordinators
Russell Bark1ey, Ph.D. Josep h Biederman, M.D. Barry Garfinkel, M.D. Laurence Greenhill , M.D. George Hynd, Ed. D. Keith McBurnett, Ph.D. Jeffrey Newcorn, M.D. Thomas Ollendick, Ph.D.

Site Coordinators
Arthur Alterman, Ph.D. Remi J. Cadoret, MD. Robert Ha re, Ph .D. Lee Robins, Ph .D. Gl'Orge E. Wood y, M.D. Mary C. Zanarini, Ed .D. Autism ilJld Pervasive Developmental Disorders Field Trial

Site Coordillniors, Voll/nteer Sites

Pau l Frick, Ph .D. Peter Jen sen, M.D. Lynn Kerd yk, Ph.D. John Richters, Ph.D.

Project Director
Fred Volkmar, M.D. (also Site Coordinator)

Site Coordillators
Magda Campbell, M.D. B. J. Freeman, Ph. D. Ami Klin, Ph .D. Catherine Lord , Ph.D. E. Rihfo, 1 1.0. ... Sir Michael Ru tter, M.D. Eric 5chopler, Ph.D.

Datn Coordillntor
Dorcas Perez, B.A. Major Depression, Dysthymia, and Minor Depressive Disorder Field Trial

Project Director
Martin B. Keller, M.D. (also Site Coordinator)

Site Coordillalors, Vohmteer Sites

Joel Bregman, M.D. Jan BuHelaar, M.D. Soo Churl Cho, M.D. Eric Fombonne, M.D. Joaqu in Fuentes, M.D. Yossie Hattab, 1'1.0. Yoshihi ko Hosh ino, M.D. j . Kerbeshian, M.D. Willia m Kline, PhD. Ka therine Loveland , Ph .D. Bryn a Siegel, PhD. ' ''Iendy Stone, MD. Peter Szatmari, M.D. Ludwig Szymanski, M.D.

Project Co-Directors
11ichael B. First, M. D. James Kocsis, M.D. (also Site Coordina tor)

Site Coordillators
Robert M. A. Hirsch fel d, M.D. Charles Holzer, Ph.D. Gabor Keitner, M.D. Daniel Klein, Ph.D. Deborah Marin, M.D. James P. McCu llough, Ph.D. Ivan Miller, Ph.D. Tracie Shea, Ph.D.

Appendix J

Data Coordillators
Diane Hanks, M.A. Cordelia Russell, B.A. Mixed Anxiety-Depressive Disorder Field Trial

Site Coordillators David H. Barlow, Ph.D.

Michael Hollifield, M.D. Wayne Katon, M.D. Richard Swinson, M.D.

Project Directors
Da vid H. Barlow, Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator) Michael R. Liebowitz, M.D. (also Site Coordinator) Richard Zinbarg, Ph.D. (a lso Site Coordinator)

Data Allalysts
Tim Chapman, M. Phil. Salvatore Mannuzza, Ph.D.

Data Coordillator
Hilary Rassnick, M.A. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Field T rial

Site Coordinators
Phil Brantley, Ph.D. Eugene Broadhead, M.D., Ph.D. Wayne Katon, M.D. Jean-Pierre Lepine, M .D. Jeffrey c. Richards, Ph.D. Peter Roy-Byrne, M.D. Linda Street, Ph .D. Mard jan Teherani, Ph.D. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Field Trial

Project Director
Dean Kilpatrick, Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator) Bessel van der Kolk, M.D. (also Site Coordin ator)

Site Coordillators
John Freedy, Ph.D. Sandra Kaplan, M .D. David Pelcovitz, Ph.D. Patricia A. Resick, Ph.D. Heidi Resnick, Ph.D. Susan Roth, Ph.D. Sc.hizophrenia and Related Psychotic Disorders Field Trial

Project Director
Edna Foa, Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator)

Site Coordillators
Jane Eisen, M.D. Wayne Goodman, M.D. Hella Hiss, Ph.D. Eric Hollander, M.D. Michael Jemke, M.D. Michael J. Kozak, Ph.D. Steven Rasmussen, M.D. Joseph Ricciardi, Ph.D. Peggy Richter, M.D. Barbara Rothbaum, Ph.D. Panic Disorder Fie ld Trial

Project Directors
Nancy Com'er Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator) l'vlichael A. Flaum, M .D. (also Site Coordinator)

Site Coordillators
Xavier Amador, Ph.D. H. Stefan Bracha, M. D. William Edell, Ph.D. Jack Gorman, M.D. Kenneth S. Kendler, M.D. Jeffrey Lieberman, M .D. Thomas McGlashan, M. D. Ananlia K. Pandurangi, M.D. Delbert Robinson, M.D.

Project Director
Abby Fyer, M.D. (also Site Coordinator)

Project Co-Director
James C. Ballenger, M.D. (also Si te Coordinator)

Site Coordillators, Vohlllt eer Sites

Patrick McGorry, M.B.B.s.

DSM IV Contributors Alfonso Ontiveros, M.D., M.5c. Mauricio Tohen, M.D. Sleep Disorders Fie ld Trial

923 1
Site Coordillntors
Samuel 8. Guze, M.D. Roger Kathol, M. D. Ronald L Martin, M.D. Richard Smith, M.D. James J. Strain, M.D. Sean Yu tzy, M.D. Substan ce Use Field Trial

Project Directors
Daniel Buysse, M.D. (also Si te Coordinator) David J. Kupfer, M.D. Charles F. Reynolds 111, M.D.

Site Coordillntors
Edward Bixler, M.D. Peter Hauri, Ph .D. Anthony Kales, M.D. Rocco Manfredi, M.D. Thomas Roth, Ph.D. Edward Stepanski, Ph.D. Michael Thorpy, M.D.

Project Directors
Linda Cottier, Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator) John E. Helzer, MD. Marc Alan Schuckit, M.D. (also Site Coordinator)

Site Coordillntors
Thomas Crowley, M.D. John R. Hughes, M.D. George E. Woody, M.D.

Dntn Coordillntor
Debbie Mesiano, B.S. Somatization Disorder Field Trial

Site Coordillntors, Vollinteer Sites

Jean -Pierre Lepine, M.D.

Project Director
C. Robert Cloninger, M.D.

MacArthur Data-Reanalysis Project

The d ata-reana lysis projects funded by a generous gran t from the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation p rovided an extensive research database. Many thanks to Dennis Prager at the Foundation for his tremendous support. Our sincere appreciation to the foll OWing individuals who conducted data-reanalysis p rojects: Principal Investigator Allen Frances, M.D. Co-Principal Investigators Harold Alan Pincus, M.D. Thomas A. Widiger, Ph.D. Anxiety Disorders David H. Barlow, Ph.D. Deborah C. Heidel, Ph.D. Thomas Burton, B.A. Michelle G. Craske, Ph.D. George C. Curtis, M.D. Peter A. DiNardo, Ph.D. Abby Fyer, M.D. Robin Garfinkel, PhD. Richard Heimberg, Ph.D. Elizabeth M. Hill, Ph.D. Christopher D. Hornig, B.A. Ewald Horwath, M.D., M.Sc. James Johnson, Ph.D. (deceased) Harlan Juster, Ph.D. Wayne Katon, M.D. Gerald L Klerman, I'vI.D. (deceased ) Karen Law, B.A. And rew Leon, Ph.D. Michael R. Liebowitz, M.D. Salva tore Mannuzza, Ph.D .

Appendix J
Jill Mattia, M.A. Eryn Oberlander, M.D. Susan Orsillo, M.A. Peter Roy-Byrne, MD. Paul Salkovskis, PhD. Franklin Schneier, M.D. Samuel M. Turner, PhD. Myrna M. Weissman, PhD. Susan 1. Wolk, M.D. Roberto Zarate, M.A. Delirium, Dementia, and Amnestic and Other Cognitive Disorders Michael O. Colvin, M.D. Marshall Folstein, M.D. Gary Lloyd Gottlieb, M.D. Dilip V. Jeste, MD. Sue Levkoff, D.Se. Benjamin Liptzin, M.D. George W. Rebok, Ph.D. David Salmon, Ph.D. Leon ThaI, M.D. Disorders Usually First Diagnosed During Infancy, Childhood, or Ad olesce nce Brooks Applegate, PhD. Gera ld August, Ph.D. Susan J. Bradley, MD. Joel Bregman, M.D. Patricia Cohen, Ph.D. Michael Flory, Ph.D. Susan Folstein, M.D. Eric Fombonne, MD. Barry Garfinkel, M.D. Richard Green, MD., J.D. Stephanie M. Green, M.s. Jane E. Hood, M.A. Kate Keenan, M.s. Benjamin Lahey, PhD. Marion Leboyer, M.D. Rolf Loeber, Ph.D. Catherine Lord, Ph.D. John McLennan, M.D. T aney Minshew, M.D. Rhea Paul, PhD. Andrew Pickles, Ph.D. Howard M. Rebach, PhD. Mary F. Russo, Ph.D. Sir Michael Rutter, MD. Eric Schopler, Ph.D. Christopher Thomas, M.D. Fred Volkmar, M.D. Katheri ne Williams, Ph.D. Kenneth J. Zucker, Ph.D. Eating Disorders Arnold Anderson, M.D. Christopher Fairburn, MD. Martine Flament, M.D. Paul Garfinkel, M.D. Dean Kilpatrick, Ph .D. James Mitchell, M.D. G. Terence Wilson, Ph.D. Steven Wand erlich, MD. Mood Disorders Gregory Asnis, M.D. Mark S. Bauer, M.D. Diane Bynum Joseph Calabrese, M.D. William CoryeU, M.D. Dav id Dunner, M.D. Ellen Frank, Ph.D. Laszlo Gyulai, M.D. Martin B. Keller, M.D. James Kocsis, M.D. Philip L.wori, Ph.D. Yves LeC rubier, M.D. Robert M. Post, M.D. Samuel J. Simmens, Ph. D. Stuart Sotsky, MD. Dan L Tweed, Ph.D. Lindsey Tweed , M.D. Peter C. Whybrow, M.D. Sharon Younkin Personality Disorders Emil F. Coccaro, M.D. Mark Davies, MD. NUchael B. First, M.D. Rohert Hare, Ph.D. Theodore Millon, Ph D . Vivian Mitropoulou, M.A. Leslie Morey, Ph.D.

DSM-IV Contr ibutors Bruce Pfohl, M.D. Lee Robins, Ph .D. Larry J. Siever, M.D. Jeremy M. Silverman, Ph .D. Andrew Edward Skodol II, M .D . Timothy Trull, Ph .D. TIlomas A. Widiger, Ph.D . Mary C. Zanarini, Ed.D . Pre mens trual D ysphoric Disorder Ellen Frank, Ph .D. Ellen W. Freeman, Ph.D. Gise, M .D. Judith H . Gold, M.D . Barbara Par ry, M.D. Pallia Schnurr, Ph.D. Sally Severino, M.D. John Steege, M. D. Meir Steiner, M .D., Ph .D. Psychiatri c Systems I nterface Disorders (Adjus tment, Dissociative, Factitious, Impulse-Con trol, and Somatoform Disorders and Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition) Henry R. Lesiem, M.D. Juan Enrique Mezzich, M.D., Ph .D. Jeffrey N e w com, M. D. David Spiegel, M.D. James J. Strain, M.D.

925 1

Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders N an cy Coover Andreasen, M.D., Ph .D. Gretchen H aas, Ph.D. Jeffrey Lieberman, M.D. Patrick McGorry, M .B.B.5. Keith leuchterlein, Ph .D. Mauricio Tohen, M.D. Sleep Disorders Daniel Buysse, M .D. Charles F. Reynold s Ill, M.D. Substa n ce-Related Disorders Jolm Cacciola , Ph .D . Linda B. Cottie r, Ph.D. John E. Helzer, M .D. Rumi Price, Ph.D. Lee Robin s, Ph.D. Marc Alan Schuckit, M .D. George E. Wood y, M. D.

MacArthur General Reliability Field Trial

As DSM-IV is being publis hed, an additional project sponsored by the John D. and Ca therine T. MacA rthu r Foundation will provide further information regarding the validity of DSM-lV criteria. TIle ongoing v ideotape field-trial project is expected to be completed in 1995. O m thanks to the foDowing indiv iduals w ho participated in the project: Principal In vestigator ADen Frances, M .D. vl.P.H. James W. Thompson, M.D., Co-Principal Investigators Harold Alan Pincus, M.D. Michael B. First, M.D. Michael A. Flaum, M.D. Anthony F. Lehman, M .D ., M.5.P.H. Pilot Participants Xavier Amador, Ph.D. N ancy Coover Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. F. M . Baker, M .D. Donald W. Black, M. D. Carlos S. Castillo, M.D. Scott C. Clark, M.D. William Co ryell, M. D. Lisa 8. Di xon, M.D.

Jack E. Downhill, Jr., M.D. Katherine P. Duffy, M.D. Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Michael A. Fauman, M.D., Ph.D. Miriam Gibbon, M.s.W. Jack Gorman, M.D. Paul E. Hagslen, M.D. Michael L Jeffries, M.D. Douglas Langbelm, M.D. Joseph Liberlo, M.D. Da vid B. Mallot, M.D. Del D. Mil ler, Pha rm.D., M.D. Lewis A. Opler, M.D., Ph.D.

Appendix J

Jill A. RachBeisel, .M .D.

Robert P. Schwartz, M.D.

Andrew Ed ward Skodol lI, M.D.

David H. Stra uss, M.D. Scott Stuart, M.D. Janet B. W. Williams, O.5.W. Ca therine Woodman, M.D.

Project Coordinator Jennifer Norbeck, M.5.W. Video Consultant Vincent Ciay ton, M.A.

Expert-Phase Participants
The following represents the project participants at the time that DSM-IV went to press. It is anticipated that other sites and individuals w ill join the project.
Jonathan Alpert, M.D. Katherine Attala, r"f.D . Da vid Avery, M.D. Monica Ramirez Basco, PhD. Mark S. Bauer, M.D. (also Site Coordinator) Thomas F. Betzler, M.D. Melanie M . Biggs, Ph.D. (also Site Coordinator) Robert J. Bishop, M.D. Danielle Bordeau, M.D. Malcolm B. Bowers, Jr., MD. Gary Bruss, Ph.D. Peter Buckley, r-,f.D . Deborah S. Cowley, MD. Brian Cox, PhD. James David, MD. Collelte De Marneffe, Ph.D. Judith Dogin, M .D. Sed a Ebrahimi, Ph.D. Jane Eisen, M.D. Maurizio Fava, M.D. Paul Federoff, M.D. Mark K. Fulton, MD. Diego Garcia-Borreguero, M.D. Roya Ghadimi, MD. David S. Goldbloom, M.D. Reed D. Goldstein, Ph.D. (al so Site Coordinator) l'vlicael Golinkoff, Ph.D. Peter Goyer, MD. Alan M. Gruenberg, M.D. Michael E. Henry, M.D. Selby C. Jacobs, M.D. I. Joel Jeffries, M .8. (also Site Coordinator) Sheri Johnson, Ph.D. Kathleen Kim , MD. , M.P.H. Carolyn M. Mazure, Ph.D. (a lso Site Coordinator) Joseph P. McEvoy, M.D. Arnold Merrimam, MD. Timothy L Mueller, M .D. Andrew J ierenberg, M D . Michael Otto, Ph.D. Michelle Pato, MD. Joel Pava, PhD. Katharine Anne Phillips, MD. (also Site Coordinator) Mark Pollack, MD. Hora tio Preva l, M.D. David W. Preven, M.D. (also Site Coordinator) Richard Ries, M.D. Robert C. Risinger, M.D. Robe rt Ronis, M.D. Jerrold F. Rosenbaum, M.D. (also Site Coordinator)

OSM-IV Co ntributors Peter Roy-Byrne, M .D. (also Site Coord inator) Mark Schmidt, M.D. (a lso Si te Coordinator) S. Charles Schulz, M.D. Bmce Schwartz, MD. Michael Schwartz, M.D. (also Site Coordinator) Michael] . Sernyak, M.D. Ri chard Swinson, M.D. Madhukar H. Tri vedi, M. D. Andrea Weiss, MD. Kerrin White, M.D. Lawrence Wil son, M. D. John V ,Iorthington, M D. Joan Youchah, M.D.


Other Health Organizations

At the inception of the project, the Ta sk Force on DSM-T invited over 60 health asV socia tions to designate liaisons to the Task Force to ensu re the openness o f the revision process and to ensure that a variety of views would be represented. The associations listed below designated representatives who received regular communications from the Work Groups and the Task Force. American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry American Academy o f Family Physicians American Academy of Pediatrics American Academy of Psychiatrists in Alcoholism and Add ictions American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law American Association fo r Geriatric Psychiatry American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy American Association o f Chairmen of Departments of Psych iatry American Associa tion of Directors of Psychiatric ReSidency Training American Association of Psychiatric Administrators American Board of Family Practice American ColJege of ObstetTicians and Gynecologists American College o f Physicians American Group Psychotherapy Association American Health In formation Management Association American Medical Society on Alcohol and Other Drug Dependencies Am erican Nurses' Associa tion American Occupational Therapy Associa tion American Psychoanalytic Association American Psychological Association American Psychological Society American Psychosomatic Society, Inc. American Society for Ad olescent Psychiatry Associa tion of Departments of Family Medicine Association o f Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists Associa tion of Mental Health Clergy Coalition for the Family Group fo r the Advancement of Psychia try Na tional Alliance for the MentaUy III I ational Association of Social Workers National Association of Veterans Affairs Chiefs of Psychiatry National Center fo r Health Statistics National Council of Community Mental Hea lth Centers National Depressive and r.,lanic Depressive Association National Medical Associa tion National Mental Health Associat ion Society of Genera l lnternallvtedicine Society of Teachers of Family r"ledicine World Health Organization

Appendix K

DSM-IV Text Revision Advisers

Advisers to Anxiety Disorders Text Revision Work Group
Lisa Amaya-jackson, MD. Martin M. Antony, Ph.D. David Barlow, Ph.D. J. Gayle Beck, Ph.D. Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. Thomas Borkovcc, Ph.D. Brian Cox, Ph.O. Jonathan R. T. Davidson, M.D. Matthew J. Friedman, M.D., Ph.D. Wayne Katon, M.D. Michael R. Liebowit z, M.D. R. Bruce Lydiard, Ph.D., M.D. Richard J. McNally, Ph.D. Peter P. Roy-Byrne, M.D. Paula P. Schnurr, Ph.D. Manuel Tancer, M.D. Steven Taylor, Ph.D.

Advisers to Delirium, Dementia, Amnestic and

Other Cognitive Disorders, and Mental Disorders Due to a General Medical Condition Text Revision Work Group
William Breilbart, M.D. Martin Cole, M.D. Benjamin Uptzin, M.D. Jacobo E. Mintzer, M.D. Michael K. Popkin, M.D. Peter V. Rabins, M.D. Gary W. Small, M.D. Friedrich Stiefel, M.D. Gary J. Tucker, M.D.

Sanford Finkel, I.D.

Marshall Folstem, M.D. igor Grant, M.D. James Levenson, MD. Susan Levkoff, SeD .

Advisers to Disorders Usually First Diagnosed During Infancy, Childhood, or

Adolescence Text Revision Work Group
Howard Abikoff, Ph.D. Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D. Diane Benoit, M.D. Boris Birmaher, M.D. Caryn L. Carlson, Ph.D. Gabrielle A. Carlson, M.D. Paul Frick, Ph.D. Christopher Giliberg, M.D., Ph.D. Laraine Masters Glidden, Ph.D. Philip C. Kendall, Ph.D., A.B.P.P. Benjamin Lahey, Ph.D. Alan Lincoln, M.D. Vera LoeningBauck, M.D. Ca therine l ord, Ph.D. Don Lynam, Ph D. Keith McBurnett, Ph.D.


Gary Mesibov, Ph.D. N ancy Mins hew, M.D. Sally Ozonoff, Ph.D. Rhea Paul, Ph .D. John Piacentini, Ph.D. John Pomeroy, M.D. Byron Rourke, F.R.5.C. Sir Michael Rutter, M.D.

Appendix K

John E. Schowalter, M.D. Larry Silver, M.D. Ludwik Szymanski, M.D. Digby T antam, F.R.C.Psych. Lorna Wing, M.D. Sula Wolff, F.R.CP.

Joseph \"'oolston, M.D.

Advisers to Eating Disorders Text Revision Work Group

W. Stewart Agras, M.D. Barton J. Blinder, M.D., Ph.D. Cyn thia M. Sulik, Ph.D. Scott Crow, M.D. Michael Devlin, M.D. C hris topher Fairburn, M.D. Paul Garfinkel, M.D. Katherine Halmi, M .D. David Herzog, M.D. Hans H oek, M.D., Ph .D. James I. H udson, M.D.
David C. Jimerson, M. D. Kenneth Kendler, M.D. Sing Lee, F.R.C.Psych. Marsha D. Marcus, Ph.D. Marion P. Olms ted , Ph.D. Albert Shmkard, M.D. Da\'id Tobin, Ph .D. Janet Treasure, M.D. Walter Vandereycken, M.D., Ph .D. Joel Yager, M.D.


Advisers to Mood Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Hagop Akis kal, M.D. Lo ri L. Altshuler, M.D. Ross J. BaJdessa rini, M.D. Joseph Calabrese, M.D. Da vid L. Dunner, M.D. Joseph Goldberg, M.D. Paul E. Keck, M .D. Dan iel N. Klein, Ph.D. James H. Kocsis, M.D. Ellen Leibenluft, M .D. Lawrence H . Price, M.D. Gregory Simon, M .D. And rew Stoll, M.D. Kimberly Yon kers, M.D.

Advisers to Personality Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Hagop Akiskal, M.D. Arthur Alterman, Ph.D. Lee Baer, Ph .D. Roger B1ashfield, Ph .D. Robert Bornstein, Ph.D. Paul Costa, Ph.D. Allen Frances, M.D. John Gunderson, M.D. Robert Hare, Ph.D. Daniel N . Klei n, Ph.D. Majorie Klein, Ph.D. Theodore Millon, Ph.D., D.Se.

DSM- IV Text Revisio n Advisers

Elsa Ronn ingstam, Ph.D. Megan Rutherford, Ph.D. Larry }. Siever, M.D. Robert L. Spitzer, M.D. Timothy Trull, Ph.D. Peter Tyree, M.D.

Gerald Nestad t, M.D. John Oldham, M.D. Joel Paris, M.D. Katharine A. Phillips, M.D. P,ml Pilko nis, Ph.D. James Reich, M.D., M .P.H. Lee Robins, Ph.D.

Advisers to Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder Text Revision Work Group

Jean Endicott, Ph.D. Ellen Freeman, Ph. D. Judith Gold, M.D. Uriel Halbreich, M.D. Barbara Parry, M.D. David Rubinm\', M.D. N ada L 5totland, 1"1.0., M.P.H . Kimberly Yonkers. M.D.

Advisers to Psychiatric Systems Interface

Disorders (Adjustment. Dissociative, Factitious, Impulse-Control, and Somatoform Disorders and Psychological Factors Affecting Medical Condition) Text Revision Work Group
Donald W. Black, M.D. Michael Bond, KB., M.B. Elizabeth S. Bowman, M.D. James D. Brenrner, M.D. Thomas Markham Brown, M.D. Etzel Cardena, Ph.D. Gary Chris tenson, M.D. C. Robert Cloninger, M.D. Philip M. Coons, M.D. J. A. Cotterill, M.D. Alan J. Cunnien, M. D. Smart Ei sendra th, M.D. David A. Fis hbain, M.D. David Folks, M.D. Victor Fomari, M. D. Gregory Fritz, tvl.D. Mahlon S. Hale, MD. Michael JeUinek, M.D. Roger Kathol, M.D. Nathaniel Katz, M .D. Richard Kluft, M.D. Robert Ladouceur, PhD. Michel Lejoyeux, M.D., Ph.D. Henry Lesieu r, Ph D . Roy Mcadow, M.D., F.R.C.P. Harold Merskey, D.M ., F.RC.P.(C.) Juan Mezzich, M.D., Ph.D. Fugen Neziroglll, Ph .D. Philip N inan, M .D. Russell Po rtenoy, M.D. Basant K. Puri, M.A., M.S., B.Chir., M.R.C.Psych. Frank Putnam, M.D. Richard Rogers, Ph.D. James Rosen, Ph.D. Richard J. Rosenthal, M.D. Colin A. Ross, M.D. Loreen Rligle, Ph.D. Elina Sa raso la, M.D. Daniel J. Stein, M.S. Marlene Steinberg, M.D. Maurice Steinberg, M.D. Alan Stoudemire, M.D. Margaret Stuber, M.D. Susan Swedo, M .D. Eldon Tunks, M.D.

Ap pend ix David Veale, M.D. Matti Virkkunen, M.D. , Ph .D. Thomas N. Wise, M.D.

Advisers to Schizophrenia and Other Psychotic Disorders Text Revision Work Group
Nancy Andreasen, M.D., Ph.D. David Braff, M.D. Michaeline Bresnahan, Ph .D. Jill M. Goldstein, Ph .D. Michael G reen, Ph.D. John Hsiao, M.D. Richard Keefe, Ph.D. Dolores Malaspina, M.D., M.5.P.H. Thomas McG lashan, M.D. Henry asraUah, M.D. Jud ith Rapoport, M.D. Marc-Andre Roy, M .D., i\<I.Sc. Ezra Su sser, M.D.

Advisers to Sexual Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Ray Blanchard, Ph .D. Susan J. Bradley, M.D. Peter Fagan, Ph.D. Richard G reen, M.D., J.D. Stephen Levine, M.D. Heino F. L Meyer-Bahlbu rg,!. Raul Schiav i, M.D. Leslie Schover, Ph.D.

Advisers to Sleep Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Ronald D. Chcrvin, M .D., M.5. Jack Edinger, Ph. D. David J. Kupfer, M.D. Clete Kushida, M.D., Ph.D. Kenneth Lichstein, Ph.D. Emmanuel Mignot, M.D., Ph.D. Timothy H . Monk, Ph.D., D.Sc. Charles Morin, Ph.D. Quentin Regestein, M.D. ~'I artin Reile, M.D. Charles Reynolds, M.D. Leon Rosenthal, M.D. Michael Sateia, M.D. Edward Stepanski, Ph.D. Michael Thorpy, M.D. Alexandros Vgontzas, M.D. James Walsh, Ph.D. John W inkelman, M.D., Ph.D. Phyllis Zee, M.D., Ph D .

Advisers to Substance-Related Disorders Text Revision Work Group

Enoch Gord is, M.D. David Gorelick, M.D., Ph.D. Bridget F. Grant, Ph.D. Deborah Hasin, Ph.D. Alan I. Leshner, Ph.D.
A. Thomas McLeUan, Ph.D. Peter Nathan, Ph.D. Bruce Rounsaville, M.D. George Woody, M.D.

Pagt.' 11 lImbers for diagnostic ,riUria or resl!arcll criteria an-' ellclosed ill parelltllf'ses.
Akathisia, acu te Neuroleptic-i nduced, 735, 800 (802) Alcohol-induced disorders Intoxication, 21.,l (215) Other disorders, 217 Withdrawal, 215 (216) Alcohol-related disorders, 212 Not otherwise specified, 223 Alcohol use disorders Abuse, 214 Dependence, 213 Alzheimer's type dementia, 15-l (157) Amnesia. See Amnestic disorders; Dissociative amnesia Amnestic disorders Due to a general medical condition, 175
(177) Not otherwise spedfied, 179 Subst.mce-induced persisting amnestic disorder, 177(1i9) Amphetamine-induced disorders Intoxication, 226 (227) Other disorders, 228 Withdra\\'al, 22.7 (228) Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like}related disorders, 223 Not othem'Lse specified, 231 Amphetamine use disorders

Abuse of substances, 198 (199) See (1/50 SI't'cijic slIbslallUS by lin/lit' Abuse or neglect problems. 738 Neglect of child, 738 Physical ahuse of adult, 738 Physical abuse of child, 738 Sexual abuse of adult, 738 Sexual abuse of child, 738 Academic problem, 741

See also leaming disorders

Academic skills disorders. See Learning disorders Acculturation problem, 741 Acute stress disorder, 469 (471) Additional codes, 743 DiagnosiS deferred on Axis ll, 7~3 Diagnosis or condition deferred on Axis I,

No diagnosiS on Axis II, 743 No diagnOSiS or condition on Axis I, 743

Unspecified disorder

(nonpsycholic),7-13 Adjustment disorders, 679 With anxiety, 680 (683) \Vith depressed mood, 6i9 (683) With disturbance of conduct, 680 (683) With mixed anxiety and depressed mood, 680 (683) With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct, 6SO (683) Unspecified, 6SO (683) Adolescent antisocial behavior, 740 Adult antisocial behavior, 740 Adverse effects of medication nol otherwise specified,736 Age-related cognitive de<:\ine, 740 Ago raphobia, 432 (433) Panic disorder with, 433 (+11) Without history of panic diso rder, 4-11 (443)

Abuse, 275 Dependence, 224 Anorexia nen'osa, 583 (589) Antisocial behmi or Adult, 7"\0 Child o r adolescent, 7.,\0 Antisocial personality disorder, 701 (706) Anxiety disorders, -l19 Acute stress disorder, 469 (.,l71) Agoraphobia, 432 (433) Panic disorder with, .,l33 (441 ) Without history of panic disorder, 441 (443)


1 934
Anxiety disorders (cv11tinlled) Due to a general medical condition, -176 (.79) Generalized anxiety disorder (includes o \'c r,lI\XiOU5 disorder of childhood),
472 (476)

Bereavement 7-10 Binge-eating d isord e r, 785 (787) Bipolar disorders Bipolar I diso rder M ost recent episode depressed, 382 (39 1) M ost recent episode hypomanic, 382 (388) h'!ost recent episode manic, 382 (389) M ost recent episode mixed, 382 (390) Most recent episode unspecified, 382 (392) Single manic episode, 382 (388) Bipolar II d isorde r (recurrent major depressin! episodes with hypomanic episodes), 392 (397) C yclot hy mic disorder, 398 (400) Not otherwise specified, 400 Body dys morphic disorder, 507 (510) Borderline inteUectual functioning. 740 Borderline personality disorder, 706 (710) Bre,l thing-related sleep disorder, 6 15 (622) Brief psychotic disorder, 329 (332) Bulimia ne rvosa, 589 (594)

lot otherwise specified , 4S-I Obsessi\'c-compulsi\'e disorder, -I56


Panic a ttack, 430 (-132) Panic d isorder, 433 (440-44 1) With ago raphobia, 433 (441)

Without agoraphobia, 433 (440) Posttraumatic stress disorder, 463

(467) Separation anxiety disorder, 121 (12S) Socia l p hobia (social anxiety disorder),
450 (4.56)

Specific phobi.l -l. B (449) Substance-indu ced .1n.xiety disorder, 479 (483) Anxiolytic-relatcd disorders. See Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-re lated

Arousal disorders. See Sexual a rousal disorders Asperger's d isorder, 80 (84) Attenlion-dcficit and disruptive behavior disorders, 85 At tcnHan-defiell/hyperac!i vii}' diso rder, 85 (92) Combined ty pe, 87 (93) Predominantly hyperactke-irnpulsin' type, 87 (93) Predominantly inattentive type, 87 (93) A ttention-deficit/hyperacti v ity diso rder not othenvise specified , 93 Conduct disorder, 93 (98) Disruptive behavior d isord er not o them' ise specified, 103 Oppositional defiant disorder, 100 (102) Atten tion-defici t/ hyperactivity disorder, 85 (92) Not othem'ise specified, 93 Atypical autism, S..J, Aty p ical features specifier for mood episode, 420 (422) Autistic disorder, 70 (75) Amidant personality d isorder, 718 (721)

Caffeine-induced d isord ers Intoxication, 232 (232) Other disorders, 233 Caffeine-rela ted disorders, 231 Not o therwise specified, 234 Caffeine Withdrawal, 764 (765) Cumabis-induced disorders Intoxication, 237 (238) Othe r dis o rde rs, 238 Cannabis- related disorders, 23.4 Not othem'ise specified, 241 Cannabis use d isorders Abuse, 236 Dependence, 236 Catatonic disorder Due to a general medical condition, 185 (187) Catatonic features specifie r for mood episode, 417 (41 8) Catatonic type of schizophrenia, 315 (3 16) Child antisocial behavior, 740 Childhood disin leg rati\c disorder, 77 (79) Child o r adolescent antisocial behaVior, 740

Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder, 114 (115) Chronic specifier for major depressh'e episode, -117 (41 7) Circadian rhy thm sleep disorder, 622 (629) Cocaine-induced disorders Intoxica tion, 2-1-1 (245) Other disorders, 246 Withdrawal, 2-15 (2-16) Cocaine-related disorders, 2B Not otherwise specified , 250 Cocaine use disorders Abuse, 2-B Dependence, 2-12 Cogniti\-e disorders See also Amnestic disorders; De lir ium; Dementia Age-related cognitiw decline, 7-10 Not otherwise s pecified, 179 Communication disorders, 58 Expressive langu.1ge disorde r, 58 (61 ) Mixed receptive-expressiw la nguage disorder, 62 (6-1) Not otherwise s pecified. 69 Phonological disorder, 65 (66) Stuttering, 67 (69) Conduct disorder, 93 (98) Com-ersion disorder, -192 (-198) Creunfeldt-Jakob disease Dementia due to, 166 (168) Culrnre-bound s yndromes, 897-903 Cyclothymic disorder, 398 (-100)

935 1
Dementia, 147 of the Alzheimer's type, 154 (157) Due to multiple etiologies, 170 (171 ) Due to other general medical conditions, 162, 167 (168) Creunfeldt-Jakob disease, 166 (1 68) Head tr,1Oma, 164 (168) HIV d is ease, 163 (168) H unting ton's disease, 165 (168) Parkinson's disease, 16-1 (168) Pick's disease, 165 (168) Not otherw ise specified, 171 Substance-induced persisting dementia, 168 (170) Vascular, 158 (161) Dependence on s u bstances, 192 (197) Set' also sflrcific sub5lanus by lIamr Dependent personality disorder, nl (725) Depersonalization diso rd er, 530 (532) Depressin! disorders Dysthymic diso rder, 376 (380) Major dep reSSive disorder, 369 Recurrent, 369 (376) Single episode, 369 (375) Not othem' ise specified, 3S1 Depressive episode, major, 349 (356) Depressive personality disorder, 788 (789) Develo pmental articula tion diso rde r.. 51!/? Phonological disorder Developmental coordination disorder, 56 (58) Developmental disorders. Sel! Learning disorders; Mental retardation; Penras i\e developmental disorders Diagnosis deferred on Axis ll, 743 Diagnosis or condition deferred on Axis I,

Defensive Functionin g Scale, 807-813 Delirium, 136 Due to a general medical conditio n, 1-11 (1-13) Due to multiple etiologies, 146 (1-17) Not otherwise specified, 147 Substance-ind uced, 143 (1-15-146) Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders, 135 Amnestic disorders, 172 Cogniti ve disorder not otherwise s pecified , 179 Delirium, 136 Dementia, 147 Delusional disorde r, 323 (329)

Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence not otherwise s pecified, 13-1 Disorder of written expression, 54 (56) Disorders usually first diagno sed in infanc)" childhood, o r a dolescence, 39 Attention-deficit and dis ruptive behavior disorders, 85 Co nununication disorders, 58 Disord er of infancy, childhood, or adolescence not otherwise specified,

Elimination disorders, 116 Feeding and eating d isorders of infancy or ear ly childhood, 103 Learning diso rd ers, 49

Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy. childhood. or adolescence (amti1HIf'd) Ment"l retardation, 41 Motor skills disorder, 56 Pervasive developmental disorders, 69 Reactive attachment disorde r of infanc),
or early chi ldhood, 127 (130) Selective mutism, 115 (127)

Ind ex
Bulimia nervosa, 589 (59-1) Not othem'ise specified, 594 Elective mutism. See Selective mutism Elimina tion disorders. See Encopresis; Enuresis Encopresis With constipation and O\'erflow incontinence, 11 6 (118) Without constipation and overflow incontinence, 116 (l18) Enuresis (not due to a general medical condi ti on), 118 (121) Erectile disorder, male, 545 (547) Du e to a general medical condition. 558 (561) Exhibitionis m , 569 (569) Expressive language d iso rder, 58 (61)

Separation anxiety disorder, 121 (125)

Stereotypic movement disorder, 131 (1 34)

Tic disorders, 108 Disorganized type of schizophrenia, 314 (315) Disruptive behavior disorders. See Attention-deficit and disrupth-c behavior disorders
Dissociati ve amnesia, 520 (523)

Dissociative disorders, 519

Depersonal ization disorder, 530 (532) Dissociatil'e amnesia, 520 (523) Dissociative fugue, 523 (526)

Dissociath'c identity disorder, 526 (529) Not othen\'ise specified, 532

Dissociative fugue, 523 (526)

Dissociative identity disorder, 526 (529)

Dissodalh-c trance d isorder, 783 (785) Dream anxiety disord e r. See Nightmare disord er Dysp.ueunia Due to a general medical condition, 558 (56 1) N ot due to a general medical condition, 554 (556) Dyssomnia s, 598 Breathingrelated sleep disorder, 615 (622) Circadian rhy thm sleep disord er, 622 (629) Narcolepsy, 609 (615) No t otherwise specified, 629 Primary hypersomnia, 604 (609) Primary insomnia, 599 (6Q..l) Dys thym ic disorder, 376 (380) A.ltema th'e resea rch criterion B, 774 (775) Dys tonia, acute Neuroleptic-induced, 735, 798 (800)

Eating disorders, 583 See also Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood Anorexia nenosa, 583 (589)

Fa ctitious disorder by p roxy, 781 (783) Factitious disorders, 513 No t othem' ise specified, 517 With combined psychological and phys ical signs and symptoms, 515 (517) ,",lith predominantly physica l s igns and symptoms, 514 (517) With predominantly psychological signs and symptoms, 5H (517) Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood, 103 Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood, 107 (108) Pica , 103 (105) Rumination disorder, 105 (106) Feeding disorder of inf,1ncy or early ch ildhood, 107 (108) f emale orgasmic disorder, 5-l7 (5-'9) Female sexual arousal disor der, 5-'3, (544) Fe tishism, 569 (570) Tra nsvestic, 574 (575) Flashbacks. See H a ll UCinogen p ersisting perception disorder (flashba cks) Folie deux. See Shared psychotic disorder Frotteurism, 570 (570) Fugue. See Dissociative fugue

GAF Scale. 51!/! Global Assessment of Functioning Sca le

Gambling. Sf'/! Pathological gambling GARF Scale. See Global Assessment of Relational Functioning Scale Gender identity disorder, 576 (SS I) in adolescents or aduils (58t) in children (581) Not otherwise specified, 582 General medical condition Amnestic disorder due 10, 175 (177) Anxiety disorder due to, 476 (479) Catatonic diso rder due to, 185 (187) Delirium due to, 141 (143) Dementia due to, 15+-168 Mental disorder due to, 181 Mental disorder not otherwise specified due to, 190 Mood disorde r due to, 401 (40-1) Pain disorder associated with, 498 (503) Personality change due to, 187 (190) Psychotic disorder due to, 33-1 (338) Relational problem related to, 737 Sexual dysfunction due to, 558 (56 1) Sleep disorder due to, 651 (654) Generalized anxiety disorder (includes overanxious disorder of childhood),-I72 (476) Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) Scale, ].I Global Assessment of Relational Functioning (GARF) Scale, 814-816

Hypersomnia Prinlary,604 (609) Rela ted to another mental disorder, 6+5 (650) Substance-induced, 655 (660) H ypnotic-related disorders. See Scdath'e-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders Hypoactive sexual desire disorder, 539 (5-11) Due to a general medical condition. 558
(;61 )

Hypochondriasis, 504 (507) Hypomanic episode, 365 (368)


Hallucinogen-induced disorders Hallucinogen persisting perception diso rder (flashbacks), 253 (25,1) Intoxication, 252 (253) Other disorders, 254 Hallucinogen-related disorders, 250 Not othenvise specified, 256 Hallucinogen use disorders Ab use, 252 Dependence, 251 Head tr.luma Dementia due to, 164 (168) Histrionic personality disorder, 71 1 (714) HIV disease Dementia due to, 163 (168) Hu ntington's d isease Dementia due to, 165 (168) Hyperactivity. See Attention-<ieficit/ hyperactivity disorder

Identity disorders. See Dissociative disorder; Ge nder identi ty disorder Identity problem, 741 Impulse-control disorders not elsewhere classified, 663 Intermittent explosi\'e disorder, 663 (667) Kleptomania, 667 (669) Not othen vise specified , 677 Pathological gambling, 671 (67-1) Pyromania, 669 (671) Trichotillomania, 674 (677) Inhalant-induced disorders Intoxication, 259 (260) Other disorders, 260 Inhalant-related disorders, 257 Not othe m 'ise specified, 263 Inhalant use disorders Abuse,259 Dependence, 258 Inhibited female orgasm. See Female orgasmic disorder Inhibi ted male orgasm. See t-,'I.l le orgasmic disorder Insomnia Primary, 599 (60-1) Related to another mental disorder, 645 (650) Substance-induced, 655 (660) Intellectual functioning. Su Borderline intellectual functioning Intermittent explosive disorder, 663 (667) Intoxication, 199 (20 1)

See nlw specific substnllcts by IInme


Kleptomania, 667 (669)

Leaming diso rders Disorder of written expression, 54,

In dex
Mental retarda tion , 4 1 (49) Mild, 43 (49) Moderate, 43 (49) Profound, +I (49) Severe, 4 3 (49) Sc\'erity unspecified, 44 (49) r le ntal re ta rd ation, severity unspecified, 44 ...

Mathematics disorder, 53 (54) Not otherwise specified. 56 Readi ng disorde r, 51 (53) longitudinal course specifiers (with and without full interepisode recovery) fo r mood disorders. 424 (.125)

Mild mental retardation, 43 (49) ~'Iild neurocognitive disorder, 762 (764) Minor depressive disorder, n5 (777) M ixed anxie ty-depressive disorder, 780


Major dep ressive disorde r

Recurre n t, 369 (376) Single e pisode, 369 (375) tvlajor dep ressive episode, 349 (356) Chronic specifier, 417 (417)

r lixed episode, 362 (365) ...

Severity / p sychotic / remission specifiers, 415 (416) Mixed receptive-cxpressive language disorder, 62 (64) Moderate mental retard ation, 43 (49) r.,lood disord ers, 345 See a/so Mood episodes Bip olar d isorders, 382 Depressive disorders, 369 Due to a general medic.ll condition, 401 (404) Not othem' ise specified, 410 Substance-induced mood disorder, 405

Severit), / psychotic I remission specifiers,

411 (413)

erectile disorder, 545 (547) Due to 11 genera l medical condition, 558


orgasmic disorder, 550 (552) t-,Ialingering. 739

t-,Ianic episode, 357 (362)

~'Ia le

Severity I psychotic/ remission specifiers

413 (415)

Mathematics disorder, 53 (54) t-,Ied.ication-induccd d isorder Adverse effects of medication not otherwise specified, 736 Medication-induced movement disorders, 734,791
Neurolepticinduced acute akathisia, 735,

Neuroleptic-induced acu te dystonia, 735, 798 (BOO) Neu roleptic-induced parkinsonism, 735, 792 (795) Neu roleptic-induced tardive d yski n esia, 736, 803 (805) N euroleptic malignant syndrome, 735, 795 (798) N o t othen"ise specified, 736, 807 Postu ral tremor, 736, 805 (807) Melancholic features specifier for mood episode, 419 (420) Mental disorder not othcm'ise specified due to a general medical condition,


Mood d isorders, specifiers for, 410 Atypical features specifier, -120 (422) Catatonic featu res specifier, 417 (418) Chronic specifie r, 41 7 (417) Longitudinal course specifiers (with and without fun interepisode recovery). 424 (425) Melancholic features specifier, 419 (420) Postpartum o nset s pecifier, 422 (423) Rapid-cycling specifier, 427 (428) Seasonal pattern specifier. 425 (427) Severi Iy / psychoti c/ remiss ion specifiers Major dep ressive episode, 411 (413) Manic episode. 413 (415) Mixed episode, 415 (416) Mood episodes H ypo m an ic episode, 365 (368) Major d epressive episode, 3-19 (356) Manic episode, 357 (362) ~'I ixed episode, 362 (365) Motor or vocal tic disorder, chronic. See Chronic motor or vocal tic diso rd er

too'lotor s kills disorder, 56 Developmental coordination disorder, 56 (58) Multi-infarct dementia. See Vascular demen tia Mul tiple etiologies Delirium due to, 146 Dementia due to, 170 (171) Multiple personality disorder. Sre Dissociatiw identity disorder Oisrupth'e behavior disorder, 103 D issociati ve disorder, 532 Dyssonmia, 629 Ea ting disorder, 59-1 Factitious disorder, 317 Gender identity disorder, 582 H allucinogen- re la ted disorder, 256 Impulsc-control disorder, 677 Inhalant-related d isorder, 263 Learning d iso rd e r, 56 Medication-induced move ment disorder,


Narcissistic personality disorder, 714 (717) Narcolepsy. 609 (615) Neglect of child, 738 Neuroleptic-induced disorders Acute akatltisia, 735, 800 (802) Acute d ystonia, 735, 798 (800) Neurolep tic malignant syndrome, 735, 795 (798) Parkinsonism, 735, 792 (795) Tardive dyskinesia , 736, 803 (805) Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, 735, 795 (798) Nico tine-induced disorder Withdrawal, 265 (266) Nicotine-related disorders, 26-1 Not otherwise spcciIied, 269 Nicotine u se disorder Depe ndence, 26-1 Nightmare disorde r, 631 (63.J) No diag nos is on Ax is U, 743 No di agnOSiS or condition on Axis I, 7,13 Noncompliance with treahnent, 739 Not othen\'ise specified Adverse effects of medication, 736 Alcohol-related disorder, 223 Amnestic disorder, 179 Amp hetamine-related disorder, 231 Anxiety disorder, -I8-I Attention-rlefidt / hyperacti, ity disorder, 93 Bipolar disorder,-IOO Caffeine-related disorder, 23-1 Cannabis-related disord e r, 241 Cocaine-related disord er, 250 COb 'TIitil'e disorder, 179 Communication d iso rd er, 69 Delirium. 147 Dementia, 171 Deprcssh'e disorder, 38 1 Disord e r of infancy, ch ildhood, or "dolescence, l3-1

t.lental d isord er due to a gene ra l medical condition, 190 M ood d isorder, no Nicotine-related d iso rder, 269 Opioid-related disorder, 277 Other (o r unkno\\' n ) su bstance-related disorder, 295 Pa raphilia, 576 P.1Tasomnia,6-14 Persona lity disord e r, 729 Pervasive developmental disorde r (including a t}'pical autism), ~ Phencyclidine (o r phencyclidi ne-like)related disorders, 2&3 Psychotic disorder, 3-13 Relationa.l problem, 737 Sedative-, h ypnotic, o r anxiolytic-rclated disorder, 293 Sexual disorder, 582 Sexual dysfunction, 565 Som a to fo rm disorder, 511 Tic disorder, 11 6

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, 456 (462) O bsessivc-compulsive personality disorder, 723 (729) Occupational prob lem, 7-11 O p ioid-induced d isorders Intoxic.ltion, 271 (272) Other disorders, 274 \-Vithdrawa l, 272 (273) Opioid-related d isorders, 269 No t othem' ise speci fied, 277 Opioid use d iso rd ers Abuse, 271 Dependence, 270 Oppositional defiant d iso rder, 100 (102)

Orgasmic disorders Female orgasmic disorder, 547 (549) Male orgas mic disorder, 550 (552) Premature ejaculation, 552 (554) Overanxious disorde r of childhood. See Gene ralized anxie ty disorder

Pain disorder See a/so Sexual pain disorders Associated with a general medical condition, 498 (503) Associated with both psychological factors and a general medical condition, 498 Associated with psycholOgical factors, 498 Panic attack, 430 (432) Panic disorder, 433 (440-441) With agoraphobia, 433 (440-441) Without agoraphobia, 433 (440-441) Paranoid personality disorde r, 690 (694) Paranoid type of schizophrenia, 313 (314) Paraphilias, 566 Exhibitionism, 569 (569) Fetishism, 569 (570) Fro tteurism, 570 (570) Not othem'ise specified, 576 Pedophilia,571 (572) Sexual masochism, 572 (573) Sexual sadism, 573 (574) Transvestic fetishism, 574 (575) Voyeurism, 575 (575) Parasomnias,630 Nightmare disorde r, 631 (634) Not othem'ise specified, &l4 Sleep terror disorder, 634 (639) Sleepwalking disorder, 639 (644) Parentchild relational problem, 737 Parkinsonism Neurolepticinduced, 735, 792 (795) Parkinson's disease Dementia due to, 164 (168) Partner relational problem, 737 Passive-aggressive personality disorder (negativistic personality diso rder), 789 (791) Pathological gambling, 671 (674) Pedophilia,57l (572) Personality change due to a general medical condition, 187 (190)

Personality d isorders, 685 (689) Antisocial personality disorder, 701 (706) Avoidant personality d isorder, 718 (721) Borderline personality disorder, 706 (710) Dependent personality disorder, 721 (725) His trionic personality disorder, 711 (714) Narcissistic personality disorder, 714 (717) No t othenvise specified, 729 Obsessivc-<ompulsive personality disorder, 725 (729) Pa ranoid personality disorde r, 690 (694) Schizoid personality disorder, 694 (697) Schizotypal personality d isorder, 697 (701) Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, 84 Pervasive developmental diso rders, 69 Aspergec's diso rder, 80 (84) Autistic d isorde r, 70 (75) Childhood disintegrative disorde r, (79) Not othenvise specified (including atypical autism), 84 Re tt's d isorder, 76 (77) Phase of life problem, 742 Phencyclidine-induced disorders intoxication, 280 (281) Other disorders, 281 Phencyclidine (or phencydidine--like)-related disorders, 278 Not othem'ise specified, 283 Phencyclidine use diso rders Abuse, 279 Dependence, 279 Phonologica l d isorder, 65 (66) Physical abuse of adult, 738 of child, 738 Pica, \03 (105) Pick's disease Dementia due to, 165 (168) Polysubstance-related disorder Polysubstance dependence, 293 Postconcussiona l disorder, 760 (761 ) Postpartum onset specifier for mood episode, 422 (423) Postpsychotic depressive disorder of sdtizophrenia, 767 (768) Posttraumatic stress disorder, 463 (46n Postural tremo r, medication-induced, 736, 805 (SOn

Premature ejaculation, 552 (55-1) Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 771 (774) Primary hypersomnia, 604 (609) Primary insomnia, S99 (604) Primary s leep disorders Dyssomnias, 598 Parasomnias,63O Profound mental retardation, 44 (49) Psychogenic amnesia _See O issociati\"e amnesia Psychogenic fugue_ St'l! Dissociative fugue Psychological factor a ff&ting medical condition, 73 1 (73-1) Psychotic d isorders Brief p sychotic disorder , 329 (332) Delusional disorder, 323 (329) Due to a gene ral medical condition, 334 (338) Not otherwise specified, 3-13 Schizoaffedive disorder, 319 (323) Schizophrenia, 298 (3 12) Schizophreniform disord er, 317 (319) Shared psychotic disorder, 332 (334) Substance-induced psychotic disorde r, 338 (3<2) Psychotic features specifier Majo r d epress ive episode, 411 (413) Manic e pisode, 413 (415) /I.'lli:ed episode, 415 (416) Pyromania, 669 (67 1)

Schizoaffective disorder, 319 (323) Schizoid personality disorder, 694 (697) Schizophrenia, 298 (312) Altemath-e dimensional descriptors, 765 (766) Catatonic type, 315 (3 16) Disorganized type, 314 (315) P.1Tanoid type, 313 (314) I~esidualtype, 316 (317) Undifferentiated type, 316 (3 16) Schizophrenia and other psy chotic disorders _See Psychotic disorders; Schizophrenia 5chlzophreniform disorder, 317 (3 19) Schizot}'Pal personality disorder, 697 (701) Seasonal pattern specifier for mood disorder,

i l l (427)
Sedath-e-, h)'Pnotic-, o r arudolytic-induced disorders intoxicatio n , 286 (287) Other disorders, 289 Withdrawal, 287 (289) Sedative-, h ypnotic-, or anxiolytic-rcla ted disorders,28-l Not otherwise specified, 293 Sedative, h}'Pnotic, or a nxiol ytic use diso rders Abuse, 286 Dependence, 285 Sedative-related disorders_ See Sedative- h}'P notic -, or anxiolytic-rclated disorders Selecti\"e mutism , 125 (127) Separation anxiety disorde r, 121 (125) Se\'er e mental retardation, -l3 (49) Se\'erit}' / psychotic / remission specifiers ~'Il aior depressive episode, 411 (413) r.,'lanic episode, 413 (-lIS) Mixed episode, 415 (416) Severit}' lU\Specified mental reta rdation 44 (49) " Sexual abuse of adult, 738 of child, 738 Sexual arous al disorders Female sexual ar ousal disorde r, 543 (5+1) Male erectile disorder, 545 (547) Due to a general n,edical condition, 558 (561) Sexual aversion disorder, 541 (5-12)

Rapid-cycling specifier for mood diso rde r, 427 (428) Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood, 127 (130) Reading d isorder , 51 (53) Recurrent brief depressive disorder, 778 (779) Relational problems, 736 Not otherwise sp ecified, 737 Parent-child relational p roblem, 737 Partner relational problem, 737 Re lated to a mental disord er or general medical condition, 737 Sibling relational problem, 737 Religious or spiritual problem, 741 Residua l t}'Pe of schizophrenia, 316 (31 7) Rett's disorder, 76 (77) Rumination disorder, 105 (106)

Sexual desire disorders Hypoacti\'c sexual desire disorder, 539 (5-1 1) Due to a general medical condition,
538 (561)

Sibling relational problem, 737 Simple deteriorati\'e disorder (simple schizophrenia), 769 (771) Simple phobia. See Specific phobia Sleep disorders, 597 D ue to a gene ra l medical condition, 65 1 (654) H ypersomnia type, 652 (654.) Insomnia type, 652 (654) r-,Iixed type, 652 (654) Parasomnia type, 652 (654) Primary sleep disorders DyssolTU1ias, 598 Pa rasomnias, 630 Related to anothe r menial diso rder Hypersom n ia re lated 10 an o the r mental disord er, 645 (650) Insomnia related to anolher men tal disorder, 645 (650) Substance-induced sleep disorder. 655 (660) Sleep terror d isorder, 634 (639) Sleep-w,lke schedule disorde r. See Circadian rhylhm sleep disorder Sleepwalking disorder. 639 (644) Social an d Occupational Flmctioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS). 817-8 18 Social anxiety d isorder. SeE Social phobia (social anxie ty disorder) Social phobia (social anxiely disorder). 450 ('56) SOFAS. See Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale Somati zation disorder, 486 (490) Somatoform disorders, 485 Body dysmorphic diso rd er, 507 (510) Conversion disord er. 492 (498) H ypocho n drias is. 504 (507) No t otherwise specified. 511 Pain disorder Associated with a generill medical condition, 498 (503) Associated with both psychologic.l ! factors and a general medica! condition, 498 (503) Associated with p sychologic.ll faclors, 498 (503) Soma tiLltion d isord er, 486 (490) Undifferentiated somatoform disorder, 490 (492) Specific pho bia, 4-13 (449)

Sexual.wersion d isorder, 541 (542) Sexual disorders See 11150 Parap hiLias; Sexual dysfwlctions Not othem'ise specified, 582 Sexual dysfunctions. 535 Due to a genecal medical condition, 558

Not othem'ise sp ecified, 565 Orgasmic disorders Female orgasmic disorder, 547 (5-19) Male orgasmic d isorde r, 550 (552)
Prema tu re ejaculation , 552 (55-1)

Sexual arousal disorders Female sexual arousal disorder, 543 (5-14) ~'I ale erectile diso rder, 545 (5-17) Due to a gener.ll medic,)l condition, 558(561) Sexual desire diso rders Hypoactive sexual d esire d isorder, 539
(541) Due 10 a general medical conclition, 558 (561)

Sexual awrsion disorder, 5-11 (5-12) Sexual p.lin disorders D)'sp.1fcunia

Due 10 a general medical condition, 558 (561) Nol due to a general medical condition, 554 (556) Vaginismus (nol d ue to a gener.1i medical condition), 556 (558) Substance-induced sexual d ysfunction,

562 (565)
Sexual masochism, 572 (573) Sexual pain disorders Dyspa reunia Due to a general medical condition, 558 (561) Not due to a general medic'l l conditio n, 554 (556) Vaginis mus (n ot due to a gene ra l medical conditi on), 556 (558) Sexual sadism, 573 (574) Shared psychotic disorder , 332 (33-1)

In d e x
Spiritual problem. See Religious or spiritual problem Stereotypic movement disorder, 131 (134) Stereotypy I habit disorder. See Stereotypic ffimement disorder Stress disorder. Sre Acute s tress disorder Stuttering, 67 (69) Substance-induced d isorders, 199

Not othen\'ise specified, 116 Tourette'sdisorder, III (114) Transient tic disorder, 11 5 (116) Tourene's disorder, 111 (114) Transient tic disorder, 115 (116) Transvestic fetishism, 574 (575) Tremor. See Postural tremor, medicationinduced T richotiUomania, 674 (677)

See also specific sllbstRlICeS by name

Anxiety disorder, 479 (483) Delirium, 1-13 (1 45-146) Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (flashbacks), 253 (254) Intoxication, 199 (201) r.,'lood disorder, 403 (409) Persis ting amnestic disorder, 177 (179) Persisting dementia, 168 (170) Psychotic disorder, 338 (3. .i2) Sexual d ysfunction, 362 (565) Sleep disorder, 653 (660) Withdrawal, 201 (202) Substance-related disorders, 19 1 See also sYicific substances by name Other (or unknown) disorders, 293 Substance use disorders, 192

Undifferentiated soma toform disorder, 490

Undifferentiated type of schizophrenia, 316 (316) Unspecified mental disorder (non psychotic),

Vaginismus (nol due to a general medica l condition), 536 (558) V.15Cular d ementi.l , 138 ( 16 1) Vocal tic disorders. See Chronic molor or \ocallic disorder Voyeuris m, 573 (575)

See also specific substallces by IIll1l1e

Ab use, 198 (199) Dependence, 192 (197)

Withdrawal from subs ta nces, 201 (202) See also specific substances by name Written expression, d isorder of, 54

Tardive d yskinesia Neuroleptic-induced, 736, 803 (805) Tic disorders, 108 Chronic motor or vocal tic d isorder, 114
(1 15)

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