Thesun 2008-12-19 Page16 Zardari No Proof of Link To Mumbai Attacks

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16 theSun | FRIDAY DECEMBER 19 2008

news without borders

Zardari: No proof of
link to Mumbai attacks
LONDON: Pakistan “What we are Pakistan national,
President Asif Ali Zardari saying is that we the president said:
(pix) insisted in an are willing to “No, we don’t
interview with the BBC cooperate – and know that,
on Wednesday that there you know we haven’t
was no firm proof linking like anybody investigated
his country to last month’s else does, that that, we are
attacks on India’s financial investigation investigating
centre, Mumbai. is an evolving that position.
Speaking to the process, it “There have
British broadcaster from hasn’t been been disputed
Islamabad, he said the long enough” positions in the
investigations into the to come to any press ... I would
attacks were ongoing and conclusions, Zardari say the investigation
he would “not jump to a said. is ongoing and I would not
conclusion” on who was He added: “I think we jump to a conclusion.”
responsible until they were will hold our judgement However, he said his
complete. till the proper investigation country was prepared
New Delhi has fingered and conclusive evidence is to act if links to Pakistan
“elements” in Pakistan for shared between Pakistan emerged.
the attacks that left 172 and India, and we’re hoping “If that stage comes, and
people dead, and British that would happen because when it comes, I assure you
Prime Minister Gordon we’ve asked for a joint that our parliament, our
Brown said militants from investigation.” democracy, shall take the
Pakistan-based group Put to him that the action properly deemed in
Laskhar-e-Taiba were sole surviving gunman our constitution and in our
responsible. has been identified as a law,” he said. – AFP

Bahrain arrests group

suspected of planning attack
MANAMA: Several statement said without In July, 11 Shiite
members of a group giving the number of opposition activists were
planning a terrorist attack arrests. “They had planned sentenced to jail terms of
in the Gulf state of Bahrain to create great damage and between one and seven
have been arrested, the state direct injuries.” years for clashes last
security authority said in a The officials had December in the Sunni-
statement on Wednesday. followed legal procedures ruled state between police
“A group of people were and obtained a permit from and protesters.
arrested early Tuesday,” the the general prosecution for The clashes followed
statement said. the arrests, it said, without the death of a demonstrator
“They were planning giving any indication of the at an opposition rally to
to detonate locally-made identities of those arrested. demand compensation for
explosives containing Bahrain, which is victims of human rights
flammable materials and linked to Saudi Arabia by violations.
large amounts of small a causeway, has almost The Shiite majority in
iron balls,” it said, in an 5,000 US residents, mostly Bahrain, where the US
attack timed to coincide soldiers and their families. Fifth Fleet is based, has
with Bahrain’s national day Unlike its big neighbour, been campaigning for
celebrations. the kingdom has never compensation for alleged
The authorities are now been the scene of any major human rights violations in
investigating the case, the terrorist attack. the 1980s and 1990s. – AFP

Nepal sacks, soldiers

over rights abuses
KATHMANDU: Nepal’s army has sacked
or demoted 175 soldiers over allegations
they were involved in human rights abuses
during the country’s civil war.
The purge is the biggest announced by
the army over abuses linked to its decade-
long war with Maoist rebels.
The Maoists now run the country after
signing a peace deal in 2006 and winning
elections earlier this year. – AFP

Top cops to be probed

over Mumbai attacks
MUMBAI: Two senior police officers
are to be investigated for their role in
dealing with the Mumbai attacks, the
state government here said, amid calls
for their removal from office.
Ashok Chavan, Chief Minister of
Maharashtra state, of which Mumbai
is the main city, said state police chief
A.N. Roy and his city police counterpart
Hassan Gafoor would be probed for any
shortcomings in their response.
There was no response from Roy or
Gafoor when contacted. – AFP.

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