Cycling To Work MCR - Initial Questionnaire

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Cycling to Work Study - Initial Questionnaire

For each question, please tick one box only. Please return completed surveys to Travel Change by email: or by post to: Travel Change, Environmental Strategy, Level 1, First Street, M15 4FN Thank you.

I cycle from__________________________________________ to_______________________________________________________ Question 1 How often do you normally cycle to work? 5 days a week. 3 or 4 days a week. 1 or 2 days a week. Infrequently. Question 5 Question 2 When do you normally cycle? Leave home at about................................................................ Leave work at about.................................................................. Typical journey time.................................................................. Question 6 Question 3 How much of the year do you normally cycle to work? All year round. Most of the year but not winter. Summer season only. Only when it's dry and sunny. On the subject of weatherproof clothing, do you: Never wear any. Keep some at work, just in case. Only take some if rain is forecast. Only take some if it's already raining. Always take some, even when it's dry If it's raining before you return home, do you: Cycle anyway; there's no such thing as bad weather. Wait to see if the weather improves. Leave the bike at work. Question 4 If it's raining before you set off for work, do you: Cycle anyway; there's no such thing as bad weather. Wait to see if the weather improves. Leave the bike at home.

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