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Language and structure

Mostly lively conversation, with interruptions, interjections and justifications Priestley varies pace at critical moments with long monologues (e.g two for Birling in Act 1, Sheila in Act 1, Gerald in Act 2) Use language to reflect social position and age (Mr Birling showing how provincial he is by congratulating cook on dinner, continuously going on about his knighthood, Mrs Birlings comments on social class, Eric and Sheila chump and squiffy

Theatrical techniques
Handling of the photograph so only seen by one person at a time Each act ends on a moment of tension Circularity making the end another beginning Entrances and exits Lighting Time

An Examiners comment 1
Then the candidate focuses on several language devices (repetition, emotive words, metaphor, personal pronouns and allusion) that occur in the passage and examines the effect of these using evidence and analysis to write critically about the text, looking at language, structure and form.

An Examiners Comment 2
There is a strong focus on the question throughout and an awareness of characters as constructs, with Priestley as the playwright. The candidate comments confidently on the way social and historical context has shaped the text and writes in a cogent way.

Examples of tension

The bonds of affection that the family claim to possess are easily pulled apart. Family disagreements draw attention to the plays message: that people should take responsibility for themselves and others and be supportive of each other. Highest at the end of the play when we learn the Inspector is coming round again.

How to get higher grades

Knowing what characters represent, and how their language reflects this, is a sign of a higher-level candidate. For example, instead of writing that Mr Birling is a greedy and selfish businessman, it is better to write that Mr Birling is used by Priestley to represent the heartless capitalist and that his constant references to money show this.

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