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A periodic signal x(t) with a period of T is expanded as a fourier series


Given : Period T = (

) sec ,



( )


( )

Hence the Fourier series is () ( ) ( )


How about F.S. of sin t : Sol:

T , (sec)

Dc :

() ()

() - ( )-

, ,

Cos term: n =1,2,

() () () (

( )

) (

( )

Since ( ) ( ),


(( 0 ) ((


(( ) ) - )( ))-

)) (( , (( )) - 1 ) ) (( )( ))+,


Since ( )


Sin term:

() () () (

( )

) (

( )

Since (

) (( ))

( (( ((

), implies )) )) - 1 )), (( ) ) (( )( ))+

* *

0 ,

(( (( ,

) ) - ) ) ((

)( , , ,


For n = 2,3,4,., bn= 0. However, For n = 1, since the denominator is also zero, we have to cal,.. ** (l'Hpital's rule, l'Hospital's rule) f(x) , g(x) x = c , ( ) ( )

( ) ( )

** Hence , for n= 1,

* *

(( ((

) ) ) ) * ((

(( ((



) ( ))+

) )+


) )+

Therefore for sin(t) , the F.S. is , for all n


=sin(t) Intuitively it is correct

** re visit (l'Hpital's rule, l'Hospital's rule) ,

The other method, using Tayler series


, Hence



Figure 2.1

2.1 Sampling Definition: Sampling : - : , -

-In signal processing, sampling is the reduction of a continuous signal to a discrete signal. Example : Video sampling movie. 1 24 , TV 30 . 24 / sampling 1 24 / (24Hz) . rotation speed,.. led,
One application :

stroboscope : objects are moving continuously camera , flash lamp,.. In electrical signal processing To have digital data, -Why digital data 1) noise robust 2) . s/w radio : AM/FM/TV/ , 3)memory -continuous signal ??? LP (long playing (memory) cassette tape disc,.. flash memory : 1 tera ( ??)

SO except power, all signal be digital. How to get digital signal from analog signal ? Analog Sampling Holding Quantization coding digital 1)sampling

Given ( ), sampling with T , get digital signal , - such as

, -


, , ,

, , ,

T : -in general it is fixed not changed .. Sampling frequency ( Hz, or 1/sec) ( rad/sec)

Sampling angular frequency Ex: sampling period T = 1 micro sec T= 125 micro sec


3)Quantization 4)coding (real value x bits binary code)

Sampling theorem: Problem : Given digital signals , how to get original analog nsignal?? :

, -


, , ,

, , ,

x(t) , digital discrete analog ??

Nyquist-Shannon sampling theorem: -If the analog signal is band limited, ( F(f) = 0, where f>fmax) -If sampling rate fs is as large as the twice of the max of fmax, (fs >= fmax ) Then the original analog can be recovered by the digital signal. !!analog . !!stroboscope Example

: Sampling rate : 0.01sec fs = 1/0.01= 100(Hz) Original : T = 0.1/4=0.025 sec

f=fmax=1/0.025=40(Hz) sampling . : Sampling rate : 0.01sec fs = 1/0.01= 100(Hz) Original : f=fmax=90(Hz) sampling !!: : Sampling rate : 0.01sec fs = 1/0.01= 100(Hz) Original : f=fmax=10(Hz) sampling !!: If , sample 100Hz 90Hz , 10hz Alias!! **Alias :

: Given band limited con. ( ) , pulse train sampled signal () ( ), () ( ), , then

**Eulers Identity

where And


( )

) **

** F.series two-side frequency domain **




A: given band limited signal, B=fmax B,C,D:sampled signal With a proper filter, we get the original signal x(t) from xs(t) !! ( only sampled data signal !! analog version: ,... digital version : (modem), B: Nyquist C: just D : alias **oscilloscope :sampling rate

60Mhz,100Mhz,.10Ghz, undersampling , alias , recover .*** ** under sampling *** ** , maximum band , sampling rate ? ,.. ,.. ::sampling rate ?? -- --memory sampling rate 24Hz..100Hz

2.2.1 practical consideration: Anti-Aliasing filter Problem: given sampling rate, fs, in order for the recovered signal not to be alias, design the filter .. The output of the anti-alias filter is of max band width less than half of fs the filters bandwidth <= 1/2 fs

In the text book, analogue filter designed Butter worth( Sallen-Key low pass filter), -

2.2.2 anti-image filter and equalizer Holding circuit : ( ) is a step function , such as () define h(t) as () () ( ) ,

. The Laplace transform of h(t) is

( )

**Laplace transform : for ( ), ( ) Ex. Ex.1 ( ) ()

( )

Ex.2 Let

( ) is the L. of ( ), fine the L. of



Sol :

( )

( ()




Let , then



Therefore ( )




( () ( )

( ( )


HW.1 If ( )

, how about x(t)-x(t-T) ??

HW.2 derive 2.13, 2.14., 2.15,2.17,2.18

**dB,,, 1.Power measurement (Watt,)

Ex.. 0 dBm = 1mW

Ex. SMT-W6100 IP phone : : /== 2.Amplitude !! 34 Mag. of the transfer function -0.46dB ************************** ( ), , ,

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