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KSC Reporting Procedures

Keene State College does not condone discrimination or discriminatory harassment based upon a persons sexual orientation. Employees of KSC must report discrimination or discriminatory harassment if they witness such behavior to an intake officer. Witness or Complainant Contacts Intake Officer Conducts Needs of complainant will be addressed after an appropriate investigation No or Unknown Intake interview. Harasser named? Yes

Informal Complaint Submitted to


Complainant willing to submit a written statement? Yes Formal Complaint Submitted to Administrative Officer. Complaint determined to be technically harassment? No Not harassment but was behavior inappropriate?
Ye s

Administrative Officer. Does the informal complaint indicate a pattern of conduct or a serious offense? No Several courses of action may be taken including but not limited to: - Addressing the problem directly with person in question - Proceeding with a formal process.


Yes Reviewer appointed, investigation conducted, and report submitted to Administrative Officer. Does the complainant just want a cease of discriminatory behavior? No or *NA Yes Informal resolution. Accused apologizes and stops discriminatory behavior.

No Exonerated

Supervisor of employee informed and sanctions imposed.

No Administrative Officer renders judgment. Meets criteria of discrimination or harassment?

Yes *NA = Not Available

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