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EVS PCB pollution control board MOEF Ministry of environment and forest SPCB state pollution control board

ard EIA environment impact assessment PUC Pollution under Control MPN Most Probable Number EPA Environment Protection Agency 1986 WWF World wildlife fund IPCC Intergovernmental panel on climate change UNFCCC United Nations framework Convention on climate change COPS Conference of parties UNCHE UN conference on human environment WCED world commission on environment and development UNCED UNC on environment development 1992 @ RIO UNCCD UNC to combat desertification IUCN international union for convention of natural resources CEC commission on education and communication CEESP commission on environmental economic and social policies CEL commission on environmental law CEM commission on ecosystem management WCPA world commission on protected areas UNEP UN Environmental Program ECB Environment coordinating board WMO world metrological organization GEF Global environmental facility HEAL human exposure assessment location UNESCO UN educational scientific and cultural organization (Paris) UNDP UN development program MGD millennium development program BWC biological weapons convention CBD Convention on biological diversity AIA advanced informed agreement CITES convention on international trade and endangered species GCC global climate change GAP Ganga Action Plan NAAQS national ambient air quality standard PM10 Particulate matter < 10 microns PCS Photo Chemical Smog GWCC Global warning climate change SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome BASIC Brazil, South Africa, India, China

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