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RECIPE FOR HOME COOKED STIR FRIED CHICKEN 500gms Skinless boneless chicken 1 large onion 3 tomatoes or a handful

of Rosa/Mini Italian Tomatoes Chicken Spice 3-4 carrots 1 green pepper 1 cucumber Salt Soy Sauce Olive or Vegetable oil Preparation and Cooking time: 30 mins 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Cut the chicken into small to medium pieces. Cut the onions into rings and tomatoes into small pieces. Cut the carrots into Long Thin Strips. Cut the green pepper into strips. Cut the cucumber into small cubes Pour your desired amount of chicken spice onto the raw chicken, rubbing onto the pieces. Pour your desired amount of oil on a cooking pan and put in the raw chicken and fry while turning until golden brown. If your chicken is not tender, you can steam it lightly prior to frying. Put in the onions onto the chicken frying and turning until the onions are a bit tender. Reduce heat. Pour in the carrot strips and stir the mixture. Add salt to taste. Pour in 2-3 drops of Soy sauce and stir. Add the tomatoes, green pepper and cucumber and cover the pan and let it simmer in very low heat for 5-10 mins or until the tomatoes cook through. Stir everything together to let the tomatoes mix in well. Serve while hot. Goes well with Steamed Rice or Potatoes.

8. 9. 10. 11.


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