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Quynh Nguyen Economic Map Project Data Economic data for Afghanistan: GDP: $29.

DP: $29.99 billion GDP per capita: $1,000 Growth Rate: 7.1% Unemployment Rate: 35% Population below poverty line: 36% Exports: $571 million Imports: $5.3 billion National Debt: $1.28 billion

Afghanistan Economic Analysis Afghanistan is located between West Asia and Central Asia. It is the forty-first largest nation in the world, with a population of about twenty-nine million. Afghanistans living standards is one of the lowest in the world today. Their population suffers from shortages of housing, clean water, electricity, medical care, and jobs. Afghanistan economy is recovering from various conflicts; their economy has made significant progress since the fall of Taliban regime in 2001, but still faces challenges. They depend on foreign aid, agriculture, and trades with their neighboring countries. Afghanistan main exports are opium, fruits, wool, cotton, lambskins, and gemstones; their main imports are capital goods, textiles, and petroleum. Afghanistan has become a producer of heroin, which is derived from opium. Afghanistan budget deficit is -9.6% of GDP.

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