Materi MCQ

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Rencana Materi MCQ I Urinaria 2011 TOPIC Clinical Anatomy of Urinay Tract Body Liquid regulation by kidney, kidney

pathophysiology Histology of Urinary Tract Organ Donation Microorganism of Ethiology of Urinary Tract Infection and its Pathogenesis ( Bakteri, Fungi, Virus ) Sexual infection disease Microorganism of ethiology of Urinary Tract Infection and its pathogenesis (parasite) Self sanitation: secrete and excreta Diuretic & Pharmacotherapy of urinary tract disorder Protein and NPN Urinalysis and physiologic Kidney examination UTI, SN, ARF, CRF, Glomerulonefritis Chlidren Urinary Tract Disease Kidney Transplantation
Urinary tract disease (spermatocele, varicocele, hidrocele)

LECTURER dr. Nurhayati dr. Ratna Indriawati, M.Kes Nurul Makiyah, S. Si., M. Kes dr. Dirwan Suryo Sularto Dra. Lilis Suryani, M.Kes

dr. Rikyanto, Sp. KK Drh. Tri Wulandari K,MKes dr. H. Kusbaryanto, M. Kes dr. H. Akhmad Edy P., M.Kes dr. Suryanto, Sp.PK dr. Adang M. Gugun, Sp.PK dr. Erwin Santosa, SP.A., M. Kes dr. Erwin Santosa, SP.A., M. Kes dr Sagiran, Sp.B., M.Kes dr Sagiran, Sp.B., M.Kes dr. Agus Suharto, Sp.PA dr Agus Widiatmoko, Sp.PD, M.Kes.

Pathology of male sex organ Hemodialysis

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