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Bell Ringer!
True/False- Please correct the underlined portion of any false statements.
1. Teens need six servings of vegetables daily. 2. A cup is approximately equal to the size of an apple. 3. To broil something, you cook with the heat source below the food. True True True False False False

4. The first cookbook was written in Middle English, and contains recipes served to kings during the 14th century. True False 5. George Washington Carver 'discovered' boiled peanuts by mistake in the early 20th century. True False 6. Kool-aid is a mixture. True False


Bell Ringer!
True/False- Please correct the underlined portion of any false statements.
1. Teens need six servings of vegetables daily. 2. A cup is approximately equal to the size of an apple. 3. To broil something, you cook with the heat source below the food. True True True False False False

4. The first cookbook was written in Middle English, and contains recipes served to kings during the 14th century. True False 5. George Washington Carver 'discovered' boiled peanuts by mistake in the early 20th century. True False 6. Kool-aid is a mixture. True False

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